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elitistas)... Puros resentimientos (Nacionalismos, chovinismos)

Criticones, Haters, Losers, Negativos, Envidiosos (�xito es demostraci�n). Anti-
americanos. Trump est� ganando y el pa�s tambi�n. No lo soportan. Locura,
desconectados, pura rabia y odio (motivaci�n). Hip�critas. Pasados de tiempo,
arcaicos. Ideologizados radicales extremistas.

Because he respects the people with the hammers and the hard hats. He sees them as
remarkable people who have their own skills and deserve respect.?
I worked construction and what you claim is just crap, I can tell a fraud and that
is the judgement I get from you. When I was seven I was digging outhouse holes for
a dollar and lunch, picked crops, went to Vietnam, got an engineering degree and
made several million. You are just a democratic party party hack who killed
California, Detroit, Chicago, the universities into communist light. You are
Considering trump is actually following through with the ideas he said during
campaign, he is the most trutfull president this country has ever seen. Hes
exposing the corruption of the state and the left. Trump is single-handendly
turning this country around. See ya at the polls 2020, get ready for a red wave of
trump. If your even old enought to vote?
Because I come from a family that taught that a man is only as good as his word and
Trump is that type of man. While I would count my fingers after shaking hand with a
democratic party hack. The black community thanks you for destroying it, the
homeless in California thanks you, the victims in Chicago thank you. Honesty is a
foreign concept to you I am sure. Any lie or Slander that serves the destruction of
Western Civilization works for the Democratic party.?
Trump is so funny
He can brag because he's right!
get over it man. Trump ?? is the most coolest awsome guy
I love Trump because he's real. I love Trump because he's not two faced. I love
Trump because he loves America (us). I love Trump because he gets the job done. I
love Trump because he's not a rino. I love love love Trump because HES NOT A
DEMOCRAT (I add this just so I could smile at the hate which is surely coming my
This man is giving us our country back! The left is losing and they know it. Now,
we need to watch out, because cornered animals are the most dangerous. I'm betting
the left is going to start to make pushes toward violence. Prepare accordingly.
EDIT: spelling?
Trump has the unique ability to figuratively poke his fingers in the eyes of the
media and the political class that are always condescendingly lecturing us working
class people on how stupid and ill-informed we are.?
The ONLY hate I have seen and heard come from the leftist loonactics. That just
illustrates how delusional he is and that leftism is a mental disorder that needs a
cure immediately.?
I want my president to feel bigger in all ways than any other person, he represents
me and I happen to really like my "big brother" being the biggest baddest man on
earth. He a protector and not a bully and anyone that feels he is a bully has an
agenda that is against me. My "big brother" is the President and I want him just
the way he is, don't change one bit.?

Obama was a disaster, and it shows everyday. His team claimed chemical weapons were
no longer in Syria.. We have weapons there. Trump has seen massive Success that the
DNC lapdog media censors. China is ready to discuss trade... even a slight chance
in the Trade Balance would result in millions of new US jobs.?
He closes the deal on NKorea. Unlike the moron Obama who was all about
Lol all politicans want wins for themselves you little clown boy?
Tax cuts,lowest black and Hispanic unemployment in decades. Trying to keep out
illegal immigrants and terrorists . Even bent over to let the democrats save DACA
(which they have no interest in). Yep Hillary should have won.At least with her we
could have had WW3 already.?
Great now Frontline is propaganda. The House passed a repeal with the Senate being
screwed by McCain. This is all done under budget reconciliation so they didn't need
60 but could only add 1.5 trillion under the Byrd rule. Trump ended up getting
everything he wanted and more with the repeal of the mandate in the tax cuts law.
Hopefully the piece will celebrate this great victory for the taxpayers and
actually try to be different from the torrent of leftwing journalism we always
Because our fu@$ING government is corrupt as hell !! That's why !!!?
If your not on the media's side or the left.You face a barrage of
hate,lies,accusations to makes you fail. Politicians are children squabbling in the
school playgrounds in there group's.?
Paul Ryan is a traitor. WTH was he doing in Syria with McCain ... all will be
Charlie Dent, Failed Senator Flake (3 years advocating for illegals, 3 years hating
Trump=His entire career), and the NYT. These PBS JOKE DOCUMENTARIES don't even hide
their bias. its disgusting in a way.?
When democracy is run by such corrupted frauds and scam artists like John McCain
you know it isn't worth a thing.?
McCain the rino, the traitor,the outspoken hater of Trump,the same McCain that
promised to repeal Obamacare if he were reelected. He is a disgrace.?
McCain, People that were not alive during the Vietnam war don't realize that this
man was in no way a war hero. Now as then this man is a traitor, a self serving,
treacherous, evil person.?
John McCain save Obamacea?
John McCain is insane. It is probably in part due to his imprisonment and torture
as a prisoner of war. Due to the psychological damage I believe he suffered from
that experience, I could not bring myself to vote for him as a Presidential
candidate. He is simply too unstable to have been trusted in such a sensitive
position. Responsibility lies with the Republican Party for nominating him. The
demise of a country can be traced to a finite number of events, many of which are
traceable to actions of individuals. To require taxpayers to pay for the
healthcare of others is one such event. It seems to be too foreign a concept at
this time to expect people to pay for what they receive. The United States operates
on deficit spending. Such a policy is unsustainable. Ultimately, the United
States will cease to exist as a nation and it will be traceable to the
irresponsible actions of elected representatives like John McCain.?
Definitely betrayed his party.?
Mccaine a POS .rot in hell !?
100% RINO.

About what Jordan said that parents are afraid to be an authority, because that can
crush creative spirit of a child. Look at Elliott Smith: he had a really tough
step-dad, and probably was even abused, and yet he is probably the most genius
dude in music. Of course that's just one example, and it could be different in
general statistics, but being "an authority" does not mean literally destroy your
kid's creativity.?
I didn't have to be spanked by my Dad as a kid. However, since I was impossible to
reason with I felt I didn't have to listen to them. I knew what would earn a
spanking and I still crossed the line. Towards the end of high school I was on a
very destructive path and my Dad punched me in the face. But you know why it was
abuse? because I had the ability and the strength to punch back and I did. If he
punched me and I was a little kid that couldn't defend myself then yea that could
be seen as abuse. Years later I apologize to him. ALEX MARTINEZ You're the feminine
type of guy that won't discipline his kids so the wife has to have a real man come
into the picture to be a father to the kid. Then not too long from there you'll be
spending your evenings watching your wife get fucked by her boyfriend. We have
enough beta males already spic boy take shit back to Mexico where you came from.?
Don't blame your bad parenting on the President.
Make sure your room is clean.?
No liberal spends a minute without trump crossing their mind?
What kind of interview was this? Bill didn't say "so you're saying" even once!?
Yeah , liberals all cheering for free speech when it suits them. Watch Shapiro
try to speak at a campus and see how much they like free speech. The last thing
liberals like is free speech.?
Notice the difference between an entertainer who thinks and a thinker who is asked
to entertain. One waits for the laugh. The other waits for the laughter to
"Donald Trump is president, how are we supposed to raise normal children?" This
statement is a great microcosm of the liberal delusion gripping these people. They
are incapable of raising good kids because...Trump? I'd say they weren't capable of
being good, moral parents in the first place.?
What's disturbing about the bedrock? The people that want common sense immigration,
not open borders? The people enjoying extra money in their pockets from tax breaks?
The people excited about the 60 year humanitarian crisis that is North Korea coming
to an end? The people who now have jobs and raises because of the roaring economy?
Because shit, wasn't Trump supposed to be like a nuclear bomb for the economy?
Obama himself said his ideas would require some typed of magic wand, so wait, was
Obama such a masterful economist that he managed to create an economy that could
withstand the most incompetent, maniacal, demented president ever? Even though
everyone was sure Hillary would win? How do you liberals square all that in your
People are tired of self indulgent liberals talking down their nose at people. It's
why the actual collusion between Hillary and the MSM is so disgusting, because they
think they can tell struggling, working class people they are racist, xenophobic,
and bigoted for voting in their own interests....and then expect them to vote for
them. What will the democrat platform be for 2020?? Higher taxes! We will take away
guns! We will allow open borders! We will make you feel guilty for being white!
GTFO, the dems have already lost?
Easy answer: because this generation of parents were wrought from the experimental
hippie generation which had no moral gumption - just as like to produce a Charles
Manson as a flower child - having never received the proper discipline they
needed, living the "everything goes" delusion, never learning critical thought, but
rather, automatically rejecting all ancestral wisdom; and blindly buying into the
cult of "open mindedness" (which, as an old wit once observed, having an open mind
just means nothing stays in it!). They are children themselves, given to childish
pursuits for self-gratification, and treat their own children like "buddies" that
they can mold as fellow partakers of childish notions. These people have no
values themselves, and hence, nothing to offer their offspring. They are
mindless, self-indulgent, consumeristic, populist, sentimental morons; and all that
we see today, the decay and the decline, is the inevitable consequence that many
before had foreseen, though they were derided by the knavish mob.?
Wow, what a shame. You brought a genius onto the show just so you could make boring
jokes, insert degrading audience laughter, and by all means... mention Trump. Smh?
Bill don't compare yourself to Jordan...if it wasn't for your connections you would
be selling star map in Hollywood!?
Trans people don't have a right not to be offended. Nobody does. It's not that
You can tell now he's paying somebody else to clean his rooms. Good for him
It�s so obvious the rest of the panel and the audience is american. Bill just
wanted him on the show for ratings not for a discussion and the other three clearly
don�t like to look in the mirror.?
Jordan is trying to tell people to discipline their kids so that other people would
like them and so that in the end the parents themselves would too. Because they
won�t be cute and small forever and the things they do will not be either.
Exercising authority comes at the initial cost of the child rebelling, throwing
tantrums and generally expressing dislike towards the parent - and many unwise or
insecure parents can�t handle that, so their children walk over them.
Maher is SUCH a dope. Blames America for political correctness instead of the
libtards he leads. Jeez, self-awareness is completely extinct on the left.?
Bill and his lefty friends are SO CONDESCENDING!! My GOD! These nimrods want to
socialize the USA and call themselves forward and in lightened?? Socialism is an
old, tired idea that 100 million people have been killed by, The Constitution is in
lightened!! They call Trump supporters backwards? Socialism could not BE more
maher was and is nonsensical, he was simply afraid of Jordan, and would not let him
develop any ideas, maher's obvious hatred of children is rather disgusting, pure
egotistic maniac, i wish he read book by Ringelblum " notes from Warsaw ghetto",
his eyes would def open a bit?
The irony is that Bills left leaning echo chamber has taken away the parents
ability to discipline their children by the exact values that he favors.?
the only problem with free speech is when people INTENTIONALLY abuse it. then say
"it's just free speech" Its like striking up a balance. Political correctness has
gone mad. But at the same time people can be so nasty you can't help but support
the 'victim'. Best example in our new social media world is the recent Ghostbusters
film. Fans had a right to complain because it appears to be a lazy act of forced
diversity. But the insane nasty abuse of the ladies and especially Leslie Jones
made me not care about the original complaint. My only concern was for the sanity
of the actors. Hope this makes sense. Peace?
Funny cause this crowd are the very things that Peterson is describing?
talk about the clash of two worlds. Dr Peterson being thoughtful and forthright
and driven by the truth and Maher's show being about entertainment, provocation and
political correctness. this is why I don't watch shows like Maher's anymore.
"empty calories" of junk food for the mind. I am not certain what is served by
appearing on this show, but perhaps a little enlightenment for the masses might go
a long way for a few...?
I've been following Jordan Peterson for about a year and I've probably watched a
full days worth of content by him and seriously the man is never wrong. Super
intelligent and super on point. He should be the next president.?
Peterson is very upset that he cannot shit on Trans people, it's freedom of speech
he tells us and YOUR feelings don't matter, BUT GOD FORBID you hurt the feels of a
Trump supporter.... I'm sorry for those of you who are new to these topics but
Peterson sounds like a child.. and Maher really needs to stop bringing in late
guests that only serve to confirm his half-baked biases.... pun intended?
Yeah, it�s totally the Right that is attacking the concept of free speech. Good
thing Bill didn�t just cherry pick the one in a thousand times it was the right
calling for someone to be fired. Luckily left wing people never do that.?
funny how all the convervacucks who worship Jordan Peterson care so much about free
speech until someone says something mean about Barbara Bush?
You think everything that Jordan says is common sense bc it is. You should have
asked him about god and religion.... He is immensely overrated?
Bill is so full of shit, he talks about Trump in exactly the same way he talked
about Bush in 2006.?
I pity Bill, what as sad individual.?
Bill Maher is a member of the leftist elite that created the current culture. He
is just as guilty as any hollywood liberal hypocrite.?
Most of the time Maher leans to the politically correct. Don't let him fool you.?
and Bill Maher is NO champion of free speech either...he's kicked some people off
of his show and has had some audience members escorted out because he found them to
be "offensive"..oh, the irony!?
One problem though is that some people claim to be telling the truth, when they are
actually lying, and that includes not telling the whole truth. Then when someone
calls them out about the lie, they complain about political correctness. So not
all positions that offend are the truth. Many are outright lies. Let's be honest
about that.?
Maher and his cronys can't hang with JP's intellect, he makes too much sense for
their liberal minds to comprehend...they probably went and hid in their safe spaces
Easy for white guys to complain about the fragile crybabies. They never experience
any real unfairness in their lives in this part of the world so its all academic.
The most amazing thing is to be around a white guy in a non white country the first
time he is discriminated against in a serious way. They flip out and go berserk 10
times as bad as any minority in the US.?
I've been to countries where I was an extreme minority, far more of a minority than
black Americans. People looked at me like I was some kind of unicorn. They also
pulled the hair on my legs/arms and giggled, etc... I didn't give a shit, I found
it pretty amusing. They were obviously just curious. Now try going to the US and
treating a black person like they're some kind of alien. Stroke their hair, touch
their skin and examine them. You will be knocked out within an hour lmao.?
Or just get swarmed by a group of angry SJWs screeching "RACIST" in your ears.
White people are no less tolerant of racism than blacks. People are people, the
fact that you are differentiating based on race makes YOU the racist! Let that sink
in retard.?
Yeah us white people gor everything going for it, shouldnt look for a job at google
apple bbc or some huge corporation cause they dont want white people. Btw when
white people say things from the perspective of minorities you always come back
with YOU DONT KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE! Yet you guys know what its like to be white.. its
You don't know what it's like to be white. Perhaps you should figure out how to
get your group's violent crime rate down instead of complaining about white people?
White people are great by the way. Go move to a nonwhite country if you hate white
people that much.?
How exactly do you know how it is for white guys? Have you ever been white??
unlike people like you I listen to people and pay attention to how they are
treated. white men face personality adversity, everyone does, but adversity because
they are white men is rare and almost never in the context of very important things
(getting a job, housing, policing, etc). its also common sense. 90% of the most
powerful positions in our society, at least, are held by white men, and most of the
rest by white women. who exactly would be making life unfair for white guys because
they are white guys??
So Donald Trump being president is the cause of current 18-25 year old's not being
able to handle reality.
Hey Republitards - Jordan Peterson is way too intelligent to be a conservative.
Sure he points out hypocracies in libs but he is in no way a Conservative who does
not believe in climate change, racial equality etc. Just because Fox likes to spin
any criticisms against libs into a conservative affirmation. Fact is you
Conservatives unlike libs are incapable of or unwilling to criticize yourselves?
He comes on Bill Maher's show, has his own agenda, wants a safe space for the so-
called "disenfranchised" t-rump supporters... I don't get how that doesn't seem to
bother Bill... I guess its' a power, money and status thing...?
An academic advocating that we need to be gentle with t-rump voters, not criticize
them so much... Sounds like he wants a SAFE SPACE for t-rump voters for me! Sorry,
go wear a helmet, no such thing as a safe space...!?
The Left has taught us that discipline is abuse. They're wrong. I'm not talking
about physical harm, but correction. It drove mother nuts whenever I corrected my
children because she's a liberal who believes it's abusive. She's terrified that it
will ruin them to be warned about the dangers and consequences that exist in the
world, let alone at home! What's even more confusing to me is that when I was a
child, she corrected me! It's enough to drive you insane... there's no consistency!
There's a place for using the method of redirection... e.g. when a kid is a
toddler. But there are teaching moments that ought not to be bypassed for fear of
ruining the kids!?
Soros/Bilderberg fund political correctness?
I don't blame the Universities, I blame the INFOTAINMENT INDUSTRY. It starts with
pumping celebrity culture into our minds, where 90% of people's minds are filled
with apparently lavish and perfect lifestyles of a handful of people, they are
being glorified whenever you sit infront of a tv, or open up a magazine or even in
social media. Then they go back to their real lives which are as good as it can
get, but looks depressing and lifeless infront of the fake celebrity culture which
they are constantly dillusioned with. This breeds desperate individuals seeking
acceptance. This frustration can then be used to make the youth vulnerable to
ideological subversion. This way, family values, nationalist ambitions, religious
traditions and the sense of community can be broken up gradually, creating
individuals who are detached from their true identity and seek only their self
interest. At the core of liberalism is the frustrated emotionally indisciplined
individual. Failed mutations so to speak. Men who lack testosterone and women who
can't seduce a man. None of these people are meant to survive and propagate their
genes to the next generation, and they don't, but their ideologies are infectious,
especially for young women who are already in enough stress because they can't find
a proper man no matter how attractive they are because all the men are sexually
exhausted and desensitized from too much pornography. I heard that all the songs
coming out of Hollywood from different artists are all written by just 4 people. So
there is a conspiracy to break up the family, different communities and make men
non resistant that is in full effect.?
Bill Maher was more interested in swearing and cracking jokes than listening to his
Why would they put someone so smart on such a duuuumb show?
I think it goes far deeper than Universities, the rot of society began with the
trading of winners and losers for "participation awards" beginning in pre-schools
and continuing to college level. I watched it begin in the 80's
But... they didn't answer his question. What DO you do about the polarization
between the left and right? How can there be any expectation of reconciliation if
neither side is willing to respect the perspectives of the other? The left assumes
the right is ignorant and selfish, and the right assumes the left is naive and
weak. And maybe both sides are a bit right, but we have to respect each other, or
every political power grab from now on is going to be goddamned crazy like this
Every time I see Bill Maher, I want to ring his little neck. Spoiled little
So how does Marr not see that Trump's attitude of speaking whatever he wants even
if it offends is the counter culture to political correctness??

HEADLINE "North and South Korea vow 'no more war', agree to 'complete
denuclearisation' of peninsula" Trump is doing EPIC good in the world. CNN
reporting on it? Nah hahaha Imagine if Obama managed to pull this off.....?
No it's getting better , they used to hide it and you would never see it. Been
going on for 200 years. I feel good about our President banging all these tell all
chicks and punching anyone that punks on him. It's a good thing. I liked Clinton
getting head in the Oval Office too. I would not like to see Hillary on all fours
barking being done dog style in the Oval Office though, That would make me worry
what direction our country was going in. People are people and people F::k, that
what we do. Rather our Pres F::k than get F::ked. It's transparency. It's natural
and healthy. God Bless America?
BOOM! BREAKING NEWS: House intel concludes ZERO evidence President Trump�s
campaign colluded or conspired with the Russian government in 2016 campaign.?
The presidency went to Rock bottom with obama the feckless?
But, his approval ratings are rising. Go figure.?
The "journalism" standards have been brought down to its lowest level by CNN, that
present talk shows like Mr. Lemon's as News when it's ALL about opinions.?
how dare a liberal..homo pushing, abortion pushing everything filthy
pushing...human out a STANDARD! How hilarious.....Liberals do not
even know the meaning of the word STANDARD!?
NO WRONG ! Half the country is triggered and acting like little babies !CNN Fake
news !?
The king nigger was the beginning.?
There is nothing mentally unstable about a man smart enough to outwit the Clinton
mob( Oh and lets not get on those " standards"...)People are not mesmerized about
Trump and we didn't vote in a Pastor..and he TWEETS because the whole liberal media
is against him..and social media is how he gets ANYTHING out there...and he is NOT
a politician...and he tells everyone he's not. If you drink the Koolaid of the
liberal will never get the blinders off?
CNN's Don Lemon because of Obamas opioid crisis he cut the life expectancy in the
united states!! because of Obama and the democrat party the opioid crisis became
the leading cause of death for Americans and the worst drug epidemic!! and not a
peep from Don Lemon for 8 years?
gross .... if you didn�t vote .. that�s cowardice ... and as I can see you are a
gutter mouth with no integrity .. but remember you were the one calling this a
president with no STANDARDS... yet you would condemn him is he used all the
language you just used... that�s the hypocrisy of those drinking the koolaid....?
Trump was a excellent candidate simply because he is a business man and NOT a
politician And the chaos you are seeing is created by the socialist and the liberal
media ... simply because morals and anything to do with IN GOD WE TRUST was about
to be demolished... and you do see he is the ONLY president who is establishing
Jerusalem to its rightful place... I would say a higher power had something to do
with it?
yeah they elected Obama. Can�t get much lower than that.?
You got it wrong Roman he's doing everything right and the swamp people can't
handle that.?
so peace between North and South Korea, bring back America's economy,jobs/interest
and security, defeating Isis, Crackdown on human trafficking and pedophile rings
etc... And CNN is focused on this petty shit ?,, I mean Come on! sooner or later
you're gonna hop on the Trump train
CNN is a challenge for the truth and journalism integrity.?
Stormy Daniels Whore! bought and paid for! Bill Clinton just rapes them! Because
of Obamas opioid crisis he cut the life expectancy in the united states!! because
of Obama and the democrat party the opioid crisis became the leading cause of death
for Americans and the worst drug epidemic!! and not a peep from Don Lemon for 8
If you did your research you would realize that Don Lemon twisted that segment and
didn't show their response. There is a financial difference between being paid and
being reimbursed. Here is the link for their response. This is why people call CNN
fake news.?
Hahaha. They were reimbursed for travel expenses and not paid. But it is a good
think they were placed under oath and not Mark Cuckerberg, right? I wonder why?
Enjoy your Operation Mockingbird propaganda, it works great on the least
intelligent people on the planet and you prove it with every comment Makwa Balla!
"The demonicRatic party is playing you for a political chump, and if you vote for
them, not only are you a chump, but a traitor to the race" - Malcolm X two days
before he was assassinated by democrats. Let that sink in!?
They werent paid genius...its fake news again....THEY PAID THEIR OWN TICKETS and
were reimbursed. They MADE NO MONEY AT ALL..NOT 1 CENT...idiots..lmfao?
They wonder why they're called fake news then like this entire thread is people who
think Diamond and Silk are paid. God forbid black people like Trump, has to be sad and dumb are they. Thats why they lost the election.?
He's lying now and they don't see it.. They attack these poor black women for being
paid and they never made a penny.. This is why they lost votes in the last
election. But im sure they'll blame it on the popular vote.?
exactly the democrats are doing worse than before what makes them think they wil
win this time??
Popular vote being fair shows you how dumb people are. Every time a libtard says 1
vote is 1 vote, i laugh. The popular vote suppresses peoples vote actually. Which
is why we have an electorate?
the definition of reimbursement has the word PAYMENT in it. good grief trump
supporters are dull?
In the real world, for people who work and file taxes, PAID and REIMBURSEMENT are 2
different things. 1 is profit, 1 is expenses out of your pocket. I wouldn't expect
someone who lives at home with mommy to understand the difference between business
expenses and business profits The stupidity is amazing with libtards.?
If you're asking if the Trump campaign reimbursed them, then yes. If you're asking
if the Trump campaign paid them to speak, the answer is NO. WHY IS THAT SO HARD TO
Sure, its fine for open border nazis to piss and moan about the President.
Absolutely anything goes. Stormy makes this fake news channel into a version of
Jerry Springer. Lemon drops is a homo freak who thinks a mans you know what is the
place to be. How do you listen to this globalist crap??
the tape is edited .and lemon is lying again.?
Hey dumbass, I'm really going to feel sympathy for you when half of Obuttfuck's
cabinet and a dozen or so CIA/FBI/DOJ traitors are in jail. Poor you. Faggot.?
No I didn't make your point you flaming retard, I told you what is happening right
now, you're just in denial Kunte Kinte.?
It makes no difference if and when he has Trump supporters, because him and his
psychopathic liberal guest won't let him/her say a complete sentence.?
Only libtards believe gayboy lemon and CNN are credible news. lol !?
Libtards are beyond saving. For 18 months presstitute CNN has peddled #FakeNews
that Trump is a Russian agent. Now it's steered towards Stormy Daniels and other
fake stuff. Liberals are truly... MENTALLY RETARDED.?
That you are a moronic libtard? You're welcome. Actually you proved yourself. A
Ha ha ! Libtards believing CNN is real news. :)?
Are you glad that Lemon likes to suck Obongo's black herpes covered cock while he
shoves a cucumber up his asshole? just checking?
has it occurred to you that to ignore the multiple rape allegations against Bill
Clinton and Hillary's role in attacking his victims..... whilst attacking Trump for
having consensual sex with a Porn Star is the absolute epitome of insanity??
wonder if any of you mainstream dreamers soon Will wake up and realize Hillary is
in jail and the swamped will be cleaned and must be kept clean always!?
cnn is a sindrome given to us by globalist crookeds. Che this up
its CNN - not called kings of fake news for nothing!?
says Sergio, who no doubt supports war and the profiteering by military suppliers
because Fareed Zakaria tells him how wonderful it is to blow people up in other
You seem to be quite the queer.?
We will deport you queer.
HILLARY foundation play for PLAY.. Fast and furious Obama shipping WEAPONS to
it will be a dictatorship if that foul old witch Hillary gets in next time!?
There is No Russia and Trump connection. Sorry but this fact is proven by our
intelligence agency. Trump will win again in 2020. Have you heard the news The
Gallop Survey Results- President Trump is at a 86% approval rating. The media is
not giving facts but their own bias opinion and I'm sorry you can't understand

He's just buying time to not get swept up in the new world order. When Trump is out
of office, American freedom is over anyway. Our constitution is incompatible with a
one world government of authoritarian corporate fascist enslavement of the
You are confused. The U.S. does not run the world nor can solve the world's
problems. The U.S. can't even solve their own problems such as 50 million people
living in poverty. What you spout is a lot of theoretical stuff you read somewhere.
70% of the working people in the U.S. make less than 50K. 50% makes less than 29K.
No one can raise a family on those wages. And they wonder why the birth rate is too
low. Look at all the celebrities, journalists and politicians on TV. They have
several children some with 4 or 5 kids. Because they can afford it. You are out of
touch with the needs of the people. I see nothing in what you said that makes what
goes on in America better. That is all Trump is concerned with.?
For you unfortunate Liberal / leftists scum and you fool Zakaria with your idiotic
PNN fake news. You are burning in hell for the huge successful achievement so far
of JUST 16 months and his journey is still long of our GREAT PRESIDENT MR. DONALD
J. TRUMP to make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Save your shit to yourself and to your other
creatures from PNN. Because we the patriots don't buy it.?
Where do you guys come from? Outside of the corrupt world of criminals like Fareed
here (the plagiarist who does not have thoughts of his own) a real world exists.
Have you ever looked at it? Trump is stepping back from the world by taking on
China's unfair trade practices. He demanded China get serious over dealing with NK.
It seems like they responded (although as Trump has said, this may in part be
because Trump is working out a new trade deal with China where the US is not
bleeding $600Bill a year to China). Trump demanded the Sauds stop acting to
destabilise the Middle East. He also demanded they start paying to fix problems
they have helped create. He stepped up pressure on NK. He is renegotiating trade
deals that were designed to shipwreck the US economy. He told European nations they
need to take more of the burden for their own security and support the democratic
will of the people (by speaking favorably of the UK post Brexit). Trump is trying
to undo decades of damage done by stupid US leaders from both sides. Stepping on
Iran is good - especially because the west should be supporting Assad who is a
proxy of Iran. Iran is evil, they are worse than the Sauds (only just, the world
would better if both those countries fell off the planet), but the Sauds have more
influence over the Islamic world. We need the evil of Iran to counter and distract
the evil of Sauds (part of me thinks we should encourage, arm and facilitate it to
be honest). Unfortunately if you know much of Islamic history you know shedding
blood is what Islam does. While they brutalise each other the rest of the world is
largely left alone - or was until the west decided we need more violence on our own
streets. When you say Trump supporters are stupid and ignorant of world affairs you
should probably have a clue about something. Another 8 years of Obama style
insanity under Hillary would have been the death of us. Islamic violence is
growing. Meanwhile in the west our young adults need crayons and a safe space if
someone points out that there are only two genders.?
I support democracy. I oppose fascist ideas like communism, corporatism and
globalism. I support people's right to think and freely express their ideas
(including ideas I disagree with). I support the right of the people of western
nations to have governments that act in their best interest while not acting like
global pariahs. I support the west making a tactical withdrawal from the Middle
East and holding bad national actors to account. It would be great if the west
could just up and leave the Middle East now. But even in the best of times Islam
struggles to do peace and these are not the best of times.?
It depends what you mean by western alliances. If you mean Trump supports the
people of Europe who do not want undemocratic globalism rammed down their throats
then Trump supports Europe far more than Obama did. If, on the other hand, you mean
Trump does not support a totalitarian regime ramming globalism down peoples throats
you're right. Trump is opposed to that. Trump is opposed to allowing terror to
flourish in western nations. Trump is opposed to the west destabilising the Middle
East and flooding the west with more violent adherents of an ideology that hates
freedom, democracy, liberalism, pluralism, multiculturalism and every other thing
man has fought hard to create. Rather than listen to what the frauds at CNN say
listen to what Trump says. His speech in Poland was one of the best speeches by a
western leader in decades. CNN is happy to lie and incite race hate. We don't need
Russia causing factionalism and dismantling western society - we have lying media
to do that for us. And, for the record, it really is not in Russia's interests for
the west to collapse. You realise that, right??
he didn't agree with the Iran deal. I'm not sure they can be attributed to his or
the entire U.S.A's words.?
America as a country did not make a deal with Iran, that would have required that
the Senate confirm the deal aka treaty. If the Senate chooses to confirm the treaty
fine if not the current administration can ignore the Iran memo with no loss of
Trump didn't agree with the Iran deal. It's a bad deal, and we SURE shouldn't have
given Iran millions of dollars in the process. Either stop threatening Israel and
stop the nuclear programs or we will remove them, along with much of their
military. There's a deal i support.?
He's getting in the way of your plans to Make America A Dumping Ground For The
Third World? You'll have to wait til he leaves before you can scare off jobs with
shit communist financial policies, and then turn around and arbitrarily dump tens
of millions of low wage workers from third world socialist shitholes on the country
that drives down wages for Americans? You people are useful idiots that if you had
your way would have us explaining to our grandkids why they live in an America that
resembles Venezuela, or why Europe is an Islamic shithole. I love how you fucking
people never say anything. Its all a virtue signalling abstraction.?
So now tax cuts are "so called". Don't you idiots want free college, free
healthcare from Bernie, and then he unveiled his retarded everyone gets a job
bill. Funny how you view tax cuts or people getting to keep their own money as a
problem. Why don't you stop importing third world poverty that cost us 150 billion
a year, and you know do something about the biggest cost in the budget. SS,
Medicaid, and Medicare.?
what will make USA a third world country? Having immigration from countries with an
average iq of below 90 really makes you think huh??
Fucking marxist losers that think klan is everywhere while you fight tooth and nail
to bring in backwards peasants chanting la raza, and talking about how they're
going to take over and turn America into the shitholes they crawled out of. And
when you aren't virtue signalling about womens rights, and gays you're standing in
solidarity with a seventh century death cult that is responsible for the
subjugation of hundreds of millions of of women, and the legal systematic murder
of gays. Then you want to call other people stupid. You can't make this shit up.
The only racially motivated rallies I see are the ones you and your anti western
white liberal friends promote. Actively and arbitrarily want to bring into the
country. Go to your anti western rallies wearing vagina hats, and american flag
hijabs and complain about oprression in the United States. Also genius. An
argument requires a premise and a conclusion. You fucking sperging out isn't an
President Trump is destroying the Globalist who want us to import their smelly
Chocolate SHlT-FARTS into North America, guess what all you Chocolate Pudding Faces
better go find another place for Living ! God Bless USA and please Time Magazine
gonna make President Trump Man of the Year :)?
there's nothing Hateful in my free speech, all you gotta say these days is where is
all that Billions of Dollars the Clinton Foundation took away from the poor dying
little Haitian children and you will call it hate speech, the fact is anything that
does not fit the Liberal Narrative is considered Hateful , you even took the
meaning of the Great Doctor Martin Luther King and tried to change his dream speech
meaning of him visioning little White and Black children holding hands and loving
The Trump supporters saved the West in our last presidential election.?
Pure Speculation or FAKE NEWS
People who can think for themselves can see that President Trump is making this
world a safer place.?
Leftist globalists are "anti-fascist", which means that don't care about any
country or region of the world. Their goal is to destroy all countries and to
install a global fasco-communist dictatorship. The Nazis figured out that it is
much easier to destroy every country from within than to destroy it militarily in a
world war.?
Save it from socialism?
CNN and their brainwashed cult are just butt sore about having egg on their face
after the N.Korea peace talks coming up. Trump is superior to the last two
president put together. And Fareed is just a muslim shill.?
you can't save the west if you open your borders to hordes of Islam. we will no
longer be the west if we allow our western civilization to be destroyed. we will be
the middle East or corrupt Mexico. choose. that's not the Damn west.?
Saving the West apparently means replacing Westerners with people from the Middle
East and Africa.?
Trump is trying to save Western culture from the likes of himself and Merkel is
more like it. Don�t get it twisted fake news CNN.?
Macron is not helping save the West. He is probably so indoctrinated he doesn't
understand he is colluding in it's demise, or he is complicit. The puppets think
they will eventually be part of the ruling elite. Oh no, as in all totalitarian
regimes these henchmen are the first to be eliminated, when they are no longer of
use to aide in spreading the propaganda. History does repeat itself due to man's
WAKE UP !!!!! CNN is not working for our Constitutional Republic. They promote,
embrace the Globalist Agenda. Macron is a Rockefeller employee, puppet. Our
lawmakers in Washington all, need to remove the scales from their eyes. those
that haven't been bought and corrupted The blind are leading the blind. The
destination is not one you wish to go to.?

Trump's mother came from a Gaelic speaking part of Scotland. Her family lived in a
remote area of a remote island in the Outer Hebrides. She grew up at a time before
radio, recorded sound movies and expensive rare phonographs. This gave her little
opportunity to know more that a little broken English or probably much at all. Even
the non Gaelic parts of Scotland most people spoke Scots a language as much
similarity to Frisian as to English. So she would have grown up quite far from any
area that spoke English as a daily language.
All this means that when she arrived in the USA she would not have spoken usable
Mary is then said to have worked as a room cleaner in private homes or hotels. Here
you can see the example of the 1990's when poor non English speaking women from
Eastern Europe were brought to the USA supposedly to work menial cleaning jobs, but
actually as more flesh for prostitution. In the 1920's and 30's the practice was
for the women to congregate in "dance halls" where men would select a girl for a
dance when they would agree a price. They would then leave the dancehall for a
nearby hotel where the woman supposedly worked as a maid. Defence if raided was
always she merely worked there and the man was a guest sleeping off alcohol.
The Trump family made it's first money running "hotels" in the gold fields of the
far West and Yukon. These brothels funded a return East where they went back to
business near docks and poor areas of New York. Trump's grandmother was likely a
former prostitute and Madame who had operated the business with her husband. It was
at this time that the Trump's became intertwined with organised crime as a front
and money launderers. Even while the rest of the USA was crushed by the Great
Depression the Trump's became wealthy. Never having difficulties with the law or
Mafia controlled construction unions. Except when Fred Trump was arrested, involved
in a riot as part of the KKK.
Mary likely met Fred Trump through the business. It is amusing to see Donald's
attraction to immigrant women who speak heavily accented broken English and are
economically vulnerable. The exception being his inherited ingrained racism does
not include non europeans.?
That was a very patronising response to the previous poster. You have also made a
few assumptions about life on the island. According to Wikipedia (I know, I know)
she was born in Tong, whis is 4 miles NE of Stornoway, so not an isolated area on
the "western shore of Lewis" in a time when people walked everywhere, and in
safety. She attended school until she was 13 so would have had an excellent
command of English, as they all did. According to a relative born in 1917 in a more
isolated area, 8 miles from Stornoway, teachers only spoke Gaelic in class during
the first year of schooling, after that pupils were expected to use English
exclusively while on school premises-in the classroom and the playground. This
relative can remember meeting a few older people who had no English, but it was
remarked upon as being unusual.? could make a perfect "reporter" for CNN with all your "could have's",
"might have's" and "probably's". What a JOKE!! You need to.come up with something
better than THAT!! And most men WILL be attracted to women that even faintly remind
them of their beloved mother. Nothing wrong or sinister about that. It usually
shows they loved their Mom. Many women do the same, marrying someone who even
remotely reminds them of "dear old Dad". Everyone that actually KNEW Mary Trump,
(unlike you, the master speculator) say she was a good and kind woman. But you're
willing to attempt to muddy her reputation after she's not even here to defend
herself......And to those who've said they wonder why Trump doesn't mention his Mom
much.... just because Trump doesn't talk about his Mom EVERYTIME he opens his mouth
means NOTHING. I don't talk about my Grandmother who died 20 years ago, in EVERY
conversation, but I STILL think about her and will never forget her. My own mother
doesn't even mention her that much anymore, unless it comes up which rarely happens
after all these years. They were super close, a tight-knit family.... But life goes one lives forever. Just because someone doesn't mention a loved one
that died EVERY TIME they talk, doesn't mean they didn't love that person. You're
not there in their private times, and their private thoughts, so mind your


ahora con respecto al argumento de que gasta al rededor de un trillon de dolares en
fuerzas armadas es verdad, pero eso es mucho mas preferible a lo que hacia obama
que gastaba mucho mas dinero pero solo en cuestiones relacionadas al estado de
bienestar, ningun otro presidente en la historia de estados unidos disparo la deuda
americana como el lo hizo.?
sin importar qui�n aumento m�s la deuda y quien menos todos lo hacen y tenemos un
claro ejemplo con China que es el mayor poseedor de la deuda estadounidense... O
podemos ver el caso de Jap�n el pa�s m�s endeudado del mundo y sin embargo es la
tercera potencia mundial s�lo superado por China y EEUU, a lo que voy es que pensar
que gastar tanto en un ejercito no contribuye a la deuda es descabellado, que se
podr�a hacer con ese trillon de d�lares? O en todo caso con la mitad 500000
millones creo que muchas cosas, por ejemplo ten�s el caso del f 35 ya van m�s de
400.000.000 millones y no avanza y para cu�ndo lo tengan ya ser� obsoleto y
aumentando tanto su coste que casi nadie podr� comprarlo como el caso del f 22 que
vale m�s que su peso en oro... Todo suma al endeudamiento y m�s si se deriva tanto
en cosas innecesarias pero claro su econom�a se basa en la guerra, as� podr�amos
estar todo el d�a pero negar que un gasto as� por m�s potencia que seas no causa
deuda entonces algo no estamos entendiendo?
Trump no sera el mejor politico, pero si es un genio financiero y eso es lo que le
hacia falta a EEUU. La previa administracion de Obama estaba defalcando al pais. En
solo un a�o, Trump ha logrado lo que Obama no logro emn 8. Elevo el Crecimiento del
Producto Nacional (GDP) a 3.6, ha logrado traer multinacionales de vuelta al pais,
saco al pais del TPP(Trans Pacific Partnership), practicamente ha eliminado la
immigracion ilegal, ha disminuido los niveles de desempleo grandemente y ahora ha
puesto tarifas/aranceles a la UK y China.. La izquierda globalista lo odia porque
el siempre esta 3 pasos delante de ellos. Trump vive, honra y trabaja para los
Americanos, como debe de ser, no como la anterior adiministracion que estaba
vendida a las multinacionales, eran las putas de China, la Union Europea, el Fondo
Monetario Intrernacional y las Naciones Unidas. Eso se acabo.?
Obama aument� la deuda,pero fue para sacar al pa�s del desastre que dej� George W
Bush,el crecimiento econ�mico se ha estancado con Trump,NO HA TRAIDO NINGUNA
EMPRESA DE REGRESO A SU PAIS,al contrario,Dodge,GM,Ford y Carrier Inc.,anunciaron
cierre de sus plantas y despidos para trasladarse a China o Latinoam�rica,Trump no
ha acabado con la migraci�n indocumentada,al contrario,LA EST� FOMENTANDO,pues al
quitarles el T.P.S. a los centroamericanos,los volvi� indocumentados en su propio
pa�s(alrededor de 350 mil centroamericanos),elimin� 4 millones de visas para
Latinoam�rica,lo que caus� una ola mas de migraci�n debido a que las personas ya no
van a las embajadas a sacar visado porque SOLO ES PARA LA GENTE RICA,o en su
defecto,GENTE EUROPEA,al ponerle aranceles a China,lo que hizo fue despertar un
monstruo que amenaza con una guerra comercial,y para colmo,CON SUS PROPIOS
PRODUCTOS(�me vas a decir que tu tel�fono celular,tu computadora,tus reloges o
cualquier producto que usas a diario no dice "made in china"),por lo que los
consumidores ser�n los mas afectados,Trump no est� trabajando para nadie que no sea
el mismo,o los mas ricos en su defecto,el cerrarse al comercio o relaciones con
otros pa�ses solo va a generar desconfianza y segregaci�n a su pa�s. por ultimo,si
Trump es tan "nacionalista",�por que no trae las empresas que tiene en China,India
y Bangladesh de regreso a su pa�s y darles empleo a sus compatriotas?. en
serio,deja de fumar porquer�as!.?
se te olvido especificar que Obama uso drones para matar miles de civiles en el
Medio Oriente, incluyendo ni�os en las victimas.. y que hace la elite? Le da el
�Premio novel de la paz� no te parece hip�crita eso?? Tambi�n se te olvido
especificar que la deuda que dejo Obama fue mas grande que todos los presidentes
juntos que ha tenido este pais.. No hables de Obama, el quedo en el pasado como la
puta de la izquierda globalista que es. Ahora es Trump y sera asi por los pr�ximos
8 a�os! Si no te gusta, hechale azucar..?
Entiendo que odien a Trump pero hay mejores cosas de las que hablar, hagan un v�deo
del desastre de la islamizaci�n de Europa, o que consecuencias pol�ticas puede
traer la dejadez de los medios cuando los cr�menes son cometidos por los fieles de
la religi�n de la paz. Ser�a bueno que salgan de su zona de confort?
mucha mucha campa�a anti trump y cuando van hablar de violaciones musulmanas en
alemania o en suecia ? o pero wait ustedes son pro globalistas, pro emigracion y
no hablan de eso .?
claro que si campeon , por eso que ahora hay guetos de musulmanes que ni donde la
policia se meten ami no me venden el cuento progre : , )?
mira lo que se han disparado el numero de violaciones en esos paises y cuantos son
por alemanes y cuantos por musulmanes,esta claro que violadores hay en todas
partes,pero en unos paises muchos mas que en otros y esto es un claro ejemplo,y
piensa que en el caso de alemania practicamente todas las violaciones estan
registradas,pero en paises subdesarrollados y en guerra en los que no se pueden
registrar como siria que es de donde suelen venir los refugiados el nunero tiene
que ser increible?
entonces que empiezen a cambiar ,adaptarse y no nostros adaptarnos a ellos
ashahaha claro que si campeon soy un xenofobo un nazi etc etc etc AHHAHAH CLARO QUE
soy pro emigracion amigo pero estoy encontra de la musulmanizacion de europa y que
merkel y sus amiguitos union europea intenten cambiar nuestra cultura
occidental : , ) , suerte manga progres la necesitaran?
Trump est� realizando uno de los actos de patriotismo m�s grandes que yo he visto,
hay que estar loco para meterse en ese gran compromiso de dirigir la potencia m�s
poderosa del mundo a su edad y sin ninguna necesidad solo por rescatar el desastre
a donde se embarca USA con un comunismo en puerta si no se act�a YA! Es Un loco que
levant� un imperio econ�mico y cuando decidi� descansar de los negocios, le gan� a
la crema y nata de la pol�tica estadounidense, le pas� por encima a todo Hollywood
y la prensa... y se convirti� en Presidente de la primera potencia mundial. Por eso
digo que es un l�der. Y los l�deres no necesariamente tienen que ser pol�ticos.?
El tipo no s�lo amenaza. El tipo cumple las amenazas. Apenas est� empezando su
mandato y el loco de Trump ya a cumplido todo lo propuesto que prometi� en su
agenda. Eso tiene un gran valor en lo pol�tico. En la cultura estadounidense eso
tiene mucho peso.
Se nota el odio a Trump, como si su nacionalidad en vez de espa�ola dijera,
estadounidense. Perecen mexicanos pendejos luchando por un pa�s ajeno.?
Creo que quizas sea porque no cumplen con sus exigencias. Creo que la mayor�a son
pro-�lite; y entran a trabajar con Trump, pensando que podr�n controlarlo, o
quiz�s saber lo va hacer, para tratar de manipularlo; y a ver que no es posible,
deciden irse o son despedido. (Es mi punto de vista)?
�Por qu� es tan dif�cil trabajar con Trump? Porque dice lo que piensa y no lo
pol�ticamente correcto. Porque dice verdades y no lo que los grandes poderes
quieren o�r. Ya me imaginaba que este canal, con su simpleza, formar�a parte de
toda la basura televisiva y de la prensa en manos de las grandes corporaciones,
bancos, Rothschild, Soros... �no sab�is de qui�nes hablo, no? Investigad?
No s� si sepan pero los medios le siguen atr�s a Trump, y cada esc�ndalo en su
gabinete a�n as� sea el caso de una prostituta es motivo para decir "Trump es
racista", "Trump es un violador" y muchos insultos m�s. Ya que los medios no le
dejan vivir ni un segundo en paz, por ende es normal ver tanto cambio en su
gabinete, dado que el no espera a que un esc�ndalo de su gabinete salga a la luz
El presidente Trump es una honesto, correcto, muy patriotico y trabajador todos lo
que esta el casa blanca eran corrupto alguno se fueron. Obama nunca hiso nada very
lazy for America
Los politicos anteriores solamente movian de su puesto al trabajador casi nunca
los despedian. Con este presidente si hay despidos si no comulgan con Trump. Es
cuestion de resultados creo.?
Trump es un l�der natural y totalmente independiente del stablisment a renovado la
pol�tica americana de nuevos debates y nuevos recursos es un fen�meno que dura
mucho tiempo asta despu�s de su mandato renov� todo lo cambi� le dio nuevas
energ�as al gobierno?
Con trump o trabajas bien o te vas es un echo?
Pues me parece bien para que mantener a amigos y gente que no cumple con su
trabajo,un t�o con un par...?
Hablen de la crisis en Suecia, de como los musulmanes est�n matando y violando a
las mujeres de Suecia en masas, gracias a las pol�ticas izquierdistas progres y al
marxismo cultural.
trump es un hombre de ley un ganador gran persona desde que esta como presidente
este pais ha mejorado muchisimo y se preocupa mucho por sus ciudadanos?
Me gusta Trump, tiene personalidad y cuando alguien o algo no funciona lo cambia,
no veo nada malo en esto sino todo lo contrario.?
Cuando surge un l�der Nacionalista, siempre salen los medios globalistas y
liberales, Endofobos y, por ende, ap�tridas inventando tonter�as porque detestan
que haya alguien que ponga primero a su PATRIA antes que al ef�mero dinero.
si tienes a puros corruptos a tu lado y te das cuenta de que te mienten en la cara,
obviamente los alejaras, trump toma decisiones interesante y elocuentes, con una
que otra discrepo, pero seguro que hay mas que eso en ellas por eso tomo esta
I am so proud of my President! He's just what America needed. Forever Team Trump.?
When democrats say �comprehensive� they really mean... bend over and use
lots of lube! This is gonna hurt!?
THE U.S. of A. ???? has finally gotten it's BALLz back, the ones michelle was
wearing when oBAMA was president??. I actually voted for that ShitBag on his first
term, biggest REGRET??. Pres. Trump isn't an "eloquent" President, he tells it like
it is.?
the left is going crazy because we have a strong man in the white House God bless
president Trump keep up the good work?
Trump's erasing Barry one policy after another. THANK GOD FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP
I give the POTUS a ten on his corrective action against Iran and fulfilling his
promise to us Americans. To hell with hack talking muzzie Obama!!?
It's a breath of fresh air to have a real man back in charge.?
The Trump effect!!!?
My entire American Patriot family is in agreement with President Trump!!!!?
Do you hear that? The sound of Obamas "legacy" going down the toilet. Obama will go
down as being the biggest dissapointment ever to be elected to office.?
After today. It's almost as if Obama never existed...
For once I like the way our foreign policy is headed under a true leader- President
Donald Trump
The only thing left to take down is Obama care and Obama's legacy will be gone
Obama's arrogance knows no bounds....should be hung for Treason?
At one point, the Iranian government was at the brink of bankruptcy.... Then Obama
came around...?
If we would of stayed in the Iran deal, it would of made the United States look
weak.. when negotiations begin in North Korea?
The #1 criminal organization in the US is the Democrat party?
Sweet. Undo all the ignorant deals the left made . one by one. To God be all the
President Trump leads America in Peace thru Strength! Iran is a terrorist regime!
What fool would make a deal with Iran??
Potus knows already that another deal will be made. One that's right for the U.S. Q
and Potus have ALL the information they need!!
Obama was a weak leader?
Obama is jumping up and down going mad, his money maker deal is gone; the lefty
dems are losing many of the primaries, the people in the US understand that
democrats have NO SOLUTIONS AND NO IDEAS. So much for Hillary and Michelle Obama
genital politics strategy .....?
I am very proud to be American with strong president who fights for our country
first . I wish people of this country will support our president Trump. instead of
trying to make his job harder. He is 73 years old and look what he can do everyday.
Don't wait till its too late to support this president who is making America come
first and working hard for our country. God bless you president Trump. My prayers
are with you and family and may God continue to bless you with wisdom and good
health till battle is won.?

Finally, an American leading the USA, Osama bin Hussein Obama being a Muslim
himself, was afraid to offend the terrorists. So he became the largest financial
contributor to terrorism. Thank God for Trump.?
This was a campaign promise !! It happened !! Wow !! Never has a president like
this one before. He keeps his word !! Member!!?

Dear Canadians... As an echo chamber of European bollox your solidarity will do no

more than to entrench that bollox. The world is changing and as a Brit I would
rather like it if Trump would challenge our status quo as well and shake things up
so that we may cast off the same bollox that inhibits our potential to compete in
the world though free & fair trade with zero tariff a tad faster than we are...
May, Merkel and Trudeau represent an old school that has had its day and if you
care to look you can see the pages being turned in Europe in favour of Trumpism
rather fast... In fact the pages are turning so fast, Europe is nearly on the same
page as Trump. The world is fed up of multilateral trade agreements that have
served corporate globalist imbalances and ignored democracy and domestic
considerations. Regardless of your trade sector deficit/surplus with America,
Trump has a peoples mandate to drain the swamp and level the playing fields and
that is what will happen so why not come away from behind the apron skirt of big
government and take up the offer of a proper free market economy open to all...?
I am but a minion Eric... Yet all of us minions around the world can be heard if we
keep singing the same tunes. "No more bollox", "keep it simple" and "I'm tired of
political correctness" are a few of my favourites that I like to sing..?
Make sure you don't call them "mankind" mansplaining ala Trudeau. The pussy Trudeau
will be eaten up by Chinese but yeah, go ahead.?
you're a moron the Chinese would eat Trudeau for lunch and supper?
Have at it. Enjoy turning into a third world country.?
Canada's GDP is smaller than the state of Texas, so if you stop trade with us, we
will walk away unscathed, but 70% of your jobs depend on US trade, so your
commonwealth will be like most of the Queen's other satellites such as Zimbabwe.?
You will be forced to trade with other people, because Trudeau back stabbed Trump
and called him a bully, which is causing Trump to put a 25% tariff on cars coming
into the US. EU, Canada, and Mexico are flooding us with cars, and this is gonna
stop when Trump puts a 25% tariff on them.?
We have all been lied to by our government I do not believe Trudeau for one second.
Especially wait for POTUS to leave and then attack him with his little buddy
macaroni. Wh is there a 270% tariff on American Dairy? Why is Mexico not allowed to
grow its own corn? What about the sub-standard steel we've shipped to America? A
lot of questions brought to light only because of the election in the USA. Some
pretty sketchy business dealings have been done in the past and now being made
public. I'm not saying trudope is to blame for everything but he is now the leader
for another year and should step up and set things right for Canada and its
citizens first for a change. #MCGA?
USA could take your lumber if we wanted to. Canada is at our mercy.?
fact: Trudeau did not stab Trump in the back and did not call him a bully. He said
he wouldn't be bullied and he said that BEFORE the summit. Fact: American tariffs
on Canadian goods are HIGHER than the Canadian tariffs on American good. Fact: the
current new tariffs are on steel and aluminum, not cars. Fact: the US floods Canada
with cars not the other way around. Cars from Canada would be more expensive for
Americans as our wages are higher her.?
You Canadians should declare independence from the British Monarchy and become US
states. Having an unelected head of state with royal assent over all your laws,
means the Queen dictates the laws that govern you. Your senate is fashioned after
the house of lords where they're appointed and not even elected. I can remember
just a few years ago that your elected reps were trying to pass a bill into law
that the Queen had vetoed, and she got mad and closed your parliament down. You
people deserve better than to be ruled over by this inbred family of dictators that
call themselves ceremonial figureheads. As much as we love the Canadian people, we
can no longer offer Canada tariff free access to our economy, which is the largest
in the world, while we get access to their economy which is smaller than Texas. If
you guys would simply join the US and become states, we won't need any tariffs and
your companies can sell all the tariff free products they want. As I'm sure you
realize from what happened in the US, when you declare independence from those
dictators, they won't take it sitting down. After our Irish and Scottish Americans
rose up and overthrew them, they sent numerous red coat soldiers and there were
some hellacious battles. I had several of my great great great etc uncles killed in
the revolutionary war. Then after we defeated the red coats, the Monarchy hired
30,000 Hessian mercenary soldiers from another Monarchy in Europe and sent them to
fight us. The Hessians at the time were said to be the fiercest army in Europe, but
on Christmas eve we sent thousands of gallons of Scotch Whiskey to their camp.
After they stayed up all night drinking and were plastered drunk, we attacked on
Christmas morning and wiped them off the face of the earth. 3,000 out of the 30,000
surrendered and were eventually allowed to stay here and become part of the US.
Canada would be in a different situation if you guys declared independence, because
you'd be joining the US and have the protection of the world's largest military, so
the Monarchy would be too scared to try and stop you. I truly think that Canadians
would be happier if they were US states instead of commonwealth states, especially
since the Monarchy criminalized speech in all the Queens kingdom, and imprisons
people that speak against government policies. It would be nice if you guys could
just be an independent Country and not a state to anyone, but you know the Monarchy
will never let that happen, so basically the only way you can be free from the
Monarchy is join the US and have our military protection.?
Then why didn't jihady justin agree for both sides to drop tariffs ?
Free trade. No more piggy bank assclowns!!?
then why do canadians cross the border to load up on dairy from
exempt. Why don't you shop in Canada?? Waiting to hear your answer.?
your prime minister wears fake a girl. Who's the pussy? Most women
know how to do their makeup. Your primeminister needs help with his makeup...his
eye makeup slide off his face in front of Trump. I bet Trump laughed all the way to
No more border crossing to come to costco. Buy your milk in Canada!?
That idea was never put on the table to begin with. Trump blustered about it but
not once did he make a formal proposal of that. Are you suggesting that the US also
drop their subsidies that are unfair to trade? Hey everyone, Dennis wan't American
dairy farmers to go bankrupt. This entire topic is probably over your head anyway
if you think that dropping all tariffs is easy.?
really, the Chinese are eating you Americans alive. Your trade deficit is 375
billion with China. China manipulates your owe China 1.4 trillion
in debt........think before you speak. BTW, I think Trudeau is an idiot but Trump
is not far behind.?
I am an American from French descent too, in fact I live in the Midwest that was
once French territory and towns, rivers, and Mountains still have French names. A
little south of me in Louisiana, there are French everywhere. As far as you guys
being able to become your own country, free of the Monarchy, it would take a lot of
bloodshed, because these power hungry dictators will not let you go without a
fight. You look at Rhodesia, back when they declared independence from the Monarchy
and declared themselves a republic like the US did centuries ago. The Monarchy
financed rebels that overthrew their government and replaced their leader with a
dictator named Mugabe. As soon as Mugabe took power, he declared them a British
commonwealth once again, and was invited for dinner with the Queen. South Africa
declared independence and the Monarchy eventually got their puppet Mandela in power
and he declared SA a commonwealth once again. They are unable to do this with the
US, because we are more powerful, but a small country is a different story. If you
Canadians wanted to be free from the Monarchy without sacrificing a lot of blood
and lives, the route to go is to simply join the US and become US states. The
Monarchy would be too scared to try and get Canada back if the US was involved. AS
far as prosperity, right now Canadians are doing good, but you've enjoyed billions
in trade surpluses with the US, that will be no more. I hope the best for
Canadians, but I don't see how you can continue to fund all the socialized medicine
and other programs without a trade surplus.?
I never bought anything in the US, the gas it takes doesn't make it worthwhile only
those who live right next to the border do this, we have absolutely no taxes on all
basic food items like milk, the price is fixed to protect both production and
consumers. Same goes for beer... I don't really like it but we aren't in a
democracy in Canada.?
Enjoy your 35% Chinese Tariffs then idiot.?
go ahead. You'll be sorry if you do. Please your country depends on USA. If you
trust the Chinese, go ahead?
Chinese don't use lumber in their housing like in US.?
Subsidy!!! That's what you have & That's why you are making a lot of money from the
Trump was not responsible for the Chinese getting the better of us. The Clintons
were, when Bill Clinton was president. Trump is going to level the playing field
with every country & Canada & the EU do not like it one bit & so they are attacking
President Trump.?
Yeah, that flaming clown Trudeau probably wears high heels! LOL!?
They come down here and shop for a lot of things! Including tobacco! Health care,
too LOL!?
Sorry Jim, but I wouldn't want another boatload of socialists to join the USA.
There's already too many!?
Betcha his eyebrows are made in China?.
China needs more trade surplus.?
Go for it. America is 20% of your economy, you are 1% of ours. You and Trudeau
want to play games LOL Canada wont survive!!?
I heard the SAME excuse in Japan about American cars. I.E "They don't meet our
safety standards". And, guess what, to MEET Japan's safety standards would increase
the cost of the vehicles beyond their ability to compete in the Japanese market. It
was a tariff by any other name. As, evidently, your "health standards" in Canada.?
Tariffs are like fences...they make for "good neighbors". No tariffs just opens up
all kinds of other ways for a country to SCREW "THE OTHER GUY" while keeping "THE
Canada's "steel" is NOT Canada's steel. It's Chinese steel...drop shipped through
You're RIGHT. The Chinese ARE eating us alive...and they've been doing it since
George H.W. Bush's time. BUT....YOU...are number TWO! Canada is second in SCREWING
the United States on trade!?
LMAO!!! Trick we don't need you... However your little turf of a country needs big
daddy America. Everyone talks big shit but in the end they do as TRUMP tells them.
So sit down and behave yourself.?
we dont need to do business with a country that rips use off. America has been
propping up socialists countries long enough.
illegal pesticides no but illegal aliens yes. USA no, Castro's Cuba yes. God
bless Don John Trump and America first. Screw Canada. Screw Trudeau. You betcha.
Bahaha Hahahah remember you guys are only able to rip off the u.s. with the EU and
China trust me you guys will be losing 1,000 times. The Chinese are complete
killers. They won't trade with you if they benefit 10 times. Remember that. You
will come begging back to the US for tariffs. Trust me.?
They should also stay there for their wonderful medical care since they are so
happy with the socialized health care system they have.?
U.S. Subsidizes their dairy farmers in the billions. You might call it socialism.?
The Chinese owns the U.S.A. That's why Trump needs any win against Canada. His base
eats that stuff up. He can't touch China. China is their master now with the debt
the U.S is in.?
Lmao ?? look at the Canadian over there with like 10% of the gdp of the good old
USA saying �We DoNt NeEd YoU!� Yes the fuck you do, your auto industry definitely
does ?? Texas alone could eat you alive!?
and the dairy �cartel� has nothing to do with your PM�s decisions? I think your
govt should start looking out for it�s own people first instead of special interest
elite types and Islamic immigrants. And perpetual war... did you not see our
president in Singapore discussing denuclearization with NK or do you guys not get
that channel in Canada? But to act like you guys will not be affected by this trade
war that trudeau started is both ignorant of facts, and moronic to the highest
degree. Have a great day my friend ???

Sorry not sorry kid, Canada is making a huge mistake in doing this. The USA is the
bigger, and better economy, and can outlast Canada in a long or short trade war.
Good luck, you will need it.?
clearly the usa will prevail due to might of economy?
Canada has trade deficit towards USA miserable 17 billion which they easily
compensate with huge tariffs on US goods. So the bullshit of 'the only country that
has trade deficit with US " does not hold. It is also a bullshit that Canada is
biggest trading partner--US exports about 3% of goods and Canada exports 25% which
means US will spank their ass with ease. Regarding the Russia--stop it already.
Crimea belonged to Russia and was gifted to Ukraine 60 or so years ago during
Soviet regime. If Obama would not hack Ukranian elections, they would not have lost
such an important strategic port. Obama promised NATO membership and as a pussy he
is, he lied to them and left them hanging with Russia doing whatever is in their
interest. They are brother nations that spilled blood because that piece of crap
that got a Nobel Prize for Peace put his nose in.?
The entire G7 agreed to lowering tariffs and subsidies and trade barriers in
general, exactly what Trump claimed he wanted. Yet he backed out and threatened to
continue the trade war? Why? His reasoning is false which was proven by the
published communique.
You probably completely missed that Trudaue went public the minute Trump was out
and said pretty aggressive things and that they won't follow the deal. Get your
order of events straight. Regarding the "negatively affecting" if he gets what he
wants for US and Europe still gets tons of perks, there is no negative but whatever
is best for the country. EU will break down soon enough. If it was not such
powerful governments in full control of socialist Europe, it would have been done
by now but people are used to their government controlled life style. Italy is
breaking away and Germany is holding everyone pulling them by the pants. I am sure
there will be tons of renegotiations coming up.?
Do you know what 'stab in the back' means? If Trudeau had problems with what they
agreed as a group, why did he signed it? As soon as President left he complains
is absurd! It's not a honest man ' behavior. It doesn't matter whether we have
surplus or not, if the trade is not fair, like 270% on Dairy, need to have to
change to be fair or is Canada playing as a poor boy who needs help????
Philip Berthiaume....Trump just put added sanctions on Russian businesses. Why
would Russia want a US President like Trump? Everything he does goes against their
interest. He is a nationalist that wants to use American energy and resources. On
several occasions, the US has bombed Russian mercenaries fighting in Russia.
Wouldn't Putin want a pushover like Hillary to win the election? She sold our
uranium to them and her husband Bill was paid half a million dollars at the same
time for a speech from a Russian oligarch connected to Putin. The US has sold
weapons to Ukraine under Trump. You are right to say that it doesn't make sense. It
doesn't make sense that Trump is connected to helping Putin?
You can call Trump erratic or crazy or whatever you want to call him, but what he's
doing is working. When he's tough on Kim Jong Un, he's trying to start WW3. When he
meets with Kim and tries to get him to denuclearize, he's loving a dictator. The
man can never win. People want Trump to be tougher on Russia, a country that has
thousands of nukes and has not been shooting ICBMs off at will. If Trump was
tougher on Russia and Putin, the media would be going crazy that he's going to get
a war started. My advice to people is let grown ups do grown up things. There is a
lot more people than Trump making decisions on things. Trump and his administration
have decades of experience making deals which is basically what politics is?

Why do you people want to perpetuate lies started by Trudeau? Trump said "Not
having a steel industry is a threat to national security" .Now where or when did he
say Canada was a threat to national security??
Yeah keep on saying it on the other hands unfair practice trade come on dude!
friend is friend but when it need to settle differences then it must period .?
What a turd!! LOL!!! Weakling we don't need YOU?
POTUS IS RIGHT Their COUNTRY's balance sheet health is a security issue.. but you
don't have a clue...?
only way trump can place tariffs arbitrarily and by himself is for 'national
security'... it is an obvious insult to Canada, and when you consider that Russian
steel imports in 2017 increased by 134%, it kind of makes one wonder... and
ironically Wilbur ross owns part of the shipping companies in Russia along with
Putin�s daughter and son in law, there is a personal financial reason for much of
what trump is doing... the whole NK summit is a basic pay for play scheme with
China, the main beneficiary of improved relations with NK and lessening of
sanctions on NK, etc. Trump is looking at huge personal deals with China... they
are currently working on one in Indonesia that Chinese gov't is funding to the tune
of 500M and China is giving multiple trademarks to ivanka, just for trump giving
ZTE a break... trump�s said it would just be to many lost jobs for the Chinese...
like when did he start caring about China? He bitched about them throughout the
campaign now he absolutely loves China and isn�t doing jack shit to the only
country with any really serious trade surpluses... he's a total lying joker of a
It's in American's national security to have steel & aluminum production capability
is what Trump said. But somehow it got twisted around and turned into Canada is a
national security risk! Fake news at its best! You got US steel imports data for
2016 & 2017? in metric tons & as overall percentage from Canada vs Russia? 134%
sounds like BIG increase but it depends on 2016 base I think. Isn't Canada ranked
way ahead of everyone else? In any case, the problem of US trade imbalances is
REAL, maybe not so much with Canada except few areas such as dairy products, but
with China, EU, or Mexico etc... for sure! To top it off, we carry 3/4 of NATO
budget for the defense mainly of EU! This has been the case for decades, just not
sustainable, and must change now. Trump campaigned on the promise to the trade
deficit plus he has talked about this issue for a long long time! No needs for
Trudeau to pick a fight if he looks after Canada's interests rather his own.?
Talking about bs, they're ALL bs, more or less. Your responses, although long, do
not dispute the fact that 'national security' were not directed at Canada. Who
started it? Dont care either way but probably JT - just to prove that he's "man"
enough to stand up to Trump. Main point is this trade imbalance problem must be
fixed! Like it or not, Trump was elected to do just that! Time will tell if it's
Is US steel industry thriving or dying slowly due to dumping? That's his point.
Trump believes in having a strong heavy industry capability. These blue collar
people are his base.?
Emerging threat is China. Fixing trade problem is only a first step. Does he let
China off easy on tariff? I haven't see that. They offer concessions to buy
additional 100-200B but he wants more! So negotiations still going. Russia now is
only a fraction of its former glorious USSR and we won! But those chicken hawks in
us somehow feel too cocky! It wouldn't be very smart to disrespect nuclear
superpower I think! All our allies and friends are very upset and angry, of course!
Their gravy train will shortly RIP! I agree all this has little if anything to do
with Canada until Mr. "real-feminist" JT decided to insist otherwise, very
unfortunate indeed!?
trump is a wrecking ball... he doesn�t use facts, have knowledge or expertise and
is a swamp unto himself. He's just not comfortable with people less corrupt than
himself, hence his wonderful relationships and personal respect for the leaders of
Russia, China, North Korea, turkey, Philippines, etc... For example he will
eventually fire Pruitt, but not until he absolutely has to. He loves something
about this guy. So after he does it will be treated like all of a sudden he did
something wrong and had to go... lol... these are trump�s choices... his people
that are/were actually good he can�t stand... cause they think he is a 'moron' (and
say so). All that to say you will not have good results building strong trade
relationships from a wrecking ball...?

You say that, but you don't know the terms Trump offered. He said he wasn't
interested in Canada, he wanted to make Mexico pay...and Trudeau decides to
negotiate for the benefit of Canada AND Mexico, when he should have done a deal for
Canada bi-laterally. Then Trump told Trudeau that what he wanted was the end of
Trudeau protecting Quebec's dairy industry and supply management
protectionism...and Trudeau would never do that because he needs Quebec to stay in
power. So then Trudeau's attack on Trump was political gamesmanship by Trudeau
because he knows he is way down in the polls so he gambled that all Canadians would
put aside their criticisms and support him...and maybe he could get re- elected
because he "Stood up for Canada against big bully Trump". Meanwhile Trudeau stood
by and did nothing but destroy our resource sector, and did nothing to ensure that
pipelines would be built. Trudeau bungled it and now we are gonna pay the price.
Trump also prepared for this trade war in advance by getting agreements for China
and South Korea to buy 300 Billion dollars worth of American goods, which will
offset most of the revenue America will lose in a trade war...but ultimately Canada
will lose because Trudeau has put our economy on shaky ground long before the G7
meeting happened. I see a major recession your debts paid off??
Justin Trudeau says a good many things, like how he's for the middle class, except
he wasn't. And he said he was for Keystone XL pipeline , except he made sure the
approval process was so complicated that no pipeline could be built. And he said he
approved the Kinder Morgan expansion and then sat on his hands and did as little as he may have said he would look at dairy...but he lied...because he
knows if he unwinds Quebec's favoured province status he will be toast for certain
next election. How do I know he lied? Look what Maxime Bernier's supporters did to
him as soon as he said he was gonna end supply management...they switched their
support to Sheer and Bernier was toast. And if you've watched the news lately you
would see that they just recently kicked Bernier out of the inner circle of
Scheer's shadow cabinet. Why do you think that happened? It happened because he
REMINDED them that they would be better off eliminating supply management as a
Trump does exactly what he says he's going to everybody knows they should
take him at his word...when he says he wants FAIR trade that's exactly what he
means...the fact that the rest of the world hates that, just shows you that
entities like the E.U have built up the most protectionist unfair trade tariffs in
the world ...I watched people in the European parliament stand up and ADMIT that
the E.U. routinely creates unfair advantages for itself. I don't agree with
everything Trump says, but he knows what he's talking about when it comes to Nafta
and other deals.?

Trudeau didn't mention Canada imposed 290 % tariff on US farm products . When you
talk must talk fairly not just one side . I don't give a s.... what Trudeau he
does and do .?
do every VB body a favor stay in Canada?
Canada started it by not renegotiating NAFTA.?
They wanted a severly unfair to the USA trade balance, when the USA doesnt really
need canada as much as canada needs the US. They will find out how strong the us
economy is real fast.?
Trudeau picked the fight, NOT Canada. Trudeau is a globalist who is destroying
Canada as we know it. He behaved one way when Trump was present at the summit, then
offered up a rebuke of Trump once he was gone, for his own political purposes and
against the best interests of Canadians. He's got an election coming up in 2019 and
needs to look strong, even as he truly does present a national security threat to
both USA and Canada; paying off terrorists, refusing to monitor illegal immigration
across our common border, etc.?
I am indeed a Canadian, seventh-generation thank you very much, who was around when
the first Trudeau took office fifty years ago. This is bigger than the G7 summit;
this is about the Trudeaus attempting to derail the nation of Canada as we know it
and Trudeau Jr. exploiting the summit for his own political posturing, to try to
look strong going into the federal election in Canada next year. The fake eyebrows
tell it all. He's an actor, a stage performer who memorizes lines and probably had
a prepared speech done before Trump made the concessions he did, and agreements
were reached so that when he gave that speech at the end it appeared he betrayed
the understanding just established with Trump. The point where Trudeau was
dishonest in this particular situation was in behaving one way to Trump's face and
waiting till he was gone to say what he did behind his back. He's got an
alternative agenda for Canada that goes back at least fifty years. He used Trump to
advance it by provoking something unnecessarily and he is an extremely dishonest
Trump has been true to his words,,, he has full filled most of what he say he
would do,, GO TRUMP 2020,,, soon Canada will be crying,, they soon see just how
strong we really are economically,, and that we really do not need them!!!!?
Lmfao!!! TRUMP didn't start it... But he will end it! Fuck Canada! Hope you weird
fuckers all die. If we decide to own you then that's what WILL happen... Period. WE
Play nice, this is not the fault of the people up here, BUT if you would like to
put the blame somewhere, feel free to throw it at Eastern Canada, after all they
are the fools that voted for Trudeau cause he was "hot" and promised them "weed".
Trudeau picked a fight because he did not say those things to his face and did not
tell trump that is the way he felt and what he thought. Trump thought they were
ohay with what they had said to each other. Trudeau waited until he left and then
said those things to the press. That blindsided Trump as he was on his way to
what he considered to be a very important and historic meeting with North Korea.
almost as if Trudeau was intentionally trying to sabatage him before that meeting.
Otherwise he would have told Trump those things before he left and it would not
have been such a surprise.?
Trudeau will lose his next election, there is changing happening in Canada, look at
the last election there in the Ontario province.?

He doesn't understand we don't have kings in America his buddy Obama isn't coming
back to squash energy exploration progress.?
Most of Trump's donors were average Americans. Who do you think financed Hillary
to the tune of 1.1 Billion??
Do you really believe mr prime minister of Canada has been falsely labeled by the
president of USA Saying he is �dishonest and weak�???
So you don't feel it's dishonest and weak to agree face to face only to leave and
then trash everything agreed upon? I sure do.?
Are you kidding? Justin Trudeau is the most entitled, narcissistic and self-
deluded PM we have ever had. If Trudeau had to endure 10 percent of the shit that
Trump gets from the media he'd be in tears, again. He cries about everything
Trump is an alpha, whereas Trudeau is a feminist. Who's gonna win this?
If Europe is scared of Russia they sure don't show it on their NATO spending. The
US wants out of NATO, because it's not needed anymore, and we're tired of funding
75% of it. Even if Putin took over western Europe once we pull our bases of
protection out, it will probably save you people from your EU and UK governments
that are flooding you with muslims and turning you into Islamic republics. The USSR
collapsed in the 1990's and NATO was created to counter the USSR. Russia is not a
military threat to western Europe, because their military is nothing like the USSR
Some turd brain thought canada and Mexico should unite against the US? Mexico and
canada wouldn't even be trading partners if it weren't for the US interstate
highways. Canadian oil can't even get to international market without the US
because canada refuses to build their own pipelines.?
America is tired of the BS...period...tudeau is a little weasle...america has been
getting ripped of for decades now...quite frankly ide eat beans before id give
trudeau anything. i understand its hard to give up a money maker.?
Fuck Canada. What Trump needs to do is send all these illegals up north. You want
them you got them.?
Why can't more people see through Trudeau's bs? No wonder Trump lost patience.?
what the fuck you gonna do? Not a fucking thing. Your days of using America has
just run out. Back to being farmers, and lumberjacking.?
sometimes you have to build bridges by fighting people, because that is the
unfortunately the only way that they will come to respect you.?
Yeah..Trudeau is delusional- just like Hitler.?
Why doesn't Canada agree to eliminate or greatly reduce all its tariffs on trade as
the US President has suggested for all parties? This would lower the cost of goods
for hundreds of millions of people worldwide. You obviously don't believe in free
trade. Stop lying and admit that you work for a lobby paid to keep the gravy train
going for that slimy Trudeau and his corrupt friends.?
So you should be seeking redress, but instead you pretend there is no solution,
which just makes my point. You are a PR goon whose lobby group works hard to keep
this international tax scheme going, same as the corrupt EU. Our President is
trying to rewrite international trade law to reverse immoral taxation on the poor.
Your Trudeau is a slimy pick pocket.?
Globalists love to pretend economies are intertwined so nothing gets fixed and they
make money.?
Never mind dear - enjoy the recession your beloved feminist Trudeau is creating?

You ride our technology coattail. I'll tell you one thing no Canadian thinks about
is NORAD. If NORAD stops monitoring Canadian airspace, you better hope and pray
you're up for this fight. Canada is a welfare state.?
At present there are over 55,000 American troops in Germany, 15,000 in Italy,
10,000 in UK, and the list goes on. They need us more than we need them. I am in
Germany now, trust me on this.?
You Canadians need to stop sucking islamic ass up there and start killing sharia-
BRING IT ON MOTHER FUCKER. we got more guns than you fucking have people.?
If the allied nations have trade surpluses and billions in tariffs against the US,
Trump is gonna do something to correct the wrong. If you allies are gonna get mad
and leave because we are making trade reciprocal and fair again, then leave. We
will no longer trade with countries that play unfair. Justin gets all pissy about a
25% tariff on steel when he has a 270% tariff on US dairy and 277% on US drywall.
But we are the bad guys ?????
How many guns do you have snowflake??
Trump will deal with China, don't you worry. Right now we're using China to deal
with Kim Jong, once that's finished, China will be dealt with. Trump has already
talked about 100 billion worth of tariffs against China just for starters.?
ya it's okay for our friends to rape us blind.?
lmao the world turning on us because they can no longer take advantage of us we are
not your slaves.?
Trump is taking George Washington's advice, of no foreign entanglements. I like
it. I am glad Trump didn't sign their silly socialist communique. The Globalist
bureaucrat class is so pitiful compared to real leadership.?
Kudlow and Navarro are reading off the same script. They might want to try to drop
I something other than �Kool-Aid�.?
ranting about America and Americans on YouTube is like me calling you a Looser and
a Bum when I used your car to work cause I don't have one.?
Trump is and has gone after China and European countries. America is no longer the
piggy bank open to the world!!!?
Trump's a wacko? Then Trudeau is completely nuts. Trump is getting more done in his
first couple years than anyone has. And since he's the President of the US he only
cares about what's good for the US.?
Getting fucked up the ass for $800 billion a year cash outflows is so great, we can
dump them all and pay off new allies for 10% of that.?
LOL are you stupid or what, that is exactly what Trump wants to do, end all
subsidies and tariffs. What in free reciprical trade do you not understand, LOL
SHEESH Canadians are smarter than this?
AND Canada is 1% of US GDP, while America is 20% of Canada's Make trade free and
reciprocal or go somewhere else, PERIOD?
You Canadian morons elected a fucking communist FAGGOT who behaves like a little
girl, my President just had a historic sit down with the leader of N. Korea and got
documents signed, what has that little cupcake punk PM of yours done lately????
And everyone at the G7 is the fucking ENEMY OF HUMANITY, you stupid fucking commie
fucktard. So there's that.?
And what does all that shit mean? Nothing, because when it comes to boots on the
ground and armaments, we will decimate your faggot ass country and any other
country on earth, we the American citizens are the world's most heavily armed and
largest standing army, so remember that and forget all your high tech aeroplane
data which means precisely dick in reality.?
He just signed an agreement with NK, something NO LEADER in world history has ever
done, I'd say that is far removed from making war you lying commie scumbag.?

This liberal snowflake from Canada will regreat his position. We don't need
anything from Canada if it comes down to it. Canadian people will suffer for their
socialist leader and his choices.?
Or maybe big dawg is a wealthy upper class American who believes in a capitalistic
system which allows one to take advantage of its gift of true freedom. This unlike
Canada and their cross dressing leader who believes in communism as the way to
prosperity. Be happy knowing that you if you are a Canadian or just a SJW from
America that history writes your future and it isn't pretty.?
Jihadi Justin is working hard to destroy capitalism, freedom and democracy. The EU,
Soros and the globalists love him. Even as a Canuck I am cheering for The Donald in
this fight!?
All of you TRIGGERED by my comment about Imam Trudeau should go open a Caliphate in
Yes, SOME agriculture is subsidized, like corn for example, but not for the reasons
you think. It's not subsidized for a competitive advantage, but rather to supply
food to countries that are unable to grow enough of their own domestically. The US
probably supplies major food staples to half the world, who would otherwise have a
food crisis without the US. Maybe not Canada specifically, but if Canada wants to
grow their own corn and oranges in the arctic, they can go right ahead.?
The lies of Trudeau are many. Trump never said Canada was a threat to our national
SECURITY. Trudeau knows what Trump said, but decided to be a lying weasel and act
like Trump said his country was a threat. Do you people actually think that Trump
is afraid of Canada and considers you a threat, and this was the reason he put
steel tariffs on you? He put steel tariffs and quotas on the world, and Trudeau was
offered quotas, but refused them, so he got the tariffs instead.?
Your anti-Americanism is disgusting. Trudeau and all of the creepy Canadians have
been screaming and whining about Trump and Americans. Stop playing the phony victim
Yeah and your a coward like the majority of Canadian citizens! Pretty boy Trudeau
can't handle a Gladiator, he is a backstabber!?
''The G7 topics were climate change and gender equality, this does not justify the
massive expense or the time expenditure for the summit''. Good point, those
libtards can talk bs on their own time. Anyway America doesn't need to talk about
the environment it has great companies like Tesla who are leading the world in
electric cars and innovative battery storage systems for wind and solar and its
probably doing more for the environment then the europeans. G7, or 8 is just a
waste of time. They need to stop talking bs and sort their shitty corrupt libtard
socialist catastrophe of the Eu or maybe someone should hang those traitors to
their own people who are allowing immigrants to commit mass rape of their own
people. Thats what they are, not leaders but enablers for rapists. Pimping out
their own people.?
Yeah cnn = stormy daniels and supporting ms13. Oh and last week they said the women
of the Whitehouse are dead inside. What kind of scum would say on national tv that
hard working responsible career women are dead inside? I guess that says everything
about you.?
You don't know the facts. in UK alone there has been huge numbers of these sexual
crimes from imigrants, and the rest of EU is worse.?
I've spent time in a few countries in europe and followed the eu situation. The
facts are shocking but i'm not trying to persuade anyone i'm just angry at the
suffering. As to the gun debate you have to understand the history of America, its
always been different to europe on the right to bear arms.?

Justin looks like he was used by the pizza crew when he was a kid..Something
seriously off with this controlled clown.?
I can see I touched a nerve for you...Go back to the Clown News Network and MSHIV
where you feel safe....See if you can find a cry closet.......LMFAO?
Another pedo defender who's feeling get hurt by exposure to light !!!?
You and the rest of your pizza crew are living on borrowed time...Pitchforks and
torches are coming !!!!?
All of you and your pizza boys will be turned over to the parents for
retribution....Pitchforks will be the least of your problems.?
Why bother being exposed..You can't stand in the light.?

If 24% of Canada's GDP goes down the drain, do you think they will make a better
choice for prime minister next time? For their sake, I hope so!?
I hope the world does focus on the US, the Eww and other countries internal
problems will bring them down faster than military action ever would. The US has
new allies in Hungary, Italy, Czech republic, Slovenia and Britain as soon as they
gain the sense to walk away and pay nothing. We should pull out of NATO and watch
as what is left of the Eww starts a crash multi trillion euro program to cobble
some kind of defense together. I will laugh so hard. Remember how hard the Eww
cried over being forced to pay their 2% NATO dues? This will be 10,000 times worse!
Don't worry, you have many countries in your queen's commonwealths that will trade
with you. I hear Zimbabwe has some goats and a few chickens up for trade. You could
start a goat skin coat industry after you lose the trade war with Trump. It get
mighty cold up in them there parts, so there's a demand for coats.?
Your concern is touching, but you need not worry, the US will do just fine. I
should also point out, that Canada is the one negotiating in bad faith, with NAFTA
negotiations and saying one thing during the G7, then saying something completely
different afterward. THAT is the only thing "disingenuous" that I've seen.?
True, that most empires have fallen, though certainly not all. But the US is not an
empire, and there has never been another country like the US, in all of history.
Not to mention that many of those fallen empires you mention, throughout history,
reigned for hundreds of years, and in a few cases, even thousands. But you can
hope, wish and fantasize for the demise of the US all you want, it has no effect or
bearing on reality.?
Lol you retard, first off USA is not empire nor is it falling anytime soon.?
And do you realize that Canada does not make US law, and has no authority to deem
an internal US tax as "illegal". Trying to call US tariffs illegal, is ludicrous,
dishonest and misleading all by itself, and the fact that you are repeating that
gibberish, makes me wonder if you even know exactly what a tariff is. They are
reported to have come to a consensus at the G7, and were close to reaching an
agreement. That is, until Trudeau went out after that, and gave a public press
conference, contradicting everything he had said, and all that took place, during
the G7. So yeah, I'd call that dishonest backstabbing as well. Not only that, but
it's also very unprofessional, and rather foolish, for him to air his dirty laundry
out at a public press conference, right in the middle of private negotiations.
Though, I've come to expect that sort of petty devious backstabbing, from that
pansy worm, so it doesn't surprise me in the least. But I think your right, that it
is a waste of paper. Trade between the US and Canada is only 2% of US GDP, while
it's 25% of Canada's GDP. So really they should just rip up any deal, then Canada
can go fend for themselves on their own, as far as I'm concerned. Then Canadians
can blame their fearless leader the disastrous economic results, or praise him for
all I care. So you should be grateful it's not up to me, and that the president
doesn't share the same view, as I do about it. The president has been far more
generous than I would be in his shoes.?
So you are saying that Canada is also violating this so-called WTO "law" with all
of their own tariffs then lol? Sorry, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Maybe you heard it from someone else, that also has no idea what they are talking
about either, or perhaps, in the case of that weak wormy PM of yours, it was
intentional deceit that you heard from someone else. Either way, it's utter
rubbish. Perhaps you need others to do the thinking for you, but I really don't
care what "Most people and independant observer were just..." anything. I pay
attention to the direct words, actions, behaviors of people and events myself, and
I pay little regard to what the sheeple or the sheeple herders say. This is not the
first incident, that pansy worm Trudeau, has behaved in this kind of manor, which
is why I was not surprised in the least, to see it again. The statement he made
sounded very much like it was a cheap stunt, for domestic political consumption.
But just watch and see for yourself how this all plays out in the end, and perhaps
you will realize the foolish miscalculation that worm PM of yours made. Even if he
succeeds with scoring cheap political points at home, making up a calculated,
political crock of shit, to feed to the masses at home, really isn't going to help
him, with regard to the actual incident, and it won't have any effect or bearing on
the final outcome. He's in the wrong. But even if he wasn't, this is still a
foolish food fight, that he can't win. The fact that he's in the wrong, and now
being dishonest on top of that, he's trying to defend an indefensible position,
from an even weaker position now. It will end up being a costly stunt, and it will
likely end up having a negative impact on the rest of the country, even those that
were utterly embarrassed by his actions, of which, I have seen quite a few. I know
right now, you either haven't been able to see it, or don't want to see it. But
perhaps, by the time it is all finished playing out, you may realize what I mean,
and realize how dishonest and foolish it was, and how messed up it actually was, to
the rest of his citizens.?
And you show, not only your ignorance, but also your willingness to just make
something up, when you don't know anything. The WTO has no authority or say over
domestic executive orders or the internal policies of the United States. The WTO
does NOT issue law, and has no authority to enforce law if they did. It's an
organization, formed by agreements, not some supreme international authority or law
enforcement agency. They're more of an arbiter than anything else, and they barely
even enforce blatant violations of trade agreements that do fall under their
purview, and in many of those cases, they do nothing at all. I also don't really
care what FORMER officials from the previous administration say, they're partisan
hacks, and care only about political narrative. Most of them are proven liars, who
will say anything to advance their political agenda. Demonrats have no integrity,
at all, and will say anything. It just so happens they're also the opposition party
to the current administration, and they share the same warped and twisted ideology
as weeny Trudeau does as well. They don't care about reality either, so of course
they are going to defend him, knucklehead. I already told you, I don't need some
partisan hack to tell me what to think, as you seem to need. Rather than just
accepting what you are told to think, why don't you go look up the WTO, "law" lol,
yourself and see if you can find this "law" that regulates US executive orders. But
I doubt you will find it, because it doesn't exist. However, I've wasted enough
time on you, and I tire of your witless prattle. So unless you have this "law"
that you think exists, we really have nothing else to talk about. You're going to
believe whatever you want, with no regard to reality, and I really don't care about
it. As I already said, you need only wait to see how all of this plays out and
where it ends. The results will speak for themselves.?
Canada is about to lose its 100 billion a year auto industry.. I think Canada has
just lost the game

No Trudeau fan I will be voting PC in the next election but right now I�m
supporting Trudeau and so should every Canadian.
I completely support my awesome President weakling. Canada is weak and needs big
daddy America... Not the other way around. I personally want us to bomb you... What
use are you?? Just a bunch of weaklings?
Trudaeu can't even act tough. He's doing it now because he has to pander to his
If Canadians are so stupid as to vote Mr. Orweillien "peoplekind" into
office...yes...look elsewhere.?

this little kid from canada will be sorry for crossing Trump. Trump is trying to
even the playing field.?
no one is worried about Canada hahaha. We (USA) have all the power in this
situation, watch, Canada wil fold.?
We are larger than the other six G7 economies, combined. Canada is making a huge
Trudeau 2 puts Canada at odds with the USA to a degree even his communist-leaning
father couldn't imagine. Most Canadians simply don't understand that without
effective cross-border trade, the Canadian economy will sink like a stone. Sorry
Trudeau & his team are the wrong folks to renegotiate NAFTA. This is a job for
people who understand the economies of both sides - i.e: Harper, Mulroney, et al.
For goodness sake - throwing idiotic, feel-good, "gender equality" and "save the
planet" mechanisms into these talks only serves to weaken our position.?

Trump Vs. The World and The Don will Win ! Can't Stump the Trump!?
Im no longer supporting any products from canada as long as canada has rediculous
tariffs on US.....America has a right to ALSO have its own best interest in mind.?
Please, Mr. Trump, bring the car industry back to Michigan and Ohio. The hell with
Canada's maple syrup !!!?
The US actually has alot of oil, some study show it has more untapped oil then both
Canada and Russia. The problem is that we haven't been using it until just recently
thanks to Trump. Studies show by 2020 we might actually surpass Russia in Oil
ever hear of this thing called fracking? Thanks to it and Trump allowing it to
happen the US has the largest known oil reserve in the world. Oh and try exporting
your precious oil when you can't use US pipelines to carry it to ports. Do your
homework before defending a petulant, two-faced little boy that insulted the USA's
president publicly.?
we have plenty of oil reserves... USA doesn't need anything from Canada...not oil
or even hockey players. Canada needs to get its soy boy PM under control and not
piss off the US workers and voters.?
that's right !! Please, Shinzo Abe, bring the TOYOTA, HONDA and MITSUBISHI
factories from the US back to Japan. Same for Merkel, bring Benz, BMW, VW and Audi
factories back to Germany. To hell with HEINZ Ketchup !
Gail, Biggest Oil reserves in the world along Norwegian coast. MAGA !!?
I think that is Trumps end game.. He�s played Trudeau into giving him an excuse to
go after it. That�s 100 billion dollars a year back to Michigan and Ohio?
Ontario booted Wynne and the Liberals out of office and they held so few seats that
they lost their official party status. Justin Trudeau and the federal Liberals are
next. They'll be booted out in the next election and Trump will win 2020.?
How do you think we feel stuck with this idiot prime minister. America don't let
the leftists take control of your country like they did ours!?
You are talking about a Prime Minister who is sending millions of dollars to
terrorist countries, allowing ISIS to enter Canada and sending millions of dollars
to Hillary's corrupt charity. He could care less about Canadians.?
yeah right. Trump already bitch slapped the eyebrows off Justine lol. Canada's
trade is 2% of USA GDP. Americas trade is 20% of Canada's GDP. We will crush you
moocher cantards. Watch how fast u become a 3rd world country. Now USA needs
northern border wall to stop all the fleeing starving jobless cantards. MAGA. Bring
in that trade war. We dare you.?
apparently you're not in favor of actually making America great again. Which
president Trump seems to be doing with great success but you Democrats and leftists
just can't stand success LOL?
yet trump got 400 billion in concessions in trade with China alone dumbass. U moron
libtards want America to fail. Won't happen. Look at the economy stupid. Look at
the stock market stupid. But u guess u prefer unemployment and nuclear war moron.
By the way lowest black unemployment in USA history. U must be racist. Days of
countries having huge trade deficits are done. America first such an evil concept u
piece of shit. Trump won. Unlike Obama he did not create slave markets in Libya
lol. Wait till the midterms. Now go back to your cry closet snowflake crybaby
America hating traitor.?
I'm sick of Canada. Their PM is asking for war.?
hate all u want. No more mooching u losers. No more trade deficit. Pay ur share at
UN and at NATO u bums. Start that trade war. Hate us because so won't let u fun
year after year of trade deficits. We dare u. Your trade with USA is 20% of your
GDP. Your trade with us is 2% of our GDP. Go for it. Say bye bye to your auto
industry. We love Trump. Go beg elsewhere u trash moochers. Watch how fast u become
a 3rd world shithole. Just speeds it up. U are in ur way to sharia law already.
Trump bitch slapped the eyebrows off of lil Justine
trump offered u true free trade zero tariffs zero subsides on both sides. U didn't
take it because u expect a handout. Screw u beggars?

This guy sounds like they are not willing to strike a deal. Why is Canada more
concerned about Mexico than their own interests. He repeats we�re going to protect
Canadian interest. You just said you make your own people pay a 295% tax on
American dairy. I bet the people love these leaders. Kick them to the curb
Canada...imagine no
So you are saying that Canada does not subsidize it's industries ? And you are
saying that NAFTA , is a lie , the North American FREE Trade agreement does not
mean free trade ??
I think you need to go up to poster boy Pm in Canada and give him the one inch
death punch.?
Tariffs true purpose is to protect a nation from being sold out like a whore to
outside nations to prey upon. The way politicians decide to use tariffs is to line
the pockets of their supports, for, well, more support of course. This is why the
rich keep getting richer and the poor stay poor and more and more keep lagging
behind. Money manipulation, or rather number manipulation, because that is all
money is, numbers. When any nation does not control its own currency, it will
always become prey to private interests.?
Pretty simple. Trudeau is a disaster and we hate him here in Canada.
You have less people in your country than we have California by 2 million people.
You don't want it with the USA. Trust me. Understand what I'm talking aboot? Lmao.
Wake up Canada, get rid of that pussy Treadu. We're getting rid of the NWO now. The
EU is collapsing in front of your faces. You couldn't defend anything against us.
Come on now, are you people serious? We could just shut Canada down if we wanted.
Don't be naive about this. Please don't even respond. Unless you can debate with a
champion & the strongest country that has ever been on this planet.?
cowards love affirmation and mexico is the third member. you'll learn divide and
conquer from trump soon. he'll tear up nafta if he don't get what he wants.?
wto laws means nothing if it falls under our national security act.
The simple reason for tariffs on both sides of the border is obvious: Politics.
Quebec has Canada by the short hairs. It's their dairy industry that the party
leaders are catering to because it is almost impossible to win the federal election
without Quebec, but, of course, he can't say that.?
we love our farmers in America we don't bite the hand that feeds us. Apparently
Canada is just hungry and can't get enough?.
Trudeau and his Libturds do not care about Canadians. He is trying to destroy us.?
arent Canadians the ones teaching elementary school kids about homosexuality and
telling the little boys its ok if they want to be little girls ? Id worry about
that before anything else ! Especially since one of those boy/girls (Trudy) is
wiping out your country.?

Do not revise NAFTA! Abolish it and start over. NAFTA is full of globalist poison.?
We will practice the golden rule, and treat others as we would wish to be treated.?
No. Abolish it and treat Canada and Mexico like we treat every other "trading
The issue is the Libs love it for some weird mathematical equation. This is why
the USA libs freaked out when the POTUS "attacked our closest allies" because he is
a lib too. He's an issue for true Canadians. It will work out in the end like I
have thought since the start.?
he's a train wreck for your country.?
I've been paying more attention to the House of Commons question period and didn't
realize much before at how much more sensible the conservatives are.?

In other words, Trudeau is a petulant brat looking for approval, and he had a
hissy fit in a public speech. Now it�s this guy�s job to fix that.?
Someone lent Justin Trudeau some balls but what the Muslim sissy really needs is a
swift hard kick in his ass and a big belt in that cocksucker's mouth.?
Auditioning for a spot on Clown News Network? Looks like it. Bell bottoms still all
the rage up there? Waging "war" into a studio camera isn't really war.?
I like Trump because he is a man and not a Muslim sissy which Justin Trudea is.?
I am not a little boy you stupid lying gullible troll! Go back to sucking Justin
Trudea's Muslim dick and this time make sure you swallow bitch!?
Typical retarded Canadian jackass. It's no wonder you elected a Muslim fagot as
your prime minister.?
Bull Shit you Canadian cowards. If it wasn't for the U.S. you would all be speaking
German and doing the goose step.?
The reason Canada was involved earlier in WW1 and WW2 was because Canada is part of
the British Commonwealth you stupid jackass and the US is not and didn't commit
until they were attacked. All Commonwealth nations such as Canada, Australia, New
Zealand and India were committed to the British Empire and if the US didn't get
involved sooner or later Europe would have had Nazis like you Leftists running
around 75 yrs. ago. Your History lesson is for retards.?
Hang on Joe, I am Canadian and I love President Trump and hate our Liberal traitor
PM Justin Trudeau. We will return to normal once we get rid of this traitor. He has
converted to ISLAM, brought untold thousands of them here and they are getting more
benefits and money than our Veterans and our senior citizens, all while totally
screwing our economy. It is a total disaster up here, and I for one am counting on
the President to shut this prick down until we can have a landslide vote to get rid
of him.?
this is the guy who is behind all the illegal refugees walking across our border?
Let alone the untold millions of dollars that are automatic to these illegals on
our dime, while our Vets and old people receive less and suffer.?
I am very pro President Trump the most honest, hard working and caring leader of
any president in many many years... Trump 2020 for Peace and prosperity for all
people !?
There you go USA, Al Hutchinson and I are two of many Canadians in support of the
President and his goals. We also recognize of traitorous Prime Minister and myself
I hope the President crushes him like the disease-ridden bug that he is.?
Trudeau�s Quote when asked to comment on his open border immigration strategy: �The
very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock
white Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable and we will
replace them.?
you're an idiot! Maybe you need to learn what a globalist is and what they
represent! Fuck globalist! We've had Globalist running America for the last few
administrations. No more! Fuck globalist and all those countries trying to usher in
a new world order one world government. There plans to enslave the whole world
while using feel-good language like diversity intolerance and climate change and
all that bullshit you useful idiots eat up. You snowflakes and leftist are
Are you stupid? The man calls it how he sees it. He doesn't smile on your face and
talk behind your back. He talks right to your face like a man should you dumb
asshole. You're so stupid that when he calls out problems or people you see it as
whining because your dumb ass doesn't know what the fuck is really going on.?
and you're another stupid asshole you can't seem to understand the Trump is getting
things done while you're Globalist president from Canada, German and all these
other New World Order bitch ass countries are not doing nothing except using feel
good language raising your taxes and fucking the citizens. You guys are so stupid?
well, trudeau does behave like a woman doesn't he??
americans afraid? we were just enjoying our brew watching the germans go all over
Yes I do remember all the history books telling how Canada stormed the beaches,
marched through Europe and saved the world. Lol, you guys are cute when you try to
act relevant.?
Justin got so worked up his eyebrows fell off!?
seriously Canada needs to send this guy to negotiate with Trump not Trudeau.
Someone with the honor to speak the canada's position to Trump's face not a spoiled
little girl who will shaken in her cowgirl boots at Trump's mere presence.?
Some Facts for you. Canada declared war on Germany and fought for 3 years before
the American troops went to Battle in WW1 AND WW2. Canada went to Korea, in the
'50s, and was part of NATO from day 1. You insult the Canadian U.N. troops that
died in Yugoslavia, Cyprus, and many other places around the world. You INSULT the
159 Canadian soldiers that have died on the ground in Afghanistan - you are an
internet coward.?

The Canadians CANNOT win a trade war with the USA. US trade makes up 20% of
Canadian GDP whereas Canadian trade only makes up 2% of the USA GDP. Canada would
be destroyed!!!!?
Canadian Soy boy, your country is a global joke. Always has been. And we are sick
of carrying you economically. Keep your pens, your maple syrup and social ideas.
Ask that failed state currently called the UK to trade with you.?
Funny that anyone who lives in a country ran by a lady boy like yours calls Trump a
joke. Aren't you soft men late for your daily beatdown by your local muslims??
Canada tariffs on all USA products range between 20% to 300% - a parasitical
relationship is not healthy for Canada. Those tariffs pay for Canadian socialism
at the USA expense.?
That is the exact attitude is why we are here in the middle of a trade war. So
guess what...Canada WILL end up doing exactly what Trump thinks is enough and like
it. So go cry about it somewhere else than YouTube comments loser.?
If US citizens would stop complaining and ride it out, a tariff war would make
Canada come back begging. So if Canada wants to avoid that, stop with the nonsense
and meet to make a fair deal for both countries. The past of politicians selling
us out to line their own pockets and incompetence is done.?
Until then we get to hear a constant stream of irrational Canadians with delusions
of grandeur.?
Two observations - too many personal attacks and too few facts - take the emotion
out and look at all trades cross border and ask is this fair or reciprical? Then
make it so... Sound like children and yes President Trump is a leader we all need -
and Harper would be a much better counter discussion in the world of ideas. Darn
it - Canada gave the world Jordan Peterson - now that would be a great PM?
doesn't Canada have a dairy cartel that they need to deal with. They could use this
situation with the US to help them break up that cartel.?
If the Canadian government was friends with the US, they would have accepted steel
quotas like Australia, Brazil, South Korea, etc. did and helped us rebuild our
steel industry. We're bringing back our steel industry, and Trudeau will not stop
us. Since Trudeau rejected steel quotas, he got steel tariffs put on him and
started a tariff for tariff trade war. All we have to do is cut trade and 70% of
Canadian jobs dependent on US trade will be gone and you will be like the Queen's
African commonwealths, eating rat soup. Canada's GDP is smaller than the state of
Texas, so Trudeau has no leverage to win a trade war, and he;s delusional for
Canada are the thieves 270% tariffs since the 70's you have to know when this all
started not listening to the CBC a propaganda machine for Justine who gave them
hundreds of millions. US GDP is twice that of China and 10x Canada therefore Canada
cannot win. You better bow now then to bow later because it will be devastatingly
you are seriously hillarious - USA is always on it's own keeping north America
safe. Look to Canada contribution to NATO (delinquent) - and understand 90% of
Canadians live inside a hundred miles of the USA border... dillusional or
parasitical it is what it is - but at the end of the day Canada is 2% of the USA
GDP vs USA 25% + of the Canadian GDP. Stop with flapping and let's simply all
reset to ZERO and call it a day and make both countries great to our amazing border
- where is Harper we need an adult in the room.?
you seriously believe that?? With 90% of the Canadians living inside 100 miles of
the USA border. Stop the silliness and hate - USA is 25% of the Canadian GDP.
USA is the top oil producer in the world now - someone said we were dependant...
There has been a quiet trade war for decades and the USA is your piggy bank in NATO
defense. See so many false statements here it is laughable... let's all simply
reset to zero tariffs on both sides and understand that is the definition of free
trade.. and love brings us all together. .?
To you Canadian Trump haters - I'm sure you loved Obama leading from behind. Here
is a truth: most Americans simply don't know much about Canada a great country and
a wonderful people. This American has been to all your Provences. All take a
chill pill - know we have something never experienced before in history and try to
respect the others opinion.?
you are a hater of leadership. Maybe Harper or Jordan Peterson can be PM.... Get
used to 8 years... MAGA all the way.... No more Piggy Bank. Thanks And appreciate
your opinion - regardless of the socialist indoctrination you prefer.?
Obama led from behind - anything that weakens the USA is naturally always
preferable to my cross border friends. Let's simply get the conservative party
back in power (Harper or a gem like Jordan Peterson) as PM. President Trump is
simply going after items of trade that are draining the nation... Specifically
China being the biggest issue.?
I would just like to point out that the EU will support Canada in this battle for
freedom and national dignity.?
The fight is not between Canada and the US but between Trudeau and the US. Trudeau
does not speak for the vast majority of Canadians.?
Why doesn't Justin want what President Trump wants and that is Fair Trade. The
Americans previous government let us get away with it for years .I am Canadian and
see no reason not to negotiate for fair trade...?
I am Canadian & certainly do not call President Trump a joke.. He has been right on
everything, but the libs/dems are a party of hate and they have the bias MSM (which
they own )to spin & spread lies abt him and they are not allowed to ever report
any positive things that this great man has done for America and for the world..You
must do your own research and turn off the MSM including the Newspapers...the
Harvard Study noted the the MSM reporting is 95 % anti- Trump ,They are
propagandists, that is what happened in Germany all those yrs ago, by the way
,don't sweat ,Canada & the USA will have it all worked out in no
me ......?
I'm Canadian and I'm embrassed at how stupid our leaders are. The US needs to teach
these mofos a lesson they'll never forget?
I have to say... if given the choice of believing Trump or Trudeau... I'd have to
go with Trump. Trudeau's an imbecile.?
I hate to break it to you but Trump isn't really concerned with Canada he's
concerned with Mexico and Trudeau is picking this fight.
If Trudeau wants to trade piece he will drop all tarrifs including 270% on dary and
agree to a separate Free trade agreement without Mexico.?
it's the Press who are complaining not the American people. Unfortunately for their
propaganda machine they are completely irrelevant. No one can stop Trump from doing
this. Trudeau will either settle for a no tarrifs free trade agreement as Trump
demands or they will be in a very deep recession next year.?
we don't want to hurt the Canadian people. Trudeau is unfortunately making that
so why won't Trudeau agree to dropping all tariffs? Oh that's right special
political interest.?
Trudeau is about to get Canada in a whole heap of a mess. If he keeps this up,
Canada will lose the American auto plants, and incur steep tariffs on the auto
parts industry. That alone accounts for about $64 BILLION of Canada's GDP and tens
of thousands of jobs. Meanwhile, Trump could easily move those auto plants and
jobs back to America and gain tons of support in the process. Trudeau needs a
reality check! He's jeopardizing the country!?
Canada is a Fucking joke these days because of that GayBoy Trudeau?
WOW what the fuck are you talking about ? Where do you dumb fucks come up with this
bullshit haha. The U.S produces more oil than any country in the world dumb ass we
do not need Canada's oil to survive tard lol God dam your fucking stupid if we
stopped buying Canadian oil you guys will be fucked lol. We do not need Canada if
anything Canada needs the U.S and it's not with just trade you twats also depend on
the U.S militarily. Canada barely has a military and can you guess why that is ?
It's because you don't need a military because you live beside the only Superpower
in the world the U.S. The only reason Canada is what it is today is because of the
U.S not the other way around. Also our GDP is 10 times bigger than Canada's?
Do you want the Canadians to have to renegotiate the trade deal every 5 years,
because that is what Trump wants us to do. I don't see how that is any better then
tariffs. Any businesses that may have wanted to come to Canada will change their
mind if they can't be sure that their products/services can be sold in 5 years time
to the US.?
are you stupid enough to believe Trump would drop all tariffs ? The USA is the
country with the most lobby groups, in the USA you get elected when you have the
most compagnies you people on here are so gullible on Trump its
Its your 2 term president Obama that created our goofy PM.
You Americans talk like you have no socialists in your shithole country.
Don't forget you goofy mother fuckers elected him drop the idea that
your failed shithole country is free of socialism....?
Varney asked him three times if Canada was prepared to lower any of their tariffs
on US goods. He never received a direct answer. Nuff said.?

The math alone makes this a win for president Trump. Their economy is almost 20%
based on business with the US. The US in comparison entire trade business with
Canada amount only to roughly 2%. How long can they really hold out if they want to
go head to head? Not long.?
Do pray tell how canada is going to sell US car parts to china and the Eww? Please
explain how canada is going to sell oil without it moving through a US pipeline?
Maybe we will let the oil move...with a $25 USD surcharge per barrel. Lolololol?
Actually, that might not be a problem, once we stop importing Mercedes, BMW, Fiat,
Peugeot and so on. US car makers have already decided to cut their car lines on
their own... before Trudy showed his ass. It's really not a problem. Lol?
The math alone is why EU, China, Canada, Mexico or any country will lose any trade
war with the USA. The US is the largest consumer economy in the world. Many think
China is, but 60% of Chinas population do not have access to their own economy,
that's why China needs to suck up to US to get that access. And the size of
consumer base (The American People) is part of President Trumps leverage. Any
country that wants access to the US market, play nice and come correct or don't
come at all. And Trump is basically saying, we don't need you. We can bring back
our factories (which is already underway) develop new ones locally and produce our
own products. Just like in the past. There's a reason for tax cuts, business
incentives, lowering corporate taxes, and employment going back up. Trump is
playing chess with these countries and so far he's Winning.?
That is the beauty of it. You have been pissing off the companies that you will now
need. There were two other pipeline companies canada fucked over before Kinder
Morgan! You need pipelines a year ago. You need refining capacity. This will take
years to develop. If/when, you finally do manage it, your country will be
fundamentally changed because libtards couldn't make the transformation happen. 4D
chess. Trump wins either way.?
Don't Bet on It - Do you know what a differential is? My own oil in North Dakota
sells at a $20 discount...because of where it is, far from a hub! All canadian oil
is far from a hub. If you want more for your oil, you need to build some national
pipelines terminating in a port where you could load tankers. It's funny that you
THINK you are selling to the US below market value when really the price merely
reflects the fact that is costs so much to move out from bumfuck to market!
Lolololol!!! Want more for your oil? Get on your knees and beg Kinder Morgan to
come back and finish the pipeline. I don't think they will though. They make profit
from building and operating pipelines, no profit when the state owns the pipeline.
I hope you better understand, how bad you miscalculate.?
Libtards forget that the US has allies also. South Korea, Japan, and so forth.
Canada will be brought to heel quickly. As much as other countries might like to
help, the only actual help Britain and the Eww could give would be a gift of cash
and I don't believe they would do that. Canada is just not set up to trade with
other countries, their oil isn't Brent grade and you have no way to get it to the
Eww except through US pipelines. Canada would have to survive 1-2 years with almost
no trade, before they would be in a position to do major trade with other
countries. You need an oil pipeline and you have pissed off the top 3 companies
that could have built it for you. Good luck with that.?
Good point, Trudeau has no leverage to wage a trade war against us. 70% of their
jobs are dependent on US trade and 25% of their GDP is related to US trade. We got
screwed in NAFTA from the start, because Canada, with a GDP smaller than Texas, was
given tariff free access to the world's largest market, while in return we got
tariff free access to their market, smaller than a US state, and discovered it
wasn't tariff free. Trudeau was stupid to reject the steel quotas and start a
tariff for tariff trade war against us. Trump just retaliated and is putting a 25%
tariff on all cars entering the US, which will decimate their economy. Canada sold
the US 54 billion dollars worth of cars last year. They sell us all these cars,
when their population and economy can't buy a fraction of this many cars from the
US. It;s no wonder we lose 100 billion in trade with Canada each year with retards
like Bush and Obama making the deals. Bush probably never even learned to count to
20 and Obama was a former crack dealer, crack head.?

LOL Canada is trying to walk back the disaster. Trump should hold his ground!?
No, not Canada trying to walk back the disaster but Trudeau trying to walk back the
disaster. They are Liberals, and Liberals are poison in every country.?
Canada's Wreck-it Ralph GoodLiar comes to Justincompetent's (The Muppet Boy PM)
Come on, it's TRUMP!. He will walk all over that that maple leaf, 'eh.

Simply put : The U S does not need Canada and Mexico. Canada and Mexico needs the
USA!!!!!!!!!! Stop your tariffs and we'll stop ours.........that is the bottom
line. Cease your rhetoric.?
my father, when alive was in the oil and gas exploration business. In the early to
mid 70's when Jimmy Carter screwed America with his OPEC decision, my father
claimed we have enough oil deposits in the gulf ,Alaska, and east and west coasts
to carry us for 500 years. Free trade. Free being key. No tariffs, no deficits.?
Oil and coal we have enough to last a 1000 years if we don't export. This was
public knowledge before it was placed in National Security. But with all the
advancements no telling how much we really have, because everything is classified
all idiots reply,I see. International trade is always warranted. Free trade; Free
being the key word involves no tariffs at all. A dictionary will explain the word
free for you. And we need nothing from Canada and Mexico. We are on the same
Continent. We all have the ability to produce our needs. However some of our
leaders aren't as corrupt as most other countries leaders and look out for its

Canada places 275% tariffs on US Canadian's buy few US goods.

Meanwhile, American households purchase billions of dollars of "cheaper" Canadian
goods (no tariffs) each year. NAFTA is a massive wealth transfer to Canada and
many other foreign economies. DEM/REP politicians have been selling us out for
Keep in mind, that the current administration in Canada (my country) are Liberals
and all liberals are screwed on both sides of the border.?
The vast majority of US exports to Canada have a tariff of 0%. There is a very
small number of protected areas such as milk that have high tariffs. The US sells
more goods to Canada than Canada exports to the US. It is a massive wealth
transfer from Canad to the US.?
don't forget the massive transfer of wealth into the Swamp, starting with the
Clinton and Bush Cartels and their little minions who are swimming for their lives
in thr D.C Swamp?
Is that what Eyebrow Truddy told you after sucking you off? Asking for a Canadian
friend that identifies as an American?
The US-Canada trade issue is about the ridiculous tariffs (in some cases 270%) that
Canada has on US goods.?
Ridiculous tariff on milk no question. The tariff on industrial milk products used
to make cheese is 0%. Until Canada retaliated against the US the tariff on steel,
ketchup, canned soup and a most other US products was 0%. Milk is the exception,
not rule. The US does not want to give up its farm subsidy and Canada does not
want to give up it supply management system.?
You're obviously not aware that Canadian farm subsidies have existed for over 100
Yes, both countries have farm subsidies. It is a hot potato that politicians in
both Canada and the US don't want to touch. My point is the vast majority of
product that moves between the two countries does so tariff free. I would be more
concerned about industrial equipment, consumer products, auto parts than milk.?
"Canada places 275% tariffs on US Canadian's buy few US goods" -
False, most American products enter Canada with no tariff at all. Not only do
Canadians buy lots of American goods but we are generally your top customer, for
example Canada buys 50% of US steel exports.?
Canada�s government is constantly setting new unfair limits on U.S. exports. And
any U.S. imports above these limits are subject to high tariffs (as high as 245 to
298%...). Canadian officials are experts at the stealth tax game. They have
"limits", "Tariff Rate Quotas" (TRQ's) and other technical trade barriers like
Marketing Boards that set prices and Production Quotas. They'll often reclassify
goods or set up market sector qualifications in order to reduce US imports. They
also set very low limits for duty taxes on retail goods. So even Canadian
visitors/tourists are discouraged from shopping in US retail stores/malls.?
your information is incorrect. The only marketing boards in Canada are for dairy,
chicken, turkey and eggs the highest current tariff that applies to a US good is on
dairy and that is 270%. No new marketing boards have been set up in over 40 years.
There are tariff rate quotas on other goods, however the US is exempted from all of
them with no limits. Also US officials are just as good at setting up "stealth
taxes" as vast numbers of goods imported into the US face similar TRQs. The duty
free limit on Canadian tourists is very low and that is one legitimate grievance
the US has with the current version of NAFTA. Canada also has legitimate grievances
with the current version of NAFTA. Given the age of the treaty it is
understandable that all sides would like to see some changes.
As for NAFTA being a wealth transfer to Canada that is simply incorrect. Canada is
the number one importer of American goods in the world. There is a massive amount
of trade between the US and Canada and it is almost perfectly balanced between
imports and exports, with the US currently having a small trade surplus.?

Canada charges the USA 270% tax on dairy products, but whines and cries over Steel
& Aluminum tariffs. I have a solution for Canada. Stop overcharging us & stop
dumping your cheap products in the USA and we will drop our tariff demands. Allies
don't cheat their friends and protectors like Germany, France, Canada, GB & Mexico
is doing to the US. Pres.Trump is right, The USA ATM Machine is closed to all
countries refusing to pay their fair share of their countries defense. The USA is
$20 trillion in the red & it is high time those mooches start paying us back for
their economic success.?
The US also has its fair share of high agricultural tariffs, for example there are
tariffs of 138% to 164% on peanuts and 300% on tobacco. The US also has a 17%
tariff on dairy despite American farmers receiving large subsidies. Agriculture is
always one of the hardest parts of trade agreements, because farmers generally have
a lot of political power in most countries.?

Thats the problem , why are we dependent on them? We should be self sufficient
first, Then trade our extra stuff. Produce American, buy American, Rebuild American
infrastructure with American labor. MAGA!!!?
This old style of thinking isn't going to work with Donald Trump. I hope pretty-boy
Justine Trudeau digs his heels in. It would be a glorious two-fer: Get rid of NAFTA
and Trudeau in one go.?
You defend Canada and USA will indeed do same. Our President wants to see
fairness, and there is a huge imbalance. No smooth talking can cover firvthe fact
that your steep tariffs in American products is UNACCEPTABLE. I don't see thus man
being truthful he was shaken when moved frim his scripted fairy take. Yes America
also wants to win not keep giving you free money to help poor Canada. MAGA is here
to triumph.?
I understand Canadians wanting to protect their own interests. That's what Trump is
trying to do regarding our interests. As for trade surpluses and deficits between
the US and Canada, there are conflicting reports. The Bureau of Economic Analysis
has calculated the U.S. had a $7.7 billion surplus in 2016. But Statistics Canada
data show it�s Canada with the surplus in goods and services, totaling C$18.8
billion ($14.6 billion) for that year. That�s a $22.3 billion difference between
the two measures. At the very least, both sides should agree to look into the
matter and find out who's actually correct.
The number from statistics Canada was taken out of context, is is not the amount of
Canadian exports to the US, only the value of goods crossing the border from Canada
into the US. it includes things like transshipments of goods that land in Canadian
ports and who's final destination is the US, shipments of goods by land between
Alaska and the lower 48 states and even Canadian exports to Mexico if they travel
by land.?
Trump!.Show them you mean business..Shut the border for a them scurry
like the cockroaches they are..?
brainwashing takes decades of mandatory indoctrination. You just lost the debate
on how to subverse a population.?
guess what? Americans don't give a fuck about any onther country we are the
greatest nation on earth for a reason?
Go ahead and cut the power to the Northeast, they are libtards that voted for

Most transparent president ever. Hands off the investigation, turns over documents,
get's NK to talk and begins bringing them into the Post Modern world. Economy
running fine. Pardoning unjust sentences, ISIS almost gone and so on and so on.
Yeah. He sucks.?
I'm still waiting for CNN to tell me what he lied about, maybe you can help me out
here? Dumbass.?
Well, Your gal Hillary did nothing but lie about literally EVERYHING...There is a
video right here on YT, of Hillary lying for about half an hour straight...You guys
are not at all bothered by that, so why should you expect the other side to react
And Democrats have been rooting for a porn whore and her scumbag lawyer, so what's
your point again??
Cuck Man.....Wrong feminized dude..We are talking about Hillary..Pieces of shit
like you don't get to make the rules around here and you will be held accountable
for supporting a woman who enabled her husband to rape and assault a minimum iof 14
is another pathetic woman who supported Hillary, when she enabled her husband to
rape 14+ women,,,Shame on you Lori!!!!!?
That's why the country is doing so well, fucktard. You morons really need to learn
how to grasp reality and facts instead of emotional appeals and empty accusations.
Seriously, you need to have your overlords brainwash a new playbook into your robot
brains. The one you're using is old, tired, predictable, and WAY too easily
defeated. You gonna call me racist now, crybaby? How about you go for the other one
you retards always go right to, like Nazi? And you morons wonder why you always
I was going to vote for Hillary but some Russian guy forced me to vote for Trump
instead..LOL�.Biggest case of sore loser, whiny crybabies EVER in human
history..Very pathetic?
What happened to two wrongs does not equal a right????
I love how you guys keep being Hillary up. Trump is the president, not her. She has
left politics. Trump is still in politics. He is lying. Trying to keep it simple
for you
How is he lying on how the economy is at its best, stock market is at a all time
high, employment is at its best. Like cmon look at the facts. Lib or rep it�s right
there. I�m sorry if u believe this channel, they have been caught with so many
lies. I don�t judge who u are or ur political views. This guy is doing a lot for a
ur telling me that Hillary Nver lied. Even democrats know she lied. The emails,
Benghazi, meeting with FBI, may I go on. Idc care if ur a lib but if u voted for
Hillary u might be fucking stupid. I�m gay and voted for trump, don�t think I
should be voting on the left side. Sorry but I can�t vote for a fucking criminal.?
The sad part for the left is the media has been in bed with the keft for decades
thats why the lies of the Clintons and Obama have been covered up until recently.
The American people know the truth though, this ks not about Trump but our corrupt
politicians and justice dept which is being exposed now.?
Says the guy watching CNN.
what exactly r u Talkin about u seem to babble help ur sick.maybe swim
home to ur shithole country..thanks to ice taken these slave labor Mexicans out of
here the Construction industry is booming and looking to hire hire hire ..good pay
or they will have no workers it's called making America great again and wages r
moving up as the leverage is heading back towards the citizen worker..we have long
way to go getting our manufacturing back but we r well on a path to that so u just
suck my Gian asss?
and I will vote for him again cold day in hell I would lower my self and betray my
country and vote for a communist bitch who can't walk straight carring a bottle of
gin and a joint or a communist bastard who has the hots forr youny boys and needs
the illegals vote to win.Trump is not prefect but at least he's not a illegal wet
back and lesiban queer a old old old goat and stinks like one Bennie suckers
communist socialist turd.The Democrats are fall from being prefect they are Satan's
bastard in animal form with two legs.?
dude shut the fuck up you're so fucking stupid I can't believe there's people that
are actually as stupid as you out there they can't see this economy is booming
There's jobs everywhere things are great the only problem is all the fucking
liberals in Washington putting a fucking wedge between everybody because they're
losing their fucking power you stupid cocksucker you don't know shit you're just a
dumb fuck coming on here talking like a little pussy on fucking YouTube giving out
bullshit just like this fucking CNN bullshit that's not even what truck fucking
said they're cutting and they're editing parts of what he was saying to make it
look like he's saying other thing I saw the whole 50 minutes of him standing there
talking I heard every word he fucking said and that's not what he fucking said
they're fucking Liars?
No buddy! The country is doing well because of Barack Obama, unemployment was damn
near at 11%, we were losing 200,000 jobs a month, and the Dow was at 6,000, when he
left? Unemployment was at 4.5%, we were gaining 300,000 jobs a month and the Dow
was at 18,000 (a record at the time), and how do you explain that? Oh that's right?
Using the favorite conservative talking point: "people just stop looking for work"
(as if people can actually stop looking for work to survive) now that Trump is
President? People all of a sudden started back looking for work? Fuck outta here
idiot! You're delusional. Trump hasn't done shit but swing golf clubs, watch T.V.
(to see what someone said about him) tell lies in a twitter storm at 3 in the
morning, try to undermine the media (for asking questions that he doesn't like) and
set business deals in exchange for concessions. You Trump supporters
(conservatives) are the worst, claiming to be "patriots" but supporting a con-
artist who is taking a shit on the oval office for personal monetary gain.?
Speaking of manufacturing, when is Trump and his daughter going to move the
manufacturing of their merchandise back to the US? He talked an awful lot about
bring that back during the campaign, so he MUST be bringing his own back to the
States. I mean, if he didn't, that would make him a liar and a hypocrit, wouldn't
it? You MUST have heard that he is, but I guess I missed that speech. Could you
provide a link to where I can hear him say that, please??
Liberals are sick !?

So then you are letting past President's failure on economic policies be negated.
No big deal, right? Here comes a person who actually wants to do something about
it. But yeah, let's not support that. Let's just continue to be taken advantage of.
Smart. Let's just IGNORE the horrible trade agreements that we DON'T benefit from.
Great solution!?
Don�t blame the guy trying to fix the problem. Past administrations are
responsible, either we keep loosing jobs and pride in our manufacturing or get
tough. It may be a battle, but we need to unscrew this. We owe China money so we
might as well any way, or they�ll never get there money back
Jeff Bozos , Google, Walmart etc are not 100 billion dollar companies because
things are made in the USA. Companies get them to do it because they don't want to
pay Americans a decent wage. We wouldn't need government assistance if these to big
to fell companies paid their employee's a living wage.?

Funny nobody talks about why the countries these illegals come from don�t do
anything to help their people and keep them - the reason is it�s cheeeper to send
them to the Americans to deal with. Build the wall and they won�t come
you obviously need to turn off the propaganda and quit drinking the koolaid
child .?
In a long-term view point it would be cheaper to build the wall and be done with it
and then export all illegals shut the door?
Zero Tolerance works fine by me. If the parents wants to come in here and have
their children separated that is the choice that the parent made. I call that very
poor parenting skills. Apply to get into the country the right way or you will be
deported sooner or later.?
there are 30 million illegal Mexicans in America, they have plenty of places to go.
How about this idea, send them to Mexico with their parents..?
How come asshole employers who hire them are not being deported? They hire illegals
for their cheap labor and want taxpayers to pay for them. They should also have
their businesses confiscated.?
Bottom line is these countries can care less about their people, they care about
lining their pockets as much as they can while in government.?
Those countries have NO rule of law. Those countries make up a corridor through
which cocaine is trafficked by ruthless gangs who give ordinary people the choice
to either join them or die so they flee; as you would as well, as anyone would.
This is an old story from the beginning of the growth of populations and the
subjugation of the less fortunate. If your country was less of an Oligarchy and
better educated, it could easily assimilate these many of these peoples.?
I thought these countries weren't 'shitholes' and we're so wonderful, so why are
people so desperately trying to leave them??
They�re parasites!?
If you want to live in America then learn to speak the language... or get out.?
Here is a novel idea , don't use your children as a shield to hide behind and
immigrate legally .?
What type of a Christian are you? Do you know your Christian book? Apparently not
because in all your infinite wisdom and intelligence you failed to properly read
your Bible. If you were successful, you would know that there are no biblical
scriptures where moral laws apply to secular governments, secular governmental
officials, secular judicial systems, or secular merchants for that matter. All
moral laws are always in the context of one civilian to another civilian.
Therefore, as a civilian YOU MUST help them, as you can, along with other civilians
but Trump, on duty, has no obligation.?
sorry dude but god stopped paying attention eons ago. I have kids and grandkids,
expecting another on the 23rd,and I would never put them in that position. Blame
the Evil Trump Administration all you like, but deep down you know, this falls
squarely on the shoulders of the parents.?
The best humans will breed the new generation of Americans, who will rid us of the
foreign hordes!?
It should be merit-based. Our country does not need people coming over the border
and getting on welfare. We have too many of our own on welfare. To many of our own
that are homeless. We don't need to import more problems.?
It's simple don't come here unless its legal. This is the effect not the cause. The
cause is people dragging their whole family to a countrys border for illegal entry.
Blame the cause not the effect.?
The people who are coming here illegally know what will happen. It is their
I have kids and I wouldn't endanger them. These people could care less about their
own kids.?
You fail to acknowledge that most of these so called asylum seekers are required by
international law to seek asylum in the first nation they enter when they flee
their home countries , and not all of the children belong to the criminals bringing
them across the border illegally . All you bleeding hearts do is whine and complain
. How many illegal aliens otherwise known as foreign nationals do you provide
housing for ? I?
Hi Larious , it never occurred to you that the parents do not care about their
children or they wouldn't place them in these circumstances . And I guess you
believe that the children should be locked up with their criminal parents in an
adult detention center . Oh wait I'll bet your soloution is to just turn them loose
or for the government to provide housing for them . Typical bleeding heart , and
you still haven't provided information on how many illegal aliens otherwise known
as foreign nationals you provide housing for .?
You see I learned from history that any nation that does not defend its borders
will soon no longer be a nation . The problem with you who refuse to learn from
history is that you drag those of us who do down with you.?
We are Americans , and they are not Americans and we owe them nothing except the
exact same treatment as citizens get for violation of our laws . If you actually
cared about the children you would not place them in this situation in the first
place .?
And I am still waiting for the information on how many illegal aliens you have
opened your home to . Unless of course you are a hypocrite not practicing what you
are preaching .?
I am from Europe and I support your immigration control, without law there is
there are 8 million people living in El Salvador. Should we take them all??
Also, we take children away from their parents all the time in this country. Ever
heard of Child Protective services??
Most countries use merit based immigration policies and we did too until the mid
liberal tears are like drops of sweet honey, Delicious.?
According the United States Census Bureau's Survey of Income and Program
Participation data 70% of all Hispanic immigrant households receive welfare and 91%
of all Hispanic immigrant households with one or more children receive welfare! We
cannot afford to take care of the world! We need to let people into this country
that will contribute to our nation, not take from it!?
If a woman commits a crime in the USA and has children and has to go to jail she is
separated from her children sooooooo the adults that are using children as anchors
to stay in the USA that's illegal it's a crime. Instead of imprisonment adults are
sent back and come in the legal way. The Democrats need to send the Family back
legally and come back legally.?
Knee-jerk, emotional B.S. The illegals know they will be separated if they come
over illegally.?
At the rate the Democrat's are crying about this, they will decide to Build The
Wall themselves next week. Right, like the child trafficking Democrat's would do
this. This Democratic Charade is about focusing attention away from the IG Report
and the hearings. THE DEEP STATE IS IN DEEP $HIT!?
And it was Trumps administration that finally enforced the law !!?
If you like your FAMILY, you can keep your FAMILY... immigrate LEGALLY!?
Well when people get arrested in the united states their kids need to go to jail
with them now so that the families stay together.?

Trump seems to have a way of winning more than he loses, his will to make America
win is strong, just say'n.?
many reasons he could have bankrupted. I personally don�t know but it may have been
the crappy economy at some point, it may have been a partner situation, maybe his
investors backed out, maybe it was just the wrong business in the wrong place at
the wrong time. People create things all the time. They want to do something
different and there isn�t anything wrong with that. It will either work or not but
you won�t know unless you try. I have filed twice myself, both times because my
attorney advised me to do so. A divorce and a very bad friend situation. It didn�t
hurt me and I am quite positive that it didn�t hurt him either. Sometimes you have
to do what�s in the best interest of a total situation. At least he tried. The man
took a couple million dollars and turned it into billions, but by all means focus
on the bankruptcies. You know that Mark Zuckerberg stole Facebook from his 2
buddies right?? All I know is that my mother got a social security raise this year
that was more than the past 15 years added together (last 4 of Obama she received
nothing) my check and retirement is better. The media has said for almost 2 years
now that he was going to create a war, we were going to get blown up by N Korea,
the tariffs this, the name calling that blah blah blah. I am still living and my
family is thriving. I will be thankful and grateful until he messes up which I am
hoping will never happen?
not an American huh?? I am not egotistical and I am definitely empathetic and
intelligent enough to know that you aren�t God and you know nothing about me. The
comment said that the media has told us for 2 years that everything that President
Trump has done was going to lead us to a civil war, nuclear war etc. Needless to
say they were wrong and I AM STILL THRIVING. The world is still moving on.
Empathy?? I have plenty of that as well. It may not be what you think I should be
empathetic about but that�s my choice. I am empathetic towards burn victims, people
born with medical issues, elderly people who have outlived their children or whose
kids don�t care about them. The woman who I go feed just once a month, because
that�s all she�ll allow, that lives under a bridge about 20 minutes from my house.
I hurt for women and children who have to suffer at the hands or boot of their dads
or husbands. I cry during 4th of July parades, my grandchildren�s Christmas
programs. The list goes on. Don�t pretend you know anything about me. As far as
President Trump having multiple casinos in Las Vegas?? I have no clue how many he
has and the greatest thing about America is that he can do that, anyone can do
that, if they want. Research how many restaurants Robert DeNiro has and where they
are. I think he has 3 in Las Vegas at different hotels. God Bless America!!?
I AM WITH TRUMP ON THIS!!! Why let the Communist Dictator China run the World??? US
should deal with INDIA instead!?
Grow a brain, idiot. President Trump is addressing the trade deficits which we have
with other countries.?
I laugh at your stupidity. Who's fleecing who? Because we're getting royally
screwed by tariffs charged by other countries. Grow a brain, moron.?
Even if India and China are getting along so well with Russia, that�s wonderful.
China is going to be out of drinking water in 10 years and a big portion of India�s
air quality is so bad that they are wearing masks all day. President Trump has to
start somewhere when making a deal. We give to the UN to help other countries, and
what�s right about us paying more for the exact same service as other countries. By
the way, he isn�t fleecing us with tariffs, he is bargaining with other countries,
Get it straight?
china is communist? not nationalist?

Obama had 8 years, no opposition..I see why you're upset.?

Deep State you failed again.?
What will the liberals have to cry over NOW??
For every leftist who needed to know what victimhood groups I could lay claim to.
The group-think is killing civilization; be an individual and think critically,
deeply! There's more at stake than the way you feel !!!?
I wish people would stop blaming Trump for everything. It was the Republican
administration that put this clause in action last year. The only thing he did
wrong was saying that an EO would not fix it then fix it with an EO. The same thing
applies Obama, Clinton, Bush, and so forth. The President is not at fault for
everything his administration does. Please stop blaming the head for everything the
body does while sleeping.?
These people need to protest to the mexican president.Not run away from there
You lefty's got your way today! But ! Now let Trump handle our serious border
problems! The parents broke the's not Trumps fault! Their separated
from them ! Now lay off!?
Now the liberals can't whine. (They'll still find a way)?
NO PRESIDENT has successfully tackled as many large issues in such a small period
of time as Trump ! This is even more impressive, when you see the level of
corruption coming from the previous Obama-Clinton administration. Together with the
liberal media they were out to crush him, yet he fights back FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE
It was an ugly issue and he is fixing it but people can't break the law period.?
Look at Trump go. Nobama would never listen to the people. Hell any president
wouldn't have acted so quickly like this man. Congress should have passed something
to help this problem out.?
He is resolving something that Reagan created, Clinton enforced, Obama continued,
and Trump is ending. How is he considered the one at fault now??
Send the entire family back! No more scum bums in America!?
Man Love ?? President Trump one amazing Leader a real legend for the ????American
people and the world ?? has always been a family man ??????????? well done Sir
This is what you get when your not on a constant vacation in Hawaii or out playing
Golf all the time. President Trump is a man of his word and gets things done.?
I am pissed he gave in. He is trying to do the right thing but is constantly
betrayed by Republicans.?
Trump is the leader the US needs right now.?

What about compassion for American citizens? America cannot solve all the world's
Ship them back to their own Country! Leave the west! All they want to do is destroy
it while they rape our women and children?
Its not immigration anymore, its called an invasion.?
Poor migrants and illegals will ruin a nations economy
Compassion has nothing to do with immigration , it's all all BS . Multiculturalism
does not work , muslims(sharia) is not acceptable in the west . Look just go back
and sort your own sharia law abiding countries out.?
Send the migrant families home.. All of these able bodied migrants can rebuild
their Own countries
Deport these illegal criminals they are frauds they are not here to seek asylum
they are here for economical reasons it is that they are suppose to seek asylum in
the first safe country which is Mexico they have no right to be asylum shopping get
them the hell out and expel the children with them problem solved.?
On Ellis Island, people were checked for health problems; they were separated from
their parents and love ones and sent back if they did not present as desirable as
immigrants. "Immigration is just out of control because of Bad Immigration Laws."?
Pudgy fugly liberal globalist has wrecked another fine country. No more brautwurst
allowed at Octoberfest. Goodbye Germany.?
Lets be honest here, we should be very concerned about how the European nations
censor the media and the people, when independent research groups looks at local
statistics, and see they are in no way represented of the national ones... This
doesn't only represent crime, this also represents their econemy and how they hide
the numbers from the public, don't be fooled by the EU, economist from the US
looked at the numbers and the Euro has failed, this was predicted more then 2
decades ago, the EU lies only to keep the people believing in it... Switzerland and
Norway are the only wise ones of the lot.?
All americans need to do is look what is happening in europe and the U.K and see we
need to stop this NOW!,, I say its time for an american STEEL URTAIN!?
This immigration flood pushed by united nations as trojan horse to destablize/ruin
countries. End game new world order...777?
To bad, Europe you're screwed and no one else is to blame but yourselves.?
she has destroyed Europe. The U.S. needs to act before we do the same - by
continuing to import 3rd world uneducated and ignorant people that will not make
sufficient wage to take care of themselves and/or family without government
Merkle betrayed her people, she was not elected to do that. The good news is all
this can be reversed. Some cultures are not compatible.?
Illegal Immigration is slowly but surely destroying the West...period .?

libdems really do hate everything that is positive

Trump focus is good every step he takes each day is great
God will guide Trump cause he is honest in his work
Alpha male signature.
Not Since�Reagan�have we had a President�that loves America
EU is planning on taking 200 million economic migrants in the next decade. USA will
not be spared. There is a war against the white race worldwide.
you're only as good as your leader....go Trump MAGA
Whoever gives a thumbs down on this presentation doesn't deserve what this very
brave soldier did for them.?
Thank you, Mr. President. It was a right and honorable thing you just did.?
God bless trump the greatest president we ever had. A real leader and a great
What an honorable man, he promised to renew the country and military, hasn't
dropped the ball once except for being blocked. Thank you Lieutenant, you will be
remembered. Thanks Mr. President...God bless the USA...?
Bringing back respect!!! TRUMP 2020
Finally a true president trump, for the United states and for the people. The only
president that upholds our constitution and second amendment rights?
Hats off to all soilders they save us every day we are proud to be Americans God
Bless you all!!!!?

After World War 1 �Classic� liberalism began to morph into �Modern� liberalism with
the economist John Maynard Keyns at the forefront in the West with his theory that
free reigning markets are not the answer and that more Government intervention is
needed in the economy. During the same time the Russian Revolution took place and
Vladimir Lenin and especially Leon Trotsky saw an opportunity in �Modern�
Liberalism to further the Communist cause. Leon Trotsky had such extremist views
that he was assassinated in Mexico on the orders of Joseph Stalin � a man who was
responsible of up to 30 million deaths during his reign of terror. Lenin famously
referred to the modern liberal intelligentsia as �useful idiots� that just needed a
nudge in the right direction. It is also Leon Trotsky that coined the most over-
used word in the world � racist. The context of the word has subsequently been
divorced from the original meaning Trotsky had in mind. Calling someone a �racist�
is the favoured ad hominem of progressive liberals painting everybody who does not
agree with them as some form of jackboot wearing, SS flag waiving Nazi white

Democrats hate Russia because it abandoned communism.?

Sorry, the only people who don't want Putin and Trump to get along are our REAL
enemies, the elites in the swamp! We love Russia!!!!?
Trump is doing the right thing..and all other are enemy of the humanity they don't
want peace in the world..and with we should appreciate the effort of Mr
Donald Trump...rather than blaming him like democrats?
The left doesn't want 2 majority white countries getting along, they'd rather see
whites kill themselves off so it's easier to complete their plan?
World peace by 2020;)?
It sounds like the left has gone Alex Jones.?
This president Trump it's literally toasting the Democrats on slow fire... Unique
man with big balls?
libtardism - help find a cure!?
(((Who))) can possibly be opposed to cooperation between the leaders of the two
greatest White nations on earth??

Conservatives are more attractive than liberals, study finds. Don't feel bad you
ugly cunt, it's just science. You know what that is don't you? It's what tells us
that there's only 2 genders
obama's a liar yet he got a nobel peace prize for being black and he promised us a
better healthcare than george w bush but gave us an even worse healthcare than what
bush 2 came up with for healthcare and he told his supporters he was anti war yet
declared war on libya only to kill off gaddafi and his sons and take down the wall
that keeps the african horde from flooding europe and if trump was truly a liar he
wouldn't have created 3.4 million jobs and he would've allowed alot more latinos to
flood our country if he was truly a liar and didn't give 2 shits like obummer?
The nobel committee chose Hussein just for being black and not Bush, the prize is
now totally devalued?
Wow! I can't believe a cultist group, deplorable, and uneducated people would've
defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton the strongest candidate at that time. Hillary had
the fake biased left-wing media on her side and also the Harvey Weinstein's
Hollywood far-left crowd was cheering for her, all the late night TV show hosts the
likes of Stephen Colbert, Bill Mahr, Jimmy Kimmel, Trevor Noah, John Oliver, to
name a few. These are extremely strong allies because "he that controls the media
controls the narrative." I know God had a hand in it because it's unexplainable?
The truth is that the leftist radical liberals and The Socialist Democrats are
jealous, angry, bitter, and frankly embarrassed that their candidate lost the last
Presidential election. But it's a waste of time they will never put on their big
boy pants or man-up and admit defeat, they rather whine like a spoiled toddler. The
far-left hates it when we Trumpsters support and love President Trump. They are
fascist and are like Hitler's Nazi Germany the Third Reich.?
whats so smart about a liberal when they can be easily destroyed than a
conservative in an instant over everything a liberal loves?
if you have that hard evidence present it to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. What
are you still holding to some crucial evidence? C'mon Special Counsel Robert
Mueller have you found the text message from Vladimir Putin yet? The one that said
hey Trump, we are going to hack the election to help you win. Man, it's almost been
2 years and you've done spend approximately $22 million on it already. Money that
would've been better spent on illegal aliens like Pancho and Maria to have more
anchor babies on American soil, so that the American taxpayers can take care of
them from cradle to the grave. The unhinged radical Democrats will love that, they
care more about illegal aliens than our veterans or the American People. I've often
noticed the more naive and gullible a person is, the more they tend towards the
left. "President Donald J. Trump Best President Ever!" Trump 2020!?
whats so american about obama when malik obama exposed his real birth certificate
on twitter back in march of 2017 and malik knows baracks not a real american at all
also why are you acting like republicans created the kkk when the democrats
actually did and the republicans didn't?
yellow dog is a juvenile name caller? Yup,typical LIBTARD loser
Mark Dice said it best- "liberalism is an incurable brain eating disorder."?
not anymore as the average liberal has turned into a far leftist progressing
towards communism and like regan once said a friend once told me if fascism ever
comes to america it'd come under the name of liberalism and he's was right you
libs turned into fascists with far left intentions?
do you have any real evidence trumps a traitor because creating 3.4 million jobs
and building a steel mill in eastern michigan doesn't make him a traitor and don't
say he colluded with the russians as john brennan and the fbi and the dnc literally
used that as an excuse to get dirt on trump also john brennan voted for gus hall a
dirty commie in 1976?
and when he finishes the mueller witchhunt with no evidence you freak out and and
start a riot with your buddies realizing he found no evidence about the russia
CNN would get A Noble Prize for sincerity and Truth.
the reality you live in is nothing more than a communist nightmare to prove you and
your regressive friends are brainwashed sheeple who are still blind to the
mainstream medias lies and still believe trump is bad and the establishmentarian
democrats are good
that prize would go to fox news as cnn is literally establishmentarian proganda and
they didn't show a single anti obama story when obama was president?
TRUMP WINNING Were winning. And its beautiful. The best indicator of our winning is
the noise from the left. We can tell the level of the 'win-o-meter' by the level of
the lefts 'whine-o-meter'.?
you make yourself even worse everytime you say a bad thing about trump and you
empower him doing so so i don't see how him saying he created 3.4 million jobs
makes him look bad when it actually makes him look good also your party is going to
lose alot of seats so keep relying on the very same polls that thought hillary
clinton was gonna win the 2016 presidential elections while you masterbate to her
President Trump tells white lies Democrats tell lies that negatively effect
Americans. If you like you doctor you can keep your doctor -Obama. White people
don't know what it's like to be poor. - Bernie Sanders. Black people have been held
back so much that they are unable to complete with whites and Asians without
government help. -Hillary Clinton. My inauguration crowd was bigger than Obama -
you mean like how merkel forced the german military to use painted broomsticks
instead of guns therby making the german army the most useless army that has ever
i wouldn't say much about mike pence since he's pretty much an honest man unlike
obummer who promised us a better healthcare than bush 2 but instead created an even
worse healthcare than bush 2 and obama said he was anti war yet back in 2011 he
broke that promise by declaring war on libya only to kill gaddaffi and his family
as an excuse to destroy the wall that kept the african horde from invading europe
and the rise of nationalism in europe from happening and he also promised to fix
our illegal immigrant problem yet made it worse by allowing more in and he had a
chance to create peace in the korean peninsula and to end the prolonged korean war
but told rodman to fuck off by brushing him off therby ruining obamas chance of
ever having peace with north korea?

Everyone backs up their own. I'm Hispanic and am glad that trump won. We're not
living on the Democrats plantation anymore. I hate when democrats try to tell you
what you to do and what you should feel. Bullshit identity politic tears. You lost
the election. Get over it and make your country better. Go to work and help
someone everyday. And pray for your family and country and quit trying to tell
everyone they are a racist if they don't drink the koolaid.?
I'm for American culture. I'm the biggest mutt on the planet ranging from black to
asian to British, heavy on Greek and Mayan. But ??% red blooded Fucking Murican
born and raised. My culture will not die. This country will never become like shit
hole countries that everyone is migrating from. This country will never be like
Mexico, or Afghanistan. I've put my life on the line in the past to make sure of
that, just as many others are doing today. So fuck your illegal immigration. Keep
your friends on the other side of the boarder. Name one country better than
all those countries you mentioned are currently having their shit kicked out of
them by Western powers. Is that the only problem with them? no...but it's a major
Well there are winners and losers in life. Pick your side.?
They have to drill that everyone is racist in order to keep racism alive.?
I wish I was privileged like you to pretend that racism doesn�t exist to call ppl
race baiters?
You live in America just as I do, I'm a person of color and I do feel privileged.
Privileged to live in the greatest country on the planet.?
These leftists are weak people who need mental help. They can't understand and
process reality.?
womp womp! Stop trying to divide us CNN! Only 2 kinds of people in this country.
Tax paying American citizens.. and foreign invaders stealing from us. Stop trying
to divide everyone into groups!?
Angela Rye is an excellent actress; she belongs in hollywood. These incidents all
happened when Obama was in power from 2008 to 2016. None of these liberal
snowflakes said a word. Racism, police brutality, mass incarceration are all okay
as long as democrats are in power. These same liberal losers who care nothing about
black people, especially young black men, come out of nowhere with their fake
liberal tears to get a reaction from people. If Hilary were in charge the directors
would cut this clip and change the scene to Angela Rye saying no leader can
legislate morality or control peoples animus one to the other. We are not stupid
CNN and Angela Rye. Good acting though?
didn't Hitler say: Always tell a big lie because the masses are more likely to
believe a big lie than a small one? Mr Trump has learned that lesson well.?
I missed it what's the big lie he told??
Last time I checked comparing people to nazis makes you look like a child who can�t
no that was Hillary, and brother Bill and Obama
Wasn't Hitler also a vegetarian and an artist??
The Big Lie is the fake news spewed out by the establishment media.?
Or you're a racist....that's another good one. The GO-TO diversion when you have
absolutely no facts to back up your findings. LOL?
SOY BOY = He likely reduces all his arguments to labeling the opposition as "Nazis"
-One Definition of Soy Boy.
i don't remember him killing 6 million jews?
The biggest lie is the cult of multiculturalism. The Jewish people are fleeing for
their lives again. It�s insane how many of the Jewish people in France are fleeing
to Israel. They know what is coming. It�s as if the people of Europe have learned
nothing from genocide incidents from their past. I am watching the mass immigration
of people into Europe who want to make their own laws, refuse to assimilate and
have a strong hatred of Jewish and gay people. Germany welcomed the changes that
occurred leading up to WWII and they are doing it again. So many in Europe are
encouraging acceptance of atrocious behavior in the name of multiculturalism.
Europe pretends these issues are isolated or a figment if the imagination when
anyone who is paying attention can see what is happening. It�s terrible. I never
understood how the people of Germany could go along with the Reich�s plan. Watching
the events unfolding in Europe, the excuses, the righteous indignation, the blind
worship of the cult of multiculturalism, it�s truly frightening that history is
I'm gonna go see if i can find an objective report.?
This isn't reporting. This is simple bias. Aweful.
So it's not just CNN,ABC,MSN... it's UK media as well,, the hate in these liberal (
socialist communists) is just gross. They should show the streets in london,
Germany he'll for that case show LA streets it's tent city,, I MIGRATION and
liberal socialists are ruining the world!?
LOL so the Brits have fake news too lol I know seeing how they hate us so much why
don't yall brits pull out of NATO and quit riding on our coat tail?

The BBC have been extremely pro active in the destruction of British culture. It�s
a state run propaganda channel for a corrupt establishment, corrupt to the core.
The BBC workers should be added to the list of criminals and treasonous corporate
agents. Hopefully Europe will overthrow the EU and we the people will hold a
Nuremberg style trial. Know that John here is holding back, holding back a lot. The
BBC simply wouldn�t air anything really truthful.?
The BBC...hiding (to put or keep (oneself or an object) in a secret place; conceal
(oneself or an object) from view or discovery) the truth, hiring and covering up
for paedophiles with your extorted license money...they are the fucking scum of the
Hence they've never had a single penny of my hard earned wages in licence fees.
Bunch of paedophile harbouring bias left wing political propaganda machinists the
lot of them. And they should all be tried accordingly?
you call them journalists, you know nothing of the law, that is clear. You know
nothing of the royal charter, that is clear. You think it�s a trustworthy news
channel, and intelligence services have no involvement with media or social
engineering, don�t you? You are ignorant while living in a renaissance, you fool.?
I don�t think people give them money for the tv licence anymore, I think only the
stupid and ignorant still bother consenting to being fooled.?
Couldn't agree more, these are truly sad times we are living in. 1984 is coming
the BBC employees are treacherous parrots paid to brainwash their own
countryman,and take the nation to one Europe guv,with all their daily brainwash
programing,what a bunch of educated ppl will do for easy money,and try and make
hitlers dream come true,Hitler did control Europe for a long time,so they know it
works because its been happening for years and,ppl don,t even know it,but I will
spell it out for you, WHO ARE BRAIN WASHED,EU,EU,EU.....?
I am not as old as Cleese, but I am old, and like him I was an extremely left
leaning, atheist, and went along with the theory that if we had better governments,
everything would be better. He seems to ignore his past mistakes, thereby
absolving himself of any blame, a lot like politicians do. I saw how wrong I had
been, and realise the moral relativism that grew out of 1970's free thinking, led
to an erosion of cultural identity, and personal pride in the truly superior
systems and behaviours embodied in western democracies. Instead we cringeingly
pandered to a new moral equivalency that was supposed to expiate the sins of prior
generations. A mistake left and right finally succumbed to. Our great mistake, as
young liberals, was assuming leftist governments would be better, but the sad fact
turned out they were worse. If we could get away from the craziness of left vs
right polarisation, it would be marginally better, as the outliers of both these
extreme positions, are invariably absolute tossers.?
Just expel Jews from your nations. They are the creators of modern Capitalism
(Right) and they co-opted every socialist movement (Left). Our ancestors demanded
to live in states which did not grant the Jews equal rights (which amounts to
unequal rights) and often expelled them. Kick out the Jews and the Left and Right
will go the way of the dodo, and gentiles will have leaders that will represent
their interests.?
You must hate your ancestors, assuming you're not Jewish.
Championing humanist, liberal values and tearing down the worst aspects of
bureaucracy, theocracy and racial bigotry was not misguided surely and what better
way than through ridicule because taking away respect from them was what hurts them
the most. The problem was that the entire world went and sold its moral compass in
a seedy pawnbrokers. By the time Tony Blair came along you had a hard time telling
left from right. The left shifted to the centre, the right had to shuffle over
further right and now in reaction new left is extreme left and we're stuck in a
world of disintellectual extreme polarity.?
Please lecture me on your intellectual superiority, and do not forget to virtue
signal. The use of racist is a great opening gambit, and I am sure the refugee
family you've invited to live in your spare room will attest to all that you are
one that puts his values front and centre, and lives them daily. Alternately, I
could just suggest you roll a spliff and calm the heck down, because you do seem a
tad confused, and thinking obviously hurts your bwain. As to your kind sentiments,
I am dying as quick as I can, but the darned drugs just aren't strong enough any
more, danged kids cain't do nuffin' right.?
John Cleese is 100% right about the press and the distrust of them by the British
people . The UK has become an open prison , so I have escaped to an Island in
the south of Thailand . Good luck to you John Cleese thanks for many years of
fine comedy .?
The BBC serves biased news that favours socialist ideology, multiculturalism and
open borders. I left Britain out of disgust about mass immigration ruining my
country and heritage.?
The BBC are just propaganda artists, John knows what he's talking about?
Multiculturalism has destroyed Britain
hes not blaming multiculturalism. You have obviously taken the bait. Your white
peers in the banks and politics and the media have fucked this country, not to
mention allowing 8 million white europeans indiscriminate entrance to the UK. But
you idiots voting brexit to keep coloured immigrants out.?
Yep let's go back to the good old days when british business was started, owned and
run by britons, like the thousands of traditional greasy spoons... oh hold on, I'm
being told they were mainly started by Italiens. Marks and Spencers then...
Belarusian Jew you say? OK. Well I know I'm safe with Tesco's right?... No? Polish?
hmm. The mini! aha! ... designed by a greek! hmmm... Well never mind business,
we'll just go back to things like fish and chips.... No! No you have to be kidding!
Joseph Malin? Portuguese Jewish immigrant? Traditional recipe in his community?
Damn it! Well we've still got waterloo and all that! ... Paid for by the
Rothschild's? German immigrant family? Screw it all at least we've got Churchill
right! .... wrong? you sure? His mum was an immigrant?
Not multi-culturalism, just the rapey stabby cultures. There's where the Brits
screwed up, they should have kept out all those rapists, criminals and terrorists.
Jews? Poles? Italians? Germans? Jamaicans? Well, when they start hijacking planes
and flying them into skyscrapers, then we'll talk about keeping them out too.?
Well said! But let's get further back to the good very-old days when people like
John Cleese would have had hardly any education (illiterate people couldn't read
newspapers!) and no vote. Back to the days before immigration - oh, hang on, I'm
forgetting about European Jews, Huguenots, Eastern Europeans escaping Tsarist
persecution ........... Immigration has been happening for many centuries and
before that there were invaders/settlers from Normandy, Scandinavia and all parts
of the Roman Empire. Dammit - I'm not really British - many of my ancestors were
Political correctness is destroying western society and Islam is feasting on the
That was the Middle Path between Monoculturalism and Multiculturalism, and it was
good: �Too Much Diversity is as harmful as to little�, ~Michael Crichton. Life
thrives on The Edge of Chaos.?
The perfect fate for a former imperial nation.?
Funny you probably wouldn't say that about Muslims and their expansionism. You do
know that muslims have conquered a much bigger part of the world by extreme
violence than the British ever did right? Also this imperial nation was the same
nation that abolished slavery world wide, while the muslims still practice slavery
to this day. But yeah, those evil brits deserve the worst and those poor innocent
muslims get a pass.?
Britain was, and still is one of the richest countries in the world. Multiculti
nonsense only brought problems.?
How can a publicly funded media corporation like the BBC be so biased and corrupt.?
public doesn't mean controlled by the public, it means controlled by the state.
Because 1. It wants to say what people want to read then it will sell papers but 2.
Papers are mainly owned by Tories who will manipulate the thinking of the common
man and obvously do. The Sun and Mail always do this.?
The BBC has an insular extreme Left position, the only thing funnier than its
blatant Marxist shill and larp bullshit are the Left-wingers that see it as Right
leaning or impartial who are either clinically braindead, politically illiterate or
just absolutely insane.?
the politically illiterate Leftycuck paedophile returns to infect his cancer on yet
another thread.?
The answer is, the BBC has been infected by tory politics. Everything infected by
tory politics is biased and useless.?

Trump is 100% correct. Londonistan has fallen

just trump versus you diaper wearing liberal morons?
Leftists are a minority worldwide, just letting you know because you�re one hell of
an ignorant.?
Khan is slowly killing London?
The immigration is out of control....They walk around with those burkas and only
talk amongst themselves Freedom to protest but not freedom to humiliate a person
who has done nothing wrong..public humiliation is low brow...
London is turning into a real shithole ain't it??
The only thing Sadiq knows how to do is dramatically increase the UK murder rate.
yeah, articulate in raping and killing. good job mussie scum?
The US murder rate is 4-5 times the UK.?
he doesn�t need to be articulate.... Trump concentrates more on getting results. I
know which I�d prefer in a leader.?
We did (had an articulate president) and he was a pile of shit?
he doesnt care to articulate what Americans understand 100%.?
London has fallen to the islamist.?
That is funny because London�s murder rate overtook New York. The US when listed on
countries with highest crime or murder rates doesn�t even rank in the top ten or
twenty. And out list of the most violent cities eight are in Mexico while one is in
the US and is run by leftists. It�s called Seattle.?
LMAO...trump tells em how it is, it�s called using common sense, and what he said
is TRUE...why do you think people voted Brexit, we reject the New world order and
Globalism with open borders .?
President Trump is absolutely right. This joker of a muslim mayor does nothing
about terrorists in London. Is he, in fact, encouraging it? He is not to be
trusted in the least. How does someone like that get elected as a mayor anywhere
in England? This is outrageous!?
london is gone they belong to the saudi arabia .new name united kingdom of arabiA
and thank GOD we have TRUMP?

Trump knows Acosta is a hack and doesn�t take Acosta or CNN seriously. Acosta asks
pedestrian questions and maybe he is catering to the low IQ viewers that watch CNN.
Christine Amonpour got taken to the woodshed when she talked to the UN. Trump owned
this summit and Trump directly addressed all issues with PM May. Acosta is a bold
face fucking liar as usual. I love it when he makes Acosta look like the little
dunce that has to sit in the corner for acting out. Carry on!!!?
Now the world knows CNN is fake news..?
No one watches CNN, they are Fake News, that's what you get Crying news network.?
Hey CNN! Will you stop meddling in US elections??
I'd ignore questions from Jim too, he shouts out nonsense and thinks that Trump
would actually listen to him. That's not how you go about things.?
the question is just going to be anti trump anyway so why bother answering., If he
invented a cure for world hunger CNN would still be criticising him.?
Best thing I've seen today. Fake news CNN lolololol... he needs to hang it up and
CNN needs to let a REAL reporter so their job, report the facts and current events
and not be a hatchet man that attacks the president every chance they get.?
That rude tool Acosta can be happy he still has WH press credentials. I think Trump
just keeps him around so he can keep messing with CNN:))?
Poor little Jimbo and CNN your ratings are tanking sooooooo fast LMAO?
CNN just embarrassing them selves by posting this fake news they�re making it so
easy for him to win in 2020
Ha ha, I love it ! CNN has been busted so many times for fake news and bias
opinions! They are a news network that doesn't research their stories, all one
sided. This whole thing of saying "sources say, or rumors are" etc, etc is not
journalism. It's drama, period!?
Acosta has burned bridges. Get known for bs, get called out on bs?
I remember this guy, he was so disrespectful during the summit between trump and
chairman Kim by asking dumb questions in improper moments. This guy truly
represents the value of CNN. I'm glad that Trump rejected CNN's question.?
Trump didn�t take CNN questions!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA YEEEESSSSSS... I love this
President. Boss. *CNN is Anti-America*?
How awesome of OUR President to publicly humiliate traitorous Jim Acosta, CNN and
NBC on the world stage. This man makes me smile with pride.?

Oh, he's fulfilling the promises he made to the people who voted for him...just not
your people. Get over it and let the man do his job. #MAGA?
I thought it was "kids in cages" this week, then "Nazi" next week.Back to Russia so
soon? I can't keep up. Are you sure it's Russia week? I can only channel my hatred
to one at a time.?
Putin may be all of the things people call him, and possibly worse, but he respects
strength. The days of Americans kissing peoples asses, bowing to them, licking
their boots, and worldwide apology tours is over.?
it is a complete insult to all victims of true Nazis to make such a comparison?

Os tiene que caer muy mal Trump para que hasta lo hay�is cambiado en la cabecera
por el 'anticristo' de PutinXD.?
Para propaganda ya tenemos la sexta?
Y ahora las elecciones legislativas de medio t�rmino en Estados Unidos los
republicanos van a seguir controlando ambas c�maras no recuerdan Qu� pas� con sus
encuestas cu�nto dec�an que Trump no ten�a posibilidades de ser presidente?
Ehm visual politik, saben que trump no es todo terror y destrucci�n? Que realmente
a aumentado los empleos ha bajado los impuestos y levantado la econom�a.?
Sesgad�simo el v�deo, qu� decepci�n.?
falso yo vivo aca y el partido repubicano esta arrasando con los democratas?
La Clinton y el Obama eran mucho m�s belicista y asesinos que 40 Donald Trump. Si
no fuera por Trump ahora mismo la guerra estar�a por las fronteras de Rep�blica
checa!!!!. La guerra econ�mica ya de desat� hace 20 a�os y la gan� China haciendo
trampa Trump defiende su patria no de le puede culpar por eso?
Los establishment al final favorecen a Las industrias de armas, Los bancos y
corporaciones. Por eso Trump y Sanders estan alzandose por que �mbos partidos no
son para el pueblo sino para las elites?
Por qu� ustedes de VisualPolitik odian Trump??
Trump puede hacer lo que se le d� la gana en sus fronteras es su pa�s y tiene que
hacerlo respetar de violadores delincuentes y asesinos ojal� mi pa�s tuviera un
presidente nacionalista y con mucho amos por su pa�s como trump?
Cero objetividad jamas mostraron como disminuyo el estado desde que vino Trump
(Disminucion de impuesto y cortar regulaciones). Obvio que no �s fan�tico del libre
mercado exterior pero tambien sus hermanos de libre mercado como la union europea y
japon estan lejos (ojala cambien). Hay una gran diferencia entre inmigrante legal e
ilegal. Me gustan sus v�deos pero cuando hablan de pol�tica americana dejan mucho
que desear o son los tipicos europeos pol�ticamente correctos que enaltecen
algunos socialistas (comunista) como Obama?
Aqui solo se dedican a tirar mierda con ventilador a Trump, hablen de numeros mas
de 3.7 millones de empleos privados, impuestos bajos, la econom�a Americana mejor
que nunca ! Est�n perdiendo Objetividad.?
Porque no hablan de los empleos y empresas que est�n aumentando al igual que la
econom�a y la disminuci�n de la pobresa en estados unidos por las pol�ticas de
CNN y otros tiene niveles hist�ricos de rating negativo. Deben entender que la
excesiva demonizacion de Trump por parte de medios tradicionales fue, es y ser�
contraproducente. Psicolog�a inversa se�ores.?
Ah, claro, que Trump no ha bajado los impuestos.?
"Y son amigos de Vladimir Putin" jajaja tira de payasos, como si Putin fuera el
demonio jajaja como les encanta vender humo para sus perritos libertarios.?
Muy poco objetivo este v�deo. Donald Trump ha bajado impuestos y quitado
regulaciones, adem�s de estar a favor del libre mercado siempre que este sea
REC�PROCO. Adem�s, poner a Paul Ryan como representate de la derecha americana
cuando es algo as� como la Soraya S�enz de Santamar�a norteramericana, es decir,
una persona sin valor alguno que solo busca pactar con sus adversarios a toda
costa, es cuanto menos tendencioso. Adem�s, un liberal, y m�s a�n con la tradici�n
aislacionista de los EEUU, deber�a estar a favor de no llevarse mal con ning�n
pa�s, incluido Rusia. S�, tambi�n con Rusia, un pa�s al que Visualpolitik profesa
un odio absoluto mientras que para la dictadura comunista China todo son halagos,
sonrisas y v�deos cool.?
Porque no hablas de la ideolog�a dem�crata y de la banca que llevo a la crisis del
2008 mi libertario rabioso!!!!?
�Acaso los chinos no tienen aranceles a los estadounidenses? Lo que usted propone
no es libre mercado, es una estafa que lleva d�cadas descapitalizando los EEEUU.?
los pa�ses con impuestos m�s bajos a las empresas son los m�s competitivos y
avanzados del planeta, no hay nada de malo en ello. Y a EEUU le hac�a falta ganar
competitividad porque lleva d�cadas descapitaliz�ndose por culpa de tratados "de
libre comercio" mal hechos.?
Usted debe entender el libre comercio como China, esto es: proteccionismo con los
productos de los dem�s y libre mercado para mis productos. As� cualquiera, oiga. Lo
que Trump pretende es que China abra sus fronteras a los productos del resto del
mundo, y para ello amenaza con aranceles. Se trata de una estrategia negociadora.?
Todos los pa�ses n�rdicos tienen impuestos de sociedades bastante por debajo de los
de EEUU. La socialdemocracia escandinava dej� de serlo hace d�cadas.?
China hace trampa respecto al dolar, de paso esta comprando indiscriminadamente
tanto como se pueda y financiando todo eso a costa de trabajos de hasta 16 horas a
su gente y esclavismo puro, los Chinos y los Indios son las personas m�s
esclavizadas por trabajo del mundo con pagos miserables.?
los paises nordicos y europa colocan aranceles a los productos chinos, de lo
contrario china tendria quebrada la industria europea . TODO PAIS DEBERIA
supieras los impuestos que pagan las empresas alemanas, el pa�s del mundo numero
uno en volumen de exportaci�n per c�pita.?
Trump lo esta haciendo bien. Hoy que se supone que comenzaron los aranceles. La
bolsa abri� sin novedad.?
No entiendo por qu� tanto ataque a Trump por parte de los libertarios, vosotros s�
que sois la extrema derecha, sin empat�a.?
Sin duda Trump esta siendo uno de los mejores presidentes de la historia de Estados
Unidos , la economia vuelve a crecer fuertemente , estuvo casi parada 10 a�os por
culpa de la izquierda. El desempleo el mas bajo en 20 a�os y el desempleo entre
latinos el mas bajo de la historia , de que razismo me hablan? , en abril de este
a�os creo casi 200 mil empleos nuevos !!!! En sudamerica la ultima ves que un
presidente hizo que su pais creciera tanto fue en los a�os 50s o en las decadas de
los 30s , eran gobiernos de derechas conservadoras de mano dura pero que respetaban
la democracia , cosa que con el paso del tiempo a la derecha ahora la llaman
liberales y esos est�n mas cerca de la izquierda y del sistema que de la derecha
verdadera. Trump es el presidente de estados Unidos no del mundo , el hace lo que
le conviene a su pa�s , como todos los presidentes del mundo deber�an hacer , sin
dejar de llevarse bien entre ellos.?
Informense mejor, porque cuando hablan de actualidad estadounidense repiten
argumentos gastados. Ni Trump ni Reagan era 100 por ciento libre mercado.?
Por qu� esa intro? cu�ntas guerras ha desatado, financiado o apoyado Trump? Cu�ntas
bombas ha lanzado, cu�ntos muertos o desplazados ha dejado? Respondan: esa intro
es para congraciarse con los progres o lo creen objetivo??
pero como puso Obama el pa�s fui inmundo vendi� el pa�s a europa y a China le
regal� el capital todos los dise�os de EEUU se los robaba China, sinceramente no me
gusta tu oportunista v�deo ya que ustedes no arreglan su pa�s y se van de
inmigrantes a otros all� roban hacen fraudes protestas ponen leyes se ponen a
trabajar a favor de partidos pol�ticos de izquierdas, sacan provecho de las
organizaciones y no dicen el porqu� el pa�s no crece y se van en declive muchos de
estos problemas es por la inmigraci�n ilegal desenfrenada que quieren abolir las
leyes de un pa�s soberano?
Sos dem�crata en el cl�set??
Tanta critica a Trump pero a EE UU le va muy bien en todas las cosas gracias a el?
Porque no hablais de una vez de sus logros? Sin mencionar que Paul Ryan es un
fracaso total de politico...?
Que clase de canal es este, a caso sois unos zurdos de mierdas??
Cuando alguien habla mal de trump solo puedo pensar en que le afecto en algo sus
politicas, trump ni nadie es perfecto, pero es por logica q un presidente debe
defender su industria, sus fronteras, y sus finanzas..... ahora que trump esta
jodiendo las exportaciones espa�olas empiezan a molestar a un presidente que tiene
derecho a defender su produccion.... no sean hipocritas, europa y espa�a son
proteccionistas, porque eeuu no pued hacer lo mismo?... sois hipocritas...?
Y Georges Bush Jr? Que hizo , entonces? Ampliar la libertad de los americanos? Me
parece que el tio Soros esta metiendo pasta en VisualPolitik . Jajajaj! Se os
ve el culo.?
Canal de mierda progre, me decepcion� ????este tal Fonseca parece que se informa
desde CNN, pelado de mierda.?
Es un error decir que trump es la ant�tesis a Reagan. Trump, si bien dijo que
quiere un fair trade, est� bajando el gasto y los impuestos, y le est� ganando la
guerra comercial a china.?
Nojoda, pensaba que este canal era serio, chao chao......?
Mal video. Trump bajo los impuestos y las regulaciones que pone con por
desperfectos en tratados de libre comercio. El no est� en contra del libre comercio
, sino de un libre comercio que vuelva a beneficiar a EE.UU?
Para m� Trump es buen gobernante tiene que bajarle a algunas de sus ideas extremas
pero ya?
Barack Obama, Hillary clinton y George Soros los quieren.?
Dios mio muchachos pero que veis? La CNN? Lo siento, os sigo mucho, pero teneis un
sesgo terrible respecto a este se�or, lo siento pero esto es una coleccion de
falacias, ni me voy a molestar en enumerarlas porque huele a lo mismo que el se�or
Pablo Pardo en El Mundo, cuando se sigue este asunto como concepto osea como nace
se desarrolla y de momento sus resultados, todo esto que decis se queda en pereza
de no haber seguido a este se�or con un timing adecuado y altas dosis de
voluntarismo. Leanse la fenomenolog�a del espiritu de Hegel o por lo menos la
introduccion a la lectura de Hegel de Koj�ve, pero estais perdidisimps no se si os
pagan o si os asesoran, pero si os asesoran el asesor es un vendido, ale a seguir
bien y a informarse mas.?
Bueno Fonseca, me temo que te falto objetividad. Me extra�a que VisualPolitik, se
preste para informar con tantas sombras. Siento que no hicieron su trabajo de
investigaci�n, y faltaron a la verdad.?? �Donde dejaron la imparcialidad? Me
decepcionaron en este tema, parecieron m�s un medio vendido, que un medio de
comunicaci�n serio.
Dejan muchas cosas al aire y dan a entender que Trump es el malo, pero... Quien es
m�s malo, el o los dem�cratas?
Por que los dem�cratas demostraron un nefasto gobierno y ahora son sumamente
violentos inventando un mont�n de cosas que terminan siendo falsas contra trump o
sus votantes, incluso habiendo ya v�deos donde se alienta a ataques f�sicos contra
los que no son dem�cratas. Aparte de que la mas grandes cadenas de comunicaci�n
siempre hablan mal de Trump pero nunca dicen nada malo de los dem�cratas ni lo
mencionado antes. Y aparte los mismos famosos de hollywood promueven discursos de
odio. Pr�cticamente la ola dem�crata promueve un fascismo moderno. Trump a si vez a
bajado impuestos, sin embargo estoy de acuerdo con su descripci�n en este v�deo,
entonces, deber�an aclarar todo esto. Pues a�n faltan m�s cosa sobre la lucha
cultural que se vive ahora mismo en USA.?
Trump tiene la econom�a gringa en crecimiento y produciendo cientos de miles de
nuevos empleos, sent� al dictador Norcoreano a negociar la agenda nuclear y por si
fuera poco le est� devolviendo la dignidad a EEUU por ser la naci�n m�s poderosa
de la tierra. Eso sin mencionar que le esta apretando las tuercas en la pol�tica
exterior que Obama dejo hecho un desastre.
Amigos pareciera que Soros les estuviese financiando. No s� pero hay algo que no
hace sentido en la l�nea de redacci�n de vuestros videos y los hechos que
americanos vemos ac� al otro lado del atl�ntico.?
Leyendo los comentarios , me doy cuenta que la gente ya es mas critica y menos
fan�tica . Yo tambi�n critico el sesgo de este canal hacia trump. Y su compa�erismo
con china?.
Me hace mucha gracia el intento de lavadita de cara a Ronald Reagan por parte de
VisualPolitik. Pero era de esperar �Como no van a hacerlo si los autores del v�deo
comparten pr�cticamente cada postura del Neoliberal de Reagan? El mandato de Reagan
fue una mierda: Aument� de manera significativa la desigualdad, el d�ficit fiscal
deuda p�blica e inflaci�n aumentaron durante su mandato, los EEUU bajo la l�nea de
pobreza no solo no se redujeron, sino que aumentaron de un 12,8 a un 13,1%, adem�s
que los problemas como suicido y alcoholismo en EEUU fueron terribles durante su
�poca. Reagan fue un buen presidente para los mismo: Los grandes ricos, que vieron
como su fortuna aumentaba debido a reducciones fiscales de hasta m�s del 25% para
ellos. Adem�s, sin olvidar la <<guerra sucia>> y la persecuci�n pol�tica y social a
los simpatizantes socialistas fuera y dentro de su propio pa�s (<<famosa caza de
brujas>>). Reagan adem�s es uno de esos iconos influyentes en Think Tanks
neoliberales como Heritage de donde salen el famoso "�ndice de libertad econ�mica"
No es de extra�ar sabiendo que esa organizaci�n asesina que financiaba golpes de
estado en Am�rica Latina chupaba dinero p�blico del gobierno durante su mandato.
Reagan era del ala m�s extrema de los Republicanos en lo econ�micamente hablando.
Reagan era un neoliberal: apoyaba las privatizaciones masivas, odiaba el Estado del
Bienestar, creia en la reducci�n masiva de impuestos, desregulaci�n del mercado...
etc. Lo que le hizo ganar la presidencia NO era su programa en s� econ�mico o
social, porque de hecho no tenia mucho apoyo, sino su discurso anticomunista. Eso
era lo que le hacia ganar realmente, el tener un enemigo con el que diferenciarse.
Trump viene del ala m�s ultraconservadora y proteccionista del partido Republicano.
Eso NO quiere decir que sea contraria a la econom�a de mercado o al "libre mercado"
en si por dios, quien diga eso es un jodido IGNORANTE. Es proteccionista en el
sentido que quiere proteger productos nacionalista e industria nacional muchos
republicanos tambi�n piensan as� adem�s los que le hicieron ganar fueron los
OBREROS de la Am�rica Profunda, aquella que la propia globalizaci�n les margin� y
empobreci�. Que poco se acuerda la gente de que trump hizo hace poco una bajada
brutal de impuestos, quiere eliminar lo poco que tiene EEUU de sanidad p�blica
(medicare), no tiene ninguna intenci�n de implementar un Estado del Bienestar a la
Europea mas bien quiere deteriorar lo poco que tienen, adem�s ni ha renegociado
finalmente los TLC's y es una figura totalmente anticomunista y antisocialista.
Adem�s su propio gabinete estaba formado por empresarios y ricachones como EL MISMO
ES As� que el hecho de querer ser proteccionista en varios �mbitos no significa que
no sea liberal en bastantes cosas (como las que he nombrado antes) de hecho me he
encontrado a muchos liberales, liberal-conservadores, libertarioas hasta
ultranacionalistas que le apoyan a capa y espada o como m�nimo le defienden por ser
un mal menor. Hay bastantes liberales que se quieren alejar de la figura de Trump
no porque no compartan cosas con el sino porque da mal ejemplo como persona y como
integridad de un pa�s ya que est� mal de la cabeza. Pero al final si rascas un poco
se ve que son en muchas cosas lo mismo.
Y que bueno que sea asi, Me da gusto que cada vez los paises vuelven hacer lo que
solian ser, Estan ganando los nacionalismos. Y poco a poco van cayendo la mierda
globalista y el fallido multiculturismo, Y no hablo del aislamiento extremo, Hablo
de que nosotros volvamos hacer el centro de todo, Como pueden existir politicas que
si muy bonito el neoliberalismo la economia muy bien, Pero los ciudadanos que?
Trabajos de mierda con salario de mierda.?
�Que pas� visual Pol�tik antes eras chevere? No veo argumentos con fuerza de
gravedad que justifiquen el sentimiento anti-trumpista de sus videos... Aclarando
puntos: Los evang�licos son pr�cticos, votan por el candidato m�s consistente en el
discurso y con menos alianzas politiqueras, as�, con menores compromisos
burocr�ticos y m�s libertad pueden cumplirles. Analicen que m�s le debe el partido
republicano a Trump que Trump al partido republicano, pues este no ten�a nada que
hacer frente a la academia, Los medios masivos y Hollywood apoyando a Hillary. Solo
un gallo ?? de pelea como Trump era lo que necesitaban los evang�licos para ponerlo
en la casa blanca. Y como ven Trump les cumple, caso cerrado. En cuanto a la vida
desordenada de Trump, el evang�lico le convence mas una oveja ?? descarriada que
busca enmendar sus errores, que un Obama "bonach�n" entregando la soberan�a, la
institucionalidad, empoderando grupos feminazistas, gays, y todo ese marxismo
cultural que quieren los dem�cratas y parte de los republicanos. Por �ltimo si hay
algo que poco le interesa al evang�lico americano es precisamente lo que digan los
masmedios. En fin visual Pol�tik, que antes eras chevere.?
1. Si los candidatos democratad est�n recibiendo m�s soporte por parte de empresas
y privados no es obvio entonces que est�n favoreciendo a los intereses de estos
grupos que los ayudan? De esa manera solo estarian acentuando m�s el discurso de
los republicanos con respecto al Pantano. 2. Cu�l es la finalidad de defender a los
ILEGALES cuando estos est�n rompiendo las leyes? La inmigraci�n es buena en la
medida que esta est� controlada y las personas sean legales, no quiero creer que
ustedes VP est�n de acuerdo con personas que rompen las leyes de un pa�s, sea el
motivo que sea?
Se os ha colado un poco de informacion en vuestra publicidad pagada por Soros.?
Que a Trump no le gusta el libre mercado sois unos mentirosos VisualPolitik
recuerden la ultima cumbre del g-7 en Canada cuando Trump les propuso eliminar los
aranceles y los subsidios cual fue la respuesta de los otros 6 lideres progre
socialistas solo reirse y VisualPolitik considera a estos ultimos libremercadistas
permitanme reirme ja,ja,ja........?
Me guataria que hablaran asi pero de los democratas.?
Trump es hiper libertario, simplemente no es un pusil�nime que se deja cobrar
aranceles por los dem�s mientras ellos no les cobran .?
Quien fue la persona que sugirio tener un mercado libre sin aranceles o limites?
Fue Trump... Sus idolos del establecimiento liberal no quisieron, por que no los
critican mas? Le maman el pen� a Macron, Juncker, Trudeau, etc. No han sido justos.
Me parece un poco hipocreta.?
Adicionalmente, CNN un medio que ha publicado m�s de una vez informaci�n err�nea
sobre encuestas es su fuente?? Ya mejor no confiar en esa fuente despu�s de verlos
casi llorar cuando gan� Trump
Usa es un pa�s en decadencia por toda la maldad q hizo su presidente donal tramps
encontr� un pa�s hecho su econom�a por los pisos gracias a tramps en su pa�s hay
trabajo los impuestos lo redujo mal o bien esta sacando a usa del pozo ,pero esto
no quita q visualpolitik es propaganda imperial son unos lambebotas del imperio?
Lo que nadie puede negar es que Trump ama a su pa�s, por eso es tan protector,
ojal� los corruptos de m� pa�s dejen de vender el estado por los sobornos y sean
como �l.?
Las Ong,los organismos internacionales, los medios, est�n secuestrados por la
izquierda, visuslpolitik al parecer es parte de la maquinaria del gobierno �nico
Claro que lo es, VP defiende el paradigma de inmigracion masiva, sueldos
miserables, recortes de pensiones e importaciones masivas desde china. Es todo el
desastrozo paquete ideologico neoliberal de los ultimos 25 a�os.?
Creo que es el video menos objetivo de toda la.historia de Visual Politik. De
momento a bajado impuestos internos, se han creado millones de puestos de trabajo
privado, y la econom�a esta en alza, ademas estan cerca del pleno empleo.?
y porque critican a trump, que acaso uno no hace lo que le de la gana con su
dinero, dinero ganado con su esfuerzo, al menos trump si paga sus impuestos?
Trump est� haciendo las cosas bien por su pa�s?
Sigan desinformando a la gente y les vamos a hacer la vida imposible , no estoy yo
solo , les vamos a cagar el canal , acordate los que les digo , sin van a hacer
algo haganlo bien , primer aviso...?
EEUU puede hacer lo que le d� la gana en sus fronteras?
Les recomiendo que cambien el nombre a: visual-zombie.?
los liberales y la izquierda de hoy en d�a se formaron de bases marxistas-
comunistas, ahora ya entiendo estos v�deos de mierda
Trump odia a CNN y en el video ponen las noticias de este medio. Es obvio que
tendr�n la raz�n jajaja?
Qu� le hizo Trump a esta p�gina, parecen un v�deo de los comunistas de la CNN.
Estar�a bueno que no leyeran solo zurdos culturales para informarse. Trump va a
ganar de forma aplastante aunque a los liberprogres les duela?
Todos los zurdos y progres van a estar m�s que felices al implementarse su marxismo
Si alguien quiere aprender de politica, no vea a visualpolitik, se crearan con una
inmagen muy corta de lo que en realidad es alto tan complicado como la economia...
Si fuera tan f�cil como dicen ellos que es libre comercio, quitar retenciones
impuestos y aranceles, y bla bla bla todos los paises del mundo serian potencia...
Los potencias de hoy en dia, estados unidos, reino unido, China, india, francia,
italia, korea del sur, Jap�n, hace a�os abandonaron lo del libre mercado para pasar
al proteccionismo, y ahi se mantienen... Saben muy bien los peligros que conlleva
el libre comercio, pod�s pasar de tenerlo todo a NADA. Si, ya se que los paises
n�rdicos apoyan el libre comercio, pero recordemos que su produccion es escasa y
casi casi, nula, estos a la vez tienen grandes crisis de un dia para el otro como
paso en islandia... Todos siguieron esto Industrializacion->Apoyar al consumo-
>Libre comercio->Proteccionismo <<<----- Eso fue lo que los llevo y los
mantiene en potencia
Lo jodido esque lo critican porque es el �nico pol�tico que ha cumplido la mayor�a
de lo que prometi�. Like si quieres un Trump para
Usan como fuente a CNN para hablar mal de Trump. Cada vez los videos de Visual
Politiks est�n dejando mucho qu� desear. Cada vez son m�s rojos y socialistas,
pareciera que les pagara Soros para hacer campa�a contra Trump. Cada vez pierden
m�s credibilidad, es una pena, comenzaron como caballo de carrera, pero ya son m�s
del mont�n socialista progresista.?
Trump esta salvando o EUA
Acabais de cambiar la objetividad por pol�tica, trump ha hecho las mayores rebajas
fiscales de la historia, y solo hablaisd e una actriz porno, cuando con obama ni
del 3% pasaba de crecimiento y con trump no para de crecer, falsos, estan en pleno
Creo que este es uno de los peores videos de VisualPolitik... Se nota de lo que
quieren decir (Algo muy interesante en terminos pol�ticos, por cierto), pero no
tiene sentido como se basan en lanzar tanto odio a Trump... M�s cuando todo lo que
pasa es muy evidente pero no voy a hablar de eso. En fin... una lastima de video,
pero uno de malo entre tantos buenos...
Argentina cuando se libero cay� en crisis, y con las leyes "proteccionistas" de los
K levantaron la crisis del 2001 y desendeudaron el pais... Por que los boluditos
estos de visualpolitik jam�s hablaron de como lo levantaron? Si supuestamente tan
Antieconomico era, �Por que crecimos y nos desendeudamos? Se dan cuenta que no
tiene sentido?... Y por las dudas, si, soy de derecha, apoyo al mercado pero tiene
que tener regulaciones, un libre mercado lo categorizaria como un presidente sin
ganas de gobernar ni realmente ponerse a pensar, simplemente tener un ministro de
economia que le diga si a todo y listo...?
Apuesto que si Hillary hubiera hecho lo mismo ni pio decian?
Para mi Bush es MUCH�SIMO PEOR. Clinton iba a ser Bush 2?
O ment�s o no hab�is entendido nada, la ideolog�a de trump y sus seguidores no
pivota en torno a la econom�a, si no al globalismo vs nacionalismo, la econom�a
pasa a un segundo plano?
Los republicanos pierden en donaciones, ojo que clinton ten�a el triple de dinero,
pero de eso ni p�o?
Me qued� muy claro que Trump ni Put�n ni El Consevadurismo va con ustedes! Vaya!
cuanta objetividad!?
Osea hay que aceptar la inmigraci�n descontrola que se produce actualmente?.?
me gusta mucho este canal, pero muchas veces se ponen los anteojos progres, pero es
interesante igual ver desde otro punto de vista, y de los evangelicos es
totalmente entendible, auque trump sea un puercote, un sexopata, un boca sucia por
asi decirlo, si este hombre trata de implementar leyes que van con el pensamiento
consevador y cristiano igual va a recibir su apoyo de esos bandos, lo mismo con
hillary, habla lindo, respetaba a todos, era algo asi como un angel, pero ya todos
sabian lo que es en politica "el diablo mismo".?
Se formo un 3er bloque en sus narices y no creo que le vaya a ir mal, hay lo ven
esta avanzando y resistiendo y viceversa, al final creo que cumplir� todas sus
promesas o la gran mayor�a de ellas y sera reelecto, pero no se ve ni por asomo
alg�n l�der capaz de llevar su bandera cuando el ya no pueda ser reelegido?
Esto no es mas que un choque entre las burguesias extranjeras y las de EE UU, por
el mercado estadounidense, y los entiendo ya que es una mina, si en este mundo se
quiere hacer dinero hay que ir a ee uu, un pais donde la gente con tal de mantener
su alto nivel de consumo es capaz de tener hasta tres trabajos a la vez?
El centro es la nueva derecha,la izquierda se radicaliza cada vez mas.?
Fake news. De hecho el partido dem�crata est� tan restructurado que apoyan a los
republicanos. Una pena k este canal se halla convertido en mierda globalista.
Recuerden a Bill Clinton, el follador de la pradera. No hab�a visto nada tan falso
desde CNN. Fake news.?
C�mo k pierda, sus m�rgenes de aprobaci�n entre los ciudadanos americanos est�n m�s
altos k los de Obama en el mismo tiempo. Dejen de ver este canal es pura mierda
Porque no mejor habla de como los dem�cratas estan tratando de clandestinamente
tumbar a Trump del poder, incitando violencia en las calles y usando a Hollywood
para su maquinaria comunista.. los liberales estan en ngacion. Trump es el nuevo
presitey y ha hecho un excelente papel hasta ahora.. claro que todos los medios de
prensa se encargande difundir lo contrario, odio, repudio y hasta racismo contra
Trump. Tal parece que George Soros esta detras de Visual Politics tambi�n..?
Los globaalistas tienen miedo, por eso atacan a Trump desde todos los frentes!?
Se ve de lejos que odian a Trump, hasta el dibujo animado del principio que
colocan, es una burla a Trump, lamentable que sean asi, mienten mucho uds, me deja
a pensar que uds son financiados por alguna ONG de parte de Soros, como pueden
decir que Trump es contra el libre comercio, contr el free trade, cuando el dijo a
Trudeau, que si Canada quisiese el sacaria todos los aranceles si los canadienses
hicieran lo mismo. Trump tiene toda la razon al decir que USA esta perdiendo dinero
con China y Europa, porque ellos le colocan arancels a todos los productos hechos
en USA y los USA, no lo hace. Lo unico que Trump quiere es un Fair trade, no
aranceles para alla o para aca!?
Siempre me han gustado sus v�deos. Pero hoy lo sent� muy sin fundamento, obviamente
los tiempos de cada presidente de cualquier naci�n son diferentes, entonces las
comparaciones salen sobrando, en mi humilde opini�n siento que hasta cierto punto
Donald Trump, sea puesto en los zapatos de cada estadounidense cansado de que en su
Pa�s o sus impuestos sean mal gastados... Todo el mundo esta pegado de la teta de
Estados Unidos, en parte el ha venido haciendo un buen trabajo, haciendo crecer su
econom�a, poniendo orden en la inmigraci�n, orden en los aportes a diferentes
entes mundiales, la modernizaci�n a su ej�rcito, las presiones con el desarme
nuclear de KN. Y estoy seguro que va a frenar el de Ir�n, sin mencionar el
rompimiento de los tratados que no beneficien a su pais, el es un exitoso
empresario y tiene car�cter... cuantos no desearamos tener un presidente en el pa�s
con car�cter y mano dura... obviamente nosotros s�lo vemos los toros desde la
barrera, pero hay que estar dentro para ver realidades. Los medios s�lo se han
encargado de dar la peor imagen del se�or... Esto sin ofender a nadie, no vivo en
USA y tampoco me gustaria. Soy tico con orgullo y en mi pa�s Ojal� hubiera un
pol�tico con ese car�cter y con los huevos bien puestos.. en Latinoam�rica todos
los pol�ticos llegan pobres al poder y salen ricos, much�sima corrupci�n. Por eso
la gente recurre a estos pa�ses en busca de una mejor vida..?
Vaya que espa�olitos m�s m�s falsos y izquierdistas, a leguas se les echa deber el
odio hacia Trump, empiezo a preguntarme quien los financia, a lo mejor Soros.
Noticias para ustedes, el partido republicano van ganar todo el poder en
Trump es el nuevo anticristo del canal?

She is a Marxist socialist who has not yet come to terms with the fact that her
movement has become bourgeois to it's core and that multiracial, multicultural
socialism doesn't work. I mean these journalists say that they are smart but they
were dumb enough to believe that importing millions of Muslims into the West was
going to be a good thing.?
Nietzsche hated liberalism, democracy, equality, feminism, Marxism, & capitalism as
much if not more than the petty nationalisms of his day. Nietzsche admired the
ethos of various militant cultures, eg Spartans, Romans, Vikings, Samurai, Arabs, &
Turks, & he found inspiration in Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, & Islam. However,
Nietzsche's raison d'�tre was to revivify the pre-Christian 'Blond Beast'.
Nietzsche was a Stoic who adopted the maxim 'Amor Fati', which is anathema to
liberalism. Nietzsche is admired by our contemporary, liberal academians because
his Existentialist critique of Christianity was so thorough, but liberal
academicians share little if anything else with Nietzsche - though they are good
at convincing gullible undergraduates that Nietzsche is one of them. As far as
Nietzsche's stance on the 'Jewish Question', it's dubious at best. It's true Wagner
& Nietzsche went their separate ways over the JQ, but there are more than enough
Nietzschean quotes on the Jews for the ADL to label him an anti-Semite.?
Open borders for Israel?

Putin couldn't believe that he was sitting next to an American President who wasn't
caving into the media and the empty claims made by, "U.S. intelligence agencies."
Wanna know what has the old guard and MSM really angry? PUTIN: " "As far as Syria
is concerned the task of establishing peace and reconciliation in this country
could be the first showcase example of successful joint work." Oops! Buh-bye
Greater Israel... Bottom line? Trump doesn't believe that Russia hacked the DNC,
but hey, what kind of info could the President of the United States have access to
in order to come to such a conclusion? The DNC claims that Russians hacked its
servers but provides ZERO proof while CNN continues to run the claim up its
flagpole daily. Why, after the DNC cheated Bernie Sanders, and CNN provided debate
questions to Hillary in advance of the debates should anybody believe either of
them? Who exactly is claiming that the Russians hacked the DNC, and what proof are
they citing while experts like Bill Binney, who created the NSA's spy systems is
saying that the DNC hack was not performed by a hacker??
If you tell someone something over and over again, they start to believe it. Watch
another station, it might give a different perspective. CNN and Democrats have been
trying to get something on Trump since his campaign in 2016, Everytime a failed
attempt, that's a fact.?
old lady did you forget to take your meds? Or did you take too much???
you really should consider what you are saying, but I suspect that might be a
stretch too far.?
Obama invented mass deportations and separations.. Did you protest then? No, I
did not think so.
You must have been looking in a mirror when you made that comment.?
but Obumma is no longer in office! We got rid of the liberal lunatics?.
Are you in the military? No? No... You're just a pussy ass bitch. The War-
mongering ((Globalist Banker-Media)) tells you to kill yourself with Russia, and
you obey. Stay out of politics.?
Putin has the emails and he is going to give them to TRUMP, and you will see many
democrats start singing like canaries.?
You guys sure LOVE sucking off your master Hitlary Clinton?
Why are we even talking about the Russians hacking our elections? We have hacked
the elections of sovereign nations for many decades - and so have many other
nations while our and their democracies dwindled into non-existence. The misfits
who managed to creep into governments made a joke of democracy. Do you know anybody
who approves of such methods? Now, the great leaders Trump and Putin promised to
reduce nuclear weapons only to quiet the masses. Getting rid of nuclear weapons
costs more (much more?) than producing them. Neither one of our fearless leaders
has the money to do this. They are scared out of their wits because they have run
down the economies everywhere! Wasn't there a nuclear modernization program in our
recent budget proposal?! It is all a circus! The most important events happen in
the streets: People are getting ready to free themselves from the dishonest
Gidget, DAMN! Did you come up with that all by yourself?!??
You fags submitted to Hitlary Clinton and are sucking her off right now?
Lol...liberals bitch if he stands up For America, bitch if he doesn't, bitch if
someone doesn't makr a cake for a gay couple and cheer when a restaraunt kicks out
Sarah Sanders. Seriously can you liberals not see the hypocrisy you spew.?
Omg if there is no doubt about collusion and meddling then the eveidence would be
there correct? But yet the corrupt muellar powers on with nothing to show. And why
havent the hacked servers been turned over. Oh wait these are the servers that were
found in the palistani arwan brothers' garage while they were trying to flee to
the world is fine with Russia
Here I though Putin's Secret Agent was your Wife. Rumor has it she gives the best
Blow Jobs reserved especially for him!?
liberal hysteria is the best. LOL?
and you are a fuckwit!?
And you are someone who isn't making a solid argument?
Trump 2020! We will make them mad!! LOL. These people are simply anti-white male
racist haters! That's all it is.?
you inbreed hick. Learn how to spell before you post online. Your wife's brown MS-
13 son needs a bottle cuck. You don't have time to hate white males. You anti-white
racist cuck. Beta boy?
Let's hope so, the alternative and previous administration was a disgrace of gutter
values. 732 AD by the way!?
yeah, cuz bringing Hispanic and black unemployment down in an all time low in
decades since the 60s, securing our economic status and strength, and rebuilding
our military is so treasonous. SARCASM?
You think he is a traitor? Well, the people of Libya and Syria do not like your
previous administrations consequences. This is what Killary and Barry wanted to
continue... I hope you are PROUD!!
yum those tears taste great!?
People of America elected the best president in the world. Obama is the fake,
culprit, satanic president?
sounds like everybody on the democrat side LOL LOL?
what did you want Trump to do put a gun to his head? Anderson actually said Trump
could have demanded lol... What does that mean....?
We control the presidency, house, Senate, supreme court, 75% of state governors and
65% of state/local authorities. Lmao. Your an idiot?
Trying to avoid nuclear war with Russia over Syria & Iran hurts the Republican
Party how exactly???
The right is doing better than EVER. MAGA WTF. you pussy troll?
I gave solid statistics and verifiable truth. You got butt hurt and insulted my
auto correct. Lol....typical liberal.?
haha your so paranoid?
what are you talking about kid? Your the one who believes that Russia controls the
youre pathetic?
Nobody is defending anything because these is nothing to defend. The delusions on
the left are theirs to carry.?
MAGA the clinton news network is last in ratings.
cause they're cooking up lies?
Democrats insult U.S. intelligence and law enforcement all the time by calling them
racist amongst other things. Oh, and it's amazing how democrats forgot how they
slammed U.S. intelligence when George W. Bush invaded Iraq on bad U.S.
intelligence. Be honest, democrats only like U.S. intelligence when it works for
anyone with a fucking brain knows... the dipshits have been lying since trump was
elected... they tried their hardest to fuck trump over with ZERO evidence.?
So funny how hussein was applaueed when he would always apologize to the world for
america and say that america was to blame fkr all the problems?
Step away from the computer, your delusions are gaining control.
omg its pathetic that you morons talk about trump supporters. Sounds like youre
describing Yourselves most of the time. Its like the Antifa faggots saying they are
anti fascists but they use nazi and fascist tactics everytime . Theyre for free
speech but are against anyone besides liberal morons from speaking. God you people
are fucking insane. Up is down righr is left.?
As if our intelligence agency is looking after us.... they spy on us and lie about
it... god knows what else they do.. well besides come up with fake news about the
You guys know he has 4 more years right??
CNN panel are absolutely insane and a worldwide embarrassment.?
But..but..but Russia! Lol, you guys lost because you have no policy or platform
other than anger and hatred. I left the Democrat party last election and voted for
Trump. The Russians didn�t make me, it was crazy leftists.?
collusion delusion?
Who the hell are you trying to fool? You all can keep covering and shilling for
your criminal heros as they full on attack america from within, but you can't
expect the majority of americans to believe your bullshit too. They fooled YOU with
the propaganda, not the rest of us ..?
I�m guessing if trump had an illegal server with classified material on it in his
basement and deleted 30,000 emails after subpoenaed by Congress you would think
it�s a pretty big deal?
Whats your point dummy. If Russia had Hillary's e-mails they would be released.
Well where are those criminally corrupt e-mails??
remember when this deal happened under obama and hillary?
The Clinton Foundation received millions from investors in the uranium one deal as
Putin took over 20% of US uranium deposits?
Kill all liberals!?
The server has corruption that the DNC doesn't want the public to see. 1.5B was
made illegally in Russia and 400M was donated to the Hillary campaign. Therefore,
the DNC is being preemptive to accusing Russia in meddling in election. The DNC
server was never given to the FBI. People should not be down playing the emails.?
Hillary = sold our Uranium to Putin + paid Putin for fake dossier intel = Russian
Can we get some intellectual honesty, or must you continue joking about the
destruction of government property AFTER subpoena by congress? Must we minimize how
Comey allowed Hillary and her creepy attorney, David Kendall, months to scroll
through and delete, THEN BLEACH BIT, government property. Must you continue to
minimize the way Hillary and her minions smashed their government cell phones to
smithereens. I suppose classified emails found on Anthony Weiner's computer are not
worth talking about as well. You hate Trump so badly, so much so, that you could
care less about Hillary's crimes. Crimes that, had you or I committed, would have
us behind bars for all eternity. Your flippant response to these complex, serious
matters speaks to how much you hate this president. Dems are going to get
steamrolled in mid-terms. Once again, Americans will speak.?
Lol, tune into CNN. They are losing their minds. Might be more fun than election
evil Putin is worse than Stalin according to CNN.?
The only thing wrong with CNN are the people that watch it. Unless your just going
there for a laugh.?
when did CNN ever say Stalin was evil??
Liberals are disappointed that Trump didn't declared WW3.?
Does anyone really think Putin would stop attempting to influence our elections
because Trump called him on it in Helsinki? Putin will play fair with the US when
he believes it is in Russia's best interests to do so. As a businessman, only
Trump GETS this!
Liberals men have no balls and liberal women look like harry apes?
This was great! The press is all upset but we know the history and President
Trump's response was correct.?
Democrats lost over 1000 seats nationally since Obama became President! I think
it's the Democrats, not the Russians...?
No media wanna treat serious topics of that summit? Syria, iran, ukraine...? What
they both said was very informative on Middle East. No media interested in actual
News? Only pee video is what you�re looking after...? Pathetic media, all left and

We have more in common with Russia than we do with the anti american liberals! The
DemonCraps are doing absolutely NOTHING for America except obstruct and corrupt!?
Why can�t we be friends! Why can�t we be friends! Why can�t we be friends!
Never Forget Obama - �after the elections, I�ll have more flexibility� what a
Leftists are afraid their world of lollipops and rainbows full of ignorant ideology
will be destroyed by this meeting. Good then. Haha.?
The Clintons have killed more people than Putin?
Liberal tears sweeten my coffee. Thanks for the endless supply.?
Trump is a Boss. Putin is a Boss. Much respect between them. Nothing wrong with
It was nice to see a meeting without Accosta screaming from the audience. I think
he is afraid to pull his childish tricks on Putin.?
The lion and the bear.
Wow, the atmosphere is so charged my hands get tingly just watching. I feel so
nervous. So proud of Trump, he's like a father for America, meeting with teachers
at a parents and teachers interview.?
Amazing how people bash Trump, yet he's met with Kim Jong Un and now Putin , trying
to make things more peaceful.. I know he's not the most likable guy; however,
making him out to be this evil doer is just naive..?
Whatever they say about Trump, they can�t say he doesn�t have the biggest balls in
the world, cantaloupes?
Absolute unit. Leftist cucks are crying so intensely inside from all the cognitive
dissonance of wanting Trump to fail so that he'll look bad but also wanting him to
succeed so that they can screech about proof of Russian collusion. Kek.?
I'm sure both Pres. Trump & Putin feel uncomfortable with all the Fake News.
Neither look excited about being where they are right now. They are sizing each
other up... I hope it goes well! Love our President!!!!?
Dear God please protect our President Trump and please give him the strength to
make America the best Country in the World so that we can make the whole World a
beautiful ?? God Bless America and God Bless President Trump
Two real leaders?
Very happy that Trump didn't cave to neocon and media pressure and had this
meeting. Way too much BS propaganda out there trying to make America and Russia
hate eachother. Globalists are the enemy of the USA not Russia.?

Soros paid for it.?

George Soros puppets. Brainless idiots can't think for themselves.?
Is protesting the only thing these people do.? soros nitwits !!!!?
Bought and paid for by Hillary and Soros. Paid protestors.?
Funny how they keep saying Racism but never tell you what race. Its always either
a country or ideology. No one but these people care about their collective
tantrum. Too bad!!!?
Who cares just a lot of liberals?
We love Globalists! We love Globalists!!!" idiots (the
demonstrations were not massive in London you fool)?
Bull dung. I am European and who ever these people are they are not Finnish. We had
this trash come and the police just started sending them back. Left wing hacks
upset the Soviet Union fell and the EU hasn't taken it's place.

Let's see should he believe the people that spied on his campaign? tried to rig the
election?and started an investigation into him, over bullshit, that doesn't
exist??? yeah I'll take what's behind any door but that one?
learn your history and stop using little sound bites you hear on CNN news.. you
don't even know what a puppet is. do your homework. you have no problem getting a
job now, under Obama, you were Fucked! Check your tax returns if you even paid
any.. I will check back in 3 weeks to see what you have learned. Keep rocking
Why, because he chooses peace over confrontation for the benefit of billions of
You mean , he didn't go hard enough on Putin? how is that being a traitor? Go
ahead, I'll give you time to compose a coherent response.?
Russian Puppet... insists Germany stop buying Russian oil and bolsters NATO against
Russia, all in a few days. Hahahahahahaha?
Hillary took 400 million dollars from Russia for her campaign, Hillary secretly
sold 20% US uranium to Russia for 147 million dollars, while at same time DOJ was
investigating corrupt Russian company. did the deal anyway. Obama new about
Russians messing around before and during election and did nothing, stated election
cant be hacked. How can DOJ say DNC server was hacked when no one in DOJ ever
looked at the server? And what happened to the separate server the Awan brothers
created from stealing info from dozens of democrat congress. Why was Wiener laptop
that had tons of classified Hillary e-mails on it buried for a month? Your comment
reveals that you are a complete idiot or a shill or more likely both. Have a nice
day, maybe you can vote for Hillary again in 2020.?
Just admit you are a globalist supporting want to be slave with no rights idiot who
just repeats inane talking points.?
They spy so do we. You can either harp on that fact which is what the left will do
or you can do exactly what Trump is doing and try to move past it.?
Get back on your medication, cupcake.?
Lol lefties get triggered and make up false facts nothing to see here?
Yep. Regressive bastards.?
Are you an idiot frank? arrests for Obama,hilary who sold uranium to RUSSIA GOOD
Jesus people he shared an opinion and people are acting like he gave the US away to
Russia or something.?
Now the powers that be are really riled up! What will you all do if God forbid -
Peace should break out?!The world needs war WW3 x No I mean reconciliation, peace,
working together, spending not on nuclear weapons (war) but on the betterment of
humanity. It seems too many in the world want a return to the Dark ages - seems
like civilisation is sick with self loathing. A very nihilistic war loving lot on
the mainstream media.?
Libtards are the epitome of mental asylum padded cell patients. They want to be
right about things that they are very very wrong about. And they love making up
stories that don�t exist. I have confidence that Trump has 2020 in the bag and more
right wing conservatives 2024 and beyond.?
Why would we believe what the cia or fbi would say. They are corrupt!?
Excellent job president Trump! The lying anti-america left-wing media is the
biggest threat to this nation not Russia?
So not manipulated by John Bolton...!? Strange because John Bolton is a known
expert in lying to his bosses and manipulate them with wrong informations. Ask Col.
Lawrence Wilkerson... the World witnessed a good summit but a US President harassed
by US �media� (deep state) who hates detente with Russia or North Korea or iran.
War or tension is popular in media.?
John Bolton is a war mongering psychopath just like McCain. These leftists are
trying to restart the Cold War over again and continue the endless foreign wars
that John McCain, Hillary, and the Bushes loves so much just because they are mad
about losing an election.?
you're perception is lacking and unless you have a full understanding of the
history of what's going on, you won't get what happened today. Clue#1: The
Bush's and Clinton's have been partners in crime for over 4 decades. Their
collusion to fabricate evidence against this President is to keep a lid on all the
crimes they've committed together (Mena, Arkansas for starters).?
May I add that war is always good for the billionaire Illuminati NWO Globalists.?
I don�t believe Trump is a warmonger just because he is Pro-America. McCain is a
flat out traitor & so are the Bushes.
obviously because you watch CnN? Because they never ever lie you fucking coward
look at the like to dislike ratio on alot of there videos Democrat is not the way
to go
so you think our government isn't corrupt? Because look back at George w Bush and
iraq all our intelligence agencies said they had wmd so went sent men over there to
be killed for no reason other than to destabilize the region and guess what iraq
didn't have wmd they fbi and cia lied and they show no reason for our president to
believe them so yeah I believe putin wasn't involved in the election why would he
trump would be much harder on Russia than Hilary would've been. Just my two cents?
majority vs minority same reason trump won just vs the unjust dont ban guns and
dont favor sjws and liberals and youll win a couple or alot of republicans but as
of now the trump bias is to far no wonder the electoral college didnt want hillary
president wed be at war with them lol?
If you had enough of Trump then what are you doing on CNN. Its all they talk
USA and Russia hold 90% of the nukes on Earth and stay with me here, do you think
it would be a good idea to start poking a bear while it's hibernating if we can
just look past all transgressions and come to peace with Russia wouldn't that be
amazing for the world? I don't like what's going on with Russia anymore than you
but peace is the solutions.?
it was never hacked lol ur just wanting war with russia?
Its definitely Trump derangement syndrome. Trump is the most hostile President
against Russia -- Arming Ukrainian rebels fighting Russia which Obama wouldn't dare
do, bombing Assad numerous times which Obama never did, Sanctioning Russia,
expelling Russian diplomats, the list goes on... and yet these nut-fu*ks still
think he's a Manchurian candidate. Unhinged fake news media?
Bill Browder knows a thing or two about losers. There's one in his bathroom
Man you're so fucking smart, I bet you could run for president and win whenever you
felt like it. But being president is below you because you're so darn intelligent.
I bet you even watch Rick and Morty!?
President of the USA NOT President of the World. Russia meddling was planted by US
Intel. MAGA?
the Democratic party and all the Liberals and the Trump haters are a menace to this
Fake Fox!!!... I loved fox till today. Trump wins again!!!! Trump established
another peaceful relationship. Love Trump!!!?
God our media and politicians really want war with russia?
he was a BIG winner, he is trying to avoid war. Think about it. mr mouth piece.?
So you question the POTUS and President of Russia, but you believe the corrupt
intel community and Browder a tax evader.?
You are just a Trump hater.?
There's nothing President Trump's could ever do that people would paint in a
positive light. Haters only know how to hate. Never surprised that being a "loser"
is the most positive thing they could find. That's all he's had to put up with for
the last 2 years. We'll, be prepared for another 6 years and deal with it.?
NO he/America was NOT the loser. Efforts towards peace are a GREAT thing. He had to
be the MAN/President where Barak Hussein could not.?
Trump acted just like any other president that prefers peace to war. Get real. I
thought Trump was fabulous.?
How does this guy know America lost today, all we got to see was the presser? Both
Putin and Trump travel with the nuclear football, what was Trump suppose to, slap
Putin and call him a liar??

God bless Russia and the USA. ...give the leaders wisdom. And spine.?
Putin is no dummy. I don't believe that this man is evil at all. I believe the same
people that are trying to make us believe that he is a bad guy are the same people
in our own US government who are trying to manipulate Donald Trump. The deep state
is real.?
Putin and Trump are smarter than the entire deep state and fake news media?
America's Alfa Male President is President Trump 2020, AGAIN!! Curing liberalism...
vlad putin's closet of skeletons is not nearly as large as hillary's. she has them
stacked like cord wood.?
Putin is the best. Trump too.?
Chris Wallace is another subversive jew propagandist. That stunt with the
indictment paper was ridiculous.?
Trump should open up economic trade with Russia to fix the U.S trade deficit that's
been inflicted on the U.S by past U.S presidents, Europe, China, etc.?
We should send Jim Acosta to North Korea. I heard they have a journalist shortage?
I know that Vladimir Putin has a past he's not an innocent person but I like him
better than Angela Merkel Theresa May Trudeau the Pope and Acosta?
An indictment isnt proof of anything. If Chris was presenting evedence I would
understand his insistence but he wasn't. A federal grand jury would indict
President Putin is a patient man to sit with Chris Wallace for an entire half
hour... Well, at least he is not sitting with Jim Acosta!?
haha poor chris?
Love from India.... Great to see Putin and Trump working together!?
trump and putin make a great team?
Putin knows more about American politics than Chris Wallace does. Wallace is hack.?
Why is it that no one wants to take President Putin words as truth?.....Why would
he lie? But you all can take Robert Mueller and team at their word to be the
Listen we all knew this, Obama knew this so did the entire Democratic Party, they
allowed this to happen why we�ll never know, perhaps they�re so self centered they
didn�t think it mattered maybe after it was the final chip for the neocons to shove
up Putin�s a**, but what I do know is 2 things, Russia is wrong very wrong but
nobody is more wrong than our own fellow American leaders our intelligence agency
for lying and treating us like garbage! They cheated trump they tried everything
and now this, & it was all timely planned out.?
At least Putin doesn�t have a bunch of liberals running around his country ranting
and raving like a bunch of lunatics.?
Really fox? You picked this guy to conduct this interview? ????? this is why most
of us go to alternative media..this sounds like a CNN interview?
Chris wasn't being respectful?
The only prof the FBI has was provided by the DNC. Hillary Clinton�s servers we
scrubbed with beach bit and hard drives smashed. It wasn�t hard to list a dozen
Russian intelligence officers. All Muller has is accusations and speculation.
Same as any other accusations, not based on facts.?
Chris Wallace need to be waterboard.?
Chris Wallace is a piece of sht!?
Chris Wallace talks like he's juggling turds.?
Here we are still talking about russia and not the massive crimes our government
has committed?
Trump won the Election! Chris Wallace I think you should work for CNN youll be the
senior correspondent for the Fake News?
Chris Wallace ...its not your best day?
What about Mexico interfering with the election with all the illegal voters??
I can imagine Acosta begging and pleading to even lie and say they helped Trump win
Putin is an amazing man?
Liberals are the greatest existential threat to America, Russia is no threat at
Fake news media like Chris Wallace should be jailed?
Unfortunately he is much more believable then Comey and Strzok.?
shame on shame on our democracy this Russian KGB agent Putin made fun of our
Chris Wallace is an establishment goon?
Trump and Putin aren't globalist....thats why they are hated....? They want
peaceful cooperation and competition between sovereign states, as opposed to global
Hey Chris did hillary give you these questions like the debates ,i think maybe
so ,you failed to mention the info of 400million dollars Hillary got from russia
through our (pure gold) intelligence agencies , now that is what the real americans
want to know ,not about a war that obama made. pulitzer prize winner here "NOT"?
Omg Chris shut the hell up and let the man talk. Anytime he was saying anything
important you interrupted?
The Democratic server allowed our Enemies (Hezbollah, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan;
etc.) unvetted access to our Military positions and plans, thus has caused the
deaths of thousands of our soldiers. This is treason and they should all be hung
for their treachery?
Stop interrupting you arrogant flea.
chris wallace thought he was serving putin with a law suit. putin didn't bite.?
Chris sounds like a liberal mouthpiece, shut up for a minute and let the man
Wallace hates Trump
Putin said it best did they travel through all channels, just to end up in Helsinki
to bad mouth each other? I agree. The dems pushed hard for three days for Trump to
pick a fight wirh putin. Trump losrs eith the dems either way. So Trump is smarter
than that. Trump is running things. Let him get away grom the fake collusion crap
so we can see what he can do. The dems dont want Trump to have any wind. They want
him to fail. Now he and putin can deal with other matters. Trump will call out
putin when it comes to substance like iran, syria and north korea. But lets get our
president off the defensive here at home. Im proud of this man for doing so well
under The lefts constant bombardment of fake allegations. partisan politics has
hit a new kind of low. Lies are like flies swarming over our country. The new
pulpit is the MSM with its lies spewing from puppets like lemon and Cuomo. Fox is
like a small bit of light left in a very dark place. Trump and the Republican
controlled house and Senate are the only strands left in a secure America. If
clinton or any like her take back control we will befall to a global unification.
Putin the the best leader in the entire world. ???? brains and balls, what other
leader has both??
Chris Wallace is a shill, and very rude to a president. No matter what country,
Trump calling out Mueller and Putin welcomes Mueller to cooperate in their
investigation. It's on you DEMS> What's your move??? ha?
When Chris handed Putin the indictments, Putin looked like he wanted to slap the
papers out of his hand and spit in his face! ?? It would have been deserved!?
The democrats and deep state are the biggest threat to the usa?
I love watching how Putin chews little terrier-reporters to bits. This one got
particularly mangled. When are they ever going to learn - Putin is always at his
best when being attacked with vicious questions by an over-zealous pesky little
reporter who has already imagined the answer he wants to get, and then sits there
all frowny-faced when he gets an intelligent, to the point answer from Putin. Mr
Wallace is a typical example of a reporter with his own agenda, who wants to "win"
with Putin in the interview. That is exactly why Mr Wallace comes of like such a
loser, and why he looks so angry. Putin can't be beaten - he is too eloquent, too
educated and smart enough to always build his argument ON THE TRUTH. Did you notice
how happy Putin looked at the end? - he loves chewing up those little agitated
US/UK reporters. It's a game to him.?
The ISSUE is not Russia MONITORING the US. ALL countries with the capability
MONITOR all other countries. The ISSUE is Trump went into the Summit with Nuclear
Armament on his mind, and that dialogue should be started to create a safer world.
BUT. Mueller and Rosenstien come out on the Friday before with something about 12

Just another example of another Trump hater on display for the world to see!?
Hilliary Clinton used an unauthorized server, and she got hacked. That�s all you
need to know. Blame Clinton!?
Anyone with a working brain that watched the whole meeting knows Trump did us a
service. Remember when Eisenhower pissed kuckerov off and he took his shoes off and
banged it on a table? He said he'd bury us all alive! Maybe that's what the media
and democrats wanting Putin to get pissed off and do the same.?
If Putin did it, pin a friend of America medal on his chest. Line the "Intel
chiefs" up with blindfolds and give them a last smoke.?
right you would think they would want him to go say something crazy to Russia to
start a war that they�ll never fight in.?
Do you relish the idea of a nuclear war with Russia?? Or...would you prefer a civil
war with over 50 million armed Trump supporters?? Now go back to your pals over at
CNN were you'll be amongst your friends.?

Bill Browder is a criminal and a traitor. He renounced his own US citizenship. Why?
Trump should put this stooge on the next flight to Moscow. Bye bye Browder!?
Mr Browder did not pay taxes in Russia he is a tax evader in fairness,we are only
listening to his flip side of the coin.?
Bill browder is a warmonger. Peace over POLITICS WHY CANT ANYONE SEE 2nd HOW CAN
What a bunch of propaganda....I'm not buying it !?
Browder's a pedo for sure.?
The biggest threat to America is the Democrat Party.?
What is it with these FOX reporters? Vladamir Putin declared to the world that
Browder financed Hillary Clinton to the tune of 400 million in stolen funds and
instead of a followup question we get two goons saying Trump wasn't tough enough.

Give this man a medal. He speaks for the American people and not the globalists
who want war with Russia. They need Russia to be the enemy so that they can rouse
their cause to rally around an enemy so that they can establish their new world
I think it's great that he's trying to work toward peace.?
It's called draining the swamp. He is using Putin to let the dems know he is on to
them. I guarantee you the substance of his discussion was on Iran and how to
isolate them. You can also see that Netanyahu discussed the same thing with Putin
not long ago. He is putting a fire under Congress's butt to find out what happened
and press the issue until they get enough evidence to put the corrupt out, and fill
it with people that will work with him in the future. He doesn't believe Putin, but
he will make a play to get something that is a much bigger issue. He is a business
man. Not a politician that will appease the loudest voice. When he walks away from
this watch what happens in Syria (the bigger picture). The problem is that
everyone rush's to judgement when this President works. How many people do you
think actually know what was discussed based on a question that would Russia does
what it does and that Trump is caving. Believe me, you are about to see the
benefits of this discussion and both leaders wanted to keep this meeting calm to
each other. There is plenty of time for the President and Putin to react on the
issues discussed again in a first meeting. The time will come soon when Trump will
clamp down related to policy, but today was not the mistake the instant media want
to make it. Remember Business man vrs politician.?
Ive enjoyed a year without media and the russia is going to attack us everyday.
There is a chance for peace and economic prosperity for both countries and their
allies. Why do libs and globalists want war with russia? Its insane!!! Are they
afraid the truth about uranium one etc is going to come out? Or the truth about
Soros, their sugar daddy? How about Russians that donated to Clinton Foundation??
They dislike Russia because it's a Christian country.?
Too bad no one was critical of intelligence that Iraq had WMDs..... The sort of
attacks on Trump are not much different than what people would face for questioning
WMD intelligence about Iraq....?
Putin respects our president because he knows our POTUS is not fooled by our
curropt gov. I'm sure Putin has is own curropt people. President Trump would have
looked like an idiot if he said anything else. Both these leaders know the
truth(that our gov is lying)?

When you have nothing else - Blame collusion & act hysterically & lie about
everything else too?
President Trump was excellent in his response to the fake Russia collusion delusion
hoax. President Trump got along with President Putin and that is a good thing for
the world. Two strong leaders should talk and work together. Russia is not our
My boyfriend Anderson Cooper goes after Trump because Trump went after my legacy!"
- Brokeback Barry?
lol I mean seriously hahahaha The same people with same ole same ole ... Gloom and
doom from the Gloom and Doom Extreme Leftist Globalists....?
I guess no one has a problem with Russia giving Hillary 400 million?
The FBI has been told this is there insurance policy Russia is the bad guy. Look
how stupid the left has made USA look.?
Obama spoke to Russia. Hillary too. What's wrong with these media and politician

We have a president who is working toward peace. And all the Democrats can do is
say he is committing treason, wow.
The Globalists pay off the fake news agencies to bash Trump & Putin, simply because
Trump & Putin are against Globalism, and together, would be a force to reckon with
in the eyes of the Globalists. If Russia and America become strong allies, a world-
government will especially never happen.?
Democrats want trump to go to war with Russia. That�s what Obama president would
have done, but trump president is different?
we were gearing up for it and massing troopes in eastern europe im sure our
relations with russia would have gotten even worse if hillary won
I don't see how Democrats think that Russia is a threat to the United States of
America. Obama's Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pressed a big red reset button
that fixed all the America-Russia issues. Are these Democrats saying that Hillary
Clinton is incompetent??
Congratulations President Trump and President Putin. Less talk more action. Prove
to the world peace is very important and possible. We want solutions not chaos.
It's nothing short of hilarious to watch liberals melting down on twitter over
this. Suddenly, they're all experts in geo-politics and foreign policy. Most of
them wouldn't even be capable of pointing out Russia on a map, let alone knowing
cold war history. You can't impeach a sitting president for having peace talks with
another nuclear superpower. Morons.?
It doesn't matter what he would have said the yellow press in this country wants
nuclear war. They have all gone insane.?
to those saying he shouldn�t have gone- you don�t make peace with your friends. you
make peace with your enemies. the fact that Dems would prefer a bad relationship
with russia is mind boggling. the #2 nuclear power. a country we have a very bad
history with. who can hurt us in many diff ways. and we�d prefer a bad (aka scary
and very detrimental) relationship with them????
The 'Russia meddling' is nothing but a hoax totally fabricated by the Dems and
their puppet masters, the mainstream media -along with the never Trumpers like
disgraced Sen. McCain who is solely responsible for the failure to repeal
Obamacare, they came up with to justify the fact that the American People REJECTED
them preferring successful patriotic Trump over crooked corrupt Hillary.?
not even 15 seconds in and she sounds news bias or is that just fake
news that are bias???
Let us insult the guy and call him a liar in front of the world great idea if you
are a idiot?
The hysteria is exactly that, hysteria and the fake news media is complicit in this
outrage. Unreal.?
President Trump doesn't need the validation from the fake media and specially
democrats. MAGA 2020?
What's all the critics end game? Call Putin a liar and declare war? Who cares that
they spy on us, we spy on them too. Let us not forget Podesta's password was
Trump did a great job! Establishment sucks! Both libs & Rino'sTrump did great job
wt kim Jo un and now wt putin . Demonrats just freaking crazy on anything that has
name of trump. There are so evil people.?
Damn how could you people believe the crap these corrupt news media�s feed you? So
Trump is getting along with other nations is that a bad thing? Obama�s hacked
Israel Election but no one talked about it... The NWO, George Soros & The Corrupt
Media are winning by poisoning their viewers mind..?
Damn how could you people believe the crap these corrupt news media�s feed you? So
Trump is getting along with other nations is that a bad thing? Obama�s hacked
Israel Election but no one talked about it... The NWO, George Soros & The Corrupt
Media are winning by poisoning their viewers mind..?
Trump is 100% right and so Is Putin our rotten Alphabet agencies and both sides
of the government are nothing but corrupt piles of poo God-bless everyone?
Trust the FBI? Trust the DOJ? Trust the NSA? Trust the CIA? FBI needs to be
disarmed (they are a federal police force that acts politically). DOJ: won't
prosecute "big fishes" but nail the hell out of middle class without mercy. NSA:
spies on the US Citizen's text messages, emails social media contacts and taps
phone lines without warrants. THEN notifies local police to bust citizens without a
warrant. CIA: well, that one goes on and on?
Our IC agencies are corrupt af and only propel us into unnecessary wars.?
The Intel agencies are proven corrupted. They have been attacking this President
since he was a Candidate. Trump has no reason to trust these agencies they are with
the globolistas.?
President Trump doesn't trust Obama intelligence I agree with him. He trust his
people that he appointed. Why should he trust Obama people cause they want to get
rid off him. Ben Sass is Never Trumper?
Just keep in mind if the left had its way Hillary Clinton would be president and
we'd be in the middle of World War 3 with Russia. That's what she was pushing so
keep in mind no matter what you think of what happened today it's still better than
World War 3..?

I have no idea why anyone should be concerned about what President Trump will do or
say at his behind closed doors meeting with President Putin. Trump is the master of
the deal. He wrote the book. He holds ALL of the high cards just as he does with
everyone else. He's dealt with thugs before, many times. You have to if you are
going to be involved with real estate and construction in New York City. He has
the money, the economic power, the military power, the allies, the technology. What
has Putin got? A vast miserable nation that is so difficult to defend that it must
rely ultimately on nuclear weapons whose use would be suicidal. The only thing
Putin has ever had in his hands to make deals with is military force against weakly
armed or unarmed people who were relatively helpless. Here he confronts someone who
is anything but helpless. President Trump has the upper hand over Putin just as
Putin had the upper hand over the helpless people of Grozny. This is NOT a meeting
of equals. Everything about it favors President Trump. He's not about to make any
concessions and even if he did, our system of checks and balances would prevent
them from being carried out. Look at how the Congress imposed sanctions against
Russia that President Trump didn't want but had no choice in approving. How
fortunate that President Trump seems able to contain his anger where many in our
government wouldn't be able to in such negotiations. I expect a businesslike
meeting with some agreements like restoring communications, greater cooperation on
terrorism, perhaps a new joint adventure in space exploration but nothing earth
shattering. Despite what people say, President Trump is NOT stupid. In fact he
proves time and again how much smarter he is than everyone else. You may not like
his style but he gets the job done which is all that matters. He's always right and
he never loses. He's knocked off every one of his adversaries with ease including
the wicked witch of Arkansas.?

And the Russophobia continues. It's gotten to the point that now there are
companies denying they've ever employed any Russians. Can you imagine if that was
directed at blacks, jews, or hispanics? But somehow we've rationalized that it is
ok to do that to Russians.?
We can only hope that November turns into a big lose for Dems, since they are
perpetuating it. Then hope we don't have to many RINOs. Then things will settle
down. This rhetoric that Russia is America's enemy crap needs to end. Wonder why
the Dems don't pick a fight with China since China has done far more harm to
America than any other.?
And it's all a big fat lie by the DEMOCRATS who wanted HRC in office. Including
Obama. Because they are all guilty of some MAJOR crimes against ALL humanity.
Including America! The media has been lying day one. 2 years ago, the DNC and HRC
started this lie. They can all go to HELL in a handbag. They will all be found out.
Most of them are pedovores! Pedophiles and we American's won't stand for their
inhumane actions any longer! Q+++?
who would trust this be anything other than blatant rubbish propaganda .... it is
soooooo obvious to everyone now what utter rubbish you expect the general
population to believe..... the dramatic music does not cut it and the pseudo
serious fools you call 'journalists' have betrayed themselves and their profession
and we are totally fed up with it?
unfortunately there are allot of gullible idiots out there that will buy it?
You're not going to lie us into another war. Not again.?
valueless hysteria?
Anyone who pays to watch this shit needs their brain removing and replacing with a
clockwork mouse. It would be a definite upgrade.?
LMAO bullshit?
It's done by the ABC which is just as bad as the SBS..taking this with a grain of
Journeyman pictures pumping out fake news
It�s not Russia that is a threat to America ,it�s American interference in EVERY
OTHER country that is detrimental to American safety.?
That's interesting how Putin's face is juxtaposed on the back of Donald's arrogant
expression. Kind of reminds me of How Voldemort's face was planted on the back of
Professor Quirrell. I wonder if that was intentional. These extreme claims come out
of nowhere, and I am not just going to believe them. Where is the proof? Or is that
necessary in Journalism, anymore? To be certain, nobody is perfect, but this is
just way out there.?
Lol. Now do one on Clinton and let�s see who has more ties to russia.?
SUCH FAKE NEWS ! of course this is funded by the democratic party. ....never look
at the Clinton foundation and the millions from Russia, look no further if you're
looking for colluding with Russia.?
Refuse to watch if it is fear based. Judging by comments it might not even be truth
A documentary about having zero evidence about Russian collusion with Trump and
ignoring the Clinton's meddling with Russia.?
Got to be kidding me, Russiaphobia is not a mental disorder, it is deep state
The "Russia" thing is just Democrats trying to undermine Trump?
Yup, the 'Hillary & the Globalists' want Russia dismantled too. Hillary was calling
for war pretty much.?
So you find some people whose candidate lost and lie about candidate who won. Fake
news Journeyman pictures. Unsubscribed.?
Russophobia at its finest?
propaganda bullcrap?
I hope not too much money was invested in making this movie that will be a FLOP,
A better movie would be titled Clinton - Clinton Foundation, Uranium one sellout,
More lies from the deep state. HIllary and Obama have taken so much Money from them
from their fellow travelers.?
Israel has the largest foreign lobby in Washington DC yet Russia is the one being
accused of collusion? Where is your documentary on the Israel lobby??
The only people looking forward to this are the H8% in America, the most rabid
Hillary Clinton supporters who refuse to believe she was the most disliked
candidate the Democrats had ever nominated. They blame everyone else - Russia, Jill
Stein, Susan Sarandon, non-voters, etc. - rather than acknowledging she was a
terrible candidate and the reason we now have Trump. They will never admit that
Bernie Sanders would have won even though every poll said he would have. Our
government is run by corporations, both major parties are awash in legal bribes
(campaign contributions) and we live in an oligarchy. USA!?
4corners misleads people again by failing to mention the much larger involvement by
Democrats in USSR collapse (which I am thankful for). 4corners has been for a long
time the McDonalds for lazy thinking people. I don�t want to pay for this crap any
Russia is blamed for the crimes the West commits everybody knows this to be true.?
I watched part one of the ABC Four Corners show about Trump and his purported
Russian connections and I have to say I am, like many, totally disappointed with
the ABC�s portrayal of the Trump administration. The ABC, particularly the 4Corners
show would have been the very last media organization I would expect to proliferate
pure biased propaganda against Trump. With a strong reliance on the answers given
by hand-picked individuals that suited the 4Corners narrative, in particular James
Clapper, 4Corners failed to inform their audience that he is ex CIA, is dishonored
being caught telling lies to the Senate and that he is on the payroll of the
extreme deluded left media outlet of CNN. Yes, most of us rightly believe the
Russians tried to interfere with the US elections, but it had nothing to do with
the Trump campaign and in reality while the Americans are quick to jump up and down
when a foreign power tries to interfere with their political process they need to
take an honest look at history through which they have serially tried to interfere
with all major powers of other countries. As trump has said, they are not so
innocent. I have only one request� apply the same surgical focus on Hillary Clinton
and her political dealings and in particular why she lost the election, their
Clinton Foundation and her REAL Russian connections and collusion. That�s if your
paymasters will let you.?
How convenient to leave out that Hilary took 400 million from the Russians.?

Less not forget the months and months and months of vicious media attacks and fake
news russian collusion BS. Americans aren't dumb but leftist sure are. Trump is on
his way to being reelected and your midterm blue wave will be nothing short of
slight ripple. Remember when the intelligence agency director James Clapper lied to
the American people and Congress committing perjury about nsa spying on
everyone.... yeah what a great bunch of honest deepstate folks they are...?
The shitshow is Vice. Years ago I used to watch Vice regularly but since Rupert
Murdoch bought a portion of it, 5% which is bullshit. It's more like 80% and that
power is used to manipulate the truth.?
Hey American left (commies), Russia didn't rig your elections. Your mainstream
media (how about you address your JQ, ok?) fumbled and need a decoy now. That's why
you're told to fear Russia. Russians love it, though.?

Obama cre� a ISIS (responsable de cr�menes de guerra globales, hipocres�a de

discurso y premio n�bel de paz)... S�lo sirve para leer en teleprompter, s�lo
palabras sin acci�n... Mentiroso, perdedor... No logr� nada...

Mr.trump es una persona muy especial a si es su modo y Putin muy relajado calmado
me gustan los dos.. pero mi presidente AMLO va ser super major para mi pais de
Trump est� destruyendo al estado profundo y eso no les gusta nada. Se van a
revolver hasta el final.?
Trump vs Burocracia en favor de la Paz!?
Se pueden dar cuenta lo peligroso que son los grupos pro moralistas. Hoy en dia son
unos falsos, si odias a trump es porque eres un borrego. Esta comprobado que
los.medios cambian las versiones por este odio moralista de trump. Pero solo
mienten .?
���ATENCI�N NORUEGA!!! En lugar de otorgar el Premio Nobel de la Paz a matarifes y
sicarios entregunselo a Vladimir Putin?
En lo particular yo pensaba que Trump era est�pido, pero tengo presente que debe
ser muy inteligente ya que por algo es un empresario exitoso, y con sus palabras
que Trump que dice a su favor, (un di�logo productivo no s�lo es bueno para EU y
bueno para Rusia, sino que es bueno para el mundo, prefiero tomar un riesgo
pol�tico en b�squeda de la paz que arriesgar la paz en b�squeda de la pol�tica.)
Creo que ahora si le est� funcionando bien las neuronas a el Sr Trump, por primera
vez le aplaudo??, para los que opinan lo contrario les digo, que Rusia y EU es
bueno que sean amigos y no enemigos ya que si entrar�n en una guerra estas naciones
el mundo terminar� en fuego, y radiaci�n nuclear y tomar� m�nimo unos 300 a�os para
que la tierra empeze a recuperarse de m�s de 15,000 detonaciones nucleares
aproximadamente que ambas naciones detonarian en una guerra entre ellos. Dios
bendiga a Trump y a Putin y les de mucha sabidur�a para llevar las riendas de la
paz global.?
Esta es la forma de arreglar los.asuntos del las pol�ticas de los
iluminados y las. Fortunas americanas q quieren conquistas de los pa�ses del 3
mundo all� estar�n los bichos. Sorpl los lobos rateros americanos y jud�os...?
Los EEUU aun creen en la derecha, la fuerza, las amenazas, deben seguir en el
mundo, ahora el 95% de la poblaci�n es pobre y tiene hambre, si la extrema
derecha, no cambia vamos a la guerra, la derecha de EEUU, quiere acabar con la
gente pobre del mundo
Pero no se rijan solo por los medios tradicionales. Tambien busquen las medios
alternativos en ingles, lean los comentarios y se daran cuenta el sentir de la
gente. La mayoria estan super felices por esta cumbre y muy optimistas y con una
gran esperanza por que haya paz mundial.?
La �lite Iluminati est� como loca en celo, NO soporta �sto, ellos quieren
guerra e inestabilidad porque en el CAOS es donde consiguen grandes ganancias y
mayor poder.?
Esos gringos siguen viviendo en la Guerra Fria.?
Donald es enteligente Dialoga con Korea del norte y Russia , muy importante para el
mundo .?
estupidos americanos...GUERRA es lo unico que ven y quieren?
La historia lo demuestra, los dem�cratas generan guerras y los republicanos las
Bien yo lo llamo la Cumbre tela soluci�n es mejor ser aliados qu� enemigos Porque
siendo amigos es m�s f�cil solucionar los problemas que aquejan a todo el mundo
sigan adelante?
�sto demuestra y comprueba el control de grupos, sectas, que controlan a los
dem�cratas y a los republicanos en Estados Unidos y en contra de los mismos
Ciudadanos Estadounidenses, y en contra de la PAZ en el Mundo. �sto mismo lo
expres� el presidente Jhon F Kennedy hacerca del control que quer�an tener grupos y
sectas secretas en el gobierno Estadounidense. El control de los Bancos y Banqueros
corruptos, as� como grupos y sectas secretas desean el conflicto y el control
los que dicen traidor a Trump son gente que tiene intereses y son los
tipicos sujetos que quieren ver conflictos en todos lados , sobretodo con
Rusia, para el beneficio solo de sus bolsillos, es tonto decir ha alguien
que es enemigo sin tener pruebas.?
Trump es grande; el coreano, el ruso, el chino... todos, todos esos "grandes"
tienen que o�rlo,�Eso es malo?. Cuando izquierdistas, "dem�cratas", populistas,
antiamericanos... le ladran tanto a Trump, es que Trump va marchando... Los tiranos
son los que est�n temblando con este acercamiento.?
Si husei Obama visita a Castro es un dem�crata si Trump define a sus competidores
" cuidado" xf solo pedimos objetividad period�stica?
Incluso Bayly. Que sigue la marcha (al menos cuando se refiere a EEUU) de la prensa
internacional resentida.?
Lo mismo piden los dem�cratas. No categorizar a Obama como un comunista por
reunirse con Ra�l y a �ste se re�ne con Korea y es otro tema.?
a etiquetar empezaron los progres , c�mo duele cu�ndo recib�s la misma moneda
,verdad ??
Obama nunca debia visitado a Castro y quitarle el ebargo a Cuba. y despues poner
esa ley anti imigrante de pies mojado hacia los Cubanos que uyen de la dictadura de
Castro. Trump no debe hablar con Putin, Jong Kim ll, y otro dictadores. Con los
dictadores no se pude confiar. ni tampoco con Trump.?

Este fascista se arrepinti� por las presiones del Partido Democrata y por los
servicios de inteligencia militar que por supuesto trabajan en funcion de mantener
los PROTOCOLOS SECRETOS DE LA OTAN, protocolos fabricados por la oficialidad SS
reclutada al Estado Mayor de las Fuerzas Armadas norteamericanas y que dicen
guerra fria con la oficialidad SS reclutada, es decir el fascista no es TRUMP, el
fascismo es ESTADOS UNIDOS DE NORTEAMERICA. Ya decia yo que hay que ser insano para
creer en la palabra de este idiota...NAZI?

Dentro de la divisi�n ideoloogica que hoy vive el mundo, es bueno conocer la otra
cara de la moneda, informaci�n que por los medios tradicionales nunca se ve.?
Tienen todos los medios terroristas en el mundo que mal informan al mundo, y Walter
nos informa de una realidad cierta y la confabulaci�n para voltear gobiernos,
entonces el que quiere escuchar mentiras que mire y escuche CNN...?
Observo sorprendido como muchos odian el conocimiento exacto de la verdad ,y ademas
en los medios occidentales tratan de ocultarla,por eso su trabajo Profesor Walter
lo considero una bendicion del Se�or.Adelante Venezuela que la Republica Popular de
China,es cierto,con un sistema que los latinos no llegamos a comprender,pasaron de
ser esclavos de Gran Breta�a a recuperar su dignidad y su cultura milenaria.Bravo
Walter Bravo?
Lo que a usted pone tan contento es ver como su pueblo sufre y usted oculta quienes
son los responsables verdaderos de esas zancadillas que los gringos y los traidores
nacionales crean, Usted don Sotelo, no puede venir con esa clase de cuentos , yo
viv� lo que hicieron los mismos que usted alaba en Chile, Argentina,
Uruguay,Paraguay Brasil. Alguna vez deje de ser Yanacona y sirva a su pueblo
Para eso tienes todos los medios impresos y medios de comunicacion que si lo pasan
a pesar que digan que hay una dictadura cuando se sabe que lo que hay es un
linbertinaje total mas bien falta de gobierno. Ademas su programa tanto en la
cuarta como en la quinta republica se basa en los hechos internacionales es un
reportero impecable catedra para nuestros periodistas. aparte se ve como los medios
tapan el sol con un dedo lo quieras ver o no y solo reflejan la critica de
venezuela en vez el sistema mundial que es el que esta en decadencia y te
recomiendo que veas documentales de Micheal Moore que estan gringo por asi decirlo
que Trump. simplemente no es lo coyuntural hay que ver mas alla las 2 caras de la
el financiamiento del terrorismo en Irak libia y siria y Yemen fue gracias a la
creacion de alqaeda por la Cia y gobierno estadounidenses con companias privadas
que entrenaron grupos armados terroristas y asesinos para enviarlos a siria a
desestabilizar y provocar coy diviion para invadir Iran , cosa que a Iran no
detendr� tan f�cilmente porque la republica de Iran cerrar�a el estrechos de Ormuz
en caso de confrontaci�n o sanciones para perjudicar aun mas a Iran?
trump se da el gusto de jugar al golf con el dinero de los estados unidenses
pavotes que le dieron su voto a una persona medicore racistas xenofova y misogeni?
Claro que importa saber lo que ocurre en un mundo globalizado y corrupto,donde los
medios occidentales se creen los due�os del planeta,queriendo acaparar
constantemente todas las noticias?
Intervenga usted se�or Miguelit si, intervenga en las urnas,votando,sin conspirar
contra gobiernos legalmente constituidos.De verdad,esas carencias que usted cita se
ven en todo el planeta y no solo en Venezuela?

Most appointees at FBI was by Obama. These oppointees openly paved the road for
Clinton to walk into the White House. Why should Trump trust them?? Neither do I
say to trust Putin. Trump knows what he's doing.?
We need a video on all of Obama's tongue twisters & grammatical errors?
I don't get it. Trump believes Russia attempted to hack the election (whatever
"hack the election" means), but doesn't believe that those actions lead to any
change in votes, nor did he collude with Russia. The media is conflating the two.
So, when the reporter asks if he sides with the intelligence agencies, it's a trap
question. If he sides with them, and since they conflate collusion with hacking,
the media will say Trump is agreeing that he colluded with Russia. Trump knew what
he was doing by not answering that question directly. He also is treating the
meeting with Putin with kid gloves, meaning he doesn't want to turn to Putin and
start blasting him in front of the world. Pick any point in history and you'll see
Russian meddling. The democrats just happen to pick 2016 (and only after Trump
won) to do something about it. And, had Hillary won, life would go on and Russia
would still be doing what they do.?
TRUMP is doing what the American people hired him to do. He's keeping PEACE. PEACE
Putin is not American's enemy it is your own Democrats and MSM.?
You mean the intelligence agencies that protected criminal Hillary and attacked
Yes he better get a better relationship with the intelligence community.... so he
can find out why the US intelligence funnelled 400 million into the Clinton
They are mad that Trump didn't go to war with Russia to defend Hillary's honor.?
I absolutely love trolling Libbies! It is so easy to do! You rock, Gutfeld! Trump
Maga 2020!?
There is no Trump Russia collusion, that is a fact. The indictments do not in any
way touch Trump. Trump did well with Putin negotiating and yeah love seeing the
Trump haters losing their sanity.?
I want the US and Russia to try to get along, because you know, nuclear
extermination and stuff. And I wouldn't apologize for crap, a lot of our Intel
community is biased and crappy. Half of them are real communist.?
The FBI, DOJ, and CIA are corrupt and untrustworthy. The fact that Russia is more
trustworthy then they are is a problem.?
Democrats hate a safe and prosperous America.?
I don't understand why people aren't getting this. If the DNC server doesn't
contain proof that Russians hacked them, then the whole Russian collusion
accusation falls apart. Trump's people KNOW where the server is. Why else do you
think he's been tweeting about the DNC server? He's giving you a heads up as to
what's about to come out in the news. It's the same pattern we see happening over
and over again. He tweets outrage at something, and then suddenly we discover he's
right about it. The DNC server, which was never turned over to the FBI forensics
dept, has NEVER been examined by a govt agency (instead it was "examined" by an
anti-Trump organization, Crowd Strike), so therefore, we cannot say the Russians
hacked it. Trump's hesitation is because he knows the DNC server was NOT hacked.
So when I see Trump speak the way he spoke at the presser with Putin, it's pretty
obvious to me he knows more than we do on this matter and he's not ready for it to
go public yet. Trump also knows the recent Mueller indictments were so incredibly
bogus. Remember, in Mueller's first set of Russian indictments, he had one company
listed that didn't even exist during the 2016 election cycle. And when that
company's lawyers contacted Mueller and informed him they were planning on fighting
the indictment in court, suddenly it was as if the Mueller team had no clue how to
proceed. They weren't expecting any of the indicted Russians to fight back. So,
Trump had Putin call Mueller's bluff. If Mueller's team is genuinely interested in
making the responsible Russians listed in the indictments pay for what they did,
then the door is now open for them to travel to Russia and interview the guys in
person. If the interviews indicated they truly are guilty, then fill out the legal
extradition papers. But it's never going to happen because this whole Russian
collusion garbage is merely occupying the Left until Congress can get all those
documents released and show exactly who was behind everything. Btw, I think his
initials are BHO. But he wasn't alone. And don't forget the name Seth Rich. His
name will soon be very important.?
This is why I watch Fox news. They knew President Trump didn't do a good job with
Putin so they are calling it how it is. If it was Obama and this is CNN nothing was
wrong. I love being conservative. I can think independently not like the left.?

(Las �lites corrupyas, pero los que mataron a los zares fueron una conspiraci�n

He�s being tougher on putin than Obama was?

Rubio is a tiny little man with a tiny little manhood.?
So, Rubio is a tough guy, or pretending to??

He'll do what he feels is right. He has attorneys. He's been doing great and he'll
continue to. Quit the banter.?
FOX was bought out !!! Sad.?
Newt, are you trying to force Trump to take an oath to your club, your secret
society? We all understood him, the Intel agencies are completely dishonest,
criminal, anti American. He�s was dead on accurate in Finland. The neocons like
Newt just can�t stand that their power is taking a public beating. Nobody has been
jailed. WTF??
I say it was no mistake at all. When the facts come out it will become apparent.?
Putin called out the Rothschild banking cartel and western elite Pedophiles that's
why Russia is the enemy, MSM is owned by these perpetrators.?
Gingrich it was not a big deal?
Omg what a nut case !!!!!?
it's The Dems who are for the Russians. just look at what they done. THIS is why
they don't want Trump even talkin to Russia it's because Putin will tell him
everything about the Dems.?
Boycotts Fox News till they stop feeding the lefts lies?
Wrong. No mistake made. Newt is part of the Establishment Party whose donors get
rich from wars and military build-ups. Better relations with Russia is a GREAT
thing for the world.?
What about Hillary giving away our uranium. God slapped her & she LOST.!
I feel he has every right not to trust our intelligence agencies. They've been
trying to get him out of office before he even got there. Why else would the FBI
announce those indictments a day before he meets with Putin except to set him up to
Someone (Newt Gingrich..?) gave Mr. Trump very bad advise on this. To say that he
didn't say what he meant to say was a mistake. He should have stood by his
statement and defined what he meant. I took it to mean that it hard to imagine why
Russia would want to interfere in US elections. In any case this is time ti strike
the hot iron and forge good relations with Russia and work out our differences. The
Neocon warmongers need to shut up and give Mr. Trump a chance at making a badly
needed change...?
It�s not that big of a mistake. His policies have held American interests over
Russia time and again. It�s BS?
I'm a fluent speaker of english and russian. As someone who knows both societies
and cultures very well I hoped for once that these two factions would get along.
They are starting to, but then you have all this MSM (Mainstream Media) outrage,
trying to ruin everything!?
You wouldn't have been far wrong even if it was not misspoken Mr President, I think
the left was fervently hoping for this to start ranting again, enough said so lets
move along to the important part of you meeting which is always ignored by the MS?
yes Obama was a puppet of Putin so was Hillary the crook?
On behalf of the American people we'd like to say thank you President Trump. Isis
destroyed, peace in Korea, a booming economy. Bravo! Now peace with Putin! Well
done brave leader!?
Says the group of meat bags that thinks there is 52 genders and want nothing but
war. No thanks I'll put my trust in Trump???????
because you�re Normal- that�s the difference. Thank gawd half the country and half
of Europe are normal too!?

La divisi�n de poderes no funciona normalmente asi. Las Fuerzas armadas est�n

sometidas al Presidente, que es su Comandante en Jefe, y los poderes independientes
son el Legislativo y el Judicial, igual que en muchos otros pa�ses. Lo que pasa en
los EEUU es que hay una facci�n de las FFAA y de las agencias de inteligencia
detr�s del presidente, pero hay otras que pertenecen al estado profundo. Lo siento
por t�, pero te tocar� un amargo despertar cuando veas que esta maldad oculta
realmente existe. Eso es lo que yo me pregunto a menudo, qu� va a pasarle a la
gente que no se ha enterado cuando sea testigo de los juicios p�blicos contra esta
secta sat�nica de ped�filos. Eso suceder� inevitablemente, pues hay una alianza
entre las grandes potencias para desarticular este poder milenario. Te recomiendo
el libro de Bill Cooper "Behold a Pale Horse" ("Y v� un caballo p�lido"), que es
una gran introducci�n al tema, lleno de documentos de prueba, lectura obligatoria
para los amantes de la verdad. Este periodista fu� asesinado por divulgar este
tema, as� como lo han sido tantos otros. Hay tambi�n un excelente canal en espa�ol,
casi el �nico que trata de estos temas, "Caminando el Sendero" Bendiciones!?
cuando esos poderes se ponen de acuerdo pasa lo que paso en las torres gemelas y
las posteriores invasiones, por supuesto que queremos destruir y odiamos a ese
sistema a base de muerte y destrucci�n de terceros pa�ses, esta vez estan
recibiendo una dosis de su propia medicina, trump se encargara de destruir ese
estado mafioso llamado usa.?

Thank you Kelly Ann. MSM has had every opportunity to ask real questions and give
real people an opportunity for real news. NOT GONNA HAPPEN ????
Obama knows that the "right wing billionaires" are funding the Dimms and funded
Hillary during the campaign right? The Koch Bros gave their money to Hillary and
not one dime to Trump.?
the liberals can do anything they want but no body else can?
In 1992 we signed a treaty with Russia about info sharing pertaining to criminal
behavior. Russia can in fact admit to buying HRC- Rosatom- uranium 1 purchasing
special acess programs from HRC.?
Hahahaaaaaaaa.... Obama is talking about himself! Priceless!!!?
trolls and trump haters have gone friggin nuts?
Demrats hate trump and America that's the truth?
Yea Trump went there to talk peace not acuse, media won't be happy till we are at
war with Russia, then they will blame it on Trump?
Clinton sold uranium to Russia, to create a nuclear war, this is what Dems love.
Agree with Obama, he lied to people for 8 years, with a smile! President, Trump, is
doing a great job, the swamp is deeper, than we could imagine, more to come,
Demorats are working real heard to stop progress, *they will fail*, all real
americains should join NOW the "Walk Away" mouvement, they are triumphant, leaded
by bright people.?
OMG come on America you are missing the forest for the trees. Trump did a great
thing meeting with Putin. He took the first and biggest step. He will never
abandon America and always has its back. If you can't see this then go find some
other country to live in because you have a great country led by a great man.?
I was proud of President Trump, I thought it went well!?
Obama telling illegals that they can vote in the election not meddling but Russian
facebook ads are. Go figure.?
Obama needs to look in the mirror. He's such a lying hypocrite.?
look at filthy Obama squirming now that treacherous Meuller has failed and all his
crimes are floating to the swamps surface.
Keep up the great work Mr. President. I watch all the major networks every single
day, more so than Fox News. And I see right through their bullshit. They will spend
every word this president will say. But the silent majority is patient and waits
for actions not words.?

President Trump has given me more laughs than anyone ever. He really gets into the
heads of his haters. It is just going to get better. Thank you President Trump,
you're doing an awesome job. :)?
Dems believe Putin when he says he likes Trump. But Dems dont believe Putin when
he said Russia didn't meddle? Confirmation bias much??
Putin sounds and looks more credible than Brennan or Clapper or any of the media
anchors I am not saying that he is credible but ....?
The press is seditious!?
Blitzer has a bad case of derangement, it may be terminal..?
Rand is the only sane person in congress.?
"Putin was lying"? I think you missed the point: Trump & Putin were trolling the
deep state. It worked. They are going crazy.?
Stop calling CNN Fake News, Trump said it crystal clear, Very Fake News! (:?
Wolf got blitzed. Ron Paul 2024!!!?
CNN and US intel are one and the same
The Russians didn't hack the DNC server. I'll take a bullet for THAT. If they
didn't do so, then all the rest of the "Russian hacking" crap is inconsequential.
Break up the media and re-establish the fairness doctrine. "News"? No. The media is
propaganda. Period.?
Trump has given the whole world a Putin whom people/country that desire peace would
want to work with!?
Was waiting for Putin to call all murders around Hitlary?
Perhaps Trump should have just given Putin a reset button and the press could have
a big kumbaya moment.?
No trust for Chris Wallace ~ 24/7 anti-USA propaganda = Fake News CNN . The
DemonCrats and Fake News mainstream media are truly enemies of our country. They
will not stop attacking President Trump because they don't have their evil-doer in
the White House.?
Putin has already said a million times that Russia didn't kill that agent. So now
he just sticks to "prove it". What would you do..??
I can still see before my eyes Obama in 2016 , asking all illegals to go voting.
"And you won't be arrested and incarcerated"?
I wasn't a fan of Fox, especially in the Bush and Obama years. But, if your news
comes from main stream media (which is inherently liberal), and you watch Fox, Fox
will seem so out of tune with everyone else. But, now it seems they are the only
network that covers Trump accurately. When you are lied to all the time, the truth
seems like the lie. While Fox is still shitty, when it comes to Trump, they report
on him fairly. Remember, Fox also shit on Trump too, now they embrace him.?
Loved Putin bringing up Soros. Awesome.?
One thing I dont understand is if the left is moving closer to communism, why are
they so against Russia anyway? If Russia was meddling with the US, I would expect
them to be subverting our free society values, our education, etc., just as is
typically outlined in Marxist papers, etc. In fact, the behavior of much of the
left seems to be inline with what I would expect Russia to be doing if they were
subverting. I work with someone who is pro communist to the point they want the
government to run companies like Apple. Yet, they complain about Russian
interference. It all seems illogical to me.?
CNN praises Obama for his anti-American "Apology Tour" calling him the greatest
statesman ever as a result ... but when Trump does 1/100th of the same thing its
the worst thing ever? And CNN wonders why the vast majority of Americans think
they're liars and propagandists??
The left are trying to say Trump is a traitor because a trouble making reporter who
didn't heed a previous warning about his conduct was ejected before Trump even
entered the room. Pure desperation.?
When it comes to foreign policy with Trump watch the results not the political
We actually have an adult for POTUS finally, and a stable genius too. Feels sooooo
good. The Dems and MSM will go nuts.?
Sounds to me like Trump has fired the first shot against the "deep state". Takes a
big pair to tell off the intelligence services in public.?
So the left was ok with Obama apology tour which was a total crap on U.S.?

Yes people are tired of taking a beating and now we are tired of seeing our
President who is elevating our lives take a beating!?
Mr Huckabee is correct he knows the msm is a joke?
Barrack Obama should have been impeached when he dropped pallets of greenbacks in
Iran. That Iran deal should have been an impeachable offense.?
Hillary giving away uranium should be impeachable!?
If the democrats don�t win the 2018 elections, they�ll blame Russian interference
and their idiot supporters will buy it. You could see where this was meant to go
from the start.?
Like their uranium deal I consider that treason even if you were a citizen?
The leftwing socialist media has no say in my life........ I think they are out of
their minds.?
The media has made up too many stories against this president. Child separation;
when it was done under previous administrations. The �Shithole� scandal, with no
audio or video of Trump saying that. The Charlottesville protest. The travel ban
when the President has the constitutional right to halt immigration from countries
deemed harmful. Saying he was rude to a Green Beret�s widow. This is controlled,
propaganda media.?
Fast and Furious should have been an impeachable offense. But then again, so too
should have been Benghazi.?
They will not impeach our President !!! I�m glad he corrected what he said... now
it�s written in stone & the media can�t twist it.?
It's some new trash propaganda line every week from the media. They've been
unhinged since last year and we all know this already. I like how it's allegedly
some big revelation to the people in the media that we're tired of them crying
wolf. Nobody is buying this crap just like most people here never paid for it when
you had to get it in supermarket checkout lines. I'm still waiting for headlines
accusing Trump of conspiring with Elvis and aliens from another planet. At least
that one would be amusing compared to the Russia Stormy Daniels thing. On the
bright side, the lower they go, the more people get sick of it and switch to the
peoples' (Trump's) side.?
Trump's error in speaking and self admitted clarification is minuscule compared to
any of the policies of the previous administration and its roster of syndicate
I didn't know the MSM had any credit left to lose!?
Oh look Trolls are throwing poop at Trump. Yawn. Dont feed the trolls.?
Where is the server? What deal did Awan get? Did Browder rip off Russia and give
400M to HRC? Is Mueller going to give Podestas immunity? Tune in tomorrow for more
questions and still no answer.?
It's simple Trump's a Patriot?
I'm still for Trump; unemployment is way down, taxes are lower; he is NOT a
"globalist"; etc etc etc.......?
The MSM: Much ado about nothing.?
Obama went to the UK and spoke against Brexit promising negative consequences.
Isn�t this meddling in another country's politics? No negative words from the MSM
on that.?
Saudi Arabia is a far more inhumane society than Russia, but no one complains about
America's alliance with Saudi Arabia.?
ya nobody complains that Saudi donated to the Clinton Foundation?
This is why the media is going to box me back in to the corner of supporting Trump.
He HAS been tough on Russia on policy. Sanctions, arming Ukraine, expelling
diplomats, military spending. His rhetoric has been so soft it has made me uneasy
but that in itself should be a good enough story. Don�t just lie and say his POLICY
on Russia hasn�t been tough- it has been. The last couple of days I have been re-
thinking my support of Trump and it�s sad that I think I might find myself in the
same position I was in 2016- Trump isn�t great but there just isn�t a better
alternative I see. Regardless of what happens with Trump I just hope the media
(right and left wing) don�t see it as vindication. Losing faith in our institutions
brought us Trump, if they are really against him, then they should take SOME
ownership of that.?
All you Libtards are Trump Haters no matter what he does. If he befriends with
Putin, then you call him a traitor. If he becomes enemies with him, then you'll
think we'll go to war with Russia. This goes the same with North Korea.?
If Trump is a friend of Russia then he is the worst friend ever. Expelling 60
Russian diplomats, defied Russia by bombing ISIS, Closde 4 Russian offices and
Condemned Germany for trading oil with Russia. Far more than anything Obama ever
The left are simply alarmists. Every foolish and petty opportunity to scream is
That hot mic told us everything about Barak azzhole the flying donkey. I bet he's
flexible for Mike to.?
to be great one must be humble.. shows why trump is such a great president. you
will never see obama, hillary, pelosi.. and any democrat doing that ....if hillary
would have admitted what she had done or obama alot of voters would think
different of them , but no they continue to ride the lie wagon.. and this is why no
one trust the democrats..their unwilling to comprise and create chaos wherever they
go is making them more for themselves and less for the people and this is not how
you win votes..?

Fuk off browder, Trump has everything on you! you are going down just like Soros!
you Deep state Swamp Rat!!!!!!?
Bill Browder is the �israeli first� billionaire who gave up his US Nationality for
tax evasion, and lies on Syria and Ukraine... but is �objective� analyst for Fox
So Browder thinks he's the expert on what we should do with russia? He an unelected
swamp rat that has caused a lot of this crap.?
Sorry Bill Browder but were not starting a war for you! By the way, wheres the
This man should be in prison and should be extradited to Russia to answer for his
This is the same guy who laundered four hundred million dollars tax free from
Russia to crooked. Lock him up?
Beat your drum Browder..the left and MSM is marching to your beat.
All us see is a criminal who thinks he's above the law and is shocked to find out
he might not be !!!?
Uranium one was surly a topic on the one on one part of the summit. Then Putin
handed Trump the ball ?? and said it in your court. They are going down!?
Browder is typical wall street weasel cheat who is wanted for crimes in Russia.?
For the record Browder, did you give 400 million to HRC/DNC??
Browder's grandfather lived in the USSR and on his return to the USA he became the
head of the Communist Party USA. Bill Browder renounced his American citizenship to
avoid paying taxes and also because he felt his father was treated unfairly re
employment due the Communist association during the McCarthy era. Putin states he
illegally obtained 1.5 Billion dollars and donated 400 million to the HRC campaign
which is illegal as a renounced non-citizen. And of course (Clinton connection)
Former President Bill Clinton gave Browder's father Felix a high level Mathematics
achievement award- LOL. Small world-hahahaha Show less
Why is FOX giving this criminal a platform??

Obama's Legacy will soon cease to exist! Trump is erasing, that awful mistake, from
the pages of history.?
He looks like he's been crying, probably hard for him to see Trump already
accomplishing more in two years than he did in eight.
Obama the POS can't speak without a teleprompter and script writers. What an
absolute useless individual. Lacking ethics and credibility.?
Dear Kenyans: please be advised that Barry is a fraud, thief, liar and we the
people want him arrested, prosecuted and jailed. Malik Obama, his half brother can
confirm that Barry was not a good president. In fact, he is the worst president
in history. We need him to be banned from Kenya because we need justice!?
What about The brutality of South Africans against Christian farmers? Why didn�t BO
mention THAT? He�s right there! He must be ok with that.?
He is speaking in a country that exterminates white people for being White.. He is
pure evil and all who support him are enemies to the USA.?
and again we see traitor obama on his crusade against the west.?
Obama look who' calling the kettle black ! This man is a professional lair!?
Why don't they arrest Obama for the Logan act will somebody please tell me what
good is the Logan act if they're not going to enforce it Obama needs to be put in a
prison arrest him now?
Obama is just a manikin. Watch him. Listen to his tone of voice. No matter what
he says, he always looks the same and speaks in the same sonorous monotone. It's
as if he doesn't even know the meaning of the words he's reading from the
teleprompter. Even his mistakes bear this out. How many people with a wife named
Michelle ever accidentally calls her Michael? How can the Commander-in-Chief of
the US Marine Corps and all other branches of the military refer to a Marine as a
corpse-man or refer to the Marines as the Marine Corpse? Without the teleprompter,
he babbles incessantly. He's little more than a zombie masquerading as a living
human being.?
Why is he, relevant??
Discusting listening to his traitor ass. So glad he's gone and yes I hope we go
back to our old ways of serving God not Allah and worry about ourselves not the
entire global elite?
He should feel at home there not cause he says he's black but because of all the
white genocide he endorses.?
obama still has no idea that his politics were that of resentment?
Former U.S. President goes to a nation where they are openly slaughtering people
because of the color of their is just DISGUSTING!!!!!?
The antichrist there he's folks.?
We the people spoke and we don't want foreign powers dictating our laws. SCREW THE
He's a FRAUD ?? From his birth certificate to his social security card to his male
wife fake kids fake American
The Antichrist is still making speeches...? (deceiver of masses)
He is a Sunni Muslim. Sharia law is what he wants. A globalist. I wish he�d go
The jihadist in action. Lock him up,he�s the terrorist,traitor,president
impersonator.? (Why he can't say islamic terorism?)
I wish that this corrupt,communist, Kenyan born, muslim would die. The sooner the
better. Is that racist? I don�t give a damn if it�s taken that way.? (Obama
I see Obama is back in his country! He should stay there!!!?
Sounds like something the deep state wrote.
Obama just a clown that being paid by special interest group..?
A useless ex-President giving a sanctimonious talk to the corrupt people in a
corrupt country.... you gotta laugh?
Obama's sorry-ass can go all the way to South Africa to spread rhetoric but doesn't
have the guts to go to the south side of Chicago!?
Is that Democrat politics full of fear lies and destruction
poor obama he's so irrelevant he only talks in africa now?
As always,talk down the U.S. Leftist piece of -- -- -- -- I wish he would just
leave or disappear. Worst President ever,the left would rather attack President
Trump. MAGA?
Who in the hell is paying for Obama speeches? WE ALL KNOW VALERIE JARRETT WROTE
The reason for insane actions of the MSM ,the elites and the left can be summed up
in 5 words "" THERES NO PROFIT IN PEACE ! "?
We are fixing the mess you left Mr. Obama. Grow up and get a pair! Oh yeah... F U!?
all the Lefts protests have communist flags and their new scary eye leader is a
socialist democRat = future of the party, and President Trump is the commie ???
Stirring up white hate in SA , so bitter?
What world leader did Obama ever stand up to? He did an apology tour, gave a way 3
trillion $ and told the Russians he would have "MORE FLEXIBILITY" to work with them
when he was elected. He let Russia annex another country and what he sent to them
instead of arms was socks and blankets.?
I like how he is trying to justify hiking up taxes to help homeless and all that.
If the government tells you what you can afford and you end up not being able to
pay what the government says you need to pay, what do you think happens? Charity
needs to be separated from taxes for the most part.?
Obama the Nut job.....! You need to move to another Country....! Nobody wants
your Socialism here or in Europe.... ! Take your Mobsters with you....! Chuck,
Nancy, Mad Maxine....!?
"International Order" now were did I hear that before oh yeah Bush senior. They're
not evening hiding it no more he's a Globalist's period. Him Hillary and the Bush
cabal needs to thrown into the flaming volcano in Hawaii. He should've never
pissed off Trump years ago at that fundraiser. Not only did Trump took his job he's
doing what Obama never did. Everyone was looking for a hope that things would
change and it did for the worst under his eight years of a disaster. I knew from
day one he was a fraud and everyone called me crazy. Now they're not saying I'm
crazy anymore. Trump is JFK 2.0 " Those who make peaceful revolution impossible
will make violent revolution inevitable. JFK?
America doesn�t have coups or tanks in the street. But a deep state of sorts exists
here and it includes national security bureaucrats who use secretly collected
information to shape or curb the actions of elected officials.?
South Africa is a failing country with a failed government. No need for
elaborating, just look at the analytics.?
(Sobre hechos: derecha niega hechos evidentes, contra democracia.... izquierda es
relativista, no cree en los hechos objetivos)

I am from the US, and support the idea of Nigel Farage for PM of UK. He and Trump
share the Love of country.?
Why so angry about what Trump said about Brexit? Nobody said anything when Obama
screamed at voters to vote remain did they?

The United States of Chaos. Repubs always take the easiest and stupidest course.
All they are doing is dismantling the government. This is insane?
The Republicans have lost control of their base who have taken many parts of their
platform to radical extremes including their anti-government stance. This
extremism is driven by fear and hate which Fox and etc. stir up (for profit and
control). We wind up with an aggressively ignorant mob blindly lashing out at and
smashing government when they should be working to make it better.?
Drain the swamp! Yep that�s what the country elected Trump to do, get rid of you
swamp rats!?
Dismantle the deep state! YES PLEASE!? (Restore the Republic)
It�s not being dismantled fast enough. The whole democrat side is denying
responsibility at every turn. Corrupt hypocrites.
criminal governments should be dismantled, you backwards bastard.?
You sure are one stupid ass hole LIAR Vote The Damn Dems Out 2020?
Dismantling the deep state while brainwashed tools cry about it.?
Conservatives have always been against increased federal power and for state
rights. The CIA and FBI have a well documented history of lies coups and
destabilization worldwide but all of a sudden we should trust some shadowy
unelected sppoks over the people we elect? Just move to China.
Tell class how our government is being being dismantled.. If you had a clue what
was really going on, the corruption in the Democrat party at atop levels of
government that must be dismantled to save our Republic then if take you seriously.
But, your just another hysterical lefty, uninformed, being spoon fed lie where lie
by the media. Sad, I hope you never get into politics, your generation will be the
death of my America.?
Good. The whole thing is corrupt.?
They are not just dismantling the government to feed the uber rich predators. They
are now destroying a hard-fought 242 years Democracy on order of an aggressive
enemy state! That is the REAL INSANITY!?
Chaos = Soros. He makes money off this sort of thing. Who is funding half the DNC
right now??

"We know Putin is holding something over Trump. We don't know what it is..." How
brilliant is that?!? We KNOW... but We DON'T KNOW" (based on zero evidence). These
morons that think they're reporters are certifiably ILLITERATE!?
You guys are sorely mistaken if you think President Trump is anything less than
President Putin. Putin has nothing on President Trump that Trump doesn't have on
him. These other country's leaders can say anything they want, and some have, but
President Trump can take it. He will just weather it like everything else he's had
to deal with so far. He will come out smelling like roses. He's the best President
we've ever had. When you are putting people in jail, ruining careers, and exposing
the Deep State, you're going to have everything come at you hard. We have to
support him if he's going to be successful in this exposition. MAGA, STAY STRONG,
If Trump pulled out a gun and shot Putin, the Media and the Left would complain
that he was wasting bullets and should have used a knife. They are absolutely stuck
in a temporal loop of their own insanity, a sort of psychotic Ground Hog day.?
Russia/Putin don't have to do anything to undermine America. The crazy left
liberals are doing a great job all by themselves!?
Remember, before Helsinki, these same frauds in the Fake News liberal media
pretended to by "outraged" if Trump so much as said "It's a beautiful day". The
Fake News liberal media would claim Trump lied because they looked out the window
and a puffy white cloud was temporarily blocking the sun!!! These same frauds
would be "outraged" if they found out that Trump rips the "Do NOT Remove" tag off
of pillows! The Fake News liberal media freakout is a result of Peter Strzok's
"insurance policy" paying dividends. We cannot let Obama's crooked FBI get away
with this.?
Trump drives all these fools crazy....?
insane liberal snowflakes all need to move to a country of their choice like iran.
Trump is the most bold President. Thanks Trump for speaking the truth. God Bless
Brennan has lost his credibility long ago and has no integrity. Who would listen
to his sour grapes???
Libs are turds?
Pure persecuting of your own president, shame on you USA! It�s shamefull when
people have no respect for president anymore! Ofcourse president is peacefull with
Putin when he come over to Helsinki to MAKE PEACE! Do Americans want war or what??
Greetings from Finland!?
Everyday is a 9/11 national emergency!?
Let them freak out. We've seen nothing but disgrace from the left. They called out
Trump saying he should be tough with Putin and that he makes the country look weak.
NO....the left make us look weak and it is embarrassing.?
Bunch of lunatics.?
I have been watching politics for over 50 years and I have never seen people be
more ignorant, obtuse, deceitful, just plain stupid. I can't wait till Trump gets
his second term and all these people put a gun to their Temple?
This is how The Left begins to dissolve into nothingness.?
Trump misspoke? So when he promised he would show his tax returns he actually meant
he wouldn't show them and when he said that Mexico would pay for the wall he really
meant they wouldn't ...yeh I am beginning to see the pattern.?

US needs to get tough on Erdogan. He is a thug. It�s okay if a thug backs your
geopolitical interests e.g. Mohammed Bin Salman warm relations with US. But US
cannot condone a thug like Erdogan firmly opposing US geopolitical interests.?
i think what you meant is everyone has to be a puppet like salman and must do
whatever the us say?
Time to get the gravy ready, we�re going to have Turkey for dinner. Either kick
them out of NATO or we need to leave. In no way should the United States have to
defend Turkey or any Islamic hotbed.?
if trump complains about this to nato, they are just going to call him treasonous
like they did when he called out Deutschland for the pipeline....
you should leave. We arent the ones needing your protection. All those weak
european nations need it?
Turkey isnt even close to the power of influence the us had in the world causing
shit everywhere?
The President of United States address this during the press conference with Putin.
He stated the Islamic state (which includes ??) Newsflash... muzziers have
politicize their religion, not us! That�s why he called the EU a foe, because of
their Islamization and that�s why he also stated Canada was a national security
threat for the same reason.?
Isis is not islamic. Many of there victims are muslims?
Yeah and we all know Muslims like killing their own, especially if they�re not
Muslim enough, so what�s your point??
so by your logic a christian breaking all important rules of christianity and
killing christians is a christian? (Fundamentalismo)
Take back Constantinople!?
Nuke Mecca.
The Turkish are sponsor of terrorist. there is no difference between the Turkish
and Pakistanis. President Trump should cut all type of tie with this terrorist
According to the RoT government, 99.8% of the Turkish population is Muslim; Islam
requires no evidence; the accusation is sufficient. Brunson is being used as a
pawn, and while Trump's demand has a strong possibility of being ignored, none of
us should fall silent. Without a public outcry, this pastor will most likely
languish and die in his Turkish prison cell.?
none of those things you said apply to turkey. Also those countries youre decribing
are us puppets like saudi arabia or uae?
Another good reason to stay out of S-hole countries.?

Protesting is all libs do for a living?

These people are just so weird?
Losers everywhere you look...?
Where is a sniper when you need one
God Trump has probably more real estate on these peoples minds than he does
physically. I know people really didn't like Obama but, I never have seen this many
anti-Obama protests compared to Trump. Doesn't this get tiresome??

This guy is so brave, I'd be terrified to invite my boss to my house.?

We were sold out...For golf courses and hotels.?
He's coming so Trump can hand over the nuclear launch codes to make the invasion
complete. Even if Russian tanks rolled down past the White House, Republicans would
still be like "I like Trump and still support him. He's doing a great job."?
My white trash listeners will never abandon Trump, they've been losers all of their
life and for once they feel as if they're winning.. May your trailer homes be
filled with beer and underage, prepubescent girls and boys
God Bless this fit beautiful articulate and gentle example of Aryan manhood we have
protecting us. I love you Donald. The erection I have for you is every bit as
sturdy and constant as the one you have for Ivanka.?
It's funny how all these Republican Trump cucks always yell "America is the
strongest!!, America is #1!!!" etc., but when our democracy is literally attacked
by a hostile foreign government, and the Trump bends the knee to their leader AND
blames the US in the process, now its all about "Oh well he's trying to keep the
peace... Wouldn't it be better if we got along with Russia". Are we not the
strongest country in the world? Now whenever we are attacked should we just
apologize and try to appease whatever country attacked us? Give me a fucking break.
Trump is clearly being controlled by Russia because they have something on him, or
he knows that he or the people around him conspired with Russia to get him elected.
Trump and his remaining supporters are traitors to this country?
I have a solution for all of you pissers and moaners. MOVE. I for one welcome putin
and a friendship with russia.?
Lmao Jesus liberals are stupid?
Trump's campaign was funded by AIPAC the Saudis Israel the Mercer family Goldman
Sachs Boeing and the big Jewish money of Sheldon Adelson and Steve Wynn.
Trump victory campaign finance report. Israel already owns Trump. Putin clearly has
dirt on Trump and owns him too.?
Do you fucking wastes of skin EVER stop worrying and complaining? Dude we're not
listening.LOL. You can protest in pink pussy hats all day and we will just laugh,
giggle and share your public SJW freak out videos amongst our friends.. You are
weak.. Low iQ individuals. And you cant fight for the life of you.. Go mind your
business like we did under that sack of shit obamas reign. You can vote this
november and again in 2020. First " rub it on your chests" and secondly " go kick
rocks morons " HeHe.. You have no candidate to run against this great man in 2020.
So i see why you pray for an impeachment..SAD GROUP you guys are.. Wish for an
impeachment in one hand and take a hot shit in the other,, let me know which one

Putin has dirt on democrats. ????????.. this is awesome?

Ha ha ha ha ha you got to love it ???
Great news. Stick it to the deep state and the fake news media.?
neocons and dirty screeching libs OWNED?
HAHA! This is going to drive the Democrats into a frothing maniacal rage. Get the
Democrats triggered again?
Haha. A Putin visit to the USA will drive the Fake News media crazy. Or should I
say even crazier (if that's possible).?
Trump is smart, the real enemy is China NOT Russia ffs! Russia is a 1/7th the size
of China and probably 1/12th the size of the US economically, a small player. So
Trump wants to strengthen relations with Russia bring them into the western sphere
in order to better take on and contain China. keep in mind that as we move forward
we should almost exclusively be talking about economic wars or cyber warfare at
least when it comes to the big players, the stakes are too high with anything more
than that. The left's hysteria is doing irreversible damage to the party. No one
will take them seriously at least not until some serious re-branding(more than a
decade away).?
Go President Donald J Trump he is not allowing them to stop him...

In the end the liberals will lose because they don't know what it takes to win.?
yeah...because our wars in the middle east were started by liberals and resolved by
conservatives. Oh Wait...?
I'm very real and you should be afraid of people like me who will not let their way
of life be taking from losers on the Liberal side. We love this country alot more
than you and you will lose in the end. Enjoy 6 more years of Trump I hope you've
woken up before it's all over. MAGA?
Who cares about the shitty Middle East. Y'all are losing here in this country. Why
don't yall stop taking about the past and worry that the liberals work the last 40
years is getting whiped from history thankfully. Enjoy 6 more years of Trump. MAGA?
Also Obama would've let Iran make nuke. Trump is trying to stop NK from getting
one. See the difference between a winner and a loser. I'll give you a hint Obama
was the loser Trump is the winner.?
I didn't say that you did sport. You may have some elitist issues where you think
blacks can't think for themselves it's common in Liberals.?
i think you need to read a book buddy lmao unless a book to you is a cnn or
buzzfeed article hahahah fucking idiot?
at this point all the Democrats have to go up is Hillary Clinton, she has
absolutely no chance at all. The Democrats have no platform to run on, the only
thing they make known what they are about is illegal immigration. This party is in
serious trouble right now.?
Go trump!!! You know he's doing the right thing when the media is in such a frenzy.
Yes even fox news has globalists traitors in there network?
You are stupid yourself and don't forget take your medication on time due! Liberal
brainless .?

After witnessing what just happened this past week from the establishment, the
media, the anti-Trump fervor, the fake "lefties", I feel like voting for Trump in
2020 because they STILL haven't learned their lessons! And I'm a lefty...?
I share your experience and I'd say I'm past just thinking about voting for Trump
and actually will. We are in a unique position to help people around us every day
to clear their heads and make their own decisions and not fall prey to this
hysteria. Rachel Maddow made me feel good for a month after the election and now I
see what she's doing is damaging the country. Be sincere, tell people your
experience because as "crude" as Trump is I'm starting to believe he's the best
chance our species has to survive. Sounds ridiculous I know but think about it.?
You do realize that you have to be in a state of war with a country for their to be
an act of treason by definition. Has the US declared war on Russia and I didn't
hear it on the news??
During the inauguration he said it isnt a handing of power from the democrats to
the republicans but a return of power to the American people. It wasnt reported
but i think its important.?
Establishment is the problem?
The MSM will never admit it, but they have caused more damage to our country than
any spying by others. Their manipulative, biased, disinformation is much worse than
anything Putin could have done.?
Anybody who actually watched the summit likely walked away impressed with both DT
and VP, their "GTFO with that ol'bs" attitude, they handled themselves very well.?
President Trump made no concessions of any kind to Russia or Putin. Quite the
opposite Putin invited FBI agents and Mueller to attend the Russian government's
interrogation of the 12 people who were indicted. How can any American trust the
FBI, DOJ, and any of our intelligence agencies until they come up with evidence
that isn't fraudulent ? Their recent track record of lies, false documents to
obtain illegal wire tapping and political bias now demands proof. Mere accusations
aren't good enough. They've lost all credibility.?
Establishment cucks feel the world is ending if a lefty isn't in charge of
government and policy-making.?
The media and establishment wanted Trump to publicly bash Putin. Anything less was
justification for their hysteria. Nothing Trump could do.?
Where are Hillary's 33,000 emails? Where is the $400,000,000? Where are the DNC's
servers? Where are Seth Rich's Killers? We all know why the libtards are trying to
cause hysteria every day.?
It is amazing how a handful of demons (deep state) trying to destabilize the world
peace and pushing USA to endless wars around the world but now seems like they want
a bigger war , The 45 minutes nuclear holocaust .. The deep state must be purge?
The democrat party has become the pro-WW3 party, a communist takeover stepping
stone party disguised in the cloak of deceptive Orwellian double speak, a globalist
agenda Trojan Horse. Dems and RINO's secret society agenda is "New World Order out
of Chaos", they seek to raise from the ashes of their destruction of the U.S.
constitutional republic and all sovereign nation states.?
Has the so-called liberal democratic establishment in America lost its mind? I say
definately YES! This level of russophobia is both amusing and tragic for me to
witness, especially as a Polish guy, because who knows better about russophobia
than people of Poland. As I posted in another RT video, if you see America being a
100 times more russophobic than even the most russphobic people in my home country
Poland then it should tell you something! I hope Trump can bring those Americans to
terms. So much hositily towards Russia is unheard of. If these negative people have
their way then they will definately start a war and military confrontation with
Russia! With these hateful people around, we all must be very cautious, including
us Europeans!?

Muslim man claims London is a good example of successful multiculturism. Complete

Sweeden,France,UK best examples of what is like to live in multicultural
societies .No go zones,rapes, terrorism no free speech .?
that's what these criminals want.?
living hell for females.?
And that is just happening while those countries are being benevolent. What do you
think will be happening in those countries once the migrants become the majority
and begin moving into government positions? If anybody got any good tourism
statistics for Europe, I'd love to see them.; Don't know anybody that wants to
visit Paris like they did 20 years ago.?
Multicult is made and pushed to divide?
Why must the world mix? Why do they want this so bad??
No not respect for eachothers culture? Respect for the fatherlands culture in which
you wish to preside. The natives dont.adapt to you you adapt to them. If its any
other way then it is a culture invasion.?
When was there ever a successful multicultural society? Answer - NEVER
its used as a tool to ruin successful cultures & creators, by (((who))) i wonder?
'Chosenites' want everyone divided. Once divided, the world is easier for them to

This Neocon/Neolib propaganda vailed as calls for "Democracy and Freedom" and
bashing countries that dare to have their own interests and are not up for
following US orders is really exposing the US for what it is. It is just another
empire trying to brainwash,manipulate, coerce the world , attempting to hold on
global dominance forever in form of a monopolar world with itself at the helm.?
Lol. Saakashviili is out of his mind. Google the tie-eater. See I'm getting
arrested in Ukraine. See this fool launch attacks against civilians in his country
as well as Russian peacekeepers. I have been telling everybody that when it comes
to foreign policy Fox News is as fake as all the rest.?
The answer is in Ukraine. Putin asked the question that Wallace the dink ignored.
How did the conflict start, who was involved. The usual group of US govt criminals,
Obama. Clinton. McCain. Nuland Hughes, Soros etc all involved in organizing and
financing an army of Neo Nazis to instigate a coup and depose an elected President,
install a puppet and start the civil war in Ukraine. What would the people of the
US say if they knew the truth of that? Ukraine on Fire. Oliver Stone. Good place
to start.?
Crimea is the only Russian warm water port. The Russians have been there over 200
years. Russians did not invade Crimea. Crimeans voted to join Russia before the Neo
Nazis attacked them. Don�t believe look at the timing. Some history of importance
during the US civil war. The Russians sent their navy to defend the ports of NY and
SF. Russia lent money interest free to the US in the civil war. No other country
has ever sent the US aid in time if war. Let that sink iin?
His country wants him for corruption. Saakashvili is a con-artist. A man without
country, hiding in Netherlands from Georgia and Ukraine.
in 8 years of his reign Saakashvili was proven to be torturer, sexual
pervert/predator, drug addict, coward, new world order/McCain puppet and a
narcissistic psychopath. There are no redeeming qualities in this human equivalent
of excrement and the fact that people like you are on his side even today makes me
seriously question the future of our country.
I'm not a Russophile and never will be, but their wrongdoings don't make this
garbage of a human being any better.?
Just a quick fact, the US has meddles in 80 elections since 1950.?
People who are mad at Trump today: NeoCons, Establishment Swamp, Libtards.
Basically all the people that we should be against!! You are going down the wrong
path FOX.?
If Putin is so bad why is he the ONLY one saving the White South Africans? Answer:
Because the jooz who run the west want them dead, they want us dead!?
How much Soros paid to Saakashwili??

It must be hard to come up with this anti-Trump crap everyday?

an ex atorny who was a failure is sitting here trying to act as if he's one lol
This is so pathetic. Lol CNN just continues to talk Trump, Trump, Trump! Marsha,
Marsha, Marsha!?
More hypotheticals no actual facts on any of it, Cuomo is getting desperate not
much time left till the mid terms so says lets drag as much shit out as we can
don't matter whether it's true or not we'll just go with it anyway.?

Globalistas contra nacionalistas. Elige tu bando.?

Yo prefiero llamarlo 'sionistas contra anti-sionistas'. Y el Pableras este defiende
los 2 estados, es decir, es sionista. Pura disidencia controlada, al servicio del
mayor especulador del mundo: George Soros.?
Creo que falta mas auto critica por parte de podemos y de la izquierda en general.
La derecha no esta creciendo como la espuma por que si
Hillary destroza Libia. Las mafias trafican personas de procedencia dudosa. Italia
no puede recibir mas. Y tu eres el policia moral que sataniza a Italia. A jugar al
antifascista a tu mansi�n.?
Pronto le veremos alabando la destrucci�n de Libia, dadle tiempo. Ya lo ha
insinuado en la Uni de El Escorial..Y sin rubor, como suele hacer, y con Melenchon
al lado. Hab�a que arrasar Libia por lo visto para que no fuera "un Estado "muro"
en la frontera de Europa"..�Se puede ser m�s xgxhgrfxxhs!!?? En fin, Alba Rico
asesora. La "izquierda" que traiciona a su naci�n, la traiciona en todo sentido. La
naci�n es el pueblo, el sujeto pol�tico de la democracia, y esto Pablo lo sabe. De
verg�enza ajena.?
El plan Marsal despu�s de la 2 � GM sirvi� entre otras cosas para cargarse el
partido comunista Italiano con la creaci�n del partido dem�crata cristiano , dicho
de otra forma, de esos barros estos lodos . La geopolitica estadounidense solo
sirve para una cosa ,mantener su estafa piramidal llamada capitalismo y una forma
de mantener esa estafa es la inestabilizaci�n de los pa�ses, estos movimientos
fascistas generan tensiones innecesarias que mueven a un pa�s hac�a la guerra (ese
gran negocio). P.D: a nadie le preocupa que S�nchez se haya reunido con Soros( el
mayor especulador de gobiernos en crisis)? .?
Es gracioso como el zurdaje apenas a cualquier gesto nacional empiezan a recordar
al nazismo. En fin italia a recibido a m�s de 500000 de invasores, no creen que la
gente no se cans�??
Me encanta como la supuesta izquierda hace el trabajo sucio al empresariado negrero
ofreci�ndoles mano de obra esclava. Es mentira todo lo que dices, tanto en Italia
como en Espa�a los trabajos de campo siempre han sido realizados por campesinos
aut�ctonos. Lo que pasa es que ahora con los cientos de miles de inmigrantes
ilegales evidentemente para competir con ellos pr�cticamente tienes que trabajar a
sueldo de esclavo. Y lo que se est� provocando es muy grave, debido a los grandes
beneficios de estos empresarios, est�n empezando a comprar los minifundios que
antes pertenec�an a los trabajadores del campo, siglos y siglos de lucha para
obtener el reparto de las tierras para que ahora la izquierda progre apoye a los
latifundistas. Que triste.?
En tu casoplon puedes meter a muchos hip�crita que rebosas hispanofobia a ti te
pagan los espa�oles preoc�pate un poco por ellos?
demagogo t� Pablito que va de proletario y vive en una casa de 1 mill�n de euros el
es el demagogo , que Pokito ha tardado en dejar vallekas?
en el diccionario deber�an poner una foto de Pablo detras de la palabra demagogia ,
qu� pena dais sois todos iguales solo sab�is insultar y repetir propaganda, tiene
que ser frustrante para la izquierda mirar atr�s y no ver ni un solo logr� para los
espa�oles aparte de que los obreros no os votemos y despu�s de lo que est� pasando
escuchas tu manera de hablar ? Luego seguro que vas llamando fascista a todo el
mundo , m�rate es lo que eres
Alguien me explica por que se supone que decir arriba espa�a es fascista cuando se
supone (se supone) que podemos es un partido soberanista y por ende en teoria ellos
tambien apoyan la cuestion nacional? Quiero decir, vale que digamos facha a alguien
por lo de la inmigracion pero decir arriba espa�a no deberia ser considerado un
acto fascista ni mucho menos.?
amar tu tierra es ser fascista , amar tu cultura y tu historia es ser
fascista .... Pues entonces lo soy
jajajajaja pero en qu� fabrica os programan , hablais todos igual , vaya reba�o de
borregos , fascista dice , si hubiera fascismo en Espa�a no estar�as poniendo tus
tonter�as por internet , como os gusta jugar a la revoluci�n?
El fascismo es acoger inmigrantes sin control, es convertir Europa en un
estercolero africano, es recibir �rdenes de George Soros, es traficar con vuestras
infectas ONGs la recogida masiva de inmigrantes econ�micos. Fascismo es apoyar a la
OTAN (�d�nde est�n las cr�ticas aqu�?) y a EEUU en su pol�tica de destruir, dividir
y conquistar Oriente Medio.?
Y te olvidas de su insistente traici�n a la naci�n espa�ola, al sujeto pol�tico de
una democracia que �l, como marxista desprecia.?
Eres disidencia controlada por George Soros.perteneces a la misma izquierda q
Felipe Gonz�lez.?
Estos de podemos nos van a meter media �frica en Espa�a y si son disidencia del
Sistema controlada y financiada por soros y bajo el amparo de la otan y dem�s
fuerzas anglosionistas que vencieron en la segunda guerra mundial en definitiva
podemos= sistema?
os comunistas siempre han sido tontos utiles?
Porque no los aceptas en tu Chalet?
Mir�ndolo por el lado bueno entre Austria Hungr�a Italia y Estados Unidos tenemos
ejemplos suficientes para decir que el fascismo no funciona que la derecha no
funciona que bajarle impuestos a los ricos y sub�rselo a los pobres no funciona
tenemos el ejemplo de Portugal izquierda tenemos el ejemplo de Islandia izquierda
tenemos el ejemplo de Rep�blica Checa izquierda hagamos pedagog�a y ganemos las
elecciones en este pa�s de una pu�etera vez y empecemos por Andaluc�a?
Sr. Pablo Iglesias, Por qu� no hablas de Venezuela o de Ir�n, con esos con los que
usted se codea? Gracias.?
Al comunista Iglesias le gusta la "democracia" Venezolana !!!...�.?
Para cuando una mesa de Soros y su influencia en Europa . Valga de ejemplo su
reuni�n con P.Sanchez.. No solo causan guerras los fascistas y los capitalistas
,tambi�n los fil�ntropos .?
Podemos defendiendo que los inmigrantes son necesarios cuando ellos mismos dicen
que son los grandes empresarios quienes los utilizan como mano de obra esclava. Si
estos son los que defienden a la clase trabajadora apaga y v�monos. Los salarios
solo subir�n cuando el paro est� alrededor del 5%, mientras tanto los grandes
empresarios y las grandes multinacionales seguir�n contratando mano de obra
semiesclava que tanto la derecha como la izquierda negrera del chaletariado
Podemos deb�is controlar el narcotr�fico ahora que toc�is poder porque no ten�is
otra via de ingresos, Soros parece que prefiere al psoe. Est�is mas muertos que
A�oran el comunismo, pero les molesta el fascismo. Doble moral.?

Ron Kirk is a trade globalist anti American. He worked for Obama. His opinion means
NOTHING. We elected Trump to impose the tariffs! More jobs will be created in the
U.S. as a result of the tariffs, not less. Goldman Sachs??? Bwah,ha,ha! Stop these
Republican globalist capitalists!?
So what? They've been losing for decades because of trade imbalance caused by
greedy globalization policies of corporations and their bought and paid for
Im gonna trust trump. Not goldman sachs.?
The problem is that 90% of the people who is commenting here depends on government
assistance! Can�t wait for trump to repeal Obamacare and screw you guys!?
'mericans kin count ya know! We are able to articulate that if we pay a large
tariff and our trade partners pay none then we loose money. It really doesn't
matter how many politicians and banks lie to us. No more throwing our children and
grandchildren under the bus so you can get voted in again. We keep Rand Paul and
get a whole new congress. Cheap Chinese shit is still cheap Chinese shit we make
the components here no shipping no tariff more jobs.?
If thats true then why are we beating china mexico canada and the eu's ass in this
trade war?
They all need us and our money more than we need them. It may take a fight but
they�ll cave. We got along without them before?
Liz, we don't care what the globalist rino's think and a bunch of them are about to
retire from politics whether they want to or not. If some multination globalist
company has to take a hit we don't care about that either, maybe if they hadn't
shipped our factories and jobs offshore they wouldn't be in the boat they're in
The media and congress are failing to understand we voted in trumps policies. We
want these tariffs! We want made in the USA! We want strong borders! We want you to
quit taxing our employers so they can survive and pay us better! We don�t care what
congress wants or thinks!?
You know we have been getting screwed on some trade deals for years. So we either
stand together and demand good trade agreements or allow China to play games with
the farmers to screw us again. All trade agreements are old. Reviewing them is a
great idea and fighting for better terms is normal. It's time to stand up as
Americans and just say hey...., enough bullshit. Stop whining. Or get screwed for
the next 30 years.?
Not so much. We've been missing out in the wages area. Only the truly rich have
benefitted from the manufacturing overseas. We are experiencing reduced returns in
with the loss of these jobs. That is what is not being said. It is a long term
trade off in which we lose.?


Ask yourself: Are you better off than you were a decade ago? Is the United States
better off? Is the world safer? Is this country on the right track? I am among the
nearly two-thirds of Americans who answer no.

We�re in the seventh year of the slowest economic recovery since 1949. The
proportion of working-age adults who are employed is the lowest in decades. Young
African Americans face an unemployment rate of over 20 percent. The national debt
has almost doubled; an American baby born today already owes more than $60,000.
We�ve lost our Standard & Poor�s AAA credit rating. Cities and states face debt and
pension crises of their own. Meanwhile, business profits and durable goods orders
are down, productivity is sluggish and 2 percent growth is the new normal. Economic
inequality has increased; incomes are down; prices are up.

The president�s signature �accomplishment,� Obamacare, is in a death spiral. Racial

tensions are leading to riots. Violent crime is up sharply over the past 18 months.
Life expectancy is falling for large segments of our population. The administration
is conducting a war on fossil fuels, endangering our electric grid, while shoveling
funds to green-energy boondoggles run by donors. The IRS, the FBI and the Justice
Department are protecting political allies, punishing opponents and defying court
orders. Title IX is used on campus to destroy due process and stifle speech. In the
past 10 months, we�ve suffered terror attacks in San Bernardino, Calif., Orlando,
St. Cloud, Minn., and Burlington, Wash., leaving 68 dead. Europe�s experience shows
that if we continue these policies, we will suffer many more.

The Middle East is in shambles. We gratuitously overthrew a stable government in

Libya, creating a terrorist haven and getting our ambassador killed. We threw away
victories in Iraq and Afghanistan. Syria is a humanitarian disaster. We sabotaged
Iran�s Green Revolution and halted sanctions, propping up and then funding with
planeloads of cash a leading global sponsor of terrorism actively seeking nuclear
weapons � all in a quest to reach an agreement so adverse to U.S. interests that it
was not even submitted to the Senate. Iran is reportedly already violating it.

This is not bad luck. It results directly from policies of the Obama administration
that Clinton wants to continue. The problem is not implementation, but deep
inadequacies in her progressive worldview. It�s a worldview I encounter up close on
campus, a worldview that intrigues intellectuals with its promise of rationality
and tempts them with the possibility of power. As Dostoevsky warned, however, in
practice, it indulges the moral narcissism of an elite and encourages disrespect
for everyone else.

Progressives try to counter corporate economic power by centralizing political

power in executive-branch agencies. They try to cure centralization with more
centralization. But this leads to elitism and regulatory capture. When
corporations, well-funded nonprofits or well-connected donors team up with
government agencies, the rest of us lose. The federal government is the ultimate
monopoly. The administrative state is largely unaccountable; you can�t vote the
regulators out of office. Under the Obama administration, federal regulations have
strangled some industries outright and curtailed innovation in others. No one voted
to destroy the coal industry or stop enforcing immigration law. Clinton promises
more of the same. She promises to appoint Supreme Court justices who will remove
the Bill of Rights�s safeguards against excessive government power. She shows
contempt for ordinary people, their rights and their concerns, treating any who
oppose her as enemies. Only Trump promises to rein in the excesses of the
administrative state and return us to constitutional governance. He pledges to
issue a moratorium on new regulations and to reduce �the anchor dragging us down,�
the regulatory burden whose growth since 1980 has cost us as much as one-fourth of
our gross national product.

Progressivism sacrifices the future for the present, and the present for special
interests and personal gain. That is why economies stall and birth rates collapse
in countries where progressive policies hold sway. Our economy works by allowing
the market to channel accumulated capital to investments that fuel productivity
gains and innovation, leading to technological advances, more affordable products,
higher wages and increased opportunities. Trump�s tax cuts would increase
investment, boost productivity and wages and increase innovation and opportunities
for all Americans.

Finally, progressivism rests on an implausible view of international relations. It

seeks to diminish the nation-state and the reach of American power. The Obama-
Clinton policy requires us to push traditional allies away and seek relationships
with avowed enemies. Protecting Americans from harm and maintaining state secrets
are evidently a low priority. Trump would bring a much-needed dose of realism to
foreign policy, restoring damaged friendships with Britain and Israel, restoring
the integrity of our borders and protecting U.S. interests in international

Trump has been giving serious speeches detailing his vision on the economy, foreign
policy, crime, immigration and other central issues facing the country. He has been
explaining policies that would strengthen the United States, revive the economy,
and restore our social capital, especially in inner cities. Clinton, meanwhile, has
been doing her best to distract us from the issues. Admittedly, Trump offers her
many such opportunities. But our country�s direction is too important to decide on
the basis of who is more vulgar than whom. Clinton�s policies portend nothing but a
weaker economy, a weaker society and a weaker America. I want a president who�s on
our side. I plan to vote for someone who can change course and return us once again
to the task of making America great.

Primo Rojas
El �guila descalza
Don Jediondo
Gerly Hassam
(Revancha social del pobre) - del barrio, echado pa'lante, avispado
Juli�n Arango
Antonio Sanint
Alejandra Azc�rate
Andr�s L�pez
Gonzalo Valderrama
La nena Jimenez - Montecristo - Emeterio y Felipe

Alg�n d�a en alguna parte (canal de literatura en youtube)


Javier Mar�as
Jorge Sempr�n
Gil de Biedma
Antonio Machado
Ken Follet
Luis Bu�uel
Luis Cernuda
Javier Cercas
Juan Mars�
Bigas Luna
Vicente Aleixandre
Rafael Alberti
Pablo Picasso
Salvador Dal�
Rosal�a de Castro
Hector Abad Facciolince
William Ospina
Arturo P�rez Reverte
David Trueba
G�nter Grass
Juan Goytisolo
Naomi Klein
Orson Welles
James Ellroy
John Banville
Enrique Vila-Matas
Nicanor Parra
Ana Mar�a Matute
Jorge Edwards
Ram�n G�mez de la Serna
Antonio Mu�oz Molina
Martin Amis
Isabel Allende
Almudena Grandes
Ian McEwan
Fernando Arrabal
J.R.R. Tolkien
Concepci�n Arenal
Gustavo Bueno
Juan Gabriel V�squez
Jes�s Carrasco
Svletana Al�ksievich
Rosa Montero
Fernando Aramburu
Dar�o Fo
La cl�usula Balcells
Alessandro Baricco
Carlos Ruiz Zaf�n
Luis Landero
Carlos Saura
V�squez Montalb�n
Guillermo Arriaga
Eduardo Mendoza
Paul Auster
Antonio Mu�oz Molina

Con tanta vaina gratis que promete Petro, no s� si renunciar ya al trabajo o espero
un mes
Si gana cualquier otro que no sea duque, gobiernan Santos y las Farc
Ya sabes qui�n va a expropiar lo que te ganas con esfuerzo. Ya sabes qui�n puede
Es normal que un joven vote por Petro, ninguno sufri� el terrorismo de las
guerrillas de izquierda, adem�s son incautos, eso los convierte en presa f�cil de
los profesores comunistas, �pero que lo haga un adulto?
Si gana Petro gana la Farc
Bueno mamertos, seguimos refrescando la memoria (todo lo que dijo o prometi�
Uribe el que salv� la patria
Petro siente asco de la aguamasa (seguidores) pero vive de ellos
Permitir la dosis personal es como decirle a mi hijo robe pero poquito
Petro quiere expropiar cl�nica Barraquer sept 2015) - para construir un patio-
taller para los buses del SITP
Ardila lule genera empleo y paga miles de millones en impuestos, Petro no ha creado
empresa ni generado empleo, quiere destruir
Profesionales venezolanos vendiendo dulces en los sem�foros
Que los petristas se vayan a Venezuela a ocupar los puestos de trabajo que han
dejado vacantes los venezolanos que emigraron para que disfruten los beneficios del
Petro era del m19 excepto en la matanza del palacio, era del Polo excepto en la
robadera de Bogot�, era chavista excepto en la cat�strofe venezolana, �qui�n le
Establecer el socialismo en Colombia (no hacer unas reformas puntuales)
Cuando Petro lleg� a la alcald�a de bogot� salud capital ten�a un d�ficit de 8000
millones y la entreg� con un d�ficit de 600000

Si usted tiene 10 mil hectareas de tierra f�rtil y tiene el capital para meterle
tecnolog�a, generar empleo y obvio habr�n m�s alimentos, �No ser�a justo que usted
como propietario aportara a la naci�n que se viene a pique en desigualdad social y
por obvias razones usted tambi�n crecer�a en lo econ�mico?
Lo que pasa es que muchos capitalistas se la quieren llevar es pero toda tanto
legalmente como ilegal. Una avaricia de poder que se burla del pueblo y a�n as�;
gran parte de la poblaci�n aplaude.?
Este menso le quiere quitar al rico que trabaja para darle a amigos suyos que no
saben que y como se gana el dinero, y as� empobrecer a todos por igual. Se acabar�
el lujo y la elegancia del pa�s.?
Desgraciado guerrillero bago desocupado queres ganar brillo a punta de lo ageno
Y no respondi� y que pasa si el due�o de las tierras no le quiere vender.... Mil
veces maldito este resentido social de mierda?
muerta de hambre eres t�, que est�s esperando que Petro te solucione tu vida
fracasada e inane.?
Ijueputa mal nasido quiere quitar lo q el no a trabajado triple malparido ese
si es un guerrillero?
Dejo a Bogota en la ruina!!! Como administrador es una birria como mat�n
petro no genera si no odios y lo unico que podria darle a colombia es la miseria
extrema, todo el cuento que el hecha ya se ha probado durante 200 a�os y solo ha
dejado hambre en el mundo entero, los gobiernos de izquierda son mas corruptos que
todos juntos?
Este es el Chavez colombiano, si gana va a terminar de quebrar a Colombia?
Petro jam�s ser� presidente, no es m�s que un guerrillo con plata de la coca, un
inepto con una ideolog�a raqu�tica he inoperante. Un asesino sin pagar con deudas
con el gobierno por miles de millones, con cargos por porte de armas y secuestro,
pero hel� all� como candidato a la presidencia de un pa�s, en donde en Colombia, el
pa�s del todo al rev�s. Osea habla de un predial nuevo, a quien afectar�a eso? A
los terratenientes como los llama el? No.. Nos perjudica a todos, la verdad Dios
permita pase algo con este sr porque ser�a la ruina de Colombia un ignorante como
este como presidente?
Y porque no habla de las miles de hactareas que tienen las farc los mas grandes
terratenientes del pais (me pregunto no sera que el comandante tiebe interses y por
ni los nombra )?????
Par de resentidos sociales hijos de las tres mil putassss!!!!!!!!odio esos el unico y por siempre presidente ALVARO URIBE VELEZ
el ganado no es rentable jajajjajajaja pobre loco oji brotado?
tan duro que es producir en el campo y ahora este corrupto de PETRO con ganas de
acabarlos de fregar..?
Petro se alimenta de la propaganda negra contra Uribe.
Uribe no le robo esas tierras a nadie. Y si alguien dice lo contrario que lo
Estoy escuchando a Ch�vez la misma maricada y q para darse las a los mediocres
eeeeee perdon alos pobres dice este bastardo guerrillero infrustado.. Ese tonito d
este bastardo d mierda ....?
Va a comprar tierras para darsela a timo chenco ivan marques al cieguito
mentiroso ...y a cultivar mas coca lo q va ser este bastardo guerrillero infrustado
.. Maric�n d mierda?
Muy buena la entrevista, pues de aqu� se desprende a un gran emperador o dictador,
arrogante y prepotente, populista y que se cree que el gobierno que hizo en Bogot�
fue el mejor, tiene un sue�o revolucionario que cree que no tiene repercusi�n y
esto que dice hoy, hay que desglosarlo con gran preocupaci�n como para gobernar en
nuestro pa�s...No se puede elegir a �ste personaje y se ver� reflejado en las
encuestas....No a la izquierda radical, ni a ninguna gusto lo que le
dijeron como significado del populismo, ya que lo representa de muy buena forma...?
los ricos son los que menos pagan impuestos y el salario minimo cubre el 65 % de
las necesidades de un trabajador?
ya no le creo a comentarios en contra de petro puro bodeguero de JJ?
Eso petro quitale a los ricos y d�celo a los mariguanero seguidores tuyos para que
siembren coca y marihuana bobo hijuputa la gente trabaja duro para conseguir sus
tierras y llega un malparido con una ola de mariguanero a repartir lo que no an
trabajado e dicho.?
bueno ya les qued� claro a todos subir el impuesto Predial a los que tienen tierras
y pagarle m�s dinero a sus trabajadores ... hay ta el compo como siempre el m�s
Los impuestos siempre los hemos pagado los pobres, ahora ser�n pagos equitativos.
Improductivo se volver�a el pa�s si la tierra se pone en manos inexpertas. El campo
es para personas de empuje berracos y trabajadores no para ilusionistas?
entonces hay que conseguir empleados , que sean muy lecheros, ademas esa ley
petrista, que dice cuan productiva es una hacienda, de acuerdo a los empleados no
se habia oido ni en la URSS. petro sabe mas de peluqueria canina que de economia...
es patetico!!?
Quitarle las tierras a Uribe, para darselas a sus jibaros y mariguaneros que son
los que mayormente los siguin, por que Duque si le pone mano a eso.?
Jap�n super� el feudalismo, con el capitalismo, petro es un c�lebre demagogo,
Este ivesil de petro no sabe nada de campo lo que sabe es crear
sisana entre los colombianos porque la ganaderia es un reglon
importante para los campesinos y hay much a gente que habla de campo i
no sabe lo que es sembrar una mata de yuca porque no habla de
las tierras del vichada guaviare vaupes casanare a porque aya si
ay que lucharla aser vias puentes eso no hay que
quitarlas tierras que estan hechas y fasiles para robarselas como iso
maduro diosddo en vennezuela fuera jenosida?
Este idiota no sabe nada de campo solo sabe robarselas como
iso con umedales en bogota?
De quien es esta finca....EXPROPIESE?
Hay 150 mil hect�reas de coca porque no va a buscarla guerrillero Hpta no quieres
quitarla a tus amigos?
El socialismo de petro se vaza en mentiras y enga�os. Malparido promotor de odio?
Petro llama tierras no productivas a los ganaderos, los quiere expropiar como
hicieron en Cuba, Venezuela por eso en esos pa�ses la carne, leche, huevos y dem�s
son muy caros reservados solo para la �lite que gobierna; tambi�n quiere expropiar
a Incauca y dem�s empresas, chavez expropio cientos de empresas por eso no producen
nada, Petro literalmente esta diciendo que nos quiere matar de hambre. Que un
pol�tico quiera decir que es productivo o que se debe producir es socialismo,
querer centralizar la econom�a para estatizar los medios de producci�n es
socialismo, incrementar los impuestos para expropiar es socialismo y el socialismo
siempre produce hambre, miseria y caos en todos los paises donde se implanto
haciendo a todos iguales en la miseria. Petro fue asesor de chavez y todas sus
propuestas arruinaron el pais vecino, son las mismas propuestas para Colombia. Hay
que reducir los impuestos para todos, Colombia es de los paises que mas impuestos
cobra a nivel mundial, es inviable por eso las empresas se arruinan o prefieren
invertir en otros paises menos ladrones como Chile, Mexico, China...?
Petro es el cambio... a quien no le gusta el cambio? a los que est�n bien
acomodados en el poder y la corrupci�n?
Lo del Uribismo no es m�s que un tejido mafioso, compuesto de asesinos, narcos y
cabales que no quieren soltar el poder. El petrismo se est� construyendo hasta
ahora siendo peligroso �nica y exclusivamente para esos gusanos par�sitos del
poder como el mismo Uribe,(y secuaces) Henao, Amin, v.lleras, Santos,los Gaviria,
galan, Lara etc etc .?
Los uribistas y santistas le tienen miedo es a Gustavo Petro no al castrochavismo.
porque el si ara valer la justicia para meterlos presos. Se les acaba la

Izquierda cultural progresista:

No caigan en las l�gicas de la normalizaci�n (diversidad) y dejen que los grandes
poderes o grandes medios les manejen y controlen el cerebro (laven).

Globalization is an economic reality, Globalism is just a conspiracy theory. And

all classification (specially biological classifications), like genders, is a human
invention, only exists in language and ideas (language is a means and necessity of
expression, not reality). I agree we don't need more than two genders, but I know
there's no fundamental realities of gender in the animal kingdom. Of course the
classification of genders is useful and having more genders is just a political and
well-intentioned move not a rigurous scientific necessity.?
The only thing that resembles globalism to me is the creation of the UN after WWII
and the purpose was to prevent any nation to take military action by its own. It
was a stupid idea because nobody is going to act legally if there's not a major
force that obligate them. In the real world all strong countries want to be a
global empire, the rest is BS.?

El capitalismo y liberalismo en puro esplendor: 2 % de desempleo, la ciudad m�s

segura del mundo, renta per c�pita m�s alta del mundo, salario medio rondando los
5.000 $. Sanidad, educaci�n...TODO PRIVADO, practicamente no hay NADA P�BLICO. Si
despu�s de ver este documental alguien es capaz de seguir defendiendo la
intervenci�n del estado en la econom�a o el socialismo es que es idiota.?
Pero el creador del desarrollo de singapur era socialista, pero miraba el mundo
desde otro punto de visto y se considera a singapur un tipo de socialismo exitoso,
Lee Juan Yeu (1923 - 2015) dec�a: "Nuestro socialismo es de otra forma. No le
quitamos a los que mas tienen para d�rselos a los pobres, ni limitamos a los ricos,
ya que si no hay riqueza, �Como vamos a dividirla?, singapur introdujo empresas
extranjeras para que sus ciudadanos aprendan a crear tecnolog�a y les dio todas las
facilidades (sin impuestos y muchos beneficios), tenia como fin transformar a
singapur a futuro en pa�s productor de tecnolog�a y de calidad, en las escuelas
publicas se les ense�aba que la calidad era lo mas importante, aparte singapur creo
muchas empresas estatales como singapur airlines, tiger airways y 4 aerolineas
estatales mas, tambien un banco estatal, la marca AOC de tecnologia, creative
technology , 9 hoteles estatales, puma energy (refineria estatal de petroleo),
singtel telecomunicaciones, Temasek Holdings una compa��a de inversiones propiedad
del Gobierno, Vertex Venture Holdings es un fondo de capital riesgo con inversiones
de capital en todo el mundo, especialmente en sectores de las tecnologias, todas a
cargo del estado y generando dinero para el pais, ojo que Noruega, Suencia,
Finlandia, Dinamarca, etc igual son ejemplos de socialismo existo, que no siguieron
el camino del comunismo de quitarle al rico para darle al pobre sino similares al
ejemplo de Singapur donde se les dio oportunidades para crear empresas a los
emprendedores con bajos impuestos y estudios a la gente pobre, se les ense�o
administraci�n de empresas y negocios, saludos.?
No era socialista. Era socialdem�crata , pero defin�a su socialismo como diferente.
Dec�a que era in�til repartir riqueza cuando se carece de riqueza , por lo tanto lo
primero que hizo para que el pa�s prosperara fue terminar con la corrupci�n.
Durante la d�cada de los 50�s era un pa�s muy violento , similar a M�xico en lo que
a drogas y narco se refiere. Aplicaron la pena capital a los asesinos y mafiosos ,
cadena perpetua a los funcionarios y pol�ticos corruptos. Baj� los impuestos y
liber� el mercado . En lo que a socialismo se refiere , tienen la sanidad y la
educaci�n de lujo y es p�blica. Es lo �nico socialista que tiene , lo que en Europa
llamamos estado de bienestar.Mi pareja es de Singapur , y aunque hay leyes que a
los occidentales nos parecen tontas , como multar con 400 dolares a quien tira un
chicle o una colilla al suelo , hace que Singapur tenga las calles impecables.
Amnist�a , que es ultra socialista y buen�sta con pa�ses como Venezuela , Argentina
o Bolivia tacha a Singapur de autoritarismo . Muchas leyes ni se cumplen , porque
son de la etapa colonial brit�nica , como la homosexualidad. Hay gays en Singapur ,
lo que es ilegal tanto para un hombre hetero o gay es meterse mano. El vandalismo
esta penado con azotes , multa y un a�o de c�rcel. Mi pareja y yo vivimos en
Marbella por trabajo , pero ya quisi�ramos los occidentales tener la mentalidad que
tienen en Singapur. Ellos en las escuelas desde la guarder�a les inculcan el
compa�erismo , osea que el bulling ni existe . Tambi�n les inculcan la
competitividad (cosa de la que amnist�a se queja ) Durante los primeros a�os de
primaria a los ni�os y ni�as los someten a un examen pedag�gico en el que ven sus
cualidades para explotarlas al m�ximo. La religi�n en Singapur es la ciencia.
Tienen obsesi�n con las matem�ticas y las econ�micas . Las explican desde temprana
edad. Aparte todo es bilingue . Es obligatorio el ingl�s , y un tercer idioma .
Fomentan mucho la educaci�n para evitar la incultura porque seg�n el presidente es
peor que el c�ncer. Y lo de los chicos de las pintadas no fueron australianos ,
eran americanos. Lo de los pol�ticos con altos salarios , al igual que
cient�ficos , m�dicos , enfermeras , maestros , polic�as....esto se debe a que uno
de los dogmas del gobierno es que el funcionario que tenga un buen salario ser�
menos probable que caiga en chantajes corruptos. Eso s� , hay inspecciones
sorpresas una vez al mes en todos los puestos del gobierno. Singapur desde luego es
un ejemplo de lo que debe de ser un gobierno?
Los mas interesante es que les dio a algunos corruptos cadena perpetua y nunca mas
otros siguieron con la corrupcion, aparte al no haber corrupcion mejoro bastante la
calidad de vida a traves de los a�os y se repartio mejor la riqueza, ya que en
paises donde abunda la corrupcion generalmente un porcentaje muy bajo de la
poblacion se hace con toda la riqueza del pais, saludos?
en el video dice que ni hay seguro social como se puede ser socialista, la mayor
parte de la empresas son cotizadas(algo prohibido en el socialismo real)?
85 por 100 viviendo en viviendas del estado... El estado repasa el curriculum y
decide el sueldo....?
subsidiadas del estado no es que no son del gobierno , que sueldo sin ni siquiera
hay salario m�nimo
ni la sanidad ni la educaci�n son privados, son p�blicos. Esto se acerca m�s al
socialismo que al capitalismo.?
es el centro de lavado de activos y de negocios sucios de varios grupos econ�micos
y financieros .?
eso hacen las mafias occidentales evasoras de impuestos ( para�sos fiscales en
donde los mafiosos banqueros lavan sus millones) por eso son capaces de hacer de un
charcal una econom�a fuerte ejemplo la monta�a de hielo llamada Suiza ! la isla
fangosa de gran caim�n ! el para�so de los mafiosos ingleses y chinos llamado Hong
kong ! las bahamas etc etc . todo este desarrollo lo difunden diciendo ven como un
buen gobierno puede hacer un gran pa�s? lo que no dicen es que son los banqueros
mafiosos los que han creado y sostienen este mundo de fantas�as para ocultar y
lavar los millones que se ganan a sangre y fuego y a base de explotaci�n de los
dem�s pa�ses pobres del mundo? Singapur fue creado con el dinero del saqueo de la
compa��a de las Indias occidentales del Imperio brit�nico? estudien historia y se
dar�n cuenta de la verdad detr�s del desarrollo de este micro estado?
Singapur funciona por el liberalismo econ�mico instaurado, nada que ver con Espa�a.
All� hay una educaci�n m�s que envidiable, m�s un Estado que vela por la atracci�n
de inversiones y competitividad. Igualito que en Espa�a que s�lo se encarga de
subir impuestos a los m�s vulnerables para mantener un sector p�blico ineficiente.
Tomad nota.?
justamente hace cincuenta a�os cuando Singapur se independiz�, era uno de los
pa�ses m�s pobres del mundo. Se instaur� con la gran ayuda del Estado el
liberalismo econ�mico, y de esa manera, supieron aprovechar todas las
oportunidades, aunque estuviesen sin recursos.?
Por eso digo que jam�s se le ha dado una oportunidad a lo que es el liberalismo
econ�mico de verdad, excepto en aquellos pa�ses como Suiza donde se vela sobretodo
por la competencia y la atracci�n de capitales. Siempre se garantiza un �xito si lo
que est�s creando es riqueza, y es bueno incluso para sanear un sistema p�blico sin
que los impuestos sean altos.?
Es un ejemplo de lo que una dictadura pragm�tica capitalista y desarrollista puede
hacer. Un pa�s donde el poder cambia de manos cada 5 a�os as� sea una democracia de
libre mercado dificilmente logre lo que lograron en Singapur. Ahora las dictaduras
comunistas demagogas y populistas como las de Korea del Norte, Cuba o Venezuela son
una porquer�a, son el infierno en la tierra.?
Ancianos de 80 a�os trabajando es lo que llamas "desarrollo"? P.d: Sin tener en
cuenta que el avance macroecon�mico de Singapur, como cualquier potencia
capitalista, se basa en la deslocalizaci�n. Ricos a costa de empobrecer a otras
La intervenci�n del estado es brutal, hasta marcan a las empresas cuanto deben
pagar a cada trabajador!?
los comunistas flojos quieren reparto toda la vida con el trabajo de otros y
quieren descansar desoues de los 50, flojos de vida facil.?
Deber�amos ver m�s all� del lujo, tienen la piscina m�s grande del mundo pero
carecen de agua potable! Las personas homosexuales no viven en libertad! Miles de
millones de Euros gastados en un hotel de lujo, S� es muy padre! Pero xq somos tan
inconscientes y ego�stas! Ni�os muriendo de hambre, ancianos sin hogar, personas
muriendo de enfermedades! Por qu� nos fascinamos con esas cosas tan ef�meras y
materiales!! ? Que padre que en Singapur tengan sus habitantes una buena calidad de
vida, que haya disciplina, progreso! Pero llega un punto en el que me asusta! Pens�
que el budismo era una ideolog�a que iba mucho m�s all� de las cosas materiales y
sin embargo tienen demasiado oro en su templo para resguardar un diente de Buda! No
es una gran tonter�a??? :(?
ojal� mi pa�s fuera como Singapur...genio ese Lee Kuan Yew?
no sabes que en Singapur mas de 70% de la poblaci�n es china??

Abby Lee Brazil Ojete chupado

anilinguus ass rimming***
A Sasha Grey le comen el culo h
OIL OVERLOAD 3 - SCENE 2 (Mason Moore)
OIL OVERLOAD - Scene 4***
Intermnal Damnation 3 - Scene 5 (Mason Moore)
Oil Overload - Scene 1 (Gina)
Oil Overload 2 - Scene 4
Oil Overload 3 - scene 4 (Tori Black)
Oil Overload - Scene 7 (Org�a)
Oil Overload 2 - Scene 2
Masoon Moore Anal (33:27)
Oil Overload - Scene 6 (Jenna Haze)
Oill Spills 3some
Castigo a chica con tetas naturales (Mason mMoore)
Oil Overload - Scene 5 (Alexis Texas)
Oil Overload 3 - Scene 5***
Fat Booty brunette Mackenzee Pierce is oiled up for rough anal
Latina Slut Fucked (Monica Santhiago)
Monica Santhiago gets her latina culo greased up
What a beautiful ass (Monica santhiago)
Brazilian ass (Monica Santhiago)
Monica Santhiago y su super culo (Lexington)
Mami culo grande 7 - Monica Santhiago
Sample of what is capable (Jynx Maze)
Morocha tetona chupa y folla su enorme verga (Peta Jensen)
Ass Traffic Denisse's ass is ready for some extreme ass fucking
Live -gonzo Lisa Ann zorra madura y tetona se pone sucia (Manuel Ferrara)
Ass Traffic Bubble Butt takes an anal pounding***
slieze-slamslut 2***
Follada anal intensa (Jynx Maze)
Ava Addmas Get Fucked in her asshole
Internal Damnation 3 - scene 5***
Brazzers - Mandy Muse ama el anal
Internal Damnation 2 - Scene 1 (Lisa Ann)
Latina con tetas naturales y gran culo recibe anal luego de aceitarse afuera***
Madre cachonda en medias - Ava Addmas follando
Evil Angel From the Hot Ass into the Mouth
Kylie Strutt una simple puta
RMIPSD (Rose Monroe)
Gran verga es vaciada por nena Peta Jensen
Evil angel: Gia DiMarco toma por culo y se queda abierta
Ass Almighty 2 Scene 2***
Chica de gran culo adora coger (23:59)
Peta Jensen se folla a su jefe
Pretty milf Sienna West (30:32)
Internal Damnation - Scene 2***
TheRealWorkout Hot ASS Cuban Luna Star hardcore workout sex
Amazing oil fuck!***
ExxxtraSmall Latina peque�a sexy follada en casa***
Galesa de grandes tetas Sophie Dee anal
Lisa Ann - No puede ser mejor que esto
French Maid to Hire 3 - C�cilia de Lys
Brunette Kendra Lust take cock
Mya Nichole se traga la cremita sacada de su conchita y culo!
INcreible culo (23:10)***
Jayden Jaymes - Consumer Affairs 2
Cherokee - Sweat - Escena 1
Culo enorme de milf Lisa Ann se llena de semen
PervCity Sienna West Busty Anal
Culo grande, latina tetona le encanta mostrar sus habilidades***
PervCity Amazing Ass Asian-Latina Anal***
Ver�nica Rodriguez - Sexo y diversi�n con juguetes anales
Roxy Faye (Fart Fuck)
Mandy Muse (Fart Fuck)
Vicki Chase (Fart Fuck)
PervCity Adolescente recibiendo anal Luna C Kitsuen
BANGING BEAUTIES Asa Akira and Jynx Maze Anal Threeway
Angel small ft. Push
Anal delicius***
Rob Piper fills Mandy Muse's Ass with his monster meat and his cum - fill
Pervcity Marley Brinx Anal Gapfest with Facial
PervCity Metiendola hasta el fondo en el culo de Remy Lacroix

- Noam Chomsky - Necessary Illusions (Full Massey Lecture, High Audio Quality)
- Noam Chomsky Propaganda and control of the Public Mind Full Lecture
* You Don't Know What You Don't Know - Noam Chomsky
* "Who does control the world?" - Noam Chomsky - BBC interview
* How the Law is Used to destroy equality and protect the powerful: Noam Chomsky &
Glenn Greenwald
* Noam Chomsky on the CIA in Brazil, U.S. Economy, Labor Wages, Fiscal Consrvatism
* Noam Chomsky Necessary Illusions
* Noam Chomsky on Markets, the Economy and the 1%
* Noam Chomsky on mind and Language
* Noam Chomsky: Totalitarian Culture in a Free Society (Oct. 1, 1993)
* Noam Chomsky - History of US Rule in Latin America
Noam Chomsky 1997 On Propaganda RARE Video!
Noam Chomsky: Who Owns th World? Resistance and ways forward
Noam Chomsky on Capitalism, Property, Technology, Government and the Social Order
Noam Chomsky - The US Media as a Propaganda System - Audio Only
Prof Noam Chomsky Interview 2017 on Trump and the decline of the American
Revealing What Our Leaders Are Not Telling Us: Noam Chomsky (2008)
Noam Chomsky 2014 - Talks at Google
Noam Chomsky - When Elites Fail, and what we should do about it, Oct. 2, 2009
Noam Chomsky "The Crisis of Immigration" (New Lecture + Q&A)
Noam Chomsky Brexit in 2017 - The emerging world order
Education for whom and for what?
Noam chomsky: Apathy and Anarchy 2/9/93
Noam Chomsky on the new Trump era - UpFront Special
Noam Chomsky (January 13, 2018) - Racing to the Precipice Prof Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomky (Jan 13, 2018) - Chomsky Predicts No North Korea War Democracy Now!
Noam Chomsky on Peak Oil, Economiscs, Financial Markets, Bailouts, Investment,
Climate Change (1998)
The 'Class War' Speech by Prof. Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky: US role in Haiti destruction
Noam Chomsky: THE LYING elites GAME (1991) - Part 1 of 2
noam chomsky democracy and the media
Noam Chomsky - Government in the future 1970
Noam Chomsky: "Free Markets"?
Noam chomsky - Institutions vs. People: Will the Species Self-Destruct? -
Noam Chomsky - Neoliberalism & the Global Order (Full talk - original upload)
Noam Chomsky on the Media, Intellectuals, & Self-deception
Noam Chomsky - Ideas of Chomsky BBC Interview (full)
Noam Chomsky 1995 Interview
Noam Chomsky on Mind, Language and Limits of Thought
Noam Chomsky Interview on Limits of Language & Mind
Noam Chomsky - Current problems in the Study of Language and Mind
Noam Chomsky "Grammar, Mind and Body - A Personal View"
Noam Chomsky On The Philosophy Of Mind
Noam Chomsky - Mind, Language, and Infinite Use of Finite Means
"Language, Creativity, and the Limits of Understanding" by Professor Noam Chomsky
Language and the Mind Revisited - The Biolinguistic Turn with Noam Chomsky
Language and the Mind Revisited - The Rest of the World with Noam Chomsky
Language: The Cognitive Revolution - Noam Chomsky
Language Use & design: conflicts and their significance - Prof Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky Speaks about Universal Linguistics: Origins of Language
Noam Chomsky Interview on Limits of Language and Mind
Noam Chomsky - "The Machine, the Ghost, and the Liits of Understanding"
The Concept of Language (Noam Chomsky)
Noam Chomsky on Linguistics - Poverty of Stimulus
Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman (Oct. 1, 1993)
Noam Chomsky - Clinton's Vision - december 1, 1993
Chomsky on Classical Liberalism, Freedom, & Democracy
Noam Chomsky - Deterring Democracy 11/24/92
Noam Chomsky - The War on Unions and Worker Rights
Noam Chomsky - The political Economy of the Mass Media - Part 1
(Noam Chomsky - Whuy the World Hates America)
(Chomsky explaining real anarchism)
(Noam Chomsky on the economic war on Latin America)
(Noam chomsky - US 'War on Drugs' in Latin America)
Noam Chomsky: Impacts of Free Market and US Foreign policy on Colombia and Latin
American Revolution
Noam Chomsky on U.S. Foreign Policy in Central America
Noam Chomsky's Latin America 2011 Lecture
Noam Chomsky - US/Israeli Crimes Against Palestine
Noam Chomsky Vietnam War Remembered FULL TALK + Q&A
Prof Noam Chomsky Interview 2017 on Trump and the Decline of the American
Noam Chomsky Passionate Speech on the Hipocrisy of US Foreign Policy Must Watch!!!
Corporate Attack on Education, Chomsky
Full Interview: Noam Chomsky on Trump's First 75 Days & Much More

Edward Said Lecture / The Myth of the clash of civilizations

Discurso de Gloria Alvarez ante el parlamento europeo
chris Hedges (Jan 26, 2018) - On the Fall of America
Gloria �lvarez en Bogot�, Colombia 28A - Universidad Sergio Arboleda
Steven Pinker: Linguistics as a Window to Understanding the Brain
Gloria Alvarez Feria del Libro 2018
Dick Cavett - Alfred Hitchcock
Ayn Rand's Last Public Lecture: The Sanction of the Victims


The Secrets Donald Trump Doesn't Want You to Know About: Business, Finance,
Marketing (David Cay Johnston)
Donald Trump's Lies, Obfuscations and Flagrant Disregard for American Democracy
Revealing the True Donald Trump: A Devastating Indictment of His Business and Life
Donald Trump - Billionaire Documentary - Real Estate, Celebrity, Lifestyle,
Branding, Deal Making
trump's Conflicts of Interest: Making Money Off the Presidency
Discovering Who the True Donald Trump Is: Investigating Every Aspect of His Life
A Dire Warning About Trump: Revealing His Secret Plans and Marketing Strategy
Secrets of the Trump White House: What Happened Behind the Scenes in the First nine
Trump Wanted to charm Me Into Submission: A Captivating Presidential Campaign
Trump Has Zero Understanding of American History: Historians on His Presidency
How Conservatives Won the Heart of America: The 30-Year Backlash Against the

Christopher Hitchens on Socialism, Campaign Financing, Taxes, Politics,
Libertarianism (1992)
Christopher Hitchens on Newt Gingrich, Republican Electoral Victories, and the
Right Wing (1994)
Christopher Hitchens: Southern Strategy, Savings & Loan Scandal, Cuba Hotels &
Tourism (2000)
Christopher Hitchens and Pat Buchanan on Bill Clinton and the Bosnian Civil War
Christopher Hitchens on Government, Finance, Religion and Science (2002)
Christopher Hitchens - The Trial of Henry Kissinger
Christopher Hitchens: Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished? Pros and Cons - Debate
The Life, Career, and Writing of Christopher Hitchens: Religious and Political
Opinions (2007)
Christopher Hitchens: Why Does the Media Lie to Us? Media and Reporting Bias (1997)
Christopher Hitchens on Blood, Class, and Nostalgia: The United States and Great
Britain (1990)
Paxman meets Hitchens full 30 minute interview with BBCs Jeremy Paxman RIP
Christopher Hitchens on Barack Obama (53:35)
Christopher Hitchens- The future of british politics, US UK relationship after Tony
Christopher Hitchens - On Question Time (2007)
Christopher Hitchens - Cyprus: Stranded in Time (1989)
Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Fry - Blasphemy (2006)
Christopher Hitchens - In defense of WWII (2008)
Christopher Hitchens on Thomas Jefferson: Influence on the Revolution & Louisiana
Purchase (2006)
C4 Right to Reply - Christopher Hitchens vs Mother Theresa
Christopher Hitchens on Thomas Jefferson: Enlightenment, Nation Building, and
Slavery (2005)
Author Christopher Hitchens (C-SPAN 55:28)
Christopher Hitchens, still outrageous (CBS News)
Paxman interviews Christopher Hitchens - Newsnight archives (2010)
Christopher Hitchens interviews Jessica Mitford (1988)
Christopher Hitchens - In Confidence: Interview with Laurie Taylor (2011)
Christopher Hitchens Vanity Fair Memorial - April 20th, 2012 Full/HD
Christopher Hitchens on Mother Teresa, Financial Welfare Reform and Oprah Winfrey
Christopher Hitchens vs JFK (the movie) and others...
Christopher Hitchens on Hatred, the Left, and His Favorite Authors - P.G. Wodehouse
Christopher Hitchens on Lost and Stolen Art of Ancient Civilizations (2009)

Richard Dawkins: In Confidence (2010)

Jordan Peterson discusses wether men and women can ever be equal
Bannon on Trump, populism and Cambridge analytica
Piers Morgan Grills Anti-Donald Trump Feminists
Are identity politics dangerous? - The Economist

The Dark Side of Religion in Christian America: Chris Hedges on American Fascists
Chris Hedges on Corporate Control of the World
Empire Files: Chris Hedges & Abby Martin - Trump, Fascism & the Christian Right

Gina Valentina Anal3

Teen Takes a Huge Cock in Her Ass (Remy Lacroix)
Anal sex with Alexa Thomas BreakingAsses
BANGBROS - Hot Pornstar Christy Mack Enjoying a Hard Anal Ass Pounding
Gina Valentina in Anal Scene(EA)
Maya bijou Anal
His Two Big Ass hole Katja Kassin Olivia O`Lovely
Olivia O'Lovely Luscious Lopez Threesome
Rebeca Linares elegant anal
Analized - Aidra Fox Takes it Up the Ass Like a Good Little Anal Whore
Monica Santhiago

Eso del globalismo es una pura teor�a conspirativa, no hay ning�n poder central en
la oscuridad que maneje los hilos de la humanidad. La historia universal muestra
que ella misma se desenvuelve por pugnas de poder dispares, sin ning�n orden ni
concierto trazado de antemano. El azar es la m�xima constante en la historia. La
evidencia cient�fica no muestra un orden en los sucesos hist�ricos. Cualquiera
puede encontrar coincidencias como hacen los cristianos para ver una voluntad
divina en los sucesos de su vida, o leer en la Biblia el anuncio de los sucesos
futuros, a eso se le llama superstici�n.
En los a�os 80 no se hablaba de globalismo y nacionalismo, porque la lucha era
entre el libre mercado capitalista y el control estatal comunista de la econom�a
(en teor�a ambos internacionalistas). Luego se acab� la amenaza de la Uni�n
sovi�tica, triunf� el libre mercado y ahora la divisi�n cultural entre
conservadores y progresistas ha hecho que los conservadores asuman que la batalla
es contra un enemigo imaginario: el malvado globalismo socialista anti-
nacionalista, con lo que pueden apoyar el nacionalismo proteccionista al mismo
tiempo que pregonan combatir el socialismo. Para ser justos, los populismos de
izquierda en Latinoam�rica usan el mismo truco: decir que combaten una conspiraci�n
capitalista internacional de una �lite de banqueros y corporaciones. Conclusi�n: el
fin de las ideolog�as (que no dejan de ser falsas) trajo el ascenso de los
populismos anti-sistema.
Putin wants to make Russia great again, that includes make it a global power again
and that includes to weaken the global power of America. Every strong country want
to be a global power and history proves that superpowers are lead to enemity and
conflict between them.?
El �nico m�todo cr�tico que conocemos hasta ahora es el cient�fico, es el �nico
activo, pues requiere que uno no se deje llevar por la primera interpretaci�n que
le complace, siempre la m�s fant�stica. As� como la ciencia ha comprobado que la
evoluci�n org�nica est� guiada por el azar, lo mismo ocurre con la historia humana,
no hay evidencia contraria. O qu�, �nos vamos a devolver a la Edad Media??
Adem�s, en toda discusi�n o juicio la carga de la prueba siempre reside en quien
afirma: yo puedo decir que existe una monta�a de oro en Marte o que mi vecino mat�
a alguien, pero si no muestro una evidencia positiva, no deja de ser una mentira.
En este caso no deber�a yo buscar algo que ni s� qu� ser� sino que se me tendr�an
que presentar las evidencias incontrastables fuera de duda.?
It's completeley valid to compare other politicians to Hitler, once we don't think
of Hitler as a monster (a moral and thereby false interpretation). Hitler was a
classic populist like most politicians today in the third world or in the thirties
in Europe. That means he used the mechanisms of democracy to destroy liberal
institutions in the name of all the resentmens of the little and forgotten man:
nationalism against high culture and elites, the feeling that an evil and obscure
power is causing all your disgrace, the idea that he is a kind of messiah who is
the only capable of fix it, etc.?
The problem with multiculturalism is the lack of hierarchy in the assimilation of
values and ideals of other cultures. But all cultures are multicultural. Rome
assimilated greek and barbarian cultures, even become christian (well, that was a
fault). That's why we don't have a high culture like the ancients, only a mass
Globalization is an economic reality, more a product of capitalism (Classic
liberalism) than socialism. Globalism, on the other hand, is just a conspiracy
What is more socialist than nationalism?
Las teor�as conspirativas se pueden llenar con cualquier contenido sin importar lo
contradictorio: los que manejan el mundo y los sucesos pueden ser alternativamente
socialistas-comunistas, capitalistas voraces, religiosos, ateos, musulmanes,
sionistas, etc...
El globalismo es un enemigo malvado todopoderoso inventado por los nacionalistas,
como los cristianos necesitan al diablo.
La confianza en las instituciones, �en cualquiera, no importa que hayan mentido?...
Conspiraciones, paran�ia, histeria, cacer�a de brujas...

Defending Gender part 1 - Proud Boys

The Nightmare World of Gang Stalking (VICE)
Hidden in America - America's Militias
The Rise of the Three Percenter - Official Documentary
America's Militias: Why the FED Fear Us
Discovery Channel Watchmen Militia Rising
Superpower For Hire: Rise of the Private Military
India, Pakistan & Partition: Borders of Blood Part 1 - 101 East
- The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel - Al Jazeera Investigations
Dalit Muslims of India - Al Jazeera World
Piracy in Nigeria - People & Power
The Dar side: Secrets of the Sports Dopers - Al Jazeera Investigations
Dirty Little Secrets - Rewind
The Great Divide: Islamophobia in Australia - 101 East
Kashmir: Born To Fight - 101 East
Hacked: The Bangladesh Bank Heist - 101 East
ISIL: An Eye for an Eye in Iraq - People and Power
India's Hindu Fundametalists - People and Power
Divorce in Lebanon - Al Jazeera World
ISIL in Brussels - Al Jazeera World
India's Nuclear Riddle - People & Power
Lebanon: The Battle of Abra - Al Jazeera World
Fleeing ISIS With a Bullet in Your Neck - Foreign Correspondent
The Rob Ford Story - The Fifth Estate
Jagmeet Singh : The Colour of Politics - The Fifth Estate
Sweet sweet codeine: Nigeria's cough syrup crisis - BBC Africa eye documentary
People of the Nile - Al Jazeera World
How Narcissists Took Over the World (VICE)
War in the Central African Republic (Full Lenght ) (VICE)
Teenage Heroin Epidemic (VICE)
Fighting ISIS: Emmy-Nominated VICE on HBO (Full Episode) (VICE)
El cobrador de deudas m�s error�fico del Reino Unido (completo) (VICE)
Canada's Original Vigilante Pedophile Hunter (VICE)
Inside a Gang Initiation with the Silent Murder Crips (VICE)
Exploring the 'Nazi Village' of Jamel (VICE)
Teenage Fake Xanax Epidemic (VICE)
The Brutal Tattoo Ritual Built on Pain (VICE)
The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia (Full Length Documentary) (VICE)
Football's Most Dangerous Rivalry (VICE)
Lost in the System - Fault Lines
Rise of the Right: Marching in Europe's Largest Nationalist Event (VICE)
Death of the American Hobo (Documentary) (VICE)
The KKK vs. the Crips vs. Memphis City Council (Full Length) (VICE)
Atomic Message: 70 years after Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombing (RT Documentary)
Vice Meets Superstar Communist Slavoj Zizek
White Student Union (Documentary) (VICE)
Renaissance: Revival of far-right nationalism in Europe (RT Documentary)
White nationalists Matthew Heimbach, Richard Spencer on their controversial beliefs
White nationalist Richard Spencer - Talk to Al Jazeera
The Business of War: SOFEX (VICE)
The Mexican Mormon War (Drug Cartels vs Mormons) (VICE)
The Missing 43: Mexico's Disappeared Students (VICE)
How the CIA Waged War in Afghanistan (VICE)
Chris Hedges on what it Takes to be a Rebel in modern Times (VICE)
Afghan Overdose. Inside opium trade (RT)


multitud en inauguraci�n
Salud del presidente

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