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** PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COPY ** Schedule B Schedule of Contributors mans 1150 cow Pr D> Arach to Foem 950, Form 0-2, o Farm 80-F coil tach to Form 000, Form 990-82, or Form S90-PF, 2012 Name of the organization ‘Employer Identification number CENTER FOR INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM 54-1916980 ideeeaon Nea Ene one Filters of: ‘Section: For 980 oF 880-E2 CX] sore 4 ) enter number orgerization (71 4947(¢K1) nonexempt charitable trust not treated as private foundation 4527 poltical organization oO Form 990-FF 501/08) exempt private foundation [7 4947(a,1) nonexempt chartable trust treated es a private foundation oO '501(¢}3) taxable private foundation Attach to Form 990, Form 860-2, or Farr 990-PF. ittttagea ta epee eee > Information about Schedule B (Form 960, 990-£2, or 260-PF) and 2013 its intuctions is at www.ks govform90. Name ofthe organization Employer ertifcaton number CENTER FOR INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM $4-1916980. Organization type(check one} Flere of Section: Form 990 or 990-62, CO sovfeK 4 » (enter numben organization [1 2947(ay(1) nonexempt chantable trust not treated as a private foundation (1 227 pottical organization Form 990 PF 50124) exempt private foundation 1) 424 7{aitt) nonenempt chantable ust treated as a private foundation 1 501(2\) taxable private foundation {Gheck your organtation le covered by he General Rule oF Special Rule. Note. Ony 2 section 501(0K7, (010) exgarization can check boxes for bo the General Rule and a Special Aula. Soe instructions. General Rule CX] Foran organization fing Form 990, 980 £Z, or 990-PF that received, during the year, $5,000 ar more jn money oF property) fromany ane contbutor, Compote Pats | ard I Special Rules 1 Fora section 501109) organization fting Form 990 or 980 that met the 83 1/0% support tast ofthe regutatons under sections 509.) and 17OR0KXAKYI and racoivad rom any one contrbutor. during the year, a contribution ofthe greater of (1) 85.000 or (2) 296 ‘ofthe amount on) Faun 990, Part Vil ine t,o) Foam S80, ine 1. Complete Parts | and I 1 Fora section 501147, (8, oF (10) organization fing Form 990 or 9S0-EZ thet received from any one contributor, during the year, ‘otal contibutions of more than $1,000 for use exclusively or agious,chartable,sciontif, ery, or educational purposes, oF the prevention of cruelty to chigren or animals. Complate Parts I and 1 Fora section 5014647), 0 (10) organization fing Form 990 or 990-EZ that received from any one contrisutor, during the year, ‘contnbutions for use oxcsvely or olgious, chartabe, ec, Purposes, but these contributions did not total to moe than $1,000. Its box is ehecked,entor nor he total caniroutions that were received during the year for an exclisively elgious, charitable, ec purpose. Do not complete any ofthe parts unless the General Rule apple fo his ergarization because it received nanexchisvely relgious, chartable tc, contbutions of $5,000 or more during the year >s ‘Coution, An organization thats rot covered by the General Fula andr the Specat Rules does not fle Schedule B (Form 990, 99042, or 900-7), butit must anewor °No" on Part 1, ne 2, ofits Form 990; er check tho Box an line Hof ts Form SB0-EZ oF on its Form G90.PF, Pat ne 2, 0 cari that it does nat moet te fling requirements of Scheduie & (Form 990, 990-£7, or SBDPA, HA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions For Form 960, @90-EZ, or 990-PF. Schedule B (Form $90, 8047, oF 990-PF) (2013)

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