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M: Marta

S: Student

Ss: Students

Sss: Some students

M: okay you have your notebooks/ (.)

S: yeah\

M: yeah/ ((drops keys on the table))

S: ((tio s’estan sentant sobre les meves coses\))

((murmur in Catalan, I think students are starting to sit and the teacher is
starting to prepare the materials for the class, not sure though))

M: okay\ a:: open up the notebooks on the new page/

S: ((sth in Catalan))

M: we are a:: (( )) that I want you to do/ (.) yes/ (1.0) a nd then the (( )) \
(.) but we still have to finish this\ (.) okay/ (1.0) okay\ a::/ open up your books on
the new page please\ (2.0) okay then/ (( ))

Ss: ((some comments in Catalan))

S: ostia no tinc còpies\

S: ((senyo/))

M?: =AND COPIES/ (.) i will ask you to write down ((on a paper of cardboard)) okay/
(2.0) sh:: \

Ss: ((murmur in Catalan))

((strange noise, students start to create weird sounds))

M: E::H/

S1: no no it was aranya\

S: an spider\

S1 : =eso\

S: it/ it was an spider\

S1: =a spider\ no no/ testigos/ (.) look\

S2: si si si/ [si: si:/

S: [on és/

S2: = no sé on [està

S1: [((si si tranquil\))

((some comments about the spider in Catalan, can’t understand))


M: okay\ sit down\ (.) [A::

S: [no no una pregunta/

((loud murmur, cannot understand the question, some students interact about the class
I think while others are just saying silly comments such as ‘’Chuck Norris’’))

M: EO/ (.) hurry up we won’t have time/ (1.0) okay/ so then we are going to (( ))
if we:/ have (( )) ((the density )) of the (( object )) (.) is something that is not
(.) something that is not a square/ something that has many (( )) okay/ (.) yes/
(.) do you know how to calculate the volume of like like the :: / (( /stɪər/ ))

S: (( )) times si\

M: =yes/ and a square/

S: ah yeah\

M: =yeah/ and a ((tʌmbl̩ )) (.) and a triangle/

S: yes\

S: =yes\

M: yes\ don’t start the (( )) test\ okay/ a:: what we are gonna use/ is (( )) to
determine ((the that’s the volume)) of the (( )) okay/ (.) a:: we are gonna do
this/ (.) and ((we’ll do something)) / i am gonna tell you a story about ((what we
are doing okay))/ (.) what is mass/

S: [=e: la masa\

M: [but how do we/ how do we make the mass/ (( ))

Ss: (( ))

M: what is mass/ what’s your mass/

((some students try to answer in English))

S: the:: muscular mass\

M: the muscular mass what is this/ what’s mass/

S: =e:: mass (( ))

M: only/

Ss: no\

S3: =nosotros somos masa\

M: (( )) mass/

S3: =yes\

S: =yes\

M: =yes/(.) so we are mass\ (.) we are mass\ (.) what is mass/ (.) ((but)) you know
(( )) HOW (( )) your mass/


((I think a student is asking for a pencil, so he’s saying all the time ‘’ The pencil, the
pencil, the pencil 9:27))

S: ah kilos\

S: =kilos\

M: =okay okay\ so/ MA:SS/ ((writes on the board)) is the ammount of matter\ (1.0)
A::H/ that’s-

S: =we have to copy/

M: yes\

((students copy, in silence))

M: is the ammount of matter of an obje:ct/ or a person/ an animal/ a (( ))

anything/ okay is the ammount of mass\ (.) so:/ a::nd something else about the
MASS/ (1.5) what does- what (( a lot of mass/))

S: em a lot of ((matter)) or (( ))

M: ((matter\))

((students interact in their native lang))

M: do you::/ am::/ (.) can you tell me something that has a lot of mass/

Ss: ((answer in ENGLISH, one says ‘’me’’ and other students say something in Eng,
cannot understand what))

M: right\ something that has more mass than you\




M: look/ we know- we know that/ (.) okay\ (.) am:/ (( ))

S: e:: the:/

S: [mass\

S: [el què/

M: what is the volume then/

S: ee::/

S: [the volume is/

S: =lo de (( ))

S: [round circle/

S: [the shape\ the shape\

S: =shape\


S: =the espacio\


S: the space of the shape\

S: the space of the shape\

M: okay-/

S: =one of- ((weird sound like: wuhuuu)) the mass of ((an object))

S: ((laughs))

S: ((something in English; ‘’how much (( )) ))

M: GOOD/ good/ (( /))

Ss: the:/ the space that/ (( ))

M: (( ))

((students are copying I think, they ‘’echo’’ what they are writing in English))

M: okay/ so let’s (( )) an object \(.) yes/

S: ye:s\
M: yes okay\ who can tell me something that has a lot of volume/

S: em/

S: =a sheep\

M: =a sheep\

S: =e::/ a ((sth in Eng))

M: ((who)) has a lot of volume/

S: the ((sth in Eng))

M: the sun\ (( )) a lot of space/

S: =deer\

M: =deer again/ so a deer has a lot of mass/ (.) and has a lot of volume\ yes/

S: ye::s\

S: =yes\

S: =yes\

M: a::/ (3.5) okay\ (.) and now get to:/ density\ (2.5) something that is very dense/
(.) tell me something that is very dense\ [very dense very dense very dense\
and don’t [say deer\

S: [like the like the ((sth in Spanish?


S: [hierro\ (.) hierro\

M: okay/ iron\ okay/ that’s pretty dense\

S4: e:: when it’s going to rain the:/

M: =when it’s goign to rain/ ((surprised, like asking a Q))

S4: (( ))

S: ((in Eng))

M: okay yeah yeah because you studied this / at the end of last year yes/ (.) no no
no the (( )) what’s denser oil or water/

Ss: oil\

S: =water\ (.) no oil\

M: okay if something is very dense/ do you think that it will- if something is denser
than water/ (.) do you think it will sink/

S: =yes\ porque [(( ))

Ss: [ (([ ))

M: [so oil is/

S: =denser/

S: =less denser\

M: [oil is denser or less denser/

S: [porque si pesa((continues in Spanish, can’t understand))

Ss: less dense

M: =less dense\

S: =ya ya ya\

M: (( ))

S: =yes \ (.) the oil is less denser than/

((murmur 13.25))

M?: honey\

S: =honey\

M: =honey\ (.) sh:: \ do you think that honey is denser/

S: =denser\

Ss: ((murmur in Eng))

S: =yes yes/ because/ (( in Eng)) it is not e::m one / (( ))

M: okay one AH/ WHAT DID YOU SAY/ (.) [what did you say/

S: [que: e: one one kilogram/ (.) no\

One liter of honey / (.) is not one:/

M: =one kilogram\ [cause you know the density of water/ cause you’ve studied the [
(( ))

S: [ one kilogram\ (1.0) yes\

S: [yeah\

M: =and the density of water is

S: [one/

S: [e:::/

S: =one\

M: ((it’s close to one\ (.) it’s close to one/ so let’s say one\))

((brief murmur))

M: one kilogram per/

Ss: =liter\

M: GOOD\ (.) a:. Let me/ let me put this in here/ ((I guess she writes on the wb))
(4.0) okay a:: the density/ (1.5) is the amount of mass / (.) okay again/

((murmur, some of them say ‘’’yes’’ , others echo what the teacher said))

M: is the amount of mass that exists in one ((unit)) of volume/ (1.0) for example/ (.)
in o:ne/ (2.5) where would-/ okay\ ((tell me- can ¿do? 15.05 you tell me)) where
is more mass in one liter of air/ (.) o:r/ (.) one liter of iron/ (1.0) let’s say- let’s
say i have one liter of air/

S: what/

M: =air\yes\

S: =AH\

M: =and one liter of iron\ when i say liter i mean the space that occupies the liter of-
/ yes/ (.) so a liter of air is heavier or less heavier than a liter of a: iron/

S: què/

S: el qué/
S: [i don’t know\

M: [okay let’s say that i have a box / this box ((grabs a box)) okay/ (( i remind ))you
that this is an empty box and i fill with air/ (1.0) okay/ and i take the same empty
box and i fill it with a: iron\ okay/ which one is heavier/

S: [iron\

S: [yo que sé\

M: the one with air or the one with iron/

S: iron\

S: [iron\

M: [ iron exact yes\ (.) but they occupy the same space do [they/

S: [yes\

S: =yeah\

M: =yes\(.) that MASS/

S: =is more

M: =is more what/

S: =dense\

S: =dense\

M: =is concentrated/ is more concentrate in iron than in air\ (.) YES/ or not/

S4: =yes\

M: [=yes\

S: [yeah\
S4: =but in the tv i saw a program tha:t say that/ (.) bueno decian que (( ))

M: but try:::: it\

S4: they did an experiment that/ (.) e:m/ on::e no\ un bote era igual que el otro/
entonces metian el peso en uno y en el otro no le cabia\

M?: ((what/ 16.42))

S4: =there were two:

S: =two cajas

S4: =bueno dos botes\

M: =dos botes\

S4: two boxes that are/ ((can’t continue))

M: but what did they have inside/

S4: no sé no sé (( )) por eso\

S: iron\

M: =m::: okay\ (.) okay\ well (( )) (( go check it out \)) okay but you said that/ the
density of water is one kilogram per liter/ (.) is that right/

S: what what/

M: you said that one liter – one- water- the density of water is one/

S: one litro\

M: one liter no\ (.) ONE/

S: kilo\

M: [=kilogram per/

Ss: [kilogram\ (.) liter\

M: ok let’s go back here/

S: =alex ten\

M: =kilogram is the unit OF/ MASS VOLUME OR DENSITY/

S: ººdensity\

M: EO::/

S: =eh/


S: [density\

M: = is unit of mass/ we use it to describe mass/ to describe volume/ the space that
[i ocuppy/

S: [mass

S: [mass

M: =/ i ocuppy two kilograms/

S5: =density\

M: = or density/

S5: =yes\

M: =kilogram kilogram\

S5: [=density\

S: [the only::/

S: =density/

S5: =no mass\ density\ (.) ai no lo sé\

S: =los dos a la vez\

S5: =claro\

S: =imposible

M: =no/ (.) no/

S: =(( Spanish I think ))

M: = we use kilograms/ grams/ to describe the amount of mass of an object \ (.)

usually if this object is very small/ we are gonna use grams/ if this object is very big we
are gonna use kilograms\
S6: ((ah pero no es [fifty-eight kilograms)) 18.05

M: [beca-no\ (.) [YOU HAVE/ (.) ((13)) kilograms of mass/

S: [density\

S6: =no because-

S: =no ocupes/

M: = fifty-eight kilograms\

S6: =of mass/

M: okay but you OCCUPY/ (.) space/

S6: =but e::/

S: =pero eso da igual\

S6: =i (( )) fifty-eight kilograms of mass o:r or/ ((volume/))

((some comments in Sp))

M: mass\

S6: of mass okay\

M: that you (( )) okay/ (.) yes/ (( when we (( )) )) we’re gonna/ you’re

gonnna see/ you’re gonna see/ (.) now that we have these three definitions/ (.)
a:h/ (.) let me tell you about someone/ have you heard of someone called

Sss: yes\

M: yes/ archimedes/

Sss: =yes\

M: (( ))

S: =sí\

S: =no\

M: =no/

S: =Arquímedes\

M: (( /)) yes\ who is this guy/

S: am:/
S: =a death person\

M: =a death person\ ((laughs)) okay\(.) who (1.5) who is this guy/ was he- is he is
he- [(( )) yesterday/

S: [ah he- ((in Eng))

S: old\

S: =very old\

M: =very old very old/ like a::/ (.) like very old\ (.) okay you know why is he famous/

S7: YES em:/ (.) yes algo de/

M: something to do with a crown/

S7: =YES\ eso de/ e: queria ver si era:/ es que:/ (.) si que:/ querían ver si era de era
o algo así

M: =a::h do you/ do you remember who archimedes was/

S7: si::/ (( )) bañera (( ))

M: no/(.) okay / let me tell you/ archimedes was a guy from the ancient greece/ he
was a scientist okay/ a:h and one day/ the team of tha:t/ of ((syracuse)) said/
hey archimedes/ i’ve got this crown and i’ve paid a lot of gold for it\ okay/ and
they said/ they told me that the crown was pure gold\ (.) okay/ and you know
how a crown looks like/ is it a red regular like a square/ or irregular/

Ss: =irregular\

M: =okay\ (.) so he said look/ am::/ i need you to prove for me that/ a:: that this is
actually pure gold/ that they didn’t try to rip me off/ they didn’t LIE to me\ (.)
okay/ so archimedes went home and started thinking/ started thinking that the
king of syracuse was really impatient\ okay/ (( )) hey archimedes how are you
going with that/ how are you doing with that/ a:: do you really know if it’s a:/ (.) if
it’s made or gold or not/ (1.0) and archimedes was/ a: he said you know what/ i
am ((stressed out)) so i’m going to relax\ (.) (( ))

S: a:h ah\

M: =no here\

S: ((laughs))

S: que no lo ((tiréis\))

S: sorry\

M: a::m/ (1.0) so archimedes a:: said you know what/ i’m really stressed out i’m
[going for a bath

S: [he took a bath\

M: =he went for a bath/ he went to an spa\ (.) okay/ that that it was a kind of spa\
okay/ a:nd when he sank/ in the when he put himself in the bathtub what
happened to the water/

S: ((strange sound))

S: because e-

M: what happened/ what happened/

S: is it (( )) or/

S: =yeah\

S: (( in Eng ))

M: exact\ (( )) an idea/ (.) cause it’s very difficult to calculate the volume/
because to calculate the density you need two things/ (.) mass/

S: =mass [and volume\

M: [and volume\ that’s why the units of density are/ KILOGRAMS of mass
per liter/ of volume\(.) okay/ that’s because is very difficult to calculate the
volume of an irregular object/ (.) WHILE he was in the bathtub he came up with
the idea/ the same amount of water that MY body has displaced/ (1.0) yes/ (.) is
the volume that my body occupies\ (.) okay/ and this is what we are going to be
doing today\ (.) yes/ we are gonna calculate the volume/ and the density of
different objects\ (.) YES/

Ss: yes\

M: =okay\ what do we need to calculate the mass of an object/ what machine/ what

Ss: ((guess the answer in Spanish, I cannot exactly understand what they say. Just
one of them who says ‘’una pesadora’’))

M: a: scale\ yes/ (.) good\ we have them there\ (.) WHAT DO WE NEED/ to
measure/ (.) in here in the lab and i know that you had to draw it/ in the first
trimester\ (.) WHAT DO WE NEED/ (.) to measure the volume of a liquid/

S: =this\

M: =this\

S: =pero que/

S: =wow\

Sss: ((laugh))

S: ((pepito\ pepito\ )) 22.58

S: no pepito no/
S: =no eso es lo de / ((laughs))

M: this is the graduated/ (.) cylinder

S: =yo tengo una [así de-

M: [because it’s graduated\ (.) okay/ we are gonna use this and now
we are gonna need some irregular (.) am:/ (.) objects\ and i’m gonna take them
from there/ we’re gonna take some STONES okay/

S: ((adrià te vienès conmigo/))

S: =qué/

M: =yes/

((murmur – 23.35))

S: graduate cylin no sé qué

M: =ah/

S: graduate no sé qué

M: =GRADUATED (.) CYLINDER\ yes you have it\

S: o:kay\

((Students interact in their L1 while they, I guess, work on the task))

M: another one\

((murmur in their L1continues, can’t understand))

M: okay/ we’re good\

((murmur continues))

M: okay\ thank you\ (.) OKAY so we’re gonna be working in teams/ (.) each table is
going to be a team\

S: ((ala nosotras tres/))

M: yes\ (2.0) so you’re (( /)) measuring / (.) the density of a stone/ (1.5) okay/
(.) you’re gonna be measuring/ ((something drops)) this stone\ okay/ and i have
a really heavy stone/ ((walks through the classroom and murmur in the
students’ L1 starts))

S: una pregunta las piedras se ((pudren/))

M: =AH/

S: las piedras se ((pudren/))

M: nah\
((murmur in the L1 continues 25:07))

M: AND YOU (( )) THE DENSITY OF THE STONE\ (1.5) okay/ (.) yes/

((murmur, I guess someone says something related with not knowing sth))

M: so take your notebooks\

S: =okay\

M: and stand up/ (.) STAND UP/ (.) but with the notebook/ you can- you will have to
take notes/ (.) at least one notebook stand up/ take your stone with you and ((

((students stand up and go somewhere, they interact in their L1))

M: okay/ SO/ STEP [ONE/

S: [(( ))

M: =ah ((vic))- come\ (.) here\


M: here\


M: okay step one/ (.) we measure the mass of the stone/ (4.0) yes/ (.) we’re gonna
do it two times just in case we di dit wrong the first time/ so we can (( Andrea
grabs the recorder )) another person\

A: nois us ho deixo aquí però ara no ho toqueu perquè llavors no se sent res vale/

S: =vale\

A: =la deixem aquí i [ningú la toca ni juga vale/

S: [però sentiràs tot el que hem dit/

A: =clar\

S: =victor no diguis tonteries com abans\

M: ((has been walking through the lab while Andrea was moving the recorder)) eh
the stone/ where’s the sone/

S: e::/

S: [despues yo eh\

S: veintiséis coma ochenta y nueve\

S: thank you [(( ))

S: [eo ha canviat\ [ha canviat\

S: [ha canviat\

S: ha canviat\

S: =un un [un

S: [vale espera que ho torno a posar/ ara és/ (.) trenta coma/ trenta com
[trenta-quatre\ ai [trenta-cinc\

S: [ara ho fico jo vale/

S: [(( )) ochenta y tres\

S: =és una hora (( ))

Ss: [((( ))


S: no no\

M: =did it change/

S: =yes\

M: =yeah but not a lot\ yeah/

S: =no no solo uno\

M: =okay\

S: =no/ no another time\

M: =this one’s for you/ ((drops a stone)) you’re gonna put a little bit of water/

S: =okay\

S: [yes/

M: [without the stone/ and you write/ am::/ ba ba bam sixteen mililitres/ (.) okay/ so
first without the: stone/

S: ººdieciséis coma cinco\ 27.40 3h20

M: now/ (.) a:: e: put/ i don’t know/ fifty or sixty milimetres of water/

((The teachers walks around and helps the students, difficult to understand what they
say. Next I transcribe the things I get from this moment but bear in mind that
there’s plenty more interaction going on))

M: (( )) mass/ (.) sixty milimetres of water/

Ss: (( ))

S: mirad mirad como me cabe\

S: tira una mica\

S: =no ho hem de ficar a un lloc recte perquè [així és (( ))

S: [(( )) la flauta travesera\

S: =ah tu tocas la flauta travesera/

S: =si tio\

((interaction in their L1))

S: però la toco [mal eh\

S: [no i sinó fiquem seixanta coma algo i ja està/

S: =no tia és igual què posaràs\

S: =suenan unos ((gays)) ahí cómo en (( ))

S: ((laughs))

((a student opens the sink))

S: a:::gua:: \

S: vale ya para para\

S: no no/ (.) it’s:/

S: =esto es un táser/

S: =fica una mica\

S: yes\ (.) bueno es igual que (( ))


S: ((laughs))

S: ja ja lol\

S: =estas tu con el agua/

S: [dale coño\


S: wow\

S: =poquito a poquito\

S: =wow\

S: ((SINGING)) poquito: a poquito: [((sorry sorry/))

S: [quema/
S: =eh bua\

S: =ahora vas bajando un [poco\ sesenta eh sesenta\

S: [e:: que no va así\

S: tiembla el agua/

S: sesenta [sesenta\

S: [no està fria\

S: un poquito\

S: tu pon agua\

((The teacher is helping other Ss in Eng, cannot understand))

S: ya la has cagao\

S: =un poquito más\


S: =COMO QUE ((NO)) MÁS SI ERA SESENTA\ (.) bueno re- [aquí\

S: [ah vale vale vale


S: oh\

S: nos pas amos son sesenta\

S: =dios [qué poco profesional\

((The teacher’s helping other Ss while this group keeps on talking))

M: [(( )) initial volume/

S: un poquito\

S. =ya está ya se ha pasado\

S: [= uh uh n:ada\

M: [sixty four what/

S: [=da igual\

S: ((answering the teacher’s Q)) [mililitres\

S: que la cagas va

M: mililitres okay/

S: =silvia:: ((laughs)) para:: \

S: =pareu\

S: =tú:: pareu\

M: it’s okay if it’s not exactly/ [(( ))

Sss: [((laugh))


S: =diez\

S: macho que mal-

M: =you know what/ you know what/ let me see\

S: =very bad pulso nacho\

S: =es que tengo [el pulso en:

M: [((let’s- let’s- let’s [((deal)) with this okay/

S: [tiene parkinson\

S: ((laughs))

S: no toques\

S: =hasta cuánto/

S: sesenta\

S: =sesenta\

S: ostia (( ))

S: con la mala sí ((laughs))


S: ((todo)) en casa\

S: ººsilvia que (( )) has sido tú silvia/

S: [=no\

S: [perquè llavors no (( ))

(( Marta continues to help Ss in Eng, cannot understand 30.15))

S: quan haig de pujar/

S: ya está\

S: diva\

S: i què és diva/
S: ººaixò no (( )) que és una nota del (( )) ((as if they were gossiping about

S: ºº=no és una nota del (( ))

S: es la silvi::

S: i perquè et donaven la nota/

S: i perquè posa ((teta/))

A: què és això/

S: una fulla ((laughs)) amb un escrit\

S: doncs no la tiris al terra\

M: ((claps)) [EO

S: [doncs no la tiro al terra la tinc a la mà\ (2.0) bueno el que queda de

fulla la tinc a la mà ((laughs))


M: ((helping a student)) it’s fifty-nine\(.) okay/ remember\ (.) fifty-nine\

S: =fifty-nine\

S: ((answering sth related with the gossip I guess)) [a eso llego\ (.) creo\

M: [okay / (.) again/ (.) if the water

is raised/ is the same volume/ (1.0) as the object that we put in the water/
what’s the volume of the rock/

S: em:/

M: =how do we calculate the volume of the rock/

S: [=restando\

S: [restant/ (.) l’aigua que hi ha al principi / (.) menos l’aigua que hi ha al (( ))

S: =exacte\

M: IF I SUBSTRACT ten to five i’m gonna end up with a nega – OH

S: look\

S: =ala\

S: eso pasa por/ (( ))

((brief murmur))

M: =if i substract five/ (1.0) if i substract a:: sht\ (.) if to five i substract ten/ i’m
gonna end up with a negative number\
S: yes\ (.) ah well/

M: eh eh eh\

S: restando/

S: =menos cinco\

M: =volume volume\

S9: restas\ [restes this/ (.) the water with the stone/ (.) menos/

S: [fifty-five\

M: =the water without the stone\

S9: [((in Eng))


M: ((claps)) EIGHT WHAT/

S: milimetres\

M: =good\

S: ((talking to his own group)) density of [the:/

M:. (((helping other Ss)) [(( )) so that’s the volume of what/

SsS: =of the (( sth in Eng ))

S: yes it’s eight milimetres\ (.) toma ya\ 32.22 4h05min

((murmur, Marta is helping Ss in Eng, Ss interact in their L1))

S: que guai jo vull- jo vull una d’aquestes\ (.) [gravaria tot el que em digués el meu
germà i després em xivaria als meus pares\

S: [és tot ((guai)) imagina’t que vas- (.)

si jo faria el mateix\ (3.0) o de lo que em diu el meu pare quan s’enfada un
monton que després ja no se’n recorda i yo mira me insultaste ayer osea::/ (.)
bueno ara mateix esta gravant això pero bueno ((laughs))

S: ((laughs))

S: ((saraboya))(1.5) e:: ((sarapedrunsko))

((murmur continues, Marta is helping the Ss))

S: que guai/ ai-

S: ((és per netejar les ungles\)) 33.24

S: ((i know\))

M: OKAY\ we’ve got the mass/

S10: are we going to do another prueba/

M: if we have time\

S10: =okay\

M: =now we’ve got the mass/ and we’ve got the volume/

S: =and the density\

M: but how do we calculate the density/

((at this moment there’s a general murmur, Ss don’t seem to be paying a lot of
attention to what M is saying))

S: ((talking to the recorder I guess)) hello my name is anna\

S: ((laughs))

S: =està com enfonsada la regla\

S11: no no no dos mil·lilitres és el que hi ha\

S: (( )) y pones/ (( ))

S11: vale llavors/ (( ))


okay/(.) [we have/

S12: [y cuál es la density/

M: =density equals mass divided by volume\

S12: pero cuál es la density/

M: you calculate it\

S12: ah vale es esto\

S: [and then (( )) what is/

M: [if we’ve got/ (.) thirty point thirty-four grams/ (.) IN/ (.) seven or eight mililiter/ (.)
what is the amount of mass that we have/

S13: a::[:h

M: [it’s just a division\

S13: has de dividir/

S14: =no no ho [entenc\

S13: [this/ [fas lo mateix però en comptes de restar divideixes\

M: [we have/ (1.0) [we have/

S14: [ah vale\

M: =thirty point thirty-four grams of rock/ (.) concentrated in only eight mililitres/
(1.0) okay/ (.) so in one mililiter/ (3.0) si jo tinc/ (.) if i have three apples/ or ten
apples/ concentrated in ONE BOX/ (.) in five boxes / (.) sorry\ (.) TEN APPLES
in ten boxes/ in one box how many apples we have/

S: =one\

S: =one\

S: =two\

S: =i don’t know\

S: no one\

M: [if i have TEN apples/

S: [two:/

M: =in five [boxes/

S: [AH IN FIVE BOXES AH okay two\

S: AH\

M: [=so here i have/ thirty four point thirty grams in eight mililitres/ in one mililiter

S: [anna\

M: =how many grams do i have/

S: =a::h\

M: =yes/

S15: anna/ jo havia entès/ [anna/

S: [vale què haig de fer/

S: =jo no ho pillo\

S15: =anna/ jo havia entès (( ))

S: ja jo també jo també\


S: bu:::::: \

((Marta continues to help Ss in Eng))

S: para sara ((laughs)) \

S: sara (( ))

S16: vale what operation i have to do/ ((laughs)) quina operació haig de fer/

S: a:::: ciguenya:::/ (.) ciguenya::::

S16: para enserio\ (.) què és/ quina operació haig de fer/


S16: d’això entre/

S: =((the same dividing\))

S16: =o sigui/ això entre això/ (2.0) no no ho entès\ (2.5) algú ho ha entès/

S: no\

S: ((sings for 30sec or so))

S16: avera/ (2.0) si jo tinc/(.) deu pomes/ (.) jo tinc deu pomes/ (3.0) en cinc caixes/
(2.0) quantes pomes tinc en una caixa/

S: =anna felicitats no veig ningun boli petat\

S: mersi\

S16: vale si jo tinc/ (.) una pedra/ (5.0) s’ha de dividir/

S: thirty-six minutes\

S16: =s’ha de dividir això entre/ (1.0) això\ (.) crec\

S: ((again talking to the recorder)) hello:: hello:: my name’s anna\

S: my name is sara (( )) rovira\

S: arroba (( instagram name )) seguid por favor\

S17: arroba sara (( instagram name )) arroba Martina barra baixa clave/ arroba
anieta tretze\ (.) OLE MI ARTE\ ((laughs)) vale\ (1.0)

S: ººwhat do we do/

S17: yes vale\ (.) what i have to do/ what do- [no no sé fer (( ))

S: [annus/ ah no annuski wit amb dos

enes\ ((instagram name))

S16: you have to do this operation/

S: yes: \ NO\

S: no\
S16: no es que no lo he entendido aún\

M: ye:s\

S16.: =ah yes/

M: =I HAVE THIRTY POINT thirty-four grams of mass of these rocks divided or

distributed in EIGHT MILILITRES\ (.) so in ONE mililiter of this eight/ (1.0)
what’s the amount [of mass of rock/ contained in only one mililiter/

S: [oh we have to do-/ we have to do-

M: =instead of eight/ cause i know it/ (.) but in one / (.) again/ [if i have ten apples/

S: [tens que fer-/


S: = ((entre vuit\))

S16: a::h okay thank you\ (.) em algo per trenta ai- algo per vuit que doni trenta/

S: [tres\

S16: [per tres\ (.) tres i quatre sis/

S: [=dona vint-i-quatre crec\

S: [ºº ((si el tres\))

S16: coma/

((I can overhear a diff group talking in their L1)) 38.00

S16: vuit per vuit/

S: [seixanta-quatre\

S: [e: seixanta quatre\

S: [seixanta-quatre\

S: =joder\

S16: i set/ vuit per [set/

S: [anna/ [aquest vocabulari no si us plau\

S: [cinquanta-sis\

S: [cinquanta-sis\

S: =cinquanta-sis\

S16: em- quatre/ set\ (.)ºº set quatre\ (.) algo per vuit que doni setenta-quatre/
S: què/ cinquanta-quatre/

S: =setanta-quatre\


S: [nou/ (.) nou per vuit setanta-dos\

S: si:/ fes fes (( ))

S16: nou/ aquí em dona dos/ (.) i aquí baixo el zero no/(.) sara ara baixo un zero/

S: =si i fiques una coma\

S: no ja jo ha ficat no ha posat res perquè (( ))

S: =ah vale\

S16: vint/ algo per vuit que doni vint/

S: =dos\

S16: dos que es setze/

S: =quatre\

S16: =quatre\ (.) baixo el cinc\

S: =ja està\ (.) WE HAVE THE::/ vale em

S: ((weird sound)) ((laughs)) m’apassionen\ ((laughs)) wo::::: ((laughs))

S16: tio enserio que estan fent un estudi/ o no sé que estan fent però para\ que això
despres/ ho escoltaran i sonarà wo::: \

S: ((laughs))

S16: vale dona tres coma set/ nou/ vint-i- (1.0) marta::/ (.) we have finished\ no es
diu així/ (.) have we finished\ no no sé\

S: =we are finished\

S16: eso\ (.) we have the number\

M: you have the number/ (.) and this is/ three point seventy-nine/ three point eight
a:: horses\

S: horses/

S16: horses\

S: ((laughs))

S: caballos\


S: [=caballos\

S: [e:: milimetres\

S: =milimetres\

S: (( ))

M: we did all the mass/ all the grams in one mililiter/ so we have/ thirty- three point
eight grams/ (.) in one mililiter\ (.) so three point eight grams per/

S: [ah grams\ (.) no grams\ (.) mililiter\

M: =mililiter\

S: (( )) algo y te lo doy\

S: què passa/ ((weird sounds)) ((laughs))

S: para sara enserio\

S: anna para tio\

S16: vale què haig de ficar/ ((laughs))


S: =yes/



M: =no::: \

S: ah pos no\



M: =three point eight mililiters\ what’s the density of your rock/ ((asking this to a diff

S: [seventy- (( ))

S: [can we throw this/

M: the density of your rock\

S: wo:::

M: wait\ TONI ((claps))

S: em bec l’aigua/
S: =sí\

S: ((talking to Marta)) the density of the rock/

M: ((just stop doing it\)) 40.33 5h.

S: es to professional la cosa aquesta\

S: o sigui això és la density/ la density of what/ això què és/

S: ((sings))

S: sara\

S: ((laughs)) the density of the rock tonta\ (.) ah no stone\

S: i la den- (4.0) density of [the rock\ (.) stone stone \ (.) stone\

S: [anna\ (.) anna\

S: =això és la mass/ (1.0) mass

S: ((weird sound))

S: tio t’hauries de veure fas el ridícul\

S: [a::: ciguenya::

S: [mass/ (.) i això és the/ the volume (.) vo-lu-me\

S: ((sings))

S: [lolololo:

S: [això és/ el volumen/ o el volum més dens- més mass/ (.) mass/

S: ((sings))

S: més [mass ho restes/ (.) i això què és/ (1.0) què és això/



S: [això és/


S: ((sings))

M: ALEX\ (.) we use the density/ because it’s something that is/ (.) intensive of the/
matter\ it won’t never change\ (.) okay/ so that’s what archimedes di- did/ (.) he
measured the density of a:: a regular object of gold/ and compared it to the
density of the crown\ (.) okay/ if they have the same density/ (.) it will mean that
they are/ (1.0) (( )) yes/ (.) if they have different density/ it will mean that/ (.)
will mean they’re different substances\ okay/ (1.0) so/ let’s compare our
substances/ a:m your rock have a density of/

S: three point eight\

M: your rock has a [density of/

S: [three point eight\

S: three point eight\

M: what/

S: three point eight\

M: three point eight as well\ and your rock has a density of/

S: no no no no/ ((memebers of this group discuss the result, murmur in Eng))

S: ººfalten dos minuts\

M: ((joan\)) TWO POINT ELEVEN\ (( )) okay so TWO OF THESE ROCKS/ are

the same\ (1.0) which ones/ (.) what table has/ (.) this one and [this one\

S: [this one\

M: =because they have the same density\

S: =yes\

M: =yes/ could it be that we made a mistake/

S: [yes\

S: [yes\

M: [it’s true\ (.) could it be that we didn’t/ it’s also true\ okay/ (.) what’s the only part
that is still a bit different/ ((43:10)) which one will float/ if we were (( )) which
one would sink and which one would float on top of the other/

S: ((e:: la ultima float [(( )) ))

S: [(( ))


S: =una pregunta/ és probable que tot això sigui/ (.) (( ))

M: eh/ AH (( ))

S: i si ho posem allà a la pissarra no pot pujar ((laughs))

M: a:: the water/ (.) the water/ in the sink/ (1.0) let’s tidy up now\

S: [esta tirando mis/ (.) tio mira lo que hace\(.) pero es que mira lo que ha
S: si si ara ara\


S: la piedra/

M: the rock you give it to me\

S: okay thank you:: \

S: thank you very mu::ch\

S: oh pos ha sigut xulo eh això no sé m’ha agradat\

S: the density the mass no sé què però tinc un lio al cap/ però m’ha agradat\

M: and next year/ with me/ we’re gonna do it with oil and water/ and honey/

S: =que guai m’ha agradat [això\ aunque m’he fet un lio però m’ha agradat\

S: [honey\ i like\

((Ss start to tidy up, general murmu, diff to understand what they say))

M: anna/ (( sth in Eng ))

S: no es- it’s not mine eh this\

M: but not the ((salt)) that you put in your (( ))

S: si que está salao\

((Ss interact with each other using their L1))

S: esto no es mio tio\

M: am i’m missing-/

S: esto es tuyo\

M: the – the water and the stapler\

S: que no lo sé\ (.) yo ((ayudaria para buscar que no he entendido nada y [ ((

)) ))

((where’s the lab code/))


S: adeu mersi\

?: bye:: \
?: anna anna i (( sth in Eng )) (( )) your laptop (( )) 5h40 min.

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