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Diferentes definições de jogos

Paul Cézanne,
Les joueurs de
carte (1892-95)

1. atividade cuja natureza ou finalidade é a diversão, o

2. essa atividade, submetida a regras que estabelecem quem vence e
quem perde

Exs.: j. de cartas
j. de dados
j. de futebol

2.1 competição desse gênero que implica sorte e azar, podendo ou

não envolver apostas em dinheiro

3 conjunto de peças, instrumentos etc. para jogar

Exs.: comprei cinco j. de 52 cartas
faltam peças ao meu j. de damas
Wikipedia EN

A game is structured playing, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as
an educational tool. Games are distinct from work, which is usually carried out for
remuneration, and from art, which is more often an expression of aesthetic or
ideological elements. However, the distinction is not clear-cut, and many games are also
considered to be work (such as professional players of spectator sports/games) or art
(such as jigsaw puzzles or games involving an artistic layout such as Mahjong, solitaire,
or some video games).

Key components of games are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. Games generally
involve mental or physical stimulation, and often both. Many games help develop
practical skills, serve as a form of exercise, or otherwise perform an educational,
simulational, or psychological role.
Attested as early as 2600 BC,[1][2] games are a universal part of human experience and
present in all cultures. The Royal Game of Ur, Senet, and Mancala are some of the oldest
known games.
A realidade virtual pode assumir várias formas. São
tecnologias que conectam o ser humano em um circuito
cibernético ao colocar o sistema sensório humano em um
círculo direto de feedback com os bancos de dados de
computador. A RV quebra a barreira da tela, abrindo
espaço multidimensional à habitação cognitiva e sensória
do usuário. Com a RV, nós não vemos meramente bancos
de dados. Nós nos sentamos neles, ou observamos o rio
com o seu fluxo de informação; ou até podemos nadar no
rio. (Hayles 1993 apud Santaella 2003)
Os gregos

Agôn –---- Competição

Não dá pra definir...

The word [game] is used for so

many different activities that it is
not worth insisting on any
proposed definition. All in all, it is
a slippery lexicological customer,
with many friends and relations in
a wide variety of fields.

David Parlett, The Oxford History

of Board Games
Regras de um jogo formal – definição de
David Parlett

A formal game has a twofold structure based on ends and means:

Ends. It is a contest to achieve an objective.(The Greek for game is agôn,

meaning contest.) Only one of the contenders, be they individuals or
teams, can achieve it, since achieving it ends the game. To achieve that
object is to win. Hence a formal game, by definition, has a winner; and
winning is the "end" of the game in both senses of the word, as
termination and as object.

Means. It has an agreed set of equipment and of procedural "rules" by

which the equipment is manipulated to produce a winning situation
Adversário e objetivos

Reduced to its formal Activity: a game is an

essence, a game is an activity, a process, an
activity among two or more event;
independent decision-
makers seeking to achieve Decision-makers: games
their objectives in some require players actively
limiting context. A more making decisions;
conventional definition
would say that a game is a Objectives: as with
context with rules among Parlett's definition, games
adversaries trying to win have goals;
Limiting context: there
Clark C. Abt are rules that limit and
structure the activity of
the game.
Problemas na definição de Abt

- Deixa de fora os jogos cooperativos e os single-


- Definição muito aberta, a maior parte das atividades

humanas envolve a tomada de decisão em busca de
objetivos. (eleições, relações internacionais,
Johann Huizinga

[Play is] a free activity standing quite consciously

outside "ordi-nary"life as being "not serious,"but at the
same time absorbing the player intensely
and utterly. It is an activity connected with no material
interest, and no profit can be gained by it. It proceeds
within its own proper boundaries of time
and space according to fixed rules and in an orderly
manner. It promotes the formation of social groupings,
which tend to surround themselves with
secrecy and to stress their difference from the common
world by disguise or other means
Bernard Suits

To play a game is to engage in activity directed

towards bringing about a specific state of affairs, using
only means permitted by rules, where the
rules prohibit more efficient in favour of less efficient
means, and where such rules are accepted just because
they make possible such activity.
the voluntary attempt to overcome
unnecessary obstacles (versão mobile)

To play a game is to attempt to

achieve a specific state of affairs
[prelusory goal], using only means
permitted by rules [lusory means],
where the rules prohibit use of
more efficient in favour of less
efficient means [constitutive rules],
and where the rules are accepted
just because they make possible
such activity [lusory attitude].

(Bernard Suits)
A definição de Bernard Suits envolve

Activity: as with Abt, Suits emphasizes the activity of playing a


Voluntary: games are freely entered into;

A specific state of affairs: games have a goal;

Rules: as in the previous definitions, Suits identifies rules as a

component of games;

Inefficiency: the rules of games limit behavior, making it less


Rules are accepted: playing a game means accepting the rules.

representation, interaction, conflict, and
safety - Chris Crawford

A game is a closed formal system that subjectively represents a

subset of reality. By "closed" I mean that the game is complete and
self-sufficient as a structure.The model world created by the game is
internally complete; no reference need be made to agents outside of
the game.

By formal I mean only that the game has explicit rules. A game's a
collection of parts which interact with each other, often in complex
ways. It is a system. A game creates a subjective and deliberately
simplified representation of emotional reality.

The most fascinating thing about reality is not that it is, or even that
it changes, but how it changes, the intricate webwork of cause and
effect by which all things are tied together. The only way to properly
represent this webwork is to allow the audience to explore its nooks
crannies, to let them generate causes and observe effects. Games
provide this interactive element, and it is a crucial factor in their

A third element appearing in all games is conflict. Conflict arises

naturally from the interaction in a game. The player is actively
pursuing some goal. Obstacles prevent him from easily achieving this
goal. Conflict is an intrinsic element of all games.It can be direct or
indirect, violent or nonviolent, but it is always present in every game.

Conflict implies danger; danger means risk of harm; harm is

undesirable. Therefore, a game is an artifice for providing the
psychological experiences of conflict and danger while excluding
their physical realizations. In short, a game is a safe way to
experience reality. More accurately, the results of a game are always
less harsh than the situations the game models.
Divertido e interativo

Sem objetivo toy

Interactive play
Single player puzzle
objetivo competition
challenge Sem interferência

Outras pessoas

com interferência

Greg Costikyan

A game is a form of art in

which participants, termed
players, make decisions in
order to manage resources
through game tokens in the pursuit of a goal.

Art: games are identified as a form of culture;

Decision-making players: games require active participation as choices are made;

Resource management: player decisions hinge on manipulating resources;

Game tokens: the means by which players enact their decisions;

Goal: a game has an objective.

Elliot Avedon and Brian Sutton-Smith

Games are an exercise of voluntary

control systems, in which there is a
contest between powers, confined by
rules in order to produce a disequilibrial

Exercise of control systems: games involve some form of physical

or intellectual activity:

Voluntary: games are freely entered into;

Contest between powers: games embody a conflict between


Confined by rules: the limiting nature of rules is emphasized;

Disequilibrial outcome: the outcome of a game is a goal-state

which is different than the starting state of the game.
O melhor que pode ser dito sobre os videogames é que podem
estimular a coordenação visual e motora em crianças. O pior que pode
ser dito é que sansionam, e até mesmo estimulam, a agressão e
respostas violentas ao conflito. O que pode ser dito com uma
certeza bem maior é o seguinte: A maioria dos jogos de computador é
uma perda de tempo colossal.
(Dr. Spock, pediatra americano autor de livros sobre como criar filhos)
Criação de personagem em um RPG

Paulo deseja criar um novo personagem. Ele lança quatro

dados de seis lados (D6) e obtém 5, 4, 4 e 1. Ignorando o
dado de menor valor, ele registra o resultado em um
rascunho, 13. Ele faz a mesma coisa outras cinco vezes e
obtém seis outros resultados: 13, 10, 15, 12, 8 e 14. Paulo
decide jogar pesado, com um guerreiro Orc. Agora ele
concentra seus dados nas suas habilidades. A força obtém a
maior pontuação: 15. Seu personagem ganha um bonus de
+2 que lhe será vantajoso no combate. Constituição obtém a
próxima pontuação mais alta: 14....
Ciclo de “sondagem, hipótese, nova
sondagem, novo pensamento” de Paul Gee

O jogador tem que SONDAR o mundo virtual;

Baseando-se na reflexão enquanto sonda e posteriormente, o jogador tem que imaginar

uma hipótese sobre o que algo pode significar (um texto, objeto, artefato, evento ou
ação) em um modo situado de maneira proveitosa;

O jogador sonda novamente o mundo, tendo aquela mesma hipótese na memória,

observando que efeito poderá obter;

O jogador trata esse efeito com um feedback do mundo e aceita ou repensa sua hipótese

(James Paul Gee, estudioso de jogos e Ph.D em linguistica)

Jogos hoje em dia

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