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Rough Draft, length = 4-5 pages

• APA style citation for article at top of first page, single-spaced (FYI: the list provided is in APA style)
• Paper must divided into sections using the bold headers below
• Attach a printed PDF copy of the journal article to back of paper


INTRODUCTION (20 points)

o Paragraph 1: Introduce the topic of the article and why you chose it in one full opening paragraph
o Paragraph 2: Summarize the previous research discussed in the introduction of the article
o Paragraph 3: Describe why the author(s) state more research is important
o Paragraph 4: Close introduction by directly quote the state the research question(s), study aims or
METHODS (20 points)
o Participants & Procedure:
o Describe where, when and how the participants were enrolled in the study and any inclusion criteria
o Give the number of participants used for analysis and describe their demographic characteristics (e.g.,
age, gender, race, education, income, sexual orientation, marital status)
o Materials & Measures:
o Describe any questionnaires used (e.g., demographics, self report of other information)
o Include the name and response choices for all scales used (e.g., yes/no, agree/disagree).
o Describe any materials used to collect data (e.g., computers, tablets, medical devices, etc.)
RESULTS (20 points)
o Organize and present the results by the research question(s), study aims or hypothesis
o Summarize the results the relevant data (e.g., scores, averages, percentages) in simple everyday language.
Ø Do not include statistical notations (e.g., p<.001)
Ø Do not refer to tables or figures that the reader cannot see
DISCUSSION (30 points)
o Discuss TWO problems/limits with the research methods in a full paragraph each. It must be stated if the
limits mentioned were suggested by the author(s) or if they are your own critique of the research.
¨ Generalizability?
¨ Methodological?
¨ Study Design?
o Paragraph 2: Close the paper with your closing thoughts on
o What you found interesting about this study,
o What you would add to the next study, and lastly
o Something you learned doing this assignment.

Final Paper, submitted with rough draft attached

2016 3
Research Report
• The purpose of this assignment is to introduce students to peer reviewed scholarly articles
• Through this assignment students will
• Review the major elements of a scientific journal article
• Prepare a written summary of the major rationale, methods, results in their own words
• NO citations are required within the paper
• NO direct quotations are permitted except for the hypothesis or research aims/questions
• A sample paper will be posted on Blackboard as a model to follow

Research Report Additional Instructions

• Reminder – In class activity and rough draft are important parts of the assignment!
• Safe Assign – Rough Draft must be uploaded into Safe Assign in Blackboard by due date
• Final Paper – Turn in hard paper copy to instructor
• Review sample paper on Blackboard for proper formatting and style
• Citation at top of first page in APA style (check library website for help if needed!)
• BOLD and Italicized section headers and sub-headers must be used (as seen in sample paper)

Choose ONE article from the list below

• All are available in the Library’s electronic databases
• Locate the full text in the library’s electronic databases, download and save the PDF of the article.
• If you need assistance, take this list to the Library and ask for help

Carrion, B., Stasko, E., Earnshaw, V., Kershaw, T., Lewis, J., Ickovics, J., & Tobin, J. (2015). Housing
instability and birth weight among young urban mothers. Journal of Urban Health, 92, 1-9.

Coady, M., Jasek, J., Davis, K., Kerker, B., Kilgore, E., & Perl, S. (2012). Changes in smoking prevalence and
number of cigarettes smoked per day following the implementation of a comprehensive tobacco control
plan in New York City. Journal of Urban Health, 89, 802-808. doi:10.1007/s11524-012-9683-9

Kyanko, K., Franklin, R., & Angell, S. (2013). Adherence to chronic disease medications among New York
City Medicaid participants. Journal of Urban Health, 90, 323-328. doi:10.1007/s11524-012-9724-4

Reitz, J., Sarfaty, M., Diamond, J., & Salzman, B. (2012). The effects of a group visit program on outcomes of
diabetes care in an urban family practice. Journal of Urban Health, 89, 709-716. doi:10.1007/s11524-

No other sources may be used for this assignment and no other sources may be cited or used to prepare this

2016 2
SCN195 – Community Health
Urban Studies – Writing Intensive, Pre-requisites: MAT099 & ENG101 (or equivalent)
Research Report Instructions
Writing Center: B200, Monday through Friday 9:15am – 9pm
REQUIRED High Stakes Writing Assignment: 15% of final grade
• Assignment includes 3 stages:
1) an in class activity,
2) submission of an outline,
3) final paper
• Final grade includes points for all assignment activities as well as spelling/grammar, formatting, and
following instructions for the final paper.
• Instructor reserves the right not to accept late assignments and/or to deduct points if accepted.

Formatting and Style for Paper

Papers must be formatted using the guidelines suggested by APA and the MLA
• 1-inch margins on all sides (change default settings on word processing software if needed)
• 12 point Times New Roman font
• Running Header (appears at top of every page): For this class use – Name, SCN195, Date paper turned in
• Page number in footer on bottom right of page
• Double Spaced with Left Justification (leaves the right side ‘ragged’ and uneven)
• Indent first line of every paragraph ½ inch

Writing with numbers (source:

Writing Numbers One through Ten: Spell out numbers one through ten, as in this example:
• My little brother ate four apples before dinner and became ill.
• Why do parents always check to see if babies have ten toes?
Writing Numbers Above Ten: Spell out numbers above ten, unless writing the number would involve using
more than two words. For example:
• I have sixty-three dead bugs in my collection.
• My cousin has 207 bugs in his.
• This site has given me a thousand helpful hints for my homework.
• My grandmother is seventy-two today.
• My little sister had about 4,763 measles on her face.
Always spell out numbers that begin sentences (but this can be awkward):
• Four hundred fifty people attended the birthday party.
Alternative: rephrase the sentence to avoid using long, clunky numbers at the beginning:
• There were 450 people at the party.

2016 1

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