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MUSCULAR SYSTEM Skeletal muscle- major component of muscular

- Composition
 Movement  Connective tissue
 Stability  Skeletal muscle tissue
 Control of body openings and passages  Blood vessel
 Heat production  Nerves
Muscles has the ability to contract, permitting Connective Tissue Coverings
muscles to perform various functions.
 Fascia- covers entire skeletal muscles
*Bones and joints do not produce movement
and separates them from each other.
*The human body has more than 600 individual  Tendon- tough, cord-like structure made
muscles of fibrous connective tissue.
Connects muscles to bones.
 Aponeurosis- a tough, sheet-like
Skeletal muscle- attached to bones by tendons structure made of fibrous connective
(connective tissue that attached muscle bones to tissue.
bones). VOLUNTARY  Epimysium- a thin covering that is just
below the fascia of a muscle and
Smooth muscle- found on organ walls. surrounds the entire muscle.
INVOLUNTARY  Perimysium- connective tissue that
Cardiac muscle- produces atrial and ventricular divides a muscle into sections called
contractions. INVOLUNTARY fascicles.
 Endomysium- covering of connective
STABILITY tissue that surrounds individual muscle
- Holds bones tightly together cells

CONTROL OF BODY OPENINGS AND Attachments and actions of skeletal muscles

PASSAGES *An action depend largely on what the muscles are
 Sphincters – valve-like structures formed by attached to.
muscles  Origin- an attachment site for a less movable
Ex. Urethral sphincter prevents or allow  Insertion- an attachment for a more movable
urination site.

HEAT PRODUCTION *Movement usually produced by a group of muscles.

- Heat is released with muscle contraction  Prime mover (agonist)- miuscle responsible
- Helps the body to maintain temperature for most movement
 Synergist- muscles that helps the prime
TYPES OF MUSCLE TISSUE mover by stabilizing joint.
 Muscle cells  Antagonist- muscle that produces movement
- Myocytes- muscle fibers opposite to prime mover
- Sarcolemma- cell membrane
- Sarcoplasm- cytoplasm of cell
- Myofibrils- long structures of sarcoplasm BODY MOVEMENTS
*arrangement of filaments in myofibrils Flexion- bending
produces striations.
Extension- straightening
Hyperextension- extending - Pulls the corner of the mouth up
Dorsiflexion- point up Platysma
Plantar flexion- point down - Pulls the corners of the mouth down
Abduction- moving away Masseter and temporalis
Adduction- moving toward - Closes the jaw
Circumduction- moving in circle
Pronation- turning the palm down ARM MUSCLES
Supination- turning the palm up Pectoralis major
Inversion- turning the sole of the feet medially - Pulls the arm across the chest
Eversion- turning the sole of the feet laterally Latissimus dorsi
Retraction- moving the body part posteriorly - Extends and adducts the arm and rotates the
arm inwardly
Protaction- moving the body part anteriorly
Elevation- lifting a body part
-abducts and extends the arm and the shoulder
Depression- lowering a body part
Major Skeletal muscle - Rotates the arm medially
 The muscle name indicate:
- Location
- Size - Rotates the arm laterally
- Action
- Shape Biceps brachii
Or - Flexes the arm at the elbow
- Number of attachment of muscle - Rotates the arm laterally
MUSCLES OF THE HEAD - Flexes the arm at the elbow
Sternoclei domastoid Branchioradialis
- Pulls the head to one side, chest - Flexes the forearm at the elbow
Frontalis Triceps branchii
- Raises the eyebrow - Extends the arm at the elbow
Splenius capitis Supinator
- Rotates the head - Rotates the forearm laterally
Orbicularis oris Pronator teres
- Allows the lips to pucker - Rotates the forearm medially
Orbicularis oculi
- Allows the eyes to close WRIST, HAND AND FINGER MUSCLES
Extensor/Flexor carpi radialis & Flexor carpi Gluteus minimus and medius
- Abduct the thighs
- Flex and abduct the wrist
Adductor longus and magnus
Palmaris longus
- Adduct the thighs
- Flexes the wrist
Biceps femoris, semitendinosus and
Flexor digitorum profundus semimembranosus
- Flexes the distal joints of the fingers but not - Known as the hamstring group
the thumb - Flex the leg at the knee
Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis
and vastus intermedius
- Extend the leg at the knee
- Separates the thoracic cavity and the
abdominal cavity - Flexes the leg at the knee and thigh
External and internal intercostals
- Expands and lower the ribs during breathing ANKLE, FOOT AND TOES MUSCLES
Abdominal muscle Tibialis anterior
- Compress the abdominal wall - Inverts the foot and points the foot up
Transverse abdominis Extensor digitorumlongus
- Also compress the abdominal wall - Extends the toes and points the foot up
Rectus abdominis Gastrochemius
- Flexes the vertebral column - Flexes the foot and flexes the leg at the knee
PECTORAL GIRDLE - Flexes the foot
Trapezius Flexor digitorumlongus
- Raises the arms - Flexes the foot and toes
- Pulls the shoulder downward
Pectoralis minor
- Pulls the scapula downward
- Raises the ribs

Iliopsoas major
- Flexes the thigh
Gluteus maximus
- Extends the thigh

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