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I 2001 .



Allowances, Amenities, Facilities etc. and other

issues in respect of employees of
Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha Secretariats

Presented to
30TH AUGUST, 2001

Parliamentary Pay Committee Cell

August, 200l/Bhadrapada, 1923 {Saka}


The Committee. III •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (iii)
Preface : . (v)
I. Introductory . 1-4
II. Allowances, Amenities, Facilities etc. . . 5-18
SECI10N A-General
2.1 Medical Facilities , . 5
2.2 Accommodation Facility . 5
2.3 Overtime Allowance II ••• II ••• II ••.•••••••••••• II •••• 6
2.4 Honorarium III III • III" 111.111. ~ •• 111.111 •••• III III • III ••• 7
2~S Uniforms. III 111.111.111 III III ••• III •••••••••••••••••••• 111.111 •••••• III •••••• III III •••••• 7
2.6 Cadre Review , III •••• II ••• I ••••••••• J'if ••••••.••••••• 8
2.7 Parliamentary/Sessional Allowance . 8
2.8 Risk AllowancelInsurance Coverage . 8
2.9 Conveyance/Transport Allowance . 9
2.10 Children Educational Assistance . 9
2.11 Transport Facility . 10
2.12 Uniformity in facilities-equal opportunities of
promotions . 10
2.13 Concession to Employees' Ward . 10
2.14 Catering facility. after office hours . 11
2.15 Residential official telephone . 11
2.16 Reimbursement of Newspaper expenditure . 11
2.17 Holiday Home ~ . 11
2.18 Special Pay . 11
2.19 Night Duty Allowance . 11
2.20 Compensatory Leave for Gazetted Officers . 11
2.~1 Constitution of Grievance Redressal Cell . 12
2.22 Training of Officers and Staff .................• ,•............. 12
2.23 Constitution of Standing Parliamentary Committee .. 12
2.24 Washing Allowance ~ . 12
2.25 Honorarium to Reporters and Interpreters . 12
2.26 pate of implementation of allowances etc. . . 12
SECI10NB-Issues specific to Rajya Sabha Secretariat
2.27 Casual Leave , . 13
2.28 Welfare Cell . 13
2.29 Abolition of co-terminus posts . 13
2.30 Educational Allowance . 13
2.31 Shift Duty System ; . 13
2.32 Bonus interest for non-withdrawal' from GPF . 13

-' Sp•••. : PAGE
/ 2.33 CcJacessioaal Loans.. •..•••.....•.............................. 14
2.34 Rajya Sabha Secref'anat 'E:mployees Association . 14
2.35 Promotional Avenues ~ 14
~:'~., 2.36 Joint Recruitment Cell . 14
2.37 Uniform Entry Level in different Services ............•. , 15
2.38· Transfer P~licy . 15
SECI10N e-Issues Specific to Lok Sabha Secretariat
2.39 Functioning of O&M Unit . 16
'2.40 Leave Travel Concession . 16
2.41 Recruitment ~ . 16
2.42 Deputation ~ '0' •. 16
2.43 Interaction of Secretary-General with E~ecutive
. Council, Lok Sabha Employees Association
(~EA) ~ . 16
2.44 Hindi Advisory and Implementation Committee . 16
2.45 RestRoom e- •. ,e •.•.•••.•.•.•.•••••••••• -••••••••••••••••••••.••• 17
2.46 Medical Treatment for Retired Employees . 17
2.47 Transfer .Poli~y ,.~..' _: ' . 17
2.48 .Reservation for SCIST .. -..- ,.•...................... 17
2.49 Commission for Governance of Einployees" on the ,
lin~H!,H~":o.f CoIllDlPDS ••••••,••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18 j

2.50 Ho'USe Rent AUowance .............................•........... 18

2.51 'P,omotion of ResearchlReference AssistaJit' of
~A~RDI Service as Executive Officer/Assistant
. . ',- ,.,
it ••••••••••••••••••••....••.•••••••••••••

Ill. Assured Career ,ProgressionIFinancial Upgradation

Scheme ~ e. ••

IV. Re-designation of Under SecretarylDeputy Secretary .

V. Reference made by the Speaker, Lok SaW. of a specific
case involving:::appQintment· of Officers fromcooul)on
panels. to differtitC~s in. Lok Sabha Secretariat and
the stated. anomalies thereon -.....................•. ~.:....• ;~.
}\eferCDCC'aad,e' by ·,the Chairman, Rajya Sabba on
stagnation in Verbatim' Reporting and Simultaueous' .
Interpr~ta.tjonSo~ iathe;Rajya. SabbaSeeretariat .....
'VII. Matters relatins"to?teNisionofscales- of pay ...........••. '~'.'.
SECTI8KA ~llcptcscntatiODS for review of,:~es of pay •
• .1
SECTION B --Introduction of Special Grade·fur·.·StaffCar
'Drivers ~•....... ,:•........- .
.:VIII. Matter relating to age of ·retirementof Secretlri~-
'..- General'ofRajya Sabha and Lok'Sabba ...• ~ ~ .
"APPENDIx,....Assure4.Career ProgressiOnlFinancial Upgradation
. "Scheme': ~'.~J •••••••.••••••• ~ ~: ••••••••••••••• -•••••••••• ~ •• ' ••• ~ ••.••••.••


Prof,;,Utnmated4y"'VeDkateswarlu," 'M~P.

Sbri.Narayan: Datt Tiwari, M.P.
,Cb~, Public AecountsCommittee
Shri Yashwant Sinha,
MiDiIterofFillance '
Shri PramodMahajan,
Minister. of, Parliamentary Affairs
Shri Pranab 'Mukherjee, 'M.P. (Rajya Sabha)
Shri Ram- Gopal Yadav, M.P. (Rajya Sabha)

Rajya Sabha Secretariat

Sh~~.C.Tripathi; ,,'
SeCretary-General, R."jya Sabha

Lok" Sabha Secretariat

Shti,\ ••9'·C.':•••
SeCretitti:"(3~gerij~tc*' Sabha
- . ::: ... : ;.' :"'c ' ' '. - ' ~"", ' .','. .
I, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Pay Committee, having been
authorised by the Committee to submit their Second Report on their
behalf present the same.
2. The Speaker, Lok Sabha in consultation with the Chairman,
Rajya Sabha constituted a Parliamentary Pay Committee on 20.11.19?8 to
advise the Chairman, Rajya Sabha and the Speaker, Lok Sabha on the
changes that are considered desirable in the structure of pay, allowances,
leave .and pensionary benefits to the .Officers and all categories of
employees of the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha Secretariats in the context
of the dec_ion of the Government of India on the recommendations of the
FiftIt Central Pay Commission. The Committee submitted their First
Report on 26.04.1999 to the Chairman, Rajya Sabha and the Speaker, Lok
Sab•••. The Report of the Committee mainly related to the scales of pay
for Officers and Staff of both the Secretariats. The recommendations of
the Committee made in the First Report were accepted by the Chairman,
Rajya Sabha and the Speaker, Lok Sabha and were given effect to
simultaneously in both the Secretariats. The Committee had also
recommended that they will deal with those matters referred to them other
than pay scales separately. Meanwhile, the 12th Lok Sabha was dissolved.
3. The present Committee was appointed by the Speaker, Lok Sabha in
consultation with the Chairman, Rajya Sabha on 28.07.2000 to consider the
unfinished items of work left out by the earlier Committee. The
Committee concluded their deliberations on allowances, amenities,
facilities etc. and other issues in respect of employees of Rajya Sabha and
Lok Sabba Secretariats and finalised their report -at..their sitting held' on
4. The Committee appreciate the work initiated/done by the earlier
Committee constituted during the term of the 12th Lok Sabha.
S. T~e Committee also wish to place on record their thanks to all those
wltohelped them in their work. III


August 30, 200i VENKATESWARLU,
BhadrafHlda 8, 1923 (Saka)


1.1 The Speaker, Lok Sabha in consultation with the Chairman,

Rajya Sabha constituted a Parliamentary Pay Committee on 20.11.1998
to advise the Chairman, Rajya Sabha and the Speaker, Lok Sabha on
the changes that are considered desirable in the structure of pay,
allowances, leave and pensionary benefits to the Officers and all
categories of employees of the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha Secretariats
(RSSIL~S) in the context of the decision of the Government of India
on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission.
1.2 The Committee had received 293 memoranda/representations from
the Officers and Staff of both the Secretariats. A total number of 134
Officers and Staff belonging to various categories had appeared before
the Committee and gave evidence/presented their cases for better pay
scales, improvement in conditions of service, better promotional
opportunities, removing of anomalies within the Secretariats. and
between the Secretariats.
1.3 The Committee submitted their First Report on 26.04.1999 to the
Chairman, Rajya Sabha and. the Speaker, Lok Sabha. The Report of the
Committee mainly related t~ the scales of pay for Officers and Staff of
both the Secretariats. The recommendations of the Committee made in
the First Report were accepted by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha and the
Speaker, Lok Sabha and were .given effect to simultaneously in both the
Secretariats. The Committee had also recommended that they will deal
with those matters referred to them other than pay scales separately.
Meanwhile, the 12th Lok Sabha was dissolved.
1.4 On 28.07.2000 the Speaker, Lok Sabha in consultation with the
Chairman, Rajya Sabha reconstituted the Parliamentary Pay Committee
to consider the unfinished items of work vide Rajya Sabha Bulletin
Part II, No. 38232 and Lok Sabha Bulletin Part II, No. 1111, both
dated 28.07.2000. The text of the Bulletin is reproduced as follows:-
"The Speaker in consultation with the Chairman, Rajya Sabha
constituted a Parliamentary Pay Committee on 20th November,
1998 to advise the Chairman, Rajya Sabha and the Speaker,
Lok Sabha on the changes that are considered desirable in the
structure of scales of pay, allowances, leave and pensionary
benefits to the Officers and all categories of employees of the
Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha Secretariats in the context of the


decision of the Government of India on the recommendations of the

Fifth' Central Pay Commission.
The Committee submitted their First Report on 26th April, 1999 to
the Chairman, Rajya Sabha and the Speaker, Lok Sabha. The
recommendations of the Committee made in their First Report were
accepted by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha and the Speaker, Lok Sabha
and were given effect to simultaneously in the Rajya Sabha and the
Lok Sabha Secretariats.
The Committee also recommended that they will deal with those
matters referred to them other than pay scales separately.
Accordingly, the Speaker, in consultation with the Chairman,
Raj~a Sabha has been pleased to appoint a Parliamentary Pay
Committee consisting of the following Members to consider the
unfinished items of work-
Chairman, Estimates Committee Chairman
(Prof. Ummareddy Venkateswarlu)
Chairman, Public Accounts Committee Member
(Shri Narayan Datt Tiwari)
Minister of Finance Member
(Shri Yashwant Sinha)
Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Member
(Shri Pramod Mahajan)
Member of Rajya Sabha Member
(Shri Pranab Mukherjee)
Member of Rajya Sabha Member
(Shri Ram Gopal Yadav)
Both the Secretaries-General of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha will
be associated with the Committee.
The .Committee will make their recommendations to the
Chairman, Rajya Sabha and Speaker, Lok Sabha as early as
1.5 The reconstituted Committee held their first sitting on 10.08.2000.
While taking stock of the unfinished items of work, the Committee noted
that the predecessor Committee had already completed the work of
collection 'of written and oral submissions from the employees of both the
Secretariats. It was felt that the Committee might, therefore, straightaway
proceed to consider the various pending items. Accordingly, they directed
the Secretariats to prepare a consolidated statement on such issues and on
which submissions/suggestions had been received from the employees of
both the Secretariats. The Committee also took note of the fact that
certain additional\items had also been referred to them by the Chairman,
Rajya Sabha and the Speaker, Lok Sabha. Broadly, the items of work to
be dealt with by the Committee were as follows:-
(i) Allowances, amenities, facilities etc.

(ii):ln their First Report the earlier Committee had observed that
the designation/revised designation in respect of two categories
of posts, viz. Deputy Secretary and Under Secretary would be
considered and finalised later.
(iii) Subsequent to the submission of. the First Report by the .earlier
, Committee, the Speaker, Lok Sabha had separately desired that
the Committee might also look into a specific case involving ,
appointment of Officers from common panels to different
Services in LSS and the stated anomalies thereon.
(iv) A note had been received by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha from
Shri Pranab Mukherjee, MP, Member, Parliamentary Pay
Committee regarding the revised scale of pay granted to Deputy
Secretaries and equivalent.
1.6 The Committee initially considered the matter at their Second and
Third sittings held on 15.09.2000 and 07.11.2000 respectively.
1.7 Subsequently, at their Fourth sitting held on 28.11.2000, the
Committee observed that representations had been received from the
employees of both the Secretariats inter alia claiming some anomalies in
. the scales of pay as recommended by the Parliamentary Pay Committee
in their First Report which had already been implemented and
demanding revision of scales of pay .in those categories. Since the
present Committee were to- consider the unfinished items in terms of the
Bulletins on reconstitution of the Committee and as 'revision of scales of
pay had already been conclusively decided by the earlier Committee, it
was felt that perhaps, this matter was not strictly within the scope of
'exaqtination of the present Committee. However, the Committee
decided to look into those cases, and if found desirable after
examination on merits to bring the matter to the notice of the Presiding
Officers of both the Houses. The areas wherefrom representations had
mainly been received alleging anomalies/discrepancies in the scales of
pay related to the following:-
(i) Group 'D' employees
(ii) Officers in the scale of pay of Rs. 8000-13500
(iii) Officers in the scale of pay of Rs. 10000-15200
(iv) Officers in the scale of pay of Rs. 12750-16500
1.8 The Committee further considered the issues at their Fifth sitting
held on 22.12.2000.
1.9 At their Sixth sitting held on 11.04.2001, the Committee considered
various demands relating to allowances" facilities, amenities, etc. The
Committee also decided to consider the issue regarding introduction of
Special Grade for Staff Car Drivers in the light of the implementation
of the decision of the Government of India vide Orders dated

. 1.10 The Committee further received a reference from the Chairman,

Rajya Sabha on stagnation in Verbatim Reporting and Simultaneous
Interpretation Services in the Rajya Sabha Secretariat.

1.11 At the Seventh and Eighth sittings held on 13.08.2001 and

20.08.2001, the Committee further considered the various issues. At their
sitting held on 20.08.2001, the Committee also heard Shri P.K. Bhandari,
presently Director in Lok Sabha Secretariat on a representation submitted
by him on 03.09.2000 in the context of the reference made by the Speaker,
Lok Sabha of a specific case involving appointment of officers from
common p~els to different Services in Lok Sabha Secretariat and the
stated anomalies thereon. At their sitting held on 28.08.2001, the
Committee concluded their deliberations and adopted the draft Report.
The Chairman was authorised by the Committee to finalise the Report of
the Committee and submit the same to the Chairman, Rajya Sabha and
the Speaker, Lok Sabha.

1.12 During the course of examination, the Committee received comments

from the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide their
communications 5(25)E.III(A)197 dated 07.11.2000 and 13.01.2001 which
were duly circulated to the Members of the Committee.

1.13 The demands received from the employees of both the Secretariats on
allowances, amenities, facilities etc. were broadly as follows:-

(i) general nature pertaining to both the Secretariats

(li) spec~c to RSS
<iii) specific to LSS

In addition to the above categories, demands were also made by the

employees of various nature including creation of posts, re-structuring of
Services, merger of posts, change of nomenclature of posts, parity with
other Services in promotion, changes in Recruitment and Conditions of
Service Orders, provision of residential telephones to all Private
Secretaries to Chairman of Parliametary Committees, leave travel
concession to retired employees and their spouses, provision of attendants
to Under Secretaries etc. While some of these items have already been
covered in the First Report and some are being dealt with in this Report,
certain others were to be looked into administratively.

1.14 The observations/recommendations of the Committee after examining

the various issues are enumerated in the succeeding parts of the Report.
Section A~eneral

2.1 Medical Facilities

Presently, the employees of RSS and LSS are covered under the Central
Government Health Scheme (CGHS}Central Services (Medical
Attendance [CS(MA)] rules. While CGHS is applicable to the employees
residing in CGHS covered areas, CS(MA) Rules are applicable in other
cases. First Aid PostlMedical Centre at Parliament House/Parliament
House Annexe are primarily meant for Members of Parliament. However,
the staff are also attended to normally in emergencies.
It was demanded inter alia that the employees of both the. Secretariats
should be allowed to avail of the medical facilities available at the First
Aid PostlMedical Centre at Parliament House/Parliament House Annexe,
the existing CGHS should be replaced with a suitable alternate scheme,
compulsory medical check up be done of all the employees at least once a
year or in two years etc.
The Committee feel that the practice of providing medical faeilities to
the officers and staff of both the Secretariats in Parliament HouseiAnnexe
in emergencies may be continued. They do not agree for replacement of
the CGHS Scheme. However, a scheme may be worked out. to.provide the
facility of me dical check up on optional basis to the employees in both the
Secrretariats once in two years after completion of 40 years of age.
2.2 Accommodation Facility
From 1974 onwards the RSS and LSS are having their separate pools of
quarters for providing residential accommodation to ~heir employees. The
Directorate of Estates have been making units of a~n~vailable
to both the pools from time to time. For eligibility'~of·a~Dtdfquarters
service rendered in Ministries etc. prior to 01.01.198Sis reckoned. The
availability of residential accommodation to the employees with reference
to the total strength is indicated in the following Table:-
Total Strength Number of Units of
RSS 1039 430
LSS 2100 807
Since 1987 no residential accommodation was placed at the disposal of
the Lok Sabha despite persistent requests.


Various demands were made before the Committee for improving the
accommodation facility in both the Secretariats. These included,
procurement of additional units, especially in higher categories, hiring of
private houses on lease, counting of past service for determining the
eligibility of allotment of accommodaiton, creation of a separate pool/
priority category for women employees, allotment of quarters on
functional basis etc.
The Committee were informed that in the case of RSS, on the
completion of the INA residential complex which is presently under way,
the level of satisfaction in respect of lower type of accommodation would
increase but it will remain unsatisfactory in respect of higher type
categories i.e. Type V and above. Efforts made to obtain additional units
in those categories had not yielded any result so far. In the case of LSS,
the present level of satisfaction was stated to be highly unsatisfactory.
Efforts made by the Secretariat to improve the situation had also not
yielded any concrete result. Considering the need for putting longllate
hours of duties, particularly during the session periods, the Committee feel
that it is imperative to provide residential accommodation to employees in
both the Secretariats near to the Parliament complex. Concerted efforts,
therefore, should be made to improve the satisfaction level in all categories
in both the Secretariats.
The Committee note in this connection that the Ministry of Urban
Development had recently allotted to LSS Pool, a plot of land with
unauthorised clusters in Sector 2, R.K. Puram, New Delhi. The
Committee recommend that the process of acquisition of vacant land and
construction of quarters proposed for LSS in R.K. Puram be expedited.
They desire that the authorities concerned should finalise a time-bound
programm~ for completion of the project keeping in view the acute
shortage of accommodation to the employees., D 't'!

The Committee further recommend that additional units of

accommodation, particularly, in Type IV and above be provided by the
DirectQra,te;,~{E:~ta~es for the RSSILSS pools of residences or suitable
sized plo1$ of Iand in any central area be provided for construction of these
higher type of quarters.
As the RSSand LSS pools have only a limited number of quarters, the
Committee are of the view that creation of separate pools for women
employees does not appear to be feasible at this stage.
The Committee also recommend that allotment of quarters be strictly
done in both the Secretariates on the basis of the rules/orders on the
2.3 Overtime ~llowance
Overtime allowance is presently granted to the employees of both the
Secretariat~ as per the orders of the Government of India on the subject as

adopted from time to time. It was inter alia demanded by the employees
that the rate of overtime allowance might be raised to Rs. 30-50 per
hour, the current ceiling might be enhanced. from one-third of the working
hours per month to 100 hours or half of the working hours per month,
persons in the Cleaner-Cum- Helper grade might also be given the overtime
allowance at par with Staff Car Drivers, etc. The Committee recommend
that the rates of overtime allowance prescribed by the Government of

India may continue to be applied in both the Secretariats. -However, the

ceiling I from the present level of one-third of the amount payable for
monthly working hours may be enhanced to half in respect of employees
other than staff Car Drivers and personal staff. The Staff Car Drivers and
personal staff may continue to draw overtime allowance in accordance with
the present orders. The Committee further recommend that the
admissibility of the maximum overtime allowance to Cleaner-cum-helper
~e made at par with Staff Car Driver.
2.4 Honorarium
In pursuance of the recommendations of the earlier Parliamentary Pay
Committee(s), the employees of the Secretariats who are required to sit
late in the office beyond 10 hours of duty in connection with the work of
the House, Committees/Conferences and .other parliamentary work are
granted honorarium at the rates ranging from Rs. 10/- to Rs. 201- per day.
An employee who is entitled to overtime allowance has the option to claim
either overtime allowance or honorarium for any particular day. Eligibility
for payment of honorarium is subject to the upper limit of the basic pay
upto ~s. 35001- (pre-revised for gazetted officers).
It was demanded that the rate of honorarium should be enhanced to
Rs. 75-150 for non-gazetted officers and Rs. 100--200 for gazetted
officers, ceiling of basic pay of Rs. 3500/- (pre-revised) be dispensed with
and the maximum ceiling of Rs. 5000/- as honorarium in the financial year
be suitably revised.
The Committee recommend that this facility may be continued, to be
termed as "Special Allowance" and granted as per the revised rates given
Existing rates (per day) Revised rates (per day)
Rs. 20/- for all Gazetted Rs. 60/- (Group 'A' upto level
Staff. of Director)
Rs. 15/- for non-Gazetted Rs. 45/- (Groups 'B' & 'C')
Staff (except for Group 'D~)
~s. 101- for Group 'D' Rs. 30/- (Group 'D')
2.5 Ubiforms
Presently, uniforms are provided in both theiSecretariats to certain
specified categories of employees only. It was demanded that uniforms be

provided to all the employees irrespective of Services/categories to which

they belonged. Various demands were also made about the quantity and
quality of liveries to be provided. In the opinion of the Committee the
demand for provision of uniforms to all the employees in the Secretariats
may not be accepted and uniforms may continue to be provided to the
existing specified categories only. As regards the quantity/quality of the
liveries, the matter may be looked into administratively.
2.6 Cadre Review
A de~and was made before the Committee that cadre review be
undertaken atleast once in 3-5 years in all the cadres in both the
Secretariats. The Committee considered the suggestion and arc of the view
that such reviews should be held every 5 years in both the Secretariats.
2.7 ParliamentarylSessional Allowance
Demands were made before the Committee for payment of
parliamentary/special/sessional allowance ranging from 10-30% of the
basic salary in view of the arduous nature of duties performed, particularly
during session periods. After considering the matter in depth. the
Committee recommend that the employees of both the Secretariats be
granted allowance during session periods to be termed as "Other
Allowances" as per the monthly rates given below:-
Group of Posts Amount(Rs).
A 1000
B 800
C 600
D 400
The a110wance may be made admissible at full rat~s for every calendar
month in which Parliament is in session for atleast 15 days in that month.
For session periods of less than 15 days in a month, the allowance may be
admissible at half the rate(s) prescribed for the full month. However, grant
of overtime, special and other allowances will be mutually exclusive, i.e.
the employees entitled for the aforementioned allowances would be eligible
for only one of the same on a particular day/period.
2.8 Risk AUowance/Insurance Coverage
The officers especially from the Watch & Ward Offices and Despatch
Riders demanded that they might be paid risk allowance on the plea that
Parliament Complex was a sensitive zone and protection of VVIPs entailed
danger of life. A demand was also made' for provision of additional
insurance cover. In this connection, the Committee's attention has been
drawn to the fact that both the Secretariats have adopted the orders of the
Government of India regarding grant of ex-gratia lump-sum compensation
under certain circumstances to the families of Central Government civilian
employees who die in harness in the performance of bonafide official
duties. Further, the employees of both the Secretariats are also covered

under Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme. The

Committee are, therefore; of the view that the existing orders/provisions
would reasonably take care of the element of risk.

.2.9 Conveyancelfransport Allowance

Presently, the employees of both the Secretariats are granted transport

. allowance as per the orders of Government of India as adopted by the
" Secretariats. Reimbursement of conveyance charges to the employees on
account of discharge of official duties is also governed by the orders of
r' Government of India on the subject.

It was demanded that the rates for the transport allowance be enhanced
and also that the present ceiling for reimbursement of conveyance charges
of Rs. 150/- per month be removed.

In view of the fact that the Secretariats have already adopted the
Government of India's orders in the matter of grant of transport allowance
and that conveyance is provided, although in a limited way, to officers who
are required to sit very late at night for discharging the duties, the
Committee do not favour enhancing the existing rates of transport
allowance. However, in view of the split nature of duty in the case of
sanitary staff who are required to attend office twice a day, i. e. in the well as in the evening, upward revision may be made in their
existing rate of transport allowance from Rs. 100/- to Rs. 2001- per month
O\log'jQq1:witheffect from 8Jii01I1J96. Grant of such enhanced .allowance be
restricted to only those employees in the cadre of sanitary staff who render
split duties.
The Committee note that as per the extant orders, employees are
eligible for reimbursement of conveyance charges upto a maximum of
Rs. 150/- per month only. In all other cases, concurrence of the Ministry
of Finance was required. Keeping in view the nature of duties involving
important parliamentary work, the Committee recommend that
reimbursement of conveyance charges be made on actual cost basis without
the prescribed ceiling of Rs. 150/· per month and without any.reference to
) the Ministry of Finance. However, reimbursements beyond the prescribed
ceiling (presently Rs. 150/-) may be granted only after their approval by
the respective Secretary-General.

2~10Children Educational Assistance

Presently, the employees of both the Secretariats are granted the facility
of reimbursement of children educational assistance"in accordance with the
orders .of the Government of India as adopted by both the Secretariats. It
was suggested that full reimbursement of school fee of a maximum of two
children might be made or the existing allowance might be revised suitably.

In view' of the fact that the rules relating to the grant of children
educational assistance have been revised by the Government of India
which have also been adopted by both the Secretariats, the Committee do
not find any need to revise the rates further.
2.11 Transport facility
A demand has been made to augment the existing facility of providing
staff car/van etc. to the employees who are required to sit very late. The
Committee note that after the grant of transport. allowance, transport
facility is strictly not permissible. However, keeping in view the functional
requirements necessitating late stay in office, the Committee recommed
that the facility may continue to be provided particularly where the
employees are required to stay beyond 2200 hours subject to availability of
2.12 Uniformity in facilities/ equal opportunities of promotions
It was suggested that similar facilities should be provided to all officers
who are equivalent in their status i.e. on the basis of grades and not on the
basis of nomenclature. It was further demanded that if officers are
promoted in one Service, promotions should be made in other Services
more or less in the same proportion. Instances were also cited before the
Committee where officers in different Services recruited through common
examinations were promoted at different points of time in LSS.
The Committee note that facilities are normally extended to categories
identified on the basis of pay scales and not on the basis of grades /
nomenclature. However, certain facilities like residential telephones are
provided on functional basis. The Committee also note that as per the
observations by the Parliamentary Pay Committee (1999), there cannot be
parity in Services within the Secretariat in determining promotional
In the circumstances, the Committee are of the view that the matter
might be dealt with keeping in view the general principles laid down by the
Parliamentary Pay Committee (1999) and on need/functional basis.
2.13 Concession to Employees' Ward
It was demanded that special recruitment test should be conducted
exclusively for the" children of employees who fulfil the minimum
educational qualifications prescribed for various posts in terms of the
relevant recruitment Rules / Orders.
The Committee feel that the demand for special concession to the
employees' ward in the open recruitment examination may not be
accepted. However, appointment on compassionate. grounds to wards of
employees who die in harness may continue fo be made as per
Recruitment Rules and broadly keeping in view the orders of Government
of India in the matter.

2.14 Catering facility after office hours

It was suggested that catering facility particularly for staff who are
_ required to sit late during session period might be improved. The
Committee recommend that the matter might be looked into
administratively keeping in view all the relevant factors.
2.1S Residential official telephone
The Committee note that in both the Secretariats residential; official
telephone is provided in accordance with the orders of the Government of
India to the officers of and above the level of Deputy. Secretary. This
facility was also extended to officers of the level of Under Secretary and
below in certain cases on need; functional basis. Various demands' were
made before the Committee to extend the facility. The Committee
recommend that status quo may continue in the matter.
2.16 Reimbursement of Newspaper expenditure
Presently, the facility of reimbursement of the expenditure incurred on
newspapers; magazines is available in both the Secretariats to the officers
of the level of Executive Officer and above. It was suggested that the rates
of reimbursement might be doubled and also that the facility be extended
upto the level of Executive Assistant. The Committee recommend that
status quo may continue in the matter.
2.17 Holiday Home
The Committee note that presently employees of the Secretariats were
allowed to have accommodation reserved for them in holiday homes run
by the Directorate of Estates, Government of India. Demands were made
for extending this facility in MLA hostels, State Guest Houses, Traveller's
Bungalow! etc. It was also demanded that the Secretariats might provide;
set up their own Holiday Homes at selected places for the use of the
employees. The Committee are of the view that the present arrangement
may continue.
2.18 Special Pay
The Committee note that alongwith pay and other admissible
allowances, incumbents to certain categories of posts were also granted
special pay in the pre-revised structure. Suggestions were received for
provision for grant of special pay in Certain categories. In this connection,
the Committee note that the earlier Committee (1999) had recommended
that in view of the revised pay scales, grant of special pay might be
discontinued. The Committee, therefore, feel that the suggestion for grant
of special pay may not be accepted.
2.19 Night Duty Allowance
The Committee note that orders of Government of India in the matter
of grant of night duty allowance have already been adopted by both the
Secretariats. It has inter alia been demanded that the existing rate of night
duty allowance might be enhanced. The Committee are of the view that
grant of ,ight duty allowance to employees of both the Secretariats may
continue In accordance with the extant rules; orders,
2.20 Compensatory Leave. for Gazetted Omcers
The Committee do not agree with the demand for grant of compensatory
leave to the gazetted officers for attending office on holidays.

2.21 Constitution of Grievance Redressal Cell

It was represented to the Committee that the mechanism available for
redressal of grievances in service matters in both the Secretariats was not
- satisfactory. While a grievance cell consisting of officers exists in RSS, such
matters were dealt with by the Administration itself in LSS. After
consideration of the matter, the Committee are of the view that steps
should be taken for evolving / improving an' appropriate mechanism to
look into the grievances of employees in both the Secretariats. The
Committee also desire that both the Secretariats may examine the
desirability of setting up a body on the pattern of the Joint .Consultative
Machinery (JCM) in Government of India separately in the respective
Secretariats with a view to achieving greater efficiency and solving
problems 'through joint consultation.
2.22 Training of Omcers and Staff
A demand was made by the employees of both the Secretariats for
providing more opportunities for training within the country and abroad.
After examining the various steps being taken for imparting training
opportunities being provided to officers / staff by both the Secretariats, the
Committee feel satisfied with the existing arrangements. They, however,
emphasise the need for making the training process more effective with a
view to improving the quality of parliamentary administration.
2.23 Constitution of Standing Parliamentary Committee
A suggestion was made that a Standing Parliamentary Committee on
service matters be set up to take care of anomalies which might arise in the
wake of recommendations of the Parliamentary Pay Committee and their
implementation. It was also suggested that such a permanent body might
also look into service matters pertaining to both the Secretariats. The
Committee do not favour the suggestion.
2.24 Washing Allowance
Presently, washing allowance is being granted to the staff of Watch &
Ward and specified Group 'C' and Group '0' staff at the rates of Rs. 7()1.,
Rs. 6()1. and Rs. 5()1. per month respectively. Demands were made for
increasing the allowance as also for grant of equal' washing allowance
without discrimination. In this context, the Committee note that as per the
existing orders in pursuance of the previous Committee (1986), the
Secretaries-General are empowered to sanction upward revision in the
washing allowance rates consistent with the price rise from time to time.
The Committee favour continuance of the existing arrangement.
2.25 Honorarium to Reporters and Interpreters
The Committee note that based on the recommendations of the previous
Parliamentary Pay Committee (1986), Reporters / Interpreters of
RSS / LSS are presently paid honorarium at the rate of Rs. 80'- per day
for covering conferences, meetings etc. of other Ministries/ departments
etc. The Committee considered the revision of the rates and recommend
that the same be enhanced to Rs. 250'- per day.
2.26 Date of implementation of allowances etc.
The revision of allowances etc. recommended in this Report may, unless
specified otherwise, take effect from the first day of the monsoon session
of Parliament commencing from 23.07.2001 and the arrears of pay and
allowances due thereon may be paid in cash.

Section B-Issues specific to RaJya Sabha Secretariat

- 2.27 Casual Leave

It was demanded that the number of days of casual leave might be

increased from 8 to 18. The Committee do not find any valid justification
in the demand so as to depart from the rules in the Government of India
governing grant/entitlement of leave which have been made applicable to
RSS also.

2.28 .Welfare Cell

The ~ommittee considered the demand for creation of a Welfare Cell

pertaining to the employees of RSS and feel that the matter could be
looked into administratively.

2.29 Abolition of co-terminus posts

A demand was made for abolition of co-terminus posts and appointment

of departmental persons against such posts. The Committee note that co-
terminus posts are created for appointment to the personal staff of
dignitaries like Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Leader of Opposition,
Chairmen of Parliamentary Committees etc. Appointments to such posts
were at the discretion of the dignitary concerned and in addition to the
Secretarial staff attached with them. Since the nature of co-terminus posts
is different from that of regular posts, the Committee do not favour the

2.30 Educational Allowance

The Committee considered the demand that persons possessing higher

educational qualifications be granted additional increments as special
incentive. However, they are unable to accept the same.

2.31 Shift Duty System

A demand was made to evolve a shift system owing to long hours of

duty. The Committee note that shift system is already in existence based
on the functional requirements in certain Services. They, therefore, feel
that the matter could be decided administratively.

2.32 Bonus interest for non-withdrawal from GPF

It was demanded that a scheme might be introduced to provide for grant

of bonus interest at the rate of half a percent to those employees who have
not with~rawn any advance from their OPF for a period of three years.
Since the Secretariats are following the Government of India rules/orders
in the matter, the Committee are of the view that the system may continue
to be governed in accordance with the orders of the Government of India
in the matter.

2.33 Concesslonal Loans

Demands were made for providing loans/advances with lower rates of

interest to the employees. The Committee recommend that this may be
based on the orders of Government of India in the matter.

2.34 Rajya Sabha Secretariat Employees AssociatiQn

It was demanded that an Association on the pattern of Lok Sabha

Employees Association might be formed in Rajya Sabha Secretariat also.
The Committee feel that the matter could be looked into administratively.

2.35 Promotional Avenues

A demand was made that the Private Secretaries and Stenographers

might be considered for promotion as Executive OfficerlUnder Secretary
at appropriate stages. The Committee do not favour the suggestion as the
nature of job and description of duties in the Private Secretaries and
Stenographers Service are altogether different from the Executive and
Administrative Service. Moreover, the qualifications required for
appointment at the induction level of different grades in the. respective
Services are different.

2.36 Joint Recruitment Cell

The Committee note that the Joint Recruitment Cell (JRC) was set up
in pursuance of the recommendation of the Parliamentary Pay Committee,
1974 to conduct recruitment tests for filling up vacant posts in both the
Secretariats. During examination, the Committee received suggestions inter
alia for bifurcation of JRC into separate Recruitment Sections for each
Secretariat, rotation of management of JRC for fixed tenures between the
two Secretariats so as to enhance the level of participation of RSS, handing
over of direct recruitment for RSSlLSS. toUPSC, SSC etc. After taking
note of the present fuctioning of the JRC and the demands in all their
implications, the Committee favour continuation of the existing set up of
JRC"for both RSS and LSS with effective participation of both the

Secretariats at all levels. Efforts should be made to formulate identical

Rules for open recruitment, issue common advertisements and conduct
common open recruitment examinations/tests and joint list of successful
candidates, as far as possible. Allocation can be made on the basis of
preference given by the candidates/draw of lots.
2.37 Uniform Entry Level In different Services
A suggestion was made that entry level in all Services should be the
same as far as possible. The Committee do not favour this since the nature
of job and description of duties associated with the posts in different
Services cannot be compared.
2.38 Transfer Policy
A demand was made for deployment/transfer of employees on a fixed
tenure Ion rotational basis. Since the transfer policy can not be made rigid
and some flexibility is necessary to allow longer tenures on need basis, the
Committee feel that the suggestion maybe dealt "with administratively.

Section C-Issues specific to Lok Sabha Secretariat

2.39 Functioning of O&M Unit
A suggestion was made that O&M studies pertaining to the LSS be
entrusted to some outside agencies on the plea that the assessments made
by O&M were not satisfactory. The Committee have been informed that
reports prepared by the O&M Section are sent to the respective Service
Heads for their comments and that action is taken by the competent
authority after taking into account all the relevant aspects. In view of the
above and also of the specialised nature of work in both Secretariats, the
Committee do not favour the suggestion.
2.40 Leave Travel Concession
It was suggested. that encashment of earned leave up to 30 days
alongwith leave travel concession might be allowed to the employees to
meet the incidental expenditure. The Committee recommend that the
facility of leave travel concession may continue to be governed by the
Rules/Orders of the Government of India as adopted by the LSS.
2.41 Recruitment
A demand was made that all recruitment to the LSS be done through
UPSCISSC, recruitment rules in respect of all Services be recast keeping
in view the specific job requirements and taking into account the modern
management principles etc. The Committee have already dealt with the
issues regarding recruitment elsewhere in the report. The Committee do
not agree with the suggestion. As far as recruitment rules are concerned,
the matter might be looked into administratively.
2.42 Deputation
It was suggested that appointment of Officers on deputation basis to the
LSS should be restricted. The Committee note that the Lok Sabha
Secretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of service) Rules, 1955 provide
for deputation as a method of appointment. Since in the exigencies of
administration, appointment through deputation may have to be resorted
to from time to time, the Committee are not inclined to agree with the
suggestion. .
2.43 Inter~ction of Secretary-General with Executive Council, Lok Sabha
Employees Association (LSEA) I:

It was represented to the Committee that a fixed duration of time on a

specific day of the month might be fixed for the Secretary-General to hear
the Members of the Executive Council of the Lok Sabha Employees
Association and review various issues with wider repercussions on the
functioning of the Secretariat. Since the Secretary-General is understood to
have been interacting with the representatives of LSEA from time to time,
the Committee feel that the matter could be sorted out administratively.
2.44 Hindi Advisory and Implementation Committee
A suggestion was received that a Parliamentary Committee be
constituted to promote Hindi in LSS. The Committee observed that the
working of both the Secretariats is not exactly similar to that in the
Government of India. The two Secretariats function as units to assist in the

smooth fuctioning and transaction of business· in the Houses. The

Secretariats have separate Editorial and Translation Service which look
after the appropriate uses of Hindi in day today work. This Service is also
responsible for translation of papers relating to transaction of business in
Parliament, Debates, Questions, Committee Reports etc. The Services are
manned by personnel who are proficient in Hindi. Besides, the two
Secretariats have Hindi Reporters, Interpreters, Private Secretaries and
Stenographerslfypists to cater to the Hindi needs of the House and the
Secretariats. In the circumstances, the Committee are of the view that
there is no need for constitution of a separate Parliamentary Committee
for the purpose. .
2.45 Rest Room
A demand was received for provision of a rest room for male staff
members who might have to stay at night. The Committee feel that the
matter could be dealt with administratively.
2.46 Medical Treatment for Retired Employees
Some retired employees of LSS demanded that the CGHSlMinistry of
Health might be asked to empower Secretary-General, Lok Sabha for
grant of permission for treatment of retired employees in referral/
recognised hospitals like, AIIMS, Apollo, Batra, Escorts etc. as in the
case of serving employees. Since the retired employees of the Secretariat
are governed by the Government of India Rules/Orders, the Committee
do not favour the proposal.
2.47 Transfer Polley
It was demanded that the Officers of the LSS should be transferred after
a specific period, say five years, to other branches. The Committee
consider this as an administrative matter which may be dealt with
appropriately keeping in view the overall requirements of the Secretariat
and in the best interest of transaction of parliamentary work.
2.48 ReJrvation for SCIST
A suggestion was made to extend the benefits of reservation to SCIST
employees upto the level of Under Secretary. The Committee note that
reservation is extended in the Secretariats in accordance with the
constitutional provisions/orders of the Government of India whereby the
benefit of reservation in the case of promotion by selection is to be
extended up to the lowest rung of Group A post. In RSSlLSS, the post of
Executive Officer and equivalent constituted the lowest rung in Group A.
The post of Under Secretary and equivalent is a higher post above the
level of Executive Officer and equivalent. In the circumstances, the
Committee feel that the benefit of reservation cannot be extended upto the
level of Under Secretary. .

2.49 Commission for Governance of Employees on the lines of House of

r Commons
It was demanded that a Commission on the lines of the House of
Commons in the United Kingdom (UK) might be formed for the
recruitment and governance of LSS employees. In this connection, the
Committee note that the administration of the House of Commons, UK is
governed by the House of Commons (Administration) Act, 1978 enacted
by the House of Commons. The service conditions of the employees of the
.LSS are ~gulated by the Lok Sabha Secretariat (Recruitment and
Conditions of Services) Rules, 1955 framed in terms of the provisions
contained in Article 98 of the Constitution of India. The structure of
Services/cadres in the House of Commons and in the LSS is different.
Since the R&CS Rules have served well in the administration of both the
Secretariats for more than 45 years, the Committee feel that the present
system may continue.
2.50 Hous, Rent Allowance
A demand was made that house rent allowance should be granted to the
employees in accordance with market rent and should be determined on a
year to year basis. Since the LSS is already following the orders of
Government of India in the matter, the Committee do not agree with the
suggestion for formulation of separate provisions in the matter.
2.51 Promotion of ResearchlReference .Assistant of LARRDI Service as
Executive Officer/Assistant Director
It was demanded by ResearchlReference Assistants of L.AJRRDIS that
they may be promoted as EOILO/COIPO in scale Rs. 22<;M)-4000 (pre-
revised) in LAFEA Service in terms of R&CS Orders of 198~ or they may
be promoted to the post of Assistant Director as per the recommendation
of the previous Committee (1986). The Committee after examining the
matter with reference to the existence of various Services in the Secretariat
and related aspects are .unable to accept the demand.

3.1 Various categories of employees of both the Secretariats demanded

formulation of a suitable scheme with a view to providing relief on account
of stagnation for want of vacancies/non-availability of higher posts.
3.2 The Committee observed that in the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha
Secretariats, there were a large number of categories of posts where the
employees were stagnating in their respective posts for periods ranging
from 11 to 20 years of service and more due to either non-availability of
vacancies in the promotion grade or 'non-availability of posts in the
hierarchy. Further, there are certain categories of isolated posts where no
career progression was available to the incumbents.
3.3 Keeping in view the general principles laid down by the Parliamentary
Pay Committee (1999), the Committee recommend a scheme called as
Assured Career Progression/Financial Upgradation Scheme as indicated in
the Appendix for implementation in both the Secretariats with a view to
redressing the grievances of such employees on account of the stagnation
for want of vacancies/non-availability of posts and giving them relief in
terms of financial benefit.


4.1 The earlier Committee (1999) had laid down certain general principles
for determination of scales of pay, career progression etc. of the employees
in Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha Secretariats. Applying the general
principles, the Committee in their First Report submitted to the Presiding
Officers-OIl26.04.1999 had recommended revised scales of pay in respect
of all categories of posts in both the Secretariats which have since been
implemented in both the Secretariats.
4.2 One of the general principles adopted by the earlier Committee was
that rationalisation of Service structure, pay scale, designation etc. keeping
in view the functional requirements. Accordingly, in their First Report, the
Committee had recommended designations/revised designations to all
categories with the exception of two, namely, Deputy Secretary and Under
Secretary. It was observed by the Committee in the Report that
designation/revised designation in respect of those two cases would be
considered and finalised by them later.
4.3 The Committee after considering the whole matterrecommend that the
post of Under Secretary and Deputy Secretary in both the Secretariats be
continued to be operated with the same designations.


5.1 Subsequent to the submission of the First Report by the earlier
Committee. the Speaker. Lok Sabha had separately desired that the
Committee might also look into a specific case involving appointment of
Officers from two common panels of 1985 to different Services in LSS and
the stated anomalies thereon. The relevant facts of the case are
enumerated in the succeeding paragraphs.
5.2 On the basis of recruitment examinations held in 1984 and in 1985. two
common panels were formed-the first dated 09.01.1985 consisting of 16
persons and the second one dated 07.10.1985 containing 10. for
appointment to the post of Legislative Committee Officer (LeO) etc ..
Research/Reference Officer(RO) and Assistant Editor in the Legislative.
Financial Committee. Executive and Administrative Service (LAFEAS);
the Library, Research, Reference. Documentation and Information Service
(LARRDIS); and the Editorial and Translation Service respectively. Out
of the 16 persons who had figured in the first panel. 12 were appointed in
LAFEAS (one subsequently shifted to LARRDIS). three in LARRDIS
and one in the Editorial and Translation Service. Similarly. seven out of 10
persons from the second panel were appointed in LAFEAS and three in
LARRDIS. The Parliamentary Pay Committee of 1986 recommended the
revised pay scale of Rs.30OQ-4500(previously Rs. 700-1300) to the post of
RO in LARRDIS with revised designation as Assistant Director. whereas
LCO etc. in LAFEAS were recommended revised pay scale of Rs. 2200-
4000 (previously Rs. 650-1200) with revised designation as Executive
Officer/Legislative Officer etc. and Rs. 2200-4000 (previously Rs. 650-
1200) for the post of Assistant Editor in Editorial and Translation Service.
w.e.]. 01.01.1986. The next promotional post in LAFEAS and LARRDIS
for the grades recommended was in pay scale of Rs. 3500-5000 as against
Rs. 1100-1600 for officers belonging to LARRDIS and Rs. 1200-1600 for
their counterparts in LAFEAS in the pre-revised structure. On the
implementation of the ,recommendations of the Parliamentary Pay
Committee, persons some of whom ranking senior on the common panels
formed in 1985 and appointed as LeOs were placed' in the pay scale of
Rs.2200-4000 whereas persons some of whom lower in merit on the said
panels but appointed as ROs were placed in higher pay scale of Rs. 3000-
4500. It was represented that this created anomaly in the pay scales of the
persons appointed from the said common panels and affected their career


prospects adversely. Further, according to the representationists, this

anomaly/disparity was further aggravated by introduction of an
intermediary post of OSD/AD in pay scale of Rs.3OO0-4500 w.e.f.
01.01.19~8 in LAFEAS which was done administratively and at variance
with the recommendations of the Pay Committee as otherwise in the
normal course their next promotional prospect would have been as
Under Secretary in the pay scale of Rs. 3500-5000 as had been
recommended by the Pay Committee. It was also stated that these
persons were further put into another disadvantageous position in terms
of new R&CS Orders of 1989 issued after the submission of the Reports
of the Pay Committee which inter alia raised the eligibility condition
from five to eight years for consideration for the next higher post of
Under Secretary whereas their counterparts on the common panels
ailocated in LARRDIS were required to put only three years of service
as Assistant Director for consideration for the next higher post of
Deputy Director in the scale of Rs. 3500-5000. These stated anomalies
resulted in representations/demands from affected EOs/LOs for their
placement in the scale Rs. 3000-4500 w.e.f. 01.01.1986 and, eventually,
in the constitution of a departmental anomalies committee (hereinafter
referred to as the departmental committee) by the then Speaker,
Lok Sabha on 29.05.1991 inter alia to look into them.
5.3 The I departmental committee submitted their two Reports, first on
17.05.1991 and the second on 29.05.1991. While dealing with the stated
anomalies mentioned above, the departmental committee in their First
Report inter-alia recommended that 26 officers in the grade of LCO
etc. and 11 in the grade of Assistant Editor may be considered for
promotion to the grade of Assistant DirectorlEditor in the scale of
Rs.3000-4500 by upgrading or creating 37 new posts in the respective
grades. This course of action had been recommended by the
departmental committee in order to accommodate the affected officers in
the common panels dated 09.01.1985 and 07.10.1985.
5.4 In a note recorded on 11.06.1991 the then Secretary General (SG)
had mentioned that the reports of the departmental committee were
personally examined by him and had offered his comments thereto. The
then SO was not in favour of accepting the recommendations of the
departmental committee mainly on the grounds that their
implementation would lead to creation of structural imbalance in the
Service, L cause cascading effect on other Services, result in extending
undue benefits to. persons who had not appeared/qualified the
examinations etc. He was also inter alia of the view'that there could not
be parity of Services. The file was marked to the then Speaker, Lok
Sabha. However, the same was returned back to the SG on 19.07.1991
with the following remarks from the then Secretary to Speaker, Lok
"DIe is returned without orders plesse"

Thus no orders either in acceptance or rejection were passed by the then

Speaker on the recommendations of the departmental committee.

-5.5 Some of the Officers in LAFEAS filed a Writ Petition before the High
Court of Delhi seeking relief inter alia against the stated anomaly referred
to above(CIWPNo. 358 of 1991 in the matter of Shri P.K. Bhandari and
Others Vs. Speaker, Lok Sabha and Others). During the course of the
proceedings, the attention of the High Court was also drawn by the
petitioners to the Report of the departmental committee. The High Court
in its judgement in the case delivered on 30.08.1999 inter-alia observed as

" .... In view of the foregoing discussions, it was just and proper and
therefore, in the interest of justice that the DepartmentaV Anomaly
committee report be placed before the Hon'ble Speaker for
appropriate consideration and orders. This may be done within a
period of 2 months from today. If any party is aggrieved by any
subsequent action pursuant to the consideration of the said report by
the Hon'ble Speaker they may adopt such proceedings as may be
available to them in law in order to redress the grievances arising
from the consideration of the report of the DepartmentaVAnomaly
committee by the Hon'ble Speaker pursuant to this judgement .... "

5.6 Meanwhile, submissions were made before the Parliamentary Pay

Committee (1999) through representations by some ofthe employees of
the Secretariat pointing out what they termed as anomalies arising out of
the implementation of the recommendations of the Pay Committee (1986)
including the stated anomaly under reference. Taking note of the same,
the Pay Committee (1999) in para 3.2 (8) of their First Report had
observed as under:-

"Efforts should be made to resolve the anomalies after the

implementation of the recommendation of the Parliamentary Pay
Committee of 1986."

5.7 While examining the matter in pursuance of the Orders of the Delhi
High Court d,ted 30.08.1999, the Speaker, Lok Sabha on 27.10.1999 took
note of the observations of the Pay Committee (1999) in their First Report
on the. subject and desired that the matter be referred to the Parliamentary
Pay Committee when re-constituted. Thus, the matter stood referred to the
present Committee.

5.8 After examining the case in its implications, the Committee are unable
to recommend implementation of the report of the departmental
committee on the matter under consideration. In their opinion, the case
may, therefore, be treated as closed.
6.1 Creation of certain posts in the grades of Senior Parliamentary
Reporter (Rs. 12000-375-16500) and Senior Parliamentary Interpreter
(Rs. 12000-375-16500) by abolishing an equal number of posts in the
immediate lower grades of Parliamentary Reporter Grade-I (Rs. 10650-
325-15850) and Parliamentary Interpreter (Rs. 10000-325-15200),
respectively. was proposed for the promotion of persons who had been
stagnating in the grades of Parliamentary Reporter Grade-l and
Parliamentary Interpreter and was submitted for consideration of
Chairman. Rajya Sabha.
6.2 Chairman. Rajya Sabha observed that since the Parliamentary Pay
Committee had been constituted and the matter regarding the introduction
of an Assured Career ProgressioDlFinancial Upgradation Scheme for all
the officcrsrncmbcrs of staff of both the Secretariats was already under
consideration of the Committee. the proposal to alleviate stagnation and to
. streamline the cadre structure in the Verbatim Reporting and Simultaneous
Interpretation Services might be considered by the Parliamentary Pay
6.3 The Committee considered the matter andere of the view that the
stagnation in these Services will be suitably taken care of by the Assured
Career ProgressioDlFinancial U pgradation Scheme being recommended
elsewhere in the Report. The Committee are also of the opinion that the
matter regarding the streamlining of cadre structure may be decided

Section A-Representations for review of Scales of Pay

7.1 The Committee received several representations from employees of

RSSLSS requesting for reviewing some of the recommendations made by
the predecessor Committee in the matter of revision of scales of pay which
had already [been implemented' by both the Secretariats. The areas
wherefrom representations had mainly been received alleging anomalies!
discrepancies in the scales of pay related to the following:-
(i) Attendants/Messengers-Demands for higher scales of pay in the
grades in Messengers Service were received mainly on the plea that
the percentage of increase of pay in the grades was smaller-hot
proportionate to the increase in certain other categories in the
(ii) Officers of the level of Executive Officer in the scale of pay of
Rs 8000-13500-The Officers in this category pleaded that the
difference in the pay vis-a-vis the immediate lower grade
(Rs. 7450-11500) was limited to about. two increments only.
According to them this had resulted in some anomalies whereby
some juniors in the grade were drawing more pay than the seniors.
They also maintained that they were merely placed in the
replacement scale without any additional benefit.
(iii) Office~s in the level of Assistant Director in the scale of pay of
Rs. lOOOO-15200-The Officers have demanded higher pay scale
sinee according to them there had been no increase in the pay
scale with reference to the provisional scales of pay granted to
(iv) Officers in the level of Deputy Secretary in the scale of pay of
Rs. 12750-16500-The representationists· have stated that the
maximum pay in the case of Deputy Secretaries and equivalent vis-
a-vis their immediate junior grade namely, Under Secretaries and
equivalent (Rs. 12000-16500) was the same, namely, Rs. 16500. In
view of this, Officers of the level of Deputy Secretary have
demanded for a higher pay scale. They also maintained that they
were merely placed in the replacement scale without any additional
7.2 The issue mentioned at (iv) above also figured in the note received by
the Chairman,. Rajya Sabha from Shri Pranab Mukherjee, MP, a Member
of the Committee.


7.3 The Committee examined the matter in depth and do not favour re-
opening of revision of scales of pay in any category as already
implemented in pursuance of the recommendations of the earlier
Committee. However, the Committee recommend grant of two advance
increments to the employees of both the Secretariats in the following
categories of scales of pay with effect from 01.01.1996:-

(i) Group 'D' employees in the scales of pay of Rs. 2750-70-3800-75-

4400 and Rs. 3050-75-3950-80-4590
(ii) Rs., 8000-275-13500
(iii) Rs. 10000-325-15200
~iv) Rs. 12750-375-16500

Section B-Introduction of Special Grade for Staff Car Drivers

7.4 Presently, there is a separate cadre for Staff Car Drivers in RSS1.,SS
with the following hierarchy of posts:-

S.No. Grade Scales of Pay

1. Ordinary Grade Rs. 4000-6000

2. Grade II Rs. 4500-7000
3. Grade I Rs. 5000-8000

Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and

Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training vide Office Memorandum
No. 4301~4-96-Estt.(D) dated 15.02.2001 announced a revised promotion
scheme for Staff Car Drivers whereby in addition to the existing three
grades, a Ihighergrade (termed as Special Grade) in the scale of Rs. 5000-
8000 was introduced w.e.f. 08.11.1996. These orders also provided for
apportioning of the posts of Staff Car Drivers among the four grades in the
ratio as mentioned under:-

Grade Percentage

Ordinary Grade 30
Grade II . 30
Grade I 35
Special Grade 05

Demands were made for introduction of Special Grade and apportioning

of posts in the percentage prescribed in the orders of Government of India
in both RSS and LSS.
7.5 The Committee considered the matter and accordingly recommend
introduction of Special Grade in the scale of pay of Rs. 5500-9000 and
apportioning of posts of Staff Car Drivers in the ratio a~ prescribed by the
Government of India in both RSS and LSS with effect from 08.11.1996.


8.1 The Office of the Secretary-General of Rajya SabhaILok Sabha is

distinct. in many ways. It demands demonstrated/tested aptitude, focussed
orientation ,and specialised experience. Although no single statute
enumerates his powers or duties, the role" of Secretary-General in the
parliamentary set up is vital. He is the repository of the accumulated
wisdom of the House, the custodian of its culture and traditions and a link
between succeeding Houses and their changing membership. He heads the
Secretariat which serves the supreme representatives of the people, without
any partiality to their political or other opinions or their party affiliations.
The evolution of the Office of the Secretary-General over the years. has
witnessed accretion to its duties, functions and responsibilities.
8.2 The conditions of service of the Secretary-General, Lok Sabha in the
matter of leave, pension and age of retirement are governed by the Fourth
Schedule to the Lok Sabha Secretariat (Recruitment and Conditions of
Service) Rules, 1955. Similar provisions have also been laid down in the
Fourth Schedule to the Rajya Sabha Secretariat (Recruitment and
Conditions of Service) Rules, 1957. According to these provisions, the age
of retirement of the Secretaries-General of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha is
60 years.
8.3 On 20.04.1990, the Chairman, Rajya Sabha and the Speaker,
Lok Sabha appointed a Committee of Parliament to advise in regard to the
structure of pay and allowances and other terms and conditions of service
for the posts of Secretaries-General of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha in the
context of the decisions of the Government of India on the
recommendations of the Fourth Pay Commission and the Report of the
ParliaIllentary Pay Committee (1986-1989). The Committee inter alia
recommended that the pay scales, position and status etc. of the
Secretaries-General of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha may be the same as
that of the highest official on the executive side, viz. the Cabinet
Secretary. In regard to the age of retirement, the Committee reiterated
and confirmed the recommendation made in the Second Report of the
Parliamentary Pay Committee (1988) that the same may be 60 years in the
case of Secretaries-General of Rajya SabhaILok Sabha as against 58 years
for other categories of staff (except Group D). The recommendations of
the Committee were accepted by the then Chairman, Rajya Sabha and the
then Speaker, Lok Sabha on 23.05.1990.


8.4 While the age of retirement of Secretaries-General continued to be 60,

the retirement age of other categories of staff underwent changes from
time to time since the promulgation of the Recruitment and Conditions of
Service Rules of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha Secretariats mentioned in
paragraph 8.2 above. The initially stipulated age of 55 years was revised to
58 in 1962 in respect of other categories of staff. Subsequently, both the
Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha Secretariats adopted Order No. 2501212197-
Estt. (A) dated 29.5.1998 issued by the Government of India, Ministry of
Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and
Training) whereby the retirement age of all Government Servants was
enhanced from 58 to 60. Thus, the retirement age of other categories of
staff of both the Secretariats was also raised to 60 years which is in vogue
8.5 In the House of Lords in United Kingdom (UK), the tenure of office
of the Clerk, the counterpart of the Secretary-General, Rajya Sabha is by
Letters Patent till the age of 65. In the House of Commons in UK, the

Clerk, 'the counterpart of the Secretary-General, Lok Sabha is appointed

by the Queen on the advice of the Speaker. He is appointed for life but,
by convention, retires at the age of 65. In the Australian Parliament, the
Clerk of Senate is appointed until the age of 65 or earlier retirement or
resignation. Similar/almost similar position prevails in certain other
Commonwealth Parliaments also.
8.6 The Committee' after having examined all the aspects in relation to the
position of the Secretary-General in the Parliamentary set up recommend
that the age of retirement of the Secetary-General, Rajya Sabha and the
Secretary-General, Lok Sabha may be raised from 60 to
62 years.

Assured Career PrOlression/Financial Upgradatioll (ACPIFU) Scheme
(See para 3.3 of the Report)

I..The, ACPIFU Scheme shall come into force with effect from 09.08.1999.
The ACPIFU Scheme envisages merely palcement in the higher pay scale/
grant of financial benefits (through financial upgradation) only to the
employees concerned on personal basis and shall, therefore, neither
amount to functional/regular promotion nor would require creation of new
posts for the purpose.
2. This scheme is intended to provide financial relief to employees who
have put in the prescribed period of service in a grade/post but cannot be
promoted to the next higher grade/post for want of vacancies/posts.
3. Under this scheme. every employee appointed in a particular grade!
scale rf pay shall be allowed two financial upgradations during his entire
career span. An employee shall become eligible for the first upgradation
. after completion of a period of 12 years of regular service in the respective
feeder grade/post in respect of posts/grades in all Groups and the second
after completion of 24 .years of regular service in the Secretariat.
4. In the case of an employee who has been recruited to isolated posts!
scales of pay where there arc no further promotional avenues in the
hierarchy, two financial upgradations shall be given to the next higher
scales of pay available in the Secretariat after completion of 12 years and
24 years of service from the date of his induction to the isolated post.
5. An employee who is already placed in the next higher scale of pay
under this Scheme shall not be entitled for another financial upgradation
before his regular promotion to the grade/post. This. however shall not be
applicable to employees who arc holding isolascd.....posts!grades.
6. The financial upgradation to be given under this scheme will be in the
next higher scale of pay in accordance with the existing hierarchy in the
cadre/category of grades/posts within the respective Services to which the
incumbent belongs. Where an employee is already appointed in the highest
sale of pay available ina Service. the financial upgradation will be given
in the next higher scale of pay available in the Secretariat subject to
provision made in para 12. In case of isolated posts which do not have
defined hierarchical grades/scales. the financial upgradation will be given
in the next highergradclscale of pay available in the Service to which the
incumbent belongs.


7. The financial upgradation under the ACPIFU Scheme shall be purely

personal to the employee and shall have no relevance to his seniority

8. There shall be no change in strength of the cadre of higher grade/post

~onscquent on placement of an employee in the higher scale of pay under
the ACP!FU Sdl~me.

9. Where an employee is recruited to a particular grade/post and

sUbs,q.u~ntly .switches over to another cadre/line, his previous se~vice .in
the angmal post/grade shall not be counted for the purpose of financial
upgradation in the new eadrelline. He will be entitled to the first financial
upgradation in the new cadre after completion of the prescribed period of
12 years of service in the new cadre.

lO. On placement in the higher scale of pay. the incumbent shan continue
to perform the .duties of his original post/grade and will continue to hold
the old designation till such time' as he is actually promoted on occurrence
of a vacancy .. In ease of isolated posts/grades. the post/grade held by an
individual shall get upgraded. to the next higher scale but shall be filled at
its original level when vacated.

11. Placement in the higher scale will entail only the financial benefit of
higher post/grade/pay scale and associated entitlements like HBA.
allotment of Govt. eecommodauon. and advances etc. Other entitlements!
facilities. if any. attached to higher post/grade like invitation to ceremonial
functions. deputation to higher posts/grades etc. which arc dependent on
stat~s of th~ ,employee shall .continue to be determined with reference to
his lower post/grade/scale of pay. '1",

12. The highest scale of pay up to which the proposed financial

upgradationshall be available will be upto the level of Director. Beyond
this level. there shall be no financial upgradation and higher posts/grades.
if any. in the hierarchy shall be filled strictly on vacancy basis .
13. On placement to next higher grade/post under the ACPIFU Scheme.
tbe full benefit of pay fixation in the higher/scale of pay as in case of
promotion to the higher grade/post shall -bc given. Thus on actual
promotion in the normal course on occurrence of the vacanty. no further
financial benefit shan accrue.

14. ~re an employee who has been ,laced in the higher scale of pay
uh.rdlts'~eme later. refuses functional promotion to the higher grade!
post involving higher responsibility on ,Ihe occurrence of the vacancy. he
shal~ be rcvc~ to the lower scale of1>ayand his pay shall be refixed at
thcstagc where he would have reached in the n0r.ma1 course. While giving
the higher scale of pay under this Scheme. an undertaking should be taken


that the employee shall occupy the regular promotion on occurrence of the
vacancy, and in case he refuses to accept the higher post/grade, he shaIl be
kept out of this ACPIFU Scheme.
15. In the matter of disciplinary/penalty proceedings, grant of benefits
under the ACP Scheme shall be subject to rules governing normal
promotion. Such cases shall, therefore, be regulated under the provisions
of the relevant disciplinary Rules adopted by the Secretariat.
16. The proposed ACPIFU Scheme contemplates merely placement on
personal basis in the higher pay scale/grant of financial benefits only and
shaD not amount to actual/functional promotion of the employees
concerned. Since orders regarding reservation in promotion are applicable
only in tEte case of regular promotion, reservation orders/roster shall not
apply to the ACPIFU Scheme which shall extend its benefits uniformly to
all eligible SC/ST employees also. However, at the time of regular/
functional (actual) promotion. it shall be ensured that all reservation
orders are applied as is normally done.
17. Introduction of the Scheme should in no way affect normal promotion
avenues on the basis of vacancies. Attempts needed to improve the
promotional prospects on functional grounds by way of organisational
study, cadre review or other administrative measures should not be given
up on the ground that ACP/FU Scheme has been introduced.
18. The financial upgradation proposed under this Scheme shaIl be subject
to fitness and screening thereof by a Screening Committee to be
constituted for the purpose.
19. For interpretation of any of the provisions under this Scheme or
inadequacies in implementation, if any, the decision of the Chairman,
Rajya Sabha and the Speaker, Lok Sabha shaIl be final in respect of RSS
and LSS I respectively.





I •


/, "'')~


I have gone through the Second Report of the .Parliamentary Pay

Committee which was appointed by the Chairman of Rajya Sabha and me
on 28th July, 2000 to consider the unfinished items of work left out by the
earlier Committee on matters relating to the employees of the Rajya Sabha
and Lok Sabha Secretariats in the context of the decision of Government
of India on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission.
The First Report of the Committee (constituted during the term of
12th Lok Sabha) which was submitted on 26th April, 1999 mainly related
to the scales of pay for employees of both the Secretariats.

The Committee have done very useful work and have considered all
necessary aspects objectively and judiciously. The Committee have had the
added advantage of the Minister of Finance, being a Member of the
Committee, I congratulate the Committee for the very good work done by
them. I

I accept the recommendations made in the Report and direct that the
recommendations may be implemented immediately.

The Report may be given effect to simultaneously in the Rajya Sabha

and Lok Sabha Secretariats after obtaining concurrence from Chairman,
Rajya Sabha.

Cbalrman, :Hajya Sabha Sp~aker,Lok Sabba

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