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(9) Wort ttl Property Organon NE A (3) " 26 November 2009 (26. PCT WO 2009/143416 Al (61 Internationa Patent Classification 08 No 67, pto 9, Col. Bosgues dels Lons, Mexico, A2ID 8/00(2005.01) DE. 11700 (4X) 21) International Application Number: 1) Applicants and PCT/US20091043964 (72) Inventors: BEJARANO WALLENS, Celso, Olmedo [MX/US}; 135 Clay Cour, Battle Creek, MI 49015 (US), NANDEZ BAUMEISTER, Joaquin [MX/MXI Posta #71, Frace Collinas Del Sur, Mexico, D.f, 01430 age: Paglish (MX). GUZMAN TELLO, Roberto, Cayetano [MX/MX}; Calz Las Aguilas 2136 #68, Col Lamas De (26) Publication Language: Fnalish —_Axomiatla, Del Alvaro Obregon Df, Mexico Df, 01820 (80) Priority Data: (MX). RANGEL ALVAREZ, Omar [MX/MXI, 1125-769 22 May 2008 (22.05.2008) US.—_Falsaes 177, Lzcalliandines, Featepec Fstado De Mexi- co, 35030 (MX). (22) International Filing Date: 22 May 2009 (22.05.2009) 25) Filing Lax (1) Applicant (or ail designated States except US): , TAS, S. DE RL. DE C.V. [MX/MX]; Bosque de Du- (74) Agent: CAHOON, C {Continued om next page} (64) Title: QUICK CORN NIXTAMALIZATION PROCESS, (57) Abstract: A process for the production of fresh masa, nixtamalized flour and derived frodicts, The invention sa new process tr production of com masa (gh) fo be sed in Dry Mix the prodaction of rill fied or baked tril chips, tostadas, or om cps. The ne po 102 cess produces rns diet from raw meri thou he tional cooking and stoping Stops ules a sais of processing vps including dry bending. hydrating and working doug in an exruer having unique stew configuration. The new process uses very litle ter bd emits no waste wae 4 Preconditioner 104 4 Extruder 106 = Processing = 108 < oa < Packaging = 110 a = s 3 Ss a Z WO 2009/143416 A1 Ill (81) Designated States (unless orherwise indicated, for every ind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, ‘AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BI, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA CHEN, CO, CR CU, CZ, DE. DE DMD, Bz, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. (8) Designated States funiess orherwise indicated. for every Ein of ena retin ae: ARIPO (GH, CE, SI ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IP, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, Sl SK, TR), OAPI (BE, BI, CF, CG, Cl, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). Declarations under Rule 4.17: 4 10 applicant's endlement 10 apply for and be granted a patent Rule 4.1748) 4 10 the applicant’ entitlement to claim the priority of the earlier application Rule 4.17) ofinveniorskip (Rule 4.17()) Published ‘with international seareh report (let. 21(3)) 10 20 WO 2009/143416 PCT/US2009/044964 QUICK CORN NIXTAMALIZATION PROCESS BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ‘TECHNICAL FIELD ‘The present invention refers to an accelerated and environmentally advantageous process for nixtamatization of com for the preparation of tortillas, tortilla chips. com chips, and the like ‘The invention ases specific processing steps to process ground corn fractions and/or ground whole com as a substitute for the traditional nixtamalization process. DESCRIPTION OF RELATED ART ‘Com was the principal source of food for the pre-Columbian civilizations of the New World. Today corn tortillas and derivative products are still the staple food of Mexico and Central America, Also, cor tortilla, com chips, and tortilla chips have widely penetrated the market of the United States and some counties of Asia and Europe. Nixtamalization, also known as alkaline cooking, is the traditional process for making com. masa used as the base ingredient for many Mexican-style com products, such as corn tortillas, tortitla chips, taco shells, tostadas. tamales, and com chips. It is believed that ancient Central Americans cooked maize in a dispersion of wood ashes or lime to produce com tortillas, their major form of bread, This ancient technique, having undergone little changes, still involves cooking and steeping whole kemel com in a solution of lime (calcium hydroxide). ‘Nixtamalization transforms com so it can be stone ground to form dough called masa that is. subsequently sheeted, formed and cut in preperation of tortillas and related snack or food products. ‘The traditional method to process com into tortitlas (nixtamalization) goes back to early Mesoamerican civilizations, and the basic steps of the process have remained basically unaltered since. In the waditional process, whole com is cooked in a boiling water-lime (or water-ash) SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26)

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