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The Client:

Redkite is a charity organisation who helps children and young adults aged 0-24 and their
families while fighting cancer.

Nabila Malik, Emily Joannidis and Diane Shum.

Redesign the redkite homepage to be more modern and accessible to users and find ways to
attract small business & individual donors.

Two Weeks.


Research Phase:

After we had met with our client from redkite and established the business goals we started
the research process to establish the user goals.
Since we were not able to access users straight away we started with a competitor analysis, to
see what other similar charities were doing to encourage donations and to make the website
more usable.

We found that a lot of the other charities had modernized their websites making them easier
to navigate among other things.
After this was done we started guerilla testing users on the original site to determine how
easy they found it to access the main support and donation information on the page.

We found a few key issues with each page:

We also had a look at their google analytics to determine who their main users were and we
discovered that the majority would be someone supporting a child/ young person with cancer.

I crafted a general survey for people who donate to charity to understand what motivates
people to donate and understand what their pet peeves were when it came to charities. in
addition to this we started conducting user interviews, with myself conducting the ones with
the users who received/ are receiving support from redkite.
Once we had completed the interviews, we crafted a survey based on those interview findings
to be sent out the Redkite community over Facebook to further understand users habits and
motivations behind using the website and how they navigate it. We closed both surveys and
managed to reach a large amount of people.

We came up with three key themes once we had synthesized our research: support,
community and transparency
Using this we then crafted two key personas: Someone looking to support Redkite and
Someone seeking support from them:
In addition to this we also conducted some testing on the navigation using card sorting, first
we tried our own iteration and through our findings we changed it back to the original as
users were finding our versions confusing.
We had completed our research and could finally define our minimum viable project as we
had obtained the user goals.

Using this we defined our MSCW (Must, Should, Could and Wont) for the design

Then it was time to start the Design Stage

We started by conducting a design studio where all three of us took some time to quickly
sketch our ideas for the home page, we then highlighted the features we liked on each one
and came up with designs for the home page and donate pages. I put the home page into
sketch and Emily created the donate pages.
These were the first iterations we tested.

This is what we changed after testing.

Home Page.
Donation Page:
Final home page iterations:
Follow this link for a video walkthrough of the project:

Really we would have liked to deliver a mobile version of the site as well but as we had
limited time we had to proritise.

We left the client with a list of next steps along with our design.

I learned a lot during this project and was able to exercise both research and design skills
from end to end and look forward to continuing to learn about this process as my career

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