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Note: More than one answers may be correct.

Select all the correct answers

S.No Questions
1 What documnts will be created during a non valuated goods receipts
2 what accouting documents will be created -when I use a po with account assingnment (cost center)
3 what accouting documents will be created-when I use a article with only quantity updation
4 Is it possible to track qty using group article
5 At what levels can purchasing data can be created
6 At what levels can sales data can be created
7 Can a group article be created with material type ROH
8 What data will be copied from reference article
9 How many characteristics profile can be assigned to an MC
10 How many characteristics can be assigned to Characteristics profile
11 What are the effects of info characters
12 What does the pricing profile in basic data of article master controls
13 Quantity and value updation will be controlled by
14 At what levels Vendor master record cannot be created at
15 Item category can be created
16 Can a item be included in the PO with out price
17 Purchasing group will be assigned to
18 What stock type will be considered during MRP run
19 What are the effects of delivery completed indicator
20 G/L account will be determined based on
21 During GR there will no price difference while using
22 Price difference while using Standard price will always go to
23 Price difference while using Moving average price will always go to
24 Difference in GL based on movent type can be achieved by
25 What is baseline date in MIRO
26 When GR-Based indicator is deselected in po, GR data will be considered during MIRO
27 What is valuation grouping code
28 Can a site be assigned to different distribution channels
29 can a site be assigned to different purchase organisations
30 Is it possible to create Account assignments
Option A Option B
Article document Accounting document
Cr-Stock, Debit GR/IR Debit-Stock, CR- GR/IR
Cr-Stock, Debit GR/IR Debit-Stock, CR- GR/IR
Sales org Sales org/
Article description Article Number
only 2 only 4
only 1 only 2
Variats will be created Variants will not be created
what pricing procedure is picked sales price will be determined from mark up
Article type Article category
YES NO company code
Unrestricted quality
Futher GR cannot be made Gr can be made
material Plant
Standard price Moving average price
Stock account Price difference account
Stock account Price difference account
Valuation grouping code Account grouping code
Delivery date will be calculated Payement terms will be calculated
Grouping of valuation classes together Grouping movement types
Option C Option D Option E
Both (A) and (B) None of the above
Debit-Consumption, CR- GR/IR Cr-Consumption, Debit GR/IR None of the above
Debit-Consumption, CR- GR/IR Cr-Consumption, Debit GR/IR None of the above code None of the above

company code/Sales org/ All the above None of the above

EAN Number consumption values None of the above

only 6 None of the above All the above
only 2 None of the above All the above
None of the above
Sales price of generic article None of the above All the above
Merchandise category None of the above All the above
sales org company code None of the above

sales org none of the above

Blocked GR Blocked stock None of the above
On order quantity will be zero All the above None of the above
Net price None of the above
All the above None of the above
GR/IR account Vendor account None of the above
GR/IR account Vendor account None of the above
Valuation class All the above None of the above
Actual posting date None of the above All the above

All the above None of the above All the above

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