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Step by step procedure to create koha-plugin-coverflow

Step 1

Please download the kpz file from the link -


Latest is – koha-coverflow-plugin-v2.4.1.kpz


Step 2

To set up the Koha plugin system you must first make some changes to your install.

Sudo su

leafpad /etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml

In the xml file Change <enable_plugins>0<enable_plugins> to <enable_plugins>1</enable_plugins>

Confirm that the path to <pluginsdir> exists, is correct, and is writable by the web server in the same file.

Restart your webserver using the command - service apache2 restart

Enable “UseKohaPlugins” under systempreferences


Step 3

Now generate a report using the below query.

SELECT biblionumber, SUBSTRING_INDEX(isbn, ' ', 1) AS isbn, title

FROM virtualshelfcontents

LEFT JOIN biblio USING (biblionumber)

LEFT JOIN biblioitems USING (biblionumber)

WHERE shelfnumber=1

Here “shelfnumber=1” is the list number what you can create using

If you are using the local cover images, generate report using the below query:

SELECT biblionumber, SUBSTRING_INDEX(isbn, ' ', 1) AS isbn, title, biblioimages.imagenumber as


FROM virtualshelfcontents

LEFT JOIN biblio USING (biblionumber)

LEFT JOIN biblioitems USING (biblionumber)

LEFT JOIN biblioimages USING (biblionumber)

WHERE shelfnumber=1


Step 4

Upload the kpz file downloaded under “Tool Plugins” in tools.

Now once the plugin is uploaded you will see a screen as below.
Now click on Actions and then Configure as shown below:

You can change the height and width of the images.

Now add the below html code in the editor:

- id: 1

selector: #coverflow


buttons: true

autoplay: 4000

loop: true

- id: 2

selector: #coverflow2


buttons: true

autoplay: 4000

loop: true

Here Id is the report number you generated using SQL query.

Selector: #Coverflow is the widget name that will appread in the opac page.

You can define style of the coverflow using the style option

by adding style after Options. Styles available are – Coverflow(Default), wheel, flat


id: 2

selector: #coverflow2


style: wheel

buttons: true

autoplay: 4000

loop: true

Step 5

Now edit the library.conf file

sudo su

leafpad /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/library.conf

ScriptAlias /

Alias /plugin "/var/lib/koha/library/plugins"

# The stanza below is needed for Apache 2.4+

<Directory /var/lib/koha/library/plugins>

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

AllowOverride None

Require all granted


IN the above script – Make sure the path of the is correct.


Step 6

Now go to Global System Preferences - under OpacMainUserBlock add the below line.

<span id="coverflow">Loading...</span>

<span id="coverflow2">Loading...</span>


Posted 15th March 2017 by Suresh Kumar Tejomurtula

View comments

RAJENDRAJune 9, 2017 at 10:36 PM

sir i have installed koha in centos 6, there is no as such file as /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/library.conf

instead it is /etc/httpd file. Please guide me and how can i check koha instance name in my installation?

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