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Article appeared Friday, September 7th, 2018 in The News Today, Bangladesh

The Revelation (538) yousuf mahbubul Islam, PhD

Why did God create humans, you and me? How can this be worked out? If we look at what the
heavens and earth contain, for example, what do we observe? In whatever we study, we would
find beauty, an integrated and intricate design, fitness of purpose and consistent behavior. Even
in our own creation, we would find beauty, integrated and intricate design, fitness of purpose
and consistent functioning of the various systems in our bodies. We will also notice that humans
are the only beings that can study and appreciate the beauty, design features, fitness and
sustenance of the systems in and around themselves. Can a purpose be found by considering
these facts? The sermon by Piper {1}, from the Christian point-of-view, analytically considers
this question in his post Why did God create the World and concludes,
“We were created to see his glory, be thrilled by his glory, and live so as to help others
see him and savor him for what he really is — to know, to love, to show his glory.” {1}

So, just like we are able to appreciate and witness the qualities of a painter by observing and
studying a painting, human beings not only have the ability to witness God’s qualities through
observation, analysis and experiences of life; they were in fact created to testify and share His
truth and reality. If we reflect on this for a moment, we may see that this is not only an honor
given specially to humans by our Creator; it is also a great responsibility. If we want to launch
our thoughts to reflect on the greatness of God, we can start by asking the questions, can a
painting or cartoon appreciate the qualities of the painter or cartoonist? Can the abilities of
critical thought be added to a painting or cartoon – to do so, what would a painter or cartoonist
have to do? To make humans aware of their responsibility, the Al-Qur’an instructs humans to
ponder on His Creation.
“Have you not seen (contemplated) that God created the Heavens and the earth in Truth
(or to establish the Truth)? If He so wills, He can remove you and put (in your place) a
new creation?” [14.19]

The purpose of religion is to help carry out our roles. If we do not do our part in establishing His
truth and reality, God can easily replace us with a new creation! So, what is mankind doing to
observe, contemplate and establish His Truth? Indeed, there are those who would rather
establish themselves on the earth – the only time they approach God is when they need
something or are in trouble. Among these two types of people, who would God be pleased with?
What would be His Attitude towards those who demonstrate loyalty to their purpose?
“Verily God will defend those who believe: verily He loves not any that is a traitor to faith
or shows ingratitude.” [22.38]

Throughout history, people who have demonstrated their belief by sharing the truth about God
have been persecuted, oppressed and sometimes murdered by those who would rather
establish themselves through their activities in pursuit of wealth and power. If believers suffer,
they do so to fulfill their purpose of pleasing God. However, to prevent disbelievers overrunning
the earth during our temporary sojourn in the present life, He has permitted defensive action.

22.39 “To those against whom war is made, permission is given (to fight in
defense) because they are wronged as verily God is most powerful for their aid.”
In supporting the believers, God will also prove His Truth. Throughout the ages, there are men
and women who have searched for God and worked for establishing the truth. Such people,
whatever religion they belong to, have worked out the reality of their creation and worked to
please God. Such people are,

22.40 “(They are) those who have been expelled from their homes in defiance of
right (for no cause) except that they say, "Our Lord is God." If God did not check
one set of people by means of another there would surely have been pulled down
monasteries, churches, synagogues and masjids where the name of God is
commemorated in abundant measure. God will certainly aid those who aid His
cause (to establish His Truth); for verily He is full of Strength, Exalted in Might
(and able to enforce His Will).”
By allowing defense, God creates a balance and also demonstrates His Power by supporting
the believers. How would one recognize a believer?

22.41 “(They are) those who if We establish them in the land establish regular
prayer and give regular charity enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with God rests
the end (and decision) of (all) affairs.”
It is ultimately God who decides who is a believer and who is not. At the same time, it is He who
appreciates the efforts of believers. The concept of sin, as pointed out in Verse 22.38 above, is
the demonstration of disbelief by denying the purpose for which we have been created and
ingratitude towards Him. The job of prophets throughout the ages was simply to warn of the
purpose of creation and subsequent accountability on the Day of Judgment. However, the
prophets were ridiculed and persecuted.

22.42 “If they treat your (mission) as false so did the Peoples before them (such
as) the People of Noah, `Ad and Thamud;”

22.43 “Those of Abraham and Lot;”

22.44 “And the Companions of the Madyan people: and Moses was rejected (in
the same way). But I granted respite to the Unbelievers and (only) after that did I
punish them: but how (terrible) was My rejection (of them)!”
God drowned those who did not believe in the message that Moses delivered – as proof of His
Existence, Power and Annoyance of those who rejected the message sent by Him through the
prophet. Similarly, God asks us to find out

22.45 “How many populations have We destroyed those which were given to
wrong-doing! They tumbled down on their roofs. And how many wells are lying
idle and neglected and castles lofty and well-built!”
How many cities do archeologists find where there is no trace of descendents as the cities were
destroyed by completely by God. How did these populations happen to completely disappear?

22.46 “Do they not travel through the land so that their hearts (and minds) may
thus learn wisdom and their ears may thus learn to hear? Truly it is not their eyes
that are blind but the hearts which are in their breasts.”
By studying the fate of these cities, if we do not see the wrath of God, what else will make us
believe? Punishment came, even if it was delayed for thousands of years.

22.47 “Yet they ask you (the prophet) to hasten on the Punishment! But God will
not fail in His promise. Verily a day in the sight of your Lord is like a thousand
years of your reckoning.”

22.48 “And to how many populations did I give respite which were given to
wrong-doing? In the end I punished them. To Me is the destination (of all).”
God gave extra time to some; however, we will all face Him on the Day of Judgment.

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