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Currently, many people are confused by the phenomenon of disruption. Fostering mental of fighters
by maintaining the existing principle is one of the efforts to deal with the phenomenon of disruption.
There are two things that are known in the economy of society that is materialism and spiritualism.
Materialism is a system or activity that prioritizes the world as its goal. On the contrary, spiritualism is a
system or activity that not only puts the world first but prioritizes religious values. In materialism one can
be said to be a successful person if he gets a lot of profit. Another with the spiritism in spiritualism the
person who is said to be successful is a beneficial person to attain rahmatan lil-alamin.

In this era of advancement, many people are smart with rapid technological advances. It causes a lot
of competition going on and the decline of a country because of many problems that arise. This is very
bad for the progress of a country, especially the state of Indonesia where the majority of the population is
Muslim. Indonesia's country should be able to implement a system of spiritualism that can transform
competition into a collaboration with many human potential.

Indonesia lost to western countries due to lack of science and technology owned by the people of
Indonesia. In countries that use the system of materialism, have understood that everyone has to compete
to be the strongest.

To overcome this need to be an effort to develop a collaborative attitude that mejadikan a new
container. In collaboration, taught how to build the economy with a family system so that no one feels
aggrieved. Collaboration teaches to think equity is a sense of belonging so that no competition occurs.

From the above description, appears the theory of blood belief. Teory of blood belief is divided into
3, namely different blood, same blood, and one blood. Very tight competition is found in different blood.
In the same blood system the economy is done through approaches such as friendship. The most priority
of welfare is one blood because the economic system is done with a sense of affection like family.

To overcome the phenomenon of distruption need to be reinvested economic system with the
principle of mutual cooperation, deliberation and consensus without any competition. The principle of
mutual aid, deliberation and consensus is the essence of the true Indonesian nation. Changing people's
mindset so as not to fall asleep with the western nations in order to create a prosperous society without
being harmed. And most important to create social preneur in Indonesian society with the spirit of
kinship, musyawarah, mufakat and gotong royong to achieve a prosperous Indonesia.

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