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The history of education: State and the art at the turn of the century in

Europe and North America: J. Herbst

Article Response~Jennifer Crosson

Contextual Understanding:

Herbst (1999), begins his article with a “robust” introduction in which he

extolls the virtues of the history of education and its accomplishments.
However, much like the end of the decade of which is referring, his writing
too, turns melancholy. Herbst’s article struck me as a call to action; and as I
read on, his first sentence confirmed for me what I had thought. He quickly
gets to his point, when he says,“In this essay, I want to review a few of the
highlights of this development and to consider the reactions of several
American and European colleagues” (Herbst, 1999).This quote immediately
turned my thoughts to the events of the decade of which he feels, the
course of education shifted. As I read on, I couldn’t shake the feeling that
there was something “brewing”, just below the surface.
If one looks to a timeline of history you can clearly see the context and
perhaps the reason he felt compelled to appeal to his contemporaries.The
end of the 1960’s marked some say the end of the “golden era”. While
there were many notable events that shaped the decade of the 1960’s
some that might have caused Herbst (1999), to do some “soul-searching”,

~Vietnam War
~Student Protest as a result of war
~Kent State University, Ohio 1970**

History Timeline: 1960-1970
Implications to Innovation in Teaching and Learning:

Many forms of culture can be considered. Classroom culture, school

culture, cultural norms, the culture in which we life…common thread…

Herbst, J (1999). The history of education: State and the art at the turn of
the cnetury in Europe and North America. Paedegogia Historica:
International Journal of the History of Education, 35(#), 737-747.doi:
10.1080/0030923990350308 staff.The 1960’s (2010). A&E Networks

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