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82 Ruler-and-Compass Constructions

PROOF Such a construction is equivalent to contructing the point (O, ...¡rr) from
the initial set of points Po = {(O, O), (1, O)}. From this we can easily construct (0, rr).
So if such a construction exists, then [(Q('lT) : (Q] is a power of 2 and, in particular, '1T
is algebraic over (Q. On the other hand, a famous theorem of Ferdinand Lindemann
asserts that '1T is not algebraic over (Q. Toe theorem follows. O
We prove Lindemann's theorem in Chapter 24. Toe proof involves ideas off the
main track of the book and has, therefore, been placed in the final chapter, Toe reader
who is willing to take the result on trust can skip the proof; the results are not used
anywhere else in the book.

7. l Express in the language of this chapter methods of constructing, by ruler and
a. Toe perpendicular bisector of a line
b. Toe points trisecting a line
c. Division of a line into n equal parts
d. Toe tangent to a circle at a given point
e. Common tangents to two circles

7 .2 Estimate the degrees of the field extensions corresponding to the constructions

in Exercise 7 .1 by giving reasonably good upper bounds.

7 .3 Prove using Euclidean geometry that the marked ruler construction of Figure
7.1 <loes indeed trisect the given angle AOB.

7.4 Can the angle 2'1T/5 be trisected using ruler and compasses?

7 .5 Show that it is impossible to construct a regular 9-gon using ruler and com-

7 .6 By considering a formula for cos 50 find a construction for the regular pentagon.

- 7 .7 Prove that the angle 0 can be trisected by ruler and compasses if and only if the

4t3 - 3t - cose

is reducible over (Q(cos 0).

7.8 Discuss the quinquisection (division into five equal parts) of angles.
Exercises 83

Figure 7.6: Srinivasa Ramanujan's approximate squaring of the circle.

7 .9 Verify the following approximate construction for 'TI' due to Ramanujan (1962,
p. 35) (see Figure 7.6). Let AB be the diameter of a circle centre O. Bisect AO
at M, trisect OB at T. Draw TP perpendicular to AB, meeting the circle at P.
Draw BQ = PT, and join AQ. Draw OS, TR parallel to BQ. Draw AD = AS,
and AC = RS tangenti al to the circle at A. Join BC, BD, CD. Make BE = BM.
Draw EX parallel to CD. Toen the square on BX has approximately the same
area as the circle.
(You will need to know that 'TI' is approximately �i�.
This approximation is
first found in the works of the Chinese astronomer Tsu Ch'ung Ching in about
450 AD.)

7 .1 O Prove that the construction in Figure 7.4 is correct if and only if the identity

. 0 sin 0
Slll-= ---
3 2 + cose
holds. Disprove the identity and estímate the error in the construction.

7 .11 Show that the compasses operation can be replaced by draw a circle centre Po
and pass through sorne other point of Po without altering the set of constructible

7.12 In the proof of Theorem 7.4, show that in fact [Kj-I (x j, Yj) : Kj_¡] is 1 or 2.
(Hint: Show that x j and Yj belong to the same quadratic extension of Kj-I ,)

7.13 Show that the regular heptagon (7-sided polygon) cannot be constructed with
ruler and compasses ..Hint: To construct the regular 7-gon is equivalent to
solving the polynomial equation

f(t) = t6 + t5 + t4 + t3 + t2 + t + 1 =Ü
84 Ruler-and-Compass Constructions


Figure 7.7: Duplicating the cube using a marked ruler.

whose roots include cos 2; + i sin 2;. Substitute u = t + f to get a cubic. Prove
that this cubic is irreducible.
Altematively, prove that f is irreducible.

7 .14 A race of alíen creatures living in n-dimensional hyperspace ]Rn wishes to

duplicate the hypercube by ruler-and-compass construction. For which n can
they succeed?

7.15 Figure 7.7 shows a regular hexagon and sorne related lines. lf XY::: 1, show
that YB ::: ,if),. Deduce that the cube can be duplicated using a marked ruler.

7.16 Since the angles 0, 0 + 2;, 0 + �'TI" are all equal, it can be argued that every
angle has three distinct trisections. Show that Archimedes's construction with
a marked ruler (Figure 7 .1) can find them all.

7 .17 Mark the following true or false.

a. There exist ruler-and-compass constructions trisecting the angle to an
arbitrary degree of approximation.
b. Such constructions are sufficient for practica! purposes but insufficient
for mathematical ones.
c. Toe coordinates of a constructible point líe in a subfield of IR whose
degree over the subfield generated by the coordinates of the given points
is a power of 2.
d. Toe angle '1T cannot be trisected using ruler and compasses.
e. A line of length '1T cannot be constructed from {(O, O), (1, O)} using ruler
and compasses.
f. It is impossible to triplicate the cube by ruler and compasses.
g. Toe real number '1T is transcendental over Q.
h. Toe real number '1T is transcendental over R
1. lf (O;«) cannot be constructed from {(O, 0), (1, O)} by ruler and com-
passes, then a is transcendental over Q.

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