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Name: ____________________________________________________ Project Due Date: 04/23/2017

Statistics Project!

You are surveying a sample of your 7th grade class to make predictions about your entire 7th
grade class. Complete each of the following tasks to determine something about your class.
This paper will be collected with the information from each question and your creative display.

Due: 04/19
1. Come up with a statistical question to ask your peers. It must be
approved by your teacher and no question can be repeated. Questions are
first come, first served.

My question is: _______________________________________________


Due: 04/20
2. Ask a sample of your class your question; remember to conduct an
unbiased survey and ask a big enough sample to represent your entire grade.
Record your results in a frequency table.
I plan to ask my survey question to ____________________________

Due: 04/20
3. Create a dot plot to display your data. Make sure to use correct labels
and make everything legible.

Due 04/20

4. If there are 300 students in 7th grade, make 2 predictions about your class
based on the data you collected. For example, Mrs. Davis asked what birth
month students were born. She then determined about how many students
in the entire middle school were born in March, July, and December.

Due 04/23
5. Display project in a creative way.
Display must include: explanation of data sampling method, explanation of
predictions, a visual representation of the data collected
Name: ____________________________________________________ Project Due Date: 04/23/2017

Rubric for Statistics Project

Category Needs Improvement - 0 Satisfactory - 1 Exemplary - 2

Question is not Question is Question is statistical

statistical or is missing statistical. and creative.

Sample size is not

Sample size is not large Sample size is large
Sample & Frequency large enough or
enough and frequency enough and frequency
Table frequency table is
table is missing table is present

Dot Plot is missing Dot plot is complete

Dot Plot Dot Plot is missing labels or is not with appropriate
completed labels

2 or more predictions
No predictions are 1 prediction is made
Making Predictions are made based on
made based on your data
your data

Display is not Display is complete

Creative Display No creative display creative or is not and creative. Display
completed is colorful.

Read through the rubric to determine what will gain you the most points for your project.

Total Points: ______/10

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