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August 29,2018

Mark Ozias, Randy Johnson, and Bill Peach

Board of Clallam County Commissioners
223 East 4th Street, Suite 4
Port Angeles, WA 98362-3015

Re: Your Letter of July 10, 2018 Notice of lntent to Terminate lnterlocal CrimínalJustice Servíces Agreement

Dear Commissioners,

As mutual representatives of our Sequim citizenry, it is incumbent upon us to endeavor to work together for
what is in the best interest of the citizens and voters residing in Sequim. The lnterlocal Agreement Regarding
Criminal Justice Services represents a milestone ín serving the needs of those citizens. We urge you not to seek
to terminate it.

There are legal issues regarding your letter, of course. We have retained the serv¡ces of our former City
Attorneç Mr. Craig Ritchie, to help us deal with those issues, if necessary. However, at this time we think it
would be helpful to gather data from the legislative history of House Bill 1783 the records kept by the State
Administrator for the Courts, the County, and the D¡str¡ct Court so we can, together, review any likely fiscal
effects the B¡ll may have on our lnterlocal Agreement. While this review is going forward, we urge you to
rescind and withdraw your letter.

At thís point in the lífe of the Agreement there can be no "cause" for termination. We are sure that the County
does not believe that the City of Sequim has taken any act¡on which could be considered a breach of the
contract. The contract also calls for arbitration (Section 6 of the Agreement) in the event of a díspute.
Moreover, failure to follow the terms of the Agreement would províde the City with remedies for a breach of
the Agreement by the County. Finally, arbitrating or litigating those issues would be costly to both the County
and to the City.

As stewards of County and City funds, we believe you and we both owe the County residents, who are also
residents of the City of Sequim, every effort to maintain the Criminal Justice Services lnterlocal Agreement. We
therefore request that you rescind your letter of July 10, 2018.
It would be greatly appreciated if you would let us know your decision regarding our request for rescission of
your July 10, 2018 letter no later than September 7th,20t8.


Charlie Bush
City Manager

CC: Sequim City Council

Craig Ritchie, Attorney

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