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Ancient Greece was a country with the best poets, philosophers, carvers, architects, painters.

It has
affected today's art. In many countries are used their style and architecture and their monuments are in the
good condition till these days. They are visited by tourists from the whole world. By the beginning of the
Ancient Greece their culture has been improving for the whole period of it and now every nation admire it
and want to copy it.
Like Pierre Bonnard said "Work of art - stopped time," it is not important how old any relic is, the
most important thing is how it excite people. The increasing of culture lasts for a full period of an ancient
Greece. One of the best poets from the ancient Greece was Homer. He's written the poems which are called
The Iliad an The Odyssey. The Iliad was supposed to describe expedition to conquer the Troy and The
Odyssey was about Odyssey and his twenty years trip home. The best philosophers were from Greece too
whose theories has helped to today's math or physic , for example Pythagoras, Plato, Thales or one of the
heroes from the Bible Salomon.
The quality of a Greek architects can be seen in nowaday era. They were building them for their
kings or monarchs. They have invented lot of types of building, or different orders. Corinthian, Dorian, Ionic
are used on today buildings too. The work of a Greek carvers is in really good condition. They were carving
just because they want to earn some money, and now their articles are one of the best preserved relique.
Ancient Greece sculpture was one of the most precious art that they were making. The Discobolus is kind of
Kalokagathia. They were used to depict the battles, mythology, and rulers of the land known as Ancient
Greeks and their architecture were unique in so many ways. They were building palaces like in Knossos, or
temples like The Peripheral Temple. The statues and the monuments are very known till these days. By
means of the Hellenistic Greece and the caesarian Rome were these traditions kept and now are these
monuments part of a culture inheritance of all humanity on the Earth. They are not just the things of day
expenditure, art works, architecture, but political ideals, ideas of democration, humanity of the all people
A mentality of Greeks was at the high level. The Hellenistic period was the most important for
expansion of the science. They has been making pharmaceutic experiments on the people who has been
liffered. As first nation they invented drug as a pain relieve. Greece nation had organized Olympic Games as
the first. It took place every five or four years as celebrating and glorify the god at the Peloponnese. Every
sportsman could and want to participate on them. It began with lighting a flame on a big torch. At the
begining it took place in a Greece, than it has spread out to the whole place on the Earth, but now it is just
a commercial think and this competition is losing spirit of real sport. Theatre was based on the dialogue of
two actors. With time, more actors have joined. The place where it took place was called Amphitheatre. It
had a good acoustic and from every place it could be heard really good. Greeks were worship nations. They
believed in many gods Zeus as a head of the all gods, Poseidon as a god of a water, Hera wife of Zeus etc.
They trembled them and hallowed them. Greek society was fated by them. They though that every
disastrous or just everything which happened had create god.
In my opinion the culture of the Ancient Greece is admired and copied, because as I has mentioned
before, they were really educated and supertemporal nation with a big influence for medicine and has
became an inspiration not just in architecture for the next evolution stages of humanity.
Lexikón svetových dejín autori: Miroslav Kamenický, Ivan Mrva, Mária Tonková Pavol Valachovič

II.B Evanjelické gymnázium Jana Amosa Komenského

Adam Rácz 2011/2012

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