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Gasket Pressure Calculations

Equation found in Mechanical Engineering Design

Gasket Pressure = GP=
Ag/ N

Where F_m is the applied force, A_g is the area of the gasket, and N is the number of bolts

Area of Gasket:
ID: 0.896 ft 0.448 ft
OD: 0.791 ft 0.396 ft
HoleDia: 0.011 ft 0.006 ft

Area 1 = pi()*.448^2 = 0.631 ft^2

Area 2 = pi()*.396^2 0.493 ft^2

Area 3 = pi()*.006^2 0.009 ft^2

Area = Area1 - Area2 - Area3

Area = .129ft^2

Number of bolts, determined in previous calculation = 24 bolts

Applied Force:

Yield Stress of PVC 155Kpsi

Factor of safety n = 2 77.5Kpsi

F = 2lbs with plate alone, 77.5/2 = 39*weight of plate

Bolting Force = 39*(1/24)*50lb = 81lbs

24 Bolts: 1944 lbs

Gasket Pressure:

GP = 1944/(.129/24) = 362791 lb/ft^2

For this Gasketing Pressure, Buna-N Rubber of 60 Durometer, at .125" Thick

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