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“The Bias Of Our Mind”

By the son of Sorrow and Joy, B.P. Lovecraft

Section 1;

Unconscious Jargon

The mind is the most bias instrument we possess. It seeks to do nothing but embrace ignorance at the
most needed times. It is mostly your worse bane in the worst times. However, there is something that can
help you combat the weakness that really is the human mind.

The unconscious is the largest part that exist in our human mind. It possesses all the knowledge we have
not came to known. the unconscious mind, of course, is what hypno therapists target within their sessions.
It is like a record of all the things we have sought to repress in our lives. If we were to tap all the hidden
potential of it, we would be able to excel to such heights in our lives that we would continue to even
amaze ourselves.

One of the things that I do as a general principle in my own personal life, is to face any sort of emotion or
thought that may occur. Often, we seek to run away from our feelings and issues, whether we are aware of
the fact or not. This has been one thing that has really increased my personal potential of my mind.

The unconscious mind is one of the most tricky things you could ever run across.. Think of the
unconscious mind like something that is all the things that have yet to happen for you in life. It is often
related with both dreams and rapid eye movement sleep. Some people believe in a theory, that when we
dream, we are actually living through the situation as if it were real, because of the realms we are bound
within the dream state. This can even be brought even a step further with the belief that all dreams are
future visions of things that will occur on some level in our life later on.

Section 2;

Unconscious Movement

Unconscious movement is at theory that I believe that our thought patterns revolve around our
unconscious mind entirely. Picture this; our unconscious mind contains all our future events that will
occur, because it dictates all our own personal behavior. We have two options; make our unconscious
mind conscious, or continue to leave it unconscious. How do we make our unconscious conscious, you
ask? Very simple. Gain the knowledge of what it is. The situational awareness model that many soldiers
and pilots use is one good example of how we can unlock the unconscious mind further.

Below we will go over one simple exercise to help unlock your unconscious mind;

2-1 Unconscious Exercise;

What you will need;

4 objects (any will do; coins are good)

1 surface to set the objects on

A chair to sit on

The Exercise;

Set the four objects on the flat surface. Sit down on the chair, and close your eyes. Reach out your hands
slowly to the objects. Attempt to handle each of the objects as much as you can for 45 seconds. After you
are done, take a deep breath, and open your eyes. Think of how you felt during the time, and how well you
did with touching the objects. (Optional; you can also meditate on this.)

The exercise above is meant to give you a higher level of unconscious focus. It is important to mention
three principles that effect our lives; Energy, Force, and Aura. These are of course not readily embraced
by everyday science, but clearly you are not here to learn your everyday ordinary things. Focus, energy,
and force are of course to do with telekinesis, which means to move objects with your mind alone. In the
next section, I will give a quick explanation of how the three principles of telekinesis apply to the
unconscious mind.

Section 3-

Moving Around Your Unconscious Mind

Moving around your unconscious mind, what does this mean? Is it perhaps like we are taking a tour
inside of our unconscious mind? an extent, yes. Imagine if you were walking around in a part
of town you have never been before. Now, imagine what feelings you might have occur while you walk
through the new area of town.

What did you picture when you thought of how you might feel walking through a new area of town? The
unconscious mind, is in it’s whole, is the uncharted depths of the inner conscious mind that exists in all of
us. Much is still unknown about it’s true nature, as it has been throughout time. However, I do know of
quite a few techniques you personally can do on your own to help you empower the unconscious mind.
Below you will see a list of techniques that have been proven to increase your understanding of how your
unconscious mind works.

Section 3-1;

List of Unconscious Mind Building Techniques

1-Meditation-The ki based model you might find on some web sites is a good one to follow to unlock your
unconscious mind.

2-Exercise-Both the body and the mind.

3-Self awareness-Having knowledge of who you are as a person, as well as your own personality, is key.

4-Recognition of You own personal boundaries-Know your limits to break your limits, is what I say.

5-Setting personal goals-All people need to set a personal focus for their life.
6-Understand your personal weaknesses and strengths-Being aware of both what you do well and what not
so well is one of the keys to development.

7-Cognitive reasoning development-Being cognition is just one of the most basic skills you need in life.

8-Coagulative self association-Coagulative self association is defining yourself as a person and being
consciously aware of you and your surroundings, and attempting to make associations between the two.
Think of it like being interconnected.

9-Challenge yourself-Going forward is setting harder and harder goals for yourself. The principle of
gravity is broken with the law of forward motion.

Other techniques exist for building your unconscious mind’s capacity, I am sure. Like anything, research
is your best friend. Often I look up anything I may have an interest in learning about. Knowing is half the
battle, and knowledge is power?

Section 3-2;

Exploring The Rooms Of Your Unconscious Mind

Your unconscious mind can be defined as something that has many sections within. In each theoretical
“rooms”, there contains something within your inner being. The unconscious mind is everything in your
subconscious mind that has not been recollected yet. (Is recollection like relocation?) Below I will give an
understandable explanation of the relation between the subconscious mind and unconscious mind.

Section 3-2-A;

The Joining of the Unconscious and Subconscious Minds

From my knowledge and personal experiments, I have discovered that the unconscious mind has an
intimate relationship with the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind serves as a record of every
single thing a person has ever perceived within their own senses in their lifetime. The unconscious mind
can be summed up as your part of the mind that contains everything you have not experienced. To
connect both the subconscious and unconscious mind together, there is one major rule you must
remember. Your mind is does not become powerful by knowing about other people, but from knowing
about yourself.

If I were to know all the knowledge in the world, it would be useless unless I applied it to something for
good purpose. Even if I did use it to achieve something, it would still be worthless compared to knowing
yourself in a deep intricate manner. I do not have any advice to give you about how to know yourself
better, for the nature of that task lies in only your hands.

Section 4-
Unconscious Control

Unconscious control is the ability to control ourselves unconsciously. An example of unconscious control
is when we might be able to react to something in an instinctual behavior or respond in an instinctual
manner. The unconscious mind has the power to remember and recall things you have seen or
experienced before. Your unconscious mind, in fact, is more or less known as your memory.

Why does our unconscious mind store our memories? Quite simple! Memories are simply like a mental
video tape of your past, a recorded self history. We forget our past the moment we stop thinking about it.
To live is to forget.

That’s right! The unconscious mind is the only thing you ever need to master to be successful in life! The
only thing you need to do through all of your unconscious as if it were currently happening!
How exactly do you achieve such a thing? Simple! In the next section, I will be discussing a technique on
how to interconnect our current life and past memories together to unlock all the potential that the
unconscious mind has to offer for you.

Section 4-1;

Tying Your Shoes Without Trying

Ever tried to tie your shoes without looking? Most of us tie our shoes without thought. We have done the
process of tying our shoes so many times in our lifetime, it has became more than an automatic process for
us. It can be easily thought of as a programmed action within our brains. This is not unlike binary code
which computers receive from their central processing units to execute the tasks we ask them to do.

Yes....the human mind is more similar to a machine than you could ever believe. The human mind
processes it’s surroundings through your senses, transmitting a sort of mental image to your brain. Our
minds are able to process our environment to a clear and greater level based on how aware and accurate
our perception is. The unconscious mind, is, essentially like computer RAM. RAM, stands for “Random
Access Memory.” In section 4-2, I will be explaining the unconscious mind’s relationship it has to RAM
and contrast how the two halves work in their counterparts.

Section 4-2;

The Human Mind Machine

Below is a list of similarities and contrasts to outline the relationship between the unconscious mind and
computer RAM;


The Unconscious Mind Vs. Computer RAM

Tale Of The Tape;

The Unconscious Mind

The unconscious mind only has two options for how it functions; be aware of it’s functions, or be
unaware. The only way we can seek to be aware of how our unconscious mind works is by gaining the
knowledge of it’s nature. The unconscious mind is often seen as your biggest strength or your worst foe.

Computer RAM (Random Access Memory)

Computer RAM is a stick of memory cells that you can access as long as you know the row and column
that intersect with the cell. For example, when you run a program, it has internal instructions that tell the
central processing unit what memory cells to free in order to execute the program within the RAM.. All
personal computers utilize RAM. (Note; DRAM is dynamic RAM, which is the same only a bit faster than
RAM. The key difference is that it refreshes itself faster. Think of DRAM as like static RAM.)


Unconscious Mind-RAM Connection;

As we stated earlier, the memory and the unconscious mind have an intimate connection. The RAM pulls
up a set of instructions to follow based on a program that helps identify the sector in which it is stored.
The unconscious mind gains consciousness when it identifies a trait that is dormant within your genetical

Here is one common example based on quantum physical theorem mechanics. A person who does one
behavior can develop a knack for it. If we are engrossed in one hobby, we can often have the behaviors
involved with that hobby carry over to our everyday life. This is a sort of humanized programming. If we
are unconscious to the fact that we are having those behavioral patterns carry over to other parts of our
lives where it may be easily seen as inappropriate, we will have difficulties being successful in those
aspects of our life.

If we become perceptive to the fact of specialized behavioral traits that we develop from continued
practice in a field of interest, abilities and skills can be used in a more appropriate fashion. Most people
never truly specialize in any technical skills that exist outside of their job/career. A jack of trades is an
ace at none, where an ace in a broad field is both.

This has given you a brief understanding of the Unconscious Mind-Computer RAM similarities. The next
section will cover how singularity and plurality both relate to the unconscious mind, as well as cover one
exercise for gaining a deeper understanding, and thus, empowerment of your unconscious mind.

Section 5-

Single Mind, Many Parts, One Whole

The unconscious mind has an interpersonal relationship with all the rest of the brain, and perhaps even
the central nervous system (more?) It is probably the most advanced part of the human body, and some
would argue the most unusual. The unconscious mind for years has been the topic of both intuitive
thought and contemplative pondering.
Quantum physics has both the many world’s interpretation and the multiple universe theories. Both are
derived off of the thoughts of transdimensional and alternative dimensions. These theories are based off of
philosophical beliefs that many places coincide together within our own universal space. (Reference;
fourth dimensional space)

One colleague of mine noted how some people believe that our own minds are a type of universe within
our own self. I noted to him how are own perspectives on life are always correct because they are
completely through our own eyes. In section 5-1, I will explain how these above thoughts relate to the
unconscious mind and how it interacts with our bodily structure and our surroundings.

Section 5-1;

I Believe That I am, Therefore, You Are

The unconscious mind is subject to two types of thought patterns;

Unconscious Thought Patterns;

Axis I- Associated mainstream belief-Things that are readily perceived within our environment.

Axis II-Internal conceived associations-Contemplative thoughts derived from our own mind that seek out
a newly formed perspective (deeply formed from your own personal experiences.)

The thoughts that are maintained within these two internal thought patterns often both conflict and
coincide. When a conflict is made within bias and personal perspectives, the results seek to find personal
answers. When one seeks a truth regarding a matter, it seeks to find evidential basis to support the
conceived thought. When efficient evidence is found, whether it be through your own experiences, or
someone else’s, a concrete belief is made. Hence, a interpersonal theorem is made.

I am not saying that all of the things we see in print and media is not truthful basis. However, many of
the things we see even in nonfictional books can have quite a bit of propaganda involved within them. It is
not hard for a person to pass off lies as believable. Even a child can deceive someone!

Section 5-2;

Breaking Down Your Own Personal Barriers

Personal barriers are always what separates us from greatness in our lives. They exist anywhere and
everywhere; our families, our jobs, or homes, friends, and anything else you can really think of. Our
unconscious minds are filled with barriers. It is, after all, your unconscious mind, right?

Personal barriers are what separate you from greatness. The less you have, the greater you become. It’s
important to note, that the unconscious mind is infinite. Yes, that is right, there are no limitations at all in
the unconscious mind itself! However, what restricts you from accessing the unconscious mind’s full
potential, is your own personal barriers.

To conclude section 5, we will be outlining an unconscious mind expansion exercise. Please see the
following below.
Section 5-3;

Unconscious Exercise

What you will need;

1-A quiet room

2-A dark room
3-A place to sit down
4-A clear mind

The exercise;

Sit down in a quiet, dark room. Close your eyes, and visualize something you really loved when you were
a child or while growing up. After focusing on this for about 30 seconds or so, take a deep breath, and
continue to focus on something that is really important in your life currently. After you focus on that for
about 30 more seconds, open your eyes. Try to make connections between what you thought of for when
you were a child and an adult.

Explanation of the exercise;

This exercise is made to strengthen your unconscious mind’s reasoning through making connections
between the past and the present. The unconscious mind, as I have said, is infinite. The unconscious mind
is meant to connect the past to the present to make better choices and decisions for our futures.

Section 6-

Living Unconsciously

How can you live unconsciously? Wouldn’t that be like....not living at all? No! Consciousness, is, exactly
what you think it would be. (Note; the word think appears in the last sentence.) Reasoning and thought
comes completely from the conscious mind. Often, thoughts can trouble people...I am sure you realize this
by now.

So....what would living unconsciously be like? Living is a completely conscious activity, in which you eat,
dispose, breathe, sleep, and do it all over again. (Rinse and repeat.) If you were to live unconsciously, it
would be taking life as if you were on autopilot mode for a plane. (So much easier than dealing with all
the hiccups that flying the plane yourself comes with.)

Yes....the unconscious mind, when utilized and strengthened with the correct application of practice, can
become like an autopilot for our lives. Think of it like your “backup gunner” for when those tricky
situations do arise in life. The more you realize the full potential of your unconscious, the more instinctual
you really will become.

Section 6-1
Steps To Unlock Your Unconscious Mind
A simple list of steps will follow to explain how to tap into your powerful unconscious mind. Please see

1-Know Yourself-Simple to explain, a lifetime to master.

2-Realize Connections-Try your best to link things to other things you may have heard about.

3-Destroy Your Narrow Mind-Closed Mindedness is truly what destroys the mind itself. Nothing is

4-Understand Why Negative Thoughts and Emotions Occur-Emotions and thoughts go hand in hand.
When they do occur, try your best to focus to realize the exact reason why they are occurring.

5-Maintain A Healthy Body-Always key is a good physical body to a strong mental body.

6-Understand The Primary Concept Of The Unconscious Mind-“I think, therefore, I am.”

7-Maintain A Stable Life-Order is a virtue.

There is many more things you can do to improve your unconscious mind, but those are the main ones.

Section 6-2;

Conclusions? That Just Means The Start Of Something New!

People tend to always react poorly when good things come to an end. The real truth is, that the end of a
cycle is merely the start of a new one. Rebirth is an ancient concept of rising from the ashes to become
stronger. (Dante’s Inferno popularized it quite a bit.)

Take this for example. How many times have we really gone through love interests in our lives? How
many times have we found new ones? What I always say, is you only die with one flame, and that one is
truly your soul mate. This is just one common example of the phoenix rising in your own personal life.
(The phoenix is the everlasting bird of fire in mythology.)

The unconscious mind is both past and future based. This is a bit hard for some people to understand, but
it is very simple. The unconscious mind’s origins are within your past experiences, and they effect the
outcome of your future events and decisions revolving around them. Good decisions lead to great success.

The most important rule to follow, is to come to resolution with every problem that presents itself to you
in life. Don’t brush things off. A mind willing to abandon is one that embraces foolishness. Wise is the
man who faces his problems.

Section 6-3

Beginning At The End

This topic is more than a play on words. Beginning at the end, is, to start from the end, and work your
way to the start. Instead of attempting to start a process or task you are doing, you think as if you are
already finished and are slowly making your way back to the start of the process. (Reference; Reverse

This concept may be a bit lost on you, but is it really? Think of this common example. Whenever we buy
a new cell phone or computer, we usually have used one before, and are looking to upgrade. We already
have knowledge of how it works. We are merely trying to discover one that may make life easier. This is a
major aspect of the unconscious mind’s power.

Here is something that can help explain it for you. Below, you will see a diagram, and following will be
an explanation;

Section 6-3-A;

Unconscious Mind Reversal Diagram;

The Ennead; The Ennead In Reverse;

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Above is a diagram of the ennead forward and backwards. The ennead is all whole numbers, 1-9, in
which all numbers after are formed from. Try visualizing them, and switching from focusing on both, and
using peripheral visualization on both. What do you see? Can you see the mind working two ways instead
of one? Two is always better than one. (Reference; The conscious and unconscious mind as one.)

This concludes section 6. In the next section, we will be covering some general quantum theorem
concepts to help connect the ideas together. Consider section 7 like a fun facts section. However, keep
your mind open, and attempt to find your own opinion on all throughout this and my other documents.

Section 7-

Seeing Is Believing?

Known fact is that the eyes are the most reliable sense. Are vision cannot lie under normal circumstances.
However, such things as mediums, (Tapes, books, magazines, videos, literature, broadcasts, etc.) can often
lie to us to help form a bias opinion to readily control public perception for personal gain from the third

How do we attempt to filter the truth from the lies, if we cannot trust our own eyes? Cognitive thought
and philosophical pondering has always been the tools used by great minds to filter truth from lies. The
eyes are only effective when used on visionary based events only. The moment spoken or unspoken words
and sounds are made, your eyes become a bystander.

You ever heard someone exclaim, “I can’t believe it!” I have said that about way too many things. It has
became all too common when I read other people’s “works.” (Fictional books; admitted lies. Non-fiction;
Disguised Deception.) Imagine a life where there is nothing except your own mind to discover that real
truth that lies buried within each and every story. This is exactly what a powerful unconscious mind can
do for you.

For example, do you believe that you should also read between the lines on this document? How many
messages really lie throughout? The purpose is simple, but perhaps there is a internal affair involved
within the distribution of this document.

Time has called certain men and women to become larger than life to help maintain the world. This is
not some far fetched calling for money makers or opportunists. This is a call out for men and women to
become heroes, people who can actually say,

“I believe.”

Nothing is impossible. If you met me in person, I could show you things you would only dream of, things
that even blow far fetched fiction away. Ever seen a man disable an entire group of people with a mere
hand gesture and thought? I can do things like that and so much more with the power of my mind. How
about a man who can force his ghost apart from his body at will? We ain’t talking astral travel here, such
concepts like that are for ignorant fools.

So...if I can do all that, why am I writing this document and distributing it for free? Because, I care about
all of you, and I love all of you. The wind is calling you to become like the brightest stars of the sky, just
believe in yourself.....

I am not calling cowards, they need not apply. If you already downloaded this book, you are already
prepared to fight for mutant rights. Of course mutants exist...they are all the people treated like freaks in
society. It’s time to rise up, and fight for our god given rights.

Do not fear, for we have everything we need right in front of us. We can beat them with silence alone,
and become the next great generation of artists, musicians, writers, film stars, and more, together. Let a
new industrial revolution rise now. A covenant of silent minds....becoming stronger as the rat race runs in

Section 8-

Destroy Beliefs

Anyone will tell you, that one of the biggest barriers for man in general is beliefs. Beliefs are what kills a
mind, and completely sews it shut. Beliefs are normally dogmatic in nature, and have a restrictive element
always involved within. The greatest thing a man can ever do is throw away your dogmas.

Beliefs limit the concept a person can form involved around a scenario. Are minds are limited to not
ponder the truth, but are restricted to believe only one concept. A logos is a superior truth, that is the
absolute. Theology is forming a theory based off of truthful evident findings in order to form a logos.
Quantum theorem is a study in which you attempt to connect scientific and philosophical elements
together to create a feasible conceptional ideal. Ideals differ from an idea because an ideal is a fleshed out

The unconscious mind becomes developed more as we explore it more. Think of it like an uncharted
space, and your reasoning ability is your spaceship. You do not know what exists in the dark corners of
your mind...but when you explore them? Presto! You have found new places to add to your star map!

Below is a chart of unconscious mind exploration. Please see below.

Section 8-1

Unconscious Mind Chart

Unconscious Mind (Mansion) ----------> Unconscious Mind’s Rooms --------------> Light To The

From Your Conscious Mind ------------> Illuminated Rooms To Your Unconscious Mind’s Rooms

It’s very easy to understand, but alas, the development of the unconscious mind is a never ending journey.
I only hope yours is as fruitful and enjoyable as mine.

Section 8-2

Short Conclusions

A short conclusion is a better than a long and boring ending, right? I believe this is always true.
Whenever I have a personal life drama episode, I just want it to end right away. (I am a no nonsense sort
of guy, what can I say?)

Have you ever looked into what a quark is? Some people declare themselves as individual based systems
when they find the rules of society to be unfair. Anarchy, separatism, isolationists, and puritans are just
examples of followings that explore this organization. A quark is much like that, an independent system
formed of individualized parts. Many of the above organizations can be thought of as overdeveloped.
(Ahead of the times.)

A person who is powerful in the mind should look into things like that such as above. It is just a logical
choice to avoid the lemming rush. The figure that many people believe is that only 2 percent of the entire
earthly population is conscious. Desire is the law that requires a person to become stronger to justify their
means. Enlightenment is a justification for a person to be a complete fool. What will you choose? If you
desire nothing, then you probably shouldn’t be reading this. (You desired to download it, after all.)

A person who believes in enlightenment is a liar. There is no such thing. We all desire, it is the bond that
ties us together with natural selection. An animal desires food, it hunts it, and is satisfied after it has ate
it’s kill. If you are not bound by this natural laws, I question your existence.
Section 9-

Unconscious Wrap Up

To wrap things up on this document for sections 1-9, we will be covering a few simple steps to go
through together. Please see the list below, and enjoy.

Section 9-1;

Charting The End

List To Keep In Mind For Your Unconscious Sake;

1-Know who you are

2-Know your role
3-know your surroundings
4-Know the people around you
5-Look for signs
6-Look for changes
7-React the best way
8-Move fluently throughout your environment
9-Move onto your next task

It’s only obvious, right? You know just what to do. This concludes this section 1-9 document. I am sure I
will have more in the future for you. Until then, my friend, I bid you adieu. (Psychic Works was the last
Section 1-9 document.)

Peace....with a cybernetic middle finger......

-The Elven King, Bryad

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