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Fine Young Cannibals

John 6:51-58

More talk about bread? Do you ever notice that

sometimes our weekly Bible verses seem to
hop, skip and jump all around the gospels
(Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and
sometimes they all follow one right after
another? This is our third week in the 6th
chapter of John and our third week talking
about bread. And this week we get gross,
bloody, and gruesome! How fun is that?
Oh, yeah. This week’s scripture should come
on Halloween, because this is the scripture where Jesus tells us to
eat his body and drink his blood. Some people think that means
Jesus was really creepy!
Okay, it might not seem so strange to us, since many of us have
grown up in the church and we have heard of communion. We know
that Jesus wasn’t talking about zombies, monsters, or scary movies.
We know He was talking about things of the spirit. He was talking
about things that make our faith in him stronger and our
relationships with God better. Right?
So, if you have communion on a Sunday morning, and you eat the
bread and drink the wine/grape juice, do you think about Jesus’s
body and blood? Do you think about the hard life he lived and the
things he taught us? Do you remember that he was crucified on a
cross and that three days later Mary found him standing in the
garden, very much alive?
There are so many things to remember.
It’s kind of weird for some people to hear Jesus’s words about his
body and blood. Some people think about cannibals and eating
people. They get a little grossed out. But, we know the rest of the
story and it’s pretty cool.
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Single use permission granted in homes and churches © 2012 Tamalyn L. Kralman
Please contact for all other uses.

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