Sie sind auf Seite 1von 17


0-------------- START OF LOG SECTION ----------------------

-------- To avoid spambots, do not share this Log Online --------
--- Please send this file at for analysis ---

Owner: Unknown
Time (UTC): 6/14/2018 4:12:08 PM
Launch (s): 3513.403867
OS: Unknown
Sim: v
Beta: True
.NET Framework: Unknown
Memory: .1 GB

Installed Sim Platforms:

P3Dv4 "C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\"

A task was canceled.

Action Stack:

at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
(Task task)
at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.Wait(TimeSpan timeout)
at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.InvokeImpl(DispatcherOperation operation,
CancellationToken cancellationToken, TimeSpan timeout)
at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Invoke(Action callback,
DispatcherPriority priority, CancellationToken cancellationToken, TimeSpan timeout)
at MS.Internal.WeakEventTable.OnShutDown()
at MS.Internal.WeakEventTable.WeakEventTableShutDownListener.OnShutDown(Object
target, Object sender, EventArgs e)
at MS.Internal.ShutDownListener.HandleShutDown(Object sender, EventArgs e)

Console: App Started

v0.4.204 Beta
Couldn't get remote UriHandler object.
P3Dv4 is installed in C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
Sim ID 3 is installed but no appData folder found (Migration tool installed?)
Unable to find the simulator exe for SimID: 0 in D:\Program Files
Will load Google Analytics Assembly
Will load Newtonsoft Assembly
Will load Mouse Hook Assembly
Will load SlimDX Assembly
Will load SimConnect Assembly
Assemblies loaded
Launching Splash Window
Launching Main Window
Loading Splash Animation
Start Splash Animation
Loading Janet
Splash Fade In
Start Timer cam_timing
Start Timer main_stopwatch
Starting Bridge
Bridge Started
Starting the Bridge server
--> Connecting to Named Pipe
<-- Connected to Named Pipe
Bridge server started
Loaded Janet
Working Offline
Getting last launch
Getting Running Simulator
Getting User Presets
Getting User Presets from Local
Active Sim is: P3D
GetRecording is null
Creating User List
Creating Aircraft List
Done with Json to Aircraft conversion
Checking if Queue exists
Loading Queue file
Queue is now 1 long
Queue is now 2 long
Failed to restore Queue item -41038 'Captain'
Failed to restore Queue item -41622 'First Officer'
Failed to restore Queue item -41632 'Overhead'
Failed to restore Queue item -41639 'FMC'
Failed to restore Queue item -82230 'Tail L'
Failed to restore Queue item -82254 'Front R'
Failed to restore Queue item -82261 'Gear'
Failed to restore Queue item -82269 'Wing R'
Failed to restore Queue item -82276 'Wing L'
Queue is now 3 long
Failed to restore Queue item -36587 'Captain'
Failed to restore Queue item -37127 'First Officer'
Failed to restore Queue item -37138 'Overhead'
Failed to restore Queue item -37145 'FMC'
Failed to restore Queue item -63396 'Tail L'
Failed to restore Queue item -63428 'Front R'
Failed to restore Queue item -63437 'Gear'
Failed to restore Queue item -63444 'Wing R'
Failed to restore Queue item -63450 'Wing L'
Queue is now 3 long
Queue is now 4 long
Queue is now 5 long
Queue is now 6 long
Queue is now 7 long
Queue is now 8 long
Queue is now 9 long
Queue is now 10 long
Queue is now 10 long
Queue is now 10 long
Queue file loaded
Removing Orphans
Getting Preferences from local
Setting Aircraft Substitutions
Loading Control Assignments (For Preferences)
Done Loading Control Assignments (For Preferences)
Loading Control Assignments (For Presets)
Done Loading Control Assignments (For Presets)
Done Loading Control Assignments (For Named)
Setting Window Position
Failed to set Window Position: Input string was not in a correct format.
Window Position Set to 0, 0
Registring to Process Notifications
Registring to USB Notifications
Registring to Directory Notifications
Sleep Mode True
Populating Control Assignments
Initializing Keyboard
Keyboard Initialized
Starting Timer
Started Timer
USB Change
Checking Config
Checking Cameras.cfg file for sim: P3Dv4 in C:\Users\willi\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed
Martin\Prepar3D v4\
Sending proc data to Bridge
Checking TrackIR directory
No registry for TrackIR
Done Initializing
Populating Control Assignments
Generating Joystick list
Getting Running Simulator
'ChasePlane has detected that multiple simulator entries in the registry are
pointing in the same directory. This can create issues where ChasePlane could stop
functioning properly.

If you are using a Migration tool, make sure you disable those redirections or
disable/reassign those redirections in VFXCentral > Preferences > Registry Editor.'
has been added to queue
Active Sim is: P3D
Adding: 689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 Name: Logitech Extreme 3D
Trying to create Thread for: 689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 Name: Logitech
Extreme 3D
Trying to start Thread for: 689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 Name: Logitech
Extreme 3D
Adding: 80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 Name: Generic USB Joystick
Trying to create Thread for: 80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 Name: Generic
USB Joystick
Trying to start Thread for: 80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 Name: Generic
USB Joystick
Splash Fade Out
Trying to Connect 1
Attempting to connect to P3D's SimConnect
Starting new SimConnect
Setup SimConnect Definitions and Events
Initializing Recording Session
Recording Session Initialized
SimConnect Connected
UI Connected to P3D
Done trying to Connect 1
Sending proc data to Bridge
SimConnect Exception received: 1
SimConnect Exception received: 1
SimConnect Exception received: 1
--- Simulation Running
WideViewAspect = False
--- Simulation Unpaused
Start Timer Record
Set Playback Speed Record to 1
Set Playback Speed PlayBack to 1
Set Playback Speed cam_timing to 1
Populating Control Assignments
Aircraft Loaded Start
Wingspan is: 205.7
Wingarea is: 4604.8
System State Aircraft Loaded: PMDG 777-300ER
Load Preset in Buffer (Captain)
Load Preset in Buffer (Gear)
Change sim view to 0
Checking similar Aircraft
PMDG 737-800NGX WL has a score of 65 because 'PMDG' is the same,
PMDG 747-400 has a score of 141 because 'PMDG' is the same, Wing area Match:
82.2285714285714% (MS = 134)
PMDG 777-300ER has a score of 3275 because 'PMDG' is the same, '777' is the same,
'300ER' is the same, Wing area Match: 100% (MS = 270)Aircraft is same as Sim,
Aircraft is same as UI,
PMDG 737-800NGX has a score of 64 because 'PMDG' is the same,
PMDG 737-900NGX WL has a score of 64 because 'PMDG' is the same,
PMDG 737-900NGX has a score of 64 because 'PMDG' is the same,
PMDG 747-400F has a score of 139 because 'PMDG' is the same, Wing area Match:
82.2285714285714% (MS = 134)
PMDG 777-200LR has a score of 120 because 'PMDG' is the same, '777' is the same,
PMDG 737-700NGX has a score of 60 because 'PMDG' is the same,
Aircraft Changed to: PMDG 777-300ER
Clearing Recording Events for live
Sleep Mode False
Initializing window height
Initializing Unsaved Changes
Aircraft Changed to: PMDG 777-300ER
Clearing Recording Events for live
Sleep Mode False
Changing UI cam to mode 0
Refresing UI Page
Populating Presets list (Aircraft)
Loading Presets List
Loading Doors Presets List
Populating Hot Corners
Populating Presets list (Aircraft)
Loading Presets List
Loading Doors Presets List
Populating Hot Corners
Changing UI cam to mode 0
Refresing UI Page
Loading new region C:\Users\willi\AppData\Roaming\OldProp Solutions
Loading Doors Presets List
Getting window sizes
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Sim Window Style: Lockheed Martin® Prepar3D® v4 with WideServer: waiting for
clients /// 20040800
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
ChasePlane Got Focused
Getting/Scanning aircraft for FSX
Getting/Scanning aircraft for FSX:SE
Getting/Scanning aircraft for P3Dv2
Getting/Scanning aircraft for P3Dv3
Getting/Scanning aircraft for P3Dv4
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Saving to Persistant Storage
Saved Queue to local
Saved Aircraft to local
Saved Presets List to local
Saved Presets Indexes to local
Saved Aliases to local
Saved Queue to local
Done Saving to Persistant Storage
Aircraft scan completed
Sim Lost Focused
ChasePlane Got Focused
Mouse Unhooked
ChasePlane Lost Focused
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
ChasePlane Got Focused
Load preset Captain (-12687) triggered by Preset list
Load Preset in Buffer (Captain)
Change sim view to 0
Refresing UI Page
Changing UI cam to mode 0
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Button clicked listboxitem_preset_0
Joystick Detection Mode Enabled
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Logitech Extreme 3D
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Axis: 4
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Generic USB Joystick
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Axis: 5
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Input Detection Keyboard pressed key ID: 1
Sim Binding Conflict Detected
Populating Control Assignments
Button clicked btn_binding_apply
Joystick Detection Mode Disabled
Now saving the new binding to the binding list (Type: key)
Saving Control Assignments (preset)
Saving Preset Shortcuts
Populating Control Assignments
Populating Presets list (Aircraft)
Loading Presets List
Load preset Overhead (-20273) triggered by Preset list
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Overhead)
Refresing UI Page
Button clicked listboxitem_preset_1
Joystick Detection Mode Enabled
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Logitech Extreme 3D
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Axis: 4
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Generic USB Joystick
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Axis: 5
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Populating Control Assignments
Input Detection Keyboard pressed key ID: 2
Sim Binding Conflict Detected
Button clicked btn_binding_apply
Joystick Detection Mode Disabled
Now saving the new binding to the binding list (Type: key)
Saving Control Assignments (preset)
Saving Preset Shortcuts
Populating Presets list (Aircraft)
Loading Presets List
Populating Control Assignments
Load preset Overhead (-20273) triggered by Preset list
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Overhead)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset FMC (-58103) triggered by Preset list
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (FMC)
Refresing UI Page
Button clicked listboxitem_preset_2
Joystick Detection Mode Enabled
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Logitech Extreme 3D
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Axis: 4
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Generic USB Joystick
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Axis: 5
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Input Detection Keyboard pressed key ID: 3
Sim Binding Conflict Detected
Populating Control Assignments
Button clicked btn_binding_apply
Joystick Detection Mode Disabled
Now saving the new binding to the binding list (Type: key)
Saving Control Assignments (preset)
Saving Preset Shortcuts
Populating Presets list (Aircraft)
Loading Presets List
Populating Control Assignments
Load preset FMC (-58103) triggered by Preset list
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (FMC)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Pedestal (-24448) triggered by Preset list
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Pedestal)
Refresing UI Page
Button clicked listboxitem_preset_3
Joystick Detection Mode Enabled
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Logitech Extreme 3D
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Axis: 4
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Generic USB Joystick
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Axis: 5
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Populating Control Assignments
Input Detection Keyboard pressed key ID: 4
Sim Binding Conflict Detected
Button clicked btn_binding_apply
Joystick Detection Mode Disabled
Now saving the new binding to the binding list (Type: key)
Saving Control Assignments (preset)
Saving Preset Shortcuts
Populating Control Assignments
Populating Presets list (Aircraft)
Loading Presets List
Load preset Middle (-41083) triggered by Preset list
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Middle)
Refresing UI Page
Button clicked listboxitem_preset_4
Joystick Detection Mode Enabled
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Logitech Extreme 3D
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Axis: 4
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Generic USB Joystick
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Axis: 5
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Input Detection Keyboard pressed key ID: 5
Sim Binding Conflict Detected
Populating Control Assignments
Button clicked btn_binding_apply
Joystick Detection Mode Disabled
Now saving the new binding to the binding list (Type: key)
Saving Control Assignments (preset)
Saving Preset Shortcuts
Populating Control Assignments
Populating Presets list (Aircraft)
Loading Presets List
Load preset Gear (-13447) triggered by Preset list
Load Preset in Buffer (Gear)
Change sim view to 1
Changing UI cam to mode 1
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Button clicked listboxitem_preset_0
Joystick Detection Mode Enabled
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Logitech Extreme 3D
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Axis: 4
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Generic USB Joystick
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Axis: 5
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Populating Control Assignments
Input Detection Keyboard pressed key ID: 6
Button clicked btn_binding_apply
Joystick Detection Mode Disabled
Now saving the new binding to the binding list (Type: key)
Saving Control Assignments (preset)
Saving Preset Shortcuts
Populating Presets list (Aircraft)
Loading Presets List
Populating Control Assignments
Button clicked listboxitem_preset_1
Joystick Detection Mode Enabled
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Logitech Extreme 3D
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Axis: 4
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Generic USB Joystick
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Axis: 5
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Populating Control Assignments
Input Detection Keyboard pressed key ID: 7
Button clicked btn_binding_apply
Joystick Detection Mode Disabled
Now saving the new binding to the binding list (Type: key)
Saving Control Assignments (preset)
Saving Preset Shortcuts
Populating Presets list (Aircraft)
Loading Presets List
Populating Control Assignments
Button clicked listboxitem_preset_2
Joystick Detection Mode Enabled
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Logitech Extreme 3D
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Axis: 4
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Generic USB Joystick
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Axis: 5
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Input Detection Keyboard pressed key ID: 8
Populating Control Assignments
Button clicked btn_binding_apply
Joystick Detection Mode Disabled
Now saving the new binding to the binding list (Type: key)
Saving Control Assignments (preset)
Saving Preset Shortcuts
Populating Presets list (Aircraft)
Loading Presets List
Populating Control Assignments
Button clicked listboxitem_preset_3
Joystick Detection Mode Enabled
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Logitech Extreme 3D
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Axis: 4
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Generic USB Joystick
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Axis: 5
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Populating Control Assignments
Input Detection Keyboard pressed key ID: 9
Button clicked btn_binding_apply
Joystick Detection Mode Disabled
Now saving the new binding to the binding list (Type: key)
Saving Control Assignments (preset)
Saving Preset Shortcuts
Populating Presets list (Aircraft)
Loading Presets List
Populating Control Assignments
Button clicked listboxitem_preset_4
Joystick Detection Mode Enabled
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Logitech Extreme 3D
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Axis: 4
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
689422e0-6cd6-11e8-8001-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Detecting Initial Joystick state for Generic USB Joystick
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Axis: 5
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # Buttons: 12
80f47660-263f-11e8-8007-444553540000 # PoV hats: 1
Populating Control Assignments
Input Detection Keyboard pressed key ID: 0
Button clicked btn_binding_cancel
Joystick Detection Mode Disabled
Now saving the new binding to the binding list (Type: key)
Saving Control Assignments (preset)
Saving Preset Shortcuts
Populating Presets list (Aircraft)
Loading Presets List
Populating Control Assignments
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
ChasePlane Lost Focused
Mouse Hooked
Change sim view to 0
Changing UI cam to mode 0
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Saving Preferences
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Load preset Captain (-12687) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Captain)
Refresing UI Page
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Load preset Pedestal (-24448) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Load Preset in Buffer (Pedestal)
Change sim view to 0
Refresing UI Page
Changing UI cam to mode 0
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Load preset Middle (-41083) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Middle)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Gear (-13447) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Load Preset in Buffer (Gear)
Change sim view to 1
Changing UI cam to mode 1
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Load preset Right Wing (-37977) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Right Wing)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Tail Left (-36150) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Tail Left)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Captain (-12687) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Load Preset in Buffer (Captain)
Change sim view to 0
Changing UI cam to mode 0
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Sim Lost Focused
ChasePlane Got Focused
Mouse Unhooked
ChasePlane Lost Focused
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Load preset Pedestal (-24448) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Pedestal)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Middle (-41083) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Middle)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset FMC (-58103) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (FMC)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Pedestal (-24448) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Pedestal)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Pedestal (-24448) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Reset)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Pedestal)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Middle (-41083) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Middle)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Gear (-13447) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Load Preset in Buffer (Gear)
Change sim view to 1
Changing UI cam to mode 1
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Load preset Captain (-12687) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Load Preset in Buffer (Captain)
Change sim view to 0
Changing UI cam to mode 0
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Load preset Overhead (-20273) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Overhead)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Captain (-12687) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Captain)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Middle (-41083) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Middle)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Middle (-41083) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Return to
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Middle)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Gear (-13447) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Load Preset in Buffer (Gear)
Change sim view to 1
Changing UI cam to mode 1
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Load preset Right Wing (-37977) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Right Wing)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Tail Left (-36150) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Tail Left)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Captain (-12687) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Load Preset in Buffer (Captain)
Change sim view to 0
Changing UI cam to mode 0
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Load preset Captain (-12687) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Reset)
Load Preset in Buffer (Captain)
Change sim view to 0
Refresing UI Page
Changing UI cam to mode 0
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
ChasePlane Got Focused
ChasePlane Lost Focused
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Load preset Middle (-41083) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Middle)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Gear (-13447) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Load Preset in Buffer (Gear)
Change sim view to 1
Changing UI cam to mode 1
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Load preset Captain (-12687) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Load Preset in Buffer (Captain)
Change sim view to 0
Changing UI cam to mode 0
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Load preset Gear (-13447) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Load Preset in Buffer (Gear)
Change sim view to 1
Changing UI cam to mode 1
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Load preset Right Wing (-37977) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Right Wing)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Tail Left (-36150) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Tail Left)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Captain (-12687) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Load Preset in Buffer (Captain)
Change sim view to 0
Changing UI cam to mode 0
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Load preset Tail Left (-36150) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Load Preset in Buffer (Tail Left)
Change sim view to 1
Changing UI cam to mode 1
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Load preset Left Wing (-15744) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Left Wing)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Right Wing (-37977) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Start Timer Transition
Load Preset in Buffer (Right Wing)
Refresing UI Page
Load preset Captain (-12687) triggered by Control Assignment math loop (Go to)
Load Preset in Buffer (Captain)
Change sim view to 0
Changing UI cam to mode 0
Refresing UI Page
Loading Doors Presets List
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
USB Disconnected
USB Disconnected
USB Change
Forced Focus
Forced Focus
USB Disconnected
USB Disconnected
USB Disconnected
USB Change
USB Disconnected
USB Disconnected
USB Disconnected
USB Change
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
USB Disconnected
USB Disconnected
USB Disconnected
USB Change
USB Disconnected
USB Change
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
ChasePlane Got Focused
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
ChasePlane Lost Focused
Mouse Hooked
Stop Timer Record
--- Simulation Stopped
Forced Focus
Forced Focus
Forced Focus
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Forced Focus
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Forced Focus
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Forced Focus
Forced Focus
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Forced Focus
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Forced Focus
Forced Focus
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Sim Replay Mode
Forced Focus
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Forced Focus
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
--- Simulation Running
Start Timer Record
WideViewAspect = False
Aircraft Loaded Start
Populating Control Assignments
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
ChasePlane Got Focused
ChasePlane Lost Focused
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Loading new region C:\Users\willi\AppData\Roaming\OldProp Solutions
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Set Playback Speed Record to 2
Set Playback Speed PlayBack to 2
Set Playback Speed cam_timing to 2
Set Playback Speed Record to 4
Set Playback Speed PlayBack to 4
Set Playback Speed cam_timing to 4
Set Playback Speed Record to 2
Set Playback Speed PlayBack to 2
Set Playback Speed cam_timing to 2
Loading new region C:\Users\willi\AppData\Roaming\OldProp Solutions
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Sim Got Focused
Getting Sim Window Position
Sim Window Position = X0 Y0 W1920 H1080
Mouse Hooked
Loading new region C:\Users\willi\AppData\Roaming\OldProp Solutions
Sim Lost Focused
Mouse Unhooked
Recover from Error: Exception from HRESULT: 0xC000014B / at
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode,
IntPtr errorInfo)
at Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect.SimConnect.ReceiveMessage()
at A.n.A(IntPtr , Int32 , IntPtr , IntPtr , Boolean& )
Disconnected from P3D
Disconnect 1
Disconnecting SimConnect
UI Disconnected from P3D
Sleep Mode True
Unable to disconnect since SimConnectModule is already null
Process stopped: prepar3d
Getting Running Simulator
Nullifying Running Simulator
Sending proc data to Bridge
Shutdown Sequence Initiated
Saving Preset Shortcuts
Saving Named Assignments
Unable to disconnect since SimConnectModule is already null
Checking Shutdown State
Closing Mouse Hook Window
Unhook Focus: True
Unhook Move: True
Checking Shutdown State
Stopping Timer
Stopped Timer
Stopping Timer
Stopped Timer
A task was canceled.
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
(Task task)
at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.Wait(TimeSpan timeout)
at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.InvokeImpl(DispatcherOperation operation,
CancellationToken cancellationToken, TimeSpan timeout)
at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Invoke(Action callback,
DispatcherPriority priority, CancellationToken cancellationToken, TimeSpan timeout)
at MS.Internal.WeakEventTable.OnShutDown()
at MS.Internal.WeakEventTable.WeakEventTableShutDownListener.OnShutDown(Object
target, Object sender, EventArgs e)
at MS.Internal.ShutDownListener.HandleShutDown(Object sender, EventArgs e)

---------------------- END OF LOG SECTION -----------------------

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