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1. Introduction
1. Purposes of this book (DONE)
2. Primary Authors And Texts (DONE)
3. Structure of the ITA (DONE)
4. Planetary Relationships: Book III (DONE)
5. Plantary Conditions: Book IV (DONE)
6. Whole Sign vs Quadrant Houses
7. Orbs
8. Lots: Book VI

2. Book I : Signs And Houses

1. Introductory Comments
2. List of Signs, Planets, Nodes
3. Significations Of The Signs
4. The Signs In Pain And Illnesses (Al Qabisi).
5. The Faces (Al Qabisi)
6. Exaltation, Detriment, Fall
7. The Triplicities
8. Analogies Of the Dignities (Al Qabisi And others)
9. Classifications Of The Signs (Abu Ma'shar)
1. Straight/Crooked
2. Commanding/Obeying , of equal daylight
3. Agreeing in strength or power
4. Commanding/Obeying in concord or esteem
5. Agreeing in the circle and ascensions
6. Agreeing in the journey

10. Classifications Of The Signs (Al Qabisi)

1. Northern/Southern
2. Solar/Lunar halves of the zodiac
3. Hot/Cold halves of the zodiac
4. Quarters Of the Zodiac
5. Quadruplicities
6. Further classifications of te signs (Al Qabisi)
7. Joys of the planet by sign

11. Quarters Of The Circle

12. Angularity Of The Houses
13. Significations Of The Houses.
14. House Meanings according to angularity (Al Qabisi)
15. The Lords of the angles In the Angles (Al Qabisi)
16. Planetary Joys By House
17. Colors of The Places (Al Qabisi)
18. The Victor (mubtazz) of a Topic (Al Qabisi)

3. Book II : Planets In Themselves And Solar Phases

01. Introduction and Celestial Circles
02. Ascending And Descending In the Apogee
03. Increasing/Decreasing In Number
04. Increasing and Decreasing In Computation
05. Planetary Nodes - Southern and Northern Latitudes
06. Planetary Orbs -
07. Right And Left Of the Sun
08. Rays And Combustion - Al Qabisi
09. Synodic Cycle: Easternness and Westernness
01. Superior Planets
02. Inferior Planets
03. Analogies of Easternness and Westernness
04. Analogies of Stations And Retrograde
05. The Moon

10. Facing (Al Qabisi)

11. Solar Phases And Elemental Qualities Al Qabisi

4. Book III : Planetary Configurations

01. List of configurations
02. Domain (DONE)
03. Advancement (DONE)
04. Retreat (DONE)
05. Assembly (DONE)
06. Aspects or Regard (DONE)
01. Aspects and Right/Left Handed (DONE)
02. Thema Mundi and its aspects (DONE)
07. Connection (DONE)
01. Connection By longitude (DONE)
02. Connection By latitude (DONE)
08. Disregard Or Separation (DONE)
09. Emptiness Of Course (DONE)
10. Wildness (DONE)
11. Transfer (DONE)
12. Collection (DONE)
13. Reflection Of Light (DONE)
01. Reflection of Light 1 (DONE)
02. Reflection of Light 2 (DONE)
14. Barring or Blocking (DONE)
01. Barring 1 (DONE)
02. Barring 2 (DONE)
15. Pushing Nature (DONE)
16. Pushing Power (DONE)
17. Pushing Two Natures (DONE)
01. Pushing Two Natures 1 (DONE)
02. Pushing Two Natures 2 (DONE)
18. Pushing Management (DONE)
19. Returning (DONE)*
20. Revoking (DONE)
21. Obstruction (DONE)
22. Escape (DONE)
23. Cutting of light (DONE)
01. Cutting of light 1 (DONE)
02. Cutting of light 2 (DONE)
03. Cutting of light 3 (DONE)
24. Largesse And Recompense (DONE)
25. Reception (DONE)
26. Generosity And Benefits (DONE)
27. Friendship And Enmity (Al Qabisi) (DONE)
28. Bodyguardship or dusturiyyah (DONE)
01. Bodyguarding according to Al Qabisi (DONE)
02. Medieval Bodyguarding: Type 1 (DONE)
03. Medieval Bodyguarding: Type 2 (DONE)
04. Medieval Bodyguarding: Type 3 (DONE)
05. Ptolem's bodyguarding (DONE)

5. Book IV : Planetary Conditions

01. The Good Fortune Of The Stars (DONE)
02. The Power Of The Stars (DONE)
03. The Impotence Of the Stars (DONE)
04.1 The Misfortune Of the Stars (DONE)
04.2 Enclosure or Beseiging (DONE)
05. THe Misfortunes Of The Moon (DONE)
06. Twelfth Parts Of The Planets (DONE)
07. Times Or Changes (DONE)

6. Book V: Planetary Natures

01. Introduction
02. Saturn
03. Jupiter
04. Mars
05. Sun
06. Venus
07. Mercury
08. Moon
09. The Head And Tail Of The Dragon
10. Benefic And Malefic Planets
11. Masculine And Feminine Planets
12. Diurnal And Nocturnal Planets

7. Book VI: Lots

8. Book VII: Degrees of the Signs

9. Book VIII: Special Techniques

Book 0
Section 1: Purposes of the book

A Technical introduction. An Entry Point into Medieval Astrology, specifically

Ben's other books.

At the core are Abu Ma'shar's "Abbreviation To The Introduction" and Al Qabisi's
"Introduction to the Science of Astrology" (plus other sources).

Section 2: The Primary Authors and Texts

Abu Ma'shar :
Great Introduction To The Science Of The Stars (Gr.Intr)
Abbreviation of the Introduction (Abbr)

Al Qabisi
Introduction to the Science Of Astrology (?)

Section 3: Structure of the ITA (this book)

the basic schema is

an absolute section number say XX.1

{Abbr XX.1} excerpts from Abu Ma'shar's "Abbreviation of ..." (primary source)
{Gr Intr SecNum subSec Num etc} notes from "The Great Introduction"
corresponding to the {Abbr} section above, with chapter, section page number etc as
per Abelard's translation
{Al Qabisi XX.1} Parallel excerpts in Al Qabisi (out of order wrt *that*
book) with strict adherence to technical terms as defined in this book by Dykes
{Other Sources XX}
Commentary by Ben Dykes

so, ideally, every section has the closely related perspectives of Abu Ma'shar and
Al Qabisi, with delineation commentary and advice by other traditional astrologers,
and, particularly in Book III, commentary by Ben Dykes

4. Planetary Relationships: Book III

The Heart of this book. Establishes special Technical Vocabulary for planetary
relationship which is surprising and informative.

Ben Dykes adds many diagrams and lengthy commentary about the meanings of Arabic
and Latin words. is this necessary? After all, just astronomical phenomena.
These objections arise from (a) abstract and stale terminology in classical
astrology (b) modern psychological attributions
Objection = tedious/picky

1. Many people think detail on terminology = 'tight' fate.

Answer. 1. Metaphysicas 'tightness' or 'looseness' of fate is not dependent on

precision of terminology. Even with a very precise terminology, astrology might be
able to predict only the 'type' of events.
2. Psychologically based astrology is hard to pin down and define. But for
ancients, astrology was a science, and so invited precision, even if prediction
were only about 'types'.

When Abu Ma'shar says a planetary configuration implies that a matter escapes one's
grasp, or will come onto one's path and block it, he is not speaking casually, but
using very precisely defined astrological concepts - escape and obstruction.

Morever (we'll see that) these planetary configurations can be arranged into
themes. This means that planetary configs in a chart are also part of a
(predictable) flow with themes of its own - coming together, isolation, blockage,
break through etc.

Ben Dykes thinks that a proper understanding of these process can lead to new and
deeper ways of reading charts.

5. Plantary Conditions: Book IV

6. Whole Sign vs Quadrant Houses
7. Orbs
8. Lots: Book VI

Chapter 3

02. Domain

Halb == in the day: nocturnal planet below the Earth not visible in th sky o
diurnal planet in the sky and visible
Invert for night charts.
Hayiz == Halb + diurnal planet in masculine sign, nocturnal planet in feminine

Interpretation: the planet is competent. Balanced, not given to extremes.

By extension: Anti-Hayyiz == nocturnal planet above sky in day chart, in masculine

sign. Diurnal planet below sky in day chart, in feminine sign.

Interpretation: Unbalanced. Given to extremes. Uneasy. Incompetent.

03. Advancement

04. Retreat

Basic idea = advancing towards angles, or falling away from them.

Complications come from which scheme of 'good houses' are adopted.
My solution: use angular, succedent, cadent, *centred* around the angles.

Interpretation: How *interested* the planet is, interested in seizing

anti: disinterested, letting opportunities pass by.

Ben Dykes suggests that these 3 characteristics (sect, domain, advancement/retreat)

be interpreted as

whether the planet in question (or people represented by it) (1) has the
responsibility (to drive the chart)/promote the native's life - sect/halb, (2) is
fully competent to do it / extent to which balanced and competent (3) actively
assents to the responisibility, is interested in getting involved / how directly
and completely produce matters (advancement, retreat)

Note: Angular vs cadent also refers to the public / private continuum (in addition
to strength/weakness?).
Thus a 12th house 'place' does not mean that the native has no enemies, but rather
these are hidden, and not public.

05. Assembly

Essentially, planets in the same sign are "in assembly". If they have less than 15
degrees between them, greater effect, through 'mixing' which happens only at this
distance or closer.
The planet stronger in that sign dominates the effects.

Out of sign (closing) conjunctions have a weaker effect as compared to 'in sign'

Planets 'in assembly' are like people joined together in a fellowship.

Ben's commentary:
In Hellenistic Astrology, there are 3 'grades' of such association for planets -(1)
be in the same sign (2) be within 15 degrees (and closing?) (3) be within 3 degrees
(and closing?)

His sense is that this configurations shows some kind of loose 'joint action' on
behalf of these planets in the same sign, just as employees in a company may do
apparently distinct things, but they all 'pull together' in some direction.

06. Aspects or Regard (Nazar)

01. Aspects and Right/Left Handed
basically the classic aspcets
1. trine = highest friendship, equal in status, aspect of
2. sextile = half friendship, seeking friendship, aspect of
3. square = dislike, people seeking rulership, each for
himself, aspect of discord and medium enemity
4. opposition = malevolence, battling each other strongly,
aspect of enmity
'left' == 'sinister' aspects == aspects along the direciton of the
flow of signs. In Aries, to Gemini, square to cancer etc

aspecting = witnessing or testifying

02. Thema Mundi and its aspects

07. Connection
01. Connection By longitude
Seems to be perfecting aspect by degree. Essentially the
lighter planet is a maximum of 3 degrees away from the aspect perfection. Arabic
02. Connection By latitude
08. Disregard Or Separation
Arabic: Insaraff
This is just separating aspects. Interpretation wise, this suggests
abandonment, turning gaze away, the separating planet abandoning or ignoring the
planet on the other end of the aspect etc. Ben Dykes gives an example of 'crossing
over' as being a unifying concept for aspect by sign, perfecting (aspect by
degree), and then separation (from aspect by degree)

09. Emptiness Of Course. Greek (kenodromia)

After separation from some (classical) aspect, the planet does not make
any more aspects *by* degree for the remainder of its stay in a sign. Note that
this needs to be computed *dynamically*. In Dykes's example, the *chart* suggests
that the Moon may perfect a square to Mercury before leaving Aries, but in reality
by the time the Moon comes to 29 Aries, Mercury (presently at 29 Cancer) would have
moved into Leo.

The Hellenistic position was stricter, with the Moon not being allowed to form any
aspects in the next 30 degrees of its course, irrespective of sign boundaries.
Dykes shows that this is equivalent to (starting from the Moon's longitudinal
degree) the 2nd,6th, 8th and 12th houses.

10. Wildness

In addition the *planet* not forming an aspect (before it leaves the

sign?) no planet aspects the *sign* the planet is in.
Dykes' example:
Moon in Aries,
Sun and Mercury in Scorpio,
Venus in Scorpio
Mars and Jupiter in Pisces
Saturn in Taurus

Note that *sign* based aspects (here the wild planet's sign is in
aversion from every other planet in the chart) use sign boundaries, not degree
based ones. This means that 'wild' planets imply that all other planets are in the
12th, 2nd, 6th, and 8th from themselves. Dykes says that this is an intensification
of the 'lonely' concept discussed above. There seems to be the possibility of a
planet being in the same sign, but withall planets averse, and then the moon (say)
conjuncts this planet, separates from it, (not forming any more aspects before
leaving the sign- hence 'lonely' and *then* the sign being unaspected means the
(here) moon is wild for the next few degrees. (so in general look for signs that
are unaspected by every planet not in the sign, then examine the planet(s) in the
sign for loneliness)

Dykes says that some astrologers say that this could have a positive *and* negative
meaning. Negative in the classical sense, being alone, something/some relationship
(the planet last separated from showing the details or people or situation) ending,
but also has connotations of beginning anew. The wild planet has no degree *or*
sign based aspects, but it does enter the next sign with a clean slate.

feral = lacking civilazing connections with any other planet, but also according to
Morin, the planet acts according to its own nature, and indicates something
unusual, depending on the nature of the planet.

e.g: Saturn feral in the first can indicate a hermit.

In other words a wild/feral planet can act on its own, but like someone living in
the wilderness, this isolation might lead to unusual results, untempered by normal
social and mental associations.

If aspects, even by whole sign, are understood in terms of light, knowledge,

connections, then, wildness suggests people and activities, whose natures are not
known, or hidden, or are potentially disturbed or disturbing.

Ben Dykes suggests that regard or (sign based) aspects - indicating a rudimentary
sharing of light and knowledge, then close degrees of purpose (assembly and
perfecting degree based aspects), then separating aspects, loneliness, and wildness
indicates a continuum

Then next set of planetary arrangements deal with two planets being related, not by
themselves, but are related via a third planet.

11. Transfer

Basic Idea: There are *two* types of transfer.

1. A lighter planet conjuncts (aspects?) a weightier planet then
conjuncts (aspects?) an even weightier one. The lighter planet then 'transfers the
light' of the first planet to the next.
2. When a 'medium' planet is conjunct (aspects?) a heavy one, and a
lighter planet conjuncts (aspects?) the medium one. In this casethe *medium* planet
transfers the lighter one's light to the heavier planet.
a horary example: If a planet transfers the light of the ascendant (of the horary
chart) to the planet signifying the quesited, the matter will perfect through a

Bonatti, and Lilly after him, argue that to be truly effective, the transferring
planet must be in one of the dignities of the planet it separates from.

Dykes example #1. Mars at 1 degree, Moon at 4 degrees, Jupiter at 7, all in Aries.
Moon is in Mars's domicile, so this is a 'true' (Bonatti/Lilly) transfer. (The Moon
applies to Jupiter in its triplicity, so it is in aspect to the *receiving* planet
as well.)

Dykes Example #2. Mercury at 1 degree, Venus at 4 degrees, Sun at 7 degrees, all in
Here Mercury transfers the light of Venus to the Sun, but he is not in the
dignities of either the Sun or Venus (check this!)

Note that there is no example of the second type of transfer.

12. Collection

This concept connects to many later concepts. so a brief description for now and
then will revisit later.

Two planets don't have a direct aspect, but are forming/in aspect to a third, which
is said to 'collect their light'.
Lilly and Bonatti insist that both the receiving planets must receive the
collecting planet. In other words the collecting planet should be in the dignities
of both applying planets

Ben Dykes Example:

Mars at 17 Capricorn, Jupiter at 20 Scorpio, Venus at 18 Virgo.
Note that Jupiter is in Mars's domicile and triplicity, and in Venus's triplicity,
so he is in the dignity of both Mars and Venus.
Mars and Venus are both in an approaching sextile to Jupiter who thus 'collects
their light'

Interpretation not given (!!). Look up Lilly (?)

From a quick search on the web, the collecting planet apparently perfects the

13. Reflection Of Light

Ben Dykes's comment: To understand reflection of light, we must first understand a

simpler version described by Mashallah's On Reception

Here M gives instructions on how to choose the significator for a querent in a

horary query.
Normally this is the ruler of the ascendant (of the horary chart) but M places some
restrictions on this rule.
If the Lord of the Ascendant does on aspect the rising sign, we must find a planet
that does aspect the sign *and* the LoA aspects *this* planet.
Then this planet is reflecting the LoA's light to the ascendant, and it can act as
the significator (what is the 'it' - the LoA or the reflecting planet). Thus, here
Mashallah's reflecting is a way of overcoming a situation where a planetand a
*sign* cannot see each other.. Both types of reflection in Abu Ma'shar or Al Qabisi
offer variants on this simple form.
01. Reflection of Light 1
Two planets don't aspect each other. But both aspect (or are coming to aspect) to a
third planet which *does* aspect a **sign** that neither of the original planets
do. (the first part of this seems to be identical to collection. I *think* the
difference is that in addition to collecting the third planet is also reflecting
that light into all the signs that it (the third planet) can see)

EDIT: ok one more difference seems to be that the first two planets's aspects seem
to be taken sign wise, so by definition they have to be separating in the same
sign, or in aversion for this 'precondition' to be triggered.

e.g: Moon at 23 Gemini, Mars at Capricorn 23. Neither aspects the other.
But Jupiter is in 25 Libra.
Moon is moving into a square with Jupiter. So is Capricorn.
And Jupiter aspects Aquarius. Thus Jupiter reflects the light of Moon and Mars into
(But, Mercury trines Aquarius anyway. EDIT: Maybe the idea is that this way *both*
planets light falls into Aquarius (and a few other signs? so how is this useful?))

02. Reflection of Light 2

This seems to refer to two *planets* in aversion (and not a sign and planet being
in aversion as in type 1 above)

EDIT 2: Ok,key difference (derived from Dykes's examples for each condition). In
collection the two planets can *see* each other by sign, but are not perfecting an
aspect, but *are* perfecting an aspect to a third 'collecting' planet. In
reflection these two planets cannot see each other (are in aversion, or separating
in the same sign, not sure how it differs from collection here), but each is
individually applying to an aspect with a third 'reflecting' planet, which *does*
aspect both planets. The difference between collecting and reflecting seem to be in
the aversion of two planets in the latter.

"In fact reflection of both types offers insight into what takes place in
connection, transfer, and collection.
Planets connecting or being linked by transfer or collection *must* see each
other. In those cases it is as though the transfering or collecting planet
*recognizes* a relationship between them - and there *is* a relationship - one of
aspect or regard. It is just that they are in signs (?) or degrees that do not
allow this regard to become a full fledged (i.e by degree) connection. The
transferring planet 'sees' that there is a connection between the two planets if
only by sign

In reflection there is no relationship between the two planets, and so the

reflecting planet cannot recognize one. So the fact that the light of one is
reflected to the other via the reflecting planet has a touch of uncertainty to it.

The idea of linking planets in aversion explains the first kind of reflection,
which is just collection between two averse planets. Here the collecting planet
collects the lights, but instead of perfecting the matter (as with collection) it
sends the collected light to the signs *it* aspects.
Maybe this reflection of light (to the Ascendant, say) will be helpful, but maybe
not. We have to cross our fingers and see what the reflecting planet does with it."

Dykes puts connection, transfer, collection and reflection in a class of

'perfecting' relationships (my comment: easy to see this a series of checks to make
once the horary lords have been identified. Do they connect? No. Is there transfer?
No. Is there collection? ... etc)

The first three (connection, transfer, collection) demand an aspect by sign, which
provides a kind of awareness, intentionality, a meeting of minds, which enables a

The fourth, reflection, can be seen as a more uncertain option covering aversion,
or as a variant of transfer and collection, but in either case, a second best
option with no guarantees.

14. Barring or Blocking

01. Barring 1
Seen in assembly. A lighter planet's conjunction with a heavier is blocked by a
lighter planet in the middle.
E.g: Saturn at Aries 20. Mercury at 15 Aries. Venus at 10 Aries.

Venus is applying to a conjunction with Saturn, but cannot (be said to ) conjunct
Saturn till Mercury 'gets out of the way' (by passing over Saturn).

In Horary, if the two planets involved in the 'applying to conjunction' aspect are
the significators, then it shows a separation (barrier?) between the seeker and the

02. Barring 2

In the second type of barring there are 3 planets in play, two planets in a sign
(forming an applying conjunction?) and a third planet aspecting the heavier one.
Depending on whether the aspecting planet('s aspect) is nearer to the weightier
planet than the lighter planet in the same sign, one or the other (lighter or
aspecting) is barred.

Ben Dykes's comments:

Barring is sometimes called Prohibition in English texts.
Barring/blocking is more descriptive of what the (barring) planet does.
Here a planet or its ray physically blocks another planet from completing a
connection (Does this apply to aspects other than conjunction?)

Later we look at what planets actually do when they connect (so barring will make
more sense?)
Perfecting aspects can fail in other ways (e.g: retrogradation)

Barring can be helpful or not,

e.g: Saturn at 8, Moon at 15, Mars at 23.

This moon is beseiged by the malefics. But Venus (is at some point directly
opposite the sign at a degree between 15 and 23) and this bars the beseigement,
constructing a barrier and offering aid that liberates the moon from beseigment.

15. Pushing Nature

One planet (X) in the domain of another (Y) and applying to it (X applies to Y)
conveys something of it's (X's) nature to the other (Y)
E.g: Mars in Sagittarius 18. Jupiter in Aquarius 20.
Mars is in Jupiter's domain and applies to a sextile with Jupiter. So something of
the nature of Mars is handed over to Jupiter.

Note: In Medieval Astrology, if a planet is in the domicile or exaltation dignities

of another (Y) then the latter (Y) "receives" the former (X)
The 'pushee' planet, here Y, not only receives the first's *nature*, but also
receives the pushing planet like a host receives the guest.

In the above example, Jupiter receives Mars, since Mars is in the domicile of

Ben Dykes says that the pushee planet accepts and adopts some of whatever the
pusher means in the chart, when the dignity is present. (hmm but if the dignity is
absent, it is no longer 'pushing nature).

16. Pushing Power

One planet in its *own* domain/dignity (X) applying to a second (Y) pushes some of
it's( X's) 'power' onto Y
e.g: Mars in Scorpio 18, Jupiter in Aquarius 20. So Mars applies to a square with
Mars is in his own domain, and so powerful. He thus pushes his *power* onto

Ben Dykes comments:

The receiving planet is able to take advantage of the control and competence it
gains from the pusher. (Note that the pusher communicates his *power*, not just his
nature). So Pushing power suggests that the receiver will get the benefits of the
pusher's essential (and possibly accidental) strength.

17. Pushing Two Natures

01. Pushing Two Natures 1

A planet(X) in sign (S) where it has some dignity, applying to another planet Y
which also has a dignity in S.
E.g: Venus in Pisces 18 (Exalted) applying to Jupiter at 20 Scorpio (Jupiter is
Lord of Pisces)
In other words both planets have dignities in sign where applying planet is.
This is a combination of pushing nature (where a planet in a domain of another
applies to it) and pushing power (where a planet in its own dignity applies to
another planet)

02. Pushing Two Natures 2

This is a planet pushing to another in its own sect, with both in the appropriate
E.g: Aries rising, with Sun in Pisces (so day time).
Venus at 5 Taurus, applying to Mars at 8 Virgo. Both are night planets, and both
are 'underground'.

BD Comments to both of the above:

"Pushing two natures" is a misnomer. In the first type we have a combination of

pushing nature and pushing power. In the second, a planet in a good sect condition
applies to another in a good sect condition.
18. Pushing Management

Just an applying aspect, *without* either planet being in any dignities of itself
or the other.
e.g, Aries rising, Moon in 5 Virgo, Mars in 8 Sagittarius. Thus Moon applying to a
square with Mars.

Comparing the various forms of Pushing,

pushing nature = impresses (on the pushee) the natural features of the pushing
pushing power = impresses (on the pushee) the capability and authority
pushing management = impresses (on the pushee) the rulership duties of the pusher

Thus, in the above example, Moon rules the 4th house (Cancer)

Thus if the Moon were pushing nature (she is not, in the above example) she would
impress Lunar things(?) on Mars's behaviour
If the Moon were pushing power(she is not, in the above example) Mars would benefit
from her strength and authority
If the Moon were pushing management (she is, in the above example) she would push
some of the responsibilities of home, lands and parents (4th house matters) onto
Mars, so that he becomes somewhat responsible for those matters.

BD suggests that these 'pushing' configurations provide more precise delineations

than saying approaching aspect planets 'mix their natures'.
If (e.g) a profected planet were lord of the year, we track not only transits to/by
him, but also planet to which he pushes power, nature or (specifically) management,
both in the nativity and in the solar revolution. These planets will receive his
management and share the responsibility for steering the period, for better or
worse, depending on the nature and condition (?) of the aspect.

19. Returning

BD comments: a description of situations where the pushing power attempts to push

his nature, power, or management to another planet, but the one receiving cannot
cope with the responsibility.
Because the influence was returned, the pusher must handle matters on his own.
Returning always suggests some damage to the matter.The question becomes if the
pusher has enough strength and fitness to advance the matter by himself. Thus one
might regret the effort because of the missteps, but might make a good show

Type 1:
When a planet applies to one which is combust. Combustion makes the planet weak, so
the 'push' is returned. Cadency of the receiver also seems to have a similar
effect. Likewise retrogradation of pushee (results in 'returning')

BD example: 1
Aries rising with Moon at 5 degrees. Mars at 8 degree Gemini, Sun at 15 degree
So Moon applies to a sextile with a combust Mars, who is also cadent (3d house, IC
goes through Cancer).
So Mars will no recieve Moon's push or otherwise co operate with her, but instead
sends back her influence, somewhat worse for the wear.
(now check if the Moon is strong enough on her own).
Moon is in 1st, so angular, so she advances the matter in spite of the Martian
BD Example 2:
Aries Rising . Moon at 5 degrees Virgo, Mars at 8 degrees Capricorn,Sun at 15
degrees Capricorn.
So Mars is combust, Moon applies to a trine.
But as above, Mars being combust returns the 'management' pushed, but Moon is
cadent (unlike in example above) and peregrine, so finds herself burdened, and
cannot manage the matter (well). (in horary the topic is 'deprived of a beginning
and an end')

So essentially two factors to judge 'returning' - (1) whether the pusher is

'burdened' - via combustion, retrogradation, or just or *in addition* being cadent
(2) the pusher's cadency etc, which would cause 'burdening' via the returned

20. Revoking

Application not completing because the applying planet retrogrades before the
aspect perfects.

This is Lilly's 'refranation'

In Horary, this means that accidental circumstances will 'disturb the matter'.

BD Comment: the arabic word denoting the condition has connotations of violation of
a promise, canceling, or anulling something already done.
The astrlogical meaning is that a situation which looks like it will happen will
unravel. Like many other concepts in this list, it has a direct use in horary, but
(BD says) in a nativity, it might mean that a certain area of life can show ongoing
disappointments or difficulties maintaining commitments.

21. Obstruction

BD: Like revoking here a perfecting aspect is interrupted by retrogradation, but in

revoking the faster planet 'of the aspect' retrogrades. Here a third planet comes
in between the two planets forming the aspect, via it (the third planet)

(horaryish interpretations) This destroys the (forming) connection / denotes an

emerging matter cutting off the thing asked about.

BD's interpretation is that the obstructing planet refers to a chance destruction

for the applying planet, or else an intentional act by an unrelated or intrusive

22. Escape

Two components,
1. an aspect coming to perfection between two planets, but one planet moving into
the next sign ('escaping) before the aspect can perfect, leaving the applying
planet behind.
2. another aspect forming before an aspect can happen between these two planets
with the escaped planet in the next sign.
In BD example Mars is in the last degrees of Virgo. Venus applies to a conjunction,
but Mars "escapes" to the next sign. When Venus 'pursues' him into the next sign,
she encounters a trine from Saturn (in Aquarius) before she can reach Mars.

Astrologically 'escape' refers to events or opportunities slipping out of one's

grasp, fading away and disappearing. There is also the notion of new opportunities
arising in the new sign, an extension of wildness/emptiness of course.

If the connection does happen in the next sign, despite the 'escape', (Ibn Ezra
says) the matter will be perfected after losing hope.

23.Cutting of light
01. Cutting of light 1

Mercury at 27 Aquarius, Mars at 29 Aquarius, both direct, so Mercury applies to a
conjunction with Mars.
But Venus, in the early degrees of Pisces, become retrograde, and conjuncts Mars
before Mercury can, thus 'cutting off the light' of Mercury.

Horary interpretation: A man will come up to the querent and destroys the matter
(under consideration). Another man destroying the thing sought.
The intention of the querent will be turned aside near its endpoint, by an
intentional change of will

BD comment: 'Intercept something and cut it off from its destination'. Cutting #1
is actually 'obstruction' from the followig sign.

02. Cutting of light 2

Example: Mercury, Venus and Mars in that sequence in a sign.
Mercury tries to conjunct to Venus. But before Mercury can conjunct, Venus
conjuncts and goes past Mars, so Mercury conjuncts to Mars instead of Venus.

BD comment: if Mercury represents a person's intention, Abu Ma'shar says that he

will be disappointed (since the middle planet 'escapes') and something else will
befall or happen to him (obstruction)

03. Cutting of light 3


Aries rising.
Mars in 12 degree Aquarius
Saturn in 15 degree Taurus
Jupiter in 29 degree Taurus

B.D comment:
This is a horary example. Represents a planet (here Aries rising, so Mars
represents querent). If we assume the question is about travel or religion (9th
house, Sagittarius) ruled by Jupiter. But Mars instead conjuncts Saturn who stands
in the way.

24. Largesse And Recompense

The basic idea seems to be that a planet at a disadvantage (e.g: in fall) can be
'helped' by a planet applying to it, and then later the donor planet, when in its
own fall is 'recompensed' by the original fallen planet (!!!). BD says this seems
to be a horary application.
25. Reception
BD commentary:
3 classes of reception
1. by connection
2. by whole sign
3. by alternative sign agreement
But overall, 'reception' is always about pushing. The receiving planet is the one
which gets influence pushed to it. Sign ownership adds another dimension.

Mechanics of reception.
1. Reception by connection - two types, each involve one planet (forming an aspect)
in the dignities of the other.
Type 1: Classical reception - == pushing nature, a planet applies to one of its
dispositors (preferably lords of domicile or exaltation)
e.g: Moon at 15 Aries, Mars at 15 Gemini. Moon is the pushing planet, in the
domicile of Mars.

Type 2: The dispositor is the pushing planet.

e.g: Mercury in 20 Pisces, Mars in 20 Virgo.

In both cases, one planet is in the dignity of the other, and is in an applying

2. Reception by Whole Sign

(I think) the key difference here is that planets in 'aspect signs' of each other,
even when they have *separating aspects by degree* are still believed to have

e.g: Sun in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Aries. Sun in the domicile of Jupiter and
Jupiter in the exaltation of the Sun. Mixed reception by trine.
Mercury in Scorpio, Mars in Virgo. (Separating). Still have a sextile reception.

3. Reception by Alternate Sign

this is a vague doctrine based one the idea that no aspect between planets is
needed for reception, just that they need to belong to signs with a common
characteristic e.g "signs of long rising". Rejected.

BD comments (restricted to kind 1- a planet applying to its dispositior, or

dispositor applying to it)

First, reception guarantees perfection of a matter.

Not true for only 'final dispositor' (see masha'llah ??) of a matter, but in any
situation where planets 'push management' from one to the other, the planets being
in reception , ensure integrity.

Reception provides for these effects in several ways.

In general, received benefics produce a stronger good, while a received malefic

impedes less.

Reception takes away the evil from a situation so that the planet's signification
will not suffer, even if it is in a bad place.

A received planet (or a person signified by it) will be able to bear its problems
more easily. One reason for that is that the received planet can produce itself
despite bad circumstances.
E.g: on a question of life and death, the 1st lord is *received by* the Lord of the
8th (i.e classically there is a perfecting aspect between two planets, and one of
the planets is in the dignity of the other- the more common type is when the
pushing planet is in a dignity of its dispositor), the querent will live. Although
normally (i.e without reception) the aspect would indicate perfection of the matter
(here death), the (received) lord of the 1st will be allowed to produce life.

Likewise if the Lord of the 8th is received by the Lord of the 8th, though L8 is
allowed to produce something like death and harm, the friendliness and benefic
qualities conferred by reception will not allow the native to be destroyed.

Reception is said to involve certain qualities (including moral ones)

1. Esteem:Perfection with reception adds "esteem" (though it is not clear
whether this means that a planet involved in the reception is esteeming the other)
2. Peace: The planets involved in the reception will make peace, even if there
is a difficult aspect between them, and they will have good intentions and
amenablity towards each other.
3. Joy and Security: which will accompany a received planet's significations.
4. Allies: which the received planet has
5. Truth and Knowledge: a lack of reception can show lack of these
6. Addition of positivity: Reception can take away disgrace in a bad situation
and confer honor in a neutral one.
7. A leader even if deposed returning home(??)

Pulling this together (BD says) reception is essentially about having a surrogate
home - a form of support that does not depend on one's own ownership or
In one's own domicile, one relies on onself. A received planet is vouched for.
This notion of 'surrogate home' accounts for all the virtues.
Also why malefics "attached to a Lord" impede less.

26. Generosity And Benefits

This seems to be a concept that two planets are 'generous' to each other depending
on their intrinsic natures.
E.g: The Sun is 'generous' to the Moon. The benefics are 'generous' to each other
and likewise malefics because of a match between their natures.
So if the Moon comes to a sign where the Sun has some dignity (I read this as a
sign (or part of a sign) where the Sun has some lordship, Leo, Aries, all fire
signs (triplicity) etc) then the Moon (somehow) benefits from the 'generosity' of
the Sun.

A plonet in Virgo has "two generosities" from Mercury ( I read this as saying that
since Mercury is domiciled *and* exalted in Virgo, it provides 'two generosities').

The remaining sentence seems to support this and says that a planet in a part of
the zodiac where another (Y) is multiply dignified (Sun in Leo say, domicile and
triplicity) receives 'multiple benefits (from Sun here).

Not sure how to use this in a delineation.

27. Friendship And Enmity (Al Qabisi)

28. Bodyguardship or dusturiyyah
01. Bodyguarding according to Al Qabisi
02. Medieval Bodyguarding: Type 1
03. Medieval Bodyguarding: Type 2
04. Medieval Bodyguarding: Type 3
05. Ptolem's bodyguarding

skipped these as they don't have clear interpretation guidelines.

5. Book IV : Planetary Conditions

'The planets have places where they are strengthened, and others where they are

01. The Good Fortune Of The Stars

These seem to be a list of factors which affect the planet's significations

1. sextile, trine,square, conjunct a benefic

2. the malefics being cadent with respect to that planet
3. separating from one benefic and (next) aspecting the other
4. beseiged between two fortunes (including 'rays from the fortunes')
5. Cazimi the Sun or sextile and trine to it
6. Aspecting the Moon when the Moon is fortunate
7. Quick Motion
8. Increasing in Light (so 'waxing phase'?)
9. Being 'in sect'/halb/hayiz
10. In their own domiciles/exaltations/triplicities/bounds/terms
11. In 'bright degrees' (??)
12. They are received (by the domicile dispositor?)
13. For Luminaries, if they are in the degrees of (ruled by) the benefics
(it is as if they are in their own dignities)
14. For benefics, if they are in the degrees of the luminaries

02. The Power Of The Stars

A list of factors that make planets powerful

1. be 'northern'. ascend in the north.
2. ascend in the circles of their apogees (?)
3. In second station (i.e about to turn direct from retrogradation)
4. the 3 superiors "eastern from the Sun" (so rise before it?), more if a
sextile aspect to the Sun, and if in "masculine quarters" (?)
5. the 3 inferiors in "western (?) or feminine quarters"

03. The Impotence Of the Stars

Seems to be a list of factors that make planets weak

1. slow
2. about to or actually retrograding
3. anti halb / anti hayyiz
4. descending to (?) or in the south (?)
5. being in fall
6. not being in a firm (== fixed ?) sign or the one next to it( Cardinal?
7. In the Via Combusta
8. Being in detriment
9. 3 superiors being in the west (== setting after the Sun) or being in the
female quarters (?)
10. For the inferiors being in the east (rising before the Sun?) or being
in male quarters (?)
11. The Sun if in feminine quarter (?) or female signs unless he is in the
9th (his joy)
12. Under the beams or combust
13. Cadency
14. *conjunct* a retrograde planet or an impeded one.
15. Peregrine
16. Not received (should be in fortune?)

04.1 The Misfortune Of the Stars

Another list of 'negative' factors

01. assembly with malefics, or any aspect to them, particularly square and
opposition, but also sextile and trine
02. in the domicile or bound of a malefic
03. the body of the planet in a malefic bound, with the ray of another
planet also in the bound- the idea being that the malefic bound brings misfortune
to the connection forming.
04. conjunction, square or opposition to the Sun (why?)
05. 12 degrees or less between the planets and *their own nodes* OR the
lunar nodes. Specifically true for the Moon. And the Sun if within 4degrees of the
06. malefics in the 10th or 11th from the planet. Much worse if malefic
does not receive them.

04.2 Enclosure or Beseiging

Two kinds
1. A planet between two malefics, or rays of malefics, or separating from one
malefic and approaching an aspect to the other (Same as "between two rays?"). If
the Sun or a benefic aspects the beseiged planet by *trine* or *sextile* and by
less than 7 degrees, beseigement is loosened.

e.g: Saturn in 8 Gemini, Moon in 15 Virgo, Saturn in 23 Sagittarius (and presumably

no other rays from other planets fall between 8 - 23 Virgo).

2. same as above - between malefics or their rays, but by *sign* (not degree).
BD comment: requires at least one malefic aspecting a sign on either side of the
sign under consideration, with benefics in aversion to the sign under

e.g: Mars in Aries, Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Aquarius, Venus in Leo.

Mars aspects Leo (trine by sign) and Libra (opposition by sign). And both Jupiter
and Venus are averse to Virgo, the sign of the Moon. Thus the Moon is beseiged by

But since the luminaries and Mercury are considered benefics, they too must be in
aversion to the sign/planet, for this beseigment to be 'unbroken', which makes this
'maximal interpretation' to be identical to wildness.

Beseigement by benefics (by ray ) is *good*.

The books don't describe benefic enclosure by sign.

BD posits an explanation.
He says that astrology makes some default assumptions
e.g : planets will move forward and perform their actions *until* someone
intervenes or blocks. By this principle direct motion is assumed to be default.
Likewise *non* enclosure is the default.

BD proposes the following interpretation for enclosure *by degree*.

Malefic enclosure by degree means: paralysis, fear, lack of hope, feeling

kidnapped, having one's hopes frustrated and destroyed. The breaking of such an
enclosure means the introduction of hope, aid, liberation - by someone represented
by the planet.

Benefic enclosure by degree means: active protection and support with the feelings
of ease and confidence. Breaking such an enclosure introduces doubt, skepticism or
poison, and estrangement from helpers and friends

The '120 degree concepts' - what are these again? - provide a 'drama' of closeness,
loss, recovery,

05. THe Misfortunes Of The Moon

are 11.
01. eclipse, especially in, trine to , or squaring the natal moon sign
02. opposed (by 12 degrees either side) to the Sun, or square to it
03. conjunct/hidden by the Sun (or 12 degrees either side)
04. conjunct or regarded by malefics
05. in the 12th part of Saturn or Mars
06. conjunct Nodes (within 12 degrees either side)
07. Being in the South(?) Descending Quarter
08. In the Burning Path
09. End of sign + in bound of malefic
10. Being Slow
11. In the 9th (??)

06. Twelfth Parts Of The Planets

Essentially each sign is divided into 12 parts of 2.5 degrees each, and is
assigned to a *sign* (and so presumably ruled by the ruler of the sign). "If the
strength of (lord of?) the 12th part of the planet were in a good place, then the
good (of the planet) would be increased.

07. Times Or Changes

seems to be special conditions that indicate when the significations of the
planet change.
01. First or Second station (essentially retrogradation and then going
02. Being hidden by the Sun or Going out of such hiding
03. When a benefic applies to or separates from a malefic (??)
04. heads towards degree of its slavery (?) or kingdom (?)
05. In the last degree of a sign.

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