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Publications de Joseph Schacht

Source: Studia Islamica, No. 31 (1970), pp. XI-XVI

Published by: Brill
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Accessed: 28-08-2018 09:49 UTC

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1. - Recherche el dtude de manuscrits arabes

- Von den Bibliotheken in Stambul und Umgegend, in Zeitschrift fiir Semiti

V (1927), pp. 288-294, et VIII (1930), pp. 120-121.
- Aus orientalischen Bibliotheken (Konstantinopel und Kairo), in Abhandlun
der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Phil.-Hist. KI., Berlin 1928
pp. 1-75, 1929/6, pp. 1-36 et 1931/1, pp. 1-57.
- Einige Kairiner Handschriften ulber furls-ija und futl1wa, in Der Islam,
(1931), pp. 49-52.
- Zwei neue Quellen zur Kenntnis der Futfiwa, in Feslschrift G. Jabob, 1
pp. 276-287.
- Bibliotheques et manuscrits abadites, in Rev. Afr., C (1956), pp. 375-398.
- Sur quelques manuscrits de la bibliotheque de la Mosqu6e d'al-Qarawiyyin A
Fbs, in etudes d'orientalisme... Uui-ProvenCal, Paris (1962), 1, pp. 271-284.
- On some manuscripts in the libraries of Kairouan and Tunis, in Arabica,
XIV (1967), pp. 225-258.
- On some manuscripts in the libraries of Morocco, in Hespdris-Tamuda, IX
(1968), pp. 5-55.

2. - Rditions de textes juridiques arabes

- Al-Jaassf, K. al-fIjiyal wa-l-mahdrij, Hannover 1923.

- Abf kidtim al-Qazwini, K. al-Higal fil-fiqh, Hannover 1924.
- At-TahAwI, K. Adkdr al-huquiq wa-r-ruhiin, Heidelberg 1926-1927.
- Aus zwei arabischen Furioq-Bujchern, in islamica, II/4 (1927), pp. 505-537.
- At-TahLiwi, K. ag-Suf'a, Heidelberg 1929-1930.
- AM-Saibfni, K. al-Maf.irij fil-Hijal, Leipzig 1930 (cf. Islamica, V, pp. 581-585
et VI, pp. 260-266).
- At-Tabari, Iitildf al-fuqahd', Leiden 1933.

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3. - Coran et theologie musulmane

- Ein Schrift von ibn ar-Rawandi, in OLZ, XXIX (1926), col. 837-841.
- Zwei altosmanische 1Kor'an-Kommentare, in OLZ, XXX (1927), col. 747-752.
- Weiteres zu den altosmanischen Korankommentaren, in OLZ, XXXI (1928),
col. 812-815.

- Der Islam (Religionsgeschichtlches Lesebuch, ed. A. Bertholet, 16), J. C. B.

(Paul Siebeck), Tijbingen 1931.
- Zur Geschichte des islamischen Dogmas, in Der Islam, XXI (1933), pp. 286-
- New sources for the History of Muhammadan Theology, in Studia Islamica,
I (1953), pp. 23-42.
- Sources nouvelles concernant l'histoire de la theologie musulmane, in Nouvelle
Clio, V (1953), pp. 411-426.
- An Early Murci'ite treatise : The Kit5b al-'Alim wal-Muta'allim, in Oriens,
XVII (1964), pp. 96-117.

4. - Traditions et Droit de l'Islam

- Die arabische hijal-Literatur. Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der islamischen

Rechtspraxis, in Der Islam, XV (1926), pp. 211-223; Nachtrag, p. 335.
- Vom babylonischen zum islamischen Recht, in OLZ, XXX (1927), col. 664-669.
- Aufgaben der islamischen Rechtsforschung, in OLZ, XXXI (1928), col. 936-942.
- Islam and Islamic Law, in Encyclopaedia of the social Sciences, New York 1932,
pp. 333-349.
- Sari'a und Q5ann im modernen Agypten. Ein Beitrag zur Frage des islamischen
Modernismus, in Der Islam, XX (1932), pp. 209-236.
Zur soziologischen Betrachtungs-Weise des islamischen Gesetzes, in Oostersch
Genools in Nederland, 7de Cong., 1933, pp. 18-20.
- G. Bergstrisser's Grund9iige des islamiscben Rechts bearbeitet and herausgege-
ben, Berlin-Leipzig 1935, 145 pp.
- Zur sociologischen Betrachtung des islamischen Rechts, in Der Islam, XXII
(1935), pp. 207-238.
- L'6volution moderne du droit musulman en lgypte, in Melanges Maspero,
Le Caire (1935-1940), III, pp. 323-334.
- A revaluation of Islamic traditions, in JRAS, 1949, pp. 143-154.
- The origins of Miihanrnmadap Jurisprudence, Oxford 1950, 350 pp. (et editions
- Foreign elements in ancient Islamic Law, in J. Comp. Leg. Int. Law, XXXII
(1950), parts 3-4, pp. 9-16 (re6dite avec quelques additions in Memoires de
l'Ac. int. de droit compare, Rome 1955, III/4, pp. 127-141).
- Adultery as a Impediment to Marriage in Islamic and in Canon Law, in Arch.
hist. droit or. et Revue int. des Droits de l'Antiquile, 2e serie., I (1952), pp. 105-
123; et in 22 Cong. Or. 1951, 1957, II, pp. 237-241.

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- Le droit musulman : solution de que

Rev. Algerienne... de legislation, LX
- Notes sur la sociologie du droit musu

- Sur la transmission de la doctrine dans les ecoles juridiques de l'Islam, in AIEO

Alger, X (1952), pp. 401-419.
- Esqisse d'une histoire du droit musulman, trad. Arin, Paris 1953, 91 pp.
- Early doctrines on waqf, in Mel. Fuad K6priilu, Istanbul 1953, pp. 443-452.
- On Shafi'i's Life and Personality, in Stud. Or... Pedersen, Copenhague 1953,
pp. 318-326.
- Pre-Islamic background and early development of Jurisprudence, et The Schools
of Law and later developments of Jurisprudence, in Khadduri and Liebesny,
Law in the Middle East, Washington 1955, I, pp. 28-84.
- The Law, in G. E. von Grunebaum and others, Unity and diversity in Muslim
civilization, Chicago 1955, pp. 65-86.
- Deux editions inconnues du Muwatta', in Stud. orient.... Levi Della Vida,
Rome 1956, II, pp. 477-492.
- Droit byzantin et droit musulman, in XII Convegno Volta..., Rome 1956,
pp. 197-218.
- Classicisme, traditionalisme et ankylose dans la loi religieuse de l'Islam, in
R. Brunschvig, G. E. von Grunebaum et autres, Classicisme et declin culturel
dans l'histoire de l'Islam (Actes du Symposium de Bordeaux, juin 1956), 1957,
pp. 141-161.
- Islamic Law in Contemporary States, in BICEMM, VII (1958), pp. 61-79, et
in Amer. Journ. of Comparative Law, VIII (1959), pp. 133-147.
- Problems of modern Islamic legislation, in Studia Islamica, XII (1960), pp. 99-

- Sociological aspects of Tslamic Law, Berkeley (University) 1963, mimeographed

typescript, 27 pp.
-Sur l'expression c Sunna du Prophete ?, in Melanges H. Masse, T6h6ran 1963,
pp. 361-365.
-Problems of modern Islamic legislation, in The modern Middle East, ed. R. H.
Nolte, 1963, pp. 172-200.
- An Introdnction to Tslamic Law, Oxford 1964, 304 pp. (et 6ditions ult6rieures).
- Notes on Sarakhsi's Life and Works, in 900. Oliim Yild6numu Miinasebetiyle...
Es-Serakhsi Armagant, Ankara 1965, 6 pp.
- On Abu Mus'ab and his a Mujtasar u, in al-Andalus, XXX/1 (1965), pp. 1-14;
et Further on Abu Mus'ab and his a Mujtasarv, in al-Andalus, XXX/2
(1965), p. 386.
- Modernism and traditionalism in a history of Islamic Law. [Review article on
N. J. Coulson, A history of Islamic Law], in Middle Eastern Studies, I (1965),
pp. 388-400.
- The present state of the studies in Islamic Law, in Atti del III Congresso di
Studi Arabi e Islamici, Ravello 1966, pp. 621-622.

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5. - Architecture religieuse

- Ein archaischer Minaret-Typ in Agypten und Anatolien, in Ars Islam

V (1938), pp. 52-54.
- Sur la diffusion des formes d'architecture religieuse musulmane a trave
Sahara (Travaux de l'Institut de Recherches Sahariennes), Alger, XI
pp. 11-27.
- An unknow type of Minbar and its historical significance, in Ars Orien
II (1957), pp. 149-173.
- Notes mozabites, in al-Andalus, XXII (1957), pp. 1-20.
- Further notes on the staircase minaret, in Ars Orientalis, IV (1961), pp. 137-141.
- The Staircase minaret, in 1st Int. Cong. of Turkish arts, Ankara, 1959, Commu-
nications (1961), p. 297.

6. - Pensee medicale et philosophique

- (en collaboration avec M. Meyerhof). The Medico-Philosophical Controversy

between Ibn Rntian of Baghdad and Ibn Ridwan of Cairo, Cairo (Egyptian
University, Faculty of Arts) 1937.
- (en collaboration avec M. Meyerhof). Une controverse medico-philosophique
au Caire en 441 de l'hegire (1050 ap. J.-C.) avec un apercu sur les etudes
grecques dans l'Islam, in BIE, XIX (1937), pp. 29-43.
- (en collaboration avec M. Meyerhof). Mimimonides versus Galen (Bulletin of the
Fac. of Arts, University of Egypt, may 1397), Cairo 1939.
- (et feu M. Meyerhof). Remarques sur la transmission de la penske grecque aux
Arabes (Histoire de la Medecine, 2e annie, no V (mai 1952), pp. 11-19).
- Ibn al-Nafis et son a Theologus Autodidactus ?, in Homenaje a Millds- Vallicrosa,
Barcelona 1956, II, pp. 325-345.
- Ibn al-Nafis, Servetus and Colombo, in al-Andalus, XXII (1957), pp. 317-336.
- (et feu M. Meyerhof). The Theologus Autodidactus of Ibn al-Nafis, Oxford 1968,
83 p. + 53 p. texte arabe.

7. - Islam en Afrique noire

- La justice en Nigeria du Nord et le droit musulman, in Rev. Algerienne... de

legislation, LXVII (1951), I, pp. 37-43.
- L'administration de justice musulmane en Afrique Occidentale frangaise et
britannique (Symposium Intercolonial 1952, Bordeaux (1954), pp. 82-89).
- Islam in Northern Nigeria, in Studia Islamica, VIII (1957), pp. 123-146.
- Notes on Islam in East Africa, in Studia Islamica, XXIII (1965), pp. 91-136.

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8. - Divers

- Zur wahhabitischen Literatur, in Zeitschrift fur Semitistik, VI (


- Ober den Hellenismus in Baghdad und Cairo im 11. Jahrhundert, in ZDMG,

XC (N. F. XV, 1936), pp. 526-545.
- Der Briefwechsel zwischen Kaiser und Papst von 641/2 in arabischer Oberlie-
ferung, in Orienialia, N. S., V (1936), pp. 229-268.
- The Arabic edition of the British Council map: Europ and the Middle East, in
Geographical Journal, CIV (1944), pp. 199-202.
- On M0sa b. 'Uqba's Kitab al-Maghazi, in Acta Orientalia, XXI (1950-53),
pp. 288-300.
- a Qarran = a cornard,, in al-Andalus, XVI (1951), p. 489.
- Une citation de l'lvangile de St. Jean dans la Sira d'Ibn Ishaq, in al-Andalus,
XVI (1951), pp. 489-490.
- L'Islam vu d'Angleterre, in Critique, f6vrier 1953, pp. 142-155.
- (avec G. H. Bousquet). (Euvres eboisies de C. Snouck Hurgronje, pr6sent6es en
francais et en anglais, Leiden (E. J. Brill) 1957.
- The Islamic Background of the Idea of an Arab Nation, in The Arab Nation,
Washington (The Middle East Institute) 1960, pp. 15-24.
- The Encyclopaedia of Islam, in ACLS News Letter, XIV/2 (fbvrier 1963),
pp. 8-10.
- The victims of the Mongols in Baghdad, in Der Islam, XLII/2-3 (1966), p. 259.
- The Kitab al-Tarih of Ualifa b. tayyat, in Arabica, XVI (1969), pp. 79-81.

9.- Necrologie

- Ahmed Pasha Taimur. Ein Nachruf, in ZDMG, N. F., VIII (84, 1930),
pp. 255-258.
- G. Bergstrasser's Arbeiten zum islamischen Recht, in OLZ, XXXVIII (1935),
col. 593-599.

- Christian Snouck Hurgronje, in Der Islam, XXIV (1937), pp. 192-195.

- Max Meyerhof, in Osiris, IX (1950), pp. 7-32.

10. - Articles du Handworterbuch des Islam, Leiden 1941, et de la Shorter Ency-

clopaedia of Islam, Leiden 1953

Iiatl, Khata', Khiyar, l~isas, Lukata, Maita, Malik b. Anas, Mirath, Muham-
mad 'Abduh, Nik.h, Rada', Riba, Shari'a, Taklid, Talak, Umm al-Walad,
Usul, Wasiya, Wudu', Yatim, Zakat, Zina'; en outre, Batil (uniquement dans
la Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam).

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11. - Articles de l'Encyclopedie de l'Islam

a) Ire ddilion: outre les articles parus dans le Handw6rterbuch des Islam et dans la
Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam (sauf BAtil) : Li'&n, Rahn, al-Sha'rani, al-
Shibli, al-Subki, YahjyA b. Adam; au Supplement: MehIkeme, al-Subki
(compidment d l'article)
b) 2e idition: al-'Abbadi, Ab2 anifa, Abfi I-Layth al-Samarkandi, Ab&i Shuda'a,
Abil l-Su'fld, Ab2i Thawr, Abil Yisuf Ya'kflb, ADjr, Aghlabides (vie reli-
gieuse), 'Ahd, Ahk&m, Ahl al-hadith, Ahmad, Ak 8ifiri, al-Akhhdari, Alti
Parmak, Am&in, Ash0b al-ra'y, al-Ash'ari (Abfi Burda), 'AtW' Bey (Mehmed),
Atfiydsh, al-Awzd'I, Banndni, Bay', Bishr b. Ghiyith al-Marlsi (en collabo-
ration avec A. N. Nader), DahlAn, Ddw2d b. 'All b. Khalai, Dja'far b.
Mubashshir (en collaboration avec A. N. Nader), al-,jurgj&ni (Ismg'il b. al-
Jjusayn), al-pjuwayni, al-Fadlli, Fikh, Uadd, 8adjr, al-Ualabi, Uanaflyya,
Hildl (dans la loi religieuse), Ijiyal, Ib&ha, Ibn Abi Layla (Muhammad b.
'Abd al-Rahmdn), Ibn'Akil, Ibn 'Asim, Ibn Butldn, Ibn Ha!kar al-Haytami,
Ibn 'Isa, Ibn al-KgAsim, Ibn K5sim al-Ghazzi, Ibn al-Kaysar5ni, Ibn Khall5d,
Ibn al-Nafis, Ibn Nu~jaym, Ibn R5hwayh, Ibn Ridw&n, Ibn SurayqT, I-jab,
1!jjtih&d, IkhtilAf, 'Ikrima.

12. - Nombreux comptes rendus d'ouvrages dans diverses revues, nolamment OLZ,
Orientalia et Der Islam.

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