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Math - WI Standards

3 Credits of Math in HS – one of which may be a computer science class approved by DPI

50 minutes (average) per day * 180 School days *3 Credits (3 years) = 540 hours (56.25 8 hour

New math is expected through the state. “"The big push with Common Core is having students
differentiate," Madigan said. "Twenty different students may have 20 different ways of doing it. It's
amazing to see how kids do it differently. And then if one student is struggling, another student may say
'I did this, and it worked for me.'"” -

Study Habits

Some schools offer study skills classes (tends to cost extra) – MUHS

A lot of private courses available – Sylvan, virtual academy, thinker academy, etc.

Digital Nativism vs. Digital immigrant – Growing up in Digital world vs. Learning how to navigate a digital

Millennials and Gen Z are considered Digital Natives.

( )

Gamification of education
Gen Z

Gen Z learners don’t see technology as a tool, they see it as a regular part of life.
Gen Z students want a chance to be part of the learning process, not a passive bystander.
Seventy-eight percent of students prefer digital course materials – vitalsource survey

Gen Z-ers tend to embrace social learning environments, where they can be
hands-on and directly involved in the learning process.
Gen Z-ers tend to embrace social learning environments, where they can be
hands-on and directly involved in the learning process. – Barnes and Noble
College Study
learning tools be available on-demand and with low barriers to access. For
them, learning isn’t limited to just the classroom; it’s something that can take
place at any time, anywhere.

Understanding Generation Z Students to Promote a Contemporary Learning Environment

We Centric

Gen-Z students prefer flipped courses and rely on YouTube as a primary source of self-instruction

they might need guidance in how to sift, sort, and synthesize information with help in avoiding overload,
checking accuracy, and evaluating information. Many youth have succumbed to binge watching of
favorite shows and instructors may not understand or identify how current students can get caught up
in, or lost on, the Internet. Assignments that require students to access information online should be
very clear as to goals, sources, time-spent, ways to glean and evaluate the content. Providing strict
guidelines for online searching and viewing and segmented assignments could help students avoid the
binge mentality that can cause them to consume time and lose focus.

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