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our future speaker will be Mike Billington and would just say a few things in

introduction to tonight we've had two presentations by held except LaRouche in the
last 24 hours mike is going to discuss the one that she did today on her regular
weekly webcast the basic conception is that we are involved in and has to be get
our people involved in the recognition that we need to pursue a victory that we've
been given as a result of the way in which maroush personally our organization
Russia and Donald Trump have been vindicated in the battle against British
intelligence a lot of people have thought about this as being if either esoteric or
somewhat eccentric but in fact as is been seen with respect to the r8 latest hoax
that was attempted by British intelligence around the street ball case the
poisoning case we now have the major military human nuclear power in the world
openly defying British intelligence in the British imperial system and making the
point making the assertion that they are involved in a worldwide folks which has
the implication of bringing the world to the brink of thermonuclear war that is if
Donald Trump and seizing ping and Vladimir Putin were not attempting a set of
dialogues on many issues many of which we will discuss tonight and Mike will go
through but what's important in terms of what our organization has to do visa vie
this is that we must publish crucial thing is for us to be out on the street and
visible and with physical literature as well as of course online and otherwise
developing the capability to get all of our messages out in a rather rapid fashion
but on this flank in particular our role and our role uniquely is the only thing
that may stand between disaster and one of the most important victories in human
history with respect to a triumph of Republican he will cultural forces political
forces over genocide and and death so what we're going to do is we will be going
right now to Mike's presentation then we'll be going to questions and answers and
at the point we get there we're going to say press star-6 to get into the queue let
me be very clear that tonight's call is a call for mobilization of everybody on the
phone and anybody that you know to also tune in on Saturday at noon for an
international webcast that Hauge will be doing and it will emanate from the
Manhattan meeting and that will be at 12:00 noon Eastern Time okay so Mike if
you're there I take over okay thanks Dennis and glad to be on again so this is has
been a said this is just an absolutely extraordinary moment in history where the
British Empire has an exponent to a great extent by by us for a long long time by
others who were listening to us over the last many months having to do with the the
Christopher steel Russia gate operation against Trump but now largely exposed by
scientists within the UK itself who have called the bluff of the lying Theresa May
and her buffoon foreign secretary Boris Johnson but I want you to think that 50
years ago Lynn Lynn always thinks 50 years ahead and it was about 50 years ago that
Lynn began warning that the British Empire was not not dead it was not front into
the ocean as many people tried to say but in fact he identified the fact that it
was the British who had in the 1960s assassinated JFK RFK Martin Luther King killed
off anybody who represented an American system potential to bring America out of
what had happened after the death of Roosevelt when America was increasingly taken
over by British interests through Wall Street to impose basically the British free
market free trade ideology and destroy the idea of the American system as Roosevelt
had done it with his glass-steagall policies to prevent speculation by the Wall
Street bankers and through a policy of directed credit American system directed
credit not free trade free markets directed credit to make sure that the people of
our nation as all nation should be are supported by a government policy of building
the infrastructure the school's the hospitals the energy the power needed to make
private entrepreneurs successful so he thought 50 years ahead he was thinking about
right now and he was forecasting what was going to happen over the next 50 years
before cast that the idea that the dollar was as good as gold as they used to say
was a myth that it was going to collapse as it did in August 15th of 1971 when the
headline of our newspaper at that time was Nixon pulls the plug and LaRouche became
quite famous overnight Billy because nobody believed him when he said this thing
was about to blow apart and when it did many many people came to lynne he proposed
the solution the new Bretton Woods to restore the roosevelt policy he came up with
the idea for an International Development Bank to basically supplant the IMF and
the World Bank that did nothing but keep countries in the state of perpetual
backwardness actually his proposal for the idd is is exactly what really China just
formed with the Asian infrastructure investment bank and what the BRICS formed with
the new Development Bank these are international development institutions that
don't impose policies political policies on nations but look to see what nations
need in order to progress and become modern industrial powers and of course he
promoted the glass-steagall the idea of restoring the American system to the United
States he also on foreign policy said we need what he called the four powers he
said Russia and China and India are the three great historic nations on earth the
u.s. as a new historic nation on earth basically representing the very best of the
European Renaissance tradition those four powers together were the necessary force
that could finally bring down the British Empire and its domination over increasing
domination over the United States and over the world so now we responsibilities we
have to look ahead fifty years we have to look to the 2050s and 2060 and look back
at what's happening today and I can assure you that people in history will look
back at 2017-18 as the time that the British Empire either was brought to its end
completely and that a new paradigm was implemented LaRussa's four laws in his
owning and the the silk road process the spirit of the Silk Road which is the which
has held his name for the spirit of the times the zeitgeist which represents a true
future for mankind or on the other hand they'll look back and see that this is when
we failed and the British were successful in pulling off either a world war and
believe me the British Empire when they see that their very existence is at stake
are very willing to risk a war a thermonuclear war actually anxious to provoke such
a war as they just did and they're also willing to pull the plug on a financial
system which is going to blown one way or the other but they are very willing to
use that collapse this massive massive bubble that's been built up by the fact that
Barack Obama never brought any regulation to Wall Street but allowed the wild
speculative bubble to rebuild and actually now being half again or even twice as
big as it was before the 2008 collapse pull that plug and use that as a bait to
bring down Trump to bring down the United States uh or of course try to impeach him
that's what they've been trying to do with this mi6 Russia gate ploy get get Trump
driven out of office surgeon out of office by some other way and you know really
ways I mean so they want the u.s. to again be that they dumb giant that carries out
their colonial whores for them while they run the world financial system in the
world routing but this is now very very much in risk so it's let's look at some of
what's happened over this last week so as you know the whole Russia gate thing
collapse not only was it exposed as a fraud but the people perpetrating it which
means Christopher steel in his lost earlobes the whole mi6 the foreign Foreign
Office in England but they're Dukes here the the Obama administration intelligence
cruel like Comey and Brennan and clapper and all the names that have now become
common McKay's and or and others who were committing treason who were willing to
just simply use totally false British lies as a way of bringing down this president
and now they're facing criminal charges so not only is Russia gate largely defeated
but these people are facing their due rewards so that you know the the the the
Russia gate media here CNN and company they realized that that is gone they lost it
so they turned to stormy Daniels you know that's all they could come up with the
British aren't so stupid is the same stormy Daniels is going to bring Trump down so
they they went for world war three they pulled off this attack on screen Paul and
his daughter Julia they immediately without even attempting to present any kind of
evidence declared that this was Russia Russia and not only was it Russia that did
it but this was an act of war against England just as they declared that the can
the cyber or that the Russians are accused of carrying out stealing the brexit
election election of the United States in Germany and France and so forth that this
is an act of war that it should activate article 5 of NATO which calls on all NATO
members to join encountering a military attack from an enemy so this is the level
at which they are trying to force the war and believe me they could do it even
though they're being defeated on virtually every front they are frantic they could
use Ukraine or Syria or Korea or something new the way Tony Blair did with Iraq
something new to provoke a war or like I said to pull the rug out from under Trump
on the economy by basically blowing out the financial system which they it's going
to blow out eventually probably very soon in fact but they could use that to try to
undermine any kind of USS so in particular what happened just to review it last
week the head of the important
down which is their their chemical weapon secret Center very close to where the
attack on non scree pellet the head of that lab Gary Aitken head is his name cop
scientists came out and basically called the bluff of Theresa May and Boris Johnson
and the press and the entire crowd who had simply declared that this came from
Russia they said we have no idea where this came from we cannot determine where it
came or not keep in mind that the Russians are the only of the major powers who
have been certified to have shut down their chemical weapons facilities it was
based in to his Becca Stein and it was the Americans who should put it down and
they the Americans and the United Nations certified that the Russians had shut down
their their chemical weapons facilities the u.s. hasn't shut this down and the UK
hasn't shut theirs down they're committed to it supposedly but they haven't so
anyway they just went on this rampage and almost everybody went along they demanded
that all of the other nations fall in suits and throw out diplomats and so forth
only a little more than half of the EU countries went along so already you could
see that they were not completely successful in selling this lie but you know how
many of them did throw out some diplomats and they talked about this in that Trump
agreed to allow the neocon crowd around him to throw out 60 Russian diplomats I'll
come back to that but effectively the scientists at Porton Down called their bluff
basically he didn't say in these words but he said these people are lying there is
no way we can show this stuff comes from Russia now this is this is Boris Johnson
this buffoon had actually done an interview with with a German TV station in which
he said I personally spoke to Portland down and they assured me categorically that
system categorically that these this motivation came from Russia that they are
responsible now they can't take that down but they also sent out a number of tweets
arguing that this was a slam dunk it was Russia so they they even went through
harder to take down their tweets that's how frantic there are the London Times has
an article saying my god the entire anti-russian coalition could result as a result
of this and it's very interesting I mean he's you have a scientist who just could
not be counted on to lie like all the whores and the in the parliament and in the
end and in the end the cabinet and the government right so what what this means is
that never never has the British Empire have been so vulnerable and so recognized
as having been exactly what Lyndon LaRouche has said they were for the last 60
years so the London Times is absolutely right the entire not only the anti-russia
coalition is going to fall apart actually even some of the US press CNBC had an
article going through all of this and it said what if the Russians really didn't do
it because what's at stake here is the entire Imperial scam and this is a moment at
which they are exposed they're frantic they're desperate they're acting in
hysterical ways and those nations like like Merkel in Germany and micro-nutrients
who went along with us they're going to have to answer to the population how did
you get sucked in to going along with something with no evidence brif didn't even
try to present you any other so effectively what we have is a moment of truth with
a millions and millions and millions of people are looking back over the last 50
years because remember most people know LaRouche most people have come across us
somewhere or the other and they're looking back and saying who's telling us the
truth and who was lying and this is a moment in which we have the potential of a
total victory with Russia and China and other nations who have joined in the New
Silk Road and in the strategic exposure of these war mongers and so forth so let me
say a few words about what's happened just in the last couple days which you might
not have seen the Russians called an emergency session of the OPCW that's the
organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons and while it has a very nice
name and you might think it's a bunch of scientists who do good things it's really
not it's sort of like the Security Council it's just representatives from 41
different countries so what happened there is sort of what happens at the United
Nations just unfortunately they had a the Russians put forward a motion with Regina
and I Ron that said let's have an international investigation of this entire story
Paul affair with the Russians and others involved all sides involved and let's do a
real investigation just like we called for in Syria when they accused Assad of
using chemical weapons but they never allowed it happen so there was never any
investigation so they said let's have this and of course the British said no
absolutely not that's absurd we kind of let the the culprit in this thing be part
of the investigation into it of course no evidence no attempt to say innocent until
proven guilty see quite the opposite you're guilty and therefore you cannot have
any of the evidence and you cannot investigate so what happened in this vote there
were 41 members the Russian bill was voted down but it was voted down by 18 out of
the 41 not even half six voted with Russia and China for having that kind of a fair
evaluation and 17 abstained 17 countries abstained terrified obviously of what can
be done to them by the powers that be in London and Washington unfortunately so
they they were scared but they didn't vote with the Brits and the the Russian
ambassador to the United Kingdom a guy named Yoko venko alkyl then ko I guess had a
press conference yesterday where he made the point he said look the majority of the
so-called international community as the British like to call it did not vote with
the British they rejected the British line in fact all of the African country
rejected the British line all of the Iberia merican countries rejected and most of
the Asian just to I think probably Japan and Singapore I don't know but by and
large the majority of the in the world nations said we're not going to go along
with with the British rejection of this even though they didn't have quite the
courage to say let's have a real investigation but you know this it demonstrates
the chip that's taking place that and believe me the nations that are voting with
the British at this point they're going to have they're going to have to face a
growing rage from their population and and obviously it's deserved now I want to
reflect back on something I think most of you will probably remember a guy named
Robert Kelley Robert Kelley is also the head of Porton Down he was the head of
their chemical weapons unit there he was sent to Iraq to look for chemical weapons
back in 2001 and 2002 he recognized that what they were calling chemical weapons
labs were anything but he came back and then he was given a dossier that had been
prepared under Tony Blair's orders about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and he
read it he said this is a pile of garbage this is this has been sexed up it's just
not true and he revealed it to certain political leaders and the press but not in
his own name so it became something of a crisis he should have gone in his own name
right away it was eventually revealed who he was and Shirin showed up dead in the
woods next to his house suicided as they call it but this was Tony Blair's game and
he was caught he was caught just like Theresa May and Boris Johnson were caught
trying to provoke a war only this time with Russia but Tony Blair was caught trying
to create this totally illegal insane war against the country that was anti-
terrorism under the guise of fighting terrorism so how did he get away with it well
he got away with it because he had George Bush hmm he had a puppy dog who would be
the dumb giant to carry out British colonial wars uh and he did George Bush who was
in fact a bosom buddy of Prince bondar and the the the Saudi agents who had
actually committed 9/11 but he went along of course and we made laid waste to a
rock but not just a rock we basically launched the hell that swept through the
Middle East driving killing tens of thousands hundreds of thousands driving
millions out of their homes millions of them into Europe creating total chaos in
Europe the launching of the Dark Age that fed in since that moment that was Tony
Blair and George Bush and a contingent under Obama because the French and the
British Obama to go along with the Libya war and the Syria war and so forth until
the Russian stepped in in Syria so now we don't have that now he has battled from
and keep in mind that Donald Trump first of all as you know was elected by a
population that was just disgusted with perpetual warfare disgusted with the
collapse of their jobs mrs. structure disgusted with their children having no
future and been dragged into a la drug sex cultural hell so they voted for somebody
who said he cleans it Kenny well he he's doing some very very significant things to
change he hasn't done all he has to do yet but he's gone in the right direction and
what's happened in this last two weeks is pretty pretty astonishing because as you
know he did allow the neocon crowd to throw 60 diplomats Russian diplomats out but
he didn't say a word about it it was announced by the State Department in fact the
British press was saying why isn't Trump tweeting why isn't he denouncing the
Russian and The Washington Times in the New York Post and The New York Times in the
Washington Post we're all saying the same thing you know why isn't he saying
anything and then what do we got on the phone with Vladimir Putin and they didn't
say a word about Street Hall they didn't mention it they talked about the reality
in the world they talked about how can we these two great powers huh crises in
Syria in Ukraine in Korea how can we bring about a better
future and this just enraged the BRICS and he twice in the last week has said
we're gonna get out of Syria I don't want to be there all we went there for it with
the beat Isis and we're about basically finished that we we got a report today that
somebody leaked a report from a National Security Council meeting the Trump within
in which he said I want a plan to have all of our troops out of Syria within this
year all right and and interesting enough that the leak said that John Bolton has
his back now you know the that when Bolton was appointed and he is a neocon he's
been he's been calling for military actions against Iran in Korea and other places
for years but but when he got elected when he got appointed he said I'm here not to
follow my policies but to follow the policies of the present and he'd been meeting
with Trump regularly before this happened and more important Trump had to fire two
people to keep his commitment to working closely with Russia and China he had to
fire McMasters hai who was absolute standing in the way of his wanting to get out
of Syria and to be friends with Putin and he had the fire Tillerson who was going
along with the British on this crazy Street policy so he did and so he's got Bolton
who he at least he says is gonna keep you know Martin back him up on this policy so
we have that going on this is quite extraordinary how other stuff is happening the
just in the last couple of days first of all there was a meeting between Putin and
air21 in from Turkey and rouhani from Iran this is the so-called Astana group on
Syria they met in Accra they said okay we've basically defeated Isis now we have to
work together to separate all the remaining terrorists from the legitimate
opposition and we have to make it very clear that there will not be a military
through the conflict between the government and the legitimate opposition that has
to come from negotiation but only once we've completely wiped out Isis and al-qaeda
and al-nusra and the other terrorist groups and they said we must have an
international coalition to defeat these terrorists because Isis and and al-qaeda
will merge they will have cells all over the world all over Europe and it and the
United States and it's only if we can now bring about the kind of coalition that in
fact Trump and Putin have argued for it to work together on terrorists that we are
going to prevent this from metastasizing some so very important meeting at the same
time in Moscow there is the meeting of the 7th Moscow International Security
Conference this was represented by 95 nations mostly defense ministers 95 nations
about 850 representatives at 700 press very powerful presentation world is sitting
in the most dangerous situation like the Cuban Missile Crisis that the world has to
come together to prevent this from from deteriorating into any kind of war but it
certainly shows that Russia is not isolated as they will like to say in the West
old Russia is very isolate well you know 95 countries came together to work out
with them on a national strategic policy a new strategic outlooks of the world and
again this is this is the President Putin who was talking with President Trump to
make these things come about and lastly let me say that the for power idea that
Lynn talked about way back 50 years ago or almost 50 years ago is coming into being
you see in fact the Russian excuse me the Chinese defense minister who's at this
security meeting in Moscow said to the press he said I'm here because this is a
message to the Americans than to be to the British that Russia and China are
totally committed to working together on every aspect of world strategic policy
just make and at that conference there are calls for people to end this move
towards a new Cold War or whatever they call it and to come to their senses and
never has there been a time where it's going to be actually easier to get people to
come to their senses because as we said for the first time they see that Lyndon
LaRouche and write for 50 years the British are the problem and the British
influence in the United States is a problem for sure but the way to resolve that is
to convey that reality the evil of the British Empire the fact that we've had
presidents who were nothing but dupes to this British idea insanity of imperial
wars of of looting economic policies that have destroyed ourselves as well with the
third world and we have the proposal to solve this right in front of our face with
Lyndon LaRouche is four laws restoring American system economic policies in the
United States and linking up with China and the New Silk Road where China in fact
is is doing what it's doing largely because policy more like the American system
than America is by directing credit into those things necessary for the advancement
of the population of through infrastructure economic development agriculture
industry education health and so forth that's the American system and that's
exactly how the Chinese have made this happen and it's not accidental which we've
discussed before in terms of sun yat-sen and I hope some of you had a chance to
watch the class I gave on on Saturday when I addressed the issue of Confucianism
and Western Christian culture that this is is a long long long history that it's
one that is now finally ready to be consummated as it was crushed by the Venetian
Empire way back in the 16 and 1700 and it's ready to come back precisely because we
have an a great leader like Xi Jinping somebody who is restoring that tradition in
China and calling on the West to join with them in a win-win approach that has been
in fact comes directly from Lin and Helga LaRouche over these last 50 years now
people have to think about what what will people see 50 years from now when they
look back at this moment and think that that way in terms of what we have to
achieve and as Dennis said I don't think he mentioned we have you know our main
pamphlet I'm sure most of you who've been on these calls have helped us distribute
that pamphlet about LaRoche's for laws and and joining the New Silk Road we're out
of print we don't have the resources right now to reprint that we must reprint that
we must have that kind of ammunition for our our forces here and around the at the
same time that we're distributing the other kinds of things we're doing to make
this happen so all of you know the importance of making sure you finance this
organization you should think about anybody else you can call upon to convey these
ideas to what this is and to get them to help but we are on a full mobilization to
deal with the fact that we have in our hands one of the greatest opportunities
certainly in our 50 years of our fighting this and having paid the dues you know
the history of the problem well the attacks against this organization but we would
stood it and we're here they tried everything they could to destroy this
organization but we're here and we are policies that we've implemented the the
ideas we put in circulation that are now becoming realized can and must we must
have that victory that we have this window of opportunity to do it so take pleasure
in this tremendous moment and do everything you possibly can to get the word out
and to join with us and in making this happen so let me leave it at that so we have
plenty of time for discussions Q&A session started okay thanks a lot Mike I'm
trying to get the qaq opened up it says it's open okay fine somebody's gotten in so
very good so press star-6 if you've got a question and we're going to begin to get
in there let's say a couple of things about what's coming up this Saturday how does
that the roush will be addressing the new york city meeting pending are actually
means that we have to make I'll say something about that because I think it should
be known the concept is that what Helghast said and what she made very clear
yesterday on a conference call with us that she thought that both members of our
organization and members of the population weren't really seeing not so much
district gravity but at the combination of the gravity and the opportunity of the
moment the fact is that people have tried to ignore the the dominant with the
British Empire and British imperial system often in thinking that we're making
excuses for Americans no that's actually the way the things have worked and now
this has been proven this is why it's so far out in the open that's why it's so
naked all right so that's something just to recognize and in order for us to be
able to bring that home what what needs to happen is that we need to have our
pamphlets to for laws and also our mueller pamphlet which will be updated by
various material that's been written up by barbara boy and that is something that
can that can be made available let me just ask one question i'm going to is
something i see that there's only a couple of people in the queue and I didn't hear
it actually open up it appears that it is open so maybe it's the case that we just
have like questions but we usually have more than that if anybody's having a
problem getting into the queue particularly any of these people that have my text
message capability text me about that so I know but I'm going to in a moment go to
questions let me simply say what we have to do is we have a $70,000 quota that we
have to achieve we made some significant progress on that yesterday I don't know
where we stand today but what we're going to want people to do what we want to want
to have people involved with it's a campaign to work with us not maybe to achieve
some financial objectives but let's be very clear now that the British are in the
crosshairs of both Trump and Vladimir Putin this gives us a chance to actually
finish them off and that has not existed in any way since at least the comment the
Kennedy administration I would argue it not even really been so we seem to have
solved whatever the problem was they see some people are now in the queue again
press star-6 if you have a question and let's go to the first person in all right
are you able to hear me oh this is Ken and Molly Illinois that parkland shooting in
Florida was the younger generation 911 they were stampeded into that mass
demonstration Washington DC March 24th because of year of loan nuts or most of
these loan nuts or hypnotically program of the CIA because the Sigurd Geller want
government wants to take away private governorships so they can put in a
totalitarian police state do you have a question do you just make it that's my
comment I'll take another thing that was was some close these ones are shooters are
up hypnotically controller met Mike respond these or not they're not going to take
away the guns they're going to use that just to divert attention from the real
problems you know I mean the idea that they're gonna take away our guns and have a
police they got a police data ready to the NSA they're not going to take away gun
is to prevent people from addressing the reality what's the reality the reason we
have these these kids running around killing kids is because we have a complete
collapse of our culture it has nothing to do with guns really that's just an
attempt to divert attention that's why George Soros and Hollywood pump millions of
dollars into having this big March which is not going to go anywhere any more than
the women's March did this is just a diversion from the reality that children and
women and everybody else have got to address the complete collapse of our economy
and our culture we are experiencing the a drug epidemic that is like the opium war
that the British carried out against the Chinese in the 19th century it's worth you
know as you know a middle class working people skills working people have lost
their jobs they can no longer support their family and they basically turn to drugs
either to drown their misery or to kill themselves this is a national crisis where
the drugs and themselves are just a symbol of the fact that we have lost our
culture everything yes people have no sense of beauty they have no sense of reality
their sense of entertainment is is violence and sex and ugly music noise anything
that would inspire them that would appeal to the creative powers of their mind is
basically denies them denied our children in school and and the result is we have
amongst the Digi degenerated generation many of the more disturbed people though
completely nuts and carry out the fantasies they see in the movie that's the
reality so don't don't worry about gun the point is this is a situation where
people have to join us not get involved in some so-called single issue this or that
this is an all-out final showdown with the British Empire with the ideological hell
of those who believe that human beings are not human but there's some form of semi
advanced animals who were to be controlled by those who were born masters to take
care of the slaves this is what our population has helped the nation has been
brainwashed or inundated into accepting this kind of thinking where you know you
carry out these genocidal Wars or is that we would look at the British Empire in
history carrying out these genocidal wars and opium wars and we say my god how can
they do that and here we're doing it and our population is has accepted it there's
been almost no opposition to the Iraq war a Bolivia wara the spiri war virtually
none think about that and why because people are said take care of yourself look
out for your own local interests think about my rights my rights my rights you know
that is not America we are we are in a situation where people have to realize their
humanity again and that means coming to really take jewel way in in their creative
powers not in sensual pleasures or or you know screaming and yelling in a protest
or something like that but actually being creative and thinking about what we can
do that's why we have our music projects that's why we have these classes I hope
you've all participated in these classes is that we have to give people a sense of
the tivity again which has been denied them by these generations and after
generation of collapse in our country okay very good so we'll go to the next
question alright are you going to hear me success ed Mike is Jerry from
Massachusetts okay I heard something today on one of the news one America News
Network that during the Obama era State Department they funded about nine million
dollars some kind of democratic thing for George Soros in Albania and do you know
anything about that I mean it might have been something to do with you know in
operation or election I don't I don't I don't know anything about that per se I
mean George Soros was funding Obama I don't know how much Obama has it well part of
them I know they said you know the State Department moved some money I don't know
maybe maybe it was with something else no they don't yeah I mean as you know Soros
has been involved in these an operation here you know one thing people don't know
about George is that you remember Tiananmen Square 1989 and then when there was
these mass demonstrations I Lynn and I were in jail together in an Alexandria at
that time we were watching this the developments in May and June of 1989 and and
Lynn saw these math children on the streets there and he his first comment really
struck me and really stuck with me he said these these youth are looking for their
souls and this is absolutely right what that whole incident was was one of George
Soros is color revolution now they had lots to gripe about these young people
because done shopping had launched this great development project but he done it in
a way where he was allowing a lot of foreign interest to come in and set up
production facilities along the coast basically to produce things that were going
to be exported and people from the countryside were being brought in to work in
these factories and then sort of recycled out they get worked to death and they go
home for a while oh yeah so there they were beginning to gather up some resources
but they were not taking on the development of the country as a whole they were
just trying to make some quick money and there were problems with that and it led
to this mass outpouring of dissidents when based particularly when who table on
diet I won't go into how that got started but but it was funded by George Soros
Soros created two think tanks there around this guy dodgy young who was actually
the heir apparent and succeeded in getting them all to come out on the street and
then then it was about to dissipate the kids finally recognized it was time to go
home and a guy named Lou Shaw Paul who was a professor at Columbia went back in
with some rock and roll artists and helped create the hunger strike amongst these
kids and rile them up into hysteria about all I'd rather dies and go home and over
nothing and basically the Chinese leadership could see that there was a new
Cultural Revolution being stirred up and they knew that Soros was behind it and in
fact he when this was finally shut down was that they told your authority wasn't
allowed to come back into China but this was this was an attempt to present what
they knew of the world Western sources the thoris people the British knew was China
waking up and they were going to stop it they were going to do another Cultural
Revolution they were going to try to rile up an anti-government hysteria and they
nearly got away with it you know but it was it was stopped and the result was they
were able to go ahead with what in fact brought real human rights to the Chinese
people which is that they could rise up into the middle class get an education
become skilled workers learning classical music alright develops the right to have
a human life not just the right to be a so-called democracy a democracy which we
now see the so-called model of great democracy has proven to be just a form of
tyranny in many cases in our case in particular so you know that's I just bring
that up because the pilot of the sort of connection to China just have the same
network they're having a I guess there's a documentary on the surveillance state I
think bill bidding is gonna be on that this weekend mm-hmm on Saturday and Sunday a
couple they're gonna air a couple of times so that was interesting yeah yeah I
think we think we've we've had Benny at our conferences going through that
surveillance well yes well hi yes okay you can hear me okay yep yes thanks all
right this is Jessica white from Brooklyn New York and I wanted to thank you for
your presentation and also kind of introduce something after the 50 Googlers that
came on and talked about the shootings and the gun now I don't know how many people
on the call have been a part of the organization as long as I had some maybe not so
long I think I've been in it like smell 13 years now maybe longer but I just wanted
to save something to to to everybody on the call as quickly as I can long before
the Wall Street Crash with Wall Street British operation that deliberately
orchestrated the crash of our economy in 2008 Lyndon LaRouche introduced the
economic reality of the triple curve and everybody to everyone that remembers that
triple curve concept if you don't if you're new to the organization look that up
the triple curve a concept forecast that if we didn't reinstate glass-steagall the
glass-steagall act of FDR's 1933 policy we would enter into a dark age now at the
time I was thinking myself a dark age became like the dark ages and middle in in
the Middle Ages or Europe the year we had the plague and all the rats running
around and you know that whole thing that we taught in school but if you think
about what a Dark Age is we are in a dark age right now and what Lyndon LaRouche
forecast at that time
is what's going on right now so our economy collapsed and then that leaves things
open from our culture to collapse and once that occurred that dark age is present
where people are destitute they are hopeless they have no means of supporting
themselves in their families because all of the industry and all of the economic
things that have kept the middle class prosperous and alive is gone and so you see
people falling into all of these decorated kind of things the shootings the drugs
the not being able to take care of your teenagers the teenagers losing community
centers because there's money filtered into the British oscillated Wall Street and
then once that happened they hang out on the corner of all these video games at a
point you talked about that is the dark the Dark Age that is what Lyndon LaRouche
was talking about how people will die because the outside forces will kill them but
then young children sounds - you've been orchestrated to kill ourselves so if we
think about it that way the only thing that standing between and you said between a
total collapse and now war a war that can end the entire world and all the people
on it is our organization and it's very clear back in 2008 my mom lost her house to
foreclosure because of the scheme that was going on against seniors where are this
predatory lending bean burglars running amok and she actually saw herself to death
over the loss of her home that she had been in for over 40 years and could not
understand why she had been scanned this losing her home so it hits close to me
it's very very vivid every day that foreclosures and everything that happened in in
2008 and I'm sure other people know what I'm talking about so now what I wanted to
say about the organization is that we need to print more trucks we need to get the
word out there I don't have a lot of money so you know I know that when I talk to
people about the fact we need to raise money it's like the same thing for me I give
when I can I give a lot I've given $500 and just a month ago or so I gave $100 just
recently but the reason it's being given is not just throwing money away like
people may think in my eye why am I always being asked to give that brings you to
bringing more people into the organization so that if there are 100 people that are
giving $100 it adds up it's not just us the same people that are trying to keep
this going all the time so it's a matter of me ourselves but also bringing people
into the organization that are like-minded that understand what's going on that are
teachable that we can reach with the message that we're trying to say and even
those that are skeptical skeptical you know they understand that this is a British
situation when it's explained the way you're explaining it when it's put out there
when they can see the the logic of it so even if you don't like Trump you can see
the logic of what the British are doing so that's what I wanted to really get on
the phone and say talking about the Dark Age talking about the fact that our
organization is the only organization that's going to save this nation and the
world and that's a fact and we have to put the money into it you have to put the
time into it but especially printing and all the things that cost money that's
gonna have to happen so if we dig down in our pockets and loaded dishes this
organization is just as as worthy and reliable is if you were given to the cancer
administrator the SPCA are you giving to and believe me those organizations I give
to also and I know they're important if you are giving to the same huge Children's
Hospital or or anything that you're passionate about we have to be passionate about
this because let me say one thing just that I didn't mean to interrupt you we had
this question but but just saying about what you're saying right now no it's
actually much different in 1976 before we even had our phone teams the Washington
Post ran an article and they read an article which talked about our it was it
called it a domestic political minutes and then what it did that talked about the
fact that one of the things that was the most dangerous about our organization was
it's no glorious fundraising capability now all we used to do back then we used to
organize that unemployment centers at street intersections and I may have just
started doing airports might may remember you may have just started so so we
weren't raising anything above about 25 or $50 at most foremost and they were
concerned about that and I'll tell you why because if you are organizing money
independently then you are not controlled and that's why we do it so people should
understand something merely we need to print or we need to do this or that or the
other those things are true but there's something completely different than that
which is that almost every organization that people can name in the United States
is actually not independent and that's why people get betrayed that's why things
don't change but when you give money to this you are giving money for your
independence and the independence of this country so it's necessary for us to do
the things but for just to add that or to make that point they're not like you know
giving to a charity it's not that answer or did that it's completely different it
is a saying that sign that you are not a slave in fact you know what make I'm fine
bunch of a bunch of us went to a whole bunch of us went to prison Lin went to
prison for five years this was called for by Henry Kissinger a long time ago and
his ill two British behind him Henry Kissinger who pays elude allegiance to Chatham
House in London but he went to the FBI at the time and said you've got to get these
people why don't you get them as being foreign agents for the Communists or
something but none of that worked that's what they wanted to get us for they wanted
to stop LaRouche because he had influenced Ronald Reagan to adopt the what became
known as the Strategic Defense Initiative this was one of Lin's ideas and they had
to stop him that this was undermining our confrontation with Russia that we we had
to keep Russia as an enemy we couldn't work with Russia on a new form of strategic
policy this was a great danger but Russia had to be stopped but how did they stop
us they stopped us all of the cases were about our fundraising that's why I got 77
years they went after our fundraising because they knew that we were not supported
by any foundations or for government sources or anything else that we had a hard
work of recruiting people to these ideas who would then finances our support so
that made us to them vulnerable just as Dennis was just saying and it was on that
basis that they claimed that that we did you know financial fraud the idea that we
could raise that much money for furs for these things was impossible to them you
had to be on somebody's payroll so they went after us that way and that's why we
all spend time in prison but the reality is that we weren't broken and we weren't
broken because we insist on being independent on raising the funds we need for our
telephones in our offices and our publication on our own and I think most people
know that almost almost none of the people in this organization receive stipends to
live on most people have to have some sort of a job teaching or something on the
side because we don't you know pay ourselves we basically pay what we do so I'm
giving that sort of pitch but let me say one other thing Jessica thank you for what
you said but I want to add something to it which is that Americans are very very
aware of how our country's been destroyed you saw that with the election of Trump
they're very aware of the drug epidemic they're very aware of the cultural decay
what they're not aware of is that they have to understand the greatness of Russia
and China and other countries and even though they might be fighting to get America
straight again when you you know you all watch them yet whether you watch CNN or
you watch Fox News you know they're going to take sides in these domestic political
fights but they join hands and saying Russia is a horrible dictator China is the
horrible aggressor cheese in ping is a new Mouse a tongue these people are out to
get us they're out to take our lunch Russia and China are great danger they're the
new problem even our own strategic policy was written that said terrorism is no
longer our primary issue it's state threat from Russia and China who are now the
threat to America what threat are they they're no threat they're our hope because
China as I've just mentioned has effectively adopted what we used to well know as
American system methods they believe in alleviating poverty and building
infrastructure and creating for mankind the Russians have taken it upon practically
upon themselves to stop the hideous wars that we're sweeping through the police by
moving into Syria and saying we're going to fight terrorists you want to fight
terrorists that's what you say well we'll show you what it means to fight
terrorists not regime change terrorists and as a result we now have victory in
Syria a situation in which Trump is personally privately delighted you know and
it's a situation in which we we can but we we have the very very serious
responsibility of teaching Americans that they have been lied to about the rest of
the world and that they have to understand that this Russia China Alliance is our
alliance these are our future this is the way America can be great again and Trump
to a certain extent understands that that's what's important but his base of it
yeah because they're inundated by Fox News garbage stuff like that so this is this
is our task thank you okay very good got a lot of other questions so we're gonna
try to get them in all right are you oh to hear us hello yeah I'm here speaker Ross
thank you yeah this is Anastasia here on the ground
in Houston just want to give a quick report on the Keisha Rogers campaign I'm sure
we all know she's somebody who has been actively in the fight and continuing
Lucian's fight for his for laws and her election into Congress would be a pretty
big shift and blood owed to the British Empire so we've been working pretty hard on
getting her petitions in to get her on the ballot that's going pretty well right
now we're going to be continuing that through the next month this Saturday actually
we're going to be having a meet and greet it's going to be at the Westwood Village
Cabana clubhouse three to five you can get more information on her website at the
Keisha Rogers dot-com website um and all this stuff is coming off of actually a
pretty great a pretty great meeting that we had we actually just went to a Martin
Luther King it was a an event at the University of Houston where they had an event
celebrating the life of Martin Luther King and Reverend bill Lawson was there
speaking and tisha got to to get one of her books signed by him and talk with him
and see amongst the family there which was pretty wonderful was an honor to be
around this some this great fighter that same day the Schiller Institute held a
pretty fantastic event that I got to attend also at the University of Houston we
had about 45 people good handful of students who showed up the speakers we had the
deputy consul general of the Republic of China who spoke we also had the Consul
General of Pakistan who spoke and our member Brian Brian Lantz spoke as well some
of the pretty was a pretty engaged audience we had a pretty explosive time at the
end people just rushed up to the front of the room to talk with the Consul General
the deputy consul general with with Brian asking all sorts of questions students
were taking pictures videos during the event so afterwards it was a it was a pretty
electric response I thought so we'll definitely keep keep the motion up here and
have some more fun and just wanted to you have a quick report here Thanks okay very
good any comment Mike you just want to keep going oh great sounds terrific great
okay all right can you hear us hmm Mike this is Alvin here in New York I wanted
that well back in September we just started the month of May and it was at the end
of September when Barbara Boyd and the organization broke the muir report and
during that time a little before and after people like Ray McGovern and CIA and
Bill Binney NSA as you know one publican and worked with us and the blood began to
come out of British intelligence people like Muller and the FBI and this was
significant accomplishment of a mobilization by this organization now you have
things like the Russians calling out the Brits publicly and directly on all their
intelligence and dirty tricks and operations and this is also very useful and again
it was started by this organization what I wanted to ask you about is this with
this inevitable blowout and no real movement from the Trump administration and that
this could appear to be perhaps what one might call a blind spot given perhaps
largely due to the coup attempt and even his family members being attacked and so
forth but that you know the same type of accelerated mobilization as we go into the
conference on Saturday and into the next weeks ahead seems to be and we're talking
about you know getting the pamphlet out on the floor laws and promoting and
promoting teachers candidacy that we need to really how can we and how must we well
important it is that we turn or not turn our attention because the Mueller
operation and the British that's not and still tense but a lot has been done we
don't seem to have made the same type of headway that we should have and are
focusing our energies perhaps on the pamphlet of the four laws from glass-steagall
right into a fusion economy so as one of you could talk with us about that and how
we need to make that shift right now and increase that mobilization around those
things using tisha as a model well I wouldn't under state the effect we've had
already with two runs of that four laws pamphlet actually one of them updated and
we want to get that updated one reprinted now which has the whole Silk Road policy
as well as the four laws I mean you know we're dealing here it's the power of ideas
that that move history and when you see Trump during his campaign and afterwards
talk about the American system talk about Alexander Hamilton he means it he has a
sense of this we know from the people we know around him that he knows our material
he's read it he's thought about it there's there's there's every reason to think
that what we've done is set this thing in motion now you know Trump has has done
some things that get roundly attacked he had a tax cut he has these tariff policies
that he's talking about but keep in mind that Alexander Hamilton's policies were
protectionist they had tariffs they made sure taxes were low they use tariffs
rather than taxes John Kennedy cut taxes because he wanted to see the money to go
into industry the problem with the tax cut and even with the tariff policies is
that they're not necessarily going to be driving credit into into the physical
economy [Music] so in the first year then that'll probably resolve the problem more
important is our proposal and we've discussed this before in these calls what we
have said to trump and what we're telling our friends in China and Japan is look
America needs trillions of dollars of infrastructure China and Japan are holding a
trillion dollars each in US government debt which pays them zero interest they
would love to use that money to build American infrastructure and it can be done
piecemeal the way when Trump went over there you know they signed what was a two
hundred and fifty billion dollars worth of infrastructure project very significant
but that's peanuts in a sense if we follow limbs for laws and establish a National
Bank a national infrastructure bank which like out Alexander Hamilton's basically
turns debt into into credit now how do you turn debt into credit well the Chinese
are holding let's say a trillion dollars in US debt so you say okay look let's swap
that for equity in a national bank a national infrastructure bank so you're holding
your holding equity in a national infrastructure bank which we can then use as
collateral for issuing credit a trillion dollars worth to build American
infrastructure and we don't have to worry about China taking and we don't have to
worry about sign of taking over anything the way the Congress people argue because
they're basically just shareholders in a National Bank well this is awesome we have
got in China [Music] you this service is provided by freak access code accepted
this conference is being recorded Q&A session started roll in that pamphlet you
know so we need to solve some of the funding problem but by and large we're doing
we were in the right direction we're doing this right we don't have to keep doing
it hard that's that's the main thing why I've really [Music] this service is
provided by 3x accepted this conference is being recorded Q&A session started
obviously for the future of humanity it would be better [Music] [Music] this
service is provided by pre conferencing dot-com please enter your access code
accepted this conference is being recorded Q&A session started you know to prevent
this coup and we have to prevent World War 3 which means we've got [Music] this
service is provided by free conferencing dot-com please enter your access code
followed by the pound this menu will repeat please enter your ex [Music] this
service is provided by pre-conference please enter your access code followed by the
pound access code accepted this conference is being recorded Q&A session started of
course you know they have huge reserves in dollars but you know the in general the
way that's approached by our enemies is that they try to make people think that the
Chinese are the problem because they could pull the plug on the dollar by suddenly
dumping all their holdings but they have no interest in doing that you know they
they want to see a prosperous economy they want to see a win-win world they know
that they would go down with the ship if they tried to pull the plug on the UN but
as that was as was brought up by Calvin you know the British might there's no
question about that but there's no resolution to the quadrillion dollars Dru
derivatives except for LaRoche's for a loss you know when Roosevelt implemented
glass vehicle huge amounts of money disappeared because it was funny money it was
fake the banks were holding huge amounts of a tiny proportion of what we see today
but for those days huge proportional to speculative death which was actually
worthless and when the plug was when the when the reality was forced on them
through the glass-steagall Act they they basically had to write that off their
books in many banks didn't reopen now this does cause real problems because
pensions are tied up in this stuff people's investments their their their life
savings and so forth so this is not a panacea that just gets implemented
everything's okay this is going to be a huge job a government is going to have to
take responsibility for dealing with the pension funds and the savings and the and
the bonds and so forth that suddenly get destroyed when this thing gets shut down
it's either gonna get shut down and artistically by just letting the bubble burst
in which case total chaos or it gets shut down in an orderly way through an Oregon
orderly reorganization the banking system as Roosevelt did and as we're gonna have
to do now so you know that's the only way to approach this there's no solution to
that quadrillion it can't be bailed out it couldn't be bailed out even if you
wanted to because it's just as you said it's it's way beyond the productive power
of the human race
as a whole to bail out the quadrillion dollars in gambling debts therefore there's
no other option other than to write most of that off and then go to work creating
new credits so that you can intervene in the situations where people have been
basically left high and dry by the collapse of they're being sucked into being part
of a some sort of a mutual fund or a pension that's tied up in this is garbage and
we're going to have to have real concern for these people so that's that the
problem but you have to implement a new credit Airi system at the same time that
you wipe out this bubble otherwise you have no way of dealing with the with the
disaster that would unfold if this stuff collapses an artistically rather than in
an orderly way and the Chinese are going to be our best friends in that because
they want the help they want to have that money they're holding do something
productive to get America out of the mess they know that the political problems
they have with the United States and the Russians know to have to do with our
economic mess that we're subservient to the British financial system at this point
and getting us out from under that British financial system is the best way for us
to become a productive friend rather than a you know a threat good ok very good the
next question all right can you hear us hello can you hear us if your sausage -
Valerie this is Michael a Christmas Pelican earring okay now we can yeah all right
longtime reader of your publications Daniel called me from the San Francisco office
and let me know about the call I appreciate the work over the decades it is decades
just basically try to keep it as brief as possible I want to thank Dennis and Lynn
speed for their long-term commitment and it's still hosting these calls
representing the older more committed staff our long-term staff and Michael and me
hostage stager who are still contacts of mine the testimonies from the Michael
Billington an American political prisoner and seven-time you know a US presidential
candidate lynn lyndon larouche and his wife alga as time goes by more and more we
realized how right they have been and found wrong our opponents is just contended
their wrongness asserted their wrongness we see that now I want to just ask a
question regarding the trillion dollars of Treasuries held by China I'm currently a
political candidate candidate for County Commissioner and we base our political
metrics the law if you will on per county per thousand per square mile based on
various transportation health care that counts per hundred four thousand and how
would a potential county commissioner present the idea of China Treasury's
developing their local geographical area I've been lack of being able to formulate
the question better and for brevity I think you can draw from that way what you're
asking well two things I'd say first of all as a candidate I'm sure the stagers
have told you you know the first thing to do is to adopt our program our candidate
program our national program for America which which is a platform on which
candidates for any office can run to implement both the four laws in the silk road
policy and so forth but in terms of China's role here I mean if we win the big
fight which we must then it's going to be up to our national bank to look around
the country the way Roosevelt did he actually divided the country into quadrants
and he talked about how each each area was going to get a certain amount of this
investment and they send people in to see what kind of infrastructure was was
required what kind of what where where you needed new water system sewer systems
where you needed power lines where you needed other kinds of infrastructure but
it's also if you're running for County Commissioner office you know the the fact is
states and cities are sending delegations over to China all the time because the
Chinese have been basically shut out of major investments at a national level by
congressional people who want to stop China and therefore they've gone to the
states you know I'm sure you know what happened in West Virginia that was the the
biggest state that got support when when Trump was over and sighing it was 83
billion dollars that said potentially is going to completely transform that state
same thing in Alaska same thing in some of the grain states Texas but these were
done by state to state to China delegations Bart Branstad the US ambassador over in
China of course is from Iowa he was governor in Iowa and you know he knew about
China's interest in working with local communities now this is true in the state
level especially but also on the city level and there are delegations going from
states all over the country right now and and by the way all over Africa all over
all over Europe delegations going to China saying we wanted to be part of this and
I strongly encourage you to get your local community thinking about actually
contacting the Chinese and seeing what you can do about actually getting some of
this infrastructure into your either local community or into your state area I mean
that's what the Chinese want to do they want to be part of rebuilding this country
they know what a disaster it is they've been here the Chinese the Chinese guy who
was the deputy or the head of the World Bank for a while gave a speech in
Washington blunt and he we just joked he had to take the Americas high-speed rail
the axela Amtrak train from New York down to Washington to give this speech and he
said I couldn't believe it you know it was it took like I wouldn't forget how many
hours and the power went out at one point and then we got to DC and there was a
blackout he said my god in China nobody would put up with it but we have high-speed
trains that go out every seven minutes to get us from Shanghai to Beijing in a few
hours and you know I mean they were almost laughing at the decrepit state of the
American infrastructure and they want to build an economy here so they're that
they're our best friends and our best collaborators intend to get anything going a
few it that way it thanks for the information for continuing doing the work that
you do it's important work it it'll have to continue even if we win this day and
they need a front and everybody else I didn't Mitch and Dennis small John awful all
all the people who write just Marcia Freeman everybody thank you so much ok thank
you very much sir ok this will be our final question for the evening and it is
hello are you there this is grant from Louisiana I want to emphasize the tariff
issue and the Hamilton plan in place I think it needs to be emphasized more yeah I
know it's true I mean you know Hamilton system with the protection of system and
food to the British system which said free trade free trade free trade well what
did the British mean by the free trade yeah it meant for instance that the Chinese
had to accept free trade in opium when the Chinese government tried to stop their
shipping of opium into China they said you're breaching free trade which gives us
the right to go to war and they started the opium wars but even you know even since
that time the so-called free trade argument is to keep countries backwards even the
United States the reason Hamilton was a protectionist was because the British and
their their supporters in a sense people like Jefferson who wanted to keep the
country a slave ah cracy a rural agricultural country because they see they are
their argument was that this is where we're good and we should stick with this and
Hamilton said that's crazy this is the way they'll completely dominate us even if
we win the revolution we need to be an industrial nation which means we have to
protect our nation industries they can't compete with the with the textile mills in
Manchester you know they wanted the British wanted the slave system because they
were getting all this cotton from the south what right up through the Civil War
that was the case why they supported this out but you know Hamilton said no we have
to have protective tariffs now at this point we're an advanced industrial economy
and you could make the argument that we we don't need protective tariffs we need to
have more trade well there's truth to that but the fact of the matter is that we
have undermined and destroyed our scientific and our industrial capacities to such
a point that we have to draw the line and we have to start putting investment back
into having higher technology productive capacities here not just bringing our
industries back which john talks about all the time there's there some truth to
that too but by and large just bringing our industries that isn't going to solve
the problem we have to leap into advanced technologies we have to have the kind of
research in diffusion that we have is point four in the four laws we have to revive
our space program at a far far higher level because all of those have spin-offs for
the industrial infrastructure into the economy it's only when you have a science
driver that you're generating the new technologies again then get turned into
machine tool that then transform the way you produce things and and generate the
kind of productive capacity for yourself and of course these things are used around
the world - so you're you're advancing the entire world platform action but tariffs
at this point are not necessarily a bad thing and keep in mind that the the Germans
have tariffs far far higher than we do against automobiles and steel and things
like that other countries do too so this is not a trade war this is a discussion
about certain kinds of tariffs that are appropriate for this stage of our
development but tariffs which are also part of a general move towards fair trade
rather than free trade where you actually work out trade agreements that are based
upon both sides advancing and not one side trying to take advantage
of keeping development down on the other side which is the way most of the British
free trade policies work Graham okay again the part we develop whether
constitutions regulate the value of money and upon Cohen it takes the standard
weights measures if we follow that policy we would protect protectionism and with
human man zero trade balance at the end of the year with which with each nation we
trade with well I I couldn't tell you Fred I'm not sure we want zero trade balances
i I just don't know if that's necessarily the best way to do it you might want to
have some some differences here and there the main thing is that it's that both
sides are focused on advancing the productive platform of the population as a whole
and if you're thinking that way if you're acting that way then you know you'll come
up with the necessary nuts and bolts to make it work certainly if you're working
with the Chinese will come up with the right way to make it work you know the u.s.
is now saying that China is somehow doing something illegal by wanting to have a
more advanced computer chip policy I mean this is crazy that we should encourage
them to advance their technology and compete and infusion power and so forth it
would be beneficial for us to advance that as long as we're doing it too but right
now we're not doing it that's the so we're saying we're not going to do it and we
don't want you to do it with you you know self-destruct it so I think Trump wants
to change that and we certainly want to change it so that's what we're going to
fight to do okay thank you okay Fred Thanks so long okay Michael we're at the end
with the conclusion I guess I'll just say one thing before you give your final
remarks which is this Saturday at noon national webcast everybody should get people
on that go onto your Facebook pages or your Twitter accounts or your email look for
people that should actually be brought into the discussion helga Zeppelin Roush
will be laying out an international strategic overview it will be perfect for
people who don't think they know much I mean I think they're interested can be
shocked into reality by seeing that and so people should basically definitely do
that secondly we need you to help us in our fundraising efforts because of how its
formidable certain people believe it to be because of the independence of our
fundraising we have a goal the goal is seventy-five seven seventeen thousand
dollars by tomorrow night I don't know exactly where we are unfortunately I
apologize for that but you can contact your office's local offices or regional
offices and they'll let you know about that and then finally the class series that
we're doing there will be a session tomorrow night Saturday night soon at 7 p.m.
those of you who signed up for the class just want to know about that chain if you
didn't know that was a change and others should just go to our to our website
you'll find out other information about that so let me just stop there so Mike if
you have some closing remarks for us uh no I'll just mentioned that besides
tomorrow's webcast hell that did a half-hour discussion as she does every week with
with Carly this afternoon just 30 minutes but it's packed I see is she is extremely
passionate about the fact that Americans have got to really internalize the fact
that this long long long hundreds of years long battle but the British Empire is
within our grasp history can be changed dramatically for the red time if we act in
a concerted way to make this happen so if you haven't listened to it already I
encourage you to go to the loose back website and listen to that half-hour with
with Helga this afternoon and then tomorrow she'll get us go into I'm sure even you
know a more generalized discussion that encourages into this Saturday yeah Saturday
night yeah my right yeah all right so good I want to thank everybody being on the
call I want to thank you for the work you're about to do and the money you're about
to give and raise and we will see you again next week the session is over

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