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Social Welfare Rights

Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

Rights under the International Covenant on
Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights
(Economic Covenant)
In general

▪  Social Rights
–  Core needs for a dignified life e.g. Right to an Adequate Standard of Living

▪  Economic Rights
–  Right to work
–  Right to social assistance
–  Right to property
–  Pre-conditions for enjoyment of social and other rights

▪  Cultural Rights
–  Right to education
–  Right to participate in one’s own culture
–  Right to cultural identity
Enumeration of Rights under the Economic Covenant
Pursue own development

Property rights

Freedom to decide political status

The Right to Self-determination


Equal employment rights

Freedom from discrimination

Freedom from violence

Equal rights between men and women

Fair wages

Decent working conditions

Freedom of choice of work

Freedom from discrimination

Right to form trade unions

The Right to work under decent living conditions

Benefits after retirement

Protection after retirement

Security of survivors

Social Insurance

The Right to Social Security

Family as fundamental unit

Establishment of family

Care and education of children

The Right to Protection of and Assistance to Family

Adequate food

Adequate clothing

Adequate housing

The Right to an adequate standard of living

Right of parents to teach

Develop moral character

Free Choice of religion

The Right to Religion, Education and Instruction

Highest attainable standard

Access to medical service

Preventive and rehabilitative

The Right to Physical and Mental Health

Development of human personality


Free and accessible education

Quality education

The Right to Education

Development of human personality


Free and accessible education

Quality education

The Right to Education

Development of human personality


Free and Prior Informed Consent

Ancestral Domains/ Lands

The Right to Cultural Identity

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