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APRIL 1992 813

Modeling H+-Sensitive FET's with SPICE

Massimo Grattarola, Giuseppe Massobrio, and Sergio Martinoia

Abstract-A generalized physical model including two kinds chemical condition. Such a detailed characterization could
of binding sites is presented for H+-sensitive ISFET devices. be of great importance for a deeper insight into the non-
The model results in a set of equations which is introduced into
a modified version of the electronic circuit simulation program idealities of these devices [7] and for the design of other
SPICE. In this way, the effects induced on the device perfor- silicon-based potentiometric sensors (cf., for example,
mances by varying several physico-chemical parameters are LAPS [SI). In addition, up to now the development of the
analyzed. physico-chemical theory for the ISFET has not been sup-
The slope of V,,, versus pH curves is predicted for SiOz-, ported by any description of the device behavior in a de-
A1203-, and Si3N4-gate ISFET's. The program outputs are
checked by comparing them with experimental data obtained tailed circuit model.
with an Al,O,-gate ISFET. The model is then used to predict In view of the above considerations, the goals of this
the behavior of a hypothetical, partially pH-insensitive paper are: a) the derivation of a set of equations that al-
(REFET) structure. Finally, the model is utilized to fit the slow lows one to define a relationship between pH and the elec-
response of the Al,O,-gate ISFET to a pH step. trolyte-insulator voltage pc0,for inorganic insulators, in-
cluding those with more than one kind of sites (i.e.,
I. INTRODUCTION Si3N4);this approach can be regarded as an extension of
the models developed by other authors [2], [9], and can
I N RECENT YEARS, much work has been done to
characterize ion-sensitive devices (ISFET's) based on
MOS technology. H+-sensitive ISFET's are perhaps the
be suitably adapted to characterize REFET structures; b)
the use of this set of equations as an input to a modified
version of the electronic circuit simulation program SPICE
most accurately modeled devices as far as their physical
[IO], which leads to a complete description of ISFET's
and chemical behavior is concerned. The response of
and circuits containing ISFET's. As a result, the behavior
H+-sensitive devices in aqueous solutions is commonly
of electronic circuits containing ISFET's based on A1203
explained by using the so-called site-binding model [ 11.
and Si3N4gate insulators is analyzed as a function of both
According to this model, the presence of ion-specific
chemical and physical parameters.
binding sites at the surface of the insulator exposed to the
electrolyte is responsible for the ion-dependent charge
distribution on the insulating layer. A detailed compari- EIS STRUCTURE
son between this and other models for Si02 is given in
[2]. Most of the models refer to this insulator as the gate In this section, a set of equations is derived to fully
insulator, although it has very limited practical use be- characterize an Electrolyte-Insulator-Semiconductor
cause of its well-known unstable response [3]. Among the (EIS) structure (Fig. 1) with two kinds of binding sites
most suitable insulators, A1203 is considered in several (i.e., Si3N4).In the next section, these equations will then
papers [4], [5], while, to the best of our knowledge, the be adapted to describe the ISFET behavior.
more complex insulator Si3N, (two kinds of binding sites) The meaning of the symbols of the model is given in
is analyzed only in [6]. In that paper, after briefly sug- Fig. I .
gesting a parametric method for the exact analytical so- At the surface of the Si,N4 insulator, silanol sites, ter-
lution of a two-site system, the authors propose an expres- tiary amine sites, secondary amine sites, and primary
sion, relating p H to the electrolyte-insulator voltage, amine sites are present. We assume that only silanol sites
which implies several approximations. This equation, and basic primary amine sites are present on the surface
originally deduced in [4], is quite useful, as it allows a after oxidation [6]. Thus the dissociation constants for the
direct evaluation of the system behavior, but the intro- chemical reactions at the insulator interface are [9] (see
duced simplifications make it somewhat inadequate to Table I)
fully characterize the device in any arbitrary physico- [SiOH] [H'], O0
K, = = - [H+I,
[SiOHl] 8,
Manuscript received November 20. 1990; revised March 4 , 1991. This
work was supported by the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy and
by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (MURST). The review
of this paper was arranged by Associate Editor S. D. Senturia.
The authors are with the Biophysical and Electronic Engineering De-
partment, University of Genova, 16145 Genova. Italy.
IEEE Log Number 9105901.

0018-9383/92$03.00 '81992 IEEE


Fig. 1. n-channel ISFET structure. The voltage drops relevant to the model
are indicated.


Surface Ionization Constants* Surface Site Density**

Insulator K+ K- KN + N,,,/,, N",, PHX,'

Si02 15.8 63.1 x IO-' - 5.0 x 1014 - 3.0
SiJ4 15.8 63.1 X IO-' 1 X IO-'' 3 . 0 X lOI4 2.0 X IOn4 5.8
A1203 12.6 x IO-' 79.0 x IO-'' - 8.0 x i o t 4 - 8.5

* Moles per liter.

** Numbers per square centimeter.
# pH,,, = p H value at the point of zero charge (U,,)

where [ H f ] , is the concentration of protons on the surface tion between the concentration of protons [ H i ] b in the
of the insulator. solution and at the surface [H'], of the insulator is given
The normalization condition yields by the Boltzmann equation

where peu = (po- p,) is the potential of the electrolyte-

8Nf + 8NO = Nnit
(5) insulator interface.
Thus by the Gouy-Chapman-Stem theory, the poten-
80 + 8+ + 8- + O N + + ONO = 1 (6) tial peois expressed as a function of the charge density
in the diffuse layer and of the ion concentration co in the
where NS,,and Nnitare the numbers of silanol sites and solution [4]
primary amine sites per unit area, respectively, and N , is
the total number of available binding sites.
The charge density of the surface sites uo on the insu-
lator is given by
where E, is the permittivity of the solution, and ch is the
capacitance of the Helmholtz layer.
This well-known result can be expressed in a form more
By combining (1)-(7), we get suitable for SPICE by considering the potentials of the
system in Fig. 1.
[H']: - K + K - By inspection, the following relationships can be writ-
_ - ten:
qN, - ( [ H i ] : + +
K+[H+], K + K )
(Helmholtz layer)

([Hi], +
KN+) %'
To obtain the relationship p H = f(p,,) we are looking ( ~ ~ layer) ~ ~ - ~ h ~ ~
for, the above equation must be completed with the model
for the electrical double layer and with the condition of
charge neutrality of the system in Fig. 1, when the rela-
ad = sinh [
d p g 2kT
- pd) 1. (12)

By combining (1 1) and (12 ) , we obtain (p-type for the n-channel MOST considered here), Q,, is
the fixed surface-state charge density per unit area at the
(13) insulator-semiconductor interface, and Qsc is the semi-
4 conductor surface depletion region charge per unit area.
Equation (13) is identical to (lo), and provides a rela- By the potentia1 terms Of the ISFET ‘On-
tion between the charge density ud in the diffuse layer and
figuration in the definition of the ISFET threshold voltage
the electrolyte-insulator potential pPothrough the poten- v,*,,it can be written
tial differences at the interfaces in the system in Fig. 1.
In addition, the condition of charge neutrality for the
v;*,(ISFET) = E c f + Po> - (P,,,- XPO)

where umosis the charge density in the semiconductor. Terms common to (1 8) and (1 9), such as Q,,, Q,, , p,=,
BY taking into count ( 1 1 ) ~(14) can be rewritten as and Cox,retain their conventional definitions according to
the standard MOST theory, while E,,, is the potential of
00 = C h ( ~ o- P~I - umo, (15)
the reference electrode, po is the liquid-junction potential
where umo5is given by difference between reference solution and the electrolyte,
ppois the potential of electrolyte-insulator interface, xro
om,, = +~2t,k~p,, [(E - 1 + exp (--E)) is the electrolyte-insulator surface dipole potential, and

f -

( s‘4 kT
1 + exp I)%( I/2
cpsc / q is the semiconductor work function. The potential
~p,,~, comes out from the solution of the EIS system. For
the n-channel ISFET considered we have utilized an
Ag I AgCl reference electrode.
and rzD0 and pao are the equilibrium concentrations of elec- By comparing (1 8) and (1 9), we can write
trons’and hoies, respectively.
The charge density umos within the semiconductor is
taken positive for ps < 0, and negative for ps > 0.
umoscan also be written as
%“ = Cox(Ps - Po) (17) where p , / q is the work function of the metal gate (ref-
where CO,is the insulator capacitance. erence electrode) relative to vacuum. We obtain the
The equations obtained by substituting (16) into (17) ISFET static model by replacing the MOST threshold
and (15) into (8) form, together with (9) and (13), a sys- voltage Vth with v,*,in the classic 1-v equations of the
tem that describes an EIS structure with two kinds of MOST.
binding sites (i.e., Si3N4). The system of equations is
solved for the four variables qd,cpo, ps,and [H ‘1, while B. Large-Signal Model
pRis an externally defined parameter. This set of equa- The ISFET large-signal model is based on the MOST
tions, from now on referred to as the “EIS system,” will large-signal model, characterized by two p-n junction de-
be used to calculate the electrolyte-insulator potential pro. pletion-layer capacitances and by the gate-source, gate-
drain, gate-bulk capacitances which in turn are functions
111. ISFET MODEL of the insulator capacitance Cox.For the ISFET, the in-
The ISFET behavior can be deduced by combining the sulator capacitance is sensitive to the ionic activity of the
aforesaid EIS structure with the physics of the MOST that electrolyte, and consists of two elements connected in se-
will be summarized in this section. ries: the MOST insulator capacitance c,,, and the Helm-
holtz layer capacitance C,,, which has to be considered to
A . Static Model model the large-signal behavior of the ISFET.
The equations describing the behavior of the ISFET can
be derived from the analogous equations of the MOST, IV. ISFET MODELI N SPICE
by taking into account the potential differences among the A . Static Model
new elements of the system in Fig. 1. The result is a mod- The equations describing the MOST static model [ 111
ification of the MOST threshold voltage in SPICE have been kept for the ISFET static model, by
replacing the expression for Vt, of the MOST with (20)
Qss + Q.u
vt,(MOST) = Pms + 2 ~ -, (18) and using the peovalue resulting from the solution of the
EIS system. Thus in addition to the MOST static model
where pmsis the metal-semiconductor work-function dif- parameters of SPICE, we have introduced ten more pa-
ference, pf is the Fermi potential of the semiconductor rameters that the user of SPICE can specify in the



.MODEL isf NMOS LEVEL = 4 TOX = lOON LD = 0.8U XJ = 2U NSUB = 2E15

TPG = 1 U 0 = 520 RD = 85 RS = 85 LAMBDA = 0.02 NSS = 3E10
XQC = 1 IS = 1F CGSO = 40P CGDO = 40P CGBO = 200P
CJ = 200U MJ = 0.5 CJSW = 80N MJSW = 0.33
ztoxn = 90N zepsox = 28.7
zepsil = 0.6 znkap = 0.0 zph = 7.0 ztau = 50
zakap = 12.6N zbkap = 0.79N zscon = 0.1
znox = 8e14 zchl = 20U znnit = 0.0
zerel = 0.205 zchieo = 3M

MlSPD 2 2 1 0 0 isf L = 20U W = 400U AD = lOON AS = lOON PS = 900U PD = 900U.

* The lower case parameters define the ISFET model; the capital parameters are common to MOST and
ISFET model.

.MODEL card to model the static behavior of the ISFET. 150 1

I :o
These parameters are: CO(zscon), KN+(znkap),
K + (zakap), K - (zbkap), c h (zchl), NSi,(znox), Nnit(znnit),
pH(zph), E,, (zerel), xeo(zchieo).
Moreover, in order to simulate ISFET’s with more than
one insulator layer (SPICE has only built-in parameters
for a Si02-type insulator), we have introduced two new
parameters for the .MODEL card: the added insulator
thickness toxl(ztoxn) and its dielectric constant
eOx1(zepsox). The round brackets contain the .MODEL
keywords for the new parameters of the ISFET model (see
Table 11).
-0.5 0.0 0.5 1 .o 1.5
(vgs) gate ~ o ~ t a g e [ v o i t ]
B. Large-Signal Model
Fig. 2 . AI20,-gate ISFET input characteristics for different pH values and
The equations describing the MOST large-signal model for a given Vds. Hollow squares indicate experimental data.
[l 11 in SPICE have been kept for the ISFET large-signal
model, replacing the insulator capacitance CO, of the
MOST with the series of CO,and ch. Thus to characterize Fig. 2 shows the resulting Ids versus Vgs curves (with
the ISFET large-signal model behavior, the user of SPICE source and bulk grounded) for different values of p H and
has to specify the Ch parameter in the .MODEL card. for a given Vds (i.e., 2 V) in the case of A1203. The sim-
ulated curves are compared with the experimental ones
obtained by performing automatic measurements on
C. Independent Source ISFET’s purchased from CSEM (Neuchatel, Switzer-
A time-varying pH source has also been implemented land).
in SPICE in order to simulate the pH behavior in different An estimate of the pH average sensitivity is obtained,
experimental situations. The p H source has been intro- according to (20), by calculating the shifts in V$ (ISFET)
duced as a dummy voltage source. In this way the voltage from the SPICE outputs for different p H values. In the
source can be introduced without disturbing the electrical case of A1203, the value obtained is 54 mV/pH. Similar
behavior of the circuit and the user can easily plot the p H simulations (not shown) gave, for Si02 and Si3N4, pH
waveform, while the running p H value (time dependent) sensitivities of 35 mV /pH and 53 mV /pH, respectively.
is used to set the value of [H +Ib in the Boltzmann equa- All these values correspond quite well to the data reported
tion. in the literature [3]. If the ISFET operating point is
changed (e.g., from Vgs.= 1 V to Vgs = 5 V), a decrease
in pH sensitivity is obtained. In the case of A1203, the pH
A. ISFET Characterization sensitivity decreases by about 3 . 0 % , and for SiOz and
The input characteristics of “ideal” SO2-, A1203-, and Si3N4 the decreases are equal to about 4 . 3 % and 3 . 4 % ,
Si3N4-gate ISFET’s have been simulated by introducing respectively.
appropriate values for the equilibrium constants K s (Ta-
ble I) into the EIS system, via the .MODEL card of B. Circuit Simulations
SPICE, and by utilizing the other physico-chemical pa- In the following, all the SPICE simulations will refer
rameters listed in Table 11. to circuits where a current-to-voltage conversion is per-


Fig. 3 . Sketch of a feedback circuit for measuring pH sensitivity in ISFET devices.

formed. In this way, realistic experiment conditions can 2 0

be simulated. As an example, we have chosen the mea-

suring circuit proposed in [3]. It is a feedback circuit to .jAl,O,
1 8 -
keep constant the drain current Ids and the drain-source
voltage vds;the output voltage is related directly to vari-
ations in p H via the gate voltage of the ISFET. The circuit

(a) E 1 I
is sketched in Fig. 3. The reader interested to more details
is referred to the original paper [3]. >

I ) Voltage Outputs versus pH: Fig. 4(a) and (b) shows 1 4 - 17

the outputs of the above-mentioned circuit as functions of Ns ixl0
Ns 1x10
pH, for A1203 and Si3N4, respectively. The outputs are v, 8x10'4
virtually straight lines when the number of sites given in 1 2 " "

mV /pH for A1203and Si3N4, respectively).

The effect of decreasing the total number of binding
sites ( N , ) is quite evident for the A1203-gate ISFET. A
similar effect is obtained by changing the ratio between
silanol and amine sites for the Si3N4-gate ISFET. In the
latter case, the limiting condition of zero amine sites ob-
viously describes the Si02 behavior.
The reduction in the number of sites induces a depar-
ture from linearity, as expected.
2) REFET Simulations: The EIS system can be easily
adapted in order to simulate surface groups other than sil-
anol or amine. In this way, the behavior of other insula-
tors can be simulated. As an example, a hypothetical
2 4 6 8 10 12
REFET structure with positive groups only has been sim- PH
The results obtained with this modified structure are Fig. 4. Effects of changing the number of binding sites on the output volt-
age (Vout). (a) Decresse in the total number of binding sites for an A120,-
shown in Fig. 5. A large region of p H insensitivity is ev- gate ISFET. (b) Decrease in the number of amine sites (with a fixed total

. ident for pH values greater than 5.

3) Nonideal Behavior: pH-sensitive ISFET's are
known to present small drift and hysteresis phenomena.
number of binding sites) in the case of a Si,N,-gate ISFET.

them respond to pH variations with a time delay ~ ( z t a u )

Recently, the problem was addressed in [7], where the
hypothesis that a small number of sites might react slowly
to changes in pH was advanced. This nonideal behavior
can be simulated by our model by splitting the total
amount sites N , into two fractions and by letting one of where E (zepsil) is the fraction of slow-responding sites.

1 8 38, , 8.0





1.4 L
2 4 6 8 10 12
-20 0 2G 40 60 80 100
PH Time [arbitrary u n i t ]

Fig. 5. Output voltage of the measuring circuit (Vou,)for a hypothetical (a)

(positive groups only) REFET structure.
37.6 I I

This equation was introduced into the EIS system, and

the resulting modified version was used to simulate the
nonideal response of an ISFET to a single step o f p H (Fig.
6(a)). Fig. 6(b) shows the fitting, obtained with the model,
of the experimental data for an Al2O3-gate ISFET when a
-. one-time constant model
step of p H (7.5 to 7.0) is applied. The values of E and of
the single time constant 7 were chosen arbitrarily, and . Expenmental polnts

should be considered simply as fitting parameters and not T = 25OC

as model predictions. This example was intended to in-
dicate a promising direction in the use of our modified 37 0
version of SPICE. 120 240 360 480 600
Time [ s e c ]


A generalized physical model including two kinds of Fig. 6. Nonideal response of an ISFET to a single pH step. (a) Simulated
response. (b) Fitting of the slow portion of the experimental response to a
binding sites was developed for H +-sensitive ISFET’s, pH step,
and introduced into the simulation program SPICE.
The versatility of the modified version of SPICE was
tested by simulating several physico-chemical and circui- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
try conditions, and its Outputs were ‘Ompared with ex- The authors wish to thank the Centre Suisse D’Electro-
perimental data in the case of A1203-gate ISFET’s. nique et de Microtechnique (CSEM, Neuchatel, Switzer-
The obtained results point out the versatility of the pro- land) for providing technical about A1203-gate
posed model. It is worth noting that the introduction of a ISFET,s.
physical model (instead of a circuital macromodel) into
the SPICE program allowed us to simulate, at the phys-
ico-chemical level, a broad range of different situations
such as partial insensitivity to p H (i.e., REFET struc- [I] D. E. Yates, S . Levine, and T . W. Healy, “Site-binding model of
tures) and nonideal responses. Moreover, the structure of the electrical double layer at the oxidelwater interface,” J. Chem.
Soc. Faraday I , vol. 70, pp. 1807-1818, 1974.
the fundamental set of equations (the EIS system) can be [2] W. M. Siu and R. S . C. Cobbold, “Basic properties of the electro-
easily modified in order to describe in detail more com- lyte-SiO,-Si system: Physical and theoretical aspects,” IEEE Trans.
plex phenomena at the physical level. Electron Devices, vol. ED-26, pp. 1805-1815, 1979.
[3] H. Abe, M. Esahi, and T. Matsuo, “ISFET’s using inorganic gate
Despite the large amount of work done in the past, the thin films,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-26, pp. 1939-
description of the ISFET structure is still fragmentary. 1944, 1979.
We believe that, thanks to the widespread use of the [4] L. Bousse, N. F. de Rooij, and P. Bergveld, “Operation of chemi-
cally sensitive field effect sensors as a function of the insulator-elec-
SPICE program, our model could be easily used by any trolyte interface,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-30, pp.
researcher interested in the design and optimization of sil- 1263-1270, 1983.
icon-based potentiometric sensors and related circuitry. [ 5 ] P. R. Barabash, R. S. C. Cobbold, and W. B. Wlodarski, “Analysis
of the threshold voltage and its temperature dependence in electro-
This opportunity should hopefully result in a greater stan- lyte-insulator-semiconductor field effect transistors (EISFET’s),”
dardization of these devices. IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-34, pp. 1271-1282, 1987.

[ 6 ] D. L. Harame, L. J. Bousse, J . D. Shott, and J . D. Meindl, “Ion- Giuseppe Massobrio is a Research Associate in
sensing devices with silicon nitride and borosilicate glass insulators,’’ the Department of Biophysical and Electronic En-
IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-34, pp. 1700-1707, 1987. gineering (DIBE) of the University of Genova, It-
[7] L. Bousse, H. H. van den Vlekkert, and N. F. de Rooij, “Hysteresis aly, where he received the degree in Electronic
in Al,03-gate ISFET’s,” Sensors Acruators B , vol. 2 , pp. 103-1 10, Engineering in 1976. His extensive background in
1990. semiconductor modeling and simulation includes
[8] D. G . Hafeman, J . W . Parce, and H. M . McConnell, “Light-ad- teaching and research activities. He is the author
dressable potentiometric sensor for biochemical systems,’’ Science, or co-author of several papers on semiconductor
vol. 240, pp. 1182-1185, 1988. device modeling, and of two books in this field,
191 C. D. Fung, P. W. Cheung, and W. H. KO, “A generalized theory one of which is Semiconductor Device Modeling
of an electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor field effect transistor,’’ with SPICE Dublished bv McGraw-Hill. His cur-
lEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-33, pp. 3-18, 1986. rent research interests include the development of models of semiconduc-
[lo] L. W . Nagel and D. 0. Pederson, “Simulation program with inte- tor-based biosensors for biomedical applications.
grated circuit emphasis (SPICE),” Electronics Research Lab., Rep.
N. ERL-M382, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1973.
[ 111 P. Antognetti and G. Massobrio, Semiconductor Device Modeling with
SPICE. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1988.

Massimo Grattarola received the Laurea degree

in physics from the University of Genova in 1975 Sergio Martinoia was born in Sanremo, Italy, in
In 1977, he joined the Division of Biophysical 1964. He received the Laurea degree in electronic
and Electronic Engineering of the Electrical Insti- engineering from the University of Genova in
tute of the University of Genova. which later be- 1989. He is currently working toward the Ph.D.
came the Biophysical and Electronic Engineering degree in electronic bioengineering at the Univer-
Department (DIBE) At present, he is Associate sity of Genova.
Professor of Bioelectronics at the University of Since 1989, he has been working in the Bio-
Genova, where he teaches Bioelectronics and Cell physical and Electronic Engineering Department
Physiology His research interests include. devel- (DIBE) in the areas of solid-state sensor model-
opment of cytometric techniques; interfacing neu- ing, solid-state sensor applications, and develop-
rons with microelectronic devices, modeling of silicon-based blosensors ment of multichannel microelectrodes for signal
and their application to monitor the cell microenvironment recording from networks of cells.

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