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FOOD SERVICE Ex “ ABLISHMENT EVALUA .ION REPORT « ae x i Count HEALTH DEPARTMENT — ©) (As delegated under PA 92 of 2000, as amended, by the Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development) ‘Based on an evalustin this day the items marked below are violation ofthe Michigan Food Law, PA 82 of 2000, as amended, Violation cited inthis report shall be corrected win the time frames specitea below, but within a pared not to exceed 10 calendar days for prionty or pron foundation lms (§8-405.11) or 90 {ays for core ems (§€-408.11). File t.comply with this notice may result in license suspension andr ater legal action. You have the ght to appeal any ays, Poe Need 44a We a Se : < Poat thiton (cD : Fle are Dave Aix Owve @ (0% 40-2291 ves OWA ROUTINE © cOMPLANT Non-stoKNs 55 & Fouowurte a (FOODBORNE ILLNESS | LICENSE POSTED: o o 3 PREOPENING © OTHER MANAGER CERTFED a oo WATER SAMPLE TAKEN a 0 JANT-CHOKING POSTER eet ONSITE WATERSEWER ao ‘o | reunosrion | “tn 0 0 VIOLATION DESCRIPTION / REMARKS / CORRECTION SCHEDULE Ale-2o5 \44 CoReecter Delf -closce insrailer an @actaosm loca. TOS iditimo& Follow-up Idsggeti iS wi Bech Tass iN uc Eat violations. =4-230\.\\ Cootline nek aoe eotoRS oan alsa Sunctisning Rice is Si Lexina, usec | Loa cold Hordiagy Leocto i the coakling | agen, Unit Naeest Whe collin yo! ysed +O Spore. Raw fish (sor Fow less = ther u neves) and Wor) c4eoom( Si fal paorkinmsn Cmount 55 time) wich os PERSGRNCHARGE Was sao) Re located & hiSCaadhect Respect gab) F214 Rev. 102012) FOOD I ‘ABLISHMENT EVALUATION REPO! TSERSE RET ORE € f /3/8. 1 6) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION / REMARKS / CORRECTION SCHEDULE - Bol. 1/6 2 4-501. /] ORR Cumed, clefRoSt cycle OM wallein coolte was Pepaieed but gn_cheamentatin §) Popaie is quarlqblt i AS O00. Leng bald at te Re niet | ‘00s gee Net ing Co, Al fee fp nein ban Sham at Loa val femperatver (frodia wtoeed tp full of ua a “- zy Pyne a ee EL eae les Foden see fount 2 we amarka(chetaroeke fice Ly ve. tage (RR Koy bre chessscale. Stain fw di "andawesd ale pateyraed Lefusee- [a7 ond A Noted foceta weee AL iscgnked . M0 Pasdvinkea, eee pot Lae pb lit &rap aad/a PARA fouscl’ s Em, ayeea) ticked athka yuh, Thi sgmature doesnot moi agreement or seth ny iaton rote, CH ress extbiarmen Erauston Pegs SD ot > Frew (ev 1072012) SRBUSENT NATE FOOD | /ABLISHMENT EVALUATION REPO! Bongo | Sn * ae ee 0 Se Bal 74H. (NI @) VIOLATION DESCRIPTION / REMARKS / CORRECTION SCHEDULE = b-SOl/4 Srlek ventiletion hood = 209. Dissre veuplation out fi fla er ~ 1501.12 jen Gy f 10 : =Mancem [ance ee (crt fed Food Alb flee equ) ret pata in “ae {Meamng Ope celuery stro pwheused) | [1d / Om A Re TI PERSOR RI GHARGE Waa Ta) This sianature does not mel sareement or a with any vlston noted. F218 REV. 1072012)

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