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Really? Why??

Personally, this
artwork makes me
feel really strange!


DESCRIBE: List what you see. Be specific. Don’t make any assumptions.
1. Men and women dancing
Size: 2.A woman dressed in white standing by herself
Materials used:
3.A woman in black standing by herself

4.Both lonely women are looking at the couple dancing between them or
at each other.


ANALYZE: How have the List 2 art elements that have been used:
elements been arranged 1.Line
according to the principles?

2. Form
Elements: Line, Shape, Form,
Value, Color, Texture
Explain which principles were used to arrange them and how it was done:
Principles: Rhythm, Movement,
1. Pattern was used with lines to create the pattern on the women’s
Pattern, Balance, Proportion,
dresses, giving them a star design.
Variety, Emphasis,
Harmony, Unity

2.Movement was used with form. The people are interpreted moving and
dancing with the way their forms are positioned.
INTERPRET: What do you think
the artist is trying to say? The artist is trying to say that you don’t have to be different genders to
dance together.
 Take a guess.
 Use your intelligence.
 Use your imagination!

There is no right or wrong


JUDGE: 1. How much does this work imitate the real world? Is this a positive
3 Theories for judgment: thing? Why or why not?
1. Imitationalism
2. Formalism This imitates the real world very closely and it is a negative thing because
3. Emotionalism criticism against lesbians and gays is a worldwide issue.

2. Have the elements been arranged according to the principles?


Yes because lines can make movement stand out and form can change the
meaning of this artwork.
3. What feelings, moods or emotions do you get from this work?

This work gave me a sense of joy because of all the couples that are
dancing and enjoying themselves but it also gave a sense of sadness
seeing the two women alone.

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