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1. Solve the following : ( 2 Marks Each)

(i) 6(6x-5) - 5(7x-8) = 12(4-x) + 1

x  17 x  37
(ii) 
x  14 x  26

2. The pocket money of Ishan and Raghav are in the ratio 5 : 7 . If

the pocket money of both are increased by Rs 225 the new ratio will
be 3 : 4.Find the pocket money they had. (2 Marks)

3. A man is 24 years older then his son. In 2 years his age will be
twice the age of his son. Find their present ages. ( 2 Marks)

4. Write the solution set for the following inequations and represent
its solution on the number line

(i) x  3, x  W

(ii) 5  x  5 , x  I ( 4 Marks)

5. Solve the following and write its solution set

(i ) 9y  6  12 , x  N
( 4 Marks)
(ii )6 x  2  20, x  W

6. Solve the following inequations and write its solution set

(i)  10 ; y  I
(4 Marks)
(ii )  2  14, p  N

1. The cost of 37 m silk is Rs 6290. What length of this silk can be

purchased for Rs 4420 ? 2 Marks

2. A car travels 195 km in 3 hours. How far can it travel in 7 hours

with the same speed ? 2 Marks

3. A worker was paid Rs 1110 for 6 days. If the total wages during a
month was Rs 4625, for how many days did he work ? 2 Marks

4. 4.5 grams of Copper and Zinc contain 3.5 gram of Copper. Find the
weight of copper in 18.9 gram of the alloy. 4 Marks

5. The ratio of geometry box to the calculator is 3:4. The total price
of both is Rs 350. Find the price of the geometry box and calculator.

2 Marks

6. Which of the following ratio are greater:

(i) ( 5:6) or (7:9) (ii) (11:18) or (8:9) 2 marks

7. If A:B = 7:5 and B:C =9:14 Find A:C

8. The ratio of the weights of objects on the moon and earth are I
proportion. The weight of an object on Earth is 78 kg and on the
Moon is 13 kg. If Anand, weights 45 kg on Earth, how much will he
weight on the moon? 4 Marks

9. A car can cover a distance of 357 km on 42 litre of petrol . How far

can it travel on 12 litre of petrol ? 2 Marks

1. Find the perimeter and area of a square of side 14 cm.

2. Find the area of the following parallelogram

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