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English 10 Parts of Speech 57 terms polka46321

Noun A word that names a person, place, thing, or an idea

Abstract Noun A noun that can't be perceived through the 5 senses (ex.
ideas, quality, emotions)

Concrete Noun A noun that can be perceived through the 5 sense

Collective Noun Used to name groups of people/things (ex. class,

Compound Noun A noun made up of more than 1 word. Can be separated,

hyphenated, or combined

Common Noun A noun that names a class of things (ex. trees, baby)

Proper Noun A noun that names a particular person, place or thing

(ex. White Oak Avenue, Betty White)

Pronoun A word that replaces/takes place of a noun antecedent

Antecedent The word or group of words for which a pronoun

stands/replaces for

Personal Pronoun First person: I, me, my, our, we

Second person: your, you
Third person: it, he, she, they, them, their
Reflexive Pronoun Ends in -self/-selves and ADDS INFORMATION to a
sentence by pointing back to a noun or pronoun earlier
in the sentence
*Can't be left out of the sentence

Intensive Pronoun Ends in -self/-selves and adds EMPHASIS to a sentence

by pointing back to a noun or pronoun earlier in the
*Can be left out of the sentence
*Can be after the antecedent or in a different location of
the sentence

Demonstrative Directs attention to specific people, places, etc

Pronoun That, These, This, Those

Relative Pronoun Begins a subordinate clause and connects it to the rest

of the sentence
That, Who, Which, Whom, Whose

Interrogative Pronoun Used to begin a question

What, Which, Who, Whose, Whom

Indefinite Pronoun Refers to people, places, or things often without

specifying which ones (ex. another, nothing, other, both,
few, all, any)

Verb A word that expresses time while showing an action, a

condition or the fact that something exists

Action Verb A verb that tells what action someone/something is

performing, has performed, or will perform

Transitive Verb Takes an object

Intransitive Verb Does not direct its action to an object

How to find if verb is Ask What? or Whom?

transitive or If answers question, it is transitive
intransitive? If not, it is intransitive
Linking Verb A verb that connects a word(s) at or near the beginning
of a sentence with a word(s) at or near the end (ex. am,
is, are, were,been,being)

Predicate A noun or pronoun that appears with a linking verb and

Nominative/Noun renames, identifies, or explains the subject of the

Predicate Adjective An adjective that appears with a linking verb and

describes the subject of the sentence

Verb phrases Has a helping verb

(ex. I will be helping with the dishes. Will be helping-
Verb phrase)

Adjective Describes a noun or pronoun to give it a more specific


Adjective answers What kind? Which one? How much? or How many?
what questions?

Nouns as adjectives A noun used as an adjective answers the question What

kind? or Which one? about a noun that follows it. (ex.
pineapple juice)

Proper adjectives A proper noun used as an adjective or an adjective

formed from a proper noun.
Answers the questions What kind? or Which one?
(ex. Indian tribes)

Compound adjectives An adjective that is made up of more than one word.

Most compound adjectives are hyphenated, but some
are written as combined words.
(ex. heavy-duty boots, underpaid staff)

Possissive Pronoun My, your, his, he, its, our, their

Answers: Which one?

Demonstrative This, that, these, those

Pronoun Come before the nouns they modify and never directly
before a verb.
Interrogative Pronoun Which, what, whose

Indefinite Pronoun Another, much, both, few, all, more, etc.

Participles (Verbs are A verb that ends in -ing or -ed

adjectives) (Ex. The crying baby; A startled peacock)

Adverbs Modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs

Adverbs answer what When? Where? To what extend? In what way? or Why?

Nouns as adverbs Nouns used as adverbs answer the question Where? or

When? about a verb. (ex. today, yesterday, home)

Prepositions A word that relates a noun or pronoun that appears with

it to another word in the sentence (ex. over, beyond,

Prepositional Phrase A group of words that includes a preposition and a noun

or pronoun, called the object of the preposition (ex. over
the sky, beyond the house)

Object of the The noun in the prepositional phrase

preposition (ex. The dog went over the bridge. Bridge is the object
of the preposition)

Preposition or Prepositions always have objects; adverbs do not


Conjunction A word used to connect other words or groups of words

Coordinating The seven coordinating conjunctions connect similar

Conjunction words or groups of words: FANBOYS
for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
Correlative Are used in pairs
Conjunction both...and
not only...but also

Subordinating Connect two complete ideas by making one of the ideas

Conjunction subordinate to, or less important than, the other.
(ex. although, because, even if, when, until)

Conjuctive adverbs An adverb that acts as a conjunction to connect

complete ideas
(ex. accordingly, however, thus)

Interjections A word that expresses feeling or emotion and functions

independently of a sentence
(ex. Wow! That is cool!)

Complement A word or group of words that completes the meaning

of the predicate of a sentence.

Direct Object A noun or pronoun that receives the action of a transitive

action verb. Find by asking Whom? or What?

D.O in questions Find by asking Whom? or What? after the action verb

Compound Direct 2 or more direct objects by asking Whom? or What?


Direct object or object A direct object is never the noun or pronoun at the end
of a preposition? of a prepositional phrase.

Indirect Object A noun or pronoun that appears with a direct object and
names the person or thing that something is given to or
done for. Find by asking To Whom? To what?

Indirect object or An indirect object is never preceded by the word to or

direct object? for and never follows the direct object
Objective complement An adjective or noun that appears with a direct object
and describes or renames it.

Subject complement A noun, pronoun, or adjective that appears with a linking

verb and tells something about the subject of the

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