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Bash Keywords

A keyword is a word or symbol that has a special meaning to a computer language. The following
symbols and words have special meanings to Bash when they are unquoted and the first word of a
! esac select }
case fi then [[
do for until ]]
done function while elif
if time else in {

Unlike most computer languages, Bash allows keywords to be used as variable names even though
this can make scripts difficult to read. To keep scripts understandable, key-words should not be used
for variable names.
A command is implemented in shell as $(command). You might have to include the full path of
command. e.g., $(/bin/date), for correct execution.
You may know the path of specific program using ‘whereis‘ command. e.g., whereis date
[root@tecmint /]# whereis date
date: /bin/date /usr/share/man/man1/date.1.gz

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