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17 Rules Concerning Relationship

Concerning the relationship within the Craft

1. Witches do not point out the identity of other witches to the general public or give
addresses or anything that can betray any of us.

2. Do nothing that will endanger anyone in the Craft, or which will bring them into
conflict with the law of the land or any of your persecutors.

3. Do not gossip or speak evil of other witches.

4. Never lie to any of the Wicca.

5. Never use your magical skills for show, pride or vainglory.

6. Keep within your Book of Shadows a record of your own rites and learning’s.

7. Do not lend your Book of Shadows to anyone. You may allow someone to copy it though.

8. Property owned by Crafters should be guarded both mundanely and spiritually by the

9. Never use your personal power for evil purposes or attacks. If someone attacks you, you
can defend yourself by asking the Goddess for justice.

10. Magical bindings can cost you dearly. Learn to banish negativity instead.

11. Know that thoughts are things; and what you create in thought may manifest in reality.

12. A Witch's power grows in direct relation with his or her level of wisdom.

13. As long as you are acting in accordance with a positive belief system, don't worry what
others think of you and say about it.

14. Injuries, accidents, sickness, and poverty are often manifestations of low self-esteem or
negative programming, not hexes.

15. Magic use should be viewed as sacred.

16. Witches may teach others about the Craft if the place is safe, the teacher is
knowledgeable, the student is willing, and the information is available publicly or is not
secret to the organization to which he or she belongs.

17. Never do anything to disgrace the Goddess and the Craft.

Different Types of Witches

Every witch is different, and as everything there is a variety of common things, in this
case; religion.

Some people become to believe in a certain religion because of parents, or it's just simply
in the blood to believe those things. Other times it's peer pressure.

Different types of witches:

Kitchen Witch: It practices by home and hearth, mainly dealing with practical sides of the
religion, magic, the elements and the earth.

Ceremonial Witchcraft: Mainly use ceremonial magic (obviously) in their practices. They
commonly use Kabalistic magic or Egyptian magic in their rituals.

Satanic Witch: This doesn't exist. Why? Witches don't believe in Satan remember.

Celtic Wicca: Goes by the elements, the Ancient Ones and nature. They are usually healers
or respect them highly. They work with plants, stones, flowers, trees, the elemental people,
the gnomes and the fairies.

Eclectic Witch: Doesn't follow a particular religion or tradition. They study and learn
from many different systems and use what works best for them.

British Traditional Witch: A mix of Celtic and Garden Arian beliefs. They train through a
degree process and the covens are usually co-ed.

Alexandrian Tradition: They are said to be modified Garden Arian.

Garden Arian Tradition: Follow a structured root in ceremony and practice. They aren't
as much vocal as others and have a fairly foundational set of customs.

Dianic Tradition: Includes a lot of different traditions in one. Their prime focus now-a-
days is the Goddess. It is the more feminist side of 'The Craft'.

Pictish Witchcraft: It's originally from Scotland and is a solitary form of The Craft. It is
more magical in nature than it is in religion.

Hereditary Witch: Someone who has been taught the 'Old Religion' through the
generations of their family.

Caledonii Tradition: Also known as the Hecatine Tradition, it's the denomination of The
Craft with a Scottish origin.

Pow-Wow: Comes from South Central Pennsylvania and is a system based on a 400 year
old Elite German magic. They concentrate on simple faith healing.

Solitary Witch: This is one who practices alone, without a cover etc.. Following any

Strega Witches: Originally coming from Italy are the known to be the smallest group in
the US. It is said their craft is wise and beautiful.

Wicca Ritual vs. Wicca Worship

Please be aware that I am expressing my own opinions in this document.

Nothing in here is to be interpreted as a requirement that

"That's the WAY IT IS in Wicca!"

Look at the notice board commonly out front of a mainline church, and you'll probably
see something about the scheduling of "Worship Services" at some regular time on
Sunday, and possibly on other days. Because of this now-common use of the word
"worship" in a religious context to refer mostly to what people do in church, I think that
we need to be careful not to get caught up in a paradigm not of our own making, and not
really applicable to Wicca.

In Wicca, we perform rituals and conduct ceremonies. In my humble opinion, though,

these are not "worship services". They are not for the purpose of us poor humans standing
around and telling our Goddesses and Gods how wonderful they are, and how much we
love and admire them and depend on them. And we're certainly not into abasing ourselves
or putting ourselves down as part of this process.

But we do worship our Deities, regularly and fervently. The difference is that worship has
little to do with ritual. Worship is an ongoing part of our daily lives: Care for our Mother
and for the fragment of the Divine that is in each of us and in everything. Unlike many
people's (not everyone's) understanding of a single all-powerful God, we know that it is
through us that the Goddess acts, for Her own good and the good of all Her children. We
are "worshipful" whenever we keep these facts in mind, and act in ways that support it.
Not leaving unneeded lights on, or carelessly letting the water run, is worship. Recycling
and composting are worship, as is volunteering at a food bank or working at a daycare
center. Working to build community, toleration, and mutual support for and among all
people (not just us Neo Pagans) is worship. Worship requires action (and that usually
means work) performed with meaning.

So what is ritual, then? Why do we do it, to accomplish what? Well, ritual and ceremonies
are aimed at ourselves, individually and collectively. They are important tools for tying
each of us back into a concept of the real meaning of things - of establishing our own sense
of being linked into the totality of Being in a meaningful way. And they link us together
into a Community, demonstrating to ourselves (and incidentally to others as well) that we
have common purposes, beliefs and understandings.

It is for this reason - for the importance of linking ourselves together into an organic
community - that we need to be wary of "procedural fundamentalism" within the Pagan
community. Yes, it is perfectly appropriate for you, and members of your coven and your
Tradition, to have particular ways of doing things. Your own rituals bind you together,
both in present time and with history and pre-history. All this is good. But, other people's
Traditions (and "lower case" traditions) serve the same purpose, and are equally valid for
them. There's enough in the world that actually does need to be fixed, without worrying
about those things that actually should be celebrated! We also need to keep in mind that
there are monotheists who actually "worship" in the same way we do, and are truly
striving for the health of the world, even if they don't use the same labels. Much as I
personally get riled up by those fundamentalist diehards who are sure that only their way
is Right, and I better get on the bandwagon or else, I try to keep the perspective that
actually most folks even of the "normative" faiths are not that way.

Magical Uses of Herbs

Altar Decorations/Arrangements

Whether a simple vase of flowers and herbs or more elaborate wreaths, choosing plants
for their energy can be rewarding.

Mixtures that are put together for a very specific purpose: protection, purification, love,
calming, energizing, healing, etc.

Bundles of herbs that are used to sprinkle salt water in a ritual or around the home in

Mixtures of fresh or dried herbs or oils to create magical baths. Oils can be added to
mixtures of epsom salts and baking soda to create wonderful bath salts. Don't forget to use
a tea ball, cheesecloth, or something else to keep your herbs from going everywhere!

Herbs steeped in water and breathed in for a particular purpose. These can also be
sprinkled. Like teas except they generally are not ingested.

Dream Pillows
Herbs stuffed into pillows for a particular purpose; better sleep, psychic dreams,
vivid/lucid dreams, etc.

Bring specific energies into the food that we eat.

Is a broad category that encompasses many different techniques. Do not self-dose, self-
medicate without being under the supervision of a professional!!! Also, don’t eat any plant
unless you absolutely know that it is safe!

Burning plant materials for a specific purpose. People are most familiar with sticks and
cones, but these can be time consuming and messy to make. Try getting incense burning
charcoals and putting the plant materials/oils directly on the hot coal. Inks
Especially potent if made specifically for certain spells. Locally, we use pokeberries (or ink
berries) to make magical ink. But it is poisoness, so don't use it on any spells you plan on

Herbs/oils mixed into some kind of fat/lard/beeswax.

Used for annointing people, candles or objects. Usually a scented base oil. Please, use only
essential, "authentic" oils. Synthetic ones can be nasty and also don't contain the energies
of the plant.

Finely ground materials sprinkled on an altar or ritual space to add energy to the
working. Be careful that your powders don't contain ingredients that will stain!
Attractive mixtures of scented, usually dried, plant materials. Can be simmered to release
scent or used as a dry mixture.

Herbs and oils can be either introduced in soap made from scratch or can be added to
commercial Castile or other unscented soap that is “melted down”. Note: Castile soap can
be very drying and a bit harsh - so you may want to add a cosmetic oil to the soap. Almond
oil or Jojoba oil are good choices.

Steeped herbs/plant material that is then ingested.

Plant materials are soaked/infused in an alcohol base. The energies are released into the
alcohol and the plant material is strained.

List of Resources
Aima: Ritual Book of Herbal Spells, Foibles Publications, 1980.
Aima: Perfume Oils, Candles, Seals & Incense, Foibles Publications, 1981.
Beyerl, Paul: The Master Book of Herbalism, Washington D.C.: Phoenix Publishing Co.,
Cunningham, Scott: The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews, St. Paul, MN:
Llewellyn Publications, 1997.
Cunningham, Scott: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs, St. Paul: Llewellyn
Publications, 1990.
Cunningham, Scott: The Magic In Food, St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1991.
Cunningham, Scott: Magical Aromatherapy, St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1990.
Franklin, Anna & Phillips, Sue: Pagan Feasts, Seasonal Food for the Eight Sabbats,
Freshfields, England: Capall Bann Publishing, 1997.
Miller, Richard & Iona: The Magical and Ritual Use of Perfumes, Rochester, NY: Destiny
Books, 1990.
Slater, Herman: Magical Formulary, Volume One, New York: Magical Childe Publishing,
Inc., 1987.
Slater, Herman: Magical Formulary, Volume Two, New York: Magical Childe Publishing,
Smith, Steven R.: Wylundt’s Book of Incense, York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1989.

The Witches Runes

Darksome night and shining moon,
Hearken to the Witch's Rune.
East, then South, West, then North.

By the powers of land and sea,

Be obedient unto me.
Wand and pentacle, cup and sword,
Hearken ye unto my Word.

Cord and censor, scourge and knife,

Waken all ye unto life.
Powers of the Witch's blade,
Come ye as this charge is made.

Queen of the summer lands, field and dell,

Send your power unto this spell.

Horned Hunter of the night,

Work my will, by magical rite.
By all the might of Moon and Sun,
As I will, it shall be done.

By all the powers of land and sea,

As I say, So Mote It Be.

Witches Lesson 1
One of the most meaningful reasons for meditation is to focus yourself. Not only will it
relax you, but it will quiet your mind, allowing you to proceed on your path. Meditate
before any ceremony, ritual or spell; this is why we call meditation, STEP ONE. How do
you meditate? There are many well-known methods. Included in this introductory lesson
is a very effective beginner method of mediation. Following lessons will include advanced
forms such as elemental and astral.

You will need: One large white candle (use this small candle every time you meditate.
When it runs out, buy a new one and do the same) Matches or a lighter.

Meditation Ritual- Light the candle and sit in front of it in any position you feel
comfortable. Breathe deep; fill your lungs with air. Release. Repeat this seven times. Look
into the candle flame and clear your mind. Take another three deep breaths. Hum Lightly.
Focus on looking into the flame. (If this hurts your eyes, look a bit below it) Keep
humming. You should feel your body relaxing. Soon you will be in a tranced state. (Some
describe this as a very relaxed state, hypnotic state or floating free.) One you have reached
this trance or relaxed state of mind, you are ready to proceed with the ceremony, ritual,
spell or maybe even to face the day.

Self-Dedication - The first step in learning the craft is Self-Dedication. This, in itself, will
allow energies to focus on you. Your body s full of psychic energy which you may already
use, and Self-Dedication will open up the earth energies of air, fire, water, and earth
(known as elementals) to you so you may use them as your own. Each energy that you can
use is a tool, and the more tools you can use, the stronger you’re magic.
Self-Dedication and initiation focuses the Deity and astral energies to you, while Self-
Dedication allows you the ability to reach out and draw the energies on your own.
Read this ritual over and memorize it so that you can recite it without having to stop and
remember what is next. The reason why some memorization is important is the
effectiveness of the ritual is directly related to your ability to fully focus on your task.
Interrupting a ritual to look up the instructions can easily distract you and divert your
energies elsewhere, hence defeating your purpose.
You will need- three white candles, one red candle, matches or lighter, sweet smelling
incense, a cup with water, a quiet place.
Setup- This must be done on the night of the full moon. Place the three white candles in
the form of a triangle. Place the red candle in the middle. Place the water to the left side of
the triangle of candles. Place the incense to the right of the triangle of candles.


Perform STEP ONE (Meditation)

Light the white tip candle and envision white light shooting up from the earth into the
candle. (Visualize this as best you can. Later lessons will help you develop this ability.)
Light remaining white candles while saying your name. Light Incense and walk around
the candles while saying “On this night I come before the elements asking for the
guardians to arise." "Open the path. Open the gates. Open the way. I am here." (If you
can’t walk around the candles, simply rotate the incense in a circle around them) Light the
red candle. Say why you have chosen Witchcraft or the way of magic. (It is important to be
honest with this step. Do not simply state that you want to be a Witch. Do some serious
soul searching and put your heart into it. You can keep it to one sentence or prepare an
elaborate speech.) Stand in the form of a pentagram. (Arms at shoulder height, legs spread
slightly.)And say, "Earth Mother I invoke you." Stay in this position for a few moments.
Kneel before the candles and take the water. Pass it through the incense and over the
candles and say, "Bless me Earth Mother." "With this water charge your energies inside."
(This will purify the water) Put the cup of water down and place your palms over it while
envisioning a white light coming from the earth, filling the water. Say: “As to Earth, as to
me, may this water purify me." Hold the cup high over your head and say: "Open the path
Open the gates. Open the way. I am here." Drink the charged water. Put out the red
candle and say: "Great Earth Mother blessed is." "I am charged, so mote it is." Let the
candles burn themselves out.

Tools - Practicing the craft requires a small gallery of tools. They will aid you on your
path. The tools must be charged with energies from you and the elemental energies.
Charge your tools only after properly channeling earth "elemental" energies through Self-
Dedication. You will learn all of the various uses of these tools (and more will be added) in
later lessons.

The tools you will need are as follows:

1. Athame or Ritual Knife- this may be of any type you choose, preferably at least four
inches in length.
2. Incense Burner- this may be of any type you choose.
3. Chalice or cup- any type
4. Bowl or Cauldron- must be black, painted is fine.
5. Book of Shadows. - A blank book in which you will write all of your spells, rituals, and

To charge these tools, you will need the following:

1. Modeling paint & brush or something to scratch symbols into your tools.
2. Incense
3. Salt.
4. White candle.
5. Black Candle.
6. Matches or Lighter.
7. Herbs (to be specified with each tool)

Charging the Athame - You will need Wormwood herb. (Can be found in most health
stores or any occult shop)

Setup. - Place the black and white candle next to each other, a few inches apart. Place the
cup to the left and the incense to the right. Place the paint anywhere. This charging must
be done on the night of the full moon and after Self-Dedication.

Charging the Athame. - Place the Athame anywhere under the candles.

Perform STEP ONE (meditation). Light the white candle and say “Earth Mother the I
Invoke." Light the black candle and say " Blessed Be" Light the incense and place the salt
in the cup while saying "Earth Mother charge this water" Place your hands palms down,
over the cup. Imagine a white light coming up from the earth into the cup. Hold your knife
high above your head while saying " I call upon the elements of Air, Fire, Water and
Earth" Place the tip of the knife in the cup of charged water while saying " Be blessed to
Water and Earth" Pass the knife through the incense and candle flames while saying " Be
blessed to Air and Fire" Hold the knife close to you. Visualize you and the knife glowing
white while saying " Be charged creature of life" Mix the wormwood and paint. Paint a
pentagram on the handle of the knife. Place your hands, palms down, over the symbol
while saying "Earth Mother charges your symbol. So Mote it be!" Take the knife out into
the rays of the full moon. Always drain the charged water from the cup onto the earth. The
knife is charged.
Charing the Chalice - You will need some Basil herb for this charging.

Setup. - Charging the chalice should be done during the waxing to full moon. It can be
done immediately after you charge your Athame. Follow the same set up as you did for the
Athame charging. Place the chalice anywhere under the candles.

Charging the Chalice Ritual

Perform STEP ONE (meditation) Light the white candle while saying “Earth Mother thee
I invoke" Light the black candle while saying" Blessed be." Light the Incense. Put salt into
the cup and with the tip of the athame draw a pentagram in the water while saying "As
salt with water, I purify thee." "May this charge the chalice to the elements of Earth and
Water." Visualize the chalice glowing white. Pass the cup through the incense and candles
while saying " May this charge this chalice to the elements of Air and Fire" Hold the
chalice over your head while saying " Earth Mother bless this chalice in your honor" Mix
the basil with the paint. Draw a pentagram on the surface while saying "So Mote it be!"
Take the chalice outside and pour the charged water onto the earth. The chalice is

Charging the Incense Burner - you will need- Nutmeg herb for this charging. (This
charging should be done between the waxing to full moon.) Setup - same as other

Charging the Incense burner ritual:

Perform STEP ONE. Light the white candle while saying; "Earth Mother thee I invoke"
Light the black candle while saying: 'Blessed Be." Light the Incense. Place salt in the
chalice and put the tip of the athame into the water. Draw a pentagram in the water while
saying: "As blade to water, salt to earth, bless this chalice, giving birth." Visualize the
chalice glowing white. Sprinkle the incense burner with water from the chalice while
saying: 'With earth and water, bless this creature of air." Pass the burner through the
candle flame while saying:" Fire bless this creature of Air." Hold the burner high above
your head while saying: "Air fill this creature." Visualize the burner glowing white. Mix
the nutmeg and paint. Paint a pentagram on the burner while saying: " Earth Mother
bless this piece of art in your name." "So mote it be!" Take the incense burner outside and
let the incense rise to the skies for a moment. (always drain the water from the chalice onto
the earth.) The Incense burner is charged.

BOWL OR CAULDRON CHARGING You will need wormwood herb for this charging.
( This charging should be done between the waxing and full moon) Set up-same as other

Bowl or cauldron charging ritual-

Perform STEP ONE
Light the white candle while saying;" Earth Mother thee i Invoke." Light the black candle
while saying; "Blessed Be" Place salt into chalice, athame tip in water. Draw a pentagram
while saying: " As blade to water, salt to earth, bless this chalice, giving birth." Visualize
the chalice glowing white. Pour the water from the chalice into the bowl or cauldron while
saying; " Charge this creature elements of all." "Bring to it your loving call." Pass the
bowl through the incense and candles. Hold it above your head. Visualize the bowl glowing
white while saying; "Earth Mother let this be your eyes." Mix the wormwood and paint
and paint a pentagram on the bowl while saying: "So mote it be!" Take the bowl outside
and drain the water onto the earth. The cauldron is charged.

Book of Shadows-
The Book of Shadows does not need to be` charged in the same manner as your other
tools. It is simply a blank book of any type you choose, in which you write all of your
ceremonies, rituals, spells, and results. Begin your book by recording your experiences
through the Self-Dedication process, meditation and charging your tools. Continue your
journal in your BOS with each practice of the craft. Your next entry should be about wax
and water. The BOS is an important tool as you learn about and explore the craft. You will
find some spells and rituals work better than others. The best way to find out which
techniques work well for you is to keep track of them. Some important information to
record is the time of day, phase of the moon, weather, emotional state, outside noises,
distractions, location, items used, and results. This book will soon develop into a very
useful and essential tool.

Wax and Water-

Some say the best readings are done from tarot cards and runes. Directions for these will
be discussed in later lessons. For me, however, the wax and water method works best.
Though it may take some practice to become very effective, it is a very easy process to
learn. This too way my first tool of divination.
You will need- One white candle ( use the same one each time you use this rite, when it
runs out get another one and do the same) Match or lighter. Your charged bowl or

Wax and Water Rite-

Perform STEP ONE.
Light your candle and state out loud what you need to know. Hold the candle over the
bowl of water so the wax drips into the bowl. Watch the wax and look for symbols it might
form. When you see one, stop. The drippings may even clearly spell out the answers in
letters or numbers. In this case, continue until the letters/numbers stop. After you have a
symbol, you must interpret it. ( only you can do this. I can tell you what it means to me,
but may mean something different to you.) Simply take the symbol and consider what it
means to you. Such as an owl may mean sight, luck, beauty, money, etc. to you. If it spells
out letter/numbers, you may not have to do interpreting. Practice this and you should
become very effective at it.

Witches Lesson 2
Basic Candle Magic

Here is a taste of magic you may use as soon as you complete the Self-Dedication. This type
of candle magic is very basic, yet quite effective. Lesson four will deal sole with magic, but
this being an introductory lesson, it is only fair to include a taste.

This is a good time to iterate how closely Karma and ethics are intertwined. If you cast an
evil spell, you may be in for some Karma even though you might call yourself a White
Witch. You choose your own color of magic not once, but each time you practice, Some
traditions believe in Karma as " What you do comes back to you." Do you? This is your
own moral choice. The magic you will learn from this course and the magic you will learn
to create on your own can be used for any purpose.

Keep in mind that for any magic it is best (though not necessary) to do calling magic, such
as money, love, health, luck or anything that brings something to you, during the waxing
moon (first quarter) to the full moon. Banishing magic, such as bindings, quitting bad
habits, curses, or anything pushing energy away, should be done during the waning moon
(last quarter) to the new moon. These are optimal times, but you cannot always base your
magic around the moon.

Basic candle magic deals with only two colors, black and white. (Lesson four will have a
complete list of colors and meanings.) Envision the white candle as the waxing to full moon
and the black candle as the waning to new moon. For any calling purpose, use the white
candle. For any banishing purpose, use the black candle.
(Note: Always use candles that are solid color throughout. Scratch off some of the wax if
you are uncertain).

You will need: One white or black candle, candle holder, matches or lighter, olive oil.


For white candle- Rub oil from the tip of the candle towards the base while humming and
visualizing your reason for doing this spell. Continue humming and visualizing for about 5
For black candle- Rub oil from the base of the candle towards the tip while humming and
visualizing your reason for doing this spell. Continue humming and visualizing for about 5
Continue for either candle- Place the candle into the holder and light it. Chant your chant
for as long as you can while visualizing your purpose. To chant, use a monotone humming
voice. ( You should create a specific chant for your purpose. It can be as simple as one
word, or as complex as you wish. Examples: "Money, Money, come to me", "Bring love.".
or " Protection surround me, complete serenity.")

When you cannot chant and visualize any longer, put the candle out and repeat the spell
the following night ( or day). After you see the first glimpse of the results of your spell that
night or day, let the candle burn all the way out.

Remember, after the completion of any spell or ritual, always say, "So mote it be." ( This
simply means, " It is over.")

Altar Setup...
You will need a compass to setup your altar.
As i did when i was beginning, you should start with your four tools and Book of Shadows.
Place them as follows:
1. Athame to the south of the altar.
2. Cup to the west of the altar.
3. Incense burner to the east of the altar.
4. Bowl to the north of the altar.

The relationship of the position on the altar with the polar directions:
South= raw energy (athame)
West= water or subtle energy (chalice)
East= breath (incense)
North= grounded (bowl)

You should only have one candle on your altar(known as your altar candle). This does not
include the candles you use in your rituals or spells. You should have two colors on hand or
your altar candle. White for calling, black for banishing. Always use the same candle until
it runs out. ( You may switch the white and black candle back and forth.) This candle
should go in the middle. Your BOS should go wherever you can read it best.

Circle Casting...
Circle casting means to place a barrier around you and your altar, so no other outside
"unwanted" energies can break or get inside, hence weakening your ritual or spell.
Also, circle casting encloses you so that only your energies and the ones you call get in,
That is why we call this STEP TWO. I have tried most of the circle casting techniques out
there, and have gotten weak results. My coven has taught me a great circle casting
technique that i continue to use with great results to this day.

Tools you will need:

1. Salt
2. Water
3. Black or White candle
4. Dirt from the earth
5. Your tools

Circle casting does not need a big open space. You may have your altar against a wall,
facing any direction, or even use the bathroom. For white altar circle (calling), use
sandalwood incense. (stick or cone is fine) For black altar circle (banishing) use patchouli
incense. (stick or cone is fine) If this is calling magic or any ritual or ceremony, follow
directly. If this is banishing magic, visualize black light instead of the white light.


Perform STEP ONE. Setup altar. Place the salt into the chalice and place the athame tip
into the water. Draw a pentagram while saying, " As salt with water, I purify thee."
Visualize the cup glowing white. Light the incense while saying, " As air to wind, charge
this area." Visualize the smoke rising and glowing white. Place the dirt into the cauldron
and say, " As earth to flesh, I charge thee." Visualize the cauldron glowing white. Take
your athame and point it down. Visualize white light shooting up from the earth into you.
Visualize yourself glowing white. Place the athame back on the altar and put your hands
over your head, palms up. Visualize all the white light you pulled from the earth coming
out of your hands and forming a circle around you and your altar. Visualize the area
glowing white. Lower your hands and say, " Charged is this circle of light. Nothing may
enter, nothing may leave, unless i choose it to be." Now you must charge yourself. Take the
water and drink a sip. Take the incense and breathe a bit. Take the earth from the
cauldron and rub your hands in it. Now proceed with your ritual, spell or ceremony. From
now on, whenever you do any ritual, spell or ceremony, first perform STEP ONE,
(meditation) and STEP TWO, (circle casting).

(Releasing will be referred to as STEP THREE)

Closing your circle for a spell: Take the athame and point it up. Visualize the white light
shooting up into space while saying, "So mote it be." Always drain the charged water into
the earth. Your circle casting is complete.

Raising and Projecting Energy

This is an important chapter so read it carefully!
To raise energy means to bring up enough charge to effectively perform your rituals, spells
and ceremonies. Projecting energy means to send it out to accomplish your intentions, or
even to send energy to the earth so others may use it.

Raising energy is STEP FOUR.

To raise energy, simply visualize what you are raising the energy for and hum or chant in a
low voice. Try to make it as clear as possible. Example: You are doing a basic candle
magick spell as in the
Introductory Lesson. For money, you hum ( or chant your purpose) while visualizing for
as long as you possibly can.
Projecting energy is exactly the same as releasing the circle when circle casting. It projects
energy out to accomplish whatever task you request. Keep in mind you have to push the
energy out of yourself (project). To do this, mentally feel the energy leaving your body and
visualize it.
Example: Flex all the muscles you can in your body and release. That too is releasing
energy. Now flex all the muscles in your body and release- but at the same time mentally
push all of your energy out while visualizing this, be it a white light.
Seem easy? Guess again. This may take some practice over a period of months to
effectively use.

This does not have to be preformed daily. Just practice this rite as often as you wish. It
helps develop your visualization and raising and projecting.

Perform STEP ONE and STEP TWO.

Visualize yourself engulfed in a green light. ( Green is health. More information on
visualization will be covered in Lesson Four) Hold as long as you can, trying not to let any
other thoughts come into your mind. Start humming and feel the energy rise. Do not
visualize at this point. Do this as long as you can. Now, visualize and hum at the same time,
for as long as you can.


Remember to project- point the athame down giving the earth healing. This rite will drain
you of energy when done properly. You should feel energetic again in about 30 minutes. It
also helps you and the earth.

Having learned all taught so far and presuming you have been practicing for at least one
month, you are ready for initiation. This is not self-initiation taught in many books: this
type of initiation will call upon the astral powers and energies to accept and notice you.
You may have to perform this ceremony for a few weeks before you are accepted. You
already have the earth (elemental energies) with you.
Astral powers or energies must now be channelled into you so you may move on through
this course. This will open the gates of the Deities, Spirits, and Astral Entities.
Do not perform this ceremony if you feel you need more practice and do not take it lightly.
This is the same ceremony i had to do before the coven would teach me the ways, and it
took me three weeks before i had contact with these energies. Don't despair! Though you
may get it the first night, it does take time. Above all, don't give up.

You will need:

1. incense
2. your tools
3. a flower of any type
4. four white candles ( in addition to your altar candle)
5. a white robe
6. use both the black and white candles for your altar candles
Setup- Place your tools where they belong: the altar candles can go next to each other, the
four white candles should go on the floor next to your altar in a rectangular position, the
flower below the altar candles, and you should be in your white robe (nude). This can be
done any night, but only at night.

Perform STEP ONE and STEP TWO.
Kneel before the altar and hum for about 10 minutes. Take the flower and kiss it. Raise it
above your head and say, " Oh God and Goddess hear me, blessed be. Spirits and powers
hear me, blessed be. Come to me this night, for this is your rite." Light the four candles
while saying, "These candles are your door, come through oh God and Goddess, blessed
be. These candles are your door, come through oh spirits and powers, blessed be." Place
the flowers inside the rectangle of candles while saying, " This is me, I call you, oh God
and Goddess, hear me. This is me, I call you, oh spirits and powers here me." Take your
incense burner and make sure the incense is still burning. Place the burner inside of the
rectangle of candles while saying, "Let this be your form oh God and Goddess come forth.
Let this be your form oh spirits and powers come forth." Hold your hands up over your
head and say, " I am your child, I am your light, bring to me your loving grace, come forth
and welcome me." Lower your arms. Take your athame and point it at the burner.
Visualize the burner glowing white. Point the athame up above your head while saying, "
Open the gates, open the way, come forth." Remove your robe so that you are completely
naked and say, " I stand here before you in my total purity. Oh God and Goddess come
forth and accept your child. Oh sprits and powers come forth and accept your child."
Drink from the chalice and say, "I am ready for your acceptance oh great ones, give me
the sign." Sit before the rectangle of candles and chant, "Come forth, come forth," and so
on. Continue chanting until the sign comes, or for about half and hour. This sign can be as
simple as a thump on the wall, a breeze, or anything out of the ordinary, or it can be the
actual appearance of the God, Goddess, Spirits, or Powers. ( If this happens, don't panic
simply move to the next part) After you have gotten the sign (and you must get a sign to
move on) move on.
If after a half hour you have not received a sign, perform STEP THREE and try again the
next night. Only continue with the following if you have gotten the sign. Say, "Oh God and
Goddess, I adore thee. Oh spirits and powers, I adore thee." Take the white altar candle
and hold it saying, " Purify to the forces of light." Take the black candle and hold it while
saying, " Purify me to the forces of darkness." Kneel before the altar and say, " I am your
child. Protect me. I am here. I am blessed." Put your robe back on and say, "So mote it
be." Perform STEP THREE, but release the energy up instead of down. You are now
initiated into the craft and accepted by the God, Goddess, spirits, and powers. You will
gain a spirit guide later in the course, but for now, welcome and greetings! Your path is
now starting! If you do not get the sign within four weeks, go back and practice what you
have learned thus far. You are simply not ready yet. Don't give up!
Assuming you have completed initiation lets put some things together. Whenever you start
any spell, ritual, or ceremony, what do you do? Perform STEP ONE, STEP TWO & STEP
THREE. This is your foundation for all spells, rituals & ceremonies. Of course many steps
will follow, but for now, this is a good start. Try this: Write a chant for any purpose you
choose and perform the steps. Where does your chant go? STEP FOUR. This is basic
magick. What you can do with just that, is unlimited. Imagine what knowledge you will
have at the end of this course!

Deity, Spirit & Elemental Altars

Deity, spirit and elemental altars offer a way of communicating with the astral world.
When you setup one of these altars and invoke the forces, these powers will come to you
and help you on your path. Many traditions hold these types of altars in a hush-hush type
manner. It is often not talked about and not taught. As this is a complete course in
Witchcraft and you learned all thus far, you have every right to learn this art. When I first
cast my spirit altar and invoked, it took me by surprise. I contacted a spirit by the name
Lethor and he was a playful little thing, but i gained the knowledge of what i was seeking
at that time. Whatever purpose you have in mind for your altars is your business. It may
be a spell, worship or any other reason.

You will need all of your tools and deity incense, and a picture of the deity you wish to
come. It would be a good idea for you to familiarize yourself with deities by finding a book
about them. If you can find a picture of the one you wish to call, frame it. Obtain a white
robe and a white candle (not your altar candle).

You will need all of your tools and spirit incense, a white robe, and a white candle.

You will need all of your tools and elemental incense (shown later), a white robe, and a
white candle. Setup for all altars- Place your tools in their normal places. ( The mirror's
normal place is wherever you choose) Place the picture (for the deity altar) wherever you
choose. Place the white candle next to your altar candle.

Deity Incense - myrrh, basil, thyme, wormwood.
Spirit Incense - wormwood, anise, cloves mustard seed.
Elemental Incense - Wormwood, celery seed, dill, bay leaves, mint.
Witches Lesson 3


Invoking forces will actually call them to your circle and altar for their help and their
presence. You will most likely not see them, but they have a tendency to manifest
themselves as breezes, noises, talking, moving objects or nothing at all. If you see no signs
of them, it does not mean they are not there. Why might you want to cast a ritual of this
sort? Say for example you have chosen Pan as one of your Gods. You may want to give him
notice that you have done so and from time to time, give him thanks. Perhaps you need
help with a spell you are casting for the healing of a family member and want the spirit
world to aid you.

Place some deity incense on your burner and chant the following for about ten minutes: "
(Deity's Name) come forth, I call you. (Deity's Name) hear me. Come forth this night, arise
to this your altar. I call you." Light the white candle and say, "This is my offering to you
(Deity's name). Come forth oh great one." Take your athame and point it at the mirror
and say, " Let this tool be your entrance into this world. Come through (Deity's name),
hear me." Place the burner with the deity incense in front of the mirror while saying,
"May no harm come to me or anyone as you travel in this world. Come through, come
through, come through. (Deity's name) arise." Close your eyes, raise your arms up and
say, " (Deity's name) are you with me?" Wait for a few minutes until you get a sign. ( This
can be an actual voice, a bump on the wall, a breeze, or anything out of the ordinary.) If
you do not get a sign, Repeat: "(Deity's name) are you with me?" up to a total of seven
times. If still no sign, say, " (Deity's name) I release you back to your world. May you do
no harm to me or anyone on your way. So mote it be. If you do get a sign: Open your eyes
and say, " Deity's name) I welcome you to this world. I honor you." If the deity is before
you ( though rare, it does happen), be blessed! Do not fear this. If nothing is standing
there, but you have gotten a sign, just keep going. Sometimes the deity will talk, cause
bumps, or what have you. Just keep going. Tell the deity why you have called it (be sure to
use it's name as you address it), such as, ' I need you Pan to accept me as one of your
own.', ' I need you Hecate to bring wrath upon my neighbour, (explain why), ' I need to
know if Scott is true to his word', etc. Or you may continue with a Sabbat, moon rite spell,
etc., to make your magic even more powerful. At this point , it is safe to assume the deity
has heard you. Say, " (Deity's name) I release you back to your world, may you do no
harm on you way to me or anyone else. So mote it be" Perform STEP THREE.

Light your spirit incense while saying, " Spirits of the astral world, open the gates. Come
forth." Chant for about 10 minutes, "Come forth spirits of the astral world." LIght the
white candle (not the altar candle) while saying, " Spirits thee I invoke, hear me on this
night." Take your athame and point it at the mirror while saying, " Use this tool oh spirits.
Open the gate and come through. Hear me." Take your burner with spirit incense
burning, place it in front of the mirror while saying, "Come forth spirits, I call you." Look
deep into the mirror directly into your eyes. Wait for the mirror to turn black, then say, "
Use this gate oh spirits. Come forth, I invoke you." Close your eyes and say, " Spirits are
you here?" Wait 5 minutes for the sign. If no sign comes, say, "I release you spirits of the
other side. May you harm no one on your way. Return to where you came from. So mote it
be." Perform STEP THREE. If you get the sign, say, " Welcome great spirits, I honor
you." Tell the spirits what it is you are after or why you have called them then say( You
can even ask their names, you may get a verbal response.) " I release you spirits of the
other side, may you harm no one on your way. Return where you came from. So mote it
be." Perform STEP THREE.
(Earth Energies)
Light the elemental incense and say, "Earth, Air, Fire , Water, gather here in front of me."
Light the white candle ( not the altar candle) and say, "I summon you from all the corners
of the earth. Arise earth, arise air, arise fire, arise water." Place your hands in the form of
the upside down triangle. (This is called the earth form) While visualizing the triangle
glowing brown say, " Earth hear me, come forth." While visualizing the triangle glowing
white say, " Air hear me, come forth." While visualizing the triangle glowing red say, "
Fire hear me, Come forth." While visualizing the triangle glowing blue say, " Water hear
me, come forth." Hum for about 5 minutes. State why you have summoned these energies.
There is no sign from this invocation because it involves earth energies, not an entity of
any type. These energies are very powerful for use with any purpose. If other invocations
scare you, you are safe to use this one, due to no manifestations at all. Creating and
Projecting Thought Forms Thought forms are spirits you create for the purpose you
choose. Thought forms are very powerful and potent when done correctly. Many people
use them without even knowing it. If someone is angry with you in a way that they send
thought forms out against you, those thought forms can often work, bringing you bad
fortune. The same can be done with love, fear, or most other emotions. Thought forms can
also be used to project something or an area , even to help you pass a test. There is no end
to the uses of these little creatures.

However, it is only fair to warn you, if you create a thought form against someone and that
someone happens to be a Witch with enough knowledge and know-how to reverse it, it
WILL be coming back to you. If, by chance, you choose to create this negative type of
form, do your ground work first. Do the wax and water rite to see if this person is a Witch
or has enough psychic energy to backlash this form, or even call upon a God or Goddess to
find out. I am not going to lecture anyone on the morals or Karma of magic. I have found
that everyone does magic whether they realize it or not in common day-to-day life. Who is
teaching them to do this? More importantly, who is teaching them NOT to do this?

You will need:

1. your tools
2. altar candle
3. white candle for calling, black for banishing.
Setup- Place your tools in their usual place. Think of why you are creating this thought
form. You must have a form for this thought form to use. This may be some kind of
creature, a man, a woman, or whatever you choose. You may draw it on paper as best you
can remember it.


Visualize your thought form standing in front of you. Raise all the energy ou can to create
this form. Tell the form what it is you want it to do. Perform STEP THREE, but release
the energy up, not down. Many people believe you must tell the form when it should have
the task done by, and then follow up with a ritual to dissipate the form. This is untrue!
When the form completes it's task, it will dissolve on its own with no help from you. Most
of the time the form will wear out in a week or so, so if you want it to keep going, do the
ritual again in due time.

Everyone is a psychic, whether they believe t or not. Anyone can do magic, but only those
with the knowledge and will can control it. Have you every said the same thing at the same
times as another person does, without any reason why? Have you had a song stuck in your
head for no reason, then later someone else starts singing or humming the same song? This
is a form of telepathy: reading other people's thoughts, even from a distance. To develop
this is not easy, but it will come with patience and practice. Below are a few methods of
working telepathy.

Stare at someone, not letting them know you are doing this, and clear your mind. Try to
push out all thoughts and emotions, or simply visualize a black wall. The first thing you
see, feel or think may be the thoughts of that person. Keep doing this for some time, then
try it on someone you know. Ask them what it was they were thinking about.

Lay down and close your eyes. Visualize someone you know, not where they are or what
they are doing, just them. Imagine their third eye (the third eye is in the lower center part
of the forehead, just above and between the eyes) open up and visualize yourself traveling
into that third eye. At that point, blank your mind and let the thoughts, feelings and
visualizations take over. This is one of the best methods. This is a form of Black Magic, but
used in a positive way, it can be converted to White Magic. You can place thoughts,
feelings, and hallucinations into someones's mind. It takes quite some time to master this,
but it can become a very easy yet powerful tool. Telepathy can be used to find things out or
place thoughts into someone's mind. "Black" Witches use this to curse and control people,
while "White" Witches use it to heal and comfort people. There are many other ways of
using Telepathy, but what i have shown above is the easiest and most effective.

Psychic workings is a form of Divination. Witches mostly use this to read a person, it can
be done anywhere at any time. This practice becomes helpful when meeting someone new,
dating, etc. It is very simple and takes real no practice, no steps and no tools, need is one :
the most easy and effective.

Get within five to eight feet of the person you wish to read. Visualize that black wall again.
Clear your mind of all else. At that point, whatever you see, feel or think is accurate. The
reason why this works is because we give off the energies of our souls. As many personas
as we put on, this energy of our souls is the real us. We cannot hide from this. When you
use this technique, you are pulling in that persons energies for just a moment and letting
go. That moment is all you need.

Divination is the correct term for reading the past, present and future. There are so many
forms of it, i cant list them all. From the course thus far, you have learned tow divinations:
Wax and Water, and Mirror Divination. The next step is to design your own set of reading

Reading Stones
Reading Stones have been used by practitioners of the craft for many centuries. Little is
taught about them these days, even though they work better than tarot cards. Some call
these stones "Runes". In a related way they are. You can use the stones to ask questions,
read the past, present or future.

Draw a small symbol that you will recognize for every word that follows:
love, money, trouble, death, luck, protection, peace, worry, family, friends. power, travel,
health, inspiration, perfection, anger, happiness, lust, evil, home, animal, karma, intuition,
male, female, child, work, pain, pleasure, trap. You will need to find or buy 30 flat stones,
along with 26 flat stones for the letters of the alphabet. (total=56) Paint all of your symbols
and the alphabet letters on the stones. Keep your stones in some kind of basket, but be
sure to keep the symbols separated from the alphabet.

Consecrate your stones by following the steps: STEP ONE, STEP TWO, STEP FOUR, &


Perform STEP ONE & STEP TWO. Light some Divination incense. Hold your palms up
over the basket and visualize glowing white. Chant for 5 minutes, " Astral ones hear me,
bring your sight to me." Ask your question. Take the basket and shake it. Let the stones
fall to the ground. Red only the stones that fall face up and only those that touch each
other. (Example: Female touching peace and home might mean a female has made the
home peaceful. Trouble touching work and money might mean poverty or someone is
getting fired soon. Female touching power and intuition might mean she is a Witch., etc.)
If you need more information: Place your hands over the alphabet basket and visualize the
basket glowing white. Chant the same chant and shake the basket. Let the stones fall to the
ground. Read only the stones that fall face up. ( you many need to interpret them.
Examples: aerfclu= careful, pelh= help, bok= book, etc.) Perform STEP THREE.

Tarot cards are also useful but that in itself is a complete course. If you must use Tarot
cards, remember two big tips. Use your intuition and first impression of the cards

The astral world is where we go when we die. It is not heaven or hell. It is not an eternal
paradise or eternal damnation, but there are lower astral places that so-called "demons"
The astral plane is energy. It is where all of our thoughts and dreams both come from and
go to, and we too will one day end up there. It is a place that is exactly what we believe it
is- nothing more nothing less. This is why some who have near death experiences believe
that they have seen Jesus, find themselves roaming around their body, or see dead
relatives. What you believe is what you will see and experience. Believing that a pleasant
existence will follow your human life eases your fears and gives you peace, believing that
your consciousness will be stuck with your body in the coffin will get you just that. You too
will see what you need to.

Ghosts are souls who made it to the astral world. All souls must go to the astral world,
there are no lost souls, but for whatever reason, they have returned to our plane. Some are
evil and some are not. The evil ones can gain enough astral energy to affect our plane,
causing destruction or disruption. The positive ones try to help their grieving loved ones,
or whatever they might choose. Most of us have had an astral soul or ghost around without
even knowing it. It is very common for souls to return.

The easiest way to see the astral plane is to dream. Dreams are the essence that your mind
uses to connect to the astral plane. You can have experiences and even meet other entities
there, Through dreams, you may see the future or astral souls who open these up for you,
bringing you knowledge that you might need. To effectively venture and work in the astral
world, you need to master astral meditation. Presuming you have been meditating for
some time now, you are ready to replace your old mediation with this new one.
The reason for this is that you are now initiated and have been practicing for some time.
You need to make strong contact with the astral world. This mediation, used as STEP
ONE, will attune the astral world to your work and the benefits tenfold.
Astral meditation is now STEP ONE.
Choose a quiet place and have a robe ready. ( you can make or buy a robe, any color you
choose) From now on, whenever you do any ritual, spell or ceremony, wear this robe. Put
on the robe while saying, " Astral light hear me." If you have chosen a God and/or
Goddess, say their name(s) now. If you have not chosen a God and/or Goddess, simply say,
" Deities, spirits, and powers that be, hear me." Sit on the floor and close your eyes.
Visualize a bright white light shooting down from the skies into your third eye. Visualize
your whole body glowing. Repeat this visualization for each of the following colors. Red,
blue, green, brown, orange, purple, pink, and black. Open your eyes and say, " I call the
powers, I lead the way." Clap your hands and say, " So mote it be".
To travel or work in the astral world, perform your astral meditation before the words "
So mote it be." State what you want to see or know about the astral world. Go to sleep, but
keep a pen and paper next to your bed so you can write down what your dreams revealed
to you, that will be your answer. You should be able to effectively do this the first time you


This chapter is one of the most feared and honored subjects in Witchcraft. Evoking means
to call deities and spirits to appear before you. You never have to do this if you choose not
to. Make sure that you are ready to do this if you do in fact choose so. You must be
initiated and have been practicing the craft for at least three months. Some Witches take
ten or more years to reach this point.
Some say that this is dangerous. The only dangers involved are your fears and beliefs. If
you believe that something can happen ( whether good or bad), It can. Take this to heart
and don't play with evocation; use it only in extreme cases. Some Witches evoke spirits
before ceremonies and rituals. You choose why you wish to do this. I am merely teaching
this to you because this is a complete course in Witchcraft and evocation is part of it.
You will need:
1. evoking incense ( wormwood & basil)
2. soil or dirt from a graveyard
3. a compass

Setup- Use your normal altar setup and place the items for the evocation anywhere you
Witches Lesson 4


Perform STEP ONE & STEP TWO. Hold you hands up, palms facing the sky and say, " I
call upon the astral world." Visualize the white light coming from the sky into your palms
and out if your third eye. Lower your hands and place some invoking incense on the
burner while saying. "Come forth oh great (spirit or deity's name). Place the burner on
the ground, making certain that the incense is burning well. Chant the following for about
10 minutes. " Come forth ( spirit or deity's name)." Close your eyes and visualize this
entity forming outside your circle. Take your athame and point it at the entity you
visualized being there and say, " (Name) I evoke you from the world you are at. Come,
hear me, I summon you. I call you, thee I evoke." Sprinkle some of the graveyard dirt to
the east, south, west and north of your circle while saying, " May you harm no one, unless
I state so. Come forth, I evoke thee." Place some more incense on the burner and say, "
May this be your form." Look at the incense until it forms something, look closely because
it may only do so for a second, and say, "(Name) I honor your, are you with me?" Say this
over and over until you get a sign. Take your athame and point it north while saying, "
Show yourself at this quarter." Keep chanting this until you see the entity or some form of
it. If nothing happens after 15 minutes, skip to the releasing the entity and try again
another time. After the entity has shown itself, you may proceed with why you have called
it. Perform your spell or ask your question.


Take your athame and point it to the east while saying, " Go Now, (Name), back to where
you have came from, by the powers of the astral world, go. Harm no one on your way,
unless I state so. I bless you and honor you and thank you. Go back now." Close your eyes
and visualize a white light coming from the circle into your third eye and returning to the
skies. Perform STEP THREE. As everything in magic, if you don't get the entity to appear,
try again another day. Patience again!

Candle Magic.
Candle magic is simply that, magic using candles. To properly use candles you must know
the colors and meanings. Before we get into that, it is important to choose candles that are
full color, meaning they are the same color all the way through. Scratch the surface with
your fingernail to find out.

Candle Colors...
1. White- can be used for any calling purpose or white magic.
2. Green- money, health, peace, perfection.
3. Red- love, lust, anger, war, fire.
4. Blue- animals, beauty, karma, water.
5. Purple- sight, miracles, power, air.
6. Brown- protection, spirits, earth.
7. Pink- astral, deities, honor, emotions.
8. Orange- dreams, meditation, ghosts.
9. Black- can be used for any banishing magic or Black magic.
Choose three candles that form the purpose of the spell, They can be the same color. Notice
the elemental candles, -earth, air, fire, water- and the spirit, astral and deity candles, you
can use these for an extra touch if you like.
You will need:
1. three candles of the spell you are working.
2. incense of the spell that your are working
3. your tools
4. oil of the spell you are working
5. a chant you have written for the purpose of this spell.
Setup - Your usual altar setup. Place the three candles in the form of a triangle in the
middle area of the altar. Place the incense and oil where you can easily reach it.


Rub oil on each candle either up or down. ( Refer to the introductory lesson for the proper
direction.) Place some incense on the burner while saying, "Astral world, hear my cries, I
call you on this night, guide my spell.
Now light all the candles and chant your chant while visualizing your purpose. Do this for
as long as possible, the perform STEP FOUR. Put out the three candles while saying, "So
mote it be." Perform STEP THREE. Do this spell every night for as long as the candles
last. This spell is a bit more intermediate than the spell in the Introductory Lesson. By the
end of this course, you will be writing your own candle spells and creating your own rites.

Doll magic is making an image of a person and bringing it to life, causing it pain or
pleasure, luck or disaster- again your choice. It is very powerful spell and should not be
done lightly. Doll magic is better known for its evil, and its true most doll magic is done for
evil, but it doesn't have to be that way, I have seen doll magic used in healing with
wonderful results.
You will need:
1. something to make the doll out of ( wax, clay, cloth, etc.)
2. your tools.
3. calling or banishing incense ad powder.
4. one long pin.
Setup- Set up your altar as usual. Place doll on your altar in front of you. Place the pin
next to the doll. Write a chant for your purpose.

Light your incense and chant your chant while forming the figure of the person. Visualize
this person while making the doll. After the doll is formed, hold it above your head.
Visualize a light coming into the doll. ( Refer to the candle colors for the light color). The
light should be the same as the purpose of your spell. Place the doll back down and
sprinkle some powder on it while saying, " I call you (name). Quarters arise and bless
(name). You are (name). Close your eyes and visualize the person, see them in every detail
and say, " (Name) I call you here, come fill this effigy with your soul." Now chant and
perform STEP FOUR. Visualize your spell working while saying, "So mote it be." Perform
The placement of the pin is NOT important in this spell. The visualization and chanting
focus the energy in the area it should go, not the pin.

Charm Bags....
Charm bags are small bags charged with energy that releases over a period of time,
causing a spell to last and work up to full potency. A charm bag is filled with items such as
rocks, feathers, herbs, pictures, etc. Most Witches believe it has to be a rock firm set of
items such as a good luck charm bag has to have all green items plus luck oil: this untrue.
Get in mind the reason for the charm bag and take a walk. Along your walk, pick up items
that "call to you". What i mean by "call to you" is something that you take a double look
at for no reason, you may find it beautiful: you'll know when an item calls to you. These
are meaningful items that we will fill our bags with.
You will need:
1. your tools.
2. calling or banishing powder and incense.
3. any small bag made of any material.
Setup: Take your walk and find your items. Setup your altar as usual. Place the bag and
ingredients close to you. Write a chant for your purpose.

Light your incense and chant your chant for about 5 minutes. Visualize your reason for the
bag while filling it with what you have gathered. Chant your chant again. Perform STEP
FOUR while sprinkling the bag with the powder. Hold the bag in your hands while you
chant. Do this for as long as possible. Now take your athame, touch the tip of it to the bag
and say, " I bless you for this reason (state your reason)." Perform STEP THREE. If the
bag is for you, place or wear it someplace where no one else will see it. If the bag is for
someone else, give it to them, and let them do the same. If the bag is for someone else and
you don't want them to know about it, place it somewhere that they will have to come near
it, but not be able to see it.

Talisman Magic.
Talismans are similar to charm bags, but they are only one item. They work the same as
charm bags, but you must create them and give them life.
You will need:
1. a piece of paper and a pen.
2. your tools.
3. calling or banishing incense, powder and oil.
Setup: Setup your altar in the usual fashion. Place the paper and pen close to you. Write a
chant for your purpose.

Light the incense. Take the paper and pen and draw some sort of picture or symbol, while
at the time chanting your chant and visualizing the reason for the spell. Now take the
powder and sprinkle it on the picture. Take the oil and dab it on the paper. Hold the
picture in your hands while chanting and visualizing. Perform STEP FOUR. Do this for as
long as possible. Take the athame and touch it to the picture while saying, " I bless you for
the reason of ( say your reason for the spell)." Perform STEP THREE. Follow the same
directions for use as described in charm bags. If the talisman is for you, place it or wear it
someplace where no one will see it. If the talisman is for someone else, give it to them and
let them do the same. If the talisman is for someone else but you don't want them to know
about it, place it somewhere that they will have to come near, but will not see it.

Mirror Magic
This uses the mirror you have charged. This type of magic allows you to "travel" to
peoples homes and send thoughts to people's minds. This magic might be considered a
form of black magic, but again, it is all in the way you use it. The mirror, as you know, is a
direct link to the astral world, letting you in and out to different places and call someone to
you. This type of magic was used on me once to call my mind. It was very powerful and
can be dangerous if you use it as such.
You will need:
1. your tools
2. calling or banishing incense.
Setup: Set up your altar in the usual fashion. Set the mirror in the stand so that the mirror
faces you.

Take your athame and point it to the mirror saying, " Astral powers open up, I call you."
Take off your robe so that you are completely naked. Light the incense. Look into the
mirror, directly into your eyes. Wait until the mirror turns black, then say, " I call upon
the deities, spirits, and elementals to come forth together to this my circle, and guide me
on this path."
If your spell is to travel to someone or somewhere, continue with this: Look into your
mirror and let the mirror turn black. In you mind, visualize where you want to go. Keep
doing this until the mirror shows you a sign or symbol, then visualize yourself going
through the mirror. Visualize that you are at the place you want to go. Soon the mirror will
take over.
If your spell calls for you to call the person to you, continue with this: Look into the mirror
and chant the person's name over and over. Let the mirror turn black and visualize the
person in the mirror. Chant their name. Soon the mirror will take over. When it does, tell
the person what you want them to do, etc. Perform STEP THREE.
Witches Lesson 5


Remember at the start of this lesson about daydreaming and anger? They are forms of
unintentional mental magic. Doing mental magic calls for no tools, no circle, no steps.
Mental magic is what one day all witches hope to become: no props, no needs, just the
mind to cast the most powerful spells. Mental magic can be used for any purpose, and can
be done anywhere anytime. That is why this type of magic is important to learn.

To perform mental magic, all you need to do is basically daydream with emotion. Just
create what you want to happen in your mind and feel it. Do this as often as possible, again
and again until you see results.
Example: If i want money to come to me, I create a daydream where I win the lottery and
spend the money. I get excited and feel it. I do this over and over, as many times as i can,
until money arrives.
Again, as with anything in the craft, it takes time to master it. Try small things at first and
move up. Like stairs, start at the bottom and work your way up!


The circle you have been using so far is the one you will continue to use, there is no better
one than that for the use of this craft. This advanced circle is only used in cases of extreme
needs, such as protection, or even when a great healing has to be done. Just remember,
ONLY in extreme cases will you use this circle.
The circle calls the spirits of the quarters: north, south, east, and west, along with the
astral world to guard and help your circle or ceremony. It calls these powers to you, and if
you call them for no great reason, or every time you cast a circle, they get frustrated, as
you would. Again, only use in extreme cases.
You will need:
1. Your tools
2. Element candles: earth, air, fire, & water.
3. Astral candle
4. A compass
Setup: Set up your altar as usual. Place the element candles at the proper quarters. Earth=
North, Air= East, Water=west, Fire=South. Place the astral candle next to the altar candle.

Light the north candle while saying, " I call upon the spirits of the north, come forth to
this my circle." (Repeat with each candle, east, south, & west, in that order.) Hold your
athame high above your head and say, "Come forth quarters of the north, east, south, and
west to this my circle." Now light the astral candle while saying, " Come forth oh gods and
goddesses from the astral plane. I call upon you, in my time of need, come forth to this my
circle." Perform the old STEP TWO and say, " Through my minds eye, my power point, i
close this circle by the powers of all, come forth and hear me." At this point, do your
ritual, ceremony or spell.
Release all: " I thank all of you for joining and helping me on this night/day. Go back to
your place of existence, harming on one on your way unless i state so. I honor and love
you, until we meet again, so mote it be." Perform STEP THREE.

In the chapters that follow, you will be learning the craft's inner practices. These are
ceremonies and spells that are kept hidden and rarely taught. Some of these practices
consist of sex magic, astral projection, fire thoughts, the domino effect and spirit catching.
You will learn more inner practices from your spirit guide and soon, in lesson 7, you will
be creating your own.

Sex magic is the practice of using sex to perform magic. You do not need a partner to
perform sex magic, in fact, because two people cannot have the same thought at the same
time, it is best if you do not have a partner. A partner can actually hinder the magic. Sex
magic is a big taboo for most religions simply because it requires sex, masturbation, and
sometimes various sodomy practices that some people cant seem to handle other people
doing. You may feel uncomfortable using or learning this type of magic, if so it is ok, you
do not have to use it or learn it.
If you are not using a partner: Perform STEP ONE & STEP TWO. Start masturbating
and visualize what the spell is for. At the point of orgasm, concentrate on your
visualization, see it happening. Perform STEP THREE.
If you are using a partner: You both must be visualizing the same thing using the same
format as above.
Do this daily, and in a short matter of time, you will see results.

You know about the astral world, and you have learned about traveling and working in
that world. Now, astral projection takes on a new meaning, you actually split from your
body and travel as a spirit, soul or simply energy. You can travel anywhere: to the past,
present or future. However, you cannot affect anything while in your astral state, because
you are essentially still alive, thus not having true astral energy enough to effect any plane
of existence in your astral form. This technique takes time and patience.
You will need:
1. your tools
2. astral incense.
Setup: Set up your altar in the usual fashion.

Perform STEP ONE , Advanced circle casting and the old STEP TWO. (Note- for astral
projection it is an extreme need to use this type of circle to protect your body while you are
away.) Look into your mirror until it turns black. Then say, "Open the gates, open the
way, I am here." Sit in a comfortable position. Start humming and visualize your self
floating up. Keep this up for as long as you can.
Soon you might find yourself actually floating out of your body, or you might just find
yourself feeling like you are beginning to float. This is the first step to astral projection. If
you find yourself floating out of your body and you look down and there you are, simply
say the word, "back" and you'll be back inside your body. Once you master floating out of
your body, all you need to do to get somewhere is think it. Perform STEP THREE.

Fire thoughts are known to affect people and objects with only your mind, such as having
someone phone you when you want, to having a pencil roll off of someone's desk. This is
very difficult to master, and you may never get it down a hundred percent. Just keep
Fire thoughts need no circle or tools, just the use of your mind. To use this to make
someone phone you for example, think of that person's head. Now picture the person's
third eye and visualize the words "call me" ( or whatever you are throwing at this person)
glowing red and going into this person's third eye. Do this once only, and wait a few hours
to see if you have gotten any results.
To affect objects such as pencils, you need to use STEP FOUR. At first, try humming and
raising energy: have a pencil on a table close to you. When you feel you have raised
enough energy, release it at the pencil and shout the word "move!" You may be surprised
to find the pencil has moved a few inches.
Fire thoughts, once mastered, can be used to affect the weather, animals, any inanimate
object, and even people.

The dominio effect is used in spellwork; it is mainly a chain reaction. When you cast spells,
you want the best possible outcome, without too many tangles. When casting spells, you
must think of the best possible outcome for your visualization and let the rest of the spell
fall where it does- a domino effect. This effect will cause you spell to fall like dominos. It is
a natural law of magic-you need no ceremony or ritual to use this; it applies anytime you
cast a spell.

This type of ritual allows you to catch someone's spirit or soul and place them in objects
such as bowls or jars. Mush like voodoo, this can cause people to die, become zombies,
etc--this type of magic is known to be black magic. What is your house was haunted by a
vengeful spirit and it was harming your children? The color of magic is found in your
You will need:
1. your tools
2. catching incense (guinea pepper, nutmeg, mint)
3. a bowl, or jar, etc.
4. a compass
Setup- Set up your altar as usual. Set up the candles for advanced circle casting.

Hold your athame above your head while saying, " I call upon the spirit of (name)." Point
your athame to the north. With the athame, draw a triangle in the air. Place some incense
on the burner while chanting the person's or spirit's name. Look into your mirror and say,
" Deities, spirits & elements, come forth from the astral world and bring me (name)."
Wait for the mirror to turn black. Now chant the name over and over while visualizing this
person in the mirror. Soon the mirror should form an image of some sort. When it does,
take your athame and point it at the mirror saying, "Come forth (name) , I conjure you.
May you be trapped inside until i release you." Visualize the container filling up with
white light while saying, "You are now trapped, oh spirit. May the astral powers keep you
there. So mote it be." Perform STEP THREE.


Perform STEP ONE & STEP TWO. State that you are releasing the spirit from the
container. Visualize the white light leaving the container and traveling back through the
mirror. Perform STEP THREE.


We all have spirit guides and at times we all use them, but imagine for a second the power
of being able to use a spirit guide anytime you wish to help you with anything you need.
This guide becomes your best friend, they will never lie to you or betray you. Their main
purpose is to help you on your path and after. Contacting your guide takes a period of
weeks, and after that contact is made, talking to and using your spirit guide is easy.


Perform STEP ONE & STEP TWO. Look into your mirror and say, " Astral powers,
release my guide, show my guide the way." Take your athame and point it at the mirror
saying, "Use this as your door to enter my world." Perform STEP THREE.
Later that same night, before you go to bed, have a pencil or pen ready so when you
awake, you can write down your dreams. Your spirit guide will only come to you in your
dreams. You may have to repeat this ritual daily for a few weeks before your guide
introduces him/herself to you. In the dream, you will know when you meet this guide. It
should even give you his/her name; make sure you ask.


Perform STEP ONE & STEP TWO. Look into your mirror and say what you need from
the guide. ( Example- "(Name), I need to find out what herbs i can use to bless my home."
Wait for the mirror to turn black. Perform STEP THREE.
Go to bed, and have a pencil or pen ready. Your guide will show you everything you need
in the dream. He or she may even show you better ways to do the house blessing, among
other things.
Witches Lesson 6


Mental temples are similar to mental magic, except you will cast our circle and perform all
of your magic using only your mind. You will build this temple any way you wish, and do
any type of ritual, ceremony or spell there. When you use a mental temple, you don't have
to worry about someone catching you doing your spells.
You will need:
1. Only your mind

Find a quiet place and sit there for a moment. Perform STEP ONE. Close your eyes and
visualize a temple. Make this temple any way you choose. The only thing you need to
visualize are your altar and tools, they have to be there. Open your eyes. Do this and STEP
ONE repeatedly for a few weeks, visualizing your temple, so that you know this temple by
heart. Perform STEP THREE mentally when finished.

As in lesson 4, Candle magic, the color that applies to the candle applies to your magic,
such as visualizing white can be used for any calling purpose white magic. To effectively
use color magic, you should use your mental temple ( or regular circle casting if you
prefer). Color magic is a simple yet powerful way of casting spells.


Perform STEP ONE & STEP TWO. Visualize the color of the magic coming down from
the skies to your circle. (refer to lesson 4 for the candle magic colors) Visualize this color
swirling around you for a few minutes. Now say what you want to happen. See this color
swirling and project the color. Perform STEP FOUR. Perform STEP THREE.

To cause the weather to change and listen to you takes a lot of practice. The weather is not
something that subdues easily. Through this technique, you can cause the wind to blow
hard, rain to come, clouds to part, most anything that weather causes, even a tornado.
Witches of old used to use this way of causing winds to blow so that ships could sail on the
seas, or cause havoc upon enemies using tornadoes or lighting storms.

Perform STEP ONE & STEP TWO in your mental temple. At this point, say what you
want to happen. Around your temple, visualize this happening, see it happening, see the
actual result. Do this for about half an hour. Raise and project your energy. Perform STEP
FOUR. Perform STEP THREE in your mental temple. Open your eyes and allow about
one hour. Look to see if the weather is changing to your needs. If it is not, try the spell


This type of contacting allows you to have a conversation of sorts wit the deity of your
choice. This method is also used to worship or honor certain deities. Witches of old used
this method to perform sabbat rituals. When the layman heard of it, they created the
broomsticks for the witches to fly on and meet the devil at the sabbat. Yes, this really
happened, except it wasn't the devil; the broomstick was her way of contacting the deity
Pan. Research deities and find out which ones you wish to contact.
Perform STEP ONE & STEP TWO in your mental temple. Scream the deity's name in
your mental temple. Using any words you feel right, call the deity. Tell the deity why you
are calling them. Wait for the deity's arrival and let your mind wander on its own. When
the deity comes, simply talk to him or her. Let your mind go, the deity will talk back.
Perform STEP THREE in your mental temple.

You already know what charging is in relationship with your tools. This ritual will charge
YOU. To give your spells that extra punch, use this to charge you with energy from the
astral world.

Perform STEP ONE & STEP TWO in your mental temple. Visualize a white light shooting
from the skies above your temple down to your third eye. Visualize all this energy coming
int your body. Do this until you begin to tingle. Perform STEP THREE, but do not release
the energy. At this point you may cast your spell in either the mental temple or regular.
You will be using this energy also.

This meditation should not replace the astral one you use as STEP ONE. Elemental
meditation is done in your mental temple; it calls the elements into you, causing your
power to rise. It should be done after the full moon rite and performed every month. It is a
boost to your magical muscles and keeps them focused- you need to do this.

Performed STEP ONE & STEP TWO in your mental temple. Visualize the ground (earth)
to the north. Visualize a tornado (air) to the east. Visualize a waterfall (water) to the west.
Visualize a fireball (fire) to the south. Turn to the north and visualize the earth coming
into your body. Turn to the east and visualize the tornado coming into your body. Turn to
the west and visualize the water coming into your body. Turn to the south and visualize the
fireball coming into your body. Perform STEP THREE in your mental temple.
Note- if you cannot do this in your mental temple, you may use it your regular circle.
Witches Lesson 7


This will allow you to start a group or coven if you wish. It also allows you to create your
own rituals, ceremonies and spells. You will be one with the astral world, a speaker for
them. This is the highest honor. Keep in mind, you must have been practicing for at least 6
months and know the course inside and out before you attempt to become a
priest/priestess. Cast a couple of spells and raise some energy to make sure you can
properly do this before you try to become a priest/priestess. Make sure you are REALLY
ready before you do this. If you are not ready when you do this, the astral world will not
look kindly on you. Do a divination first and see what it tells you.

Perform STEP ONE & STEP TWO in your mental temple. Contact the deity of your
choice. When the deity comes, tell them you wish to be initiated into priest/priestess hood.
Wait for the deity's response, he/she may not let you. If the deity says yes, ask for energy.
You will be amazed. Perform STEP THREE in your mental temple.
This has to be done in your mental temple. Do not force the deity's words using your mind,
it will only anger them. Let them speak for themselves! Once you pass this test, I
congratulate you! Welcome to the craft!


You know the basic steps: one, two, three and four. If you use these steps, you can create
any ritual, ceremony or spell. You can now even change the steps if you choose- you can
create your own ''STEP ONE, Meditation" if you choose.
How would you do this? How do you meditate? You relax, quiet your mind, and somehow
contact the astral world. Create a rite that does, for example; breathing deep is one way of
relaxing and quieting your mind and visualization is a great way of contacting the astral
Circle casting is all energy; you can create a ceremony that makes your energy form a
circle of some sort. Using the Color Magick found in Candle Magick colors and the tools,
what you say and feel at different points is all that is important. Just remember to address
the spirits, Deities, elementals and even astral powers, in some way. Example; (this was
created from one of my covens students)- She would perform STEP ONE and then
visualize white light coming from the skies into her third eye. She would then have this
light form a circle around her and she would say, " Spirits, Deities, elementals, and astral
powers, I call you to my circle." She got incredible results from this.
As with Circle Casting and Raising and Projecting Energy, you too may form your own
Releasing Rite, as you did for circle casting.
Raising and projecting energy is done many ways; visualization, chanting, clapping your
hands, drum beats, etc. You can experiment with this to find other ways you can raise and
project energy; you know the basics.

You know the steps and you may change them to suit your needs. Rituals are similar- you
may change these also to suit your needs. Just remember to always use the steps, one, two,
three and four. Whether you change them or not, this is your foundation.
To create a ritual, you must first know what you are creating it for. After you have
gathered this, the next step is to write on paper what you want to say. Find out by using
the Candle Magick colors, what color candles you should use. Put some of your tools into
it, you know which tools you should use and what their purposes are.
Rituals and ceremonies are basically the same thing. You can use the above to create

Again, the steps are your foundation. Creating spells is very easy once you know the
basics. All you have to do is put the colors together, along with any doll, charm bag, etc.,
and write your spell.
Example; I am doing a spell for love...
I will need;
1. any number of red candles
2. red rose petals
3. a red apple
4. calling incense
5. a red pin
The words I want to say are, " Love, love come to me. Love, love find me. Bring me on this
night, love, love come to me."
I would then perform STEP ONE & STEP TWO. Light the candles and chant my chant,
sprinkling the rose petals over the apple. Keep chanting my chant through STEP FOUR.
When I feel like the energy is at its peak, I would put the pin inside the apple. I would
finish by performing STEP THREE.


To make any of these, for any purpose you wish, simply stick to a few guidelines. Use
anything in the calling section to make any certain type of white magic. This is the same
for banishing or black magic. It's in the intent when you charge it; that's what gives it its
direction. You may make any type you choose- i.e. love calling, money, luck, etc. Just make
sure you charge it to that purpose and use it only with that kind of spell, ritual or
ceremony. If at any time you get stuck, contact your spirit guide or Deities for help. They
will bring the answers that you seek.
Witches Bible - Page 1

1. In the beginning was the Light and all things that were, are, and shall be were in
the Light. The Light is The Creators, our God and Goddess.
2. And the Light said, Let there be life, and the reverberating vibrations of Their
voices caused the creation of the Universes.
3. And the worlds were created and in them were the elements of life; fire, water,
air and earth. And the evolution of life began. This was the beginning of ages and
cycles of ages.
4. And within the Light were every soul of every creature great and small, and
these souls are the Children of the Light.
5. And the Light said, We shall send Our Children out and they shall live, love,
learn, and experience as they begin their journey.
6. They shall seek to become perfect, just as we are perfect.
7. The light said, when they have become perfect, they shall return unto us and we
shall receive them unto us.
8. And they shall be likened unto us, and then if they desire, they shall go no more
9. And in the attainment of this Divine Perfection, we shall give to our children
those things that they need to fulfill the journey.
10. There should not be put upon them more than they can endure.
11. Should they not attain this perfection in one life, we shall give them another.
But between these lives, they shall rest and learn...
12. Study their mistakes and the lessons from the previous lives.
13. Should they require ten lives, we shall give it to them for the attainment of
14. Should they require seventy lives, we shall give it to them.
15. Should they require one hundred and twenty-five lives, we shall give it.
16. It matters not to us how many lives that we should give to them as long as they
do return to us.
17. For we send our children out and we shall not lose one of them. For they are
our children.
18. Love from love, light from light, we love them and not one shall be lost.
Witches Bible - Page 2

1. In the beginning there was the Light and all things that have been, are, and shall be
were in the light.

2. Every soul that exists now existed then and the light wished that each and every soul
would go out, become perfect, live, love, and experience and then return of their own free
will to Them.

3. And the Light said, We shall send them out, who shall be the first?

4. And I, the Lady Isis, an humble child, one of the first born, stepped before them and
said, Allow me. If I fail, it will be nothing as long as you reach out and take me by the hand
to bring me back into Yourselves, Great Mother and Father.

5. Then that said, Go, and I went into the void and it was cold and I knew from the
beginning that my voyage and everything I knew, every word and deed, would bring me
again back to the Light.

6. That I should do nothing that would make me fail this task.

Witches Bible - Page 3

1. Therefore, I left the Light and felt the cold, the loneliness. And the lights of the world
could not begin to shine as brightly and joyfully as the Light of Lights.

2. I had only known the comforts of the Father and the Mother, the light, being in their
presence, knowing their love and their peace.

3. Therefore, I went down and took a body and through these incarnations I cam to feel
good and bad, to know suffering and pain, to feel the bite and sting of the serpent and

4. I came to know sickness and disease, feel the pangs of hunger and the exhaustion of
labor. I experienced all manner of life in these incarnations.

5. I came to understand time and age and the body's vulnerability to them. And in this
way, lived a lifetime of years, and my spiritual and physical evolution began.

6. And my Father and Mother, the Light, looked down upon me and seeing my pain and
suffering said, This is enough.

7. We will not allow our Children to remain in this body and suffer beyond their strength.

8. Then they said to me, Come, we will make for you a realm where you will find peace and
comfort and where you may study and come to understand the experiences of this life and
we will place this realm between ourselves and these worlds.

9. We shall not let our Children suffer beyond their means in one life, nor evolve through
several lives without rest. Therefore, shall they live, learn, and experience for a time and
then seek the comfort of this realm before continuing the attainment of perfection.

10. Therefore, shall the souls leave their bodies to seek rest and comfort and to seek
understanding that they may attain a higher perfection in their next life.

11. Therefore, I Lady Danu, left the body and entered the realm of comfort that the Light
had created for me.

12. This was the beginning for us all.

13. Soon thereafter my second journey began, not as my first alone, but with a second
spark who would come to be my consort who has been known as Pan, Bel, Belize.

14. And together we would change as the evolution of life continued.

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