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The Apostolic Faith "EorneJI/y contend for (he {aith fllhich tIIa.s once dellvercd unto (be Jaln/J.

h fllhich tIIa.s once dellvercd unto (be Jaln/J. "-/qd~ 3.

Vol. 1. No.4: Los Angele •• CIlI •• Docember. 1906. Subacription Free

PENTECOST Ir-. WOODLAND. Iln ..... ' • hI! cOI·lei\lOndeuce. God la raIl· Tbe Lord bllt been worklne In Cbattllnoo-

PENTECOST WITH SIGNS FOLLOWING nro. Q . W . Evan!, who lin. just come
tram Woodlllnd, CIl1;,ol'nln, rellorts 11 Pellte.
cOllal revlvlll In thl\t plo.ce. Thlrty·two
bave been ballllzed with tho Holy GhOlt,
Inc UJl tbe Worken.
I't!(liole III'U corulng and making tbolr can.
(,>;810Ila D.od clvlnc up all, to eet ready
t(11' Ihf; corulnc of Jeaul. Never 111 the bll'
ca. T6Dn ., wbere a band of Alrlca mllalon.
arlu Itopped on tbelr ",·ay. Soull haTe
been &ayeJ. a nurnbera beve been baptized
wltb tbe Holy Oboat &lid received the Dlbl.
tblrtY-<lne aanctUled, and twenty saved. Sev. tory at thll work hal there been 10 much eyldence. Brother and Sliter Hutcblnl and
enteen members out 01 tbe Baptist Church con(casloo &lid reaUtutlon.-Apoatollc Llebt. Sliter McKinney have now cone on to New
SeV'en Months of Pentecostal Showers. Jesus, are IIl1ed with tbe JiolY Ghost Incillding the York. Tbelr ·JeatlnaUon Sa Monrovia,
LIberia, Africa. '
auperlntendent 01 tllC Sunday School an J It I. every l>ellever'. blrtbrlcbt to be
Our Projedor and Great Shepherd. bls wife. The Sunday S"1Iool superlnteud. bapll:r.ed wltb the Holy Oholt.
ent 01 the Methodist Church I. al80 bap· A little &'Irl wbo knowa lbe Lord u ber
tlzed with the Holy Ghost, and the Illmculty "
Two ban J. or Apoatollc Faltb work en bealler, Will autrerlne from le\·er. After
now on band Is tbe n .ed of a laq;er build· bave been arrestcd In Wblttler. but It bal different onel bad prayeJ tor ber abe aald
Ing to accommodnte • he crowds. Fourteen ~~I~y w~nrc:::eaaed tbe Intereat iLnd deepftned "Now maybe the Lord wanta me' to pray':
were healed at one meetlnr:. God', wor J 10 Ibe &aId, "~ar Jeaul you bave heard .'11
Many 3"e asking how the ~ in A2lIsa Mimt stated OOby-fuIl ofIove!WI were \WIing to accqX;myooe that Is made 10 clear and plain that tbe crowd. I.lleu people'a prayera, ~ow beal me for
ha:l the lx¢m v.ith die Holy Spirit as our \eader. But are preaalne In splrltlal hunger ror tbo IIv. An anointed bandkercblef ... aa lent to Jeaua aake." Tben ahe lay down and went
and who is the founder. The Lad \WS the founder iI1d Ing truth. SlsteTS Sopble and Reece Cram Ellz.abeth SmIth, Brunawlck, Ga., aod u to Ilel!'p. God heala many Umea In &lIlwer
He is the Projedcr of this movcnent. A 1:m:I ofhumble die Lcrd canmenccd settling m 00wn, !lid we saw dlli Quland, wbom God l<al been uslog. are at. aoon as ahe openeJ tbe letter Ibe wu In- to chJldren'l prayer..
poopIe in Los Angeles had been JDYing ftJ' a yea' a the Lcrd shaild be our leader. So we hoocr 1e:sll'i as die preaent In charge. ltautly healed. .
grea SI!C!Xx'rd ofdlelMp. He is our model. A man that bad boen posseued wltb a
mae fa- moo: power widl Gxt fer the salv.iioo of Iolt
and &Ilfl'Jing htu11Mity. 1hey did nct know just m\:i TIle Lcrd adds bae d:ily !ldt If) shoold be savOO, .m mid demon and bad ""'11
In tbe aarlum wu
dellverel. The Lord cut out this demon.
We have heard the funeral of the Oolp081
Tbe denl &aya be hu no lalte of tire
thoueb alnnera. IkepUcI, and ungodly
preached, the power of nobody unto noth. preacben all are trylnc to tlnJ cODlolation
they noeckd, bl~ ale dJing 1hey knew, people wr:re nct plants them in the body to suit Himself; and all WCIk clotbed him In bl. :<Ight mind and com· In the doctrlnBl 01 no bell, &lInlbllaUon, and
Inc. now lI,'e are preacblnc the power of
getting saved m healed If) they deSred 10 see. They togdhet in Imnooy UIlder" the ~ of the Holy SiEl pleted the work, bkl,tl:r.lnc him wltb the
Holy GhOlt. Another remarkable case waa
God utlto lalvaUon. WlJvenallsm. But God eaye In Rev. %0. 14
oootinued 10 hold aiIagc ~ I1lt!dings tir seYCIlIl TI)fre is no pcp:, [)oo,Mdsn, oc Soofadisn, I:.llI we are that tbeMl Ie a lake of tire. Jeaul 'Warned
where a party waa un:!er aentence ot ,court, One ,came here I.llat bad been aull'erlne UI of bell. Hadea In Greek and a.henna In
mat!hs. alIliUle chiki'en IaJowing ooIy .Jesus !WI Him aucified.. wblcb decilion waa sulpended and the de- for yeara In body, and wu bealed by the Hebre .... me&ll "lake alar.. " What can we
This WCIk is I3ried 00 by die peqJIe elLa; Angeles that fendant laved, eaocUlleo, and tllle 1 wltb power of God while In the meetlnc without do but believe the War J f
Then !hey fdt led oftbc lad to ClIl Bro. Se)moor fran God bas united by the p-ecioos blood of our I.arl Jerus the Holy Gbost and : became a cood cit!· eVen uklnc tor prayer..
Quist ood die power of the Holy SJiit. Iten. Tocas to Los ~ 1he saiis in Los Angeles We can t~ly .. y that Pentecolt bu
Bro. Seymwr is siIrq:iy a iIlmbie f'ISIlr of the fkldc A younc lad)' waa contemplatlnc .uJc;1 Je come. for all the elcoe u. lollowlne. God
sending his fiI'e. It was If) truly a call !ian Old as ~ PENTECOST IN SAN DIEGO.
came to the meeting and waa laved, then Is pourln, out HII Spirit upon HJI eona and
He sc:nl His holy oogeI to tdI Candius 10 sad foc Pder. over Mich die Holy Gm has made him ~, San Dle.~o, Cal., Noy_ 28tb. aanctllled and b&pUzed wltb tbe Holy Gbo.L J&l1&'bter. and clvlnc dream. and nllone,
He cane JnlIdd than aIxxt the bapisn wilt the S{Xrit, accmIng 10 Ads. 20.28, ''Take heed tberefcre, llIIID We are pralalnc G 'Jd. 'for victory In Sa.n Sbe la very happy In tb. Lord. aveaklnc 10 tonCU.I. A wom&ll wbo bad
and that evoy nfumoc:n It three o'clock they wooId mY yamdf and to die flock 0Vtr v.hich die Holy GlOSt hlKh Dleso. Bro. Lov. arid I c&me do'tVD bere been an InvaUd for 18 yean la 'Walkl~ &Dd
fa-the encbncnt of!XJWCf. He tad than he lid nc:i haYe made yoo ove:rsccr, to iIcd the ctudJ of God \\4Udt He lut Thureday to lee It the Lord ... ae prepAr' Wben tbe condltlonl are jllat r1gbt, thfl abouUnl and prallinc God. Tbe blind haTe
Inc to take out a ;iClople for Hlml.lf III Lord II Just u rBlponllble for the beallng recelvoo their a1ehL Mlaalonariea are 11'0'
the PentccQ;t 00t was s:dcing it lRl w.nrdllll the sainIs hah ~ with His own tbxi" AM as missiooary 01 our body u at our lOula; Tbe realon 10
this city by ,the lea', On arrlvlnl In tbe InC out without p\lne or acrlp. ETerythl~
to fJlIY with him till all nx:eiYed !heir PmIrca;t Sane ~ ood teacher.J go aX fran this ~ they have city. 'We were not 1000C In IIndlng mYOid many are lick, II becauae they truat In the Is polnUne toward the com1~ of the Lor.!.
believed they had it, mel oIher.; bdieYOO Ihc:y did nct the sane !JM'Iege of being pa.<m over the peq::lIe the friend and brother 0.0. Rellty, 'Wbo f..aa arm 01 lIelh Inau-ad of God.
!me it becaJse the signs were not fuIIowing. Hardly Lord !Ills them 0Vtr by the Holy S(mit, !WI of feeding earnelUy tarrylnB' l o~ the PentecolL 'We Tbe creat Bbeklna clary Is lUll ruUne
appointe 1 a meeting .'at hll houle the Ame A brotber t.eaUlied, "Lut weftlt I came In upon UI aa a pillar of are by nlgbt and a
~was getting SMd them with the PJI'C Woo of Gcx:I. Eoch missioo will be . nlebt &lid he Will ClprioullY baptized wltb a backslider an:! half drunk &.Dd tbe Lord pillar ot cloud by da7. where hWldredl and.
There was a llJt:al deal of~ rut they cmIinued united in h<rmaty, having ns 0IMl (BSkr simply that !he I.lle Holy Gbost and spake with tonguee. We forsave my Dackilldinc rlgbl In my seiLt tboulanda ot aOllle ha.,e come &lid bee.n
to fast !WI mY fa- die ~ wiIh the Hdy St:Crit. till Holy Cffl;t &1aI1 awOOi- met again the oext fvenlng IUld two more and a fe1V days att.erward, He 8&nctllled m~ bleat througb tbe· mighty power of our
rl!Celved their pent'~c·o.t with Bible evi- and bapUzed m~ wlt.ll the Holy GholL" bleue.t Lord. HWlCl7 &lid thlnty I<lull are
00 AjxiI9dt the fin: of Gx:I fell in a ~ 00 Boonie We believe in old time repc:otn:e, old time <XIlVI:r.licn,
dence. Hallelujah! Tbe Lord had already comlnc rrom bUndredl and thouaandl 01
Brne. JlenIeca;t \WS pcucd Wi upoo ~ and saints. old time SlI1Cli1ic3ioo, healing of our bodies ood the laid It upon Bro. Re ... y to open up a mls- The dft at lon~uel II the clary or God mllu to eet their peraonal Pentccost anl
ThI:e days aRer 1!a, Bro. Se)moor ruci\'ed his b<¢m witli the Holy CJta;t, We ~ that God made lion on thll line. He !lad '3ecured tbe build. t100dlng )'our .oul Ind the Spirit laklne recelvln( and 'laltlnc the clad tidlnSI 'baclt
A£bn in His own image, aco:rdingto Gal. 5. I; !'s. 8.4; Illg and we bad It re _ J1 for service by Sat- po.~e88loo. You will never knoW' wbat It
Pentero;t, T'MJ v-iJO hOO beaJ ~ widl him in bome to bunCT)' and thlnty eouls that are
urday nl"ht. Tbe (,eople came out and meanl to be clay In the bands of tbe PotLer walUne their arr1TaI.
Hoomt <3Tle to Los AngeIesjt& befOOl ~ fell. aJd Matt. 19. 4. We 00 nct believe in illy eighth day nearly filled the .e. '.Ine capacity and we until you receive the Pentecostal baptiJlm_
TItey cane filIcd with the Holy GnilRl~. One of aealicn, If) .!mIe have laJght, !WI we 00 nct belieYe in bad a malt wonderfUl meeting., Some were
Pentecolt hae fa.llen In Long Beach Cal People Irom thoulandl at mllea bav. been
Ihem ha:I !'eIrived her per.n1lII ~ Sistf2" Lucy the ~oo of the wida:d juslllled a.nd sanctl(ed and blessedly an· comlne to Loa Anselel to ,et Into the
nolnted. InLero'3t Is Increasing. Some rnll· S<lul" are Dlaln under the' power 01 God &lI.1
F~, ood said the lad ha:I sen her to join lIS in We gaxI 00 Bible truth wilhool canpumise. We mf:etlnr;s cannot close. A nunlber bave re- rh'ere of I:t.lvatlon. John 8&W a river Pl"O-
Ing under the powiii' or the Holy Gbost cedlgr: out of tbe tbrone of God and tbe
holding up !his ~ bulh. She cane wiIh kM: !WI recognize fNf:1:Y rom that. hooor.; the blood of Jesus an J mighty convict!· 0 of the people. We c~Ived the ba.ptlsm wltb the Holy Oho;·.
Lamb. end on either IlJe of that river wa.
pov.t:r IKlIding ~ the Ijood c:i .Jesus Chist in all His Olrist to be our lxoIher, reglI'dIess of &:naninOOoo, believe the Lord ... a;_ta Azusa street Mia· ~h~e ;~;~ ~:e~!~nc Dro. E. McCauley to pusb the Iree 01 II Ie. We can get the Irult on
aeOO, a- 00ctrine. But we 3"e nct willing to aco:pt My alan duplicated In till! city. We expect to
Ii.~ either side 01 tba river, but we baYe to
And dlC fire has 00en tailing eMf' since. I-hD:hds of crras, it rruiteIs nct how dmning !WI SVteet they may ~~b:~.~~ ~~ ~~ ~~!e:a~~, ~;:'I:eH!\~~ It was Gud'e eternal purpose that ' Jeau8 swim to get IL If you ",ant tbla kreat ble!UI-
Ing. you must launch out by faith Inlo the
~ bao.e received saIv.fut ood lding. We cal truly seem to be.lftltey oonct ta1Jy witb the WmlofGod, we mucb (leople In tbll .:Ity. HlII1f:lujab! Pray abould be born In a bumble place. No plaee
I. too humble lor Jesul to dwell In. He river. It II a very aweet thine to be wbere
s<rf dui die revival is stiIl going <n llle Lad God is in reject them. lor na and San Dlell;--F. E. Hili. tbe river. are nowlne.'
poured out HII Spirit jn tbe humblelt meet-
Los Nlbodcs in Qfferenl missicns !WI churcb:s in mighty This is the yea- ofjubilee ",hen God is saJding the latter Ing plRce In Los Aogeles, tbat DO lIeab
rain, ood die refreshing limes have cane. Hc has raised Pt:NTECOST IN SAN JOSE .bould glory 10 His presence. It is so bl=l to be sanctified, clealL'ied, croci/ied,
pcM'CI', in sPl.c of~. This revival has sp-ead
Ih~lgh towns 000ut La; Angeles !WI through the stale up a natiCll in seven moothS time Iha will rrea:JI Jesus TIley are having a real old time Pentex:ostal revival in nailed to dIe cross of Olris!. Old dling:; have passed
1nI o~ the United Sttes in different Iiaces iIld aaa;s and Him crucified in all His fullness in sPte of what is San Jose, California The devil is stim:d and doing his . Interpreted message spoken in totlb'ues: "Cl[x'1 your aw.IY, dIe old man is c..TIlcified, slain. ;uld Je!o'Us Gllist is
tile occa1. 1\ie blood of b.Is ~ against every costs, best to put out the fire, but dley just ignore him and shout heart and receive the Spirit I will give good gifls to My endlroned ill Ihe h~1I1 and crowned witllin. He sil~ upon
foo:e aJd power ofthe enemy. Gkry to GcxI. "11\C loog, leng night is tm. dIe victOl)'. The altars are crowded day and night 'children. Blessed are dley tlmt tllIst me. 0 drink of dte dIe throne of our hearts reigning as a king, sw.tying His
Selnc 3"e asking if Dr. Otas.. F. P<.ham is the Icd:r of The mooring maks arlast." Twelve have received tlleir Pentecost mid are speaking in 'living waters. Believe in Me. 0 believe in Me, and ye scepter of riglltcousness lwd true holiness, and keeping
this mOYelllClll.. We cal ~, no he is Id the leader tOllb'Ues. Devils are being cast out and Ihe sick healed. shall find evelything yc ask for." dIe helot clean and pure from ~in. 'nleJI you are just
of !his movonen1 of Azusa Missioo. We dntght of It seems that God is sweeping things. He is running righl All glOl)' to God. Some come to the altars and the Holy ready to receive dle OOptiSln with the Holy Ghost lU\d fire.
having him to be our leader ood &l gaaed in our ~, over the devil here....not paying any Iill:ntioo to Him- Qlost shows tllem they are backslidden in heart, so they This meeting has been a meltlnr; time.
Tbe people are nil melled to!;eth e r by the
befcre wailing (XI the Lad. saving, sroifying, <I1d tJartizing oouIs, binging them repent and do their first WOIks over. Soon they b'et to the power of the blood :lnd tbe Holy GhoaL The Lord Jesus a.. id. when He bad one
We can be r.iher ha!ly, especially \\ohen we are ~ oot of darlmess into die marvelous light oflhe Soo of place where the Holy Glost fulls upoo them and dJey rise They are maJe one lump. one bread . nil one foot In the cloud golog back to beaven,
yoong in d~ power of the Holy SjXrit We 00: just like a Gcx:I. Ha1lelUjal! Glcry to oor GOO. body In C.hrist Jesus , There III no Jew or "Tarry )'0 III the city of Jerusalem until ya
to their feet spe2king in a clear Ianb'uage as the Spirit Gentile, bond Or tree. In tha Azusa street bp eodued with power." They dLI not ,0
gives utterance. &me of the Salvation Anny peq))e ill MIlslon. away (roln Jcrusillem uotll thllY received
PENTECOST AMONG THE YOUNG PEO- PENTECOST IN BENTON HAR.BOR. that city are receiving the Pentecost. Bro. Hannoo th" en<l"ement or power. And on tbe day
Bro. A. Sulger, a Danish yt)ung mao 01 Pentecost. they w_re all In one accord
A band oC Spirit OlleJ bOY8 went down
Greetl::nt~: o~~r~r~d M~~h·.I~~e 29tf~&r CliJford has returned frcm wcrlcing in Oakland and San from Chicago. b&. received hla Pentecoal an] all "' ere nllcd wllh tbe Holy Cholt :uld
salnt~ . I reacbed this place nndlng a warm Jose and trings gcxxl news of a mighty work of God. and Is filled and saturated wltb the mellln&, spoke ""Ith new tonguee. u the Spirit gave
to Anabelm, a town near Lo3 Angeles. welcome trom Bro. and Sister York. Had power oC ~d. He expects to be on his way utterance , Cod tQught the churcb a I~aon
Tbey 'aatlned what God bad done tor tbem Bro. H. M Ttnney, who came &om Alaska 10 get his east loon, and .... tbe Lor.:! opens the way
our IIrst meellnl that afternoon with a room on 'hat dny wbat the baptlam with the Hal,.
&lid It made the people bungry . The aecond Pentecost in Los Angeles, is being userl of the Lad in will '0 to Denmark wbere the Lord II <::'1111: Chost was and what would prepare them to
nlgbt tbe altar 'lVU Cull. 10 two nlgbta. lull. The meeting continued both day and
night. About tblrty received the menage San Jose. His last repott, dated November 16 is, Inl blm to preach tbe GOlpel. HI. latber II be a witness to the uttermost parta oC the
elgbt were aanctUled, six Call verted, and gla.dly and searched the scrlpturea dally, a Lutberan preacber. earl..b_
1\"e received the baptlam. Ooe night at and beg&ll to cry mightily to God lor tbelr
"Yesterday was a high day in Zioo. The meeting opened
about one o'clock In tbe morning. tbe Holy at 10 a m. and was still nmning at one o'clock tllis Bro. Tom Hezrnalhal('h has ret'lrned rnr a
Obolt _poke words In Sp&llilb tbrough one Pentecost. Alter Ilx lays waltlnc, tbe lire Newspaperl In S&lem. Oregon. are pul>-
begall to tall. Now I bave been here elgbt morning. Altars are crowded at every service. Many are .bol"t time to Loa Aneoles Irom Chlc&&o IIlhlne columna about tbe Pentecostal lOut·
of the young men, anJ a girl wbo W&~ Colorado sprlog,. Denver. and other place;
~k.1n1l ber pentecost \Ulderatood that days and three souls bave been baptized Ing.. While they deride. they tell enou~b
wltb the Holy Gbost an:d lire, speaking slain under the mighty power of God. Several received wbere tbe Lol"d hili been using blm and truth to dra .... LaY bungry soul. Tbey uy
lancuage and joyfully Interpreted It, "Keep reports a wonderful work of G-oJ In thole
a'Wake, do not sleep, and I will come to
In new tonguu. One younl man .,poke Uleir Pentecost yesterday. One woman was instantly or Sliter Wiley thd her face wlhlnel Uk.
In aeTeral tongues, Ilx or laTen bave re- pillcel and tbat many .ouls are beln&' saved new money," that ber t&ce \J trlLllSJ\ gured.
lhy bOUM." Tbll lame prl In about an healed of rlleurnatism. SevernI have heal saved. Many bealed, an.:! baptized wll..b the Holy Ghost
celTed tbe annolntlng and twenty·lln eeek- 80 to apeU. &lid that "Ibe could not put
Ilonr &!ld a·balf recel..-ed the baptillm with backsliders reclaimed and sanctified." with algnl lollowlne.
the Holy GhoaL Tbe worlt &mong the chll- In" earnestly. Victory throuch the blood. tbat on." They.&J' that lbe tonCUIII apoltea
Hallelujah to my God. The Pent8<:olt hu by the preacher "really 80unded like Orient-
dren wu Tl17 touchlnc. The power oC God come to Benton Harbor and Ie Yeral mlnla·
PENTECOST IN PORTSMOUTH. ~Jeaul II eotnlne a&aln lOOn. Do not re-
fell the aeeona nl'llt u &t the bouee at al dialect: It certainly .. ems lmpoulble tor
tera and lD.Isalon workerl are unon~ the God bas done a wonderful work In Port.- ject Hla 'folce. Don't reject Him, don't re- aDJ'one, boweTer adept be m&J' be, to
Cornellul. Little children had their hanJs mouth, . Va. It la reported that aboat 15() ject Him. He wu nailed on the Cro.. for
lip ahonting, The lirat to eet the b&ptllm
&eekera. Glory to God. He 'iaYea me and Imitate a l&ll&'tl~e In that way." They eay
lell HI. power till me. He wondertully ban recelTed the Pe.nteeosL Tbe wbole you." The above II the Interpretation of that "well anthenUcated cuel of remark·
wu a little boy of ten yeara_ Be beean cOWlt17 abqut there 1. IUrred by the power a melaa,e In unknown language chen by
elallpln~ ble banda and trtnc1ne "Jeaua
IUPpllM my need.. The battle wae hot able curea from fueue are recorded."
bere for a Ume, but God PTe the victory. of GocI. Tbe Lord lent S1ater Lncy Farrow one wbo came a Iinner and la now Olle.1
Sanor, pilot me" In and IUlltnown toncue there from Lol }.ncelel an.l hu been uJlnc with the HOlY Ghost apeakine and preach.
In clear dlillnct warda, allO "NeArer my
1 e~pect to meet you when Jesus calla Ull
up Elale 1.. RoblnsOD . her to preacb tbt... Goapel. She feell a call Inc In ne". tonl'uea. Bro. and stater ErIc HolUnp .... orth. wu
God to th&e." Four In the lame family from God to co to Monrona Uberia Al- haTe racelTed tbelr PegtecOIt and art oa
Inalde of twenty minutes got tbe baptllm r1ea, and W&llte lome one to e~me ·and 'belp .A brother WT1tea that be re~IYed the tb. way to Sweden to carry the ao.P61
with the Holy Ghoal It wu henen there. PENTECOST IN SEATTLE,
n. worlt la ,olnc on and other lillIe chll· The Lord. Ii... been wor~ng In a mu- cartT on the worL She "n.
"Ohe all the bapUlm With the Holy Ghost on a B&lIta Foe writ, tram Oakland. "God Is work1tt.c bere
II Oakl&lld allO. .... a rule one and 10.n..
Willi 10Te trom m.. Tell them I ha .... train runnlne tort)' mile. &lI hour aad tlln
dren aro being lilled 'WIth the SplrlL
Tbe band of youne Olen that the Lor J II
.,elolla way In Seattle, W~., wbore Bro.
and 51.ter Junk and Siater ....ulu Miller
many cblldren here too. They do not want mOre after blm recelYed the AlOe Tbey i-trt. tlmel two lOuJl a jay are' recelnne
Penteco.t &lid the al~~ followine. We u.
me to lean, but YOI1 all know wben the were all walUng for tbe promla. of th.
uelne there and In WbltUer are all In onB went u 'Worken Irom Lol An,el... The eolne to conUnu. on our trip eut and t·)
accord and keep In the utllty of tbe Spirit. denl ba.a heen oPPollng but he alway a Lord UYI co, I muat 10. I mOYe u th. Fatber' l He II no relpector of p«eona or
LoN! IaTl moYa. No Ume tp vlalt only for placea. To terry at Jerulalem II to walt at Sw.den )4on4ay. I bope you 11111 pray lor
They do not preach bl, sermons but aim' mluee the mark and adTertisu th. meet· Jeau.e' feet whereTu yOU are In Hie will. lLI. We are caine to a poor ooantry and ,,:
ply teaUty and alnl and pray In the 9plrlL 1.n.P. Five window IIghlll w&1'8 broken and the Lord. I go nlcht and day In raln &lid
aunehlne. Tbere 1& no Ume to ltop. Jeaul a harJ Ume 01 th. year &lid we 1r1l1 enl!
Tbelr name a are Henry Prentlse. Curtla one abot through. and tbe p&per. call tbem, .tro~ oppo&!Uon In prea.cb1nc thl. wonder·
Nichola, orly Nlcbola, Tom Andel'&On, Wm. Uholy rollers," but the lut reporte are tb .. t II comine aoon. Pray fOlr me &lid the Companies 01 ChrlsUana in many placu
work here." are wallinI' on God, tarrylne for the baptllm ful Goapel. [feel jUlt like eteppln, .nto the
Mlllaon &lid IaaLC Berc. One nleht recent· lOme eleht bave been laved, ten aancUlIed 1I0n'l den, but D&nlel'a God I. mT God."
Iy. aeven "ere slain under the po'Wer of and Jlx received the Pelltecost and are Another Wltneaa. with the Holy GbOIt. Tbe malt Iplrltual
It pleated God by HII Almlgbty power people Inthla land and acroll the ocean and
God ud aneral received tbelr Pentecost. IIpeaklng In ,t ongues. AlIa In a auburb "Jeaul haa broucbt me into HII banquet.
)4any of the p.ople In AlIahelm un leratand town at Ballard ' four haTe rec~ved to lend UI Slater Lucy Farrow to brine mlnlonanel In foreign landa are ."Mtlne
German and the lVorken were perlD.ltted to pentecolt. ua tbe IIgbt aa 'We baJ not Been It. Tbe that tney are aeekln~ the Pentecoat. Tbl. Inl cbamber. Ob" I am 'euting UPOD th.
power of God hu f ..llen apon gl. I pralae II a Ilgnlllcant facL It mean. that the LorJ dellclou. wino of the lt1ne40m. Hall.luJahl"
apealt and pray III tbat lan~age. Some Bro. Junk writes the folowlnr Inc\Jent The abo"e Ie the Int.rpretation or a teati·
worda lpoken by the Spirit In Oerman were, of how God u1ed the wntln, In an un· Him for belne a wltne.. In Jerulalem, la preparlnc HIs people tor His aoon combe.
"Ood I, In our mld.t," known tongue: Samaria, Judea, and unto the uttermoat many clnn by a al.ter from WublnltOG,
parte 01 the earth.. I pralae Him tor tbe OIl 'I'hankarlnnc day a baptlsDl,,1 'Jer"lce wbo rec.lve~ the baptllm 01 the Holy Oboat
"The Lord sent In a yotlne Hebrew and In Lo. Ane.las and Ipealta aeveral unknown
power In the alp! HA gave me of apealc- WII held at the Pentecostal Minion .on
he lot Boundly converted tbe otber nlgbt. Maple anj Elehth .tretltl, wbere there II a la.ngua"es. A brother .... bo under.tanda
He sobbed a.nd cried till you could have Ing In tonruel and Interpreting tbe aame
and alnglnc In tonr;ue8. I pr&lle God tor baptIstry. Twenty·four were baptized by Ml.N.thl. a lancua,e of India, UenUlied thll
Workers went to Ft. Worth, Tex., and beard him a bloc". His cry wu lor the 1&lI~age and InterprelAtd. ltlany haTe
preached this Gospel and Pentecost hal tbe beallnr power. He bas healed me tram Imnlersion. Tbe Spirit 01 God WIlS upon the
blood to cover him. 0 for old time repent. spoken In the lancuagea of India, China,
tallen there. Mre. C. A. Roll. at 1005 Ed· ance. When I pulled out my Testament to my beed to my feet.-~orgetta Jeffries people. The candldatel lor bapUslIl were
Portsmoutb, Va. ' nlled with the Spirit and shouted and Alrlea. Aela, Europe, anj the Illanda of the
wardl street, Ft. worth. writes, "Tbree oC read blm BOme Scr1pture, his eY81l feJl lea. &8 'Well u the leerned languages of
ue women began to tarry and pray the last upon lIome writing I ha.J done while under pralled God u tbey came out of the water.
PENTECOST IN SALEM, ORE, Greek. Latin, etc. Tbe Holy Gbo.t .peaks
of AuC\ut. About three weeki Cram tbnt the power 01 God In Oakland. Wben be any langullgA He cbooaea.
time, Pentecost fell on our .trect. Since saw It. be pronounced It Hebrew. The Sliter Hagg Is now hack In Los Angelea
We are unal11e to tell of the great glory Ir011l Ft. Wortb, Tn .• rejoiCing In the Holy
that time. nine have received tbelr Pente· bardest work we ba.d to do was to con· and power that came upon tbe meetlnp,
cost. Tbe Lorl Is pourlnc HII Spirit on vince him Lhat I ha~ not atudlee! the lang- Gbolt an.1 contlnually wltneeslnc to the In Denver. Colorado, In Bro. FInk', bome,
Sunday, Novembt,,· 11 . With a!tonlahment Pentecolt, which she received lnat ]l.Jay. a "'oman wal brought In that Wall burt In
UI. We are 1('('lIng the need 01 a man uage, but when thl. was clea.r, he trembled and ereat conviction the people witnessed
nlled with the Holy Chost to prench. How rrom bead to foot nnd said be truly be· She Ia.YI, "Not a lingl. doubt about thl. be- falllnr from a waeon , Sbe had been a
the great power of another Pentecoat In In" of Ood. I know I was sanctified before cripple lor thlrty·two years and unable to
my beart burns " 'Ithln me slDce the Holy lIeved Ihe Muslah WIIS corne. 0 glory. several apeQklng In tongues. and 80me IIlng'
Spirit abides, r thnDk Ood that Pentecost Theile signs are to tbem tbat believe not. an J I know thla III separnte from aancUnca: ,,·nlk. Her toel "ere drawn up under her
Ing soncs In dltrerent languaeel wltb an lion. He nIls me with Hla glory. Since 1 reet and could not be atralehtened. She
hal come to Ft. Worth. I just marvel at He took my writing to a Hebrewlcliolar .• unction and glory tbat Is past human lane.
mysell. by nnlure a ~Imld, shrinking woo It Is ISI\Iab 55 commencing with .the 2nd hll\'e rtcetved the bllptl!m with lhe Holy wal un!Oat'ed. The Dl!xt sbe to Jeacrlbe. Gho~t, T have un(leratood Cod better lind Hla ""aa Ilttlng In the front room alon4!. a · Uttle
mnn, but thllnk God. I am relieved of 011 verse, PS. 46. 3.. the Lor J'S prnyer. and Wavea at thrillIng .:ICry PIUS over me ...,
that. We Itriliae Clod tor speaking to Sis· nom. 3.26. They told him not to believe truth hl\8 opened up to me &I nevtr before. Ilx year old "rl, who )Iu received tbe
I ronect on what .God Ii doing In this place. It ennblea me to stand In every plnce. I bnptlsm anJ apeall:s with tongll~s. walked
ter Hagg and telling her to come over and me. for wllhout stlldytn,, · Hebrew It woull! A BIIII'It of dIvine Ioy'~ prevalll among the
hp.lp UI. Then BrO. Ind Slater Kent came be Impossible to write It, for It WII per· hove Iweet fellowship with my I.. ord In all tn and I\llt ber hand on the woman Ilnd
worlreu. and thOle ",·;lto are bapth:ed with trlall and testa. The Ltlrd "live me the In. '11.1.1 , "Jeanl wantl to heal you.Ule Spirit
and wero 1I11t''' a blessing to us . . Two have fect. Praille God. tor He . doe. only per· the Holy Gho.t tnke bold of the Ollie..... ork
rcC'f' I ve,1 Ihelr r(,\Iteco~t In the last few fect work. Thol. Junk, . 1617 7th uenue, terllretatlon of lome 'Warda J wall apenklnll' h"l lent me to put my Ioandlon you." In·
penJ., fur i,t!il' lit.. pouring In from every in the u.nll:nown ton"le Inj the Interpreta. Itantl)' thOle toe I aD the women's , feet
days . Olhen nrc sccktng. Suttle, Wnah. quarter, and It takea about nve perlons to tlon . W&I, "My 10111 CAnnot tell It.'" atrolghtened Rod 'she arose and walkeri.

5'hQ ApostoUc Faith
The Apostolic Fait h BAPTIZED WITH THE HOLY GHOST. REPENTANCE. you. And when He had saId this, He THE TRUE PENTECOST.
31~ Azuza Street (By F. E. Hill.) You cannot get th:!! salva.tlon unless ,.0'11 breathed on theU), and said, "Receive ye the In Acta, 2. 4, we the Bible standard
Do you long to be full of Joy and free, .repent and confe'38 your sins. There are 80 Holy Ghost. Whosesoever sins ye remit
they are remItted, and whosesoever sins ye and Bample of what Pentecost Is. It Willi
Published by To be atrong In God and his glory see, many that cannot gel this aalva.tion because
they will not make rt>6t1tutlon. and God can· retain, the are retained." This was tbe the Drat Pentecost that ever came to tbe
THE PACIFIC APOSTOLIC F.AITfI 'MOVE· Then obey HIs word and you shall be,
BapUzed with the Holy Ohoe!. not enter Into any heart that will hide Its power the Lord Jesus gave the disciples be· world. "They were all filled with the Holy
MENT alns. "Bring rorth therefore fruIts meet fore they received their personal Pente- Ghost and began to speak with other
CHORUS. cost.
Headquarters, Los Angeles "Ye sball be baptized," Jesus saId, for repentance:' Yon must have Godly BOl'- tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance."
Baptized wIth the Holy Ghost, row tor alns If you want Jesus Christ to \Ve find by a careful study ot the Word,
IIllB8C.UPTIO]V rJUI:E ISO this Is the BIble standard till Jellu8
Tarry then until with the power anduod. come Into your hearl. You cannot get the that they had all eight of the nine glftR
blood of Jesus Christ applied to a heart with- of the Spirit before Pentecost, except thf.' coroes.
Baptized with the Holy Ghost. gltt of tongues. They had tbe girts of
PUBL.ISHED FREE BY FAITH. Yes I'll be baptized with HIs power, out repentance. God commands men every- Then we have Ilnother 4!Xamllle of Pent..
The Lor J showed us before starting this Baptized with the Iioly Gho~t, where to,repent. Men have robbed, cheated healing, discernment, whilom, prophecy, etc. cost wilen Peter preached the first sermon
'Tis the clft I see, Father's promise to me, and 'atolen ILnd yet they do not want to The gift of toltgues was reserved Cor the 'to a Gentile congrega.tlon at the house of
paper that It was to be tree. We were not day of Pentecost to be a sign and evidence
Baptized with the Holy GhoaL make restitution. They come trom time to Cornelius. It was like the fil'st Pen tecOBt.
to tax the people or put ourselves In :lebt time to get salvation and God will not hear ot the baptism with the Holy Ghost. "While Peter yet spake the.e worlls, the
to the people and In bondage, by Belling It wm yeu consecrate to Him new your all, them. "It I regard InIquity In my heut, the The disciples were filled with the unction Holy Ghost fell on all them that heard tllt
& year ahead. It was to be a Holy Ghost Let Him have his way while to Him yOU Lord will not hear me." God will never of the Holy, SpirIt, the anoln Ung-, before word, And they of tbe clrcumchllcn which
hear a man until he repents. the day of Pentecost when Jesus breathed believed 1(IIere astonhhed, as many as callle
paper and It was to be free Indeed. No Bub· call, on them. This sustained them till they
As In faith you walt the power w1l1 tall, God heard the mau that came and said, with Peter, because that on the Gentile.
.cripUon price. No begging for money In It "God be merciful to me a sinner," and he were endued with power from on high. aillo was poured out the gift ot the Holy
Baptized with thll Iioly Gheit. SI) In the first chanter of Acts, Jesus
er through It. It cos.ta a cent a COllY to went away justified. God pardoned be- GhORt. !<'or the,. heard them IIpea.k wIth
Mnd It anywhere In the world, and the cause he repented, When you come to God, taught His disciples to wnlt for the prom· tongues and magnlt,. God," Acts. 10. 44.....
"This 18 that" which tell at Pentecost, Ise of the Father. This was not to walt
Lord can alrord that. We pay book postage To prepare the churc," to redeem tbe lost, you must have the foundation et repent- Again we have the account of Pentecoet
ance. Confess your sins and He Is faithful for sanctification, His blood had heen being p(lured out at EI>hesu5 and again I.
ell the rol1s, because we cannot enter It as We must then be 'I.\led at any cost, 81lllt on Calvary's cross, He was not going
Ba.ptlzed with the Holy Ghost. and just to forgive you. But He will not was like the fir3t Pontp"'oat. "And wheu
.eeond-claas matter In the malls. accept anybody tha.t will cloak: their sIn. Be to send HI!! blood to cleanse tht'm from Paul bad laid his ha.nds upon them, the Holy
We have no aJverUsements-nothlng to honest wIth your own heart today and get carnality but HI! Slllrit to andue them with Ghost came on them; an,. they spake with
''1'18 the gm of God to the sancUfilld. power. They went up to Jerusalem prals·
aiverUze but this wonderful aa.lvation that He will comfort. lead and will be our guIde, tbe devil exposed and accept Christ. tongues and prophesied." Acts. 19. 6.
Ing and blessing Ood with great joy. They In all three (lases of the outpouring ot
.. tree to all. The writers and workers In And will dwell In us, coming to abide, all continued with one accord In prayer and
Baptized with tbe Holy Gho'~t. THE BAPTISM WITH THE HOLY GHOST Pentecost above mentioned the same en·
the omce live by faith outside of wllat supplication. They had pertect talth and dence wa8 manifest, the spea.k:lng In
comes for the paper, and we publlsb no FORE8HhDOWED. pel'fect obedience to Jesus' command and tongues. The Holy Ghollt gave 118 theM
:aames of editors. All work tor the honor and WlIl you gladly fall at the SavIour'. feet, no divisions among them. They were not
Give your doubtlngs o'er, and be made We read In Ex. 25. 8, !l. that God spoke tbree InCidents, of comllanlea that received
a:lory of God, This we believe will be II. to Moses and said, "Let them make me a on their knees but sitting when the Holy the Holy Gh08t all at once, and besIde.
real protecUon to the paper to keep It pure, complete, Gbost fell upon them, sllnply waltmg for
There to dwell In peace, and commUll1on sanctuarY tha.t 1 ma~' dwell among them, thls we know that the Apostle Paul hlld
tor unlesB one Is IUled with the love of God, according to all that : show thee, after the the gift of power. the gUt and that others In the CorlnthllLl1
they do not covet to work without bonor or sweet, "And suddenly there came a sound from the gift and that others In the Corinthian
Baptized wIth the Holy Ghost. pattern of the t~bernacle and the pattern
money. , of all the Instruments thereof, even BO hea.ven as of a rllshlng mighty wind and It church had tbe girt.
We get out the pa.per when the means shsll ye make It." filled all the bouse where they wel'e sitting. Now the Question Is asked why did not aU
comes In and not before. No debt will be You can sing God's praise now, and by and And there appeal'ed nnto them cloven ton· In the Corinthian church speak with
by, Dear loved ones, the Lord Jesus Is the
tormed. The Lord can stop it at any time true tabernacle that God pitched and not gue, like as of fire and It sat upon each of tongueR?
He chooses. We will not be getting letters ie shall speak with tongu'<!s, and shalt them, And they were all IIlled with the Paul In the 12th of First Cortnthlans, WU
prophesy, man. The tabernaCle In the wilderness was
..ylng, "My paper dll not come on time," made after the pattern of the heavenly tab· Holy Ghost and began ta speak with other setting the cburch In order, that there
Heause It la the Lord's paper. He sUIllllles In the power ot God ye shall testify, tongues as the SpIrit gave utterance." should be no '3cblsm In the body of Chrlat.
Baptized with the Holy Ghost; ernacle wblch God sbowed Muaes In the
the meanB. holy mount. We now have the true pattern Then Peter arose and said to the multi· Here Is a brother wbo Is justified and the ...
We are so glaJ. to be able, through offer- which Is the Lord JIlSUS Christ, the Son tude that came running together, "This Is Is a ~"other who Is sanCtified. Now nelth.
Ings sent In, to send this paper to tbous· THE ENDUEMENT OF POWER. that wblch was spoken by the IlrOllhet Joel. er of them speak: In tongues. In our body
of the living God. .
ands of hungry souls. Many cannot alford The first thing In order to receive thl3 We flnt come to the court of the taber· And It shall coma to [laGs In the Inst days. here, we have some' Justified wbo have
to Bu1.lscribe for a paper, and even 25 cents precious and won Jerful haptlam Is to have nacle where we find the brazen altar, where salth God, I will pour· out of my Spirit upon just been saved. The next tblng we do
I. a real tax on some poor widow or Gnrls- a clear knowledge of JustUlcal!on by raith, whole burn olterlngs are made. When we all flesh," He dId not say God would cleanse Is to teach him he needs a clean heart, to I>e
taI.n worker. So we do not make any charge. according to Rom. 5. 1., "Therefore. beIng first came, we were d(;ad In trespasse! and their hearh by His blooil from carnality, sanctified In the precious blood of Je8U.
We preach and publish this Gospel treelY. justilled by faIth, we have peace with God sins and could make no offering tor we but pour out His Spirit. Amen. That Is Christ. He goes on and gets that. Thea
"Freely ye have received, treely give:' through our Lord Jesus Cbrlat. We know had no life In our Bouls. But we found What He is doing In Los Angeles, pouring we show him he needs bls Pen tecostal bap-
We praise the Lord for enabling U8 to that all our sins guilt and polutlon are Jesus as a. sacrifice upon tbat altar, He out HIs SPirit unon sanctified souls and the tism and speaking In tongues as the Spirit
publish and &eni! out 6,000 of No.1; 10,000 washed away. Old things are IlaBBed away, Ilard.onR us of our sins and plants the new same slgne are [ollowlng, IIlvea utU!1 ance. When be receives hll
01. No.2; 30,000 of No.3; ani! 30,0;)0 again at behold all things are become new. The love birth In our souls. We are jUitlfled and Pentecost, he will .peak In tongues.
this lesue. 80me have received their Pente. of God I ~ sbed abroad In our hearts by the saved and our names written In the Lamb's COUNTERFEITS. So concerning prollhesylng. Paul sayi,
cost through rea ling the paper, and we Bend Holy Ghost. We have eternal Ute In our book of life. God has told UB In HIs precious word that "Greater Is he that prophesleth than be
out every one with a prayer. souls an 1 the Spirit witnesses wIth our Then we go on to the Holy Place to we should know II. tree by Its trult. Wher· that speaketh wltb tongues." We can have
spirit tbat we are the children of God. consecrate ourselves, 'There we flnd the ever we find the real, we find the counter· all the nine gltts 11.8 well as the nine frultl
SALVATION AND HEALING. Now since we are justllled by faith, we believer's altar which Ie the golden altar. lelt also, But praise God for the real. Wi'! of the Spirit, for In Christ Jesus. dwelll
have ILccess, through the precIous blood, to We sanctify ourselves and consecrate our- find In the time f)[ Peter, when men and all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, Paul
T!hrough Jesus, we are entitled to health women were receiving the power or th~ 13 simplY teaching the church to 00 In unlt1
lIresent ourselves to God a.s II living ~acrl· selves to God as a living sacrifice. and we
an.! sanctification of soul and body. DI·o. Ilce for sanctlflcatlon, which Is tbe second find the precious blooll In the Holy Place Holy Ghost, the counterfeit appcar~ In and not to be confused because all have
Paul said to the church, ThesB, 8. 23, "And work or gra<:e that cleanses us from Inbred that i!!lnctlfies and cleanses us from all An'lanills and Saphira. But Ooo's power not the same gifts. We are uot confused
the fery God 01 peace sanctify you wholly, sIn Inbr()d disobedience and rebellion. Tbe sin. crucifies tho old nan. the body of Sin wad ll.lghtler than all the forces of hell. 90 becau~e one has hIs Pelltecost and another
old' man Is crUCIfied, the body of sin Je· and 'carnallty. and .,!likes us holy. \ve th'<!lr sin found them out, Be careful, dear has not been aanctltled, We do not saT
and I pray God your whole spirit and soul loved ones, [or your sin will Burely find
strayed, Hom. 6. 6., "Knowing this. tha.t had to hav~ eternal life In ollr souls In or· that we do not need the justified or the
and body be preserved blameless unto the our old msn Is crucUlcd, that the body or you,. out. "But If we walk In the Ught as sanctlfled IJrotber aIm ply because he doe.
der to consecrate ours~lves. Here we feed
com41g of the Lor 1." That prayer Is be· Bin might be destroyed, that henceforth upon Christ. for the brei d In the Holy Palace He I; In thE: light, we have fellowllhlp one not slleak with tongue; t)r does not pro-
Ing prayed by the Holy Ghost ror UB today. we should not serve sin, We are made typltlea the bread of Ite, "Man shalf not with another and the blood of Jesus Christ phesy; bllt we reallze that It takes the jllll-
Jesus prayed that the Father would kee)l us holy by the blood of Je8u5, for we have a live by bread alone, but by every word hls Son cleanseth us trom all sin." tilled. the sanctified and the Pentec(),t
trem evil, whl~h means sickness anJ all wltnsss by the Holy Obotll, Hflh. 10, 14: Hi, that proceedeth out of the mouth or God." In our me'ctlngs, we have had people to brother all to make up lhe body of Christ.
the works of the devil. All sickness Is the "For by one offering He hath perfected for· Here also Is the gol,'en candlestick that come nnd claim that they had recel~d the You may have the gltt of wisdom. healing,
work of satan, !lnd we have just as much ever tbom that are sanctlfieJ, wbereof the sheds Its light contlnl;ally day and night, baptism with the Holy Spirit, but when they prophesy. etc. But when you get the Pente-
rlrht to look to Jesus for the health of those Holy Ghost also Ls a witness to UB." ·~upplled by the holy 011. We are now the wero !lut to the trest by the Holy Spirit, cost, the Lord God will speak through YOIl
bodl68 as for the saving and sanctifying ot But yet tbls Is not the baptism with the sons and daughters of' God and entitled to they wera round wanting. .So they got In tong\les.
our BOuls. Holy Ghost. Many people have taken the the earnest of our I. herltance, whIch Is down and got saved and sa.Ilctlfled and bap. "He that prophesleth Is greater than he
The sacrllice on Calvary was a two fold promise o[ the Fatber to be sanctltlcatloll, the baptism with the, Holy Spirit, tlz~d wIth the Holy Spirit and spoke In con· that Npeak! with tongues, excejl( he inter.
II&crlnce, when we receive the atonement but ,If we carefully read our Bibles Ilild our TIlen we enter Into the Holleet by the; gues hy the Hilly Spirit. And again peo- pret," Eo the brother that prollhesles I.
In all Its fulness, we have health and salva· r.~cea In our Bibles, we will lind that blood of Jesus. There Is the ark of the ple have Imitated the glft ot tongues. but no greater than the brother that alleaks
ttQn to the uttermost, The prophet said s .. ~caUon, IUld the baptism with tbe Holy covenant overshadoW<! by the wings of how quickly the Holy Spirit would re1l'aal In tongues, If the brother In terprets as he
"He was woulhted tor our transgresllions: SpIl1t. ,'4I,ftl ,alto8etber. dll!erent. We are the cherubim, and ow'· the ark the great to every one of the true chlidren that na:1 Bpeaks. W~ have a good many here that
.iII.w",D;~~e~l~to~r;:o.Utr 'ulgllittell ~~"eJl'" . . . ,....'tcouP th~:!.ou. blood of 0\11' -P9!P1lH1 "rdr:lr.' a plJl' - 're by ll,Ight and ~~ _Pe~!~~1 baptism. \ heavy I ~rY)rl\t. Ap thAv, 80~a k and It Is edlfy'n~

, 8 we ~,~ irt'.;;it! ·l.;:~1~~ rOI:·u~&t~'1h.'1 ~~..,.)o Ud¥~ \ l~VlQ~J.J.""O -......" v ...... iil- tll; co~terfelt3' wetoe sl1euced and can, t;le giflB .. .1"U W1H only ask the LO"<l fur
IiItII blOOd tilr the salvation ot Our lIoula and
Jl. PTe 8. Perfect beJy for these Imperfect
Ghollt. Praise our God. Tbey _re. ,.ot to t~~inWih~ t~~I:~~y,:~ I~' fo;h::~ ~~~~~: demnro, God'a prom1sC6 are true and au!"a ,
People are trying to Imlta.te the work
[n the 14th of I. Corlnthlana, Palll Is
tarry In jeTulIIl.lem till He IIhould pour out Uon 1$ a.ll made In the Holy Place when
~ofours. ()f the Hoi), Gbost th'l;lffe days, just as they letting us In order that bave the baptism
HU biool upon t.bem, but tarry for the we are sa.nctlfled. It'lt w-e ftIl,d the ark
It la by 'tile atrtpes of J&6UI3 that we are promise of the Father. John truly balr of the COVl3nant cov ~e.d wIth pUre gold did wben the Lord sent Mosee to Pharaoh wIth the Holy Spirit and the "peakIng In
bWed. There was never a whIp lash put tized with water, but the Lord Jeaus was and within Aaron'l! ro(. that budded, which In Ex. 7, 8, aud gave him a mlrac10 or sign tongues, thllt we should not get putrecl UII
. . Jelllu8' back li .. Pilate scourged HIm be- com1ng to baptl:te with the Holy Ghost and stands for 'justification In Christ JeHUS, to show before Pharaoh, that wben Aaron and think because one Is justu1ed or sanctl·
~~ :~~ ~~e!!m~~~ s~:~I~lo:lt~s t~negue:!!~e~
tore the judgment bar.. The marks that Bre. 'JeHus old, "Ye shall he baptized also the pot of hidden manna wblch Moses should Cll9t llla rod betore Pharaoh, It
were made on that p~rrect body of our with the' Holy Gholt not many days hence," took and hlil In the ark, which represents should become a '3erpent. So When Ph&r·
Savior, the blood that ran down In Pilate's and "ya shall receive power after that the sanctification;' and the tables of stone on aoh saw that AlU'on's roo had be<lome a People In getUng Into deep spiritual thlngl,
Judgment hall trom HIs stripes, reach our Holy Gbost Is come upon you," which GOO wrote Hlmse:t In the mount, which pellt he called for his Wise men and and Into the hidden mysteries of God, nsv&
Inflrmltlee anJ cleanse Us from all slckn.,ess The bapbRm wIth the Holy Ghost Is not "tands for the baptism with the Holy Ghost. oonnterfelt BOTC'eI&r8 and magnlclans M to keep very humble at the feet of the Lord
ILl1d dJaease and make us every whit whole, a work of grace but a gltt of power. Sane· for when W'tl are bapfl:ted with the Holy Egypt. They also did In like mann€r wIth Jesue, for these precious gifts can easlly
The Passover lamb was a type o()f Christ. t1fiCII.tlon lB the "lIecond ILnd last work of Spirit we are sealed tn the forehead until their ~nchantments. for they cast down purr us up, It we do not keep under the
"fie lind that the Lor.:! commanded the grace, bufl the baptism wJth the Holy Ghost every ~!ln his roo, and they became ser· blood. .
HIs coming. . Paul Is speaking to people that had been
Chlldre,n of larael,. when they were about to Ie a gift of power. It I. a free gift without .Here the great Sheklnll glory rests upon pents, but Aaron's rod swallowed UI) tbelr
come out of Egypt to take a lamb without repentance. No consecratloll to be made us day and night, and we are tilled and rods, So the power of the Holy Ghent In carried away wltb dumb Idols, but now the
blemIsh and kill It and spMnkle the blood
at the doo,·s of theIr houses and eat the body
In receiving the Holy Spirit. Consecration thrl11ed with the power 0'
the Holy Spirit. God's llec.ple today condemns and swallows
up th,) counberfelt. It digs up and exposes
Holy Spirit was being poured Ollt UPOll
them, Bnd It was 80 aweet to tiJelr 110111,
Is all made In sanctification. The LorI Tbe Incense is going up continually from
of the lamb In theIr houses. The blood stood Jesus Is dwelling within, and you ha,ve an our souls. In lhe Holy Place. the 011 was all th~ power of satan--Cbrlstlan Science, that they almost commenced worshll'plng
lor salvation. to save them from the d~ unction from the Holy One which teacbes renewed from day to day, but when we get Theosophy, and Splrltuallllm-all are un- the girt Instead of the (lIver, rnsteac1.ot
Itroyer. ISo the blood or Jesus saves us YOIIII al) thlnga, The baptism with the Holy the baptism wit,; the Holy Ghost It oils covered berore the Son of God. Glory to magntfylng tbe blood, th<lY were all artl!r
from sin, for satan Is not able to make his Ghost makes you a wllnen 'unlo the' utter· us up continuallY, trom the throne of God, God. the gifts. The Lord warts IIli to sE'ek the
way through the blood. Now they wefe to SplrltuaU~B bave oome to our meetIngs Giver anc1 the Bleeser Instead of the girt
most parts of the earth. It 'glVea you pow· In the Holy Place we had the streams of
sat the ,body of the lamb In theIr very own er to s(>eak In the languages of the nil.' salvation but In the Holy of Holies. we and had th'3 d',)mons cast out of them and and the blessing.
homes that they might have strength an.! tions. So everyone that IS really sanctllled have the rivers, for Jesus saId, "Out of your have been 8a~d and "lIanC'tllled. C,nrlstlan 'So we can truly say that we believe tnat
Ilealth that night to go out ot Egypt. And with a clean heart, and seeks the baptism Innermost being shall now rlYers ot IIv· Scientist, have come to the meetings and Gvery0l'\e that recelve3 thl'lr personal Pente-
out of three million thRt went out of Egypt, with ths Holy Ghost according to the 2nd Ing water, and this spake He ot the Spirit had the Christian Science demons cast out cost has a witness In speakIng la tongueB
there Was not one sick, This was a real chapter of Acts, receives tbe wltnen of for the Holy Ghost was not yet given, be- or th';:m and have accepted the blood. Every as the Spirit gives them utterance. as the
tTpe of the atoneme~t of our Lord Jesus apeaklng In tongues as the SpirIt gives ut- cause Jesus was not yet glorified," plant that my heavenly Father hath not UO received on the day nl PE'oteroRt. That
ChMst for 1I0ui and body. terance, You may not receive the gltt ot There are two works of grace plaInly planted shall be rooted up. was B. lesson to the church and a sample to
We find the Jews afterward kept the pus. tongues when you receive the baptism with shown In the tabernacle by the two altar8- People have come to this place tull of the church what the baptism wlth Ihe HolT
OTero They looked back to their deliver. the Holy Ghost, but you receive the w\tnes$- the brazen altar and the golden altar, the, demons and God has cast them out, and Spirit means to prepare Us to be wllnen'ell
ance and commelllorateJ It every year by of tOngues, that Is to say .......yotl will sr,eak Holy of HolleB, II! the gift of power upon they bave gone out crying with loud volc·o!s. unto all the world. Glory to our God.
.,UnJr the lamb's body the type of our In tongues when you are baptized with the the eanct1lled, cleaM,pd II fe. G1!lry to our Then when all the demons were (last out, Amen.
Chryst. The body of the lamb pOinted to God. The ark of the covenant repre3ents they got saved. sanctlfled,.and baptized with
Holy SpirIt. the Holy Ghost, clothed In tbelr rtght mlnd'3
CbriBt'S bo.:1y broken for us. Eo we look In seeking the bapthm wltb the Holy our Lord Jesus Christ and In Him .dweI1s When we receive the baptlsTll wltll the
back to Calvary, to our SII.Vior who hung all the fullness 01 the Godhead hodlly. In and tllldd with glory and power, Holy SpIrit, we may sing In tongllE'~. he-
Spirit do not '..sit the Lard for tongues. Dear loved ones. It Is .not by mltbt nor
and died and gava a pertect body for us. Just pray tbe Lord to give you the baptism the Lord Jesus, we receIve all of these cau!re the Iord dro[Js down 8 WE'll I anthems
o remember Calvary. He said at the with the Hoi,. Ghost a.s He gave hiS lla· gifts and graces, We must build accord· by power but by my Spirit', saltb the Lord. from th1i! paradIse of God, electrifying everT
Paallover SUpper just before He was crucl- clples accordIng to the second chapter or Ing to the divine plan. "TarrY ye In J,he city of Jerusalem, until heart, Many- times ..... e do not need theRe
tle~' "'rake, eat: this Is my body." What Acts and walt before HIm till the Lord veri.
ye be endued with power trom on high. song books, of earth. but the Lord sImply
for. For health. An •• He gilve them the cup John truly bapt~ed with water, but ya shall tOUches us hy HIs mighty Snfrlt and 'we
fles iUs promIse In your precious soul. SANCTIFIED BEFORE PENTECOST. be baptized '\Vltf>. the Holy Ghost not many
and sal.!, "This II! my blood ot the Kew have no need of organs or pianos, for the
Testa.mE''fIt, wnlch Is shed for many for the By reading the Bible carefully, you can days hence." Theee were Jesus', depa.rtlng Holy Ghost Vlays the ptano In all ollr hl!arts,
remission of sins." So every time' we par. It is one thIn&, to be fllled with. the Holy BBe tbat tbe disciples were 3aved and sanc' WOrds. May you tarry ·untll you receive
GhO·3t, and It Is another thing to be baptized yOUr ~reonal pentecost. Amen. and tben gives the Interpretation ot the
take of the Lord's supper, we do It In reo tilled men,l and had received the unction ot long and sings It In the English language.
memherance or this tWo-U,JH.1 lalvatlon tor with the Holy' Ghoat. It Is one thing to the Holy Spirit, before the day of Pente- -W. J. Seymour.
fill a gla811 wlh water, and another thing It Is so sweet, It Is heaven below.
boiy and Boul. ' cost.
Many are sickly and tall asleep becau8'e to baptize It with water, that Is to hide Jesus said In John 15, 3, betore He wall "SIGNS SHAL.L. FOLLOW."
they do not dIscern the Lord's body. They It out of sight John the baptist was filled crucified "Now are ye clean through the Jesus 8ald In Mark 16, 17, 18, "These HE BORE OUR SICKNESS.
wtl1 take a doctor, 'before Jesus. They p.ut with the Holy Ghost from his mother's word which I have spoken unto you:' And slgus sball tollow them that belleve; In Can a man have salvll.Uon and yet hll
• doctor betwe~n them and the atonement. womb but not baptized. The Holy Ghost In John 17., 15-17, "I pr1\y not that thou my name shall they cut out devllB; they body be afflIcted, which Is the work of de-
Yet they will say. "Lord, LorJ," and do not bad been In the' world all the Ume. "Holy shouldest take them out af the world but shall '3peak with new tongues; they sball mons? Yes, we may have salvation and yet
the thlnl's that He says: "Is IIny afflicted, men of old spake ail they were moved by thnt thou shouldest keep them trom take up serpents; and It they drink any dlsea!e of the body tor, "Though our out·
let bim pra,.. Is an,. sick among you let the Holy Ghost." 'He ~all with Mosea, the evil. They are not of the world, even deadly thing, It shall not hurt th9m; the,. ward man perlsheth, the Inward man Is re-
bfm call for the elders ot the churrh 'and Eamul'l, Elijah. Enoch and: many otber men as 1 am not ot the world. Sanctify them shall lay hands on the sIck and they shall newed day by da,.... Job said When satan
let them pray over him, anOinting him' with ot God. but He was not poured out upon through thy truth, thy word Is truth:' Jesus recover." He told them to, "Go Toll there· had afllicted hlB body, "I know that my Re-
011 In the name of the Lord, anj the prayer all f1eah till the day ot pl'lltecost. Is the world and the truth, 110 they were fore and teach 8,11 natlon'a., teachIng them deemer liveth. .. • .. And though after
ot faltb shall lave the sick." Jail, 6, 13, sanctified through the truth that very night to observe all things whatsoever I have my skin worms shall destroy this body, Yllt
16, The doctor lives You polson and you "Wherefore; Jesus also, that He might that He prayed for them. commanded you." .What did this mean? It In my nesh shall I see God," Job, 19. 26,
41e because YOU dishonor the atonement. sanctify the people 11'1 th HIli own blood, He told Peter that satan desired to sift meant to preach beallng, preach ca.stlng out 27. So though demons were In his Aesh,
You are sIckly, you taU asleep, You come sulrt!red without the gate. Let us go fort.h hIm as wbeat, but He had prayed thl!! of devila, preach that these signs shall fol· he bad Cbrlst wlthlu hla .oul. The demon1l
to the Lord's table and yet you do not be- thereforl, unto Him wltbout the gate bear. Father for hIm that hla faith fall not. eo low them that believe, preach' all the doc- had amlcted his body with sickness. but
lieve In full salvation for s01l1 and body. Ing His reproach. Dear loved onps, In or- satan could not go beyond the Lord's prayer. trine of Je-aus. If they had preached only yet hIs soul was tree from aln. But did he
You take the cup and eat the bread, and der to get sanctification, we have to go "And wben thou art converted, strengthen a part ot the Gospel, would the siglUl &end tor a doctor? No, his trust witS In hll
"et deny the body of the Lord for health without the gate. We must leave the beau· thy brethren." Tbls did not mean that . followed? These signs shall lollow them God, and God dellvered him and gave him
·... i salvation. So yOU are lick because tlful city, the precious templea,' tame, honor, Peter wall not converted, but Jesus knew that believe-not them that doubt o.f' believe twice as much all he had before. God haa
~~:llB~O not discern the body of the Lord poation, and 10 out of the gate. There the great temptation tbat Peter '\l\'aS to be a pari. but tholle that are simple enough always been the healer of HI! people, for
we will find Jesus, the despIsed one, hang· confronted with, and He meant when he and honest enough to believe every word of He '3aYII, "I am the Lord, thY (]()d that heal·
"Except ye eat the fleah of the Son of lng between two thieves. It Is so sweet shOUld have been dell~red, to strengthen Jesus. We must believe It all, for If only ~th thee." •
fIan and drink HIB blood, ye hllve no lUe to live thla aanctlfted lite. Very tew peo- the brethren. a part la true, or If anything Is cbanged In Having therefore these promises, dearly
n ,ou." Jne;!. S, 1i3. Dear beloved. tbls ple have sanctUlcation In It9 fullness, which Peter dId deny the. Lord Jesus. but all His commll\slon of the Gospel to the world, beloved. let us cleanse oUfse!ve!l trom· all
means that we must honor the atonement means crucltlcaUol1 to sel! according to Gal. 100n as he denied him, he went out and It w01.l1d not be a pertect Oospel. So are· fllthlnesll ot the flesh and Bplrlt, perfl'ct·
Of our Lord .Teslls Christ In all Its fllllness, 5. 24·25. "And they that are Christ's have wept bitterly, and God pardoned brm.· 130 tur" to the full G(lspel brings a return of Ing hollnes!! In the tear of G04. What
aa Davll said, "BleBS the I.ord, 0 my Boul, cructlfted thl' flesh with the atl'ectlon3 and when our. Lord Jesull rose. He told the the .Igna following them that beUeve. would Christ's bOdy look I1ke If a maIn ot
and torget not all HIs benefits who for. IUllt.. If We live In the Spirit, let UII also angel to tell the disciples to meet Him In (lAncers and slaknes!l? On the cross, He
liveth all tblne Inlouttss. who' bealeth IlII walk In· the Splrtt." Hallelujah, GallUee, "and Peter." When Peter heard Mother Wbeaton, who bas vll'Hert ani! ~!lrrlpd our griefs and bore our IIlclmeu.
thy <dllleallles." Let UII hoke t'he Lllmb's bo;ly that, he was very hap'lY tq know that the . worked for lIonls In the prisons of the United We have heal\n~ for our bodies as well aa
tbrourrh faith In our Lord tor salvation and A Pentecolltsl revival has commenced In Lord had taken him back. State~ and EnrQpe,hu been with us In Los salvation tor our souls tn the atonem(>nt at
bftJln, of thelle bodies, as we honor His the Altllmont Bible Inlltltute of South Caro- We ftnd In John 20. 21, 22, Jesus sal.d Angeles tBrrylnl( for her Pentecost, also Je~1I8. So when we re<'elve thIs lI~ht, It
blood. for . laVing and sanctifylnl our loul ltna and One I1rl received the 11ft ot to the dlseiples. "Peace be unto you. a8 Bro, A..S ,Worrell, editor of the Gospel WIt. ts our duty to seek for heaUng of our bod.
aDd spirit, Amen. tonpel. my Father· hath lent me, even 80 send I nesa, and translator ,of the New Testa!llent. tes.

G'he Apostolic Faith a
OTHER PENTECOSTAL SAINTS. and took my vll.l1ce In hand., went to the MIRACLES III SALEM. position. Another judee hall been elected. Bro. F. M:, Cook writes that l1e had .. CIIIll
depot, Ilnd started for Los Angeles. Glory The case was dropped. to Atrlca tlu.'6e Y'lla:rB ago, BO Itl Obedl_
A message was sent us tram a lJeople In to God. I was six daYB on the road, wa.s Our hearts are full .f joy and the Holy
Ghost. Wife Is very ba.ppy and sings and
We are contlnlling to hold meetln«11 and to the Lord he went to New York and u...
Hew England states who received the pen· fasting and praying to the Lord continually. the Lord Is blessing, Bavlng, sanctifying unexpectedly he foand some or the x..
tecost hetore we Jid. AS Bro. A. J. Rawson As Boon as I reached AzuBa 1\1lsslon, a new prays aud talks to Ged al! the day long, and bailt!zlng with the Holy' Ghost giving Angeles saints and S13ter I:"srrow and Bro.
an evangelist at 15 Eliott St., Swampscott, crucltlctlon began In my lIfe and I had to somellmes In tongues [lr haUl'S while ahout new tongues.-A Worker. Batman laid their handa upon him and lie
Mass., received one of the Apostolic Faith die to many thIngs, but God gave me the hel' w('lI'k. Goil. Is ddng wonders here. recel ved hili Pentecost and 'ilpoke In an A.frfo.
plI.pers and wafl reading It to hili wife who Is victory. Fnlhel' and lI-Iother Sl'ipley have received an dialect. So now he Is one or the AllOIItol-
also an evangelist and has the gift or ton· tlwll' Pentecost. Whil( at servlco rellter- Some people drove 600 mllS'3 by wagon to
The IIrst altar call I Wl,ll\t r!ll'lI'ar(t In Los Angeles to seek the Pen~ost. Ie l<'alth band for the West coast of Africa..
gues, she broke out In tongues and Inter· earnest for my Pentecost. I struggle(l Crom ,inr, fnther snng, pray.d and llrenclwd for
preted. Her husbanJ wrote the Interpreta· 0 .... "'1' an hU1I1' in tongues. The power was
Sunday Ull Thursday. While secklng lu 011 him mightily and hunger and wonder Letters to workers and foreign mission· Bro. O. Adams of MonrOVia, Cal., reporta
tJon In EngHsh, and sent It to u~, anil we an u])stRlrs room In the MiSSion, the Lord
teel It Is of God for His people. The mess· Oll tile )leople. Some 01 thoBe who have re- aries will be torwarded on to them from the from 782 Queen street, TorontO, Oan_
opened up the windows of heaven and the ceived their Pentecost are now l'(;l('elvlng Apostolic Faith olll~e, als.o we will send on thal a number there are seeking the Pea"
age Is as tallows: light ot God hagan to flow over me In such costal baptism, and one sister has belli!.
"This work IS ot God that you are reading other new tongnes, myst!IE IIlr:luulng. Re- any aile rings for workers 01' missionaries.
\lower as never before, I then went III to the baptized with the Holy Ghost and to her
I)f. Let no one Ilut tltelr hand on It. Let all room where the service was held. and markable singing cam", upon me olle Sun-
press In and have their part, God has day night III tar greater \lower than when Dear loved ones, It YOU are seeking your great !lUI'prlse began speaking In. tonp.,
while Sister Lum was reading of how the
many rlchpr bl!"'HlIlgs for His faithful chI!· Holy Ohost was failing In other Illaces, be- [ was In LoS Angeles. perional Pentecost, do not get discouraged,
tlren. Seek lUll! earnestly anJ pray tor Slseal' !\Iargle Downing lias been healed but pray untU you -are, IIl1ed to the .utter· Friends that apprecIate thl. paper and
fore I knew It, , bE'gan to speak In tongues want It lIent reGularly, may send In their
His gifts which al'e a wltnes!I of the Spirit:' anti praise God. A brother iflterpreted of a cancer whlcb had eaten her femur most. For the ord Jesus says, "Men ought
They also \\Tlte, "We are with you In the bone entirely In two lind tour pbyslclan8 I.lwaYd to pray and not to faint." ])0. not address to the ApostOliC Faith, 312 A.z~
some at the words to be. "I lo\!'e God with Pronoullced her Incurable alld that sbe street, Los Angeles, Cal., and t~e papec
Spirit in tills last work of God. We are re- all IllY sou!." He filled me with His f:plrlt stOll because you do not receive the baptlBm
Joiced to hN,r of those haVIng the gifts of migll.t dlt! at any tIme. TIl'!y uld ber en· wltll the Holy Spirit the tlrst time you pray, will be sent free as long as the' Lord per-
and love, and I Am nGW feastll'!l; and 'kink- tire abdominal parlB were I. UtUI ot can· mits. PleaBe wrIte names and addr"....
the Sllirlt nccordlng to 1 Cor. 12. There Ing at the fountain eontlnual:, ant! "llllalt but conllnue until you are filled. The Lord
have been !l few or God's children In New cer. The hole elilen by (he cancer was Jeslls laid His disciples to "tarrY ye In the very plainly. Notify UB of change of ...
as the Eplrlt gives utterancl'. both in my deep eDOIljI;h IU h •• 101 s quart at .... ater. This dress. We will Bend a roll at samples to
Englanj, in ppnnsylvanla and Virginia who own language and In the unkrn\\'n langu"ge_ city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with
have hell"ved for years that all these gUts hall'!. eaten by the cancer. ill Deady II.lIeJ power tram on hlgb." He did not Bay how those who are Interested In distrlbutlD&
I find that all has to he surrl'lH\al'ed to uod, them to hungry souls. I
were for I h~ <'h urch, and they have heen our own language aud all, and He slleaks up .,..Ith new tlesh aud bealed over. God Is long they were to tarry. but He dId say,
ulcknampd the "Gift People." They have through UB English, German. Greek or any confound 109 the peuple. '''until ye be endued." Many are willing to
had all 1 he gifts Including tonguos, but It other tonge In Hia own will and way. Peollie frorn a dlstan('e are bere seeking tarry jUtlt 's') long, and then give up a.nd fall Let Ull praise God for thla wonderful da7
Meems lmt a (ew drops preceding the rain Tbll Lord also healed my body. I had the Pentecost. PrumlnE'nt Officials and to receive their Pentecost that would meas- at gr!).oo. Jesus said to SathanaeJ., ":s.-
and now the work seems to !uUll! the "latter bee_ afflicted with rheumatism tor years, sta.te officers attend regularly, also many ure up with the Bible. cause I said uuto thee, I saw thee under
rain." There are a goOlly number at pea· and at a healing service held here, 1 was university studen ts and professors. The the flg' tree, beUevest thou? thou shalt ...
pIe bere In the east ready to fellowship anointed and prayed for and Was ImmedIate· country about here Is stirred. People In A sis tar In Pueblo, C<llorado wbo haa the greater things than theae." We are «olne
thl" worlc. We believe It Is a token ot the Iy healed ot rheumatism and catarrh, and Portland and preachers are beginning to gltt of tongues was on her wa.y to .the mis- to sce greater things. 0 let us trust HlJD
loon coming of the Lord. Amen." have a sound body and clothed In my right pray that this movement may not come sion wben sbe met a man and Invited him and yield to Him, Let U8 walt very earntnt.
The Lord also has some Pentecostal mind. to Portland. I predict that It will strike to the missIon. He said, "What 1'3 the use Iy uJtOn Him. Take time to waft' all Go4
saints In Minnesota whom we have just -G. B. Caahwell, Dunn, N. C. there with lerrlfic force. 0 pray, pray for of speaking in tongues, when you do not and pray. It we all keep low down. at Uua
beard of Ilnd we rejoice to hear from these us mightily. The great battle 15 1l0W on. know what you are saying?" Immediately feet lor Jesus and give Him all ~e honor
I send you clippings to let you know how '3be began speaking In a tongue she had and glory, all the power and Blgns of Pente-
Audobon, Minn. the Jevll h advertising the meetings. The never spoken In before, The man turned cost will be restored.
When I 1Irst attended these Apostolic country is ripe tor the harvest.
Grace and peace unto you be multiplied. Faith meetings, I was very much puzzled white, Ilnd seeing a street car Coming, he
All the Lord's, M. L. Ryan, Salem, Ore. lett her and caught the car, endangering
J,. copy of the Apostolic Faith has been sent
to us, and we were much blest when we
because I tried to understand It with my
head only, and was In doubt as to Its being himself by so doing, They learned arter. 10~~I~g a li~e~~1~ Ilt~:e ~!S~~~'sf~!c~~ J:~
Nlad and saw that God baptized His children at God. But at the same time, the desire ARRESTED FOR JESUS' SAKE. ward that the Holy Ghost was telling him found her place at Hili teet. She dId not
with the Holy Ghost exactly the same way In my heart which had been there for years I came from FTlsco to Los Angeles dve In a language which he underatood, the seek to touch HIli head or His shouldenl,
I.S He has done here. It Is two years ago for something beyond sanctification, became days atter the earthquake and heard about wicked life he was living and crimes he had but was content with a place at His feet
since God bega.n to baptize His 'children In more Intense and gave me no rest till I en· these Pentecostal people. I visited theIr committed. So he found out one use of the looldng up Into His face. And It pleued
thhl plaee and somo Ilre talking with ton. qulred turther Into the teaching. The meetings and looked on ratber critically. gift ot tongues. Several Incidents of this JelJU8, and' He said, "Martha, thou art eare-
cues, Borne have the gltt of prophecy, etc. Spirit opened my eyes and understanding At first I opposed and openly fought them kind have come to our knowledge. ful and troubled about many thing\!, but
Others tall under the power of God and He and helped me to see that thIs was the very and said It was the' devil. The result was one thing Is needfUl: and Mary hath chose.
IhoW6 tbem wonderful things that all seem thing tor wblcb I had been hungering. So I backslid altogether and had to go back If we ask our Father for bread, He will that good part which shall not be takell
to come unto these 'words, 'Get ready, I am when my own understanding and my na- and ask forglvene;\s anJ do my first works not give us a stone: !f we ask Him tor a away from her." Our highest place h lC)w
coming soon.' (,.ory to God. But It Is few tiona got out of the way, God In His mercy over again, even down to having the devils fish, He wlll not give us a serpent; It we at His feet, '
tbat beHeve It Is from God. The world's baptized me with the Holy Ghost on the cast out ot me, Arterward I recel ved par- ask an 'egg, He will not give us a 3corplon.
people and church members and preachers 16th of last September. No one haJ their don and the cleansing blood agaIn through We would not treat our children that wl1-Y, SIster M. E. Judy writes' tram cQllUD-
Bay It Is or tbe devIl, 110 we are well hands on me at the time. I was meeting Casting and prayer and much study at the and how much more will our Father In bUB, Ohio, that they have a tarrying ,meet·
.eparated trom the world, and 800n we will God alone and the Holy Ghost fell on me word. Eight weeks ago, I received the bap. heaven give good things to them that aak Ing there and others In dllrerent towns are
be lIeparated torever and be together with like balls ot fire, a.nd went through me from tism with the Holy Ghost and slleak with h!Ln. Never let the hosts at hell you tarrying wIth them In Spirit. She sa11,
Jesu8and HIs holy people." the crown at my bead to the soles or my new tongues. believe that while YOll live under the blood, "Last Sunday a burden or prayer upon
•• A. O. Morken, Rte. i., Audubon, Minn. teet. The Spirit flooded my whole being Four days atter I P6celved the baptism, honoring the blood, and pleading through tile people In our humble little church In
and enlarged my heart till I was atrald the while In secret prayer at my belslde, I was the blood for blessings Cram the throne, such power tbat our minister had no oppor-
Snowflake, Manitoba. vessel might not hold the glory and power let at tbe SpirIt to pray In an unknpwn that God will let satan get through the tunity to preaCh, jU3t said a few words on.
"I am In snnpathy with your work, am that seemed to rush Into me like water language for nea.rly all the world, When I blood and put a Berpent Into you. There Is . "This Is that" and closed.
bR.ptlzecl with the Holy Ghost and fire, and poured out. Before I realized It, the Spirit got through, the Spirit led me to go down no way for satan to make his way through
bave recelvej the gift of some as yet un· got hold or my tongue anl used It for the and see a sister and her bu,band. Bro. and the' blood. "And they overcome him by the Bro. A. H. POBt, who has charge of the
known tongue .or tongues. It drst came two glory of God In speaking In an unknown Sister Turner, a blessedly sanctified man blood at the Lamb and by the word oC theIr work In Pasadena Is being much uaed at
fears ago, and Is provlllg more dlstlnct and tongue. • and wife. I obeyed i.nd found them both testimony." The devil cannot act through God. The lArd has been working wttlt
real. Believe God Is preparing me tor In regsrd to tbe languages given here, I sitting alit In their back yard. and as I came you and talk through you, If you are God's them In great power there. Bro. Poet
some speCial work In some part at His vine- can testify that they are real languages, be- In they all commenceoJ to praise the Lor 1 chlld and baptized wIth the Holy Ghost. comes Into the meetings In Los Angel_
1ard."-John Loney. cause I have Interpreted not les8 than JfVe· with weeping and Cr} lng, as I wa.s speak- and encourages 119 with his messages tro.
God has been working thus In different messages given by dllrerent persons, spok· Ing In an unknown t071gue. The Lard then Many endorse Jesus, tbey fancy Him, but tbe throne and with the unction and Jim.
parts of the world pouring out His Spirit en In languages or British India, which led me to lay hand!' on them both and thev cannot beJleve His doctrine. To them love with whlch God fills Him. This II a
upon others with signs following even as languages I know personally, having llved on a young sister that was there visitIng Jeeujl says, "Why call ye me, Lord, Lord little message that the Spirit lIPoke thronp.
iJn us in Los Angeles. We realhe that we In India. them (Acts. 19.6) and all three ot them and do not the things which I say?" Hi! him and Interpreted, "Our blessed Lord la
are In the time of the "latter rain" preced-
ing His coming.
GEO. E. BERG, 1360 Ch~~I':n:!i~8. '!Ipake In new tongues and glorIfied God. has gonE' to prepare a place for liS and He In our midst. HalleluJah! He IB l.IIolllt-
I then got on the CHI' to attend our Bible Is coming again to receive us unto Him· Ing His dear ones to go forth to the enu
school up at Azusa Eit. Mission. I got off selt, that where He Is there we may be al·~o. at the earth with the old time Gospel to
ALASKA BROTHER PROVES ACTS 1. 8. BAPTIZED IN NEW YORK. close to our mission and saw two colored But the only way to meet Him and be with set men free and give them power to do
Bro. T. B. Barratt, 150 Firth avenue, N. police officers with wliom I was slightly ao· Him IS to believe His doctrine. We that HIB boly will. Our Christ Is just at tb-
I was born at Louisville, Ky., on Ma.y 17, Y. City, who Is an M. E. minister In charge qualnted, and felt led to speak to them of are not sanctified, .l we hear the truth and very gates ready to pour torth HIs lJMU)O
1850. My parents were Irish Catholics 80 of mission work In Norway and Sweden what the l.or 1 had !one tor my BOUt. I reject It, will not be able to be with Him and power. Go ye torth Into all the world
or courae I was brollgh t up In that. faith. I and came to this country to prepare to es- commenced speaking In an unknown lan- and. reign with Him. anJ preach thla Gospel:'
followed the occupation 'ot a drummer tor
17 years representing dll'rerent houses dUr-
tablish a line of missIons In his country,
and who Is- - ,. - . N'Orwl!glan paper
guage and they said I was crazy and carried
me to tho station. '~"hlle waiting for the
Sister Hutohlns wrote from New YOl't.QIl Slate, r, VIU71iii who war, kll
In the
!1:1L!l!!!.I'tlme. ' ,--" .-- ~,~, , tbll glltpnllr1U, --I!!WQI wogOn At the. =_~6~.a~~
10uilT "ie on the dock I ' _ .I.l, UIlI,\. at Pentecost, su. obtained his per- to, preach to quite a crowd ot, peopJ6•• 1
-th. way to MonrOV1l1.. ;l.lIU:~&. ~ , 'i"'fh~ ""~Dl1. ~~YR, "Wl\etIl I a~
Lord used· us to His glo'r'1 lu Chatumoo.-:. ~ trtJlIi· lut May, I !;lean!
frlendl!!ss, homeless, Go,lIeIl8" a conl1rxned, lIonal PentecOit:"'"'· ':le writes as follows: also preaehed up at tlle police headquarten
drunkard without hope. I went Into the at these meetings and came down to see.
Be set that town on fire. PI"Il1.!!oe His nlLlllB.
"Dear Frlenla In Los Angeles:--Glory to II!' both English and fin unknown la.nguage. The dear ones did not want to soe us leave, I had not been In the bouse an hour be-
Floating, Bethel and there heard tha.t Jesus (l()d! Tongues at fhe descended and They put me In am,?ng the prisoners. I tore I knew God's Spirit was here, and' I
Chrillt CIlme Into the worid to save the lost. but the will or God must be dOlle. The last
Hill 'Wondrous power !las heen displayed. contlIlued to preach aad tbey quickly took mooting we had with the people was bll'~lde commenced seeklllg the baptism with tAli'
I was the black sheep of a family ot ten The lire fell on the 7th of Ootober. Since me O(1t of there and I carried me Into the
children. I was logt In the mountains of the train that brought us away. Under the Holy Ghost. And, glory to God, He came
then I have been seeking the tull Bible emergency hospital a~d kept me In there shed there waa where the Lord used me and completely deluged my suul and bodY,
lila. but, tbank God, that day r heard the evldence,-the girt at tongues. Have prayed all nlgbt. I preached, a gool part at the
Shepberd's voice call1ng for me. I jropped last ,11 Lhat cIty. He Bang and preached until I hardly knew whether I was In the-
up to twelve bours a day. [t·s over a month night to them and U)8Y listened very at· through me and BOme confessed their sins body or out. And as the Holy Ghost cam&
on my knees, an ungodly drummer. and Since the lire fell the first time, and otten tentlvely. Betore mo ~Ing, they were all
arose to my leet a new creature In Cbrlst and asked, what shall I do to be sa ved? upon me, I saw Jesus ~Ittlng upon a cloud
Blnce tben the Lord has been filling, filling, my friends. One of fhe attendants Inter- Some promised to live a better life. 0 glory looking at me and at .the congregation, and
Jesu8, and Immediately began telling the
~~e~~ o~~u 0fa~~a~i~a1~~beth~~ :~~!:
IlIl1ng the vessel. 0 Glory! I have felt to Jesus_ While on the train. we preached He ,said He was coming soon. My tonpe
,tory of Go(\'s graee; and I have been at It the strange workings at my jaws and I
C!lver alnce and expect to stick to It until the Word and some received It ,wIth joy. commenced to move, and I spoke In an un·
tongue several times, and Ilt last I was that he was acqualnt~d with. We hope to '~et sail for Atrlca Boon. Pray known tongue as the Spirit gave utterance.
Jesus cornea. able to claim that these signs were God's ot course a charge :or Insanity wall Illed In prayer I orten apeak In a foreign tongue
The 31)th day or Oct. 1897, I was wbolly that C<ld may use Ull on the boat to the sal·
answer to me, that tbe gift was for me, against me by the officers the day betore, vatlon of SQuls. Love to all the deal' Wilts." and at home or In meeting, I often am
sanrtlfled througb talth In tha blood of and that I had It already, and that It would and I had to be takelt before the superIor
Jeaus Christ, God's Son. And yet there waa moved to BllE'ak In tongues. Bless Godl,
soon work by the Jlower or God. court judge for commLment until the board
at Ulnes a !';reat hungering In my soul tor "The Lord was going to make this Ii at Insanity ~at for the (allowing day upon A passage ot ecrlpture that has boon. Glory!-Mrs. Mary P. Perkins.
aomoethlng, [. Bcarcely knew what. I wouU public testimony of His power. I was not my case. So my trial was set for the fol· spoken In many unknown tongues and In·
pll'a,1 the promIse or Jesus In Acts I, 8, "Ye terpreted Is that beautiful text, "Come unto It you are not bealed, tM fault In either
tberefoNl to have It in my little room but lowing day. I was then taken to the Goun·
Ihall receive power atter tuat tbe Holy among frIends. It was at a meeting In a ty Hospital over night and haJ a blessed Me all ye that labor and are beavy laden In you 01' In JesU'3 Christ. Which Ia It? Be
Gnu'" Is come upon you:' Y<lt I stuck to little hall. The power was very great. We time with the Lord In m1 cell there. The and I wlIl give you rcst." Also the following honest wIth yourself and get the fault out of
the r"'lI.('hlng that when we were sanctlll.ed, could not close and I determined to stay .. superintendent (!I1me In and had quite a texts were in terllreted mes'3ages, "Now Is the way. ~t rid of the- caue.e. Thel"$ la
... wert' bapllzed with the Holy, Ghost. still God helpIng, t11l the victory was won. talk with me and assured rne that he saw the accepted time, now Is t\le day of salva· nothing can etoll my healing but myeelf.
tbat hunger and reeling of lack of power What a scene we bad. Some were seek- nothIng cral!Y about me and that I need not tlon." "He that believeth and Is baptized God Is not a morne'llt behind tn doing hUI
was always with me. Ing sanctification and others thp baptism have any tears about helng released. At shall he saved; but he that believeth not work.
A btJut three years ago, God began to talk with fire, anl [ the gift at tongues or any my trial the next morning, the Lord per- shall be damned. And these sings '3hall
to nlt~ anti show me tbere was more for me. follow thee that believe; In my name shall Bro. G. B. Cashwell who came from North
other the Lord saw tit to send me. mitted me to speak In the Italian language Carolina for his Pentecost, ha.a returned on
I would rast and pray and examIne mysel! "Sister Maud Williams who got the bless- and one of the judges understood It, anJ they cast out devils; they shall speak with
by thE' word of God to sec If 1 was wholly new tongueB; they shall take up serpents; his way rejoicing to ,carry the good newl
ing In Ontario, Canada and has the gift I was discharged without having to call a of tbe Penteeoet to lll:a hungry souls there..
aanctlfted. The Holy Spirit would witness of ton~~s, laid her hands on my head and slnglEl wItness, thougb there were a number and If they drink any deadly thIng It sball
that my heart was clean. Hallelujah. And not hurt them: they shall lay hands on the He had faith In God that the money would
atter that I had no more strength In me, In the court that wanted to testify in my be provided tor hh tare to return, and the
yet Ihat lon~ng In my soul. Wblle In althougb I am physically very strong now. behalf. sick and they shall recover." .
Alaska last summer. I woul;! arise at two Lord provIded It and he tru.ated the Lord
: lay on the fioor by the plattorm In a I'll- A few days after my trla.l I felt the Lord for a suit of clothes and the Lord gave
o'clock In the morning. go away alone In the clllllug posItion. At about half past twelve wanted me to go doWll to Whittier, one of Shter Ida Ritchie of 1147 Sheridan Road,
mountnlns lind spenq houra In prayer for him a suit. So tho trip was one of taItb
I asked a, brother there and Sister Leather· tbe little suhurban towns near Lord All;.;eh~s Chicago, has received her Pentecost. She and the Lord made It a great blesBlng.
thE' !,'lo or Ood to come on me In greater man to lay their hands on my head again. where some of our people bad already writes, "I shall never fQrget that nfght. I
meaSllrQ. I would get wonderfully blest, ArId just then she says she saw a croWl! started a meeting wltb conslJerable perse- was about two hours receiving words In dlf·
but would he back at It again the next A little girl In WhIttier lately received
of fire anl cloven tongues over my head. cution. Tbe band had Just been arrested ferent languages and Bongs In the Spirit. 0 her Pentecost while the people In the room
morning, prll.ylng lor God to give me the The brother saw a supernatural light. Cor praying In tbelr own bome charged what a great JOY It 13 to me to know that I
dynamite from heaven. . were silently prayIng and sbe began to sine
"Immediately I was filled with light and with making an unusua.l noIse and disturb- can go with the language and songs and the In an unknown tongue, "Wb-ere He leads me,
'1 "Rnk God, I have received Him, Two such a power that I began to ,shout as Ing the peace of the nelghorhood. One of love of God to the dYing, famishing heathen.
months ago, a pa.per was given me, telllng I will tallow." Then ahe was fltled with
loud as I could in a foreign language. ,Be· our brothers was given thirty days In jail How I treasul'8 the privileges and gIfts. 0 great jcy and sald her name was written In
of the wonderful outpouring at the Holy tween that and four o'clock In the morning, for tbls offen3e. I and !lve other brotbers bow precious to be born In thl:a age."
Spirit In I.os Angeles. Just as soon ns [ heaven and she was ooa1ed anto the 4&1
I must have spoken seven or eight lang- haVe continued the meeting ever sInce, tn of, redemption.
could, I packed my grip and left Alaska tor uages, to judge from tbe various sOllnds and the face of many threats.
Los Ang!'les, arriving there Oct. 5th. The Bro. G. W. Batman writes from New York
forms of speech used. I stood 'erect at A couple of weeks ago, tbey arrested us City. "We have been having great meetings SIBter Lucy F-ar-r-ow-w-ro-t-e from New York
night following faun.! me' at the altar seek· times preachIng In one foreign tongue af- ror disturbing the peace while holding a
Ing th!' baptism with the Holy Ghost and In the little mission here. Many souls have that she had started for Afrloa. About twv
ter another, and I know from the strength street meeting. We pra.lsed the LorJ and received the baptism and talk In tongnes. hundred SQuls had been saved In Portsmouth
fire. (Matt. 2. 11.) .Pralse God, before I or my voice tha.t 10,001) might easilY' have the marshal and his deputies put their
left the altar I received my Pentecost and To my surprise, Stephen MerrItt requested and most ot them were spealdng In tongtletl.
heard all I said. Nine persons 'remained till hands over our mouths and choked us Q.ulte me to speak last Sunda, forenoon In his She aend'$ love to the saints and asks your
the gift at tonguE's, and am sDeaklng In three o'clock anJ are witnesses of the severely without avail. One brother was
many dl!ferent languages. I am lIoon ex· large tabernacle, and the Lord helped me praye!'ll.
whole scene. The most wonderful moment handcuffed. We had trIal by jury and took In a wonderful 'I\'ay, and some souls were
pectlng to start around the world preach· though was when I burst Into a beautiful DO counsel but the Lord. We plead the
lng full salvation as I go, trusting my seeking the bapthm. Praise God. I am We are receiving letters from all over the
baritone solo, using one of the most pure case and the Lord was wIth us. The court stronger In the Lord /lInea we came bere world, requesting prayers that they might
heavenly Father to supplY all my needs. I and delightful languages I have ever heard. was tull of people. DUring the trial, we
am saved, sanctlfled, healed, and baptized than In Los Angeles. We expect a rew more receive their pentecost and also healln&'.
The tune and words were entirely new to all broke out In the unknown la.:Jguage and wonderful days betore we sail for Mon· An 1 almost every day we are getting re-
wltb the Holy Ghost. Glory to Ood. me, and the rythm and cadence 01 the maJe quito a commotion In the court. We
-H. M. Turney, San Jose, Cal., Gen. Del. rovla, Liberia Africa Dec. 8. That wm be turn8 that prayer haa been heard, Handker-
verses snrt chorus seemed to be p'erfect. I were then threatened by the court at the our future address." chiefs are sent In letteI'll to be anointed 04
sang several times later on. Some at the suggestion at the city attorney, to fine or bleat for healln", and we do 110, and ble..
CAME 3,000 MILES FOR HIS PENTECOST. languages IIpoken produced a nasal sound Imprisonment ror contempt of (lourt, If we A late report from Bro. Junk of Seattle, God He hears and answe1'8 prayer. One
About two montna ago. I bpgan to read
In the Way ot Faith the reports at the
and some a Jeep gutteral sound. Oh It
was wonderful. Glory! Hallelujah!
a.ttempted It again •. The trial went on, and WaSh., says. "We have been greatly bleBt tnst~nee comes to our mInd DOW ot a little
the attorney made his plea, and we made here. About 24 or 26 souls have been bap. baby about a year old, who "'U Tery sick
lIneetings In Azusa Mission, Los Angeles. r "That night wlll never be forgotten by answer In the name of the Lord. The court with a hIgh fever. The parenti Bent ..
had been f')reachlng holiness for nine years. any who were there. Now and then after tlzed, among them are about eight children
and jury were moved to tears. The city from seven to fourteen years of age. The handkercblef to be prayed OTero It 'Wall
but my soul began to hUnger and thirst ror a slight pause. the words would rush forth attorney l'len got up and spoke evil ot us, blest and lent bac'll: and when It waa taU
the flll1ness of God. The Spirit led me more devil Is ragtng terribly."
like a cataract. At times I had seasons saying that we had those tongues all fixed on the child's face, almost Immediately the
and more to seele my Penteco~t. Atter of prayer In the Spirit when all New York, up to suit ourselves and that we all knew
praying and w('enlng before God ror many We are so glad to hear that dear SI'Iter fever lett ber; an.t In a halt hour It WM
days. He put It Into my heart to go to Los
the United states, Norway, alt ScandInavia just when to break out, calling the attentton Shlply, Bro. Ryan's mother 1n I!!alem Ore., playing around and well. ~a.lse our ChrIIIt
and Europe, my loved ones aud friendS at the court to the fact of how quIet we haa received the Pentecost. J..a.'lIt Sunday tor His matchlel. power,
Angeles to seek the baptism with the Holy lay like an Intense burden on my soul. Oh had all kept !llnce we were threatened by
Ghost. My Wife prayed lind wept wIth me she received many languagell, one or them
what power was given In praY1!f, My wbole the court tor contempt, 11.8 evIJence that being that of the Kalamath IndIan'!, and sang Every ~hlld Is born with Inherlte4 lin In
tin we both got the witness that It was being was at times as if It were on I'lre we were atrald to do It again. 'He had In Borne of the Indian chanting songs. She It'! heart like a little plant. When a stnuer
the wlll ot God for me to go. The devil InsIde, and then I wouU quIet down Into scarcely got the word!! out of his mouth be-
fought me aM laid the hand of affllNlon on also gave prophesies snd meBsages to' the 'comn to Christ anJ pta saTed, the frnItI
sweet songs In a foreign language. Oh What tore the Lord gave him a beavy rebuke In people and Interpreted, People are BUrred ot stn are cut ott and the fruits of the Spirit
my wlte. and [ felt It almost Impos~lhle for praises to God arose from my soul for His unknown tongues. He was 80 contounded .ppear•. But the Btump of the lin plant fa
me to come. The night I lett horne. wife and amaled at the miracles God Is doing.
mercy. I felt strong as a lion and know and contused that he could say no more A tlreacher who bas been on the Investigat- st1ll there and will efTe us trouble. Tbe
and J fJrR~'ed llnd went before thf' I.ord and now where David and Sampson got their and Bat down. The jUry went out and Ing order, heard a sister from Washington best thin" to do Is to pt the old stump out.
God gllve the VictorY, and we hoth cQnsent· strength from, TC'day I have been speak· stayed from 3 p.m. to 11: 311 and dlsagreE'cl speak :n Hlndlratanl, whIch he was enough '.then we bave It pure heart Uke Adam before
ed on ollr knE'es that If ?'P. rtlf'rl we would Ing and singIng In tongues wberever I and were discharged. Another trial W8.!l acqualntect with to understand some of the, he went Into sin. Then we ean Dray tor
be 111 the order ot the Lord and that Cod have been. Qlol7 to God. Go on pray- let tor November 23"t, by the City' at. the baptism wIth the Hoi, Splrtt, which II
waul" take us bome. I ImmecUlltely rOBe words and It convinced him of the "enu1J:l.e.
Ing!' torney. Since that til 'e, he haB 1()8t bls n_ of the work. a ~tt from God.

4 GhQ Apos tolic Faith
FROM LOS ANGELES TO HOME AND handa and cry and bury tbelr face In theIr SAN FRANCISC O AND OAKLAND . "What does thl,s mean?".an d opened a win.
hands, Sumeone went to them and they A MESSAGE CONCERN ING CHRIST'e .
FOREIGN FIELD&. dow for a la.dy trom Chicago, who gazed In
said, "Talk my tongue. Tell me &11 about I have heen holdIng cottage meetings In COMING,
Workers are constantly going out trusting San Francisco. God has been working In astonIshm ent and described the aame ob-
aDd &lone for their 8UPl;lOrt. A Band of my O<>d how He ;'lIed tor tbe Javanese." jects_ Then they heard SingIng surpassing Jesu'S Is coming, comIng SOon,
~:f:'e.had never heard anything 11k'll tha.t a wonderful way III ~he little house so lew
lib. nllaslonarle& lett tor Africa. They are could get In. Las;, Saturday w~ bad It anything they had ever heard on earth' Coming to earth again,
Bro. and Sister S. J. Mead: Bro. and Slater blessell time. Two Advent preachers were whIch could be dIstinctly heard above th~ And all Who have their hearts prepared
Bobert Shideler, and Bro. and stster G. W. there and tought the work bitterly. The rumbling of the traIn.
Will gladly meet Him th4lll, '
Batman. Address them at Longs Temper- REVIVAL IN INDIA.
meeting ~ent on In mIghty power and the This scene lasted for nearly an bour
gee Hotel, Ll verpool, England, LIme at. Lord gave me a message from heaven and these three persons watching and descrlb:
They are going to two pOints In Africa. O<>d Wonderful Pouring Out of God's Spirit Ing What they saw and heard. Bro. Taylor Behold the Lord now Boon will come
tbey were convinced the work was of' O<>d '
hi... them and make them a great bleslI- Among the Natives of the PraIse God tor It. Ther.. Is a. great field SSYS he broke out In a. profu3e perspira. The hour ye do not !mow
And you, lC found then un~repared
as. We must keep them on our heart.ll In tlOll, until his clothing was wel He be.
Hilla. there, hut I tee I r must go on to Salem
prayer for they are our brothers and li.- II-now now what It Is to travail in 8~ul camc so filled with joy that he wanted to With Jesua will not go. '
The Ireat revival stl11 continues and ahout aloud, but I'etralned as the car was
tel'fl. wonderful manirestat lona of the I!o~er of tor this Gospel. Cod has called every bap'
Some who have left for home lleld ll are tized believer to a noble high call1ng and filled with sleeping IJassengers . hean
O<>d &re surely among these naUons. An the scene He knows eacb heart, and seeks each
JI. ». Turney for San Joae; J. G. Wilkin, article In tbe Herald of Light say.; ··It giVen US a trust. If we are unfaithful, we In the course of ncsrly an hour,
Jor polnt.ll north; Bro. G. ZlCler, Swanton, sban surely die. 0 God, keep us true. gradually faded away. The lower part or .l'or HIs coming to prepare
was a grand and Inspiring Sight to see
OhIo; F. E, Hill, J, C. Mackey, Bro, and thele people marching In parties to the Mildred composed a piece at music and the cross was the last at tbe scene. but the FOr Borne da.y It will be ~ late
"tel' LOpez for San Diego; IT7 Campbell, sat down to play It yesterday. It took my '3lngln,J continued for some time longer. ,To leek thaae JOYl to '
Aasembly, and along the way would halt This same brother, Who had never Seen
T. W. Bal'Kent, anJ Bro. and Sliter W. H. aad haV1l prayer and praise meetlngB and soul almost out of this land while IIhe
lIUler for polnts In Ohio; and Bro. and played It, and the [,ower enroe on Stster a vlalon before, was retiring for the night
thetr conversatl ona We)'e continually a.bout In a bote!. After having prayed, he waa All those that sook me I will bless
. .ter ErIc Hollingsw orth en route to Swed- the wondertul works of God. The assem. Reece aod she began to sing warda 0 so
... The Lord Is lendlnc reYlva\B every- sweet and In such harmony with the 'music sitting on his bed when he saw the Ooor From beaven cries the Lo~d.
bly Is held in a 'small vluage clllled Mal. open at his feet, revealing a lake like
'Wilere that workers have gone that are bap.. rang, and many thousands ot people have How God Hooded our SallIs as 'ahe sang, Sh~ AU those tha.t seek all their heart
Used with the Holy Gil-ost and tire. Many could not remember them, but yesterday molten lead, with living creaturas plunging And hearken to this 'Word, .,
come liP to this assembly, and God has and moving !n It, and men continuall y fal1 •
.-ore are being fttted up and called for the abown hlnlselt In power and blessings. afternoon the power came on her again and
. .ld for the ftelds are white ready tor the ahe wrote them dOWn. 0 you could hardly Ing !n. A.bove his head Beemlngly up In
Many other portion Ii of India are being the air, there seemed to 'be something like For there Is no reepect with God
_y'eat. awakened by true spirit. The glorlou:; stay here, when they sing and play that or
piece. It's from the Paradise at God, It a very large bird, full of people, and person or estate
and awful scenes portrayed al'e only the as he gazed he aaw occasional ly a per,on The mercy, grace ~d love ot God
EN ROUTE TO AFRICA, tuldllment of prophecy, and doubtles3 the nothing else had happened but thill, It ought
to COnvince people. ascending trom the earth and joining the For al1 men til 110 great.
Bro. and Sister G. W, Batman who last outgrowth of years at toll and prayers. companY. -The Household ot God,
'WIOte trom New York on their way to In another station In India, In a service A brother wbo has been seeking his
HoBrovla, LIberia, Africa, are trlel and !n a miSSion, about two hundred were un. Pentecost asked prayers tor his healing, "Awake," He crte-a, "Get ready now,"
the enduemen t of He was threatened with pneumonia . 1 laid A LITTLE GIRL'S VISION.
true workers and have der conviction tor sin, and crying tor For me makes urge: qu~t,.
l'O""er trom on high and the fttness of the mercy, and the meeting continued tor six hand, on hIm and he was healed and re- Edna Slingerlan d. a cblld of eleven years
falth was severely ceived h!s Pentecost at the same time and "Come unto me: come unw ;"e,
lIIIlft of tongues, Their hours. A report from another locnllty living In Portland, Oregon h&'3 been !Il com-
teated as to their fare. A brother who says that men, WOmen and children were hlB children are comlog to the Lord_' His munion with Jeaus for three years, and her And 1 will 81ve JOu rest. n
pilei the most of their fare was prayIng heard at daybreak singing bymns which daughter was very IIlck and he prayed and parente write that she has had many viII-
the nIght betore they lert that the Lord the mlualonarlel! had been trying for montbs she was healed, The power came on him 101U! given her. Saturday evening Nov And with the Holy Ghost and fire
'Would slve )lIm some revelaUon . So that to teach tbem. The Holy Ghost wa3 work. In his otnce to pray tor her, The people, 24th atter an hour spent In reading th~ [ '11'111 bapt1il'e yoo all '
DlPt the Lord showed him a lamb that
It and all
Ing mightily, and soon there was ,n out. :~r;a:!,o~~O~~~, at him 80 strangely. 0 Bible and talking to Jesus, the Lord gave And all who seek with dlllgen.ce.
..... Ued and told him to 10018 burllt of prayer and pra!se of new.born her this ViSion. She 8aw a great dark ball
he did la, a great Sheldna glory shone In People are begging for workers to carry black all could be, and as it roUed SlOWlY: Tbat o.n my name Ihall call.
louis. Men, women and cblldren called on
the room. The LOrl !howoo hIm later that the Lord day and night. and there was this (Wspe1 to them. The calls are many. a large grey surtace came In sIght, and the
it meant the mlaslonarl ea he was to be no cessation of the meetings." Pray tor me, my dear loved ones In La. Word'. came to her, "Pacific Ocean." As It All must their hea.rts make re"dy no.
They Ange!('~
the means of Bending on their way. rolled on. sbp saw a large bright spot bright With HIm, to have a home
lltarted with fa.lth In God though they were
their Those who receive the baptism with the
as an ele.ctrlc light. and tbe words "Lot! The Savior sweet, 80 wond~rful
t&lI1ng their three little children and LATER-D ec. 6th. Angeles" came. Then In the brlghtn-ess of For He so Boon '11'111 come,
dMtIuaUon Is ca.lied the "white man's grave· Holy Ghost and speak In tongues and back. It, Jesus' face showed and a throng of an.
thetr slide from th!s Iltate may retain the apeak- I was In ::,an FranCisco last night and lIuch
nrd." They did not have mars than gels danCing and rejOicing. Then scattered
Ing In tongues for a while after divine love Jl meeting we had, I never saw such sweet "0 watCh, be rpady It I come
fare to New York. They have the gUt of unity of the Spirit-tes timony, healing, BIng. over the black ball. she saw here and there
beal1ng and we believe God wUl wonderful· III gone, but gradually this gift also will a very small bright spot and In eacb or At midnight, morn or noon
melt away. A very little harshness or a Ing In the Holy Ghost, prayIng for the sick,
17 DBe them among those da.rkened souls.
crItical auspiCious statement about a broth. and some receiVing their Pentecost at thil them, the tace at JestI. showed only partly. o be Ye ready whe~ I come,:'
Bro. G. W. Batman's Testimony . Barne time. a.nd no contusion. 0 It wu The parents who \Ive at 178 E, 48th St., are o He will come so soon,
er w!ll grIeve the tender, ilensltlve Spirit. glorlou'; and surely the Holy Ghost led the In harmony with tbe Pentecosta l work and
I was eonvertel nine years ago, and got ,A careful and constant guard must be beHeve God was showing through their lit.
a know·so salvation- no gues'a work about meeting. AS 1 read the text or lesson about The above poem written by David Rllbeun
made, lest the lIe3h ariSe and destroy the brIdling the tongue. a dear brother that hilS tie girl that He Is In the work In LOB An. 53 H()ward St., Akron Ohio was composed
It. I repented of my Blnll and lorsook them; fragrance and sweetness ot this Spirit
~ptlng the Lord as my Savior, Praise
heen a power In mission work healing the geles. from reading the Interpretat ion at .. mlQ-
walk, Preachers otten go too tar and try sick and preaching . saId, "Pray tor me now sage glV<!n by shter LlI .. an lteyea of ..Loa
004. A tew years later, I fasted'and pray· to emphasize In lIeshly vehemence a good The THE SIN AGAINST THE HOLY GHOST. Angeloo. It was spoken IllId SUllg IJiII' an
ed for about three days and during that
that my tongue may be bridled,"
point made by the Splrtt. All such COil. powe,r came tor praYllr, I la!d hands on him African dlalect which was understood lUllS
time I put ott the old man Adam In the duct will receIve a gentle rebuko of the The sin agaInst the Holy Ghost cannot be
and he was baptized and sJXlke In such a corroborat ed by our dear SIster Mead now
form of Inbred Sin and O<>d came In an 1 Spirit, and It heart!ly rllileuted oC, will soon clear language. Anotber Ilreacher was bap. forgiven. FOr the Lord Jesus Bald. "Verlly on ber way back to Atrlca.
4.stroyed the devll's workshop by ca.stlng he oV1lrcome, and result In greater contlrma- I say IInto you, all sIns shall be forg!ven
hla tools on the outSide, ?Tahe (Wd I
tlzed Qoon after, 0 God Is working mlghtly!
tlon of God's power In the life. A man was completely healed of rupture unto men and blasphemi es wherewith so-
8Dt a real eVidence that I was sanctified -Apostoli c Light. IN THE UPPER ROOM.
of nllle years' Rtanulllg, last night. 0 how eV'ilr they '5hall bla.spheme ; but he that 2,..
IIUId the Blood applied, After thllt, Ire· cnn we praIse Him enough. A sister the Salem, O~., Nov.
Hind tbe baptism with the Holy Ghost QUESTIO N OF MEATS. first time III the meeting waR healed and shall blaspheme against the Holy GhOtlt The work here Is progressin g glorlollsly
_1 ftre and now I teel the presence of anointed. went home got her Pentecost hath never forgivenes s, but Is !n danger ot although tbe OPposition Is deep and bitter:
the Holy Ghost, not only In my heart but We are Ilsked It the Penteco3ta l people the same night. God Is working where He ewnal damnation ' beca.use they said He Two days ago In tbe I!re1!mlnary service
In my lungs, my hands, my arms and all here eat pork?
hll>1 a chance. 0 for c'losl~r walk with Him, ~n the prayer tower. the "Upper room"
through my body and at times I am al\aken We are: a free people, We are not under llome. but hath an unClean spirit. Mark 3. 28-3il. !dater Ryan received her personal pent~
I don't know When I shal!
1111;e a locomotive steamed up and prepared tbe !aw. We are lust as free as the air where Jesu.s Is 'Us heaven. my full P.:onle that have a real knowledge or the cost. She spoke In tonglles Cor nearly three
for a long journey. 0 It !8 blessed to let we breathe for salvation Is not In meat R"d heart does pral3e Him: Holy Ghost In their hearts by the H{)!y quarters or an hour without Interml3slo n
tlle Lord have His way "'11th you. I al30 drink and clothing, but It Is rlghteousn esll -Florenoo Crawford. Spirit, and then go and Bay this work: Is of It was the most astonishin g case we hav~
lJJ)I!ak In six foreign tongues glven me at and peace and Joy In the Holy Ghost. !t!s had Yet In this clty_ Everyone that saw
God's command. Cod bas called me to Af· the blood of Jesus that <;Ieanse, from all the d(wll, and people are speaking In !.On. it was amazed Ilnd strengthen ed In theIr
rica as a mls>!lonary, and told IDe to go to aln, It Is not meat, drink, and dres:;, It Is SIster Florence Crlll'ford Is now In 09.k· guee hy tb~ devil, after they have the
land expecting soon '() go on to Salem. faith. She spoke in at least seven lang.
!~:;v::, ~~bet~~' w B~~:S~ ~e i~a~:~:~
1 living under the blood. knowledge ot the trutb, such peop!e al"8 !n uages, Glory to Jesus.
Jesus has given us authority 10 eat and The Lord called her l!ack to Los Angeles The whille city and country round about
for a short Urne and all the ealntll were da.nger of sinning agnln..t the Holy Ohoot.
the town and country to Bro. Mead, a mls· drink anything that we desire, without hurt. "Whosoev ..r shall spdak a word against are being shaken. '[here are those bere
aionary tha.t had peen there and he said Ing us BeCore ,Jesus there were cer. refreshed to see her. The Lord gave her from Portland, The Da1le3, and from nea.r
a very sweet object on the frulte the Son ot Man. It shall be forgiven him:
It was a parfeet description , Saints, pray lain meats we could not cat such at cat. night as I but unto. him that bla.sI>bemeth against tbe Astoria !leeklng their Pentecost. Sister
maeh. Fast and pray. fish, rabbits, pork, and other meats. If we of the Spirit. She StH!, Glaasco a'mong the rest, Myself and wife
was weary In body. I arkeJ Lord to give Holy Ghost, It shB~.. .0 , ,forgiven. " Luke
,MI'Il. Dalay 'Batman's Telrtlmony . study the Old Tl'lIItament, we will see many gpo e a v!slon. He n. 10, • ~ ve recelv"" out l~··'·· "~~I and spenk In
thing! that we, were not Illiowed 10 eat. me 8leep, and He . l QL'r,<:n. "lIey
,. At the age of fou.tlta&l.. ~e Lo~ BaTed But Since Um r.or~ Je8cuB carne. He has tll'Ol 'In!!' ~r lml1Je m" nmll aua or:norn O/t,n,!l' Iml11 II'nr
. . from my sln8. Last Aprtl Be AneUfted by a river runn1ng c ear as crystal and aN rorgiven, when PUll -..._,~!tst the 80n. PENTECO ST IN NEW YORK.
let down the sheet of four corners and we they sin against
DIJ' lIOul, took 1111 Inbrel sin o11t and p,ve
see the four-footed beasts and 'creeping there was a tree sla ndlng by that' riVer they are forgiven, bli\.'· ill

me a clean heart Ilt tor the Lord's use. with the loveliest trull on It I ever saw- Cod tbe Fatber, God th. Son. a.nd God tile A band ot ml;.slc,nar les from Los Angeles
things of the eartb, and a voice comes to d agaInst them :axI!ected to sail fOI' Africa on Dec, 8th. TlHly
Hallelujah l But stt!1 t hungered for more. UB, "Rlse, slay and eaL" But We \,:.ld great red apples. The re were many applell Holy ullost, they havf/'slnne
m when the pentecost came to Loa An· hanging on the tr~ anJ all bore names all, -lO tbere !s no m'Jre forglv';;ness. Thert) write that PellteCIJ~t has surely fallen In
"Not 80, Lord. for nothing common or un: any Intercedin g New York In a fTllsslon there. A number
pies, I found that was just whll.t I wanted. clean have we eve: put into our fI'dUth." that were 60 plain r cc uld read them. They Is no fourth person to do
:BUt I WIU working every day a.nd could not were love. JOY, peace, longsul'fer lng, gentle. for them. People ~an harden their hearts have been ba[!lI~;'d with the Holy Gh08t
Hut He says, "What God bath cleansed. that tl11 ('..0<1 will leave them' as He did Ephraim and are flpeaklng In tonguel!_ One man
be at the meeting mucb. One day the Lord can not thou common." ness, meaknclls, etc. '/"bese are the fruits
told me to stop everytblng and go to the of th~ Spirit It we have the Spirit of ot old. that was 110 back-slide r and was paralyzed on
Now thl3 means not ooly that we should The devil may tell people that they bave one side was helI>ed to the altar and wu
meeting. I sa!d, Lord, I have three small not call any man common or undean, but ChrlBt, these apples ·.re hanging on our
chl!dren lind 110 way to support them. He tree, We are known by our fruits and It Binned against the Holy Ghost when they soon down under the power, and In about
we tlnd that through the blood of Jesus bave not sinned Wilfully. They hav>e not thirty minutes be was reclaimed '3B.nctl!!,ld
s&ld, 1 will supply your needs. Glory to Chr!st, we are permitted to eat swine's Is tlll" Father'S will that we shollid bring
God, He has supplied all our needs, We forth much fruit, and that uur trult should sinned agaInst the Holy Ghost unlest'! they baptized with the Ho!y Ghost. h~led. apaale:
flesh It .... e like It IlfId It Is good for us remain. Dear ones, Ie', us cease professIng have wll!ully denied the blood of J"*llUl Ing In tongues, and leaping and pralsinc
bYe never needed for anything and have hut anything that will hurt these bodies or
ne"er asked anybody but the blessed Lord ao much and examine ourselves to see If Christ and trampled It under theIr fOOL G0d. So amid the sboutlng, weeping and
make UB siCk, we ought not to eat. For we "for !f we sin wilfully, arrer that we have
for a pennY. Three years ago last Apr\!, should be temperate In all things, In eat· this rruH Is on our tree," ~~u~l;g, tbe wark went on tlll th'd morn Ins
tlle Lord gave US the caU to Alrlca. At 'I'hese received th'c knowledge at the trllth, the-re
Ing. drinking and wearing clothes. N!malneth no more sacrifice for sIns," Heb Bro. Barratt, the Norwegian brother -ho
flrllt I thought I woull stay and let my I!Iodles are the Lord's and we do not want The mes,ages Bp0ken In tongues In
hl18band go, but He ,.a1d, "No, you must Azusa MIssion, as far as have beeu loter- 10. 26. Some have been ensnared by the received his Pentecost expected to saU tor
to destroy them by meat and drink. en\olmy and have lost the Pentecost and Norway, leavln~ New York on tbe 8ll10l<l
lID too." I thought 'He wa.nted us to go "Know ye not that ye are tbe temple or preted, have alwa.ys been spiritual and ac-
rllht away, but when He saw I was will· cording tv the Word, Scripture passa.ges, loot s:UJctlfica.t!on and lost ju.etlflcatlo n, and ship WIth the Africa mlsslonarle .a. Bro.
God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth 11 has brought sadness, and they ('All fep-ent Mead lIaY'il of hIm, "He la 11k'll Brother Paul
1n& to spend my life In Afrlca for precious In you. It any man defile the temple or prlj.!ses to God, eXa.ltation or ChrIst, warn-
IIOIllA, He revealed to UII that He would Ing, etc. Never anything or a foollsb or because they did not do It wllfully. They gifted In 3rtll. books. etc .. a leader or th~
cro~, him ,hall God destroy."
tell lll! when to go. And three months af. Irreverent character, anJ often ot a blghly were overpower ed by the en<m1y, and not poople, and baa h~n 8. power tQr good tor
[n 1. Tim, 4·6, Paul was Instr<l',~lng the understand Ing. they yielded to It. Th~y ma.ny years, ADd nQw with hlB full Pente-
ter we received our baptlam. He said. "Now people about meats and dl'nk'l. He Bays, exalted and Intensely practical Import a.nd
Il1O to Africa." 0 glory to o<>tI, 1 am so tremendou s meaning, especJally tor the In· may be tempted to dlspalr because Ille devil cost. he Is 00 sweet a.nd gentle, I know }'ou
"For every creature of Cod Is gooe; and may ~I\ tboem that they have sinned would all love htm. We must pray for h!nt
&;lad I got to the place where the blessed nothing to be refused, tr It be received dlvldual for whom the message was Intend·
Lord's wl1\ Is my wilL" wltb thanksgivi ng, for !t Is sF.nctlfied by ed. age\nst tJl..e Holy Gh0'3l, but the Bible says, as he goes to his home In Norway to open
"!! we !lIn Wilfully." SO ....e have not com. up th·" work there, With &11 hIe gent1eJ.Bn
the word of God and prayer. If thou put
BAPTIZED IN MINNEAP OLIS. the brethren In rememhran ce of these While Bro. S. J. Mead was with us In Los mltted th:a un'Pa.rdouable sin. It we have not he l!1}t!ah at times with a voice of thullde~
sinned wtl!ully. We atlll have an lldyocabe the convincing truthfJ of the Master"
Bro. Otkl BrauUn or !l1Z Fourth Ave., things, thou shalt be a good minister at Angeles who Is now on hIs way to Africa
he has where he bas labored for 20 years and with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. The other slltera are all well and' '- 'IU,
::I~~s a~:r~~t~dn~~~i~:~."up In the wordl of
lOnneapoli B, Mlnll" writes that rE>-
cel.ved bla PentecOfit through readIng the where he II able to Speak native languages , But It 1!8 a very dangerous thing for us used of the Lord, Bro. and Slst;,r Bat"l'lll a
p&per and personal correspon lence, He "Happy !s he that eondemne th not him· he wall a wltnelB to the gift of tongues be- to go back atteT we have redelyed light. lare WIlo8 all made up. The poople ..;Ia.dly In two unknown tongue.. He .ays, lIelf In that thing which be alloweth. And Ing spoken In African Jlalects of which the Paul ~'arwe-d the Hebrew church, thClSe that gave their OlYerlngs IUId quickly made up
"ll-ud the paper to one IUe, went aalde Into he that douhteth III da.mned If he eat." If penons had no knowledge . A colored lady had come to Chrlat and had a real knorwl· wha.t waa neoeded, Slater I:hldetea- haa "'"
III room and aaked God If ( waa really and .atlne porll. brings condemnat ion upon you llpoke at length In tongues as the Spirit was edge of the Spirit IIoo1ld then wer<a turning calved her PentecD6t. We &II rejolct' Wl~
trnl:y clelUl..lled b1 the Word, and I l'Ot the for catlna It, do not eat Il, for the Lord III pleaeed to ullle her. And Immediate ly after back: to the old sacrifices and fought against her.
alsht7 a.newer of God throup my whole be- the one that puts it upon you. But If the she had spoken, Bro. Mead arose and In· the ~plrlt {1! God. He 8&ys, "It 1'3 Imposel· The mla.lonar lel 'SIall on th~ "Campania ."
iDS that I wu. Am I cleanae4 by the blood T Lord doe. not coodemn another for eating terpreted the message given by the slrl. 1'1". ble tor t~ ""bo were onCll! enllshtenlH l Will stop In LlvupooJ and may have a;. o~
t lOt the same mlChtJ powerful witneas. It, do not condemn hIm, beca.use he eate Ing the name at the tribe In Africa to and have taeted of the heavenly gift, and pertunlty to work for the Lord there.
ft.u 1 ....d to my Father, I not the In falth, and the mu,t Is not able to de- whlcb. the language belongel and then reo were made partaken of th~ Holy Gh09t. and Addres.s S. J. Mead, Lonp Tempe' l ',C8
"pUam wnh the Hol1 GhoBt. because 1 Itroy him If he eatll In faith, peated the same me'3&age In the same bave tMted the good W'Ord ot God. and the Hbtoel, UmeSt.. Liverpool, Eng,
...... not the &tft of tonJUea, the endence tonpe. powers of the world to com<e, If they shall
.. Penteeoat, anl the power bepn to wor1l: fall away. to ren.ew them again to Nlp~nt· JESUS 18 COMING.
THE 8POTLEM LAMB OF GOD. anQe; _lnR they crucity t.o themselve s the
_ ~1l11ar11 and torelb11 . . never before. WONDER S IN HEAVEN ABOVE Jeeus II coml~g! yes, com.lng tor me!
'!'Ia&t ••'f'1 night 1 lot the evldenee. as the We had a P41rtect Bavlor. Never w... an)' 8<)n of God arresh IUId put HIm to an o:pen
wa. carnall1:7 In "And 1 will abow wondera In hea;\,en Ihame." Roeb. 6. "'-6. J<mlS 1!8 coming! ms glory I'll see'
Boq Ghost pTe utterance In. two unknown 1U1Ie In HI. mouth. NeYer above, and slgnl In the earth beneath: TlHl clouds are His chariots, •
......... 1 could dlsUn.pIl h the dllferanclI Him. You know under the Old ~lIta.ment, Aft'<!1' we have been made a pzlng Btock
be- the lamb for a sin oararlng was to be with· blood and IUId vapor of .. moke. Acte. for Cbrl!!t and took part In the reproaches The angels His guard;
~n the two. Since then the power
2. 19. and amictlons of Christ, and after we have J~us Is coming! how :plain In HI. word.
...... stronae.r and th~ Sptrtt IpeU3 plainer out apot and blemillh. Thill wall a real tyP41 E. Taylor Is a oonductor on tIle sJee.:>-
. . aore mlahtil:y, 'The po.... r of Q()d of our bleaaed Jeans that was to come. ta'lted of the hea-venly gift and are made
Pralae O<>d, He hu come and there wu no Ing cars on the Southern Paclll.c Rallway p&rtakers at the Holy GhoOflt. we canoot af. Je1IUII Is comino" 0 glory dlvln.e!
1IItnIam1 throulfh my whole bod)" (I suppose In California. He Is a member of tbe JesU4J ~s coming! th:e Lord who I. mine'
tile healln, power.) 1 tallen on the carnality at an In mm. He was a Lamb ford to 10 back. But It we J'.MlIy deny '
without blemIsh, holy, harml9118, undedled, Household ot God In Oakland, Cal., havlnS the power or God and turn back Into the Yes, comlnl In triumph
1IIMiIIr\lf;h the mllbty power coming upon that O<>d gave to take been born of the Spirit and Banctlfled, HIs world, th~re Is no Jlo(l8Sjble way tor UII ttl With ah01lt and wtth '3OlIg;
... I was In a mission laat Sunday and In the &1'eat Bncrtfice
wife and daughter have heen baptlzed with get back. "lie that d'l!6plsed MOI!IeII' la'W, Jesus Is camlng! the Ume Is not lonr,
01. afternoon the Spirit came On me and the away the lin of the ",.orld. the Holy Ghost and speak In tongues.
~rIt fen on the clean lOula. They aald ManY,.,peo ple today are teaohlng that died wi thout mercy under two or tbree w1.t·
He sars, "While 011 the train between nMses; of h<:l>w much sorer pooisbmen t IIUP- Jeeus III coming! He's not tar away!
. .o....n of power came uPon them and ther Cbrtat bad lIelf and carnal1ty In Him. No, Mojave and Barstow, on the night of Oct.
the character of the Lamb or O<>d our pos;'l ye, shall he be thought Worthy. who Jesus Is coming! we'll care n~t to stay'
"... Nt tree. In th~ 6TeniDg the leadera It 4th, about 11 p. m., the moon shining very The clouds l1.l.I our charIots, '
. . themBelv&t! agalnBt the spealdng In ton, h.edeemer, waa .lnleIB. Because His
brlgb.t1y and no cloud In sight, and no wInd, hath trodden und&r foot the Son ot God,
blood ha.d not nowed from a Lam b and bath COUllted the blood or the oovena.nt Tbe angels our guard;
..... beeaulle 1 cannot Inte1'1)ret, but the prec!ous I was alttlng by the car window looking J(letr:l Is coming! this truth Is his word.
.....r wall ao mlshtr upon me they could without blemish and w1.thout Fpot, but had out, when my eye fell on the moon which wherewith he was l3IIIlcUlI.ed, an unhOl:T
. . it waa not man's but 001'.:' carnaUty and corruption from sell, trom the
was 11.8 clear a3 1 ever saw It. Right across thing, and done despite unto tb:a Spirit
manger to the croas, then It Is only tbe of grace?" Heb, 10. 28, 29. JflBUS IB coming! the just shall then rlH,
the face at the moon was a large cross. al Jeeus, whose comIng we'\I great In the aldea
'''PANES E HEAR IN THEIR OWN blooJ at a martyr, IUId Its atoning merltB plain as my hand before me. I rubbed my
are void. If there 18 any point In the O<>spel HEALED AND BAPTIZED . And the world shall then miss UB,
TONGUE. eyes and looked agaIn, and sa.w It as he· With JeslIB we've gone,
Pueblo, Colorado Is a elt7 of many nation· which 18 tunoiamen tally absolute, It Is the Core, I then raIsed both windows, put my I am pTalBlng Go4 for His healing power
purity ot the person of veliUS Chril!t. Gl'ld's and the girt ot the Holy Ghost. I WfOtlj Forever to sing hOlllanlla'S glad 3Ong.
alltles. Tn the steel WO'l'O alone tbat em· head out and saw not only the cross but
ploTs 600 men, seventeen laagnages aTe Son. Be haa power to take away our sins a man on tbe cross wIth a.rms extended, you a few weeks ago Teouestlng YOUr pray.
the uttermoBt, for our en ror the healing or my body from two ~sus Is earning! Y(Ie,all shall tben know'
1IpD,1I:.en. 'T1Iere are Gree'ks, Chinn'll. Japan- and IIIlve us to and the lower part of the cron dripping :retlua wbose coming hae conquered our t~,
... and many others. 'T1Ils II a wonde,.rul blessed Lord said. "Thou shalt call His with fresh blood, very red. 1 then called large abceases In the blpll and back, God
·le14. The LQr;'l had opened up a missIon name Jesus, for He .ball save HIB people
tram theIr sins." Matt. 1. 21.
for tbe porter, a colored man and an un- Immediate ly anllwerel and I hegan to re-
cover, and am at present heTe at Bro.
~: r~~~r:h ~~~1 n:..e::! Him;
De"e when the Pentecolta l (]nlpel came. belle\'er, and asked him to look at the moon Jesus ha.s come! we'll shout In the sklea.
'I"IIe 'Woman b:I charge of the mlsllon, went It cost our Savior His life on Calvary to and tell me wbat he 8aw. He replied, de- Ryan's. baVlng received the Hnly Ghost anI!
l1-"t to seelrtng and neelYed the baptlRtIl cleaDlle us from B!n. Thank God, He Is scribing the cross with a ma.n on It and the speaking ,In tongues and chanUng. Hal.
rlllen agaIn. lie never would hsve risen lelujah. E. S. Hanlon, Salem, Ore. Jesus is coming! 0 saints, do rejoice!
. . . berore 8bl' got off bel' oees. was IIpell.k. blood dripping from It and aslred,' "What JMlU!.l b coming! ,BO 11ft lip ,your Voice'
taR 1n, Cblneae. One day wben IIbe' was 11 there had been any carnality In Him. He are them things flying ahout with wings'!" •
to anotller would have been no Savior. Prah.e God, We ('10 not have to try, to convince the The clo~d$ are Htll chariOts,
a1)R1t1ng. the Slllrit began apeak BrQ. Taylor looked Qut again, and the air The angels HII guard: through her. Nobody UJ1I1f'l'lItood He 1111 a Savior to the uttermost. The lUI,. between hIm and' tbe moon Wall filled with people tbat, thh work Is of (]()I!. Just preach
. 1IIanUI'Rt.<' I In gelle halt sang ou Bethlehem 's plain, "For Jeaus Christ and Him crucIfied and God Sing of His coming and ten of HIs word.
till t"ey BaW lIome uneulnes moving objects In the dIstance. like a mult!.
the back of the room ..lien IIOme JapaJlese unto you Is born thlH day In the cIty or tude of buttertUell . rhe porter !uQutnd, wt\l :::~:e CRl'e or convlnc1ng th& people. -T. HelDlAlha lch.
..... Sitting. '!'he1 bepn to -wrlnr their David, Il sanor, which ta(lhrlat the Lorl."


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