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This report is approved and enacted as one of the conditions for fulfilling
the program's duties at Access English School in 2018 on title “Creating English
Environment by Teaching General English for Senior High School in Santi
Asromo Majalengka Islamic Boarding School”.

This job training report is approved on:

21 July 2018

Approved by:

Examiner 1 Advisor 1

Arif Abdurochman Ramdhani Rizki Kurniawati

Examiner 2 Advisor 2

Lela Siti Qodariah Trya Megawati

Certified By,

Arif Abdurochman Ramdhani


Santi Asromo Majalengka Islamic Boarding School has collaborated with

Access English School in a program called English Acceleration Program so that
Access English School sent students from "Indonesia Belajar" program to teach
general English and do on-job-training. The main purpose of on-job-training was to
create an English environment.
There were four lessons in teaching general English such as Speaking,
Pronunciation, Conversation, and Expression. It meant the methods that were used
were different in each class. Speaking Class used Discussion Method, and Question
and Answer Method. Pronunciation Class used Drilling Method. Conversation
Class used Interaction Method. And Expression Class used Memorizing Method.
In each lesson, the teacher in teaching activities needed tools to make teaching
activities run well. The tools used in teaching activities include a marker,
whiteboard, eraser, module, dictionary, lesson plan, and attendance list.
Teaching activities started with warming up to increase students' interest to learn,
then in main activity, the teacher gave the material, and at closing the teacher would
try to motivate and remind them to speak using English. Based on the analysis, there
were several problems that could be found in each class.
The teacher should be able to read the situation in the class, knew the student's
ability, invited, guided, and motivated the students so that students could develop
well. The teacher who would teach in Santi Asromo Islamic Boarding School
should try to solve all the problems carefully.

VALIDATION ................................................................................................... 2
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER I ....................................................................................................... 5
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 5
1.1 Background ............................................................................................... 5
1.2 Objective ................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER II ...................................................................................................... 7
METHOD ........................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Speaking Class .......................................................................................... 7
2.2 Pronunciation Class .................................................................................. 8
2.3 Conversation Class ................................................................................... 8
2.4 Expression Class ....................................................................................... 8
CHAPTER III ..................................................................................................... 9
INSTRUMENTS ................................................................................................ 9
CHAPTER IV................................................................................................... 10
FINDING.......................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Narrative ................................................................................................. 10
4.2 Analysis, and Result ............................................................................... 12
CHAPTER V .................................................................................................... 15
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................ 15
5.1 Conclusion .............................................................................................. 15
5.2. Suggestion.............................................................................................. 16
CHAPTER VII ................................................................................................. 17
APPENDIX ...................................................................................................... 17
7.1 Lesson Plan ............................................................................................. 17
7.2 Picture ..................................................................................................... 21
REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 22


1.1 Background
Santi Asromo Islamic Boarding School was established in January 1932, and it
is the idea from KH Abdul Halim to build an educational institution that makes the
students become independent in the society, and established in a special place. The
educational institution was named Santi which means place, and Asromo which
means Quiet. It can be concluded that Santi Asromo is a quiet place that is
comfortable for learning because of the place away from the crowd. Santi Asromo
has schools named Junior High School Prakarya, and Senior High School Prakarya.
The development of Santi Asromo until now makes Santi Asromo has a bilingual
program that is English and Indonesian language because they have realized that
now language is not excellence but language is a necessity.
Starting with our daily activities such as using a smartphone, browsing the
internet, playing social media or even games have been using English in the main
language. A person who can speak English will be easier to compete in this world
like school or work because English is one of the requirements. Immediately,
English becomes one of the things that must be done by everyone to compete in this
One way that Santi Asromo Islamic Boarding School do to follow the
development of this world is to cooperate with one of the best course in Kampung
Inggris that is Access English School. It was an activity that was always done every
year with the name of English Acceleration Program. Access English School sent
teachers from a program called "Indonesia Belajar" to teach for one week on their
job training. Held from 7 to 14 July 2018 with the theme "Break Your Mental Block
and Conquer the World". The purpose of the activity is to make all students familiar
and able to speak English well.
However, the program that has been done for the last 8 years with the course that
always changed could not be seen the result. Because the students in Santi Asromo
Islamic Boarding School not interest to speak English in their daily activity, and it
is only a few teachers who can guide and supervise them in their English becomes
one of the problems, but the environment of Santi Asromo is actually very
supportive to create an English environment because it is a place away from society
and crowd so like they have their own environment. They will not be affected by
many people except people from Santi Asromo itself.

Santi Asromo Islamic Boarding School needs to maximize the environment that
they have by teaching English, increasing their interest in English, and encouraging
all students to speak English. Therefore, now I need to make report entitled
“Creating English Environment by Teaching General English for Senior High
School in Santi Asromo Majalengka Islamic Boarding School”.
1.2 Objective
Based on the background that has been presented, the objective of on-job-
training can be formed. The general objective that must be achieved by the teacher
is to create English environment by teaching general English for senior high school
in Santi Asromo Majalengka Islamic Boarding School. These general objectives
can be subdivided into three specific objectives:
1. By learning speaking, the students become more confident to speak English.
2. By learning pronunciation, the students are able to pronounce correctly the
common vocabulary in their daily activity.
3. By learning conversation, the students are able to make a conversation with
their friends using English.
4. By learning expression, the students have many expressions that can be used
in their daily activity.


The teacher sometimes does not know what to do in the class. It means the
teacher cannot deliver the material and students also cannot get what they need that
is knowledge. Therefore a teacher should prepare a teaching method that will be
used in the class.
The teaching method is the way used by the teacher to deliver the material so
that the learning objectives can be achieved. This encourages a teacher to find the
right method to deliver the material. The learning process will feel more fun and
not boring. If the teacher uses the appropriate method then the material that has
been taught can be well understood by the students.
The effectiveness in teaching depends on the selection and use of teaching
methods. Therefore, when choosing a teaching method should pay attention to the
characteristics of students. A teacher can use different methods for each class based
on students' abilities and characteristics.
Some examples of teaching methods are discussion method, drilling method,
interaction method, memorizing method.
2.1 Speaking Class
2.1.1 Discussion Method
This method is often used for speaking class because this method makes the
students speak and argue about some problem with their friends. But the teacher
must understand about the problem that will be discussed so that the teacher will be
able to control the students, discussion method takes a long time that sometimes
does not match with the planned.
In discussion method, the teacher must divide the students into several groups
so that the students will learn to work together in giving arguments and ideas in the
group because each group will have students with different abilities, the students
will be able to help each other in solving the problems. After that, each group will
give their opinions one by one in the class. In this method, the students become
more active in speaking than the teacher.

2.1.2 Question and Answer Method
In this method, the teacher will ask the students about the topic that will be
discussed, and the students must answer the question that asked by the teacher.
After that, the students also should ask the teacher about the topic that will be
discussed. In this case, the teacher will always interact with the students so that the
teacher will be much closer with the students. But this method is not suitable for
the students who are not able to compose the words in English because they will
feel difficult in answering a question that is given by the teacher.
2.2 Pronunciation Class
2.2.1 Drilling Method
Drilling method is one of a teaching methods that usually used in a pronunciation
class, in this method the teacher will pronounce each vocabulary one by one in the
module that they learn, then the students will repeat the vocabulary that the teacher
has said, and it is done over and over again so that the students can understand how
to read the vocabulary and keep it in mind, but this method looks too monotonous
because it is only a continual repetition.
2.3 Conversation Class
2.3.1 Interaction Method
Conversation class usually used interaction method in the teaching activity.
Interaction method makes the students interact with others so that the students will
feel how to make conversation with English. In this method, the teacher will give
the students the topic, expression, or question on the whiteboard and explain it.
Then a teacher will arrange the students' position to be able to make conversation
with their friends using what has been explained. The teacher will supervise the
students to find out any mistakes or people asking. Before the class ends, the teacher
will give an evaluation.
2.4 Expression Class
2.4.1 Memorizing Method
In this method, the teacher will explain many expressions that are used in their
daily activity. After that, the teacher asks the students to write and also asks the
students to ask a question if they do not understand. Then the students are asked to
memorize the expressions in several minutes. If the time is over, the students are
asked to report their memorization to the teacher. Memorizing method will really
help the students to speak in their daily activity because they already have many
expressions that they have memorized in their mind.


Learning is an important activity for humans. Because by learning humans can

have a lot of knowledge about what they have learned. In learning activities,
humans need someone who can guide, educate, and motivate or we usually call by
a teacher. It means a teacher has a very important role in learning activities. But
teachers also need tools for teaching so that teaching activities can run well. Tools
that usually use by the teacher are a whiteboard, marker, eraser, dictionary, module,
lesson plan, and attendance list.
1. A marker is used to write the teacher's explanations.
2. Whiteboard is a place to write ideas and also explanations by the teacher in
teaching activities.
3. Eraser is used to erase the wrong written of the teacher's explanation on the
4. A module is used to provide the material for the students.
5. Dictionary is used to help the teacher if the teacher does not know about the
meaning of vocabulary.
6. Lesson Plan is used to prepare what the teacher will do in the class.
7. Attendance List is used for checking the absent of the students.
8. A smartphone is used to take a photo for document
9. A powder is used to powder someone who got wrong in playing a game in
the class.


4.1 Narrative
English teaching activities at Santi Asromo Majalengka Islamic Boarding
School has the goal to create English environment in Santi Asromo, to make it
happen I have taught general English such as Speaking, Pronunciation,
Conversation, and Expression.
4.1.1 Speaking Class
The class started with praying together, I greeted and asked them how they are
doing. I started the class by giving them warming up. In warming up I would ask
them one by one based on the topic to be discussed or review the material that had
been delivered at the previous meeting. If anyone could not answer they would get
a scratch by marker or powder, it made them more excited, after they had finished
questioning and then went into main activity.
When main activity, I would start by answering the questions in the module by
pointing the students, followed by reading and translating the text together, then I
tried to ask the students about the moral value that they got from the text, then into
the discussion session, I would divide them into several groups and gave them a
few minutes, then I told them to discuss the questions and problems about the topic
from the module. After finished, they would share their opinions alternately to other
groups and other groups could ask to the groups who shared their opinions. After
the discussion was over I would ask again what they got from the previous
Before the class was over, I always took the time to motivate them to be more
confident in using English in their daily activities. I used the same method at the
next meeting because I felt that they were match to use this method, and they would
talk more in English in the class, so they were more confident in speaking English.
4.1.2 Pronunciation Class
In the pronunciation class, as usual, the class started by praying together, I
greeted and asked them how they are doing. I started the class by giving them
warming up. in warming up, I would review the material that had been delivered at
the previous meeting or gave them a tongue twister, they did it with full of spirit,
after warming up with a tongue twister or reviewing the previous material, then I
moved into main activity.

In main activity, I would write the phonetic symbols that would be learned by
them, and I tried to point to one of them to answer it. After that I pronounced it and
the students had to repeat what I said. Then I told them to open the module, I
repeated again to say all the vocabulary that we were going to learn from the module
and the students must repeat what I said. And it was done repeatedly until they
really understood.
When it was done and there was still a little time, I would give them another
tongue twister because it can reduce their accent because they could not pronounce
the "F" alphabet, and it took a long time to reduce their accents. I always did all of
these methods in every teaching activity in the pronunciation class.
4.1.3 Conversation Class
In conversation class, I always started by praying together. After that, I greeted
and asked what they were doing in the dormitory, and Activity in the classroom
began by giving students warming up first. In warming up, I told them interesting
story about the topic that was going to learn. After I tried to tell the story then I
asked the students to give their opinion. After students shared their opinion, then I
moved to main activity.
In the main activity in the conversation class, I had two activities, on the first
activity, I asked them to open their module on the topic to be discussed. After that,
I read and translated the text together with the students. Then I asked the students
what moral value that they could take from the text that they have read, I tried to
point the students to answer the questions.
In the second activity, when all the questions were already answered, I wrote,
and explained ten questions that were still related to the topic on the whiteboard.
After the explanation, I told them to make two lines face to face and made
conversation with questions on the whiteboard. I would watch if anyone asked or
something went wrong with what they said. Immediately, I wrote their mistakes and
what they asked on the whiteboard. When they have finished the conversation, I
gave an evaluation of the conversation that they previously did.
When the time would finish, I usually reminded them to always make
conversations with English. Because it would train them to speak English in their
daily activities. What I did at each meeting was not much different from what had
been said.

4.1.4 Expression Class
The class always began by praying together, after that, I greeted and asked what
they did out of the class, whether they used the expression that they have learned.
Then I gave them warming up first so they were ready to learn the material that I
was going to give. I asked the students about how to express the activities that were
often done in their daily activity using English, or I reviewed the material that has
been learned, after that, I moved to the main activity.
The main activity in expression class I wrote many expressions on the
whiteboard. After that, I explained it one by one to the students until I was sure that
they understood. Then I asked the students to memorize and report to me their
memorizing about all the expressions that have been described in a few minutes. I
told them to memorize themselves, together, or in groups.
And before the class has finished, they usually used the expressions to talk with
their friends. I reminded them to always use the expression that has been learned.
Every meeting I did the same in teaching activities, and the class was ended by
praying together.

4.2 Analysis, and Result

Creating English environment in Santi Asromo Islamic Boarding School is
not easy to be achieved. Many problems can be found in each class. based on the
analysis and the results of my teaching can be known every problem in each class
such as Speaking Class, Pronunciation Class, Conversation Class, and Expression
4.2.1 Speaking Class
Speaking class is the class that trains the students to be more confident in
speaking in English. It meant there were problems that could be found to achieve
the goal of the speaking class. Based on the analysis of the results of teaching during
several meetings could be found some problems.
Lack of confidence in using English could be seen when they tried to speak
English because they looked scared and ashamed to say something in English. but
after a few meetings, I always motivated and told them to try to be brave and not to
be embarrassed to speak English. When on examination day they look more
confident to speak English.

The next problem was their fear of mistakes in using grammar. The students had
said that previously there was a course that came to Santi Asromo. They had learned
grammar so they became too scared to make a sentence. I tried to tell them not to
be afraid of mistakes in using grammar. I said that tried to speak first using English
without fear of mistake in speaking English, because you could use grammar when
you already speak fluently. In the next meeting, they tried to speak English without
fear of grammar mistakes.
4.2.2 Pronunciation Class
The class that trains the students to be able to pronounce common vocabulary
correctly in daily activity is pronunciation class. It means there were problems that
could be found to achieve the purpose of the pronunciation class. Based on the
analysis of the results of teaching during several meetings could be found some
In understanding the lesson in pronunciation that pronounces the word correctly,
they felt difficult in understanding it. So I tried to say the words in the module
slowly and told them to repeat what I said. It was done repeatedly until I felt that
they have understood. In the next meeting, I tried to review the material of the
previous meeting and they still understand all the words I have taught.
Their difficulty in pronouncing the "F" alphabet became one of the problems in
teaching pronunciation at Santi Asromo. Because most people who come to santi
asromo are the Sundanese, and the Sundanese are hard to say alphabet "F". In
dealing with this, I tried to give them a tongue twister that could train them to
pronounce the "F" alphabet and made it as a homework. It could be seen in several
meetings that they have been able to reduce their problem in pronouncing the
alphabet "F.
4.2.3 Conversation Class
Conversation class is a class that trains students to make a conversation with
their friends using English. It meant there was a problem that could be found to
achieve the goal of the class conversation. Based on the analysis of the results of
teaching during several meetings could be found some problems.
They just had a little vocabulary and expression that could express themselves
so it made it a problem. When they want to say something it was too hard for them
to do it. To solve this problem, they would get many common expressions and
common vocabularies that could be used in daily activity on expression class. So
they would be easier to express themselves.

Composing the word into a sentence was a problem to be faced. They still felt
difficult to make a conversation. In this case, I tried to give them the way to
compose a sentence either asking or answering. After that, I asked them to make
questions for their friend and made a conversation with their question. Every
meeting, I always asked them to practice to make conversations with others so they
could say something automatically.
4.2.4 Expression Class
The class that trains the students to have many expressions that can be used in
daily activity is expression class. It means there were problems that could be found
to achieve the purpose of the expression class. Based on the analysis of the results
of teaching during several meetings could be found some problems.
Lack of interest in studying expression and vocabulary made it be a problem.
Because they thought that they would only be given words. I tried to give them an
expression and a vocabulary that looked fun to use by them. It turned out them, they
felt interested again to learn the expression and vocabulary, or even they always
used the expression and vocabulary that they have learned when outside the class.
The last problem to be faced was time. Because the expression class only had
less than one hour, so the class must be done quickly so that all material could be
delivered. But I reduced the vocabulary and expression that I think were uncommon
in their daily activity, and I only delivered the vocabulary and expression that is
commonly used in their daily activity. It made me unhurried in delivering the
material and the students understood the material.


5.1 Conclusion
Based on the find, analysis, and the result can be concluded that a teacher should
be able to invite, guide, and motivate the students so that the students can develop
well. Starting from their growing interest to speak English, the students will feel it
easier to understand the material that has been delivered, because the students feel
comfortable and trusting when a teacher has been able to do that.
By knowing the ability of the students, the teacher can develop their skills well,
and also the teacher can determine the level of material that can be delivered to the
students. Whether the material is too easy or too difficult. So the material that are
going to be delivered by the teacher can be well understood by the students.
The teacher should be able to read the situation in the class. Because it is
impossible for the teacher to continue explaining when the students do not focus on
the teacher's explanation. So the teacher should be able to read the situation and
change the atmosphere to become more comfortable to learn.

5.2. Suggestion
Creating an English environment in Santi Asromo Majalengka Islamic Boarding
School is the goal of on-job-training that I have done. I have taught general English
such as speaking, pronunciation, conversation, and expression. To achieve the goal
is not easy because there are many problems that need to be faced. I have some
recommendations that can be used when teaching general English in Santi Asromo
Islamic Boarding School.
The teacher who will teach speaking class should be able to increase their
confidence to speak English because most of them lack confidence when speaking
in English. And do not teach grammar first because they are still not very fluent in
speaking in English so they will feel afraid of mistakes in using grammar and they
will feel afraid to speak using English.
When teaching pronunciation, the teacher should pronounce symbols or
vocabulary slowly so that students can understand well, because students are less
able to understand when saying something even at normal speed and try to give
them a tongue twister to reduce their Sunda accent.
In teaching conversations, the teachers must provide the ways to compose a
sentence, and give them many practices so they will be more fluent. And in the
expression class, the teachers can prepare many common expressions that they
usually used in daily activities because they still lack a lot of expressions to express
themselves using English and interesting expressions so they will be more
interested in using it.


7.1 Lesson Plan

Date Subject Activity Time

1. Open The Class
2. Check Attendance List
3. Explain The Class Contract
4. Introduction
Speaking 08:00-09:30
5. Explain The Material (Number)
6. Checking Understanding
7. Give Teaching Suggestion
8. Close The Class
1. Open The Class
2. Check Attendance List
3. Explain The Material (Alphabet,
Pronunciation And Pronouncing Vowel (I) – (æ) ) 10:00-11:30
4. Practice by Drilling Method
5. Give Teaching Suggestion
8 6. Close The Class
1. Open The Class
2. Check Attendance List
2018 3. Explain The Material (Taking Care
of Mother)
4. Give Ten Questions About The
Conversation 13:00-14:30
5. Ask The Students to Make
6. Give Teaching Suggestion
7. Close The Class
1. Open The Class
2. Check Attendance List
3. Explain The Material (Bathroom
Expression Expression) 14:35-15:30
4. Ask The Students to Memorize
5. Give Teaching Suggestion
6. Close The Class

Date Subject Activity Time

1. Open The Class

2. Check Attendance List
3. Explain The Material (Time)
Speaking 08:00-09:30
4. Checking Understanding
5. Give Teaching Suggestion
6. Close The Class
1. Open The Class
2. Check Attendance List
3. Explain The Material (Alphabet,
Pronunciation And Pronouncing Vowel (a) – (Ʌ) ) 10:00-11:30
4. Practice by Drilling Method
5. Give Teaching Suggestion
6. Close The Class
1. Open The Class
July 2. Check Attendance List
2018 3. Explain The Material (TV or Not
4. Give Ten Questions About The
Conversation 13:00-14:30
5. Ask The Students to Make
6. Give Teaching Suggestion
7. Close The Class

1. Open The Class

2. Check Attendance List
3. Explain The Material (Classroom
Expression Expression) 14:35-15:30
4. Ask The Students to Memorize
5. Give Teaching Suggestion
6. Close The Class

Date Subject Activity Time

1. Open The Class

2. Check Attendance List
3. Explain The Material (Describing
Speaking Thing) 08:00-09:30
4. Checking Understanding
5. Give Teaching Suggestion
6. Close The Class
1. Open The Class
2. Check Attendance List
3. Explain The Material (Alphabet,
Pronunciation And Pronouncing Vowel (ɔ) – (ɚ) ) 10:00-11:30
4. Practice by Drilling Method
5. Give Teaching Suggestion
6. Close The Class
July 1. Open The Class
2. Check Attendance List
2018 3. Explain The Material (Cosmetic
4. Give Ten Questions About The
Conversation 13:00-14:30
5. Ask The Students to Make
6. Give Teaching Suggestion
7. Close The Class

1. Open The Class

2. Check Attendance List
3. Explain The Material (Helping
Expression Expression) 14:35-15:30
4. Ask The Students to Memorize
5. Give Teaching Suggestion
6. Close The Class

Date Subject Activity Time

1. Open The Class

2. Check Attendance List
3. Explain The Material (Describing
Speaking People) 08:00-09:30
4. Checking Understanding
5. Give Teaching Suggestion
6. Close The Class
1. Open The Class
2. Check Attendance List
3. Explain The Material (Reviewing,
Pronunciation and Diphtong) 10:00-11:30
4. Practice by Drilling Method
5. Give Teaching Suggestion
6. Close The Class
July 1. Open The Class
2. Check Attendance List
2018 3. Explain The Material (I Can’t Say
4. Give Ten Questions About The
Conversation 13:00-14:30
5. Ask The Students to Make
6. Give Teaching Suggestion
7. Close The Class

1. Open The Class

2. Check Attendance List
3. Explain The Material (Ordering
Expression Food Expression) 14:35-15:30
4. Ask The Students to Memorize
5. Give Teaching Suggestion
6. Close The Class

7.2 Picture

The students was practicing in The students was writing the

conversation class explanation

The students was practicing in The students was practicing in

conversation class speaking class


S.A, Puthut. 2011. Talk More Common and Daily Expression. Kediri:
Longman. 2000. Handy Learner’s Dictionary of American English. Pearson
Education Limite.
Santi Asromo. English Acceleration Programe.
Santi Asromo. Sejarah Berdiri.
Speaking module, ACCESS-ES Team.
Pronunciation module, ACCESS-ES Team.
Conversation module, ACCESS-ES Team.


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