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Student’s name: the 27th of September 2017

Test de evaluare inițială – Limba engleză

Clasa a VI- a L1
Anul scolar 2017-2018


1. Dictation: (1,80 p.)

2. Conjugate the verbs, following the indications: (4 x 0,50 p = 2,00 p)

TO BE, present simple, TO LISTEN, past simple, TO READ, present continuous, TO LEARN, future simple,
positive questions positive statement negative question positive statement
3. Look at the picture and complete the right word below: (8 x 0,15 p = 1,20 p)


4. Translate into English: (5 x 0,40 p = 2,00 p)

a) Când începe școala?
b) De ce nu ți-ai făcut temele?
c) Unde este cartea ta de limba engleză?
d) Nilul este mai lung decât Dunărea, este cel mai lung fluviu din lume.
e) Mi-ar plăcea să iau lecții de înot.

Subiectul II (2 puncte)

Write a short text about what were you wearing in the first day of this school year.

Se acordă 1 p din oficiu.


I love my primary school teacher. She is tall and thin and has got long straight
blonde hair and green eyes.

She is smart, kind, calm and friendly. With her hard-working, helpful, pacient
and caring temper, she taught us a lot of interesting things.

Mrs. .............. is the Good Fairy of our childhood.

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