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uctrlrf:r in Cartogroph}'
lrutitute oj Geographical Exploration
Harvard University



JOHN C. Wk:AVER, COTlsulting Editor

General Cartography
JOHN C. WEAVER , Consulting Edilor



Fi71ch and Trewaftha - ELEMENTS OF GEOGRAPHY:

Physical and Cultural

Fi,u;h and Trewartha - PHY ICAL ELEMENTS OF

(A republication of Part I of the above)






Whitbeck and .Finch-ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY

Whitbeck and Williams-ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY

VERNON C. FINCH was Consulting Editor of this series

from its inception in 1934 to 1951.

Copyright, 1938, 1948, by the McGraw-HiU Book Company, Inc. Printed in the
United States of America. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof,
may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publishers.



whose devotion and care
made this book possible
Preface to the Second Edition
World-shaking vents have takcn place since the original ' T neral Car-
tography' was published. The glol al war brought forth an inter st in
cartography unparalleled sin the time of Columbus and Magellan. oldiers
were trained by th million in map reading map making, and the use of
airplane photographs. The public, confronted with geographical problems
of all parts of th world demanded maps, and maps were wanting. Our old
types of maps and atlas s failed to pr sent the true nature, life, conomics, and
problems of th various parts of th world. In r sponse to increased demands,
a new school of cartography is developing wi th great promise for a renaissance
of this art.
In view of thes changes, this book has been thoroughly r vised. A we now
look more to the future than to the past, th 'cction on the history of cartog-
raphy has been short. n d. Global problems brought new interest to map
projections, which are discussed in more detail. The greatest changes, how-
ever, are in the second part of the book. The chapter on topographi and
military maps has been enlarged, and an ntirely new chapter has been added
on th us of airplane photography in mapping. irplane photoreadin has
also been treated in a separate chapter. A chapter on surveying methods has
b en added at the demand of geography stud nt . With all these changes the
book was enlarged by more than one third of its former length, and th .
number of illustrations is half again as many as before. The large doublc-
column size help the readability of the book.
The author received much assi tanc in the pr paration of thi dition.
Part of the chapt r on g ographic name was written by Dr. Meredith F.
Burrill; the rotation method for oblique proj tions is quoted from Richard
E. Harrison' the chapter on airplan photography was read and corr cted by
Major Edward . Wood, Jr.' much of the medieval hi tory of maps is the
work of Dr. Dana Durand. All the laborious work of inserting, proofreading,
indexing, etc. was done by Mrs. Donald M. Smith. Various gov rnment
agencies, too numerous to mention here, were most helpful in supplying data
for the new chapters.
Although the book was originally d signed for us a a ollege text, it also
proved to be of interest to a large circle of I' aders among the general public.
Th main purpo of this book is not so much to train topographic draftsmen
in the technicaliti s of their profession as to h Ip toward the d eper under-
standing of the broader asp cts of this complex art. The purpose is to train
leaders rather than followers.
May, 1948
Preface to the First Edition
Maps constitute an important part of the equipment of modern civilization.
everal million dollars' worth of maps are published every year in this country
alone and their production gives a livelihood to thousands of persons.
Maps are in the hands of school children and college students, railway
passengers, motorists, and aviators. They are necessary to the statesman and
the general, the hi tori an and the economist, the teacher, the engineer, the
merchant, and the salesman. The production of maps is bound to grow with
the growth of the population and its interest and activities; yet, when we
look for literatur on the cien e and art of map making, we find that sur-
prisingly little has been written.
Especially is this true of the United Stat s. Most of the American books,
such as those of Reed, Finch, Stuart, Deetz, and Ridgway, are written from
the point of view of th practical draftsman. There are a number of works on
map projections; of special importance are the publications of the Coast and
Geodetic Survey. We find also a few treatises On historical cartography.
Finally, there are some excellent books for use in military schools. There is,
however, no Am rican book which collects the scattered material in a manner
satisfa tory to the student of geography in our colleges.
The cartographic literature of ~ritain is rather more co ious. The
works of Reed, Rinks, Winterbotham, Debenham, and some others are very
good. Much has been written for students in military schools, to whom
cartography is an important subject. Mo t of the books, however, include the
subject of surveying, which, in the present writer's opinion, can be better
treated in separate works.
Mor important is the cartographic literature of Germany. Several German
universities offer excellent courses in cartography; and th re are admirable
textbooks by Z6ppritz, Zondervan (Dutch), Geissler, and others. Max
Eckert's "Die Kartenwissenschaft," in two large octavo volumes, is the most
extensive treatise on the subject. The French, panish, Italian, wedish,
and Polish literature is important also, especially in the field of historical
Clearly, there is roam for additions to the literature on map making in the
English language, particularly as addressed to an American public.
The field of cartography is a wide one. Although it has definite contacts
with such varied studies as history, mathematics, and art, it comprises within
itself a well-rounded cours , without trespassing upon other branches of
geographical science and without taking in the special subject of surv ying.
Every department of geography in our in titution of higher learning
should include a distinct cours in cartography, and ther should be a liter-

ature on the subj ct adequat and appropriate to the needs of both teachers
and students. To promote this aim is the chief purpose of the present work.
The author is indebted to Profs. Vernor C. Finch, George B. Cressey, and
Derwent S. Whittlesey for encouragement and professional advice in the
preparation of this book. He is also grateful to Dr. Hamilton Rice, Director of
the Institute of Geographical Exploration, Harvard University, who gave a
generous allowance of time and advice to the author. Norman S. Burdett,
E. A. Ackerman, Mrs. Margaret Curtis, and Elmer Harp, Jr., read parts of
the manuscript and made many valuable suggestions. Chapter 18, which
deals with the important topographical surveys of the world, was checked by
Ena Yonge of the American Geographical Society; titles and quotations were
also checked with the help of the extensive card catalogue of the American
Geographical ociety. Clara Egli of the Library of Congress made many
important corrections in Chap. 4, dealing with the history of American
cartography. Mrs. Grace Smith, Dr. Mary Catherine Welborn, and Anne
Moran helped not only with typing but also with the phrasing of the manu-
script. Walter G. Webster inked in many of the author's sketches. The author
wants to express his gratitude to publishers and periodicals that gave permis-
sion to use their illustrations; their names are included in the legends to the
November, 1938
Priface to tM Second Edition vi

Preface to 1M First Edition. vii

Introduction . • . . . . . xi



Chapter 1. Manuscript Maps . . . . . . . 3
2. The Renaissance of Maps. . . . 19
3. The Refonnation of Cartography . 32
4. American Cartography . . . . . 43


5. Scale.~, Parallels, and Meridians 54
6. Projections. . . . . . . . . . 63
7. The Conic Group of Projections 73
8. The Azimuthal Projections . . . 80


9. Symbols . . . . . . 97
10. Relief Features . . . 103
11. Other Relief Methods . 115
12. Map Reading . . . 124


13. Lettering and Geographical Names . 133
14. Composition and Drafting of Maps . 144-
15. Drawing Tools and Materials . 148
16. Methods of Map Reproduction. . . 156



17. Surveying . . . 167
18. Sketching. . . . . . . . . 180
19. Aerosurveying . . . . . . . 185
20. Airplane Photo rnterpretation 196


21. Government Maps . 202
22. Charts . . . . . . 210
,23. Private Maps . . . 216
24. Cartography in War 225


25. Diagrams. . . 235
26. tatistical Maps , . 245
27. CartogTams. . ' 256
28. Globes and Models, 265


29. Land-slope Analysis . . , . . . , . 277
30. I.and-use and E Oll omi ' Maps. . . . 283
31. Geological Maps and Block Diagrams . 297
32. Maps of the Various Sciences . . . . 309

1. Preservation and Cataloguing of Maps 321
2. Exercises . . . . . , . . . . . . . 325
3. Tab! s ' . . . . , . , , , . , . . 332
4. Bibliography of Easily Available R eferences 337

The Earth's Pattern. "Like an ant upon a rug," says P. E. James, "man
may know very exactly the nature of the fabri ncar by, but the general design
is b yond his rang of vision. In order to reduce the larger patterns of the face
of the arth to such proportions that they can be compreh nded in a single
view, the geographer makes use of a map.' In these words he states the essen-
tial problem of artography, or the making of maps.
Let us imagine that our ants have conceived a desire to know the general
layout of the rug and that they have assigned some of their number the task
of measuring the various pat hes exactly and have given some others the task
of collecting these measurements and of drawing up the results so that they
can be viewed as a whole. Examination of this drawing will reveal a pattern
of whi h they were ignorant before, and no doubt some wise ants will propose
various theories to account for the nature and final meaning of this pattern.
How much asier and simpler is the problem of these ants in regard to the
rug than is ours in regard to the earth on which we liv ! A man is a million
times small r in comparison with the arth's surface than is an ant compared
wilh the Jargest of rugs, and the richest oriental carpet has a pattern much
less complex than that of the earth.
The prot' SS of revealing the earth's pattern has three phases: The surveyor
measures the land, the cartographer collects the measurements and renders
them on a map, and the· geographer interprets the facts thus displayed.
Closely related to this process is the work of the geologist, whos study of the
rock structures provides information that is essential to an understanding of
the surface pattern. This book deals primarily with the work of the cartog-
rapher- the maker of maps. The other phases, such as surveying and g og-
raphy, hav a rich literature of their own.
Definition and Classification of Cartography . The purpose of cartography
is to collect and analyze data and measurements of the various patterns of the
earth and to repr sent th m graphically on such a reduced scale that the
el m nts of this patt rn can be made clearly visible. For revealing the earth's
pattern, the chi f instru'm ent of th cartographer is a map· however, other
tools, such as relief models, globes, bird 's-eye views, cartograms, etc., are also j
I gitimate subjects of a treatis ' on cartography.
A map is, in its primaryc onc ption a conventionalized pictur of the
earth's pattern as s en from above, to which lett ring is added for identifica-
tion. The word "picture," how ver is us d here in a wider sen e. A map
I' pr sents what is known about tl;l earth rather than what can b se 1). from

any altitude. orne maps are abstract d and onventionalized to such a

d gre that th original notion of a picture is hardly r cogn izable. In many
special maps only a single aspect of the pattern is retained, as is the case in a
rainfall map. Moreover, maps commonly exhibit many features that are in
themselves not visible, such as political frontiers lettering, parallels, merid-
ians, etc .. Nor is a ma~ily res icted ~r SSurt;ce, for we ave
maps of the sky, moon, etc., and also maps of subsurface geology. But in
either cas a large-scale horizontal pattern is shown reduc d to smaller scale.
In studying a map and in producing it, the following items should be
considered: (1) the scale; (2) the system of projection, i.~ramework of
coordinates upon which the map IS rawn; (3) the cont nt of th map as
expressed by symbols, for example, the symbols for roads, cities mountains,
and other features; (4) the lettering; (5) the title, border, and other elements
of the make-up.
Maps may be classified with re~ ren e to their scale and to their content,
as follows:
1. General maps
a. Topographic maps drawn on a large scale, and presenting gen ral informa-
h. Chorographic maps, representing large regions, countri s, or continents on a
small scale (Atlas maps belong to this cla s.)
2. Special maps
a. Political maps
b. City maps
c. Communications maps, showing railway lines, automobile routes, etc.
d. Scientific maps of various sorts
e. Economic and statistical maps
J. Maps used in art, illustration, and advertising
g. Charts used foc navigation and fiying
h. Cadastral maps, drawn on a l ar~e scale t~w land ownership
Cartography-Science and Art. The cartographer is both a scientist and an
artist. He must have a thorough knowledge of his subject and model, the
Earth. In representing it in different ways he must omit more or less, accord-
ing to the scale and purpose of his map. This means that he must have the
ability to generalize intelligently and to make a corr ct sele tion of the ssen-
tial features to be shown. These features are represented by lines, patt. rns,
and colors, th effective us of which req uires more than knowledge of the
subject-it requires artistic judgment.
A Course in Cartography. What should be included in a college cours in
cartography, as distinguished from geography and the other scicnce's that
provide the cartographer with his material? Th pW'pose of such a cours is to
qualify th student to give a clear and correct graphic expression of his ideas.
To do this well he must adhere to certain cartographic principle ' and tradI-
tions, which can best b learned by a historical appq)ach. The cartographi
art i , of cour ,progressive, but it is also very conservative. hanges in the
familiar picturing of the Earth are mad step by step and with caution.
The student should know the commonly used projections and be able to
construct them. The mathematics of projection, however, will be of little
practical value to him.
The cours should enable him to select his symbols intelligently, with
special regard to the mod rn methods of re resenting relief. Laboratory
exercises should teach him good composition, handling of tools, lettering, and
fine drawing. If hc wishes his work to be published, he should know the
methods by which maps are reproduced.
The preparation of the various special maps and of globes and models is the
subject of more advanced study (usually in a second term).
What other courses should a prospective cartographer take? Collecting
data, analyzing them, and more or less predigesting them requires a thorough
knowledg of geography. Without this knowledge he will not be a cartog-
rapher but just a topographic draftsman. To represent the earth's pattern
skillfully, a cartographer should have some basic courses in fine arts, or at
least in engineering drawing. Som knowledge of both plane and sphericaC
trigonometry helps in understanding map projections. As cartography and
surveying a re closely related , a ourse in both plane and geodetic surveying
is also recommend d. Courses in geology, geomorphology, climatology, and
oc anogaphy will round out the cartographer's education. It is said that a
cartographer i ~ SOper cent geographer, 30 per cent artist, 10 per cent mathe-
matician, and 10 per cent everything else.
Th re is no limit to th demands upon a cartographer's knowledge. The
author, in his practicc, had to find out such diverse matters as the kind of sails
the ships had in which Orellana d scended the Amazon; the fact that the
name Hamada eJ Hamra implies that its flat and rocky surface is red in color;
and the elements and dimensions of an average airport.

NOTE TO INSTRlIOTORS. A set of laboratory exercises is suggested at the end

of the book. In the beginning of the course, while th lectures are on the
history of maps, the laboratory hours are best utilized in teaching lettering
and the use of drawing instruments, to the study of which the first exercises
are dedicated.

General Cartography

CHAPTER 1: Manuscript Maps

The history of maps is older than history and the islands themselves are marked by
itself, if we think of history as beginning with shells.
written records. The making of maps The use of these charts ceased about the
antedates the art of writing. This can be middle of the last century, when they were
inferred from the fact, attested by many supplanted by European charts, and the
travelers, that various primitive peoples who
have by no means reached. the stage of
writing have developed the ability to draw
maps. It is a common observation of
explorers in all parts of the world that a
native, when asked the way to a certain
place, will take a stick and draw on the
ground a sketch of the road, perhaps adding
twigs or pebbles to mark locations. In-
variably these will be true maps, i.e. , to
scale as seen from above. Apparently map
making is an inborn aptitude of mankind.
Living as hunters and warriors, and having
to move about a great deal, such peoples
may often find a knowledge of directions
and distances a life-or-death matter and
many of them have developed a certain
system in making maps and charts. Fig. 1 Chart of the Marshall Islanders. The islands
Islanders' Sea Charts. Perhaps the most are represented by shells ; the framework is partly for
support, partly to show the prevailing curvature of the
inter sting of such primitive works are the
wave fronts . (Courtesy oj Geog. Jour., 1928.)
charts made by the Marshall Islanders.
These charts consist of shells attached to a present islanders know very little about
framework made of the midribs of palm them. These charts illustrate the point
leaves. 1 Anthropologists were for a long time that the products of primitive peoples ar
puzzled by these curious structures before not necessarily simple, for their manner of
they found them to be charts used in represe tation is much more complex than
navigation. The straight network (see Fig. that of modern charts.
1) represents the open sea; the curved lines Eskimo Maps. M.Jch has been written
show the wave front approaching islands; about the map-making ability of the
1 LYONS, H., The: Sailing Charts of the Marshall Eskimos. Figure 2 shows a map of the
Islanders, Geog. Jour., Vol. 72, pp. 325-328, 1928. Belcher Islands, drawn with pencil by a
Hud on Bay Eskimo. 1 The work d ne by to dot thes camps at equal intervals, although,
this unschooled man of nature, without any because of b tter going, they may have made
kind of surveying instruments, compares twice the average distance one day and half
surprisingly well with our best hydrographic the average another.
charts of the same region. This map is Indian and A ztec Maps. The map-
especially remarkable because the area that making skill of the American Indians is often
it r epresents comprises several thousand praised, but in fact th Indian maps are
square miles. imilar maps covering even crude affairs and do not equal those of the
larger ar as a re d escribed by Boas. 2 Eskimos.
The maps prepared by the Aztecs are
infer sting and are available in great num-
bers. Unlike the Eskimos, the Aztecs were
more concerned with recording historic
events than with details of topography. The
marking of rivers, forests, fields, and t mples
is entirely naturalistic. Little figures on the
villages r epresent their names. In general
the maps are highly decorative.
Britis h Admiralty
chart I t would carry us too far to record the
map-making activities of the various Asiatic

Fig. 2 Eskimo map of the Belcher Islands in Hudson
Bay. The length of the archipelago i~ over 100 miles. and African peoples. The student is referr d
(ModijiedJrom Geog. Rpv., 1918.) to B. F. Adler's3 "Maps of Primitive
P eoples."
Many travelers have found the Eskimo
maps superior to those of ·the same r egions
made by white men. As to this we may quote
from a letter written by the noted Arctic
explorer Vilhjalmur Stefansson:
... These Eskimo maps are likely to be good
if you interpret them rightly. Here are some of
the points:
They are more likely to have the right number
of curves in a river and the ri ht shape of the
curves than the proper distance scale. They are
most likely to emphasize the things that are of
importance to themselves; for instance, portages
Fig. 3 Aztec map showing the wandtrings of a tribe.
they have to cross are of more significancc Roads are often de orated with footprints. Note the
to them than mountains that stand to one canoe and paddle.
side . ...
Primitive men are likely to confuse the time W e conclude this branch of the subject
scale with the mileage scale-after a 10-day with the narrative of a traveler who arrived
journey of say 6 hours each day, they are likely at the Ahaggar in the Sahara and asked the
1 FLAHERTY, R.]., The Belcher Islands, Geog. R ev., a ADLER, B. F., "Maps of Primitive Peoples,"
Vol. 5, p. 440, 1918. t. Petersburg, p. 350, 1910. Abstracted by H. de
2 BoAS, F., The Central Eskimo, Bur. Ethnol., 6th Hutorowicz in the Bull. Am. Geog. Soc., Vol. 43,
Ann. Rept. , 1884-1885, p. 6. pp. 669- 679.
old Tuare chief th way to Timbuktu. The numerical system bas d on twelve, as ours
old chief did not say a word. H covered is based on ten, and this duodecimal system
part of the ground b for him with gravel of theirs is directly responsible for our
to represent the "r g," or great gravel Rats division of the circle into 360 degrees, of
of the ahara. n this h piled small ridges each degree into 60 minutes, and of each
of sand represen ting thc "sifs," or longatcd minutc into 60 seconds.
sand dunes of the descrt. The stony platcaus The an ient Semitic culture culminated
he incficat d by flat stones. Soon a r lief in th commercial activities of the Phoeni-
model of the region was rising before the cians of Tyre and , idon and of that yet
trav ler's eye, perfect not only in direction greater colony of Carthage. Phoenician
and distance bu t also as to the nature NOIl1\i
of the country. No explanation was ne ded.
Through the universal language of car tog- f
raphy the traveler learned his way better ~
than by any numb · r "Of words.
Babylonian Maps. The oldest known
map, now on exhibition in the cmltlc
Mus .um of Harvard University, was dis- ,
covered in excavating the ruined city of
Ga Sur, about 200 miles north of Babylon.
The excavators found there a baked clay
tablet showing a river valley, which may be
that of the Euphrates, with mountains
indicated in fish-scale fashion on cither side. THE OLDEST MAp
Clay ·tablet frorq_ {fa .Su.r. 2500.B C
The river flows through a three-lobed delta
into a lake or sea. North, east and west are Fig. 4 The world's oldest map is a
small clay tablet preserved in the Se-
indicated with inscribed circles, indicating mitic l\{useum of Harvard University.
that maps were align d in the cardinal
directions then as now. The tablet is so ships carried on a trade reaching from the
small that it can be held in the hollow of Ed tish Isles to the Red Sea; and there is
one's hand. Though broken, it is remark- little doubt that Hanno, a Carthaginian
ably fresh-looking, and the clearness of the mariner, commissioned by an Egyptian
minute cuneiform character would hardly Pharaoh, actually circumnavigated Africa
suggest its v nerabl age of 4,500 y ars. about 600 B.C. That the Phoenicians, who
There are in the Briti&h Museum many drew much of t.heir culture from Babylonia,
similar tablets showing in a primitive way develop d maps to suit their n eds eems
estates, towns, or even the whole of Baby- highly probable. No Phoenician maps have
lonia. Their importance to us is not in any survived, but it is probable that . the chart
cartographic m rit but in the evidence they made by Marinus of Tyre about A.D. 120,
give of the great antiquity of the map- ' of which Ptolemy tells us, embodied the
making art. early Phoenician material. The influence
- "'here is, however, a Babylonian con- of these early naviga tors upon Gr k cartog-
tribution to cartography that is still pre- raphy was perhaps greater than we know.
served: the division of the cirel into Th Babylonian conception of the uni-
degrees. T h se anci nt p oples used a verse figured a disk-shaped Earth floating
in the ocean, with the vault of heaven on maps. Centuries later the Greek scientist
arching above it, and the firmament over Eratosthenes, made use of early
all. Thi notion was accepted by the Greeks measuremen ts.
and Romans; as well as by the Israelites, The few Egyptian maps that have sur-
and +hrough the S riptures it was carried vived, . uch as th rough map of a Nubian 1
over to Christian Europ of the Middl Ages. gold mine (now in the Turin Museum), are
Egyptian Land Surveys. The surveying of minor interest from the point of view of

of land undoubtedly began in the great
organized empire of the Nile Valley and
d Ita. The enormous expenditures of the
cartographic history.
Early Chinese Maps. In cartography, as
in many other things, the Chinese developed
Pharaohs and the priesthood were met as independently of the Western peoples as
prin ipally by taxes on th land, payable if they had been inhabitants of another
usually in grain. For purposes of taxation planet. Cartography was flourishing in
the land was carefully measured and China when it was at its lowest ebb in
registered, and the boundaries marked. Europe during the Middle Ages.
Ramses II (1333-1300 B.C.) initiated a China had been mapped in detail before
systematic land survey of the empire. The any Europeans visited that country. Since
results must have been recorded, and there ancient times it has been one of the duties
is reason to believe that they were put down of each governor and prefect to prepare a
complete geographic description of his lands
and waters, usually accompanied by maps.
There are old maps available in the
archives of many cities. This rich material
has been only superficially examined, and
important discoveries are to be expected
from future studies.
The earliest reference to a map in Chinese
literature is from 227 B.C. Especially after
the invention of paper (ca. A.D. 100) local
maps were made in all parts of the empire.
A correlation of many local maps was
carried out by Pei Hsiu, the real father of
Chinese cartography, who lived from A.D .
224 to 273. It no longer exists, but the ac-
companying text has survived. In this Pei
Hsiu lays down certain principles of cartog-
Fig. 5 Ancient Chinese map showing China as the raphy, as follows:
Middle Kingdom and all other countries as small
outlying islands. 1. China. 2. The Mountain of 1. Rectilinear divisions, a network by
Man's Origin. 3. The Land of Sup rior Men. 4. The which to state 'relative locations
Land of Women. 5. Land Where It Is Hard to Live. 2. Orientation, to show correctly the
6. Mountain of Fire Spirits (who control all fire).
direction from one place to another
7. Great Circumference Mountain. 8. All White
Mountain. 9. Pusang (America?). 10. Land of 3. Accurate indication of distances
White People. 11. India. (AfttT H. B. HulbtTt, Am. 4. Indication of higher and lower alti-
Geog. Soc. Bull., 1904.) tudes
5. Attention to the right and left angles eastern bend of the Hwang Ho and the
or bends of the roads Chinese wall.
Under the succeeding dynasties the use
Evidently Chinese map making had even of maps became more and more widespr ad,
at this early period attained a certain ~""'~ ~A.
scientific standard. In the use of the network
Pei Hsiu was ahead of the cartogr aphers of
the West. His network, how ver, is not
comparable to our drawing of meridians and
parallels, for the Chinese conceived the earth
as a flat surface with China in the middle.
In the period after Pei Hsiu, Chinese map
makers gradually covered the entire terri-
tory from Persia to Japan. Noteworthy is ... ~
the wooden map of Hsieh Chuang (A.D. ..,..It"
421 - 466) which could be taken apart H\'
province by provine the. an estor of the
jigsaw-puzzle map. The most important
map maker of this later period is Chia Tan
">fj' ~ ~
Fig. 6 The oldest known Chinese map is a stone
' -It

(A.D. 730- 805), who made a map about tablet engraved in A.D. 1137, probably based on
30 feet 'q uare, covering more than the Chia Tan's map of 801. The map shows the Great
Asia tic continent. We may assume that the Wall crossing the Yellow River. (Aft" Hosie.)
ideas of the Chinese: were rather vague and when the Jesuit fathers came to China
about the outlying regions ; and it would be in the sixteenth century they found enough
highly interesting to see their conception material to produce an excellent atlas of the
of the Western world. Unfortunately, this empire. From this time on, the maps of
map did not survive either. There is, how- China were influenced by Western cartog-
ever a stone tablet in existence from the raphy, but even the present maps of some
twelfth century, 1 which is interpreted as a remote parts of China are based more on
portion of the map of Chia Tan. This stone material inherited from the past thar. on
slab shows wi th fair accuracy the north- actual instrumental surveys.

The foundation of our present system of know of Greek cartography has been trans-
cartography was largely laid down by the mitted to us through the wr:itings of
ancient Greeks, who advanced it to a height Herodotus and Strabo. There w learn
not reached again until the sixteenth about the early Ionian geographers: An-
century. They recognized the spherical aximander of Miletus (611 ?-547? B.C.), who
shape of the earth, with its poles, equator, made a map of the' whole circuit of the
and tropics ; they developed our longitude- Earth, every sea and all rivers,» and
latitude system; they designed the first Hecataeus (ca. 500 B.C.) of the same city,
projections ; and they calculated the size who improved the map of his countryman
of the earth. 1 SOOTHlLL, W. E., The Two Oldest Maps of China

Ionian Geographers. Most of what we Extant, Geog. Jour., Vol. 69, pp. 532-555, 1927.

e a e rt c e

Hanno. Circumnavigatio n of AfrIca


Ssylax or Caryana3 in India

Travel s of

The idea of
Pylha90r~a.n ~ c.4; 0 - A ~is lot '{ _
Evd.. m..,~. tropics of ~+. rfi~ o j l

Pylh us I measures t e off tude of Mo ssi/'a.

reaches Brllish Isles . record. Thule
AI.",and.r the Grtal

Hy pocraks - ~"ven dimatts (E..,do • ..,. I)

J6o' systom of I.t • long. ' h
HIPPARCHVS O.lrrm of 'on~ltvd'0 meb$llremenlof
'SO Coni c projedion /
Asl rolabe

Ai'rippa . Map of Iht [mpirq

Strabo. Gc09rophia - ma,n .ovree ·book
'O'"f"'.,,, '9 .... 0

Pomponll,u Mela.. Co.mography

PynOl( of Dionys ius : Peri"gdes

"1f:',~JNVS of '!Yr • . 5y.te m of 9,o9raph'y-p/~~"r1
Ce09rophy ", ,' h 8000 pia,. nomos
'PTOLEMY Olios of 28 mops
(<<. 90-IM) { Gpocenlr ic sys tem of plonets
Project ion,

Sevcrv, tAblr! 01 Rom.

. map of Chinese7:mpir e
~' f
H$1U.·.~~"' - .l7J principles ofcarlojropo/
Memorab ilio


Table I Time Chart of Antiquity

and wrote a systematic description of the poles, and tropics was established, and the
world, of which some scanty fragments and arth was divided into hot, temperate, and
..everal quotations survive, so that we can frigid zones as we know them today. It
reconstruct his map with some claim to is a high tribute to the faith of the ancient
accuracy. Hecataeus regarded the earth as Greeks in science that this theory of a
a flat disk, around which the waters of the spherical earth, so contrary to common
oceans flow. sense, was accepted at so early a period.
The world known to the Greeks in the
Practical geographical knowledge was ex-
fifth century B.C. extended from the Indus
panded by the bold seamen of Greece. Particu-
River to the Atlantic Ocean, with more
larly interesting is the voyage of Pytheas of
limited knowledge of the north and south. Massilia (M arseilles). So far a we know he was
They had a vague idea about the Caspian the first Greek to reach Britain. There he heard
. ea, in spite of their contacts with the of a land 6 days north wher th three funda-
Persian Empire. It would be highly inter- mental elements, 'Vater, Earth, and Air, lose
esting to find a contemporary map made in their identity and merge into each other- a
Persia; the well-organized empire of .am- poetic description of the misty, icy coast of
byses and Darius probably produced good Norway. This land he called " Thule," and for
maps. 1,:;00 years it appears as the Island of Thule on
The geographers of the flfth and early almost every map of the world.
fourth centuries B.C. taught that the oeku- Eratosthenes. Eratosthenes of Cyrene
mene-the habitable world- was more or (276- 196 B.C.) was the-head of the Library
less oblong in shape, twice as long from east
to west as from north to south. Our terms
" latitude" and "longitude" are survivals
of this conception.
In the early fourth century B.C. a ncw idea
was introduced- the spherical form of the
earth. Who the originator of the idea was we
do not know. The attribution to Pythagoras
or to Parmenides is now discreditcd. 1 The
idea itself was derived not so much from
astronomical observations as from philo-
sophical considerations. The sphere is the
most perfect of all forms; hence, the earth, THE PARAl..l ELS AND M ERtDlANS OF E RAi O S-
the masterwork of the gods, must be a ~
sphere. Later observations, however, cor-
roborated this idea so wcll that about
350 B.C. Aristotle was able to formulate the
ix arguments to prove that the earth was
P."llol of Rhod.s,]jJJI~~~~~~~~~~~
P. of Alexanorie -4
Tropio --t+.."...;-f--''-'-'';
actually a sphere. The obliquity of the Parallel 01 Meroe-+++--foo:::__"
uthern limit of,"_'
earth's axis was recognized and correctly World
Equator -·......__.__..l...-.=±::7_J.._---'_ _.J...U
measured. Th conception of the equator,
1 HEIDEL, W. A., "The Frame of the An ient Greek Fig. 7 Eratosthenes calculated the Earth;s size cor-
Maps," American Geographical Society, New York, rectly within 14 per cent. The map of the oekumcne is
1937. 141 pp. a reconstruction.
of Alexandria, the highest institution of name can be traced to the measurement
learning of that time. He undertook to of Posidonius.
measure the earth. As the tradition goes, Eratosthenes also made a map of the
there was a weil in Syene (Aswan), to the habitable world, with seven parallels and
bottom of which the sun's rays penetrated seven meridians. This map has been lost, but
only on June 20-22. This means that Syene it has been described in sufficient detail so
is located on the Tropic of Cancer. As the that its restoration can be attempted. It
distance of Syene from Alexandria was gives all the rich geographic information
known from the early Egyptian land sutveys gathered by Alexander the Great and his
to be 5,000 stadia assuming that Alexandria successors. Taprobana Island, a misplaced
is directly north of Syene, all that Eratos- Ceylon, makes its debut here and has been
thenes had to do was to measure the angle given on maps for more than a millennium.
of the noonday sun on June 21. The short-cutting of Africa and India in the
The inclination of the sun's rays to the south was the result of the misconception
vertical in Alexandria was found to be one- that the equatorial waters are too hot to be
fiftieth of the circle (a little over r). There- navigated.
fore a meridian of the earth must be 50 Hipparchus, the astronomer, criticized the
times 5,000, or 250,000, stadia- about irregularnet~~rk of Eratosthenes and pro-
28,000 miles. The measurement is remark- posed a parallel-meridian system of even
ably accurate (within 14 per cent), espe- intervals. On his proposed maps he divides
cially since neither is yene on the Tropic the habitable world into 11 equal-spaced
of Cancer but somewhat north of it, nor is parallels, the location of which he describes
Alexandria on the same meridian with in detail. For measurement of longitude he
Syene but 3° west of it; nor is the distance proposed to make simultan ous observations
5,000 stadia but, rather, 4,530; the angle ofth moon's eclipses. This was an ingenious
was not measured correctly either, but the method, indeed, but, practically, very little
four errors compensated each other remark- was done in that time.
ably well. The various measurements of the earth
Unfortunately, however, the measurement of raised a curious problem. The known
th earth was repeated by Posidonius about one dimensions of the oekumene were too small
hundred years later. He used the distance from to fit this immense sphere; it hardly covered
Rhodes to Alexandria; and for calculating the a quadrant of it. Such an unbalanced world
difference in arc he used the altitude of the star was contrary to the Greek sens of sym-
Canopus. His measurements were probably metry. Crates, on his globe, solved the prob-
more accurate than those of Eratosthenes, but lem by drawing three more balancing
his errors did not compensate, and his result continents- an anticipation of the Americas
was later interpreted to be 18,000 miles for the and Australia. Here was born the concep-
earth's circumference, a figure one-quarter too
tion of the Antipodes or the great southern
small. While 10 was equal to 700 stadia by
continent, the Terra Australis. It took
Eratosthenes, according to Posidonius 10 was
equal to 500 stadia. It was this later value that 1,700 years for this legendary continent to
was accepted by Ptolemy and was carried over shrink to the size of Antarctica.
to the geographers of the fifteenth century. It is Ptolemy. The culmination of Greek
no wonder that Columbus mistook America for cartography is associated with the name
Asia, since he underestimated the size of the of Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria, A.D.
earth. The fact that we call our Indians by this 90 to 168. We know very little of the man
himself, but his work had a greater influence THE Gl.ORr OF CRATES
on cartography and on geography in general
than that of any other single figure in his-
tory. Primarily an astronomer and mathe-
matician, he showed relatively slight interest
in the practical and human problems of
geography. His famous "Geographia" has
eight volumes. The first volume is devoted
chiefly to theoretical principles, including a
discussion of globe construction and the
technique of map projection. Books II to
VII contain a list of SOme 8,000 place names
with latitudes and longitudes to determine
their posi tion. Very few of these 8,000 loca- Fig. 8 Reconstruction of the globe of
Crates, showing the balancing conti-
tions were based on scientific observation; nents.
the coordinates obviously have been taken
from older maps or itineraries. The most Fortunate Islands (Canary Isla nds?) to China
important is the eighth volume, which (Serica, the "silk land"). The map is oriented
contains his discussion of principles of to the north and shows the equator a nd the
cartography, mathematical geography, pro- tropics, the la titude of the tropics being deter-
jections, and methods of astronomical ob- mined as 23°51'.
servation. He also gives detailed instruction To us, accustomed to precise surveyed maps,
as to how a map of the world should be con- Ptolemy'S work may seem crude. Nevertheless,
structed. He describes two projections, both if we consider the limitations of travel in antiq-
modifications of the conic projection. The uity, we can only admire the genius of the
text of Ptolemy's "Geographia" in most Greek mind that it displays. In the eastern and
southern sections its def cts are naturally most
manuscripts was accompanied by a map
conspicuous. Thus the Deccan Peninsula is
of the world and 26 detailed maps. Whether
shrunk almost out of existence, whereas Ceylon
Ptolemy himself prepared them is not ("Taprobana" ) is enlarged far beyond its true
known, but in their original form they date -proj5CirtIons. Most peculiar is the form of
from classical times and constitute the first Africa. As far south as the equator it is approxi-
general atlas of the world. The Ptolemy map mately correct, but below that line, instead of
as we know it today certainly was aug- contracting to a point, it flares out in both
mented later, and according to Bagrow it directions. Toward the west the map breaks off
represents Byzantine work of the eleventh abruptly; but toward the east, Africa is con-
century. nected with Asia; and in this way the Indian
Ocean is made into an enclosed basin. The
Figure 9 shows the world map of Ptolemy. grounds for this mistaken conception ar un-
Degrees of latitude and longitude are marked known. In all probability it contributed to the
by a scale on one side, and the system of long delay in attempting to reach Asia by
" climata" on the other. CIimata are parallels circumnavigating Africa.
marking the increase in the length of the longest Ptolemy'S most fundamental error, however,
day from the equator (12 hours) to the Arctic is his underestimate of the earth's size, an error
Circle (24 hours). The known world for Ptolemy that helped strenS"1:hen Columbus' belief that
extended through 180° of longitude from a he would reach Asia by sailing toward the west.
prime meridian (0°) through the legendary- Accepting the figure of Posidonius (1° equals
500 stadia), and applying it to the distance Ptolemy marks the culmination of cartog-
measurements at his disposal, he concluded, as raphy in the ancient world. Henceforth
we have seen, that Europe and Asia extended there was a steady d cline. Although the
over one-half the circuit of the globe. In reality "Geographia" continued to be available
they cover only about 130°. imilarly, he showed in the Arabic world, it disappeared in
the length of the Mediterranean as 62°, whereas western Europe and was not recovered until
in reality it is only 42°. Although the Arab the fifteenth century. As a result, the Latin-
geographers and the marine chart mak rs of G rmanic culture of the Middle Ages was
the thirteenth century had corrected this dis- forced to depend for its geographic knowl-
tortion, it continued to figure in European dge on an inferior source, the tradition of
cartography until 1700 . Roman cartography.

rig.9 Ptolemy's map represents the summary of Greek geography. Note the conic projection and the system of
climate (length of the longes. day) .

Roman C..lrtography
The profound difference between th Greeks, they reverted to the old disk map
Roman and the Greek mind is illustrated of the Ionian geographers as being better
with peculiar clarity in their maps. The adapted to their purposes.
Romans were indifferent to math matical Wi thin this round frame the Roman car-
geography, with its system of latitudes and tographers placed the " Orbis Terrarum,"
longitudes, its astronomical measurements, the circuit of the world. The three great
and its problem of projections. What they continents were shown in more or less
wanted was a practical map to be used for symmetrical arrangement, with Asia in the
military and administrative purposes. Dis- cast at the top of the map (hence the term
regarding the elaborate projections of the '·oz-ientation"). The emphasis upon Rome
On example of Roman cartography actually
has survived, the so-called "Peutinger Table"
(Fig. 11). Although copied by a twelfth-
century monk, it seems to be an exact duplicate
of an original from th fourth cnttlry, probably
the work of a certain Ca~lOrius. The Peutinge,'
Table is not a lllap in th . tru e sens of the word
but a eartogram showing the imperial highways,
drawn on an enormously elongated outline of
the world (21 feet long but onJy 1 foot high).
There is no pretense of showing the whole world
or ev n its major parts in correct proportion.
It is merely a graphic compendium of mileages

Fig. 10 The Orbis Terrarum of the Romans. Note

that almost the entire Earth is part of the Roman
Empire. Compare this map with the ancient Chincse
map, Fig. 5.

is r fle tcd in the stubby form of Italy,

which made it possible to show the Italian
provinces on an enlarged scale. Moreover,
about four-fifths of th area of the map was
devoted to the Roman Empire alone. India,
China (" eres '), cythia, and armatia
(Russia) are shrunk to small outl ying regions
on the pcriph ry. It is amusing to reflect
that the almost contemporary Chinese maps
show China occupying most of the map
and the rest of the world grouped around it
as a cluster of unimportant islands (see
Fig. 5).
Such was the Roman world map. At
least so it has been r constructed, for no
original has survived. We may have some
confidence in the reconstruction, however,
for it is based upon data in th medieval
world maps, which have been shown to be
based on Roman originals. Moreover, we Fig. 11 The Peutinger Table shows the roads of the
world on a scroll 21 feet long and only 1 foot high.
have a number of good textual descriptions
In the section above th · lower black strip is the
by the great classical geographers, such as Mediterrancan ea, and the upper black strip is the
Strabo and Pomponius M la, to aid in the Adriatic ea. (Modified from KOllrad Miller, "Die
reconstruction. Pelltingersche Tafel," Stuttgart, 1929.)
and military posts throughout the empire, more than 5,000 places and has long served as
drawn up on a convenient scroll. As such it is one of the major sources of our knowledge of
extremely rich in data. It gives the names of Roman geography.

Fig. 12 St. Beatus in 776 patterned the Roman map

to fit Christian theology. Note the enormous Holy
Land and the Paradise with its four rivers. The out-
lines of the lands were simplified for more regular and
decorative aspect.

The Middle Ages

Completely dominated by Christian su- Ages remained a disk, as it had been for the
pernaturalism, the medieval map maker R omans. In its most extreme form it is
made no serious attempt to show the world known as the "T-in-O" (Orbis Terrarum),
as it actually is. Instead, he followed an or the "wheel" map. In this schematization
ideal pattern in his own mind, concentrating Asia was usually shown occupying the upper
on artistic and symbolical expression. For half of the 0, with Europe and Africa more
the geographic content of his map he relied or less equally dividing the lower half.
almost exclusively on the circular world
map, the Orbis Terrarum of the Romans.
Even this, however, had already undergone
modifications, which had diminished its
geographical accuracy. As early as the
fourth century it had been Christianized
by the great church father, St. Jerome, who
made a map in which he exaggerated the
Holy Land beyond all real proportions.
In the eighth century a Spanish monk
named Beatus prepared an interesting ver-
sion of the old Roman map. Later scribes
who copied it paid slight respect to its
geographical contents. Even the oval shape
of the wap itself was frequently distorted,
sometimes to a rectangle, sometimes to a Fig. 13 T he divine perfection and simplicity
circle. of the T-in-O map (Orbis Terrarum) appealed
The typical world map of the Middle to the medieval mind.
Jerusalem was generally placed in the center etc. The illustrations are not confined, however,
following the Biblical text: "This is Jeru- to Biblical lore. The outlying sections of the
salem: I have set her in the midst of the earth, particularly a thin strip of land along the
nations, and countries are round about southern edge of Africa (which was incorrectly
her."l Nothing could have pleased the labeled "Europe" by the cartographer!), are
medieval mind morc than the divine peopled with satyrs, griffins, and other mon-
strosities such as the quaint figure of a man who
harmony displayed by this map. Not only
is shading his singl -eyed head with an enor-
did God create the world in perfect sym-
mous single fOOl held in the air. On the Ebstorf
metry but he also made it in the form of the map the general symbolical concept is somewhat
Latin monogram of its name. different. The world is depicted as the body of
There also existed during the Middle Christ, whose head, hands, and feet protrude
Ages another type of world map, based upon beyond the circular frame of the map itself.
the conception of the earth as a sphere.
Although this type has surviv d chiefly in Matthew Paris. It is quite true that even
th form of simplified cartograms (such as in these elaborate monuments the medieval
the so-called "Macrobius" maps), it is cartographers were doing little more than
important because it kept alive not only perpetuating the geographical knowl dge
the knowledge of the earth's sphericity but of the Romans. Nevertheless, from the
also the division into zones, which the thirteenth century on small amounts of new
Greeks had developed (see Table II). information began to be shown. Indeed the
Medieval maps were produced in fairly Hereford map surprises us by its extremely
large numbers from the eighth to the middle inaccurate r presentation of England. But
of the fifteenth century. More than 600 an earlier cartographer, the English chroni-
maps have now been discover d. The vast cler: Matthew Paris, had already drafted a
majority of these are extremely simple, often map of Great Britain, in which the s-eneral
showing little more than the mere T-in-O outline and the location of individual towns
outline. A few examples that have come are distinctly recognizable (see Table II).
down to us contain an astonishing wealth Besides ranking as one of the finest produc-
of detaiL The two finest specimens are the tions of the cartographer's art in the early
Hereford and Ebstorf maps, both pr pared Middle Ages, the Matthew Paris map also
toward the end of the thirteenth century, indicates the emergence of a new interest
the period when the Gothic style in archi- in the appearanc of the world as it actually ,
tecture was at its peak. is. This interest, which had been dormant
for nearly a thousand years, was still weak,
Hereford and Ebstorf Maps. Perhaps the but, as we shall see, it was to grow rapidly in
most impressive feature of these mappae mundi is
their size. The Hereford map is more than 5 feet
Arabic Cartography. During the period
in diameter, and the Ebstorf map more than
13 feet. Each is conceived in terms of Christian
w)1en Western cartography was little more
symbolism. On the Hereford map the figure of than decorative illustration of theological
Christ presides in majesty at the top of the disk, texts, the Moslem world carried on th
as at the Day of Judgment. The Garden of tradition of classical antiquity and, in some
Paradise is placed in the east, and the entire respects, even advanced beyond it. I t is not
map is richly adorned with Christian iconog- surprising that the Arabs, who pos ess d a
raphy, the Ark of Noah, the Tower of Babel, remarkable gift for astronomy mathe-
1 Ezek. 5:5. matics, and geometry, should also have been

StadL£lmu& . 50;/11'9 dir.~',on .

Marc.ianu.l. Lt" , of corfogropha,'"

(map ,•• 11

AI khwar'ilml , Tablas ollat.• /ongitCldtu Dic.u.ll, $;/11'." plat" (loll)

Ab ... J.far of 'Kh,.a , Ma~ .rWorldllo. l)

Ja.c.ubi . Book ofCoJr,trt f', mop'

lstakhri, Map of/he World

M,uudi, Meadow. or Gold

~. rhla, To/edo- Bel'}dad '$/' . '
-. U
_ [i]
Henric.l.4. of M;ain~. Ima90 mund.
Islam ,School .1'1 ...., 'jaome/ric mol"

~ e·····
C.lubal glob ..

a. ~


' - ',


r<.'U~"'O'.~ BTu".l. ~
St,Om<r, MClp wllh zon#>



••••• Cabl." Atlu

.",." "..m. ')7r
AU'At.. Modluo
8uonAc:lmontc,l.ollrJo'dn .
Andru Bianc.o
Atlas '4)6

Table n Time Chart of the Middle Ages

skillful geographers and map makers. Even sources. The map was based on a rough,
their religion, with its principle that every re tangular projection. Th Asiatic part of
mosque must face toward Mecca, favored a the map is very rich in information. It
know! dge of the location of places. They represents correctly th Caspian and Aral
also had access to the text of Ptolemy's
"Geographia," which had disappeared in
the West.
The principal achievements of the Arabie
geographer were directed along lin s laid
down by th Greeks. Improving on the
method of the ancients, th y recalculated
the length of a degree and arrived at a very
accurate result. They constructed celestial
globes and studied the problem of projec-
tions. Maps were regularly used for geo-
graphical instruction in the schools. These
maps have a tendency to force the outlines
of land into geometrical patterns, distorting
Fig. 14 These cartograms were used in
them sometimes beyond recognition. medieval Arabic school maps.
~ d risi M ap . The most important work
of Ahbic cartography was the world map seas, which were misrepresented in antiq-
of Edrisi, prepared in 1154 at the court of uity. In the shape of Africa we find the
Roger II, the Norman king of icily. influen e of Ptolemy, although Africa and
Through the enlightened patronage of King China arc not connected. The map is
Roger, Edrisi was abl to draw not only oriented with th south on top-- a common
from Moslem but also from Christian feature of Islamic maps.

Portolan Charts
At the same time that the ecclesiastical The origin of the portolan charts is still a
cartographers depicted an imaginary world, debated question. There can b little doubt,
a new typ of map emerg d, surpassing in however, that they arc ba. cd on a survey by
accuracy everything that had preceded it. compass, which instrument came into gen-
This group of maps, the o-called " portolan eral us about this time.
charts," appears to have been creat d by Numerous specimens of portolan charts
the admirals and captains of the Genoese have survived, particularly from .the six-
fleet during the second half of the thirteenth teenth century. The gr at majority are
century. The oldest surviving sp cimen, the made on a ingle sheepskin. They show
so-called "Pisan Chart," is still relatively approximately the same area: the Mediter-
imperfect, but by 1300 an accurate outline ranean and Black S as with great accuracy,
had been perfected and was copi d almost and th Atlantic 0 ean to Ireland very
without modification for the following thre poorly. They are oriented according to the
centuries. As late as 1620 it was still re- magnetic need le, which at that period must
garded as adequate for the purposes of hav . hown a d clination of 10 or 11° west
practical navigation in the Mediterranean. of th true north. The lettering is confined

Fig. 15 The portolan charts represent the high point of medieval cartography. Their accuracy is in great
ontrast with the fanciful maps of the "Middle Ages."

largely to harbor. , capes, and other coastal reached its height in the work of a family of
features. The land surface is left blank or Catalonian Jews who worked in Majorca
decorated with coats of arms, flags, and at the end of the fourteenth century. Its
pictures of kings. Occasionally, however, greatest monument, the Catalan Atlas of
rivers and a few inland cities are shown, usu- 1375, differs from the ordinary portolans in
ally with no greater accuracy than on the that it has been expanded into a sort of
contemporary ecclesiastical maps. Perhaps world map. Following the text of Marco
the most striking feature of the portolan Polo, it depicts eastern Asia, the Deccan
charts is the elaborate system of compass Peninsula, and the Indian Ocean far better
roses and rhumb lines (lines of compass than any of the earlier maps. Prepared
directions) which crisscross their entire
originally as a gift for King Charles V of
surface. Usually one or two central com-
France, the Catalan Atlas is now cherished
passes are shown, each with 16 peripheral
as one of the finest treasures of the Biblio-
compasses with 32 lines of varying color
radiating from each. They appear to have theque Nationale in Paris.
been drawn after the outline of the map was The fifteenth and sixteenth centuries are
fmished, and were probably intended to generally regarded as the period of deca-
help the navigator in setting his course. dence in the portolan tradition. Never-
Whether' they were really of any practical theless, many beautiful specimens have
assistance is by no means certain. survived, especially the work of the Sicilian

Catalan _ Atlas. The portolan tradition school of Olives and Homem.
I \CHAPTER 2: The Renaissance of Maps

Never in history did man's conception of ready to discard much of the sound in-
the earth change more rapidly than around formation that had been added to the world
1500. Compare the circular world maps map since antiquity. Ptolemy's elongated
that were still produced after the middle of shape of the Mediterranean, which, as we
the fifteenth century with the almost have seen, rested on an underestimate of the
modern Ribero map (1529), and we see a length of a degree, threatened to oust the
different world. What brought about this remarkably accurate outline of the portolan
change? charts. Ptolemy's distortion was reproduced
Rediscovery of Ptolemy. Three major on the majority of sixteenth-century maps.
events contributed to the renaissance of Mercator reduced its length to 53°, and it
cartography. 'fhe first of these was the was still further corrected by the great
rediscovery of Ptolemy's "Geographia," astronomer K pI r in 1630. It was not until
which was translated into Latin about 1405. the map of Delisle, published in 1700, that
This event must be viewed as a product of the Mediterranean appeared in its true
the attempt made by Italian humanists to length of 42°.
recover as much as possible of the Greek and Among other Ptolemaic errors which
Roman legacy. It is true, of course, that influ nccd cartographers during the Renais-
Ptolemy's "Geographia" had never been sance we may cite the outline of a great
totally lost. It had been preserved by the river whi h flowed across the Sahara
Arabs, and through them part of its sub- Desert. It must b pointed out, however,
stance had been introdu d in indirect form that Ptolemy's errors sometimes Jed to
into the West during the Middle Ages. fortunate results. Thus, it has been shown
Nevertheless, the recovery of the complete that his und restimate of the earth's size
work, especially the maps, gave a tre- was a decisive factor in convincing Colum-
mendous stimulus to th development of bus that Asia could readily be reached by
cartography. During the fifteenth century sailing westward.
it was transcribed in numerous superb Tabulae Modernae. Finally, we must
manuscripts, two of which ar now pre- recognize that not all cartographers were
served in American libraries (the Ebner content to be slavish copyists of the Ptole-
Codex in the New York Publi Library and maic models. From the first appearance of
the Wilton Codex of the Huntington the Ptolemai maps it was apparent to
Library in California). In the last quarter cholars that they stood in need of modern-
of the fifteenth century a number of printed ization. This was particularly true of place
editions, which contained maps engraved names, which had, of course, become com-
on either wood or copper, were issued. pletely changed during the centuries. Con-
Copies of these are naturally much more sequently, we find n w maps, the so-called
numerous than the manuscripts and may be "'fabulae Modernae,' in luded in many
consulted in the libraries of many American of the manuscripts as supplements to the
cities. regular Ptolemaic maps. The earliest of
The Errors of Ptolemy'S Map. Such was these was a map of Scandinavia, prepared
the authority of this newly recovered classi- by a Dane named Clavus, who had visited
cal work that armchair cartographers were Rome in 1425. Although following Ptolemy

3. R_
IT A.t Y. S PAl N

20 MAGElLAN'S voyoge
G~MMA FRISIU5./r.o no
) F",'c! . Lenglh o~/~~~on

G B RamLlsio.Voy<1ges .mop•. Ventce

, rn
CullloHtre. Fr(Jn(~
::: <:
0 ,...
• RoS, CCIO. Ilmondo " J~f' 8ouquerau , n,;olrt Frane. t:
. A'll''l'u M i'gi ni, /it)p.....of.!tq/.)l. ~!'.!1..': ~y .":~'!~!<!~_ . . ... .•.. ... ,q!S.., ,/.f.9 1.... ~ ~
B CrG'~ccH~ti.o, Books 0" f'tQ vIgoflon fldcl.etc map,J. a~

Hudson's voyoges
A .Arn old i.World 161>0
Ldvd nhl'l • Bar('Ho, PortvgvlZHl Ea:.t Ind/~ 5 "5
Champlain's voyoge. M oria (artaro.Nap/u, <.hart. of SOli/hem /toy -c:
,., ..Z ........ .~
MaHt:o Ric"" Ch,'no ,i,hqe/I '/3
o Pisa ni . G/ob ••
J. Bo iu4lt1 u . mt2P I
Lt Clcrc; . folher~ son .

1.:-:'.:_~:~~;:~:::::: :':.. ~ 711~otre Geo9roph'9u~ ,6JO
Oliva h(lLJ.~,!. M~'!o5ino s:::
Mat Gr.... ~er. ~o,.;,e Glob .. mop of lto!/ M. Tavernler,3ieg, de 10 !/orll.lI. rl
11"01" Gk!lr ~B :z:
Cavalli", howe. Leghorn
A Kirch4r[ChOrl o(;;;ognef,e vOf/alion. RO'r;f
Mvndu3 sublcr,.oneU$.·(vrr~nt.s..~tc .
.,. NICOL.AS SAN·SON. 'Ii'oo . ~,
1h;(Jlrv a# !rance, ,lIfO. Pu,./.
Cart•• ~nlra./... ,6.18

P. Du Val.(.on in/ow of Sonson) Corle. d.

G~"9• ., '
/.n9Ih 01 are La Hire, France 1668-'99
PICARD ( usc
10nQi lud..
of I tl/~Jt.ODf
Jol,et "M .rqudi~.M''''. LONGITUOES.m,oJured bylh. Acodemy-
!tpp' R.
N~wton. cD sph.roid P VINCENZO5avoy'
T Borgol'lla,
PIedmont 2'.4 ""', llo J
D.CASSnll.mapon floor or th . Pori. Ob,.
Adrien. Gulll.Sanson
16JO"'Q16 G/obu. map' ftc, Allcnlt v0:lt~~. H. .... JA.I~~OT} ,u« .of
Pierre DuVal S.. n.on,
. LE NEI"TUHB FRAN~OIS J . G.Nolln . .
G RD,,,, M.rcvflo Geogroh'o "9>.- pvbl. by Morller. Am".,.d ).+ D Casun,
' IJ O~ Fer,
.~C?!C?n,e li' •• 9M'_'~ ____ •__ ___ __ ..I-,1 _d.!Je!~~I!.a_'_ RJ:>.Y.~l.... f!l!l_-JI9," ____ " __ • _ •• __ • _.
""I"ml/u per 0':" incll'
Table III Time Chart

I s s A N C E

J.cob of' D.vcnt~r. Nelhcrland. !fJ6')9

Cerardu, MER.CA.TOR.., World !!J6
'J I2..J.9'" . "'~~.
M:' .
B. Wapow.k.i. Poland
l eegl... Scandinavia
Ts<hudi . J.ielvg/to 'J) 8
OLA I..Lt> MACNUS,Scond 39'
Anton Wi.d . Mvscovy ......
1.)) 1

Seba.tlan Mungle. Cosmographio. !J'44

Joh Hont~T ., Rl.Jd imenfa co.smo9r:
Ca.par Vop.1. Cologne . G/obu.dc. lily, England !J'46
M~,..'ator, Evrop. 'JS"
Oi~o Gutierrez, Amer;CD , Anlwerp IJ'02. 1a~iu•. Auslria trJlungo r1,
Ph'tlip Ap ia nu ~, Bay"isch • .condtof.'n, ", ....000
Jenkinson , Ruu,'o 1J61- •
Mercator projection. World mop. 'SSg . Lh yd Egland '09 J. Lo. May " " . Flor;do. !J'G.r
c: A ORT'E'LIU S. 1HEATRUM OR,&IS nR,RAlUIM 1J10 u . n F.briciu •. Moravia \;9
f2b Hogenberg. Horna ~ l, Civita tes Orb,-, Terror"m
Cerard d. Jod • . Speculum Orb~. Terraf'\lm
J.M Q.tellus , IIt"~,.a,,,um Orbij Chrisf/ord. '$19'
~ WACHEN)ER . Spicgh;'1 der leavoerdt

PI3""".... . World . 'f9' Clob .. ··
w aarenlSLon . Medilerr. Chorls,!Y9)
() Mercator s Atl ar. 159.')
....... " . • J d Un.« hol." ".ncro"" 'f9 6.. . __ .. _., ..... ...Ed·"'M·":··t'''.
d WR..lGHT Wi d
'. :{! .. · . .. B··u.rRU$,
.. ···S· ..,... .. · .. · 600
\:) H~ndcr~;}HOND1US. ,vcc.o~ Mtrco IQ" m er~o or Pro.J' IDUO f'\. .wecen
r-. ", World ,60, ·'08111 1'lmolhv Pont Jeo/lil. ·os
,... .,or.\ua.Atl aJCs J S d." n fG Si,na '1<.' (Sp', inj m.,p .N Am:'
::;I ~ . p¢Q. . 'fle.nt~f!o r.ea S,-n\th P~wrll\V"9'n'o,',).
\ 1 8 rdame. IC/ c Ntw £n9'olld,IC,6
... \ J.1\. R AUCH . CHAM PLAIN [ACadia
Sllow'~n<e7 ,6" 20
I'"""\. COI"dlorcJ" . New France 16)1.
).' ( (h oc1> urtn9)
~ Schlc:kh~rt Wvrlftmb. rg "'0
~ W. Janszo.n BlAE U Atlas Novus ,1;)'1+") (Ir;ongulo/.d) "'.Joooo 'GJ~ ') ~ .
v ,1r-.,6- 7" Th.a1rtlm 3-Gv. J;+ ···.54 \v·Wood,. MoSJach,,~e:lt.s 16)J
C) J JANSZOON . Mcuwe /!/los . JV '0)8-,)) .• 1,
)) RoOt Du.dley .4r<ono
>£I~ft- dfl More ;;,.c.,1l.~ . ,6.,

a=(l::r":r »--t
JI' ..,. ft)
il ~ n, Jan. ,Cornol. &LAi.U . /lfIaJ Mojo,.
.. i);>,,";:-;:;,
'2. ,,,,, .
.Ie Surv.yoF 1~1 ...,d. ,," M .Mnt inl,SJ. Chinaofl.'S!
"3;'3 ,... Doncker, '6$9 ··... '7 6. '91· . 7 U . (17 ••~. I.Voss. ~Nl/i ·:s9 6
·p..::t::; v Va" Loon, I'~' ,. t'c.. t'1 "'". ";. .
.s~ .!.~. s::
P. Goos .
:to...... "'~ All ho ' t4
\"&' 9>--0 dr..
' h rl
"b. ~ .,
Codunov kus!Jio • Sibe r Ia ,
~ .... - ... ri ' Wlrt,g . Tn,rICQ" c o . r.. ~ 1IU" 's Charfsjt.7r ·'81 A J le ,.ma.nn.SurvS1;orMd.. Vo ,
l5' ... ,...~ OgtLby's IIrlbnnia 7 JUUI' 'L m.~ o.fC. up"-rtor
. '72
~. ~ ~ c:: IUllom¢ .' "l () L.Joll.t. M'SS/~s,pp' II.. .,+
o~. ;.;iO:' Va n ~ulen. 1682. otc:.. I'M S~l1ir"61"7T'B7" I • . COllin' J:t
~ ':'~ ~~
" DtF
00 Hooge . 1&9' .• t e.. CIl. E.H.alloy.Mognel'cchorl '8J
Engll' " Pdot. , 68t .1,
» l·knnepin.. Norlh Amer,',o '4)
1r3~ De Wd:; , Atlas ',671. '88. en. Thorp ton. Ph~J(~ Lea or o thers ~
~~~ HOlmad~houl n found. d Nurf.'rEY Sh.ldon·, topo,'ry maps III
.. It); AI;or . At as . " ~'I .
•___".10. _._ ............ ,'. __ ____ ..... ... .~~. . ~"."...~.~~:-a.~':l.!:'?f~!~~~ ~!!'~!'!~'.~!'~! .oH!":!'i'!.

of the Renaissance
as far as his coordinates extended, Clavus slightly dampened sheet of rag paper. Color-
broke through the limi ts of the classical map ing was added by hand. Map engraving
to include Norway, Iceland, and even beca~e a lucrative business, and the big
south rn Greenland, which he had per- establishments of Amsterdam and Venice
sonally visited. It was the first extension of employed h undreds of workmen.
the cartographic horizon beyond the north- The Great Discov eries. The third and
ern limits of the ancient world. perhaps most far-reaching event inductive
I n the following gencration (about 1425 to a renaissan e of cartography was that
to 1460), additional "Tabulae Modernae" of the great discoveries. Th age of the great
were prepared, which showed Spain, France, discoveries was itself made possible by a
Italy and central Europe. Thesc works were number of inventions. We have already
frequently reprodu ed in Ptolemy manu- noted the influence of the compass. Equally
scripts, and also servecl as models for the important was the development of a b tter
earliest printed maps of the Renaissance. type of sailing vcssel, particularly th
They may be said to stand at the very head FJ mish karak and the Portuguese caravel.
of modern scientific cartography. These were three-mast d, deckcd ships with
P rinting an d Engraving . The econd the sails rigged in such fashion that the
event that stimulated thc progress of cartog- vessel could be managed ev n in adverse
raphy was the invention of printing and winds. Henceforth it was no longer ncces-
engraving. Hitherto all maps had to be sary to hug the coasts as in the old galleys;
drawn by hand, exp nsiveJy and labori- it was also unnecessary to carry an enormous
ously. In some places, as in Venice, there amount of provisions for the oarsmen, a
were map factories where large staff's of circum ·tance which had usually made it
draftsmen were engaged in copying maps; difficult for th e earlier galleys to go morc
even so, their expense necessarily limited than a week without landing. The caravels
their usc to royal courts, naval officers, and could b provisioned [or mon ths and were
to some of the universities. The average man ready to sail anywhere in th seven seas. It
had almost no contact whatsoever with is largely becausc of this fact that in the
maps. From the flaming descriptions of following centuries the known world more
maps given by some of th m dieval writers than doubled ' in size; and this, in turn,
we may see that their production was re- produced the most far-reaching {fccts on
garded as little short of miraculous. With history.
the introduction of printing and engraving, The first of the important discoveries were
thousands of copies could be obtaincd from those made by the Portuguese along thc
a single plate, and the pric of the maps sank coast of western Africa. Th y were recorded
to a fraction of what it had b en before. piecemeal in contemporary maps of th
The earliest maps wer woodcuts, but portolan type. Thcy also appear on th
very soon copper engravings took their place glob constructed by Martin Behaim of
and remained in universal popularity for Nuremberg in 1492, the oldest t rr strial
300 years. In preparing maps of this type, globe in existenc . In th same y aI', Colum-
lines and letterings were carved with a bus actually r a h d som islands about 70°
graver or burin into a polished copper plate west of Spain. emingly this confirmed
in reverse, mirrorlike fashion . Ink was P tolemy's conception of a small earth . In
rubbed into th grooves; th plate was the following years, how v r, Pinson and
wip d clean and then pressed against a Cabral found xtensive •lands located only
30 or 40° west of pain, and south of the final acceptance must be attributed to
equator; and . ebastian Cabot discovered Apianus and to M rcatof, who appli d the
islands lying only 45° west of Spain in the name to th nor th rn continent as well.
Jati tude of England. None of these had been Diego Ribero. On Sept. 8, 1522, a badly
r cord d on B haim's globe. worn ship arrived at Seville with 18 men on
Juan de la Cosa. The car tographers of
that time did their best to r condIe the new
discoveri ' S with the Ptolemaic tradition.
The [our maps in Fig. 16 show strikingly the
development of this attempt. J uan de ]a
Cosa's map is the most famous of the time
(1500). (. orne authorities think the map is
of lat r date.) Juan de la C:osa was probably
not the owner and mat of the Santa Maria,
th flagship of Columbus On his first voyage
but a seaman recorded on the admiral's
second voyage. His map r c ords th landfall
of Cabral in Brazil, .abot's voyage to
Ca nada, and Vasco da Gama's route to the
Waldseemiiller. The first map that shows
both orth and outh America clearly
separat d from Asia was prepared in 1507
by an Alsatian cartographer nam ed Martin
\-\/aldsecmu ller. It is a stupendous work
(4t by 8 feet, printed on 12 sheets), very
rich in detail , and executed in a flOC Ger-
man R enaissance style. Except for the n w
disconTies. the m ap is based mostly on
Ptol emy. It is con, tructed, however, on a
new and interesting projection, resembling
that of Bonne. One of the most far-r a hing
efl'c ts of this map was that [or the first time
the name" merica" appears on it. Im-
pressed by the a ount of the Florentin'
tra\'c1er, Amerigo Vespuc i Waldseemuller
pIa ed th name' Am ri a' on th south rn
large island. In an accompanying pamphlet
he writes : "1 do not see why anyone may
object to name it Amerig that is, Ame-
rigo's land- from Americus, the d iscoverer,
a man of saga ious mind . . . or Arneri a,
since both Europe and Asia derived their Fig. 16 cographicaJ conceptions changed more
names from wom n .' Th name" America' rapidly in the fir t quarter of the sixteenth cen tury
was not indeed ae epted [or some time; its than ever before or ever since.
board. Gr at was the astonishm nt of the of the discov ry of America. Th re is no
people to learn that these wer th sale trace of America on it; it shows entir ly th
survivors of the proud fl et which 3 years geography of Ptolemy with additions based
before had left under Admiral Magellan on the Portuguese discoveries. Martin
with the purpose of circumnavigating th Behaim was for sam time in the s rvice of
world. This feat had now b<'en accom- th e Portuguese king and took part in
plished, and with it th e Ptokmaic ~ys tcm of voyages to West Afri a. His globe is -20
geography was overthrown. America was inches in diameter and artistically delin-
put in its proper plac on the globe; th eated, with ample descriptions and notes.
Straits of Mag llan were mark d; and He fills the ocean south and east of A. ia with
th vast immensity of the Pacific Oeean was a great number of islands, whi h reach well
recognized . out into the region wher Ameriea should
One of the first maps showing this new be located . The globe is now in the Ger-
conception of the world is tbe chart of Diego manic Museum in Nuremberg.
Ribero (1529). Rib ro was a Portuguese in The most famous globe maker of this
the service of the panish king and. as royal period was Johannes ch5ner of Nurem-
cosmographer, kept up to date the Padron berg. Two of his globes from the years 1515
Real, the standard map of the admiralty . and 1520 show a outh American strait even
The Padron Real itself is lost, but Rib ro's before Magellan's voyage. This, however,
chart is a close copy. The outlines of the was littl more than a happy guess. More-
world on this map are remarkably mod rn. over, on the southern side of the strait we
The map, like all the 'panish charts of th fmd the enormous Terra Australis, that
period, is executed in the traditional great imaginary southern continent which
portolan style. A omparison of this map figured so prominently in all the maps of the
with the ,osa map shows a changf' in the sixteenth century. Globes at this tim<' became
geographic concepts of the world that is popular. A favorite pose f con temporary
unparalleled in history for such a short portrai ts is a man solemnly measuring a globe
period. with a drawing compass (sc Fi o·.1 9).
Globes. The first known terrestrial globe The Itali~n School. In the first hal r of the
that survived was made by Martin Behaim sixteenth century Italian map makers were
in Nuremberg and finished in 1492, the year very productive. The Italian Renais ance

Fig. 17 The Behaim Globe of 1492. (Courtesy oj the Encyclopaedia Britannica.)

reached its peak at that time, and Italian cosmographers of his time. He invented th('
artists ranked first in all arts, and also in stereographic projection and is credited also
cartography. The earl ier maps of the Italian with the so-called "Apianus projection."
school were mostly rendered in portolan This projection, which consist d of hori-
style, with rhumb lines and ompass roses. zontai parallels and arcuate meridians, has
In th later maps and charts, however, regu- been reviv d in Germany in recent year '.
Jar proj ctions wer introduced. The most Apianus' "Cosmographia" appeared in
active among the Italian map makers was 1524 and gpe dily be ame one of the most
Battista Agnese of Venice. His beautifully
drawn and colored manuscript maps an
be se n in many museums of Europ . H
was among the first to give the proper
delincation of Lower California. The mo ·t
important cartographic monument of this
period is the Lafreri Atlas (Rome 1556
1572). This atlas .ontains a miscdlany of
printed maps prepared 1 y the b st cartog-
raphers of the age, astaldi, Bertelli
Zaltieri, etc. Copies of the Lafr "i Atlas are
rare and highly prized.
Great advancement has been made in the Fig. 18 Instruments for measuring land were used
realistic delineation of mountains. Superb in the early RenaCisance. (From Apianus, "Cosmo-
are the maps of Crese ncio Sortc of Brescia, graplzia," 1524.)

in which the s enery of th Piemonte is popular textbooks in its field. At least 15

drawn in bird's-eye-view manner. editions are known, and it was translated
The Cosmographiae. Among th most into five languages. Later editions were
popular books of the Renaissance were the augment d by Gemma Frisius, a Dutch
so-called "cosmographiae." Th se w re cosmographer who introduced the basic
textbooks of geography, astronomy, history principles of triangulation.
and natural sci nces, describ d in regional More voluminous was the "Cosmo-
order and illustrated with maps and figures. graphia' of Sebastian Munster. Published
One of the earliest and most popular of these at Basel in 1544, Munster's compilation was
manuals was the " 'osmographia' of the the main source book of information for half
older Apianus. Petrus Apianus (1495- 1554) a century. The maps, indeed, were rather
- his name was Latinized from Peter Bien - primitive woodcuts, and the text ab.ounded
witz- was professor of mathematics in in fabulous stories; but its importance 10
Ingolstadt, Bavaria, and on of th foremost diss minating knowledge was great.

The Dutch chool of Cartography

ituated amid three great powers of thriving commercial cities passed the mer-
Europe--France, England, and Germany- chants and sailors of all nations and the
and subject to pain the gr ' atest sea power Dutch were able to get firsthand informa-
of that time, the small Netherlands b cam tion from every part of the world. Mter the
the market pIa of Europ . Through its Netherlands gained their independence at
the turn of the century, the ut h them- liberation of cartography from th e innuencc
selves becam an active sea-faring and of Ptolemy. He compiled his material from
colonizing n·a tion. The central position of all available sour s; he examined cri ti all y
the Netherlands, the industry and artistic the older maps and read the records of
ability of the people, and their interest in sailors and traveler ; and h traveled widely
distant lands made the Dutch firs t- lass himself. He becam famous by his map of
map mak rs. In no other peri d in the Europ of 1554, in which he reduc d the
histOlY of cartography can we find such length of the Mediterranean ea to 53° a
prolific production of high-grade maps as correction of Ptolemy'S map. At present
in the golden age oj Dutch carfograj)/I)', which Mercat.or is best known for the M rca tor
began in the middle of the sixteenth century projection. This is a system of horizontal
and lasted over a hundred years. parallels and vertical meridian where the
Mercator. The father of Dutch cartog- relation between the two i true on any part
raphy was Gerardus Mercator (1512- 1594) of the map. This is th only proj tion in
as his name was Latinized from ;erhard which th lines of compass directions appear
Kremer. He studied in the University of straight, and for this reason it is w('lI
Louvain, and one of his teach rs was adapted for navigation. Mercator designed
Gemma Frisiu, the noted cosmographer. this projection for his Jarge hart of the
He became a maker of globes and instru- world in 1569.
ments in Duisburg and in this connection Ortelius. Mercator did not publish any
began to mak maps. Later he settled in great atlases in his lif tim , but h en-
Louvain, where he became the found rand couraged his friend, Abraham Or!eJius to
head of one of the most important carto- prepare one, and the " Theatrum Orbis
graphic houses of that age. Terrarum" was publish d in 1570. This is
The chief merit of Mercator was the regarded as the first mod rn allas of the
world, prec ding in publicat.ion th qually
famous Italian Lafreri Atlas. It has 53
plate. engraved in copper beautifully
executed, and colored by hand. In the
ac ompanying essay OrtcJius listed 87
geographers and cartographers whom he
had used as references in this work. It is
chara tcristic of the rapidly increasing
int rest in th subject that th 1587 edition
of the same atlas has 108 plates and Jists
137 referen es.
Mercator's Successors. M rca tor's own
aDa was publi. hed in 1595, after his death,
by his son, Rumold. His stablishment was
taken over by his son-in-law, Jodo us
Hondius (1563- 1611), a cartographer of
renown hims If. The gr at traditions of the
Fig. 19 Mercator (left) and Hondius were among
house were carri d on by his son, Henricus,
the greatest cartographers of the Renaissance. The
cross-staff on top of the frame was us d for measuring and his son-in-law, Jan Janszoon (1596--
latitude at sea. 1664). Janszoon's "Nieuwe Atlas" had

Fig. 20 The Western Hemisphere from Ortelius' "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum." This much-reduced copy
gi,·cs but Jilll indication of the beaut)' of the colorful original. Note the large Terra Australis.

over 400 plates wonderfully engraved and in 1672, and those plates which could be
color d. salvag d were bought by De Wit, one of the
His works were surpass d only b)· the later Dutch cartographers.
rival stablishm nt of the Blaeu in Am ·ter-
dam. Th founder of the halls , Willem Later Dutch Cartographers. By the end of
Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638), was a man of the seventeenth century dozens of establishments
sci ntifie standing and a friend and student were publishing maps, atlases, and globes, mostly
of Tyeho Brahe, the great Dani. h astrono- in Amsterdam, and all Europe was flo?ded with
mer. He was given th title "Cartographer their products. Even at the pre ent time, for a
to th Republic" and was invested with the few dollars one can buy original imprints of old
Dutch ma l s. Among the more prolific publishers
right to examine all r ords of s amen, to
we may mention the Allards (Carolus and
impruve upon hi maps. His "Atlas Novus"
Aberon), the Donckers (Justus and Cornelius),
of 1634 gr w to six Iar e volumes. His work the chen ks (Pieter and Pietl"r, Jr.), the Valks
was arried on by his sons, J n and ' !\Till m (Gerald and Leonard), the Vi sh rs (Nicholas
and his grandson, Cornelius. Their "Atlas and Nicholas, Jr.), and the later Janszoons
Major" grew into 12 larg folio volumes (Nicholas and Carl). Hundred of atlas s of
and was tran. lated into several languages. folio size were published, but few of them
Th >ir cstablishm nt was destroyed by [ire achieved the ex ellcnce and beauty of the Blaeu
and J anszoon maps. The maps had to be cheaper "So geographers, in Mric maps
to meet competition; quality gave place to With avage pictures fill their gaps,
quantity; and · the supremacy held by Dutch And o'er unhabitab l downs,
maps soon passed to France. In the publishing Place lephants for want of towns."l
of sea charts, however, the Dutch still r tain d
their supremacy during the eady eighteenth
century. Later they were superseded by the Mention should be made of the Dutch
English. city maps. The great city atlas of Braun and
Hoefnagel, "Civitates Orbis Terrarum,"
General Characteristics of the Dutch depicted cities with most masterful detail.
Renaissance Maps. The early Dutch maps Ortelius regard d this atlas as equal in m rit
represent the culmination of the art of to his own.
cartographic rendering. The maps of later The French Cartography of the Renais-
ages may be more accurate, but in the art sance. The waves of the reat Awakening
of cartographic expression we still can learn reached France in the middle of the six-
from J anszoon and the Blaeus. Each sheet teen lh century. In cartography, how vcr,
was a well-composed unit; land and sea, the French long retain d some medieval
title, 1 ttering, and decoration wer har- features. The early Fr nch maps were
moniously distributed. A more legible type rendered in the portolan tradition, but with
of lettering was introduced by Mercator. more finesse, very much Iik mural paint-
Chara teristic are the so-called "swash" ings. The charts of the cartographers of the
lines, masterful strokes of the pen, which Diepp school, somewhat in the style of
were often used to decorate otherwise empty mural paintings, are among the most
surfaces. The title, scales, and descriptive beautiful maps ever made. Somewhat less
material are usually collected into decora- decorative are the maps of the "enlumi-
tive frames called "cartouches," often neurs" of the late sixteenth century (see
adorned by animals and products of the Time Chart, Tabl Ill ).
country. Th s attempts are not always Th further development of French car-
fortunate; th artist probably n ver left tography was strongly influenced by the
Holland, and his conceptions of tropical work of the anson family. The founder
regions, as, for instance, African kings living of the house was Nicolas Sanson d ' bb ville
in Dutch palaces, are often very naive. (1600- 1667), who, him elf of Flemish origin,
Orientation to north was far from universal. was under the influence of Dutch map
If it fitted the page better, the map has been makers. He was assist d and succeeded by
turned in any direction; and the north his sons, Adrien and Guillaume; by his
direction was shown by decorative compass son-in-law, Pierr Duval; by his grandson,
roses. Gilles Robert de Vougondy; and by his
The most objectionabJe feature of Dutch great-grandson, Didier Robert de Vou-
maps is in their indiscriminate use of in- gondy, one of the most influential car-
formation. To show large empty spaces did tographic dynasties of a ll tim s. The ansons
not help to sell the map, and comm rcially w re prolific producers of maps; they pub-
inclined artists were more than willing lished several atlases, maps of th postal
to fill the land with any kind of informa- roads and the riv rs of France, and many
tion or to extend the known detail into the histori al maps. 10 ely connect d with th
unknown, a common practice in olden
times. 1 SWIFT, JONATHAN, "On Poetry, A Rhaps dy. "
Sansons was Alexis Hubert J aiHot. He time of Qu n Elizab tho Th English maps
bought the plates for his a tlases from of this period are very similar to the Dutch
Guillaume Sanson and added much of his in style, but greater detail and less sense of
own work. Jaillot also edited the most proportion make them seem mor crowded .
important geographic work of this period, The pioneer of English cartography is
"Le Neptune Fran~ois" (1693), in collabo- Christopher axton (1542- 1608?) . His chief
ration with Jean Dominique Cassini and contribution i an atlas of county maps of
many other noted cartographers of that England, publish d in 1579. His work wa$
time. authorized by Qucen Elizabeth and is one
In general the ma ps of the Sanson house of the first detail d surveys of the country.
resembled th Dutch maps, but usually The nature of his survey we may learn from
manifested a more cientific attitude. Deco- his passport: "All shieres . . . shall be
rations are far less frequent, and ext n- assisting .. . to sc him onducted into
sive notes of geographic information are · any towne, castl e or hill to view the coun-
common. trey, and h may b accompanied with II
The English School. Notable carto- or III honest men such as do best know the
graphic work was done in England in the countrey .. "

Fig. 21 Sanson's map of America, which was conceived as the legendary lost Atlantis.
shown as an island, although on the earlier Ortelius map it was shown orrectly. All five
The map is in the sinusoidal projection .
An important English map is the chart of the surveyor on horseback, and his a pprentice with
world of 1599, which is occasionally found a perambul ator measuring distances.
bound into H ackluyt's work and which is now
very rare. It is probably the work of Edward At th end of the sevent enth c ntury,
Wright, a friend of H acklu yt and author of English charts b came wid ly us d. Notable
"Certain Lrrors in avigation. " The map is in is H alley's magnetic chart of 1683, one of
Mercator projection; it shows the results of the first charts of this kind. Cartographic
Drak 's voyages and the discoveries a long the curiosities are the beautiful tapestry m aps
Northwest and North ast Passages. I t is one of of h ldon, naturally more decorati ve than
the best maps of its age . This is the m ap to which informative.
' hakespea rc refers in "Twelfth Jight": " He Other Nations. The arlicst Itbasic"
does smile his face in more lines than there are maps of many countries were produc('d in
in the new map with the augmenta tion of the
the Renaissance, e.g., those of Austria and
Indies . . . . "
Hungary by Lazius, around 1620, of
Another interesting work is John O gilvie's
atlas of road strip mar s. This id ea, to show
Russia by Herbertstein, and of candia f
roads in the form of fu rls, was first us d by Oleus Magnus, whi h is on of the most
Iv1a tth \v Pa ris in the time of the ,rusades and richl y decorated m aps of th e period. The
has often been employed since. Fi Ture 22 is detailed map of Bavaria by Phili p Apianus
interesting because it shows how Ogilvi '5 is notable b cause it is cla imed to be' based
survey was carried out . \ '\'t' se the figure of the on tria ngul ation.

1'", ~ twv
A".-.r~. ..~;.

r!1,!.' ..'It,k
Fig. 22 Furl-map showing roads frol1l Ogilvie's " Britannia. " No u: the pictuJ" of til m unt'd su rV<'yor
with a corupass-diopt ·r ill his hand and his assi tan t with a ca.libra ted w h " 1 mcasuring distanccs.

The grea test cartogTapher of the later based on compass sketches made from
Renaissance is P. Yincenzo oronclli (1650- canoes, onsidering whi h it is remarkably
1718) of Venice, who especially excel! d in accurate. 1 he map has eros. . to mark the
globes. II is 1O~ and 15~foot globe, pr pared lirni ts of actual survey; beyond these every-
in Paris for Louis XIV, evok d much com~ thing is "by r Jation." This seems to be the
ment. He founded the first geographical first "relative reliability" map. The N w
society, th 'Argonauts," in Venice. EngJand map has an ac urate shore line,
Of particular interest to us are the but most plac s are misnamed. Equally
" Virginia" and "N w England" maps, fundamental ar the maps of ham plain, in
based on the surveys of Capt. John Smith. which the great navigator defincatcd the
Th maps themselves w re not drawn by t. Lawrence River and the intricate coast
the gr at colonizer. he Virginia map is line of eastern Canada.
CHAPTER 3: The Reformation of Cartography

The fundamental change betw en the Africa of d'Anville of 1747! Gone are the
seventeenth-century Dutch school and the monsters, elephants, lions, and swash lin s;
eighteenth-c ntury French school of car- a cartouche around the title is the only
tography can perhaps be.'t be understood decoration. The map looks empty; the
by comparison of two maps. Figure 24 hows regions of which nothing is known are left

Fig. 24 D AnviIJ·' Africa il lustrates the reformation of cartography. Its scientific

accuracy and omission of all doubtful data is in contrast with the decorative map of
Janszoon, which is shown in the lower left.

Africa as delineated by J anszoon in 1628: blank; where information is doubtful, a note

Africa is divid d into kingdoms with well- to that effect is given. The traditional large
defined boundaries and is full of citi s, river of the Sahara Des rt is still present,
rivers, and lakes, vcn in the ahara D sert. but a note stat s that it is by the authority of
Monsters, ekphants, lions, or swash-lined Ptolemy and Edrisi and that there is in-
lettering fill the spac . At this time the formation available that the river flows
actual knowledge of Africa's int rior was cast instead of west, as is actually the cas
practically nil. of the Niger. Accuracy, clearness, and
How 50mb r in comparison appears the attention to detail mark the French map in
contrast to th older maps of th Dutch in spi te of new discoveries, as long as the
school. maps could be sold. To make expensive
The differen b tw en the Fren hand surveys or critical studies would not have
u tch schools is chicAy the resul t of the more been profitable. The French cartographers,
scientific attitud of the eighteenth century. in contrast, were scientists, often men of
This was the Age of Reason , and its spirit nobl rank subsidized by the King and the
appears in maps, too. Th re is, however, a Academy. Their motive was scientific repu-
further differenc . In Amsterdam, maps tation rather than monetary profit.
w re mad for profit, and, therefore, quick The new cartography was ba ed on new
output and attractive r ndering were im- instruments. At sea the old cross-staff and
portant. Information was obtained where backstaff weI' replaced by the octant and
it was avai lable most inexpensively- by the sextant. Longitude measurements were
copying other maps. Old plates were u. ed, no longer a feat in higher astronomy. The

Fig. 25 The reformation of cartography dates from this map of 1696. The original was laid
out on the floor of the Paris Obs rvalory and embodi s th new longitude ob erv~tions of
the Academy under J. D. Cassini. (AJter reproductionJrom W. L. Clements Library.)
chronometer, invented by Harrison, n- Bapti ·te Bourguignon d'Anville (1697- 1782) .
abled seamen to read their longitude as His maps of the continents made the world
easily as th ir latitude. On land the system r a lize how littl it kn w of the interiors of Asia,
of triangulation was perfected by William Africa, and the Americas. His remarkably rich
BJaeu who actually triangulat d a part of atlas of hina was based on the extensive surveys
of the Jesuit missionaries.
tile Netherlands coast. For measuring angles
The most important atlases of this period
the old diopter was still much in usc, but
were made by Gilles and Didier Robert de
at the end of the century it was replac d
Vougondy; their genera l atlas was used the
by th t lescopic theodolite. world over; it is particularly noted for its
Longitude Measurements of the Acad- "Preface Historique," in which the history of
emy. The reformation of cartography was geography is recorded in 33 folio pages.
introduced by the longitude measurements Mention should be made of the famous
of the French Academy at the end of the atlas of charts, "Hydrographic Fran!raise,"
seventeenth century. These longitudes were the greatest collection of marine charts hitherto
measured by simultaneous observations of made and published. The work was organized
the occultations of Jupiter's satellite at by J. N. Bellin, who ranks qual to d'AnviJI
various places all over the world. The result and Delisle as a leader of this great period of
was a new map of the world, which was laid cartography.
out by Jean Dominique Cassini on the floor
of the Paris Observatory in 1682- one of English Cartography of the Eighteenth
the fundamental maps of history. One of the Century. In th eighteenth century, Eng-
curious results of these measurements was land became the foremost maritim power
that France appeared to be much smaller of Europe. Wi th the growth of the o\'ersea
than it was delineated by anson; it is said dominions and the resulting track and
that Louis XIV remarked to ,assini that prosperity maps and charts were morc and
his measurements took away from France more in demand, and London beca me a
more than the King had added by all his cartographic center surpas. ing Amsterdam
wars of conquest. and rivaling Paris. Indeed , many famous
Delisle and His Successors. The ou tstanding Amsterdam map makers established them-
cartographer of the early eighteenth century selves in London, while others came from
was Guillaume Delisle. His chief merit was the Paris.
elimination of many errors which had crept Th English maps did not differ in style
into cartography and which had been copi d so and composition from the French maps;
often that they were accepted as truths . He many of them were copied dire tly from
reduced the size of the Mediterranean to its D lisle or dAnville with or without ac-
actual length, thus breaking completely with knowl dgment. Among the most prolific
the Ptolemaic tradition. He also corrected the cartographers we may mention Hermann
map of California. Lower California was shown Moll a Dutchman who came to London in
correctly as a peninsula by Mercator and his
1688. Charact ristic of his maps is the
contemporaries. Later, however, California was
extensive use of descriptive notes with which
shown as an island on all the late seventeenth-
century maps. Delisle reestablished its peninsu-
he covers every available space, thus making
lar form in 1700, based on the overland voyage his maps almost a textbook of g ography,
of Father Kino . His map of North America of The gold n period of English cartography
1700 was the best of its period. was the second half of the eighte nth cen-
We have alread y mentioned the work of Jean tury. We cannot discuss all the great map
makers here; for them th stud nt is Eighteenth Century. In the eighteenth century
referred to the time charts. This period has Ital y also was divided into many small states,
direct connection with American cartog- whose rulers weI' often great patrons of arts
raphy, for the Hrst important American and sciences, and much outstanding carto-
maps were published in London. graphic work was accomplished under their
patronage. As in their style of architecture, the
German Cartograph y in the Eighteenth ha roque mi'lps of hill y ~trove to be monu-
Century. In the eighteenth century, Germany m nta l. In the great libraries of Europe we often
was divided into scveral small sta tes, among find maps of colossal size, in striking contrast to
wh ich Austria and Prussia strugg-lecJ [or suprem- the fine and m inute lettering and exquisite:;
acy. There was no strong central government to detail.
support military cartography, and the German The most promincnt cartowa.pher of Italy
maps of this period were either business und r- was G. A. Rizzi-Za nnoni (1734- 1814), a native
takings or surveys supported by some of the of D almatia. He traveled all ovcr Europe and
more enlightened princes. The largest map- did notable c~:lftographic work in Poland,
publishing housc was founded by.J. B. Hom ann Germany, England, a nd France before he
in uremberg in 1692, and until 1824 he and settled at the court of aples. His detail ed maps
his Sllccessors produced an incredible number of are outstanding in vivid dclineation of the
maps and atlases. Their chief rival was the geographic la ndscape. His two maps of the Bay
equally prolific Sautter house in Augsburg. of Naples are described by ir George Ford-
Characteristic of the German maps is an ham:" . . . The surface of the maps is marvel-
enormous amount of detail, to the point of ously minute in execu tion . . . the panoramic
overcrowding; they are full of insets, pictures, representation of the coast line is a lovely piece
and notes, sometimes only distantly related to of work, and the borders and other ornamental
geography. features are superb."
J\10re important are the surveys of the indi- I n the same class belong~ til monumental
vidu a l principalities . They are too numerous , oLlth Amt'rica" of La Cruz Cano), Olmedilla,
to b listc€l here, and therefore the reader is on a nearly 1: 5,000,000 sca le. A dettliled map of
referred to the time chilrts. The mo~t important this entire continent on such a large scale was
map of this period is the 1: 50,0 0 Kabincts- not attempted until modern times . This is an
karte, which shows Brandenburg, 1\1ccklt'nuurg, important map from the historical point of vicw
Prussia, and the surrounding principalities in because it shows the distrihution of the varioLls
270 sheet. This enormous work was carried out Indian tribes, and also the sites of the Jesuit
under Count F. \ V. von chmettau (1767- missions, many of which were ru ined after the
1780). It was never published, but remai ned dissolution of th Order.
as manuscript in the secret archives of the
Prussian kings. Collection of the various surveys Other nations, too, did remarkable work
of Germany into a single great work was accom - during the eighteenth century, especially the
plished in 1789 by J. G. A. J aeger in his "Grand wiss, Russians, and the ca ndina~i ans, but
Atlas d 'Allem agne." discussion of these would lead beyond the
Italian and Spanish Cartography in the limits of this outline.

National urveys
The eighteenth century witnessed the rise and coordinated without detailed and
of the gr at powers of Europ amidst almost accurate maps, which th private cartog-
constant large- cale warfare. Th operations r aphers were not abl to furnish. It was as a
of the great armies could not be plann d resul t of this necessity that the great armies

f RN



Atl Ci.",irol ·~7 -Bo

0 0 C t ",nt, ,.,a dl ..y J PQ t hI
JII!lJltmapg~O/';1 '
rPo J e, 'B. O 'A NVtLl£ Afrlca,4? A"o 5', SAm:'8
6 { H(lltory o( 990graphy
Chronomablr, J.l-lo,.,.,'son 1. 9 1" 1781
" "B 'Po,ifi
~ .. ro"g,Norln
1 Escandon, surveys ;n M~xico
FRANCE ')4':44
• l.Co"d.", i" • . m.a'(lrlng C Noll! , R.OME 'Jooo(,vporo) cr ~~~~l~l ' urt.Ciom,lroqu,d.L.r.. n.. o'II6q"l'
~ fhe orc ",Peru 16-+5"- Ph BUAcHt '700 -'Hf~nlolJr /,"'os , [",gli$h tnt,"".l'Jl
o - Earlh os on eniplo'd PM Vinc.hlo (cJak maps, In ,,""''"c. 01 D~nlol. Gila!}", pitY.l /C{Vf{. . :5J
Ii Tobia. Mayor, 10ngil(ld'J
~ bjTabl.. of thl!. MaorI :n
gIoi>4, J N S,lIin 'OJ- "!
All Man' ;mo 'J'
An/(I/os. ',8 . SI.Oom;n9'JC. '6'"
o 0'
It. J, Ju\ign Aflo J Fro",,:. fI.}8- 'M
iii~ A.Dury, Sordinio'Conoa.((anfa&.
t IC mov"toms) "'tiO
b n
\ B lA"a",,a 'fI'
an ne: '1.7- '9 4 Pr O) f C11 0nt$;b
'0 J Bruce ,'" Abyjj'nto ~dd ~s } RoAEn.r ci~ Va u 90ndy /to Tl VIJIVCH.SHL£ 57 0"
r~ 00"
Io .
J . VJok in S Pac "n'c.and
r lACltUlCanoyOlmcdUa
Soulh' Amcz.rICO , C f Dqlam....,hco '140 . ,8'7 m~ PJ nlloJIt
Jo,S. R,olJX , ChO,. J. #o,.bo,- ""8W$
G. A . R..l lZ I -ZANNONI,07)b-'S,, G l LoR.aug. Alia. Arn.r. 5. ponl"ono ' ,8
G/Qbuallq, ..

~ Ramsd.n. Ihaodolir.
A t z,a ttngr)Meod Sea . NOPll!sr'lJ. LJttra , mo/)~ oJla :.fJ
t:ta II . All N . . N O.. m ..... t. Alia, [n<;1" op'dtqu< 117·"
OM t · t n " (tntCQ . Ov'5$Uno Oupaln .Tri~\. u,ntovrl,nf! map of fm"'c.tI '9'
• nC ,y. em. TOMAS LOP£l.d.V"g•• " , 3 '-'80'
. , C
Mackpn 'u, on . onocio N A. POL EON ' S
5Ur"VfZY of Spa'" mops 01 Am~""co
SUR. V £ Y S 0 F t u It 0 r E-
1800 Humboldt ,nAmo"co SpanuhAd.mor.lIyAlfa'o/Am.,.coa.1 "'P. "c1c r dAI"" lIoly '216.000 I
1o Mu ngo Park on '''~ Hig_ ,801, Longoro Voldes Q£
L ~ 50194 AHoJ H,~ tor;qv. "7

Av.H... mboldl. ,Alia. d~ NO<Iv.lI~ [3pt>

Karl R..'\l:"r. [rdk(lncil; gn. Cd. I. Fo·anc.. d.l~t.t Major ,,8<>.000 '17 80
c.. M:tltA · ~,.un.(,g09rQph'u 0,,11 0/10'0,

J.&. P.nHan d. JVrvoy. ;n 801,,,'0

R..H Schomburgk - • /h. Culono.

Ro,s in Anlarctica
Mors .. in N~w York FAAN('E , 100.000 SST Jit
~"'{ Sar1~l'rc.rn ... map"t,"o"d4\,1,ciJtJ :fliJ
o D. n ~Zomb.,(
on the N EW G...... "' ... o... . A.(OOIl.Zl I !fQ-n
BOLIVIA. Ca.tolnau.·
1 J dt).C'Ic:.Vo'd,Geoq
g~ E. E.Jomard..'Monvm
dvrnoy" n 09'" )'0-'$7 •
dfl/O "-1 .. 61
01) L VIVIEN d. St.·Martin{",, 'iJ'9<iog,·7)
POR.TUG"' L. ' . '013000 r8$6 0" i~ Allns '27 on
MEXICO. G.Cu.b" • . ..,8. .,1, '86
AR.GtNTINl, M .d¢Mou.ssy '61;' A H Dufou.r, map' o(loSIIS
NAPLES. 1' 210.000. 2JJh•• I. '71!7"
i\~~~~~~1~ ~~g I,AlV, "'00.000, 2.i7'sll ',J on
SPAIN. "50. 000 . lo80sh:7yonllbero)
J!J. Il.4c1 u.s, LD Gi09mpllie CUBA. Allas, E PrIChard 71 ~ Avozac du c..tRra-,Mtu.aY4 . m.di~a.1p,
PEJlU. It.fO~('t"o vndttr ROlmondl: " on
fr.lUh.I,An~h~op.;~:og AR.GU.TIN~, Googr. 'n.t. A,I. 1I6-98 f S<.hr"d.r, Allo,Unl. ·IHon(Vill /.nd.51:-
ALGIER.S , 50000 I(ne' ' 86 Marlin
Fd.Suou,Das Ant/ilui. M. Fiorini,Sfere t"reslri" e,e/oJti..
<rde '8J-190' I! Vidal d. 13 Stach • . Atlas C.";",,1·94 01\
Nordtnskiold. Foes/mil. Ec ...... DOJl" 1h. Wolf ' 97
~ Atlos.'8g-Poripl'" 97 Mu.c.o . , .. 00 000. '91-'9" "nlim,,,.J FP.A.NCE ' 'J0 ooo,co/orad, 8"'~ sfoul.
19 ~ ,CHIlE - AIlCENTINE ' o. 0'l"ciory
A"'''£ C EOLOGIQ.UE INTEJ\."'ATtO"''''
<>6-08 I"'}', Icart. 9alhymctriquQ d.u Ocea"sf~q~«
W 1 IIT III.HA. 'tlON"'L MA9 0' THE W·on.,,: o, ' ...OOo. OOQ-
W o R. L D A "- INDOCHINE 'g'. on
M .. ,dco. Alla>,'21 S.rvice Giogr: (;I, (:Arm ..". (opographie
Ec.ho $ou"din9 maps of Af,.;co . MaciQgosc ar, £Avant'-.
AIRPLANE TOUR.ING CLUB ATLAS Milon '27 China and Indochino
PHOTOGRAPHY R.Alm. gi;..,sfvdi•• In corfograpiy AtLa~ au Coloniu Fr. under G. Grondid.'/{
AfI. - a.tIOJ. ms. • Am. or ,Amu. Amtrlca /II. Norlh' Sn.- ~he{l.ts

Table IV Time Chart


MAP S A ge. or Na.tio.'1.a.L Surve V5, 1 TOO - p resen l:

BAANDEN8URG ' · 5QOOO. 1.101" . 11, S,hmtHav

·&] ...·87 rtJl
p,'V' cc h'Of1$ {Jl.onhard
H . LA.M&fIl.T
Tobias Mayer Moppo Cflhco. ·80 ·s"
HANNOVER.. . I, "Jjl . 18j'Sh. !f.··56
IOOOOO. c,t'V,)Ct,t

MeCKLENBURG, " ~~OO, 80.'88 . J(._hm,ffov

J.W.AI. J.e9"r, Gr A110. dAllamognt 89
J Go. Lehman . systQm of hOGhunng. ' 99
Tronchot - MoC' .l<.. , '<100 .000
PlI.Ojecll ons. Mol/we,d •. oJ . Albers. 'OJ
Karl ltittu . Physical mopor Evrope, i>6
WIllmar In,1, Gormony. I . '7 7000 ).J'4~h
JustL,u Pczrth(t.), Go'''O . mo/).1 .,'nee 1186 ('1

of HIe Pacific 0 hler.sbvljJ 'J
WALlMAP', Em" Sydow $WtO£N.,-,Sooooo. ol~tvQ'
AlTlrUDf liNTS
{V£ Sydow ' 4'1.
Hduslab..,2 S. m.AU9. Mtt<h.IL u. ~~S
WURTTEM8lRti I,'JO.oOO '2.1 -"'"
BA VAR IA . ' JODOO 'u - ,8
PRU.JS',," . I ' IOOooO ..otoo. on..
P4.ttrmanrvMJt.,'u.ngU1 'J.'"

f'rvpored by .Erwin ROlsz of the Insf. of G,ogr. E.t.p/o('Qilon. Ha rvard (lmversd/

of Modern Maps
organized th ir surveys. From 1750 on, by plane table. The cartograph r's work
country after country began detailed topo- begin where the surveyor 1 ft off. The
graphic surveys which, in most countries, collecting, s 1 cting, and fine drawing of
are still und r th auspices of the army. material, the fitting of it into a syst m of

Fig. 26 The first triangulation of France by Cassini, 1744.

A systematic survey consists of several projection, and the division of it into con-
steps. First, a number of points are astro- venient sheets are the work of a central
nomically determined. Then a base line is cartographic office.
measured for triangulation. This is a Cesar Frans:ois Cassini. The first impor-
straight line of 10 to 20 miles in length, from tant national survey was made in France.
the two ends of which other points are The triangulation of France was organized
obtained by intersection. Further points by a commission of the Academy, headed
are similarly determined by a system of by cesar Franc;ois Cassini, Comte de Thury
triangles. The advantage of this method is (1714-1784), the greate t member of a
that angles can be easily read from a great family of astronomers and cartog-
theodolite without the difficult and expen- raphers. The result of this triangulation is
sive measurement of distances. After enough the map of France of 1744, showing 18
points have been determined by triangula- bases and more than 2,000 triangles, and
tion, and their latitude and longitude have supplemented by a table of latitudes and
been calculated, the detail can be filled in longitudes of the cities of France.
From a network of triangulation to a earlier times and exact systematic hachur-
complete set of detailed topographic sheets ing. The hachures usually show nothing
is still a long step. It was in 1747 that other than troughlike valleys incised in flat
Cassini accompanied Louis XV in his cam- uplands. This method was well adapted
paign to Flanders. Here Cassini laid before to the tableland of northern France bu t
the King a new large-scale map of the failed conspicuously in the Alps.
region, which was based on triangulation Napoleon. Like all great military leaders,
and prepared by the army engineers. The Napoleon was an ardent supporter of
King was so much impressed by this work surveys and mapping. During the Italian
that he declared that the whole of France campaign he commissioned Bader d' Albe
should be similarly mapped, and Cassini to prepare a map of Italy in 1: 256,000-
was ordered to proceed with this work. one of the outstanding maps of the age.
Difficulties, however, soon arose. In 1756, Napoleon started also a number of impor-
soon after the first sheets were published, tant surveys in Germany, Greece, and
Cassini was ordered to stop th e work be- Egypt. His defeat pr vented him from
cause of state bankruptcy. assini did not finishing his great project, a 1: 100,000 map
give up. By subscription and by the sacrifice of Europe. Much of this work was already
of his personal fortune, he continued the in manuscript when it feU into the hands
work. The plan was a success, but Cassini of the Cossacks at Berezina.
did not live to see th series completed. The The Ordnance Survey . The national
work was continued by his son, Jaques survey of Great Britain was begun by the
Dominique, and was finished during the stimulus of ranee. Cassini pointed out that
French Revolution. if the London and Paris observatories were
to be connected by triangulation, not only
could their exact position be determined
but also th size of a degree could be more
accurately measured. This was agreed to by
England, and the triangulation was accom-
plished (1784-1787) by General Roy. In
1791 the Ordance urvey of Great Britain
was instituted, and the first sheet in
1 : 63,360, or 1 inch to a mile was published
in 1801. It was several d cades b fore the
entire island was surveyed. In the middle of
the cen tury a Dew survey was begun on the
scale of 6 inches to a mile, and maps of this
very large seal proved to be useful for
Fig. 27 Part of the "Carte Geometrique de Ja geologic and geographic work. Several
France," 1: 86,400.
editions of the OrdnClnc urv y sh 'et have
The "Carte Geomeu'iqu de la Franc " b en published since, and the latest, or
is composed of 182 sheets on th scale of sixth, edition is one of the best topographic
1 :86,400. I t shows remarkable detail but i. maps of the present.
deficient in showing mountains. A m thod Other National Surveys. The urvey of
of hachuring was adopted that is transitional Spain was organized under Tomas L6pez
between the pictorial representation of de Vargas in the eighteenth c ntury. The
Austrian 1 : 28,000 series was begun in 1806; The plan of this work was proposed by
from it the famous" pezialkarte" (1: 75,- Prof. Albrecht Penck at the International
000) was pri-nted later, which was regarded Geographical Congress in Berne in 1891,
as the most minutely detailed map of but only the London Congress of 1909
Europe. The surveys of the several German worked out the specifications, which were
provinces were well under way in the first supplemented in Paris in 1913. When com-
decades of the century. These were united pleted, the map will onsist of about 1,500
into the 1: 100,000 "Reichskarte" after the sheets, most of which cover 4° of latitude
mpire was unified. and 6° of longitude, in a modified conic
The topographical survey of witzerland projection. The plan was accepted with
was organized by Dufour in 1832. These great enthusiasm, but the First World War
maps have hachuring with brilliant oblique and the subsequent impoverishment of
shadowing, well adapted to that moun- Europe para1yzed the work, so that only
tainous country. The modcrn surveys of about 400 sheets were published before the
various countries are described in detail in Second World War, those being prin ipalJy
Chap. 13. of Europe, the Near East India, and Africa.
International Maps. The nineteenth The Latin American sheets were campI ted
century created and satisfied the demand for by the American Geographical 0 iety.
national maps. The twentieth century Only four sheets of the United States were
created the desire for an international map published in this series. The entire set was
of the world. Airplane, radio, cheap travel, superseded by the 1: 1,000,000 maps of the
and international commerce all carried Army Map ervice and the U .. . Coast and
problems across national boundaries, and Geodetic Survey, prepared under the stress
consequently an international map of the of the global war and covering most lands
world on a 1: 1,000,000 scale was begun. of the world.

Private Cartography in the Nineteenth Century

The nineteenth century saw the expan- perIod of the industrial r volution. The
sion of Western civilization over all the machine age affected cartography in mor
world, so that at the end of the century, than one way. A network of railways was
with the exception of Japan, hina, and a exactly surveyed, and in many countries this
few small states, all countries of the world was the framework upon which the map
were under the direct or indir ct rule of of the country was constructed. Telegraph
Europeans or the descendants of Europ ans. lines announced Greenwich time in any
Colonization, which in previous centuries Iocali ty; hence its longitude could easil'y be
had confined its If to the seacoast, now fixed. Submarin cables initiated the surv y
penetrated into the interiors. of the ocean bottoms which was further
A map of the world of 1800 shows correct advanced in the twenti th century by sonic
coast lines but great blank spaces in the depth sounding.
interior of the continents. In 1900 there The development of lithography, wax
was hardly a spot on the Earth where the engraving, photoengraving, and color print-
major features of topography were not ing profoundly aff t d cartography. Ri h
known. and colorful symbols repla d the black-
The nin teenth century was also the and-whit technique of older maps; and
yet maps b came cheaper and more abun- cartography; and cartograms, diagrams,
dant than ever before. and distribution maps are common in books,
In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries periodicals, and newspapers.
great advances were made in seien e and In the nineteenth century Germany be-
education. Geological maps appeare-d in the came the most prolific producer of maps and
beginning of the nineteenth century, and atlases. These maps were characterized by
at present geologi al mapping keeps pac a great amount of exact detail. Topographic
with topogra phical mapping- sometimes is relief was shown by a simplified system of
even ahead of it. Th re are atlases of hachuring, and the maps were printed in
meteorology, oceanography, biology, eth- many colors. A list of German map-publish-
nography, and so forth. School maps and ing hous s is shown in the time charts. The
atlases are now standard equipment in du- outstanding one is the Geographical Insti-
cation, and their manufacture keeps many tute of Ju tus Perthes in Gotha, founded in
establishmcnts busy. 1788, which, sine 1817, has published l2
The g ography of th eighteenth entury editions of the Stieler Atlas.
was largely descriptive- a collection of Other nations. too, published excellen t
promiscuous facts. The c.' tablishment of atlases. 1 he French atlases of Vidal de Ja
geography as an exact science gave a pro- Blache and of Vivien de St. -Martin xeelled
found impetus to cartography. Alexander in flOesse th e German products; and the
von Humboldt emphasized scientific travel b'Tea t English atlases of Philip, Bartholo-
and critical examination of causes and mew, Stanford, and Johnston were also
results- interrelation of m~n and nviron- widely used.
ment. He was followed , along pedagogic t thc end of the century a new type of
lines, by Karl Ritt r, who outlined the national alIas came into fashion. These are
trend of school geography for almost a large volum~s containing all available in-
century. Ferdinand von Richthofen, the formation about a single nation; climate,
great Asiatic explorer, emphasized the geo- soil, economics, health. and social condi-
morphic landscape. All these ideas were tions are shown in maps, cartogram , and
expressed in ncw and better maps. diagrams. These atlases form the most
The study of hi ·torical cartography was valuable basis for geogTaphic study of the
begun in France by the monumental works individual nations. Finland, w den, Scot-
of antarcm, Lelewcl, and J omard who land, France, and Czechoslovakia produced
were followed by Nordenskjold Konrad outstanding atlases of this sort. The "Grand
Miller, Joseph Fisher, Wieder, and many Sovi t tlas" of 1937 is remarkable; in the
others. At present books and atlases of his-
United States the successive issues of the
torical cartography fill many sh lves of
"American Atlas of Agriculture belong to
our major libraries. Monumental works of
this type.
the historical cartography of special regions
were collected and cdited by Tel ki (Japan) Airplane Photography. At the beginning of
and Wagner (Pacific Coast) and were the twenti th ccntury cartography received
officially collected by Italy, Chile, Guate- a new stimulus from the introduction of
mala, and many others (see Appendix 4, airplane photography. Hitherto the land
Bibliography). had to be survey d by establi hing a
The commercial and economic-statistical trigonometric network and filling in the
field proved to be espe ially stimulating for detail by plane table. Thi. method is both
laboriou and expensive; and in ] ss acces- "mosai s" and are used dir ctly, in place
sible areas, such as forests and swamps, it of maps. To show sufficient d tail, an air-
i very difficult. By the u e of th airplane plane photograph cannot be much smaller
camera, the detail ean b filled in at· a frac- than 1: 20,000, which is a much larger scale
tion of th cost and tim , and with greater than our usual topographic sh ets. If a map
accuracy. Contour lines are drawn with the on a smaUer scale is desired, it must be
help of intricate machinery and the use of drawn by hand from the pictures. The
stereoscopic pairs of pictures. present map conventions are not designed
All modern surveys, including that of the to record the rich detail with which airplane
U .. Geological Survey, use airplane photo- photographs provide us, and our entire
graphs to a greater and greater extent. syst m of artography has to undergo a
Airplane photographs are especially useful thorough change in the future. These
in less explored regions where data cannot developments are so recent and so much in
be obtained otherwise. Several vertical air- flux that it is b('tler to discuss th m in a
plane photographs arc often combined in LO separate chapter.
CHAPTER 4: American Cartography

The map of America has been gradually surprising how few colonial maps made in
perfected since lhe time of Columbus. The Am rica have survived. The walls of
early charts of the Spanish, Italian, Dutch, colonial mansions were likely to be deco-
French, and English navigalors, and the rated wilh. maps, but these came from
maps of the explorers and army officers, London or Paris. Map making in America
however important, are Ameri an in th -ir was regarded primarily as a task ofth.c army
subjects only . Their maps were engraved and navy ; civil maps rarely w ot beyond
aod publi hed in Europe. Th maps of delineations of estates, city plans, and a few
Blaeu, John Smith, Champlain and Delisle state maps.

Fig. 28 Th - first map drawn, engraved, printed, and published in the American
Colonies. (Joh1l Fosler's woodcut, Bosto1l, 1677.)
were ment.ioned previously. The ar not. The first map compiled, drawn, en-
discussed h rc, but th student is referred graved, print d, and published in Am I'lca
to the excellent works of Justin Win ort or seems to be one of New England made by
the much simpli fied discussion of Fite and John ' a ler the first Boston printer in 1677.
Freeman 2 or Paullin and Wright. 3 It is a crude woodcut, drawn with charming
Colonial Cartography. It is somewhat simplicity but even in its crudeness it must
have r presented, in its time, a brave
I WINSOR, JUSTIN, "Narrative and ritical History attempt in the finer arts amidst the harsh
of Arneri a," 8 VOli.) Boston, 1884-1889.
life of the early colonists.
2 FITE, E. D., and A. F llEEMAN, "The Book of Old

Maps," Harvard niversity Press, Cambridge, ] 926. Among the first colonial maps the most
3 PAULLlN, C. 0., and T. K. WRIGHT, "Atlas of the famous is the Bonner-Price map of the city
Historical eography of the nited Slates," 1932. of Boston (1722), which, in its even new
editions up to 1769, gives an unparalleled The map was cut in copper by James
opportunity for studying the dev lopment Turner, on of the gr at st ngrav rs of his
of a colonial city. time. In cartographic art th map is equal
to the best works produced in Europ (see
Fig. 29). Turner ngraved several maps, and
he is the author of a map of Nova Scotia, a
supplement to the Evans map. The Evans
map was printed by the press of Benjamin
Franklin (this fact is not yet verified), whos
contribution to cartography is a famous
chart showing the Gulf tream.
The infiuen e of the Evans map was very
great. Twenty-six subsequent ditions, some
of them pirati aI, were collected by the
Library of Congress.
John Mitchell. qual in importance to the
Evans map is thc cant mporan ous map by
John Mitchell of the' British and French
Dominions in North America 1755. " This
is a very lar e map with r markable detail,
and it was produced in London. This map
wa used by the Peace Conference of Paris
in 1783, and on it w re outlined th
Fig. 29 Inset from Lewis Evans' map of the Middle boundaries of the new republic. At least 18
British Colonies, Philadelphia , 1755.
editions were printed on the original scale
Lewis Evans.! The highest development of prior to 1792 in England, France, Holland ,
colonial cartography was r ached in th and Italy.
middl of the eighteenth c ntury. The most Am!)1 and. Val:;1SUr1~JIS. Durin o' the quarter
important map of this period is the Evans c<;ntury preced ing the Revolution , intense
map of "The Middle British Colonies 1755. " surv ying was donc by the British army and
Three great names are connected wi th this navy. 2 \l\Tashington him elf made many land
map. The author, Lewis Evans, compiled urv ys throughout his life. We should not
a map which is remarkable [or its accuracy imagin these army surv ys to be v ry
and wealth of information. In the ac om- accurate. They had no fram work of tri-
panying "Analysis" he states his sources of an ulation, and the instruments used were
compilation- maps, journals, and narra- thc chain, compass, plane tabl , and som -
tives of Indian trad rs. The map, he states, times a diopter and a perambulator (odom-
was prematurely issued because of the et r). A keen s nse of distance and direction
impending French war. Some of his state- was the most important asset for th se early
ments in the "Analysis" involved him in a surveyors in the densely wooded Appa-
dispute with the governor of P nnsylvania, lachian Mountains. Most of the e surveys
and Evans died in prison. remained in manuscript or were published
1 GIPSON, LAWRENCE HENRY, "L wis Evans," The 2 BROWN, RALPH H., The DeBrahm Charts of the
Historical ociety of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Atlantic Ocean, 1772- 1776, Geog. Rev., Vo!' 28, pp.
1939. 246 pp. 124-132, 1938.
in London, nOlably in J effery's atlases. state surveys. tate after state appropriated
These surveys laid the foundations of the a rath er modest sum, ranging somewhere
future American maps, and many of th between $50,000 and $300,000 for the
army surveyors later b came leading fig- preparation of a state map with scales
ures in American cartography, as Thomas varying from 2 to 8 miks per inch. None of
Hutchins, imeon D witt, J ohn Hill, and these surveys was based on triang;ulat ion
others. (up to 1830, Massachusetts), and the maps
were based perhaps more on compilation
Pacific Coast. At the time when outlines of the
than on instrumental surveys. These early
Atlantic Ocean were more or less correctly
state maps are listed in the Time hart. The
represented, the cartographcr s imagination
went wild in the dclin ation of the Pacific coast western states and territories were mapped
of North America. Even aftcr the discovery of by the General Land Office with remark-
the Bering Strait in 1728 and of Alaska in 1741 able speed, but less remarkable accuracy,
the facts were misi nterprcted to the xtent shown under the pressure of the irnrncdiat de-
in the Delisle-Buache map of 1752. Not until mand for layouts and maps by the settlers.
the end of the entury, wht'n the panish gov- Th beginning of private cartography was
ernment made serious efforts to explore and very modest. John Fitch, the inventor of the
settle California and the northwest coast, did st amboat, m ade a rough but signifLcant
this land receive its true outlines. The northern map of th "Northwest United States,"
Pacific was the last of the world's habitable coast which he engraved him elf. Abel Buell pre-
lines to be explored and occupied by the
pared a map of th United States (1789),
European nations.
which is said to be the first map of the
Emancipation of American Cartog- United tates drawn, engraved printed,
raphy. With the ef'tablishment of the new and published by its citizens. The first atlas
republi began the slow emancipation of mad in the United tates is a set of charts
American cartography from European in- of th Atlantic coast, 'The American
fluence. ' '''ashington himself a surveyor, Pilot," compiled and cut in copper by the
and Jefferson son of the author of the Fry- noted engraver John Norman, and pub-
Jefferson map of Virginia, were both keenly lished in 1792.
interested in artography. Thomas Jeffer-
son's own map ('A Map of the Country Atlast's. A few book publishers decided to
between Albemarle Sound and Lak Erie, add atlases to their line, the fir t bing Matthew
1787"), although publi hed in Europe, arey in Philadclphia (1794) . His atla was
represents a major piee of American map republished almost every yeal·, and from 1822
compilation. Thomas Hutchins, the first and on, the work was continued by his son H. C.
only "Geographer to the Un ited tat s," Carey ( .ar y & L a). These early atlases were
organized th survey of the -normous tracts small in form and the plates for the maps ·of the
foreign countries w re imported or copied
of public lands. He adopt d the traditional
from European maps. Mor original were the
36-square mile township and section system,
state maps, which were chiefly the work of such
which still prevails over th great r part of excellent engravers and map compilators as
the United States. The General Land ffice amue1 Lewis, Benjamin Tann r, and Amos
became one of the most active mapping Doolittl . The clean-cut and very delicate lines
agencies of th gov rnm nt. and the selective use of decora tive detail recall
Stale Surveys. The most important map- the charm and dignity of contemporary art and
ping activities of this age were the organized archit cture.


Table V Time Chart



, Wm. H. ~"d "A"clr~w Nt NALLY, eh/CDgo AI/o.u ''-rlce '7& Y.Dr'i
Gc.o r Cr.m,Ch ICQ!Jo. mapl . atJaJU . Rollway guld4s
c;. W. Or.y. Al'hilo . Alia... of Oh,o, Md, Po, -
U.S - World .Ie.
O. H.W.lkqr, Bo.ton, Alios o(M,," . :91
Ju..tin Winsor, Ho,.vord IJ,,'V. Sludi'cl In _""'y Amer. cor'ogr.
Ndion.1 Geog. Sociely fOvndcd liB

of the nited States

It soon became evident that these American for maps was great. The frontier of the
atlase could compete with the European country advanced year l)y year' roads
products, and lhe field was open for lucrative canals, and railroads wert; :.)Uilt, and maps
business. John Melish employed more than were a prime nec ssity. '1': ' surveys of th
30 map makers in his office in Philadelphia in
General Land Office, of ti . ates, and of
1810, among them the Tanner brothers.
th army and navy were hardly able to keep
up with the rapid changes, and private
cartography had to come to their aid. Th
maps and atlases of this period represent the
best in the history of American cartography.

Philadelphia remained the cartographic center

during this age, but New York, Boston, Balti-
more, and Hartford were important producers
of maps, too. During the 2 years from 1822 to
1824, not less tl1an seven large a tla es were
published in the United tates, and some of
them were republish d every few years. The
maps and atlases of that time represent a great
refinement in the art of copper and sleel en-
graving. The lines are incredibly delicate, the
lettering is tiny but perfect. Th r is no pictorial
Fig. 30 The American maps of the late eighteenth detail insid the map; pictures and decorations
century excel in fine engraving. Fragment [rom are concentrat d into vignettes around the map
Marthew Carey's "American Atlas," 1794. The map or within the little cartollche. The title is usually
was engraved by A. Doolittle of New Haven.
framed wilh swash lines, a characteristic feature
Many geography books and school atlases of this period. Mountains are represented by
were published at this time. Especially famous fine hachure Jincs. No important map or atlas
was the geography ofJedidiah Morse, a minister was published without an extensive text of
of Charlestown, Mass., which was accompanied geographic data, and many maps were sur-
by an atlas by Arrowsmith and Samuel Lewis. rounded by quaint pictures of cities and scenery.
Boston remained for a long time the publishing
center for school atlases. James Wilson of
H. S. Tanner. The [oremo t cartographer
Vermont is credited with being America's first of this age was Henry Schenck Tanner
globe maker.l (1786- 1858), brother of Benjamin, the
famous engraver. His "New American
The Golden Age of American Cartog- A das," first published in 1823, is a land-
raphy (1820-1840). In the second quarter mark in American cartography. He col-
of the last century the young nation I cted all available state and government
emancipated itself, not only politi ally, but maps, reduced them to uniform cale and
spiritually also, from the Old World, and form, add d much of his own wid experi-
the westward expan ion was in its full en e, and produced a work that was equal
swing. Enterprising spirit ran high in all to the b 8t Europ an atlases of his age.
fields, and so in cart graphy. The demand Added to this atlas ar his geographic
) KIMBAl.L, L. E., James Wilson of Vermont,
"Memoirs," which summarize all explora-
America's First Globe Maker, Proc. Am. Antiquarian tory, surv ying, and cartographic work don
Soc., Vo). 48, pp. 29-48. 1938. in this country-our only availa ble in-

Fig. 31 Legendary rivers of the West, from Henry S. Tanner's" lew American Atlas,
In the lowcr left is a note recording their doubtful validity.

formation of this sort. Henry was later 1832 to 1835 mapped the Great Basin the
joined by Benjamin, and th Tanner office topography of Wllich was r markably mis-
in Philad lphia b came one of th busiest und r tood at that tim. Juan Pedro Walker
producers of maps, atlas s and guidebooks. produc d a map in 1 lOin which he placed
Explorations. The most notable army ex- thre enormou rivers arising from the
plorations of this period were those of Allen, Colorado Ro kies and reaching the Pacific
Schoolcraft, and later of Nicollet in the coast at various pIa es in alifornia. L wis
Upper Mississippi region. Bonneville from and Clark have shown in their Jllap an
overlengthened Willamette River (called graving into copp r and also that th map
Multonomah River) rising also in the can b printed on ordinary ch ap paper.
pre ent Colorado. These rivers were ac- The lines are delicate enough, but not so
cepted by Tanner and put on his maps, with clean-cut as on the copper-engraved maps.
a remark, however, as to their doubtful Lithography became a popular method of
validity. Other map makers copied these reproducing maps in the middle of the
rivers, but the not as to their uncertainty century.
was often left out, and the four legendary Wax engraving was invented by idney
rivers of the West did not disappear from Edwards Morse, son of J didiah Mor e and
the maps until 1838. brother of Samuel Finley B. Morse, the
Lithography a nd Wax En g ra ving painter and inventor. He worked out the
(1804- 1860). In the middle of the last system of wax engraving tog ther wi th
century the invention of new methods of Henry H. Munson, and his first "Cero-
reproduction changed the entire aspect of graphic Atlas" was published in 1841. In
cartography. Lithography was invented in wax engraving the map is engraved into a
1798 in Germany, where it became the thin sheet of wax, which is spread over a
general method of map reproduction. In polished plate. The wax with the grooves
the United tates it was first used for maps in it is th n electroplated. After the removal
of the wax the electroplate is strengthened
and mounted. Printing is done directly from
the lectroplate, which will print from raised
lines, as ordinary type does. The chi f
advantage however, is that the lettering
can b s t up in type and pressed into the
wax. Mechanical tint. can also be easily
applied by combing the wax surface. Wax
engraving became the univ rsal merican
method of map r production , and the over-
lettered and mechanical-looking maps still
. are charact ristic of American ommercial
cartography. Morse's style imprinted itself
so deeply that the map of Fig. 32 could b
Fig. 32 Th first atlas reproduced by wax engraving published today, 100 years later, without
already shows a tendency to overlettering and most people realizing its age.
mechanical appearance. (Part oj S. E. Morse's
"Cerographic AI/as," 1841.) The outstanding cartographer of this period
was Samu I Augustus Mitchell (1797-1868) in
probably by William Pendleton in Boston
Philadelphia. He was a disciple of the Tanners
in 1827. Tl e principle of lithography is that
and took over the Tanner establishment in the
the map is drawn r versed as in a mirror, middle of the century. The "Mitchell Atlas, ,
with a greasy ink upon lithographic stone. published yearly from 1847 to 1893, was a
The stone has the quality of taking either characteristic product of American culture of
ink Of wat 1', and if th ton is rolled over the Victorian period.
with printing ink, the ink will adhere only The most prolific producer of maps at this
to the lines. The advantage of this method time was the olton family in New York. The
is that it does away with the laborious en- "Colton Atlas" was published yearly from
1855 to 1883, with an excellent and extensive county atlases were made purely from a
geographical text. Characteristic of the Colton business point of view, they contain much
m~ps is a very ornamental border co.nsisting of original material and form a valuable aid in
interlacing vines. The Colton establishment historical research. In the 1890's, when
printed, besides a vari ty of maps, gazetteers, photoengraving came into fashion, the
and atlases of the United States, many outh
quaint lithographs were replaced by half-
American maps, too, in competition with the
cartographic establi hments of Paris.
tone copies of photographs, and thus the
Among the governmental offices, the army
was the most important producer of maps. The
most important army survey was that of Fre-
mont, whose excell ent map of the new West
(1848) was drawn by Charles Preuss, and
appeared just in time for the California gold
County Atlases (1860- 1900). With the
spreading of lithography, the most specially
American cartographic products, the county
Fig. 33 The county atlases of last century are
atlases, began their development. Th y were
typical American products. They are composed
probably first made by William tewart in of maps, text, and quaint pictures in half-tone
New York in the 1850's, and were imitated lithography.
by most map makers of Philadelphia, New
York, and later of Chicago, and in the artistic touch of the earlier drawings was
1870's and 1880's attained the significance lost. The largest publisher of county maps
of a national industry. They w~re still pub- was G. A. Ogle in Chicago, who has more
lished at the beginning of the twentieth than 700 county atlases to his credit.
century, but at that time, with the growing The most important cartographer of this age
industrialization and urbanization of the was Henry F. Walling (1825-1888), professor of
country, they lost their ignificance. engineering in Lafayette College, who prepared
The typicaJ county atlas remained very over 20 state atlases with extensive texts. His
much the same during the half century of maps and atlases have the distinction of thor-
its history. It shows d tail d township and ough research, an enormous amount of detail,
prop rty maps, generally 2 inches to the and perhaps a little more artistic appearance
mil bas d upon the Land Office surveys, than the generally rather drab maps of this
and contains also much original material
collected by th agents of thc publi hing The Age of the Great Surveys (1870-
company. Besid s the map there is exten- 1900). In the middle of the nineteenth
sive text material, profusely iUu trated with c ntury the United States acquired enor-
pictures of farm and factories in the quaint mous tra ts of land west of the Rocky
style of old lithographs. They w re gener- Mountains. To survey these territories, the
ally sold by subscription, and of cour e U.S. Army sent out party after party. These
every farm r was glad to part with $10 or did notable work in spite of the hardship
$20 if he knew that a picture of his farm or and danger from Indian attacks. The early
of him If would win him ounty-wide surveys of G. K. Warren, Lieutenant Ives,
distinction, ev n if this distinction would be and aptain Reynolds were interrupted by
shar d with many others. Although these the Civil War. The Civil War itself di closed
how inadequately the country was surveyed, perhaps greater than it seems at first glan e.
and after the war was ov r, s rveying ac- Maps can now be made by geographers and
tivity was renewed with fresh vigor. The not necessarily by highly skilled engravers.
four great western surv ys known as the The resulting maps may be less perfect
King, Wheeler, Powell, and Hayden sur- technically, but they will more informally
veys covered hundreds of thousands of express geographic ideas. Photoengraved
square miles, but it was soon found that maps can be printed together with text. Not
these individual efforts resulted in so much only are all our t xtbooks generously en-
duplication that a nationally organized dowed with maps but ev n newspapers use
survey was necessary. In 1878 there came maps nowadays to illustrate daily events.
into existence the U.S. Geological urvey, The perfection of color printing enables
the chief mapping agency of the Unitcd cartographers to represent the most com-
States today. plex geographic concept ·. Modern geo-
From the cartographic point of view, the logical and soil maps, the maps used in
atlases of the early surveys are remarkable economics, m teorology, and other sciences,
achievements. The field parties were accom- often require a dozen successive printings
panied by first-class artists, among them William and the use of mechani al tints.
H. Holmes, whose set of views of the Grand The American Geographical Society was
Canyon is a classic of topographic art. Most of found ed in 1852, and since that time it has
these atlases wer engraved by Julius Bien, produced maps of high excellence in its
New York. He represented relief by plastic publications. Its outstanding piece of work
shading, which was made possible by the per-
is the 1: 1,000,000 series of Hispanic Amer-
fection of half-tone lithography. Parallel with
ica, a part of the " International Map of the
the exploratory surveys an extensive network of
World," the greate. t artographic under-
triangulation was started after the Civil War.
The great transcontinental arc of triangles from taking of modern times. The National
the Atlantic to the Pacific was accomplished by Geographic Society in Washington is also
the Coast Surv y, henceforth called the U.S . a prolific producer of maps, which reflec t
Coast and Geodetic Survey. the genius of the late A. H . Bumstead who
I t would be hard to name the foremost car- had a special ability to give the greatest
tographers of the age of th~ great surveys. The . amount of information with the minimum
production of maps became an extremely in- of overcrowding.
volved process, requiring the cooperation of so There is a closer connection between
many men that the individual can hardly be geology and cartography in th United
distinguished. States than elsewhere, perhaps owing to the
Moder n M ap s (1900- ). The modern organization of the U.S. Geological Survey,
age in American cartography is character- where many cartographers received their
ized by a more scientific trend , and by the training. A result of this connection is a
enormously widespread application of maps, specially American product, th physio-
not only in the scientific field, but also in graphic, or landform, map. In this method,
the everyday life of people. This was made instead of emphasizing the altitude of the
possible largely by the introduction of land, its geomorphologic aspect is de-
photoengraving. By this method the map lineated, giving on small-s ale maps a
is drawn on paper on an enlarged scale and b tter repr sen tation of the geographic
photographic reduction will produce a fine- landscape than the other m thods. This
looking map. The importance of this is method originated with W. M. Davis, and
was further perfected by A. K. Lobeck, and How deeply cartography has ntered the
is now recognized overseas. life of the great masses is shown by the
Notable work has been done d uring this present automobile road map. The making
period in topographic models. E . E. Howell of these maps, given away freely by any
was a distinguished producer of numerous filling station and printed in millions of
excellent models, always emphasizing the copies, has assumed the scope of a national
geological structure of the land. Equally industry. They are much derided, yet the
excellent is the work of G. C. Curtis of amount and exactness of their information
Wiscasset, Maine, whose models of the and their practical delineation can best be
Boston region and of the Kilauea in Hawaii appreciated by those who have used similar
are now the prize exhibits of the University products in Europe, bought at an excessive
Museum at Harvard. He started the huge price.
relief model of the United States at the Airplane photography and the global war
Babson Institute, W ellesl y Hills, Mass., introduced a new epoch in American car-
which shows the United tat s 63 by 46 feet tography, which will be discussed in a
in size on a scale of 4 miles to the inch. separate chapter.

CHAPTER 5: Scales, Parallels, and Meridians

We defin d a map as a conventionalized 2. Inch-to-mile scale, which indicates that

picture of the earth's surface pattern. Every an inch on the map corresponds to a certain
picture is in a definite proportional relation- number of miles on the land. Such scale is
ship to the object represented. This pro- usually used on topographic sheets, as
portion is its scale. An ordinary picture is
usually not very much smaller or larger Scale: 1 inch to 4 miles
than its obj ct, and thus the scale is obvious. (Not 1 inch = 4 miles)
A map, however, is many thousand or
3. Graphic scale, or rod scale, which
million times smaller than the correspond-
records the mileage on a graduated line.
ing part of the earth's surface; the relation-
This scale has the great advantage of
ship is bcyond recognition, and therefore
remaining true aft r the map has been
the scale m ust be stated on the map.
reproduced by photographic processes
It is indeed most important for a Qartographer
to realize through actual experienc the scale Scole 0 500 Miles
of maps, and modern airway travel makes this
possible. To look down upon Cape Cod, for Seole ................L0___....___~2_ _....
instance, from the height of 10,000 feet makes
one realize the breath-taking reality of the little On some maps we find an extension of the
hook on the map. A cartographer should use scale to the left divided into tenths, which
every opportunity for air travel. Thus he will .enables us to m asure distances more
learp the real relationship between map and accurately. On small- cale maps the use of
land, and his maps will be more than mere
such extensions should be discouraged, for
location diagrams. Indeed the greatest experi-
it gives the false impression that you can
ence of some future cartographer will be to look
down upon the whole earth from a rocketship take any distance on the map and measure
a thousand miles up . it exactly. We shall see, however, that no
map can in every pa rt or in ev ry direction
Expression of Scale. cale is usually b true to scale. On large-scale maps (mean-
represented on maps in one ofthree different ing large maps of a small area) this distor-
ways: tion of the scale is small, but on small-scale
1. Numerical scale, called also "representa- maps, such as those of countries and
tive fraction," which gives the proportion continents, the given seal may be quite
between the length of a line on the map and wrong, especially in th corners of the map.
the corresponding length on the earth's The seal should always show a round
surface in the form of a fraction, as number of miles. ubdivision of the scale
1 rod is done by " proportionat dividing," as
cale 250,000 or 1 :250,000
shown in Fig. 34.
We draw an auxiliary line AC at an angle 3. Inch-to-mile scale is given, as, for
from A . We measur off on line AC 10 example, 1 inch corresponds to 16 miles.
known divisions, so that A-10 shall not be Since 1 mile will be -fa inch long, and 10
much longer or shorter than line AB. Then miles will be i inch, the graphic scale can
we draw line B-10; and parallels to this will be easily drawn. The numerical scale will be
divide line AB evenly into 10 parts.
1: 16 X 63,360 or 1: 1,013760
In countries using the metric system,
the most usual map scales are 1: 50,000,
1 : 100,000, 1 : 200,000, etc. In the British
Empire the scales 1: 63,360, 1 : 126,720,
1 : 253,440, etc., are customary. In the
United States a compromise between the
British and the metric system has been
Fig. 34 Line AB is divided into 10 equal adopt d; the topographic sheets are on a
parts by proportionate parallels.
scale of 1 : 62,500, 1: 125,000, and 1 : 250,000.
Transformation of Scale Types. A com- The use of the m tric system simplifies most
mon problem in cartography occurs when scale problem . on 1 : 100,000 maps 1 centi-
one typ of scale is given and must be meter corresponds to 1 kilometer. It is
transformed into another type. The solution desirable that both miles and kilometers
of such a problem is always easy if we keep should be indicated on graphic scales. One
in mind that mile equals 1.6093 kilometers, and 1 kilo-
meter equals 0.621 mile or, roughly, 5 miles
S I _ di:stance on map
a e - distance in nature equal 8 kilometers.
If a map has no scale, its scale can be
1 mile equals 63,360 inches
found by considering that 10 of latitude
1. Given numerical scale, 1: 250,000; eq uals on the average 69 miles. The meas-
find mile-to-inch scale and make a graphic urem nts should be made in the center of
scale. the map or on a straight meridian, b cause
Solution: Since an inch on the map on curved meridians th scale may be very
corresponds to 250,000 inches in nature, different. For example, if we find that 10 of
and since 63,360 inches make 1 mile, 1 inch latitude is 2.3 inches long, the scale is
will correspond to 250,000 : 63,360, which
2.3: 69 X 63,360 or 1: 1 900,800
equals 3.95 miles or, roughly, 4 miles. One
mile on the map will be 1: 3.95 = 0.254 A r ady-made scale prepared by . W.
inch, by which the graphic scale can be Boggs geographer to the U .. D partment
drawn. of State is available for this purpose; by it
2. Graphic scale is given: both natural scale and inch-to-mile scale
5 10 can be directly read.
Scale: ° miles Changing the Scale of Maps. One of the
mo t common operation in cartography is
Solution: One inch corresponds to 5.5
to reduce or enlarge a map to change its
miles; this can be simply measured off with
scale. This is sometimes done photographi-
a ruler. The numerical scale will be
cally. For copying purposes a negative
1 : 5.5 X 63,360 or 1: 348,480 photostat will serve, and it can be obtained
at low cost from special establishments. It lines about t inch apart. This can also be
must be kept in mind, however, that the done with celluloid overlay, having the
photostatic process often distorts the map lines scratched in. On the drawing paper we
more in one direction than in another. draw a similar graticule but with smaller or
Making a positive from the negative while larger squares on the desired scale. All
reversing the grain of the photostat paper features are plotted by hand. This same

Fig. .'35a Pantograph. (Keuffel and Esser Company.)

Fig. .'35b Suspension pantograph for precise work. (Coradi CompaIlY.)

will help. Even so errors of 1 to 3 per cent method is used when we wish to transform
are not uncommon, and for precise work a map from one projection to another, but
film negatives are preferable. in this case not squares but a network of
For changing the scale of simple maps, parallels and meridians is us d.
which must be done quickly, the pantograph Eye
\s a useful instrument. It works on the
principle of parallelograms; its parts and ~r
function are explained in Chap. 15. A
pantograph is especially good for reduction;
1.. . ~ .. . .-.. .-


when used for enlargement, very exact i

handwork is necessary, because the slight ib
:rregular motions of the hand are also
If no photostats or pantographs are
Fig. 36 The principle of the camera lucida.
available, we may use the square method.
On the map that is to be reduced or en- There are several modern instruments
larged we draw a network of squares with that, with lenses, mirrors, or prisms, reflect
the image of the map directly on th draw- pIe of which can be understood from Fig.
ing paper, and the scale can b changed 36. The image produced by a camera lucida
by varying the distance betwe~n object and is likely to move if the eye is not kept exactly
image. Such an instrument is very us fuI in in the same position. This instrument can
cartographic establishmcnts. The simplest be used for rough magnification or for
instrument is th camera lucida, the princi- reduction of maps.

Parallel and Meridians

Th most fundamental principle of car- some slight divergences from the true
tography is the stablishment of a coordinate ellipsoid were found in the earth's shape,
system on the earth to which ea h point and the true dimensions of the "geoid" is a
can b related. The main reference direc- much-discussed question of higher geodesy.
tions are already given us; th . conception For practical cartographical purposes it is
of east, wcst, north, and south is one of the satisfactory to rcgard the earth as an ellip-
oldest of mankind. A n twork of evenly soid, and on less exact maps only slight error
placed parallels and m ridians was c. tab- is made if it i regarded as a sphere. It should
lished by the ancient Treeks, and their be con idered that on a large 30-inch globe
system is still in usc. How this coordinate the polar diam ter would be only to inch
system developed and how the words shorter than the equatorial diameter.
" latitude" and " longitude" eame into use In recent years the dimensions of the
was traced in the first chapter. earth have been determined with great
The Dimensions of the Earth. We have accuracy, and the following figures are
already mentioned th m asurements of those of Hayford (1909):
the earth by Eratosthenes and later by
Posidonius, and the consequences of these Equatorial radius: 6,378.38 kilometers, or
measurements. In the early Renaissance 3 963.34 miles
the si7.e of the earth was underestimated, Polar radius: 6,356.90 kilometers, or
but, after Magellan's voyage dis 10. ed the 3,949.99 miles
vastness of the Pacific 0 ean, the figur a - b 1
for 1he size of the earth were gradually Ellipticity: -a- = 297
corre ted. In Fran e, by the use of th Equatorial circumference: 24,901.7 mil s
telescopc, Picard arrived at a very close Meridional circumference: 24,860 miles
figur for the radius of the arth, 6,372 Length of 10 longitude near the equator
kilom ters, which figure Newton used for
= 69 mil s (Clarke spheroid)
th calculation of the force of gravity.
Length of 10 latitude at equator = 68.7
Up to this time the arth was regarded
as a p rfcct sphere, but Newton, with his
deep insight into th laws of nature, postu- Length of 10 latitude at poles = 69.407
lated that the form of the earth, as a result- miles
ant of two fore s, gravitation and the Total area of earth (approx.): 196,950,000
centrifugal forc of rotation, must be an square miles
ellipsoid, flattened at the poles. In 1743, Radius of the sphere of equal volume :
the Peru-Bothnia expedition of the French 3,958.7 miles, 10 of latitude on which
Academy confirmed this assumption. Later would be 69.2 miles
Radius of the sphere of equal area: parallels is roughly equal but not exactly so.
6371 meters, or 3956.4 miles Lati tudcs were determined by measuring
the height of th polar star or of the sun
For conversion into or from the metric over the horizon. If the arth were a p rfect
system, the following figures may serve for sphere, the distance between any two adja-
measurements in kilometers: cent parall Is would be equal. Because of
1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers the ellipsoid form of the earth, the curva-
1 kilometer = 0.621 mile ture varies faster near the equator than at
1 meter = 39.37 inches = 3.2808 feet the poles, and with this the altitude of the
1 foot = 0.3048 meter stars also varies faster at low latitudes. To
observe a change of lOin the altitude of
Polaris, we have to go a shorter distance
near the equator than near the poles. The
length of t o of la titude is 68.7 miles near
the equator and 69.4 miles near th e poles.
.:,'.. For still more exact measurements, con-
10° ::
\IO~ sidering the form of the Hayford spheroid,
* '
~~.: ~.'~~19~::::_'_-.-_~
I •
,, ,,
10 lat. = 69.0569 - 0.3494 cos 2cp
" +0.0007 cos 4cp (in statute miles)
where cp means the latitude in degrees,
minu les, and seconds.
Meridians. The other set of oordinates
Fig. 37 Near the equator it takes a shorter length of the earth consists of 180 great circles
of arc to effect 10 0 change in the altitude of the polar radiating from the poles at equal angles
star than near the poles. This makes 10 of latitude and dividing the equator and the parallels
shorter nearer the equator.
into 360 0 of longitude. For cartographic
The P ar allel-meri dian System. The purposes the equator and the parallels can
coordinate system of the earth is composed be regarded as perfect circles, and arcs
of two sets of coordinates with very different intercepted by the meridian planes can be
properties. The coordinate system is based regarded as being equal.
on the rotation of the earth. The poles can
be defined as points where the earth's axis
of rotation pierces the earth's surface, but
the surface in the case of the South Pole
must be reduced to sea level. The equator
is almost a perfect circle cut out from the
earth's surface by a perpendicular plane ~ .r.- COS:f
AO R..
which bisects the earth's axis. r - Acos!f
Parallels. Between the equator and each Fig. 38 Longitude varies with the cosine of lati-
of the poles are 90 0 parallels of latitude, tude. This is the fundamental rule of map construc-
which are small circles parallel to the
equator. Each degree is subdivided into The length of l O af longitude will vary
60 minutes, and each minute into 60 ' sec- from 69.17 miles at the equator to zero at
onds. The distance of arc between two the poles. It is important to know the
Table VI Length of One Degree of Longitude
length of 1 of longitude on any parallel.
at Different Latitudes If we regard the earth as a sphere, the
radius of any parallel, r = R cos ip, where
Latitude Statute miles Latitude Statute miles R is the radius of the earth and ip is the
0° 69 .171 45 48 .995 The radii of parallel circles have the
1 69 .162 46 48 .135
69 .130 47 47 .261
same relationship to each other, as their
3 69.078 48 46 .372 circumferences or rlo part of their circum-
4 69 .005 49 45 .469 ferences, which is 10 of longitude.
5 68 .911 50 44 .552 1° long. = 1° lat. cos <p
6 68 .796 51 43 .621
7 68 .660 52 42 .676 Longitude varies with the cosine oj latitude. This
8 68 .503 53 41 .719 is the most fundamental fact of the science
9 68.326 54 40 .749
of map proj ections, and should be thoroughly
10 68.128 55 39.766
11 67 .909 56 38 . 771 understood. In the case of latitude 60°, it is
12 67 .670 57 37 . 764 easy to see from Fig. 38 that 1° of longitude
13 67 .411 58 36.745 will be just half as long as at the equator.
14 67 .131 59 35.715 The equator deviates slightly from an
15 66 .830 60 34 .674 exact circle, and thus, for exact calcula-
16 66 . 510 61 33 .622
tions, the Hayford spheroid of 1909 i used,
17 66 . 169 62 32 . 560
18 65 .808 63 31.488 in which
19 65.427 64 30 .406 1° long. (in statute miles) = 69.2316 cos cp
65 .026
- 0.0584 cos 3cp +
0.0001 cos 5ip
22 64 .166 67 27.106 Table VI gives the length of 1 minute
23 63.706 68 25.988 of longitude at various latitudes. Table
24 63 .227 69 24 .862 A . 4, Appendix 3, gives the value of
25 62 .729 70 23 .729 cosines, and will serve better for simple
26 62 .212 71 22.589
27 61 .676 72 21.441
28 61 .121 73 20 .287 Determination of Latitude and Longi-
29 60 . 548 74 19 . 126 tude. The location of each place can be
30 59 . 956 75 17 . 960
31 59 .345 76 16 .788
32 58 .717 77 15 .611
33 58 .071 78 14 .428
34 57.407 79 13 .242
35 56 .726 80 12 .051
36 56.027 81 10 .857
37 55.311 82 9.659
38 54.578 83 8458
39 53 .829 8<4 7.255
40 53 .063 85 6.049
41 52 .28 1 86 4 .841
42 51.483 87 3.632
43 50 . 669 88 2.422
44 49.840 89 1.211
45 48 .995 90 0 .000
fixed by determining its latitude from the cartographers had a convenient prime
equator and its longitude from a chosen meridian the 1498 demarcation lin of the
prim meridian. The determination of Pope, which cut Brazil in half. The con-
latitude is usually done by observing the fusion was so great that the French king
altitudes of stars or the sun. The polar ordered all his cartographers to use Ferro,
tar is not exactly at the celestial pole but the westernmost island of the Canaries, for
about 1° off and the pol is determined by prime meridian; this was supposed to be
finding the mid-point betwe n its upper just 20° west of the Paris Observatory, but
and lower culminations. Longitudes are in reality is 1 minute less. Th Greenwi h
usually obtained by the determination of longitude of some common prime meridian
local time, from the position of stars or the is shown in Table A . 8, Appendix 3.
sun. This time is com par d with th time With the growth o[ national conscious-
on the prime meridian, which can be carried ness in the eighteenth century, each nation
along by a chronometer or obtained by began to boost its own capital. London,
radio. The difference between local time Lisbon, Madrid, Paris and ven Phila-
and Gr enwich time will give the longitude, delphia and Washington were used for
considering that 1 hour's difference equals prim meridians. The Briti 'h Admiralty
15° of longitude. The "equation o[ time," reckoned longitudes from the Greenwich
which is the difference between the ob- Observatory in London, and so great was
served solar time and the mean or clock the authority of this office lhat at present
time, also has to be added or subtracted. the Greenwich meridian is used by all
With modern methods and instruments, nations. The Greenwich meridian has some
one set of observations of several stars will disadvantages because it cuts Europe and
give latitude, local time, and longitude. Africa in two, and we usually reckon the
The necessary figur s are contained in the eastern and western hemispher s from the
"American Ephemeris and Nautical Alma- longitude 200W.; but on the opposite side
nac," published yearly by the Naval of the earth, the location of the Inter-
Observatory in Washington. Before . the national Date Line along the 180th me-
chronometer was invented, the determina- ridian is convenient.
tion of longitude was extremely difficult,
and therefore on old maps the latitudes will It is customary to reckon latitudes north
be much more correct than the longi tudes. and south [rom the equator, and longitudes
The Prime Meridian . Since all merid- east and west from Greenwich, up to 180°.
ians are equal, anyone can be chosen as For example, the coordinates of the Harvard
prime meridian. Several prime meridians Observatory in Cambridge, Mass., read:
have been used in history, thus causing Lat. 42°22'48" N
much confusion. Ptolemy used the legendary Long. 71 °07'45" W of Greenwich
Fortunate Islands (Canary Islands?), which
formed the western limit of the known which is a rather cumbersome method of
world. When the western part of Africa expression. It is advocated that continuous
became better known, the prime meridian numbering of the longitudes from 0 to 360°
had to be placed farther west, and the starting east from Greenwich, be used, and
Dutch and English cartographers of the also that decimal values replace minutes
seventeenth century used either th Azores and seconds. ince the change would m an
or the Cape Verde Islands. The panish a great deal of recalculation of tables and
recalibration of instrum nts, and would establish the proper length, a new meridian
require an international agre ment, there is measurement from the North Sea to the
little hope that this change for the better Mediterranean was completed in 1799. In
will soon be accomplished. French maps 1801 the meter and its derivatives, the liter,
often use grads instead of degrees. There are the kilogram, and the square and cubic
400 grads in the circle. The U. . Army uses meters, were made compulsory in France.
mils, which divide the circle in 6,400 parts. It took considerable time for other nations
This is an approximation of the angle dis- to follow suit. In 1875, 31 countries con-
tended by 1 foot at 1,000 foot distance, vened and adopted the metric system. At
which would divide the cirel into present the metric system is used by all
civilized countries except the British Empire
21T"1,000 = 6,280 parts and the United tates, and is legalized in
both these countries.
Two units of measurement are based More exact measurements of the arc have
upon the dimensions of the earth: (1) the shown that the earth's meridian is actually
nautical mile and (2) the meter, and with slightly longer than it was found to be in
it the en tire metric system. 1799 ; so the meter is not the 1 /40,000,000
The Nautical Mile. A nautical mile was part of th earth's circumference but,
originally 1 minute of latitude. As the length rather, the length of a platinum-iridium bar
of a minute of latitude varied, so the length preserved in Paris under specific conditions.
of a nautical mile was somewhat smaller Copies of this bar are preserved by the
at the qua lOl' than near the poles. To avoid signatory countries.
th resulting confusion, the Briti h Ad- Orientation. We are so accustomed to
miralty introduced the so-called ' Admiralty having "north" at the top of the map that
mile," which is the mean value of 1 minute we hardly realize that it can just as well be
of latitude, 6,080 fe t. The length of a otherwise. A we have s en, the Roman and
standard nauti al mile in the United States medieval maps were "oriented," which
is about 2 inches lorl'·er. means that th y had east at the top. The
1 nauti al mile (U .. ) = 6,080.27 feet = Arabs, looking toward Mecca, liked to have
1,853.25 meters = 1.151594 statute mil s south at the top of th ir maps. Early
American maps were often oriented with
The nautical mile of Germany and west at the top. It eems to be the tendency
France is 4 feet shorte~6,076 feet. The among map makers of every country to put
term "geographical mile" was originally at the top of the map the direction toward
us d for 1 minute of longitude on the which the national attention is turned.
quator, corresponding to 1.1516 statute North orientation came into us~ in the
miles, but the term is also used inter- time of the Ptolemy revival, but became
changeably with nautical mile. universal only centuries later. At present
The Metric System. In the eigh teenth the idea that north is "above' is so deep in
century there was a great confusion of our consciousness that schoolt ach rs con-
various units of length, such as miles, stantly have to guard against such expres-
leagues, toises, etc.; so the r volutionary sions as "Canada is above the United
government of France introdu ed a new States," or "Chicago lie nearly at the
unit of length, 1 /40,000,000 part of a bottom of Lake Michigan." uch a name as
meridian circle, and called it "meter." To "Lower California" is derived from its
position on the map rather than from its then used somewhat 100 ely as a synonym
relative elevation. Ther is no rule against for the Americas. "This hemisphere, ' mean-
orienting the map in any direction, pro- ing any hemisphere including the United
vided that the· cardinal dir ctions are indi- States, would include all the earth except
cated either by parallels and meridians or the antipodes 'of the United States in the
by compass roses. Unusual orientation some- Indian Ocean. I
times brings out hidden relationships. More significant is the land hemisphere, the
Hemispheres. The earth can be halved half of the earth containing most of the land .
an infinite number of ways, but certain This is centered near Nantes, France, and
hemispheres are of some particular interest. contains 81 per cent of all lands, and if we
Th most obviou division is the Northern do not regard the great icecaps as land the
and outhern Hemisphere, divided by the percentage rises to 90. Almost all people
eq uator. We Americans are conscious of of the earth live in one half of the earth. The
the Western Hemisphere, which in atlas s "people's hemisphere" is centered in the
is usually bound by the 20W and 160E French-Italian Alps and contains 95 per
meridians. cent of all mankind. Our earth is lopsided
President Monroe's "this hemisphere," indeed . 2
as used in the Monroe Doctrine, however,
1 BOGGS, S. W., "This Hemisphere,' U.S. Depart-
certainl y did not include the Chukchi ment of State, 1945. 13 pp.
peninsula, half of Iceland, New Zealand, 2 RAISZ, ERWIN , Our Lopsided Earth, Jour. Ceog.,
and the Cape Verde Islands. The term was Vol. 63, No.3, pp. 81 - 91, March, 1944.
CHAPTER 6: Projections

The parallel and meridian system of the or cone, or to lay a tangent plane against it,
earth can be asi ly drawn upon a globe, but and proj ct a part of the grid syst m of tht>
its application to a flat map needs consider- globe from its cent r or from som othf'r
ation; lor the surface of a globe cannot be convenient point upon the cylinder, cone, or
flattened without some kind of distortion, plane. The cylinder, or cone, is th n cut
such as stretching or tearing. If only a small open and laid out flat, and we have a
part of the globe is represented on a map, projection system that has been derived
say 100 square miles, this distortion will from an actual process of projecting.
hardly exceed the stretching limits of the Actually only a few projections have been
paper, but on maps of entire countries, of designed by this method. Most others are
continents, or of the whole earth, we are modifications of true geometrical projec-
confronted with a problem. tions, often modified to such an extent that

Figs. 40, 41, 42 Most map projections are related to a cylinder, cone, or plane. The actually used projections
are usually modified from the original geometrical conception.

Various m thods have been proposed to the original relationship can hardly be
overcome this difficulty. The simplest of detected. For that reason the name ' projec-
these is to envelop the globe with a cylinder, tion" is not a fortunate one. Other suggested
terms, such as "graticule," "net," and
1 In the following discussions the mathematical "grid," are more correct, but the word
treatment of projections is restricted to a minimum, "projection" is so well established that,
since otherwise it would not be understood by the
although it is somewhat misleading, we
average student of geography for whom this book is
intended. For those who are interested in the mathe- shall continue its use.
matics of projections the books listed in the Bibliog- A projection, then, as we use the term,
raphy, Appendix 4, are recommended. can be defined as any orderly system oj parallel;
and meridians on which a map can be druwn. construction constitutes a stimulating prob-
There are hundreds of ways in which such lem in geometry. For a practical geog-
systems can b constructed, but they are not rapher, however, th yare less important.
equally good-some are good for one pur- He often prefers a projection which, being
pose, and some for another. However, there midway betwe n the conformal and the
is no one projection that is the best for every equal-area map, distorts neither the shape
map. An intelligent choice of projection is nor the cale to any great extent.
an important problem for a cartographer. Construction of Projections. In any pro-
jection system, only the parallels or only the
meridians or some other lines can be true--
which means that they are of the same
length as on a globe of corresponding scale.
Fig. 43 Equality of area is often achieved by bad
All other lines are too long or too short. If
distortion of shape. all the parallels and all the meridians were
true, we would have a globe and not a map.
Equal-area, or equivalent, projections are It is most important, in the construction of
those in which any region, large or small, projections, to know which lines are true,
has the same area on th map as on a globe because these lines are laid out fint. If it is
of the same scale. This cannot b accom- said that the meridian is divided truly, it
plished without considerable distortion; means that we layout 69.2 miles for each
hence, directions are considerably twisted, degree on the scale of the map. If the
especially on the peripheries. Equal-area parallels are truly divided, we layout
maps are good for showing distribution of 69.2 eos rp lengths along the parallel for
economic products, but the recent demand spacing m eridians. If a parallel or meridian
for them has perhaps b en somewhat is divided truly, it means that it is divided
overemphasized. equally also, but if it is divided equally
Conformal, or orthomorphic, projections are it does not always mean it is divided truly
those on which any small area has the same For cosines, see Table A . 4, App ndix 3.
shape as on the g-Iobc : ri gh t angles remain Classification of Projections. Proj ctions
right angles and the relation between the are usually Classified as cylindrical, conical, or
length of parallels and meridians is the same azimuthal, according to their respective
as on the globe. Seemingly this is a valuable derivations from a g ometrical projection
property ; unfortunately, however, in order upon a cylinder, a cone, or a plane. It is a
to con truct su h a proje tion, the scale has historical fact, however, that most projec-
to be varied considerably. Conformal pro- tions were not develop d in this manner
jections are good in showing dir ctions. but, rather, were invented in an accidental
Their chief use is in navigation. It is obvious sequence. orne of them cannot be relat d
that no projection can be at the same time at all to a cylinder, cone, or tangent plane;
equal-area and orthomorphic; only a globe so, in order to avoid misconceptions, they
has these properties, and a globe cannot be may be divided into the following groups:
flattened without distortion. There is no
perfect proj ction. 1. Projections with horizontal parallels
From a mathematical point of view, con- 2. Conic group of projections
formality and equality of area are highly 3. Azimuthal and related projections
valued properties of projections, and their 4. Other unrelated projections

Projections with Horizontal Parallels.

Cylindrical and Related Projections. Equirectangular Projection. This is the
Jn this group th parallels ar horizontal simplest of projections-a network of venly
straight lines, and places in the same lati- spaced horizontal and vertical lines for
tude appear on the map at the same height. parallels and meridians. The central parallel
This is a valuable property, because latitude of the map is chosen as standard and is
and climate are closely related, and the east- divided true to scale, in the same way as
west relationship is correctly shown. So on a globe of equal scale. On the globe the
accustomed are we to curved paraJJels that length of 10 of longitude at latitude cp is
nearly half of the author's students thought
10 long. = 10 lat. cos cp
that the southernmost part of the United
, tates was a point in Texas rather than in First we layout the parallels, a set of
Florida because on most maps the former horizontal lines spaced at true distances.
point seems to be lower down. Then we select the standard parallel, divide
Another advantage of this horizontal it according to the foregoing formula, and
system is that the parall Is and meridians draw a set of vertical lines for meridians.
can often be omitted, and their position
indicated only on the sides of the map. It is
also convenient that the lettering need not
be curved along the parallels. Projections
with horizontal parallels are esp ialJy good
for simple, diagrammatic maps, or for any
kind of map in low latitudes. Often the
term "cylindrical" is confined to those
projections which have horizontal paraJJcls
and vertical meridians. In thi group the
meridians are always spaced evenly, and
they differ only in spacing the parallels. Fig. 45 Map of the world in equire tangular
projection . The standard parallel is 48° latitude.
(Modified from u.s. Coast aruJ. Georietic Surv~ Spec.
Pub. 68.)
too lon9
The scale is true on all meridians and
on the central parallel; but the northern
parallels are too long and the southern
parallels are too short. The directions, east,
I cosy- ."...Zcos :; ... r- standard west, north, and south, remain the sam
on the map; all other directions are changed.
I The equirectangular projection is prac-

too short
tical because of its simplicity. It is used
mostly f6r maps of cities, small counties, or
states. Figure 45 shows the map of the world
Fig. 44 In the cquirectangular projection the scale 0

is true along the standard parallel and along all in this projection, with latitude of 48 as
meridians. The rest of the paraJl Is are either too standard parallel. The projection is neither
short or too long. equal-area nor conformal, but the areas are
less exaggerated than in the M ercator would be infinite. The Mercator projection
projection. was not derived from the projection of the
When the standard parallel is the equa- globe upon a cylinder, but it is a modifica-
tor, we have a network of even squares, and tion of that idea.
maps in this projection are called " plane On the globe the parallels become shorter
charts" (plate carree). This proj ction was toward the poles, and their length is pro-
used on the chart of Marinus of Tyre (ca. portionate to the cosine of latitude. In the
A .D. 100). It was apparently also employed Mercator projection th parallels are all
on the portolan charts, although it s ems equally long. This means that any parallel is
that these maps were first drawn without increased 1 Icos tp = sec tp, where tp is the
any thought of a projection, and that the latitude in degrees. In order to have the
network of lines was later superimposed. same scale along the parallels as along
the meridians, each degree of latitude must
~tf ~.... "'l
r;~; ~~\ ~~ -: -;; ~f.? J
~ l'J~ also be increased by the s cant of the
_ El r.i<c: ~ latitude.
po ~l)lf/.
\, '\I 'J:~ )1[9 For any parall 1, the distance y from the
)Or, I'" ':'(.[ equator is the sum of the secants of the
, .... IJ. ,~
I .,.,,~ '-
'1, "'1-.
.. J;;
,.. latitudes :
11 -I ~ .
-- - -- -- --- J. r-" .... ....... ,_
"' ~!- -- -- ----- -11;"'; ~- -- .... y=secl'+ sec2'+ sec 3'+··· + sec tp
(I'ji i"! )
Il There is also a simpler formula for y
which is derived from the general formula
Fig. 46 The Mercator projection shows a great
increase in scale at higher latitudes. Only the equator for all conformal projections, given here
is true to scale. (From Firu:h-Trewartha, "Elemerlts oj without its derivation:
y = R . log nat. tan ( 45° + ~)
Mercator Projection. Mercator designed
his 1569 world map in this proj ection, = R . 2.302585 log tan (45° + ~)
describing its principles and properties on
the map itself. This projection has hori- where · R is the radius of the Earth and tp
zontal parallels and vertical meridians. The i the lati tude. In this formula the flattening
meridians are placed evenly, so that their of th Earth is not taken into account, be-
spacing is true to scale on the equator. The cause it would lead to a very complicated
parallels are spaced so that, taking any equation. However, the exact values have
small area, the relation of scale along the been calcul ated and are given in Tabl VII .
meridians and along the parall els is the same For the construction of large-scale Mer-
as on the globe. For instance, at latitude cator charts mor d tailed tables can be
60° the parallels are twice as far apart as found in Deetz and Adams' "Elements of
on the equator. Therefore, since the me- Map Proj ection."!
ridians are the same distance from each The Mercator projection has several re-
other at every latitude, the scal of. the map markable attributes. From the original
is doubly exaggerated at 60°. At 80° the definition it follows that the projection is
amplification of scale is sixfold. It is obvious, 1 DEETZ, C. H.) and O. S. ADAMS, Elements of
then, that the pole cannot be shown in this Map Projection, U.s. Coast and Geodetic Survey Spec.
projection at all, because the expansion Pub . 68, 5th ed., pp. 117- 136, 1934.
conformal, i.e., taking any small area, the pass direction and cross each meridian at
shape of the regions is the same as on the the same angle. Since the meridians con-
globe. However, since the scale varies to a verge at the poles, the loxodromes appear
considerable extent, the shapes oflarge areas on the globe as curved lines, spiraling
are greatly distorted. For instance, on the around the poles which they never reach
Mercator proj ction reenland has a larger in a mathematical sense.
area than outh America, wh reas on the
globe it is only about one-eighth as large.
The most significant property of this pro-
jection is that it is the only system which
shows all compass directions, or loxodromes, as
straight Lines. This is an important feature in
navigation. Loxodromes are lines on the
globe that constantly retain the same com-

Table VII M ercator Projection Table

Distances of Parallels from the Equator in Minutes
of Longitude on the Equator Taken in Account of the
Earth's Ellipticity as ili

Degrees r Degrees r Dpgrees 2'

1 59 .596 27 1672 .923 54 3845.738

2 119 .210 28 1740 .206 55 3948.830
3 178 .862 29 1808.122 56 4054.537 Fig. 47 Loxodromes, or rhumb lines, are lines that
4 238 . 568 30 1876 .706 57 4163 .027 have the same compass direction all along their
5 298 .348 31 1945 . 992 58 4274. 485 lengths.
6 358 .222 32 2016 .015 59 4389 .113
7 418 .206 33 2086 .814 60 4507 .133 The shortest route between two points
8 478 .321 34 2158.428 61 4628 .789 on the globe is the "great circle, ' but, in
9 538 . 585 35 2230 . 898 62 4754 .350 order to foHow this course, a ship con-
10 599 019 36 2304.267 63 4884 . 117 tinually has to change its compass direction.
11 659 .641 37 2378 . 581 64 5018 .419 Therefore, for shorter distances ships usually
12 720 .472 38 2453 .888 65 5157 .629
781 .532 2530 .238
follow the straight rhumb lines, or loxo-
13 39 66 5302 .164
14 842 .842 40 2607 .683 67 5452.493 drom s. The navigator conn cts his point
15 904 .422 41 2686.280 68 5609 .149 of departur with his point of destination
16 966 .296 42 2766 .089 69 5772.739 by a straight line on a Mercator chart. He
17 1'{)28 .483 43 2847.171 70 5943 . 955 reads the compass direction of this line,
18 1091 .007 44 2929 .594 71 6123 . 602 with the help of compass roses, printed on
19 1153.893 45 3013 .427 72 6312.610
20 1217 . 161 46 3098 .747 73 6512.071
the chart, and sets his vessel on her proper
21 1280 .835 47 3185.634 74 6723.275 course with due allowance for winds and
22 1344 .945 48 3274 .173 75 6947 .761 currents.
23 1409 . 513 49 3364.456 76 7187 .387 Since exaggeration of the Mercator chart
24 1474 .566 50 3456 . 581 77 7444 .428 increases rapidly toward the poles, the usual
25 1540.134 51 3550.654 78 7721 .700 types of scales cannot b used. Nautical
26 1606.243 52 3646.787 79 8022 . 758
53 3745 .105 80 8352 .176
charts which show larger areas have no
scale. but the border of the chart is divided
10°H--H-++-- - - \ - - -..l,
50 ·~+-~~~~---~~--~~__

2000 3000 Miles
Fig. 48 S ale for a world map in Mercator projectioll. The curves are sinusoids.

into degrees and minutes. Distances can be transverse form of th Mercator projection
scaled direcl.l y from this, because 1 minut.e has been also used , the discussion of which
of latitude is approximately equal to a wil l be taken up later.
nautical mile. For small-scale Mercator
maps of the world, special scales can be
onstructed in order to show the variation
of distan es at differen t la titudes.
Almost all charts published for navigation
arc on the Mercator pr:ojection. The U ..
.oast and Geodetic , urvey formerly used
the polyconi projection but has changed
to the M ercator in recent years. Even in
charts for a ir navigation, which wer,e
usually on the Lambert conformal conic
proj ection, preference is given by both the
British and American navies to a set of
Mercator charts on uniform median scale.
In the past decades the Mercator projec-
tion was too often used for world maps.
Even for statistical purpos s where an Fig. 49 Gall 's cylindrical projection deri vc-:d from
eq ual-area map should be required, the a cylinder cutting th globe at 45°. The parallcls are
Mercator projection, with its extreme re- projected (!'Om the an tipodal point on the eq ua tor to
an y meridian .
gional distor:tion, is still used . There may
be several reasons for this. Doubtl ess the Gall's Projection. In this projection it is
ease of construction is one factor, and the assumed that a smaller cylinder cuts the
conveni nee of horizontal parallels and globe at the 45°N and 45°S parallels. The
vertical m ridians is another. P rhaps the meridians are straight vertical lines spaced
chief cause of this popularity, however, is trul y on th e two 45° parallels ; the parallels
th e distortion itself. Every cartographer are horizontal, and their spacing is deter-
knows how difficult it is to label " N ether- mined by projecting each meridian from its
lands" or " witzerland" on a world map; antipodal point on the equator upon the
consequently, he welcomes any projection secant cylinder. Only the two 45° parallels
that exaggerates th high er latitudes. Never- are true to scale; in the equatorial regions
tb less, the Mercator projection leads to the map is r duced in scale; toward the
such rroneous impressions of areas and poles the scale is exaggerated increasingly
distances in high latitudes that its use but not so much as on the Mercator
should be restricted. In recent years a projection.

/" Y. ~ o.;v/. '0 ~
/ / /"\. ~ 0l ~!r... ~~ ~ 0 ~r<l L...
11//// / \ ~ ! .~ ~~ ~ ::2
II//ij"'/~ I"c ~ I~ ~~ ~ .:-- I~ ~ ~ I~.
V-::::--- ~~ ~ rQ;~
~~ ~ ";!l I...-; f4i
"'-~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~.~ ~ rei >...
\~","'-................._ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ '- I.,., 1:4-
~ ~~ "
\\ \ "\. " ........... .1
\ l_ \_\. _"V' ~
,_ ~w III
,,~ ~ ~


\ V ~
Fig. 50 Cylindrical equal-area projection of the world. (From Fir/cli -Trewartha, "Elements of Geography.")

Th central-cylindrical projection is formed straight, horizontal parallels spaced truly.

by projecting the surface of the globe [rom The central meridian is straight, and the
its center upon a cylinder tangent to the others arc curves which are derived from a
equator. The cylinder is then cut open along true division of each parallel. The lengths
one of the meridians and laid out fiat. This of the parallels are obtained from
projection exaggerates high latitudes even 1 0 long. = 1 0 lat. cos cp
more than Mercator's, and it is used only
where cp is the latitude in deg:ees. The
for astronomical purposes.
meridians can also be constructed as shown
The cyLindrical equal-area proJection is de-
in Fig. 52. It can be proved from the con-
veloped by projecting the surface of the
struction that the meridians arc sine curve,
globe, with horizontal rays [rom its axis,
or sinusoids (more correctly, cosine curves),
upon a cylinder tangent to the equator.
from which the projection is named.
This, too, is rarely used because of its
extreme distortion in higher latitudes.
There are a great many cylindrj al pro-
je tions possible, and for further study
O. M. Miller, Notes on Cylindri a1 World
Map Projections, The Geographical R e-
view, Vol. 33, pages 424 to 431 , 1943, is ,
recommended. O. M. Miller has also / ... '
developed s vera} of his own projections. ,, .' "
o· '/
Sinusoidal (Mercator-Sanson-Flam-
steed) Projection. This projection has Fig. 52 Construction of sine
curves for the sinusoidal projec-
At one time this grid was called the
"Sanson-Flamsteed projection" in honor of
Nicholas Sanson, the famous French car-
tographer, and Flamstecd the English
astronomer. anson's map of Atlanti Is-
land (Fig. 21) is in this projection. This
Fig. 51 Sinusoidal projection is good in the tropical
name, howe er, had to be abandoned when
regions but distort..~ the high latitudes. (From Finch- it was found that Mer ator and other had
Trewartha, "Eiemmts oj Geography.") us d this projection at an earlier date.
Each small quadrangle in this projection The calculation for the spacing of the
has the sam base length and height as the parallels is very involved and cannot be
corresponding quadrangle on the globe; treated h r in d tail. However, tabl s are
therefore the projection is strictly equal- available, which are r produced here in an
;-rrea. . he scale is true on the central abbreviated form.
lTleridian and on each parallel, but it is Table VIII l\101 1wcide Projection
dj~ l orted on all other meridians, especially Distance fror:1 th Equalor to the Pole = 1
,Jr the p ri pheries, for which reason it is
n!rf'ly used for world maps. DistaTiu of Distance of
This projection is extensively used for Latitude parallels from Latitude parallels from
the equator the equator
maps of the equatorial regions and for the
continents of South America, Africa, and
0° 0 .000 50 0 .651
Australia. It is also good for smaller coun- 5 0 .069 55 0 .708
tries in middle latitudes, provided that they 10 0 .137 60 0 .762
extend in a north-south direction. 15 0 .205 65 0 .814
20 0 .272 70 0 .862
25 0.339 75 0 . 906
30 0 .404 80 0 . 945
35 0 .468 85 0.978
40 0.531 90 1.000
45 0 .592

A more extensive table for very half

degree i to be found in Deetz and Adams,
"Elements of Map Projection." The ellipses
Fig. 53 The Mollweide projection, if centered on
can be constructed according to everal
America, distorts Europe and Asia. (From Fi,u;h-
Trewartha, " Elements of Geography.") methods, one of th simplest of whieh is
shown in Fig. 54. Another method of draw-
The Mollweide (Homalographic) Pro-
jection. Invented in 1805 by Karl B.
Mollweide of Germany, this projection
became popular only after J. Babinet had
reintroduced it in 1857 under the name
"homalographic," which in Greek means
"evenly drawn." It has horizontal, straight
parallels and elliptical, equal-spaced
The equator is twice as long as the cen-
tral meridian and is divided evenly. The
meridians themselves can easily be con-
structed, for they are all ellipses, and the
hemisphere is represented by a circle. Paral-
Fig. 54: Construction of ellip-
lels are horizontal and are spaced so that ses. The paper strip is moved
eaeh zone confined by two of them has the along so that the end points of
same area as the corresponding belton the a-b are always on the axes ofth '
globe; this makes the projection equal-area. ellipse.
ing the meridians is to divide the parallels homalosine projection, in which the lower
evenly within the circular hemisph re o The latitudes as far as the 40th parallel are in the
parallels are spaced closer together near the sinusoidal and higher latitudes are in the
poles than at the equator, the difference Mollweid projection.
amounting to about 25 per cent. If w con-
sider a globe of the same area as the map,
only the two 40°40' parallels are of true
scale. The equator is slightly too short.
Peripheral di tortion is great but less so than
in the sinusoidal projection.
In Europe this projection is used exten-
sively for world maps, for, if Europe is
Fig. 55 Goode's interrupted homalosinc pro-
placed in the center, the other continents jection combines equality of areas with little
are conveniently distributed. North Amer- distortion in shape. (From Finch-Trewartha, "Ele-
ica, however, suffers great distortion under mn!1f oj Geography.")
this arrangement, and for that reason the
The interrupted homalographic projec-
projection has never become popular here.
tion is a good one for the r presentation of
The projection can be recommended for
statistical distribution, but certain world
hemispher maps.
relationships cannot be shown on account
The Goode Interrupted Homalographic
of the discontinuity of the oceans. For
Projection. We have s en that in world
oceanographic maps, these gaps can be
maps constructed on th sinusoidal or the
chosen so that the continents are cut op n
Mollweide proj ec tion North America is
while the oceans remain more or less intact.
badly distorted if Europe is placed in the
center. On the other hand, it is not. con- Table IX Spacing of Parallels in the Eckert IV
Projection (After A. Robinson)
venient to put North America in the center,
b cause Asia is then cut in half and the best Dis/mICe oj Distance oj
Latitude parallels from Latitude parallels from
part of the projection is occupied by th
equator equator
Pacific Ocean as shown in Fig. 53. In order
0° 0 50 0 .718
to overcome this difficulty Paul Goode, late 5 0 .078 55 0 .775
profeswr of cartography in Chicago, de- 10 0. 155 60 0. 827
veloped his "interrupted' proj ction. Figure 15 0 .23z 65 0. 874
55 explains its principle. 20 0 .308 70 0 .915
The equator is divided evenly, and the 25 0.382 75 0. 950
30 0.454 80 0 . 976
parallels are placed as in the Mollweide
35 0 . 525 85 0 .994
projection. Inst ad of one central meridian, 40 0 . 592 90 1
each con tin nt has a convenient central 45 0 .657
meridian of its own from which the othC"r
\ ECKERT, MAX, eue EntwUrfe fUr Erdkarten,
meridians are laid out to left and right as
Prtl!rtTIalI7lS Mitt. , Vo)' 52, pp. 97- 109, 1906.
before. The proj ction is obviously eq ual-
area and, at the same time, the shapes art' The Eckert Projection, Profes or Max
realistic, because only the be t part of the Eck rt of Aa hen Germany, inspired by
system is used. This same principle an als Apianus of the sixteenth century, developed
be applied to the sinusoidal and the Eckert . a set of proje ·tions l in which the poles,
projections. Goode later developed his in tead of being the customary points are

Fig. 56 The Eckert IV projection . The poles are represented by lines half the length of the

represen l d as parallels which ar half the spaced on the equator or any parallel. In
length of the equator. Nos. I, III, and V the parallels are equally
Eckert proposed six projections, the spaced; and in Nos. II, IV, and VI they
fourth of which is becoming quite popular make the projection equal-area. ince th
in Europe: In th first and second the meridians converge to a lesser degr ethan
meridians ar straight lines ; in the third and in the sinusoidal and Mollweide projec-
fourth, they are ellipses; and in the fifth tions, the temperate latitudes are not
and sixth, they are sinusoids, all evenly greatly distorted.
C H APTER 7: The Conic Group of Projections

This group is dcrived with some modifi- T able X Radii of tandard Parallels in the Conic
cations, from the projection of the glob Proj('ction
r = R cot tp
upon a tangent on . Each conic projection
The Earth's Radius : R = 1
has circular parallels and radiating me-
0° 00 50° 0 . 8391
ridians. They are particularly wel l adapted
5 11 .430 55 0 . 7002
to countries in temp ratc latitudes. 10 5.671 60 0.5774
Simple Conic Projection. This is formed 15 3 .7 32 65 0 . 4663
by projecting th surface of a globe from its 20 2,747 70 0 . 3640
center upon a tangent cone, which is then 25 2. 14 5 75 0.2679
cut open along one of its eJ menlS and laid 30 1 ,732 80 0,1763
35 1 ,428 85 0 .0875
out flat. The parallels are COne ntric circles,
40 1 . 192 90 0.0000
and thc m eridians are radiating straight 45 1,000
lines that are evenly spaced on each para ll el.
This projection, however, is never used in cause it can be calcula ted easily. For every
its original form because th e parallels would <pla titud e
be spaced unevenly. In the ac tu all y used
r = R cot <p
simple conic projection th e para llels are
spaced evenly at their true distan ces. where R is the rad ius of th e gl bc. Val ues of
The construction of a simple co nic pro- l'are given in Table X.
j ection is relatively casy. W choosc a The length of 10 of longi tude on the
sta nd ard parallel n car the center of the stand ard paralJel i" true
map, dra w a con tangent to this parallel,
27rR cos tp
a nd thus determine r, th radius of the circlc ~O -
representing the stand ard parallel of th e
projection (sec Fig. 57) . It is unncce sary to In the simple conic projection the scale
obtain the leng th of r by construction, b e- is true along the standard pa rallel and a ll

r· R . cot 'f'

Fig. 57 Fig. 58
Figs. 57 an d 58 The sim ple conic pl'oj ction: Fig. 57, finding the radius of the
standard parallel; Fig. 58, layout of th proj tion.
meridians. The pole is represen ted by a tance apart and their center point and radii
circular parallel at its true distance from are found according to Fig. 59. The parallels
the standard parallel. North and south are arcs of circles drawn from the center
of the central parallel the scale is exag- point at their true distances. The meridians
gerated. It is not advisable to extend this are straight lines through the division points
projection too far north or south from the of the standard parallels. A check on the
standard parallel, because of increasing construction is that the meridians have to
distortion. This projection is neith r equal- meet in o. The scale will be slightly reduced
area nor conformal, but the parallels and along the central parallel and somewhat
meridians are at right angles and it is fairly exaggerated along the marginal parallels.
accurate for small countries. This scale error is very sligh t in small
If the standard parallel is the equator, the countries; even in a map of the United
tangent cone becomes a cylinder, and the States it would nowhere exc ed 2 per cent.
consequent projection becomes a plane
chart. If the standard parallel is the pole, ro d
the tangent cone becomes a plane, and the 0= b-O
result is called the " polar azimuthal equi- d
ra :: a b-a
distant projection. "
The conic projection is often used for
atlas maps, not only becau e of its simple
construction and relative accuracy but also
because a map in this projection is divisible
into sections. It is thus a great convenience
to the map maker, for he can draw an Fig. 59 Finding the center 0
entire region on one sheet, which can then for the conic projection with. two
be sectioned off and fitted to subsequent standard parallels. a and b are the
pages of an atlas. In the conic projection true lengths of the parallels or
parts (say, 10°) of the parallels; d
any meridian can be chosen as cen tral is the true distance between the
meridian. This property is shared with the standard parallels.
equirectangular, Mercator, cylindrical, and
polar projections, bu t obviously not with The above projection is, to a certain
any others. extent, reminiscent of the projection of a
The Conic Projection with Two Stand- globe upon a cone which cuts slightly into
ard Parallels. In the simple conic projec- it. For this reason it is som times incorrectly
tion the scale is exaggerated both north and called the "secant conic projection." We
south of the central parallel and, to counter- frequently find it used in atlas maps. The
act that fault, the following improvement British 1: 4,000,000 map of Asia is in this
has been introduced: projection.
Instead of using one standard parallel we The Conic Equal-area Projection with
divide two standard parallels truly, one in Two Standard Parallels, or the Albers
the upper part and th oth r in the lower Projection. It is apparent that by varying
part of the map. The greatest accuracy is the spaces b tween parallels a conic projec-
obtained if the selected standard parallels tion can be made equal-area. uch an
end.ose two-thirds of the h ight of the map. equal-area projection with one standard
The standard parallels are their true dis- parallel was constructed by Lambert in
1772, and another with two standard
k =
parallels was proposed by H. C. Albers of
. CPI +2 CP 2 cos CP I +2 CP2
Gotha in 1805.
The latter projection, which combines a
The general formula for any radius is
small scale error with equality of area, was
used by several great surveys. I t has con- r2 = t(ri + rD + 2R2(1 - k sin cp)
centric parallels and meridians that radiate
The Lambert Conformal Conic Projec-
from the center of the parallels. Two stand-
tion with Two Standard Parallels. This
ard parallels are chosen, so that about
is the most common projection for air-
two-thirds of the map is encompassed by navigation charts, as it has a small scale
them, and their radii are calculated so as to error and relatively straight azimuths within
make the projection equal-area. This com- a few hundred miles. In this projection the
putation is quite involved. 1 Table XI con-
concentric parallels are spaced so that every
tains the values for a map of the United small quadrangle has the same proportions
States, to which country this projection is as on the globe. The meridians radiate from
particularly well adapted. The standard
the center of the parallels and are placed
parallels are then divided truly, and the
truly on the two standard parallels. The
points are connected with straight-line me- radii of the parallels can be compu ted by
ridians. A check on the construction is the the following formulas:
fact that all meridians must meet at the
center of the parallels. The poles will be rl = m(tan #1)" and 12 = m(tan # 2)"
represented by parallels.
where if; is the colatitude,
On a map of the United States the dis-
tortion of scale does not exceed 1 per cent log sin if;1 - log sin if;2
in the cent rand 1.25 per cent on the n = log tan t if;l - log tan ~ if; 2
margins ; this is hardly any greater than the and
contraction and xpansion of the paper with R sin if;1 R sin if;2
the change of humidity. m = n(tan t if;l)" or
fI( tan t if;2)"
Extensive tables for the Albers projection
are found in the U.S. Coast and Geodetic There are several modifications of this
Survey Special Publication 130, 1927. The projection, which have been developed
system has bcen used for a 1: 750,000 map recently for aeronautical charts.
of Europe, publishcd in Vienna, and also The values of r are tabulated for a map
by some surveys in Russia. Thc formulas of the United States and for certain other
for th radii of the standard parallels are regions, in the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey
given here without their mathematical Special Publication 52. For the United States,
derivation. 33° and 45° are chosen for standard paral-
rl = kR cos CPI lels and this results in a 0.5 per cent scale
and error in the center, and a 2.25 per cent scale
r2 = kR cos CP2 error in Florida. If a more generally dis-
tributed scale error is desired, 29° and 45°
where rl and r2 are the radii of standard can be chosen as standard parallels. This
parallels; CPl and CP2 are their latitudes ; R will reduce the scale error to 1.2 per cent in
is the earth's r adius; and Florida but will increase it in the central
1 U.S. Coast and Geodetic Surv~ Spec. Pubs. 68 and 130. regions. The projection was used also for
Table XI TabJe for the Construction of a Map of th United tates on Albers F.quaJ.area Projection
with Two. tandard Parallels at 25° and 45°

Radius of Spacings oj LVI/gill/de from Chords on Chords on

parallel parallels cmllal mllTidian lalitude 25° latitude 45°
I -
Meters Meters Meters Meters
20° 10 253 177 1° 102 184 .68 78745 . 13
21 10 145 579 107 598 5 510 866.82 393 682.00
22 10 037 540 108 039 25 2 547 270 1 962 966
23 9 929 080 108 460 30 2 352 568
24 9 820 218 lOa 862
109 249

25 9 710 969
26 9 601 361 109 608
27 9 401 409 109 952
28 9 381 139 110 270
29 9 270 576 110 563
29°30' 9 215 188 110 838

30 9 159 738
31 9 048 648 111 090
32 8 937 337 111 311
33 8 825 827 111 510
.34 8 714 150 111 677
111 822
35 8 602 328
36 8 490 392 111 936
37 8 378 377 112 015
38 8 266 312 11 2 065
39 8 154 228 112 084
11 2 065

40 8 042 163
41 7 930 152 112 011
42 7 818 231 111 921
43 7 706 444 111 787
44 7 594 828 111 616
111 402

45 7 483 426
45°30' 7 427 822 111 138
46 7 372 288
47 7 261 459 110 829
48 7 150 987 110 472
49 7 040 925 110 062
109 592

50 6 931 333
51 6 822 264 109 069
52 6 713 780 108 484
th maps of the western war zon in the themselves are nonconcentri circles, the
First World War, becaus its scale error did radii of whi h can be constructed according
not exceed 0.5 per cent for that area. to Fig. 57, Or calculated (r = R cot cp), as
The projection was develop d by J. H. in th conic projection. Each of them is
Lambert (1728- 1777), a G rman mathe- divided truly, and the urves whi h connect
matician who was chiefly responsible for division points form the meridian. From
placing the science of map projections on a this construction it follows that the equator
mathemati al basis and for introducing the will be a straight line, and the pole will be a
ideas of conformal and equal-area projec- point at a true distance from the equator, as
tions. He also invented several oth -r measured on the surface of the globe. The
important prqjections. distortion of scale is small near the center

, ,.,
" ,


Fig. 60 The polyconic projection has a truly divided central meridian, with nonconcentric circular parallels.
The parallels are truly divided for the meridians.

Polyconic Projection. If we divid the of th projection but increases rapidly at the

earth 's surfa e into narrow belts of latitude periphcri<' . .
a nd draw to ea h of them a strip of a tangent The polyconic projection is neither con-
cone upon which the surface of the glob is formal nor equal-area but near th central
projected from its enter, we arrive at the meridian it has characteristics of each. The
basic id a of the polyconi projection. The scale error is less than 1 per c nt at any
projection actually used, how ver, is a point within 560 miles of the central
modification of this principle. meridian.
The polyconic proj ction has a straight This grid is eminently suitable for topo-
vertical, central meridian which is divid d graphic maps when each sh et must be
truly for th paraJlels; and the parallels plotted indep nd ntly. The construction is
not difficult when a table has b en prepared The polyconic projection was devised in
for the vertical and horizontal coordinates of 1820 by Ferdinand Hassler, the organizer
·each intersection. Such tab] s are published and first director of the U.S. Coast Survey.
in the U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 809 and
in the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Special An interesting modification of it is used on the
.Dublications 5 and 57. 1: 1,000,000 map of the world, each she t of
The polyconic projection is used on the which covers 4° of latitude and 6° of longitude.
L).S. Geological Survey topographic sheets,
The radii of the limiting parallels are calculated
as before, but their distance is true only on the'
un the earlier sheets of the U. . Coast and
second and fifth meridian and somewhat too
, .7eodetic urvey, by the Great Lakes ur-
short on the central meridian. The limiting
'"ey, and by various army urveys. Indeed, parallels are divided truly, and the division
i.t is so popular with the United tates points are connected with straight lines to form
government that, in spite of the curving the meridians. All other parallels are circles
meridians and the 6 per cent scale error which divide the second and fifth meridian
on the peripheries, it is also employed for truly and the other meridians proportionately.
maps of the entire United tates. Inasmuch Tables ;or the construction of such sheets by
as private cartographers like to copy means of rectangular coordinates can be found
government sheets, almost all maps of the in Deetz and Adams, "Elements of Map
United States are drawn on this projection, Projection. "
although for most purposes the Albers The advantage of this projection lies in its
projection would serve better. The poly- small scale error, which does not exceed 1/1,300
on each sheet. The straight-border meridians
conic projection is also used for the 1: 50,000
and the circular parallels enable us to fit
maps of France and by some other surveys. together any number of maps in the north-
One of the disadvantages of this projec- south and east-west directions, but in no other
tion is that only those sheets which have the directions. Practically, however, it is possible
same central meridian can be fitted together to fit together about nine adjacent shet'ts with a
correctly. Fitting in the east-west direction slight amount of stretching.
is imperfect, but across only a few sheets it
still remains within the stretching limit of Polyhedric Projections. The German,
the paper. Austrian, Italian, and Spanish topogril;:>hic
sheets are drawn mostly on the polyhedric
grid, in which small spherical quadrangles
are projected upon a plane trapezium wi th
identical corners. This projection has hori-
zontal parallels and straight, convergir..g
meridians. Modifications of the principle are
common; the central parallel and meridian
can each be of true length and subdivided
equally. Within the limits of one topo-
graphic sheet, the polyhedric projection is
hardly distinguishable from the polyconic.
The Bonne Projection. This system war,
Fig. 61 Hemisphere in Bonne projection centered on
Paris. Note that the poJe is not identical with the designed by Rigobert Bonne (1727- 1795),
center of the parallels. (From Deet;:, and Adams, a French cartographer, although similar
"Elements of Map Projection.") projections had been used at an earlier
date. It has a straight central meridian The Bonne projection is utilized on the
which is crossed by a circular standard 1: 80,000 sheets of France in such a way that
parallel, the radius of which is r = R cot rp. one grid is prepared for the entire country.
The central meridian is divided truly, and Individual sections are later cut from this
all parallels are concentric with the standard network, with the result that on most sheets
one. Thus far, it is identical with the simple all parallels and meridians curve the ~ame
conic; the difference is that each parallel is way. The Bonne system is used also for the
divided truly, and the curves which connect topographic sheets of small countries, such
these divisions constitute the meridians. as the Netherlands, Belgium, and Switzer-
Every small quadrangle in the Bonne pro- land. Moreover, in a tlas maps the contin~nlS
jection has both base and height true to of Asia and Europe are usually shown in
scale and, therefore, the system is equal- this projection, in spit of the fact that it·
area. hapes are accurate along the central cannot be cut in sections similar to thos~
meridian ; distortion increases toward the of the conic-projection maps. For this
sides. The pole is a point that is not co- reason, and because of its large distortion of
incident with the center of the parallels. It scale, the Bonne grid seems to have lost
is possible to draw either one hemisphere prestige in recent years, and its place has
or the entire world in this projection, but b en taken largely by the azimuthal group
because of excessive lateral distortion it is of projections.
rar ly used for more than one continent. If the standard parallel is the equator, r is
With a 15° standard, however, it makes a infinite, and the parallels are horizontal,
fair world map. equidistant lines, divid ed truly- the projec-
1 The au thor noticed this projection used in an tion becomes identical with the sinusoidal
(lnonymous French map, 1699. projection.
CHAPTER 8: The Azimuthal Projections

The azimuthal, or zenithal, networks are center of the prqj ction ar also equally
developed by projecting the surface of the distant on the map. A circle connecting
globe upon a plane from som eyepoint. th se equidistant points is called the " hori-
Different eyepoints make different projec- zon circle," becaus it represents the horizon
tions. The eyepoint of the gnomonic pro- from a certain altitude above the center
jection is in the enter of the globe; in the of the proj ction. All horizon circles remain
tereographic projection it lies in the anti- circular on the map.
pode; in the orthographic projection it is in 3. All places equally distant from the
infinite distance, which means that the center have equal distortion.
projecting rays are parallel. O(h r azi- 4. All azimuthal projections differ from
muthal projections such as th equidistant each oth r only in the length of the radii
and equal-area developm nts, are modifi- of the horizon circles, and thus they can
cations of this process. All m mbers of this easily be transformed on into th other.
group, however, have the following prop- The scale of radial distortion an be ob-
erties in common: tained from the spacing of th parallels in
the polar cases of the various azimuthal
1. All great circles passing through the projec.tions (see Fig. 75).
center of projection are repre cnted as
straight lines and have correct bearings or
azimuths- hence the name "azimuthal." In the cylindrical and conical projections
2. All points equally distant from the the axis of th cylinder or one usually
coincides with the earth's axis; oblique


parallels:- .R....cot!f

..,j PlaM


Fig. 62 Azimuthal projections are drawn from any Fig. 63 Construction of the gnomonic projection,
point of view. The plane of projection need not be polar case.
tangent. (C. S. Hammond & Co.)
forms are rarely used. Azimuthal projections
are common in all three pasi tians :
1. Polar, with the plane perpendicular to
the earth saxis
2. Equatorial, with plane perp ndicular to
the equatorial plane
3. Oblique, with plan in any other
Gnomonic Projection. This projection is
derived by projecting the surface of the
globe, from its center, upon a plane. This
plane is not necessarily tang nt because
maps projected on other planes parallel to
a tangent plane would differ on ly in scale. Fig. 64 C01Islruction uf the gnomonic projection,
Photographs of the stars are in gnomonic equatorial ca.~e.
p' p

E'K' = E"K"
E'L' :; E" L" "'\
"', , \ , "
\ '

"\ '!E"
Fig. 65 OtlSlru lion of the gnomoni projection, oblique case.
1. Polar ProJectiorl. The meridians are meridional plane is turned down around the
straight lines radiating in their true direc- E' P' axis onto the surface of the paper, and
tions, and the parallels are concentric circles turned back again in place after the piercing
placed at increasing distances away from point of the projecting rays has been found.
the poles. The construction of this projec- The chief merit of the gnomonic projec-
tion is shown in Fig. 63. tion is that all great circles are represented as
straight lines. These great circles define planes
1 = R cot tp
that pass through the center of the globe,
where tp is the latitude. and if extend d as far as the plane of the
2. Equatorial Projection. The meridians projection the intersection of the two planes
are verticals placed at increasing distances will be a straight line.
from the central meridian, and the parallels This property is of the greatest impor-
are hyperbolas with asymptotes of the same tance in navigation, because the shortest
angle as the lati tudes. The construction of route between two points is that of the great
this proj ction is shown in Fig. 64. circle. For that reason th U.S. Hydro-
3. Oblique Projection. Construction of the graphic Office has published charts of all
oblique gnomonic projection is shown in oceans in the gnomonic proj ction. To plot
Fig. 65. On the left is the side view of the the course of transoceanic voyages, the
globe; and the plane of projection, which is navigator draws a straight line on a
perpendicular to the paper, shows as a gnomonic chart. Th steering of the vessel,
vertical line. In the bottom figure the plane however, is done with a compass and it is
of the equator lies turned down into the customary to transf r the great-circle route
plane of paper. The meridians and the from the gnomonic to a Mercator chart, on
equator, being great circles, are represented which it will appear as a curve. As it is
by straight lines on the map. The parallels impracticable continually to change the
are hyperbolas, and their intersections with compass directions, thi. curve is usually
the straight meridians must be located first divided into shorter sections of straight
on the side diagram and then carried over compass directions.
to the main figure. In the side figure each Gnomonic charts are u d 3.1so in con-
nection with radio and seismic work, for the
waves travel mor or less on great-circle
routes. The mathemati al limit of this
projection is the hemisphere, and the
distortion becomes extreme if it is extended
to mor than a quarter of the globe.
The Orthographic Projection. In this
the surface of the globe is projected by
parallel rays upon a p rpendicular plane,
the eyepoint being in infinite distance.
Construction of the polar and equatorial
cases is shown in Fig. 66 by C and B.
Neither of these is used often except in the
Fig. 66 Construction of the oblique orthographic construction of the obliqu projection. The
projection with the axis of the globe tilted at 60°. oblique case is important because of its
Note the visual quality of the projection. visual qualities, for it looks like a globe.
The parallels are Hips s, the major axes of The mathematical qualities of this pro-
which equal the diamet rs of the parallels. jection, however, are less pleasant. It is
The minor a.xes can b projected across neither equal-area nor conformal, and it is
from the side figure. Th meridians are also limited to the representation of one hemi-
ellipses, and their intersections with the sphere. The radial scale decreases rapidly
parallels can b carried up from the polar toward the peripheries, and the scale is true
projection. If the projection is symmetrically only along circles centered on the center
arranged, only one-half need b drawn, for point of the projection.
the other half can b copied with a trans- The orthographic projection was used
paren t tracing paper. occasionally during the early Renaissance
The oblique orthographic projection of (Stabius drew a large hemisphere map), but
the globe is widely u ed in art and adver- in later times it was rarely employed. Only
tising, and its value for s hool maps is be- recently has it been revived for artistic and
coming more appreciated. Although the school maps. It became very popular at the
distortion along th peripheries is extreme, beginning of the econd World War, as it
the eye does not perceive it, because we was easily understood by people not accus-
imagine that w see a globe instead of a tomed to interpretation of world maps.
map. This projection can be focused on any The popular term "global" maps usually
continent, which will then app ar large means either the orthographic projection
in the cent r of the map; the relationship to or a photograph of a globe.
other continents can be noted along the
sides. I t is useful in th earliest stages of geo- Orthoapsidal Projections. In this group of
graphical instruction for introducing the projections a parallel and meridian system is
idea of maps to children. applied to any solid other than a globe, and an

Fig. 67 The armadillo projection got its name from the little Me,dcan animal that coils itself into a sphere if
frightened. The construction of the map is similar to the orthographi projection. (Courte~ oj Geog. Rev. Vol.
33, p. 133, 1943.)
orthographic view forms the map. Ortho- is an easier method: the center of the
apsidal mapsl can be drawn upon a toroid, parallel circle is at a point (Fig. 69) which
hyperboloid, bifolium, trifolium, etc. The we obtain by drawing a tangent with the
advantage of these projections is that the whole angle of the htitud , and from this con-
earth can be shown instead of a hemisphere.
struction it follows that
Although th distortion on the sides is very
great, the eye does not perceive it because it ..10 = R cosec cp
sees the picture of a three-dimensional body
instead of a map. The annadillo and the half- The construction of meridians is shown In

ellipsoid projections, if tilted about 15°, are Fig. 69.

perhaps the world maps with the largest land OF = R cot A
area proportionate to their size; thus they
became popular for maps of world relationships. In olden times stereographic hemisphere
maps were used almost exclusively, but in
recent years they have lost popularity be-
cause of their great variation in scale. The
parallels and meridians are much closer
together in the center of the map than near
the peripheries. The projection is conformal,
as all meridians are at right angles to the
parallels, and their scale relationship is
correct in any small area.
The constructional details of the oblique
stereographic projection are shown in Fig.
70. The construction is based on the fact
that even in the oblique case, the meridiar,s
and parallels are circular arcs. This proj c-
Fig. 68 In the stereographic projection the
tion is often used in atlases to show water
scale is increasing from the center toward the
peripheries. (From Finch-Trewartha, " Elements and land hemispheres, and also as a stage
oj Geograph) "" ) of transformation into more difficult oblique
azimuthal projections. 2
Stereographic Projection. In this net- A
work the surface of the globe is projected
upon a plane from the antipode of the
AO • R cos ec JP
cen ter poin t.
One of the interesting qualities of this
projection is that all circles on the globe,
whatever their size, remain circles on the map, and
thus all parallels and meridians appear as F
arcs. In the equatorial case the parallels
can be drawn by actual projection, but there
1 RAIsz, ERWIN, Orthoapsidal World Maps, Ceog.
&v., Vol. 33, No.1, pp. 132- 134, 1943.
2 See tables for comtruction of oblique stereoscopic Fi~. 69 Construction of the parallels
h.emispheres for every second degree of tilt, Harvard and the meridians in the equatorial
Univ. Inst. Ceog. ExplorJ' on, 1942. 28 pp. case 01 the stercographic projection.

, ,
, ,,

, \
, I

~ ,/
'I. Q.> ,
c: '

Fig. 70 Constructiun of th oblique stcreographic projection. On the right is a side view
of a tilted globe, halved by [he plaM of projectioll . E is the eycpoint. Each point is projected
from the eyepoint upon the plane of projection and then carried over to the map on th
left. H is the horizontal parallel and locus of the centcrs of meridians. outh of H the parallels
curve the other way.

Other Azimuthal Projections. In the ortho- Azimuthal Equidistant Projection. In

graphic projection the peripheries are too small this projection not only has every point a
in scale, whereas in the stereographic the periph-
eries ar lOO large. Howcver, we can choose
the eyepoint of an azimuthal projection so that
the distortion is more evenly distributed.
Clarke's minimum-error projection has tht:
eyepoin l b · twe 11 1.65 and 1. 35 radiu dis-
tance from the c nler of th glob, depending
on the area to be represented. In LaHire's
network th eyepoint is 1. 71 radius distance
from the cen ter of the glob . These maps are
similar in appearance, and on both somewhat
more than a hemisphere can be shown . If
E ngland is plac d in the center of the prqjec-
tion, almost the entire land surface of the
earth can be included in an extended h m i-
sphere map .
If the eyepoint is still farther, the projec-
tion will look Jik a photograph of a globe. Fig. 71 In the azimuthal (,quidistant projec-
T his is often used by artists instead of labori- tion, every point is at its lrue distance and in
ous construction and is called " perspective the right direction from the c nter. (C. S. Ham-
projection." mond & Co.)
true direction (azimuth) from the center, ear th although the distortion increases
but the distance of each point from the rapidly toward the peripheries. T he antip-
center i also true. However, distances and odal point opposite the center of the pro-
directions between other points are dis- jection is repr sent d by a circle, the
torted. uch a map, how ver, cannot be diameter of which equals the earth's
obtained by actually projecting, from any circumference.
eyepoint, the globe's surface upon a plane. The projection has many uses. Great-
Polar Case. This is the most commonly circle directions and distances from the
us d projection for the Arctic and Ant.arctic. center point can be read directly for flying
The meridians are radiating straight lines, or navigation. Radio broadcasting beams
and the parallels ar equidi tant circles are laid out on maps centered on the trans-
placed. at their true distanc s. The radius mitting station. The location of earthquakes
of the equator is a half meridian. This pro- can be measured off directly if such a chart
jection obviously creates an exaggeration of is constructed with the earthquake record-
scale along the parallels, which increases ing station as the center. This is also the
toward the p ripheries. best projection for isochronic maps and for
The equatorial ca'e of this projection is certain cartograms. It has been used also fot
rarely used, but the oblique case is important continent maps, for instance, the Nationai
because, if a projection is constructed for a Geographic Society maps of Asia and
certain city, all distances and globe direc- Europe.
tions will be true from that place. No other The Azimuthal Equal-area Projection.
projection could do the same. This network, designed by J. H . Lambert
This projection has a relatively small scale in 1772, has gained in popularity in recent
error if we do not go beyond a hemisphere. years. Its construction can best be under-
However, it is possible to show the entire stood in the polar case. From Fig. 72 it

Fig. 72 The azimuthal equal-ar a projection is commonly used for continents and "air-age" maps. The
oblique map can be centered on the center point of all lands. (C. S. H~mmond & Co.)
can be seen that the radius of the hemi- intersection, laving the vertical coordinates
sphere equals th length of the secant unehang d. The Aitoff projection also
between the pol and the quator. The resembles to a certain extent the Mollweide
radius of the map of a hemisphere is network, but the parallels are slightl y
r = R v2, and its surface equals r~ =
2R27f' , the same as the surfa ce of a half globe.
R is the radius of th globe. Simil arl y, it
can be proved that every parallel belt has
th same ar a on the globe as on the map.
The polar case is often used for polar
maps. The north polar map is often ex-
tended to include the whol e earth or at
least all continents. The outh Pole will be Fig. 73 The Aitoff projection is the same as
a circle with a radius of 2R. This map is the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection
wid ly used to show world a ir lines. It with the horizontal component of each point
doubled. (From Finch- Tr/!Wartha, "Elem(J11/s of
makes a good counterpart for a M ercator
Geogr(1phy. ")
T h equatorial case of this pr~j ection is curved , and the angles ar e som what less
often used for hemispheres. I t. onstruc- distorted. It is obviou from its construction
tion is somewh at complex, but tables were that the proje tion is eq ual- area.
pr par ed by Lambert himself. Transverse Projections. Thes projec-
The oblique case is much favored for tions are related to a glob that is turned
continen ts. The construction of a n etwork 90° to its usual orientation. ome authors
centered on parallel 40 is tabulated in the usc the term " transverse" in the same way
( '. . Coast and Grode/ic SU1'1'~J' SjJecial Pub- as the t rm "oblique," thus causing con-
lication 68. The parall Is appear as arcs that fusion . Th term " meridional" is also used
are flat in the center a nd curve sharpl y which is an even mOr confu ing term.
toward th e sides, and the meridians are Most transverse projections are polar ases
nearly elliptical. The scale rror of this of the equatorial proj ction .
projection is very small ; nowhere on a Transverse A1ercator Projection (Gauss Con-
map of the U nited , latcs do s it exc ed formal ProJection) . Th asiest way to un-
2 per cent. An obliqu projection centered derstand this proj e tion i to relate it to a
on the center of all land. in southeastern horizontal ylind r tangent along a meridian
Europe makes a ompact world map (see (or to a smaller cylinder cutting into the
Fig. 72). The construction of oblique pro- globe) in the sam e way that the usual
jections in general is discussed below. Mercator map is r elated to a vertical
Aitoff Equal-area Projection. This sy - cylind r tangent at the equator. On the
tern i often used for world maps. The usual Merca tor map, the scale is true along
earth app ars a an ellips , and th c ntral the equator, a nd the pole cannot be shown ;
meridian i half the length of the equator. on the transver s M ercator, the scale is true
Th parallels and meridians are obtained along the meridian and points A and B
by taking a hemispher in th Lambert cannot b shown. Th projection is used
azimuthaJ equal-area proj tion and dou- by the Ordnance urvey of Great Britain
bling the horizontal coordinates of every and is also used as a base map for state
grids m th nited tates. 1 he proj tion tilt is constructed; this can b drawn
continues to be conformal out loses the according to Fig. 70 with great accuracy,
quality of straight rhumb lines. as the parallels and meridians are circular
The Construction of Oblique Projec- arcs. Tables are available for the cent rs
tions. The great nter. of human activities of the circles for every 2 0 of tilt.
arc not centered on th eq uator or the pole Th transformation into the azimuthal
and thus it is no wonder that oblique pro- equidistant and equal-area projections is
i ('tions, which can be focus d on any done with a specially prepared radial scale.
desired r gion, are used often in mod rn Every point in the equidistant projection
cartography. All projections, including: the will be the same radius from the center as
cylindrical and onic S'TOUPS, can b u~ed in the stereographi , but its distance from
obliquely, but it is th azimuthal group the center will differ. The scale is a m eridian
where this is the most common. The con- divided into degrees of latitude in the polar
struction of oblique projections is laborious. proj ction. We draw both scales in different
The three most commonly ust':'cI methods colors on the same strip of paper and pin
ar . the followi ng: the 0 po in t very exa tly wi lh a fine needle
1. TrallsjormatlOlI from the OMique Slfreo- on th center of th st reographic map.
grajJhic. This method can be applied to Reduction or enlargement is possible. We
azimuthal projections only. First an oblique read the radial distance of an intersection
stereographic projection with the required to 11u 0 accuracy in the stereograph ic pro-

:"ig. 74 The transverse Mer alor projection can be related to a cylinder tangent along a ml'.ridian. Near th
o.;cntral m('ridian il makes a good conformal projection. (After Dect~.)

j ction, and prick the same number of and its antipodal is constant and eq ua ls
degrees in the other projection along the 180°, the outer points can be easil y pricked
~ame radius. by sliding a straight paper strip on which
180· are marked along the central n('edle.
In the azimuthal equal-area projection
where the radial scale is variable make a
360 0 long graduated paper strip, pi vot it
around the center, and mark off I and 180° I
from each intersection (see Fig. 76) .

[qual-area Stereographic
Fig. 75 All azimutha l projections differ from each Fig. 77 Transformation of
other only in the radii of their horizon circles. They one spherical coordinate sys-
can b transformed into each other according to the tem into ano ther.
radial scale . 2. Transformation by Spherical Coordinates.
In the stereographic projection it is not First an equatori al (or polar) proj ection is
practical to go much beyond the hemi- drawn: then the intersections of the paral.
sphere, but th e whole world can be shown leIs and m eridians in the oblique sy tern
in the equidistant proj ec tions. onsidering are 10 ated by their coordinates in refer nee
that the distance between an intersection to the equatorial system. The points are
then onnected to form the new parallels
and meridians.
It is onvenient to take the central
meridian as prime meridian for both pro-
jections. When the n twork is completed ,
any m eridian can be taken as prime.
Let us a sume that the new pole is shifted
with 'Po in respect to the old pol on the
central m ridian. The solution of the
spherical triangl PP'S gives the following
JI!. result for any point S:
An tipodal
pointlo JJ P' = old pole
P = new pole
Fig. 76 In the construction of azimuthal equidistant
or equal-area projections, the antipodal points to any rp = degrees of shift
point will be on a line passing through the center of () = latitud in new system
projection, 180 0 apart. A = longi tude in new ystem
8' = latitude in old
system Rotation Method. This is in certain cases
X' longitude in old system
= the fastest and most ac 'urate method of
S = intersection of any parallel and transforming an equatorial azimuthal pro-
meridian in the new system j ection into an oblique one. The method
was described for the stereographi pro-
We are interested in getting 8' and X',
je tion by . L. Penfi Id,l and analyzed by
the latitude and longitude in the eq uatorial
A. J. Dilloway, 2 and extended in use by R. E.
system for every S point. By the law of
Harrison. 3 The following is quoted directly
from Harrison.
cos (90 0 8') = cos f{) cos (90 0 - 8)
To illustrate the procedure, th construction
+ sin f{) sin (90 0 - 8) cos (180° - X)
of an ortho~raphic projection tangent at 3S oN
from which will be de cribed . This is the procedure followed
in making any azimuthal projection, with only
sin 8' = sin 8 cos f{) - sin f{) cos 8 cos X minor and rather obvious differences.

• ~ 0


~/~~Pl- I- 'roIf-

.~ ~.
Fig. 78 Threc stages in the construction of an orthographic grid from a Jlomugraph. Light Jines show the
nomograph; heavy lines, the construction on the tracing paper. (Courl e~) oj Geog . Rev. Vol. 33., p. 656.)

from which 8' can be obtained. From the The circular nomograph is plac d on a draw-
law of sines ing board and covered with a rectangular piece
of tracing paper that ov 'rlaps the nomograph
sin (180 0 - X) sin X' on the sides but not at th top and hottom, and
sin (90 0 - 8') - = sin (90 0 - 8) is tacked on the board. A needle, or round-
which gives shanked thumbtack, is firmly thrust vertically
sin X cos 8 through tracing paper and nomograph at the
sin X' = center of the latter. As the needle, or tack,
cos 8'
remains in position until the new grid is com-
from which X' can be obtained. Thus for pleted, it is well first to reinforce the nomograph
each intersection, X' and 8' can be tabu- at the center with cellulose tape or similar
lated. However, the laying out of the points
is not easy. The distances have to be 1 PENFffiLD, S. L., The Stereographic Projection
measured off along curved lines, and the .. ,Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. 11, 1901.
2 DILLOWAY, A. j., The Cartographical Solution of
longitude scale especially is very variable.
Great Circle Problems, Royal Aeronautical Soc.,
Tables for every 50 of tilt were published by
January, 1942.
E. Hammer, "Uber die geographisch wich- 3 HARRISON, R. E., The Nomograph as an Instru-
tigsten Kartenprojektionen . . . ," Stutt- ment in Map Making, Geog. Rev., Vol. 33, pp. 655-
gart, 1889. 657, 1943.
material. The nomograph is first rotated so The meridian is drawn in its entirety, and while
that its equator is upright (s tage I, Fig. 78) . in this position the appropriate crossings of the
The intersections of the equator and the parallels (with their proper angles of inter-
central meridian with the circumferential section) are noted on the meridian (stage II ,
margin are then lightly marked on the tracing Fig. 78). Since the intersections rarely coincide
paper. Thirty-five degrees are counted off exactly with the parallels on the nomograph,
below the center along the equator of the it is generally necessary to interpolate. However,
nomograph; the meridian passing through this in working with a one-degree nomograph the
point becomes the equator of th new grid . proper intersections will be so close to a parallel
This is traced freehand or with appropriate that they can be drawn directly with little loss
curves, and the inters ctions of the parallels of of accuracy. Furthermore, one often finds a
the nomograph with the new equator are simple means of checking the accuracy of the
marked at the desired interval of the grid. This interpolations. For example, on the orthographic
should be done so that the angl s of the inter- projection advantage can be taken of the fact
se tions are correctly preserved, because of a that all lines connecting the intersections of
remarkable feature of the nomographic method: parallels along any two meridians are parallel.
instead of providing horizonta l and vertical With a parallel ruling device the intersections
coordina tes to esta blish the points of crossing along any meridian can be ticked off from the
as in mathematical and other graphic pro- corresponding intersections along the central
cedures it gives not only the point but the cor- meridian, since these are already established.
rect angle of a ny intersection on the projection. The nomograph is then rotated to obtain the
Before changing the oril' ntation of the nomo- 11 xt meridian, and so on, until all are drawn in.
graph, the North Pole is marked by counting At this stage the grid consists of an equator and
90° from the new equator along the upright a complete set of meridians marked with the
Center line. (When making an azimuthal equi- crossings of the parallels (stage III, Fig. 78),
distant or equal-ar a projection, the outh and it is a simple matter to complete the paral.
Pol is also l'nark d.) leIs, since these crossings form an almost con-
At this stage we have the North Pole and an tinuous curve of short, straight segments. The
equator on which the meridional inl.e'rsections grid can be drawn first in pencil and later in
are mark d (stage' 1, Fig. 78). We can now add ink, or it can be inked dir ctly. It is a most
all the meridians to the map grid. This is accom- satisfying experience to draw a brand-new grid
plished in the sam manner as finding a great in ink without the necessity for any previous
circle nomographically, namely, by rotating p neil drawing, to say nothing of not having to
the nomograph until the North Pole and the eras horizontal and vertical construction lines.
meridional intersection of the equator are on A similar procedure in the case of cylindrical
the same nomograph meridian or occupy the maps involves translation along the equator
same relative position between two meridians. instead of simple rotation.

Other Conventional Projections

This group of projections includes those p ripheral circle are each divided equally,
which cannot be classified with any of the and the points ar conne ted with arcs of
previous gro u ps. circles. This network is obviously neither
The Globular Projection. This projec- equal-area nor conformal but it has no
tion was d'vised by Nicolosi in the seven- unpl easant proportions and is true to scale
teenth ntury. It is often used for hemi- on the ntral meridian and the equa-
spheres, and it onstru tion is very simpl . tor. On all other places the scale is
The central m ridi an, the quator, and the exaggerat d.
!. 5
il ~
!. ~

B. ~


:0 ,
en ~

u @
:.-: ..J

8 ol>.

c 'ti

,:1 'C
a .s:
Ii ""g a.


Fig. 81 B. J. S. Cahill's butterfly projection.

Star and Other Interrupted Projec-

tions. I n these systems the Northern
Hemisphere is usually shown in a polar
proj ction, and the southern continents are
starlike appendages. The members of this
Fig. 79 In th globular projection the equator,
the central meridian, and the peripheral circle are
group ar particularly useful in climatology
divided into even lengths. and biogeography. Figure 81 shows Cahill's
ingeniou. butt rfly projection, which is
Van d ef Grinten 's Projection. This pmjec- dev loped from an octahedron.
tion is sometimes used for world maps. Its It i beyond the limit of this book to
construction is shown in Fig. 80. The glouc is
discuss the various ing nious interrupt d
represented by a ircJe, and the parallels and
projections that have becn invented in
meridians arc flat arcs of circles. The scale is
recent years. Attempts have bcen made to
truc on the equator, but expands rapidly toward
south and north. This increase, however, is show the earth in the form of a triangle, a
less than in the Mercator projection, and the trapezoid, or even in a spiral form. Few of
angles arc not great ly distorted . The projection them have won wide popularity, although
was invented by Van dcr Grinten in 1905 and many embody noteworthy features. All in
for some time was widely t1. cd in Am rica. all, several hundred projections have been

Fig. 80 onstruction of the Van der rill ten projection . (Collrlt'ry oj Borih%lllrll " s OxJord
litlas .)
invented in the last century, but more than less important, becau e for individual coun-
nine-tenths of all maps are drawn in pro- tries all proje tions ar quite similar. Most
jections that have been described in the existing statistical maps of the United
foregoing chapt rs. States are in the polyconic projection,
Identification of Projections. On mod- which is not equal-area. For the entire
em maps and atlas sit is customary to world the equal-area maps have too much
indicate the name of the projection, but on distortion; here, tlle Eckert projections may
smaller maps it is often necessary to find be used to advantage.
it out ours Iv s. With the help of the key For maps of continents, when it i desir-
the various projection can b identified by able to emphasize their relationships with
the simple m asurement of parall Is and other continents, the oblique orthographic
meridians. There are, however, certain projection is useful. The great educational
rarely used systems that arc not listed in the advantages of this projection have aIr ady
key because their identification is too com- been pointed out. Many magnetic, climatic,
plex. For instance, the oblique azimuthal and biologic relationships can best be
equidi tant proje tion, if used for smaller understood from maps in polar proj tions;
areas, i difficult to differentiate from a their u e should be encou!'ag d. For mor
modifi d globular projection. It is also exact maps of the Unit d States the conic
especially hard to dL tinguish between the projections, especially the Albers network,
projections of maps of small areas, su h as are recommended.
topographic sheets, but in this case the dif- Distortion of Projections. As we have
ferentiation is relatively unimportant, be- seen, only a limited number of lines on a
cause all projections have practically the map are true to scale, i.f., the same length
same appearance. Choice of projection as the corresponding globe' all the other
b comes important only on maps of large lincs are too long or too short. On small
areas, especially world maps. maps of small regions the scale distortion
The Choice of Projections. This de- is small, and a good scale can be iv n.
pends chiefly on the purpo. for which the Not so with world maps. If a s ale is given
map is intended (s e the key to projections). at all, it should be the scale or the globe to
It is e sential for very geographer to know which the proj ction is related and the
the principles of the various projections, in parallels or meridian or radial lines which
order to make an intelligent choi e. Time are tru should be specifi d. Diagrammatic
spent in the construction of a suitable scales showing the scale error along other
projection, instead of copying existing lines are helpful, as in Fig. 48, for th
maps, is u ually worth while. Mercator. The us rs of map should be
As a general principle, it is advisable on constantly reminded that ther is no world
simple diagrammatic maps to use the pro- map from which distances can be simply
jections with horizontal parall Is, b cause seal doff.
on the e the lettering does not hav to be Laying Out Projections. The layou t
curved, and the latitude-longitude grid of projections r quir s extreme accuracy .
can be omitted or shown only on th Smooth shap proof paper a sharp pencil,
borders. T-square, ste'] straightedge, a propcrly
For maps of statistical distribution an checked large triangle, 'ompass divid r,
equal-ar a projection hould b used, al- and a ircular protractor ar . the equipm nt.
though from a practical standpoint this is The paper is fastened to the board. First
a central vertical is drawn with aT-square where a is the arc distance and R is the
and then a horizontal reference line is laid radius of the circle. A very common problem
out with a triangle. Next comes the laying is to layout very flat circular parall Is and
out of parall Is and meridians. If th entral m ridians so that the center is inconveniently
meridian is truly divided, we lay oul the far away. If three points, A, B, and C, are
whole length and di ide it into degrees, known, a three-point compass can b made
rather than measuring off single degrees from two strips of paper. P neil at B will
d scribe a circular arc if the strips are moved

along A and C.
·'·' R . In constructing projections, very often a
.......... number of lines converg in a single point.
......... This point soon becomes smudged, a
... .. )r. ..

both ersome source of inaccuracy. Every
such point should be finely pricked and
~ ...... ' ... . always kept clean by erasing.
. -.. ~ Most world projections are symmetrical
.,.' «
.-.-- c= 21{sin.I on a central meridian and on the equator.
57.} a It is sufficient to construct one quarter with
ex Z R...
great care and to draw a new equator and
Fig. 82 If arc distances are known, central meridian on a clean paper and to
chord distances can u(' laid out ac-
prick every intersection reversing the paper
around the equator and entral meridian.
and having a larg cumulative error. An Save the original construction for future
error that is barely visible will be serious use. This also save erasing pt'ncil lines.
if added ight en times. If there are truly Measuring of Distances on Maps. The
divided parallels, they com next, their shortest distance between rwo points is the
length being calculated as the cosin of the great-circle route. These great-circle dis-
latitude. A common difficulty is the laying tances ar not truly shown on maps exc pt
out of distances along curved li nes. This can along certain specif1ed lines. The simplest
easily be done by a flexible scale, a paper way to measur them is to use a globe, bu t
scale used edgewise' otherwise the length this is limited by the accura y of the globe.
of a chord can be calculated . A scale can be prepared by cutting a
O' 57.3a paper strip to the half ircumference of the
C hord = 2R sin 2' where a = ~
globe and dividing it into 124.4 parts for

Fig. 83 A circular arc can be drawn lhrough three known points by moving the ardboard strips a long the
two pins in A and C.
each hundred miles. Mark the 1,OOO-mile drical proje ,tions, is to superimpose upon
divisions first, and subdivide them. an equatorial map a transvers projection
A more e 'act method of preparing a scale on the same scale. The meridians will
is to solve the spherical triangle then be a set of great circles, and if the
central meridian is shifted along the equator
hay d = hay (cp~ - CPt) of the original map until th two points
+ cos CPI cos cP~ hay (>"2 - >"1) are on the same transverse m rid ian, the
distance can be r ad off in degrees by the
where d is the distanc in degrees (of 60
parallels that mark off eq ual di stances from
nauti -al miles), cP is the latitude, and.A is the
the meridians. In Fig. 74 on the Mercator
longitud of the respective points. [Hav is
map shown by dashed line., points A and
short for haversine, which is a useful func-
Bare 120 latitudinal degrees apart. There
tion in g odesy.
are some other ingenious methods also.
hay a = } (1 - co a) See Graphical Determination of the Dis-
tance between Two Given Points on or
A table of haversines is contained in books Near the urface of the Earth, by Gen_
on ge d sy and navi. -ation _1 For exactcak.u- Nt.'lich, School Science and Mathematics,
:ations the ellipsoidal form of the earth has Vol. 28, pp. 853- 958, 1928, or Simple
to be reckoned and the formulas are more Computations of Distan es Ov r the Earth,
complex. by Litterly and Pierce, Navigation, Vol. 1,
A third method, used mostly on cylin- pp 62- 68, 1946.

CHAP TER 9: Symbols

Almost every feature on a m a p is sym- line of tep graphic sheets. On small-scale

bolized. If real pic tures were used , many maps, cities are usually shown by circles ;
significant elements would be microscopic. on large-scale maps, by their streets. In
On a standard topographic sheet a 25-foot- the choi e of symbols it is a common error
wid road would show as a very thin lin to for e large-scale symbols into small-scale
'1io inch wide. ince topographic sheets m a ps a nd thus overburden them. Most
show roads by doubl e lines about in inch cartograph rs lik to use a single system of
apart, it is obvious that we use a sym bol. symbols in all their maps, regardless of
On a page-sized m ap of th e United tates, difference in scal e, but they do not always
the Mississippi River would be a micro- have fortunate r esults. Symbols u ·ed in
scopic, meandering line 1; 2,000 inch wide. colored maps wdl n ecessarily differ from
H for this we sub titute a wavy line one those used in black-and-white maps.
hundred times wider we a lso use a The symbol content of a map can be
symbol. divid ed into three groups: (1) man-made
A good symbol iJ one which can be recognized features, or culture,' (2) water features, or
without a legend. u ch a sym b. l sheuld l?ydrograjJh_y; and (3) relief features, or
either be reminiscent of the feature it 1!)'P.wgraP/~)!. In modern maps a fourth
represents or be sanctioned by centuri es of ~ ature, vegt'ialion, is often added. Besides
use. Most of our symbols date back to very these, many special symbols m ay b us d on
earl y maps. Symbols should be small , . cientific and statisti cal maps.
distinctive, and easy to draw. For th e well-establi. hed convention of
There is a dilTerence in th e use . f sym- colors, blue indicates water; black and red
bols, d epending on the seale . [ the map. usua ll), designate culture; various shades of
On small-scale m a ps, road s ap' .[ten repre- brown repre ent reli ef feature; and green
sent d by a single line instead e r th e doubl obviously is the color for vegetation.

Cultural Features
Man-made fea tures are p a rticul arly em- inee the early walled cities were usually
phasized on m aps. C ities, road .. "l.l1d rail- round, on small-scale maps their repre-
ways are very important, a nd thus th ey ar e sentation was either reduced to the more or
repre ented far beyond thcir a tual siz . less circular layout of the wall or wa
Many maps conta in little more than symbolized by a eir Ie. The circle as a city
cultural symbols. symbol survives up to the present time
Cities. In the arli st maps, cities are although there is now little analogy between
shown by small, pictorial, bird 's- y views. a small circle and a city.
It is possible that the origin of th city on small-scale maps is usually made accord-
circle was different. It was customary in ing to population. The number of people,
early Renais~ance maps to designate a city however, is not a sure indi ation of the
by a sman pictorial group of houses. But importance of a city. For instance, Fair-
since this group was very much larger banks, Alaska, with its few th(!,usand people
than the size of the city, the exact location is far better known, being an outpost of
of the latter was shown by a smail circle civili7.ation and a centcr of a huge region,
within the group of houses. In small-scale than is a town of similar population in
maps the group of hou 'es was omitted, and Ohio. Ports, railroad junctions, capitals,
only the circle remained . At present we still cultural and historic centers, spas, and
show cities by a small circle or by several fronti er towns are shown even if inhabited by
concentric circles, the size or complexity fewer people than other less important places.
of which varies with the population of the R oad-s. ven in the earliest maps it was
city. customary to show roads by a double line,
On large-scale maps, where the actual which was often further accentuated by
extent can be shown, th city can be repre- rows of trees along it. The symbol is so
sented better by crossed lines indica ting a obvious that it has changed but little up to
street system, even 'though it does not the pr en t time. On large- cale maps the
exactly follow the actual pattern. ince this various types of roads are shown by dif-
symbol has no sharp outline, it symbolizes fer nt thicknesses of lines; on small-scale
the modern city that gradually merges into maps, however , where only most im-
country better than does the round circle portant roads can be shown, this diff ren-
so characteristic of walled towns. I t has tiation is not ftcn made and, to avoid
been attempted to show cities by means of overcrowding the map, a single line is prefer-
ovals in which the size of the population ab le to a double line. If color can be used ,
(in thousands) is lettered. roads may a pp ar in red or black- usually
The selection of cities to be represented III a cliff rent color from the railways.

~ 0 0 @




n • ."


Sm all scale M edium sca l e Large scale

P i cto rial Population fi9ure Old ma p s
Fig. 84 City symbols vary with the scale and style of the map. They should always indicate
the size of the city.
Modern au tomobile road maps have a differ- Such lines resemble the arterial system of
ent and mor d tailed symbolism to indicate the human bod y ~nd afford a vivid picture
a great vari ty of road types. A convenient of the flow of traffic, which is preferable to
instrument with which to draw roads is a the usual network of lines of even thickness.
double-ruling pen specifically designed for It is most important that the gaug of rail-
that purpose. If only a limitea number of roads b indicated, if they are not th(' stand-
roads are shown, th yare selected accord- ard size, ither by symbols or by lettering.
ing to importance and not their type. The Transloading stations and boundary sta-
unpaved Alaska Highway will be shown tions for customs inspection are indicated
when many paved roads in the East are to help travelers.
omitted. Boundaries. The conventional symbol
Railroads. On the old r lithographed for boundaries consists of alternating dashes
maps railroads were usually shown by two and dots which, being an artificial type of
parallel lines with alternating black-and- line, represents an artificial feature well.
white spaces. In photoengraved maps, how- Varying thicknesses of lines may differenti-
ever) the little white squares were easily ate town, tate, and international bound-
clogged up with ink) and thus the cross tie aries. Their usual color, as for all cultural
symbol, which is now in common use, was features, is black or red.
adopted. As we use this symbol at the In black-and-white maps thc presentation
present time, the cross ties are too far from of river boundari es is somewhat of a
each other and only slightly reminiscent of problem, beca use the boundary symbol
their origin. cannot be superimposed upon a river. The
It adds much to the value of a map if the line cannot b put on one side of the river,
railroads are shown by different thicknesses for this would indicate that the river be-
of lines, according to th ir importance. longed to one political unit whereas the
__/L. ,!Un. _._ ... . ._._. _. Tank.
='/111/' -..._ .. r ··- ·· a. Stondpipe
• 1_
)J!_ ~ Mine
.l\. Sondpif

.A. Oil WI'll

4 ............. -+-+-
X BotlleFi.ld

-+--+-- b.. Ruins

4 Win dmill

.J... &.. Church
Bridges ii
,, ,I.., i
I I.- School

=1j)~~t= Railroads
............................. Ferry TTTTT,.1" ~'i!.. Lighthouse
T~/~9raph line
. . .... . ,, ;
:"~~m~ ...· ~_,
=" ~ 0

Ford Transmission lin,
Parkway ..n. Lookout tower
Fig. 85 Examples of cultural symbols. They should suggest, if possible, the feature they
boundary itself may be the center of the Another problem arises from disputed and
river. Th r are different ways to overcome undelineated boundaries. These can be
this difficulty. Th most common i ~ to barb shown with interspersed question marks ;
all boundary lines whether formed by rivers disputed arcas shou ld be marked as such.
or not; the barbing will indicate that the Boundary changes are fr qucnt, and th y
river s rves as thc bound ary. Another help to date undated maps.
method is to usc small crosses as boundary Small Cultural Sym boIs. Most smalJ-
lines; these crosses will show even where scale maps do not contain any cultural
the boundary is a river. In colored maps symbols besides cities, roads, rai lroads, and
therc is no such diffi culty, for the blue rivers boundaries, but on large-scale maps various
can be overprinted with r d or black other features, such as farmhouses, mines,
boundary lines. parks, and r uins, are shown. Th symbols
A certain problem ariscs in showing usually derive from the vertical view o[ the
international bound aries over the seas and object, but it is admissible to u e side views
oceans. Boundaries are often carried outside if they are more asily recognized . Crosses
th 3-mile limit to show sovereignty over for cemeteries, crossed hammers [or mines,
island groups. This, of course, is incorrect and tiny lighthouses are well-esta blished
according to int ernational law; th erefore, conventions; but for landing field s, schools,
to indica te that th e. e are not actual golf links etc., the cartographer is free to
boundari s, the line should be broken. design his own symbols.

When we Jay out a map, we draw first rarely is this fact brought out on maps.
th shore lines and the rivers as the most On small-scale maps, the main rivers only
impo::-tant features in the outlining and are shown a nd m an y tributaries are omitted .
orientation of a region. The conventional The branches of the rivers th a t are shown
olor for all wat r features is blue, and this should be carri ed to their h adwaters to
practice is rarely depart d from. indicate th divides. Different typ s of
Rivers. On larg -scale maps, rivers are anchors should show the head of navigation ,
shown by their actual width and course; indicating whether it is th wet- or dry-
on small-scale m aps, however, they are season head and for boats of what draft.
shown by an irregular, somewhat wavy line It would be of great advantage, even on
which is in excess of the actual width of the small-seal maps, if distinction were made
river. The irregularities of the line mayor in the three major types o[ rivers, as shown
may not represent actual curves; in a in Fig. 87, such as (1) the actively down-
black-and-white map such a line often is cutting; (2) the balanced, meand ring ;
used onl y to differentiate a river from other and (3) th e aggrading, or braided, type of
features. It is also important to show the river. This differentiation is as yet seldom
headwaters of rivers by fine lines that shown.
gradually become heavier on the lower An intermittent river is shown by a dash-
course. This will indicate the direction of and-dot line, as distinguished from a dashed
flow and will make the entire river system line, which indicates that the exact course
;, tand out. Some rivers, such as th Colorado, of the river is not known. T he headwaters
actually diminish by evaporation, b ut of every river are intermittent, and the

\ , ,c,..
/ ".




Marsh Mud flat:


",:" ::)-
, rock.
.'.' , ' , ' .
(b lue contours on
- G lac iers
colored mops)

Large 5~ale
/ r (l
Small s~ale
Fig_ 86
Canalized rillers
Examples of h~'drographic symbols.

symbol should be carried up the hillsides whi h in m st years are dry for more than
to the place whcr th river flows at least 3 months.
half the year, In some parts of the world, Canals. n colored maps anals ar
indicated by straight blue lines, but there

is a particular lack of agreemcnt as to how
they shoul d b shown on a black-and-whitc
map. The straight, black line us d by the
National G ographic Board is nO,t dis-
Down cutbng Balanced Braided tin tive enough. In Eur pean maps it is
meandering ri~er
ustomary to show canals by a lin barbed
on one side. This symbol, however, is so
Fig. 8 7 The types of rivers Can be
similar to the railway symbol that its use
shown even on small-scale maps,
cannot b en ouraged, Th vibrating line
with strong seasonal variation in rainfall, that the U. . Geological urvey uses for
even large riv rs may dry up in summ r, as ditches (s e Fig, 86) se ms to be more
do most of those in southwestern United satisfactory.
Sta tes. H nee, it is ustomary to r strict the Canalized river should be shown as such.
intsrmittent river symbol to those rivers Pr f rably th exact location of the dams
and locks should be shown, but on small- taiga. An attempt to represent this feature
scale maps they ar symbolized, as in Fig. is shown in Table X III.
'6. If a riv 'r is only straightened and Standardization of Symbols. Whenever
deepened, this al 0 can be indicated. On a series of maps is started, one of the first
detailed maps, the minimum depth of matters attended to is the delineation of a
canals and canalized rivl.'rs should be s t of symbols, which have to be followed
marked. Th is imporlant information is as rigidl y in this series to avoid confusion. In
yet seldom shown on maps. d signing th se symbols, the cartographer
Shore Lines. On large-scale maps the does well if h e carefully investigates how
s:lOre is marked by its actual line; on small- the symbols on similar sets worked out,
scale maps, this line must b somewhat imilar not only in the type of country
generali7.ed. On black-and-white maps, it but also in scale and method of reproduc-
is desirable that the land mass s shall stand tion. Some important sets of maps~ in­
out clearly, and this can be achi eved in eluding our own uffer from ill-designed
several ways, as shown in Fig. 86. On maps symbols, often delineated gen erations ago
where mountains are shown, distinction for other scales and purposes. The British
can be made b tween sandy and cliffed and Ordnance Survey's custom of bringing out
complex shore lines. a new edition of new symbols about every
Intermitt nt lakes or lakes with greatly generation is commendable. Cartography
varying levels should not hav a definite is a kind of language, and the symbols are
shore line. A horizontal line tint with no its words. We like to have a dictionary to
outlines serves best. under tand on another, but we also want
Swamps and Marshes. Swamps are our language to live, grow, and expand.
usually represented by short, horizontal Special m aps and small-scale maps usu-
lines and by reds reflected in the water. ally serve a variety of purposes and rigid
This symbol is derived from Europ, standardization is impossible. I t is a major
where most of the wamps ar open, but part of the cartographer's art to select
it is not 0 acceptable when the swamp is expressiv, harmonious, and easily read
forested. No satisfactory symbol has yet symbols. The social and economic maps
been generally adopted for forested swamps, especially offer an open field to the cartog-
which are sometim s of enormous extent, rapher'S imagination, and some suggestions
as on our coastal plain, or in the iberian are offered in their respective chapter s.
CHAPTER 10: Relief Featu res

The repre entation of relief features, the intervening white spaces is proportion-
such as mountains, plateaus, cliffs, and ate to the angle of slope; a slope over 45"
valleys, is one of the major problems of is shown entirely black. The steeper the
artography. The essential difficulty comes land is, the darker will it appear on the
from the fact that we are accustomed to map. In actual drawing an exact contour-
view mountains from b low and that their line map is first made and, from the density
aspect, seen vertically from above is un- of contour lines, the angle of the slope is
familiar. When looking straight down from determined. The lines of various thicknesses
an airplane, one cannot recognize l"Ven are then drawn by hand. It takes a great
good-sized mountains; vertical airplane deal of practice and skill to make a satis-
photographs testify to this fact. factory hachure map. The generation of
Representation of mountains was the highly trained artists who did this kind of
last developm nt in cartography. Up to work is slowly dying out.
the middle of the eighteenth century this The L hmann system of hachuring greatly
was best done by showing a row of hills appealed to the military. The great ad-
pictorially. Little attempt was made to vantage of such a map is that mountains
indicate their natur, and rarely were can be visualized even by un train d person".
they made proportionate to their height. This system however does not work out so
The xa t altitude of mountains was not well for the very purpose for which it was
then known, and thus the most erron ous designed . The angle of slope is important
conceptions prevailed. The Alps wer esti- for artillery and for other military purpos s,
mated to be over 90,000 feet high. Only but actually it cannot be read becaus of
after the invention of the barometer and the difficul ty of measuring the thickness of
the perfection of the theodolite were more the lines, whi h, even if they could be
exact data available. Progress was slow; measured , are not put in wirh sufficient
at the beginning of the ninet enth entury, accuracy.
Humboldt listed only about 120 peaks The hachuring method was adopted by
whose altitudes had been measured. most military surveys of the nineteenth
Hachuring. Hachuring is a method of
hill shading by closely set parallel lines.
A scientific system of hachuring came into
use at the end of the eighteenth century ;
its principles were laid down by the axon
major, Lehmann. In this method the slopes
are indicat d by parallel lines drawn in the
direction in which water would run on that
surface. Roughly, ther should b the same
number of lines to the inch but, where the
slope is steeper, the lines are heavi r. The
Fig. 88 Lehmann system of hachuring. The lines
thickness of the lines can be mathematically are strongly magnified . In this system of hachuring,
determined as shown in Fig. 88. the thickness of lines is proporti.)nal to the tangen t
Th relation between th black lines and of slope.

Fig. 90 In small-scale maps hachure lines often

dcteriora t , in to " hairy caterpillars."
The hachuring method is not well
adapted to small-scale maps. Th Lehmann
Fig. 89 Typical black-and-white hachured military system cannot be used, for individual
map of the nineteenth century (From the 1: 75,000
pe<.ialkarle of Auslria-HI/Ilgary.)
mountains cannot be shown thereby. In
the nineteenth century, a certain method
century, and formed a popular representa- was worked ou t, sometimes referred to as
tion of r lief up to the 1870's, when the the "caterpillar and pine branch " system,
introduction of color printing made clear by which we can differentiate diss cted
ontour-line maps possible. The hachuring plateaus (pine branches), mountain chains
method is well adapted to show flat regions.
River terraces, small ridge , sinkholes, etc.,
are easily lost in contour-line maps, where
they may fall within the contour interval.
The method is fairly adequate for rocky,
mountainous country also, but, when r pre-
senting rolling, hilly terrain, the resulting
map is usually too dark. In places wh re
there are no rivers it is sam times difficult
to tell which way th slope dips. inkholes
are distinguished from knolls only by means
of little arrows.
Hachuring shows well the slope condi-
tions of the country but does not indicate
the el vation above sea leveL Frequent
figures of elevation, so- ail ed "spot heights,"
are h lpful. It is a misleading custom to
mark with spot heights only the high st
peaks; aJ ti tudes of railroad stations, lakes,
and landing fi Ids are often more important. Fig. 91 Hachuring with obJiqu
Approximate spot heights are indicated by effective in mountainous country.
figures in parentheses. map oj Swit.~erlalld. )
(caterpillars), single ridges (half cater- system. These maps are wonderfully plastic,
pillars), and single peaks (short radiating and perhaps mark the high point in the art
lines). of hachuring. The system has its disad-
Attempts were made to make the ha- vantages, for it is necessary to use a different
chures lighter on the north and west, and scale of darkness on one slope than on the
darker on the south and east slopes, thus other; also, it is not well adapted to low,
giving the app arance of oblique illumina- rolling country.
tion. The Dufour map of Switzerland, At present th use of hachuring has
drawn in the middle of thc last century, declined. Its pia e is being taken chiefly by
are the ou tstanding examples of such a contour-line maps and plastic shading.

Plastic Shading
In this sy. tern we regard the map as a Strictly speaking, this is not correct, becau e
photograph of an uncolored relief model, in vertical illumination exactly the same
taken vertically from above. Plastic shading amount of light falli' on every part of the
became possibJ· with th intr duction of map, although wher the land is sloping, a
lithography. In older times half tones could larger area is represented.
not b reproduced. In oblique illumination thC' map i

Fig. 92 Plastic shading with oblique illumination. Fig. 93 Lakes on a glacier look elevated unless
(From F1:lIch- Trewartha, "Elements oj Geography.' ) we tum the page upside down. (Photograph by
Bradford Washburn .)

V ertical and Oblique nlumination. regarded as a picture of a relief modeJ

Whether vertical or oblique ill umination light d from the northwest. Such a map,
should be used is a much discuss d question. sp dally of mountainous countries, is very
In v rtical illumination somewhat less eff, ctive. It was question d whether the
light falls upon slopes than on horizontal illumination should be from the southwest
land. The effect of shading in this system or from the northw st because in most of
is similar to 'hachuring in that the steeper the north rn hemisphere the light actually
the slop the darker it appears on the map. comes from the outh . N v rthe1ess, it is n t
satisfactory to us south rn illumination, 1: 500,000 maps of Mexico. It is preferred
since, for optical reasons, the map appears to hachures or dashed contours as it can
to b negative, i.e., the mountains appear easily be generalized. The shading is
as valleys if the light falls from behind the usually in brown or gray, so as to allow
spectator, and it would be necessary to turn overprinting of black lettering.
the map around to correct this impression. Plastic shading is applied by various
At present plastic shading is widely used, means: watercolor (wash), crayon, soft
chiefly in combination with other m thods. pencil, or smudging graphite powder. It is
The French and English surv ys use it; the reproduced by the half-tone process. If
U .S. Geological urvey has published Ross board or coarsely kerneled paper is
several state maps made by this method. used, the half-tone process is not necessary.
Plastic shading is used on the topographic In lithography all shades of gray can be
sheets of many countries where detailed obtained by smudging the kerneled surface
contour survey is not available, as on the of a lithographic stone with crayon.

Contouring is by far the most common
method of showing relief features on topo-
graphic maps. Contours are lines that at
certain even intervals conncct points of
equal elevation. For a bctter understanding
of this method let us consider the zero
contour line to be sea level. If the sea were
to rise 10 feet, the new shore line would
be the 10-foot contour line. imilarly, the
20-, 30-, 40-, etc., foot contour lines could
be determined. Contour lines will be closer
together where the slope is steep, and
mountainous areas will appear dark on the
map. It is obvious that a contour will
always be horizontal and perpendicular
to the direction of running water on that
surface. Within the limits of the contour
interval the height of every point can be
read directly from the map, and the angle
of slope can asHy be determined.
Contour Interval. The choice of the
contour interval depends on the scale of the
map, the amount of relief, and the accuracy
of the survey. Some topographic sheets of
the southern Texas irrigated areas have
l-foot contour intervals. The Great Valley Fig. 94 Geometric forms expressed in contour lines.
of a1ifornia has b en mapped with 5-foot The dotted lines are hypsographic curves (see Chap.
contour intervals on the scale of 1: 31 ,250. 24).
The most common contour int rval on the plane-table sheets; on the sheets that were
1: 62,500 topographic sheets is 20 feet; in actually published they were r placed or
high mountain areas it is occasionally combined with hachure lines, because these
50 feet. On the 1: 125,000 maps the contours are less confusing on a black-and-whit
are usually 50 feet apart. As a rough rule, map. After the invention of lithography,
in regions of medium relief a contour inter- the British Ordnance Survey experimented
val in feet equals 25 times the miles-per-inch with shaded contour lines and gray altitude
scale of the map; in rugged regions the tints (see Fig. 106). Before that series was
interval is larger ; in flat regions it is smaller. finished , color printing was perfected, and
On smaller scale maps, like the 1 : 1,000,000 in 1878 the usual system of brown contour
map of the world, a variable contour in- lines, blue hydrogra.phy, and black cultural
terval is adopted; the contours are spaced symbols was adopted by the U.S. Geological
closer at lower elevations. The intervals Survey. At the present time almost every
chosen are 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 700, country publishes its contoured topographic
1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 2,500, 3,000, 3,500, maps with or without combination with
and 4,000 meters. On small-scale continent other methods.
maps the usual intervals ar 500, 1,000, Datum Plane. The usual datum plane
2,000, 3,000, 5,000, 7,000, 10,000, and for surveys is the mean sea level. This level
15,000 feet. This differentiation is necessary is determined by a series of observations
since otherwise important features of lesser which, if properly taken, should extend
height would be lost in densely settled over 19 years. The mean sea level is not
lowlands, and too frequent contour lines perfectly horizontal ; it varies with the con-
would clog the map in the high, rugged figuration of the shore and with the tide
mountains. On the other hand , on a high conditions, and it depends also on the
plateau even a 1,400-foot range may be geodetic interpretation of the term " hori-
missed entirely. Close contour intervals zontal," depending on the type of spheroid
add greatly to the plasticity and accuracy adopted. So long as the variation does not
of the map but often require more detailed exceed a few inches, the problem is of only
surveying than is available. theoretical importance. Contour lines show-
The bottoms of the seas and lakes can ing depths of the sea bottom are, for obvious
also be shown by contour lines. This was reasons, usually reckoned from mean low-
really the original purpos of such lines. water level. Altitudes in charts are often
History. 0 far as is known, contour reckon d from mean high-water level,
lines were first used by th Dutch engineer, chiefly because this line is clearly visible.
N. Cruquius (1728 or 1730), to show the Drawing of Contour Lines. ontour
bottom of the Merwede River for the lines are, as a rule, drawn in the field by
purpose of navigation. In 1737, Buache the plane-table parties themselves. Only
used contour lines to indicate the various the important points--hilltops, knobs, road
depths of the English Channel. However, crossings- are measured; and, in accord-
con tour lines were not used for land maps ance with these measured points, the
for a long time. The rust important contour contour lines are drawn. Where tb slopes
map was made by Dupain-Triel in 1791; are even, usually every fifth contour line
it showed France. In the precise military only is drawn in the field , and the interven-
surveys of the nineteenth century, contour ing contour lines ar drawn in the office.
lines were g nerally used but only on the Much depends on th topographic sense


Fig 95 It takes a great deal of analysis to visualize a contour-lin map.

of the individual surveyor. Sometimes even
on larg -scal maps it is necessary to gen-
eraliz the contour lin s of a rugged
country. But even in this case they should
express the type of topography. For in-
stance, in badland type of dissection it
would be impossibJe for the topographer to
measure exactly every small rill, but he
would give I 5S information by generalizing
the contour lines into smooth curves than
by drawing th lobate contour lin s charac-
teristic of badlands, even if the rills were not
exactly in place at every point. Similarly,
lava beds are often expreS'ed with jagged
contour lines. There is altogether 1 0 great
a tendency to make th contour lines round
and even. By this tendency to generaJiz ,
many sharp cliffs and pre ipilouS ravines
are lost on maps. How far generalization
can go is shown in fig. 96 by comparison Fig. 96 Contour lines are ofkn generalized. AbQv('
of an early reconnaissance sheet of pring- arc shown two adjacent areas in the same scale and
field, Mo., with the adjacent sheet of more contour interval.
recen t years. sometimes shown by dott · d auxiliary con-
Generally, contour lines are inked i.n with tour lines that mark half the contour inter-
a so-called "pivot pen" (Fig. 136), which, val. By the definition of contour lines, every
if properly handled makes very fine and linc must be a closed curve but not neces-
even lines. Every fifth cont.our line is made sarily within a single map, if this map
heavier, thus making thc map easier to shows less than an island or continent.
follow; but, on the other hand, it may For instance, the 80-foot contour line runs
emphasize a certain elevation that actually clear around America from northern Alaska
has no distinction . One disadvantage of to and from Punt.a Ar nas in Chile. I t is
the use of the pivot pen is that it tends to impossible: for contour lines to go in spiral
make the lines rounded and expressionless. or to cross each other. Actually, t.hey would
Many contour-Jine maps uffer from this cross each other in the case of an over-
defect, and one may wonder whether hanging cliff, but whcn the cliffs are .nearly
sometimes it would not be better to acrifice vertical, they ar shown by a cliff symboL
th elegance of line and give it more The same contour has to appear on both
character by using a11 ordinary drawing pen. sides of a river.
Contour lines should b labeled frequently Profiles. Th solution of almost every
with figures of elevation, which, if po sible, pra tical problem conn cted with on tour
should be placed on th southern lopes lin s is accomplished with the help of
so as to read upward. To facilitat finding drawing profiles or vertical sections. A
them, th y ar placed if possibl , in a row profile gives th most easily conceivable
one above another. Important small featur s, expre sion of slope along a c rtain line.
like riv r t rraces mounds, and eskers arc l[ ther is a trend in th topography, the



- ~.. . . - -- - - - -
Fig. 9 7 A profile across the Appalachian Mountains

line of profile is usually sel cted perpendicu- In most cases some vertical exaggeration i!>
lar to this trend, as in Fig. 98. This line necessary, especiall y in small-scale profiles.
usually is straight, but a profile can be On a 1: 500,000 profile the Appalachian
drawn along a road or any other curved Mountains would be only -h- inch high and
line, too. First, we mark the line of the thus hardly perceptible. The amount of
profile on the map. Then, on a separate vertical exaggeration depends on the scale.
strip of paper, we draw a straight base line, On l-inch per mile maps little or no vertical
or datum line, of the same length. We exaggeration is necessary except in flat
choose a vertical scale on which usually to- regions: On 1: 1,000,000 seal it is necessary
inch represents a round number of feet. to exaggerat at least five to ten times in
Then, at frequent intervals we mark, in order to notice the characteristic features.
the chosen vertical scale, the vertical ele- Much also depends on the purpose of th
vation perpendicular to the base line. The profile; for the construction of a reservoir
points so obtained and connected will give much greater xaggeration is required than
the profile of the land. for a geological section . Stri tly speaking,
For the drawing of profiles cross-lined for geological sections no vertical exaggera-
"section" or "profile" paper is often used. tion should be used at all, for the layers
uch paper can be bought in any tore would have a false dip. Flat land requires
carrying engineering supplies, but its use greater exaggeration than mountains. As a
is by no means necessary. rough rule, for average hilly country the



600 EEll33~EE~~~f{±l33=tEftj~~~~~jttt±±jj~~~

Fig. 98 Construction of profile along the line A-B.



G REA T VALLEY BLUE RI DGE Charlottes vil le Va.

4 000 000 ]

without vertical exaggeration looks too flat.

following figures apply: It should be kept in mind that vertical

Vertical exaggeration not only increases but also
Scale EX(Iggrrafioll * changes the character of the profile, as
1 mile per inch ....... . 2 times shown in Fig. 99. I l really creates acari a-
2 miles pCI' inch ...... . 3 times ture of the topography; for instance, vol-
4 miles per inch . . . ... . 4 limes
canoes ten times exaggerated will show up
8 miles per inch ... ... . 6 times
16 miles per inch ...... . 8 times
as sharp spines.
64 miles per inch ...... . 1(> times Laying Out Roads a1ld Railroads. For roads
• Vertical exaggeration = 2 '\/mi~per inc h. and railroads a maximum slope is usually
specified. The laying out of such roads on a
Profiles are supplied with a horizontal
contour-line map is shown in Fig. 100.
and a vertical scale and often the amount
Wherever the contour lines are clo er to-
g ther than the maximum gradi nt of the
road the ne essary length to reach the next
con tour is s alcd off slantingly with a com-
pass. For railways a minimal radius of
curvature is also prescribed, for which we
cut out small celluloid circles in the proper

Norm a l 2)l times 5 times

Fig. 99 Vertical exaggeratioJ1 challgcs the character
of a profil .

of v rtical exaggeration is stated. V rtical

exaggeration is usually cal ulated by com-
paring inches on the profil with feet
in nature. Thus, on a 1 : 62 500 profil
with -Dr inch to every 200 fe t of I vation:
Horizontally 1 inch repr sentR 62,500: 12 =
5,208 fecl Scale o'---_)'.._---':.t.'--_~__" Mile
Vertically 1 inch repr sen ts 10 X 200 = Gradient of road 4 00' per mile
2,000 fe t Fig. 100 Th layout of a motor road of even grade.
Vertical exaggeration is 2.6 times everal alternatives are possible.

Fig. 101 Cutting and filling should even up along a railruad ur motor road.
Cui and Fill Problems. If a road or ra ilroad Irrigatio/l Problems. Successful irrigation
has to be laid out over very hilly country, it often depends on utili zing the gentlest
is important that th e amount of cut and fill slopes of land, for which very exact contour
should even up. This can best b cal 'ulat d lines are necessary. All major proj ects have
by constructing a profile along the proposed been mapped by the U.S. Geological
line of the road. Thcn, a so-called "give- Survey and by the Bureau of Reclamation
and-tak " line is laid out, which bisects the with a v ry small contour interval, such as
mass of hills so that th mass above the line 5 feet, or even 1 foot.
is t!lc same as that below. It would go far beyond the limits of this
book to discuss more illustrations of the
need for contour-line m ap s to aid in engi-
neering problems. Mention should be mad,
however, of orne of its mili tary uses.
VisibilifJ' Problems. In locating artillery
observation stations it is important to know
which areas will be visible from a lookout

Fig. 102 The vulume of reservoirs is calculated from

exact contour maps with small contour intervals.
Reservoir Problems. Contour-line maps are
indispensable in the figuring of dam sites
and the capacity and extent of the reser-
voirs. A topographic sheet is rarely detailed
and accurate enough for exact cowputa-
tion; and thus usually a resurvey of the ar a
is necessary, with more closely spaced
intervals, generally not over 5 feet. To get
the capacity of the re ervoir, we m easure
the area enclosed by a h contour line;
and the sum of these areas (taking only half
of the surface area), multiplied by the con-
tour interval, will give the approximate

,. = i (~l + A2 + As + A4 + Fig. 103 The visibility from an ob~ rvation point

is ascertained by radiatin g I rofiles. Invlsible areas
arc shaded.
and to place the other stations so that the profiles. An example of a visibility problem
invisible or "dead" space shall be a mini- is shown in Fig. 103.
mum. Thi can be planned on a contour- Ballistic Problems. In modern warfare, the
line map by drawing profiles radially from artilJery fires at an invisible enemy over
the lookout point; then tangents to the tops hills of considerable height. The curve of
of the hills will determin the dead spaces. the projectiles is s\lperimposed upon a set
How close the radiating profile lines should of profiles of th terrain taken radially frau:
be spaced depends on the topography. It the battery, and the striking points can
will soor_ be found that only a moderate easily be d termined. orne times even
number of profiles will be necessary if the infantry fire is thus calculated, for it is
terrain is properly visualized. For instance, possible to shoot with rifles over low ridges
the observer is not able to see beyond a hill into the hidden positions of the enemy.
which is higher than the lookout, to any Drawing oj Landscapes. Good contour-lin
place which is lower, and all such places maps enable us to draw a landscape from a
may be darkened in without drawing certain point without actually going to the

plane of


Sc.a fe
··· ...
···... :
100 0 feet

Fig.104 The landscape visibl from any point can be outlined from a contOUl'-linc map. The
vertical s ale consists of hyperbolic curves.
place. A vertical plane of projeclion is height of each point above or below the
drawn on the map at a chosen distance from horizon is determined by the help of a
the observer. The closer this plane, the hyperbolic vertical scale. This scale is con-
smaller the landscape. Every important structed so that when a hill is twice the
point is projected upon this plane with rays . distance from the observer, it should appear
from the observer. This vertical plane is one-half the height. A small vertical exag-
turned down fl ush with th paper to show geration of scale is permissible in flat
the lands ape. We draw a horizon line that countries. The solution of such a problem
represents the level of the observer, and the can best be understood from Fig. 104.
CHAPTER 11: Other Relief Methods

Altitude Tints (Hypsometric Coloring) . and they r versed the system. In the present
In small-scale maps mountains cannot be conventional color scheme, greens are used
shown individually, and considerable gen- for elevations under 1,000 feet, browns
eralization is ne essary. In maps on a ranging from light to dark for higher lands,
smaller scaJe than 1: 500,000, th contours and sometimes white for over 15,000 feet.
are usually drawn at increasingly larger The symbolism of such an arrangement is
intervals at higher altitudes. For instan e, twofold. First, the greenish tints remind us
ontours of 500, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 5,000, of fertile valleys, the browns the bare rock,
8,000, 12,000, and 18,000 feet ar a common and the white the snow. econd, according
sequence of contour lines on small-scale to the rule of perspective, the nearer an
maps. Such greatly generalized contour object is to our eyes, th warmer should be
lines cannot give good visuali zation of the the color that is used for painting it. Since
country; the only information they really a map is a picture of the earth as seen from
convey is the general elevation above sea above, the mountain tops are nearer to th
level. imaginary observer, and so they are shown
Contour Jines on small-scale maps were in warm, reddish brown, and the more
not used until the middle of th nineteenth distant valleys in a colder, green tint.
century. With the p rfection of lithography This symbolism has its dangers. For in-
and color printing, General von Hauslah in stance, much of the Sahara Desert is under
Vienna and others experimented with alti- 1,000 feet in elevation, and on many maps
tude tints, coloring ea h zone within ad- it is shown in bright green, thus conv ying
jacent contour lines with a slightly different to untrained people the impression of fertile
color. In the first experiments the darker lowlands. For this reason a new color
colors were usc.>d for low elevations, but. that scheme was tried using gray or olive in-
made the d nscly settled lowlands too dark stead of gr en for low elevations; this mad

Fig. lOS On small-scale maps contour lines are generalized and accentuated with altitude tints.
less brilliant but also less misleading maps. result was such striking plasticity that the
Another danger of altitude tints is that they method was named stereographic. This is
may overemphasize certain lines whi hare perhaps the most advanced m thod of show-
not significant in nature. In most of our ing relief at the present time. Th Peucker
school maps the 5,OOO-foot line marks the method is exc Hent for use in mountainous
change from light brown to dark brown and countries, but in lowlands it has little
is very conspicuous. Since this line just advantag . It is with good r ason that this
misses the Rocky Mountain front and method is most u sed in witzerland and
happens to cross the most featureless parts Norway.
of the Great Plains, many school children Illuminated Contour Lines. Experi-
obtain an erroneous idea about western ments have been made in making gray
topography (see Fig. 105). With modern altitude tints and combining them with
engraving methods it is possibl to make contour lines, which are white in the north-
merged altitude tints, gradually going over western sector and black in the southeastern
from one color to the olher. This method sector. The land looks like layers of card-
has been su c ssfully tried on the latest board placed one above th other. The
Briti h Ordnance Survey sheets and also British Ordnance Survey publish d in the
can be well adapted to small-scale maps. 1860's a set of maps in this method. These
Stereograp hic Method. Profes or Karl were very striking but of such " terraced"
Peucker of Vienna perfected th altitude- effect that their use was soon abandoned
tint method as follow: The tints graded (sec Fig. 106).
from a gre nish-gray in the valleys to a This method was recently improved upon
bright orange-brown at high altitudes. by Tanaka Kitiro, who made the shadows
These were combined with contour lines of uneven thickness, proportional to the
and violet oblique plastic shading and a actual light received in standard oblique
generous application of the cliff symbol. The illumination. These contours can r adily be
drawn with a stub pen and give vivid relief
Horizontal Form Lines. ontour Jines
require an exact survey. Where this is not
available, horizontal form lines may b
used. In exploratory reconnaissance of a
country, mountains can be sketched in by
using brok n horizontal lines drawn in the
same direction as ontour lines would run.
Steepness is expressed by closer spacing of
the lines. Since the lines are not conn cted
and cannot be counted, it is more correct to
call the method "hachuring with horizontal
lines" or "horizontal form lin s" than con-
tour lines.
Fig. 106 Illuminated contour-lines give
Kantography. Doctor R. Lucerna of
a "terrace" efrect. (British Ordnance Survey, Prague develop d an interesting method to
1866.) make large-scale contour-line maps more
work, mapping relatively small areas with
the plane table. Airplane photographs
also help in discovering break lines in the

Horizonlal form lines an' used in recon-

naissan ce maps. (British War O.ffia, ): 250,000,
Sudan.) Fig.IOS Example ofkantographic representa-
tion of a small region . All break lines in nature
expressive (Kante- dge) .l He contends tha t are indicated . (After R . Lucerrta.)
every dge or br ak in the topography
signifies an event in the Earth's history. This The Kitiro Method of Showing Relief.
break may be convex as in crests or terraces, Professor T anaka Kitiro of Japan has
or concave as in gorges. Thus, he differen- devised an ingenious method of transform-
tiat s between Cr sts, rock edges, terrace ing contour lines into a form of plastic
ed ges, river edges, and edges develop d shading. The contour-line map is ruled with
along the contacts of different g ological fme parallel lines spaced at even distances.
formations. Break lines are drawn with Beginning with the intersection of a hori-
heavy single lines. All contour lines change zontal line with the lowermost contour
their direction at the break lines. line we connect this point with the inter-
Kantographic representation is of great- section of the next higher contour line, with
est significance in mountainous and gla- the next horizontal line, etc., as shown in
ciated countri s. In smooth hilly regions, Fig. 109. It should be noted that ~e lines
relatively few edges can be drawn unless the thus obtained are not subsequent profiles;
map is on such a large scale that even the they are, rather, subsequent contour lines
breaks caused by different vegetation are cut out by parall I planes, the datum plane
included. Th method is r commended of which i not horizontal but inclined. If
for geographic or geomorphologic field the spacing of the horizontal lines equals the
1 LUCERNA, DR. R., Neue M ethode del' Karten- conlour interval the planes are inclined
darstellung, Petermamls Mille., p. 13, 1928; also 45°. The effect of these lines is quite pleasing
Pelcrmmlns Mill e. , p. 17, 1930; and Faz ttierung,
and gives a good impression of relief,
Pctermam/s Mitt ., p. 1, 1931. ee also, Compo Rend.
Intern. Geog. Cor/g., Vol. 2, Cartography, pp. 101 - 103, especially when the map is turned so that
1938. the ' shadows" fall toward you.

Fig. 109a Fig. 109b

Fig. 109a and b Kitiro method of sho", ing relief. The eHeet of the crater is better if the book is
turned upside down. (Courtesy oj Geog. ] 01lr., VuL. 79, 1932.)

Contour lines give exact information plastic shading u. ing vertical illumination,
about slope and elevation; hachuring and which is appropriate to show the fjord land
plastic shading bring out visibly the forms with equally steep slope on both sides of
of mountains; altitude tints emphasize the fjord.
elevation above sea level. These advantages Hachures and conto ur lines are often
are often combined in one map. The most combined. In the old 1: 75,000 Austrian
common combination of relief methods is maps, 50-foot contour lines were added to
contour lines with oblique plastic shading. the haehuring (see Fig. 89). In later maps
Various European surveys use them, nota- when contour lines were used as the main
bly the 1: 50,000 French maps. An inter- method, the hachures were often over-
esting attempt was made by the U. . printed in a fainter color. The most elabo-
G ological urvey and by the Army Engi- rate combination is on the new Bri tish
neers to print some of the Pennsylvania Ordnance urvey sheets with brown on-
sheets with red-brown contour lines, blue tour lines, gray hachuring, purple plastic
hydrography, a dark greenish-gray I tter- shading, and brown, merged altitude tints.
ing, and oblique plastic shading in this same The hachure lines, however, are used only
color. The reddish contour lines stand out because the plates of the earlier editions are
brilliantly on the lighted sides of the hills; still available.
the grayish shadow gives plastic relief to the On smal l-scale maps, the most frequent
topography. It is to be hoped that this
method will be adopted for other moun- 1 I nstructor are advised to show the students the
tainous ar as. 1 In the Norwegian 1 : 100,000 topographic sheets of various nations and Jet them
maps the contour lines are combined with describe the methods of showing relief used therein.
combination is that of contour lines with is superior to the tinted contours. A few
altitude tints, the disadvantages of which attempts have been made to combine
have already been mentioned. In most hachures or physiographic symbols wi th
European maps altitude tints are combined faint merged altitude tints ; this i~ perhaps a
with a type of generalized hachuring which promising method for the fu ture.

Morphographic, or Landform, Maps

This method is designed primarily for graphic principles even though the symbols
small-scale maps. Both hachuring and con- are derived from oblique views instead of
tour lines are satisfactory on large-scale from vertical views, just as our present
maps, but on small-scale ones, where we swamp symbol is derived from side views of
cannot show every mountain individually, water plants.
both syst ms h ave to be generalized to such In a morphographic map the existing
an extent that they lose expressiveness. The conventional symbols for roads, rivers and
morphogra phi m thad approaches the cities can be used without change. First we
problem from an entirely n wangle; in- draw the major rivers and locate the out-
stead of showing slopes or elevations, it standing peaks, and fill in this skeleton wi th
shows the type of the landscape with more symbols. Where the relief is high, higher,
or less pictorial symbols which are derived steeper, and darker symbols ar used than
from airplane views. on lower regions. Shading on one sid adds
This method is an outgrowth of the block greatly to the pJasticity.
diagrams used to illustrate physiographic We can also show the vegetation types
principles by William Morri Davis and on the flat ar as; all three major clements
0thers in the late nin teenth c ntury. A of the geographic land cap relief, vege-
block dia!:,Tfam is a perspe tive vi w of a part tation, and culture-are present on a small-
of the earth's crust, on the sid s of whi h the scale, black-and-white map. It is important,
geological structur . is shown and the sur-
face is handJed pictorially. To show the
various surfar typP,' a certain symbol
system was adopted which was found to be
applicable to vertically se n maps, too. uch
maps were prepar d by William Morris
Davis hims If. The first major map of this
kind was A. K. Lobeck's "Physiographic
Diagram of the United States' (1921). Th
method was systematized by the author in
1931,1 the earth's sur[ac being classified
into 40 morphologic types as shown in
Table XIII.
If we regard such a map as a systematic
application of a set of symbols instead of as
a bird 's- yc view, we do not violate carto-
I RA1SZ, ERWIN, The Physiographic Method of
Representing Scenery on Maps, Geog. Rev. , Vol. 21,
pp. 297- 304, 1931. Fig. UO Landform maps are easy to visualize.




low - high cut-up

Table XIII Physiographic Symbols


Karst Coral

NOR.THEASTERN VENEZUELA crayo n or wash and reproduced in ha lf ton

o. Sit I va 1:·~ ·!.: 1 ~~~~fL!~a')JC Blue hydrography black culture, and I rown
~:~1f:idUDW~ ~~~nIJa.
morphography make ver y pleasant maps.
I t should be kept in mind that landform
To;eg~ I. m aps arc designed only for sma ll -~cak maps.
The distortion resulting from the oblique
view is not then disturbing because I)('aks
of the highest mountains arc not displaced
mor than a small fraction of an inch. On
large-scale maps, wh re the di splacement is
appreciable, it is necessary to use actual
block diagram s.
The method had many names. Lob ck
called his a 'physiographic diagram,"
although this is the least diagrammatic of
all reli ef methods. The author earlier called
it the physiographic method. The term
Fig. ill A landform map with vegetacion symbols " morphographic," however, is preferred
may be called a "land-type" map. (From P. E. Jam es,
h ere as it indicates the geomorphographi'
"Snuth America," Doubleday &? COmpal!Y, !tIC.)
origin of the method. The informal term
however, that the mountains should be "landform map" seems to express the
drawn very heavy, so as not to compete dir ct appeal of the method. Landform
with the vegetation symbols (see Fig. 111 ). maps have b com very popular; this is the
A disadvantage of landform maps is that almost universal m ethod used in news-
the symbols used are derived from obliqu papers and magazines, and even theaters
views; therefore, on th northern slopes of war were rend red this way. The " terrain
the perspective has to be drawn out. gain diagrams" made by the U .S. eoJogiea l
the method gives no information about the . urvey for strategic uses were either block
elevation above sea level. If colors arc used, diagrams or landform maps.
this deficiency can b overcome by com- The Trachographic Method. The rug-
bining the landform maps with merged gedness of a region is th · result of the height
altitude tints. Otherwise, frequent spot and 5t epness of the mountains. The height
heights may help. from valley to peak is the "relative r lief,"
The advantage of the landform map is and the ste pness is xpress d by the
that it appeals to the averag man. It sug- "av rage slo pe." The traehographic m thod
gests actual country and enables him to see combines a measurable representation of
the land instead of reading an abstract relief and average slope with a pictorial
diagram. It works on his imagination ev n effect that can be easily perceived and
if he is not able to recognize the exact remember d. It has the advantage, also,
geomorphologic types. It is a method that that it can be easily applied to a general
makes mountains look like mountains. This map showing railways, roads, rivers, etc.
type of map is adapted for representation of It is designed [or small-scale maps only.
regions where only reconnaissanc surveys The fundamental element of the m thod
have been made. It can be rend red with is a hill-shaped curve, the h ight of which
pen and ink and r produced in black-and- is made proportionate to the relative r lief,
white line cut, but often it is made with and the wid th to th average slop . The
symbol does not have to be drawn com- the name " trachographic" is here t nta-
pletely ev ·rywhere; its possible app lications tively proposed, is still in an experimental
are shown in Fig. 112. If the relative relief stage.
is reached by gradually increasing slopes, Although a trachographic map is similar
this fact can also be present d. to a morphographic map, the two have
This method, combined with a few geo- entirely different origin. While the landform
morphologic symbols, such as sand, lava, symbols are derived from pictures of g netic
swamps, and volcanoes, will give a vivid types of surface features, the trachographic
picture of the slop conditions of a country. method uses a singl symbol and varies it
This type of map can b made by persons according to the height and steepness of
who have but little drawing ex peri nee. any kind of mountain. Landform maps tell
Care should be taken not to draw "fish more about the land, but trachographic
scales," which can be avoided by varying maps are easier to draw and serve well
the spacing. The entire method for which enough for simpler maps.

proportionate to
·relolive relief
1.--.. -.... x .... . _._..;
proportionate to
overage slope
transition al

1000 It relalive re" e{

gentle med ium ~te ep one sided

1000fl ...... " . . .. ,., ... , ~-8.

4-000 f l ""."~,,,

6000 ft,

over 6000ft . . "' .V . . ,_. _ ..... .. ., .. " .. "" ... __ ._ •• A..,,"~

~.T ) ~ .

, ~~~~ .
r::;:' .r.i.~.:;:-... , ......~~ ...
Fig. 112 Simplified trachographi ' symbols fur small-scale maps showing ruggedness
of land,
CHAPTER 12: Map Reading

The reading of contour-line maps is not students are not influen ed by previously
easy for untrained p ople. Nature has no a quired knowledge.
lines that are reminiscent of contour lines The abi lity to read maps is vital for
(except in some plateaus with horizontal soldiers. Military operations hav to be
layers), and the visualization of a contour- planned on maps, perhaps into unseen
line map needs careful study and pow r of territory of the enemy, and the men have
imagination. Figure 94 shows some g 0- to be able to recognize the natural objects
metrical figures expressed in contour lines, from maps. For instance, a good map
which may help in an understanding of the reader can tell ahead of time from a con-
natural forms. After ome training, however, tour map wheth r a certain stream is lik ly
a contour line will give a clearer conception to be of hard or muddy bottom and wh ther
of and more reliable information about the or not he can risk fording it.
land forms than any other method. The fir t step in the analysi. of contour-
A man with a keen sense of analysis and line maps is to visualize the land. It is
some knowl dge of geomorphology and convenient to divid the map into regions
geography can read an astounding number of the same pattern and to ana lyze each
of facts from a contour-line map. Not only r gion separately. The scale and contour
can he re ognize the geologic structures but interval have to be found. Th slopes can bc
he can make a fair guess as to the possible read from the density of the contour lin s.
utilization of the land and social conditions Contour-line d nsity corr sponding to a
therein. In many cases the morphology 100-foot slope per mile represen ts flat
of the land can b more easily recognized country; a SOO-foot slope r presents steep,
from a contour-line map than from actual hilly country' and a 1,OOO-foot slop
travel through the country. rep res nts rugged and mountainous coun-
Map interpretation is u 'eful in many try. The field study of various av rage
ways. An oil prospector can recogniz cer- slopes will help more than any theory.
tain typ s of favorable structures before For further analysis of the land forms the
going into the field. A geologist is sometimes structure-jJrocess-stage sequence is followed .
better able to 10 ate fault lines on a map Structures ar the con ' tructional land forms,
than in the fi ld. Governm ntal planning the original land built up by geologic
boards may r cognize land types and thus processes, such as (1) plains and plat aus of
horizontal strata; (2) mountains deriv<:'d
formulate plans for land utilization. In the
by folding, faulting, igneous intrusions
field of education the analysis of contour-
and m tamorphic process s; (3) volcano s.
line maps is one 9f the most effective methods For the diagnosis of the various basic struc-
of instruction in general geography and turcs the key on pag 125 will b helpful.
geomorphology. For the latter purpose the The most important process of erosion is.
U.S. Geological urvey has published a the action of rain and rivcrs. Glaciation,
number of topographic sheets in blue and wind, and wave action produ e such typical
brown olor only, without nam s or ullural forms that once th y arc diagnosed on a
symbols. These are particularly useful for map th yare asily r cogniz d again. The
the interpret4tion of 14nd forms, for the stages of dissection- youth, maturity, old
MAP R E AD I N G 125
Key to the Recognition of Land Forms on Contour-Hne Maps

No trend
(dendritic drainage) Symmetrical valleys Even dissection ; low relief Pla£n }of horizontal
" " " . high" Plateau strata
Uneven « Massive, unglaciated
Asymmetrical peaks Massive, glaciated
Elongated ridges Strongly asymmetrical The same ridge of even CUl!stas; gently folded
(trellis drainage) ridges height mountains
" Symmetrical ridges " Steeply folded mountains
Radial-annular drainage Asymmetrical ridges " Domes
Subparallel trend C( " Of uneven height Gneissic,. schistose
Several tr nds
Trend chopped off
" "
Slaty mountains
Radial drainage Conical or sub onical Isolated Volcanoes

age, p neplanation, s cond cycle with future we hope for maps from which it will
rejuv nation- all produce typical forms b possible to tell wheth r the land is used
that can best be recognized by drawing and if so for what. At present we can only
profiles either actually or in the imagina- speculate.
tion. Care should be takcn not to confuse One of the limiting factors of land us is
th stage of development of the major rivers its slopf. In general, slopes steeper than 200
with the stage of dissection of the la'n d fe t per mile are rarely cultivated. The
masses, i.e., the percentage of the original rough limit of hayfields and orchards is -SOO
land that was carried away by erosion in the feet per mile, while rough pasture can be
present cycle. still steeper. This does not mean that every
Obviously, landforms are not always pur flat land is cultivated, but it does mean that
typ s. They are often transitional or very only some of it can be cultivated, while
complex, and their diagnosis is not always steep land cannot be. The above limits are
easy, especially in crystalline rocks. It is also applicable only to the eastern United
assumed that the contour lines are exact in Stat s. In the wet tropics incredibly steep
every detail, which is not always true. An slopes are not only cultivated but are
effort should be made to recognize the 12 preferred to bottom lands.
typical landforms on pages 126 to 128 Equally important in limiting cultivation
without turning to the "Explanation." is the effective rainfall. The climate can be
Map Reading of Land Use. The geo- estimated from the frequency of rivers. A
morphologic analysis is only a part of map river may have its origin in near-by moun-
reading; just as important is the inter- tains and flow through a desert; only the
pretation of the human uses of land. With nv r that hav th ir source within the
some knowledge of g ography on may topographic sheet count. Every river is
learn a great deal of the life of the people intermittent in its h ad waters, but if it does
from maps. The use of land depends on not become perman nt within a few miles
slope, climate, soil, resoure s, social, politi- of it origin the climate is likely to be dry .
cal, and economic factors, etc. Our topo- The landforms themselves give indications
graphic maps as we have them now show of the dry climate. The prevaience of
little of this kind of information; in the alluvial cones, high-level fans, bolsons,

Fig. 11.3 For explanation see page 129,


Fig. 114 For explanation see page 129.


Fig. 115 For explanation see page 129.

arroyos, and playas ar indications of dry- land, and it is divided into townships of
ness. Dry climat does not preclude settl - 36-square mile sections. In whcat lands or
ment, but it is likely to be limited to Jess intensive farming regions a road IS
ranching unl ess irrigation is employ('d. found at a bout every mile.
If the climate is humid, th e best indi a- The dl'l1siIJI oj population can be figured
tion of th e density of settlement is th e road from th e number of farmhouses; if th e
pattern. In ranching r egions or fores ts, the average number of houses is eight per squarc
roads will b farther apart, while in corn, mil , the average farm is 80 acr s and th e
cotton, truck farming, and tobacco areas population is likely to be 50 to 60 per square
the road. ar closer together. Truck farmers mile, a fairly dense rural population. In
are likely to cultivate the black soil of flat ranching regions, how vcr, the number of
bottoms of form er lakes or swamps. In peopJe on a ranch may be many more than
deserts the density of roads is often surpris- on farms. uburban populations with more
ing in vi w of the sparse habitation. Their than 20 houses per square mil may be
pr sence is due more to the ease of building, judged by allowing four to five people per
absence of bridges, and cheapness of upkeep house.
tl:lan for their use. W est of the Appalachi- The population of towns and l'illages can be.
ans, all the Unit d tatcs was one public roughly calculated from the size of the
Fig.113 a. Maturely dissected plain interrupted by the fl ood plain of a river . The large river is hemmed in by its
valJey and is not able to meander freely. T hus it is in submature stage of deve lopmen t. The river is slightly
aggrading (many islands). No te Yazoo type of river at the southern side of the flood plain. (O ' Fallon, Missouri-
Illinois, quadrangle; 1 : 125,000.)
b. Maturely dissected plateau interrupted by the fl ood plain of a large river. The river is in the second cycle of
development in which it has reached the submature stage. ote the abandoned high-level meander flat. (R avens-
wood, West Virginia, quadrangle; 1 :62,500.)
c. Folded ridgf'S pmeplainpd and rrdissected. Ba rkley Ridge is an anticline (the inside of the curved end is steeper) .
Green River occupies the bottom of a syncline (the outside of t11e curved end is steeper). (Loysville, Pennsyl-
vania, quadrangle; 1: 62,500.)
d. Fault line SCalp separa ting the upper region with NE- W trend, from the lower region with a -S trend. A
river flows along the fault line. (R amapo, New York-New .Jersey, quadrangle; 1 :62,500.)
Fig. 114 a. Massive, glaciated mountains, maturely dissected, with dendritic drainage and steeper southern slopes.
The texture (spacing of ri vers) is coarse. ( rawford Notch, N w H amps hire, quadrangle ; 1: 62,500 .)
b. CompLex gneissic mountains, peneplained and maturely redissc'cted with subparallel trend. Note river terraces.
(Randolph, Vermont, quadrangle; 1: 62,500.)
c. Com/Jinx slalJl hills, peneplained and redissected, with j oint-controlled trends. (:oxsackit: ew York, quad-
rangle; 1 : 62,500 .)
d. High mDlIII/allIS maturely dissf'clcd by local glaciatioll. Note cirques, tarn lakes, glaCial troughs, trough lakt!s, faceted
spurs, Alpine peaks, arretes, and fl at uplands, remnan ts of preglacial surfaces. (C hief Mountain, Montana,
quadrangle; 1: 125,000.)
Fig. 115 a. Subrnaturely dissected valcarlO with radial drainage on a fl at plain. (Honey Lake, California, quad-
rangle ; 1: 250,000.)
b. Sand dunes. Crescent-form d barchans on the two sides and irregular dunes and blowholes in th center.
Note the N-S bluff marking the ourse of a former river. (Moses Lake, Washington, quadrangle; 1: 62,500.)
c. SinkhoLes in Limestone in the soutiJern ha lf, covered by a locally perforat'd sandstone cap on the northern half
of the map. Note the absence of rivers and the many small lakes. (Mammoth Cave, K entucky, quadrangle;
1 : 62,500.)
d. Irregular young morainic hills with many lakes, kettle holes, and swamps and undeveloped drainage system.
(Minneapolis, Minnesota, quadrangle ; 1 :62,500.)

built-up ar a. Towns of about 1 square mile Alma, Michigan. For a sampl analysis,
have about 1,500 to 2,000 p<"ople. Th let us consider the Alma, Mich. , sheet, the
d nsity of population is la rger in larger northwestern part of which is reproduced
cities. It ranges for sm all towns [rom 3,000 here.
to 8,000 per square mile, denser in the In considering the scale first, it is well to
manufacturing East, less dense in the compare the area shown on the map with
spreading West rn and J\1iddlc \Ves tcrn !>imilar-sized areas in our own neighbor-
ci ties. In large ci ties the d ensi ty is 8,000 to hood . The next step is to divide the map
10,000 per square mil e, while in the great into parts that appear to be of similar
Eastern metropolita n ar eas it may reach pattern. The map is easil y divided into a
15,000. An cxa t survey of ci ty densities is regular eas tern and mor complex western
very desira bl e. Always th e entire built-in region.
area of a city within its suburbs has to be Let us consider the eastern part first. The
tak en into account, exclusive of larger river system is dense enough to indicate
parks and water surfaces. The ac tua l that the region has a medium rainfall.
density in some sections of Manhat tan is Plenty of intermittent rivers do not indicate
more than 100,000 peopl e per square mile. dryness but indicate th e headwaters of
Th se figures are far from true in European ri ers of very low gradient. The rectangular
and Asiatic cities, wh ich are m uch more east-west. and north-south pattern of the
co nges ted. rivers is curious but this means simply that
The JlIlIfliorlal ~)lJeS o[ citic and parts of the farmers ditched the preexisting rivers
ci ti cs, such as husine 's c('nters, ports, rail- to the edges of their fields . The only larger
road centers, ma nufacturing eitiC's, capitals, river is meandering and has a low gradient.
resorts, mining and lumber t.owns, college Direction of flow could be established from
towns, etc. , can also h e read from the m ap . th e contours from elevation figures, and
A large building witb a rai lroad siding is from the joining angle of the tributaries
likely to be a factory. A grct=lt nUJ1Jbf'r o[ if the tw o da ms would not have given it
factori es and small dos 1)' set houses are away. The river is obviously entrenched
typi cal for a manufacturing cit y. Lurnhering a bout 20 feet. A discussion of meandering
and mining cities sh ow up well because of rivers m ay lear up many puzzling questions
the uniform ev nIy set" ompany" houses in the tudent's mind.
even if th e mine symbol does n ot. indicate it Examination o[ the contour lines reveals
clearly. Railroad centers an d port ci ti es are thal th e average slope of thc plain is about
obvious on a topographic map. ,olleges 10 fee t per mil to the northeast. This is an
and hospitals often are similar on m aps, extremely flat ountry which indicates a
although hospitals are more lik ly to h ave a plane of relatively recent depo ition of
regular pattern. First-, second-. and third- sediments, most probably a form r lake
class residen es are recognized by th ir bottom with black soil. Coastal plains
spacing and their distance from the center would also b very fiat, but this is, at an
of the city. The business section in the altitude of 700 f et, not possible in the
center and subcenters of cities are pre- United tates.
conditioned by the r ad system and are A complete road pattern indicates inten-
usually obvious. 10 ely set hous's around sive farming. There ar , on an average, 10
the business center often r pr sent slums farmhou es in a square mile, which, averag-
and the poorest parts of American cities. ing about 7 people per farm , gives 70 people
per squar mile, a rather dense rural warehouses, . heds, and levators for farm
population. The average siz of [arms is products. 1'h town is likel y to have a
64 acres- too small [or wheat but a sizable college, if the name "Alma' cam from
farm for corn, legumes, and rotation crops. "Alma Mater." (The large building on the
The black soil is excellent [or vegetabl s, north ~ nd of town, however, is not the col-
and some truck gardening and consid rab le lege but th Masonic Home.) Whether the
dairying can be expected. low dam, as the contour lines indicate it, is
The average number of rural schools is used for water power is not clear from
one for ev ry 3 miles; each schoool thus the map, but it may have started the
serves about 9 square miles, or about 600 manufacturing.
people, of which about 100 are childr n of The distance between St. Louis and Alma
school age. The maintenance of a complete is smaller than is the average distance b -
rural school system, the total occupation tween towns in that part of the country.
of the land, which has excellent ~oil, and The close proximity of the two cities is a
the many paved roads indica tc prosperou , result of historical rivalry.
well-educated, independent fanners, who The country around Alma, and north and
are somewhat more lik Iy to vote against the south of . ·t. Louis, shows thousands of small
governing party than are whea t farm r or hills of variable height, 10 to 50 feet high, as
farmers of marginal lands or irrigation if they had been strewn accid ntally over
districts, who depend more on government the landsca pe. That is what actually hap-
support in lean y ars. pened, for this is the typical pattern of a
The city of Alma occupies about 2 square moraine dumped hf're in the Icc Age. This
miles; according to page 131 , it should have land is obviou sly much poorer than the
a population of about 6,000. (Actually the flatland s of the eastern part. There arc
town had 7,200 people in 1940; the differ- fewer farmhouses, and the !')t·twork of roads
ence is partly du to growth since the map is incomplete. Much of the land is poorly
was made in 1934.) The several railroad drained; some o[ it seems to have a slope of
sidings to large buildings indicate con- mor than 300 feet per mile, too steep [or
siderable manufacturing. (There are several cultivation.
oil refineries, sugar mills, and au tomobile-
NOTE TO INSTRUCTORS: Map reading should
trailer factories, and several packing houses.
be practiced whenever possible. At first maps
I ts Consumers Pow r ompany employs of the familiar neighborhood should be chosen.
175 people. The various industries employ Later, more distant and foreign la nds should be
1,200 people.) It can safely be inferred that studied . J t is a good plan to read maps on the
the chief function of the town is business very first meeting to find out about the previous
or professional services- catering to the map cxperienc of the students and to introduce
farmers . It is also a railroad center with the fundamental terms.

HAPTER 13: Lettering and Geographical N ames

Lettering is one of the most baffling imitated even now. The Royal Geographical
problems of cartography. Th essential Soci ty u se~ the lettering of Hondius al' the
trouble is that lettering is not a part of the mod I for its maps.
picture of the earth's pattern but is a neces-
sary addition for the identification of
features. The names by their bulk cover up
many of the important elements of the real
landscape and prevent th reader from
seeing th map as a picture of the earth. On
small-scale maps, city names oftcn cover
hundreds of miles in length, even if printed
in the smallest readable type, and th ir least
disturbing placement is a trial to cartog-
raphers. The development of expressive
cartography has been hindered more by Fig. 117 F31)CY swash lir)('s wen' ollen u ed as
lettering than by any other cause. spa('e fill ers on uJd maps.
History. Even in the ea rliest times, manu-
script maps were clogged with lett ring, Dutch cartographers liked to cover the
whether with Chinese characters, Arabic blank parts of their maps with lettering
script, or, as on the Aztec maps, with adorned with graceful swa h lin s; such
pictures of foxes, eagles, and the like. The lettering i one of th chief haracteristics
Middle Ages produced wonderfully rich of the seventeenth-century maps. In the
romanesqu and gothic script letters, espe- eighteenth century the style of map let tcring
eially on Spanish and Italian maps. In the became less fanciful. The daring strokes of
arly woodcut maps lett ring was often set swash lines were gone, and th letters were
up in type and stamped in separately, sam ' - accurat, clearer in type, and smaller in
times even in a different olor- a custom size. This finess reached its perfe-ctiDA in the
that was not resumed until th middl of the tiny letters of the early nin t nth century.
nineteenth century. The style of lettering The atlases of Cary of England, and the
changed profoundly with the copper-cut map of Benjamin Tanner, are good exam-
maps of the Dutch masters. Mercator pIes of this style.
introduced the indin d italic 1 ttering for The introdu tion of wax ngraving in
smaller features and used a beautifully 1841 allowed the stamping of lett ring, and
proportioned roman lettering for the larger th consequent ease with which lettering
I tters. This lettering was still further per- could b applied result ed in overlett r-
feeted by his successors, and their styl is ing, whi h is still a eharact ristie of the
American maps. Only in the mo!>t modern Variable thickness, no serifs, as Lydian
maps is a tendency vident to rcduc e th e Sans serif m ore modem gothic type<:
amount of . lettering and to emphasize Cursive Mal1uscrip~ a kind of roman
natural features. produced by stub pen
Phantom produced hy double lines

''''e can diH'c rcntiat b,tw en the various

geographic features by th types of lettering
used . For instan"e, the U .. '. Geological
IHN TU fFL KP OQCGD AVMW Survey topographic shee ts use italics for
hydrob'Taphy, gothic for hypsography, and
Fig. 118 Lcrters can be classified into n01'1I1al,
roman and some inclined gothic for culture.
!lei! I'UW, wid, and unusual forms.
The ruost economical on space are the
various gothic t yprs, and in modern maps
Types of Letters. Our present system of the tendency is to usc the vertical and
writing derives from th Rom an capitals. incli ned sans-serifs for all features. Verti al
These let t.ers were- written with a st.ub- gothic for cuI ture, heavier vertical gothic
pointed stylus in wax or were chiseled into for mountains, and incJin·d gothic for water
ston e. Either instrument would produce features m ake a good combination.
wide v rtical and narrow horizontal lines, The rough rule i. to use lower- ase I tiers
and to give di stinct ending to the lines 'a n if th name is outside the feature, i.e. if the
extra stroke produced the "serif. " Medieval feature is smaller than the name (small
scribes using a reed pen or quill, modified cities, for instance) . Capita ls arc used if the
the roman I tters a nd added the lower-case name is inside the feature , meaning that
Ictters to th alphabet. This book is printed th e k a ture is Jarge r tha n its name. In this
In roman. The R ena issance produce-d the case, th e letters have to be J/)rfOd from one
inclined " italic" lettering, which is easier to end of the rcgion to the other. VYe often
write . The simple, san s-serif a nd gothic lelter- depart from th(:'sc rules for the sake of
ing of lines of even thickness became uniformity. For instance, name of coun-
fashionable much lat r. 1\1any variations of tries will usually be ca pi, even if we arc
these ba ie types of letters are used on maps. forced to have the na me outside the land,
The most common types are as with the name "NETHERLANDS ' on
very small-scale maps.
Roman of variable thickness and serifs Size of Letters. By the size of th letters
Italic of variable thickness and serifs, we can cxpress (he importanc of the
features. CEYLON. for ins tan c, in Fig. 120,
has a larger name than a baragamuwa.
Gothi c of even thickness, no serifs
There is, however, a d efinit lower limit
Lightface Roman of ven thickness with to the size of letters. The smallest r adable
serifs capital letter is 5 point (Ie- inch high) ,
Lightface Italic of even thickness with which makes the waist height ( :) of a
serifs, inclined lower-cas letter I inch. In small world
Inclined gothic or gothic italic of even maps, w may have to use minimum-size
thickness, no serifs, inclined J tters, even for the largest cities, otherwise

Oouatrles, States, OountIes, Townships, Capitals, and Princlpal Oitles. (All COllital lcLters.)

.O,P.Q.R.S.T.U.V.WXY.Z. _&.
'1'owns aod Villages. (With capito.! initials.)

Ocoan&, Gulfs, narbors, Straits, Sounds, Do.ys, Large Rivers, Large Lakes. (All cBllital leltcrs.)

Small Rivers, Brooches, Crecks, Runs, Drooks, Springs, Small Bays, 'Va.hes, Small Lakes,
Ponds. Water n oles, M arsbes, Glaciers, Swamps, SInks, Falls, Sloughs, Inlets, Rupid ~ ,
Lagoons, Licks, Geysers, Seeps. (With cnpitalinltjaIs.)

Mountain Runges. Plateans. J.ines of'ClitTs, I.orgo Valleys, National Parks. Orants, Indion
}{eservatlons, Beneh Marks, Military Reservatiom, Oame or Bird Itefuge." Primitive ArcIL',
National :I!orest num('s. TownshipJ Houge and Section numbers. (All cupitnllcuers.)

.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.H.IJ.K.LM .N.O.P.Q.
Small ,"ullo),s, l'rniries,lIIendows, Mesas . Divides. Draw., Bottoms. Coulees. Conro!,s , Quiches.
Arroyos. Pcaks, Crators, Duttes, Dills. Caves, Spurs, Hollows,lslands, Flats, R IH· lOes. Points,
Oovos. lIurs. Enslns. Bonches, Ridges, Plnins, Platenus, Passes, Gnps, Oorges, CrnJ(S. Cupcs,
Peninsulas, Ulutll>, Ledges, lI:tse Jines, Meridians and Parallels. (Wilh cnpital initials.)

abcdefgh ij klmnopqrstuvwxyz
Telephone lines, Rndio StaUons, Lookouts, Triangulation Stations (wben nome ditTers from
that of feature), Hailronds, Tunncl~, lJridges, FerrIes, Camps, llonds, 'l'raJls, Fords, Dams,
Resen'oirs, ennuis, Wells, Ditches, Ranger Stations, Mills, Mines, Schools. Rnnches. Hou se~.
Co.bins, Boundary Monumonts, Administrative Sites, Power Houses, Levees. Waterworks,
Water·tAnks , Lighthouses. Docks, Piers, Landings, Airports. Go.ging Station, }<'jsh Hatchery,
}<'orest N urse,)', Marginal Notes. (As !I rule use 011 capitol letters.)

.R S T. U V. wx Y.Z& _

Standard ruie when one·stroke lottnr illl't is used: Names of natural fealUres, vertical letterlng.
Nomes of wntor features snd man·made cultural reatures, slanting I Hering.

123 4567890 1234567890

1234 5 67890 1234567890
Fig. 119 Leul'ring lypes of the ' tates g-ov<:rnment maps. (From U.S.
Fortlst Sel'vi e

Fig. 120 The maps of the Royal Geographical

SoCiety ar artistic and simple. Most of the lettering
is made with quill pens. (Courtesy of the Royal
Geotraphical Society.)

:r-!ar of the ('a st ern Pyr~npes sh owing the main mountain axe" a nd the n a t ufal re~i(J n s . K"y
t ot he legcnd: J. alpin('zollc; 2. "a lin land,,,f th c('oast ; .1. lilllilsoflh(,0Iive. ~(' a l e I : 1. 200.000.

Fig. 121 Precision and simplicity haracterizc the maps of the American Geographical
cci ty. Note the sans-serif and lightface roman lettering.
th name openhagen might easily rea h general opinion, almost everybody can,
over into R ussia. If press d for space, it is wi th som effort, learn good hand lettering.
customary to use condensed types. The following rules give in concise form
Practice in Lettering. Contrary to some steps to follow:

Abcde fghD Klmno Pqrst Uvwxyz.__,

JIbed efBhi 9klmn Opqrs 9'uvw-{yz
Fig. 122 Stub-p n letlcI"ing is fast and effective.

Rules of Lettering
1. Sit erectly and comfortably, rest body
on left arm, and place the paper in the most
convenien t posi tion.
2. Draw fine, sharp gu idelin with
pencil. In lower-case letters the guidelines
indicate th e wai·t height. lear and sharp rubber bond
g uidelines can be mad with a special
instrument that ha. two pencil pints or,
lacking this, by two pencils whi ttled down
on one sid and fastened togct her wi th an d is controlled by moving
lastic band' their spacing a n then b th e peg up or down
regulated by placing a p g or strips of paper Fig. 123 Device for
between them. drawing guidelines [or
3. Lett rs ar made up of several strokes,
and each stroke should b clearly defined.
First, place your arm · in resting position lifting your pen in the arne direction as tht"
above the suppos d end of th e stroke. Mark stroke.
the point. Stretch your hand a little beyond 6. urved letters can be made in from
the beginning of th stroke' aim and bring two to four segments; but do not go over the
down your pen in the prop r direction. same line twice. Do not "paint" your
4. Make the strokes with the motion letters.
of th full arm and not with the motion of 7. Keep your ye on the point where
the fingers or wrist . you want to go and do not look at your pen
S. Aft r each stroke " follow through " point.
8. Ink is supplied to the pen poin t should unmistakabl y refer to the feature
through a slit that requir s cleaning every it designates. I t should be clearly readable
few minutes. Dust off your paper before without overcrowding.
inking. The direction of the letters indicates the
trend of the rea lur . The name of a mountain
range should follow its trend; the name of a
river parallels the river. If the I ttering
refer. to a point, as the name of a city On a
small- ca le map, or jf there i no special
trend , as, for jnstance, in naming Fran e,
the lettering should be horizontal. How-
eller, " hori::.ontal" 071 a map means paraLLel to the
coppe r wire with ends parallels, whether or 110t lite parallels ar(' shown.
hammered flat The letters, however, bear no relationship
Fig. 124 An ink retainer to the meridians. Diffi ul ties arise in polar
provides an even flow of ink .
projections. Here the lettering has to be
9. pace letters so that the space be- tumed along the horizontal meridian, sc
tween them appears even, although the tha t the names do not overhang in the
actual distance is variable. There is a upper half of th e map. In larg loose polar
smaller space between 00 than between maps, which may easily be turn d , all
II. Between two words leave a place corre- letterin o' may have its top toward the pol e.
sponding in size to the letter o. Th · distance 'imilar problems arise in world m aps in
between two letters is less than the wid th of oblique projections.
an average letter. Beginners usually spread
their letters too much.
10. Keep up an even but slow rh ythm in ~~~
';":"':,-...... "\
lettering. This gives a feeling of poise and
~. ~:"
relaxation but does not mean a let-up in
utmost concentration on your work.
~ 'i \f .

The beginner is especially warn{'d to ······ ? :e ,"i

adhere strictly to th rule that lellering

.. " "1\ i --"-""'
should be made with th motion of the ~j ;
whole arm and not merely with the wrist
Fig. 125 ,'pl' ad letterin g conforms to
or fingers; this rule will a t first mak e his th t> trend and size of th . land .
lettering worse but will lead to greater
perfection later. The rule of "follow- The spacing of lettering should ex press the
through" motion is also very importa nt. It extent of an area. All lettering designating
is better to learn well the straight and in- an area and pla ed inside ~he ar a should
clined block lettering only than to spend be spread from one end to the other.
time learning the roman and italic l ypes ; Usually on unit distance is left on the two
for simple maps the block lettering IS ends, and the letters are evenly spread, as in
sufficient. Fig. 125. In "sprcad" I Hering, the two end
Placing of Lettering. The placing of letters are laid out first, then the center
lettering is one of the major difficulties for letter, and then the other letters are
a map designer. As a general rule the name similarly placed .
City Names. On a topographic sheet, a cially on bla k-and-white maps, because
city may be shown sev ral inches across. such a map is in most cas s dense in moun-
The name, in all apitals, is spread inside tainous r egions. I t is a good practice to
the city. Small cities, and ci ties on small- name mountain peaks on a circular arc
scale maps, carry the name outsid the ity above each peak, and altitude of the moun-
with lower-case letters. The best place for tain can be marked underneath. Names of
a city name is centered und er its symbol ; mount.ain ranges should follow very closely
the second choice is on the right a nd the and should emphasize the crest line of the
third choice is above the symbol. If it range. The I tters should be heavy and
must be placed to the left, it is advisable to narrow, to stand out but not to obscure the
put it above or below the city symbol in relief.
order to avoid collision should lh' length In modern maps there is an evident tend-
of the name b miscalculated. If the city en y to reduce lettering to the minimum. It
names are too crowded it is nol uad prac- does not seem necessary to write "United
tice:: to urve the name in a gentle arc, so States,' "A tlantic Ocean," " Pacific Ocean,"
that one end of it points directly to the city tc., on every map of th United tates, for
symbol. Names of harbors arc pr ferably these features would be familiar to most
in th e sea, and it is better to have the name persons who are able to read a map. On
of the city on the proper sid e of a ri'·er. special maps for more advanced study, it is
better to omit all names that have no direct

Rome bearing on the purpose of the map . For
4Romeo Ramel. instance, On a map of oil production in the
1 United tates it is not necessary to name
Fig. 126 City nam('s a rc pr<>fera iJly ('ent ered th states or the rivers.
below the symbol ; second choi ce is to ri g ht Abbreviations. The use of abbreviations
or above. If it has to go on the It''ft, it sllould
m ay h elp a grea t deal to prevent overcrowd-
be slightly above or below the symbol.
ing. As a general rul e, a good abbrevia-
River Names. If the name is inside the tion is one tha t can be recognized without a
river, it should bc ca pitalized, but lower key. pecial abbreviations, however, should
case should ue used if the namc has to go be list d in the legend especially tho e
outside. River names are not spread. The of foreign names. An abridged list of the
names of rivers should follow th ir courses. a uthori7.ed abbreviations of the U.S. Geolog-
I t is better to place the 1 ttering on the ical Survey is given here.
northern side of the riv r. When the river
happens to b exactly north-south it i Ave . . ...... . . . . .. .. . .... Avenue
Bdy . .. .. ... . . . . .. .. .. . . . Boundary
advisable to letter it on the western side
Br . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Branch, Bridge
because otherwise the inclined italic lett r- Bk . . ... ... .. . .... . . . . ... Brook
ing will overhang. Overhanging ielterin ,an . . . . ... . . .... . . .. . . . . anyon
should in general be avo ided bu t some times C ..... .. .. . . .. . . ....... . Cape
this is very difficult, as in the case of th Cern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cemetery
~ h .. . ... . ....... . ' . . .. .. Church
Mississippi River on small maps. The names
Co . . . .... . .. . . . .. .. .. . . . County
of lakes, swamps, t., should be ither
Cr .. . . ... .. . . . .. . . ... . .. Creek
entirely inside or entirely outside. The same Dist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. District
rule applies to islands, peninsulas, etc. E . . . .. . . . ..... .. . . . .. . .. East
Mountain peaks are difficult to name, espe- El . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electric, Elevated
Fy ............ . ......... Ferry on manuscript maps has also been done for
Fd . ..... . ............... Ford centuries. The simplest m thod is to have
F, l~or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Forest
Ft ........................ Fort
th lettering printed on thin paper backed
Gl . .... .. ............. .. Glacier with Duco cement. Then cut it out closeJy
Hbr ... . . . ............... H a rbor and paste it on the map with acetone ap-
H y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Highway plied with a brush. This method has an ad-
H . . . .. . . .. . .. . ..... . .. House vantage in that the opaque paper will cover
l, Ind ........ . ........ . . Indian up lines on the map that would interfere
[ .... . ........ .. . .. ...... Island
1s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Islands
with lettering.
June ..................... Junction orne years ago "float" lettering became
L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Lake, or Little popular: The 1 ttering is printed on thin,
LH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ligh thouse transparent Japanese tissue, and when in
Mid . . ...... . .... . . . .. . .. Middle placc it is wetted with a brush, using a
Mi ....... .. ............. Mile
sticky liquid that filters through the paper
Mil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Military
Mon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monument
and attaches it firmly to the base. The tissue
Mt .............. . ... . ... l\{ount will be hardly visible and can be easily
Mts ............... . ... . , Mounta ins drawn over. The method is patented and a
N, at, Natl . . . . . . . . . . . . National permission fee has to be paid to the owner
N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l"orth when it is used. More recently, ceflotype kt-
Pk .......... .. .. . .... . . Peak
tering has been used to a considerable ex-
P n. .. ............... . Peni nsula
Pt ....... ............ .. . . Puint
tent wherever the lettering has to b on
Pd ............... . ..... . Pond transparent paper, as, for instance, on blue-
PO ........ . . . .......... . Post office prints. The lettering is printed on the under-
PH ......... . ..... . Power house side of a cellophane sheet that is covered
RR ...... . .... . . . ..... . . R ailroad with a sti 'ky substance of paraffin base.
R ............ . ......... . R a lll-\,c, Rin'r, Run
The lettering is cut out and simply rubbed
R es, ........... . .. . . . Reservoir, Rcscn'ati on
Rd .... . .. .. ............ . R oad on the place. It holds firmly nough but
Rk . .. . .. ......... . . . . Rock care must be taken not to keep the map in
eh . ..... .. ..... . . School a hot place b cause the paraffin mel ts and
Sd . . . . .......... . .... . Sound the let ters falloff. .clJophane lett ring will
S ....... ...... ........ , South b printed according to the cartographer s
Spr. " ... .. ............ . Sprin g
instruction ' by the Monsen Company In
Sta ... .. . ... . ........... . Station
Str .. . .................. . Stream, Strait Chicago and delivered for use.
St .. . . .. ...... . ......... . Street There are on the market various lettering
Val ...... ... .... ... . . . . . Valley devices (Wrico, Lc Roy, Ames, etc.) with
WW .. ..... . ...... . ..... . Wat rworks which lettering can be applied by means of
W .............. . ...... " West, "Vater
pcrfora led tcmplets and special p ns. Ex-
Mechanical Means of Applying Let- cept for titles and labels, their use for map
tering on Maps. Even on the earliest making is limi ted. It is difficult to use them
printed woodcut maps, lettering was set up for large "spread" letters, and for city names
in type and stamped on the map. tamping even the smallest t mplets are too larg > un-
lettering was till the practice of the Army less the drawing is made two or thr e tim s
War College maps until the econd World the publication size. A prof ssional cartog-
War. Type stamped into wax is the basic rapher will usc these devices relatively
feature of wax engraving. rarely, but a geographer making an oc·
Stick-up Lettering. Pasting printed lettering casional map finds them helpful.

Fig. 128 Le Roy leltering sel uses the same em-

bossed guide for vertical or slanted letters.

Geographic Names 1
Geographic names are of concern to the European countries. Of special interest to
cartographer because they are necessary for American cartographers is the P rmanent
the identification of places and features Committee on Geographical Names [or
symbolized on maps. It is virtually impos- British Official Use, the only one othcr than
sible to refer to individual place on maps our American agency that ha concerned
without employing place names. its If extensively with names outside its own
Toponymics, the science of place names, territory.
is a field of knowl dge based on specialized Principles of Geographic Nomencla-
training in geography, linguistics and his- ture. The cartograph r will do well to
tory. Few cartographers fully comprehend acquaint himself with the following general
the complexity and speciali7.ed charact r of principles that govern the work of the
place-name problems or have the necessar)' Board on Geographical Names:
facilities and training to deal with them in
detail. Most persons engaged in the field at 1. The names of major territorial divisions,
the scientific level are in the !'.ervice of such as countries, self-governing dominions,
governments that und rtake extensive map- colonies, and protectora res, shall rc~larJy be
ping programs. sp lied in accordance with conventional English
To cope with the problem of plac nam s usage. The use of local official names (in the
many governments have set up agen ies, language of the country concerned) is permissi-
ble, however, when such practice is clearly
committees, or boards that study place-
pr ferable. Examples: The regular practice is
name usage, formulate place-name policy,
to us Germany inst ad of D utschland,· Finland
and exercis varying degrees of place-name instead of Suomi, Hungary rather than Ma-
authority. This function is exercised in th gyarorszag, and Japan rather than Nippon or
United States by the Board on G ographical ihon.
Names in the U.S. D partm nt of the In-
terior. Among the for ign countri s may Conventional English names may have
be mentioned Canada, Brazil, Argentina, various derivations; they may be complete
South Africa, New Zealand, and many or partial translations, respeUings in terms
I Quoted from a statement of the U.S. Board on
of English or om other language, or they
Geographical Names. may be sp llings in the official language, or
one of th official languages, of the ountry of the governments concerned and other
or countries concerned. secondary sources [or evidence of local
usage. This has the effect of emphasizing
2. The names of geographic fcatures (rivers,
official, more than local, usage in the latter
nountains, deserts, lakes, etc.), common to two
or more major territorial divisions in which the
owcial lan~ag-es are different, shall be spelled 4. In the g ographical names of countries
in ccordanc with conventional English usage, employing the Li:ltin alphabet extra or modified
but the local official form employ d within a letters, accents, and diacriti al marks of all
given country may be used .. . wherever it kinds, wben re~larly lIsed in the language con-
seems desirable. Example: Danube is the con- cerned, shou ld be retained . Exam/)Ifs: K~ben­
ventional name for the rivcr known to the havn, ClIrac;ao, Abo, J::.6dz, K61n, Sao Tome,
Germans and Austrians as Donau, to th(" Sete, and Saone.
Hungarians as Duna, to the Yugoslavs and
Bulgarians as Dunav, and to the Rumanians as
1 A a a 18 P p Ir
4 l' r g 21 Y u
In small-s ale mapping of large areas, :m 24
II c n t&
7 )1, :at zh 25 ch
such as cantin nts, hemispheres, or the 8 3 8 z 26 ill "m .h
9 H n i 27 ~ shch
world, conventional English nam gener- 10 J ... i i 28 1>
."h omit
ally will be avai lable for all features within 11 a A .i Omit after hl, n, or i, 29 :bI hl Y
at tho cnd of a word. 30 :r:. L omit
the scope of this rule that are capable of 12 K It k 31 1>.-11 e
13 JI Jl 1 32 9 9 e
bein()" shown and named. On the other 14 M It m 33 JO 10 yu
15 R n D 34 .lI II ya
hand, in large-scale mapping it may be 16 0 0 0 3S e f
17 IT n p 1, obsolete 36 V ..• ev I
desirable to name some features of this
Fig.129 Russian writing dt"vclQP("d from the Greek.
cat gory for which there is no true con-
Obsolete kllers are cOlllmonly found in older maps.
ventional English n ame. (COl/rtfs.) ~f ( ·.S. Hoard 0 11 Gr o!irajlhical Nfl17lf.f.)

3. Local geograph ic names in cach country,

5. G("o~ra phical names in countries which
dominion, colony, protectorate, or possession,
use a non-Latin alphahet or a nonalphab tic
in which a Latin alphabet is habitually or
writing- system should be treated in accordance
altcrnatively us d, shall be spell ed in accordance
with approv d transcription and transliteration
with local official usage, exc("pt in cases where
there is a conventional English form which
differs from the official name, in which case
Transliteration systems, i.e., syst ms in
either may be used. Examples: Seine; Sao
Paulo; Roma (Italian), Rome (English); Wien which each lett r of a non-Latin alphabet is
(Austrian), Vi nna (English). replaced by a leller or combination of
letters repres nting approximately the same
For geograph ical features in the United sound in English, arc. used for such lan-
tates and its possessions the board is able guages as Russian, Bulgarian, and Arabic.
to determine local usage wi th more ease and For languages written with a great numb r
greater assurance than it is able to do for of silent letters, such as Siamese, Mongolian,
those of most foreign countries. Direct and Tibetan, and for nonalphabetic lan-
information from local inhabitants in areas guages, such as Chinese, transcription
of American sovereignty usually can be systems are used. In the latter, t!1 sounds
readily obtained, whereas for foreign areas of the foreign language ar r presented by
it is necessary to rely on official publications Latin letters, combinations of letters, and

letters provided with diacritical marks in and gulfs. The requirtd names for such
such a way that the sounds of the foreign maps can be selected most conveni ntly by
language are approximately reproduced, comparing the names to those on similar
with consonants as in English and vowels maps, and in desk atlases, geographical
as in Italian. dictionaries, general gazetteers and com-
The transliteration and transcription sys- parable materials. Names in agreement in
tems in use for rendering names into the several sources and in accord with th<>
Latin alphabet may haw official approval principles outlined above should be chosen.
of the country concerned, or, if there is no for use.
officially approved system or if th system Large-scalc m :1ps allow the inclusion of
approved is inadequate or otherwise un- many geographical names which will not
satisfactory, systems of American authorship be found on small-seale maps and for which
are us d. pellings in the language of sovereignty
General Procedures. The cartographer are recommended. For some foreign areas,
concerned with the problem of obtaining namcs have been worked out for maps
pIa e names in accordance with the above except at the largest scales and arc avail able
principles should keep in mind a general in the lists of th e Board on Geographical
caution. F w maps or other materials are Names and on rrcent maps publishcd by
so reliable in their geographic nomen- Federal agencies. For other names, two or
dature that they can be safely used as more r liable sources of recent da.Le in the
sources for place names without com- language of sovereignty should be com-
parison with other mat rials. ~"lany place- pared. If the language of sovereignty uses
name source material s arc faulty because of the Latin alphabet, names should be tak n
careless compilation or inadequat e com- without modification as detcrmin~d by
pila tion da \a; othcrs bcra usc I hei r name comparison of the sources. If th e offieiai
information is out of dellc . Place names arc language is not wri[ten in the Latin alpiHl-
not static. They change for numerou oet, suitable trans-:- ription or transliteratioll
reasons: (1) change of official language or systems, such as tbose of the Board or:
languages resulting from change in sover- Geog-ra(Jhical Names, should be used to
eignty (2) change of spPllinp;, both by render the nanws in the Latin alphabet.
evolution and by law, (3) chang"e in official There are available on request from the
transcrip tion and tra !lsI i tera tion systems, BO'lrd on Geographical Name lists of
and (4) official renaming by the ountry decisions on domestic and foreign names
concerned. Thi situation calls ~ r precise and directions and guides for the treatment
information in regard to current sover- of gco!:,'Taphical names for separate coun-
eignty, laws affecting place names, and tries. The board also maintains voluminous
pertinent linguistic data. It is n cessary not fde. of names on which research has been
only to use the proper source materiais [or done formulates and publishes geograph-
names but also to compare the sources used. ical-name transcriptlOn and translit ration
Small-seal maps of largc areas usually ~ystems, and furnish s advic on matters
show nly such major features as countri s of place names related to cartographic
cities, large rivers, mountain systems, seas, problem.
CHAPTER 14: Composition and Drafting of Maps
Most small-scale maps show an irregular planation" depends on individual taste. All
area that has to be fitted to a rectangular four are commonly used. The legend may
page or sheet. The proper composi tion of be included in the title cartouche but, if
the . heet is not always easy. There will more extensive, it is placed separately. It is
always remain empty spaces that can be not necessary to include in the legend
fill d up with title, legend, and ins ts; or, if obvious features that will be clearly under-
this is not enough, a characteristi picture or stood by prosp ctive users of the map. Thus,
quotation may enliven the map. The old a road, railroad, or boundary symbol rarely
Dutch cartographers of the seventeenth need be explained. Unusual abbreviations
century were masters of producing well- should be listed, but it is not necessary to
balanced and beautifully composed sheets; list standard ones.
a study of the maps by Janszoon and Blaeu Border. Most maps are fram d within a
is recommended, for w still use the same re tangular border. This may be a simple
style in the make-up of our maps. line, but often elaborate frames are used,
Title. The title of the map designates the consisting of two or more parallel lines. A
name of the land represented, the typ of double line at least 4. inch wide makes a
map, possibly its author, the scale, the good frame; between the two lines the
year of preparation, pertinent remarks, numbers for parallels and meridians may be
etc. placed. In order to save space, it is cus-
The scale should b in a round number of tomary to interrupt the inner border for
miles. On simpl maps a graphi scale is projecting corners of the land. The outer-
sufficient, because a numerical scale may be most line of the border, however, should not
easily rendered untrue by photographic be interrupted, since this would create
processes. difficulties for the engraver, especially when
It is preferable to put the title into a the map is published within a text.
simple or decorative frame, called a "car- Decorative borders are common. A simple
touche." The lettering within the frame is and appropriate border can be made
usuall y cen tered ; therefore, in ord r to attractive by marking the degrees with
determin the ext nt and size of the letters, alternate black-and-white bars (see Fig.
a vertical axis is drawn, and the title is laid 120). These bars will vary in length with the
out very roughly and lightly. Then guide- lengths of the degrees. orne times, for
lines are drawn, and the letters counted; decorative purpose only, a black-and-white
each space between words counts as a bar is made in even division and in no
letter. Beginning with the central 1 tter on relation to the parallels and meridians (see
the axis, the letters to the right are drawn Fig. 130). In Victorian tim s, frames were
first, and then those to th J ft, Jett ring often overd orated, but at the present time
backward. Th graphic scale is also centered taste is simpler.
on the axi . Nter all wri ting has been laid Parallels and Meridians. The drawing
out, the frame is drawn; j t can follow in of parallels and meridians is nee ssary only
form more or les th extent of th lettering. when they promote a better understanding
Legend. Wh ther to use the term of the map. In simple maps they can often
"Legend," 'Key," "Reference," or "Ex- be omitted and designated only on the
borders. If, however, we use a projection other than to the north and when the
with strongly curved parallels, it is often parallels and meridians are not drawn. In
essential to draw the whole network in order most proj ec tions the north dire tion varies
to indicate distortion. Often paralJels and over the ma p, so that it is advisable to place
meridians ar omitted on land and drawn s ver al compass roses.
over the s as and oceans only. On large-seal maps it is usual to indicate
Parallels and meridians are fine hairlines, the true north by a star, and the magnetic
drawn with a sharpened ruling p n, on north by a half arrow, and to state the exact
carefully cleaned and dusted paper. They amount of th e magnetic declination.
are drawn from intersection to inters etion, Insets. The empty spaces on maps are weJl
a long a straight or urved ruler. taken care of if used for insets. One inset

Fig. 130 Decora tiv compass roses ha ve been common on m aps sine' the time of tb . portolim
charts. (From M ori.roll , "Admiral rif the Oeeall Sea" Li ttle-Brown , 1942.)

Compass Roses. Thes are common ac- m ay show a significan t portion of the main
cessories for maps- a survival from the time map on a larger s al e or it may be a sma ll·
of the portolan charts. Even the rhumb lines scal e gen ral map howing th e 10 a tion 01
of the portolanos are often imita ted in the m ain ma p. Th inse t ma p should be
decorative maps. Although this is an regarded as an indept ndent small m ap' it
appropriate decoration, actually a ompa 's should have its own border, centra l merid -
ros or any indication of the north direc tion ian, titl e, te.
is nec ssary only wh n the map i~ ori ent d An exception to this rul is made when
the in et map shows a peripheral portion paralLels an d meridians should be In the
of the main map that was chopped off to same direction as on the main map. Long
save space. In this case the inset is regarded Island on maps o[ New York State and the
as a retracted part of the main map .. ' uch Panhandle of Oklahoma are often shown
insets should have the same scale, and the in this way.

Drafting of Maps
The preparation of a map proceeds processes will make them appear finer. This
through various stages. First, the material exaggeration in size varies from 1 ~ times
must be collected. mall-seal maps are in length on simple mc.:ps to double on more
usnaUy compil d from already ex isting formal ones. 1\ draftsman with unsteady
maps; large-scale maps may be based upon hands will usc leu'ger exaggeration, because,
original surveys or airplane photof,rraphs. after reduction, the slil\'ht irregularili s of
Next, the scale and proj ection must be line wiII be less con. pieuolls. However, it is
considered. The scale is usually determined not advi~ablc to use too large exaggeration
by the page size of a book or by the practical as one may los thc sense of proportion and
size of a sheet. In considering projections, the reduced map may appear too weak.
cartographers are often tuQ willing to The size and shapc of the map are usually
a cept existing maps and to copy them ascertained [rom ex isting maps. The d esired
rather than to construct their own proj ec- area is squared in by the use of a tissue
tions. Often, however, th e construction overlay, sO that the central meridi,m is
of a suitable projection amply repays th verI ieal. A diagonal line makes possible the
cartographer for the time spent on it. drawing of Jarger or small er rectangles
in the same proportions as the map itself.
~ ..
After the- <Jppro:o-.imate size of the map ha'
beel) decided, a piece of paper i ' cul large
, enough to allow for a few inches of margin.
'1' f--a--A---'~' " Pencil Drafting. In the ac tual process
o[ drawing, the projection is constructed
1) =8
B firsl (provided that the map is not copied)
on a separate) aper, and then th parallels
b and meridians are transferred, usuall y by
pricking through with a needlc. It is
A =B.g. advisable to use a hard p neil so that these
1... 1 lines shall not disappear entirely after every
~ . ... a ... ~
erasure. Next, the hydrography is drawn-
Fig. 131 The proportions of the shor lines, rivers, and lakes. Shore lines
the enlarged drawing can bt· arc drawn wi th great exaetn S8, since they
figured either by a diagonal or
are well known from larg I' scale maps, and
by calculation with the help of
a slide rul e. any deviation therefrom is readily noticed.
The same accuracy is important in the
Maps are drawn larger than the size in drawing of rivers a nd lakes, because these
which they are to b · reprod ueed. The arc lh main re~ renee lines [or locating
photographic reduction of th e engraving cities, mountains, and other features.
With the help of shore lines, rivers, and a remove superfluous graphite. This is impor-
few boundary lines it is usually possible to tant because the layer of graphite may
ascertain the exact extent of the map, so that prevent the pen tration of the ink when the
a frame can b laid out. The sides of the drawing is finished, and the ink lines may
frame should be parallel to the central rub out easily. The map is erased until the
meridian. It is well to draw th frame in an lines are faint but still dearly visible. (An
early stage of preparation, so as to ensure eraser can be easily powdered with a
better composition. kitchen grater, and the powder can be used
Next the boundaries, railroads, roads, and over and over again.) Then the paper is
cities are drawn. Care must be taken even thoroughly cleaned with a duster-a wing
on small-scale m aps to draw ities on the of a goose or a sea gull is particularly good
correct side of rivers. All these features are for this purpose-so that no trace of dust
as yet unlettered . Next come the mountains, shall remain.
whether repres nt d by contours, shading, Inking. The inking of a map is usually
or the landform method. done in the reverse sequence of the pencil
The final step is the layout of lettering work. The thumbtacks are removed, so that
and the make-up. Names of countries, the paper may be shifted into convenient
mountains, and large political divisions are positions for pen work. Lettering is inked in
lettered first because they are the most first; then the symbol content of the map;
difficult to place. Names of cities come n ext, and, finally, the parallels, meridians, bor-
as there is some choice in placing them. ders, and accessories. This order is impor-
Last corne the names of rivers, which, except tant, because lettering has the right of way .
in the cas of small streams, can be placed over everything el e, and the parallels,
anywhere along their course. meridians, and border have to be inter-
Lett ring is first outlined lightly with rupted where any symbols r quire the space.
pencil; then sharp guidelines are drawn After all inking ha been done, the re-
with harder pencil. Experienced letterers do maining traces of pencil lin are erased. It
not draw out the small icttering precisely, is dangerous to bear down too heavily with
since this involves using ink over graphi te, the eraser les t the ink lines also be weakened.
which affects the quality of th line. Large A final checking- touching up with ink or
lettering, however, should be penciled. Title, painting out the imperfections with white-
scale, insets, legends, and other accessories is always necessary. The map is then
complete the pen il work on a map. trimmed, mounted on cardboard, covered
When the whole map h as b en outlined with cellophane, and delivered flat. Colored
in pencil, it is ready for inking. First, the maps need special treatment, which ,will be
map i rolled over with a kneading eraser or, discussed in the chapter on methods of
better, with powd cr('d cras(T, in ord r to reproduction.
__", (II! . ___ _ _ __ • ~ . _ _ . ", _ _ .'

, £4 PR.O V INC ~ ~ de QUE BEe ,

Office ali Tottri.fI11J,\ Qy~hc. 0(114«4.
Fig. 1.32 Graceful scrolls wit.h good typography add much to the beauty or a map
CHAPTER 15: Drawing Tools and Materials

Proper tools in their proper places and work. It is not good practice to finish a map
in proper condition cut in half the time on transparent pap r, for the ngraver
spent on map drawing. The b st eraser is photographs the map und r strong sid
worth little if it r poses under the table, and lights, and th lin s cast a shadow (penum-
the finest pen will not work if clogged with bra) on [h plate that underlies the tTans-
dried ink. parent paper, thus causing the fine lines to
Papers. Paper used for fine maps must app ar heavier. Mechanical tints especiall y
have a smooth finish. It should not have fare badly if on transparent pap r.
loose fibers that clog the pen, and it must Vellums are emilTansparcnt papers that
be abl to stand consid(?rablc erasing. It is are slightly impregnated with oil. The oil
especially important that it should not pr vents the expansion and contraction of
change its siz and shape with change of th paper with chang s of humidity. Vellum
humidity. Only the best tub-sized or is often used for colored map~ where pach
gelatin-impregnated cotton or rag papers color is drawn un a separate 'heet a nd has
fulfill these condi tions. to register perf('ctly. It is not easy to draw
Maps are usually drawn on Bristol board. on vel1um, for the lines are uneycn, and the
Strathmore board is excel lent, but the largest pen does not make ready contact with the
sheet is only 23 by 29 inches. This paper paper; many map make-rs therefore prefer
comes in various thicknesses from one-ply to u e thin drawing paper. 110rcovC'r,
to four-ply. Th two-ply is simpJy two vcllum turns yellow in a few ye-ars, and
one-ply sheets pasted together. It comes in yellow paper is not satisfactory for rrproduc-
smooth and in "kid" finish. The latter is tion. It is claimed that some mode-Tn brands
too coarse, and the former perhaps a little of vellum retain their whi tf·ness.
too smooth. The thin one-ply paper an be- Tracing dolli is ('xc 11ent for engineering
used if the map has to be copied over a lamp; drawings but is rarely used in fin(' map
otherwise two-ply paper i re ommended. work, because i l clogs a fme pen . It is used
For large maps, rolled papers ar used. for thi k-line work, chiefly in engineering
There is always the danger with rolled maps and for blueprints, or for maps repro-
paper that it will contract and expand due · d by the Ozalid process. I t is especia ll y
differently lengthwis from crosswise, thus re ommendcd if the manuscript map is to
causing distortion. It is a1. 0 difficult to lay be subje ted to rough handling.
roll papers out fiat. The best method is to Special Papers. Ther are several spc ial
roll them in reverse around a paper pipe. pap rs used in map makin . Various profile
There are several good grades of rolled papers, cross-sectioll jJapers, and coordinate pa/)ers
drawing papers on the market. arc used to make proftJes, diagrams, and
Transparent tracing papers are made of a cartograms and to measure map areas.
straw and cornstalk base and are used in They are printed on either transparent or
map work for sk tching, for copying, and opaqu paper. They are also avai lable in
for tissue overlays that indicate various blue; and a drawing on this paper can b
colors and tints. Transparent tracing papers reproduced without showing the printed
will expand easily on humid days; they cross lines.
should, ther fore, not be u cd for precise Carbon papers are used for opying, but it is
important to try them out first, as mo t com- nent. By the sam e process positive blueprints
mercial carbon papers are greasy and not are made from the negative print. Blueprints
easily erased. It may be necessary to prepare can be easily bleached out by a special
sp cial drafting carbon paper by smudging liquid eradicator.
one side of a thin paper with a soft p ncilor Direct PosiLive prints can be made by the
stick of graphite. Carbon paper is used for Ozalid process. O zalid paper does not
copying maps which are printed on both require washing; it i fixed dry over am-
sides and on which, therefore, the tracing monia vapor.
glass cannot be used. Shapeprooj drawings ar made on zinc or
Cellophane, Tracilin, tc., are used where aluminum sheets painted with white oil
perfect transparency is ess ntial, as in paint, on vellum mounted on glass, or on
tra jng details from airplane photographs. speciall y prepared sheets of various plastics.
Drawing on ellophane with spe ial ink is Pencils. Pencils are made from mulsified
quite easy. Cel lophane is also used to cover powder of graphi te mixed with fine clay and
and protect finished drawings. binding substanc s and are encased in cedar
Ross board is used when mountains are wood. Graphit is oft, and the more clay
shown wi th plastic shading. It will be that i mixed with it, the harder the pencil.
dc. crib d in the next chapter. A good pencil should wri le an even, dark
Cd/uLoid sheets, both transparent and non- lin ; it should not wear down too rapidly or
transparent, are often used. They take very break easil y. Such contrasting qualities are
fine lines both in pencil and in ink. mce not readily obtained, and only a few
they are washable, they can be us dover brands of pencil are sa tisfactory for map
again. nfortuna tely, they a re not per- work.
fect ly shapeproof. P ncils are made in various grades of
Drawing papn mounted 011 muslin is used for hardness, ranging from 9H (the hardest) to
country, town, and other manuscript maps HB (medium) and 6B (the softest). The
that have a permanent valu . Mounting paper determines which grad of hardness
drawing paper on cloth does not m ake it to use. mootb pa per requires a softer
sha peproof. pencil ; on smooth-finish Bristol board an
Tra12Jparento, tratzslux, and similar oily HB should be used for sketching, and a 2H
liquids make paper somewhat transparent. or 4H for fine drawing. On vellum pencil"
They can be used for making direct blue- at least two grad s hard er are used. A
prints from drawings that wer prepared on softer pencil than lIB is rarely used in map
drawing paper instead of on v Hum or work. An equipment of HB, 2H, 4H, and
tra ing cloth. They are appli d only when 6H is ampl , and in this group the .harder
the drawing is completed. p ncils will outlast th softer.
Bluepn:n.t papers are used when only a ~ w Some map makers prefer metal-encased
copies of a m ap ar desired , in which case me hanical pencils with lead fill s, as they
the drawing is pr par d on transparent do not req uire a kni~ for sharpening.
paper, vellum, cloth, or e lluloid . The draw- pe ial thin leads are often u cd in me-
ing is put into a frame in contact with a chanical pencils, but even the thinnest lead
sensilized paper and xposed to sunlight for must constantly be sharpened.
4 or 5 minutes. A negative imprint i thereby Sharpenin g is don with a knife, a fine
obtained, usually on blue pap r . This is sandpaper or a steel file' the file is pref-
fixed and wash d , and thus made perm a- erabl . Mechanical sharpeners are con'
venient, but only the b tter types make restricted and will not easi ly make contact
points long and sharp enough for map work. with the pap r. For this reason the pen has
Colored wax crayons are used in the layout to be kept very clean. Every few minutes it
of colored maps. Light-blue crayons are should be dipped into water and wiped off
us d for ketching maps to be reproduced by wi th a pie e of rag or chamois.
the half-tone process. Blue does not photo- For heavier lines, the so-call d "ball-
graph; so blue markings will not show on point" p ns may be used, but the map
the printed map. maker does well to invest in some of the
Erasers. inee many erasers contain sand more expensive special pens, such as the
or emery, they will destroy the smooth Payzant, Le Roy, or similar products, since
surface of th drawing pap r. For this these giv a steadier and mor even line.
r ason only soft artgum and "soap" eraser Many map makcrs lik to use round writing
~hould be used to eradicate pencil lines. pens, called also "stub" p ns or " manu-
Hard erasers are used only for ink lines. If script" pens. Lettering with a stub pen is
only a small part of th inked drawing has fast and distinctive. For very small lettering,
to be eras d, an erasing shield is used- a the tip of a No. 290 illott pen may be
thin steel plate containing various-sized chopped off. For very heavy lettering in the
hoie . A kneaded raser that is molded in same style, the Esterbrook Drawlet and
th hand to form a sharp point is very similar pens can be used. For fine work,
useful. engineers like to use a v ry small p n, called
Pens. The most commonly us d pens are "crow-quill,' which does not require the
the Gillott Nos. 290 (soft) , 291 (hard) , 303, use of an ink retainer. It is hard r than the
and 404. For superfine lines the Gillott No. 290 Gillott.
No. 1,000 may be used, but its us is not Lettering devices are not further discussed
recommended for drawings that will be here, since their merits and disadvantages
further reduced by engraving. A good pen- were explained in the previous chapter.
holder in which the pen fits firmly is essen- India Ink. India ink i still sold in China
tial. For longer sustained and more even and Japan in the form of small cakes from
flow of ink, the pen supplied with an ink which th ink is rubbed into a small cup and
retainer is best. This is a small, narrow strip diluted with water. This ink in older times
of metal that can be cut out from an ordi- came to us from India- hence the name.
nary tin can; it should be about nr inch As sold today, it is already dissolved. It
wid and et in the penholder so that its tip consists of very fine carbon particles (lamp-
almost, but not quite, touches the pen. black) suspended in a liquid composed of
Ev n better is a piece of thin copper wire various ingredients. This liquid has the same
about 1 inch long, hammered flat on both specific gravity as the carbon, and thus the
ends. When cleaning the pen, the ink carbon does not settle. India ink is deep
retainer is pushed sideways (s e Fig. 124). black, has xcell nt photographic qualities,
Each pen should hav its own penholder and, when dry, is waterproof. It dries
and should be kept conveniently in a glass quick1y- a littl too quickly for fine map
tumbl r in the bottom of which is a silk rag work.
for absorbing the superfluous ink. When not in use, ink bottles should be
Ink is supplied to a pen point through the kept closed. Jt is practical to buy a large
slit in its center. If this is clog ed by minut bottle of India ink and from it to half fill a
particles of carbon, the flow of ink will b small bottle, which can b washed out and
refilled ev ry few weeks. This is better than be one section, and the small seas a.nd
adding water, which spoils the ink. embayments other sections. Each is painted
Several brands of waterproof colored inks separately, and a white line is left between
arc on the market, to be used for colored adjacent sections, which can be filled in
map. Most of them have the tendency to later with a half-dried brush. This is much
coagulate in a short tim. pedal heavy b tter than to ov rIap the paint. Parallels
opaqu waterproof inks arc available for and m ridians will often help to divide the
work to be blueprinted. map into convenient sections. The brush
Reproduction White. Unnecessary ink lines should always be well filled, so that the
can be removed by (1) painting them over paint will flow fr ely, and the progressing
with whit ; (2) scratching them out with a front of the paint should never be allowed
razor blade; or (3) erasing them with an ink
eras r. The first method, applied with a fine
sabl brush, is the fastest. Reproduction
white has the quality of preventing photo-
graphic r production even in a thin lay r,
semitransparent to the eye. It is important
to cover nothing but the black area with the
paint. ince waterproof inks r pel water, the Fig. 133 Painting maps with transparent wilt~r
colors. (1) Mix enough paints. (2) Fix drawing on
wet paint easily runs off the black line if inclined board. (3) Divide drawing in sections and
the adjacent paper surface is made wet. decide dir ction of painting. (4) Clean drawing
Water Colors. Map makers use water thoroughly. (5) Always paint downhill. (6) Carry a
colors chiefly to cov r a surface with an even "wet front. " (7) Don't change inclination of board
tint. Ordinary water colors that come in before paint is dry. (8) Pick up cxtra paint with
tubes or cakes, or th Japane e water colors,
are mad for artist for a different purpose. to dry during the work. The paper cannot
Since th y ontain much glue, they stick be turned until the paint has dried because
w 11 to their place and do not spread. For it may flow back. It is not advisable to wet
ven tints, ordinary powdered aniline dyes the ur[ace beforehand, because this will
may be used. Th se can be dissolved and cause the paper to well and the paint will
kept in small bott! s, always ready in run unevenly. peed, combined with pre-
standard hues. cision, is essential for an even coloring. It is
Brushes. Map makers use fine sable brushes very difficult to correct faulty, uneven
[or painting. A No.2 sable brush is good for painting. Dark place can be lightened with
painting with India ink and reproduction an eraser; too light spots can be dubbed
white; and ither No.6 or No.8 is good for with a half-dry brush. .
oloring large surfa es. It is important to Fasteners. The map maker fastens hi
cl an the brushes aft rue, for some colors paper when making borders or when con-
corrode their fine hairs. structing a projection, but most of the time
For painting a surface the map should b his map will lie 100 on the table. For
Slightly tilted and the work should proc d fastening, he uses thumbtacks, or dry-
downward. Befor beginning to paint, the sticking cotch tap , over which a ruler
surface is divided into sections, ach of rides more easily.
which can b painted rapidly. For instance, Past~ , The best paste for temporary use is
in painting the biu s a, the open oc an can rubber cement, which is rubber dissolv d in
benzene. It comes in eith r a can or a tube; map mak r will select a set consisting of a
the latter is preferable. Thi rubber cement good compass, a divider, a compass lon-
is applied to both surfaces, and only when gator, a drop-spring bow for small circles.
they are almost dry are th y pr ssed to~ and a ruling pen.
gether. The unnecessary p as t can be Pen p ressed "!lalnsf T-squar8 Ioohard
rubbed off with the fingers or, better, with
a kneading eraser . Rubb r cem en t will not
swell or curl the paper. Unfortunately, in a
. Pen sloped owqyf"rom T -squore L
few years it disintegrates and is lia ble to
leave grease spots. H nee for permanent Pen too close to edge, ink ran under
use liquid glue, which comes in tubes, is c • • Sp US
preferable to pastes, mu cilages, an d cem ent.
T -squares and T riangles. Ordinary
maple T -squares are sufficient for map
making. Complex T -squares with rotating
• .a
InIC on outside of' blode, rem under

Pen blades not kept parallel to T-squan!


heads are rarely ne essary. A small and

a large 30° triangl and a medium- T-squore (or triangle) slipped into wet line
sized 45° triangl are suffic ient for most • i f i 1 i "'00"'" eNUl' e ,$
map work. There are on the mark t h eavy Not enoug h Ink t o f inish line
celluloid triangles about 10 inch thick,
Fig. 135 Beginners' common faults in the use of
which are more than worth their somewhat
ruling pen. (From French, "Engineering Drawing.")
higher price. A steel straightedge with inch
and centimeter divisions is an essential part A good ruling pen is vcry important. The
of a map maker 's eq uipmen t. A lar ge riglzt~ ink 1S supplied between th two blades with
angle iron is also important for sq uaring th a quill, and car e should b e taken that no ink
borders. French curves are conveni nt for sti ks on the outside. T he lines ar drawn
drawing parallels and meridians, but some with tJ e pen held ligh tly in a p rfectly
pr fer an adjustable flexible curve. v rtical position. Th two blad s should
never pr ss against each oth r, for t he ink
mu st flow easily. If the pen is pressed down,
it may clog wi lh fibers of the paper. If
contact with the paper fails, or the line
becomes thick, the pen must b e I an ed. If
sufficiently fine lines cannot b obtained,
the ruling pen should be sharpened on a fine
boning stone. A strong magnifying lens
helps in sharpening not only rulinO" pens
but also other pens and tools.
Fig. 134 Drawing instrument set. (Charles Bruning
Company, Inc.)

Drawin g-instrument Sets. Most draw~

ing-supply manufa turers r-roduce s ts of
drawing instruments, consisting of com~
passes, d ividers, and ruling p n. Th se Fi g. 136 Road pen and pivot ruling pen (con.
as or tments are sometimes very elaborate. A tour pen). (KcllIel and E.fJ'cr Company.)
Ther are a few instruments that a map Parallel rulers are used chiefly for laying
maker should add to the standard set. First out parallel lines and also for tinting with
among them is a road or double-ruling pen. closely set parallel lines. In larger offices,
This consists of two ruling pens fastened more elaborate instruments called "section
tog ther and is used to make clo parallel liners" are used for parallel ruling.
lines. This is a v ry us ful instrument, but it
requires a certain skill, for, in order to make
cquallines, the two blad s must have equal
pressure on the pap r. Th pen should be
held in a vertical position. A similar instru-
m nt, but with pencils instead of pens, is
us d for making guid lines [or lett ring.
proportional divider is u eful for copying
maps on r duced or nlarged cales. It is not Fig. 137 Section liners for parallel lining are
an in xp nsive instrument, but it will, in indispensable for roap makers. (KeuJ1el arid Esser
the Ion run, repay the purchaser. This Company.)
imtrumenl is shown in Fig. 134. In former times a large precision pantograph
A map maker often uses a beam compass for was almost symbolic of a cartographer's
circles of long radii, as for parallels in conic- office, but now, since most enlargement and
projection maps. Ready-made b am com- reduction is done photographically, the
passes can be bought up to 6 feet in length. pantograph has lost its importance. The
Protractors are used for m asuring or lay- principle of the pantograph is based on
ing out angles. They usually consist of a the rule of parallelograms and can be
metal, pap r, or c lluloid circle or half und rstood from Fig. 35. It is not advisable
cir 'le, divid d into d gre . Elaborate pro- to enlarge more than four tim s wi th a
tractors, with three arms, vernier, and pantograph, becau e the smallest irregu-
magnifying 1 ns, are us d to layout angles lariti s are magnifi d enormously.
of triangulation, but for ordinary arto- Cameras. For enlargem nt of maps a large-
graphic work, radiating line printed on siz d photographic enlargement camera can
transparent paper giv the best resuJ ts. b used. The ground glass is replaced by
, cveral wood n metal, or celluloid scales ordinary glass and covered with transparent
for m asuring distances are nee. sary: thc paper, upon which is trac d the imag of
map maker us s a triangular scal divided the well-lighted map in front of the lens.
into tenths of in h s, and one with milli- It i not difficult to rig up a camera that will
meters. It i convenient to use a strip 01: r du e inst ad of enlarg . It is ven possible
eros -s ction pap r a a scale. Paper makes to reduc or enlarge maps with the help of
loser conta t with th drawing, and ther - mirrors or prisms so that, in a darkened
for th error deriving from oblique vision is r am their image will appear conveniently
minimized. It is important, how ver, that on the drawing paper.
th length of uch a strip of cross-se tion Other IrlStruments. Ther are a number of
paper b checked on a reliabl rul r, for it other instruments that are useful to a map
may b in rror a much as -fry in h p r foot maker. A slide rule will enable him to make
I ngth. Most scale ar 12 to 18 inch s long, rapid calculation of r ductions and en-
but a good st el yardstick is useful in laying larg m nts. Fixative and an atomizer will
out larger maps. help to pre erve crayon and pencil draw~
ings. A duster made of a sea-gull or a goose good lettering while leaning over a faraway
feather will remove eraser powder and dust, corner of th drawing. He ha to 'hift his
and its other end can b sharpened and drawing around, at 1 ast while he is inking
used to fill the ruling pen. it in. No reference material or instruments,
A cutting machine, a large chest of drawers therefore, should interfere with the free
for paper and refer nee maps, and a filing movement of tlle pap r. For this r ason, a
cabinet are important additions to a map map maker's tabl is different from an
maker's equipment. architect'S, an engin er's, or a urveyor's
...., .. table. The design shown in Fig. 138 has
b en work d out by the author and found
to be serviceable. The tabl e has a frame at
the back on which to tack large reference
maps; small r ference material, books, and
atlases are on the small shelf. The drawing
paper can be fr ely mov d under the shelf
N and can hang down on the out r ide. The
.'" drawing i.nstruments are in a drawer far
enough to the side so as not to interfere
'" with the knees of the draftsman. Some map
makers will prefer to have a tray attached
to a movable arm, in which to k ep instru-
ments for immediate use. The drawing
board is the top of the table, and is made of
i-inch plywood with a precisely straight
front edge. A short T-square is used, on the
front of the table rather than on the side.
Triangles, straightedges, etc., hang on the
side of the table. Small bags filled with shot
are used to weight down th drawing so
that it will not shift too easily. A mercury
o 10'
light is fix d to the top of th frame.
For copying purpos s an 8- by 1O-inch

Fig. 138 Side view of a cartographer's drawing


Drawing Table. A map maker compiles

his materials from maps, atlases, books, fi ld
sketches, and airplane photographs. All
these references must be within his easy Fig. 139 Copying maps and drawing color
reach. For fine work and pr cise lettering overlays is b st done over the transparent
he has to sit conveniently. He cannot do table.
hole is cut in the top of the drawing table 2 sheets of two-ply trathmore board,
and is covered with thick glass, flush with smoo th finish, large size
the rest of the table. Underneath this glass 1 Xacto knife
is a lamp. A second glass und rn ath the 1 roll of transparent Scotch tape
board prevents excessive heating. The draw- 1 paper protractor
ing pap~preferably one-ply- is attach d 1 set of water colors
over the original map with cotch tape, and 1 set of colored crayons
is moved around fr ely over the glass. This 1 set of colored inks: brown, blue, red, and
is a simpler arrang ment than the large green
tracing table with a glass top and anum! r 1 block of transparent traCing l
of lamps. paper for every
1 bottle of reproduction white six students
All the foregoing instruments should be 1 roll of cross-section paper
part of th geograp hi ' drafting room of
very univ rsity. For individual students of
cartography, who do not want to go into
map making professionally, the following
equipment is sufficient for a reO"ular year's
Fig. 140 Planimeters are used for measuring areas
1 HE pencil on maps. (Eugme Diet<:gen Cornpa1!)'.)
1 2H pencil
Gillott pcn , Nos. 290, 303, and 404 If the making of topographic models is
3 penholders included in the curriculum, the laboratory
1 instrum nt s t, consisting of a compa s, a should be equipped with an electric jig saw
divider and a ruling pen with a very wide arm. (Round jigsaw blades
1 soft eras r can b bought in dental-supply stores.)
1 celluloid triangle 8 inches long Cardboards, molding plaster, plastiline,
1 wooden T -square stapling machine, boards for frames, shellac,
1 bottl of India ink oil, green soap, paints, brushes, turpentine,
1 No.4 sable brush nails, and hand tools should also be in-
2 sh ts of on -ply trathmor board, dud d. The use of these is described in
smooth finish, large siz Chap. 30.
CHAPTER 16 : Methods of Map Reproduction

Until the 1830's, maps were r produced books. A drawing submitted for line en-
by th copper-engraving process. The map graving should be don with India ink
was drawn reversed in mirror fashion on a 1t to 2 tim s the size in which the map will
polished copper plate, and lines and letter- b printed. All lin s should be solid black
ing were cut into the copper with a burin or and not closer to each other than rh inch.
groover. Printer's ink was thcn rubb d into Dots should b large ; the dot ov r the letter i
the grooves of the plate, and the surface was is often 10·t in reproduction. Care should
cleaned. The plate was press cd against be taken not to overcrase the drawing, for
damp rag papcr, and an irnpres Ton wa. th e ink may fade to such an extent that th ~
thus obtained. After about 3,000 impressions lines will not photograph.
the plate had to be reengraved. The printcd In the pro ess of photoengraving, the
lines were sharp and c1 an-cut, and the fine drawin will first be photographed to the
paper gave quality and distinction to the proper siz . The negative will then be
map. pIa ed, in the darkroom, ovcr a sensitiz d
In the nineteenth century, a number of zinc plate, and a contact print will be made
inventions, such as lithography, wax en- und er a lamp. The sensit.ized zin plat is
graving, photoengraving, and color prin t- covered with bi hromate of albumin, which
ing, simplified the work of the map makcr has the propcrty of becoming hard and
and made map less xpensivc, but the insolulle when expos d to light. The black
great increase in d mand and quantity of lines of the drawing are transparcnt on the
map production was not always accom- photographic negative. By lighting this
panied by a higher standard of quality. through an insoluble lin is made on the
For reproduction, maps may be prcpared sensitized zinc plate. The unaff cted al-
in anyone of the following ways: bumin is washcd away, the lines are
str ngthened by burning into them aeid-
1. Line
resisting resin, and the zinc plate is then
2. Line and tint
r ady for etching.
3. Half tone
Et hing consists of four or five " bites" of
4. Flat colors
nitric acid. After the plate has been etch d
5. Merged olors
d ep enough, it is clean d, squared, and
They can be reprodu ed by the following mounted on a wooden block, type high
processes: (0.9 12 inch) . The larger nonprinting por-
1. Photoengraving tions ar " routed," or further deepened '
2. Wax cngraving oth rwis they may get some ink from the
3. Lithography (offset) roller. everal proof prints ar made, and
the block is delivered to the customer.
Modern engraving is a highly diversified, Printing is usually done in anoth r establish-
complex industry; henc only a brief outline ment. A "line cut' (a very misl ading
of it can be giv n in the following pages. term), prints from rais d surfaces as does
Photoengraving. This is the most com- typ and can be printed along with th
monly used m thod for engraving small r text. Most figure. in this book are line cuts.
JTIaps, especially tho which appear 10 Instead of zinc , a copper plate can be
used, th process being the same except for applied to black surfaces. In the Zip-a-
the u of differ nt chemicals. Copper cuts tone process the lines are at the bottom of
ar much finer; the lines thereon can b the cellophane, and thus they cannot be
closer together, and can also be crosslined, removed; but their effect is more reliable,
which is not advisable on zinc, on which since the lines are in close contact with the
such lines easily clog. The cost of copper paper.
engraving is about twice that of zinc.
If a large number of prints is required,
the printing is not done from the original
plate but from electroplated copies, or
Tints. It is often essential on maps that
certain areas be covered by ven shadings or
tints. In line engraving only black (or any
full color such as red or blue) lines and dots
can b printed. The illusion of gray tints is
cr ated by closely set lines and dots.
1. Hand-drawn Tints. Tints consisting of
closely set dots can be drawn by hand on the
original drawing. They can be made in
regular rows, but, since this requires great
care and accuracy, it is better to place the
dots irregularly though in even density. This
"regularity in irregularity" will give a more
even impression. Fig. 141 Mechanical patterns are
used on maps for differentiating type
Parallel line tints can be best applied with
areas. (Para- Tone Company.)
an instrum nt all d a " etion ruler" or
"parallel ruler,' a standard pi e in a map 3. Ben Day Process oj Tinting. In this
maker's office. It is possibl to make them process the tints are applied to the opper
with a T-square, but this demands areful or zinc printing plate by a trained operator,
attention. Crosslining should be us d with before th plate is etched. A specially
caution; a too close network may clog in prepar d tint sheet is placed over the
printing unle s it is reproduced in copper. printing plate and acid-resisting ink is
2. Cellophane Tints. By a more modern pushed through it with a small roller. To
method a cellophane sheet, with tints keep the tints exactly within their l~mi ts, the
already printed ther on, can be pa ted on area is outlined on the plate with a yellow
the map. Various such cellophane tints protecting paint called "gamboge." This
ar available (Craftint, Burgess, tc.). The is then washed off with water, which will not
tints ar on top of the sheet and are re- r mov the ink. After etching, th ink lines
movable; wher they are not need d they or dots will tand out and print in the same
may b · easily . raped off. It should be borne way as the oth r lines.
in mind, however, that th tints will be In pr paring a drawing for the Ben Day
r educ d photo raphically and will appear pro e s, all the cartograph r has to do is to
much finer on the print d map. , pecial place a transparent paper or tissue overlay
cellophane sheets with white lines can be on th drawing and outline thereon the
areas to be tinted, indicating th number of cuts. The reproduction of half tones is
the tint from his Ben Day book of patterns. possible only if the gray surfaces, or half
If the tints con ist of parallel lines, the tones, are broken up into minute black dots,
direction in which these lines should run so that the larger the dots, the blacker the
must al 0 b indicated. appearance of the surface. This is ac-
The map maker has to keep in mind that complished by photographing th pictur
the Ben Day proce s is not done on the through a screen. This scr en consists of
original drawing but on the plate it elf, two pieces of glass, into each of which fine
which is aIr ady redu d to publication parallel lines are grooved. The two glas es
siz , so that the tints appear the sam as in are cemented together crosswise. The screen
the tint book. It is regrettable that the tint is placed in the camera in front of the nega-
book is printed on highly coated paper, so tive plate. If the picture is photograph d
that the tints app ar finer than on the usual through this screen, the light r flected by
pap rs used in books. Because of this, un- the picture will b broken up into minute
pleasant surpris s are not uncommon. rays ; the lighter parts will affect the photo-
There is no difficul ty in applying several graphic plate mor than the darker ones.
Ben Day patt rn to the same map ; they Such screens vary from 60 to 175 lines to the
can even be printed over each other. How- inch; the usual one is 120. Finer screens
ever, in that cas th y must be reproduced require more smoothly finished paper.
in copper. Thc skilled operator can vary Mter a negative has b en obtained
the darkness of the tint by slightly shifting through the screen, it go s through a process
one end of th heet with a micrometer identical with that of a copper lin cut.
screw and rolling it over again with ink. By Zinc is used only with very oarse screens.
a mor compl x process he can also make a The appearance of a half-tone print is
negative of each tint. somewhat duller than the original. Th
The B n Day process is expensive. Even high lights of the original appear light gray,
a small amount of Ben Day work may showing the "screen effect. ' Ther is no
double the pri e of the plate. The so-called clear white on a half-tone print, unless
Ben Day " half-tone" tints, however, are tooled out in finishing . Th best idea of
well justifi d . They consist of about 100 what a half-tone print will look like an be
dot per inch (10,000 dots per square inch) obtain d by viewing th original drawing
and give th effe t of an even, light gray through a transparent tracing paper. Fine
which cannot be attain d by other methods. black lettering will also appear dull r in a
4. Single- and Double-tone Sheets (Craftint). half tone, and the edges of th lines will be
The are sheets of drawing paper upon somewhat fuzzy on account of the cr n.
which the dots are printed with invisible For all these reasons, half ton ar rarely
ink. Th map is drawn on thes sheets as on used for maps except for plasti shading.
ordinary paper, and a d veloper appli d Figures 1 and 15 are repr duc d in half
with a brush will bring out the d ts in tone.
black wh r v r desired. Doubl' ton has Ross Board. Ro's board is a paper with
two shad s brou 'ht Ollt by two d v lopeI'. an enam led surfa e that has tiny rais d
Half-tone Process. photo ngraved emin n es. If drawing is don on Ross
plate prints black and it cannot print Tay. board with a crayon, only th tops of the
onsequ ntly, photographs and wa h draw- emin nces will b dark ned- mor or 1 s ,
ings cannot be r produced by dir ct lin according to the pressure of the hand- and
the surface will b dis oived automatically
into tiny dots. From this the engraver can
mak an ordinary copper cut and the effect
of a half tone i thus obtained without th
appli ation of a half-tone ser en. Sine
there is no s ' re n, the white 'urfaces r 'main
white. Unlik' half tones, the printed pie-
tur s will appear more strongly contrasted
and darker than the original.
Ross board is us d for map that show
relief in plastic shading or for maps in the Fig. 142 Line cut of a map drawn with ink and
morphographic method. L ttering, rivers, black crayon on stippled (Ross) board.
boundaries, etc., can be inked on Ross Flat Colors. Many maps are reproduced
board and will appear strong and clean-cut in fiat colors; i.e., various colors may be
in the reproduction. printed over each oth r, but there is no
Th preparatory sketching of a map on gradation in tone and strength within th
Ross board has to be done wi th a bJ ue same color. Maps are pr pared for fiat-color
p n il; and opying has to be done with printing by arious methods:
blue tracing paper, because even the faintest 1. A separate drawing is made in black
black sketching lines may photograph. A ink for each color. Each drawing is engraved
Ross-board drawing cannot be much re- separately, and th yare printed over each
duced unless a very coarse pattern is chosen. other. The drawings are usually made on
A great advantage of Ross board is that it vellum because it does not chang its shap
can b used fully as well as scratchboard; and size with humidity. All drawings have
white lines can b cut into a blackened to be on th same kind of pap r. Each draw-
surface with the greatest of case. In skillful ing must have regist r marks for perfect
hands Ross board is a promising medium overprint. The correlation of colors is
for black-and-white maps. Its gr atest usually done over a glass table lighted from
disadvantage is that the enamel clogs the below.
p n. 2. If the artist wishes to see th final
Surp rint Half T ones. This proc 5S is effect and wants to ensure perfect registra-
us d to avoid the fuzzy edges of black lines tion, only one drawing is made in all the
in ordinary half-tone prints. Two drawings colors of the final map. From this th
ar made, one (a k y plate) containing all photographer mak s as many so-called
line work, the other showing mountains and "silver prints" as there are colors present.
other half tones in wash or crayon. The On each silver print the lines ' that are
engraver will make an ordinary negative desired in anyone color ar drawn over with
of the line work, and a half-tone negative waterproof India ink. The sHv r print is
of the other and then will make a contact then bleached out with an acid solution of
print of ach on the same sensitized copper potas ium bichromate until only the inked
plate. The plate will be etched in the usual lines remain.
way, and the r ulting print will have clear- 3. As it is not pleasant to work over
cut black lines and solid black surfac s over photographic paper, so-called "light-blue
the half tones, but th high lights will b pulls" are printed from the original drawing
cov r d by a light-gray cr en effect. on nonphotographi biu for each color.
One of these pulls is inked in for each color. tone negatives, from each of which a copp r
Both silver prints and blue pulls are usually plate i made. Then each plate is printed in
on larger scale than the publication size. its own color, and a faithful reproduction
The original drawing can be made with a of the original color is obtained, but b ecause
sharp pencil and colored crayons. of the half-tone-screen effect the print will
4. As many negatives are made in be less brilliant than the original. To darken
publication size from the drawing as there it, it is customary to add a fourth, black,
are colors, and on each negative all the plate to the reproduction made through a
lines (appearing transparent) are made yellow screen. In preparation of paint-
opaque except those of one color. The ings for three-color-proces reproduction, it
original drawing must be completely inked, should be kept in mind that even with an
and no colors other than black, red, brown, orange (minus blue) filter blues photograph
and olive green can be used. very poorly ; therefore, in order to obtain
5. If only pure red, green, purple, and the right result, this color must be mad
yellow colors are used on the original, the darker than finally desired.
photographer can use fil ters that block out Lithography. In 1796 Alois Senefelder
all colors but one, and the negative thus discovered that a c rtain dense limestone
obtained can be used directly by the en- of Kelheim, Bavaria, had an unusual
graver. It is not necessary for the colors to property. If lines were drawn upon this
be the same as those in which the map is stone wi th a greasy ink or crayon and the
later printed. stone soaked in water and then rolled over
In all flat-color maps it is advisable to with a greasy printing ink, the ink would
have a key plate, usually the black plate, adhere to the lines only and it would be
which contains the border and all the im- rep II d by the bare, wet ston . Coating the
portant line. This h Ips to line up the tints stan with gum arabic greatly improv d the
in all other colors. Often all th line work pro ess. The stone was then pressed against
of the map is printed in black only. The paper, and an impression was made. The
other colors are used for altitude tints or to process can be repeated s veral thousand
differentiate between s a and land or be- times. In rec nt years it was found that,
tween various countries. instead of expensive, heavy lithographic
Three-color Process. In most paintings stone, a finely kerneled zinc or aluminum
all hues and gradations of colors are used plate could b used in the same way, with
and they ar usually reproduced by the the further advantage that a speedy rotary
three-color process. Maps have often been press could be used instead of the flat
made by this method in recent years. This lithographic press.
process is based on the fact that all pigments F w maps are drawn directly on stone,
can be mixed from red, blue, and yellow. since this would require working in publica-
Three negatives are made of the painting: tion size and in mirrorlike rev rse. Usually,
through a purple, through a green, and an ordinary drawing is made on paper in
through an orange filter. A half-tone creen larger size and then photograph d. The
is used with each filter. The purple filter negative is pIa d over a paper sensitized
lets through all colors but yellow, and thus with bichromate of gelatin, and a contact
records all yellows in negative; the green print is made in the same way as in photo-
filter records the reds; and the orange engraving. The paper is then soaked and
filter, the blues. Thus, we have three half- rolled over with greasy ink, which will
adh re to the lines only. Th greasy lines tion will occur more often in the preparation
are transferred to a lithographic stone or of the individual color plates than in the
zinc plate, which is welled, rolled with ink, prin ting proce s.
and printed. Tinting, half-tone work, and Corrections on an off': et plate ar difficult
color printing are done in much the same and expensive and often a new plate is
way in lithography as in photoengraving. advisable. Careful work is done on the
A impler form of lithography, where negative by touching up the imperfections
the zinc plate itself is sensitized and a with opaque ink and cutting the lines with
direct ontaet print is made from th sharp needles.
negativ , is called ' pianography." A plano-
graphic plate is similar to an unetched plate
in photoengraving.
O.f!set Printing. In this process the cylinder
with the zinc plate prints first on an inter-
mediat cylinder of rubber; then the rubber
prints on the paper. This makes it possible
to use a coarser and more absorbent paper
upon whieh the lines appear very fine. The
drawing on the zinc plate is straight and
not mirrorlik . It r verses on the rubber
cylinder and it appears straight again on
the paper.
Modern off.~et printing has come a long
way from the original lithographi pro ess. Fig. 143 Offset printing pre 'ses Can print the finest
The kernellcd zinc and aluminum plates lines fast and economically. The printing is carried
over to the impression cylinder by a rubber blanket.
can be madc an enormous siz some
(Courtesy oj L Nitcd Slates Am!}'.)
off: et presses are 6 or 7 fe t wide. Automatic
suck r-blowers deiiv r the paper to the Almost all maps that are not printed ·in
rollers. Dozens of vibrating ink drum books are now r produced by off's t. The
deliver the p rfe tly venly distributcd, thin lines are finer and y t th process is much
layers of ink to the plate cylinder and the cheaper than photoengraving, and the
dampcning is arranged with equal fineness rotary press allows incredible speed.
by sets of rollers. The rubber or "blank t" Contrary to the custom in photoengrav-
cylinder contacts the plate cylinder with ing, th lithographer does the printing job
such precision that there is no widening of himself. He s ts the price for the whole job
the fin st line, after t ns of thousands of and does not deliver the stone or the zinc
impr ssions. The pap r cylinder delivers plate to the custom r , since there may be
the print d map to a chain deIiv ry and dry- several other jobs on the same plate. Cor-
ing system. In some pres es th print is dried rections in lithography are SOm what diffi-
so fast that a sand oJor is printed in the cult to make. It is easy to add th reto, but
same operation. A single plat can dcliv r for r moval of parts the ston rou t be
50,000 impressions or cv n mar in a few shaved off as d p a the greas p n trat d.
hours. The large sh ets are deliv red with Wax Engraving. This is a special
such exactn ss that color ov rprints will American pro ess introduced in 1841 by
register with p rf ct precision. Disregistra- Sydney Edwards Mors . Th principle of
wax ngraving is very ing nious. Upon a geographer; he is, rather, a highly sp cial-
highly polished copper plate a thin layer of ized and very conservative craftsman.
wax is spread. Into this wax the lines ar Wax-engraved maps of today look exactly
cut with a stylus, clear down to the copper like those made a hundred y ars ago-
plate, care being tak n not to injure the mechanically p rfect but uninspiring. The
copper itself. The wax is then powd red over method, however, has pos ibilities in more
progre sive hands.
_ wooaen block
Wax engraving is a somewhat more
expensive pro s than the other two. In
preparing a map for wax engraving, it is
sufficient to submit sketches in pencil and
to leave the rest to the engrav r. Half-tone
or three-color-proce s work is not done in
removed offer electroplating
Fig.144 Wax engraving. Other processes, su h as photogelatin
with fine graphite so as to make it ele - (rotogravur ), " deep-set" printing, etc., are
tricaUy conductive, and the whole plate is also used for r producing maps, but the
submerged in an electTolytic bath which average cartographer rar ly has an oppor-
deposits a layer of copp r on the wax. This tuni ty to use them.
copper layer is lifted out of the wax and, Duplicator Processes. In th se processes
after strengthening and mounting, presents a drawing is reproduced in the same size
a good printing plate which prints from without photography in a limited number
raised surfaces as do type or photoengraved of copies. These processes are more us ful
plates. to th engineer, architect, and surveyor
The great advantage of wax engraving than to a cartographer; yet their knowledge
is the ease with which lettering can be set is not only helpful but may open up new
up in type and stamped ioto th wax. Tints possibilities. Hundr ds of patents ar issued
can also b easily cut into the wax by a [or th various pr es s; only the most
ruling machine. For this r asoo wax- important ones ar mentioned here.
engraved maps have a tendency toward 1. Hectograph. The map is prepared with
being overletter d and have a rather writing ink or better with aniline dye and
mechanical appearance (see Fig. 32). The laid upon a moist ned g latin sheet. The
typical American commercial maps are g latin absorbs some of th ink and it yields
wax-engraved in flat colors, and th differ- a few doz n opi s before it w ar out.
ent political units are shown in all the colors Typewri ttcn sheets and carbon copies can
of the rainbow, although such maps rarely also b rep rod u ed.
have more than four printings. The color 2. Blueprinting. 0 construction work was
are obtained by overprinting ruled tints of imaginabl some years ago without quan-
red, blue, yellow, and black. tities of blueprints; at pr s nt, however, it
One drawback of wax engraving is that is largely r plac d by black-and-white
the drawing mu t be done in the engraver's processes. Th drawing or map is prepared
office. Even when a p rfe t drawing is sub- on tracing cloth or paper and laid over
mitted, it must b photographed on a blueprint paper in a special frame. The
sensitized wax plate and cut into the wax blueprint pap r is coated with light-sensi-
by the engrav' r. Th engraver is rarely a tive iron salts. Und r xposur to a lamp or
sunlight the iron salt decompos s and turns by a special developer, but n ed not be
blue if wett d. No change takes plac under washed, and therefor it does not distort so
the shadow of lines on the drawing, and much as a blue or sepia print.
thus the lines remain white. Blu prints from 5. The Ozalid process is similar to the B
a negative of a map are often used as "blue and W proc ss but the d veJoping is done
pulls" for color separation. dry with ammonia fumc\'i.
3. Sepia prints (Vandyke process) ar similar 6. Mimeograph. Thc map is pr pared by
to blueprints but a silver-iron-gelatin com- drawing with a stylus upon a wax-coated
pound is used, a sensitizer which produces fibrous stencil. This is plac d over an ink
a clean, sharp, dark-brown negative print drum and the ink filters through where the
which in turn can be used to obtain positive stylus cut the wax away. v ral hundred
prints. The prints are often used to obtain impr ssions can be made on absorbent
"proofs" from maps, which will stay for a mimeograph paper.
short time without developing and fixing. 7. Lithomat (Photomat) prints are pro-
For permanent use they have to be devel- duced on paper having lithographic quality
oped by water and fixed with a weak hypo. -repelling printing ink where wet. Not
4. Black-and-white (B and 1117) Prints. The only do the w t surfaces- th whites be-
B and W paper is sensitized with a diazo tween the black lines- rep 1 the ink but
compound which will b bleached und r they also swell up, and the lines in between
light but which will form a dark lin under appear deeper and hold the ink as in
the shadow of th lines of the map on "deep-set" Ii thography. Half tones can also
tracing cloth or paper. It has to be dampened be duplicated by the " photomat" process.

Special Cartography

Th purpos of cartography is to collect data and measurements of the arth's featur sand
to represent th m on such reduced scale thal their pattern is discernible. This part of th
uook, howev r, deals with methods of making those m asurements and surveys. Obviously
th content of this part is not part of the body of cartography. It is presented here only
because a cartographer needs to know a great deal about surveying methods if for no oth r
reason than to und rstand their limitations. A professional cartographer's education is not
complet without a r gular cours in surveying and geodesy. Th subj ct as it is treated
here r pres nts the minimum amount of knowledge that a geographer should have. Outdoor
surveying ex rcis s will help him gr atly to conn ct mentally th map with th country
repres nted. To stablish this connection is one of the fundamentals of a cartographer's

CHAPTER 17: Surveying

Every point on the earth's surface can be and the nautical mile. These roeasur ments
related to any other part if its distance and have now b en standardized, and the
direction is measur d. The cone pt of di s- American surveyor uses the mile of 5280
tance and direction is a simple one in th feet, and thinks in t nths of fe t instead of
case of areas which are so small that they inches. Older surveying records use also the
can be regarded as plane. The problem furlong (length of a furrow) of 660 feet, .
will be much more complicated in larger the chain of 66 feet, the rod of 16t feet, and
areas wh re the curvature of the earth has the yard of 3 feet. The non-English world
to be taken into consideration. Measure- uses the meter as a unit of 39.37 inches (s\~e
ments of distance and direc tion on a plane Table A . 7, Appendix 3).
are called "plane surveying," in contrast The crud t m thod of measuring dis-
to "geodetic surveying," which takes in tance is pacing. This i used only in rough
account the earth's curvature. traverses; yet for short di tances .b twe n
Distan<le. When th surveyor speaks of controlled points it i often remarkably
distance, h means distance along a hori- accurat. Of coursc the strides of p rsom.
zontal surface, b cause it will b thi ar very differ nt and data have valu only
distan that will b r cord d on maps. when th p I' on's strid is known. This is
For measuring distan es various units usually m asured along a 100-foot tap .
were us d. om am originaJly from the the ratio being known the st ps can be
dimensions of th human body, as yard, convert d into f, t. Pa ing should b
and foot; some from pacing as paces and uniform and at normal sp ed; it i a mistak
miles (mille passuum); om others from to a sum orne unnaturally long tep for
th dimensions of the earth, as the metcr pacing. Paces can be counted very two or
four steps (four steps being not far from stadia method. We look upon a vertically held
10 feet). A pedom ter can be used if dis- graduated rod through a telescop that has
tances are great. tep ar slightly longer two horizontal cross hairs. The farther the
downhill and short r uphill. Th r is an rod is, the larger portion of it is visible be-
ev n larger difference between road, gra s, tween the cross hairs. From Fig. 145,
or bush. D:S =J:i. Instruments are usually made
so thatJ:i = 100; thus D = 100S. The rod
is graduated in To-foot divisions and each
of these means 10 [e t in distance. The
measurement gets more complicated if it is
on slope, but tables, nomographs, and
- -,_ -- -- - sp cial slide rules are availabl for quick cal-
culation of vertical and horizontal distances.
Sound travels in air about 760 feet per
s cond, while light travels 0 fast that it can
be seen instantly over any practical dis-
tance. The difference between the light and
ab", S.c.oSI)(. sound of a flare will give the distance wi th
1D,.. 100 S.eos ex. -' good accuracy if wind velocity and atmos-
pheric conditions are taken in account.
Distances at sea are often m asured by the
echo of a directional radio beam, or radar, '
but more exactly by a ound signal that
releases a radio r sponse from a shor
. . " . . : Ho '" ID. cos o{c=-too S.cococ
--..K........rnI Jl station of known position (radioacoustic
V[-=lD.sinoc z oc .cos oc reckoning) .
Fig.14:5 In the stadia method distances ar observed A surveyor cannot measure every point
by reading the length of the parL of the rod's image in the landscape, and a great deal of inter-
that appears between the cross hairs. polation of rough estimates will help to
The 66-[00t chain was a standard instru- complete the map between measured points.
ment of old surveyors. Nowadays, however, Taking into consid ration the siz of trees,
a 100- or 200-foot st el tape is used mostly. houses, people, etc., an average surv yor
The old surveyor's rod was 16 feet long; can estimate his distance within 10 per cent
now 20-foot rods arc more common. Very error in a landscape of familiar pattern.
exa t measur m nts, as bases for triangula- Estimating distances should be practiced on
tion, are tak n by Jnvar steel tapes, going each field exercise.
back and forth s veral tim s. The largest Direction. Directions are usually related
error in dir ct measurements com s from to th north or to a previously established
slop . Th rod has to be horizontal, and its dir tion. The angl , reckoned clockwise
"hanging' end is located on tbe ground from the north, is caJled "azimuth." Angles
with a plumb. Tapes sag down under their are measured by a camp as , sextant,
own weight and th y have to b pull d alidad, or theodolite, or some sp cial
with a sp cified for c to measur orrectly. sighting instrument.
An obj t twic a far away looks half as Compass. The simplest instrument for
larg , and on thi principle is based the . measuring horizontal an 1 s j a sightin~
compass. A good sighting ompass can be rough surveys. Figure 147 shows how a
read to about half a d grC" , but car must sextant works.
b tak n of near-by iron or steel. Especially
elongated iron objects, such as rails fences, - 0=
tc., are dangcrous. R eading a compass is \

not casy, as it is hard to keep it motionless. '- ,


The magnet n .dl points roughly to the 0<-'
magnetic pole, whi h is in Northcrn ___ x, __ _\. movable index
anada. The variation from the true north
changes from year to year. It is now 240W
in Maine -and 28°E in S attlc. The linc of
no variation pctsscs through from Michigan
to 'outh Carolina. The amount of variation
always has to b added or subtracted
whenev r true azim uths and not mag-

Fig. 147 The sextant is used mostly on

ships for measuring the altitude of the sun
or stars. It can also be used to measure
horizontal angles.

Theodoi£te, or Transit. This is a pr ClSlon

in ' trument for r eading vertical and hori-
zontal angles, and is th most important
parl of a surveyor s equipment. Its various
adjustmcnts are not discus ed h re, and (h
stud nt is referr d to a standard text on
surveying. In reading horizontal anglcs, the
instrument is fir. t lev led with the help of
two perp ndi ular spirit levels. The tele-
s op is attached to an upper circle which
has a verni r and which rotate over a lower
cir Ie which is graduated. By lam ping the
lower circle and turning the tel scope and
with it the upp r circle in one direction
Fig. 14:6 A go d sighting compaSs can be used with and th n another, the differen e betw en
about 10 accura y. the two readings will give the angIe between
the various dir ctions.
neti azimuth ar required. This variation . Vertical angles ar read on the vertical
changes in tim ; th refor only th latest circle. Here, how ver, it is ess ntial that
data can be us d. we read from the exact horizontal, and for
Sextant. This is a seaman's instrument to this purpose a highly s n itive spirit lev 1 is
measur the altitude of the sun abov the attached firmly to the tel scop .
horizon, but it can be us d for measUl'ing Spin't Level. Th spirit level is a lass tub
horizontal angl s too. Livingston used it curved in an ar and filled aIm st full with
in Africa, and it is handy f r exploration or a mixture of ether and alcohol. Th remain-
usually has one-tenth smaller divisions
than th main scale. I t is generally attached
to the moving part, or pointer, of the instru-
ment. Its working can best be understood
from Fig. 149. We read to the last divisions
on the main scale, 52 in this case, then
observe which line on the vernier coincides

Fig. 149 Verniers are used for

exact reading of lengths and
angles. The arrow is on the mov-
ing part. (After Finch.)

with a division on the main scale, and this

Fig. 148 transit, or theodoHt, can measure
will r present the decimals, so that th
vertical and horizontal angles with great accuracy.
(Keuffel and Esser Company. ) complete reading in this case will be 52.6.
On verniers which are also used to read
ing bubble is filled with the vapor of ether. angles, as in Fig. 149, the circle is divided
If th bubbl appears in the center of the into half degrees; the vernier is divided into
axis, the level is horizontal. Tbe greater 30 parts, which are equal in length to 29
the radius of curvature of the level, the more divisions on the main scale. Thus the vernier
sensitive it will be. will give one-thirtieth of the least count of
Vernier. The vernier is an auxiliary scale the main scale, namely, 1 minute. The last
that helps to read fractions of the smallest count on the main scale is 156°, and reading
divisions of th main scale. It is us d on along the vernier it is seen that the best
precision instruments both for distances and coincidence of lines is at 17. Thus the angle
for angles. The distance-m asuring verni r is 156°17'.

Methods of urveymg
Compass T raverse. This is the simplest, of straight lines on the earth's surface, the
but by no m ans th easiest, method of lengths and bearings of which are deter-
mapping. A traverse is a connected series mined. The earliest surveys w re all trav-
erses. This was the method of th portolan column. First a sight is made with th
charts, which obtained rur tions from th compass at a point which s ems a good point
compass and distances from dead reckon- for the next station. Th compass direction
ing. The same method was employed by the is read carefully, expressed in d grees
early explorers, perhaps improving the r ckoned clockwise from magnetic north
process by counting the steps of their o to 360°, and noted down in the flrst
horses, and in modern exp ditions by column at the bottom of the page. Th
reading the speedomet r. The m thod is barometer is read and r cord d in th
inherently rude, and is us d for reconnais- second column. The dis tan e is then paced
sance only. If an expedition proceeds from in a straight line to tation B and noted
o camp to the next and keeps a compass in the right column. The whol pro ess is
traverse, it has no check on how good th repeated leg by leg until the return to the
survey was unless the location of the two starting point. Greater accuracy is obtained
camps was otherwise determined. This kind if at very station we sight both backward
is an open travers, in contrast to a cio d and forward. A compass traverse is not
travers which returns to the starting point made for its own sake but for drawing a
and in which case the results can b checked. map, and features left and right from the
Whenever it is possible, a closed traverse is route should be noted. If a lake is skirt d
mad. or a river followed, the distance of the
Compass traverses are recorded in a note- shore should be not d at each station and
book only; no map is made in the field as this should be written down on the side
there is no time for that along a marching of the notebook on which the stream is.


(QmpaSJ north..
to trult north.
7::--') of/
':9+-'$ oJ•. "
2.6j -s)" 1~8
'98-1f ot8J
U4 -IY"'Oj
J) -'Y" J8

! ~.l[


~..o "~Vl

Fig. 150 A compass traverse is for rapid reconnaissance surveys. Only notes are taken in the field; the map is
drawn later.
orne rough triangulation can also b made: lutely orrect, th last 1 g of the trav rs
if a hou 'e, hill, or any other important return to th starting point. A compass
£ atur appears n ar by, a compass r ading reading, howev r, can asily b off a degr e
to it can be made from a station and or mor , and the pacing may vary espe-
marked down on the side of the notebook cially in hilly and bushy land, and there
on which the feature is, Then another always will b an "error of closure.' If
ompas reading to it is taken from a lat r this error is too gr at, ~ r instance, largpr
station, and when the rectified traver e is than 5 or 10 per c nt of th len th of the
plotted, the feature can b locat d . Flank travers , the surv y has to be repeated. If
d tail ev n with stirnaled distances is mosl th e error is small, it may be distributed
important. Most compass trav rses fail not along the entire traverse, according to
because of bad readings but be ause be- Fig. 150. A short lin parallel to the error
ginners are so engrossed in making the of closure is drawn from ev ry station and
traverse that they forget that th y are At is pushed up to A . Next C is pushed up
supposed to make a map and not only its along the parallel line som what less, F
skeleton. still I ss, etc. How much to push up depends
A list of legs is made, and steps are trans- on the distance. The leg of the traverse
formed into f t. For this purpo e a meas- (usually reduc d to one-fourth or one-tenth)
urement is made of the 1 ngth of the steps are laid out in a straight line, and at th nd
tak n along a 100-foot tape laid out in the the error of losure is drawn on a per-
fi Id in average terrain. If, for instance, 38 pendicular. Perpendiculars from B, C, D,
steps are made in 100 feet, all recordings etc., will give proportionate lengths for the
have to b divided by 0.38 to have them in push. The idea is the sam as if the traverse
feet. A scale is prepared to layout the were laid out with a wir bent at every
distances. It is also a good idea at this stage corn r and then one f'nd were pulled lO the
to tran form magn tic readings into true other. It does not matter which cnd is
azimuths by adding or subtracting the pulled to the other. If A is pulled to AJ the
local variation. rror of closure would be laid out on th left
The preparation of the map is done at side, and th triangle would be reversed.
home or in camp. The scale is decided, and After the error of closure is liminated
a paper of sufficient size is tacked on the and th traverse laid out, th next s( p is to
board. The size and shape of the map is filJ in the detail from flank observations.
roughly visualized and tation A is put in Tit! , scale, letterin , etc., should be laid
its proper plac . A vertical lin represen ting out perp ndi ular to true north.
north is drawn with a T-square up from this In hiJly country barometric readings are
point; from this dir ction the firsl compass tak n at every station. It is advisable to
reading is laid out with a protractor. Upon take alon an aneroid barometer that indi-
tnis line th first distanc in paces is marked cates ~ et of elevation. If the exact el vation
off on the chosen scale, and there is . tation of the startin . point is known, th pointer is
B. Then a vertical line is drawn through turned to the proper altitude, but if it is
tation B with the T-square; the dir tion not known, the baromet r is left as it was
is plotted; th distance of tation C i on arrival at the place, however different
marked off; and so on until all legs of th the reading may b from yesterday's, b -
trav r e are completed. In a closed trav- caus that may give a check by which to
erse, if th m asuremen ts hav been abso- correct for weather from daily w ather
maps. It is quite possibl that th e r ading enorm0us advantage in that the map is
will b quit different at the close of the drawn in th field. It is very exciting to see
traverse than it was at the start. This is how the visible land cape is transformed
compensated in a similar mann r to that into a map, and, as the connection between
used in the case of the error of closure, as map and landscape is obvious, mistakes are
shown in Fig. 150. A profil is drawn rare.
according to the barometri readings, and Th plane table is a drawing board on a
if on returning to the starting point the tripod. A sheet of smooth paper is fixed
reading is differ nt, the end point is con- upon the board. The best typ of tripod has
nected with th starting point and a new a spherical baring by which th plane
tilted bas lin is obtained from which the table is set horizontal with the help of a
corrected altitudes can be measured off circular spirit lev J. It has two screws' when
according to the vertical scale. the upper screw is clamp d, the plane tabI
Compass traversing should be practiced can still be rotated horizontally. Wh n
by every cartographer. It gives good prac- correctly oriented, the plane table is fixed
tice in appreciation of distances and direc- rigidJy with the lower screw.
tions and also in selection of features to be Dir tion on the plane table are ob-
mapp d. The judging of distances is par- tained by sighting along a rul r called the
ticularly useful. It is advisabl to start a , alid.a de. " Although a simple rul r with two
day's field work by I tting the students vertical needl s on the two ends would do
compete in guessing distances. the job the work is accomplished faster and
Plane Tabling. TIllS is the most impor- better with a modern teles opic alidade.
tant type of field work that a cartographer This allows not only the measurement of
should be able to do. It is far more accurat distances with some accuracy, but also the
than a compass travers, and it ha an measurement of vertical angles and the

Fig. 151 Plan tabling is th standard method of filling in the detail into a n twork of triangles. The elaborate
telescopic alidade with stadia wires is a long step from the rulcr with two needles. (C. L. Berge,. & Sons.)
a complishment of ontour-lin work as Progress oj Plane Tabling. First obtain some
well. idea about th lay of th land that is to b
Distances are mea ured with the help of a surv yed by walking or riding or by study-
rod and stadia line (see Fig. 145). The rod ing the existing maps. Then select a good
is 12 to 20 fe t long and divided into f< t starting point ( tation A) from which it is
and tenths of Det (not In inche.) . As these possible to . ee far and wide. Mark the
small divisions, each corresponding to a station with a large p g, which should be
distance of 10 f et, have to be seen from visible from th other stations. Place th
great distances, they are boldly painted in tripod over it, make th plane table hori-
red, white, and black colors. First take a zontal, clamp the upp r scr w, and turn
sight on the rod and bring it into focus; the plane table 0 that the elongation of the
then with another screw focus the cross paper follows the elongation of th land,
hairs so that they are clearly visible. This and then clamp the lower screw. The plane
is done usually by placing the palm of the table is now rigidly fixed. Draw a line that
hand a few inches before the telescope indicates magnetic north. (Most telescopic
against which the cross hair stand out alidades are equipp d with a trough com-
sharply wh n in focus. Then turn the pass.) elect a seal of such size that the
telescope up or down until either the upper area to be surveyed will not run off the
or the lower stadia line is aligned with an paper. This is one rea on why it is necessary
even foot division. In wooded country it is to have a previous estimate about the lay
often pos ible to read only half of the stadia of the land. Scales range from 100 fe t to
interval, and the reading has to be doubled 2,000 feet to the inch, but beginners should
with corresponding loss of accuracy. Ob- use the largest scale possible. Visualiz
viously a 12-foot rod cannot be read for a roughly how the map will fill the paper, and
distance greater than 1,200 f, et, but in an locate Station A with a pin. Give instru -
emergency it is possible to read half-stadia tions to the rodman as to where he is to go,
intervals up to 2,400 f et; however, this and later instruct him with hand signals.
reading might be as much as 50 feet off. The rodman, however, selects the spots with
Inclined Readings. A telescopic alidade is an care for visibility and keeps the rod per-
excellent instrument to use for obtaining fectly vertical and motionless until signaled
both horizontal di tance and difference in to proceed. He carries along a number of
elevation. Indeed most of the contour-line small pegs and leaves one at each point he
work on U.S. topographic sheets was made occupies. After the alidad man has marked
on a plane table. If possible, look at the rod all the readings radiating from Station A,
so that the center cross hair is at plan -table which he car s for, he selects Station B, and
height. If the rod is looked at from any takes a careful reading to it. He signals the
other height than that of the plane table, it rodman to wait for him, and he picks up
is necessary to add or subtract the difference. the plane table and proceeds to Station B.
Most telescopic alidades are equipp d with At Station B he drives a large peg, sets the
a "Beaman arc" with which HD and DE plane table horizontal, clamps upper mo-
can be obtained easily. The rod reading tion, pricks the pin in Station B, and places
(not multiplied by 100, but in feet and the alidade on the line conn cting Station
tenths of feet) is multiplied by the numbers A and Station B; he then turns th plane
indicated by the pointer in order to obtain table until he has a backsight on the peg
DE and the amount to subtract from ID. at Station A. The plane table is now
"oriented," and the lower screw can be section of two rays from two stations, a
clamped. Then the rodman is sent to a new form of rough triangulation. A the distance
circuit, and the whole process is repeated. b tween plane-table stations i of the
It is an excellent habit to make a rough greatest importance, it should be read in
compass traverse of the region first and to both directions if possible. It is advisable to
select the likely spots for plane-table sight from every station to a conspicuous
stations. point within the sheet in order to be able to
While the rodman proceeds from point to check on major errors. It is also advisable to
point, the alidad man is busy sketching check occasionally on the magnetic north.
details b tween points. For instance, the If th re is a discrepancy, it should be noted
rodman stops at only on corner of a house ; for reference, but the orientation of the
the other corners are drawn in by sighting plane table should not be changed on this
them through the telescope, but no distance ac ount. The discrepancy may b due to
reading has to be taken. Water courses local magnetic disturbance. It is possible to
also are drawn from relatively few points. sight with the aIidade within a few minutes
Descriptions of points in extremely small of accuracy, while the compass reading can
handwriting with a well-sharpened pencil be 1-0 off. Field work is not complete with-
ar most useful. Some surveyors have such out obtaining all local information for
small handwriting that it has to bread plac names, etc.
with a magnifying glass. Others use note- The above description of plane tabling
books for the sam purpose and r~fer to will fill th needs of a geograph r and
locations with a number. studen t; professional surveyors use more
Contour lines also are drawn in the field. accurate m thods, more complet re ord-
Readings of HD and DE are taken at ing, and more pr cise cont.rol for the loca-
hilltops, shoulders, rims, and every point t.ion of the ar a.

~ o F
Fig. 152 In triangulation only a few lellgths are measured ; all other points are fixed by reading angles.

at which the topography breaks. On 10n3" Triangulation. The principles oftriangu-

and even slopes it is sufficient to draw in lation were laid down as early as 1524 by
every fifth contour line, but in ru ged emma Frisius, and the underlying geom-
terrain ev ry lin has to b com pI t d in th etry dates back to the ancients; yet the first
fi ld. A trained plane-tabler will soon practical application of the method as far
develop a keen sense of ontouring with as we know was by Willem Janszoon Blaeu
r latively few points actually measur d , but about 1610. The triangulation of France
beginners will have considerable trouble, under esar Francyois Cassini wa described
especially in forest ar as wher 60-foot in Chap. III. his was th first large-scale
trees easily conc al smaller topographic operation, and it was 'oon fo llowed by most
featur s. Deciduous forest areas ar best Europ an state. At present less than one-
surveyed in th spring. half of the world's land ar a has b en
Many points will be obtained by inter- triangulated.
Ev ry point on th earth's surface can be angles the sum of th three angles will
fixed by its direction and distanc from a exceed 180°. Th Y have to b reduced to
known p0int. If the point is within yesight their plane for computing distances by
its direction can be read within a few deducting the "spherical xcess" for each
minutes with a transit with the greatest (abrn sin 'Y, where a and b are the lengths
accuracy; to mea ur its distance, however, of two sides, 'Y the angle betw n, and m a
may take days and require a larg party and constant d pending on latitude). This first
great expen e, and produce doubtful ac- set of large triangles is called first-order
curacy. No wonder the surveyor reads a triangulation. The points so determined ,
dozen angles rather than measure distances. however, are too far apart for detailed
In the m thod of triangulation only one mapping and require a second-order tri-
distance is measured very accurat ly, and angulation, which establish s points in
upon this "ba e' ar built perhaps dozens betw 'cn and on the sides. The two high r
of triangles. The base is normally m asured orders of triangulation are made by the
along a long, straight bea h, railway, or u.. oast and Geodetic Survey. Third-
road, and it may be 5 to 15 miles long. From order triangulation establishes points even
the two end point of the base line, A and closer, and fourth-order triangulation is
usually don with plane table and stadia.
This work is usually done by the U. .
Geological urvey or local agenci s. While
a first-order triangulation must be accurate
to 1 unit in 25,000, the tolerance of rror
of second order is 1: 10,000 and third order
1: 5,000.
The general order of progress in triangu-
lation is the following:
Reconnaissance for the best 10 ation of
bases and stations. Bases are measured on
beaches or along railways or highways;
stations are selected along high intervisible
Base Measurement. Supports are erected or
pol s are driven along a selected line, and a
100- or 200-foot Invar tape is stretched
Fig. 153 In triangulation towers, the under pecified tension. The measur ment
theodolite and itS observer are on two is repeated back and forth until there is no
separate structures.
undue discrepancy.
B, the dir ction of some distant points, Erection oj Towers. Th Bilby steel tower
C and D, are read perhaps doz ns of miles us d by the U. . Coast and G odeti
away. As a side and two angles solve a urv y onsists of an inner tripod supporting
triangle, the location of C and Dean b the th odolite, whi h is not tou hed by the
drawn. From C and D the location of E, F, outer tripod holding the observer, recorder.
C, etc., can be fix d by measuring angles and light ke pcr. Maximum height of the
only, without any measurement of distances. tower is 130 feet, and it can b rect d in
Obviously in th se large, sph rical tri- 5 hours. As the triangulation party pro-
gre es, the rear towers ar taken down, correspond to the angles, and the arc has
carried ahead on trucks, and reerected. to b made consistent with intermediate
Measurement of Angles with the Theodolite. bases and Lapla e stations.
This is done with gr at accuracy. Main The latitude and longitude of each station
angles are read in first-order triangulation has to b computed together with the length
to 1.5 second, second-order to 3 s conds, and and azimuth of each leg of the triangle.
third-order to 6 se onds. Th first- and Before this calculation can b made a
s cond-ord r observations are usually made standard shape of the earth has to be
at night because there is less atmospheric formulated. The U .. Coast and Geodetic
refraction. In addition to the readings urvey uses the Clark spheroid of 1866,
taken at the prin ipal stations, a number of which has simpler quations than the
"int rs ction readings arc usually made International Ellipsoid (based on Hayford,
during th day to points that ar not 1909) accepted by the 1924 meting of the
occupied by an observ r. Ea h point has International Geodetic Association.
to be observed [rom three main stations in
Clarke spheroid of 1866:
order to have a 'heck on them.
COT/trol Base M easuremmt. As the length equator radius, 6,378,206 meters
of the triangulation net progresses, the polar radius 6,356,584 met r
accuracy, called the "strength of figure," flattening, zh
diminish ., and a a certain specified weak- International (Hayford) sph roid:
n s is r aeh d a con trol bas has to be
equator radius, 6,378,388 meters
measured. To heck triangulation results
after 8 to 10 quadrilaterals, field observa- polar radius, 6,356,912 met rs
tions of latitude and longitude are taken. flattening, -iIrr
Usually [our stars are observed, th positions For omputation of th latitude and longi-
ofwhieh will give the latitude, the meridian, tude of triangle stations, then' must be one
and th longitude. With the 60° astrolabe station whose location is standard. For the
the ob. ervation of two good stars is suffi- United ~ tates the chosen station is Meades
cient. Unfortunately astronomical observa- Ranch Kans. (Lat. 39°13'26.686"- Long.
tions are dependent on the verticality of the 98°32'30.506/1) because, being in the center
plumb line. Large mountain rna ses or of the country the error resulting from
massive geological formations may throw deflection of the vertical can be mor easily
the plumb line off, and thus th measure- eliminated. Canada and Mexico adopted
ment may be off veral seconds, in extreme the same datum, which wa called the
cases 20 to 30 seconds. However, the "North American Datum." In 1927 th
def! etion of the vertical can be d t rmined whole triangulation system of the United
by geodetic methods. tations when' this States was recalculated for better distribu-
correction has been made are call d "La- tion of errors and the new positions are
place" stations. labeled "North American Datum of 1927."
The a¢justment of data is done by spe- Mead s Ran h r tain d the sam p sition
cial equations 1 on the principl of "least in thi readj ustm nt, and in th p ripheries
squares. " The sum of angles must be made th changes in positions amounted to no
equal to 180° +
spherical excess. Th sides mor than about 100 feet, which shows the
of th triangles and quadrilaterals mu t extr m accuracy with whi h th work is
1 U.S- Coast and Geodetic Survey Spec. Pub. 138. don.
Th third aim of offic computations is to formal conic projection for base maps, and
record the locations so that they may be used stat s elongated north-south prefer a trans-
by surveyors. The tabl s of th U.S. Coa:;t verse Mercator prOJection. Some larger
and G odetic urv y contain for each states, such as Michigan, had to b divided
station its latitude, longitude, 1 ngths of all into zones. All triangulation stations are
lines of triangulation in m ters and feet, and now in the process of being recorded on
forward and backward azimuths. (The two these state coordinate systems, together with
azimuth are not exactly 1800 apart be- the grid azimuth. Back azimuth are not
cause of th convergence of th ·meridians.) given because in these rectangular systems
It is somewhat onfusing that the azimuths they are 180° from forward azimuths. For
have south as 0° and west as 90°. conversion of plane coordinates into latitud
Marking the Stations. On hilltop or near and longitude, and vice versa, tables are
road intersections, small bronz disks are pu blished by the U. . Coast and Geodetic
often found embedd d in bedrock or in urvey. The state grids facilitate the work
concr te blocks. These ar either triangula- of the local surveyor who are not accus-
tion marks or bench marks azimuth marks, tomed to make geodetic compu tations.
gravity stations, tc. Triangulation marks Within a zone 158 miles wid the error
show a small triangle in thc c nter. caused by curvature does not exceed
State Grids. inc 1932, most tat shave 1: 10,000, the tolerance of second-ord r
adopted plane coordinate systems some- surv ys. Local surveyors attach their own
thing like a military grid system. States measurem nts on th nearest triangulation
extending east-west use the Lambert con- mark and record it in feet and grid azimuths.

Altitudes are determined on exploratory lation or "horizontal control." Horizontal
surveys with an aneroid, on plane-table and vertical control surveys ar usually
surveys with an alidade, in triangulation independent of each other. Triangulation
with a theodolite, but for really precise prefers mountaintops as stations, while
leveling a special instrument, the spirit precise leveling follows railroads and roads,
level, is u ed. Precis leveling i called which for the most part follow the valleys.
"vertical ontrol" survey, and its impor- According to accuracy we differentiate
tance isjust slightly less than that oftriangu- between first-order, second-order, and third-
order leveling.
The leveling ' instrument is a telescope
connected with an extremely sensitive level
bubble. In the engineer's level, it rides on
the top of the tel scope and is called a
"Y level." In th instrum nt used for first-
order I v ling (such as the Fisher level), the
lev I and tel scope are firmly attached, and
the rod and lev I bubble may be een at the
Fig. 154 In leveling !treat ac uracy is obtained by
reading backward and forward . This eliminates sam tim with the h lp of a mirror.
the effect of possible slight departures from exact Th instrum nt is made of Invar, which
horizontality. does not xpand with heat. The graduations
of the rods are smaller than the rods used in indicate that the actual mean sea level surface
stadia measurements. as defined by the tide observations tends to
As the work progresses, a reading is made slope upward to the north along the coast of the
forward and backward from every station. Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and upward to the
At the next station the front rod becomes west along the Gulf Coast. The actual mean sea
level surface on the Pacific Coast appears to
the rear rod. The length of a reading should
stand appreciably higher than the similar
not exceed 500 feet. In first-order leveling, surface on the Atlantic Coast."l
s ctions of a few miles are run forward and By 1929, about 45,000 miles of first-order
backward, and the closing error should not leveling was carried through. In this year a
exceed 0.017 foot VmI1eS. The accuracy major general adjustment was made in connec-
of leveling is amazing. First-order leveling tion with the 20,000 miles level net of Canada
carried acros the continent and back may and the water-level nets of the Great Lakes,
be off only a few feet. The main network of and the sea level was fixed at 26 tide stations.
leveling lines, when completed, will leave The results of this extensive adjustment cannot
no point more than 50 miles from a bench be published in a single book, but copies can be
mark. Second-order leveling will reduce the obtained for any special area from the survey.
greatest distance from a bench mark to By 1940, 112,000 miles of first-order leveling
made a net of about 100 miles interval, and
12.5 miles, and third-order leveling to even
166,000 miles of second-order leveling closed
less. The tolerance for error in the second
the net to 25 to 50 miles, with 5- to lO-mile
order is 0.035 foot vIffiileS, and in the third intervals in important areas. Releveling of lines,
order 0.05 foot v'miles, but it should never especially in the Pacific area, disclosed slow
be carried beyond 30 miles. movements of the earth's crust, which are
Nter the field notebooks are forwarded to eagerly studied by structural geologists.
Washington, existing surveys are checked
Bench marks of leveling are small bronze
and adjustments are made. The records are
tablets with a bar engraved in the center.
published in Special Publications of the
They seldom give the elevation of the mark
Coast and Geodetic urvey.
because at every adjustment they have to be
changed perhaps a few hundredths of a
History. First-order leveling in the United foot. Although the reluctance of the survey
tates was started in 1878 in connection with to display data of lesser accuracy can be
the First Transcontinental Arc of Triangulation.
understood, it is very annoying to find an
As instruments and methods improved, several
general adjustments of the networks were made,
unlabeled bench mark and to be unable to
as in 1899 and in 1903. After the Atlantic and identify it promptly from a map. It would
Pacific were connected with a line of levels in save a great deal of oorrespondence and
1907, the changes resulting from this check loss of time if ev~ry bench mark were
were so small that only a partial adjustment was labeled wi th a serial number and the eleva-
necessary. In 1927, a special study of "sea level" tion according to the latest adjustment.
was undertaken, and "the results seemed to 1 U.S. COllSt and Geodetic Surv9 Spec. Pub. 134, 1927.
CHA PTER 18: Sketching

During the last half century landscape cant features, whereas the camera takes in
sketching, a cherished art of old-school everything indiscriminately, so that often,
geographers, fell into oblivion. Photography especially in forested country, vegetation
provides such a quick and effortless way of obscures all else.
obtaining pictures of a landscape that very 4. Labels and explanatory notes can be
few geographers now carry a sketchbook. placed directly on the picture. Where art
Yet field sketching has many advantages fails, words help.
over photography, among which are the 5. It can be reproduced in line cut,
following: whereas a photograph must be reproduced
1. It stimulates close observation, for in half tone. Half tones look dull compared
many important features which may be with line cuts.
lost to a photographer are discovered Many prominent geographers were ex-
under the careful observation required by cellent landscape artists. The sketches of
sketching. William H. Holmes and William Morris
2. It makes possible the omission of much Davis are classic in their exactness and
of the foreground by emphasizing or even simplicity of expression. Yet it is not neces-
enlarging distant features, whereas by pho- sary to be an artist in order to produce good
tography the incidental features of the field sketches. Observation of certain prin-
foreground, such as trees and houses, loom ciples will enable anybody to do satisfactory
up too large, and important features on the work.
distant horizon show inadequately. The The equipment for field sketching con-
camera serves the biologist better than the sists of about 6- by 12-inch drawing paper
geographer. attached to a cardboard pad, a pencil, an
3. It facilitates the selection of signifi.- eras r, and an ordinary 12-inch ruler. The

Fig.155 Establishing reference lines for a field sketch.



Fig. 156 Field sketch showing land utilization. (CourtfSY of Geog. Rev.)
size of the sketch pad depends on individual corresponds to t inch in the sketchbook.
taste. William Morris Davis used 4- by Turn your whole body while measuring
6-inch notebooks. Sun glasses will reduce toward the various parts of the landscape.
the glare of the white paper. Your outstretched right arm is nearer to
The stages of producing a sketch are as your eye looking left than looking right.
follows: 4. Layout of Key Points. Measure the
1. Size of Sketch. Decide how wide horizontal distance from the center point,
a portion you want to include in the and the vertical distance from the horizon
sketch. Choose a point as center of the line of a few important points, and mark
sketch. them on the sketch pad in the proper scale.
2. Center Line and Horizon Line. Draw a Careful work in this stage of the sketching
vertical center line on the pad and a hori- is amply rewarded later. The points will
zontal line, which should correspond to the enable one to draw the major lines of the
horizon or any other well-marked horizontal landscape. ,-
line in nature. (A distant lake shore or road 5. Drawing of the Detail. The general rule
will often serve as a good horizontal refer- for drawing the detail i to proceed from the
ence line.) large features to the smaller ones. If one
3. Determination of Scale of Sketch. Hold the b gins in a corner and adds detail to detail,
inch scale horizontally at the distance of the the drawing will probably be wrong. Use
outstretched arm and measure the width as few lines as possible. Differentiate the
of the intended landscape. If this width has type of feature with the type of line; for
to be drawn on a 12-inch-wide paper, the instance, show bare rock with straight,
scale can be calculated. It is convenient to cross d lines, and forest with lines char-
use a scale in which 1 inch on the scale acteristic of treetops. A certain amount of

IO'~(en\ury Arobk (ortog'om

Fig. 157 Blackboard sketch maps are highly effective tools in teaching. The above outlines are based on a
sinusoidal prqjection. The horizontal lin 5 are parallels, but the vertical lines are not meridians.

All outlin s are drawn on a grid of squares they are not running north and south,
divided into half, quarter, or even eighth esp cialiy in higher latitudes. In filling in
squares, wherever necessary. The squares do the detail, colored chalks will be helpful.
not represent parallels and meridians ; they Blue wavy lines for rivers, brown for
are spaced for convenience in drawing only. mountains, green for agriculture or forest,
Truly the horizontal lines are parallels since red for cities, boundaries, and roads will
they represent the east~west direction, but make not only for more attractive but also
the vertical lines are not meridians since for clearer maps.
CHAPTER 19: Aerosurveying

Never in history has the map maker ob- by Captain Stevens who later won fame by
tained a more powerful tool than the aerial his balloon ascent to the stratosphere.
camera. With it the earth can be portrayed In the last two decades scores of large
with more accuracy, with more detail, and private companies competed with govern-
in a fraction of the time that was necessary ment agencies in achieving the perfection of
by the older methods. Aerosurveying, as is aerial photography, and a great national
any other kind of surveying, is a source industry was born. Aerial pictures were
rather than a part of cartography. It is used in surveying, soil-erosion control,
discussed here chiefly because of the power- forestry, geology, hydrography, archaeology,
ful impact it has on the future of maps. exploration, and traffic control, and even
History. It would be very difficult to photographing golf links from the air be-
trace who made the first aerial photograph. came a considerable business. The special-
As soon as snapshots were invented it was an ists in airplane photography are numbered
obvious thought to take a camera up in a by the thousands, and the surveyor, the
balloon or fasten it to a kite. Laussedalt, cartographer, and the geographer fall be-
a Frenchman, is credited with having made hind the times if they fail to keep up with
the first photographic survey in 1858, and the growth of the young giant.
in the war of 1871 the French used aerial In the midst of this rapid technical
photographs for intelligence work. The development came the Second World War,
principles of photomapping were well an,d airplane photography attained even
worked out even before the airplane. The greater importance. Millions of square
science of photogrammetry was carried to miles were surveyed in an incredibly short
great perfection by the English in the time, and the slotted templates of radial-line
Himalayas and by the Swiss in the Alps, plots literally covered acres at the offices in
taking pictures from mountain peaks. Only Washington. For the future plans have been
a few years ago the hardy Canadian sur- work d out to photograph all the lands
veyors still lugged up their panoramic of the earth, the greatest cartographic
(taking a composite picture of the entire venture of mankind.
horizon) cameras on the most forbidding Airplane photographs are classified as
peaks of the Rocki s. At the beginning 1. Verticals, where the camera is pointed
of the century, the United States lagged down, usually from a hole in the plane, as
behind the German, wiss, and English exactly vertically as possible.
pioneers, but in the 1920's the U.S. Coast 2. Obliques, which can be either high
and Geodetic Survey mapped the Missis- obliques, in which the horizon is visible, or
sippi d Ita from the air, the Hydrographic low obliques in which it is not.
Offic surveyed Cuba (1928), and the U.S. There is a great difference between
Geological Survey began to use photo- obliques and verticals. The oblique is
graphs for its topographic sheets esp cially familiar to us for there is nothing strange
in Alaska. In 1925, the Hamilton Rice in the view from a high peak or an airplane
Expedition photographed the imp n trable window. We see a great expanse of land,
forest of the Rio Negro and Uraricoera hills, and mountains, and the various pat-
Rivers from the air. The pictures were taken terns of the earth's carpet will show up
can be exchanged for different fa all ngths:
IMAGINARY HORI%ONTAlliNE 6, 10, 12, and 20 in h s or mar. Thc
pi tures vary from 4 by 5 to 9 by 9 inch ' .
This latt r large size is now pr ~ fred b
most surv ys and is demand d by th >
government. h magazines ar IO;;td d
with roll film, 100 to 500 exp surcs, and in
SHAPE OF GROUND better cameras vacuum plates ke p the film
IYOBlIQUE in exact position during the exposure. The
I'HOTOGRAPH shutters are usually th "betw en the lens"
type, capable of rn
or higher sp ds.
Fig. 158 Oblique photographs cover large areas,
but they have to be put into a transformer in the
same relative position as above to produce a picture
of uniform scale. (From FM 21 - 26, United States Army.)

clearly. The cartographer obtains as great

inspiration from this portrait of the earth as
the painter does from seeing his model from
a new angle. In a vertical photograph, how-
ever, we see a strange world; the very place
where we live looks unfamiliar. We see the
earth as an eagle does, because usually we
are u nable to look straight down, even from
a plane. Mountains and hill are "flat-
tened," river patterns stand out clearly,
and variations in the soil and vegetation ar
most outstanding. The absence of color Fig. 159 Aerial camera mount d in the plane. T he
makes the country even more unfamiliar. view find er is at the legs of the operator. (Aero Service
The reading of vertical airplane photo- Company.)
graphs requires spec'al study. Yet it is on
the vertical picture that distances and The view finder is mounted alongside and
directions appear nearly true, and they can exactly parallel to the camera and on its
be used more directly for mapping than ground glass the photographer can con-
the obliques. stantly check the pictures, determine the
Equipment. Almost any kind of airplane overlap between successive pictures, meas-
can be used for making pictures, but more ure the "crab" of a wind-driven plane, and
exacting surveys demand a big, steady identify landmarks. The plane follows
plane which has a large fuel capacity and planned flight lines. Pictures ar usually
which is able to climb to great heights. The taken automatically by a clock release or
plane should have two holes in the bottom, intervalometer at controlled intervals. This
one for the camera and one for the view instrument also winds the film and releas s
finder. the shutter. Some cameras are mounted so
There are a great variety of cameras. A that they always keep a vertical position;
typical camera consists of a body, a maga- others ar leveled by hand . There is usually
zine, and a cone with the lenses. The cone a round level bubble attached to th camna
to check its verticality. Many cameras endless waiting for a clear, cloudless day,
automatically photograph the position of and this is the most nerve-wracking part of
the lev I bubble, the hands of a clock the airplane photography.
altImeter, and the date and serial number
of the picture i and thus all pertinent data Jt.incipa/ point
-displacemenf.: +displacemenl
are r corded. During the war, cameras -;r------------ -o;~~tI'
oft n were plac d in a wing or bomb bay,
and the pilot ne d d only to push a button
to put in op ration an automatic inter~
a6 .. 1.. = scale
valomet r and was able to correct for crab AB H
by r mote con trol.
Pictures are often made from great alti~
tudes, and at altitudes of more than 12000 , H
feet oxygen is used. For oblique pictur
usually the same camera is used, removed
from its mount and aimed by hand, looking
through an attached small view finder.
?m modern mounts allow for oblique
pIctures by remote control.
Multilens cameras are really three to
nine cam ras p rmanently built together
which make ooe central vertical pictur~
Fig. 160 Displacement depends on the height or
depth of the object and on its distance from the plumb
and a number of wing pictures, thus greatly point.
enlarging the area which can be mapped
The scale of photographs cannot be too
by a single flight. The Zeiss four-lens
small. An auto becomes invisible at about
camera, the Bagley five-lens camera, the
1: 15,000, and a house is indistinguishable
Reading nine-lens camera, and the tri-
under 1: 40,000. Major types of regions of
metrogon camera represent highly special-
land, however, are visible on a scale of
ized machinery.
1: 100,000 and smaller. From Fig. 160
The Photographic Flight. The flight it-
abI AB = JI H. In other words, the scale
elf may tak only a few hours but it repre-
of -the photograph equals the focal length
s nts days of planning and weeks of plotting.
per altitude. The larger the height of the
The season has to b considered. Deciduou
plane, the smaller the scale; and the larger
forest area is best mapped in spring. Crop
the focal length, the larger the scale of the
areas ar shown better at the time of
picture will be, keeping in mind that a
harvest. now pictures are usually not
"larg -scale' picture shows a small area.
favorabl for mapping but are very reveal-
The above formula is fundamental in
ing in war. There is a tendency now, how-
planning operations. For instance, the
ever, to use snow pictures for multiplex
camera has a focal length of 10 inches; at
work. The h urs between ten and two ar
what height need the camera be to produce
b st for uniform lighting and small shadows.
pictures at a cale of 1 : 15,000?
Th morning and vening hours giv highly
plastic pictures of a hilly country, but much 1 10
d tail is lost in th large hadows. Mter the 15000 = X
most careful plans ar laid, com s the 'Often X = 150000 inches = 12,500 feet
Or the flight is at 20,000 feet, and the Mter the flight is completed, the altim ter
camera has a 6-inch focal length. What is is checked for changes in barom tric pres-
the cale of the print? sure, and elaborate records of the flight
F 6 1 together with the flight map (with both the
Seal = H = 20000 X 12 = 40,000 originally planned and th actually flown
line) is hand d in to the laboratory.
When the scale is agreed upon, the next Laboratory Work. The roll of film 75 to
thing is to layout the flight lines on the best 410 feet long needs a sp cial developing kit
existing maps. In the United tates this in which the film is pulled by an el ctro-
present little difficulty as the U .. Geo- motor through th deve~oper, which may
logical urvey topographic maps are avail- be metol hydroquinon or pyrogallic acid
able in most places. These maps, however, to which potassium bromide is add d as
ar often too large scale, since one may restrainer and sodium sulphite as preserva-
easily fly across one in 6 to 8 minutes. Air- tive and sodium carbonate or some similar
men often prefer to layout the lines on salt as accelerator. It is better to develop
smaller scale maps, especially on the the roll slowly, taking about 15 minutes.
1 : 500,000 ectional Airway maps. In un- Fixing (sodium thiosulphate plus some pre-
explored country it is some tim s necessary servative and hardener) also takes about
to make maps by flying strips about 20 miles the sam time. Washing takes abou t an hour
apart at a very great altitude and then in special tanks with a constant flow of fresh
connecting them with a few cross strips. Th water. The film is dried on a large reel, or
real mapping flight lines are laid out at drum, that revolves slowly-. The dried film
right angles to the small-scale strips, which is numbered, dated, and coded, usually on
will show enough landmarks to go by. the northeast side of the film for easier
The number of exposures is calculated to orientation. The film is preserved in rolled
allow a generous overlap. Sixty per cent condition.
overlap is necessary in the direction of flight Contact prints are made by pr ssing
to get stereoscopic pairs, and the flight lines photo paper against the individual pictures
ar spaced from each other so that there is in the roll of film using a special frame.
an overlap of 25 to 30 per cent on the sides. Light is passed through. Th paper is then
Thus every point on the ground will appear develop d, fixed, and washed as before.
on two or thr e pictures. Glossy paper gives more detail, but semi-
During the flight the pilot keeps the plane matte paper is easier to mark. Rectilied
on an even level and watches its direction prints are made through a special projector
by compass and by the landmarks which in which the errors resulting from tip or
appear or which are added to th flight tilt and varying altitudes are corrected.
map. The camerman sets the intervalometer Every aerial camera produces four half-
in motion and checks the flight line iI} the arrow-shaped "fiducial" marks on the four
view finder. He follows the regression of a sides of the picture. The connection of these
landmark in the view finder, and when this marks will give the center of the photo-
line of regre sion is oblique to the axis of graph, which is called its principal point.
the plane, the angle of crab can be deter- This point has to be drawn with care and
mined and compensated for. At pr sent a accuracy b cause it is really the principal
special indicator can keep the plane in point of photogrammetry. In a truly
perfect alignment from two shoran stations. vertical picture the principal point shows
the point plumb below the camera; in a the picture "comes alive" because of mental
tilted picture, however, the plumb point fusion. Similarly if two subsequent pictures
below the camera is off-center. are taken from th flying plan of the land-
scap miles below, the same small pa~allax
~~. necessary for stereovision is obtained, and
~ ~/enses with the help of a stereoscope the landscape
below is seen, just as a small relief model is
I, ~ " ,I
~ seen a few feet below the eyes.
"II'1\ oc/vol roys
/ Irax~ . CU \ \ if.vi5ion
,I " V/~/Qf'
I, II'
'I, / ,1
I 1 ..·.··

AlIi. \ d righf image
li 7
Fig. 161 In stereoscopic vision we see a
fused image standing in high relief.

Stereovision. The marvel of airplane

photography does not stop by giving rich
Fig. 162 Looking through
detail and characteristic geographic pat-
the book, as if it were trans-
terns in the plane. With the help of stereo- par-nt, fuses the TWO pictures
vision and stereogrammetry it is possible into a stereoscopic image.
to see the heights as well and to plot contour
lines with previously unknown accuracy. The Stereoscope. With some patience
Stereovision is a remarkable mental it is possible to look at a stereoscopic pair of
capacity. Our two eyes are as a rule only pictures without any instrument and sea
about 2t inches apart; yet the small fu ed image. If a per on gazes into the
parallax caused by the slightly different distance and hold a finger before his eyes,
angJe of vision enables us to see three- but does not focus his vision on the finger
dimensional, plastic images and to judge but k eps gazing afar, he will perceive two
distances accurately. If one eye is Glosed, images, if he has two good ey s. If he keeps
vision flattens into a picture effect. Of course this distant focus and yet sees the geometric
the nearer objects are, the more plastically design in Fig. 162 it will di olve into three
they are seen, because the parallax of the figures, the center one showing in high
two images of the two eyes is gr ater; yet relief. To keep the yes focused on distance
even at 1,000 feet, where the angle between is difficult and r quir s practice. in viewing
the two vision rays becomes I ss than a a ter 0 pair of airplan pictures they
minute of angle, stereovision is still per- should not be more than 2 inches apart for
ceptible. The old-fashioned stereoscope in unaided view. Ther is no need, however,
which two pictures are taken by two to strain the ey s b au ether are many
parallel cameras mounted a few inch s types of stereoscopes on th market and in
apart is familiar to all. When the left picture fact, one can be easily pr pared from
is seen with the left eye and the right pictur mirrors, prisms or len es.
with the right eye with a simple ster oscop , The 1 ns ster oscope have the additional
the relations of stereovision are restored, and advantage of magnifying th picture. In
principal points of both photographs and
the sam points are marked on th other
photograph. The line connecting them is
the base line. First th 1 ft photograph is
taped down and the other shifted until the
image of the principal points merge. If
correctly done, the base lines mu t be
parallel. After some study of the ster oscopic
picture it is q uite easy to draw- if not exact
contours- good horizontal form lines.

Fig. 163 A simple device made of two lenses makes

a good stereoscope. (From Abrams, "Essentials oj Aerial
Surveying .")

looking at a pair of airplane photographs,

it is ess ntial that they should b in the same
relativ position as th way they were taken;
if the order is reversed the picture will show
negative relief, the valleys becoming ridges.
It is also to be remembered that only the
Fig. 165 With a contour finder we can draw contour
overlapping part which appears in both lines upon a stereographic pair of pictures. (From
pictures can be seen in relief. For rapid Abrams.)
placing of two pictures under the stereo-
scope, fingertips may b placed on identical Contouring Instr uments. A gr at vari-
objects on the two photographs and their ety of instruments appear d on the mark t
images brought together until they overlap. almost as early a airplane photography
For actual stereopJotting, the photo- was perfected. The heavy European instru-
graphs are tacked down in the proper ments like the aerocartograph and stereo-
position. First a cross is made on the planigraph, etc., were later supplem nt d
by much small r and simpler contour
.:.,. ""'" '"'-.:.
find rs, many of which were dev lop d in
America. For more accurate work th

Multiplex Aeroprojector b came the most
'I j P£...t universally accepted.
~ l1- 1] ~ The Multiplex AeroproJector. This is a large
instrument costin r thousands of dollars and
I' quiring 3 to 6 months training for its
op ration. As most of the new maps of th
Print No.1 Print No.2
Army Map Service, U .. G ological ur-
Fig. 164 Base line is drawn by connecting the v y, etc., are mad with it, its prin iple at
principal points of successive photographs. (tram 1 ast is pre ent d h rc. Th fundam ntal
Abrams.) idea of the multiplex is to proj ct a diapo i-
tiv of each aerial photograph on a table, diapositive is in th same relative position
thu r storing on a small scale the same to a horizontal plane as the airplane was
location, altitude, and tilt in which the during the photo flight. Thi is done by
plan was when the succ ssive pi tures using three control points either established
were taken. Each su cessive picture is by ground surveyor obtained by previous
proj t d in r d or gre n color, and by airplan pictures. This is the reason why
looking at the red picture with a red lens
with on eye and looking at the green
picture. with a green lens with the other eye
we see the overlapping part in high relief.
This is the principle of the anaglyph, which
is used also in three-dimensional motion
pictures and in various toys. The first
multiplex projectors were made in Germany,
but now they are manufactured by Bausch
and Lomb in Ro hester, N.Y. The photo-
graphs for the multiplex are taken with the
usual 60 per cent overlap. horter focal
length cam ras are preferred because they Fig. 166 The m~ltiplex aeroprojector uses diaposi-
make for larger parallax and for more ap- tives with red and green filters and corresponding
parent height. For mapping purposes it is lenses to produce fused images. (From Abrams.)
important that at I ast the first and last pair three bench marks in exact locations and
of pictures in the flight should have some height are necessary, if possible, in th
ground control, both horizontal and verticaL first photograph. It is possible to "clear
Th table, the bar, and the projectors the model" from two ground- ontrolJed
of th multiplex can be een in Fig. 166. The points if we know that two of them are at
projectors have a focal length corresponding the same elevation, for instance, on a
to that of the camera. As many as eight seashore or along a meandering river or
projectors can b used on the bar at the railway. After the first pair of photographs
same time. Each projector is provided with is " cleared" by ground control, the other
a filt r slot into which the green or red photos are cleared wi th the first, using the
color filter can be inserted. The tilt, tip, and transferred first principal point as it appears
altitud of the projector are handled with on the second pi ture, etc. The last pictur
scr ws. The tracing table has a small again needs ground control for checking.
adjustable top (Fig. 166) about 6 inches Radial-line Control. To pr~pare maps
above the main tab! , and it holds in its from aerial photographs considerable ground
center the floating dot that is carried around control is need d. When this is not available,
to draw the contour. A fine vernier screw it is necessary to provide it by radial-line
helps in lifting or lowering the dot. plotting. Even a there must be some
First, th diapo itiv has to be put in ground control, preferably two fixed points
position so that its center is over the prin- at one end and two points at the other end.
cipal-point cross of th gla s that represents What ver th 10 ation, scale, tilt, or tip
the focal plan of the proje tor. Then the of a point may be, the radial direction from
'clearing of th mod 1" is don by six the principal point is th sam. Thus if
adjustm nts of various scr ws until the a point is fixed from two correctly spaced
pins are pushed. The slotted arms are
placed on thes pins, arranged radially
from the principal point. When the arms
are in place, they ar tightly screwed fast
in the enter, and the set is lifted off the pins
and preserved. A similar template is pr -
pared for each picture.
Then a base map is prepared on which a
map projection is laid down roughly at the
scale of the photographs. On this the
known ground-control points are laid down,
and they will form the starting and end
points of the radial-line plot. Then template
after template is laid out, according to their
principal points, until the whole assembly is
ready; it can then be stretched or com-
pr ss d to fit the end points on the base
map. If the ass mbly is right, each side
point should be at the intersection of at
least thre bars, and thus its actual location
can b fixed.
Crude work always produces some in-
accuracy. Minute accuracy in th handling
of principal points is esp dally important.
The slightest mistake th re will be greatly
enlarged at the side points. In general,
however, radial-line plots are highly accu-
Fig. 167 Where control points are few, radial-line
assemblies serve as a kind of second-order triangu- rate, and thousands of square feet of terrain
lation. (From Abrams.) are laid out in photomapping establishments.
Mosaics. An airplane photograph rarely
photographs and radial lines are drawn, a covers more than a few square miles, and if
kind of triangulation is p rformed, and we want to see in a single picture a larger
points thus obtained can be used as second- area, such as a city, an irrigation proje t,
ary control points. etc., we paste several pictures together into
Th re are various m thods of s tting up a mosaic. This assembly of matched pictures
a radial-line plot, but nowadays the slotted- can be rephotographed to any desired scale
arm m thod is used in most offic s. On ach and us d as some kind of map without
photograph th principal point is mark d, lettering.
and the principal points of the adjacent Good mosaics are not easy to make. The
picture also are marked, which, with 60 chief difficulty is the variation in the scale
per cent overlap, should be visible. In of the pictur s. This may be cau' d by
addition at least six other conspicuous mountainous terrain or by a change in the
points are s Ie ted; thes points should b plane's level, as the barometric altimeter is
well distributed n ar th margins of the influenced by changes in weather. Tilt will
pictur s. Into ach of these points sp cial also change the scale within a single picture.
Displacement due to relief on th sides of th down each photo into a rough mosaic with-
pictur changes not only the scale of slopes out trimming the pictures. They ar so
but also their appearance. made that the number of each picture is
The center portion of photographs is the visible. This is done after pictures of each
best. To reduce the accumulation of scale photo flight are available in order to check
errors, we start with the center picture of coverage and to ascertain whether a refiight
the mosaic. We featheredge it all around is needed.
and paste it down on a board. We place A cartographer as well as a geographer
the next picture over the first and trim off studies mosaics with deep interest. The
the half of the overlap, but do not trim the basic major patterns of the earth, which
outer sides. This pi ture is featheredged in may not lihow well on a single picture, show
turn, and is pasted down with gum arabic. up well on a mosaic, especially if reduced
The excess paste is squeezed out away to smaller cale by rephotographing. Car-
from the center with a roller, and is tographers are looking forward to color
sponged. This process is repeated with mosaics in the near future. It is perhaps
every picture, proceeding in spirals away from these reduced color mosaics that the
from the c nter and watching out for good true visible line and color pattern of the
color match. Trimming is usually made earth will be disclosed.
along edges of field or woods. Roads Multilens Aerosurveying. Almost as
are not sui table because they show up soon a aerosurveying came into use, man
mismatches. started to experiment with several cameras
Uncontrolled mosaics are assembled from permanently hitched together. The cover-
pictures as they come from a flight without age of a vertical was small; when flying at
trying to adjust them to some control. a height of 2 miles a single picture covers
They cannot be too large because the errors only about 4 square miles. In contrast, an
accumulat , and it will be increasingly hard
to match the pictur s. The mosaic maker's
chief concern is how to distribute the error.
Wet pictures can be stretched a little by
strong pull or reduced somewhat by bathing
them in alum.
Straight-liTlfl controlled mosaics are laid out
along straight roads or railroads giving
th m a kind of control.
In controlled mosaics a number of s cond-
ary control points are n ded at least three
in each picture. The pictures are r stituted
in a rectifying print r for scale and tilt until
they match th control. ondary ontrol
can be obtained by radial-line plotting. No
stretching or manipulation should b' nec s-
sary to mak perfect mosaics. The photomaps
of the Corps of Engin rs ar photographs
of controlled mosaics. Fig. 168 The Bagley five-lens camera produces
Flight index assemblies ar mad by pinning picture ts with a wide field and a long base line.
oblique picture covered an immense area. miles have been mapped during and aft r
To combine the vertical with oblique and the war wi th the trim trogon camera. This
thus exte~d coverage was an obvious idea. camera makes on vertical and two obliqu
At first one vertical and two side oblique pictures with such a wide angle that th
cameras were made. It was soon found , horizon is visible on both sides. Th cameras
however, that in radial-line plotting the are mounted with axes 60° tilted to each
short principal line was not strong enough other, and the cameras have a field of
to project very far sideways, and soon a somewhat larger angle so that ther is
fourth oblique camera appeared in the some overlap between the vertical and the
direction of flight to make a longer line. obliques. The pictures are 9 by 9 inches.
This was followed by the Bagley five-l ens If the region is not extremely mountainous
camera made by Fairchild, which for many
years dominated the multilens field. The
largest multilens camera is the nine-lens
camera of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic
urvey. This camera has nine lenses but
with the help of mirrors, the nine images
register on a single film, 23 inches square,
corresponding to a picture with a 130° field.
This camera, which weighs more than 300
pounds, and 750 pounds with all equip-
ment, was used for charting coasts of the
United States.
In all these systems the negatives of the
oblique pictures are placed in a rectifying Fig. 170 oblique pictures can
transferred on t he map with the h Jp of the obliq ue
camera for printing so that the positive pic- sketch master. (Afll'T Abrams.)
tures are on the same scale wi th the vertical.
The Trimetrogon System. Millions of sq uare a nd if the flight is high enough, the visibl
horizons will give the tilt a nd tip. I t is an
interesting fact, how ver , that on mo t
trimetrogon plots the tilt is not taken into
consideration. Trimetrogon pictures are
us d mostly in rapid surveys of large areas
sine the flight lin scan b laid out everal
times farther apart than by verticals only.
R adial-line plotting of the side pictures
does not require rectifying printing as do
c the usual multilens pictures. Inst ad, an
ingenious instrument, the "re toblique
plotter," is used in plotting the map location
of points on the obliqu s. The radial-line
plots are mad by slott d templat s with
Fig. 169 The trimetrogon system uses one vertical much longer arms to include th points of
and two oblique wide-angle cameras, so that the the oblique, the 10 tion of which was
three pictures reach from horizon to horizon. obtained by th rectoblique plott r. As
these points are likely to app ar on the next operator sees both the map and the oblique
Right strip too, good cross control is possible. simultaneously. The instrument can be
After the secondary control points have adjusted for tilt and scale to the available
been located, the detail 'Of th obliques can control points. The vertical pictures are
b sketched on a map with the help of a adjusted with the help of the "vertical
half-mirror arrangement with which the sketch master."
CHAPTER 20: Airplane Photo Interpretation

A cartographer has to be able to read 5. Shadow and ori ntation

airplane photographs. Almost all large-scale 6. Approaches
maps at pres nt are the result of airplane 7. Relationships
photography. To make a map from photo-
graphs requires more than the drawing of 1. Size. To determine the size it is neces-
roads and houses. A practiced reader of sary first to establish the scale. This is often
photographs is able to read the vegetation indicated on the photo, or it can be easily
and cultivation types, land-use patterns, and ascertained if the altitude of the plane and
even the social conditions of the inhabitants the focal length of the camera are known.
of the region. Reading phot-ographs is also If neither is known, the scale has to be found
a great inspiration to the map maker as the by other means. If there is a football
true pattern of the earth will guide him in stadium, baseball diamond, or tennis court
the design of his maps, with better, truer, in the picture, their size can be measured.
and more beautiful cartography as a result. West of the Alleghenies the section lines
A vertical airplane photograph is a direct help to obtain not only the scal but also the
map picture of the earth; yet it is sur- orientation of the picture. The size of roads
prisingly difficult to read. One of the reasons and houses help to differ ntiate between the
is the absence of colors. The p rfection of half- and quarter-section lines from the full
color photography will make photoreading mile lines. Orchards are of great help if the
considerably easier. More important, how- customary planting distance is known (40
ever, is the fact that the picture is thoroughly feet in New England apple orchards). If
unfamiliar. Ordinarily no human being none of these features gives a clue, we have
sees the land looking directly down, not to fall back on smaller features. On railroads
even from a plane where he looks out at an the average passenger car will be 80 to 90
oblique angle. It is no surprise that be- feet long whil a freight car is 40 feet. The
ginners can read an oblique picture easily average length of hous s is also helpful;
while a vertical picture often has no mean- if the very large and very small ones are
ing for them. The ability to read vertical excluded, the length will be somewhere
pictures, like the ability to read a foreign around 50 feet.
language, is the result of systematic study. Wid th of roads, railroads, width of power
In the analysis of an airplane photograph lines (usually 100 feet), circumference of
we have to follow a systematic set of con- trees vary greatly, and yet they give enough
siderations. This is not the case, hc::>wever, if of an allover pattern so that the reader is
we do it all the time because recognition able, after some experience, to guess within
comes with experience. But if a feature is 20 per cent the length of a mile on a photo.
unfamiliar it is advisable to consider the The problem, however, becomes increas-
following items step by step: ingly different in foreign or uninhabited
countries, and the standards worked out
1. Size in the United States will not work in the
2. Shape Congo. Once the scale is established, a good
3. Tone look is taken at the size of roads, trees,
4. Texture houses, etc. This will help in the future.

2. Shape. This is the most obviou camouflage to give barracks, hangars, etc.,
featur on a photograph. The ribbon of a an irregular outline to avoid detection.
road, th square of a hous l or the outline There are many exceptions. A quarry or
of th rown of a tree will not be misr ad by dump can be highly irregular, while some
anybody. om other shapes, such as the clump of bu hes will b undistinguishable
greens and fairway of golf links, the shap from houses,
of schoolhouses, etc., have to be learned. In .3. Tone. In a photograph, we distinguish
general, man-mad features have regular various shades of grey, th darknes of
g ometric hap s, whil natural features which d pends solely on th amount of light
have irr gular shapes. It is the first rule of which the surfac will reflect upward at a
given position of the sun. The tone may be d. HayfL Ids-smooth
v rydifferent at adiff rent altitude of the sun. e. Plowed land- streaked
What maL- s photor ading difficult i the J. Orchards- checkered, regular pa t-
fact that this vertical reflection may be very terned
different from the almost horizontal reflec-
tion. by which we ordinarily see the land- a. Forest cxp rts can tell from airplane
s ape. For us, water usually refl cts the un photographs th composition and th age of
or t ~e sky and i light-colored, usually a stand of timb r, but a student does w 11
ljg~lter than land; in vertical photos water if he can t Il the ev rerr ns from deciduous
appears to b dark, often completely black, tr es. In wint r and spring, the difference,
and is usually darker than the land (s of course, is striking, but even in summer the
F ig. 173). M uddy water, however appears evergreens app ar darker. In wint rand
light-colored, and the photo raph shows spring, if the sun is low the deciduous
clearly where two kinds of water mix. forest gets a very streaky effect produced
Gr;) s or grain if standing erect is gray; if, by th shadow of th tr es. Th even
howe,· r, gras is trodd n down, it will pattern of a planted ~ r st is easy to
r fleet upward and a light streak i cl ady r cognize.
visibl . I t i hard to conceal movements of b. Bush. Th r ar
soldiers in a meadow. It can b a young forest. Every abandoned
A tarr d road appears dark r to us than field in the East is bound to grow up into
a roadb d of a railroad, yet the loose gravel bush and later into [orest. It d epends on the
of the latter will absorb more light and on person when to cease to call it bush and .
the photograph will appear darker than the begin to call it forest. The bush may consist
road . and usually appears white in air- of some of the natural bushes that never
plane photographs. The darkn ss of various grow into real trees, such as laurel, rhodo-
fields diff rs gr at] , d pending on th dendron, and junip r. The bush s will
stage of growth and the seasons; usually the app ar finely mottled all the year round.
higher rops grow the darker they get; yet In parts of the a tern United tates the
fully ripened wheat is lighter colored than herbaceou vegetation, such as asters, mul-
is half-grown wheat. Winter and spring leins, and thistle grow to such proportions
pictures of deciduous forest are much lighter in summer and fall that it is impossibJe
than in the summer. to tell them from real woody bushes, but
The difference in color between wet and in winter and spring th y look like hay-
dry ground is remarkable, the wet ground fields.
being darker. This difference is caused not c. Rough Pasture. A great part of the
so much by presence of water as by darker country consists of gras or flowering plants
soil and thicker growth on wet plac . mix d with bu hes, tr es, and rocks. The
4. Texture. This mean the minor vari- pictures will appear smooth or very finely
ations in tone and is the most r vealing mottled and will hav darker spots on them,
feature for land utilization. In the eastern which represent th bushes and their
United States the major land types are shadows. Cow tracks will often show up in
lighter lines. Rough pastur does not mean
a. Forest- appears roughly mottled necessarily that it is always used for actual
b. Bush- finely mottled pasturing, but it is usually kept from grow-
c. Rough pastur smooth with dots ing up into forest by grazing animals.
(rocks and trees) ometimes, however, th natural com-
binadon of heath, moor, and scattered trees shadow is steep or slanting. hort shadows
produces th same e~ ct. ar preferred for mapping, and pictur s ar
d. IiayJields are m eadow wher the grass taken in the noon hours, becaus too mud .
is cut and grazed by animals. It can have a
few bushes and tr es, but if ther are too
many they would make it rough pasture.
Hayfields look smooth in the photo; the
darkn ss dep nds on the height of growth
and the season. Often, how ver, hayfields
are cut by machine and in this case th y
will have a very fin ly trcaked app arance. Fig. 172 The length of shadow depends on the
Haystacks will u ually be apparent on the height of the object, the angle of the light, and the
side of the field toward the farmhouse. slant of the walls and ground.
e. Plowed land will have a dark and
streaked app aranc after plowing, but if detail may be lost in the shadows. The
grown up into wh at or small grain it is interpreter, however, will prefer som what
hard to tell it from hayfieids. fter the longer shadows, partly becau e this brings
wheat is cut, the venly pIa d shocks will out the relief of the land, partly b cause it
reveal it. Corn, potatoes, otton, tobacco, mak s it easier to identify the smaller
and vegetables hav a distinctive pat- features.
tern, and experts are abl even to e timate First of all the angl of th shadows, or in
the crop to b expected. other words the relation betw en the height
j. Orchards are the most easily id ntified of objects and the length of shadow has to
because of th ir ch ckerboard pattern, and be a certained. It is easy to see wh ther an
the expert an tell th kind of fruit grown average house or tree is higher or lower
from th distance betwe n the individual than the length of its shadow, but only if we
tr es. Vineyards ar differ nt ac ording to have an obj ct of known height can we b
the typ of cultivation. Nul' ries will look more exact. The height of a railroad car is
like miniature orchard. 15 feet; the height of an office building is
Arid regions and tropical or arcti lands about 10 feet per story. Full-grown trees
hav different patt rns. It would be b yond averag 50 feet, but almost any other
the limit of this book to give all the land feature varies greatly in height. Th best
types. Th student i referr d to th rich opportunity to obtain the angle of the
collection of airplane photograph of th shadow occurs when the sun is refie ted in a
Army Air Force ; the photograph are body of water, in which case the water
available to edu ational institutions for appears white instead of the usual bla k.
study. If the shadow is outsid the object the
5. Shadows. In a vertical airplan photo object is rais d; if it i insid , as in a trench.
the chi f indi 'ation of altitude of obj t5 j it is d p es ed. Only the hadow of nearly
their shadow. lnd cd th pattern of shadows vertical obj ts can b us d for altitude
often more cIo ly r 'mbles the f atures as determination. had ow on slopes how
we are ac ustomed t th'm than th i1' fals h ight ,a can be seen in Fig. 172, and
shape from above. Th hadow of a sus- only tho e shadows can be consid red which
pension bridge l' veals it much mol' than fall on appar ntly fiat ground.
its v rtical pi tur do s. hadows al. 0 help in th orientation of
I t matters a gr at deal wh th r th pictures. In middle latitud s, if the hadows

Fig.173 Airplane photograph of parts of Framingham and Southborough, Mass.

are short, the sun will be near south. In fall will often enable us to recognize features.
and winter pictures, the shadows can be For instance, if there is a large building set
longer; yet they point north. back from the road, in a light-colored yard
If the date, hour, and latitude of the with a baseball diamond on it, this is the
picture are known, the length of the typical setup of a schoolhouse and it can be
shadow can be determined from a solar recognized. A set of even buildings laid out
ephemeris giving the altitude of the sun. accord ing to a plan centered on a larger
With a stereoscope and a pair of pictures, building with a garden in between and a
the height relationships are obvious and low building with a tall chimney at one side
heights can be determined. In most stereo- is the typical layout of a hospital. Closely
scopes, however, height is exaggerated. spaced small roads are characteristic of a
6. Approaches. The size of the various cemetery. The relation of greens, fairways,
features is indicated by the approaches to and sand traps will reveal golf links. Near
them. A hou e or a farm must have a drive- reservoirs we look for aqueducts. If a cut
way. A house in a forest is often invisible in a forest points to a dam it may be
and can be located only by the road leading assumed that there is a power line. Business
to it. Abandoned houses can be located by sections of a city are characterized by
overgrown driveways, etc. The density of closely parked automobiles. Closely packed
the road system is in proportion to the small houses indicate second-class residen-
amount of settlement. A railway can often tial districts; larger houses farther apart
be differentiated from a road, as a road is outside the center of smaller cities indicate
connected with houses by driveways, while first-class residential districts. Military bar-
a railroad is not. A plowed or cut field will racks, railroad buildings, factories, and
have a road Jeading to it, while pastured colleges all have their characteristic pattern
land needs only a trail. A quarry can be and can be identified by an observant
identified as a depression with a road lead- interpreter. It is here that experience com-
ing into it at its lower end, and a factory bined with intelligence will count most. It
usually has a railroad siding. Common was of historical significance when a sharp-
sense is the best guide in using the ap- eyed interpreter discovered a small black
proaches for identification. Camp positions streak b yond an airplanelike structure in
gun emplacements, etc., are usually well Penemiinde, Germany, thus giving the Brit-
camouflaged in war, and their presence is ish advanced knowledge of the robot bomb.
much more often detected by the trails Unfortunately the half-tone reproduction
leading to them than by the sight of the of the airplane photo shown in Figs. 171 and
features themselves. I t is difficult to conceal 173 is far less clear than is th~ original
approaches especially in snow. photograph, and yet the student should try
7. Relationships. Th relationship of to identify the marked features without
buildings, gardens, open spaces, and roads looking at the explanation below.

ExplanationJor Fig. 173: 1. Railway; 2. Cut (shadow inside); 3. Fill and overpass (shadow outside); 4. De-
ciduous forest (coarsely mottled); 5. Coniferous forest (much darker than deciduous forest, indicating that
picture was taken in spring); 6. Bush (finely mottled); 7. Mixed forest; 8. Rough pasture (smooth with dots);
9. Hayfield (smooth); 10. Plowed land (streaked); 11. Orchard (trees 40 ~ et apart); 12. Nursery (trees 20 feet
apart); 13. Farm buildings; 14. Small farm; 15. Residence with tennis court; 16. Concrete four-lane highway;
17. Asphalt two-lane highway; 18. Dirt road; 19. Red light on main highway; 20. Aqueduct; 21. Dam with
spillway; 22. Reservoir; 23. Creek; 24. Swamp; 25. Drainage ditch; 26. Stone fence; 27. Power line; 28. Aban-
doned gravel pit; N. Nor th; Dl and Dz Drumlins.

In this part are discussed the maps thea will serve as main reference material for cartog-
raphers, s,uch as topographic maps, charts, atlases, and the usual maps prepared by pro-
fessional cartographic e tablishments, The maps used by the various branches of the sciences,
however, are discuss d in a later part of the book. l

CHAPTER 21: Government Maps

Government mapping started with the France. The story of thi great survey has
great national surveys of the eighteenth been told in Chap. 4.
century. This was an age of almost con- To make an exact detailed map of a
tinuous warfare on a large scale, and the country it is necessary first to triangulate the
movem nts of troops had to be planned outstanding points and th n to fill in the
ahead and exactly coordinated. This would detail by plane table. This work i obviously
have been impossible without adequate beyond the capacity of the individual, and
maps. The Dutch maps of the seventeenth therefore the organized effort of a group of
century were not exact enough; the Amster- people is necessary. ince th army was the
dam map makers were businessmen- they chief r cipient of such maps, it was only
had to turn out maps cheaply, and the natural that the great national surveys
cheapest way to produce maps is to copy or should be organized by the general staffs
compile them from other maps, with inci- of the various powers. urveying of the
dental improvements. No actual measure- terrain was a most appropriate peacetime
ment of land was u d in making them. occupation for the officers of the army.
To measure the land was not a new idea. By the middle of the nineteenth c ntury
The principle of triangulation was known every civilized country had its detailed
in the early sixteenth century; yet the topographic maps, and in the second half
instruments for measuring angles were still of the century the work was card dover
imperfect, It was not until the middle of the into the less civilized parts of the world and
eighteenth century that the invention of into the colonial possessions. At the present
telescopic instruments and the persistent time almost the entire world has some kind
effort and genius of Cesar F. Cassini carried of survey, even if it cannot be classified with
through the first great national urv y, th high-grade surveys of the leading
resulting in the Carte Geom'trique de la countries. Figur 174 shows the progress
of surveys of the various parts of the
1 NO'rICE TO THE INSTRUCTOR: If the continuity of
the laboratory work demands, this part may be taken
up later, after the discussion of Statistical Maps and Although originally topographic maps
Cartograms in Part Seven. were made for military purpo es, they were
G O VE R N ME NT M AP S .203

Fig. 174 Progress of topographic mapping of the world . The darker the shading, the more detailed are the
maps. (Modified aftef Ray R . Platt.)

found to have many other uses. Engin ers, governmental departments found that they
geologists, for st rs, tourist and others Quid best serve their public by making
found these maps indispensable; so gov rn- special surveys, and they now produce
ments und rtook to make th m ven wher climatic, geological, economic, and other
the military necessity was less important, as such maps. At the present time, the govern-
in th Unit d tates. With the expansion ment is the chief producer of map in almost
of the functions of government, many every country.

Topographic heets
The most important maps of various 1: 100,000; in England the mile-to-an-inch
governments arc the large-scale general scale (1: 63,360) was adopted. The scale
maps that ar publish d in sections called of the U. . Geological urvey topographic
"topographic sheet ." heets is slightly different, 1: 62,500 and
Scale. Th scale of these topographic 1: 125,000. Less developed countries use
sheets must be large enough so that every smaller scales. The maps of some parts of
hill can be recognized. Th land is usually Canada have a scale of only 8 miles to the
surv yed on plane-table sheets, 1: 20,000 inch. Large tracts of Brazil have maps only
or 1: 25,000, or photographed on an even on the scale of 1:1,000,000 ; and even the
larger scale, but th published maps are United States has parts of which topo-
usually r du d. Most European topo- graphic maps of no larger scale than
graphic sh ts ar on th scale 1 : 25,000 to 1: 500,000 are published. It is important
that the scale of sheets should be in propor- after an east-west and a north-south s ~
tion to the capacity of the country. Many quence, with numbers and letters. Compli-
nations adopted too ambitious scales, and cations arise when the maps are on d ifferent
were unable to finish, i.e., the 1: 100,000 scales, and fractions have to be used.
maps of Mexico. It is much better to vary Figure 175 shows the numbering system
the scale according to the development of of the Canadian sheets, in which the marked
the country, as in Canada. B
Division into Sheets. The size of the indi- sheet is numbered "21 NW·"
vidual sheet varies. With the small presses Besides its number, each sheet is usually
of the nineteenth century, the sheets rarely named after its largest city, mountain, or
exceeded folio size. The German 1: 100,000 most characteristic feature. The U.S. Geo-
Reichskarte sheets had only 1 by 13 inches at logical urvey sheets have no numbering
of printed surface. The present tendency is system, and hence have to be arranged by
toward larger sheets. With fast automobiles states alphabetically by name. To have
one may easily cover the width of a sheet in adjacent sheets far apart, sometimes in
less than a half hour, and a constant chang- different folders, is not convenient.
ing of sheets is wearisome. The upper limit Th United States government adopted
of sheet size is now determined not so much a general indexing system for all topo-
by the size of the printing presses as by the graphic sheets of the world designating the
size of the usual library files, which rarely latitude and longitude of the corner nearest
exceed 42 inches in width. the crossing of the equator and the prime
OO'....m showina the sptem of numberina shMb
meridian, adding the size of the map by
r . I , ! • 1 degrees and minutes. Thus the U.S. Geo-
---N·.:-1---- ---+-6-l--
logical urvey quadrangle sh t of Boston,
f- -- ~ +- - -.~-~-- Mass., is indexed as N 421S-W7100j 15',
: I i:- , which locates its lower right-hand corner.
• J : . U_ L.._ .. l - -_;_~-
-- . ~-- - -- - K
-T ' '-··
- -r~- -,--'l-- In an Australian sheet the upp r left-hand

· ' 21
. -~
corner would be noted.
Projection . The problem of projections
r,t--t-+--I-~'-+-j.-+-!- 1-- ;
for topographic sheets is not important, for
r- - ~-- -- - _of-- _ -- -Q- - - - H- --
' -+~-~-1~:~~~-,~II~~r
l ~.~rl the small area covered by them differs very
13 .. ' 15 10 little from the plane. Any projection which
r- --6--
. , -- -- -c.- _J .(.l~
l--t;I _
is true to scaJe in its central part is good.
Th mo;t commonly used projections for
~ • I I ,

topographic sheets are the polyconic, the

Fig. 175 Numbering system of the Canadian polyhedric, the Bonne, and the various conic
!'Jational Topographic series. The number of the projections. Since each topographic sheet
crossed map is 21 NW· has its own central meridian and standard
paraliel, only a limited number of sheets
Numbering oj Sheets. The simplest method can be assembled. Small countries use with
of naming sheets is according to their advantage the conic projection, by which
central parallel and meridian. This, how- all sheets can b assembled and pasted
ever, is rarely done because of the complex together. In this case the entire s t has one
figures of degrees, minutes, and seconds. It or two standard parallels, and there is a
is much more common to name the sheets slight variation in scale. T he older French
1: 80,000 sheets were on a Bonn projection ~G@ 0 0 0Q) #J
designed for the whole country. This was I . Series name and Kale.
2. She<:1 name on foreign maps.
cut into ven rectangles, so that the bord r 2. "WA.R DEPT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS,
U. S. ARMY" on U. S. mapo.
of most sh ts inters cled th parallels and 3. Sheel numbc:r on foreign maps.
3. Sheet name on U. S. maps.
meridians at obliqu angles. 4 . "For LlJe by" note on foreign maps.
5. tdilion data.
Symbols. Th symbols of topographic 6. Serie. .ize on U . S. maps.
7. Adjoining she.. names on U . S. mapl.
sheets were crystallized for centuri s and 8. Latitude vAlu .. .
9. Longitude valu...
were changed only when new engraving 10. Graphic mileage ",ak.
II . &:ri .. number and edilion date, on foreign
methods allow d greater freedom. For maps.
11 . Edilion dates for U. S. maps.
instance, since the introduction of color 12. Credit legend.
13. Special legend symbols.
printing, hachure lines ar r placed by 14. Re:n-etentative fraction .
14. Mil.. and yards graphic ocale on U. S. maps.
contours, and often plastic shading is added 14. Mil .., yards, and kilomelers graphic scale
on foreign maps.
to make the maps more easily understood 15. Con,our interval.
16. Grid nOI...
by the public. Esp cially important is the H . Officer. nole.
18. Planl imprinl.
addition of land use and vegetation symbols 19. Sheel name, filing name, and location.
20. Geographic index numbc:r.
on the most modern maps. 21. Road destination no ... 31 required .
22 . Me'ero to feel conversion lable lor foreign
The symbol syst m of each topographic maps.
23. Gloosary for foreign maps.
series is usually given on a separat sheet, 24. Reliabilily diagram where required.
25. Projection and horizontal dalum on U . S.
bu t since people rarely take the trouble to rnapol.
26. Projec'ion on foreign maps- Vertical datum
refer to this she t it is more us fuI to have on U . S. maps.
27 . Declination di"llram .
th unusual symbols indicated in the margin 28. Designalion of military grid .
29 . Zones of mililary grid.
on each map. NO'tt .-information on grids, World Poly-
conic, U . S. Domenic, Stale, and Brilish Grids
Lettering. L ettering is a real problem on will be found in FM 21-25.
topographic sh ets, for it may ob cur ~@
important land forms. n modern map
the lettering is simple and is relatively
small. Th new Fren h 1 : 50,000 maps have Fig.176 Marginal information gives useful data for
adopt d a sans-serif, block lettering. The the use of the maps. (From TM 21-30, United Statu
larg lettering may be 1 ft off altog ther and
the names of political division can well go to adjacent sheets are the most important
on a small inset map, as is don on the trimmings. The tendency is for mor and
1: 1,000,000 map of th world. On the old r more marginal information, and a key to
British Ordnanc ur ey maps the large symbols, a glossary, and grid information
) tters are often interrupted and cross d by are usually added on modern maps.
small lettering. The ubj t of lettering on It adds greatly to th educational value
topographic sheets is analyzed in gr at of topographic sheets if their reverse side is
detail in apt. J. G. Withycombe's articJ utilized for d scriptive material. A short
Lettering on Maps, The Journal oj Geography, g ographic summary, supplemented by a
1928, pp. 429- 446. small geological map, section block dia-
Marginal Information. As th entir grams, and pictures, are very helpful in
area insid th bord rs is occupi d on understanding the nature of the land, ven
topographic h ts, all titles and explana- for those who are less versatile in reading
tory material ar outside the borders. Title, contour lines. This is us d to great advan-
number, scale, tru and magneti north, tag on some of the topographic she ts of
date of survey, nam of surv yor, and ind x the national parks. This supplementary,
d criptive mat rial is ften publish d in our u. ual system of paraU Is and m ridian s,
separate pamphlets, but this is not so recorded in degre s, minutes, and seconds of
con enient. The surveying party spent un qual lengths. or thi r ason the French
considerable time in the area and could ov rprint d a network of even kilometer
asily provide a de cription including hu- squar s upon th ir maps, in which qua-
man occupation that would be most w 1- drillag ach line was numb r d from a
come to ev rybody. zero point in th southw st of the war zone.
Extranational and International Maps. uch a system appar ntly has many dis-
The topographic sheets published by the advantages. First of all, the so-caU d grid
various nations often extend b yond their north" roay be many degr s off from th
boundaries. Any country prefer to arry true north. Then, too, the grid coordinates
the war outsid its own boundaries; hence, of a certain locality are true only on one
it is more interested in maps of th adjacent set of maps and are not true on another set
terri tory than of its own. Indeed, some N ar on anoth r proj ction. It must be kept in
East countries seriously object to the map- mind, al 0, that th quares of the grid ar
ping of their domains, for their chief defense not exactly square on the earth's surface,
is the difficult terrain known only to their and their actual shap and size ar dig r n t
own m n. It has been said that every and dependent upon the projection syst m
country is mapped for the conv nience of of the map.
its n mies. In all European countries forts Against these serious objections stands the
and other military works are carefully advantage of easy reckoning. Each point
omitted from maps. can be exactly located by the use of a
It was chiefly the military consideration printed celluloid sh et that can be plac d
that prompted some governments to include on any of the squares. For instance, in the
foreign territories in their topographic series. French kilometric q uadrillage a certain
uch famous sets of maps are those of cen- point can be marked as "142.23/ 231.86";
tral Europe and the Balkans (1: 200,000), this means that it is 142.23 kilometers east
published by both Germany and Austria, and 231.86 kilometers north of the zero
and those of the Balkans and the Near East point- not in actual distance and direction
(1 : 250,000), published by Great Britain. but in the grid system of the map. In actual
The British Geographical ection of the use th y drop the hundreds and hundr dths
General taff and L'Institute Geographique of the kilometers 0 that the foregoing 10 a-
National (Paris) are esp dally active in tion symbol reads as "422-3 18," which
publishing international maps. The new determines the location within a hundred
airway maps of our Army Map Service cover meters.
th e whole world. The U.S. Coast and ode tie Survey,
Truly international ar the maps pre- together with the Corps of Engineers,
pared by the cooperation of different d evelop d a grid syst m for the United
countries. The most important international States. ince the country is too large for a
map is the " International Map of th single grid system, it was divid d into seven
World, 1: 1,000,000" which was discussed zones, as shown in Fig. 177. Each zone
in Chap. 3. includes 90 of longitude of which l Oon each
Military Grid System. During the First side overlaps the adjacent zones. In these
World War it was found that reference to overlapping sections it must be definitely
~o ations and directions was too complex in indicated wh ther th e zone east or w st
thereof is used for the location of points. somewhere near Detroit. (Such detailed
The grid system is based upon a quadriUage reference is rare. Actually in a given area
of 1,000 yards. This system is described 65.9-72.1 will fix the location of point D
in U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Special within a hundred yards.) Th grid north
Publication 59. For each grid zone a may deviat [rom true north about 3° at
polyconic projection was drawn with a most. These grid squares are marked on the
maximum seal error of only t per cent. margins on all new topographic sheets.
The 1,OOO-yard squares were laid out start- Several states have their own grid syst ms;
ing at the intersection of the central thus on many maps we have four coordinate
meridian wi th paralJel 40°30'. To avoid systems, the parallels and meridians, the
negative coordinates, in actual reckoning United States grid, the state grid, and the
a point 2,000,000 yards south and 1,000,000 sections and townships of the Public Land
yards west was chosen as the origin of the Survey, which is also a kind of grid system.
"false" coordinates. Thus a point referred The great extension of grid systems all the
to as 865.925-2172. 142 Zone B will be world over is described in hap. 24 .

•• '/11' rr'T"
....It CANADA .J.~011• •

lJI~ u.~MJDO
I 'Y'l1J ~
l"1 Ii'!!
~:JF' t.

p ~I:-'.
'+- pJ-£fB
11 . ~ ~ I

.3,: I • SOO,OO(

- r- ,
, b

w, Bt--

ta ~
U ~
11· .... · Ll"

Fig. 177 Progressi" military grid of the United tates. In Zone B (right) the coordinates of point D 865.9-
2172.1 fix it within 100 yards.

Other Government Maps

Even b for th war, in th Unit d tal s lished maps regularly. Th Map Infor-
no 1 ss than 24 F deral offic '8 belonging' to mation ffic of th U. ·oloo·j al
every branch of th administration, pub- urv y can be consulted about government
roaps. When the enormous production of monuments; national for sts; Indian, military,
the Army Map Service, the Office of bird, and game reservations; and other useful
Strategic 'Services, the Navy, and Air information. It also issues maps of the 29 public-
Forces, and other war agencies is added to land Slates, Alaska, and Hawaii.
this, the output of government maps runs The Hydrographic Office is charged with topo-
graphic and hydrographic surveys in foreign
into unprecedented figures.
waters and on the high seas, and in the prepara-
The most important government map-
tion and printing of maps and charts required
ping agencies are listed below as quoted in navigation on those waters.
from a statement of the Map Information The Corps oj Engineers makes special topo-
Office: graphic maps of areas of military importance,
and has made topographic maps of a few
The Geological Survey is the most productive quadran les not surveyed by the Geological
of the mapping organizations, for it is engaged Survey, besides revising some of the older
in making the basic topographic map of the topographic maps of the Geological Survey.
entire area of the United States. It is also en- The Forest Service publishes general geographic
gaged in making a geologic map of the United maps of national forests and topographic maps
tates and Alaska, involving both topographic of portions of them.
and geologic surveys. In conducting investiga- The Bureau oj Reclamation pu blishes topographic
tions relating to surface and underground waters, maps of many of the federal irrigation projects.
classifying the public lands, and supervising The Office oj Indian Affairs has mapped portions
the engineering phases of mineral leasing, the of the Indian reservations.
resulting maps are incidental. The Mississippi River Commission has published
The Coast and Geodetic Survey is one of the a series of maps showing the profile of the river
oldest surveying bureaus of the government. and the topography along the shores, extending
I t is charged with the survey of the coasts of the from the SOurce to the mouth of the river.
United States and its poss ssions and with the The International (Canada) Boundary Commission
publication of navigational charts of these has published a series of topographic maps
regions. The Coast and Geodetic Survey is also extending approximately 1 to 10 miles on each
charged with the determination of geographic side of the nited States-Canada boundary line
positions by astronomic observations and by and along the east boundary of Alaska.
triangulation and traverse, and with the The Lake St~rvey publishes hydrographic
determination of elevations by spirit level- charts of the Great Lakes for navigational uses.
ing, in the interior of the United States and The Topography Branch of the Post Office De-
Alaska. partment compiles post-route maps for all the
The General Land Office is the oldest surveying states, Alaska, Hawaii, the Samoan Islands,
and mapping bureau of the government. The Guam, Canal Zone (Panama), Puerto Rico, and
act of Congress approved May 18, 1796, the Virgin Islands. It also compiles rural-free-
provided for the appointment of a Surveyor delivery maps of many of the counties in each
General and directed the survey of the lands of the states.
northwest of the Ohio River. A subsequent act The Bureau oj Chemistry and Soils publishes
of Congress, approved April 25, 1812, provided maps which show the character of the soils
for the establishment of a General Land Office in the areas covered. A single soil map will
under the direction of a commissioner. This usually cover the area of a county.
bureau makes rectangular surveys of the public The Bureau oj Public Roads publishes maps of
lands. These are published in the form of town- the United tates, showing the Federal aid
ship plats. The bureau issues annually a wall system of highways, and also maps of some of
map of the United States, showing the extent the states, carrying more detailed information
of the public surveys; national parks; national of the same character.
The Soil ConserlJation Service is engaged in the National Geographic Society, the American
production of planimetric maps compiled from Geographical Society, the Pan American
aerial photographs. Highway Commission, and Carnegie Insti-
The Tennessee Valley Authority prepares maps
tution, we can appreciate the magnitude of
of the Tennessee watershed.
Natiotlal Resources Committee sponsors various official cartography of a single country.
regional and state planning organizations the Since a proportionate amount of official
publications of which contain important map maps are publish d by other countries, we
material. can assume that official cartography is
If we add to the maps described on the producing more and more important maps
previous pages the multitude of maps at the present time than private industry.
published by states, counties, and cities, The changes brought forth by the Second
and by semiofficial bodies, such as the World War ar discuss d in Chap. 24.

Important Topographic Maps of the World

The list of important topographical maps could be made. (2) The Army Map Service
of the various countries that was published and other government agencies supply a
in the first edition of this book is now rich coverage of foreign countries, which
omitted for two reasons. (1) The postwar satisfies the map demands of American
reorganization of the topographic surveys colleges, and therefore it is seldom necessary
and the new sets of airphoto-based maps did to go to the original sources.
not crystallize enough so that a new list
CHAPTER 22: Charts

The history of charts is as old as the filling in detail. The gr atest advance-
history of land maps. Lists and descriptions ments, however, ar in submarin topog-
of ports (which may originally have been raphy. It is no longer nec ssary to lower
accompanied by charts) have come down heavy weights on piano wire, taking hours
to us from as early as the fifth century B.C. for each sounding, for the fathometer
The charts of the great Phoenician navi- records th depth of the d pest ocean in a
gator, :rY.:arinus of Tyre, of about A.D. 100, few seconds with great accuracy. This is a
were frequently quoted by Ptolemy. The sonic or supersonic devic ; a " ping" is
magnificent portolan charts of the four- echoed from the sea bottom, and th
teenth century wer based on compass interval of time is m asured. The exact
surveys as describ d in detail in Chap. 1. distance can be calculat d by considering
The first important atlas of charts, Wag- the dpnsity of sea water and the orrespond-
henaer's" pi gel der Zeeva rdt," was pub- ing velocity of sound. There are fathometers
lished in 1584. In the seventeenth and that draw a continuous profile of the bottom
eighteenth centuries, chart making was a as the ship mov s along. In th case of a
lucrative business-first centered in Amster- steeply sloping bottom, the ound will
dam and later in Paris and London. The reflect somewhat sideway and in narrow
Hydrographical Office of the British Ad- straits the d vi may not work at all and
miralty was established in 1795 ; and similar it may then be n cessary to r sort to the
offices were established by other maritime weighted wire; but under normal circum-
nations. The U. . oast urvey was founded stances th fathometer will giv the skipper
in 1807, but its first charts did not appear a very accurate id a of his location on a
until 1844. The U .. [Navy] Hydrographic known course, as h can recogniz 'land-
Office dates from 1866, and it provides charts marks" at the sea bottom.
of foreign coasts. The fathometcr is not sufficiently reliable
At the present time most of the world's in harbors, as it may mis a boulder or
coasts are sufficiently surveyed for the submarine pinnacl ,which an rip open
publication of some kind of charts, but only the bottom of vessels. Here the old wire drag
a comparatively small part of the world's is still the safest and most reliable method;
coast has been surv yed in detail. The most this is greatly aid d, however, by airplane
compI te and up-to-date sets of charts are photography. Airplane photographs pene-
published by the British Admiralty and trate clear water to about 100 feet, and an
by the U .S. Hydrographic Office. expert can r ad a great amount of det;j_il.
Surveys. Enormous advancements in The depth of the water can be judged by
marin surveys are at the disposal of the th darkness and th typ of vegetation or
chart mak r at th present time. Th 60° coral growth, and also by th displacem nt
astrolabe makes it possible to fix the latitud of shadow of way cr sts. Th r are gr at
and longitude of a location within a few exp ctations for the use of color photog-
hundred f, t. Triangulation and I veling, raphy in marin surveys. he color will not
using the old principles but with b tt r only give bett r indications of d pth but
instruments, measure positions along the will help in marine biological surveys and
coast, and airplane photographs help in in determining the type of bottom, sand.

Fig. 178 Submarine sand formations at Tuckernuck Island, Mass.

mud, gravel, rock, coral, seaweed, etc. The sound travels to the shore and is
Airplane photos hav revealed rich patterns picked up by the sono-radio buoys and is
of typ s of sea bottom, many of which were radioed back automatically to the ship.
hitherto unknown. When the velocity of sound in water and
I t is not enough for the surveying vessel the exact location of the buoys is known, a
to ascertain the depth; it has to know the fix can be made.
xact location of the sounding. As long as Excellent results were obtained by using
charted points On the shore are visible, there shoran, an all-radio instrument. The survey
is no difficulty. The ship measures the angle ship s nds out short-wave signals that act
between three points and gets its own loca- as a k y to release bursts of radio impulses
tion by "resection." If the ship proceeds from intermeasured and fixed shoran re-
on a known course, the angle betwe n the c iver-transmitter stations. The time lag
true cours and a single point will give the of the return signal gives the distance, and
location. direction can be obtained by intersection
If th ship is out of sight of land, some to another shoran station. As the short-
sp cial equipment has to be used. In coastal wave ignals do not follow the earth's
waters radioacoustic harting can be us d. curvature, shoran can be used for coastal
ono-radio buoys ar located along the surveys only. Airplan s, however, have
shor at known and fixed intervals. The used it up to 500 miles. It is the fastest
surveying ship throws a bomb into the sea. method of getting a fix. The U.S. Coast
and Geodetic urvey ship "Explorer" was is obtained by pricking through the paper to
able to get her position in 15 seconds. the regular chart.
Out in' the open sea far from land the Scales and Projections. Contrary to the
loran is the newest and most generally used uniform scale and size of topographic
device to establish the location of the ship. sheets, charts vary widely in both respects.
Loran stations are established all along the Harbors and channels may be shown on a
scale of 1: 5,000 to 1: 60,000; for well-
Lorancharf frequented coasts 1: 80,000 is the most
common scale, and there are smaller scale
charts in great variety. Most charts are in
the Mercator projection because this is the
only projection that shows rhumb lines
(compass dir tions) as straight lines. Such
charts are often not provided with graphic
scales owing to the great variation in scale
with the latitude. Degrees and minutes are
recorded on the sides of the chart, and this
can be used for scale by considering that
Fig. 179 Loran charts give the location of 1 minute of latitude averages 1 nautical
a vessel by the time difference of radio sig- mile.
nals from two pairs of stations. P is a double- Gnomonic charts for plotting the great-
pulsed master station. Rand Q are slave
circle routes of transoceanic travel ar
published for each ocean. As constant
important coasts of the world, usually in changing of the compass direc tion would be
the combination of one master stalion and impractical for actual navigation with a
one or two slave stations. The master station ship's compass, these great-circle lines are
gives out an extremely short (40 micro- transferred to a Mercator chart. The
seconds) radio signal, which is followed by a original plane-table surv ys are usually
signal from the slave station; both signals plotted on polyconic base sheets. The U ..
are picked up by the vessel. The time Coast and eodetic urvey often used the
difference of the signals indicates that the polyconic projection until recent years,
ship must be along a parabolic line, which is when it partly changed to the Mercator
indicated on a " loran chart. " Another projection in order to comply with the
reading is taken from a second loran practice of other nations.
station, and the intersection of the two lines Symbolism. On many charts the land is
gives the fix. Positions obtained by loran left blank; only information pertaining to
in a few minutes time compare favorably navigation (such as lighthouse, landmarks,
with astronomical observations taken much and fresh water) are marked. Soundings are
more laboriously under average conditions. shown by numbers and by submarine
Loran stations and loran charts now contour lin s. Th 6-, 12-, and i8-foot con-
cover two-thirds of all oceans. An interesting tours are usually shaded. ontour intervals
development that has been mad by the increas with d pth, and contour are rarely
U.S. Coast and Geodetic urvey is the print- shown below 100 fathoms. A r cent tend-
ing of the loran curves on the reverse side of ency in charting is to show the configuration
the chart in mirrorlike fashion; the position of the d ep ocean bottom witb greater
detail, for this helps vessels to determine Heights on land are generally reckoned
their locations with the help of cho-sound- from mean high-water level, because usually
ing instrumen ts. this line is clearly visible on the shore;
Much confusion is caused by the various sometimes, however, the mean tide level is
units of depths. Greater depths are shown used in accordance with the topographic
in fathoms, I s r depths in feet; it is impor- sheets.
tant to note carefully which unit is used.
Most non-English countries use the metric
system. Uniformity of symbols and of units
of length and the use of the same prime
meridian on the various charts are highly
Plane of Reference. On the Atlantic and
Gulf charts, d pth are reckoned from the
mean low-tid lev L Pacific, Alaskan, and
Philippin wat rs have a larger and smaller
tide daily and the soundings are measured
from the m an of lower low water. In
Pug t Sound a plane 2 ~ et lower still has
been adopted, b ause of the variability
of low tide in the ound. Usually the datum
plane is chosen 0 that it lies from 1 to 2 feet
above extreme low water. Strong offshore
winds and unusuaJly high barometric pres-
sure may cause still lower levels. In the
Atlantic, even unusually low tides rarely Fig. 181 Compass roses on charts usually have two
dials. The outer dial has north at 0 and is divided into
fall below 1 foot of the r ~ rence plan
degrees. The inner dial, starting with compass north,
is divided into quarters of J')oints (1 point = 11°15').

Charts as a rule contain information as

to the nature of the tides and currents.
Usually several compass roses are printed
on charts. The compass roses have two dials;
the outer dial is r ckoned from the true
north and is divided into degr es; .the inner
dial shows magnetic north and is divided
into points (11 °15'). In recent navy charts
they are also in degrees. Isogonic lines which
show the variation of magnetic north are
also recorded on charts, 0 that the navi-
gator should have no difficulty in findilllg
his true bearings.
The life of a chart is short. The rapidly
expanding aerial surveys, the multitude of
e ho soundings, the installation of new aids
to navigation, the constant dredging of has rep atedly been mapp din d tail. Esp -
harbors, and natural changes in sandy cially famous is the' el ta urvey," com-
shores soOn make a chart obsolet and pleted in 1861. In 1870, everal survey
r quire new editions. For this reason charts parties of Army Engineers, of the Coast
are render d in a simpler manner than Surv y and of th Lak Survey worked
topographic she ts. Colors arc rarely used on the river imultaneously. Their efforts
on charts except as fiat tints or for over- were unified by the creation of the Missis-
printing some sp cial information. Charts sippi River Commission in 1870, with a
are printed on heavy, water-resi ting paper; central office in Vicksburg, Miss. This
thus they ar more expensive. The sheets commission's 1: 20,000 map of the river was
are large, averaging 2 by 3 feet, for con- completed in 1894. ince then the on-
venience in plotting. Large steamers contain stantly changing riv r ha b en resurveyed
separate chartrooms for the storing of a full repeatedly, with re ultant overprints to the
set of charts for every eventuality. map. In 1928, in connection with the flood-
Pilot Charts. The monthly Pilot Charts control project, a new set of maps of the
puWished by the Hydrographic Office in entir vall y was issued. These were similar
cooperation with th ''''eather Bur au con- in style and system to the topographic
tain a wealth of information. Winds, cur- sheets of the U. . G oJogi al urvey.
rents, magnetic lines, storm trails, radio The commission has a large, functional
stations, fog conditions, floatin d relicts, relief model of the Mississippi River at
icebergs, etc. are recorded on a separate Vicksburg.
chart for each ocean. On the " v r e of these Air-navigation Charts or Airway Maps.
charts scientific essays of inlerest to navi- In the last decades a very important group
gators provide profitable reading during the of maps has app ared- those to serve air
long hours at sea. Pilot charts that show traffic. Most airway map are 1: 500,000 in
conditions of the upper air ar helpful in scale and are drawn on the Lambert con-
long-range weather forecasting. formal , onic projection, which combines
Lake and River Surveys. The United straight azimuths with small scale error.
States urvey of the Northern and North- These maps show roads, railroads, rivers,
western Lakes was inaugurated in 1841, at cities, landmarks, and altitud s, with 1,000-
a time when steamers and schooners on the foot contour intervals. All information for
Gr at Lakes carried thousands of settlers flying, airports, radio beacons, and signals is
into the new northwestern territory. At overprinted in red.
present about 125 charts of the Great Lakes, orne airway maps are published in strips,
Lake Champlain, the N w York canals, and with the air route in the center, whatever
the Lake of the Woods are published by the direction that may be. These strips ar
orps of Engineers in polyconic proj ction, usually 10 inches wide and repres nt a belt
and are obtainable from the U .S. Lake 80 miles wide. , trips without contour lines,
urvey Office (Detroit, Mich.). Thes published by the Hydrographic Offic,
charts are prepared in the same manner show th .coastal rou t s of th Americas.
as the Coast Survey charts. From a g ograph r's point of view th
Mississippi River Survey. The survey airway maps publish d in uniform she ts
of this great, ever-changing river is a orient d to th north ar more important.
problem that r quires constant attention. The tiona] irway Map of the United
Since the Young urvey in 1821, the river States (1: 500,000) publish d by the U ..

Department of Commerce, is one of the 000 Approach Chart is well advanced. Add
most important modern maps of the coun- to this the 1 : 125,000 and larger target charts,
try. It is only to be r gretted that the wide loran charts, "low-visibility" charts, radar
contour interval of 1,000 fe t makes this charts, etc., and we gain an idea of the
map less useful for g ographi al purposes. enormous magnitude of aeronautical chart-
During the econd World War th usc of ing in recent years .. trikingly succ ssful are
aeronautical charts ros to previously un- the 1: 1,000,000 radar navigation charts in
hard-of proportions. Airmen had to fly gray or sepia half-tone shaded relief.
over the Sahara and the hinese-Tib tan As time goe on, mar and more pilots
borderland and air maps were lacking. The and navigators feel that the usual type of
U.S. Army and Navy, and the British pilotage chart could be improved. The
offices, set to work to prod u thes charts main problem is that the colors for altitude
in the shortest possible time. There was not tints are not easily disccrned in variable
much time for experimenting to flOd the lighting conditions, and some think ,that
best type of chart. The only major change many crashes could have been avoided if
in the prewar type of cartography was the the pilot had read the tints correctly. It :is
adoption of an odd-looking color scheme for also felt that the color sch me of charts has
night flying and the use of luminescent little relationship to the landscape below,
paper or of fluoresc nt paints. and typical landmarks, such as cliffs,
Long-range charts for celestial navigation hollows, buttes, etc., are not sufficiently
pr pared by the Aeronauti al Chart ervice shown. It is possible to conceive a chart
of the Army Air Forces cover the earth on where the heights of peaks are indicated by
1: 3,000,000 on Mercator projection. Pilot- bold numbers to the next hundred feet. A
ag charts to be used on the planes for peak 6,252 feet high would be marked 'as 63.
contact flying are 1: 1,000,000 on the Lam- Colors could indicate field, forest, pasture,
bert conformal conic proj ction, except for desert, etc. Relief could be indicat d by
an 8° belt around the equator, which is in plastic shading and landmarks by landform
Mercator, and the polar regions N or 72°, symbols. Interesting experiments have been
which are on th stereographic proj ction. made by ail the large mapping agencies,
The lands of the earth are cov r d by 1,172 and it i hoped that a bert r type of aero-
charts. Europe, North America, and Eastern nautical chart will create an entirely new
Asia have 1 : 500,000 maps too, and a 1: 250,- tyle in cartography.
CHAPTER 23: Private Maps

In this chapter we deal with maps that content, and were excelled only by the
are produced for profit by private concerns. exceptionally fine English volumes at the
To be profitable such maps must be pro- end of th c ntury.
duced cheaply and satisfy a widespread In the nineteenth century, with the growth
demand. A map publisher naturally prefers of government mapping, the importance
not to engage in expensive land surveys or of the grand atlases diminished' they be-
researches, but to get his material by com- came smaller in size, unadorned; and the
pilation from existing maps. A commercial geographical text was often omitted. Ger-
map must be attractive in appearance and many was the leading producer, closely
easily understandable, and is likely to b followed by other nations.
decorative. The scale of maps in a general atlas varies
Atlases. Official topographic surveys are with the importance of the country; the
published by the various governments on tendency is to use only a limit d number of
different seal s, in different projections, with scales. Larg - cale city maps are usually
different symbols, and in different lan- added as insets. The pr~jections also vary;
guages, and are generally on too large a those generally used have b en discussed in
cale for general demand. A collection of Chap. 5. Maps showing sections of a larg r
maps, usually bound together, published in unit are usually drawn in a conic projection
one language, with uniform symbols and because any meridian can b chosen as
projections but not necessarily in uniform central.
scale, is called an 'atlas." The name is ince atlases are printed in 5 to 10 colors,
derived from the mythical Greek god who the symbol system is rich but far from uniform
holds the Earth upon his shoulders, a pic- throughout the various countri s. In er-
ture of whom often decorated the title pages man, French, and Italian ada. e~. mountains
of Renaissance atlases. The first known are usually shown by hachuring: the English
atlas was the 28-page work of Ptolemy. No use altitude tints; American atlas s usually
real atlases were made in the Middle Ages. do not show mountains at all. A very
The fifteenth-century editions of Ptolemy important part of a modern atlas is a
with their "Tabulae Modernae" were the voluminous pronouncing index of all geo-
forerunners of modern atlases, which per- graphic names contained in the atlas,
haps start with the Thcatrum Orbis Ter- each place located by page and by
rarum of Ortelius, 1570. The following coordinates.
century was the golden age of grand atlases. American atlases are somewhat cruder
Beautifully arrayed, embossed, parchment- than are the best European products. On
bound folios containing hundreds of ornate the other hand, th yare very rich in names
maps augmented with historico-geograph- and new ditions are published yearly. Th
ical text were the pride of very respectabl last typical general, or "grand," atlas was
library of Europe. The 11-volume Blaeu that of the Touring Club of Milano, pub-
atlas of 1662 is perhaps the culmination of lished in 1929. Th more recent "Columbus
this ornamental style. Weltatlas" of Debes uses chiefly old plates.
The eight nth-century French atlases The general atlas, as develop d in past
were less pretentious, but no less rich in centuries, wa~ primarily a reference for
location, but with the growth of geographic can be conveniently obtained. Such atlases
knowledge it does not quite satisfy present are published by Finland, Scotland, Sweden,
needs. The public now demands more Norway, Denmark, Czechoslovakia, Po-
diversified information than mere location. land, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Yugoslavia,
The grand atlas of th future should contain Algiers, French Colonies, France (in prepa-
not only topographic maps, but climatic, ration), Egypt, Katanga, U.S.S.R., China,
vegetation, geologic, economic, and popu- etc., and by various German states. The
lation maps as well, with text material and United States issued a statistical atlas
statistical data add d. Nothing would be after each census, but the material grew
more helpful as a reference for students of to such proportions that it was divided
geography than such an atlas, but the work into various special publications. The "Atlas
involved is so enormous and the atlas would of American Agriculture" and the various
so soon be out of date that probably no recent reports of state planning boards con-
commercial company would dare to under- tain good basic material for the compilation
tak it on a large scale. The nearest present of an atlas of the United States. A new
attempt is the "Grand Soviet World Atlas," national atlas is planned by a special com-
which is now issued at the expense of the mittee of the American Society of Profes-
government. sional Geographers. National atlases are of
National Atlases. If the ideal grand atlas very different size and quality, nor is it
of the world is still a proj ct of the fu ture, the always the great nations which produce the
various national atlases are pointing out best atlases.
how it should b done. Several governments The chief difficulty with national atlases
and privat con erns have published na- seems to be that the richness of statistical
tional atlases, and although these are not mat rial calls for new editions every few
always private undertakings, th yare dis- years. Another difficulty is the language.
cussed here. Thus, the "Grand oviet Atlas" is pub-
uch atlases usually contain, besides the lished in Russian only, and thus its use
topographical pages, such a rich assortment outside the country is restricted. Many
of sp cial maps that almost all informative national atla es are published with the text
or statistical data conc rning the country in two or three languages.


The largest American atlas is the Rand Hammond's "Loose Leaf Atlas" has some-
McNally" ommercial Atlas," which reached what more foreign pages and inset maps and
its 77th edition in 1946. It weighs 20 pounds, is maps with altitude tints. Hammond aJ 0 pub-
21 by 15t inches, and is sold by subscription. lished the "Encyclopaedia Britannica World
It is primarily a reference atlas for businessmen Atlas" by G. Donald Hudson, edited by Walter
of the United tates with lesser mphasis on Yust, which has a remarkable statistical sum-
for ign countries of the world. Rand McNally mary of all countries. Hammond's 50-cent small
publishes a number of smaller atlases for the hand atlas shows what mass production can do
g neral public in the same styl but with some in popular editions.
noteworthy addition of pages that ar doubt- Among the British grand atla es, the largest
lessly composed by geographers. A widespread is the "Times urvey Atlas" published by
pUblication of the firm is the "Goode chool Bartholomew in Edinburgh in 1922. Thi is the
Atlas. " first atlas that made a bray attempt to show
relief allover the world by altitude tints. It has detail d maps of th country. The sp ial pages
a valuable index. The "Citizen s Atlas" put out show climate, geology, frozen soil, agriculture,
by the same firm is a popular medium-sized manufacturing, etc., and represent a geo-
atlas, and new editions of it appear almost every graphical research project of unusual magnitude.
year. The "Oxford Advanced Atlas" is an excel- A remarkable small "Atlas of World Maps"
lent small atlas on the college level. was publish d by the Army pecial Training
The "Royal Atlas" and the "International Program;l this was compiled chiefly by the
Atlas" published by George Philip & Son, Ltd., geographers of the O . .S. and the U.S. De-
are good reference atlases. Philip and Darby partment of tate. All phases of world probl ms
also publish the "University Atlas," an excel- from economics to religions are portrayed by
lent work on the college level. The "commercial small sinusoidal world maps with accompanying
development" maps of the Putnam atlas are text.
perhaps the greatest step in modern cartography It would be beyond the scope of this book to
toward a land-use map of the world. list the excellent Swedish, Dutch, and wiss
The most famous German atlas is Stieler's atlases of the world, and the student is referr d
"Handatlas" published by Justus Perthes in to W. W. Ristow's "World Reference Atlases,"
Gotha since 1825. Its "International" dition New York Public Library.
was interrupted by the war in 1939. It is a
locational atlas, and yet it has a rich symbol School Atlases. Since the time of the
system and fine hachuring. The maps look over- Arabic school atlases of the twelfth
crowded for our taste. Its index is one of the century, these small atlases have always
richest in the world. Andree s "A1lgemeiner been profitable undertakings for map pub-
Handatlas," Velhagen und Klasing, Bielefeld, lishers. The scope of these atla s has varied'
is more modern and somewhat more pleasing greatly with the centuries; the present
then Stieler's, and it has more special maps of tendencies in modern school atlases ar
climate, vegetation, geology, etc. Debes'S,
most encouraging.
"Columbus Weltatlas," published shortly before
Older school atlases were simply small
the war, goes even farther in special maps than
editions of a grand atlas, but in re nt years
The Italian "Touring Club Atlas," which climatic, economic, and sp cial regional
reached its fifth edition in 1938, is perhaps the maps are added in great diversity. Because
most up-to-date reference atlas of the world. It of the large and ever-changing market, new
closely resembles Andree's with its buff hachures, editions can be issu d asily, and k n
and its altitude tint maps of the continents are competition eliminates th inferior and
among the best. The Agostini atlases made in antiquated products. chool atlases are not
Novarra are also of the highest standards. common in the United States, since the
The "Atlas Universel de Geographie" by textbooks of geography contain all the map
Vivien de Saint-Martin and F. Schrader material necessary, but in Europe such
(Librairie Hachette) is the best known French atlases are generally us d even in the lower
grand atlas. It is remarkable for its extremely grades.
fine hachuring and delicate lettering, and it The school atlas has a threefold function:
ranks with the others in excellence. 1. Source of Inform.ation. The atlas should
The "Grand Soviet Atlas" (first volume 1937, contain enough d tailed maps showing
second 1939) is really a national atlas but with
environmental conditions, such as r Ii f,
enough special world maps to rank among the
climate, soil, veg tation, and an equal
best world reference atlases. Volume One is
number of maps of human r lationships,
divided between world maps and maps of the
U.S.S.R. as a whole. Volume Two contains 1 Army Special Training Program, Man. 101.
such as political maps and maps of density
of population, railroads, roads, crops, manu-
factures, etc., to provide reference material
for the students.
2. To Give Clear-cut and Memorable Pictures
if Geographic Patterns. For this purpose the
map should not be too complex. If a map
shows several s ts of lines overprin ted
(e.g., rainfall and temperature on the same
map), it is useful as a source of information
but fails to give an easily remembered
mental picture of such distributions. All
un ssentials should be omitted. It is useful
to have one g neral map that gives the
aggregate pattern of all mountains, cities,
railroads, et., and smaller special maps
showing landforms, rainfall, vegetation,
crops, natural resources, languages, ad.
mini. trative districts etc.
3. To timulate Interest. Particularly u efuI
for this purpose ar large-scale maps of cities
and of places of sc nie or historic interest.
Large- cale representation makes it easier Fig. 182 Informal, simple cartograms are better
for the tud nt to perceive the connection understood by children than very complex, formal
b tween th map and th land it represents, maps. (Birkett-Lewis Atlases, Evans Bros., London.)
parti ularly if accompani d by pictures. To Wall Maps. Classroom instruction in
make the map alive should be the aim of a geography is incomprehensible without
good school atlas. Distant places have a lure good wall maps. The first wall maps espe-
for most of us. We all want to travel, if in no ciaUy for schools were introduced by ydow
oth r way than on the map. An interesting and Petermann in Germany about a hun-
map can go far in stimulating geographic dred years ago. A good wall map is so
thinking. tati tical material and carto- drawn that its major features can be seen
grams can b made interesting by using across a cIa room, although not all the
pi tograms. Ev n pi torial maps of the kind lettering can be made that large.
popular in advertising may be useful. Most of our wall maps are nothing more
Most school atlas s use in their general than enlarged atlas maps, although the
map altitud tints, the disadvantag s of function of wall maps is different. Whil an
which hav aIr ady been discussed. Bright atlas map is partly for study and informa-
gre n on d sert lowlands i likely to give tion, the wall map, a used in clas room
ri e to fal e inC ren s. Alfred oderlund in instruction, forms th background for the
his 'Folkskolans Kartbook' uses a gray teacher's explanation just as th cenery
plastic shading fi r r lief, ov rprint d with is the background for the actor in a play.
olor d land-use tints, as y llow for farm- An atlas map differs from a wall map in
land, gr n for forest, and white for pa ture the same way that a pictur differs from a
or wa te land. In his latest maps he uses poster. The rules of poster design are the
rules for making wall maps, too. The colors small maps must be kept simple. Parallels
are boldc;r, the lines are heavy, and d tail is and meridians are usually shown in th
omitted. Mountains shown in plastic shad- margin only. As colors cannot b used, the
ing with deep shadows are particularly representation of mountains by hachures or
effective. Names of cities and rivers cannot contours is not easy; her the physiographic
be expected to be seen across the classroom; method may be advantageously employed.
yet they are shown, per hap for no other Books of travel should always be accom-
reason than to help the teacher. As colors panied by maps; it is to b r gr tt d that
carry across a room better than lines, colors some of th cheap r publishing houses issue
should show the variou land types, such as trav I books without th m. uch maps ar
forest, mountain, cultivated land, tc., and best placed on th cover lining (end papers)
not the traditional altitude tints. of the book, which not only makes them
Effective wall maps can be obtained by readily accessible but, by doubling the size
lantern slides, the slight cost of which allows and omitting margins, permits a larger map
for a greater number of maps, offsetting the (in average 12 by 9 inches). Owing to the
disadvantage of certain difficulties in color- crease in the center, the map must be inter-
ing. Black outline wall maps, which can be rupted and pulled apart in the middle,
filled in by the teacher and washed off leaving an empty strip of about t inch. Both
again, are particularly usefuJ teaching tools. end papers of the book should hav the
Textbook Maps. Almost every textbook, same map; thus, when a library card is
whether it deals with history, science geog- pasted over one, the other can b used. As
raphy, or economics, is supplemented by cover linings ar printed separately, there is
maps and diagrams- a growing tendency in longer time available for their preparation
modern books. As such maps are printed than for the other maps. On the other hand
together with the text their size is limited library books have to be rebound very £< w
to the printed page size, which rarely years, and the map is lost altog ther un] ss
exceeds 4t by7t inches. Of necessity such some extra copies ar supplied to libraries.

City Maps
City maps comprise an important part have a grid system of mile squares, num-
of a map maker's job. The chief aim of these bered and letter d on the sid s 0 that each
is to help us find our way in a large city's stre t or building can be determined by its
labyrinth of streets. The scale of a city map coordinates. An index of str ets is usually
is determined by lettering. ince each street added to city maps.
must be lab led, the scale can seldom be European city maps usually show the
smaller than 2 inches to the mile. Ev n on built-up areas by different shades or color.
this scale the names of the narrower streets American city maps show the street system
could not be lettered within the width of as laid out by the city engineers, wh ther
the street, and it is quite customary to built up or not. It is not an unusual ex-
exaggerate the width of streets at th ex- p riene to arrive at a swamp or forest
pense of the blocks. wh r the map indicates a den network
City maps are usually in the rectangular of streets.
projection, but meridians and parallels are City maps rar ly indicate mountains,
rarely shown. It is common, howev r, to chiefly becaus of th lack of a suitabJ
system. Contour lines or hachure lines Mor accurate maps on larger scales,
would confuse the map. The b st method is showing xact width of streets, property
plastic shading with oblique illumination, lines, etc., ar prepared and used by the city
but the necessary half-tone overprint would engineers. Functional city maps showing
increase the price of the map and an orcli- zones and th dev lopment of cities are
nary city map must be inexpensive. described in Chap. 30.

Communication Maps
All forms of transportation, railways, maps, printed in timetables, are quite
roads, steamers, and airways, ne d maps to diagrammatic. Their only purpose is to
show their routes to the public. show the system of lines and sequence of
Railroad Maps. The usual railroad stations. The lines are straightened and

Fig. 183 Railroad maps are often diagrammatic. Note how the southern states are
reduc d in size.
simplified; the stations are laid out lik With filling stations all over the country, the
bead on a string with little resp ct for exact oil companies can gather local information
location. It is al 0 customary to show in from ev rywhere, and for som places this
larg scare th r gion s rved by the company is the best and most recent information
and compr ss th r est of the map. The term available as new editions are p ublished
"cartogram" [or su ch d ign is more correct yearly. Besid s road conditions, these maps
than map. show cities state parks, interesting places,
Althou h these totally utilitarian maps elevations t. No uccessful attempt has
serve their purpose well, it i som what yet been made to show land forms on
unfortuna te that a great educational oppor- automobile road maps. Her the physio-
tunity is neglected. Attractive railroad map graphic m e thod would b of great advantage.
showing the n ature of the country, its The usual seal of automobile road maps
geology, product, and in t re ting features, is 4 to 8 miles to the inch in th East, and
would awaken inter t in tray I and would 8 to 16 mil s in the c ntral and western
mak e the weary hours in a train an adven- part of the country. They are usually
ture in geography. The magnific nt maps arranged by stat ; this causes mu h
of the wiss railroad and the charming duplica tion of marginal areas. ectional
and enligh t ning pamphlets of some English automobile road maps o[ yen size would
railroad are worthy of imi tation . om not only fa ilitate ountry-wid travel, but
of the sc nic western lines are described by could b handily folded accordion-wise and
th U... ologieal, urvey, but the e put into cony nient fold rs like orne
guidebook arc too , 'olum inous to be r ead E uropean a utomobile road maps. Many
by a wide public. ome lines publi h European automobile road maps are in-
road strips in which th railroad line is tricately fo lded and can be op ned at any
straighten ed out and cen tered on the page pIa e.
and information is printed left and right; The great popularity of the present auto-
an idea introduced by Matthew Paris in the mobile road map makes us hope that they
thirte nth century. will be further improved and wi ll be trans-
Automobile Road Maps. The first a uto- formed into pow rfu l conveyers o[ geo-
mobile road map old by private map gr aphic edu ation. Indication of land forms,
companies were littl better than the r ail- plac s of scenic a nd historical interest,
road m aps, Later an oil company pre ented great engin ring structures, even g 01 gi al
the customers of its filling stations with formation s, ar all within the bounds of
automobil maps. Competing companies possibility ; and increased inter st in auto-
follow d suit, and at pre ent every large oil mobile trav I would amply repay th ost of
company seeks to produce better au tomobile preparing such maps. h littl fold r maps
maps, which ar printed in millions of of the Royal Automobile lub of England
copies, con. tituting a national industry. At r epres nt a good approa h to this problem.
prcsC'nl in America perhaps more auto- Air-travel Map s. Airway ompan ies
mobi le road maps arc printed th a n a ny seem to I Co morc awar o[ the int res t-
other kind; and crtainly they acq ua int a stimulatinO' and cd u ational opportunities
wider public than ('vcr before in hist ry with of trav 1 for which th plan s o~ I' xc p-
the us· of l1.'laps. tional faciliti s. s th country unfolds
The amount of information suppli ed by a under the obs rv r, his interest is awak n d
good automobile road map is remarkable. if he can follow his rout on a map. For this,
a map has to b about 1: 500,000. On a Artistic Maps and Maps for Advertise-
m illionth map, a mile is to inch, and this is ment. uch maps ar fairly ammon in
hard to translate in to th visible r ality by newspapers and periodicals and in the
an untrained ob~erv('r. Th e map has to pamphlets of travel agen i s. Unfortunat iy,
resemble the country and hcre is a gr at they are mad by artists and not by cartog-
chall cn Ft' for a good' landscape" map. The rapht'rs, and by their singl d sire to appeal
possibilities of air-travel maj1~ arc like those to the ye they often violate every rule of
of th ideal au tomobil road maps, except good cartography. Most of these maps are
tha t pa tt rns of vegetation, geology, and decorated with pictures or, more correctly,
type of farming show up v ry well from consist of a set of small pictures placed
the air and should be pointed out. At according to their location on a very
pr sent, air-trav 1 maps ar published in the generalized map, th pictures being oft n
form of strips on a . ale too small for use. more important than th map.
Actual strips of airplane photographs, The decoration of maps with pirtures is an
colored and lettered, would make good air- age-old custom, and the medi eval maps
trav ' l maps, but their large . calc would especially were full of th em . This custom
rend er th m too bulky nd xpensive. gradually died out in th ighteenth and
Maps in N ewspapers and Periodicals. nineteenth centuries and only rec ndy has
Most newspapers illustrate current vents it b en revived in artistic maps. Th e most
with small simple maps. These maps con- serious objection to pictures on maps is that
tain important r eference matcrial for recent they are out of scale and dwarf the other
changes in the world' map and should symbols of th map. Where, according to
be carefully filed by cartographers and th scale of the map, a 10-mile-Iong man
g ographers. is catching a mil -long fish, even Lake
Perhaps th mo t important artographic Michigan will look like a pond. Especially
reference mat 'ria l for current developments where mountains are shown, the discr p-
is containcd in geographical periodicals. ancy between the size of a mountain and,
Th maps of the Geographical Renier£) ex e1 (or instance, an approaching cO\'cred wagon
with th ir fineness and a uracy, strictly may b ridiculous. Therefore, it i important
adh ring to their principle that no unneces- to r legat th pictures to empty parts of the
sary lin should appear on their maps. The map, and to set them more or Ie s apart
map of the . alional Geographic Maga~ine [rom natural ~ atures. Anothcr method is to
ar a lso fin and well proportioned and set the lit de pictures in a fram so that th y
present a r markable amount of information will not be regard d as part of the main map,
with littl ov rcrowding. Their larg colored A good cartographer either makes an
map of the various countries, ontinents, honest piclo-map, where an ot,ttiine map
and oceans have set a standard for private serves mer 1 , as a framework for the rough
cartography in the United Stat . The location of pi tur s, or h makes a real map
artistic maps of The Royal Geographical with cartographic d tail in which case he
Society in London have al 0 created a style will decorat only the bard r, the s a, and
which is now widely imitated in England. tile empty pIa es of t h map. Among the
Among Am rican p r iodicals th colorful first categor y, the richly illustrat d and
and original roaps of R. E. Harri on in minutely detailed maps of Ern st D ud -
Fortune and the dynamic roaps of R. ,M. ley Chase of W inchester, Mass., d erve
Ch apin in T£me des rYe mention. mention ,

Fig. 184 In this type of pictorial map the outline of the land forms only the
background for the pictures. (CluzrLes Scribner's Sons.)

A charming type of artistic map is coming with characteristic pictures and still erve
into fashion nowadays, which shows the their purpose. The preparation of this kind
roads leading to suburban homes. As these of map is a welcome play for the cartog-
maps rarely show anything other than roads raph r's imagination between long hours
and landmarks, they may well be decorated of dry and precise work.
CHAPTER 24: Cartography zn War

It may not b true that more maps have College in Washington, and several impor-
b n print d during th . e ond World tant maps, esp cially modern city plans,
War than in all times previously, but the were missing.
fact remains that no greater advancement Army Map Service. With the imperative
has b en made since the time of Columbus. demand for fast production of maps the
The progress was not so much in design- Army Map Service was organized in 1942.
the war maps are not v ry differ nt in An enormous plant covering several aeres
appearance from the prewar types- but was built in record time. The building
in (1) the enormous coverage, (2) the in- had no windows and it was so effectively
tensive use of airplane in mapping, and (3) camouflaged that there was little suggestion
the world-wide interest in maps. outside of the spacious drafting rooms, map
British Maps. Both Great Britain and collections, and engraving and printing
America reorganized their mapping pro- establishments inside.
gram. Of these two the British were the All the major map collections of the
more active. Ther the entire mapping country were combed for every bit of
program was centralized under the Direc- geographic information, maps, and pictur s,
torate of Military Survey. This included the and soon more than 2,000,000 maps were
immense establishment of the War Office, collected, exceeding any other map coHec-
the Ordnance urvey, the various surveys tion in the hemisphere. The country was
of the Empire, and clo e coop ration with combed for cartographers in a similar
the Admiralty was established. The dire - manner. Here the inadequacy of carto-
torate had much more to go on at the graphic education in America was most
outbr ak of the war than its American keenly f, It, and the inexperienced personnel
count rparts had . The excellent India produc d maps much below standard. The
Surv y maps of outhern Asia were at their young cartograph rs, however, soon learned,
disposal and th various dominion and and the fast improvement was striking.
colonial surveys had ready material. Early Cour in cartography were organized in
in the war British and American mapping the coJleges all over the country, and
was coordinated, with Britain cone n- hundreds of college girls entered the
trating on Europe th Near East, and A.M .. , which employed several thousand
India, and the United States on the Pacific. people. Tons of maps were shipped in a
Fr e a c ss to each other s material was ingle day for the urgent calls from the
agr ed upon to th great ben fit of both. army, and many of the maps were produced
Most of the maps used in th North Nrican under tres and strain on a . three-shift
campaign w r r print d from L'Institut day.
Geographiqu National h ts in th original A stat ment of the A.M. . is quoted here
French language with th addition of a verbatim:
grid system. Approximately 30,000 differ nt maps were
At the b ginning of the war) th Unit d prepared, and 500,000,000 individual sheets
tat s was ill-pr par d for the ta k ah ad. were reproduc d by the Army Map ervice or
Approximately half a million differ nt maps its affiliated organizations. orne 22,000 tons of
were in the collection of the Army War maps wer shipped to the various theater.
120,000 gazetteers to supplement the maps were the Army topographic field organizations in
prepared and reproduced. England.
To accomplish this huge task an organization
Increasing amounts of information came
was built up both in Washington and in field
offices loc'ated strategically throughout the in from the aerial- mostly trimetrogon--
eastern and central United States. At its peak. surveys of the Army and Navy Air Forc s,
the Army Map Service employed over 3,500 and as the war went on compilation gave
people. In addition, they made use of practically way to radial-line plotting. Slott d tem-
all the commercial cartographers in the United plates covered the spacious Hoors of the
tates and over 90 commercial lithographers. building and long rows of multiplex proj c-
As an example of the quantity of maps needed tors add d contours to the more important
by an operational theater, for the Normandy areas. Airplane photographs ar necessarily
invasion 70,000,000 sheets of 3,000 different of large scale, and the demand on Hoor
maps were supplied by the Army Map Service space was so great that another ven larger
alone. This figure does not include the large building was erected.
contribution made by the British as well as by
The program of the A.M.S. was varied.
Small-scale planning charts were prepared
500 000 meters for t.he entire world; the millionth map was
recompiled and its coverage extended. The
A ]B C D E 1: 500,000 map of the western Pa ific area
and the 1: 250,000 China, Korea, and
Japan contain a great amount of new
f G J K material. The maps of North Africa and
the European theater were mostly recom-
Arrangement of
500,000 meter squares '. 100,000 meter
pilations, but proved so untrustworthy that
a campI tely n w sct on 1$50,000 was
A 8 C D E
prepared by multiplex-one of the gr'eatest
F C H J K mapping undertakings of all times.
The coming of peace did not slacken th
l M ~ He p
activities of the A.M . . Indeed the program
Q R S T U for many years ahead is laid out; it will lead
...... 1E:Jm1l

o IV
r m.
10 000 meters.,.1 f- showing
W X y z
Enlargement of Square H
IUD, 000 meter squares
ultimately to a multiplex or trimetrogon
survey of the entire world.
Grid Systems. Mili tary grid systems were
9 greatly expanded in this war and th y were
8 generally used in all operations. Th re was a
6 great amount of confusion, however. The
4 I- Point British, French, Dutch, Norwegians, Rus-
3 I- defY4nated sians, etc., all had their own grid systems,
2 I- HV 442,
and sometimes different grid systems were
00 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 used in older or newer sets of maps on
Enlargement of Square HV different projections. ometim s yards w r
showing 10,000 meter squares
used, sometimes the metric system. To
Fig.185 The British and most other grid systems use
a 25-1etter system for 500- and 1DO-kilometer squares; bring order to the chaos was the unenviable
within the 100-kilometer square the position is given task of war cartographers.
by numbers. The maps of Europe, Asia, Africa. and
Australia were grid d by the British. As the 2,500-kilometer squares and designat d by
map s ts u ed wer on differ nt projections, two 1 tters. On large-scale maps these
no uniform system of grids could be used. lOO-kilometer squares are further divided
Thus the Old World was divided into a into single kilometers or even 100-meter
patchwork of zon s or b Its. Each zan had squares and are recorded from the lower
its own grid sy t m overprinted in its own left corner, reading right and up. No
specified color. For most zones, the metric hyphens are used in reference. In smaller
system was used . Each zone, or belt, is first zones, such as Egypt and Malta, no letter
divid d into 500-kilomet r squares each reference need be used. India, South
designated with a letter of th alphabet Africa, Australia, Malaya, and other British
from which the letter 1 is omitted. Each of territories use yards instead of meters, but
these squares is similarly divided into the system is the same.



Projeclion: Conical Orthomorphlc
Spheroid: Clarke 1880
Orillin: 7°N·Greenwich
raise Coordinales 1,800,000
of Orieln 500,000


lETTER. Musl be uMd for lllis s.... t. Obllin from fa of mlp or from dil,,,m.
GN FIGURES. IGNORE Ih. SMAU.£I! IlIUIIS plintH ntlr tht "'"I comirs. Thnt 11'1
for flndln. tht lull co·onIinel.., viz. 3 70000
EMI North
T... id•• oIl4Iu." 1ft T. $Gutll edll 01 s::r.lft 9
"~ ~
which polnlll~ .nd !lid Iht
II,..,. plintH oppotl.. tills
.......11 poInl Nta, .nd
Ii,.,,. OC'''lilt

'h,. on Nortll or SoIIIII m.lII.
lint on EMt or , melllft
...:> or On Ihi lint IIMIf '011 Iht or 011 Iht lint IIItIf 011 tht
"0 ...
0: fICI 01 lilt m.p. 4 1_ of tht mep.
CttMtcto too«'" 11_ _
~ ' ..' ....1. «.«1'" Co>l_

REFERENC[ oZ 4497 To _!'tit 1,000 mellll
.......tal.. . ..___
IIor..._ . .. ~
. 10,000-'
. . 11M.

Fig.186 War maps supply elaborat grid informati.on, as on this 1 :50,000 map of Si.erra
Leone. Th full meter reading of Gbangbama would be 444000-597000.
All the British maps have on their margin United tat s and Band II is west of it.
an elaborate rid Referenc Box printed Each band is divided into nine north-south
in the color of th grid' a sampl of such a segments called "zon s," each 9° wide with
bo is giyen in Fig. 186. A tandard Grid 1° overlap, as in the domestic system. They
Note de cribing the natur of the grid is are marked from east to west A, B, C, D ,
added on many maps. Thr -pronged E, F, G, J. A polyeonic proj ection was
declination diagrams ar given usually in drawn for each of th se zones and upon
the color of the grid. this was placed a 1,000-yard grid. The
The U. . Mili tary Grid has b en d - origin of the grid of the part of the zone
scrib d already on page 206. irniJar single- north of 28°N is on the central meridian
zone polyeonie grids have been prepared at 40°30' to agree with the domestic system.
for Hawaii, Panama, and the Philippine For the reo t of the zone, however, the origin
Islands. The World Polyconic Grid system is at the intersection of the equator and the
is an extension of the domestic grid to cover central meridian. To avoid negative values
all areas not covered by lhe Briti h. This, thc actually used origin in the northern belt
however, leaves only th Americas, Eastern is 1,000000 yards grid-west and 2000,000
Asia, and the oceans to be grided by this yards sou th of the true origin. B tw en the
system. It could be applied, however, to equator and 28°N the actually used origin is
any part of the world except the polar on the equator 1,000,000 yards grid-west
region north and south of 72° latitude. from its intersection with the central merid-
The world in this system is divided into ian. Grid r ferences are expressed the same
five north-south bands, each 73° longitude way as on th domestic grid with the excep-
wide, with 1° overlap. Band I is over the tion that, if full reference is necessary, the

t---r- ,..,~~ ~ [:3 lr. 1\r. I-
~ ..
Ir'"f':-. '").
~ .( ~
1 .....

~ ~& If ~ ~
.. N
~ r- It· II •

BAND I IWC) N 11. -
..... I).;k.( ..... , ...LJ •
, _u~.
"'- L.J i...R.
I" L . L.ol:.,..!.
IV ~

101ilU '
._ 'DOC'
~ V
Ir f- l ~ V,
....... C~::....""" ~ ~n\£-hSJA~J
\ i'... I J /)
L I~~
.,. ..r-

/ \ ) ' i-L,r- ~

_II .. . . . . \ _I.!--c."._..-
. . 'j} .
_ I.
f- llANO J[ , BANO Ill.
•• •• , "-'- ooA. . ... • I.L. ~, ..a. ....... fo-o-. • • ..... ...... ,..!, ........ '.i. • u.. ,
'i' ~T
1 11 r-- f<- ~
Fig. 187 The progressive military grid of the United States was extended all over the world durin g
tbe war, except on those parts where the British and other foreign grids were used. (From United States
Army Manual.)
band, zone, and hemisphere have to be given. The immens produ tion of the O . . .
Thus a full reference may read IlIBN1,329,- was mad possible by its unique organiza-
200-2,625,400. On large-scale maps how- tion under the dir ction of Dr. A. H.
v r, where the approximate location is Robinson. Th work of the compiler was
known 29,2-25,4 would be enough to 10 ate strictly separated from the work of th
the point with 100 yards.
The Universal Transverse Mercator
Grid. The many overlapping grid systems
aused endless confusion during the war. One
does not change horses midstr am, but as
soon as th fighting was over the Universal
Transverse Mer ator Grid was introduced.
Since it is a conformal grid all computa-
tions are simpIer. The world is divid d in
6° N.-S. belts reaching from 80° N. to 80°, .;
zones b gin at 180°, numbered eastward. The
origin is th central m ridian of ach zon at
the equator. Fal e origin is 500,000 miles
west on the quator (for the southern hemi-
spher 10,000,000 miles south). Twenty-five Fig. 188 Scratch board map of lbiza in the Balearic
Islands, prepared at the O .. S.
miles of overlap is provided but never used
for reference. calc error of the projection draftsman; they were often in differen t
is less than 1 : 2,500. For North Am rica the buildings. The compiler had a sampl book
Clarke pheroid 1866 is used, oth -rs ls('- containing all types of 1 ttering symbols
where. The new tabl s are in A.M.S. Tech. and a complete color chart, and from these
Manuals No.7 and No. 19. he drew up his sp ifieation or marked a
Most large-.cale maps of the A.M .. are sketch map carefully sel cting the thickness
now Oll tl:: transver e Mercator projection, of the boundary lines, the type of lettering,
including th new 1 : 25,000 and 1: 50,000 etc. This m thod gave the geographer-
topographic sheets of the U.S. compiler a great rE' pon ibility, while the
The Office of Strategic Services. While actual drafting ould be done by artists and
the A.M.S. pr pared map mostly for draftsmen. Indeed some of the most ad-
tactical use, the O.S.. oUected material vanced type of map came from th O .. S.
for more general strategic purpo s. The Although under ordinary circum tances the
maps are of the gr atest variety, ranging work of a artographer combining the artist
from mineral maps of Alaska to an ecclesi- and the geographer is preferable, under th
astical map of Hungary. The various field given anditions Robinson's method gave
units of the O.S .. were in tructed to bring good r ults.
in any map that they could obtain, and the Aeronautical Charts. The greatest de-
O.S.S. map collection exceeds a half- mand for new maps arne from th Air
million different maps. Much of the O . . . Forces for more and b tter flying charts.
map work was illustrative, added to the The activitie of th various map-making
reports on th geography of many regions. agenci s were coordinated by the cro-
Much of this ri h mine of geographic nautical Chart ervi e of the Army Air
research is now availabl to coli ges. Forces. Th charts range from 1: 250 000
(Philippines and Indo China) to 500,000 in These charts encompass d a single city,
general map, and 1: 1,000,000 or 1: 3,000, factory, bridg, or any other important
000, for air plotting charts. Much of the object. As th bomb r fl w over the target
work was giv n out to A.M . . , to th Coast in a few minutes, ther could not be too
and Geod tic urvey, and to private firms. much detail on them. They showed riv rs,
In addition , harts w re drawn in five field railroads, primary highways, and the fea-
off:c s, and all charts were edited by the tures that would help locate th target. Th
Aeronau tical Chart ervice. target itself is indicat d by concentric
Th harts do not differ ess ntially from circles 4 miles apart. The usual scale was
th prewar style. Th y show altitude tints 1: 75,000, but later a combination of 1 : 180,-
and air information overprinted in purple 000 on one side and 1: 36,000 on the other
upon a Lambert conformal projection. On side proved more useful. Simplifi d per-
some charts the colors were chosen so spective views of the targets w re added to
that they should be discernible under an help quick identification. The gr atest
amb r-red or ultraviolet light during night difficulty in the production of these charts
flying. Purple , browns, and orange colors was the lack of reliabl up-to-date city
were us d , giving an odd impre sion; maps, and many of the charts had to be
greens were add ed for daylight use only. remade from flight information.
Many charts were printed on :fluorescent Photomaps. Intensive use was made in
paper or with fluorescent paints. the last years of th war of photomaps.
The charts were not altogether satis- These are rcdu ed half-tone r productions
factory. Vege tation patterns, landmarks, of controlled mosaics made possible by an
and land types were not differentiated, not extremely fine half-tone scr en of about
b(>cau e their necessity ould not have been 350 lines per inch. ver th mosaic a grid
re ognized but b cause it would hav b en was drawn and white or black lettering was
difficult to hange the system under the added by ellophan stick-up. Many of the
stress of war. Later charts are greatly 1: 50,000 maps of Europe and Eastern Asia
improved by adding plastic shading. had this photomap printed on th ir back
Target Charts. This new type of chart on the same scale. This is an important step
was introduced during the war and it soon in cartography, as it provid s a comparison
became on of the most important items of between a map and a picture and the com-
war cartography. At first these charts were bined effect of the two gives a bett r
prepared by the A.M.S. but later the U.S. und erstanding of both.
Coast and Geod tic Survey was the most Relief Models. Never before were relief
important producer. models used to such an extent a during the

Fig. 189 Model prepared for landing in Algiers (Bains Romains) on 1: 2,000 scale. Note the naturalistic
handling of the terrain. (Courtesy oj H. P. Reed in Ceog. Rev.)
war. All theat rs of operation were por-
tray d by small-scale strategic models, and
thousands of large-scale models of Pacific
islands, landing beaches, etc., were distrib-
uted among the field commanders.
Many new materials were used. Plaster
models were made stronger yet lighter with
an ingenious rib system. Th ir plastic effect
was enhanced greatly by the use of a side-
wise spray of dark color with an airbrush
intensifying the shadows. The rubb r models
that could be rolled up and shipped and
used under battle conditions proved to be
surprisingly serviceable. A thin layer of
liquid rubber was spread into a hard
plast r negative and was backed with
sponge rubber. Plastics sucked into a mold Fig. 190 Reflection of continuous short-wave im-
by vacuum made good trans par nt models. pulses presents an ever-changing chart on the screen,
te I deposited in an electrolytic bath into not influenced by darkness, rain, or fog . Note Man-
a mold made a strong model that could b hattan, the Hudson River, and Central Park on the
above radar chart. Position of plane is shown by
magnetized to hold little iron ships, troop
central ring.
symbols, etc., instead of the usual colored
pins. Professor Cook of Princeton developed facing the receiver give lighter reflection
a method by which stereoscopic images of producing an effect of plastic shading with
contour maps projected on a block of soft the light in the center. As clouds and
plaster indicated the depth to which the weather do not obstruct radar waves much,
plaster had to be whittled down. "Egg this chart is us d in cloudy w ath r or at
crate" models were made rapidly in the nigh t. The charts are prepared from an
field by cutting out parallel profiles from interpr tation of radar pictures, and ar
planks and stret ~ing canvas over them. still in the experimental stage.
Rough painting sanding, sponge trees, Port Shipping Plots. By frequent photo-
et ., gave a natural finish to the work. Much graphing of the enemy harbors, cIo e
of the relief map work was done by the surveillance was kept of the wh reabouts
O. .' . under Maj. W. W. Atwood, but of every known vessel. Th e were re orded
notable models were mad by other depart- on an ingenious set of chart which helped
ments too. a great deal in the crippling of enemy
Radar Charts. This is also a completely shipping.
new development of th war. Th echoe of City Maps. In the econd World War,
directional short-wave impulses ar r- more than in any other war before fighting
ceived on a sensitive plate, and the places was concentrated in cities, and large- cal
which have reflective power, such as maps were produced in enormous quan titi s.
built-in areas, industrial es tablishments, Th y were used partly as a complement to
ships, etc., will show up white, while water, targ t charts, but their chi f u e wa by the
which does not refle t radar waves, will be invading infantry and artillery. At pr sent
black. Land in general is gray, but slopes they help civil admini tration. N ver befor
wer 0 many citi s mapped by uniform greate t collection of ice data of the world, a
symbol and language, and these maps will truly satisfying contribution.
b of grea t use for urban geography. The The abov -related activiti s can be re-
maps are of 1 : 10 000 to 1: 25,000 scale and peated for the Coast and G odetic urvey.
are the result of both aerial photographs and The usual sets of nautical charts, tid and
compilation plus local information. current charts, geomagnetic surveys, aero-
Road Maps. Mechanized warfare is nautical charts, coast pilots, and seismo-
dependent on roads, and 1: 500,000 maps graphic and gravity surveys were carried
were prepared for all theaters of war with on with many improv ments. Nautical
roads classifi d as to width, surface, bridge charts are now printed with brown altitude
capacities, etc.; steep slopes and sharp tints, another example of close approach of
curves were shown by special symbols. map and chart.
Landing Maps. Landing op rations are Escape Maps. Prize souvenirs of this war
planned with exact correlation of activities, are the 1: 1,000,000 maps of the Pacific
and they require the most detailed charts Theater printed on nylon. These maps
and map. Tb se were drawn in all cales, stood up after prolong d immersion in salt
sometimes as large as 1: 1,000, showing the water. They could be laundered and faded
types of bottom) bah features, tide levels, only slightly in sunlight. They were part
and the inland topography. They were of the equipment of the inflatable rubber
oriented so that the sea was on the bottom rafts used on airplanes.
and the land on top, a d parture from the Special Publications. Ga:;.etteers, etc. Vol-
almost univcr 'al north orientation. umes of gazetteers giving latitude, longitude,
Charts. The war production of the various spellings, and grid references of
Hydrographi Office of the Navy sky- hundreds of thousands of places were pub-
rocketed to 45 million charts a year. A lished by the A.M. . Thes were made in
great numb r of captured Japanese charts cooperation with th Board on Geographi-
were tran lated revis d, and printed. The cal Names of the U.S. Department of the
polyconlc 1: 72,000 Approach Charts, and Interior. The "Glossary of Geographic
the 1: 36,000 Bombardment Charts have a Names" was particularly useful in using
1,000-yard grid, and are used both on sea Japanese, Italian, and German maps.
and on land. Several sets of air-navigation Giving small glossaries on every topographic
charts were spc ially designed for navy sheet was a welcome addition for the
fiiers. Loran charts were published for all soldiers fighting in Tunisia with maps
major shipping lanes. The monthly Pilot reprinted directly from the French. S.ymbols
Charts were printed on "wet-strength' if foreign maps were publish d in sev ral
paper and were tucked away in lifeboats and booklets. The A.M. . often took over th
rafts. This paper is impregnated with a symbols of foreign maps if they wer better
plastic and gets stronger when wet. ub- adapted to showing the local conditions
marine warfare was aided by the urrent than the American symbols. For instance,
and Temperature harts and Bottom edi- the Japanese symbols for shrines, tempI s,
men t Charts. Sea and Swell Charts aided etc., are used since we have no symbols of
th fiier of the Navy. pedal charts were our own.
developed for tb polar regions wher usual Topographic Battalions. Each army corps
methods of navigation fail. The "Ice Atlas" had a topographic battalion in the field
of the Northern Hemisphere gives the which consist d of a photographic, drafting,
and printing unit, turning out maps in the thr e small atlas s were published indicating
field for local operations. The outfit of these recent tr nds in cartography. "A War
battalions was compact, mobile, and amaz- Atlas for Americans,' although published
ingly efficient. Unhampered by conv ntions by a private firm, was prepared with the
and under the d ir ct pressure of the d mands assistance of the O.W.I. It showed the
of a new typ of warfare, they turned out history and strategic problems of war.
th most original maps, and many of their R . E. Harrison's < Look at the Earth" was
innovations were later picked up in Wash- mostly a collection of his maps in Fortune.
ington. Th us of vegetation patterns in the This atlas was also mostly concerned with
Pacific ar a was in response to an nviron- geographical and strategic problems of the
ment where the knowledge of the typ of war and as one of hi reviewer's remarked
forest or savanna was vital. They al 0 used a his "handling of relief represents a carto-
great deal of plastic shading and landform graphic triumph." "The Atlas of Global
method in their maps. Their offset presses Geography" by Erwin Raisz was a more
produced sheets 19 by 21 inches and were general geographical atlas with am special
carried in trucks. pages on the geography of dis ase, poverty,
Newsmaps. A novel feature of this war illiteracy, etc. All three atlases had a great
were the post r-sized ' newsmaps" pub- amount of text, a quarter to a half of the
lished by both the U.S. Army and Navy. space of maps; all three used a number of
Thes boldly designed displays of maps, orthographic proje tions or ~hotographs of
pictures text, and diagrams k pt the man g)ob~s at various angles. THey represented
in the field informed about the salient facts
of war better than any newspaper. Both
used photographs of relief models for the
base of their maps, an easily attained and
effective m thod of plastic shading. Private
newsmaps w r published for the general
public in response to the n w int rest and
understanding of map by everybody.
The Un£ted Stales Department of State.
Remarkable progress in cartography was
made in the g ographic section of the U ..
Department of State under Dr. S. W.
Boggs. Maps and globes were prepared
of the greatest variety, showing th factors
affecting the peace treaty. Much of this
material was published in the "Atlas of
World Maps," showing such items as
climate, soil, languages, religions, economic
factors, communications, etc. This approach
to a gen ral world atlas filled a gap in GERMANS RETmE-1IIap local"" t.ll. approdmat. battle line In
Tulllol.. wh~re late dispatch •• r eporttod an Ad, retreat 'rum bleb
American cartography. The maps consisted ,round whlcb had be<on bltttorly de/ended. PlAg. .how _tiona 0'
Allied Un. buld by "".Ioua natJon., and arro",. Indlcau. dl.ectJon of
mostly of an assemblage of continents on a prlnclpo.l <lr1~es. (AI' Map)
sinusoidal proje tion. Fig. 191 Newspaper maps showed great improve-
Private Atlases. In 1944 in short su ession Illent durin$" the war,
an attempt at the dynamic handling of the in an enormous new coverage. Whole
world in motion. countries have been mapped an wand the
Newspaper Maps. Never before were news- area of large-scale mapping almost doubled.
papers so copiously endowed with maps as This new coverage could not have been
during this war. These maps, which illus- accomplished without the use of airplane
trated situations which were changing photography. With the exception perhaps
hourly and which were often changed in of the trimetrogon proc s, here also the
the last minutes before going to print, gave progress was not so much in new methods
a real understanding of far-off batt! s to our but in the extensive use of what has been
new -hungry public. The maps of the worked out befor . Air power produced
Associated Press were relayed to the sub- airway maps also on a world-wide spread
scribing newspapers by wirephoto. Among and developed such new features as target
the independent papers the maps of The maps, radar maps, and fluorescent maps
New rork Times, PM, and the Christian for night flying.
Science Monitor deserve mention. On these The social and economic mapping of
maps mountains were represented by a the world was a part of political, psycho-
crude trachographic method, which, al- logical, and economic warfare and here
though a great improvement over the older we encounter new symbolism and new
maps, could be easily improved by adopting methods.
a more scientific symbol system. Adding to all the awakened interest of
Summary. The greatest progress in war- the public, which stimulated the production
time mapping was not so much in new of newsmaps, models, atlases, etc., a nd all
systems of cartography- there was hardly the elements arc here which may produce
time to d velop that under the urgent a progress in cartography which is unpre-
pre sure of military demand- but rather cedented in history.

Modern g ography is b coming more and more an exact science and there is a noticeable
tendency among geographers to use quantitative methods in regional analysis. The increas-
ing us of diagrams, statistical maps, and cartograms in the more recent volumes of geo-
graphical periodicals is especially noticeable. The graphics of these representations have
been worked out more often by statisticians and economists than by geographers. It is
important, however, for every geographer to be familiar with these methods.

CHAPTER 25: Diagrams

Modern scienc could hardly have b en vertical bars are somewhat more easily
developed and certainly it ould not have evaluat d. Bar graphs offer easy comparison
been transmitted without the use of dia- but are not satisfactory where one quantity
grams. They represent a second language may be several hundred times larger than
for scientists and engin ers and are exactly the other, since some bars would be so short
in line with th work of the cartographer. as to become bareJy visible. Bar graphs can
Strictly speaking, diagrams are not part of be subdivided, and lettering can readily be
the system of cartography, but since they placed on them.
are used on statistical maps and form a sub- There are many different types of bar
stantial part of g agraphic illustrations their graphs. In Fig. 194 is shown a series of
inclusion seems to be justified. The terms closely set bars representing the variation
"graphs" or " diagrams" are used here int r- in time. This typ of graph is sometimes
changeably. Economists call them "charts, ' called a "staircase graph"; if th sub-
for example, "pie charts" or " bar charts,"
but as the term "chart" in cartography '1IfYIITU"" Of' ,Alt. OrelA,...".. Of' .n.u ........ ,
means a mariner's map this term is not used .0 10 1~

Bar Graphs. Bar graphs are the simplest
type of diagrams us d for simple com-
parison of quantities. The quantiti s in-
volved ar represented by bars of equal
width and of length proportionate to the
quantity on a chosen scale. They can be
us d horizontally or vertically as the case
demand. Horizontal bars hav the advan-
Fig. 192 Bar graph. Horizontal bar graphs are
tage over v rtical bars in that their lab Is are easier to label but more difficult to compare than
somewhat mar easily I' ad. On the other vertical sets of ·bars. (Courtesy oj U.S. Department qf
hand, according to classroom experiments, Agriculture.)
divisions are labeled in one-hundredths, 50 50
they are call d "percentage bar graphs." ~ 40 ~40
E 30 III 11r><!1
Bars are sam times shown on both sides
of a v rtical zero line. lt is a [act proved by ~ 20
3 10
I I ~ 20
,I" I I I).c
, I " 1::1 :111
l l I III :11111
1II1 1111
classroom e'p riments that the mirrored 1 'I II1I II1I I ' "
bar graphs make a b Her impr ssion on the o II II I I I I
oN ..., 10 ,_ 0>

memory than the usual on -sid d graphs. 0> s: ~ s: s:

Unit Graphs. Bars ar often broken up A 8
into countable units, such as rows of even 50
circles or r ctangles, or rows of small pic- ~40
E30 ~
ture - each circle, rectangle, or figurette
~ \
representing a certain quantity. These unit ~20
graphs are used not only to enliven the g 10

pages of our popular magazines, but form

o N ...,

a standard method in state and national

0> s:
planning-board r ports. They became C
Fig. 194 Time relationship can be shown by both
exceedingly popular under the name of
bar and line graphs. (From Riggleman, "Graphic
"pictogra phs, " and whol establishments Methods ." )
of artists are engaged in their design.
Fractions can easily be represented if circles in reference to another. One of the variables
or squar s are u ed, but the pictorial unit is usually time, but this is not necessarily so.
graphs have the disadvantage that it is lt is customary to show time on the hori-
difficult to show half a cow or quarter of a zontal line. The variation is shown by a
telephone. Vertical piles of coins are shown curve, each point of which is determined by
in Fig. 193. two coordinates.
Fine horizontal and verti allines marking
JlJIJlJlJiJl.JiJl.JiJl.JU.Jl.J1 units of measurement are convenient for
valuation of the curv . The lines should

not be very close; t to 1 inch is a reasonable
Although the principle of line graphs is
extremely simple, there arc several mistakes
~~~~~~ to guard against. First, th variable has to
~~~4i be marked off at the proper time coordinate.
EACH OISC REPRESENTS 10 DOLLARS If average values are shown as, [or example,
EACH AUTOMOBILE REPRESENTS 2 AUTOMOBILES yearly temperatures, the average for each
Fig. 193 Pi torial unit graphs are used generally for month is marked off at the middle of the
simple comparison of quantities. (From "Our Cities, ' month, and the points so marked are con-
Katiollal Resources Committee, 1937 .)
nected with a continuous curve. The names
The value of either kind of bar graph is of the years or months should be directly
greatly increased if the quantities repre- under the mark d points. If aggregate valu s
sented ar al 0 given in exact numerical are represent d (as, for instance, production
figures. of motor cars), the value for any giv n year
Line Graphs. This typ of diagram is is obtained only at the end of the year and
used to show the change of one variabl should be marked there. In both cases it ic;
better to avoid misunderstanding, and to res mble th oscillations of a seismogram
mark the years between the vertical lines ar > not easy to read. I t i also important
and not directly under them. that the whole value should be represented
from the zero figure; in oth r words, the
JncideJJce '!f chart should not b 'amputated " at the
bottom, since an excessive variabi lity may
thus b indicated where th rc is a tually
la"l eTtl but little. If it is nc essary to save on space,
a horizontal break near the bottom of the
graph will call attention to the fact that the
whole vertical calc is not included . On
every line graph the z ro line should be
made heavy.
.A0v. lhc. gall. 'Jeb IN THE UNITED STATES
Fig. 195 ]f the variation is continuous, we 1800 - 1930
are nearer the truth if we make a continuous A. SIZE 8. RATE
When the line graph shows a continuous 120
variation, th e error is less if th e known ~,OO
pints are conn cted with a continuous 3 80
curve rather than wi th straigh t lines. In the
:l 60
case of a noncontinuou variation, as, for z
instance, the price curve of steel, a ja rg d
line is justified.
1926 -1929 1926-1929 Fig. 197 Th arithmetic graph shows only that the
popu lation is still increasing, while the logarithmic

I VI~140 .
graph reveals the fad that the rate of increase is

/ :5 ~120 declining. (From Riggleman, "Graphic Methods.")

::r:: ....J
VI 100 g~loo Logarithmic Line Graphs. If we are not
..... 80 ,- a.. 80 inl.erc ted in the a tual amount of change,
1926 '27 '28 '29 but are interested in th rate oj chal1ge, of
60 B
-< certain variables, we use a logarithmic
....J 40
vertical seal . Figure 197 illustrate this
Q 20 method. The graph on th left show the
0 1926 '21 '28 ' 29 size oj increase of the popUlation of the
A United tates on an arithmeti s ale. A
Fig. 196 The incomplete vertical scale on tim great r number of individual are add d
curve B may give a false impressi n of great vari- to the population of the country in every
ability. (From Riggleman, "Graphic M ethods.' ) su cessiv d cade. Yet, when this increase is
The choice of th v rtical scal should compar d with th total populati:m, we
be such that the urv will not show too find that the rate qf increase is constantly
sharp a vertical variation. Lin graphs that diminishing. Thi is clearly hown on the
logarithmic graph on the right. Logari,thmic graph showing the variation of percentages
graphs are generally used to show variability in time is shown in Fig. 199. If it is possible,
in stock and bond quotations. the smallest and I ast variable bands should
Paper ·lined in logarithmic scale can be be in the bottom or, in the cas of Fig. 198.
purchased at engineering-supply stores. in the cen ter.
Ruled paper on which the horizontal time NEW ENGLAND
scale is ev n and only the vertical scale is
logarithmic, is sometimes called "semiloga-
rithmic. " This is the usual type of paper
used in geographic work.

20.3 r.
~ ml'/1"Ions
1660 1930
Fig. 199 Percentage graph. (Cour-
1929 3.239
tesy oj Natiollal Resources Committee.)
1927 2.979
1923 2.936 Averaging of Line Graphs. Line graphs
1923 3.129
are often composed by averaging several
1921 2.J80
1919 3.2 31 single observations, as, for instance, tem-
perature readings. For each observation a
dot is marked by its coordinates. The curve
is drawn either as a median or as a c ntral
1.19.) (mean) line. In every narrow vertical strip
the median line has an equal number of dots
above and below. Th central line is plac d
so that the momentum of the dots above and
below is equal; i.e., in each narrow vertical
stri p the sum of the distances of the poin ts
from the curve is the same above and below
70 6 the line. The most rapid, but mathe-
Fig. 198 Band graph in symmetrical arrangement matically not quite perfect, method of
with vertical time scale. (Courtesy oj National Resources
Committee, 1936.)
Band Graphs. If a line graph is sub-
divided and the bands formed by ub-
divisions ar tinted differently, it is called
a "band graph, ' as shown in Fig. 198. This
diagram also shows that the time element
can be fully as well indicated along the
vertical coordinate as along the horizontal.
Band graphs ar not easily read, especially I
if the quantities are quite variable. In some ~
cases it will be found advisable to replace Fig. 200 Averaging line graph from scattered
them by several single graphs. A band information.
obtaining this line is to take two succeeding for simple comparison of quantities instead
points and replace them with a point in of bar graphs, but much more often th y
the middle. If the lin thus obtained is still are subdivided to show percentages. This
too up and down, the process may be division may be made by drawing a circle
repeated with the succeeding new sets of on transparent paper or on a celluloid sheet
points until the line is smooth. It is obvious and dividing it: with 100 equidistant radial
that th m dian and the central lines are not lines; this sheet is then placed over the pie
the same. Th median line is not changed graph, center over center, and the per-
if a number of dots above it are plac d still centages can be pricked through. Pie
higher, but such change greatly affects the graphs are not easy to compare, and are
c ntral line. difficult to label. Areal graphs are not so
easily commensurable as bar graphs and
cannot be lett red so well. Their advantages
are that th yean b packed closer on a map
and that they need less space to show t~.c
Block pila graph difference between very larGe and very sma!1

Spherical 9raph

Fig. 202 f- ing diagrams

are used for subdivision oC
civisioDs. Quantities are not
C:lSy to compare by this
8ar9raph Circ.ular graph
Fig. 201 Different types of Ring diagrams are used if further division
graphs showing the compari- of the subdivisions of a pi graph are neces-
son of two quantities related sary. In this case the radius of the whole
at 1 to 100.
quantity is calculated, and the large circle
Two-dimensional, or Areal, Graphs. In is drawn first. Next th inn r ring ·is drawn
this type of graph th area of a ci rcle, squar , proportional in area to the subdivisions. In
or of any oth r shape is made proportionate spite of the fact that it is very difficult to
to the quantity repr sented. If sev ral pi ompare the subdi isions ring diagrams are
graphs are to b compar d, w take th often used in Europ an stati tical atlases.
square root of each quantity involved and Square graphs are mor asily lab Jed than
measure it off on the diameters of the circles ircular graph and ar al 0 mor ea ily
or the sides of the squares or any similar subdivided.
lin s in similar figur s. Rectangular and Other T wo-dilJlt'1lsi onal
Circular (pie, coin) graphs are the most Graphs. On thes graphs the ar a of a r c-
common areal graphs. They are often used tangle or squar , or any oth r figure ot
i1_ _ Vii wh r h is the h i ht of th ylinder. Th
H -Vi] volume of a sphere is tr 37r. In the case of
spheres or cubes the cube roots of the quan-
h=H* titi s are proportionate to the diameters
ifV=l h::Hv;;. of the spheres or the sides of the cubes.
V", value qf Blocks arc drawn isometrically; spheres and
. _ _ -_ _-lI'-_ _ ~ I Lcu;ge Ll cylinders are usually heavily shaded to give
v: "part value a three-dimensional effect. Th e graphs
lend thems lves well to comparison of
Fig. 203 Triangular diagrams are good
when one value is very large in comparison
quantities of very different amounts. Their
to the others. disadvantage is that it is extremely difficult
to evaluate the volum of geometrical solids
plane geometry is made proportionate to by simple appraisal. For instance, two
th quantities repres nted. The various spher s related in volume 1 to 100 were
geom trical forms may be used to differen- shown to th class. The average estimate
tiate various products. Rectangular graphs was that they were related 1 to 20.
ar particularly useful when subdivisions Inst ad of cub s rectangular blocks can
are further subdivid d. The layout of such be used. An interesting experiment was
subdivisions is shown in Fig. 230. made to make the shape of the block express
Two-dimensional Unit Graphs. Instead of a variation in the volume. For instance, the
single large circle or square it is often incom of cities from (1) manufacturing,
preferable to draw a group of even-sized (2) commerce, and (3) other sources is laid
small circles, squares, or triangles. Thus the out along the three coordinate on a cube-
quantity represented can be appraised by root scale. Thus not only the total income
counting. This method is shown in Fig. 269. but also the type of income is visibl at a
Three-dimensional Graphs. These glance.

0 .2 16.1i 23 77 464
Fig. 204 Block-pile system of comparison of quantities. Th blocks are 10 units high. Frac-
tional pillars are always in the foreground.

graphs onsist of pictures of blocks, cylinders, Block-pillar System. To overcome the

or spheres, or any other forms of solid geom- difficulty of the appraisal of three-dimen-
etry, and here th volume of the graph is sional graphs, an attempt has b n made to
proportionat to the quantities to be devis a system in which the g ometrical
r present d. Th volume of cylinders is solids are divided into countable units. The
calculated by the formula basic I m nt of this system is a small
isometri eube corresponding to a certajn
unit quantity. Larger quantities are shown

Fig. 205
lL •


Tanks Socks
Pictorial symbols can be substituted for block pillars.

by piling the cubes over each other up to that is often violated. Moreover, the sizes
5 or 10. Over ten, th e cubes are grouped as of the figures are not easy to compare.
shown in Fig. 205. In this grouping, the The pictorial unit graphs, already men-
fractional blocks should always be in the tioned, are better. These came into fashion
foreground so as to b easily countable. in the last decade, introduced chiefly by the
The advantages of this system are that (1)
blocks can be counted and are easily com~
mensurable, (2) blocks can be subdivided,
and (3) lettering can be applied directly
on the blocks. The three-dimensional effect
of blocks is also better than that of spheres,
especially when shadows are added. A
convenient size for the basic cube is inch.
If the subj ct demands, piles can be re~
placed by pictorial symbols.
Pictorial Graphs. Diagrams have little
appeal to lh average man, but his interest
is imm diately aroused by pictorial or semi-
pictorial repres ntation. Almost very type
of graph can be drawn pictorially.
Bar graphs and block piles can be formed
into bales or boxes of even bas . Circular
graphs are often pictured as coins, showing
how the "dollar is split." Cylindrical graphs
can be r placed by piles of coins, groups of
tanks, sacks, or barrels.
Caution should be used in pictorial
graphs, where the quantities are repre~
sented by single human figures or animal
of proportionate sizes, instead of by rows of
figures of even sizes, because, in order to
Fig. 206 Misleading use of
make such figures accurately, their height
pictorial graphs. The height
must be proportionate mathematically to of the silhouettes should be
the cubic root of the quantities and psycho- proportionate at least to the
visually at least to the squar root- a rule square root of the quantiti s,
atlas, "Gesell chaft und Wirtschaft."l In Spoke Graphs. These .are similar to star
these graphs the quantities are shown by graphs except th at the r~dial coordinates
rows of small, simplified pictures, each do not represent actual directions ; th y
figure corresponding to a certain quantity. merely repr sent a number of variables laid
Since these figures can be easily counted out on lines radiating from the center. ueh
and remembered, these pictorial unit graphs are the econographs introduced by riffith
have great educational value. They actually Taylor. 2 Taylor analyzed the habitabili ty
represent bar graphs divided into countable of arious countries for white p ople and
units. expressed the resuJ ts on a graph, the con-
struction of which is apparent from Fig.
209. The obvious shortcoming of this
meth d is that it does not t::tke into account
som very important f:lctors of ha bitability.
Thus Southern alifom ia , wi t!1 the help of
irrigation and oil produc tio:1., prov d to b
much more habitable than would app ar

Fig. 207 Wind roses on the United States pilot


Star Graphs, or Direction Graphs.

These graphs are l!scd to express relation-
ships in which direction is involved. One
common type of star graph is the wind rose
found on pilot charts and climatological
maps. These wind roses show by a line of
proportionate length the number of hours
that the wind blows from a certain direction. Fig. 208 The heavy line repre-
The number of barbs is ' proportionate sents mean monthly te mpera-
to the average velocity of the wind. While tures, the shaded area th mean
rainfall, for Havana. The divi-
in wind roses the arrows fly toward tbe sions on the spokes correspond
center, in current roses the directions are to square roots of values,
away from the center. As further illustra-
tion, th trend of railways or of auto roads from the diagram. till, the idea of the
in a certain area may be recorded in similar econograph is sound and, by using ight
fashion. Instructive star graphs can be coordinates instead of four, for the eight
worked out to show trends in population most important geographic fa tors, interest-
of a city from decade to d ecade. The usual ing comparisons can be made of differ nt
method of construction of such graphs is to regions. poke graphs are very good to
riraw 16 or 32 evenly spaced, radiating lines show "cyclic" variables that r peat th m-
and to mark on each line the quantity which selves time after tim. For instanc , yearly
falls within its own s gment. For easi r com- rainfall and t mperatur can b shown
parison the end points of lines are often excellently by this m thod. Th character-
connected to form a starlike figure.
2 TAYLOR, GlUF'1-'ITII, The Distribution of F utur '
l" Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft," Bibliographisches White Settlement, Gaog. Rev" Vol. 12, pp, 375 02,
Institut, Leipzig, 1930. 1922,

Figs. 209 and 210 Econographs devised by Griffith Taylor. (Courtesy of Geog. Rev., 1922.)

istic shapes of the curves are easy to remem- derived from the fact that when such a
ber (see Fig. 210). The spokes are graduated model is divided into small vertical pris-
as 1, V2, V3, v'4, etc., so that each ring matic sections, the volume of each section
is the same area as the other. This will make will be proportionate to the product of the
the area of one shape representing rainfall three variables. Volumetric diagrams are
comparable with other shapes. often used in meteorology and climatology.
Volumetric Diagrams. These are three- The variation of sunlight with the season
dimensional diagrams, either built up into
actual relief models or drawn isometrically,
which serve for comparison of three vari-
ables. The method of isometric construction
is described in Chap. 31. The name is



o :z.o S 1fn dOO 90

Fig. 211 Volumetri diagram showing the Fig. 212 Three variables expressed in per-
relation of three variables, sunlight varying with centages are best shown on triangular graphll.
latitude and seasons. (Modified ajter William M. The earth sample A is of 60 per cent sand, 30
Davis.) per cent clay, and 10 per cent lime.
CLIMAGRAPH or EUBANK, KEN"TUCKY Triangle Graphs. Three variables ex-
II pres ed in percen tages can be shown well
A~ ~,~~LY on triangular graphs (see Fig. 212). These
... 70 JUNE
diagram are used to indicate composition
".:> SEir /MAY of rocks, soils, etc., but any threefold
: 60
division can be thus shown.
to ~0
OCT.! L~ Climatographs (Climagraphs or Climo-
graphs). In thes graph the temperature is
..w "0
I '\
/ laid out according to the vertical 'oordinate,
rainfall along the horizontal coordinate, and
a: ~EC.
:!; l 0
the points thus established for every month
are connected. This way a characteristic
figure can be obtained for every region.
23" ~ II
INCHES OF RAINFALL More complex c1imatographs were made
Fig. 213 A monthly rainfall-temperature climato- by tephen Visher, as in Fig. 214. Here four
graph will have a characteristic shape for every variables (rainfall, temperature, time, and
locality. yield of grain) are shown on a single dia-
and with latitude, is usually shown by such gram, giving a most useful method of
a diagram. prognosticating crops.


60°1---+-- • ·29


. 0" 1" 2" 3" 5" 6" 7* 8"
fig. 214 This kind of climatograph is lIsed in forecasting crops. Numbers represent the yield
of wheat in Indiana, placed according to spring rainfall and temperature of each year 1887-
1939. Darker shading means higher yields. Best yields are in the years of wet and cool spring.
CHAPTER 26: Statistical Maps

To put life into these inert masses of figures, tions to admit valid comparison, they must be
to bring out their hidden meaning and expose visualized with the area from which they came.
the comparative significance of factors in area, This can only be done graphically through
either individually or fused in index combina- symbolized representation. (F. J. Marschner.)

Maps of Nonquantitative Areal Distribution

In this group are included the maps that customary to differentiate adjacent forma-
show the areal distribution of a certain tions with widely different colors to make
element without taking into account the the distinction very apparent. The result,
density of distribution. For instance, a map however, was so confusing that a conven-
may show by color, pattern, or tint the dis- tional color scheme was adopted in which
tribution of forest in the United tates. the formation of variou geologic areas are
ome other maps show how the land is colored in a sequence that more or less
divided according to the various types or follows the chromatic scale of yellow, green,
subdivisions of a certain element, for in- blue, viol t, red ; individual formations may
stance, soil maps, geological maps, or maps be diff rentiated by various hues or over-
showing various forms of government. printeq patterns.
Maps of dominant areal distribution show Another m thod of drawing maps of areal
how the land is divided in the case of a distribution is to cover the ar a with small
mixed distribution, as, for instance, vege- semipictorial symbols (choroschematic maps).
tation, language, or religion, showing only This method is used chiefly for land utiliza-
the dominant type. A map showing agri- tion and vegetation maps (see Fig. 291).
cultural regions of the United States belongs till another method of showing areal
to this group. distribution is used where the various
The cartography of qualitative ar~al dis- distributions, such as geological formations
tribution is relatively simple. The most
common is the color-patch (chorochromatic)
method by which the area of distribution is
distinctly colored or tinted. This method is
applied to most geological, soil, or political
maps. Th colors or tints are either sharply
outlined or, in the case of transitional
distribution, they may merge into each
other. Such are the tfchnical difficulties,
however, in reproducing merged tints that
they are rarely used even in the case of such
transitional distributions as maps of religions
or races.
In chorochromatic maps it is important Fig. 215 Interdigitation is a common but
that the colors of similar 'distributions should somewhat misleading way to show mixed or
be related. In early geological maps it was transitional values.
or land-use types, are sharply outlined and for instance yellow in green, they may
marked with index figures and letters. This become confusing by disregistration. Better
method i u ed mostly in combination with results are obtained by the choroschematic
the previous methods. The weather maps method, where th symbols can actually be
showing air masses (Fig. 289) belong to this mixed on border areas. For instance, dotting
type. and hachuring can well blend into each
Difficulties may arise in the case of mixed other (see the geological column in Fig.
or transitional distribution. In the color- 272).
patch maps the most common is the inter- The various methods of qualitative maps
digitation method, according to Fig. 215. will be discussed in more detail in Part
This is at best a poor substitute, and if the even in connection with maps of the
colors are not contained in each other, as various sciences.

Statistical Maps
In this group belong the maps that show isopleths, dots, choropleths, and small
the variation in the value, amount, or diagrams placed over the map.
density of various distributions, such as Isopleths. Isoplcths are lines on a map
rainfall maps, population maps, and other which connect places of equal density or
statistical maps. The variation in quantity value of distribution of any certain element.
is expressed by various devices, such as If such lines connect places of equal tem-

Fig. 216 Isopleth map, with tints which are selected 8. that their darkness is proportionate to the value they
represent. (From Trewartha, "An Introduction to Weather and Climate .")
perature, they are called "isotherms" ; as diagram or ecor.ogram, than only a line in
places of equal rainfall are connected with it, this term seems to be less expressive.
"isohyets"; barometric pressure is shown
by "isobars"; magnetic variation, by "iso- The nature of isopleths has already been
gones ' ; and places of equal el vation dis u sed in connection with contour lines.
are expressed with " isohypses," commonly They are r ckoned from a d a tum plane or
called contour lines. zero isopleth and drawn at c rta in selected
intervals, and the d ensity of distribution at
The term " isopleth" (isos = same; plethron = anyone place can be det rmined within the
measure) is by no means generally accepted. isopl th interval. Where isopJeths are close
Some authors use the term "isarithm" (arithmos the variation is sharp. The exa tness of the
= number) or " isogram.' Others restrict the map d pends on th isopleth interval, which
use of the term "isopleth" to lines showing is selected in accordance with the scale of
density of population only . Most European the map and the available data. Isopleths
authors call them " isarithms." John K. Wright are usually marked with numbers as are
makes a differentiation betwe n isarithms and
can tour lines.
isopJeths. If the lines represent a continuous
Isopleths share not only the advantages
value, such as temperature or elevation, they
are called isarithms; if the lines indicate ao but also the deficiencies of contour lines.
average number of individual units, as density Th y give and demand exact information,
of population or acr age of agricultural prod- and where this is not available they cannot
ucts, they are called " isopleths." The two types be used. Isopleths can be used only where
of lines are drawn in the same manner, but the the distribution is fairly transitional ; they
mathematical concept differs. B tween the 40- are not adapted to show greatly variable
and the 60-foot contour lin s the elevation is elements, such as density of population.
everywhere between 40 and 60 feet, but it is Tints. To make contour lines more
not true that the density of population at any expressive, altitude tints are used; in the
point between the 40 and 60 isopleths cor- same way, the b Its b tween isopleths are
responds to 40 to 60 people per square mile.
often color d or tint d in a graduated color
For instance, if the maps were made on such a
scheme. If the map is r eproduced in colors,
large scale that every individual man would be
visible, there would be extreme concentration a fine graduation of a great number of tints
at every man, and empty spaces between. The is easily pas ible, but on a black-and-white
isopleth map in this case would be the same as a map the numb r of tints is limited. Me-
map in the dot system. chanical patterns of variable darkness,
However important this difference is mathe- ranging from dott d, ruled, and cross-ruled
matically, from the point of view of the practical patterns to olid black, can produce from
cartographer, the two types of lines serve the 5 to 10 shades, but th general .ff ct i often
same purpose and in the discussions which confusing, for lett ring must be pIa ed in
follow, the term "isopleth" is·adopted for both frames in the darker portions. It is impor-
generic types. The question of terminology, tant that the degr of darkness of the tints
however, is still open. 1 should be in proportion to the value repre-
In a more recent article, J. K. Wright pro-
sented. This can be controlled by measuring
posed the term "isogram" for these lines. As the
with a magnifying gla s the proportion of
term "gram" means rather a complete design,
the black and white areas. Some recent
1 See Isopleth as a Generic Term, Geog. Rev., experiments show that even the exact pro-
Vol. 20, p. 341, 1930. portions of black and whit areas will not
pro due the corr ct impre sion. 1 It has been amount of the darkest tint and diluting it
found that to produce ven gradations, the with a proportionate amount of water for
lighter tints should be made of do ely set every gradation. Wash is likely to be patchy,
:fin lines, and the darker tints of widely s t however, if painted by unskilled hands.
heavy lines. If mechanical tints (Zip-a-tone, More foolproof are the gray poster colors
that can be pur ' hased in five or six even
gradations of d arkness. It should be borne
in mind that half-tone reproduction causes
white surfaces to appear light gray. The
tints can be made exactly proportionate
to the value only if no extreme values are
pres nt. For example, on a rainfall map
of the United Stat s, if the area of 200 inches
of rainfall is represented by black, most of
the United States, if exactly proportioned,
would have its rainfall represented in too
light a shade. It is better to have the area of
more than a 100-inch rainfall all black.
Isopleth Maps Showing Percentages.
An important use of isopleths is in the
"ratio" or "percentage" maps. In these
maps not the actual quantiti s but the .
ratios of certain quantities to oth rs are
shown. From th geographer's poin t of view
it is often more important to know what
percentage of all land is cultivated in cotton
than to know the absolute amount of cotton
land in a certain terri tory. Cartographi ally
the ratio maps do not present special
difficulties, since th yare drawn in the same
Fig. 217 Part of a buill-UP isopJeth map, showing
manner as the simple isopleth maps. Ratio
the annual rainfall of the United States. (Collrtesy of
National Resollrces Committee.) maps are discussed in detail in "Ratios and
Isopleth Maps . . . ," by Wellington D.
Craftint, etc.) are used, bett r results are Jones, Annals 0/ the Association 0/ American
achieved by choosing qui t dotted r lined Geographers, Vol. 20, pp. 177- ·195, 1930.
patterns than the more fancy ones. Built-up Isopleth Models. If each isopleth
If the map can be reproduced in half is cut out from cardboard, and thes card-
tone, various shades of wash can be applied. boards are built up on each other, the result
The darkn S5 of hue of the tints should be is a stati tical relief model of distribution.
proportionate to th amount represented. Such a model gives a vivid visual impres-
This can b accomplished by making a large sion. To locate places on such models it is
simple to cut the base map into belts along
~hading8 on tatistical Maps," American Geo-
each isopleth and to paste these be) ts on top
r,raphical Society and Population Association of of the cardboards. An effect similar to that
America, 1938. of a model can be obtained on a flat map by
vertically offsetting ach isopleth to the AVERAGE ASSESSED VALUE OF LOTS
height that its value represents, as shown in IN DENVER. 1931
Fig. 217. Cities, rivers, and boundaries must
also be vertically offset to a corresponding

Fig. 218 Isometric diagram of the rainfall of

Oregon .

For better visualization of distribution, an

i opleth map may be transformed into an Fig. 220 Isometric choropleth map. (From Uni-
isometric block diagram in the sam way versity oj Denver, Bureau oj Business Research.)
that a contour-line map is transformed. The
graduated lines or with colors, th degree of
various methods of transformation are dis-
darkness of which is proportionate to the
cussed in Chap. 24. Such an isometric
distribution map is shown in Fig. 220. value represented. 1
Generally such a map will not give a true
picture of distribution, because in most
cases it is not at the county or township line
where the value changes. In every book or
atlas of the United States there are many
maps that show statistical distribution by
states only. Since American state boundaries
are singularly deficient in their line-up with
natural boundaries, such choropleth maps
by states will give a particularly false
picture of distribution. For in tance, on
certain statistical maps Indiana and Illinois
will appear very different, owing to the fact
that Chicago is situated in one extremity of
the latter state. When ver po sible, a
Fig. 219 A choropleth map by Glenn T. Trewartha.
(Courtesy of Geog. Rev., 1938.) geographer will strive to transform a
choropleth map into an isopleth or dotted
Choropleth Maps of Distribution. ta- map, but he will often be prevented by th
tis tical data ar usually available by
1 The term "choropleth" (quantity in area) is not
counties, townships, or oth r civil divisions. necessarily limited to civil divisions. If the area were
The simplest way to show these data on a divided into squares and tinted proportionately, this
map is to tint th civil divisions with would also make a choropleth map.
lack of detail in the available statistical on such small scale that the exact cenlers
data. Choropleth maps can be easily trans- are not calculated; their exact location
formed into isometric diagrams which give dep nds on the sense of proportion and
a vivid portrayal of distribution. on the geographic knowledge of the car-
tographer. If the statistical da La are ayail-
abl by ounties, the dots should b
agglomerated in that part of th county
which is most likely to hav the largest
quantity. Hence, the knowl dge of geo-
graphic conditions i essential. For example,
in Arizona, alfalfa will be shown in the
irrigated valleys and not in the arid uplands.
If a county lies b tween a heavily dotted
and an almost empty region, and if the value
Fig. 221 Dot map. (Courtesy oj U.S. Department of to be shown is intermediate, the dots are
Agriculture.) likely to be concentrated in that part of th
Dot Maps. In this system the density of county which is nearest its heavily dotted
distribution is represented by dots of uni- neighbor, assuming that the distribution is
form size. Each dot represents a given transi tional.
quantity, perhaps 5,000 people or 1,000 As a rule, only one variable is shown on
acres of farm land. The size of the dots and a dot map. It is possible to show two widely
the value for which they stand should be separated distributions on the same map, as, .
fixed so that the dots just coalesce in a for instance, sugar cane and sugar beets.
solid mass at the place of greatest density It is also possible to differentiate between
and in other places be proportionately varieties, as between dairy and beef cattle.
distributed. Uniformity in the size of the This differentiation can be accomplished
dots can be obtained by the use of various by using dots of different shap ircular,
ball-point, Payzant, LeRoy, or similar pens. square, triangular, full or empty in the
It is well to remember that the dots tend to cen te r dots of various colors.
clog together in reproduction if they are Comparison of Isopleth and Dot Maps.
spaced too closely in drafting. In many Both the isopleth and the dot system are
maps the dots appear too large or too close, used wherever the distribution involved is
simply because the effect of the engraving relatively even over large areas and not
processes was not taken into account. concentrated in cities. The dot ystem gives
The placing of dots must be done with an a cl arer picture of the pattern of distribu-
understanding of the distribution. As a tion, for the darkn ss of th map is always
general rule, every dot should be in the proportionate to the density of distribution.
center of gravity of distribution in the region On the other hand, it is difficult to count
it represents. For instance, if we have, in the dots where they are close tog ther and
a distribution-of-population map, a single not supplemented by exact figures that may
dot representing a certain number of people be used for reference. Isopleths do not show
in a township, the dot will be placed in the the variations so vividly as does the dot
part of the township that is the "center of syst m, but at every place the actual density
population."l Practically, dot maps are can be read by figures. This comparison
1 See "Centrograms" in Chap. 27. recalls to mind the difference between
hachure lines and contour lines in depicting or very concentrated distribution, as in a
topography. The choice of system depends map of manufacturing.
on the problem. Isopleths are us d almost Almost every kind of diagram can be
exclusively to show ratios or percentages placed upon a map. Only the most impor-
and gradations of a condition that can be tant types are described in the following
measured by instruments or by money, as sections.
temperature, rainfall, land values, etc. The Bar-graph Maps. In bar-graph maps all
dot system is used chiefly where the quan- bars are vertical and have the same width,
tity of individual units is involved, such as and their length is proportionate to the
number of cattle or acreage of corn. Often, quantity represented. The bottom of the
however, either method is equally satis- bars points to the exact location. Bar-graph
factory. In scientific papers the tendency maps are easily commensurable and are
i$ to favor i opleths; in educational maps recommended if they do not involve the use
th dot system is often preferred on account of inconveniently long bars. Bars can be
of its illustrative quality. A combination of subdivided, and the subdivisions marked
isopleths and dot system 1S om times by different tints. If two or more different
recommended. but related distributions are shown, two or
tiQll ---l I ~
more differently tinted bars can be placed
I _...H t " ft
_vI'!..•• "'; next to each other. For instance, the birth
"""'" I
IV OlCAOU lln.UUD IN T.oJSANOSQt. : til , 0 ..

t _~~
VI_nCAl ~t T~"U Ol\f fHE \l," (#
IN(. 14U 0I.0ICI[A\t 'e:.. t.A(~ 0lCAQ(

I "-

~ ow
_ .:.:'31-..1.

S T (L /Ii I "-
r _ ._
rate and the death rate can be shown by
this method.
fib .r. , ;
; !I II l .. N ON
L: '!.~r4'
I '-.-L,._ _!.._

~ ':" :: ' ~ I .~ '.0,' • ~ .

~.. r-l!.~-I--...!- ~ , o. A !
~ .. - 1" dU O : r ~I
I. • 0 F--d.
r·--::--t;-~ -1 G' ~t N, t
o 2 3 4 million

i.Pt!·1 l~ Scale of square roots

Fig. 223 This type of scale is used
Fig. 222 Statistical map with logarithmic line for finding the radii of pie graphs.
graphs showing the rate of change in the population
of Missouri . (Courtesy of Missouri State Planning Board Pie-graph Maps. In this system the dis-
Report, 1937.)
tribution is shown on the map by circles of
Statistical Maps with Individual Dia~ diff rent sizes, the area of each circle being
grams. A large group of statistical maps proportionate to the amount to be repre-
consist of a number of small diagrams sented. Thus, the radii of the circles will be
distributed all over the map. This method is proportionate to the square roots of the
used (1) when th r are not sufficiently quantities. The quickest way ' to obtain
detailed data to pr pare an isopleth or square roots is with a slide rule. It is a simple
dotted map, as in presenting the value of matter to prepare a scale for these circles,
min ral pI' duction by states; (2) when it is as shown in Fig. 223. The scale of the circles
desir d to show variation within the dis- should be as large as possible without over-
tribution, as in pI ing line graphs all over crowding in the dense places. It is per-
the rr..ap; (3) when th variable is sub- mis ible for circles to cut into each other
divid d; (4) when there ar sev ral vari- if this does not make the map confusing. A
ables; (5) when th r is extr mely variable cir Ie may also b subdivided 1 and the sub-
squar s, circles, triangles, or p ictorial figures
which can be counted. Each unit then
represents a certain quantity. The groups
should be wi thin their poli tical boundaries,
but there is usually a greater freedom of
spacing than in the previous groups (see
Fig. 269 and 292).
Sphere-graph Maps. This method is used
wh n the variation in the distribution is
extreme, as in maps of distribution of manu-
WATERPOWER facturing since this activity is concentrated
in relatively few cities. The radius of each
L ~ I MILLION HP. sphere is proportionate to the cube root of
the quantity. A graphic scale can also be
easily constructed. The center of the sphere
Fig. 224 Pie graphs are often used on statistical
marks the ~xact location of the city, or the
maps. (From Whitbeck and FitlCh, "Eco1lomic Geography.")
center of gravity of a larger area. U ually
divisions marked by various tints and colors. the various-sized spheres are printed on
It adds greatly to the value of a pie-graph gummed paper and pasted in their proper
map, if each graph j labeled with its exact places (see Fig. 227). The advantage of
numerical value. Pie-graph maps are often using spheres instead of circles is that spheres
used in books and atlases. Although they can be packed closer. The disadvantage is
are not so ea. ily commensurable as bar- that the spheres cannot be subdivid ed.
graph maps, they are more likely to show a When they are too close, it is difficult to
highly variable distribution, for they can be label them. Sphere-graph maps were intro-
smaller in size and can be more closely duced by ten de eer in 1917 in his
packed on maps. The ccnter of the circle population maps of Sweden, and have sinc
should always be at the ent r of gravity of gained great popularity in the United
the distribution. For instance, in a map of States.
manufacturing shown by states, the circle Block-pile Maps. To avoid the many dis-
for Illinois should be in the northern part advantages of the sphere system, we may
of th state. use block pil s or similarly grouped small
Square-graph Maps and Other T wo-dimen- cylinders, or piles of coins. Block piles can
sional Graphs. These are used chiefly in be just as closely packed as spheres, and the
combination with the circle system to advantage of having countable units gives
differentiate between various crops or other them a great superiority over the other
distributions on th same map. Any regular method. Block piles can also be more
figure of plane geom try, such as triangles easily labeled on maps. Block-pil maps can
or rhombs, can be used as ne ded. The be used with advantage for maps of manu-
areas of the figures are proportionat.e to the facturing, mining production, etc., wherever
quantities represented. the distribution is highly coneentrat d (see
Different-sized squares, circles, and other Fig. 267) . The possibiliti s of this m thod
shap s are not easily commensurable. Better have yet to b explor d.
results are obtained if they are arranged ill Other Diagrammatic Maps. In his" 'hina's
countable units, such as rows or groups of G agraphic Foundations" Gorge B. Ct'es-
seyl uses a map wherein mineral produc- represented by pictorial figures, the of
tion in China is shown by letters of various which are proportionate to the quantities.
sizes (Fig. 266). The height of the letter is For instance, the distribution of horses
roughly proportionate to the square root throughout the various countries of the
of the production. The disadvantage of this world may be represented by figures of
system is that the letter I will look smaller horses of different sizes. Correct proportions
than the letter C of the same height. The are obtained if the height of each symbol is
method is justified in this case, however, proportionate to the cube root of the num-
because many different minerals are shown ber of horses in each country. This rule is
on one small map, and the quantities often violated. The disadvantage of this
indicated are approximations. method is that the pictures are not easily
Pictorial Statistical Maps. Since almost comparable.
every diagram can be substituted by pic-
torial graphs, statistical maps are often
rendered more vivid by their use. Even dots
on a map can be transformed into minute
pictures of sheep, houses, or whatever they
may represent. The obvious difficulty in
this rendering is that even very small pic-
tures take up more space than dots, and
thus each little sheep symbol has to repre-
sent a larger number of sheep.
Pictograms. tatistical maps upon which
the distribution is expressed by means of
bar graphs, unit graphs, grouped graphs, or
block piles lend themselves particularly well
to pictorial repre entation. Little houses,
men, tanks, bales, or piles of coins on a map
given an impression of distribution that is
easily grasped and remembered by children Fig. 225 Pictorial map of Northern Argentina
and the public in general. Even in the showing distribution of crops with different-sized
various reports of national and state plan- pictorial symbols. (From " Serial Maps." )
ning boards such maps are used in great Density~f-population Maps. For the
variety. The chief objection to this pictorial geographer the most important distribution
presentation is that the pictures are exceed- on the earth is its population. Density-of-
ingly out of scale as compared with the population maps constitute one. of the most
scale of the map. If, however, the map is debated problem of cartography. The
shown only by outlines, more or less as the essential difficulty in preparing the e maps
background for the statistics, such an lies in the very unequal distribution of
arrangement is permi sible. population due to urban cent ers. Density
Less satisfactory are th pictorial statis- of urban population may rea h 100,000
tical maps on which the distribution is P opl p r square mile, whereas rural
1 CRESSEY, G. B., "China's Geographic Founda-
population is considered to b very dense
tions," McGraw-Hill Book ompany, Inc., New with only 100 people per square mile.
York, 1933. One-third of the earth's land has less than
two persons per square mile. Such in- parent, so that the dots underneath may be
equalities cannot be expressed by either a visible. The usual method of making it
dot system or by isopleths unless the map is transparent is by the application of a color
drawn on a very large scale. or a fin tint. Where cities are close together,
Several methods have been proposed to • 200·,,000
• ",OOO -t,')OO
overcome this difficulty. In one method the ~ .ooo

whole population is shown by a dot sy tem, • OIlOOO

__ 15.000
and wher the dots run together into a solid
'0.00 0
mass the urban population is shown sepa-
rately by circles. The size of the dots and
the number of peopl represented by each
depends on the scale of the map and th
density involved. The area of the circle is
proportionate to the population of the
cities. The center of the circles is at the exact
location of the cities, and their area is in
proportion to th size of the dots. For
example, if a dot to inch in diameter
represents 100 people, a city with 10,000
population will have a ir Ie 10 times the
diameter, or t inch, because
v'fQ,OOO 100
v'100 = 10 - 10

circl of this size will cover a consider- Fig. 227 Density of population map.
able r ural area; hence it must be trans- Spherical symbols stand out clearly, but
they are not easily commensurable. (Map
by Guy-Harold Smith, Geog. Rev., 1928.)

the circles will overlap. It is easier to show

the large population of metropolitan dis-
tricts by means of a single circle than to
show each suburb s parately.l Stilgen-
bauer's map (Fig. 226) is a good example
of this type.
Anoth r method of showing density of
population was presented by ten de Geer
in 191 7.? A group d dot system was u ed
for rural population, and small spher s for
urban popUlation; the cubic root of the
1 STILQENBA E:R, FLOYD D., "A New Population
Map of the nited 'taLes," Rand McNally & Com-
Fig. 226 Part of population map of th Ullited pany, Chicago, 1932.
tat s by F. D. ' tilgenbauer. Transparent cir les 2 TEN D1, EER, A Map of the Distribution of

show urban population. (Rand McNally & Com- Population in Sw den , Geog. Rev., Vol. 12, pp. 72- 8..)
pany, 1932.) 1922.
spheres was proportionate to the population. for instance, white and colored population,
These spheres occupy much I ss space than whereas spheres are not so divisible. It is
circles of corresponding size. Thus, in the also I ss difficult to draw overlapping circles
previous case, a city with a population of than overlapping spheres, but in the case of
10,000 would b represented by a sphere spheres there is less need for overlapping.
N ither type of map can have lettering,
~ro;ooo = 21.54 = 4.64 for the bulk of the letters would ruin the dot
~100 4.46 effect. Boundary lines and rivers are show."1
only when they are necessary for location.
less than 5 times the diameter of the dot. Th y are then drawn with very fine lines
If one dot of itr inch in diameter represents or in different colors.
100 people, the city is represented by a Successful experiments were made to use
sphere of -ft; inch in diameter. This sphere the block-pile system instead of spheres.
occupies one-fourth as much space as the They can be more easily com pared and
corresponding circle, as calculated in the labeled, and the blocks are somewhat more
previous paragraph. A sphere of such small indicative of a city than spheres.
size on a reasonably large- cale map covers More generalized small-scale density of
not much more than the actual location population maps are often made by using
of the city. Nevertheless, it is often necessary isopleths. The obvious advantage of this
to move some dots or smaller spheres in method is that the figures of density can be
order to avoid crowding. directly read within the limits of th isopleth
In comparing the two methods, it is interval, but the picture seldom indicates
evident that the spheres will give a more adequately the enormous difference of
vivid picture of distribution but are not so density. It is possible, however, to show
easily commensurable as the circles. Fur- rural density with isopleths and urban
thermore, circles can be subdivided to show, density with spheres or blocks.
CHAP T ER 27: Cartograms

The t~ "cartogram ' is subject to many the term is restricted to any highly ab-
interpr tations and definitions. Every map stract d, simplified map, the purpose of
d part to a ertain d gr . from the original which is to demonstrate a singl idea in a
conception- a picture of the earth's pat- diagrammatic way.
tern- in abstraction conventionalization, The most conservative use of the term is
and selective use of its elements. How for those maps in which even the ou tlines
"diagrammatic" a map must be in order to of the land or the exact locations of other
be called a cartogram depends largely on features are altered. In accordance with
individual judgment. orne authors, espe- this latter definition, the railroad map
cially in Europe, call every statistical map shown in Fig. 183 is a good example of a
a cartogram, b ause it shows the pattern cartogram. Here the southern part is con-
of distribution of a single element. This stricted, the lines are straighten d and
idea, however justified, is somewhat con- simplified, and only general directions are
trary to American usage, since it is cus- retained. Even more abstracted cartograms
tomary to speak of rainfall "maps," dot are used to show electric power, telegraph,
"maps," etc. In the following discussions and postal systems in a diagrammatic way.
The Roman Peutinger Tables are typical
•. J o516 129327 ~
s •.
cartograms; and so are the T-in-O maps
of the Middle Ages. The Hereford map,
however, with its enormous Holy Land,
cannot properly be called a "cartogram,"
since it is an imaginary conception of the
world rather than a purposeful distortion.
Cartograms are us ful tools of modern
geography, and their possibilities are not
yet fully explored. The invention of new
designs is a fruitful field for cartographers.
Only a few types are discussed here.
Diagrammatic Maps in Teaching. The
teacher of geography or of history- even if
he has only moderate drawing ability- can
stimulate the interest of his students by
drawing on the blackboard simple dia-
grammatic maps on which all detail is
omitted, lines are straightened and sim-
plified, and only those plac s are shown that
have a direct bearing on the subject. 1 By
so doing the teacher is no more lax than the
textbook which omits much detail and
emphasizes only the important points.
Fig, 228 implified cartograms are well
understood by the trolley conductors of 1 See WRITE, HELEN M., Diagrammatic Map
Budapest. Making, Jour. Ceog., Vol. 32, pp. 242- 244, 1933.
Warfare with the Frenoh and
Indiu.ns delayed the occupation of
the Mohawk valley, but when this
menace was past, and the fortility
of the Ohio country became known,
this vltlley, offering the lowest and
broadost approach to that region
became the great highway to the
The need for transportation
facilities was immedilttely appar·
ent, and only It few decades
elapsed beforo the Eric Ca.nal WQ,8
completed and the lakes were
linked to the sea..
Fig. 229 Diagrammatic map for teaching, by Helen M. White. (Courtesy oj Jour.
Geog. 1938.)

Figure 229 is a good example of how to

draw simple diagrammatic maps. Equally
simple methods for freehand drawing of
diagrammatic maps of th various con-
tinents is demonstrated in Fig. 157.
Value-area Cartograms. In these car-
tograms a region, country, or cantin nt is
subdivided into small regions, each of
which is represented by a rectangle. This
rectangle is proportionate in area to the
valu which it represents in certain statis-
tical distributions. The regions are grouped
in approximately the sam positions as they
are on the map. For comparison of d~ rent
distributions, it is important that th same
arrangement be followed whatever may b
the distribution represented. It is advisable
to begin with the larger divisions and arrive Q
at the smaller ones by " proportionate UN''T,O ,,, .. ,,,,
halving," as shown in Fig. 230. Calculation
can be made readily with a slide rule, and
the cartogram can b drawn on check red
paper. It is convenient to select a seal so
that one small square of the checkered ........
a .....
paper corresponds to a round number oJ
V (value of larg8 un,.f) • a.b
units, such as 100,000 people or 1 000,000
v( • • ~moll • ) • >c.b
dollars, but this is by no means n cessary. 1 x a
~ .. V
1 For further details of this method see Erwin
.... x --+
Raisz, The Rectangular tatistical Cartogram, Geog. ~ to .........00 ., pro _ _ dl-'dlq.

RtV., Vol. 24, pp. 292-296, 1934; and Rectangular Fig. 230 Value = area cartograms. (Courtesy oj Geog.
Statistical Cartograms of the World, Jour. Geog., Rev., 1934; Jour. Geog. 1936.)
Vol. 35, pp. 8- 10, 1936.
Value-area cartograms help a great deal in ratios. For instance, dots for wage earners
our geographic thinking, Almost every placed over a population cartogram will
humanly important distribution in the show the r al picture ofindustrial population.
United .S tates resembles more the propor- In no way is it necessary to use rectangles ;
tions shown in Fig. 230 than the usual map rhomboids, triangles, or any other shapes
to which we are accustomed. These carto- can be us d so long as the area is propor-
grams also form a useful base for showing tionate to th e value, as in Figs. 231 and 293.

In In,.,noftc>nol ",nih p., ".non

IItOdj(j.,j of,., Colin Clorlc. 11,. Condjlloftl 01 Economic "08'.11. .940
Fig. 231 The area of the bases of the ;'arious countries is proporti~nate to their population ; height repre.
sents per capita incomes. .

Trends of population, industry, and As early as 1874, the "Statistical Atlas
almost any element for which ample of the United States," compiled by Francis
statistical data are available can well be A. Walker, presented a map showing the
shown by a centrogram. So important has center of population of the country for each
this method become lately that the U.S.S.R. census year since 1790. J. E. Hilgard of the
has organized a special office, the Men- Coast Survey made an earlier and similar
delyeev Institute at Leningrad, for the computation which included definitions and
preparation of centrographic maps or computations for centrograms. 1
centrograms. There are several kinds of possible centers.
The center of population is defined as
"a point upon which the United tates
would balance if it were a rigid plane with-
out weight, and the population were dis-
tributed thereon, each individual being
assumed to have equal weight and to exert
an influence on the central point propor-

I a .

-- I~
tionat to his distance from the point." This
Cent,ro,ram ahowl", movementa of tbe centeno "of popula· point is also called the center oj gravity or
tic»> and blahu education In the United Statea of America from 1700
to 1930 Kq' : centon 01 I. aenenl population; 2, hl,h.. educallonal pivotal point.
popWatlon (univeraitiea and rolleael): J . blaher educational popula.
lIoa. men; 40 blaber educational populatl"n. women. (From a atudy 1 SLOA~]!', CHARLES S., "Center of Population and
made by Walter Co &lIa for publication In the fortbcomlna Mendeleev
M......rlal Volume of tbe Centrolf&phlcal Laboratory In Ltnlnarad.)
Median Lines, and Centers of Area, Agriculture,
Manufactures and Cotton, Etc.," Fourteenth Census
Fig. 232 Centrogram. (Courtesy of Geog. Rtv., April, of the United States (1920), Wa hington, D. C.,
1937.) pp. 12-41, 1923.
The actual construction of this point schools, and other distributions can be
requires considerable work. First, it is express d by centrograms. A center of the
assumed that the center is at a certain point, area of the United States could be found by
and through this point a parallel and a constructing a map on an oblique, azi-
meridian are drawn. The coun try is then muthal, equidistant projection centered on
divided into small areas, perhaps square an assumed center point. This map, if cut
degrees, and the population of each such from cardboard, will balance on the center
area is multiplied by its distance from the point.
assumed parallel, thus giving its north or All problems of centrography get a new
south movement. In a similar manner the meaning if applied to the entire spherical
east and west movement can be calculated. surface of the earth. The center of the earth's
If the sum of the opposite movements does land surface was obtained 1 by taking a light
not balance, the assumed parallel and globe and covering all lands with an even
meridian have to be shifted until it does sheet of lead. Immersing this globe in water,
balance. Greater accuracy can be attained it came to rest with a point at the bottom
if, instead of a parallel, a great circle run- upon which all lands balance. This center is
ning east-west is used. Theor tically an near the Rumanian-Bulgarian boundary
oblique azimuthal equidistant projection where it reaches the Black ea, not far from
should be constructed centered on the Varna (see Fig. 72). The median point of
assumed center point, and if the assumption the earth's population, using parallels and
proved to be far wrong a new pr~jection meridians, was found to be near Lahore,
should be constructed. It is also possible to India. The median points of wealth, foreign
calculate the pivotal point of each state and trade, land centers of the land, and people's
work with th states as units of area. hemispheres all clustered in or around
M edian Point. orne times, since its com- France.
putation is simpl r, the so-call d ' median Quartilides and Decilides. The evenness of
point' is used instead of the c nter point. distribution of certain elements can well be
This m dian point may be de crib d as the shown by quartilides or decilides. 2 These
numeri al cent r of population irresp ctive points are constructed in the same way as
of the distances of the units from the center. the median point, except that they are not
Usually a parallel and a meridian are derived from the bisection of the population
figured, which bi ect the population of the with a single parallel and meridian. In-
country. The intersection of the lines is the stead, the population is divided by 3, 4,
median point. 10, or any desired number of parallels and
The median point is different from the meridians, each spaced according to the
center-of-gravity point. For instance, the corr sponding fraction of the population.
entire popUlation of Minnesota might move Th chief purpose of all centrograms is to
to Oregon without affecting the median discover the trends of population and its
point; but this movement would consider- distribution, primarily for regional plan-
ably affect the center point of gravity. ning. Their preparation is even recom-
For regional analysis the first type, the
1 RAlsz, ERWIN, Our Lopsided Earth, Jour. Ceog.,
center of gravity, is the most significant,
Vol. 43, pp. 88-91, 1944.
and is worked out for many countries. Not : See SViATLOSKY, E . E., and W. C. EELLS, The
only the centers of population but also Centrographical Method and Regional Analysis,
the centers of agriculture, manufacturing, Ceog. &v., Vol. 27, pp. 240-254, 1937.

._._._. ___.. . _._._._.__._.___ _._.J,,-

I ....._

-CentrolJ'llDl of the United Statu .bowinl location of decilidu of eelected element. of

population, industry, and alriculture. Key: A, area; B, population; C, national WHlth; D, value of
manulacturea; E, farm proc!ucU; F, developed honepower; G, wale earnen; H. foreign hom popula.-
tion. urban; ]. foreign hom. rural; K. Nearoee. urban; L. Nearou, rural; M. Mexlcan.; N. IndJau;
O. Chlneee: P. ]apaneee.

Fig. 233 DeciJides. (Courtesy of Geog . Rev., 1937.)

mended for small units, such as states or preparation is the lack of sufficiently
cities. The greatest hindrance in their detailed statistical data.

Dynamic Maps
In contrast to those maps which express veins and arteries in the human body, and
static conditions are dynamic maps, which give a vivid picture of the flow of traffic.
pre ent movement. This movement may be The lines are usually straightened and
transportation, migration, military maneu- simplified.
vers, or even the spread of ideas. Many his- It is difficult to measure the thickness of
torical and political maps are of dynamic lines. Therefore, if spac permi ts, the lines
character. The symbols of dynamic maps may be composed of several thin parallel
are flow lines and arrows. Sometimes the lines, the counting of which renders their
amount of change is expressed by isopleths value everywhere apparent. Lines are likely
or choropleths. In the case of very complex to be too crowded around traffic centers,
changes we often find it preferable to show and it is therefore customary to show such
a set of succes ive static maps. Many dy- centers separately on larger scale inset
namic maps can be classified as cartograms. maps. If lines are of very unequal thickness,
Traffic-How Maps. In these maps or as, for instance, when one line represents
cartograms the lanes of transportation are 50 or 100 times as much as another, it is
drawn proportionately thicker with the sometimes necessary to use a diminishing
amount of traffic they carry. Such trans- scale for their width and to mark their real
portation lines as those shown in Fig. 234 value with index numbers. One may reduce
resemble the organic-circulation system of the thickness of lines to one-quarter jf the
thinnest line is not solid but dotted, and load, the information thus given of
the n xt thinn st is short-dashed, the next limited value. The difficulty in constructing
long-dashed, and only the four-unit line i such maps lies in the lack of information.
solid. Another way to handl this is by Data are often available for tons of freight
picturing round or squar pipes (Fig. 235). carried, but they are likewise not very
Maps showing the flow of traffic on the significant, since a ton of silk is of very
Great Lakes are familiar to very g og- different value from a ton of gravel. A good
rapher; they show vividly the interrelation
of coal and iron-ore transport. ev ral state-
planning-board maps show density of
automobile traffic, from which conclusions
can be reached regarding future road-
building programs. Maps showing the ship-
ping lanes of the world, with lines indicating
the tonnage of international trade, ar com-
mon in atlases. Fig. 235 The carrying capacity of
ingularly lacking are maps that show the the largest pipe is 1,600 times larger
railroad traffic density of the nited tates. than the smallest.
The few local maps that are published show base for a railroad traffic-flow map of th
the number of passenger or freight trains, United States would be freight revenue;
but since these trains vary in length and but, since charges are paid at certain sta-
tions, and since not all lines can or will dis-
close the distribution of this revenue, this
important map is not yet available for the
United States. 1
<ill Maps of Migrations. In these maps the
migration of men or of animals is shown by
arrows, the thickness of which is propor-
tionate to the number of migrants. The
exact route of migration is not always fol-
lowed. C. W. Thornthwaite's maps of the
"Internal Migration in the United States"
are good examples of this type. In these maps
even the general route taken is disregarded,
and only the states of birth and of present
residence of the migrants are conpected by
arrows of varying width. Maps showing
migration to or from a single location are
called maps of "simple migrations" in con-
trast to maps of "compound migrations,"
in which the migration to and from several
locations is considered. Figur 236 is a com-
Fig. 234 Traffic-flow map. The thickness of the I A yet unpublished map of railroad tonnage was

lines is proportionate to th number of freight trains prepar d in 1947 by Edward Ullman at Harvard
per day. (Courtesy of National Resources Committee. 1936 ) U niversity.


I'OMTIW MT ~ CII&4oWCI'" ... _ __ ."."

III}r" ",d~ ~1'IiQIIML "'.........,. * C.,_.,
N4IIW1IS III """"'. . .,

Fig. 236 Migration map. The thickness of lines is proportionate to the number of migrants.
(From C. W. Thornwaitc, Internal Migration in United Statcs, 1934.)

pound migration map; in such a map the could be reached in a day, week, or month
arrows will cross each other. were much closer than at present. This
Isochronic Maps. These maps show the "shrinkage" of the world is one of the most
possible progress of travel in all directions significant facts of modern history; it is a
from a given center in certain specified time phenomenon that even today is actively
intervals. A century ago the distances that changing the pattern of our life, and for this
reason the study of isochronic maps is
important (Fig. 238).
The most common type of isochronic map
connects points of equal tiJDe-distance with
isochrones. Isochrones may show rate of speed
of passenger travel, or time required for
mail, freight, or any other type of trans-
portation; they may show the speed of
earthquake vibrations in seconds, the prog-
ress of tidal waves in hours, or the spread of
the gypsy moth in years.
An interesting set of isochronic maps is in
the "Atlas of Historical Geography of the
United States." It shows th increasing
sReed of travel during the period from 1800
to 1930. Formerly isochrones were more or
Fig. 237 Isochronic map showing the
rates of travel from New York City in 1800.
less concentric lines but recently airplane
(Paul/in and Wright, AtLas of Historical Geog- travel has introduced such saving in time
raphy of the United States.) that exact isochrones are highly irregular
lines, since it often takes longer to reach a Although such maps powerfully convey
rural house from an airport than to travel the und rlying idea, their use should be
by air hundreds of miles. The lines will also restricted on account of their inheren t
become disconnected because while it is inaccuracy.
true that Chungking can be reached from Maps similar to isochronic maps may
India in a day, a point in the mountains in present cost of transportation instead of
between would take weeks to reach. time. These isephodic maps (equal cost of
In isochronic world maps the matter of travel) are important for both passenger
projection is essential. Theoretically, the best travel and freight shipments. Places of equal
projection is the oblique, azimuthal, equi- freight rates are connected by is phodes
distant projection centered on the zero point similar to isochrones. Isephodic lines, placed
of the isoehron s. This is the only projection on a regular map, are very complex and
in which both directions and distances are irregular; hence it is not inconceivable to
correct. prepare another type of isephodic eartogram
Another type of isochronic map graphi- on which concentric circles are drawn
cally shows how the world bee am smaller. around the central city at even intervals,

(to 1830 's and 40's)
Best regular speed on land and sea 10 m.p.h.

(late 19th, earl)' 20th centuries)
But re9111ar land speed 65m.p h best re9ular sea speed 36m.p.h.
(present era)
Best re9ular speed in air 200 m . p. h .
Fig. 238 "Shrinkage maps" of the world. (From E. Staley, "This ShrinkiTlg World.")

50 to 100 miles per day

100 to 250 miles per Clay
250 to SOO miles per day

More than 1,000 miles per day

Fig. 240 Is tachic map dividing

Fig. 239 Isephodic or equal-coast distance the Earth into fl' ight-sp ed areas.
map shows how far you can carry goods from (After S. W. B oggs.)
a point for the same money . (By S. W .
Boggs .) Transportation is spe diest along rail-
roads, less so on trucks or steamers, and is
each circle represen ting a proportionately slowest with wagons, pack animals, and
higher freight rate. All other important back packing. The higher the speed, the
cities are arranged in their proper direction darker the tint; thus the railroad system
but at distances proportionate to freight will be black, roads dark gray, sea and
rates. Such a cartogram will at a glance waterways lighter gray, etc. An isotachic
show the freight-rate category of the various map of the United States was prepared by
shipping points. S. W. Boggs.] He also prepared a similar
Isotachic Maps. These maps show the map, tinting areas of different cost of trans-
best speed of carrier in any area (in con- portation, and called it an "isotimal"
trast to the isochronic map which shows the map.2
best speed from a certain point). Airplanes
1 BOGGS, . W ., Mapping the Changing World,
are excluded because air cargoes are used
Assoc. Am. Geographers Annals , June, 1941 .
only under special conditions; it would also 2 BOGGS, S. W., Mapping Som Effects of ience
be extremely difficult to construct an iso- on Human Relations, Sci. Monthly, Vol. 61, pp. 45-
tachic map including air travel. 50, July, 1945.
CHAPTER 28: Globes and Models
Maps are not the only subjects of cartog- the earth. The solution of their many tech-
raphy. Three-dimensional representations, nical problems progressed greatly in recent
such as globes and models, are becoming years.
more and more generally used in portraying

The spherical form of the earth was Johannes Schoner of Nuremberg. His globe
recognized by the ancient Greeks, and this of 1515 showed the Strait of Magellan befor
conception was followed by attempts to it was discovered. Perhaps the finest ones
prepare a globe. The size of the earth was were made by Coronelli in Venice at the
known and the size of the "habitable end of the seventeenth century. He made a
world" was also fairly well estimated. It globe for Louis XIV, which was 12 feet in
was found, however, that the known world diameter; it was a terrestrial globe outside
hardly filled a quadrant of the earth, the and celestial inside, and it moved by a clock
size of which was calculated by Erato- mechanism that turned it around every
sthenes; and speculation was rife about the 24 hours. The R enaissance was the time of
other quadrants. ,rates, about 150 B.C., large ornate globes in some cases mor
prepared a globe with three other balancing famous for th ir decorative quality and
continents, thus anticipating the discovery scientific air than for their practical value.
of the Americas and Australia. This is the After the Renaissance the use of globes de-
first terrestrial globe of which there is a clined, but recently it has be n revived,
record. Celestial globes involved fewer with increased recognition of their educa-
problems, and several such globes made by tional value.
the Romans, and later by the medieval Uses of Globes. A globe is the most cor-
Arabs, have survived. rect representation of the earth and the
The fir t terr stria! globe that has sur- only representation in which the scale is
vived was made by Martin Behaim in true everywhere. Great-circle distances can
Nuremberg, in 1492. This globe is based be scaled off dir ctly with a narrow ribbon
entirely on the Ptolemaic concept of the scale, which is a very common task in this
earth, and, of course, America do s not air-age world. We will see, however, that
appear on it (Fig. 17). When the great dis- there is an inherent inaccuracy in the usual
coveries of the fifteenth and sixteenth cen- construction of globes and the distances
turies brought a new conception of the measured may b off a few per cent. They
earth, there was no better method to will be more accurate than on any map
demonstrate the new geography than by where the projection method introduces a
globes. The early Renaissance is th golden sizable error. Globes are good for planning
age of globes. In 1507 printed globe gores long air or sea routes, because the actual
were introduced by Waldse miiller, thus distances and directions call be seen undis-
making possible the manufacture of globes torted by map projections. Propagation of
in quantities. Almost every Renaissance earthquake, tidal, and radio waves ean best
cartographer was also a producer of globes. be followed 00 a good globe.
The most famous early glob maker was The globe is the highest achi vement of
cartography. It enables man to step outside any way the immensity of our planet; even
his planet and see its wonderful pattern as a 2-foot globe does not come near the effect
fTom the heavens. We can see the relation- of a glob that is larger than the person who
ship of oceans, of continents, and of the looks at it. A large globe, in spite of its size,
polar regions; we can see unusual views has to be fine in detail. In the actual picture
and unusual relationships. It is with good of the earth on a 4-foot globe (about
reason that in the mo t progressive schools 1: 10,000,000) even the highest mountains
th y use globes in the very earliest stages would be only irf inch high and the
of geographical education. It is on a globe largest rivers only microscopic lines. Ob-
that uch fundamental concepts as day viously these features have to be exaggerated
and night, summer and winter, planetary to be visible but not to lose the impression
winds, time zones, tides, etc., can best be of extreme smoothness or delicacy of detail
understood. that the actual earth would give us if viewed
Globes are no less important in higher from a rocket ship a few thousand miles
education. Mathematical geography, geod- away. This space traveler would be im-
esy, climatology, oceanography, seismology, pressed by the green of forests, the dark blue
geotectonics, earth magnetism, radio, tc., of the oceans, the vivid green of the prairies,
are obviously globe subjects. Never before the somber gray of the barrens, the glittering
have we realized how "global" our concep- of ice and snow, and the brilliant reddish
tions of geography, geopolitics, world com- colors of deserts, etc. This view would be
munication, aviation, and economics should different in summer from winter, and paired
be in order to understand our place on this summer and winter globes are most instruc-
limited planet. At th very beginning of the tive. Obviously on an ideal globe the letter-
econd World War a 5-foot glob was pre- ing should be as small and unobtrusive as
pared for the use of the President of the possible so as not to spoil the over-all
United tates. picture.
Every classroom and every home should Construction of Globes. Globes are
have a globe. Yet classrooms and homes usually made from ready-printed globe
with globes are the exception rather than gores, which are pasted on a suitabl base.
the rule. It may be that the reason for this This base may be made ' from cardboard,
is that globes are bulky, difficult to store, pressed metal, or plastics. Globes, in the
and somewhat expensive as a whole atlas past, were usually constructed on a wooden
can be bought for the price of a globe. It frame upon which were applied layers of
is also true that globes show less than half a mixture of paper pulp and plaster of paris,
of the surface at a time, and thus some str ngthened with hair and glue. Some
world relationships are not as clear as on a globe makers applied this mixtur to the
map. Yet the chief reason that globes are inside of a hemispherical mold. After this
not used more is probably the fact that the had hardened, it was taken out of the mold,
common type of globe is not good enough. and the halve were glu d together at the
I t does not suggest a migh ty sphere whirling equator. This method is still applied to some
through space; but rather a set of political l~g glob s, but for the present mass-pro-
reference maps pasted on a ball. duction methods, the metal, plastic, or mesh
First of all, a globe, really to portray th has to b pr ssed into molds.
earth, has to be large. The 12- or 16-inch Globe Gores. maller globes usually
balls in our schoolrooms do not suggest in have 12 gores each of which represents 30°
of longitude. The Arctic and Antarctic re- ar derived by true division of each parallel
gions are fr quently pasted on separately left and right of the straight, radial central
in round pieces. meridian of each gore. The side meridians
Globe gores are usually drawn in a modi- are slightly longer than the central one, but
fied sinusoidal projection. The central the difference is much less than in the pre-
meridian and the equator are divided truly. vious method. All gores for a hemisphere
Flat sine curv s through the poles and the ar printed tog ther, mounted flat on card-
divisions of the equator determine the board or metal. The spac between the
meridians, which can be drawn by simply gores is cut out but 10 to 15° around the
measuring off true distances from the cen- poles arc kept together. Each hemisphere
tral meridian. Thus far it is exactly the is pressed in a hemispherical mold, rein-
central portion of a sinusoidal projection. forced inside, and the two halves are pasted
The difference comes in the parallels which together at the equator. A narrow tape at
are not horizontal but slightly arcuate, and the equator hides the possible little dis-
which are derived by the even division of crepancies between the meridians in the
each meridian. two halves.
Obviously the central meridian is shorter Accessories. Globes usually have a steel
than the meridians on the sides of the gores, or wooden ax£s, around which they can be
and yet on the globe they should be equal. turned. On larger globes this may be an
The difference is taken care of by proper elaborate, two-piece axis with a spring to
wetting of the paper--more in the center ensure even pressure; ferrules and ball
and less on the sides. The same holds true bearings permit even turning. Smaller
for th polar pieces that are drawn in a globes may have no axis but, instead, turn
polar azimuthal equidistant projection. The in a socket. The axis or sockets are usually
amount of reduction in scale mWit be found attached to a full- or half-meridian ring.
by experimentation, for it varies with the
type of paper.
More exact globes can be made by the
24-gore method, in which the gores are ar-
ranged as in Fig. 242, separated at the
equator. This method saves the separate
round pieces at the poles and gives in gen-
eral much better fi t. The parallels are cir-
cular arcs at true distances; the meridians

Fig. 241
Construction of 12-gore globes.
Fig. 242 Globes are often made from 24 zones
arranged radially from the poles. The two hemi-
spheres are joined together later.

Fig. 243
Parts of glob · S.
Fig. 244 Globes are often placed
in a cradle from which they can be
lifted and replaced in any position.

This meridian ring can be supported at the cradle without any attachment what-
bottom, attached to a fork, or suspended ever. The globe can b placed in any odd
from above. In any case, both the ring and way and unusual s ttings often show some
th globe are generally movable, so that the startling relationships.
axis of the globe can be made either vertical
or inclined 23.5°, to show the inclination of
the earth's axis to the plane of the ecliptic.
This latter position is preferable for showing
planetary relationships and explaining sea-
sons. orne globes mounted in this ecliptical
position are equipped with a horizontal ring
that represents the plane of the ecliptic.
The ring is sometimes decorated with the
signs of the zodiac. Modern globes, how-
ever, rarely have a horizontal ring, for it
covers and darkens the equatorial regions.
Old globes often have such an elaborate
and ornate framework that one wonders
whether they were intended to be a work of
science or of art. Modern globes usually
have only a heavy metal base to which the
meridian ring is attached. The simple globes
are attached at an angle of 23.5° to an
inclination arm. Most globes are augmented
with a time dial-a small ring that can be
turned around the North Pole. This ring Fig . 2 45 The
shows for every day of the year
is divided into twenty-fourths for hours,
the spot upon which the sun
and if a certain hour is set on one meridian, shines vertically when the local
the local time on any other meridian can be time is twelve noon on the
told. Nowadays globes often come in a meridian.
The Analemma. Many globes hav a the various countries in vivid colors. Thes ,
urious figur -of-eight-shaped diagram over a a rule, stress communication lines, such
the blue of the Pacific Ocean, which is as railroads, air lines, and steamship routes.
called the" analemma." This is a line which Bett r repres ntation of the earth's pattern
connects th points on th earth's surface is given on the physical globt's that use con-
where the sun is dir ctly overhead through- ventional altitude tints, sometim s com-
out the year when it i twelve o'clock local bined with hachuring. uch glob s usually
time on th meridian upon which the show ocean depths and currents, and
analemma is centered. Identical analemmas perhaps vegetation belts and magnetic iso-
can be drawn on any meridian. gones. The general criticism of the conven-
The analemma is shaped by two factors. tional altitude tints, that they overemphasize
The north-south component is caused by the elevation above sea level, is especially ap-
declination of the sun. The sun is overhead parent on globes.
at 23°27'N on June 21, is at 23°27'S on Special globes are on the market for show-
Dec. 21, and is over the equator at the ing climatological elements, temperatur,
equinoxes. The up-and-down migration of rainfall, and pressure for the different sea-
the verti al rays of th noonday sun is faster sons. uch globes give a better idea of the
near the equator than it is near th tropics. l earth's climate than do maps.
The east-west component of the ana- There have been various attempts to
lemma is due to the equation of time. Due prepar relief globes in which the mountains
to the unequal speed of the earth's revolu- protrude and the oceans are depressed.
tion (Kepler's law) and also to the inclina- ince, on a 2-foot globe of about 1 : 20,000,-
tion of the earth s axis, one day is not so 000 scale, the highest mountain would not
long as the other. Although the di~ rence rise more than the thickness of the paper
betw en two sequent noons is rarely mor enormous vertical exaggeration is n cessary
than a few seconds, these di~ r nces ac- to show relief, with the result that these
cumulate so that on Nov. 2 the sun is the relief globes are more caricatures than true
highest at 11 h43'" local time, while on Feb. likenesses of the earth.
10 it will be highest at 12b15"'. As a minute Washable outline globes, with black land
of time represents 15 minutes of arc, these and dark-blue sea, are useful aids for teach-
differences can be laid out left and right of ers to draw upon with chalk. Plain black
the meridian and combined with the dec- globes, without continents but with parallels
lination of tim and we get the familiar and meridians, ar u eful for teaching
8-shaped figure. It should be noted that on mathematical g ography.
most globes th analemma is incorrect. If In recent years various materials for mak-
drawn right, it is not symmetrical nor does ing globes have been tried. lass globe ar
the crossing of the 8 come on the meridian. also very common' patents for globe lamps
T he analemma is useful to figur out the illuminated from the inside and rotated by
angle of the sun at any time and any place. clockwork, showing day and night, ar
It is also used in the onstru tion of sundials. register d at the U.S. Patent Office. Trans-
Types of Globes. Most glob s on the par nt globes from plastics are used to show
mar ket ar political in mphasis, and show th relationship of con tin nts. Photographic
1 R AISZ, ERWIN, Th Analemma, Jour. Ceog., reproduction of transparent globes by
Vol. 40, pp. 90-97, 1941. sensitizing the surface is a promising po -
the axis of the globe is tilted to the degree
of our latitude and pointed to the celestial
pole, the globe can be turned so that every
radius passing through a star points to the
same star in the sky. Older celestial globes
bristled with masterfully arrayed mytho-
logical figures of the constellations and
were more or less pseudoscientific pieces of
decorative art. Modern celestial globes are
used for instruction in astronomy, and th y
show the visible stars according to their
magnitudes, clouds, clusters, the Galaxy,
Large Globes. Many notable, large
globes are in existence. In the lobby of th
Fig. 246 Mapparium in the Christian Science News Building in New York is a large rotat-
Building in Boston. The photograph is taken from one
ing globe, 12 feet in diameter, made with
of the entrances and thus shows the globe in stereo-
graphic projection. (Christian Science Publishing Co.) excellent craftsmanship. A similar globe
rotates in the hall of the Pan American
sibility, especially if the colors will be well Airways in Miami. A glass georama (where
reproduced by photography. A large trans- one looks from the inside upon the walls of
parent globe was prepared by impregnating the globe), 30 feet in diameter, is in th~
printed gores with a plastic acetate in a Christian Science Building in Boston, Mass.
hemispherical mold. InRated rubber, cloth, It is interesting to note that west is on the
and silk globes are also on the market. Some left, while, seen from the earth's center, it
of them are good, but mor often they are should be on the right.
very crude and cannot be regarded as any- Reclus, the great French geographer,
thing but scientific toys. proposed that a large globe, on a scale of
For the illustration of the motions of the 1: 1,000,000, be constructed from interna-
Earth, Moon, and planets, schools are often tional funds and kept up to date as the most
equipped with a mechanical device called modern image of the world. The diameter
a planetarium, or orrery (named after of such a globe would be nearly 42 feet. This
Charles Boyle, Earl of Orrery). Some of the great man's dream is now to be realized
eighteenth- and nineteenth-century orreries at the Babson Institute, Wellesley, Mass.,
were extremely elaborate, with complicated using the sheets of the Millionth Map of the
dockwork to put the mechanism in motion. World, but coloring th m according to
They now have become valuable museum natural colors, rather than according to
pieces, but their educational value was altitude tints. This glob will be located
rarely proportionate to their cost. near the Babson model of the United
Celestial Globes. Celestial globes are States, 1: 250,000, which is really a part of
constructed similarly to terrestrial globes. • a globe and is described in the next chapter.
They have a movable meridian ring, and The American Geographical Society also
most of them are equipped with a horizon- has a map of Latin America, 1 : 1,000,000,
tal ring to present celestial coordinates. If on a globular surface.

Topogra phic Relief Models

To make a relief model is the most ob- stand only toinch high over Puget Sound,
vious way to portray a region. As the history if the vertical scale were the same as the
of sculpture is older than that of painting, horizontal. For mountains to resemble on
so the history of topographic models is as this small scale the usual conception of
old as, or even older than, that of maps. mountains, the vertical cale has to be
The remarkable ability of primitive peoples exaggerated. This vertical exaggeration
to make relief models was mentioned in cannot be too large, because if it is exag-
Chap. 1. In the early ages of scientific gerated, 40 times, for instance, Mr. Rainier
cartography, however, good topographic would look like a needle.
models were very rare, because Ii ttle was How much vertical exaggeration to use
known of the height and configuration of is the first question in making a relief
mountains. Two remarkable topographic model. No definite rule can be given. It
models of central witzerland date from depends on the scale, on the map, On the
the eighteenth century; one made of wax roughness of the relief, and the amount of
by R. L. Pfyffer, is in Luccrne, and the
no vertical ex.a.g~eratiolL
other, made of paper pulp by Meyer and
Muller, is in Zurich. When accurate, de- I~
tailed, contour-line maps became available
in the middle of the nineteenth century, the
art of model making was carried to great
perfection. The models of J. Albert Heim
of various parts of the Alps are perhaps the 8 times v. e. -=====+~;::::=====-tg'8
most famous. - - -- -- -- .....,.--- ,..;:...,:;{: \}
A topographic model is the most perfect ~
------~~~------------- 3
representation of a small region. It is recom-
mended that every thesis which a nalyzes
a small region be accompanied by a relief
==~~~~~=================== t-
model. Certainly, every student of geog- 5 .I lmes
raphy should be able to prepare one. Many
geographic relationships appear very ob-
vious when viewed on a model. Models are
used also for engineering problems, land-
scap architecture, demonstration of inter-
esting geological structures, and for the
Fig. 247 In small-scale models of high moun-
planning of military operations. They have
tains, the vertical exaggeration has to be reduced
a great appeal for the public because they at higher elevations.
have a sense of reality that is often lost on
maps. generalization, scale being the most im-
Vertical Exaggeration. If a 2-foot relief portant factor. As a rouo-h empirical for-
model were made of Mt. Rainier, it would mula, the best exaggeration on a model of a
look perfectly well without vertical exag- low or gentle hilly r gion executed with
geration. On a 2-foot wide mod 1 of the medium detail would be
United States, however, Mt. Rainier would Vertical exaggeration = 2 Ym
where m i the number of miles represented profile with the planned exaggerations and
by 1 inch. Thus the average vertical ex- to see how it looks.
aggeration for l-inch-to-mile models is When we use cardboards to cut out con-
twice; 4-inch-to-mile models is four times; tour lines, we are working with only certain
16-inch-to-mile models is eight times; 64- available thicknesses, and the calculated
inch-to-mile models is sixteen times. vertical exaggeration can only be approxi-
If the region is mountainous, the exag- mated. In the calculation we compare
geration is less; if it is very fiat, the exag- inches on the model with fe t in nature.
geration may be slightly increased. If a For instance, we want to find out the ver-
small-scale model is of very fine detail, the tical exagg ration of a l-inch-to-the-mile
vertical exaggeration may be less. model, where every 20-foot contour is cut
In small-scale models (even in large- from a To inch-thick cardboard:
scale ones if the relief is very great) the Horizontally 1 inch corresponds to 5,280 feet
best result is obtained if the vertical exag- Vertically 1 inch corresponds to 800 feet
geration scale is variable, more in the plains
Vertical exaggeration = 6.6 times
and less in the mountains. For instance, in a
1: 4,000,000 map, while the exaggeration which i too much. Thus we do b tter to
in low parts may be 16 times, this can be use only every econd contour line, which
gradually reduced to 8 or even 5 times at will bring the vertical exaggeration to 3.3
higher elevations. It is advisable to draw a times, which is not too much in a low region.
Cardboard Cutting. If a contour-line
map is available, the model is usually cut
Ybsitive metAod
from cardboards. The cardboards should be
thin; if they are less than fa inch thick
they can easily be cut with a knif . If n
inch thick th y can be cut with a round-
blade jig saw. Thicker cardboard requir s
fiat-blade jig-sawing, which is difficult be-
cause it requires the constant turning of the
cardboard in the direction of intricate con-
tour lines. pecial oil-soaked cardboard is
easier to cut. If still thicker cardboards are
required, beaver board, plywood, Celotex,
etc., can be used. The author tried rolling
out plastiline into sheets for rapid modeling
with good results.
Positive Method. After the cardboards
are chosen, the map, or a photostat of it, is
carefully squared. A carbon paper is pasted
on the back of th map and the lowermost
contour is traced on the cardboard. A few
corners of the next higher contour are also
Fig. 248 ·imple large-scale models are made
marked for proper spacing. Then on an-
the positive method; the negative method is used for other cardboard the next higher contour is
small-scale models with fine detail. traced, and so on until all contours are cut
and laid. Only the lower cardboards have successive cardboards as th successive con-
to be cut to a full-size square. The tops of tour lines are cut out, and that it involves
mountains can be traced close to each other no danger of loss of som of the minor peaks.
to save cardboard. Each tracing is marked On the other hand, there is great danger
with the contour line it represents. The that the cardboard will b soaked from the
boards are now ready for cutting. wet plaster and will consequently bulge out
Cutting out cardboard exactly along con- of position. It is therefore advisable to soak
tour lines is a matter of practice. If there the cardboard with oil before casting. In
are deep, narrow embayments, it is better general, the negative method is better for
to leave them until later and cut them out small-scale models with fine detail, while
from both sides. The cutting begins in the the positive method is better for large-scale
lowermost contour line. Then each succes- models.
sive contour is cut, and the pieces are built Casting. By measuring the sides and
upon each other to make a positive model. average depth, the numb r of cubic inches
The cardboards are past d down with to be filled in can be stimated, 30 cubic
thinly applied rubber cement. The marked inches making roughly a pint. We fill a pail
corners will help to determine exactly the with the required pint of water and meas-
placing of the next cardboard. ure out about 1.5 pounds of plaster to every
The rough cardboard base is now pint of water. Then we slowly fill in the
smoothed with plastiline, an oily clay, and plaster by hand, casting it all over the water
the finer topographic features, such as cliffs surface and letting it sink. Plaster should
and river channels, are worked in by hand not be thrown in from a great height as this
until a perfect positive model of the region will cause air bubbles. lowly the water
is achieved. Care must be taken to leave no will fill with plaster, and if the powder does
extra plastiline, especially in the valleys. not sink any more we know that it is full.
The contour lines should be barely visible. The level of water will rise about one-fourth .
Then a wooden frame, not much higher We disturb the plaster as littl as possible,
than the highest peak, is built around the but it is advisable to loosen the clumps with
model. This frame is then oiled and tight- the fingers. A layer of pIa ter is gently
ened on the sides with plastiline, and the brushed into the model, progressing from a
model is ready for casting the negativ . corner and slowly advancing to avoid air
The Negative Method. Another method bubbles. More plaster is added with a
of constructing relief models reverses the ladl, always gently letting it down to-
foregoing process. First, the highest con- ward the wooden frame, not throwing it in
tour is cut out, and the remaining cardboard and forming air bubbles. The pIa ter will
is laid upside down. The next contour is not harden for at least 10 or 15 minutes,
then cut out and laid on top, and so on, and hurry will spoil the mod I. On large
until the entire negative is built up from card- models, two or thr e people can work from
board. From this n gative a positiv is cast. different corners The frame is filled com-
For high-grade work this positive will be pletely, and wh n the plaster begins to
modeled with tools so as to give finer detail, harden th top is smoothed with a board.
and a new negative and then a new positive The plaster will harden in a few hours, but
cast. T he advantages of this method are it is safer to separate the mold th next d ay.
that it saves the copying of contour lin s, This is done by driving wooden chisels pref-
for the same map can be attached to th erably on a flat part of the model (showing
sea or lake). This will leave a scar that has abl attention, but the great expense of the
to be fixed with half-wet plaster. steel molds deterred imitation. The Denoyer-
Finishing. The best time for finishing is Geppert Company came out recently with
while the plaster is still soft. Air bubbles a wall map of this kind.
are filled in, rivers and creeks are carved, Great advanc ment has been made in
and cliffs are sharpened. Fields and plowed rubber models. These can be cast in hard
lands can be shown by grooving parallel plaster mold ; thus they are much cheaper
lines in the plaster with a broken jig saw. than the hot-pressed or plastic models.
Forest can b shown by roughening the sur- First a thin sheet of rubber is placed in the
face of the plaster with a hard wire brush. mold, then it is backed by sponge rubber
A "vibrotool" is excellent to work the with a spray gun. The map can be photo-
plaster. The model is then shellacked and graphed on sensitized rubber. Airbrushing
painted with oil colors. Forests can also be sideways with dark gray, something like
shown by salting the wet paint with sand. an artificial shadow, makes the relief stand
Lettering can be applied with India ink out boldly. Durabili ty . and ease of packing
directly on the dry oil paint, or by pasting made rubber models very popular during
thereon ready-stenciled paper letters. Let- the econd World War. The U.S. Army,
tering can also be carved into the negative Navy, and Air Forces all produced excell nt
and will appear raised in the positive. Vivid models both in the office and in the field ,
models can be made by cleaning the plaster and a large outfit of the O. .S., under the
with sandpaper and then painting it with direction of Maj. Wallace W. Atwood, Jr.,
ordinary water colors instead of oil. The prepared models of every theater of war,
sides of the model are the natural places and of every invasion coast. These models
for showing the geologic structure. If this proved their worth in the field.
is not required, it is better to keep the model Plastics are excellent for models. Although
in the frame. light and unbreakable, they are not much
Pasting of Maps on Models. By this in use as yet because of the high cost of the
method the map is printed on thin tissue steel molds into which the model has to be
paper, wetted, and pasted on top of a model press d, But one steel mold can produce
made of plaster of paris. One of the notable thousands of models, and we may expect
exhibits of the 1931 Geographic Congress cheap, yet very good, mod.els produced in
in Paris was the enormous relief model of quantities in the future. Transparent pia -
northern France, on a scale of 1: 20,000, tics are good for certain purposes, particu-
with a 1: 2 vertical exaggeration, the topo- larly for geologic structures, mines, and ore
graphic maps being pasted on top. This bodies, but surface relief shows up poorly in
method was perfected by Wentschow of transparent material.
Munich whose models of various parts of A hot sheet of vinylite can be sucked by
Germany are famous. vacuum into a plaster mold, and when it
Special Materials. Various attempts harden... it can b lifted off, and a light
have been made to mount a map on carcJ- strong replica can be made from it. The
board, heat it in steam, and press it into a map can be printed or photograph d on the
steel mold, which consists of a negativ and vinylite sh t.
positive model of the area. Such an arly Metals are also used for models. Zinc, tin,
attempt, the Royal Relief Atlas (G. P. or copper can b sprayed from a un into a
Bevan, London, 1884), caused consider- graphh -cov red mold, and thus a light,
strong model is prepared. Models can also as the map and are numbered in the same
be prepared by electroplating a negative. manner. Over this frame is placed a rod,
Steel models thus prepared can be made in the center of which is a peg that can be
magnetic and are used for placing Ii ttle air- moved up and down. This peg is graduated
planes, cannons, troop symbols, etc., on according to the contour interval and must
them in war games. be large enough to be numb red. The rod
Hammered Models. The map is photo- has the same divisions as the map, lettered
graphed on a sensitized copper, aluminum, in reverse, as shown in Fig. 249. The posi-
or other metallic plate, and electric ham- tion for each spot height can be determined
mers raise the thin plate to the desired by its coordinates, i.e., by moving the rod
elevation. This method is better for large- up and down according to the side coordi-
scale than for fine small-scale models. The nates, and left and right according to the
"third-dimensional maps" of J. J. Bround figures on the rod as read on the inner side
are of this kind. of the frame. The peg is let down so deep

F ram e
M. a p
Fig. 249 Spot-height method of making models.

Spot-height Method. If no detailed that its point reaches the top of the peale
topographic sheets are available but the The clay or plastiline is built up to the spot
nature of the country and the heights of height at every point of known elevation;
several places are known, a topographic the remainder of the topography has to be
relief model can be built by the spot-height modeled by hand with tools made .of wood
method. By this methud a network of or wire.
squares about ~ inch in size is drawn over If a good suspen ion pantograph is avail-
the map and numbered on the sides. Then able, the marker of the pantograph can be
a wooden frame is built, somewhat higher transformed into a spot-height peg and,
than the highest peak on the map. This while the pointer is placed over a peak on
frame does not have to be the same size as the map, the marker will locate the peak on
the map; it can b proportionately larger the model, which can be made larger or
or smaller. Two sides of the frame are smaller than the map.
divided into th same numb r of divisions t The sp t-height m thod is especially use-
ful for making quickly a less exact model Cities can be imitated with chopped red
for temporary use. eraser, roads, and railways by colored
Rou gh Models. The above types of models strings, and water with shiny blu enamel.
apply- to geographic models of some ac- Very large-scale "egg-crate" models have
curacy. Very often, however, the demand is been made by sawing out contours from
for a speedily built larg - cale mod I of the wood and stretching canvas ov r t!?-em, nail-
sand-taple typ for demonstration or teach- ing it down. During the war, the author
ing purpo es. Any available material can made a large model of Germany in 5 days, by
be used. PlastiJine is good, but it does not building up a base from pearl barl y mixed
harden. Th U .. Navy recommends, in its with rubber cement to the base level of the
pamphlet "How to Build Terrain Models," rivers. Over this was placed a t -inch layer of
a mixture of rolled-out plastiline, upon which th rivers
were marked from a map. All that had to
b done was to build up the int rstream
1 pint of sawdust
areas, and the model was ready for finishing.
j pint of plaster
Notable Model Makers. Notable among
t pint of library paste model makers in the United tates was
3 drops of glue
E. E. Howell, who prepar d several hundred
topographic models of various parts of the
They dissolve paste in water and thin it United tat s, always emphasizing the geo-
slightly, add glue, plaster, and sawdust, and logical struetur s. One of the greatest
knead to the consistency of tough dough. artists in relief models was G. C. Curtis,
Setting time is 8 hours. whose models of the Boston region, the
The map is placed at the bottom of a box Island of Bora Bora, and the Kilauea
and the mixture is built up to the desired Volcano now at the Agassiz Museum of
height, testing its height with a marked Cambridge, Mass., are masterpieces.
toothpick. For the surface, preeolored sand, Curtis also organized the work for the
chalk powder, sawdust, and farina are used. big relief model of the United States, lo-
cated at the Babson In titute in Wellesley
Hills, Mass. This is made on a scale of 4
miles to the inch, with a vertical exaggera-
tion of 12 times. It covers a round steel
frame 64 } et in diam ter, and conforms to
the curvature of the earth. Its progress was
slow because no topographic sheets were
available for more than half of the country.
The model was finished b fore the Second
World War under the direction of Maj.
W. W. Atwood, Jr. Large parts of the model
had to be remade because the vertical ex-
aggeration in the western part of the country
was too gr at. It is now 6 times exagger-
Fig. 250 The Bab on model of the niled tales is ated above the 6,000-foot level. To view
really part of a huge globe 170 feet in diam tcr. The the relief pattern of the country on such a
United States is 64 ~ t wide. f large scale is a thrilling sight.

This part of this book carries us to the frontiers of cartography. Each science requires some
special kind of maps and diagrams, and each pr sents problems. Solving these problems
gives us new approaches of presentation, thus enriching the language of cartography. This
part also includes land-slope analysis, which constitutes a science in itself, and presents the
" land- ~e" maps, which are the most promising maps of th future.

CHAPTER 29: Land-slope Analysis

If we describe a piece of land, the first 6,400/ 6,280 = 1,018 foot distance), the angle
que tion is whether the land is flat, hilly, will be x/ 1,Ol8 = 400/ 5,280, x = 77 mils.
or mountainous, or, in other words, the 4. For many computations the gradient ex-
lay of the land . Within th same climatic pressed by a fraction, or in decimals, will be the
region the use of the land depends mostly simplest; in this case
on its slope. To express slope conditions 400 1
quantitatively has been the aim of many 5,280 = 13.2 = 0.076
geographers, and various methods are in 5. The Abney level expresses slope in degrus.
use. The most obvious method is to express One degree is about 1 unit high in 57.3 units of
slope on orne kind of map, but it is possible horizorllal distance as long as the angle is fiat,
to express the slope conditions of certain as in our case x/ 57.3 = 400/ 5,280, x == 4°20'.
areas by diagrams, curves, or coefficients. For rapid calculations it is best to keep in mind
Five different methods are in use to express that 100 feet per mile is about 1°S'.
the steepness of a single slop : Land-slope Maps. One might expect that
the usual relief methods would give all the
1. With topographic sheets the easiest method answers for the student of land slopes. This,
is to work with j eet per mile, as for instance
however, is only true in the case of large-
400 feet per mile.
2. The engineer may prefer to express slope scale maps, where contour lines can be drawn
in percentage, as in this case with fair accuracy and do intervals. The
ruggedness of land can be read anywhere
x 400 by measuring the distance of the contour
100 = 5280
, = 7.6 per cent
lines- the closer they are, the steeper the
land. One may miss som rugged morain
3. The army likes to express angles in mils,
land or sand dunes, which may be partly
which is roughly (taking the true mil, extending
1 foot in a 1,000-foot distance) 10 times the lost in a 50-foot contour interval, but on an
percentage, in this cas 76 mils. Taking the averag there is no better way of repr sent-
exact military value of the mil, 6,400 in a circle ing slope conditions. In hachured maps the
(in which case 1 foot will be extended in thickness of the lines, and with it the dark-
ness of the tone, should indicate ruggedness, against the various parts of the map, it can
but this method dep nds too much on the be divided easily into th required cat -
individual. The same holds true for plastic gories. The patches thus obtained are
shading .. Both methods fail completely in numb red and pr ferab ly painted in differ-
lowlands. ent colors. These patches are now tran-

Fig. 251 alculation of the coefficient of slope. The areas of different slojJe WCI'e calculated
on the map with a planimeter, and the figures so obtained were la id out fro m A to F.

Average-slope Maps. In medium-scale ferred to the medium- cal map either by a

maps, 1: 500000 to 1: 1,000,000, the con- grid system or by photography or by a n
to~ interval may be 500 to 1,000 feet, too optical projector. Pantographs can also be
great to tell uS much about slope conditions. IU
For instance one thinks of the very rugged
Middlesex Fells near Boston that is missed ~
.......... 100
completely on such a map, since the relief
is nowhere more than 300 feet. The best
answ r .to the problem on medium-scale 200
maps is a slope-category map. The large-scale .
topographic sheets of the same area are ~ JOo
divided into 5 to 10 slope categories, as in ~/_
Fig. 251. This is done with the help of an "'N "tOO
indicator that shows how dense the contour ~ 5 00
lines are on a certain scale at certain con- ~ 800
tour intervals, for 100-, 200-, 300-feet-per- Fig. 252 ontour den-
mile slopes, etc. Holding the indicator sity indicator.
used but only by very skilled operators. AVERAGE SLOPES

Th 4-inch grid on a 1: 62,500 map makes 100 ,. • •
200" • •
only about i -inch mesh on a 1: 1,000,000 300" • •
400" • •
map. sao ffttand over
Th lope categories are tinted in 5 to
10 shades, the ste per the slope, the darker
the shade, and a vivid picture of th slope
conditions will result (Fig. 253). It is ob-
vious that no category smaller than a square
mile can be shown, as it would be less then
Dr inch on the millionth map. It is nOI
good to use a very heavy black border
line betw en patches if small categories are
used, because th darkness of dividing lines
may influence the allover impression of the
Wentworth Method. In laying out slope
categories, mu h depends on individual
judgment, and it takes som experience to
.iudge where one category ends and the
other begins. A more laborious but more
impersonal method has been design d by
C. K. \tVentworth.l The contour-line map
is divided into small squares, and an index
figure is obtained by counting the number
of con LOur lin s along the two diagonals. 0l-~"""""'_~~'r-_~~SOMILES
,incc the density of contour lines is in
direct relationship to th st epness of the Fig. 253 For medium-scale maps, slope
conditions are best shown by the slope-cate-
slopes, this method gi es a fair indication of
gory method. (Courtesy oj Geog. Rev.) 1937.)
rugged ness. It was found that in some
complex ew England regions the square
had to be made ! inch wide, while in the of land-slope analysis i primarily for agri-
entral plains I-mile squares were sufficient. culture, and the farmer is best served in
Small-scale Land-slope Maps. The slope flatland ratio maps. Thes maps hav only
category meth d can still b used in maps twO categories: (1) lands flat enough for
smaller than 1: 1,000,000, but the categoric. plowing and (2) slope lands . .All the flat-
have to be broader and the generalization land!> are outlin d on topographic she ts
has to be arried further. For instan , on a from which they are transferred to III dium-
1 :4,000,000 map a single l-inch-to-mile scale maps. The white of the flatlands will
sheet would be t inch high and it obviously still show up well against the black of the
cannot be divid d into many categories. slope lands. .
Flatland Ratio Maps. The practical use For small-scale flatland ratio maps we
calculate for each (or part of each) topo-
1 WENTWORTH, C. K ., A implified Method of
Determining th Average lope of Land urfaccs, graphic sheet the percentag of flatland and
Am. Jour . ,ci., er. 5, Vol. 20, pp. 184-194, 1930. conn ct plaee of equal ratio with isopl th ' .
This m thod works w II for lowlands, but Relativ Relief of Ohio."! The process
in mountainous areas th vaj'iation may b originated in ermany and Poland, where
so extreme that th drawing of isopl ths with this typ of study has r eived attention for
any d gree of accuracy may b impos ibl . a long time.


o 0 - 100 " ..
~~_ CJ 100 - 200 "
a;] 2OC! - 3OO ...
&Z:I 300 - 400 "
iZ'l'I400 - 5OO _
_ 500-100 ..
_1OO - lUO _
9 5 '9 _ lUO - 1IOO

Fig. 254 This map was constructed b y marking the difference between lowest and high 5t
elevations in every 5-rninute rectangle. (By Guy-Harold Smith.)

It is possible, however, to tint the little In the method adopted by mith each
rectangles r presen ting each topographic topographic sheet was divided into rec-
sheet differently, and thus make a kind of tangles of 5 minutes of longitude and lati-
choropleth map. tude. In each r ctangle the difference
Relative Relief Maps. The history and between the highest and the lowest points
principles of this delineation are available 1 SMITH, G. H ., The Relative Relief of Ohio,

in an article by Guy Harold Smith, "The Geog. Rev., Vol. 25, pp. 272- 284, 1935.
was noted and plotted on a small- cal The curve is constructed by calculating
base map. Places of even differences were the area of land between each two contour
conn cted with isoplethsl for each 100 lines. The area enclosed by the first contour
feet of relative relief. Smith's map gives a line is represented by AI, and that en-
vivid picture of the relative relief of Ohio. closed by the next higher contour line is
His method works well in maturely dis- represented by A 2• Al - A2 is marked off
sected plains and plateaus but does not give according to a chosen scale for the hori-
satisfactory results in complex, glaciated zontal component of the curve, and the
regions. vertical component is the corresponding
Trachographic Maps. This kind of map contour interval (Fig. 255), usually with
can be much more easily understood than some vertical exaggeration. The areas can
any of the previous kinds, but it needs a be conveniently measured with a planime-
certain amount of skill for its preparation. ter. This curve will show how much land
I t shows both the average slope and the there is at various elevations, but it will not
relative relief. The method is described in be the same as the general profile of the
Chap. 11 , and it is particularly adapted to land, as shown in Fig. 94, where the hypso-
small-scale maps. graphic curves of variou solids are shown
Superimposed Curves. Slope conditions by dotted lines. The hypsographic curve of
can be better understood and visualiz d a cone is very pointed; only a paraboloid
from some kind of lope profile. These has a straight one.
curves can be placed upon the map, for
instance, for every county, and will give a
good idea about the prevailing slope con-
di tions there. everal kinds of curves are
in use and the more important ones are
de ribed in the following. Fig. 256 The hypsographic curve shows the
. • .L". ~...N..• !l.. ... , ..... _.. .C? .. ~ " •• ~.••. !'.... !~ ....... .. 8000
arnounL~of land at each elevation. The hypsographoid
... ...... .... ~ .. .. .. ~ ... . . ... , .. , .... .. ..... .......... ... - .... -.- 6000
·.·· ....... ·········t,... .... .......... ·.. · 0 ••
. .
••••••••••••• _ - __ • •• 4-000 curve shows the radii of circles representing the
. -..............!........................... _-..... ,...........
;:;~~ :. ~ 1000 amount of land at each elevation. The two curves are
fffl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o in quadratic relationship.

'7?""j~~~~~3 - <\000
To show the actual generalized profile

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · 80~ of the land, F. Uhorczak 2 of Lemberg drew

a hypsographoid where the land within each
Fig. 255 Hypsographic curve showing th distribu- contour interval is represented by truncated
tion of the earth's surface a(:cording to altitude. cones built one upon another. ~ side view
Hypsographic Curve. The idea of the hypso- of this rotational solid gives a curve that
graphic curve dates back to d Lapparent shows the actual, general profile of the land
(1883), and since that time it has b en on an xaggerated, vertical scale. The con-
often used by geographers to express the struction of th bypsographoid is as follows:
amount of land surfac that occurs at vari- The ar a en losed by the lowest contour
ous el vations in a given area. line is AI, and th area inside th next con..
I Isopleths that show qual slope or relief condi- 2 ee ROMER, E GENE, Vne Nouvelle Representa-
tions may be called "isotrachonic (equal ruggedness) tion Graphique de l'Hypsometrie, Comptes-Retui.
lines." Internat. Cong. Geog., Vol. 1, pp. 328-340, Paris, 1931.
tour line is A 2, etc. These areas are replaced applies well in the Appalachian Plateau aud
by circles of equal area, from which Rl and the central states. The areas of each kind
R'J. can be calculated. By marking off to scale are measured on topographic sh ets with a
the distances R 1, R 2 , etc., as horizontal com- planimeter and expressed by a curv , as in
ponents, and by using the corresponding Fig. 257. S veral such curves placed on a
contour intervals as vertical components, a map, for instance for each county, will give
continuous curve can be drawn. Obviously, a good id a about the cultivable land of
R1 , R 2, etc., are proportionate to the square each region.
roots of AI, A 2 , etc., and the hypsographic General Land-slope Curve. The obvi us
curve and the hypsographoids are in quad- shortcoming of the flatland ratio curve is
ratic r lationship. The hypsographoid helps that it does not give much information
to discover breaks in the general profile of about the land in slope. Yet the slopes are
the land, and indicates the plateaus and used for orchards, vineyards, hayfields,
peneplains. rough pasture, or terrace cultivation, each
,,..... .... -_ ... -,... ......... - .. ., type best suited to a particular slope. Before
: ~ : .. . ~ we can draw a general slop curve, we have
:, "' :' ~\: to prepare a slope category map, as ex-
:UlSTER! y '~l
: 1 ORK \ plained before. Then we measure all the
~- ---.-----~--,- --.- --~ . ' land belonging to each category with a

' ~.

! Ll N (0 l N :
:, ~.)

planimeter, and add up. We draw a hori-

zontal line, and layout these valu s-first
t -- . -. __ . . , .. :, C l ARK I.' the flatland, then the next steeper category,
t. __ . _... J and so on. Then we draw sloping lines,
Fig. 257 Flatland ratio
steeper for each slope category, as shown in
maps show flat upland, flat
lowland, and slopeland by Fig. 251, and th n we can draw a continuous
superimposed diagrams.
• curve. If we wish to express the slope of a
region with a coefficient, the area of D will
Flatland Ratio Curve. Even more than in give a characteristic value. In the case of
the general profile, the agriculturist is in- perfectly flat land D is zero.
terested in the amount of flat, cultivable
land in his region. Veatch l divid es the land 1 VEATCH, J. 0 ., Graphic and Quantitative Com-
in three categories: flat upland, sloping parisons of Land Types, Jour. Am. Soc. Agronom)"
land, and flat lowland, which classification Vol. 27, pp. 505-510, 1935.
CHAPTER 30: Land-use and Economic Maps

Mankind occupies this earth in hundreds b ing crystallized. The pattern is complex
of different ways and wrings a livelihood and the points of view are many. As these
from its resources. The patterns of this use maps bear heavily on economic decisions,
of land and its economic results are the sub- considerable funds are available for their
t of this chapter. Th cartography of preparation and reproduction, and many
land-use and economic maps is far from new richer techniques have been developed.

Land-use Maps
In this group belong the maps that show a scale of 1: 63,360. These reductions vividly
the actual and possible uses of the land, portray the intricate pattern of land use in
including both agrieul tural and nonagricul- the British Isles. The land was surveyed by
tural (industrial, urban, recreational, min- volunt ers organized by Dudley Stamp, the
ing, and lumbering) uses. The importance noted geographer. Groups of students,
and possibilities of such maps are great teachers, scouts, and interested citizens
and for a eographer they are more useful
than topographic sheets. The preparation
of good land-utilization maps is a difficult
cartographical problem.
A successful land-use map of a well-
cu lti vated country requires a rather large
scale. " Th eLand Utilization Survey of
Great Britain," uses the 6-inches-to-the-mile
Ordnance Survey maps as a base showing
each field separately. The surveyor places an
index letter upon each field for the following
divisions : Fig. 258 The land-use map of England was made
by volunteer workers, who marked every field in the
F for forest and woodland 6-inches-to-the-mile map of Great Britain with one
M for meadowland and permanent grass uf six letters.

A for arable or ti ll ed land, fallow, and rota-

tion grass found this survey very interesting and of
H for heathland, moorland, commons, and great educational value. It is hoped that
rough hill pasture this healthy plan will be followed in all
G for garden allotments, or hards, nur- civilized countries.
seri s, etc. In the United States, wher no 6-inches-
W' for land affri ul turall y unproductive, in- to-the-mile maps are available, the best
cluding wasteland, buildings, yards, approach to the problem is to mark airplane
min s, etc. photographs. It is true that it is not easy
? for water (lakes, streams, tc.) to mark on photob'Taphs, but a matte sur-
face, or a glossy surface if rubbed with any
From these marked she t5, olored redu - hom abrasive, takes the ink of a fountain
tions are mad e by the Ordnance urvey on pen well. Photographs can be obtained from
the U.S. Department of A riculture. In
many parts of the United tates, with so
much idle land, the British system with its
extrem simplicity would not give enough
information in addition to the amount that
could be r ad from th photograph anyway.
Code Index Methods. For any part of
the world a simple code index can be worked
out that gives a great deal of information
about the land. As an example, the index
used by the author's class is here reproduced.
The fundamental idea is that the most com-
mon condition is not marked, only the
unusual condi tion. This makes the index
Fig. 259 Large-scale land-use maps are best
made by marking airplane photographs in the figures small, but even 0 1: 10,000, or
ficld. larg r, photographs had to b e used.

Fractional Code Index for a Land-utilization urvey III

outhern New England
type, composition, age, upkeep
slope, drainage, soil , stoniness
Except for " typ " all other factors have to be recorded only if significant or when they depart
from normal.
Types Composition in Forests (Con 't.)
Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . F Birch .. . . . . .. . . .. . ... . .. .... . . . . b
Bush ........ ..... . . .. ....... . .. B Beech. . . . . . . . ., ... . .... . ..... be
Pasture .. . ...................... P Hickory . . .... . ....... . ... . .. .. .. II
Hayfield ..................... . .. H Cedar ..... .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. c
Cropland .. . . ....... . ........... C
Orchard . .. .. .. . . ............... 0
Composition in Cropland
Nursery . . .. . ........ . .. .. . .. . .. N
Gardens .. .. .. .................. G Corn .......... . .. ...... . . .. ... c
Lawns ... . . . .. . . . . . ... . .. ... .... L Wheat ..... . ... . ..... .... ....... w
Yards .. . . .. ................ . ... y Oats .. ..... . .. . .. . ..... . ....... 0

Cemetery .. . ................. . .. t Alfalfa or clover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. n

Golf links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Go Potatoes .. .. . . . . . ........... . .. . p
Playgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PI Vegetables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. v
Airport .... ..................... X B ts, turnips ..... . . . .. . . .. , .. . . .
and or gray I pits . . . ............ S or Gr Pumpkin and squash. . . . . . . . . . . . . s
Quarri s .. .. . ...... .. .. . ...... . . Q
Lumber yards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ly Age
Composition in Forests Old ....... .. .. . .............. . .
Oak . ...... . .. . . . ............... 0 Medium . . . . .. ... .... . .. . ... . . . .
Pine ... . ........................ p Young . . .... . .... , . . . .. ... . .. . .. 3
Upkeep in General photographs with an arrow pOIntmg to the
Excellent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A particular building or road. A row of similar
Medium .... .... . ................... . buildings can be bunched together. For city
Poor . ........ .. . . .. ................. C surveys, however, a still larger scale photograph,
Abandoned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. D around 1 : 2,000, will be n cessary' We mark the
type starting with a capital letter, and size,
Upkeep iT. Forest material, age, original quality, and upkeep .
Excellent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A Again the most common kind of buildings are
Good . . ... .... .. .. ........ . ........ . B not marked at all, only the significant departures
Unkept ....... . . . ... .. ............. . from normal . Indiviciual farm buildings are
Heavy hurricane damage . . . . . . . . . . . . .. H marked in very detailed surveys only, or if it is a
specialized form, for instance, a poultry farm .
Thus a young unkept pine-oak-birch forest The same holds true for garages and cottages.
will be marked Fpob3 . A cornfield with inter-
Buildings (mark type, size, material, age, quality,
spaced squash in bad shape will be marked
and upkeep; omit if visible from photograph)
C c+s C. A newly laid out cemetery in excellent
upkeep is marked t3A Type
DENOMINATOR One-family house .. ............. . .. . R
Slope Two-family house ........ . ... . ..... . 2R
Three-family house . .... ... ... ..... . 3R
Show down-dip with arrows . .. . ...... .
Four-family house ................. . 4R
Level, less tha n 100 feet per mile . ... . .
Apartment house ......... . . ... .... . Ap
Gentle or undulating- less than 200 feet
Barn ...... .. . ....... . ..... . .. . .. . . B
per mile .... . . .. ................ , 2
Silo .. . ... ... . . . ... .. ... . .... .. ... . Sf
Moderately hilly- 300 feet per mile ... , 3
Hors stabl ...... . HO
Hilly- 400 feet per mile . .. .... ..... . , 4
Poultry house ............. . .... ... . PO
Steep, 500 feet per mile ............. , 5
Pig sties . . ..... . .. . .... . .... . .... . . PI
Greenhouse ... . .. . . ..... . ... .. .... . GR
DrairlQge Garage ........ . .... ..... . ... . .... . Ga
Good, no problems ... .. .... .. ...... .
Cottage ....... . . . .. ... . .. . ... .... . Co
Church . . ... ...... . . . . .. , .. . ..... . Ch
Swampy in wet season . . ... .......... S
School . ... ...... .... . . . ........... Sc
Swamp ..... ....... ....... ........ . SS
Library .. .. ..... ..... .. .. ..... .... Li
Soil Theater . .... . ...... . . .. ... .. . .. ... Tit
Black or brown soil ... ... ........... , b
Club ........ . . ..... . . , ... .... .. ... Cl
Yellow-gray soil ............ . . . . .. . . .
Fire station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fst
Sand .. ........ . .. , .. ........ .. . .. , s
Railroad depot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rd
Gravel .......... ... . ......... ...... gr
Factory (note type) .... .... ........ . Fa
Workshop (note type) .. . . ... : ... . ... Wo
Stoniness (mark only in pasture or hayfields) Powerhouse (note type) . .... .. .... . . . Po
Plowable ... .. . . .... .. . ............ . Stora hous (note type) . . . . . . . . . . .. St
Plowable but stony ... ....... . .. . .... 0 Wholesa le stor .... . ... . ........ . .. . WI!
Very stony, precluding cultivation .... . 00 Retail store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rt
Bare rock in 50 per cent of area . . .. .. , 000 Bank ...... ........ ...... ...... . . Bk
Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Rest
Buildings. In more detailed surveys, it is just Hotel . . .. ... . ...... . .. .. ... .. .... Ho
as important to mark the bui ldings, roads, etc., Old car yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Old.
as the fields. They can also be marked on the Filling station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Fi
Size Roads
Large . ........ . . . . ... ............. I Asphalt .... .. ... . ................... A
Medium ............. .... . . .. . . ... . Tar ................................ T
Small. '.. , .. ........ ............. III Gravel maintained ...... ............. Gr
Very small. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IV Dirt . .............. . ............... . D
Footpaths ... . ....... .. .............. F
Road Upkeep
tone ...... . .... .. ..... . .......... St Excellent shape . ... . . ............... , A
Brick ....... ................. ..... Br Medium ... . ............ . .......... .
Frame .. .. .... ...... ..... .. ... . .. . Maintained. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. C
Stucco .. ....... " ... . ......... .... Stu Abandoned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. D

Age Fences
Early nineteenth century . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Stone . ........ . .. . .... ... . .... ..... St
Late nineteenth century. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Hedge ............................ . H
Pre-1930 . .... .. . ........... . ... .. . Barbed wire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxx
Post-1930 ........................ " 4 Ditch .. ... " ....................... Di
Thus a large, stonc late-nincleenth-century
Original Qyality
railroad depot which was originally high grade
Palatial . ......... ... .............. I but which is now delapidated will be RdSt211D,
High grade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II while a one-family frame house of medium size,
Medium .... ......... . . .......... . . . built before 1930, and of medium quality and
Low grade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IV medium upkeep is simply R.
Upkeep It i recomm ended that each class in
High grade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A cartography work out a similar index
Medium . .. .. .... .. . .............. . adapted to loca l conditions and try it out
Dilapidated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. C in the field. This may nOl be true for aJl
Abandoned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. D parts of th e country but in New England it
is seldom necessary to 1 ave the car to mark
the photographs.
Railroads The Preparation of Large-scale Land-
R ailroads, one track ................ . . . use Maps. For classroom work th.e roads,
two tracks ......... . ....... , 2 rivers, houses, fences, ed ges of fields, etc.,
three tracks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 are copied from the photograph over th>
Electric .. . ........ ... ............... E
light-table upon one-ply drawing paper and
Railroad Maintenance inked in. The fieJds are marked with their
Trunk line ..... .. .. ... ..... ... .. .. , A
index numbers and the major features are
Secondary lin .......... . ......... . . em phasized by coloring. Th following color
Rarely used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. C s heme is recommended lor the Eastern
Abandoned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. D United Stales:
Rails removed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. E Coniferous forest. . . . .. Dark gl'een
Roads Deciduous forest ...... Medium green
Bush ....... .... ..... Light green with dark-green
Concrete ........................... C irr gular dotting
tone-asphalt . ... . ... ..... ....... .. SA Rough pa~tuf(\ h 'ather Yellow-green
Hayfield . .. ... .. .... . Yellow of pre erving the country's rapidly waning
Plowed land . . . . . . . . . Brown soil.
Orchard . . . . . . . . . . . .. Black symbol pattern over
The U .. Department of th Interior, in
Vineyard . . . . . . . . . . . . Black symbol pattern over cooperation with th U .. Department of
brown Agriculture, has made land-classification
Swamp . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Blue horizontal lines over maps of much of the Great Plains. These
the forest, bush, or grass do not include soil- rosion or related data.
symbol The most elaborat~ fractional code index
Yards, gardens ....... Pink
Houses ....... ... .... R ed
is that of the Tennessee Valley Authority,
I ndustrial areas, rail- which uses as many as 18 figures to desig-
road yards, docks . . . Purple nate a patch of land.

Within a field there may be variation of

land types, for instance, the rough pasture
often goes over into forest. In this case we
chang in color without a black boundary
l[ no colors can be used, black-on-white
mechanical patterns may help. The Zip-a-
tone pattern sheet gives patterns that are
designf'd exactly for this purpose.
Soil Conservation Maps. The nearest
approach in the United States to a real land- Fig. 260 The U.S. Soi l Conservation ervi e maps
use rna p is produced by the Soil Conserva- show land-use patterns and indicate erosion, slope,
tion ervice, although the emphasis is more and soil types by index letters and numbers. The
on soil erosion than land u. e. Only a small originals are in three colors.
part of the country is yet covered. Airplane Foreign Maps. In the 1860's, severa)
photographs are compos d into mosaics great map sets appeared that combin d
from which planimetric maps are prepared, a land-use and a topographic map. The
mo tly on a 4-inches-to-the-mile scale. The 1 : 50)000 panish maps used a combination
major land-use categories are differentiated of contour lines with hand-drawn patterns
by green symbol patterns, such as of vineyards, olive orchards, pastures, etc.,
1. Cultivated or urban land-colorless in vivid colors. Even better were the
2. Idle land- ros lined 1: 100,000 Residency maps of J ava with an
3. Pa. ture---grass symbol elaborate system of land-u e patterns and
4. Woodland- tree symbols colors combined with plastic shading for
The land is divided into tracts. Each relief. Similar excellent maps were pro-
tract has an index number of three figures, duced by the French in Algiers. One cannot
the first of which repr ents the type and help feeling that cartography lost a great
amount of erosion; the second, the amount deal when this colorful and realistic method
of slope; and the third, the type of soil. was abandon d in favor of the purely con-
Ownership of land is disregarded. These tour-lined map. Now that airplane photog-
maps not onJy show the present utilization, raphy reveals the tru pattern of the earth's
but also give a clue to possible futur uses. ' surface, we find that the old land-use type
Their primary purpose is to aid in the battle of map was much closer to this reality. At
present, many colonial surveys (East Indies, method for larg -scale maps, in which slope
Katanga, etc.) produce land-use maps; categories are shown by dotted outlines and
many other survey at least add to their index figures, slope direction by arrows,
topographic sheets a green ov rprint for land use by labeled outlin s of lots, and
forest, and many show special forms of cul- erosion by tints. If erosion is not important,
tivation, such as vin yards, or hards, etc. the slope ·categories are tinted. Whether it
is practically possible to show all these ele-
ments on a single black-and-white map re-
mains to be proved, but the method is
stimulating for further experimentation.
N Land-use Profiles. Profiles always help
to understand land problems and they are
particularly useful in showing how land-
J use depends on slope, altitude, soil, and
geology. Some vertical exaggeration will be
necessary; otherwise these profiles do not
Fig. 261 Slope, slope direction, land use, and erosion
shown in a single map. (R. M. GIClldinning, Michigan
present problems. They can be made more
Univ. Papers in Geography, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1937.) vivid by adding a narrow strip of surfac in
the same way as in the animated profiles
Land-use Maps in Geographic Papers. in geology (see Chap. 31).
Geographic essays on regional analysis are Block Diagrams. These are used more
usually accompanied by land-use maps. and more in expressing the connection b -
The geographer will often find that the tween geology, relief, and land use. The
standard symbols do not fit his requirements, construction is described in Chap. 31.

Upper Forested
terrace rocky ledges
Swamp ferrace


Fig. 262 Land-use profiles are most useful tools in undOl'standing the geography of a region.

and he will have to design his own symbols. Maps of Urban Geography. Maps of
In so doing he will find naturalistic patterns urban geography present many carto-
more satisfactory than mechanical rulings. graphic problems. Large-scale (1: 5,000 to
Robert M. Glendinning 1 propos s a 1: 10,000) urban maps can show every
I GLENDINNING, ROBERT M., The lope and lope-
building separately and denote its function
direction Map, Michigan Univ. Papers in Geography, . by tints and indexes, making such distinc-
Ann Arbor, Mich., Vol. VII, pp. 359- 364, 1937. tions as first-, second-, and third-class family
houses, tenements, or apartment hou es; <=


business, industrial, or recreational build- . _
ings, schools, churches, hospitals, barracks; _
PUSLIC d 51:1.11' PUBLIC fo-~'""i;;,,,' f",~':;~
and open places such as parks, gardens, truck
gardens, cemeteries, fi Ids; railroad yards,
airports, harbor facili ties, and und vel oped
lots. If airplane photographs are available,
they will help to a great extent in the con-
struction of such a map. Airplane photo-
graphs may even be us d directly, instead of
maps, with an overlay of transparent color
tints and the addition of index numbers.
Small-scale maps of urban geography
rarely show more than the various func-
tional zones of a city by the use of tints.
It is good cartographic practice to have the
darker tints indicate areas of densest popu- map of a city.
lation. Black is usually reserved for public Louis Re!?ion, National Resources Committee,
Besides the horizontal pattern, the vertical
differentiation of city buildings is also business, the second for offices, and the
significant. The first floors may be used for upper floors for residence. To indicate ver-

8+1-10 (28, sc.IDJ


.Flood Stage-_......
. ------
E'- So. Side Woodland SI.
Space used for
Sales III active mstorage o vacant Residential Purposes QvaCllnl

.Services ~ active storage D vacant Educational, Religious, [I]

Social, Recreational Purposes
M'nTg ~ adive ~ storage
Horizontal 0 100 200 Feet
Transportation ~ Offices ~ Vertical 0 100 200 Feet
Fig. 264 Profile of a section in Nashville, Tenn. (By A. E. Parkins, Assoc. Am. Geographers Anna/s, Vol. 20, 1930.)
tical differentiations, city profiles may be cost of the preparation of a detailed exa t
"1dded, as shown in Fig. 264. city map is usually amply repaid by the
The urban geographer works with a great resulting economies. Some cities even pr -
number. of maps to solve the many per- pare relief models showing each hous for
plexing problems of a growing city. Auto- more effective planning. No fi ld in carto-
mobile traffic density maps are mad by graphy o~ rs such variety and so much
sets of airplane photographs taken hourly. challenge to the cartographer's ingenuity
Surveys of day and night density of popula- as the great complexity of a large ity. Th
tion maps show how many people have to anborn Fir Insurance maps of P lham,
be moved around nine and fiv . Diagram- N.Y., which cov r almost every hOIl. e in the
matic maps showing the number of p ople country on large scale and great detail, offer
on each bus or trolley at each hour will help a most valuable aid in city surv ys.
to plan the economical use of these con- Medium- and Small-scale Land-use
veyances. Gas, electricity, telephone, s wer, Maps. In the foregoing discussion we con-
water, and all other public utilities require sidered land-use maps where practically
maps. The social conditions, income groups, every hous and field an b shown sepa-
languages, races, churches, recreational rately. It is not asy to generalize the varie-
facilities, and health conditions all present gatcd pattern of land use into small-seal
many challenges to cartographers. Whole- maps. It can be done onJy by omitting all
sale and retail business and d liveries, milk, detail and by color-patching 5 to 10 main
newspaper, and mail distribution, garbage types of land use, such as two or three forest
disposal, etc., can be worked out on large- type, bush, grazing lands, cultivated lands,
scale city maps. Most cities have cadastral des rt, etc. Most difficult to show is s attert'd
maps showing horne ownership which ar cultivation such as that of New England or
most valuable for other purposes also. The the Piedmont. Here littl squares of y llow-

Fig. 265 Small-scale economic maps in black and white are apt to look confusing. Colors
help much in clarifying land-us symbol~.
green in the dark green of the forest, oc- pattern d, but a black-red key plate show-
cupying about the truc proportion of the ing urban centers, railways and roads, and
area, may help. The dominant types of manufacturing and mining overprinted
crops can be indicated by naming them, or with 5 to 10 flat colors for land types will be
by index letters. Small-scale land-use maps far more effective. The Economic Develop-
approach economic maps. They show roads, ment maps of Phitip are good but far from
railroads, and waterways, manufacturing satisfactory examples. The possibilities of
and mining centers, emphasized in excess small-scale land-use maps are not fully
of their actual area. Small-scale and me- explored, and they have to be compiled
dium-scale land-use maps can be made in from large-scale maps that are not yet
black and white· only, with the land types available for most of the world.

Economic Maps
The maps of this group are concerned they take into consideration the difference
with the production, transportation, and between high-grade and low-grade products.
distribution of goods. These are broad Furthermore, money value is a common
relationships involving large areas- often denominator by which maps of various
the whole world- and the maps are neces- products are comparable. If, however, the
sarily small-scale maps. Economic maps are products of several years are compared, any
likely to pattern a single or a group of change in the value of the currency must
products. If the total economic picture is also be taken into consideration. These
shown, they become land-use maps. Most value maps, likewise, are of more permanent
economic maps are statistical in nature. nature than the quantity maps, because in
Maps of Agriculture. Maps of the vari- times of poor crops higher prices pardy
ous phases of agriculture are published by offset the difference. For certain studies,
all important nations; the national atlases agricul tural ratio maps, which show by
especiaJly contain many agricultural maps. isopleths or choropleths such relationships
The U.S. Department of Agri ulture has as yield per acre or percentage of one crop
excellent cartographers, and thejr maps fill to all crops, are prepared.
many volumes. In addition to products, many other
The distribution of crops and animal important items are recorded on agricul-
products is usually shown by the dot system. tural maps, such as value of farm equip-
The dots may indicate either acreage or ment, numb r of trucks or horses, farm
quantity by weight- rarely value of pro- tenancy, farm mortgages, value of farm
duction. The most reliable and checkable property, average cash expenditure for
figures are available for acreage. The quantity labor, taxes, marketing methods, irrigated
if production in bushels, bales, or tons is areas, drained land, marginal lands, and
usually obtained by taking into considera- many others. All kinds of statistical mappin
tion the yield per acre in different localities. methods are employed in these maps- dots,
Since yields per acre may differ consider- isopleths, choropleths, and various types of
ably, maps showing production by quan- diagrams, as the subject requires. It was
tities are more significant than those indeed, in connection with agricultural
showing acreage. Maps that show the value maps that most statistical map methods
if products are still more significant because developed.
C - Coal A - Antimony . "', / quantities and their value are not well
S. - Sott TIl - Tunllsten .' \ ''-'-I
J - Iron LZ - Load and Zinc '\ /"'-. known. For more detailed maps, the block-
Ti - Tin Mil - Man~onese £'?
G - Cold ,Me - Mercury I>o'cp.,e. ') C'h'" pile system is recommended. By this method
\' Co - Copper , "
" I,CI it is possible to have some mines show 10,000
~ ' 1
C " ~'It~"",,,,,,, - ,"
Pin< .....
~ l"~. _r C Ie· " .. Kell ~ times more than others. It is often necessary
....... , S) /)
" . . .,
\ \

' -.... ,

\ ,.1
, J ..
_,!\ C,(I"

"i Gil.
,..J"" V to show some small-value mines because
their potentialitie are specially important,
as in the ca of the cryolite mine in Green-
I (
- rJ
I l
ls cJ;~' .. ,"e~
{.;::t""""" ~
'r., (
. .,. . land, the only one of its kind.
t\ r""
I L..
,::J-*"" a, In the author's set of mineral maps of the
' ''-, "
' _J' ... -'....
.... ,.,./
,..;/ ....... ,
... ""
..... \ r United States l crude petroleum is recorded
-} "--,,' I 'I..)c,,, by value at wells, coal by tons with prices
F~'" I \....
' sC ""_r,,........
T!'l'U''''''~~1'''\ 'i
.A.'/" ,
""'" "<.T..,..h V.C
,..G"'; 1"';
Ir <j r indicated, metallic minerals by value of
recovered metals, referred to the mine, even
,r' , ,,,:"
.,....;., \' \ ~ A(3"-.I'"
I '\.
', ,"''''''
- H..
..... • ,nQ......
I., I
, if smelted elsewhere. In the case of non-
.{:: I i
o, e LZ '
I), 1'")SIiii_"rr '
: metallic minerals, th value at mine is
, ... " ... ",. - J ", .. ':1, U !
recorded . The " U.S. Minerals Yearbook" is
" ' ... J -
~>, '---'-\
I / ...

an excellent source book for data.

~ . ""."....' ........? ,,_...,,'
s Maps of Manufacturing. Manufacturing
~-;._,-r produces by far the greatest part of the
Fig. 266 A simple type of mineral map shows national income of the United States; yet
the importance of the mine by differently sized only very generalized maps are available
letters. (From George B. Cressey, " China's Geographic
showing the geographic distribution of this
Foundations .")
industry. Maps of manufacturing can be
Maps of Mineral Products. These maps, based on available data of various kinds,
which record the occurrence of coal, oil, I such as number of wage earners, value of
metals, and other min ral products, are wages, value of products, and value added
common in atlases and geographies. They by manufacturing. From the economist's
more often record the occurrence of certain point of view, value added by manufac-
minerals than the quantity or value of turing is the most important. The geog-
production. Maps of coal basins and rapher who is interested in social problems
reserves are more common than maps that would use a map showing the number of
show production in each coal field. The workers as the measure of the industrial-
same is true for oil and metals. The letters ization of a region. R. Hartshorne 2 shows
and symbols, which are undifferentiated in in his maps the number of wage earners by
size, not only make them confusing but also the sphere system. The maps of A. J.
fail to give the true pattern of mineral Wright,3 on the other hand, are based on
production. 1 RAISZ, ERWIN, Geographical Distribution of the
Mineral production is usually highly con- Mineral Industry of the United States, Mining and
centrated in few localities and the map has Metallurgy, March, 1941, pp. 158- 166.
2 HARTSHORNE, R., A New Map of the Manu-
to be quantitative to have any value, even
facturing Belt of North America, Econ. Ctog., Vol. 12,
if the yearly output may be quite variable.
pp. 45- 53, 1936.
The simplest method is that used by Cressey 3 WRIOHT, A. J., Manufacturing Distri ts of the
- using initial letters of different sizes- United States, Econ. Gtog., Vol. 14, pp. 195-200,
which is an excellent method where the 1938.

CUI""Ye.i. &i'AC.,sON

Fig. 267 Metallic mineral production in the Northwest in 1938. (From Mi'ling and
M elnllurg v.)

valu added by manufacturing, also in the not easily available. More detailed maps,
sphere system. Manufacturing maps can such as those showing the marketing of
well be drawn in the block-pile system as wheat and colton in the United tates, are
shown in Fig. 268. Enormous amounts of available in books on economics. Data for
data are available in the publications of the imports and exports of each country can be
U. . Census of Manufactures. found in the Commerce Yearbooks of the
Sp cial manufacturing maps, such as U . . Departm nt of Commerce. Production
those. for th steel industry, may show in a IS shown by group d circles or sq uares,
dynamic way the motion of the various raw
materials and scmimanufactured products,
in addition to the manufa turing nters
indicated by one of the methods mentioned
before. The preparation of such maps
requires a thorough knowl dge of the indus-
try and mak s an interesting cartographic
problem . To date not enough has been done
in this field.
Maps of Commodity Movements. Maps
showing production, transportation, and
marketing of certain eommodi ti s, such as
rubber, oil, and cotton, which are subj ct Br;.eton
to consid rable int rnational trade, are
often found in modern books or atlas s on
economic .1 These maps are u ually on a
small scale, partly because detail d data ar Fig. 268 Part of map showing the number of wage
JSee Atlas of World Maps, Army Service Forces, earners in manufacturing. Block-pile maps are com-
1943, for iron and steel. pact and easily commensurable.
transportation by traffic-flow lines, and showing the frei )'ht ra1es on wh at from all
marketing by arrows. All th se maps ar important shipping points.
highly generalized, but they help the Regional Economic Maps. These are
student to understand the major movement really small-scale land-use maps. The prod-
of commodities and the international prob- ucts may be marked by name, by figurcttes
lems arising therefrom. or by letter!'.; but there is always the danoer
that such maps will appear crowded. on-
sideration should be given to th fact that
the characteristic product of a region is
som times not the one which produ es the
greatest income or is economically the mOSl
important. For instanc , watches are very
characteristic of witzerland; yet her in-
come from their manufacture is smaller
than that from textil s.
Such maps are likely to give a false pic-
ture of the economic pattern, if Jab Is or
symbols for oil, gold, furs, and oth r
products are distribut d all over the map,
regardless of wheth r the production is
large or small. Thus, for in tance, if the
word "Furs" is written several times on a
OROANISKA map Over the vast expanses of Norther~
RAVAROR. Canada, the student may get an exag-
Sld ,100 mill.
/> Vde K Kautschuk gerat d impression of the importance of this
A Soder c KfJPra
• Kaffe :J & mull product which accounts for less than 1 per
... J<.a/ulo u un
• Ape1s/11 + NlJtlWtJ cent of the national income. Therefore, such
IInrjr ttdtf" 11111(" 1 0,_ II V v{irldsproduttil1ftm maps, although they have certain informa-
flV respet tive nlvllrDr. (I r"9tl medtllaI1921 ·29)
tive value, are suitable only for elementary
Fig. 269 Grouped dot maps are often schoolbooks and tourist folders.
used for regional economic maps. Here Maps on which the economic pattern of
every unit represents 1 per cent of the
world's production of the respective com-
production is shown by small diagrams are
modity. (From colored original in Ahlmann better, for they designate not only the kind
and Samuelsson, Ceograjisk Atlas.) of product but also the quantity. Several
methods of making such maps have been
As for domestic commerce, cartograms attempted. Figure 269 shows a grouped dot
showing the motion of mineral products are system in which the dots take the distinctive
regularly issued by the Engineering and forms of squares, circles, triangles, and
Mining Journal. A most remarkable set of letters. Every symbol stands for 1 per cent
maps of movements of coal, iron, wheat, of the world's total production of this
grains, stone, and other commodities to, commodi ty. There are two dangers in this
from, and on the Great Lakes is published method: (1) in the case of concentrated
in "Transportation on the Great Lakes," production, the symbols will crowd each
Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Washing- other out; (2) 1 per cent of the world's
ton. This publication has also a cartogram cacao is hardly comparable with 1 per cent
of the world' wheat. A more characteristic distinct gain to our eqUipment in geog-
picture of the world's economic pattern raphy. At present the rapidly changing
would be obtained if each symbol showed economic pattern does not encourage the
th money valu of the product. investment of work and expense in this
An atlas of maps, diagrams, and carto- undertaking. Putnam's "Economic Atlas
gram showing the entir economic pattern of the World" is a somewhat overgeneral-
of each major commodity would be a ized approach to the problem.

Landform, Landscape, Land-use, and Land-type Mapsl

The above terms are used by geographers, add some lettering to the picture, we have
with considerable variation as to their meaning. essentially a very large-scale landscape map.
To clarify these term is important, because This is the most objective method of cartog-
they represent the most m aningful conceptions raphy. Field, forest, roads, and cities are all
that whirl around in the minds of map makers there. The cartographer did not interpret
thinking of the fundamentals of their profession. anything, he only added names to the features,
These four terms represent the four basic and the map has to be interpreted by the reader
approaches to making a map. without the help of the cartographer. The
1. Landform maps show the plains, plateaus, cartographer, however, should do some inter-
mountains, etc., and also the rivers, lakes, and pretation for medium- and small-scale landscape
seas that helped to shape them; with one word, maps. I t would not do at all to make a huge
the geomorphology of the region, including its mosaic of colored photographs and reduce it a
hydrography. Map publishers call these 'phys- hundred times (for instance, from 1: 10,000 to
ical" maps, not such a bad term if it would not 1: 1,000,000). Roads and small rivers would
be contrasted with " political" maps, which is a be so microscopic as not to show at all; fields
remainder of the days when the description of and even cities would be small blurs on the
boundaries was regarded as one of the most picture. The cartographer has to design suitable
essen'tial parts of geography. symbols for field, forest, road, and stream, etc.,
The cartography of landform maps is rela- similar in shape, texture, and color to their
tively simple. For large-scale landform maps appearance on the large-scale photograph. His
we may use contour lines, hachures, plastic desire to make features distinctive will induce
shading, or horiwntal form lines, depending on him to standardize some symbols and use more
the available surveys. For medium-scale maps contrasting colors. For instance, he will paint a
(1 : 250,000- 1: 1,000,000) contour lines with rather yellowish lake in blue, and he will dif-
altitude tints give the best results. For small- ferentiate between green wheat fields and green
scale land-form maps, we may think of mor- grasslands, but generally he will try to be as
phographic or trachographic maps (see Fig. objective as possible. This map will be appreci-
110); or we may use a photograph of a good, ated by airplane travelers and also by the
uncolored l' lief model or imitate th result of ground traveler who is usually baffled by how
this with plastic shading. If we use a ltitude tints differently the map shows the actual landscape,
only, as many textbooks do, the result is likely to especially in color.
be misleading. Landform maps will oft n form In very small-scale maps the cartographer
the bases of th other types of maps. should select the orthographic projection, or a
2. The laTldscape approach shows the "looks" photograph of a globe, as this is how the earth
of the earth's surface. If we photograph the would look to him if he saw it from the heavens.
earth from a plane vertically on color film and The landscape map will be different for the
1 Reprinted largely from the author's paper of same easons. T here is nothing wrong with this idea;
title, Jour. Geog., Vol. 45, No.3, 1946. for certain parts of the world the comparison of
paired summer and winter maps would be most 4. Land-type maps. Each of the foregoing
instructive. If the cartographer is limited to a types of maps represents an approach to the
single map, he should sel ct the most repre- representation of the earth. The landform map
sentatiye season for each symbol. On's usual shows the configuration of land, mountains, and
conception is for rather green cornfields, golden waters; the landscape map shows chiefly vegeta-
wheat fields, etc. tion and cultivation in an objective manner;
h is not likely that pure landscape maps will the land-use map approaches the problem
be used in the future to a great extent, but any from the human view. Is there a chance to
real cartographer should study the problem combine these approaches into a harmonious
and should try to prepare to cross-fertilize his unit to expr ss the a ll-round geographic type
convention-bound methods with the actual of the region? It is not an easy task. For instance,
truth, revealed so conveniently by the airplane. in the Rocky Mountains the land forms will
3. Land-use maps emphasize the relation of predominate; in the agricultural Middle West
man to the landscap . On larg -scale maps the the cultivation pattern of a landscape map or
makcr of a land-use map should show the airplane photograph will give most of the
various kinds ·of fields, meadows, pasture land, answers, while in the urbanized East the
and forest with highly contrasted colors or economic land-use approach will be the most
patterns. He should emphasize roads, railways; important. The variety of the features is endless.
in cities he should differentiate between the The cartographer, however, has to use a limited
functional belts, such as residential, manufactur- number of symbols to be understood. He should
ing, etc. In small-scale maps he should show select his symbols so that (1) they show the
the "dominant" pattern (wheat belt, corn belt) land and water forms, (2) they resemble the fea-
and emphasize manufacturing and mining, tures in line and color, and (3) they emphasize
which, though highly important, do not show the human importance of the features. No
well on a landscape map. He is likely to add satisfactory m ap has yet been designed that
symbols, labels, and letters to show the types would be harmonious yet distinctive, rich in
of products, and he should indicate shipping detail yet not overcrowd d, and simple enough
routes, and likely add statistical insets. Moun- to be understood. The old 1: 100,000 Dutch
tains and relief will interest him only insofar maps of Java, and even the old Spanish maps of
as they influence farming or communications, 1: 50,000, come remarkably close to the ideal.
and sometimes he will omit them altogether. The coming of the land-type map is inevitable.
The presence of mountains can be interpreted More and more people travel by air, and they
from the type of culture rather than the other cannot fail to observe the immense reality of
way around (see Fig. 265). land types. They complain that our present
Land-use maps are highly important, for maps do not express the "looks" of the earth
geographers even mor so than topographic well. Colored airplane photographs point the
sheets, and a complete set of land-use maps of way that cartography must travel in order to
all parts of the world is highly desirable. keep up with the demands of the Air Age.
CHAPTER 31: Geological Maps and Block Diagrams

Among the various branches of science Geological Maps of the World. At th present
. ' time only the most remote parts of the earth are
the earth scienc s, esp dally geology, are
most dep ndent on maps. In America, a completely unsurveyed by geologists, and even
closer relationship exists between geology the less advanced countries have good, general
and geography than in most other coun- geological maps.
The detailed geology of the nited tates is
tries, and from this relationship cartography
contained in the U. . G ological urvey Atlas
has receiv d much stimulus. The develop-
folios. These show the various phases of geology,
ment of geomorphology in particular gave
such as historical , structural, economic, and
rise to new, illustrative methods, such as surface geology on separate maps, supplemented
block diagrams, physiographic maps, mul- by sections and columns and a prodigious text.
tiple profiles, and some processes of land- Only a small part of the U nited , tates is covered
slope analysis. For this reason a special by these folios. Most of the states have geological
chapter is here devoted to geological maps maps on the average scale of 1: 500,000. In
and to graphic methods in geomorphology. 1930 a good, general geologic map of the whole
History. A small but creditable geological map
nited States was published on a scale of
of the United ta tes was published by William 1: 2,500,000 followed by a "tectonic map" on
Maclure in 1809, antedating the famous ge- the same scal in 1944.
ological maps of England by William Smith of The geological maps of England and Scotland
are highly commendable. The sheets show, in
1824. In the nineteenth century, geological
mapping of the leading nations was carried on addition to colors for the various formations
with great vigor, paralleling and sometimes even such geologic forms as dikes, fault and join~
preceding topographic mapping. By the second systems, lines of schistosity in metamorphic
half of the century most European nations had rocks, dips, and strikes. Contact metamorphism
d'etailed geological maps. At the end of the is shown by fading out the red color of the
century these surveys were brought together in intrusives. Even more detailed are the geologic
the "Cane Geologique International d' Europe" maps of witzerland, which are augmented by
(1 : 1,500,000), which was one of the first successive profiles of the extremely complex
important international maps made with the Alpine structures. Almost all Europ an coun-
cooperation of various governments. For this tries and Japan have complete detailed ge-
map an international color scheme was adopted ological maps and special large-scale maps of
to replace the arbitrary colors of earlier maps. their mineral regions. Large-scale geological
The U nited, tates did not lag behind the mapping is in progress in Alaska, Canada,
European countries in geological mapping. Mexico, several outh American countries, in
As early as 1830 to 1840, most of the eastern most members of the British Empire, in the
states were geologically mapped by such bril- French, Dutch, and Belgian colt;mies, and in
liant men as W. B. Rogers of Virginia and China. The U.S .. R., China, India, South
Edward Hitchcock of Massachusetts. For the Africa, Australia, Brazil, and several other
history of geological survey in the United States countries have published good, general geologic
the student is referred to the famous book of maps.
G . P. MerrilI.1
Tints and Colors. Most geological maps are
1 MERRILL, GEORGE P., Contributions to a History
of American State eological and Natural History
"chorochromatic," that is, the areas which
Surveys, U.S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 109, Smithsonian are underlain by the arne formation have
Institution, Washington, D .C., 1920. the same color or pattern. Geologic maps

OlaclrJ Illl .. nd moraln ••


.. liliiii
Baddtd _d.lOn. Thin-btddad Iim,"ton.

- • Morbi. b

- - Sandy c1 ..y



ConlOr1ed ",el •• · Scbl.t


l\"7 -: --=l~~'
~ 'j (,-.:~'< ~
~. .r', --r
1 , 1"'../

Fig. 270 Some geological symbols of the U.S. Geological Survey

to be used on columnar sections. (From J. R. Ridgway, " Preparation
of Illustratio,u," U.S. Geol. Survry.)


M l ,.. I CAN , LA T I" u ORI?IjJ~

Fig. 271 Animated profile. (From Preston E. James, " Outline of Geography.")

can be successfully made in black-and-white

patterns, if judgment is used in their selec-
tion. The pamphlet, "Preparation of Illus-
trations" for the U.S. Geological Survey, by
John L. Ridgway (1920) is a good guide in
this matter. The addition of structural
symbols for dips, faults, joints, etc., adds ~ :
~ Co.mb.-Idgo .Iat<o
greatly to the value of a geologic map. W'
Geologic Sections, or Projiles. Geologic stru - Z
tures are much better understood from ..

profiles than from maps. The profiles ~

should be perpendicular to the trend of the 'o"
structure. A detailed, large-scale geological z
section does not allow vertical exaggeration, z
since it would show false dips. Gcneralized >
small-scale sections, however, have to be
exaggerated, because otherwise the forma-
tions would not be thick enough to be seen.
In this case, we have to exaggerate the
thicknesses more than the dip, and the c
structure has to be simplified. The various z ••~ 'L: e....m\.t"H .,.t.
rock types are drawn according to certain ':i" ~!

conventional patterns. Some of the patterns ~ fA

of the U.S. Geological Survey are here oi

reproduced. Wobu..... form"llon

If a narrow strip of landscape is added to
the profile, so as to form a long, narrow Z
block diagram, it "comes to life" and is :s
sometimes referred to as "animated" pro- '"
Merlbor'o (ormation

file. The construction of block diagrams is I

described in the second part of this chapter. ''""

Wrnt.boro quartzlt.
Geologic Columns. The thickness, age se-
quence, and rock types of the formations
of a region are shown in geologic columns
(see Fig. 272). The oldest formation is at the Fig. 272 Geologic_ columnar section. Note the
bottom, and each formation occupies as wavy lines for unconformities and the variou~
. much space as its average thickness in the intnlsives.
locality. Note the handling of discon- have b en intricate. It is therefor better to
formities and unconformitie where the new represent an old shore line of submergence
formation was laid down upon an eroded with a lobate outline even if we do not know
surface. Intrusives that penetrate older form- the exact location of every lobe.
ations are shown as comin from below. It may be supposed that the geomor-

OH /0

[:J S.a .. 1ft ""Mell 1I'm."tonc. ~'nol.
r;:zJ S." I;' Mo/., Ot"e /1,. (/oft'I,honl H<!i".,.MI
N..w EI"I "'nr/ ,', ahown 01 II, probabl. lcxoffOn 1ft Ordcttrlc/Of'l Ii",. .

Fig. 273 Paleogeographic map. Note the difference between the shore lines of emergence
and the shore lines of submergence. The dotted outlines, modern states, are pulled apart along
the line of the future Green Mountains. (After G. Marshall Kay, Geol. Soc. America Bull., Vol. 48 .)

Paleogeographic Maps. These maps picture phologic types in the past were largely the
the earth's pattern in past geological ages. same as they are at present. Past topography
ome of the greatest geologists attempted can best be pr s nted by the phy. iographic
to prepare such maps, but our pre nt method, for this method shows landform
knowledge of the conditions of the remote types, the nature of which may be assumed,
past hardly warrant more than small-scale but does not show exact elevations which
maps of Europe and some parts of America. are not known. In pre-Devonian maps it
Yet paleogeographic maps are highly stimu- may be assumed that erosion was more
lating and tend to indicate the places rapid on land unprotected by forests, and
toward which future investigation should that most of the hills w re cut into badlands.
b directed. On paleogeographic maps, the present
Many of the existing paleogeographic outlines are indicated by dotted lines for
maps are deficient from a cartographic identification of localities. It is a common
point of view. For instance, on most of these mistake to show the present outlines more
maps the shore lines are represented by prominently than those of the past age that
smooth curves. The ou tlin of the land is the map represents.
not a smooth line now and never was. Shore Figure 273 shows a paleogeographic map
lines of submergence, in particular, must that involves a peculiar problem. Since the
earth's surface was push d togeth r for tens b shown with flat tints and colors. This
of miles to form the Green Mountains, this typ of roap is shown in Fig. 274. If the
same region had to be extended on the roap same land forms were express d by physio-
so as to fit past conditions. Since paleogeo- graphic symbols, as discussed in Chap. 11,
graphic maps represent geomorphic rather the map would req uir a much larger scale.
than geographic condition., th nam "pa- Th Glacial Map of North Am rica,
leogeomorphic" would b mor a curate. issued by th G ological Society of America
Maps of Geomorphology. The various fea- in 1945, the cooperative effort of all out-
tures of geomorphology, such as peneplains, standing glacialogists, is "an outstanding
erosion lev Is, t rrac s, and moraines, can work in this line.




Fig. 274 eomorphologic map. The pattern of glacial deposition is well

emphasized by using solid black for marginal moraines. (From Finch muf Tre-
warlha, "Elements of Geography." )

Block Diagrams
Block diagrams are widely used to repre- Gilbert and ped ct d by William M. Davis
sent the geomorphology of small regions. in the lat nineteenth century. The original
They were introdu d by Gr v Karl con eption of a blo k diagram was to cut
out an imaginary block from the earth's given. The eye is usually keen in locating the
cru t and show it in perspective as seen from exact upper horizontal line of the block to
far above. On the sides, the geological form a square. In the above arrangement
sections are visible; the surface presents the a good impression of a square is usually
landscape of the region. Practically, they obtained if diagonal BD is also at an angle
conform to a perspective view of a small of 45 to 50° to AD.
relief model rather than to the actual pic- Whether the blo k should be vi wed from
ture of the earth with all its complexities. the left or from the right is a matter of
Very often block diagrams do not show any choice which depends largely on the
actual landscape but illustrate geomor- geologic structure. Blocks seen from directly
phologic principles. They can also be u ed ahead, so that the two sides converge,
to show geography, especially if it is condi- seldom give satisfactory results; moreover,
tioned by geology or soil. the side section is lost.
The block can be drawn in regular two- Conversion of a M ap into a Block
point perspective, but often it is sufficient Diagram. A small area (about the sizc of a
to use a simplified construction which is topographic sheet) can be converted into
not a true perspective but which gives an a block diagram which can be made just
ace ptable approximation. as exact and commensurable as the original
CUESTA MESA contour-line map.
First, the map is divided into a network
of squares, about 1 inch in size. Then a
square block is drawn, regardless of wheth~r
the map is square or not, and its front is
divided into the same number of divisions
as the map. From each division a line is
drawn to the vanishing point, which is
Fig. 275 Block diagram showing the relation be- marked with a pin. If the vanishing point
tween geologic structure and land forms. (From is very distant, BC may be divided into the
Presion E. James, "Outline oj Geography.")
same number of divisions as AD, and the
One-point Perspective. This construc- points connected. Then a diagonal is
tion can best be understood from Fig. 276. drawn, and through each crossing point a
All lines parallel to AD are shown hori- horizontal line is drawn. If the map is not an
zontal; all lines parallel to AB are shown exact square, rows of squares may be added
converging into one point, the vanishing or taken away from the back of the block
point, which may be far off the paper. Several to conform to the elongation of the map.
arrangements of the block are possible but For spacing additional horizontal lines
not all are equally satisfactory. A good in the back, a line MN perspectively parallel
average block has AB at an angle of 45° and to the diagonaJ may be used.
CD at an angle of about 55° if a small area The thickness of the block dep nds on
is shown, or at about 60° if the area is large. how much of the g ological section can be
To locate BC a horizontal ruler is moved shown. Usually it is advisabl to keep the
up and down until the surface appears to block thin and show less of the unknown
the eye as a perfect square. This is an geology of great depths; t inch is a good
approximation, but, since the whole method average thickness for page-size block dia-
is but approximative, no better rule can be grams. FC meets DC at the vanishing point.

Fig. 276 Stages in the preparation of block diagrams, drawn in one-point perspective.
The surface of the block represents a they help to mold the hills and mountains.
selected basic] vel of the topography. This The final step i the drawing of the hills
i not necessarily the lev 1 of the lowest and mountains by hachuring. It is well to
contour line on the map. Often it is mor remember that the direction of the hachure
practical to select the most general level lines indicates the course of the water
of the larger river valleys. After this base flowing on the surface and that the lines are
level is determined, the next step is to draw foreshortened by perspective. Most land
the profiles on the four sides. Vertical scale form can be put together from a few ele-
must be exaggerated- more on large and mentary types, such as those shown in
flat areas, less on small and mountainous Fig. 277.
regions. With a hard pencil, a "railing" of Cultural symbols and lettering complete
fine lines is drawn, which is somewhat like the diagram. As much lettering as possibl
a boxing ring. In front and back the railing should go outside the block. Lettering within
consists of parallel horizontal lines, each the block should be "laid down" as it would
line representing a round number of feet. appear on a photograph of a relief model.
On the two sides these lines converge to the If colors can be used, blue rivers, brown
vanishing point. In front and back the slope lines, black culture symbols, and
profiles are drawn as usual; on the sides, purple plastic shading will make block
however, it must be borne in mind that diagrams very attractive. If it is desirable
vertical axes of hills and vaUeys remain to show more geological sections than
verticals, and thus the profile will be con- appear on the sides, the block may be
siderably distorted. sli d and offset, as shown in Fig. 278.
Next, the outstanding peaks are located Successive stages of erosion are often shown
and their heights marked on a verti al line, as in Fig. 279.
the profile lines on the side bing used as a
scale. Then the river system is drawn,
square by square. The headwaters of the
rivers have to be raised, and sometimes
the lower portions of rivers have to be
depressed. It is important that all rivers,
even dry runs, be on the block, because

'//1/ \~~ ,.
If, ~
~~ .... ~~
}>/~"f. Fig. 278 Sliced block diagram for showing geologic
...1. structure. (From Preston E. James, "Outline of Geog-
round hill elongated hill . '"".d,".
dtssec fed hi!I incised rivers raphy." )

Two-point, or True, Perspective. Two-

point, or true, perspective is used for large
River RIdge and more elaborate block diagrams and
also wh re it is desirable to show two per-
,r,?J,,~/er;(/t? ~ ~
pendicular geological sections with equal
of Inskadof clarity. Th simplest method of construction
Mountains Mislakes 10 guard againsl is to select two vanishing points and to
Fig. 277 The lands ape on block diagrams is made choose one of the many possible blocks. The
up largely from the ab ve basic forms. transformation of a map into a block
diagram is the sam as in one-point per-
spective. The network of squares is drawn
upon the map by successive halvings with
th help of the diagonals, as shown in Fig.
280. Two-point blocks look more natural
than one-point blocks.
T he E xact Method of Constru cting
Per spective Block s. The following con-
struction produces the exact perspective
view of a block as seen from a certain point.
From th y point E we look upon the
map ABCD to find how its image would
appear if projected upon a vertical plane
PP' . It is obvious that the size of this
projected picture will depend on the dis-
tance of the v rtical plane PP' from the
eyepoint ; the nearer the plan, the smaller
the picture.
We turn down the vertical plane around
Fig. 279 Block diagram showing stages in erosion.
PP' axis flush with th paper. The horizon (From D. W . Johnson, " Bluebook oj the Geological Fiela
line VI V2 will appear level with the eye at a Excursion jrom New rork to Gettysburg.")
chosen elevation h above the bottom of the V' horizon VZ
block. The thickness of the block FA also
depends on choice. All parallel horizontal
lines meet on the horizon line and the ~~~~jEjf
vanishing points for the various sets of
parallel lines can be found as shown in
Fig. 281. Points B, C, D , and G are found
with the help of these vanishing points. The Fig. 280 Blocks laid out in two-point perspective.
rest of the construction of th block is the Only the blocks in the central part are good for block
same as that described in the one-point diagrams. Maps are transferred to the blocks with the
help of a diagonal grid, shown in the enter block.
It often happens that one of the vanishing V2

points wili be at a very great distance. To

avoid this, the angle of the map with the
vertical plane should not be too acute
(preferably not under 30°). By another
method, if the vanishing point is too far
away, th whole construction of the block
is made on a small size, half or quarter
of th desired scale, and then magnified.
Dufour D iagrams. A contour-line map
can be transform d into a block diagram E
with the h lp of a very simple devic a Fig. 281 The exact m thod of c nstru tin~ ?Cr~
long rod, on end of which slides along a spe tive blocks.


register mark
(J 1 c.onto ur
I:..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.!J int e rvals

Fig. 282 Dufour pantograph for preparation of block diagrarlls.



. ..... .. . -.

re9ister 1:ark on
drawing board
Fig. 283 Arrangement of rig to make a Dufour diagram on enlarged scale.

groove, or slides along the side of the table diagram is completed by drawing the rivers,
held by a long rubber band. The other end roads, and lettering. It is customary to add
of the rod has a nail for a pointer, and the hachure lines and to apply plastic shading
center has a pencil. 1 The map is placed in order to make the topography 5tand out.
dgewise as in Fig. 282, the sides making The amount of flattening of the diagram
about a 45° angle with the groove; if the depends on the distance between the groove,
angle is more acute, the block will look the pointer, and the pencil ; if the map is
unnatural. The pointer is moved along the nearer the groove, the diagram will be
lowest contour line. As the rod slides in the flatter. Straight lines perpendicular to the
gro"ove, all lines parallel wi th the groove rod will appear as flat arcs. It is important
remain the same length, while perpen- to have a very long, 6- to 10-foot rod so as
dicular lines ar reduced. Before drawing to minimize this curvilinear distortion.
the next higher contour line the drawing If it is d sired to make the block diagram
paper is moved down a distance of one on a larger scale than the map, as is often
contour interval (usually exaggerated 2 to the case, the position of th pencil and the
10 times) so that this higher contour line marker can b interchanged, and the paper
will be offset upward. All other contour is offset horizontally instead of' vertically
lines are similarly drawn. The points where for the higher contour lines. The paper
contour lines run off the edge of the map should be ofl:s t in the direction away from
should be especially well marked; if con- the map, becaus in this direction, ov.:ing
nected, they will form t~e side profiles. The to the curvilin ar d istortion, the block looks
1 DUFOUR, P. T., Les Perspectives-reliefs, &1/. Oeo&.; more like a real persp ctive view.
Vol. 8, Paris, 1917. A Dufour diagram is not an exact per-

Merkt. on bOlrd

Fig. 284 Preparation of isom tric block diagrams.

spc tive of a block, nor is i l isometric, bu t a Th contour lines are copied successively
good approximation of both. on drawing paper, offset with the contour
Isometric Blocks. These blocks are de- . interval, in the same manner as in Dufour
velop d along one vertical and two freely diagrams.
chosen axes, representing three diret::tions
rectangular to each other in space. In
isom tric blocks all parallels remain parallel
and, consegu ntly, all vertical lines r main
vertical. Distances ar true only in the
direction of th axes; in all other directions
th yar distorted. Angles also are distorted.
Ev ry point can bc d termined by its three
rectangular coordinates. The advantage of
the isom tric block is its accura y and
measurability. Its disadvantage is its lack Fig. 285 Profile diagram.
of pcrspectiv it looks as if it would
increase in size toward the back. Profile Sets. Effective relief models art;
Isometric blocks are particularly useful built by drawing the profiles on separate
in mining geology. Some very elaborate piec s of cardboard and cutting them out
isometric drawings hav been prepared of with a jig saw. They are glued into a
certain mining ar as. 1 There are various wooden frame at their true scale distances.
aids for th ir construction. Isometric pap r The card board has to be shellacked on both
on which the three coordinates are drawn sides and reinforced every few feet by wire
1200 apart can be bought in engineering- or wood to prevent curling. For permanent
supply stor s. everal types of pantographs use, metal sheets, or plywood, are prefer-
are u ed for drawing isom tric block able. Similarly profiles and sections can be
diagrams. painted on glass or cellulose acetate; such
!som tric blocks are used also to show glass plates set in a frame and properly
surface topography. The simplest method lighted give a good idea of the geologic
is to draw a network of squares on the map, structure.
and a similar network isometrically dis- Zonal Profiles. These profiles are used by
torted on a piec of transpar nt tracing geomorphologists to study peneplains and
paper. On this tra ing paper each contour other ro ion surfaces of the past. The
lin is also drawn isometrically distort d. project d profil s do not represent a line
1 JOHNSTON, W. D., JR., and T. B. NOLAN, iso-
but a zone. The map is divided into zones,
metric Block Diagrams in Mining Geology, £Con. 1 to 2 miles wide, by parallel lines, and the
Ceol., Vol. 32, pp. 550-570, 1937. profile is drawn so as to show the highest

Fig. 287 The compartment diagrams of N. W. Bass

derived from interla ed geologic profiles placed over
a map.
Fi g. 286 Sets of zonal profil ·s are us d to illus- grouping of profiles in two directions was
trate erosion surfa es. (Courtesy oj Prof. R. J. Lougee.)
published by N. W. Bass. 1 A similar effect
points along the width of the zone, lik the could be obtained by drawing two perpen-
horizontal shadow of a relief model of this dicular profile sets on semitransparent
zone. This method partly eliminates the vinylite sheets and interlocking them by
effect of river erosion. Professor Douglas notching one set halfway from the top and
Johnson of Columbia University prepared the other from th bottom. A photograph
a large set of cardboard profiles of the of this setup would present the most com-
Middle Appalachian Mountains, with a plicated geological foundations.
projected profile for every mile. 1 N. W. BASS: Bull. oj the AA Petrol Ceol. , 1934,
Compartment Diagrams. This ingenious pp. 1324-132!l.

Fig. 288 The mantle maps of Griffith Taylor show well the geologic structure of a
region underlain by layered ro k . imUar ffect can be achieved by actually cutting
out the layers from paper and pasting them over each other. The system is self-
CHAPTER 32: Maps of the Various Sciences

If we compare scientific literature of the ince the multitude of stars visibl by

present with that of only a generation ago, teIescop ar b> t shown by photographs,
w annot fail to notic an increasing tr nd printed star maps are used for small-scale
toward the suppl menting of books and representations only. uch maps will indi-
articles with maps and diagrams. cat the magnitude (luminosity) of stars.
map or a diagram will at a glance give Variables, star clusters clouds, nebulae,
a great amount of information in a way and other types will complete the map. tar
that can easily be visualized and rem em- roaps ar imp rtant for the urv yor in
bered and will help to discover the hidden fixing his latitude and longitude with cer -
patterns and relationships. Graphic methods tain selected stars.
also help to make a book or article shorter Several projections are used for star
and more interesting. Much of the factual maps. tellar hemispheres are usually shown
mat rial can be reI gated to maps, dia- in some polar projection, with the celestial
grams, time charts, etc., and thus the text pole in the centel. Th polar stereographic
can be confined to the interpretation of projection will show the shapes of coo-
facts. Too often, n vertheless, maps planned stellation more correctly, but the scale will
or drawn by the average author are ill- incr ase toward the periphery of the map.
conceived and poorly executed. They fail In the latitude of the United States it is
to tell their story simply and effectively. For necessary to carry the maps beyond the
this reason alone, cartography should be cele Gal quator, since we see a great
considered an important part of scientific distanc into the uthern Hemisphere. In
education. atlas maps, where the sky is divided into
Almost every branch of s ience uses maps s ction and ea h section can be developed
and diagrams. It is natural that the earth along its own central meridian, almost any
sciences should have the most maps, but the proj etion can be used, the conic, polyconic,
ocial s iences and history also provide and polyhedric being the most common.
interesting problems for cartography. Each The great star atlas, the "Bonn Durch-
branch of science requires special types of musterung, ' whi h shows the skies in 1855,
map. ; they are here discuss d along gen ral is in the conic projection. R. A. Proctor in
lines only. his " tar Atlas," 1870, advocates the use of
Astronomical Maps. tars and constella- the azimuthal equidistant projection.
tions were hown on some of th earliest Polar-equatorial coordinates ar not the
maps and globes. The old st globes that only on s to which stars can be referred.
hav survived, such as the Farnes globe The motion of planets can well be shown on
of the second century B.C. and the Arabic a system where the equator i th cliptic
globes of the thirteenth century, are celes- plane on whi h the Earth revolves around
tial. R naissance artists gave full swing to the un.
their imagination in depicting the figur s A photograph of the stars is obviously in
repr senting the constellations' inde d, the gnomonic projection, but, since it shows
stars themselves were almost lost in the only a small portion of the sky, the great
magnificence of th celestial figur s. distortion of this projection is minimized.
A modern star map is much more somber. It is true that on the large refle'ting tele-
SCoP\!S the photographic film is kept slightly of horizontal and of vertical intensiti s
concave by a vacuum pump, but the films (magnetic dip) and "isoporic" charts that
are not preserved that way. This is done in show how fast the compass changes its
order to obtain better focus rather than to variation from year to year.
avoid peripherial distortion. Weather Maps. The first daily weather
Pictures of the moon are in orthographic maps were published in England in 1855.
projection. This can be transformed into These maps helped to put the science of
any other projection if it is desired to show meteorology on a new basis and made
the peripheral relationships more clearly. scientific forecasting possible. At pres-
An interesting experiment was conducted ent every civilized nation publishes daily
in Pasadena, Calif., by projecting the weather maps. Weather respects no inter-
moon's photograph upon a globe, t.~us national boundaries; hence these maps are
bringing about the transformation in a stimulating cooperation between nations.
simple way. The daily weather maps of the U.S.
No map of'the sky approaches the effec- Weather Bureau show the conditions of the
tiveness of a celestial globe, especially if atmosphere in an easily comprehensible
viewed from the inside. ny modern manner. Although the amount of informa-
planetarium will bear out this fact. tion conveyed is amazingly rich, the method
Maps of Earth Magnetism. Charts show- is simplified to such a degree that their
ing the variation of the compass are proba- elements can be teletyped by code to the
bly the earliest scientific maps.l These various offices and reproduced there in a
so-called "isogonic charts" show lines con- short time. These maps show temperature
necting places of equal magnetic declina- and pressure gradients by isotherms and'
tion or variation. Charts of earth magnetism isobars. Rain is indicated by shading ; cold,
are almost always in Mer ator projection, warm, and stationary fronts are shown by
because navigators are accustomed to it. variously barbed lines. Each station can
This projection, however, is hardly the best have as many as 20 symbols attached show-
for every kind of geomagnetic chart b cause ing temperature, pressure, wind, precipita-
of its enormous exaggeration of the polar tion, cloudiness, humidity, dew point
regions. Magnetic phenomena can best be changes in the last 2 hours, etc. Special
understood from maps on polar projections. inset maps show the changes in the last
A new set of hemispheres on an oblique 12 hours. A modern weather map with its
azimuthal equidistant projection, centered simple yet expr ssive symbolism is a great
on the north and south magnetic poles and cartographic achievement.
showing isodynamic lines, was prepared in With the growth of air traffic, weather
the author's class. For certain purposes mapping became a highly specialized sci-
similar hemispheres centered on the "geo- ence. New methods are constantly being
magnetic poles" at latitude 78.5°N. and developed to show air conditions at various
longitude 291 0 , and on the corr sponding altitudes. Air profiles along the air lines
antipodal point, would serve better. The drawn on transparent sheets with delible
U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, in coop- crayons and transparent air-layer maps with
eration with the Carnegie Institution, pub- sheets for selected altitudes are two of the
lishes, in addition to isogonic charts, charts new developments. Mapping the rapidly
I BURRUS, CHRISTOPHER, d. 1632. AnlANASlUS changing alr is a new challenge to cartog-
KIRCHER, Magnes, Rome, 1643. raphy. Daily weather maps of the entire

e-------------------------------- --------------------------------s

-:~ s ·
Pp Polar Pacific Air Pc Polar Contlnentol Air S Superior Air Ta Tropica l Allantlc Air T m Tropical Maritime Air
N Transitional Type Cold Front ................... Warm Fronl -_ · - --Occluded Front
Fig. 289 Daily weather maps based on air-mass analysis.

Northern Hemisphere help transoceanic American Agriculture." These maps use

travel. color tints to show variations in rainfall and
Climatic M a p s. Climatic maps show the temperature, length of growing seasons, etc.
average rainfall, temperature, pressure, During the war, the A.M.S. published
wind, cloudiness, length of growing season, detailed climatic maps for each continent
evaporation ratio for a certain period of and theater of war for each month. Eight
time-- S- or 10-year averages being the classes of temperature on three grades of
most common. humidity are expressed by colors and tints.
An atlas of meteorology and climatology These maps helped in outfitting the soldiers
of the world was published in Germany by stationed anywhere between the ice of
Berghaus as early as 1838, and later by Gr enland and the steaming forest of New
Bartholomew in 1899. Since that time such Guinea. The "Army Air Forces' Pre-
an enormous quantity of data has accumu- liminary Climatic Atlas of the World" is
lated that a new edition of this atlas would now in the course of publication.
be very helpful. A good atlas of 26 climatic Oceanography. Ocean currents were
maps of North America, by Charle F. shown on som of the Renaissance maps,
Brooks, A. J. Connor, and others, was but very littl was known of their nature at
published in 1936. At present the best that time. ientific 0 eanography origi-
approach to a general atlas of climate is the nated with the pioneering work of Matthew
set of five volumes of "Handbuch del' F. Maury, U.S. Navy (1806- 1873), who
Klimatologie," by Koppen and Geiger; this compiled his charts from sailor ' logbooks.
has many maps on diE rent scales. C limatic Only when scientific observation and deep-
maps of the United tat s are published in sea xp dition were organized in the
several of the volumes of the "Atlas of s cond half of the nineteenth century did
oc anography become a scienc Although help d submarine warfare. The new sur- '
enormous strides have b en made in the veying vessels of the U . . Hydrographic
tudy of the oceans, there is still not suffi- Office, the U.. oast and Geodetic urvey,
cient information availabl to make detailed the Scripps Oceanographic Institute, and
oceanographic charts of the en tire world. The other stations increase our knowledg of the
'Carte Gen. Bathymetrique des Oceans" oceans at such rate that new cartographic
(Bureau Hydrographique International, techniques are bound to d velop. The
Monaco), spon ored by the Prince of " Ice Atlas of the Northern Hemisphere,"
Monaco in 1905, shows onfiguration of U.S. Hydrographic Office, 1946, shows on
the ocean bottom by contour lines and tints. 90 large plates the greatest compilation of
This atlas- a new edition of which is now sea-ice data hitherto published.
in progress- is in Mercator projection and Seismologic Maps. Maps are used in
shows the earth on 24 sheets. The new seismology for several purposes. For locating
method of ech~ sounding supplies data of earthquakes th seismologist prefers maps
such abundance that a new atlas of the deep in which great-circle routes appear as
seas on a much larger scale is an outstanding straight lines, because earthquak waves
scientific necessity. progress in great-circlc directions. Usually,
New interest in th e mapping of the ocean for plotting locations of recorded carth-
bottom was created by the dis overy of the quakes, ither a large globe or a gnomonic
submarine canyons on the ed ge of the con- chart is used. Gnomonic charts, however,
tinental shelf. The 1: 120,000 Coastal lope distort distances to such extent that they
maps of th U.. Coast and G od tic are not convenient for single-station obser-
Survey, by E. C. Veatch, revealed an vations. For these, an oblique azimuthal
extremely rugged, almost badland-likc ap- equidistant projection centered on the
pearance of the continental slope. This fact recording station is the best, sin e it giv s
had not been suspected before and raised correctly both distance and directions from
new probl ms in the earth's history. At the station.
present the detailed mapping of the con- For plotting the procession of earthq uake
tinental shelf is being carried on with new waves, th isoseismic lines on an oblique
vigor. azimuthal projection, centered on the pi-
Depth and configuration of the ocean center of the quake would be the b st, but
bottom comprise only one phase of oc anog- it would have to b constru ted separately
raphy. Many sp ial charts are i su d for each earthquake.
of winds, currents, temp ratures, salinity, Maps showing the seismic region of th
oozes, and plankton conditions. Variation earth and the numb r and intensity of
of th se factors with depth offers interesting r corded earthquakes are found in many
cartographic problems. The monthly Pilot textbooks and atlases. A 1: 506,880 map
Charts of the Hydrographic ffice contain showing the a tive and dead fault lines of
rich sourc material for data. A large atla California was published by the Seismo-
combining the scattered oceanographic logical ociety of America in 1922.
material would be of the greatest advantage V egetation Maps. Whereas detailed geo-
to this rapidly growing science. logical maps are available even for rela-
During the Second World War, new cur- tively unsurveyed re6rion , there is a distinct
rent, temperature, and salinity surveys at lack of vegetation maps for many important
various levels and bottom sediment charts regions of the world. It is true that moderfl

topographical maps, especially of tropical finding it more forested than was previously
regions, such as the Malay Peninsula, the surmised.
Dutch East Indies, and Madaga car, show The difficulty in making adequate small-
the various vegetation and cultivation types, scale maps lies in the fact that vegetation
but for most of Asia, Africa, and outh types are more transitional and more mixed
America only highly generalized maps are than either soil or geology. Vegetation maps
available. It is hoped that, with the progress wher these transitions are well represented
of airplane surveying, all new topographic ar rare. A very generalized map of world
maps will include information on v geta- vegetation is shown in Fig. 290. Transitional
tion and cultivation. An atlas of the world's colors demand three-color process repro-
vegetation would be a highly desirable duction, and transitional pattern can be
addition to our geographic storehouse. done only by an artist's hands.
Cartographic ally, vegetation maps pr - Many vegetation maps that show the dis-
sent many problems. On large-scale maps tribution of a single genus or species are
the vegetation and zoogeography can be available. Th se maps are made from the
shown by colored or black-and-white pat- botanical point of view and rarely present
t rns. In the case of mixed forests, it is well any special cartographical problems.
to indicate by means of index letters the The distribution of animals is even more
composition, age, d ensity, and value of transitional than that of plants, and regional
forests . presentation of faunal data is very difficult.
For certain studies it is important to show Today only small-scale zoogeographical
what the natural vegetation of the region maps treat animal associations by regions.
was before human cultivation changed its Maps showing the range of various animals,
pattern. Such a map of the United tates insects, bird migration, etc., are prepared
is included in the "Atlas of American by th Biological Survey of the U.S. De-
Agricul ture." partment of Agriculture.
Small-scale vegetation maps ar pub- Archaeological Maps. A new aid to
lished in most European countries and in archaeological study has been developed
Japan, India, the Dutch East Indies, Aus- from airplane surveying and photographic
tralia, Canada, and Argentina, and one of mapping. A Roman camp in the wheat fields
.B razil is in preparation. There is a difficulty of southern England was clearly visible
with terminology; the word "bosqu ," for from th air, although the inhabitants had
instance, may mean anything from bush to n ever suspected its presence. Several Indian
forest. mounds and fortresses were spotted from
An interesting method of finding out th airplanes in Ohio. The Great Wall of Peru
natural vegetation of a country is by place was first fully revealed from the air. Old
names. For instance, if a place is called river beds are clearly outlined on airplane
abana Grande, it may be concluded that photographs, and their location gives im-
the surrounding country was forest; other- portant clues to the geography of the past.
wise the savanna would not be so named . The chief a im of an archaeological map is
On this kind of reasoning L 0 Waib II r - th r con tru tion of past conditions, but
constructed the original vegetation of uba, individual cases vary so that no general
1 W AlBEL, LEO, Place Names as an Aid in R econ-
advi can b given regarding their prepara-
struction of the Original Vegetation of Cuba, Geog. tion. To avoid confusion, the lines repre-
Rev., 1943, pp. 37~-396, sent~.g th geography of the past should,

1 _ Tropical rain forest junqle
Tropical dry forest
and savanna
Tropical qrassiand
a"d savanna
31 :'- :-:;-~.1 Desert.grass in parts
l4II I Desert sandy and stony
41:-:.->: I Grassland cold winters
~ : : :.: J Belter CJrassland prairie
5(:-.:--: -j Tundra

61; --:: I Hiqh plateaus

Northern coniferous forest

COOl moist west coast

Florida climate
Tropical upland
Small qrain.potafo.qra~s coffet
Sprlnq wheal ~ High mountains

l~ .&:~ Ice caps

Fig. 290 Small-scale vegetation map, showing symbols


--_ ... ----------

used transitionally. (Courtesy of J. Russell Smith.)

be drawn solid and present outlines added differentiated by civil divisions or by exact
with. dotted lines, and not the other way lines of separation, depending on the data
around. available. Languages and religions are often
The Archaeology Officer of the British very much intermingled, and this fact is
Ordnance urvey has under preparation a

~ ,::::/;~ ~~l\~
series of 1: 1,000,000 maps by periods; these
show the country at intervals of approxi-
mately 400 years from the Neolithic period ~ Am A
o !JJi>oric . N . A IlMNm m
to the present. Detailed maps of important
small areas, such as alisbury Plain (1: 25,-
a Armenoid
A Alpine .
g AM"'.~~~~~\~ A;M't~"" '~
0 i;::'\A6~MA
''' :'' 'rJ'
m Mongoloid . <:il ~ . " OA" :
QH "
000) are also publi hed. The effect of such n Negro '
, HA



"" .Mo
map on the study of the past is far-reaching.
Q Negrifo: Mn ', •. ', 'M ~~
,~, .."
Our whole conception of the Neolithic way of
life in Europe was affected when the mapping M,.., ":, '\ /'
')( bronze and iron weapons proved that the n"" "l "M,,;;
va lleys and lowlands were obstacles to com- ,. n iii Mn ,:

munication until iron tools were in common use Fig. 292 Racial composition can best be shown on
. hat would help men to attack the forests and maps by index letters, (After E, Hooton,)
the enemies that inhabited them. (Jervis.)
frequently expressed by interdigitation of
Language, Religion, Race, and Other colors into narrow strips and thus fad ing
Human-division Maps. These maps pre- one color into the other, If only one lan-
sent serious cartographic problems. If only guage or religion is shown, its ratio to the
the dominant language or religion is shown total population can well be expressed by
at every pIa e, th r is but little difficulty. isopleth maps, showing for instance, 10, 20,
olor , tints, or patterns can be used, either or 30 to 100 per cent of Protestants in the
A better idea of the distribution can be
obtained if the density of population is also
taken into consideration, The necessity for
this additional information is especially
great in those regions where urban popu-
lation differs from rural population. Cities
occupy but small areas on maps and their
different color will hardly show up in com-
parison with the broad extent of the color
representing the rural population. Thus, the
city-dwelling Armenians are barely dis-
cernible on certain ethnographic maps, and
Armenia itself appears to be inhabited
almost entirely by Kurds.
Special attention has been directed to
Fig. 291 Grouped circles provide easy
comparison for mixed distribution. (Modi-
this problem by th dismemberment of
fiedjrom Barczy-Kogutowi/;:;, Language Map Hungary in 1919. In parts of Transylvania
0/ Hungary.) and east rn Hun ary most of the dense city
and valley population spok Hungarian, Historica l maps show the geographic pat-
whereas the uplands were sparsely occupied tern of past ages in the same way that
by Rumanian-speaking pastoral people. modern maps show the present. Contem-
Thus, the current dominant language maps poraneous old maps, if they could be more
showed large areas as Rumanian, and the easily reproduced and more easil y read,
makers of th Trianon Treaty awarded to would make the best hi. torical maps. Old
Rumania terri tories in which an actual maps show not only the geographic con-
majority of the people spoke Hungarian. ceptions of the past but, by their style and
Count Teleki and other Hungarian cartog- composition, rev al the spirit of their age.
raphers immediately set to work and pro- A medieval map, with its legendary figures
duced maps to show the true pattern of the and its enormous Holy Land, represents
distribution of mixed population. One of well the medieval man's conception of the
the solutions was to use the grouped-circle world. Since, however, old maps are rarely
system, whereby every city was represented readable in small-scale reproduction, most
by a group of circles, the total area of which history books are suppl mented by maps
is proportionate to the population. The that show th geography of past ages with
circles were colored or ruled differently to present-day symbols.
show the composition of the population. A historical m ap usually shows the con-
Rural dwellers were also concentrated into ditions of a single year or of a short p riod .
similar circles for each administrative unit. The development of several decades or cen-
Races are even more intermingled and turies is better shown in a series of smaller
indefinite than languages and the prepara- maps, the com posite effect of which is
tion of race maps is even more difficult. similar to that of a low-motion picture of
Some maps show h ad forms with the grada- the flow of the stream of history. O lder-
tion of one color, the hair typ wi lh another, typc historical maps rarely showed more
and blood group with a third, but the results than political boundaries, cities and battle-
are not quite satisfactory. Perhaps th fields. Modern historical atlases usually in-
amount of coi ncidence could be expressed clude not only general maps but also sp cial
by a method in which each criterion was maps of past onomic conditions, popula-
mapped separately and tinted on trans- tion densities cultura l features, and other
parent celluloid and the pieces of celluloid data that give a more substantial und er-
superimposed on each other as required. standing of past ages. The "Atlas of the
Highly generalized small-scale maps can be Histori al Geography of the United tates,"
made by pJacing different sized letters on by C. O . Paullin and J. K. Wright (1932),
the map, as in Fig. 292. is one of the finest works of this type.
Historical Maps. Many medieval maps The maps in " An Historical Geography
were actuaJJy historical m aps, in that they of England before A.D. 1800" (edited by
showed the Roman instead of the medieval H. C. Darby, ambridge University Press,
world. Almost every Renais ance atlas con- 1936) in lude su h items as location names
tained a few maps of th Roman Empire; ending in ( in ' or' ingham," from which
and the historical atlases of d' Anville, early shor lines cCln be restored. The 87
Vaugondy, and many otllers were ju t as maps cartograms, and di agrams of the book
famous as their modern atlases. At present, present a vivid picture of th eeonomi life
historical maps and atlases are published of the past.
in every language in great quantiti s. Road , commer e, and communication
maps and maps of military operations man in time charts to make the column of
should always show mountains, for they anyone country wider or narrower accord-
controlled the movements of humanity in ing to the importance of that country at
the past" to an even greater degree than at certain times, as shown on the "Renais-
present. Mountains on historical maps are sance" time chart (see Table III).
often shown successfully by a simplified Dispersion, counterinfluence of ideas, mi-
physiographic method. Movements of grations, etc., can well be expressed in his-
mankind or of ideas are often shown by torical time charts by arrows and connecting
arrows, which give the maps a dynamic lines, which give the chart a dynamic char-
character. acter. An example of an ingenious time
Time Charts. Historical time relation- chart of the world's history may be found
ships ar expressed by time charts as space in H. G. Wells' "Outline of History"; it
relationships are presented by maps. A his- was drawn by J. F. Horrabin, the noted
torical tim chart usually shows a vertical English cartographer.
"time line" divided into years. Along this Many other sciences, especially in th
line are recorded the various events of his- field of th social sciences, use maps to an
tory, often lassified into columns according increasing degree. They ar not further dis-
to countries. uch time charts ar included cussed here but, by applying the previously
in the first chapters of this book, which deal discussed principles, the cartographer will
with the history of cartography. It is com- find some solution to most problems.

L A/v.o /.I'V FAh>A4'S' /04/ FOPESTS


Fig. 293 Complex subdivisions are best shown graphically in geographical papers.

Maps of Geography
Among all the sciences, geography is ob- will neces arily be a summary of the pre-
viously the most depend nt on maps. In a viously discussed methods.
certain sense very map is geographic. The Maps of Regional Analysis. The geo-
9riginal meaning of the term "geography" graphic analysis of any region, large or
is "drawing of the earth." The following dis- small, is accompanied by a series of maps
cussion of maps of the science of geography and diagrams. The sequence and number
of maps may vary, and many sp cial maps a small region. uch a model will clarify
may b added; only a general arrangement many relationships that are not perceptible
is given here: on maps. Land forms, geology, soil, land
1. Location Map. A location map shows utilization, and transportation lines can all
not only the outlines of the di!>cussed area in be shown on a single reli f model.
relation to larg r, generally known regions, 4. Geological Maps and Sections. ,oil,
but also how the ar a fits into the main ground water, and surface forms ar largely
highways of communication and how it is dep ndent on geology. Therefore, the addi-
related to river basins and physiographic tion of geologic maps and s ctions will
divisions of a larger area. A detailed loca- greatly add to the understanding of the
tion map is an appropriat introduction to region. Geology, however, is too rarely
a geographic study. considered in recent geographic studies.
2. Political or GeMral Map. In a study of 5. Soil and Erosion Maps. No geographic
large areas we need a map that shows paper is complete without a soil map and
political boundaries- counties, townships, drawings of the various soil profiles. In small
cities, state parks, national forests, etc. The regions, where ther is not much variation
chief purpose of such a map is to show the in soil, this map may be combined with an
geographical names that are discussed in erosion map. Geology, soil, and relief can
the accompanying text. This map relieves well be combined in profile diagrams (s e
all special maps from the burden of too Fig. 262).
much lettering and is likely to b the only 6. Climatic Maps. Summer and winter
one indicating parallels and m ridians. If rainfall and temperature maps and curves,
roads, railroads, rivers, etc., are added, it and map of growing seasons are alma t
becomes a general map or key map of the always presented for the analysis of large
region, which can be overprinted for the regions; for small regions, however, where
. special maps. the variation of climatic elements over the
3. Maps Showing Surface Configuration. In area is negligible, a rainfall and tempera-
any analysis of a region the first question is ture curve is sufficient. Maps and diagrams
the "lay of the land. ' If the region is small, of winds, sunshine, storms, snow, and other
a contour-line map will give the best in- weather elements may also be required for
formation; in mountainous regions a block certain crops. The variability of rainfall is
diagram or Dufour diagram will more easily an important factor in semiarid regions and
demonstrate the relief conditions; and for is often shown by map and graphs.
large regions a physiographic map will be 7. Land-use Maps. In most studies the
of value. land-use map is the most important of the
In hilly farming country the analysis of series; hence it deserves special ,,:ttention.
slope conditions is essential. If the region is This map will link the environmental maps
a maturely dissected plain or plateau, a r la- with those of occupancy. The main types,
tive relief map will be required. In more such as forest, cropland, and pa ture land,
complex regions, an average-slop map will are usually further differentiated in great
be of greater use. A flatland-ratio map will detaiL
indicate the land available for the various 8. Agricultural Maps. Dot maps, showing
types of farming. A hypsographoid curve crops and animal products, will b add d
will show the average profile of the land. only if the regions are large and if detailed
The making of a relief model is entirely government-census data are available. The
within the scope of the geographic study of land-use map will give the acreage of various
crops. Lar e regions require also ratio maps, 13. Densify-of-population Maps. Density of
such as yield per acre and ratio of plowed population is the resultant of all the pre-
land to all land. Maps and diagrams ex- viously mentioned factors and, henct, a
pr ssing the distribution of farm equipment, density-of-population map will be more or
farm animals, etc., indicate the type of less the summary of pr vious maps, with
farming. each of which it can be correlated. An
9. Alaps oj Mamifacturing and Mining. interesting addition to the normal density
Maps showing the location of industrial map is a centrogram of population, espe-
districts in relation to raw material, power, cially if it can be compared with centro-
transportation, labor, housing, and surface grams of previous decades.
configuration are important. Mines, quar- 14. Airplane Photographs. The addition of
ries, and sand and clay pits can be shown airplane photographs to geographic papers
on this map too. World maps showing the is a growing practice. From these photo-
sources of distant raw materials or the dis- graphs many relationships can clearly be
tribution of products may add much to the seen, for in a single view they combine the
value of the essay. results of several maps. A vertical airplane
10. Maps of Transportatwn. Traffic-flow photograph is effective only if its scale is
maps are just as important to the geographer over 1: 20,000. Since airplane photographs
as are the diagrams of the circulation system have to be reproduced by the half-tone
of the human body to the anatomist. It is process, they lose some of their effectiveness
unfortunate that only in rare instances are by printing.
sufficient data available to prepare such Rendering. The rendering of geograph-
maps. They are now being issued by the ical maps depends upon whether or not'
planning boards of the major cities. they are to b published. If the study i in-
11. Recreation Maps. Since recreation has tended to be published in book form or in a
become one of the major industries in some periodical, the publisher will rarely agree
parts of the country, maps of the locations to the inclusion of colored, large-scale maps;
of parks, open public places, resorts, beaches, instead all maps must be prepared in black
race tracks, and places of scenic and historic and white in a size not to exceed a double
interest add much to the geographic picture page. If the paper is not intended for pub-
of a region. lication, greater freedom is allowed in the
12. Maps of Social Conditions. Maps of in- rendering of maps. Colored lines and color
come groups, health conditions, mortality, tints can be used, and the maps can be of
races, religions, education, recreation, and larger size. For easier comparison it is
amusement are included in increasing advisable to make all the maps on the same
,numbers in modern geographic papers. scal on transparent celluloid, so that direct
Conditions differ to such a degree that each correlation can be made by placing one
map has to be considered individually. For map over the other. The combination of
instance, the ratio of colored population to several maps into one, as, for instance, land
white may be shown by an isopleth or a forms and transportation, is justified if the
choropleth map, the birthplace-r sidence design does not appear cr.owded. Generally,
relationships by a migration map, and in- a map should show but one single condition.
crease and decrease of population in a type Lines and lettering which appear on other
of line-graph map shown in Fig. 222. maps should not be repeated unn cessarily.
APPENDIX 1: Preservation and Cataloguing of Maps
The map collections of Am rican universities No. 226 folder. The contents of the folder
are, as a rule, of very miscellaneous origin. They should b written in large letters as close to the
usually contain the following: visibl edge of the folder as possible.
Each loose map is numb red with the cor-
1. Old material of local importance that may responding folder number and a serial number.
be of great interest to historians Thus the twenty-sixth map in folder 997 is
2. Maps which were used to teach the numbered "997 / 26." Topographic maps, or
students of one or two generations ago and any set of maps having its own numbering
which, although obsolete, are not yet old system, need only the folcler numb r, since they
enough to be of historical interest are arranged in the order of their printed serial
3. Modern, up-to-date map material

The first task in organization is to separate

these three groups. The first two are b st
preserved in the general university library. The
third, in which the geographer is interested, is
best preserved in the department of geography.
Departmental map collections should be kept
Fig. 294 These five duplex cases can easily store
strictly modern. As soon as a new map super-
30,000 loose maps without using wall space. Top of
sedes an old one, the latter should be transferred case can be used for spreading out maps.
to the general library.
A map collection consists of loose maps, numbers. The topographic sheets of the U.S.
charts, atlases, wall maps, gazetteers, and books Geological Survey are usually arranged alpha-
containing important maps, or books and betically by states. As these are rarely wider than
pamphlets attached to maps. These materials 18 inches, they need narrower cases .
.can best be preserved in cases, as shown in In larger collections it is preferable instead of
Fig. 294. The number of cases varies with the using running numbers of folders to mark the
size of the collection, but a double case, as fold ers according to the area-breakdown system,
shown in Fig. 294, can take care of about 4,000 which can be obtained directly from the AM.S.
maps. The cases may be made of wood or steel, On this, for instance, any map of Saxony would
the former being much cheaper, and may be be in folder M4.2.7 (M for Europe, 4 for
protected against dust by glass doors. Sets of Germany, 2 for outh Germany, 7 for Saxony).
drawers are more dustproof but are som what If too heavy, it is divided into M4.2.7A.
more cumbersome to handle, especially if piled M4.2.7B, etc., folders .
high. The folders should be arranged regionally by
Folders. The best way to keep loose maps is countries and not alphabetically. Th(! best re-
to collect them in simple, smooth cardboard gional sequmce is obtained by following the order
folders, about 36 by 30 inches in size. Each of a standard American geography book or
folder can hold from 30 to 100 maps. A maxi- atlas. This is much better than the arrangement
mum of 10 folders can go into one compartment, by type of map. Thus, a rainfall map of Australia
but in the beginning it is advisable to use not will be in the folder "Australia as a Whol " and
more than five, so as to allow for future growth. not in a separate folder for rainfall maps.
The folders for each compartment are num- Within the limits of one country the types can
bered, for example, 221, 222, 223, 224, and 225; be separated. Thus the geological maps of
and then the next compartment begins with Canada can be in a separate folder next to th
folder No. 231, even when there is not as yet a other Canadian maps. A strictly regional order
will help to find the maps. ea charts, however, The most elaborat method of cataloguing is
are exccptions; they may be kept separately, for used in the enormous collections of the A.M.S.,
they do not fit the usual regional order. the Library of Congress, and the U.S. Depart-
Most .maps will fit into a 36- by 30-inch folder. ment of State. Samples of cards are shown in
Larger maps hav to be folded. It is advisable reduced size in Fig. 295.
to fold commonly used maps with tbe printing Map Mounting. .ommonly used maps may
on the outside, since this will provide for their be mounted on cloth. Mounting, however, dis-
quicker recognition within thc folder. torts the paper and increases its weight
Atlases are also included in the r gional se- Mounted maps are difficult to trace over the
quence of folders. A world atlas would belong light-table, and the cost of mounting may be
in the section labeled "World as a Whole." An more than extra copies of the map. In larger
atlas of Yugoslavia would come next to the cities there are usually establishments that
Yugoslavian folder. An atlas of the French specialize in this kind of work. If such service
colonies would come under "World," for it con- is not available, it is not difficult to perform
tains maps from all over the world. Rolled wall this work individually.
maps can be held vertically on the sides of the There are two general methods of mounting,
cases within a 2-inch slot. wet and dry. The cloth used for mounting is
In larger departments it is advisable to ha\' usually muslin, but for valuable maps linen is
three map collections: (1) the large reference preferable. In the wet method, the cloth is cut
collection, containing the first copy of each somcwhat larger than the map, so as to allow
map; (2) a duplicate collection, which will hold for shrinkage, and is stretched on a mounting
second copies which can be loaned; and (3) board. 2 Paste is then spread over the cloth. The
a laboratory collection, which will contain third paste can be ordinary flour paste but speciaJ
and more copies to be used in classes. The three mounting pastes, such as Dextrose and Arabol ,
collections can be at different places, but they are pref rabJe. Then the map is placed over the
should have the same sequence of numbering. cloth and pressed with a rubber roller from the
Cataloguing. An average-size map collection center outward, so as to squecze out the super-
needs to be catalogued, chiefly for the con- fluous paste. Next, the borders of the map are
venience of the other departments, so as to in- pressed down to pr v nt curling during the
form them of the material available, and also drying process. When the map is dry, the cloth
of important maps in books and periodicals. is trimm d, and the map is mounted on rollers
Within the collection itself, it is quicker to find or laid out flat. Pocket maps are usually cut into
a map by looking through the proper folder 4- by 6-inch sections and mounted in sections,
than by reading a card catalogue. An acquisi- with a separation of fi inch to allow for con-
tion book will also be necessary for reports and venient folding. The disadvantage of wet
financial statements. pasting is that the map expands with moisture
A reference card for a map contains its title, and thus becomes out of scal . If the map is
author, scale, paper size, seri s number, colors, made up from sections, they rarely fit each other
insets, year of compilation, place and office of perfectly.
publication, origin price, folder and individual To avoid expansion, various dry-mounting
numbers, and special remarks. The cataloguing tissu s are on the market, chi fly used for mount-
of large map collections was work d out by ing photographs, such as Parafilm, Para wax,
A. B. Williams of the U .. Army,l by . W. and others, and are sold by the various photo-
Boggs of the U .S. Department of State, and by graphic companies. They consist of a film of wax
Dr. Leonard Wilson of the O . . . or shellac that is placed between the cloth and
the map and pressed with a hot iron. This proc-
1 TERRELL, LT. COL. J. P., The Williams System,
U .. War Department General Staff, Washington, 2 An ordinary curtain stretcher can easily be trans-

D.C., 1930. formed into a mounting table.



U. S. GeologicaZ 8'U'NJ(J'!I.
Washington and vicinity; Maryland, Virginia, District of
Columbia. Edition of.l944. (Washington,l944J
col. map. 120 x 100-.
Scale 1: 31.680 or 1 inch to ! mUe.
"Polyconlc projection."
"Contour Intel'val 10 feet."
"Surveyed In 1918-1915; revised In 1941-1942."
"Routes usually travelled ••• 1948" indicated in red.

1. District of Columhia - Maps. 2. Physical geograp:hy - District of

Columbia-Malis. 3. Washington. D. C.-Subur~Map8. 1. Title.

Llbrary of Congress
c:.~ 1"\1"\ ........ 1=" -
,,..,.... 'h~ u).. ........ C>-r ...~. ,TIC::-~

~OJECTtOH .._.. '" . IT "'"' ..T'"
ONE ... ,et 'I:OUioo fI'WOTOORAPH Nla..
t.tttAlCMt-..t.tUD4Nt I.1'RAlOMf.""",-UUf, J'tCT~'" tlULnf\.e • MOMOCMIIK)MC

cultVto M[RIOWII I
lUI COOftOtH"ns
3d: 1(ORICULruRE
V NUI"UN . ..-.
_ CoI,._

_ .MIme. indu'trw


"...... 0
_ Admin. ANI.
':: ~~,o.. U... OEOLOOY
jO" ..... GIld 1'10.10' HISTORY r_Llneo- ·IIIATI!It SUPPLY
- : Ala NAVIOAT'I<! ~OIL
_ OfIt.n~.
...I< f _
I- ::"'!ia' f2-L ~~ATBWAYS

-r- :"""' "

'- - -..-'".,-
_ Lend, .. AI.... -" .. ;,... U... 0;....... - I'i<l"'" :::
I'CMtIt.. ft.f_,"1 i-
ON,tarKel T,.HIe: ;-_

.IdI<[BOU,,!DAJUU. S...... T"ffic f- Tun,..l •
_ .Qjotr,,,_
~ ;r.!.~_
;:3< ...! -
_, INDUn1I\, ~ ,*ttiftM CoIIIo
...., _ £"'no'"" Ilo_ ~"INEtW.S ~

-i _Will'"
M.n... fr_
" . . . fecMiUea • ~ ::"!.-. r- =::':. G ,C

I . S

Fig. 295 The map catalogue cards of the Library of Congress (above) and the Department
of State (below) give a great deal of information on the map using different methods.
ess requires clever handling in order to avoid for uniform folding. This is unfortunate, for
creases. Dry mounting is esp ially recom~ faulty refolding often causes therr premature
mended for mounting on cardboard. If the map destruction. As a general rule, maps should be
is used in the field, a second coating of the same folded accordionwise-first horizontally and
wax sheet may be applied on the surface. 1 then vertically- to the desired size. By this
Folding of Maps. Maps are folded in various method the map can be opened at any place
ways; there is no well-established convention with the least amount of manipulation. In~
1 MACKIN, T. H., A Method of Mounting Maps, gemous methods of folding are used in auto~
Science, Vol. 84, pp. 233-234, 1936. mobile road maps in Europe. These maps~


Fig. 296 The standard method of folding maps.

The map is folded first horizontally accordionwise,
then vertically in the same manner.

Fig. 297 British Army auto road maps can be opened at any page or at any two or four adjacent pages.
The backside is printed too.
covering a square yard or more, printed on both the Copyright Office of the Library of Congress.
sides, are folded to pocket size in such a way This gives protection against exact copying of
that they can be opened on any desired place. your map, but how much somebody else's
Copyright. Maps are published with the no- general design may b followed has often had
tice "Copyright by . . . . . 19 .. " Promptly to be decided in court. One may copy govern-
after publication, two copies of the map, an mental maps freely, but a reference to the source
application on Form F, and $4 should be sent to is a matter of courtesy.
APPENDIX 2: Exercises

Cartography is primarily a practical disci- students and discuss them collectively rather
pline, and its methods are best learned in the than to omit any.
drafting room. The exercises that follow are It is good practice to exhibit all drawings after
suggested for one year's work. The instructor their receipt, with the instructor's remarks
will find, however, that there will seldom be added. GeneraUy, the instructor will find that
enough time available for every student to his stud nts are eager to hand in well-finished
finish the entire set. He will also find that many, drawings. For the purpose of learning, it is
especially graduate students, will have map better to finish many exercises of one-afternoon
problems of their own that they wish to prepare maps; but for the purpose of satisfaction of
during laboratory hours. This should be en- accomplishment, and in order to obtain an
couraged becaus n w problems bring new impressive exhibit, it is better to make a few
stimulus to cartography. Even if the entire set large ones. In general, the former course is
of exercises cannot be finished by each student, recommended for beginners, but second-year
it is better to distribute them all among th.e students will often find more interest in a single,
large, well-executed map.

Exercises for Book I

In the beginning of a course in cartography, b. Take a sheet of ruled notebook paper, and
while the lectun: hours deal with the history of ~ith a fountain pen draw vertical block
maps, the laboratory hOllrs can best be utilized (gothic) capitals. Draw the same letter five
for exercises in lettering and in I arning the use times and number in the following order,
of drawing instruments. following strictly the Rules of Lettering. Be
Exercise 1. Practice in Muscular Coordination. careful that the letters are vertical and that
Draw the routine of Fig. 298 on a piece of note- their standard width is maintained.
book paper with a fountain pen. Us full-arm I H L F E T
motion and try to "follow through. " Begin the V W M N Z A K x y
motion in the air, bring your pen down on the o o C G J 5 D P B R
paper, and when you lift it off at the nd of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
c. Draw in the same order the vertical gothic
lower-case letters. Use for models th.e
letters in Fig. 119.
d. Draw the inclined gothic capitals in the
order of the alphabet. Try to space the
letters evenly.
e. Draw an alphabet of the inclined gothic
Fig. 298 Exer is!! for muscular coordination.
lower-ca e letters.
line, continue the motion in the air. The f. Draw a row of numerals in inclined gothic.
5-minute routin may be repeated b fore each g. Draw your own nam in vertical and
exercise in 1 ttering. It is interesting to repeat indin d gothic.
these lines with eyes losed . A man with good Exercise S. Map Lettering and Color£ng
muscular control will do almost as well as with a. Read Chap. 13 carefully.
eyes open. b. Copy an outline map of the United States,
Exercise 2. Lettering and thereon layout very lightly in pencil
a. Read carefully the Rules of Lettering. the names of the following;
Ten large cities light blue. (Read the method of coloring
Ten large rivers on page 151.)
Each of the Great Lakes, Great Salt Lake, f. Paint out imperfections with reproducti n
. Lake Champlain, Atlantic Ocean, Pa- white. This can be done only after the map
cific Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, United has been colored: otherwise it might wash
States, Canada, Mexico, Appalachian off.
Mountains, Rocky Mountains, and Si- Exercise 4. Uu oj Drawing Instruments. Read
erra Nevada. The names of mountains Chap. 15 on Drawing Instruments and then
should strictly follow the trend of the prepare a page in the manner of Fig. 299, using
mountain. your own set of tools.
c. Draw fine guidelines with a very sharp Exercise 5. Scale Reduction. and Enlargement
pencil. All horizontal lettering should be a. Draw a graphic scale for a map 1 :100,000.
parallel with the parall Is. Extended letter- b. Draw a line Sf inches long, and divide it
ing, as of countries and oceans, should be into 10 parts according to Fig. 34.
evenly spaced from one end of the area to c. Enlarge to double size a small part of a
the other. simple map by the square method.
d. Ink in the lettering- the larger th letter- d. Reduce the same map to one-half its size,
in~, the heavier the pen required. Erase using a pantograph.
pencil lines. e. Do the same with a camera lucida or any
t. Color the United States yellow, Canada other optical instrument.
pink, Mexico green, and water surfaces j. Calibrate a line t inch long by dividing it

! .: Com pass
Gillott pen 3°~ '1II.
(free hand) ,
I IIm 11111111
II .•
!. I
Gillott pen 4<>4 i
((r~e hand)

Paysant ~7
Leroy etc.
(fru hand)

II , .
....... ... . ....
.',...•• . r. ' . 1. ••••
III .... ....
: ~.

Stub pen I, I ..... _.l.J - .

~., . ~ . ~
~ ... ••
:.J " ••
•••• ' . .... . 'l .
l . ~

(freB hand ) I, ~ ... "'III! . ,

1 • • • • . r · l • .I . [
. . . . .... •~ .. I 'I '

~ 11 ~

Ruling pen i
i II II c:
(T: s9vare ... triangle j , ..

Fixe;jpaper) i ..~ !,

french curve Calibration
(ruling pen)
Fig. 299 Exercises in the use of drawing instruments.
freehand into fiVe parts. Try it at least five j. Make a. map of the world in the Aitof
times. projection. Make the length of the equator
The ability to calibrate exactly is an impor- 14.4 inches.
tant attribute of a cartographer. The instructor g. Construct a star or butterfly projection of
should make a careful examination with a your own.
magnifi r. This is a good "ability" test. h. Draw an orthoapsidal world map of your
Exercise 6. PrrljF.ctions. Draw the parallels own design .
40°,50°, and 60°, and the meridians 10°,0°, 10°, Exercise 8. S.ymbols. Transform a small air-
corresponding to a globe of 72-inch circum- plane photograph into a map on the same scale.
ference, in the following projections. Copy first in pencil all lakes, rivers, houses,
a. Equirectangu1ar, with 50° lat. as standard roads, outlines of fields, etc. Use for each feature
parallel an appropriate symbol. Name the main features
b. Mercator (with imaginary names if real names are not
c. Sinusoidal known). Draw title, scale, and key of symbols.
d. Mollweide Ink in the drawing with colored inks: hydrog-
e. Simple conic projection; standard parallel raphy, blue; railroads, borders of fields, letter-
N 50° ing, frame, etc., black; roads and houses, red;
j. Polyconic projection forest, bush, etc., green; hayfields and grass-
g. Bonne projection; standard parallel N 50° land, yellow; plowed fields, brown; yards,
Draw in pencil only, but hand in calculation gardens, and city blocks, pink. These colors are
sheets. suggestions only; use patterns and colors
Exercise 7. Azimuthal Projections. Draw one according to your own judgment.
of the following maps in the specified projections, Exercise 9. Hachuring and Plastic Shading. From
with parall Is and meridians at every 10°. Ink a topographic sheet select 4 square inches of
in the map, parallels, and meridians with hair- hilly territory.
lines, the equator with a heavier line, and the a. Draw hachure lines on the map according
Arctic ircle and the tropics with dashed hair- to the Lehman system, first in pencil and
lines. Color land yellow a nd oceans blue, but then in India ink.
paint only a narrow strip of blue along the b. Select another, more rugged, piece On the
shores. map, and try to mak ao even shading with
a. Draw an outline map of the world as a soft, circular motion of th crayon.
projected from the center of the globe upon Smudge it even with fingers or smudg r.
a tangent cub. Open up th cube, and Imagine the light as coming from the
lay it down flat to form a cross consisting WNW. This will result in a m a p in plastic
of two polar and four equatorial projections. shading with oblique illumination.
b. Draw a map of the land hemisphere in Exercise 10. Contour-line Problems. Assign-
oblique stereographic projection, centered ments for these exercises should be selected from
on 47°N and lOW. Make the diameter of topographic sheets covering, preferal;>ly, regions
the hemisphere 12 inches.
known to the students.
c. Draw a hemisphere on oblique ortho-
a. Draw a profile along a straight line indi-
graphic projection centered on N 60° lat.
cated on a topographic sheet. Indicate
and W 90° long.; make the diameter of the
horizontal and vertical scale and vertical
hemisphere 12 inches.
d. Draw th Western Hemisphere in globular exaggeration.
proj ction. Diameter of the hemisphere b. Layout an automobile road to cover a
should be 12 inches. distance extending from a chosen point to
l. Draw a north polar projection in the Lam- a lookout point on a peak. (Slope of road,
bert azimuthal equal-area network as far 500 feet per mile.) Draw two alternative
as 55°5. routes.
c. Draw a. cut-and-fill profile "'long a pro- maps. Relief can be drawn freehand from an
posed railroad line. At what height would available physiographic map, but the student
you layout the railroad if the maximum is expected not to copy it line by line. Indicate
slope were 60 feet per mile? major cities, rivers, lakes, mountain peaks, etc.
d. Draw the visibility from a peak within 5 On the side of the map add insets of interesting
miles in a selected gen raj direction. plac s. Make a well-balanced composition of the
c. Draw th la ndscap visibl from a point in main map, insets, title cartouche, and border.
a certain selected dire tion. Parallcls and meridians are indicated on the
Exercise 11.lmagi7wry Map. Draw a map of an borders only. The sequence of preparation is as
imaginary region on a scale of 1: 62,500. It follows:
~hould show a harbor city of about 2,000 p ople a. Layout roughly in pencil the composition
in a well-dissected mountain region with peaks of the map on tracing paper.
that are over 1,500 feet. Contour interval should b. Transfer the composition to drawing paper,
be 100 feet. Show complete I'iver system, lakes, and, with pencil, draw every detail of the
salt marshes, plateaus, cliffs, sandbanks, harbor map. Use very light lines.
facilities, li ghthouses, road ', railroads, etc. t se c. Clean the map with eraser powder.
conventional symbols and colors. d. Ink in lettering and borders with black ink.
Exercise 12. Pkysiographic Map, M ap Com- e. ] nk in rivers, lak s, and shore lines with
position, Ltttning, and Make-up. blu .
NOTE. This map is the final and most impor- j. Tnk in relief with brown.
tant map in connection with Rook I. g. Erase all traces of pencil lines.
Draw a landform map of a state or of any h. Color lakes and sea with flat hlue wash.
large area in a scale ranging from 1 : 1,000 000 i. Paint out imperfections with white.
to 1 : 5,000,000, according to the size of the area ). Trim map, mount it on cardboard, a nd
chosen. Outlines can be traced from available cover it with cellophane.

Exercises for Book II 1

Exercise 13. Compass Traverse. Select a rela- ing the magnetic declination, ancl layout the
tively open piece of ground about 1,000 fect long traverse on drawing paper.
without heavy iron fences, rails, or pip s. Each Cut a large enough piece of paper, and sdec(
student should bring a sighting compass and point A so that the m a p does not run off the
traverse notebook. A 100-foot tape and an paper. Draw a vertical lin through A VI ith the
aneroid barometer is brought [or the whole T-square, and with a protractor layout the azi-
class. An Abney level a nd a pedometer are also muth and on it the distance to point B, etc.,
useful. until the traverse is closed.
Each student (singly) carries through a clo ed Distribute your error of closure, draw in side
traverse according to Chap. 17. Plenty of side readings, render scale, title, and border, and
rcadin s Rhould be taken. Each student sl10uld finish in pencil only.
take somewhat different routes if possible. Each Exercise 14. Plane Tablir,g. elect an open
student should count his steps along the 100-foot piece of ground that is relatively level. Divide
tape. the students into groups of three; each group
On returning to the laboratory, the scale should bring a plane table with tripod, a rod , a
should be figur d ou t so that the map is 100 feet telescopic alidade, a pin, a ruler divided into
per inch. Add or subtract to each azimuth read- tenths of inches, a slide rule for the Beaman are,
a pair of binoculars, and a number of pegs or a
I In winter, start with Exercise 16. hatchet with which to cut them in the field .
Special care should be taken in selecting th Educational Attainment of the Population Twenty-five
scale and the location of the first point so that Years Old and Over, 1940
the map does not run off the paper. Number of Persons
T he plane tabling should be carried out Sclwol Years Completed in Millions
according to Chap. 17. Emphasis should be not No school years completed .... , 2.8
Grade school:
only on obtaining the stations but also on draw-
1 to 4 years . . . ........ . ... , 7 .3
ing the map. 5 and 6 years . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 .5
As the schedule for exercises for Book II is 7 and 8 years .... . .. .. .... , 25 . 9
heavy, the inking in of the plane-table map is High school:
not required at this stage. 1 and 3 years . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 . 2
Exercise 15. Layout a U .S. Progressive 4 years ... . ... . ........ ... . 10.6
Military Grid on an old 1: 62,500 topographic College:
sheet. (As the older sheets have no grid marks, 1 to 3 years . . . . . ... .. . . ... 4.1
this layout is often required from cartographers.) 4 years and more . . . . . . . . . .. 3 .4
The U.s. Coast and Geodetic Survey Special Publica- Total . ... . ... . ... . ...... 73.8
tion 59 gives the coordinates of the four corners
Exercise 18. Make an isometric choropleth
of every topographic sheet, and the limiting
map of the population of the New England
lines are easily obtained by measuring down and
states. Details of coast line can be omitted.
left from each corner the distance to the next
S,OOO-yard grid line. Interior grid lines are laid
out parallel at scak distance. Draw them with Area, tlwusand
Stale Population
pencil only. square miles
Exercise 16. Express graphically the follow-
ing data by subdivision of a r ctangular graph. Connecticut ...... .. . 1.7 million 5 .0
Total and parts should be properly labeled. Massachusetts .. . .... 4 . 3 million 8.3
Rhode Island .. . ..... O. 7 million 1.2
New Hampshire ..... 0 . 5 million 9.3
of Dollars
Vermont . . . .. . .. . .. 0.4 million 9.6
U.S. Imports from Cuba, 1945
Maine .. . ........... 0.9 million 33 . 2
Brown sugar .... . ... .. .... . $183.6
White sugar .... . ........ .. . 27.2
Molasses. " .... ........ ... . 50.5 Exercise 19. Draw a statistical map showing
Alcohol ........ . ......... . 11 . 5 thc distribution of colleges and universities in
Rum .................. · .. . 12 . 1 your state according to student population.
Other liquors ............. . 1.9 Subdivide symbols for men and women, and
Leaf tobacco .... .... . . . ... . 31.0 mark type of !:chool. elect your own system.
Manufactured tobacco .. .. .. . 15 .7
Exercise 20. Economic Map. Each student
Manganese ...... . .. . .. ... . 11 .3
should select a state or a small foreign country
Chromium .. .. ..... . .. .... . 4 .3
Copper . . ..... ............ . 1 .2 or colony and prepare an economic map of it,
Nickel ....... . . ...... ..... . 1.2 showing land-use types, such as fotest, pasture
Diamond .. .. .... ......... . 6 .0 land, cultivated land, desert, etc., in colors and
Foods . .. ....... ... . .... . . . 14 . 3 main transportation lines and cities. No repre-
Animal products . .......... . 2.8 sentation of relief is required and rivers are
Forest products ............ . 2.9 shown only if they are used for navigation or as
Miscellaneous . . ........... . 8 .2 a source of water or power. Cities are shown by
Total ........ . .. .... ... . $385.7 block-pile graphs.
Surround the maps with diagrams and
Exer cise 17. Express the following data cartograms including bar graphs, line graphs,
graphically. Emphasis is on the choice and the pie graphs, small rainfall map, small dot map
proper building of a continuous diagram. howing an important product, small traffic-
flow map, and anything els for which there is h. Draw the successive contour lines, as dis-
available data. ("Foreign Agriculture" is a cussed in Chap. 31.
good source of information.) Colors can be used c. Draw profiles on all four sides by connect-
freely. The map should be visualized as a double ing the ends of the contour lines. Draw the
page in an economic school atlas. (This map sides of the block.
can be worked out in conjunction with the d. Add hachure lines, cultural symbols, and
geography department.) lettering; draw geological sections on the
Exercise 21. Topographic Model. Prepare a sides.
topographic model of a selected small region, t. Ink in the map in the same color scheme
preferably one known to the students. Enlarge as before, but use orange for the contour
the topographic sheet twice. Figure vertical lines. Add plastic shading in purple.
exaggeration of about two times, and secure Exercise 2.3. Land-slope AnaL),sis. On a topo-
cardboards of corresponding thickness. Paste graphic sheet assign an area of about 9 square
carbon paper on the reverse of the map and miles to each student. A planimeter will greatly
a. Copy each contour on a separate card- spe d up the work of measuring areas. If none is
board, indicating the position of the next available, transparent paper divided in -h-inch
higher contour. squares will do.
b. Cut out every contour line with a jig saw. a. Draw a h),psographic curve of the region.
c. Build up a positive model by pasting and b. Draw a hypsographoid.
nailing the cardboards upon each other. c. By the Wentworth method, give an index
d. Smooth the cardboards with plastiline, number for each square mile.
being careful that no thick accumulation d. Draw a general Land-slope curve.
of plastiline covers the valleys. Model the e. Draw a fiatland-ratio curve, considering as
rivers, roads, cliffs, etc., with modeling flatland all land below 200 feet per mile'
tools. of slope.
t. Prepare a frame around the cardboard j. Divide your area into 5-minute squares,
model, and make a negative cast. Place and make a relativt relief map on a small
the negative into the frame, and shellac scale. (This work may be divided among
and oil it. the students. If there are not enough topo-
I Prepare a positive cast. graphic sheets available, any other state
g. Paint its surface with water colors, add may be selected.)
lettering, and paint the geologic sections Exercise 24. Land-utilization Survry
on the sides of the model. a. Obtain a cadastral or assessor's map of an
Some students should be encouraged to area on the outskirts of your town, where
prepare rough large-scale terrain models various types of land utilization are inter-
from any kind of material available with- mingled. Make a copy of the map, which
out cutting contours. may have to be enlarged or reduced for
Exercise 22. Dufour Diagram. Select an area convenient handling. If none is available,
10 to 20 square miles on a topographic sheet, an enlarged airplane photograph will
and enlarge it twice by photostating. serve.
a. Prepare a Dufour pantograph, if one is not b. Work out a code index system suitable for
available. The rod should preferably be the units of your area.
1- by 1 inch thick and about 6 feet long. c. Survey in the field the assigned territory,
The groove is made of two pieces of board and give an index figure to each unit of
nailed parallel to each other. (Instead of a land, calling a unit any piece of land that
groove, the edge of the table can be used, has approximately the same slope, soil,
and the rod can be held close by a long erosion, and utilization. Slope may vary
rubber band.) to such an extent that the units may be too
small. In this case slightly variable slopes 2. After the map is painted, indicate water
may be included in the same unit and features with blue.
marked in several places. Indicate the j. Finish the map with a key, title, scale,
direction of slope with arrows. border, and annotations.
d. With proper symbols mark on the map Exercise 25. Land-l)pe Map. Take an area,
fences, ledges, sand pits, swamps, and all preferably the same county that was mapped
other important features not shown on the in the economic map, and make a land-type
original maps. map of it. Show relief by trachographic or
e. Copy the field map on drawing paper in landform symbols, vegetation by colors or
pencil. patterns, cities by red block piles, transportation
J. Ink in with black all property boundaries, by the usual symbols, cultivation by brown-
houses, roads, railroads, and lettering. bordered yellow and green checkerboards, etc.
g. Indicate all land-use types by colors and Thi~ is the final map of this set of exercises and
patterns. embodies all previous experience in composition,
h. Indicate with red index figures the slope, lettering, painting, etc. This map is prepared
soil, and erosion types. for reproduction by the four-color process.
APPENDIX 3: Tables

Table A . 1 Squares, Square RooL'l, Oubes, and Oubic Roots of Nos. 1 to 100

Square Cub. Square Cube Square / Cube

No. Square Cube No. Square Cube No. Square Cube
root root root rool rool rool
- - ------ -- I - -- -_- - - - - r - - - --
I 1. 000 1.000 1.000 1. 000 35 1,225 42,875 5.916 3 .271 68 4,624 314,432 8.246 4. 081
2 4 8 1.414 1.259 36 1,296 46,656 6.000 3 . 301 69 4,761 328,509 8 .306 4 . 101
3 9 27 1.732 1.442 37 1,369 50,653 6 .082 3 .332 70 4,900 343,000 8 .366 4.121
4 16 64 2.000 1. 587 38 1,444 54,872 6.164 3.362 71 5,041 357,911 8 .426 4 . 140
5 25 125 2 .236 1.710 39 1,521 59,319 6. 245 3.391 72 5,184 373,248 8 .485 4 . 160

6 36 216 2.449 1.817 40 1,600 64,000 6.324 3.420 73 5,329 389,017 8.544 4 . 179
7 49 343 2.645 1.913 41 1,681 68,921 6.403 3.448 74 5,476 405,224 8 .602 4. 198
8 64 512 2.828 2.000 42 1,764 74,088 6.480 3 .476 75 5,625 421,875 8 . 660 4 .217
9 81 729 3.000 2.080 43 1,849 79,507 6.557 3 . 503 76 5,776 438,976 8 .717 4 .235
10 100 1,000 3.162 2.154 44 1,936 85,184 6.633 3 . 530 77 5,929 456,533 8 .775 4 .254

11 121 1,331 3.316 2 .224 45 2,025 91,125 6.708 3.556 78 6,084 474,552 8 . 831 4 .272
12 144 1,728 3.464 2 .289 46 2,116 97,336 6.782 3 .583 79 6,241 493,039 8 .888 4 .290
13 169 2,197 3.605 2.351 47 2,209 103,823 6. 855 3.608 80 6,400 512,000 8 . 944 4 .308
14 196 2,744 3.741 2.410 48 2,304 110,592 6.928 3.6 34 81 6,561 531 ,441 9.000 4.326
15 225 3,375 3.873 2.466 49 2,401 11 7,649 7 .000 3.659 82 6,724 551,368 9 .055 4.344

16 256 4,096 4.000 2.519 50 2,500 125,000 7 .071 3.684 83 6,889 571,787 9.110 4 . 362
17 289 4,913 4.123 2 . 571 51 2,601 132,651 7.141 3.708 84 7,056 592,704 9.165 4 .379
18 324 5,832 4.242 2 . 620 52 2,704 140,608 7.211 3.732 85 7,225 614,125 9.219 4 . 396
19 361 6,859 4.358 2 .668 53 2,809 148,877 7.280 3.756 86 7,396 636,056 9.273 4 .414
20 400 8,000 4.472 2.714 54 2,916 157,464 7.348 3.779 87 7,569 658,503 9 .327 4.431

21 441 9,261 4 . 582 2.758 55 3,025 166,375 7 .416 3.803 88 7,744 681,472 9.380 4.448
22 484 10,648 4.690 2.802 56 3,136 175,616 7.483 3.825 89 7,921 704,969 9.434 4.464
23 529 12,167 4 .795 2.843 57 3,249 185,193 7.549 3.848 90 8,100 729,000 9. 486 4.481
24 576 13,824 4.899 2.884 58 3,364 195,112 7.615 3 . 870 91 8,281 753,571 9 . 539 4.497
25 624 15,625 5 .000 2.924 59 3,481 205,379 7. 681 3.893 92 8,464 778,688 9.591 4 . 514

26 676 17,576 5.099 2 .962 60 3,600 216,000 7 .746 3. 914 93 8,649 804,357 9.643 4.530
27 729 19,683 5 . 196 3.000 61 3,721 226,981 7. 810 3 . 936 94 8,836 830,584 9.695 4.546
28 784 21,952 5.291 3.036 62 3,844 238,328 7 .874 3.957 95 9,025 857,375 9. 746 4.562
29 841 24,389 5 . 385 3. 072 63 3,969 250,047 7.937 3 . 979 96 9,216 884,736 9.798 4.578
30 900 27,000 5.477 3. 107 64 4,096 262,144 8.000 4 .000 97 9,409 912,673 9.848 4.594

31 961 29,791 5 . 567 3.141 65 4,225 274,625 8.062 4.020 98 9,604 941,192 9. 899 4 . 610
32 1,024 32,768 5 . 656 3.174 66 4,356 287,496 8.124 4.041 99 9,801 970,299 9. 949 4. 626
33 1,089 35,937 5.744 3. 207 67 4,489 300,763 8.185 4.061 100 10,000 1,000,000 10 .000 4 . 641
34 1,156 39,304 5.831 3 . 239
TbiJ table aDd the Dext will be particula rly uoeful in drawing two- and three·di.r uenaional graplu.
Table A . 2 Common Fractions Reduced to Decimals

81hs 161hs 32ds 64ths 81hs 161hs 32ds 641hs 8ths 16tlt.r 3Us 641hr
- - --
0 .015625 0.359375 11 22 0.6875
1 0.03125 3 6 12 0 . 375 0.703125
0 .046875 23 0. 71 875
1 2 0 .0625 0.390625 0 .734375
0 .078125 13 0 .40625 6 12 24 0.75
3 0 .09375 0 .421875
0 .109375 7 14- 0 .4375 0 .765625
1 2 4 0 . 125 0.453125 25 0.78125
15 0 .46875 0 .796875
0 . 140625 0. 484375 13 26 0 . 8125
5 0 . 15625 4 8 16 0.5 0. 828125
0 .171875 27 0. 84375
3 6 0 . 1875 0 . 51 5625 0 . 8593t15
0 .203125 17 0 . 53125 7 J4 28 0.875
7 0 . 21875 0.546875
0 .234375 9 18 0 . 5625 0 . 890625
2 4 8 0 .25 0 . 578125 29 0.90625
19 0 . 59375 0.921875
0 .265625 0 .609375 15 30 0 .9375
9 0 .28125 5 10 20 0 .625 0 .953125
0.296875 31 0 .96875
5 10 0 . 3125 0 .640625 0 .984375
0. 328125 21 0 . 65625 8 16 32 1.
11 0 . 34375 0. 671875
Table A . 3 Units of Length

Inches Millimelers Feet Meiers (111) Miles Kilomelers

1 = 25.4001 1 = 0.304801 1 - 1.609347

2 - 50 . 8001 2 "" 0 . 609601 2 - 3 . 218694
3 = 76.2002 3-0 . 914402 3 - 4 . 828042
4 - 101 . 6002 4 - 1.219202 4.,. 6 . 437389
5 = 127 . 0003 5 - 1 . 524003 5 - 8 .046736
6 - 152 . 4003 6 - 1 . 828804 6.., 9.656083
7 .. 177 . 8004 7 - 2 . 133604 7 - 11. 265431
8 - 203.2204 8 -2.438405 8 = 12 . 874778
9 = 228.6005 9 = 2. 743205 9 = 14.484125
0 . 03937 = 1 3.28083 - 1 0.621370 .,. 1
0 . 07874 - 2 6.56167 - 2 1 . 242740 - 2
0 . 11811 =3 9 . 84250 - 3 1 . 864110=3
0.15748 - 4 13 .12333 = 4 2 . 485480 - 4
0.19685 - 5 16 . 40417 .. 5 3.106850 - 5
0.23622 - 6 19 . 68500 '" 6 3 . 728220 .,. 6
0 . 27559 =7 22 . 96583 =- 7 4 . 349590 = 7
0 . 31496 .. 9 26 . 24667 = 8 4 . 970960 - 8
0 . 35433 - 9 29.52750 - 9 5 .592330 - 9

Square Square Square Square Square Square

Aerts H eclaru
i"ches ct71limtltrs jut IIItlers milts kilomelers

1 = 6 . 452 1 = 0 . 09290 1 - 0 . 4047 1 z= 2.5900

2 - 12 . 903 2 - 0.18581 2 "" 0 . 8094 2 - 5 . 1800
3 '" 19 . 355 3 ... 0 . 27871 3 - 1.2141 3 ... 7 . 7700
4 .. 25.807 4 - 0 . 37161 4 .. 1 . 6187 4 = 10 . 3600
5 "" 32.258 5 = 0 . 46452 5 = 2.0234 5 =- 12 . 9500
6 - 38 .710 6 =0.55742 6 ... 2.4281 6 "" 15 . 5400
7-45 . 161 7 - 0.65032 7 = 2.8328 7 - 18 . 1300
8 - 51.613 8 = 0 .74323 8 - 3 . 2375 8 .. 20.7200
9 '" 58 . 065 9 = 0.83613 9 = 3 . 6422 9 - 23.3100
0 . 15500 ... 1 10.764 .. 1 2.471 - 1 0.3861 - 1
0 .31000 - 2 21.528 - 2 4.942 - 2 0 .7722 ... 2
0 . 46500 - 3 32 . 292 =3 7.413 .. 3 1.1583 = 3
0 . 62000 - 4 43 . 055 - 4 9.884 - 4 1.5444 - 4
0.77500 - 5 53 . 819 ... 5 12 . 355 "" 5 1 . 9305 .. 5
0 . 93000 - 6 64 . 583 - 6 14 . 826 = 6 2 . 3166 - 6
1.08500 =7 75.347 '" 7 17 . 297 = 7 2.7027 == 7
1 . 24000 = 8 86 . 111 - 8 19 .768 = 8 3.0888 "" 8
1 . 39500 - 9 96 . 875 - 9 22.239 - 9 3.4749 - 9

For in.tance, a peak 2,856 me,cra high will be

6,561 . 67
2,624 .67
164 .04
19 . 68
9.370 .06 fCCI bl:· ~
Table A, 4, Natural Sines, Cosines, Tangents, Table A ' 5 Conversion of Degrees to Mils·
and Cotang nts (Conversion factor-l degree - 17.77778 mils;
1 minute "" 0.29630 mils)
sine d lang d colang d eosin' d
"+ -
.0000 175
+' - -
.0000 175 1.0000 90
Min ..
.0175 174 .0175 174 '"
57 .290 . 9998 2
1'''S ~ rUJ lrftf uttJ Ides

.0523 174
.0349 175 28 . 636
.0524 175 19 .081
. 9994
- -- - - - _- - - -- -- -- --
I ~I 3) 9 .2
. 0698 175 .0699 14 . 301 .9976 10
86 2
\7 .R
35 . 6 32
55 1 . 1
568 . 9
I , 084 . ~
1, 102 . 2
0 .3
0.6 32 9 .5
176 14
0 .9
.0875 176 11.430
. 1051 177 9. 514 17
.J 53 . 3
586 . 7
604 . 4
1, 120 . 0
1,137 . 8
4 1 .2
10. 1
20 5 88 . 9 35 622 . 2 65 1,155 . 6 5 1.5 35 10 . 4
7 .1228 S.I44 83
8 . 1405 177
7. 115 22
82 6 106 .7 36 640 .0 66 1,\73 . 3 6 1 .8 36 10 .7
9 . 1584 6. 314 81 7 124 . 4 37 657. 8 67 1,191.1 7 2.1 37 11 . 0
172 179 29
8 142 . 2 38 675.6 68 1,208 . 9 8 2 .4 38 11.3
10 .1736 172 . 1763 181 32
SO 9 160 .0 39 693 . 3 69 1,226 .7 9 2 .7 39 11 .6
11 .1908 171 0 . 1944 182 35
79 10 177.8 40 711 . 1 70 1,244 . 5 10 3.0 40 1\ . 9
12 .2079 171 .2126 183 37
13 .2250 169 .2309 184 41
77 1I 195 .6 41 728 .9 71 1,262 . 2 11 3.3 41 12 . 1
14 .2419 .2493 76 12 213.3 42 746 .7 72 1,280 .0 12 3 .6 .2 12 . 4
169 279 44
13 231 . 1 43 764 . 4 73 1,297 . 8 13 3.9 43 12 .7
15 .2588 168 3.732 245 . 9659 46
75 H 248 .9 44 782 . 2 74 1,315 .6 14 4.1 44 13 .0
16 . 2756 168 3. 487 216 . 9613 74 15 15 4.4 13 . 3
50 266 . 7 45 800 .0 75 1,333 . 3 45
17 .2924 166 . 3057 190192
3.271 193 0 .9563 52
18 .3090 166 0 .3249 194 3.078 174 . 95 11 56
12 16 284 .-4 46 817 .8 76 1,35 1 . l 16 4 .7 46 13 .6
19 .3256 . 3443 2. 904 . 9455 71 17 302 . 2 47 835 . 6 77 1,368 . 9 17 5. 0 47 13 . 9
18 320 .0 48 853 .3 78 1,386 . 7 18 5 .3 48 14 . 2
20 61
70 19 337 .8 49 871 . l 79 1,404 .5 19 5 .6 49 14 . 5
21 M
69 20 355 .6 50 888 . 9 80 1,422 . 2 20 5.9 50 14 . 8
22 67
23 70
67 21 373 . 3 51 906 .7 81 1,«0 .0 21 6 .2 51 15 . 1
24 66 22 391.1 52 924 . 4 1,457 . 8 22 6.5 52 15 .•
101 72 15 . 7
23 408 . 9 53 942 . 2 83 1,475. 6 23 6 .8 53
25 2 .145 75
65 24 426 .7 54 960 .0 84 1,493 . 3 24 7.1 54 16 . 0
26 2 .050 78
64 25 4H . 5 977 . 8 85 1,511.1 25 7 .4 55 16 . 3
27 1. 963 81
28 1. 881 62 26 462 . 2 1,528 . 9 26 7 .7 16 .6
83 56 995 .6 86 56
29 1 . 804 61 27 480 .0 57 1,013.3 87 1,546 .7 27 8.0 57 16 .9
28 497 . 8 58 1,031 . I 88 1,564 . 5 28 8 .3 58 17 .2
30 1.732 88
60 29 515 . 6 59 1,048 . 9 1,582 . 2 29 8 .6 59 17 . 5
31 1. 664 92
59 30 533 .3 60 1,066 . 7 90 1,600 .0 30 8.9 60 17 .8
32 1.600 93
33 1.540 97
34 1 .483 56 E:tomplu:
1. Coovert 64°29' to mib. 2. Convert 87.95° to mill.
35 1.428 55
36 1 .376 54 64· - 1,137. 8 mils 87· - 1,546. 7 mil.
37 1 . 327 53 29' ... 8. 6 .90· 16. 0
38 1.280 52 6.·29' - 1, 146. 4 mila .05· - 0.889 - O. 9
39 1.235 51 87 .95· ... 1,563. 6 milJ
40 0 .6428 133 1 . 192 50 • From U.S. War Department, TICh. Man. 5-236.
41 .6561 130 1.150 49
42 . 6691 129 . 9004 31 I 1.111 48
43 .6820 127 0 . 9325 321 1 .012 47
44 .6947 0.9657 332 1.036 46
45 .7071 124 1 .0000 343 1.000 .7071 122
- .± -
Cosir.e d colang d
lang d sine
.± _ l
d 0

Thi. table can be u..,d in findiftg tbe true length> of dcgreeo of

longilude and for cOlUtruction of map projections in general. The rune>
tiona at the bottom rc.fer to the degreeA on the right, thul sin a - COl
(90. - "') making ,inc 600 - coo 30· - 0.8660 and in the .ame way
tan 600 _ cot 30° - 1.732. If (ractionJi of dcgreCi are. wanted, a pro--
pot't\ooa\e amount of d can be \lied. For very exact l&f1ColCale maps,
towever, a book of logarithm. LS nccet!ary.
Table A . 6 Methods of Expressing Gradients · Table A· 7 Map cales in English Measure and
(The different methods of expressing gradient. have Metric Unit5"
their values given for the usual range and to the
customary degree of accuracy of their use) Kilo- /rIChes
Scalf, 1 Mila Feet pcr II/ches
melers per kilo-
tG p.r i'lCh per inch
inch per mil,
Feet per 100
Feet to the 1 urrtical on
Angle Jut horizontal
mile horiz on ttl I or in-
- --
or IJer CCII t 500,000 7. 891 12 . 700 41,666 0 . 1267 0 .07874
250,000 3. 945 6 . 350 20,833 0. 2534 0 . 15748
D'grees hori<:o'ltal 125,000 1.972 3.1 75 10,416 0 . 5068 0 . 31496
1 0.44 23.0 229 100,000 1. 578 2.540 8,333 0. 6336 0 . 39370
! 0 . 87 46.1 115 63,360 1.000 1.609 5,280 1.000 0 . 6213
~ 1.31 69.1 76 62,500 0 . 986 1.587 5,208 1.0137 0 . 6299
1 1. 74 92.2 57 0 .6313 1 .016 1.584
40,000 3,333 0 .9842
11 2.18 115.1 46 31,680 0 .500 0 . 804 2,640 1.2427
2 .000
1~ 2 .62 138 . 3 38 25,000 0 .3945 0 . 635 2,083 2 . 534 1 . 5748
lf 3.06 161.2 33 20,000 0 . 3156 0 .508 1,666 3. 168 1. 9685
2 3 .49 184.4 29
2i 4. 37 230 . 5 23 10,000 0 .15782 0 . 254 833 . 3 6 .336 3 .937
3 5.24 276 .7 19 2,500 0 .0394 0 .0635 208 . 3 25. 34 15 .748
3! 6.12 322 .9 16 1,200 0 .0189 I 0 0305 100 52 .8 32 . 808
4 6.99 369 .2 14
4; 7 .37 415 . 5 13 "From U.S. War Department, Tech. Man . 5-236.
5 8. 75 461. 9 11 .4
6 10 . 51 555 9. 5
7 12 .28 . , ' 0 ' 8 .1
8 14 .05 ... , . 7.1
9 15 .84 . . .. . 6. 3
10 17. 63 . .... 5.7
15 . ... . . . .. . 3.7
20 .. . . . . .... 2 .7
25 .. .. . ., ., . 2.1
30 .... . . ... 1. 7

• From U .S . War Depan mC'nt , 1 l'Ch. A-J an. 5- 236,

Table A . 8 Values of Various Prime Meridians R eckoned from Greenwich

Cities Map oj
J rom Greetlwich

Batavia . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 106° 48' 38" E Java

Padang . . . ... . . . .. . .. .. . 100° 22' E Sumatra
Sofia . . .. . .. . .. . _. . . . . .. . 23° 19' 39" E Bulgaria
Kj1fbenhavn . .. . ... ....... . 12° 34' 40.35" E Denmark
Helsingfors .. ... . .... . . .. . 24° 57' 16.5" E Finland
Paris .. . .. . . ... ..... . , .. . 2° 20' E France
2° 20' 14" Yugoslavia
2° 20' 13" Poland
Ferro .. . . ' " .. . . . . ...... . 17° 40' W Spain
Athcms .... . .... .. .. . .. . . 23° 42' 58.5" E Gree e
Roma (Monte Mario) .. . . . . 12° 27' 07.06" E Italy
Oslo .. .. ... . . .. . . . . . . ... . 10° 43' 22.5" E Norway
Lisboa (Castle) . ... . . .. . . . 9° 7' 54.86" W Portugal
Bucuresti ... . . .. . . .. . ... . . 26° 06 E Rumania
Pulkovo . . .. .. . .. ..... ... . 30° 19' 38.49" E Russia
Leningrad ... ... . . . . . . . .. . 30° 17' 15" E Russia
Madrid . . .. . .. .... . . . . . . . 3° 41' 14.55" W Spain
APPENDIX 4: Bibliography of Easily Available
References 1

GENERAL CARTOGRAPHY gram, Chart, Diagram, Map, 1946.

ALEXANDER, W., and W. J. D. ALLAN: "The FINCH, J. K .: " Topographic Maps and Sketch
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London, 1941 . GREENHOOD, DAVID: " Down to Earth," Holiday
Key to a Better Understanding of Maps, House, Inc., New York, 1944. 262 pp.
American Map and Geographic Research GROLL, M., and O. GRAF: "Kartenkunde," 2
Service, Washington, D.C., 1945. vols., Walter De Gruyter & Company, Berlin,
BAUER, HUBERT A.: "Globes, Maps, and Sky- 1931.
ways," Air Age Education Series, The HAWLEY, J. H.: Hydrographic Manual, U.S.
Macmillan Company, New York, 1943. Coast and Geodetic Survey SPec . Pub . 143, Wash-
BIRDSEYE, C. H.: Topographic Instructions of ington, D .C.
the U.S. Geol. Survry Bull. 788, Washington, HINKS, A. R. : " MapE and Survey," 3d ed.,
D .C., 1928. Cambridge University Press, London, 19 33.
BEAMAN, W . M.: Topographic Mapping, U .. LLOYD, M ALCOLM: " A Practical Trea tise on
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Bull. 788-E, Washington, D . ., 1928 . Company, Philadelphia, 1930.
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DEBENHAM, F.: "Exercises in artography," Washington, D.C., 1937.
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"Maps .. . and How to Understa nd Them," RIDGWAY, J. L.: The Preparation of Illustra.tions
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- --: "Some Notable Surveyors and Map- Reproduction of Unique and Rare Maps,
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- - - and O . S. ADAMS: Elements of Map Angus and Robertson, Ltd., Sydney, Australia,
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FIORINI, M.: "Erd- und Himmelsgloben, ihre ton, D.C.

A Anville, J ean Baptiste d', 34

map of Africa, 32
Abbeville, Nicolas Sanson d', 28, 29 ApianLls, Petrus, 25
Abbreviation~. 139 140
ApianLls, Philip, map of Bavaria, 30
Advertisements, maps for , 223
Arabic cartography, 15- 17
Aeronautical Chart Service, 229
school maps in, 17
celestial navigation charts of, 215
Archaeological maps, 313
night-flying charu of, 230
Aerosurveying, 185- 195 Areal graphs (m G raphs)
contouring instruments in, 190-1-91 " Argonauts" (first geogra phical society) , 31
equipment for , 186 Aristotle, 9
history of, 185 Armadillo projection , 83 , 84
laboratory work for, 188 Army Map Servicc, 225- 229
mosaics in, 192- 193 filing systems of, 321
multilens surveying in, 193- 195 grid systems of, 226- 229
photographic flight for , 187 world, 228
radial-line control i n , 191 , 192 maps of foreign countri es, 209
3tercoscopi c work in, 189- 190 new maps of, 190
Age of Reason in cartography, 33 radial-line plotting by, 226
Agncse, Battista, of Venice, 25 Artistic map , 223
Agriculture, maps of, 291 Astronomical maps, 309- 310
Ahaggar, map of, 4 " Bonn Durchmusterung," 309
Air Age , maps for, 296 moon , pictures of, 310
Air-mass analysis, 310 "Star Atlas," 309
Air-navigation charts, 214 star maps, 309
Air profiles, 310 "Atlas of American Agriculture," 311 , 313
Airplan photographs, cJa'lSification of, 185- 186 Atlases, 216-219
interpretation of, 196- 201 Atwood, Maj . Wallace W., Jr., 231,274,276
Airplane photography, history of. 41 Automobile road maps, 53, 222
in war maps, 226 Average-slop ' maps, 278- 279
Air-travel maps, 222 Azimuthal proj 'ctions, 80- 96
Airway maps, 214 equal-area, 86-87
Aitoff equal-area projection, 87 equidistant, 85- 86
Albe, Bacler d' , 39 Aztec map, 4
Alidade, 173
Allard, Carolus and Aberon, 27 B
Alma, Mich. , 130- 132
Altitude tints, 115- 116 Band W prints, 163
disadvantage of, 116 Babson Institute, model of U . . at, 270, 276
of General von HausJab, 115 Babylonian maps, S
hypsometric coloring in , 115 Bagley five-lens camera, 193- 194
mcrged , 116 Bagrow's dating of Ptolemy, 11
stereographic method of, 116 Ballistic problems, 113
America, first Lise of name, 23 Band graphs, 238
" American Atlas" (1794), 45, 48 Bar graph, 235
American cartograph y, 43- 53 Bar maps, 251
American Geographical Society, 52, 270 Barczy-Kogutowitz, language map 01 Hungary, 316
Hispanic American map series, 52 Barometric readings in compass traverse, 172
lettering on maps of, 136 Beaman arc, 174
'American Pilot, The," 45 Beatus, Saint, 14
Anaglyph, 191 Behaim, Martin, globe of, 24, 265
AnaJemma, 268, 269 Belcher Islands, Eskimo maps of, 4
Anaximander of Milctus, 7' Bellin, J. N., 34
Antipodes, 10 Ben Day process of tinting, 157
- Bench marks, 178, 179 Cameras, 153
Birht(IJDate of albumin, 156 aerial, 186
Bichromate of gelatin, 160 multilens, 187
Bilby steel tower in triangulation, 176 Canalized rivers, symbols for , 101
Biological Survey, U.S., 3\3 Canals, symbols for, 101
Birkett-Lewis atlases, 219 Caravel, 22
Black-and-white prints, 163 Carey, H. C. (Carey & I.('a), 4S
Blackboard maps. 183 Car y, Matthew, 45, 48
Blackboard sketching, 183 "Carte Gen. Bathym~triqu e des Oc~ans," 312
Blaeu, Cornelius, 27 "Carte G&'m~trique de la France," 39
Blaeu, Jan and Willem, 27 Cartograms, 256-264
"Atlas Major," 27 definition of, 256
"Atlas Novus," 27 rectangular statistical, 257
B1aeu, Will em Janszoon (1571 - 1638), 27,34, 175 value-area, 257
~. Block diagrams, 288, 301-308 Cassini, C&3r Fran~is (1714-1784) , 38
compartment, 308 ttiangulation of France by, 38
convelsion of map into, 302 C3SSiDi, Jean Dominique, 33, 34
D ufour, 305, 306 Castorius, 13
features on surface of, 304 Catalan atlas, 18
isometric, 307 Cataloguing of maps, 322, 323
land-use, 288 Cello type lettering, 140
perspective on 302-305 Cellulose acetate, 149
one-point, 302 Cement, rubber, 152
two-point, 304 , 305 Center of earth's land surface, 259
preparation of, 302, 304 Central-cylindrical projection, 69
profile sets for, 307 Central line, 238
sliced,304 \.....- Centrograms, 258 , 259
Block-pile maps, 252 of center of earth's land surface, 259
Block-pile system, 240 decilides in, 259
Blueprinting, 162 of J . E. Hilgard, 258
Board on Geographical Names, 141 - 143, 232 median point of, 259
Boggs, S. W., 55, 233, 264, 322 of modian point of earth's population, 259
" Bonn Durchmusterung" (star atlas), 309 pivotal point of, 258
Bonne projection, 78 quartiJides in , 259
Bonner-Price map of Boston (1722), 43 of Francis A. Walker, 258
Bonneville's map of the Great Basin, 49 Cerographic Atlas," 50
Boundaries, 99, 100 Chain of 66 feet, 167
ocean, 100 Champlain, Samuel de, 31
Chapin, R. M. , 223
river, 99
Chart of the world of 1599, 30
symbols for, 99
harts, 210-215
Braun and Hoefnagel city atlas, 28 history of, 210
British army and navy surveys, 44 sea and swell, 232
Brooks, Charles F ., climatic maps of, 311 war production of, 232
Brushes, 151 wet-strength paper, 232
Buell, Abel, map of U.S. (1789),45 (See also Graphs)
Bumstead, A. fl. , 52 Chase, Ernest Dudley, 224
Burgess tints, 157 pic to-maps of, 223
Burrus, Christopher, 310 Chia Tan, 7
Chinese maps, 6
C horochromatic maps, 245, 297
...........Choropleth maps, 249
Cabot, Sebastian, 23 Choroschematic maps, 245
Cahill's butterfly projection, 92 Christian Science Monitor, war maps of, 234
Galifornia, 34 Chronometer, 34
as ~ island, 34 Circle, division of, by Babylonians, 5
fault hnes in, 312 Circular graplu, 239
Camera lucida, chanJrinR' scale by, 56- 57 Cin:umference of the earth, 57
Cities on maps, 99, 132, 139 '-"'C ontour finder, 190
functional types of, 131 - Contour interval, 106
lettering of names of, 139 L Contour lines, 106- 109
symbols of, 99 of Buache, 107
City, functional map of, 289 of Cruquius, 107
City maps, 220, 221 drawing of, 107
in war, 231 - 232 Dupain-Triel map with, 107
"Civitates Orbis Terrarum," 28 figures of elevation in, 109
Clarke's minimum-error projection, 85 generalized, 109
Clavus, 19 history of, 107
Climatic maps, 311 , 314-315 (ill.) hypsographic curves in, 106
of" Atlas of American Agriculture," 3 11 illuminated, 116
by Bartholomew, 311 key to land forms on map, 125
by Berghaus, 311 maps with , 108- 109, 125
by Brooks, 311 in plane-tabling, 175
by Klippen and Geiger, 311 shaded, 107
,_..climatographs, 244 (See alto Profiles)
Coast and Geodetic Survey, U.S., 210- 212 Contouring, 106- 114
coastal slope maps, 312 Contouring instruments, aerasurveying, 190- 191
"Explorer" (survey ship) , 212 Conventional projections, 91 - 96
grid system of, 206 Copper cuts, 157
isogonic charts of, 310 Copper engraving, 22, 156
isoporic charts of, 310 Copyright of maps, 324
target charts of, 230 Coronelli, P. Vincenzo (1650- 1718), 31
triangulation tables of, 178 . globes of, 265
triangulation towers of, 176 Corps of Engineers, U.S. , 208
Code index, 284-286 Casa, Juan de la, 23
for buildings, 285 Cosmographiac, 25
fractional, 284- 286 County atlases (1860- 1900), 51
ollections of maps, 321 Craftint, 157, 158
Color-patch map, 245 Crates, globe of, 10, 11
Coloring in field sketching, 182 Cressey, G. B., 252, 292
Colors, filtering, 160 Cruz, Caiio y Olmedilla de la, 35
separation of, 159 Curtis, G. C., models of, 53, 276
on war maps, 230 Curve of continuous variation, 237
water, 151 Cut and fill problems in profiles, 112
" Colton Atlas," 50 Cylindrical projections, 65, 80
Commodity movements, map! of, 293-2 4 equal-area, 69
Compartment diagrams, 308
Compass, sighting, 169 D
Compass roses, 145,213
Compass traverse, 170- 173 Darby, H. C ., 317
preparation of map from , 172 atum plane, 107
Composition of maps, 144- 146 on charts, 213
Conformal projections, 64, 66 Davis, William Morris, 119, 30t
general formula for, 66 field sketching by, 180
Conic projections, 12, 73- 79, 80 volumetric diagrams of, 243
Albers 74 Decilides, 259- 260
tables, 76 Degree, length of, 59
Bonnes, 78 Delisle, Guillaume, 34
equal-area, 74 Delisle-Buache map of 1752, 45
millionth map of the world in, 78 Demarcation line of 1498, 60
Ptolemy'S, 12 ensity of population, maps of, 253- 255
secant of, 74 rural, 219
simple, 73 towns and villages, 129
with two standard parallels, 74 Depth in sketching, designation of, 182
Contarini (1506), 23 Developer, photographic, 188
on tour density indicator, 278 Dewitt, Simeon, 45
Diacritical marks, 142 Ebstorf map, 15 ,t ' t , ft- ."..··jr·

Diagrammatic maps in teaching, 256 Eckert projection, 71 ·r

Diagrams (see Graphs) onographs, 242
Dilloway, A. j., 90 L Economic maps, 291-295 p' ...

Dimensions of the earth, 57 Edris! map of 1154, 17 .,

ellipticity of, 57 Egyptian land surveys, 6 1.
Hayford's (1909), 57 Ellipses, construction of, 70
Picard's, 57 Ellipticity of the earth, 57
Directional graphs, 242 English cartography of the 18th century, 34-35
Directions in surv ying, 168 English School of the Renaissance, 29- 30
with compass traverses, 171 EngraVing, wax, 50, 161 - 162
in leveling, 178 Enlumineurs, French, 28
in plane tabling, 173 Equal-area projections, 64, 74, 86-87
in triangulation, 176 Equation of time, 60
Disk-shaped Earth of the Babylonian~, 5-6 Equator, 58
Distances on maps, judging of, 168, 173 Equircctangular projections, 65-66
measuring of, 95- 96 Equivalent projections, 64
with compass traverse, 171 Eratosthenes, 9- 10
by leveling, 178 calculations of earth's size by, 9- 10
with plane table, 174 map of the world by, 10
by surveying, 167- 168 parallels and meridians of, 10
by triangulation, 176 Error of closure, 172
Distortion of projections, 94 Escape maps, 232
Divider, proportional, 153 Eskimo maps, 3-4
Dominant distribution maps, 245 European theatcr maps, 226
Doncker, Justus and Cornelius, 27 Evans, Lewis, map of " Middle British Colonies 1755.'
Doolittle, Amos, 45 44
Dot maps, 250
placing of dots on, 250
Exercises, 325-331
choropleth map, 329
Drafting of maps, 146- 147 coloring, 325
enlarged drawing in, 146 compass traverse, 328
inking in . 147 composition, 329
painting out imperfections in, 147 contour Jines, 327
in pencil, 146 coordination, muscular , 325
proportion in, 146 diagrams, 329- 330
Drawing-instrument sets, 152 drawing instrument, 326
use of, 326 Dufour diagram, 330
(See also Drawing tools) econo.nllc maps, 329
Drawing maps, sequence of, 146- 147 enlargement, 326
Drawing materials, 148- 155 hachuring, 327
Drawing table, 154 imaginary map, 328
Drawing tools, 148- 155 land-slope analysis, 330
l..- Dufour diagrams, 305- 306 land-type map, 331
maps of Switzerland by, 104-105 land-utilization survey, 330
Duodecimal system of the Babylonians, 5 lettering, 325, 328
Duplicator processes, 162- 163 make-up, 328
Dutch School of Cartography, 25- 28 mOdels, 330
Duval, Pierre, 28 physiographic map, 328
Dynamic maps, 260-264 plane-tabling, 328
plastic shading, 327
E Progressive Military Grid, 329
projection, 327
Earth, center of land surface, 259 reduction of scale, 326
dimensions of, 57 statistical map, 329
median point of population, 259 symbols, 327
spherical form of, 9 topographic model, 330
Ebner Codex, 19 Extranational maps, 206
IN.DEX 345
F Geography maps, 318- 320
rendering of, 320
Fathometer, 210 (See also Regional analysis maps)
Federal Board of Survey and Maps, 207 Geological columns, 299- 300
Ferro's meridian, 60 Geological maps, 297-301
Fiducial marks, 188 columns on, 299- 300
Field sketching, 180-184 geomorphologic, 301
Fishe.r level, 178 Glacial Map of North America, 301
Fitch, John, 45 history of, 297
Fitc, E. D., 43 paleogeographic, 300-301
Fixative, 153 profiles on, 299
Flat are, construction of, 95 sections on, 299
Flat colors, 159 symbols on, 298
filtering of, 159-160 in U.S. atlases, 297
in light-blue pulls, 159 of th" world. 297
opaquing n 'gatives with, 159 Geological sections, 299
separation with, 159 Geological urvey, U.S., 203- 204, 208
in silver prints, 159 grid system of, 206, 207
Flatland ratio curve, 282 topographic sh ets of, 203- 204
Flatland ratio maps, 279 Geological symbols, 298
Flight, photographic, 187 Geomorphological map, 301
Flight index assemblies, 193 "Gcsellschaft und Wirtschaft," 242
Folders, map, 321 Gilbert, Grove Karl , block diagram of, 301
area-breakdown system in, 321 Glacial Map of North America, 301
Folding of maps, 323 Glendinning, R. M ., 288
Forest Service, U.S., 20B Global maps, B3
Foster, John, map of New England (1677), 43 Globes, 24, 265-270
Fractional code index, 2B4 analemma on, 269
Framingham , Mass., airplane photograph, 200 axis of, 267
France, triangulation of, by Cassini, 38 of Martin Behairn, 265
Franklin, Benjamin, printing pres.~ of, 44 celestial, 270
Freeman, A., 43 of Coronelli, 265
Fremont survey, 51 cradle for, 26B
French cartography of the Renais.~ance, 28- 29 gores, 266- 267
Frisius, Gemma, 25 in higher education, 266
Fry-Jefferson map of Virginia, 45 history of, 24, 25
Functional map, city, 289 large, 270
Furlong of 660 feet, 167 meridian ring on, 268
outlinc, 269
G physical, 269
planetarium, 270
Gall's projection, 68 of Reclus , 270
Gamboge, 157 relief, 270
Gazetteers in war, 232 of Johann ch5ner, 265
Geer, Sten de, 254 transparent, 269
General Land Office, U.S., 45, 208 use of, 265
General land-slope curve, 282 winter and summer, 266
"Geographia" of Ptolemy, 11
Globular projection, 91
G ographic namell, 141-143
Gnomonic charts, 82
conventional EngHsh in, 141- 142
Gnomonic projection, 80, 81-82
diacritical marks in, 142
Golden Age of Dutch cartography, 26
lists of, 143
Good interrupted homalographic projection, 71
principles of, 141 - 143
spelling of, 143 Government maps, 202- 209
toponymies of, 141 radient, 277
transliteration systems of, 142- 143 Grads,61
U.S. Board on Geographic Names, 141 "Grand Atlas d'Aliemagne, 35
Geographicl1/ ReView, 223 "Grand Sovi t Atlas," 217, 218
Graphs, 235- 244 Hemispheres, 62
areal,239 Herbe.rtstein, map of Russia of, 30
band,237 Hereford map, 15
bar, 235 Hilgard, J. E., 258
directional, 242 Hill, John, 45
line, 236, 238 Hipparchw, 10
logarithmic line, 237 Hispanic American map series, 52
percentage, 238 Historical cartography, 41
pictorial, 236, 241 Historical maps, 317
spoke, 242 of H. C. Darby, 317
staircase. 235 of C. O. Paullin, 317
star, 242 orJ. K. Wright, 317
three-dimensional, 240 Hitchcock, Edward, 297
two-dimensional, 239 Holmes, William H., 52, 180
unit, 236 Homalographic projection, 70
volumetric diagrams, 243 Homalosine projection, 71
Great Britain, army and navy surveys of, 44 Homann, J. B., 35
Directorate of Military Survey, 225 Homem, portolan charts of, 18
grid reference on maps in, 228 Hondius,Jodocus (1563- 1611), 26
Ordnance Survey of, 39 Hooton, Earnest, racial maps of, 316
war maps of, 225 Horizon circle, 80
Great circle, 67 Horizontal control in leveling, 178
Great Discoveries, 22 Horizontal form lines, 116
Great Surveys (1870-1900),51,52 Horrabin, J. F., 318
Greenwich, meridian at, 60 Hsieh Chuang, wooden map of, 7
Grid information, 227 Hudson, G. Donald , 217
Grid reference box, 228 Humboldt, Alexander von, 41
rid systems, 226- 229 Hungary, language maps of, 316
British, 226- 228 Hutchins, Thomas, 45
reference box of, 227, 228 Hydrographic Office, U.S., 82, 208, 210, 214, 312
25-1etter, 229 "Hydrographie Fran~ise," 34
U.S. Military, 228 Hydrography, 100-102
in war, 226 Hypsographic curves, 106, 281
world polyconic, 228 Hypsographoid , 281 - 282
Guidelines, lettering, 137 Hypsometric coloring, 115


Hachuring, 103- 105 Ice atlases, 232, 312

caterpillar and pine branch , 104 Illumination, vertical and oblique, 105
in Dufour maps of Switzerland, 105 Index figures and letters, 246
spot heights in, 104 Indian maps, 4, 5
Half-tone process, 158 Ink, 138, 150-151
surprint in, 159 colored, 151
Halley's magnetic chart, 30 India, 150
Hammer, E., tilt tables, 90 retainer for, 138
Hammond's "LOO8e Leaf Atlas," 217 white, painting out, 151
"Handbuch del' Klimatologie," 311 Inking of a map, 147
Hanno, 5 Insets, 145
Harrison, R. E., 90, 223, 233 Interdigitation, 245- 246
Hartshorne, R., 292 International Map of the World (1 :1,000,000), 40, 52,
Harvard Observatory, coordinal of, 60 78, 226
Hassler, Ferdinand, 78 International maps, 40, 52, 78, 206
Hawlab, General von, 115 Interrupted projection~ , 92
Haversine, 96 Ionian geographers, 7
ayden lurvey, 52 Irrigation problems in profiles, 112
ecataeus of Miletus, 7 Isarithm, 247
Hectograph, 162 pbodic maps, 263
Isobars, 247 Land-slope analysis, 277-282
sochronic maps, 262-26~ averag -slope maps, 278-279
Isogones, 247 contour density indicator, 278
sogonic charts, 310 flatland ratio curve, 282
lsogram, 247 flatland ratio maps, 279
lsohyets, 247 general land-slope curve, 282
Isohypses, 247 hypsographic curve, 281
Isometric blocks, 307 hypsographoid, 281
on cboropleth map, 249 relative relief maps, 280- 281
Isopleth maps, 248- 250 slope-category map, 278
and dot maps, 250 steepness of slope expressed, 277
showing percentages, 248 trachographic maps, 281
Isopleth models, built-up, 248 Wentworth method, 279
Isopletru, 246-247, 250 Land-type maps, 122, 296
Isotachic maps, 264 Land use, map reading of, 125-132
Isotherms, 247 Land-use maps, 283-291 , 296
Isotimal map, 264 block diagrams for, 288
Italian cartography in the 18th century, 3S code index on, 284-286
Italian Renaissance, 24, 25 functional, for cities, 288- 290
Java, 287
J large-scale, 286, 287
medium- and small-scale, 290-291
Jaeger, J. G. A., 35 profiles on, 288
Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, 29 of Soil Conservation Service, 287
Janszoon, Jan (1596-1664), 26 Spanish (1 :50,000), 287
Janszoon, Nicholas and Carl, 27 survey of Grcat Britain by, 283
Java, residency maps of, 287 of urban geography, 288
Jefferson, Thomas, 45 Land Utilization Survey, Great Britain, 283
Jeffery's atlases, 45 New England, 284-286
Jerome, Saint, 14 Landform maps, 119- 122, 295
Jerusalem, placement of, in Medieval maIM, 15 advantages of, 122
Jesuit fathers in China, 7 of William Morris Davis, 119
Jones, Lloyd A., 248 disadvantages of, 122
Jones, Wellington D., 248 history of, 52
of A. K. Lobeck, 119
K Landing maps 232
Landscape maps, 295- 296
Kabinetskarte (1 :50,000), 35 colors on , 295, 296
Kantography , 116- 11 7 winter, 296
Karak,22 Landscape sketching, 180
Kay, G. Marshall, 300 Landscapes from contour lines, 113
Key to projections, 92 Language maps, 316- 317
King survey, 52 grouped-circ1e system, 317
Kircher, Athanasius, 310 of Hungary, 316- 317
Kitiro, Tanaka, 116- 118 Laplace stations, 177
Klippen and Geiger, "Handbuch der Klimatologie," 311 Latitude, determination of, 59
Latitude, origin of term, 9
L Latitudes, measuring of, 58-59
Lazius maps of Austria and Hungary, 30
Lafreri Atlas, 25 Legend, map, 144
Liliire's projection, 85 Legendary rivers of the West, 50
Lake surveys, 214 Lehmann system of hachuring, 103, 104
Lambert projections 75, 230 Le Roy lettering sets, 140, 141
conformal, 230 Lettering, 133- 143
conformal conic, 75 of the American Geographical Society, 136
Land forms, key to recognition of, 125 Cellotype, 140
(Set also Landform maps) devices for, 140, I,U
Land bemisphere. 62 float, 140
Lettering, history of, 133 Map reading, of land use, 125- 132
position of names in, 138-139 from density of population, 129- 131
of the Royal eographical Society, 136 of cities, 131
rules of, 137-138 rural, 129
stick-up, 140 of towns and villages, 129- 131
with stub pen, 137 from functional types of cities, 131
swash lines in , 133 from rainfall, 125
t ypes of, 134-135 sample of, 131- 132
of U.S. Gcological Survey, 134 of slope, 125
Letters, 134-138 structure-process-stage sequence of, 124
direction of, 138 Mapparium (Boston, Mass.), 270
placing of, 138 Maps of primitive peoples, 3- 5
shape of, 134 Marginal information, topographiC, 205- 206
size of, 134 Marin sUrVeys, 210
spacing of, 138 Marinus of Tyre, 5
spreading of, 134- Marshall Islanders, charts uf, 3
types of, 134-135 Marshes, symbol for, 102
Lcvel, spirit, 169 Maury, Matthew F. (1806-1783),311
'Leveling, 178- 179 Measuring distances on maps, 95-96
Lewis, Samuel, 45 by surveying, 167, 168
Line cut, 156 Mcdian line, 238
Line graphs, 236-238 M edian point of earth's population, 259
averaging of, 238 Mcditerranean, length of, 12, 19, 34
central line on, 238 Mclish, John, 48
logarithmic, 237 M endelecv Institute (of centrography), 258
median line on, 238 M ercator, Gerardus (1512- 1594),26
Lithography, 50, 51, 160 M ercator projection , 6H9, 87
Lithomat prints, 163 scale for , 68
Litterly and Pierce 96 sinusoidal, 69
Lobeck, A. K., 53, 11 9 tables for, 66- 67
Logarithmic linc graphs, 237 transvcn;e, 87
Longitude, 9, 33-34 58- 59 Meridians, 57-62
determi nation of, 59 prime, 60
m easurements of by French Academy, 33, 34 Meridional projection, 87
origin of term, 9 Metric system, 61
variation of, 58-59 conversion figures for, 58
Loran charts, 212, 232 Migration maps, 261
Loxodromes, 67 Military grid system, 206, 226
Luccrna, R., 116, 117 Miller, O . M., 69
Millionth map, world (1 :1,000,000) , 40,52
M history of, 40
projection of, 78
Mackin, T. R. , 323 in war, 226
Maclure, William, 297 ..-Mils, 61
Macrobius maps, 15 Mimeograph, 163
MagelJan, Ferdinand, 24 M;ineral products, maps of, 292
Magnetic pole, 169 Mississippi River Survey, 214
Magnetism of earth, maps of, 310 Mitchell, John, 44
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus, 50
Magnus, Oleus, 30
Models (see Relief models)
Mantle maps, 308
Modern maps, time chart of, 36-37
Manufacturing, maps of, 292- 293
Moll, Hermann, 34
ManUSCript maps, 3- 18 Mollweide projection and table, 70
p cases, 321

l: p collections, 321
ap Information Office, U.S., 207
Map reading, 124-132
Monroe Doctrine, 62
Moon, pictures of, 310
Morphographic maps, 119, 122
Morse, J edidiah, geography of, 48
key to land forms in, 125 Morse, Sidney Edwards, wax engraving by, 50, 161 ..
IN D EX 349
Mosaics, airplane photograph, 192-193 Ordnance Survey of Great Britain {ste Great Britain }
Mounting of maps, 322, 323 Orientation, 61
Munster, ebastian, 25 Orrery, 270
Multilens aerosurveying, 193- 195 Orte1ius, Abraham, 26
Multiplex aeroprojector, 190-191, 226 Orthoapsidal projections, 83- 84
Orthographic projection 82- 83
N in war maps. 233
Orthomorphic projections, 64
Names, 139- 143 Ozalid proeess, ] 63
city, 139
diacritical marks on, 142 p
of geographic fealures, 142
lists of, 143 Pacing, 167
mountain, 139 Padr6n Real , 24
river, ]39 Paleogeographic maps, 300
spelling of, 143 Pantograph, 153
Napoleon, and support of surveys, 39 for changing scale, 56
Nashville, Tenn., profile of, 289 Parallels and meridians, 54, 57-62, 144
National atlases, 41 , 217 Parawax, 322
National Geographic, 223 Paris, Matthew, 15
National Geographk Society, 52 Paullin, C. 0., 43, 317
National survcys, 3S 0 Pei Hsiu, 6
Nautical mile, 61 Pencils, 149- 150
Navy H ydrographiC Office, 82, 208, 210, 214, 312 Penck, Prof. Albrecht, 40
" Ncptune Fran!;ais" (1693), 29 Pendleton, William (lithographer), 50
Ntw York Timu war maps, 234 Penfield, . L. , 90
Newsmaps, 233 Pens, 150, ]52-153
Newspap ' 1' maps in war, 233, 234 People's hemisphere, 62
Night-flying charts, 230 Percentag graphs, 238
Nomograph , 91 Persian Empir maps, ')
Norman, John , 45 Perspective, 302, 340
North American Datum , 177 blocks construction of, 305
Nubian gold mine, map of, 6 one-point, 302
Numbering of topographic sheets, 204 two-point, 304, 350
Nylon maps, 232 Pcrtbes, Justus, 41
"Peut.inger Table," 13
o Phoenician maps, 5
Photoengraving, 156
Oblique projections, azimuthal , 80- 81 , 82- 83, 86, 88- 91 Photogelatin, 162
construction of, 88 Photographic flight, 187- 188
transformation of. with radial scale, 88 Photographs, redrawing of 182
by rotation m ethod , 90 Photography, aerial (see Aerosurveying; Airplane)
by spherical coordinates, 89 Photomaps, 230
from stereographic, 88 Photomat prints, 163
Obsolete maps, 321 Photostat, for copying maps, 55
Oc anography, 3]1 - 312 Physiographic diagram, 122
Oekumene, 9, 10 Physiographic symbols, 120- 121
Office of Strategic rvices, 229 Picard, measurement of radius of eal·th by, 57
Office of War Informati n , 233 Picto-maps, 223-224
Offset printing, ]61 Pictorial maps, 223- 224
Ogilvie, John, road strip maps of, 30 Pictorial statistical maps, 253
Ogle, G. A., county maps of, 51 Pictorial unit graphs, 236, 241
Ohio, relative r lief map, 280 Pie graphs, 239
Oldest map, 5 on maps, 251 - 252
Olives, portolan charts of, 18 Pilot charts, 214, 312
One-point perspective, 302 Pisan chart of 1300, 17
Opaquing negatives, 160 Pivotal point, 258
"Orbis Terrarum," 12, 14, 15 Plane charts, 66
Plane tabling, 173- 175 Projections, equivalent, 64
Planetarium, 270 .... al1'5, 68
Planimeters, 155 for global map!l, 83
Planography, 161 globular, 91
Plastic shadiftg, 105- 106 gnomonic, 80 , 81-82
illumination with, 105 Goode interrupted homalographic, 71
negative effect of relief in,. l 05 homalographic, 70
PM, war maps in, 234 homalosine, 71
Poles. 58 interrupted, 92
Polyconic projection." 77 key to, 92
Polyhedric projection, 78 LaHire's, 85
Population, density of, 129- 131 Lambert conformal conic, 75, 230
in a city, 131 Mercator, 66-69, 87
maps of, 253- 255 Mercator-Sanson-Flamsteed, 69
in rural areas, 129 meridional, 87
in town and village, 129- 131 Mollweide, 70
Port shipping plots, 231 table, 70
Portolan charts, 17- 18 oblique, 80- 81 82- 83, 86, 88~91
Posidonius, mea.~urement of earth by, 10 orthoapsidal, 83-84
Post Office Department, 208 orthographic, 82-83
Powell survey, 52 orthomorphic, 64
Preservation of maps, 321 , 322 polar, 80, 81 , 82, 86
Preuss, Charles (Fremont surveys) , 51 polyconic, 77
Prime meridian, 60 polyhedric, 78
Principal points on photographs, 190 sinusoidal , 69
Printing and engraving, invention of, 22 star, 92
Private cartography, 19th century, 40-42 stereographic, 84
Private maps, 216-224 for topographic sheets, 204
Proctor, R . A., 309 transverse, 87
Profile diagram, 307 Mercator, 87
Profiles, 109- 114, 299, 311 Van der Grinten's, 92
air, 311 zenithal, 80- 96
animated, 299 Proportional divider, 153
paper, 110 Protractors, 153
vertical exaggeration on, 110- t 11 Ptolemy, 10- 12, 19
zonal, 311 Putnam's "Economic Atlas of the World ," 295
Projections, 63-96 Pytheas, 8, 9
Aitoff equal-area, 87
Albers, 74 Q
tables, 76
armadillo, 83, 84 Quartilides, 259
azimuthal, 80-96
Cahill's butterfly, 92 R
central-cylindrical, 69
Clarke's minimum-error, 85 Race, maps of, 316-317
classification of, 64 Radar charts, 231
conformal, 64, 65 Radial scale, 88
conic, 73- 79, 80 Radial-line control, 191
construction of, 64 Radioacoustic charting, 211
conventional, 91 - 96 Radius of the earth, 57
cylindrical, 65, 80 Railroad maps, 221
cylindrical equal-area, 69 symbols on, 99
defined, 63 of traffic density, 261
Eckert, 71 Raisz, Erwin, 84, 119, 183, 233, 257, 292
equal-area, 64, 74, 86- 87 "Atlas of Global Geography," 233
equatorial, 81 , 82, 84 "Rectangular Statistical Cartogram," 25 7
equidistant, 85-86 RaIDlCS II, land survey of Egypt, 6
equirectangu1ar, 65 Rand McNally & Co., "Commercial Atlas," 217
ReclWl globe, 270 Reproduction of maps, color separation in, 159- 160
,..B.ectangular graphs, 239 . copper cuts for , 157
" ectangular StatiJtical Cartc>gram," 257 copper engraving in, 156-157
Rectoblique plotter, 194 duplicator processes for, 162- 163
Reformation of cartography, ;12-42 flat colors for, 159
Regional analysis maps, 319- ;121 half-tone process, 158
of agriculture, 319 lithography in, 160
airplane photographs for, 3:~0 offset printing in, 161
climatic, 320 photoengraving in, 156
of density of QOQulation, 32() {>hoto~elatin in, 162
geological, 319 Ross board for, 159
ofland use, 319 surprint halftones for, 159
locational, 319 three-color process for, 160
of manufacturing, 320 tints for, 157, 158
of mining, 321 wax engraving in , 161
political, 319 Reservoir problems in profiles, 112
of recreation, 320 Residency maps of Java, 287
of social conditiona, 320 Rhumb lines on portolan charts, 18
of soil, 319 Ribera, Diego, 23- 24
of transportation, 320 Rice, Hamilton, 185
Reichskarte (1 :100,0 0), 40 Richthofen Ferdinand von, 41
Relative-relief maps, 280 Ridgway, John L., 299
Relief methods, combina'!ons of, 118 Ring graphs, 239
Relief models, 271 - 276 RiJtow, Walter W ., 2.8
Babson Institute, 276 Ritter, Karl, 41
cardboard cutting for, 272 Rivers, 100-101
casting, 273 legendary, of the West .~~
finishing, 274 lettering of names of, 139
hammered,275 symbols for braided , 100
history of, 271 canalized, 101
metal, 274 intermittent, 100
negative m ethod of making, 273 meandering, 100
pasting maps on, 27 4 Rizzi-Zannoni, G. A. (1734- 1814), J5
plastic, 274 Roads, 98 , 11 1, 222, 232
positive method oE making, ~/'2 laying out or, 111
rubber, 231 , 274 maps of, 222
spot-height method of makil'g, 275 symbols for, 98
vertical xaggeration in , 271 war maps of, 232
vinylite, 274 Robinson, Arthur H., 229
in war, 230- 231 Rod (16lft.) , 167, 168
Relief, negative effect of, 106 stadia, 168
representation of, 102- 123 Rogers, W . B. , 297
by altitude tints, 11 5 Roman cartography, 12- 14
by combination of m ethodS, 118 Ross board, 149, 158-159
by contouring, 106- 114 Rotogravure, 162
by hachuring, 103- 105 " Royal Relief Atlas," London (1 884), 274
history of, 103 Rubber cement 152
by horizontal form lines, 1 16 Rubber models, 274
by kantography , 116 Ruellan, Francis, compartment diag(am, 308
by landform method, 11 9...-122 Russian writing, 142
by morphographic method, 119- 122
by plastic shading, 105- 106
profiles in, 109- 114
by trachographic method, 122 · 123 Sautter house. Augsburg, 35
Religion, maps of, 316 Sanborn maps, 290
Renaissance, time chart of, 20.--21 Sanson, Nicolas d' Abbeville (1600- 1667 ) , 28
Reproduction of maps, 156-16~ map of lost Atlantis by, 29
Ben Day tints for, 157 Sanson-Flamsteed projection, 69
352 INDEX t_1 I
Saxton, Christopher (1542-1608?), 2.9 Spheroid, 177
ale, 54-57, 153 Clarke, 177
S. W. Boggs, 55 International (Hayford), 177
changing of, 55-57 Spirit level 169
with camera lucida, 57 Spoke graphs, 242
with pantograph, 56 Square-graph maps, 252
by square method, 56 Square graphs, 239
graphic, 54 Square method for changing scale of map, 56
inch-to-mile, 54 Stadia method for distances, 168
large, 54 Stadia reading, 174
numerical, 54 Stadia rod, 168
of photographs, 187 Staircase graph, 235
small, 54 Star graphs, 242
transformation of, 55 Star maps, 309
Scaph, 8 Star projections, 92
Schenck, Pietcr, and Pieter, Jr., 27 Stars, photographs of 309 rl""
Schmettau, Count F. W. von, 35 State Department, U.S., 233
Schllner, Johannes, 24 Geographic ection of, 233
globe of, 265 war maps of, 233
School atlases, 218- 219 State grids, 178
Sciences, maps of, 309- 320 State surveys, 19th century, 45
Sea and swell charts, 232 Statistical maps, 245-255
Section liners, 153 with individual diagrams, 251
Seismologic maps, 312 pictorial , 253
enefdder, Alois, 160 teepness of slope, 277
Sepia prints, 163 Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, <I
Serial maps, 253 Stereographic method of altitude tints, 115
Sextant, 169 Stereographic projection , 84
Shading, statistical map, 247- 248 Stereoscopic vision, 189- 191
Shadows in airplane photos, 199- 201 Stewart, William, county atlases of, 51
Shapes on photographs, 197 Stick-up lettering, 140
Sheldon's tapestry maps, 30 Stieler's " Handatlas ,'~ 218
Sboran, 188, 211 Stilgenbauer, F. D ., 254
Shore lines, 102 Stone, Leonard, 248
Shrinkage maps, 262-263 Submarine canyons, 312
Silver prints, 159 Suburban homes, road map to, 224
Sinusoidal projection, 69 Surprint half-tones, 159
Sketching, fidd , 180-184 Surveying, 167- 179
Slope, steepness of, 277 Surveys, lake and river, 214
lope-category map, 278 land-use index for , 284- 286
Slotted templates, 192 marine, 210
Smith, Guy-Harold, map by, 254, 280 Swamps, symbol for, 102
Smith, J. Russell, vegetation map of, 314-315 Swash lines, 28, 133
mith, Captain John, 31 L Symbols, 97-102
Smith, William, geological map, 1824,297 boundary, 99
S&lerlund, Alfred, 2) 9 canal, 101
Soil Conservation Service maps, 287 canalized river, 101
Sono-radio buoys, 211 on 'charts, 212
Sorte, Crescencio 25 city, 97
Sound, use of, for measuring distances, 168 color of, 97
"South America," 35 cultural, 99
Spanish cartography 18th century, 35 definition of, 97
Spanish maps (1 :50,000), 287 on foreign maps, 232
Spclling of geographic names, 143 geological, 298
Spezialkarte (1 :75,000), 40 for hydl'ography, 100
phere-graph maps, 252 marsh, 102
Spherical excess, 176 physiographic, 120-121
Spherical triangle, 96 rai lroad, 99
ymbols, river, 100 Topographic battalions, 232
road,98 Topographic mapping, 203, 209
shore line, 102 history of, 202
standardization of, 102 progress of, 203
swamp, 102 of the world, 209
topographic sheet, 205 Topographic sheets, 203-207
cUvisions of, 204
T lettering on, 205
marginal information on, 205
T-squares, 152 military grid system on, 206
Tables, 154-155 numbering of, 204
drawing, 154 projections for, 204
tracing, 155 seales of, 203
transparent, 154 symbols for , 205
Tabulae Modernae, 19 - Toponymies, 141
Tanner, Benjamin, 45, 133 Touring Club of Milan, atlas of, 216
Tanner, H nry Schenck (1786-1858) , 48-49 rachographie maps, 281
Tapes, surveying, 168 Trachographic method, 122
"Taprobana," 11 Tracing cloth, 148
Target charts, 230 Tracing papers, 148
Taylor, Griffith, 242, 308 Tracing table, 155
Teleki, Count, language maps of, 317 Traffic-flow maps, 260
Telescopic a1idadc, 173 Transit, 169
Templates, slotted, 192 Transparent table, 154
Terrain diagrams, 122 Transverse Mereator projection, 87
Terrain models, 276 Transverse projections, 87
(See also Relief models) Traverse, compass, 170-173
Textbook maps, 220 Triangl graphs, 240, 244
Texture on photographs, 198- 199 Triangles, 152
" Theatrum Orbis Terrarum" (1570), 26 Triangular diagrams, 240, 244
_ Theodolite, 169 angulation, 34, 175- 178
reading angles with, 177 Triangulation of Franc (Cassini), 38
Thornthwaite, C. W. 261 Trimctrogon photography, 194
Three-color process, 160 Tuckernuck Island, Mass., 211
Three-dimen.qional graphs, 240 Thmer, James, 44
"Thule," 9
Tilt tables, 90 U
Tim charts, 318
Time Charts, of Antiquity, 8 United tates, time chart of, 46-47
'the Middle Ages, 16 United States Government mapping agencies, 208- 209
modern maps, 36, 37 (Su also specific agencies, as: Coa,t and Geodetic
the Rennaissance 20, 21 Survey)
United States, 46, 47 Urban geography, maps of, 288
Time, equation of, 60 Uzefovich, M ., 96
"Times Survey Atlas," 217
"T-in-O" maps, 14- 15 V
Tints, 157-158, 247, 248
altitude, 15, 116 VaIk, Gerald and Leon.ard, Tl
Ben Day, 157 Value-area cartograrns, 257
Burgess, 157 Van der rinten projection, 92
cellophane, 157 Vandyke process, 163
Craftint, 157, 158 Vanishing point 302
hand-drawn, 157 Vargas, Tomas Lopez de, 39
single- and double-tone sheets, 158 Variation, 196
Zip-a-tone, 157 Veatch, E. A., 321
Tissue overlay, 157 L-Vegetation maps, 312- 315
Title, map, 144 Vellum.~, 148
Tone, in photographs, 197-198 Vernier, 170
Vertical control in leveling, 178 Weather maps, 310-311
Vertical exaggeration, 110-111, 182, 271, 272 Wentworth method of slope analysis, 279
in mode1J, 271 - 272 Western surveys, Army, 52
in profiles, 110-111 Whccler survey, 52
in sketching, 182 White, Helen M., diagrammatic maps of, 256
View finder; photographic, 186 Williams, A. B., syst m of cataloguing of, 322
Vinylit , relief models of, 274- Wilson, James, globe maker, 4-8
Virginia, map of, by John Smith, 31 Wilson, Leonard, 322
Visher, Stephen, 244- Wind roses, 242
Vi~ibility problems in profiles, 112 Winsor, Justin, 43
Vissher, Nicholas, and Nicholas, Jr., 27 Wit, De, 27
Volumetric diagrams, 243 "World Reference Atlases," 218
Vougondy, Didier Robert de, 28, 34 Wrico lettering sets, 14<>, 141
Vougondy, Gilles Robert de, 28, 34 Wright, A. J. , manufacturing map of, 292
Wright, Edward, 30
W Wri ht, J. K. , 317
Wright, T. K., 43
Waibel, Leo, 313
Waldseemuller, Martin, 23 y
Walker, Francis A., 258
Walker, Juan P dro, 49 y level, 178
Wall map', 219- 220
Walling, Henry F., 51
" War Atlas for Americans," 233
War maps, 225-234 Zip-a-tone process, 157
Washington, George, surveyor, 45 Zonal profiles, 307
Wax engraving. 50, 161 - ,(;2 Zoogeography maps, 313

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