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After struggling for decades with a shortage

of donated organs from cadavers, transplant surgeons
may soon have another source to tap

by Robert P. Lanza, David K. C. Cooper and William L. Chick


E arly morning, sometime in the
near future. A team of surgeons
removes the heart, lungs, liver,
kidneys and pancreas from a donor,
whereupon a medical technician packs
ORGANS that are now in high demand
and in short supply for transplantation
include (from left to right) the heart, kid-
ney, liver, lungs and pancreas.
from pigs, goats, lambs and monkeys
into various patients. These grafts all
soon failed, for reasons that seemed puz-
zling at the time. Before the pioneering
investigations of Nobel laureate Sir Pe-
these organs in ice and rushes them to a ter Medawar at the University of Lon-
nearby airport. A few hours later the kinds of donations. Notably, hemophilia, don during the 1940s, physicians had
heart and liver land in one city, the two diabetes and even Alzheimer’s and Par- little inkling of the immunologic basis
kidneys in another, and the lungs and kinson’s diseases might well be treated of rejection.
pancreas arrive in a third. Speedily con- using transplanted cells. So the pressure So, with only failures to show, most
veyed to hospitals in each city, these or- to devise ways to transplant animal doctors lost interest in transplantation.
gans are transplanted into patients who cells and organs into patients—“xeno- But some medical researchers persevered,
are desperately ill. The replacements transplantation”—steadily mounts. and in 1954 Joseph E. Murray and his
function well, and six people receive a colleagues at Peter Bent Brigham Hos-
new lease on life. Back at the donor cen- Blending Species pital in Boston performed the first truly
ter, surgeons repeat the procedure sev- successful kidney transplant. They avoid-
eral times, and additional transplants
take place at a score of facilities distrib-
uted around the country. In all, surgical
T he thought of combining parts from
different species is not at all new.
Greek lore of more than 3,000 years ago
ed immunologic rejection by transplant-
ing a kidney between identical twin
brothers (whose organs were indistin-
teams scattered throughout the U.S. featured centaurs—creatures that were guishable to their immune systems). Sub-
conduct more than 100 transplant op- half man, half horse—and the Chimera, sequently, Murray and others were able
erations on this day alone. a combination of lion, goat and serpent. to transplant kidneys from more distant-
How could so many organ donors As early as 1682 a Russian physician re- ly related siblings and, finally, from un-
have possibly been found? Easily—by portedly repaired the skull of a wound- related donors, by administering drugs to
obtaining organs not from human ca- ed nobleman using bone from a dog. suppress the recipient’s innate immune
davers but from pigs. Although such a But it was not until after the turn of the response.
medical miracle is not yet possible, we 20th century that doctors attempted with Medical practice has since grown to
and other researchers are taking definite some regularity to graft tissues from an- include transplantation of the heart,
steps toward it. Our efforts are driven imals into humans. For instance, in lung, liver and pancreas. But these ac-
by the knowledge that the supply of hu- 1905 a French surgeon inserted slices of complishments have brought tragedy
man organs will always be insufficient rabbit kidney into a child suffering from with them: because of the shortage of
to satisfy demand. Within just the U.S., kidney failure. “The immediate results,” donated organs, most people in need
thousands of patients await transplants he wrote, “were excellent.” Neverthe- cannot be offered treatment. Of the tens
of the heart, liver, kidney, lung and pan- less, the child died about two weeks later. of thousands of patients in the U.S. ev-
creas, and millions struggle with diseases During the next two decades, several ery year deemed good candidates for a
that may one day be curable with other other doctors tried to transplant organs transplant, less than half receive a do-

54 Scientific American July 1997 Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc. Xenotransplantation
nated organ. The shortfall will become
even more dire once doctors perfect
methods to treat diabetes by transplant-
ing pancreatic islet cells, which produce
insulin. Islet replacement is simpler than
transplanting the whole pancreas, but it
may require harvesting cells from sever-
al donors to treat each patient.
Fortunately, scientists did not entirely
abandon the possibility of using animal
tissues in patients after human organ
transplants came into vogue. During the
1960s, medical researchers continued
to investigate exactly why organs trans-
planted between widely different spe-
cies fail so rapidly. A major cause, they
learned, is that the recipient’s blood
harbors antibody molecules that bind
to the donated tissues. (These antibod-
ies are normally directed against infec-
tious microbes but can also respond to
components of transplanted organs.)
The attachment of these antibodies then
activates special “complement” proteins
in the blood, which in turn trigger de-
struction of the graft.
Such hyperacute rejection of foreign
tissue—which begins within minutes or,
at most, hours after the surgery—de-
stroys the capillaries in the transplanted
organ, causing it to hemorrhage mas-
sively. Although this reaction presents
an imposing barrier to xenotransplan-
tation, recent experiments suggest that
scientists may yet overcome it.
For example, in 1992 David J. G.
White and his colleagues at the Univer-
sity of Cambridge managed to create
“transgenic” pigs, bearing on the inner
walls of their blood vessels proteins that
can prevent human complement pro-
teins from doing damage. They did this
by introducing into pig embryos a hu-
man gene that directs the production of
a human complement-inhibiting pro-
tein [see “Transgenic Livestock as Drug
Factories,” by William H. Velander,
Henryk Lubon and William N. Dro-
han; Scientific American, January].
White and his co-workers have not yet
tested how tissues from these pigs fare
in a human host, but organs from such

genetically engineered pigs have func-

tioned for as long as two months in
monkeys, because the pig cells that are
in direct contact with the host’s im-
mune system are able to quash the first
wave of attack.
Other methods may also serve to
thwart hyperacute rejection. In 1991 TRANSPLANTS OF TISSUES from animals to humans (xenotransplants) have been
one of us (Cooper), along with several attempted experimentally using a variety of donor animals, from frogs to baboons and
other investigators, identified the specific pigs. Most efforts quickly failed. But doctors may soon perfect ways to transplant or-
molecular fragments, or antigens, on gans, such as the heart, from specially bred pigs.

Xenotransplantation Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc. Scientific American July 1997 55
pig tissues that human antibodies tar- yet managed to induce accommodation human organs. Doctors of these patients
get. The cells lining pig vasculature have reliably in animals undergoing xeno- were able to reduce, and ultimately elim-
on their surfaces antigens made up of a transplantation. But Guy Alexandre inate, the normal regimen of immuno-
particular sugar group. So it may be pos- and his colleagues at the University of suppressive drugs.
sible to breed (or indeed to clone) a line Louvain Medical School in Belgium Though still an elusive goal, the in-
of genetically engineered pigs that lack have achieved it in certain patients who duction of immunologic tolerance is an
this troublesome sugar group. received human organs from donors area of vigorous research, and advances
One plan would eliminate the enzyme with incompatible blood types—a situa- are sure to come. Curiously, it may ulti-
that adds the sugar in the first place. Al- tion that, like xenotransplantation, nor- mately prove easier to achieve tolerance
ternatively, scientists could provide pigs mally sparks hyperacute rejection. with xenotransplantation than with tra-
with a gene specifying an enzyme that ditional organ transplants. Donated hu-
would replace the problematic sugar Fostering Tolerance man organs need to be procured urgent-
with some other carbohydrate structure. ly under emergency conditions, but ani-
For example, they could give pigs the
gene for an enzyme that replaced exist-
ing antigens with the human type O
I nvestigators studying xenotransplan-
tation are optimistic that, with some
combination of these methods, immedi-
mal organs would be available on
demand. That flexibility might give phy-
sicians adequate time to reprogram the
blood group antigen, which does not ately harmful immune reactions can be immune system of the recipient.
elicit an immune response. Or, in princi- overcome. Yet grafts of animal tissues One way to create tolerance involves
ple, the offensive groups could be re- in patients would still fall prey to more modifying the immune system of the pa-
moved by introducing into a pig the delayed forms of immune rejection, tient with bone marrow cells from the
gene for an enzyme that degrades the which can take days or weeks to devel- donor animal. (Bone marrow is the
undesirable sugar. op. In particular, the so-called cellular source of all components of the blood,
Yet another strategy to prevent hy- immune response to grafts from animals including the white blood cells of the
peracute rejection would be to alter the is likely to be at least as strong as the ro- immune system.) Once introduced, the
recipient’s immune system so that it can- bust attacks that white blood cells of the donated cells spread and mature, creat-
not destroy the transplanted tissue. For immune system often mount against or- ing a “chimeric” immune system that is
example, using standard apparatus, gans transplanted from one person to part donor, part recipient. The aim is to
doctors can remove from the patient’s another. Avoiding such delayed reactions alter the patient’s immune system so that
blood all the antibodies to pig tissue. It might require massive doses of immu- it does not recognize as foreign either
is also possible to deplete the comple- nosuppressive drugs, such as cyclospor- the donated cells or subsequently trans-
ment proteins temporarily or otherwise ine, to be given indefinitely, and the risks planted tissues from the same animal.
interfere with their activation. Remark- of toxicity, infections and other compli- Following this strategy, David H.
ably, animal studies suggest that if sur- cations would be excessive. Sachs and his colleagues at Massachu-
geons transplant a pig organ while the Newly devised immunosuppressive setts General Hospital injected bone
patient’s immune system is so sup- agents should help, but it would clearly marrow cells from donor pigs (along
pressed, the organ may—for reasons that be more desirable if the human body with substances to stimulate prolifera-
remain largely mysterious—achieve ac- could be induced to accept animal tis- tion of the cells) into baboons. These
commodation, a state that enables it to sues without requiring ongoing drug animals had undergone a course of ra-
survive even after the host’s antibodies therapy. That happy condition might diation to deplete their immune systems
and complement return to normal levels. seem impossibly difficult to arrange. But temporarily and prevent rejection of the
The transplanted organ then continues hope springs from the observation that pig bone marrow cells. The researchers
to work despite a distinct lack of toler- long-term organ acceptance, or immuno- also filtered from the blood of the ba-
ance from the host’s immune system. logic tolerance, has occurred spontane- boons those antibodies directed against
Unfortunately, researchers have not ously in a few people who have received pig tissues and administered a brief
course of immunosuppressive drugs. Al-
though the baboons’ immune systems
HYPERACUTE REJECTION of a pig organ transplanted into a patient would very eventually killed most of the transplant-
likely occur in minutes. It ensues after antibodies bind to the linear sugar chains lining ed cells, some pig DNA survived in one
pig blood vessels (left). But tissues from pigs genetically engineered to carry the angular of the baboons for almost a year. What
sugar groups found in people with type O blood should not elicit such reactions (right).
is more, an important component of this
chimeric baboon’s immune system—the

aggressive killer T cells—no longer re-
acted to the pig cells as foreign.
Such research may yield ways to pre-
vent immune rejection of organs trans-
HUMAN planted from animals, but truly effec-
PIG SUGAR tive measures are probably still some
SUGAR CHAIN years away. Another scheme for evad-
CHAIN ing rejection is, however, already under-
going clinical trials: immunoisolation.
Following this approach, physicians
MEMBRANE physically sequester transplanted tissue
within a membrane that allows small

56 Scientific American July 1997 Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc. Xenotransplantation
Episodes in the History
of Xenotransplantation
1682 CHRISTIAAN BARNARD (right), well
known for performing the first suc-
ANIMAL TISSUES were trans- cessful human heart transplant a
planted into a person for the first decade earlier, tried to use baboon

time when a doctor repaired and chimpanzee hearts as tempo-

the skull of an injured Russian rary backup pumps in two patients
nobleman using a piece of skull with hearts that did not function


from a dog. The surgery was said to have been successful, properly after cardiac surgery. But
but the Russian Church threatened the nobleman with ex- the animal organs, being too small
communication, prompting him to have the graft removed. and subject to rejection, failed to
help the patients survive.


FROG SKIN was often grafted Late
onto patients’ skin in an at- 1800s 1984
tempt to heal burns or skin ul- BABY FAE, born prema-


cers. One British army sur- turely with a malformed
geon claimed to have per- heart, received a heart
formed hundreds of these from a baboon. Despite
procedures with good results. the use of the new immu-
nosuppressive drug cy-
closporine, the infant lived
1920 only 20 more days.

SERGE VORONOFF, an émigré doctor

in Paris, began transplanting tissues

from the testicles of monkeys into el-

derly men. He claimed that these sex-

ual rejuvenation treatments instilled boons to humans, conducted at
new vigor, but experts were skeptical. the University of Pittsburgh,
proved a mixed success. One
patient survived for more than
1963 two months with the animal liv-
to 1965 er. But the massive immunosup-
pression necessary to avoid re-
CHIMPANZEE KIDNEYS were jection eventually brought on
transplanted into 13 patients fatal infection.

by Keith Reemtsma, a profes-

sor of surgery at Tulane Uni-
versity in Louisiana. One of
his patients survived for a full 1995
nine months after the opera-
MARK RICHARDS Contact Press Images

tion (even returning to her

job as a schoolteacher) be- JEFF GETTY received immune
fore succumbing to a severe electrolyte imbalance. Remark- cells from a baboon in an at-
ably, the animal kidneys she had received (photograph) tempt to combat his severe
showed no signs of rejection on inspection at autopsy. AIDS. Although the baboon cells
died quickly, his condition mys-
teriously appeared to improve.

1964 1997

FIRST CARDIAC TRANSPLANT attempted to put a chim- CLINICAL TRIAL using pig fetal nerve cells in pa-
panzee heart into a human. The pioneering effort, tients with Parkinson’s disease indicated some suc-
conducted by James D. Hardy at the University of Mis- cess. The injected pig cells survived in the brain of
sissippi, failed within two hours because the heart at least one person for more than seven months.
proved too small to support the patient’s circulation.
Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc.





PREVENTING DELAYED REJECTION of cross-species organ remove antibody molecules that would react with pig cells. Fi-
transplants might be possible by altering the recipient’s immune nally, the baboon received the bone marrow cells from the do-
system so that it includes components from the donor. To test nor pig (3). Afterward, killer T cells isolated from the baboon’s
this strategy in animals, a baboon slated to receive bone marrow immune system did not attack cells from the donor pig. If other
cells (the source of all immune cells) from a pig was first given components of the recipient’s immune system could be equally
radiation and drugs (1) to prevent immune rejection of the tamed, organs transplanted from a donor pig (4) should be able
transplanted cells. The baboon’s blood was also filtered (2) to to survive indefinitely in the new host.

molecules (such as nutrients, oxygen and easily and can maintain them outside the culties, two of us (Lanza and Chick),
certain therapeutic agents) to cross it body for longer periods than are possi- along with colleagues at BioHybrid
while blocking large molecules (such as ble when working with intact organs. Technologies, have developed ways to
antibodies) and white blood cells from Recent attempts at using encapsulat- encase cells in small, biodegradable cap-
reaching the graft. This tactic is feasible ed cells from animals to treat liver fail- sules that can be injected under the skin
only for protecting isolated cells or small ure, chronic pain and amyotrophic lat- or placed in the abdominal cavity with
packages of tissues, not for whole or- eral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease) have a syringe. Less than a gram of encapsu-
gans. So it does not address the needs of all shown promise in clinical trials. Med- lated islets from pigs should supply a
someone who requires, for example, a ical researchers may soon try to implant diabetic patient with normal amounts
new heart or kidney. It should nonethe- immunoisolated cells from animals to of insulin. Although a vast number of
less be valuable for treating many dis- provide the blood-clotting factors hemo- cells are involved, the total volume re-
orders. And it offers some practical ad- philiacs need or to produce nerve growth quired for these implants would be only
vantages: physicians can manipulate cells factors that might help reverse certain a few dozen cubic centimeters.
or small masses of tissue comparatively neurodegenerative disorders. In recent tests, encapsulated islet cells
Some investigators are especially ea- from cows remained alive in dogs for
ger to treat diabetes with isolated pig six weeks (the point at which the exper-
islet cells. Although one of us (Chick) iment ended). These results, and others
pioneered the use of “perfused” devices from studies of mice, rats and rabbits,
(large sheathed implants connected to a indicate that encapsulated pig islets
supply of blood) for this purpose, it is would most likely survive in patients
easy to see some disadvantages to that for anywhere from several months to
particular technique. Most important, more than a year. Eventually the tiny

the patient requires major surgery, and packages would degrade, so no surgery
the device is apt to become clotted. En- would be needed to remove the old cap-
gineering hollow plastic fibers or cham- sules when the supply of islet cells need-
bers unconnected to the bloodstream to ed to be replenished. Clinical trials of
isolate cells from the recipient’s immune this technique should begin within a year.
system also has drawbacks: although the
surgery needed would be less traumatic Troublemaking Hitchhikers
than for a perfused device, it is unclear
the pancreas of a pig may eventually serve
to produce insulin in patients afflicted with
diabetes. The biodegradable polymer
how well a patient could tolerate the
plastic materials or having the implant
replaced many times—a likely require-
T he growing sense that xenotrans-
plantation may be near at hand rais-
es some critical concerns. In particular,
membrane surrounding the islets allows
insulin out but protects the islets from at- ment of long-term therapy. many experts worry that animal donors
tack by immune components. In an effort to overcome these diffi- might harbor diseases that, like the

58 Scientific American July 1997 Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc. Xenotransplantation
Ebola virus or “mad cow” disease, can
harm people. After infecting a transplant
patient, such pathogens might spread
Dealing with Viral Stowaways
into the general population and spark
an epidemic. Indeed, scientists now be-
lieve HIV (the human immunodeficien-
T he observation that pigs have passed only a few pathogens to humans de-
spite centuries of close contact assures many people that transplanting or-
gans from these animals would not give rise to any new and dangerous diseases.
cy virus, which causes AIDS) originated Still, there are reasons to be cautious.
in monkeys and somehow jumped the Certain retroviruses—viruses that incorporate their genetic blueprint directly
species barrier to infect humans. into the host’s DNA—pose a possible threat. Pigs, as well as all other mammals,
Thus, widespread transplantation of contain within their genetic stores so-called proviruses—sequences of genetic
tissues from monkeys or baboons could code that can potentially direct the production of infectious viral particles. (As
conceivably put the general health at much as 1 percent of the DNA people carry is made of such viral genes.) These se-
risk. Fortunately, the threat of such a quences owe their presence in modern animals to past episodes of retroviral in-
catastrophe is markedly less with pigs fection in their ancestors, when the viruses inserted their genetic code into sperm
as donors. People have lived in close as- or egg cells. The offspring of the infected animals retained these viral genes, which
sociation with pigs for thousands of were then passed from generation to generation. Over time, most of these vesti-
years, and yet, except for the possibility gial viruses have evolved into forms harmless to their hosts. Yet some remain ca-
of some flu strains, few serious diseases pable of activity that can cause disease in other species.
of swine origin appear ever to have So scientists naturally worry about what the proviruses of pigs would do when
arisen in humans. conveyed into a patient along with tissues transplanted from these animals. Not
Pigs could be especially good donors only does this transfer offer the resulting virus direct access to human cells, it may
for other reasons as well. They are rela- also present it with a uniquely susceptible victim—one having, for the sake of pre-
tively easy to raise and have organs that serving the transplanted organ, a compromised immune system. Under these cir-
are comparable in size and physiology cumstances, pig proviruses might be able to give rise to active retroviruses, per-
to human organs. Breeds of pigs al- haps causing illness. It is also conceivable that these pig retroviruses could mutate
ready exist that are free from certain in human hosts or combine with human retroviruses to produce a completely new
known pathogens. And, unlike the case pathogen. The result might be quite dangerous: unlike the viruses that bring on a
with primates, few voice ethical con- short-lived swine flu, certain retroviruses are potentially cancer-causing and pro-
cerns about killing an animal that peo- duce lifelong infection.
ple routinely slaughter for food. Molecular biologists are working hard to identify troublesome proviruses lurk-
Still, many questions need to be solved ing within pig DNA and eliminate them from breeding herds. The genetic manip-
before the transplantation of pig tissues ulations involved may yet require significant effort, but the results of this work
into ailing patients becomes a reality. In should help quell any remaining fears that xenotransplantation could cause new
addition to the challenge of immune re- human diseases. —R.P.L., D.K.C.C. and W.L.C.
jection, scientists must also make sure
that transplanted pig organs perform
properly in their new hosts. Pig hearts
and kidneys have functioned adequately able to sustain life for a short period of transplantation—and replace any fail-
in some primates for several weeks, and time, allowing, for example, the pa- ing organ with an animal substitute.
it seems likely that such organs would tient’s own liver to recover from a tem- But the transplantation of isolated cells
work in humans as well. But a pig liver porary shutdown. and tissues appears poised on the thresh-
would probably not be able to carry It may take many years before physi- old of modern medical practice. And
out the myriad functions of a human cians can routinely outwit evolution—as we are optimistic that soon there will be
liver, although the pig organ may be some have labeled the goal of xeno- some true successes to report. SA

The Authors Further Reading

CHICK share a long-standing interest in the transplantation of animal H. Winkler, C. Ferran, K. M. Stuhlmeier, C. J. Wrighton and
cells and organs. Lanza, who earned his M.D. in 1983 from the Univer- W. W. Hancock in Nature Medicine, Vol. 1, No. 9, pages
sity of Pennsylvania, is director of transplantation biology at BioHybrid 869–873; September 1995.
Technologies in Shrewsbury, Mass. As a student, he studied with heart XENOTRANSPLANTATION AND XENOGENEIC INFECTIONS. L. E.
transplant poineer Christiaan Barnard and Nobel laureate immunolo- Chapman, T. M. Folks, D. R. Salomon, A. P. Patterson, T. E.
gists Gerald Edelman and Rodney Porter. Cooper holds M.D. and Eggerman and P. D. Noguchi in New England Journal of
Ph.D. degrees from the University of London and is currently an immu- Medicine, Vol. 333, No. 22, pages 1498–1501; November 30,
nologist at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospi- 1995.
tal. He previously worked as a cardiothoracic transplant surgeon and YEARBOOK OF CELL AND TISSUE TRANSPLANTATION 1996/1997.
director of research and education at the Oklahoma Transplantation Edited by Robert P. Lanza and William L. Chick. Kluwer Aca-
Institute. Chick received his M.D. degree from New York University in demic Publishers, 1996.
1963. He was formerly a professor of biochemistry and medicine at the XENOTRANSPLANTATION: THE TRANSPLANTATION OF ORGANS
University of Massachusetts Medical School, where he served as direc- AND TISSUES BETWEEN SPECIES. Second edition. Edited by
tor of the Diabetes-Endocrinology Research Center. He now serves as D.K.C. Cooper, E. Kemp, J. L. Platt and D.J.G. White. Spring-
the president of BioHybrid Technologies. er-Verlag, 1997.

Xenotransplantation Copyright 1997 Scientific American, Inc. Scientific American July 1997 59

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