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billy rennekamp Follow
Nov 16, 2017 · 8 min read

Dapp Scratch: a CLI for Building Dapps

(and tutorial for building your rst one)

dapp-scratch is a command line interface (CLI) that helps you build

Decentralized Apps (dApps/DApps/dapps) from Solidity contracts. It takes a
contract’s Application Binary Interface (ABI) and outputs a Javascript module
that handles all the basic interaction for use in your project. It’s called dapp-

scratch because it helps you build your dapp from scratch. (Github Repo)

Here’s how it works:

$ npm install -g dapp-scratch

$ dapp-scratch -h

Usage: dapp-scratch build [options]


-V, --version output the version number

-c, --contract [contract] Contract name or location
-b, --abi [abi] ABI name or location
-a, --address [address] Address of deployed contract
-h, --help output usage information


build Build a module from Contract or ABI

test Generate a contract for testing

Running dapp-scratch on a Contract’s ABI will generate a module inside a

directory called dapp-module in your project’s root. After importing that
module into your app you’ll be able to access your contract right away.

$ dapp-scratch build FeverContract

Contract found at ./build/contracts/FeverContract.sol
web3 installed
web3-provider-engine installed
@aeternity/id-manager-provider installed
Module Created at ./dapp-module/FeverContract/index.js

* To use FeverContract just import it into your project:

const FeverContract = require('./dapp-module/FeverContract')

let feverContract = new FeverContract()

* Have Fun : )

The module connects to any available instance of Web3—whether via

Metamask, Mist, AE Identity Manager, Status, Cipher, Toshi, or any
other injected Web3Provider. It polls the currently unlocked account and
network to watch for changes. And it has wrapper functions for each of the
methods found in the contract’s ABI. These are the features I’ve found myself
building over and over again, so I gured automating that process and
settling on best practices might be useful. The project is brand new and I’m
not 100% con dent in any of the conventions, so if you have an opinion on
best practices please fork the project and submit a PR. I’d love to know how
you prefer interacting with your contracts

. . .

The Tutorial
In this tutorial we’ll be using:

• npm

• Vue.js and the Vue-cli

• Tru e

• Aeternity Identity Manager (alternatively MetaMask)

• & of course Dapp Scratch

• (Tutorial repo available here)

Making Dapp Scratch Fever

The following is a tutorial for building a Vue.js app that uses a module
generated from dapp-scratch to interact with a contract. We’ll use Vue.js for
the Javascript framework and Tru e to compile and deploy our Solidity
contracts. The app is called Dapp Scratch Fever because the contract has a
uint8 variable called temperature . You can increase and decrease the
temperature and then ask the contract if it has a fever. It will return true

when the temperature is over 100ºF and false when it is below.

DISCLAIMER: I decided to use Fahrenheit for the body temperature because I
think it’s way better to use a big round number like as the threshold between
health and sickness. Apologies to all those who prefer the more rational (but
less exciting) metric system

Step 1—Using Vue.js for an App

I like to use vue-cli for building Vue.js boilerplate apps. To do so, rst install
the tool then run it with your desired options and follow the prompt that
follows. I’ll use options for building with Webpack so that I can have all the
bells and whistles that come with it.

$ npm install vue-cli -g

$ vue init webpack dapp-scratch-fever
$ cd dapp-scratch-fever
$ npm install

. . .

Step 2—Using Tru e for the Contract

Next we need to build a contract and compile it with Tru e. We’ll begin by
installing Tru e and initializing the project, then write and deploy the

$ npm install truffle -g

$ truffle init
Then create a new contract at ./contracts/FeverContract.sol directory and
open it in your favorite editor.

pragma solidity ^0.4.17;

contract FeverContract {

uint8 temperature;

function FeverContract() {
temperature = 98;

function getTemperature () public constant returns(uint8) {

return temperature;

function hasFever () public constant returns(bool) {

return temperature > 100;

function increaseTemp () public returns(uint8) {

if (temperature > 110) revert();
temperature += 1;
return temperature;

function decreaseTemp () public returns(uint8) {

if (temperature < 95) revert();
temperature -= 1;
return temperature;

Here you can see we have all the aspects of the contract described earlier, a
temperature , transactional functions to increaseTemp() and to
decreaseTemp() as well as constant functions to getTemperature() and
check whether the contract hasFever() or not.

Next add new tru e migration instructions to the migrations directory

at ./migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js . These can look as follows:

var FeverContract = artifacts.require("./FeverContract.sol");

module.exports = function(deployer, helper, accounts) {

return deployer.deploy(FeverContract)

Now we can run tru e’s test network, compile and deploy the contract.

$ truffle develop
truffle(develop)> deploy
. . .

Step 3—Using dapp-scratch to generate a module

Now we’re ready to generate our Javascript module from the ABI le that
tru e created while compiling and deploying our contract to the local test
network. First we need to install the dapp-scratch CLI, then we can run it.

$ npm install dapp-scratch -g

$ dapp-scratch build FeverContract

The program will look for your ABI and then check your package.json for
the necessary dependencies. Once those have been installed it will create a
new directory called dapp-scratch-wrapper with your new DappScratch

module inside.

UPDATE: dapp-scratch has been updated so some path names in this image are di erent from what you’ll encounter

The rst thing you want to do is go back to your terminal window running
your tru e test network and look for the address of the deployed

Copy this address and add it to your new FeverContract module at ./dapp-

module/FeverContract/index.js (You can also include the address with the

ags -a or --Address when rst running dapp-scratch build to automate
this step)

Now we can import the module into our app and start using it.

. . .

Step 4—Building the Dapp

If we jump into our App.vue component we can import our module and
replace the app’s template with something a little more useful.

<div id="app">
<div id="temp" v-text="temp"></div>
<div @click="checkTemp()" class='emoji' v-text="emoji"></div>
<span class='emoji' @click="decreaseTemp()">❄ </span>
<span class='emoji' @click="increaseTemp()"> </span>

const FeverContract = require('../dapp-module/FeverContract')
let feverContract = new FeverContract()

export default {
name: 'app',

Now we can add methods that hook up to our new template and allow us to
access our contract via the module. We should also add a data state that
re ects the current status of our contract.

export default {
name: 'app',
data () {
return {
hasFever: false,
temp: 98
computed: {
emoji () {
return this.temp > 110 || this.temp < 95 ? ' ' :
(this.hasFever ? ' ' : ' ')
methods: {
checkTemp () {
return feverContract.hasFever().then((hasFever) => {
this.hasFever = hasFever
return feverContract.getTemperature().then((temp) => {
this.temp = temp
increaseTemp () {
return feverContract.increaseTemp().then((temp) => {
return this.checkTemp()
decreaseTemp () {
return feverContract.decreaseTemp().then((temp) => {
return this.checkTemp()

Now some styles to make it pretty:

body {
background-color: white;
#app {
font-family: 'Avenir', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
text-align: center;
color: #2c3e50;
margin-top: 60px;
#temp {
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
#temp:after {
content: 'º';
.emoji {
cursor: pointer;
And we’ve got ourselves an App! Let’s run npm run dev to start the
development environment and try interacting with it at
http://localhost:8080  — Error, right? That’s cause we still need some kind
of provider to interact with the blockchain

. . .

Step 5—Interacting with the Dapp

At this point you’ve got the choice of interacting with the app via MetaMask
or the Aeternity Identity Manager. I’m going to go through the directions to
use the Identity Manager because it’s new and o ers a mobile ready
alternative to MetaMask (Full disclosure: I’ve been consulting for their app
team), but the steps are basically the same for both options:

1. Make sure you’re using http://localhost:9545 as the RPC endpoint

2. Import the tru e test account using the mnemonic phrase from earlier

3. Raise the temp

Let’s get started using the identity manager by importing the mnemonic
phrase at Use the “Recover with Seed Phrase”
option and paste in the phrase generated in the command line by tru e:

candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble
sweet treat
Afterwards, set a personal password and you’ll see your wallet with all you
currently available addresses.

Now you can close the wallet view and add the new app to the Home screen.
Just use the development address http://localhost:8080 and name it Dapp
Scratch Fever.

When launched, Identity Manager will make an iframe that contains your
app. This way the app can be visited on mobile devices
Now we can nally open the app and raise the temp

Or you can cool our guy down again to a better living standard ❄

. . .

In total we’ve covered:

• Introducing the dapp-scratch Command Line Interface for generating

Javascript modules for interacting with Solidity contracts.
• Using vue-cli for starting a Vue.js project

• Using Tru e for developing and deploying Solidity contracts

• Using dapp-scratch for generating dapp modules and integrating it into

an application

• Using the Aeternity Identity Manager to interact with your dapp

. . .

Don’t forget to check out the repo and add your own best practices for
interacting with Solidity contracts from decentralized applications. This
tutorial is also available on github here ✌

Solidity Dapps Blockchain Vuejs Tru e

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