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My name is Ms. Alysia Campbell and I am excited to welcome you to Biology!

You will learn a lot and work hard.

Listed below are some areas to be aware of.

How to Contact Me:

-Phone: 781-741-1560 ext. 2124
-Google Classroom: (code given for each class)

Course Materials:
Students are expected to bring the following items to class each day:
-3 ring binder (exclusively for Biology class) with lined paper
-pens, pencils, and highlighters
-colored pencils (highly recommended)
-headphones (highly recommended)

Your textbook can be left at home, if you choose. There is an online textbook that you can access using the
following information.
Website: Username: hhsbiologystudents Password: biology!

Class Work:
Please be on time and prepared for class. Class time will consist of a variety of activities including lectures,
discussions, laboratory activities, modeling, etc. Active participation is important to the class and the best
way to learn. We will be using electronic devices frequently. On-task behavior is expected including using
Apps and the camera only as required by the assignment. Remember that all students must abide by the
Acceptable Use Policy from the Student Handbook any time a school device or Wi-Fi is being used.

Students are expected to check the whiteboard and/or Google Classroom for assignments. Along with the
assigned homework, students should be studying the material nightly. This studying should be in a form that
works best for you, i.e. flashcards, reviewing class notes, etc. Homework completion is very important as it
will prepare you for the next class and is part of the study process. Homework will be accepted late up until
the unit exam, but will not receive more than 50% credit. Repeatedly not having assignments completed
will result in an e-mail to your parent/guardian.

-If you miss class YOU are responsible for getting the notes and handouts. Contact a classmate or check
Google Classroom to keep up to date with missed work. Google Classroom will contain copies of class notes
and all handouts. Also, there is a bin next to the emergency shower at the front of the room that will contain
hard copies of the handouts given out each day. It is YOUR responsibility to complete the makeup work and
show it to me in a timely fashion.
**All missed work (labs, classwork, homework) must be turned in PRIOR to taking the unit exam!!!!**
-If you are present on the day of an assessment, you are expected to take the assessment. These dates are
given in advance so if you are absent on the review day, you are expected to review independently. If you are
absent on the day of the assessment, you will have one week to schedule a makeup.
Extra Help/Makeups:
I encourage students to come see me for extra help or to get any questions from class answered. I am
available most days after school and before school except Wednesday afternoons which are reserved for
meetings. Please see me to arrange a time to make up assignments so I am aware that you intend to come.

Your grade is calculated on a total points system. Each assignment will be assigned a total number of
possible points. At mid-term and the end of each term your grade will be calculated and progress
reports/report cards are available. You will earn grades on homework, laboratory activities, laboratory
participation, classwork, group projects, and tests/quizzes. You can stay up to date on your progress by
checking the Aspen X2 portal. There will be a cumulative mid-year exam worth 10% of the final grade. There
will be a final research project in place of a final exam worth 10% of the final grade.

-In June, all students take the Biology MCAS test which needs to be passed as a graduation requirement.
-Be respectful of yourself, your classmates, and me.
-You are responsible and accountable for your actions.
-Discuss the concepts from class to help you make connections and understand the material better.

Outline of Topics Covered:

1. Science Skills
2. The Chemistry of Life
3. Cell Biology
4. Genetics
5. Molecular Heredity
6. Evolution and Classification
7. Human Body Systems
8. Energy Processes
9. Ecology

Biology Contract

I have read the above syllabus and understand what is expected of me in this course and by Ms. Campbell. I will
make every effort to be an active and engaged member of this class. I will ask for help when I need it. I will put in
the effort and time necessary to be successful in this course. I will do my best on the Biology MCAS.

Student Signature: Date:

________________________________________________________________ ________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: Date:

________________________________________________________________ ________________

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