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Rich Evidence Set: Assessment

Name: Jodie Wilde School: Cassia PS Yr. Level/Subject Area: Kindergarten

Situation: Briefly outline the circumstances surrounding the Action: describe the skills/knowledge/competencies required Outcome: Describes the results of your action.-
example of a situation that had a positive outcome or one in to address the situation- outline the steps you took to complete summarise the results of the action and/or the Professional
which professional growth occurred. the task. Growth that occurred.
Where, why and when did you do the task? What did you do? How did you do it? What was the result of your action? How do you know? What
 Graduate teacher with no ECE experience working as  Using the school’s kindergarten report, I designed a would you do differently next time?
a Kindergarten teacher in a regional community matrix against which to assess the student’s prior  Comprehensive diagnostic testing allowed me to
 30% indigenous/ESL background with no prior knowledge create a program that was suitable for the level of
schooling experience  From this, I designed assessment task that would engage the students, built on prior knowledge and worked
 Reporting expectation of the school were very specific students and determine their prior knowledge towards the school’s reporting outcomes
 Diagnostic assessment required to determine a  Once data had been collected, I developed long-term  Assessment tasks completed across the semester
starting point for programming – no information and mid-term plans to direct learning to the schools enabled me to monitor progress and make changes
regarding prior knowledge reporting requirement to teaching strategies where necessary if progress
 Learning groups were developed so that I could work was not being made
with small groups on specific areas of need at their level  Having a clear idea of the students prior knowledge
 Case management where needed, in consultation with enabled me to design and implement tasks that
coach would engage them at the correct level in small
 The assessment tasks were repeated throughout the group scaffolded activities
semester as formative assessments to determine need  Students made significant progress across the
for change in programming and planning/teaching semester towards the school’s reporting
strategies ourtcomes, as seen in report
 Assessment tasks were repeated as summative
assessment for reporting purpose at the end of the
Supporting Evidence: e.g. Planning Documents- Short Mid & Long term /IEPs/IBMPs/ Data/ Work samples/ Emails/ Photographs/Certificates/Reports

Professional Knowledge Professional Practice Professional Engagement

Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4 Standard 5 Standard 6 Standard 7
Know students and how Know content and how to Plan for and implement Create and maintain Assess, provide feedback and Engage in professional Engage professionally with
they learn teach it effective teaching and supportive and safe learning report on student learning learning colleagues, parents/carers
 Physical, social and learning environments and the community
intellectual development  Content and teaching  Assess student learning  Identify and plan professional
and characteristics of strategies of the teaching  Establish challenging learning  Support student participation  Provide feedback to students learning needs  Meet professional ethics and
students area goals  Manage classroom activities on their learning  Engage in professional responsibilities
 Understand how students  Content selection and  Plan, structure and sequence  Manage challenging  Make consistent and learning and improve practice  Comply with legislative,
learn organisation learning programs behaviour comparable judgements  Engage with colleagues and administrative and
 Students with linguistic,  Curriculum, assessment and  Use teaching strategies  Maintain student safety  Interpret student data improve practice organisational requirements
cultural, religious and reporting  Select and use resources  Use ICT safely, responsibly  Report on student  Apply professional learning  Engage with the
socioeconomic backgrounds  Understand and respect  Use effective classroom and ethically achievement and improve student learning parents/carers
 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait communication  Engage with professional
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote  Evaluate and improve teaching networks and
Islander students reconciliation between teaching programs broader communities
 Differentiate teaching to Indigenous and non-  Engage parents/carers in the
meet the specific learning Indigenous Australians educative process
needs of students across the  Literacy and numeracy
full range of abilities. strategies
 Strategies to support full  Information and
participation of students Communication Technology
with disability (ICT)

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