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06360082/VI E


(An Experimental Study Using Demonstration Informative Speech Method)


1.1. Background Of The Study

Actually in learning language, especially English language needs to master the
four basic language skills such as listening, writing, reading, and speaking. From the four
basic language skills, speaking is the most complicated one since it is the oral mode and
more complicated than it seems at first and involves more than just pronouncing word.
(see; Version 3.5, published on CD-ROM by SIL International, 1999). Therefore,
speaking skill has to become an intensive attention for someone to learn or to
communicate with someone else since speaking is the most often used to communicate
with someone else outside us.
Of course, in fact, everyone who is fluent in speaking English is not automatically
able to express public speaking since it needs some concepts and understanding of the
audiences’ expectation (Lucas; 2004). There are some advantages will be getting from
public speaking. First, public speaking challenges us to use critical thinking and creative
thinking. Borrowing the ideas from Verderber and Verderber that; “public speaking needs
to formulate goals, define concepts, ask questions, gather data, organize information,
analyze information, put ideas together, and evaluate our own and others’ argument and
information”. Because of those reasons, Rudolph and Kathler put public speaking as the
construction of making critical and creative thinking.
Second public speaking competence is a learned activity. Based on Professor
Spitzberg’s argumentation that:
communication competence as the perception that communication behavior is
appropriate and effective. Applying this definition to public speaking, we will be
perceived as competent if our speeches are appropriate for the situation and
effective in achieving their goals.

Third, public speaking makes someone brave, confident, and quiet in developing
and solving problems and also to persuade the other person. Quoting Lucas’s
argumentation that:

public speaking is a vital means of civic engagement. It means that public
speaking could be a tool to break a quarrel in the social phenomena.

Beside, the previous research saw that one of the frequent difficulties faced
by the student in speaking English is about self-confidence. Sholihin’s research
finding saw that the difficulty faced by student in learning speaking are; choosing
appropriate vocabularies, making correct sentence, making correct pronunciation,
and no self-confidence. (Sholihin: 2009). It indicates that Self Confidence becomes
unsolved problem. While the other research saw public-speaking (speech outline)
needs some suggestions and improvements based on the theory used
(Utamaningrum: 2008). It shows, so far public-speaking method is lack of being used
to improve student ability, skill, and self-confidence.
Finally, all theories above are provided to reinforce the researcher’s
argumentation to analyze and study more intensive about public speaking. It is therefore,
the researcher is interested in analyzing and doing this research that is entitled as “The
Effectiveness of Public Speaking-Method in Improving Student’s Self Confidence to
Speak English at Al-Hikam Boarding School Malang”
1.2. Statement Of The Problem
In line with the statement above, the researcher tries to formulate the statement of
problem as “Is the Public-Speaking Method Effective In Improving Student’s Self
Confidence to Speak English?”
1.3. Hypothesis
Public-Speaking Is Effective Method in Improving Student’s Self Confidence to
Speak English.
1.4. Purpose Of The Study
Actually this research is aimed to answer the problem “is the method effective in
improving student’s self confidence to speak English”. Besides, this research is also
purposed to vary teaching method.
1.5. Significant Of The Study
First, this research is expected to be useful method in teaching English Speaking
Skill, especially for the teacher in improving student’s confidence to speak. Second, this
research is expected to give a way to the student – how to improve their confidence to

speak English. The last, the research is expected to be useful for public, and also to enrich
the analysis of teaching method.
1.6. Scope And Limitation
In order to not make broad the study, the researcher tries to limit and make a
scope of this study. This research only focus on public speaking method – used to
improve student’s confidence to speak English.
This research only treats the students at first, second and third year of Al-Hikam
Islamic Boarding School, and the instrument used by the researcher is speaking test and
then observes the student’s achievement.
1.7. Definition Of Key-Terms
o The Effectiveness: effectiveness relates to how well a treatment works in
practice (
o Public Speaking : is a way of making the ideas public of sharing them with
other people and of influencing other people. (Lucas; 2004)
o Method : refers to the general strategy followed in gathering and
analyzing the data necessary for answering the question at hand (Ary, 1979)
o Speaking Skills : is the productive skill in the oral mode. (
o Al-Hikam : The school (instance) being observed.
o Boarding School : One of the education instance which focus on the religion
o Self Confidence : Feel stronger to express something (Franken: 2002)


According to Widdowson, “Teaching speaking is present a view of the
relationship between linguistic system and their communicative values in text and
discourse, he focused on the communicative acts underlying the ability to use language
for different purpose” (1978).
According to Metcalfe states, “public speaking is a rewarding experience that can
contribute to your development as a person. It can help you improve your skills in

organization and research, refine your abilities in delivering, and increase your sensitivity
toward other” (2000:25).
o Informative Speaking is a public presentation whose goal is to convey
facts, ideas, or theories without advocating them so that audience
members understand and remember the information.
o Persuasive Speaking is a process in which a speaker presents message
intended to affect beliefs or move audience members to act.
INFORMATIVE SPEAKING Principles of Informative Speaking
• Intellectual Stimulation is information that is new to audience members
and meets a deep-seated need to know.
• Creativity is a person’s capacity to produce new or original ideas and
• Relevance is the extent to which audience members find personal value in
the information presented (Verderber:2003).
• Demonstration or Explanation Speech is telling how to do something, how
to make something and how something works.
• Expository Speech is to draw on extensive research and uses a variety
of developmental techniques to inform and audience.
• Speech of definition is the notion to be the most valuable of all lines of
speech development to help audience members understand and relate to
key concepts (Verderber:2003).
Here are seven elements of the communication process:
The Speaker is the source or originator of communication message. What a speaker
discusses and the language used to express those ideas depend on the experiences that
have formed that speaker’s ideas.
A Speech is a message presented to an audience through words, sound, and action that

contains ideas and feelings selected and organized by the speaker but understood and
interpreted by each individual member of the audience.
The Channel is both the route traveled by the message and the means of transportation.
The Audience is a specific group of people to whom the speech message is directed.
The Context is the setting in which a speech is presented that affects the expectations of
the audience, the meaning audience members receive, and their subsequent behavior.
Noise is any stimulus that interferes with sending or understanding the speech message.
The audiences’ ability to interpret, understand, or respond to the message of a speech
may be limited by noise.
Feedback is verbal and non-verbal responses to message.
Self Confidence
Self-confidence is someone’s beliefs or feelings to handle something by him-self
with quiet touch. (Franken, 2002)
While Buck (1988) states that self-confidence is one of personal beliefs and
feelings in the soul to encounter challenges in his life by doing something. Each human-
being has a right to explore his happiness and satisfaction for everything he has got.
2.3.1. Kinds of Self Confidence
Franken, (2002) divides self confidence into two kinds:
o Intrinsic (Inside) Confidence
Inside confidence: self-confidence which gives individual feeling and suspicion that he is
on the right condition.
Franken, (2002) there are four characteristics of human-being who has inside self-
- Love for Him-Self, at least he will respect to spiritual and physical needs also
make equal position with the other, has a good reason to fulfill his needs, openly want
to be commendable.
- Self Understanding; aware of him-self, identifying for his weakness, grow with
the high motivation as his potency.
- Firm Goal: accustomed to providing the reachable purpose, has much energy and
high motivation, more diligent in doing something.
- Positive Thinking: expecting everything is challenge and fun, judge other from

the positive side, each problem con be solved,
o Extrinsic (Outside) Confidence
Outside confidence: enables person to show him self and express to his environment and
his world that he is sure for him-self.
According to Franken, (2002) states that for giving believable impression to the
environment, human being needs to develop the four skills;
 Communication: listen to someone-else, make good communication from
every grades,
 Firmness: express their needs firmly, look after their right and others, know
how to make relationship.
 Self Performance: choosing appropriate dress, creating first interesting
performance impression, aware of effect of his performance.
 Controlling Feelings: more confident, brave to encounter challenges and the
risks, encountering something trouble with adequate responses, let him-self
spontaneously do something in pressure.


This research uses True-experimental with two groups pre-test and post-test
design, since the researcher tries to know whether the method used by the
experimenter effective to improve student’s self-confidence or not. This design
subjects are assigned to the experimental and control group by random methods
and are given a pre-test on the dependent variable Y. This research also permits the
investigator to study change and it is offten referred to as the classical design for
change experiment. The main strength of this design is the initial randomization,
which assures statistical equivalence between groups prior to experimentation (Ary,
Group Pretest Independent Variable Posttest
(R) E Y1 X Y2
(R) C Y1 - Y2

By using this design, the researcher tries to test the effectiveness of a new method

for teaching at first and second year student in Al-Hikam. (Ary, 1979).
In this research, the researcher controls independent variable that is; public
speaking method (method used for teaching). While the dependent variable is student’s
score getting from public speaking test.


Population is defined as all members of any well-defined class of people, events
or subject (Ary. 1979). In this research, the researcher uses student from Al-Hikam
Islamic Boarding School as population. Because this research is randomized design, so
the researcher uses Randomized Sampling to take the sample. Since this technique
enables the researcher to minimize the extraneous variable (Dajan: 2000).
Sample is part of population or the small group that is observed (Ary, 1979). The
researcher take 60 people as the sample, on the other hand, all students become sample in
this research because it is Cluster Sample in which all population are included.

The data of this research are scores or students' achievement resulted from the test
giving to the students. The first data collected from the pre-test which have been
collected in the first experiment. The second data are collected from the post-test which
have been collected from the second experiment. Actually the researcher divides the data
into two parts; first, the gross data – it means that the data is in form of non-arranged
(before tabulating into table). Second, the net data – it means that the data have been
arranged and tabulated into table and have been analyzed statistically to determine the
central tendency where the researcher also needs to seek after the suitable formula to
determine sample errors, hypothesis testing, and determine variance and standard
Actually, the research instrument in this study is a test and observation. Based on
Ary test is “a set of stimuli presented to the individual in order to elicit responses on the
basis of which a numerical score can be assigned”. While observation is one of technique
or way to collect data by doing direct action in the field (Sukmadinata: 2006).
These scores, based on representative sample of the individuals’ behavior, is an

indicator of the extent to which the examinees possesses the characteristic being
measured. The researcher gives a test to the student to get the data, whether it is pre-test
or post-test. After this, the researcher tries to combine the data gathering from the field
has to be analyzed and interpreted in argumentation.

Since this research focuses on the effectiveness of the method and this research is
a field-research, so the researcher uses these steps to collect the data:
1) Giving pre-test to the student in order to know the first prosperity of the
student by using subjective speaking-test. The students are required to come forward
to speak in front of class, and then the researcher gives the score based on the
student’s appearance.
2) Arranging the scores into arranged composition and then, tabulating the
score into a table using statistical formula as follows; (1). Determining the range
(upper score – lower score), (2). Determining sum of interval class {1 + 3,3 log n}
where the (n) is the sample, (3). Determining class interval length { P= Range },
(Dajan: 2000)
Total class
Unorganized scores.
33, 29, 30, 30, 33, 29, 33, 32, 28, 24,
34, 31, 27, 29, 30, 27, 28, 34, 33, 23,
40, 43, 54, 32, 31, 43, 54, 33, 34, 34

Frequency distribution (X) Tallies Frequency (f)

54 II 2
43 I 1
40 I 1
34 IIII 5
33 IIIII 7
32 I 1
31 II 2
30 III 3
29 II 2
28 II 2
27 II 2
24 I 1
23 I 1
N = 30

3) Account the central tendency by using the mean to find the average. X=

∑X (Dajan: 2000)
X= the mean ∑= the sum of
X= each of the values in the distribution N= the number of cases
4) Treat the experimental class with the method and giving some
explanation about how to prepare a good preparation in performing public
speaking, while the control class is treated by conventional method.
5) Observing student’s development in improving self-confidence while
giving an advice where is the weakness.
6) Giving post-test to the student in order to know whether any improvement
of their capability especially self-confidence. The students are required to come
forward to speak in front of class, and then the researcher gives the score based on the
student’s appearance.
7) Comparing and analyzing the score resulted from pre-test and post-
test by using the analysis of covariance (ANOVA) F-Ratio, and then compare the
pre-test result and the post-test score. It means that statistical analysis to
determine the hypothesis whether it is positive or negative.


Ary, Donald., 1979. Introduction to Research Education (2nd Ed). United State of
Buck, Ross. 1988. Human Motivation and Emotion (2nd Ed). John Willey & Sons, Inc;
Dajan, Anto. 2000. Pengantar Metode Statistik. Jakarta: LP3ES
Lucas, Stephen E. 2004. The Art Of Public Speaking (International Edition). New York:
MacGraw Hill
Franken, Robert E. 2002. Human Motivation (5th Ed). Belmont; United State of America.
Verderber, Rudolf F & Verderber, Kathleen S. 2003. The Challenge of Effective
Speaking (12th Ed).: Thomson Learning, Inc: United State of America
Metcalfe, Sheldon. 2000. Building Speech (4th Ed).: Thomson Learning, Inc. United State
of America
Solihin. 2004. Study On The Difficulty Faced By Native Speaker In Teaching Speaking
Skill At UMM. Unpublished Thesis: UMM
Sukmadinata, Nana Syaodih. 2006. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung; PT.
Remaja Rosdakarya.
Taufiq, Sullam, K., 2002. Communicative Language Teaching Viewed From Speech Act
Semantics. Unpublished Research Proposal. State University of Malang.
Utamaningrum, Ineke Dwi. 2005. The effectiveness Of Public Speaking By Using Outline
Speech To Improve Student's Speaking Achievement At SMA 1 Tulung Agung.
Unpublished Thesis: UMM


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