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Revit Project Setup Check List

☐ Contact ACE BIM Manager and request new project setup on Revit Server

☐ Open all required linked files and clean them up per the ACE Revit Linked Files
Update Check List, save linked files to Revit Server under the correct project
directory ‘Links’ folder

☐ Start a new project in Revit and select appropriate ACE Template

☐ Save new project to temp location on local hard drive and name file per company
standards (i.e. 14BL4291-Mechanical_R15)

☐ Reference the Architectural Model and BIM Execution Plan and then fill out the
Project Information for the ACE Starting Page View

☐ Reference the BIM Project Execution Plan and Architectural model to determine
correct positioning method when linking in the client’s model. Typically it is either
Auto Orgin-to-Orgin, or Auto – By Shared Coordinates

☐ Link in Architectural and Structural Models from Revit Server utilizing correct
positioning method and ‘Pin’ in place

☐ Select the Architectural Link and turn on ‘Room Bounding’

☐ Setup Phases as required and adjust Phase Mapping

☐ If Demolition Views are required on the project, setup two views for each Demo View
– one as a Working View and the other as an Annotation View which will be placed on
the Sheet

☐ Copy/Monitor Levels and Grids from Linked Architectural Model, some projects might
prefer that these objects are Copy/Monitor from the Structural Model

☐ Setup all Views that are needed on the project and insert Spaces and Space Tags.
Run ‘Space Naming Utility’. (Mechanical Designer will need to adjust Space Limit
Offsets as required for proper GMXML export)

☐ Utilize existing and new View Templates to mass control the Visibility Graphic’s
settings in all Views, do not lock View Templates to Views – only Apply View Template
Properties. Create a new View Template to control Visibility Graphic’s in all Linked
Models and apply properties to all Views.

☐ Crop all Views as required – utilize ‘Scope Boxes’ for all rectangular areas and mass
apply to Views, utilize independent View Crop Regions for angular areas

☐ Adjust Grids in all Parent and Dependent Views, utilize the ‘Propagate Extents’ to
mass apply Grid adjustments to multiple specific Views

☐ Edit the Project Border family from Architectural Model; add ACE logo, managing
office address, and ACE project number. Save the modified Border family in the
appropriate project folder under 2 – Revit References and insert into ACE Model

☐ Key Plan and North Arrow - If the project has a Key Plan set it up at this time or
include it with the Project Border (Key Plan setup methods vary from project to
project). Insert Project North Arrow from Architectural Model into ACE Model.

☐ At this time use Save As to break apart the Mechanical Model into two separate
models – one for the Mechanical Model and one for the Plumbing Model

☐ Setup Sheets per ACE number and naming Standards, utilize Architects number
scheme if required. Modify ‘View Title on Sheet’ for each View.

☐ Insert Project North Arrow, Keynotes, and General Notes on all Sheets - utilize ‘Copy’
and ‘Paste Aligned to Selected Views’ for similar sheets

☐ Utilize the ‘Grid Guide’ tool to position all Views, Project North Arrow, Keynotes, and
General Notes in the exact same area on each Sheet

☐ Setup Worksharing through the Collaboration Ribbon by selecting ‘Worksets’

☐ Mechanical Worksets: One for each Linked Model (Architectural Link, Structural Link,
Food Service Link, etc.), HVAC, Mechanical Pipe, Mechanical Equipment, Mechanical

☐ Plumbing Worksets: One for each Linked Model (Architectural Link, Structural Link,
Food Service Link, etc.), DWV, H2O, Plumbing Equipment, Plumbing Demo

☐ Electrical Worksets: One for each Linked Model (Architectural Link, Structural Link,
Food Service Link, etc.), Power, Lighting, Special Systems, Panels, Electrical Demo

☐ Move all Copy/Monitor Levels and Grids to the ‘Shared Levels and Grids’ Workset.
This Workset is created automatically after enabling Worksharing.

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