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Contact information for: Señora Staffieri

e-mail: wendye.staffieri

weebly page:

TUTORING: by appointment

BIENVENIDOS Cavaliers and Parents!

Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year, to the Community House World Languages Department and
most importantly to the 6th Grade Exploratory Spanish! I trust that you are excited and ready to
sample the sounds and cultures of the Spanish speaking world this semester. I look forward to being
part of this “exploration”. Read on to discover more about what we will be learning!

Class Content
This semester-long course will provide an overview of Spanish vocabulary, basic grammar, and
cultural information by adhering to the North Carolina World Language Essential Standards of Study
for Exploratory Spanish/French.

The Objectives for the Class Incorporate the Five C’s:

 Communication – learning to communicate in the target language
 Culture – gaining knowledge and understanding of the people, countries and customs
where the language is spoken
 Connections – using the target language to connect with other school subjects
 Comparisons – developing insight into the nature of language and culture
 Communities – discovering uses for the target language in Charlotte and the world beyond

Daily Preparation and Expectations

A high level of effort and attentiveness in class will be crucial to succeed in this course. An informal
grade out of 100% will be given once a week (either on Friday or Monday depending on when we
meet). Please review the Class Participation Rubric for more details.

Required Materials: These materials are generally required in all the classes however I
do ask for a composition or spiral notebook for Spanish ONLY.
 Student agenda. EAR BUDS
 Scissors and markers/colored pencils.
 Three-ringed binder and paper- can be 1 inch
 Pencil, blue or black pen
 Colored pencils
 Tape
 Glue stick
 Ear buds
Grading The following components make up the quarter grade.


Tests, formal projects, Warm-ups, quizzes, daily participation, in-class assignments,
comprehensive writing/ worksheets, homework, informal projects
speaking assignments

Homework will be given periodically and checked for completion and accuracy during the next class
period. Some homework assignments will be collected, graded and returned to the students.


Tier 1
 Student has 1- 2 missing assignments in a class.
“3 strikes” = Tier 2
 Communication takes place between the teacher and student.
 Email home to parent…work with child.
 Student grade earned once work submitted is to be determined by the teacher, minimum 79%.

Tier 2
 Student has 3+ missing assignments in one class.
 Teacher will call parent and document that student will be assigned 1 week minimum of OR (Opportunity Room).
 Student may earn a grade minimum of 50% but no greater than 79%.

Tier 3
 Student has not completed work after the assigned week or more of OR.
 Student has been disruptive within OR and prevented others from working.
 Teacher will complete a referral to be given to grade level administrator Grade level administrator will meet with
and create a contract with student and call parent.
 Student will need to return work to the grade level administrator as per the contract.
 Student may earn a grade of 50% if work is submitted or a 0% if he/she fails to uphold the contract.

Quizzes/Tests/Projects will be announced in advance so students will have time to review material
and be prepared to do their best. There will be at least 5 assessments during the quarter.

Thank you for taking the time to review this syllabus. I will do everything possible to make your World
Language experience at Community House a positive, exciting, enriching experience. I am looking
forward to learning with you!


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