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Kristina Garcia
School Phone: (210) 543-1111
Fine Art
Class Syllabus

Welcome to Art class! This year we will explore Fine Art by learning the basics of design, the
elements of art, color theory, and how art can be incorporated into other subjects. We will
experiment with a variety of tools and explore new methods of creating. Please come to class
ready to think outside the box and try new things!

A. Rules
 Follow all directions the first time they are given
 Respect each other
 Use tools & materials as demonstrated
 Come to art class prepared, with supplies, ready to work
 Work quietly on projects & use time wisely
 Clean up after yourself
 Be creative & do your best!

B. Daily Supplies

 Pencils
 Other supplies may be required for specific projects

C. Grading

Letter grades will be given as follows:

E= Excellent
 You did everything I requested – followed all directions the first time.
 You met all expectations.
 Your work was neat and showed excellent craftsmanship.
Shows mastery of skills and craftsmanship. (21-14pts on the rubric)

S = Satisfactory
 You did just enough to get by
 You did minimum requirements necessary.
You might have thrown it together? Didn’t care much for this project?
 Poor craftsmanship
You need to try a little harder. (7-13 points on the rubric)

N = Needs Support.

 You did not meet the lesson objectives

 You did not follow directions.
 You forgot to finish it or you hurried through
 Low effort. Poor craftsmanship
No effort or wasn’t turned in. (0-6 points on the rubric)

X= Not Assessed at this time.

Grading Rubric:

D. Expectations for turned in work

 All assignments must have name written on them.
 All work turned in must be in good condition, no dirty, wet or crumpled paper, or projects.

E. Class Procedures
 Restroom passes: Will be given during individual work time..
 Consequences: If a student chooses to display unacceptable behavior, he/she will be given
negative consequences such as:
1. Verbal warning
2. Loss of Dojo Point/parent contact
3. Referral to administration

** Intentional misuse of tools (ex. Painting on another student) will result in loss of privilege. I will
find an alternative material for the student to use, such as crayons. The privilege will be returned
when the student shows they are ready to use tools as demonstrated. **

F. Incentives
Positive dojo points will be assigned during class. A clip system will be enforced based on whole
class participation/behavior. Once the clip moves up 4 times the class will be rewarded with an art
game day or free draw day

I look forward to having your student in my class and making some great art!

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