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I completed the quest ( A Blade in the dark ) and Delphine will not talk after I defeated the
dragon and when I entered the command code "setstage mq106 160" I can access her dialog
but after that for some reason I cannot access any NPC's dialog but I can access Sofie's and
Vilja's Dialog.

Skyrim:Elder Knowledge

 This can be resolved by either going directly to Septimus Signus and speaking with him, or by
finishing the College of Winterhold quests.

 Alternatively, PC users can use the console to progress by advancing to stage 80 (setstage
MQ205 80).

You could also type setstage mq206 7

Temple of miraak

From the left: Delving Pincers, Boneless Limbs, Prying Orbs, Gnashing Blades.
Go through the gate and use the book which will take you to Chapter V. You will be
moved to a large room with four pedestals. Kill the two Seekers that lurk here and place
the Books found before on the proper shelves (as seen in the above screenshot).
Therefore, you will be able to activate a portal and create a passage to Chapter VI.

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