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Optical Materials 66 (2017) 281e286

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Tuning the nonlinear response of (6,5)-enriched single-wall carbon

nanotubes dispersions
stegui a, E.C.O. Silva b, A.L. Baggio b, R.N. Gontijo c, J.M. Hickmann d, C. Fantini c,
O.S. Are
M.A.R.C. Alencar e, E.J.S. Fonseca a, b, *
Centro de Tecnologia-CTEC, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceio , AL 57072-970, Brazil
Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, 57061-970, Maceio , AL, Brazil
Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG 30123-970, Brazil
Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil
Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Sa~o Cristo ~o, SE 49100-000, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Ultrafast nonlinear optical properties of (6,5)-enriched single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) disper-
Received 14 September 2016 sions are investigated using the thermally managed Z-scan technique. As the (6,5) SWCNTs presented a
Received in revised form strong resonance in the range of 895e1048 nm, the nonlinear refractive index ðn2 Þ and the absorption
31 January 2017
coefficients ðbÞ measurements were performed tuning the laser exactly around absorption peak of the
Accepted 6 February 2017
(6,5) SWCNTs. It is observed that the nonlinear response is very sensitive to the wavelength and the
spectral behavior of n2 is strongly correlated to the tubes one-photon absorption band, presenting also a
peak when the laser photon energy is near the tube resonance energy. This result suggests that a suitable
Single wall carbon nanotubes
selection of nanotubes types may provide optimized nonlinear optical responses in distinct regions of the
Z-scan electromagnetic spectrum. Analysis of the figures of merit indicated that this material is promising for
Nonlinear optical ultrafast nonlinear optical applications under near infrared excitation.
Non linear refraction index © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction nanometric system. Especially, aiming its use for particular appli-
cations where the electronic and optical properties can be
After the development of efficient methods of separation of optimized.
single-wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT) species, new fundamental SWCNTs are direct-band gap materials, with a gap that depends
problems and applications exploring the direct influence of the on the diameter and chirality [9]. Many of the applications that
SWCNTs nature in one specific physical property can now be might make use of the electronic properties of these materials
investigated [1,2]. Among a variety of applications, SWCNTs have require individual (n,m) nanotubes with a given chirality for opti-
emerged as a unique nanostructure which may be responsible for mum performance. In fact, an efficient resonant absorption occurs
the new generation of nonlinear optical devices. This renders only in SWCNTs whose diameter corresponds to an electronic
SWCNTs as one of the most suitable candidate for photonic and transition in resonance with the photon energy. For the sake of
optoelectronic nanodevices [3]. developing of photonic devices based on SWCNT, it is extremely
Several papers have been published exploring the study of important to explore its nonlinear optical properties for a specific
SWCNT due to its large third-order nonlinearity and ultrafast (n,m) specie.
electronic response as a consequence of delocalized p-electrons In the present paper we explore the nonlinear properties for a
cloud along the tube axis [4e8]. In this line, a comprehensive (6,5)-enriched SWCNT sample, showing that the nonlinear
experimental study on specific SWCNT specie is desirable to response is very sensitive to the wavelength when the resonance of
delineate the nonlinear optical properties of this particular tube corresponds to the resonance at the one-photon energy

* Corresponding author.Centro de Tecnologia-CTEC, Universidade Federal de

2. Material and methods
 , AL 57072-970, Brazil.
Alagoas, Maceio
E-mail address: (E.J.S. Fonseca). Nanotube dispersion was prepared by adding 100 mg of
0925-3467/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
282 O.S. Arestegui et al. / Optical Materials 66 (2017) 281e286

CoMoCAT SG65i, a (6,5)-enriched SWCNT powder, to 100 mL of a on the gel beads when the nanotube dispersion runs through the
70 mM Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) solution. This dispersion was column. Finally, 175 mM solutions of SDS is added to the column to
tip sonicated at 40 W for a total of 3 h with a 5 min interval every remove the SWCNT stuck on the gel [11]. It is important to mention
30 min. After sonication, the solution was centrifuged at 10000 rpm that using the column chromatography method is possible to
for 1 h followed by an ultracentrifugation at 40000 rpm for another produces samples with higher nanotube concentration as
1 h to remove bundles and impurities. The resulting dispersion was compared with other separation methods such as density gradient
then used for separation by column chromatography [10,11]. ultracentrifugation (DGU). Fig. 1(a) shows the optical absorption
Chromatographic column were made using 10 mL plastic sy- spectrum of the (6,5)-enriched sample. The spectrum is dominated
ringes filled with gel Sephacryl S-200 HR and a small amount of a by the peaks at 985 and 570 nm associated, respectively, with the
70 mM SDS solution. After that, 1 mL of the SWCNTs dispersion was E11 and E22 optical transitions of the (6,5) nanotube. Other nano-
added to the column for the separation process. As the affinity of tube species present in the sample are responsible for the small
metallic SWCNT with the gel is negligible, its interaction with gel absorption bands observed in the spectrum.
beads is very weak, thus they flow through the column without To completely characterize the chirality distribution of the (6,5)-
being stuck on the beads [10,11]. Semiconducting SWCNT on the enriched SWCNT dispersion, Raman spectra of the radial breathing
other hand has a chiral dependent interaction with the gel, being modes (RBM) were measured in a wide range of excitation energies
attached to the gel beads. Therefore, metallic and low affinity (2.54e1.90 eV). Fig. 1(b) presents some of the Raman spectra ob-
semiconducting SWCNT run through the column, leaving only the tained. From the resonance Raman profiles, and the cross section
SWCNT that strongly interact with the medium. The (6,5) SWCNT corrected RBM intensity profiles, it is possible to obtain the relative
has a strongly interaction with the gel, and as it is present in a large concentration of the SWCNT species present in the sample,
quantity in the sample. Thus, large quantity of this chirality is stuck following the procedure described in Ref. [12]. The (n,m) species

Fig. 1. (a) Absorption Spectrum of the (6,5) enriched SWCNT sample. (b) Raman spectra of the (6,5)-enriched SWCNT sample showing the radial breathing modes recorded at
different excitation laser energies. The main chiralities observed are indicated on the figure. (c) Relative distribution of SWCNT species in the enriched sample.
O.S. Arestegui et al. / Optical Materials 66 (2017) 281e286 283

distribution in the sample is presented in Fig. 1(c). It is observed modulated by a chopper (14 Hz frequency and 0.09 duty cycle) and
that the (6,5) SWCNT corresponds to 60% of the chiralities present focused on to the sample by a convergent lens of 6,5 cm focal
in the sample. The (7,5) SWCNT, whose absorption at 1025 nm length. The samples consisted of 1 mm width quartz cell filled with
appears in Fig. 1(a) as a shoulder of the E11 absorption of the (6,5) colloids of enriched (6,5) SWCNT. The cell was moved around the
SWCNTs, is the second most abundant corresponding 20% of lens focal plane (z ¼ 0). The light transmittance was then measured
SWCNTs in the sample. Other three chiralities (6,4), (7,6) and (8,3) by a closed (without) aperture photodetector as a function of the
are also present in smaller amounts. Raman results were combined sample position for nonlinear refraction (absorption) measure-
with optical absorption spectra in order to obtain a trustworthy ments. The nonlinear absorption was performed using the inset
concentration of the SWCNT species present in the sample. the showed in Fig. 2(a). The detected signal was temporally analyzed by
absolute concentration of the (6,5) species can be obtained from the digital oscilloscope and then processed by a computer.
absorption spectra using the reported values for oscillator strength Fig. 2(b) shows some typical temporal windows, of the prefocal
for this nanotube [13,14] and the equation and postfocal in some -z and þ z positions, respectively. The red
curve is an extrapolation for t ¼ 0 [see equation (2)] and Fig. 2(c)
Sn;m shows a typical 3D graph of a complete temporal evolution of the Z-
Cc ¼ B (1)
f $l scan curve generated by the signal change in each sample position.

where Cc is the concentration of carbon atoms, Sn,m is the integrated

area of the optical absorption peak associated with the (n,m)
SWCNT, l is the optical path of the cuvette and f is the oscillator 4. Theory
strength of the (6,5) SWCNT. B is a constant whose value is
3.48  105 mol cm/L,eV [13,14]. The value obtained for the ab- Among different Z-scan techniques-based [16e18], the one
solute concentration of the (6,5) SWCNT is around (9.0 ± 0.5) mg/ presented by Gnoli, Razzari and Righini [18] has been used as an
mL. efficient technique enable to separate the instantaneous (elec-
tronic) nonlinear optical response from the cumulative thermal
3. Experimental effect. In order to understand this methodology, let us assume that
a high repetition rate laser modulated by a chopper is employed as
The nonlinear optical characterization was performed using the the excitation source for a Z-scan measurement and define t ¼ 0 as
same procedure of Ref. [15]. The experimental setup is shown in the time instant that the chopper begins to unblock the laser beam.
Fig. 2(a). The excitation source used was a mode-locked Ti:Sapphire In this case, the thermo-optical contribution to transmittance
laser, linearly polarized, delivering pulses of 120 fs (FWHM) at measured by the z-scan technique is negligible for time instants
80 MHz repetition rate tuned between the absorption band of near to zero but increases with time, due to the cumulative heating
samples with SWCNTs (895e1048 nm). The laser beam was pulse by pulse, as can be described by

Fig. 2. Sketch of steps used to separate thermal from electronic effects. Experimental setup (a), temporal window (b) and (c) 3D graph of a temporal evolution of the Z-scan curve
with prefocal and postfocal positions.
284 O.S. Arestegui et al. / Optical Materials 66 (2017) 281e286

Iðx; tÞ
Tðx; tÞ ¼
Iðx; 0Þ
2 3
1 4h 2qx 5;
¼ 1 þ qTan i (2)
2 t c ð xÞ 2
ð2q þ 1Þ2 þ x 2qt þ 2q þ 1 þ x

In this equation, q is the phase-shift induced thermally, x ¼ z=z0

is the normalized distance, z0 corresponds to the Rayleigh range of
the laser beam, q is the order of the multiphoton process and tc ðxÞ is
the characteristic thermal lens time.
The electronic contribution, on the other hand, is always present
each time a laser pulse interacts with the nonlinear medium.
However, its contribution is usually smaller than the thermal
response, being purely detectable, theoretically, at t ¼ 0. Although
this measurement cannot be made directly using the proposed
experimental setup, Gnoli et al. [18] figured out that the Z-scan
curve free of thermal effects can be obtained extrapolating the time
evolution of the transmittance curves for t ¼ 0. Hence, the value of
n2 can be obtained fitting the normalized transmittance curve at t ¼
0 employing the standard equation of Z-scan method [16].

4DF0 x
TðxÞy1 þ   ; (3)
x þ 9 x2 þ 1

where DF0 ¼ 2kn2 I0 Leff is the induced nonlinear phase-shift, I0 is
the laser intensity at the lens focal plane, Leff ¼ ð1  ea0 L Þ=L is the
effective length, L is the sample length and the modulus of the
beam wave vector is k. Whenever the medium presents a negative
nonlinear refraction, the value of n2 is negative and the profile of
Fig. 3. Z-scan curves at t ¼ 0 for the (a) semiconducting SWCNTs colloids measured at
the transmittance curve displays a maximum for a sample position 974 nm. Open squares correspond to the closed aperture experimental data and the
x ¼ 1:7 and a minimum when the sample is placed at the red lines are the fittings. Open circles corresponds to the open aperture measurements
x ¼ þ1:7. On the other hand, positive nonlinear refraction implies results. (b) jn2 j dispersion curves for semiconducting SWCNTs colloids, black squares
that n2 > 0 and the maximum (minimum) occurs at occurs at are the experimental data and the dashed lines are guides to the eyes. (For interpre-
tation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
x ¼ þ1:7 (x ¼ 1:7). version of this article.)
It is worth mentioning that the transmittance values measured
during the time period between t ¼ 0 and the chopper rise time
must be disregarded in this methodology. This is a necessary pro- after the Z-scan curve reconstructed, to calculate the values of the
cedure because within this period of time the laser beam is partially nonlinear refraction n2 of the electronic origin. The peak-valley
blocked by the chopper and Eq. (2) is no longer valid to describe its curve [Fig. 3(a)] is due to the intense negative nonlinear refrac-
behavior. Nevertheless, the time evolution of the Z-scan traces can tion of electronic origin ðn2 < 0Þ. The nonlinear absorption was not
be followed from the opening rise time onwards [19]. able to be detected. Indeed, the nonlinear absorption coefficient of
The medium nonlinear absorption can be investigated by these colloids must be smaller than our experimental limit, which
removing the detector aperture. In this configuration, the trans- was equal to 1:6  1010 cm=W, in modulus.
mitted signal as a function of the sample relative position can be Varying the laser wavelength from 895 to 1048 nm it is possible
described by Ref. [16]. to reconstruct Z-scan curves at t ¼ 0 for different excitation
wavelength. Fig. 3 (b) shows the dispersion curves of jn2 j, for

½  q0 ðx; 0Þm
TðxÞ ¼ ; (4) different wavelength at 30 mW of incident average power. A sig-
m¼0 ðm þ 1Þ3=2 nificant increase on the nonlinear refractive index modulus as the
excitation wavelength approaches to the one-photon absorption
Where q0 ðx; tÞ ¼ bI0 ðtÞLeff =ð1 þ x2 Þ, b is the nonlinear absorption resonance is clearly observed. Indeed, the spectral behavior of jn2 j
coefficient and I0 ðtÞ is the laser intensity at the focal plane. curve presents a strong correlation with observed absorbance
spectrum of (6,5) SWCNT within this wavelength range.
As described in Ref. [20], several resonance peaks can be
5. Results and discussion observed on the third-order nonlinear response of carbon nano-
tubes due to multiphoton transitions between the Van Hove sin-
Fig. 1(a) shows the absorption spectra of the (6,5)-enriched gularities. For third-harmonic generation, for instance, three
sample. The colloids present a strong absorption ranging of photon transitions play the most important role, however, from
895 nme1048 nm associated with E11 S excitonic transitions. The
their theoretical calculations, one photon and two photon transi-
interesting point here is that this resonance coincides with the tions may also contribute to this effect, but in distinct spectral
wavelength range of the laser used. ð3Þ
ranges. Indeed, for the ciiii ðu; u; u; uÞ, one-photon [8] and two
Fig. 3(a) shows, a typical result of the reconstructed Z-scan photon transitions [15,21] would also give an important contribu-
curves at t ¼ 0s using pulsed laser with high repetition tuned at tion to the generation of spectral peaks on the nonlinear responses
wavelength 974 nm at 30 mW average power. The analyses of the related to this tensor element. From our results, the direct
results were performed using Eq. (2) at t ¼ 0 [18]. Eq. (3) was used,
O.S. Arestegui et al. / Optical Materials 66 (2017) 281e286 285

Table 1
Optical properties of the (6,5)-enriched SWCNT.

l (nm) Pulse's linewidth (nm) Pulse's time duration (fs) a0 (cm1) jn2 j (1013 cm2/W) jWj

895 10.67 110.44 0.113 1.54 12.07

906.5 10.73 112.53 0.112 1.66 12.94
915.5 10.75 114.66 0.130 1.63 10.85
928 10.99 115.28 0.187 1.79 8.12
937 11.33 113.90 0.272 2.07 6.42
947.5 12.00 110.00 0.466 2.34 4.19
958 12.28 109.86 0.740 3.14 3.51
966 12.37 110.98 0.986 3.71 3.08
974 12.42 112.33 1.215 3.95 2.64
986 12.46 114.79 1.380 4.54 2.64
999 13.05 112.48 1.140 4.35 3.02
1009 13.52 110.74 0.824 4.06 3.87
1019 13.59 112.33 0.563 3.19 4.40
1029 13.19 117.97 0.380 2.77 5.60
1036.5 13.04 121.14 0.274 2.63 7.32
1048 13.20 122.35 0.151 1.99 9.98

comparison of absorbance and jn2 j spectra indicates that one- the development of switching applications in femtosecond regime.
photon transitions, associated with E11 S excitonic transitions, are Recently, other figures of merit analyzing multiphoton absorp-
giving the main contribution to the nonlinear refraction displayed tion have been proposed and employed in the evaluation of the
by this SWCNTs specie. photonics materials application's potential [31e33]. Nevertheless,
Aiming ultrafast photonic applications, this colloid all-optical as the investigated SWCNTs colloids did not present a detectable
switching's figures of merits, W ¼ Dnmax =la0 and T ¼ 2a2 l=n2 nonlinear absorption, it was not possible to calculate or estimate
were evaluated. These conditions are known as Stegeman figures these figures of merits in this work, and a direct comparison with
[22]. Here, Dnmax is the maximum refractive index change ref. [31e33] could not be performed.
achievable, limited by saturation [23]. Carbon nanotube can be
considered useful for all-optical switching devices when satisfy the 6. Conclusion
conditions jWj > 0:27 and jTj < 1. Table 1 shows the figures of merit
jWj for the (6,5)-enriched sample obtained at different excitation In conclusion, we measured the negative nonlinear refractive
wavelengths. The figures of merit T could not be determined due to index ðn2 < 0Þ of electronic origin of colloids containing mainly the
the fact that the nonlinear absorption coefficients of the studied semiconducting single (6,5) SWCNT, using the thermally managed
SWCNTs were much smaller than our system resolution Z-scan technique. The jn2 j dispersion curves along the main ab-
1:6  1010 cm=W [15,24]. As can be observed, this SWCNTs kind sorption bands Vis-NIR showed a similar behavior with the band
satisfies the figures of merit jWj condition at all investigated resonance point by point, which indicates that one-photon ab-
wavelength range. sorption related to the E11 S excitonic transitions give the main
It is worthwhile to compare the all-optical switching perfor- contribution to the observed nonlinear effect. The evaluated values
mance of the colloidal system investigated in the present study for the all-optical switching figure of merit W results indicate that
with other promising nonlinear optical materials. In Table 2, it is these semiconducting SWCNTs are promising materials for ultrafast
summarized the results for the figure of merit jWj reported previ- nonlinear optical. Moreover, our results suggest that using a suit-
ously in literature of several media. As can be observed, in com- able choice of the nanotubes species, it is possible to produce
parison with other materials, the colloid containing carbon optimized media for nonlinear optical applications at distinct re-
nanotubes investigated in the present work presents values of jWj gions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
as high as other promising optical materials, such as organic
compounds [22,25], colloidal metallic nanoparticles [26,27], glasses Acknowledgments
[22,25,28e30], and colloidal carbon nanotubes [15]. Therefore,
these results indicate that these materials have a good potential for The authors are thankful to CAPES, PROCAD, Procad-NF, CNPq/

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