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Times Literary Supplement JUNE 23, 1972 1

Seeing as thinking: questions, with hearing the runner-

up, for sight dominates by its
an active theory of giving us immediate external
perception reality. By simply looking we
seem to understand what we see.
Richard Gregory This close association between
seeing and knowing makes the
Theories of perception – of what sense of vision attractive not only
happens to bridge the to philosophers but also to
extraordinary gap between sensory experimental psychologists and
stimulation and our experience of physiologists who hope to discover
external objects-have a long in the brain mechanisms serving
history, of astonishing variety. our experience and knowledge of
Speculation goes back to the the world. By coming to
beginning of recorded philosophy- understand how we see might we
and scientific work on perception not at one stroke also discover how
escapes the philosophical we think, remember, formulate
questions and dilemmas only when hypotheses, appreciate beauty and-
it narrows inquiry by over- most mysterious accept pictures
blinkering specialization. How we and words as symbols conveying
see remains essentially mysterious not merely present reality but other
after a century of intensive realities distant in space and time?
experiment, by such a variety of And if seeing involves all this,
scientists that aims and surely the net of understanding
communication can be lost must be cast wide.
between them. An adequate
Perceptual theories form a
theory should include not only the
spectrum -- from passive to active
favoured sense of sight but also:
theories. Passive theories suppose
hearing, touch, hot and cold, taste,
that perception is essentially
smell, balance and position of the
cameralike, conveying selectcd
limbs, the various kinds of pain;
aspects of objects quite directly, as
and tickle, from its irritation to
though the eyes and brain are
sensuous pleasure and delirious
undistorting windows. The baby,
laugh – making.
it is supposed, comes to see not by
using cues and hints to infer the
To the philosopher and the
world of objects from sensory data
experimental scientist, it is how we
but by selecting useful features of
see that offers the most exciting
Times Literary Supplement JUNE 23, 1972 2

objects available to it directly; acceptable as a scientific theory. It

without effort, information fits well with – and indeed
processing or inference. Active essentially is -- the familiar
theories, taking a very different "stimulus/response" notion in
view, suppose that perceptions are which behaviour is described as
constructed, by complex brain controlled directly by prevailing
processes, from fleeting conditions. This is also familiar in
fragmentary scraps of data engineering : in most devices input
signalled by the senses and drawn directly controls output ; and much
from the brain's memory banks - emphasis is put on measuring input
themselves constructions from and output, and relating them by
snippets from the past. On this transfer functions or something
view, normal everyday perceptions equivalent, to describe the system.
are not selections of reality but are B. F. Skinner in his behaviourism
rather imaginative constructions - claims to do much the same -- to
fictions-based (as indeed is science give at least a statistical account of
fiction also) more on the stored the relationship between stimulus
past than on the present. On this (input) and behaviour (output) in
view all perceptions are essentially animals and men. An engineer
fictions: fictions based on past would go on to suggest “models”,
experience selected by present of what the internal mechanisms
sensory data. Here we should not might be which transform inputs
equate "fiction" with "false". Even into the outputs. But, rather
the most fanciful fiction as written curiously. Skinner does not
is very largely true. or we would attempt to make this further step,
not understand it. Fictional and apparently distrusts it. He says
characters in novels generally have remarkably little about brains, and
the right number of heads, noses at times denies memory and indeed
and even many of the opinions of all internal processes. His
people we know. Science fiction description is purely in terms of
characters may have green hair and input output relations, with
an exoskeleton-but is this novelty emphasis on how the probability of
not a mere reshuffling of the pack certain kinds of behaviour is
of our experiences? It is doubtful changed by environmental-
if a new "card”, suddenly changes, especially "reinforcers".
introduced could be meaningfully
described or seen. Skinner himself has little
interest specifically in perception,
The passive paradigm may, at but passive theories of perception
least initially, seem more are in many ways similar. They
Times Literary Supplement JUNE 23, 1972 3

have the same initial scientific quite long gaps in sensory data,
credibility, but are (I believe) and remain appropriate though
essentially incorrect. They deny there is no sensory input. But how
that perception is an active can "output" be controlled by
combining of features stored from “input” when there is no input?
the past, building and selecting The fact is that sensory inputs are
hypotheses of what is indicated by not continuously required or
sensory data. On the active available, and so we cannot be
account we regard perceptions as dealing with a pure input-output
essentially fictional. Though system. Further, when we consider
generally predictive, and so any common action, such as
essentially correct, cognitive placing a book on a table (a
fictions may be wrong to drive us favourite example of philosophers)
into error. On this active view, we cannot test from retinal images
both veridical (correct-predictive) the table's solidity and general
and illusory (false-predictive) book-supporting capabilities. In
perceptions are equally fictions. To engineering terminology, we
perceive is to read the present in cannot monitor directly the most
terms of the past to predict and important characteristics of objects
control the future. This account is which must be known for
very different from the passive behaviour to be appropriate. This
story implied by Skinner's implies that these characteristics
behaviourism, and most ably are inferred, from the past. The
propounded by James J. Gibson other highly suggestive-indeed
and Eleanor Gibson (whose article dominating -- fact is that
is on page 711). perception is predictive. In skills,
there may be zero delay between
Why should one want to push sensory input and behaviour. But
all this stuff about " brain fictions" how could there be zero delay,
(as I do) when stimuli and except by acting upon a predictive
responses are so easily observed, hypothesis ? (Surely J. J. Gibson's
and so like the usual stuff of description of perceptions as
science? The essential reason is (I selections from the available
believe) very easily demonstrated, "ambient array" will not do : it
by common observation and by would have to be a selection from
experiment. Current sensory data a future "ambient array" for the
(or stimuli) are simply not passive account to work : but this
adequate directly to control evokes a metaphysics we cannot
behaviour in familiar situations. welcome. The significance of
Behaviour may continue through prediction in perception has been
Times Literary Supplement JUNE 23, 1972 4

for too long almost totally operations serially) that the

ignored.) computer requires a vast amount of
stored data of common object
It is the fact that behaviour does properties with ready and rapid
not need continuous, directly access. It requires, in short, what
appropriate sensorv data that we have called “fictions” to
forces upon us the notion of augment and make use of data
inference from available sensory monitored from the world by its
and brain-stored data. This camera eye, and – in machines
account is very much in the dealing with real objects – its
tradition of the polymath touch probes. In short: we may
nineteenth – century physicist and think of perception as an
physiologist, Hermann von engineering problem, but it is a
Helmholtz, who described highly atypical problem even for
perceptions as “unconscious advanced computer engineering,m
inferences”. This notion was and it requires a special philosophy
unpalatable to later generations of which is unfamiliar in science,
psychologists, who were over – because only brains and to a
influenced by philosophers in their limited extent computers are
role – sometimes useful, but in this cognitive.
case disastrous – of guardians of
semantic inertia: objecting to The notion that interpreting
inference without consciousness. objects from patterns is a “passive”
But with further data on animal business must strike the computer
perception, and computers capable programmer engaged on this
of inference, this essentially problem, in Machine Intelligence,
semantic inhibition has gone. as an extremely unfunny joke. His
Curiously, though, the kinds of problem is to devise active
inference required for perception programs adequate even for
are remarkably difficult to perceptual problems solved by
compute. simple creatures long before man
came on the scene.
The recent engineering –
science of Machine Intelligence is The notion of perceptions as
finding heavy weather designing predictive hypotheses going
computer programs to identify beyond available data is alien and
objects from television camera suspect to many physiologists.
pictures. The reason seems to be Cognitive concepts appear
(apart from the very large and fast unnecessary, even metaphysical –
computers required to perform the to be explained away by
Times Literary Supplement JUNE 23, 1972 5

physiological data. Certainly more Cognitive concepts are surely not

physiological data are needed: but alien to science, when seen as the
will they tell us by what brain's (relatively crude) strategies
mechanisms the brain’s hypotheses for discovering the world from
are mediated, or will the “brain limited data-which is very much
fiction” notion drop out as the basic problem of all science.
unnecessary? Prediction is Scientific observations without
dangerous, but there are surely hypotheses are surely as powerless
strong reasons for believing as an eye without a brain's ability
cognitive concepts should be to relate data to possible realities-
required for brain research, effectively blind.
because the brain is unique, in
nature, as an information handling The full power of human brain
system. (Or at least it is on an fiction is apparent when we
active theory of brain function.) consider how little current sensory
With the development of information is needed, or is
computers, we now have other available, in typical situations.
information handling systems to Here we do not need initially to
consider: it is interesting to note consider particular experiments --
that to describe computers, and indeed the intentional
“software” concepts are adopted, simplifications and restrictions of
similar to cognitive concepts. the laboratory environment can
More basically, what are make the point less obvious - that
essentially cognitive concepts are behaviour is generally appropriate
very familiar in all the sciences, to features of the world which are
but hidden under a different guise not continually available to the
– the method of science. senses. When you trust your
weight to the floor, or your mouth
Generalizations and hypotheses to the spoonful of food, you have
are vital to organized science, for not monitored the ground's
the same reasons they are essential strength or the food's palatability :
for brains handling data in terms of you have acted on trust, on the
external objects. Science is itself basis of the past. You have acted
not “passive” in our sense, but puts according to probabilities, based
up hypotheses for testing, and acts on generalizations from past
on hypotheses rather than directly events -and neither generalizations
on available data. Scientific nor probabilities exist, except in
observations have little or no your brain, for they are not
power without related properties of the world. Now
generalizations and hypotheses. suppose that you gave up acting on
Times Literary Supplement JUNE 23, 1972 6

informed guesses and demanded, thus have great importance for

continuously, direct selections of active theorists : they become
reality. How would you get on? obsessively used tools for
Would you not avoid mistakes discovering the underlying
never fall through rotten assumptions and strategies of the
floorboards, never be upset by bad perceptual “computer” by which
food -never be misled by going we infer – not always correctly –
beyond the evidence ? Yes, indeed, external objects from sensory data.
if there were sufficient evidence
available. But the fact is that there Looking at books written by
is frequently no possibility, or passive and active theorists, we
time, for testing floorboards or find an amusing difference
food. They must be taken on trust- between their indexes. Passive
trust based on the past as stored in books devote much space to
the brain. stimulus patterns, but very little to
the phenomena of perception:
We have arrived at questions spontaneous reversals in depth,
which may be answered by changes into other objects,
experiment. We can measure distortions, perceptual paradoxes
performance, in the partial or total in which the mind reels by being
absence of sensory data, and apparently confronted by logically
establish whether and how far impossible objects. Active
perception and behaviour continue theorists fill their books with
to remain appropriate. We find that examples of such phenomena,
we can continue to drive or walk, interpreting them in various ways,
or perform laboratory eye-hand while the passive theorist ignores
tracking experiments, through gaps them, or writes them off as too
in sensory data: and not merely trivial to concern him. But neither
inertially, for we can make uncertainty nor ambiguity, neither
decisions and change our actions distortion nor paradox, can be
appropriately during datagaps. We properties of objects: so how can
must then be relying on internal we perceive uncertainties,
data. This requires an internal ambiguities distortions or
fiction of the world-which in paradoxes if perception is but a
unusual situations may be false. If passive acceptance of reality?
the situation is unfamiliar, or This simple though surely
changes in unpredictable ways, powerful argument is not raised or
then we should expect systematic answered by passive theorists. By
errors generated by false playing down the obvious
predictions. Errors and illusions phenomena of perception (such as
Times Literary Supplement JUNE 23, 1972 7

illusions, found as children’s There is a strong reason (apart

puzzles) passive books may look from consciousness) why we wish
academically safe – but at the cost to separate descriptions of aspects
of leaving out what is most of brain function from physics.
interesting. This is however a very tricky
problem, easy to over – state and
We may now return to the point to misunderstand. Granted that
that, although we regard brain brain activity is physical, we wish
function as physical, physical and to hold that brain states
engineering concepts are not representing information and
adequate for describing some problem – solving are not usefully
aspects – especially perception of described in terms of physical
objects. This only appears to be a restraints. Consider the black
metaphysical statement if an marks (letters) on this page. They
extreme reductionist view of are physical (ink absorbed by
science is adopted. This matter is paper), but their arrangement,
controversial: there are eminent surely, is not to be understood by
scientists who hold that knowledge the principles of physics. For this
of a hydrogen atom and the laws of we must call upon English spelling
quantum mechanics are sufficient and grammar and upon the
to describe, in principle, any structure of what I am trying to
physical situation. Others hold say. In the vital respect of their
that even common effects such as order, they are free of the ink and
friction, heat, inertia or gravity (let paper of which they are made. If
alone brain function) could not in their order were determined
principle be described in these directly by their material and its
elementary terms. They hold that physical properties (as in crystal
with increased complexity, and structure) then they could not serve
organization new properties arise as symbols. Being in this sense
requiring new concepts to describe free of physical restraints, and
them. It would certainly be given receptive brains (or
difficult to ascribe the notion of computers) then they can serve as
“cognitive fictions” to a hydrogen symbols: to represent objects in
atom! (But it wold be equally other time and space; or
difficult to ascribe such concepts abstractions which do not exist, in
as servo-control, or even image – the sense that objects exist. This is
forming – so this is not a special true for all symbols: pictures,
objection to the “cognitive fiction” words, mathematical and musical
notion.) notations, video and audio tapes,
computer tapes. But symbols are
Times Literary Supplement JUNE 23, 1972 8

powerless (or are just like any relevant to the logical problems the
other objects) in the absence of brain must solve to infer objects
brains or other information – from sensory patterns and stored
handling systems. Evidently data. This is quite different from a
symbols must affect brains in some cognitive account of perceptual
more or less lawful manner: but distortions, and other phenomena
for this to be possible the relevant which may be supposed to arise
brain states must – like the typist’s from misapplication of strategies
or compositor’s characters – be quite apart from the physiology
free to adopt information storing involved. Using a slide-rule, an
and representing orders. So they error may be due to physical errors
must in this rather limited sense be in the rule itself, or to
free of physical restraint, though misapplication of the rule for the
not quite isolated from the rest of problem in hand. This is exactly
the physical world for learning and the distinction involved here,
perceiving to be possible. between physiological and
cognitive errors.
The celebrated (and I believe
essentially misleading) Gestalt We should expect physiological
theory of perception postulated restraints to produce the same
physiological restraints to explain effects for any object situation (for
many visual phenomena, such as example after – images, due to
preference for, and distortion retinal fatigue, to any bright light).
towards, figures of “simple” and Misplaced strategy errors should,
“closed” form. Visual forms were on the other hand, be related to the
supposed to be represented in the kind of perceptual inference, from
brain by similarly shaped electrical sensory pattern to object, being
brain fields – circles by circular carried out. So the point is that the
brain traces, presumably houses by physiology should only produce
house – shaped brain traces. These errors when it is exerting general
brain traces were supposed to tend restraints. We should not expect
to form simple and closed shapes, this except in abnormal situations,
because of their physical such as when the physiological
properties; much as bubbles tend “components” are driven beyond
to become spheres, as this form their dynamic range. Considering
has minimum potential energy. phenomena of perception, such as
Now this implies that visual ambiguous, distorting or
“organizations” and distortions are paradoxical figures: do these
due to physical restraints and figures upset the physiology, or
forces which will not in general be select inappropriate strategies, to
Times Literary Supplement JUNE 23, 1972 9

generate errors? In these cases, it support a book upon is to solve a

seems to be the object significance problem so difficult it challenges
of the figures which is relevant. the most advanced computer
So these phenomena seem quite technology, and yet to us it is so
unlike after-images – here it is not simple that a passive theory of
so much the physiology as the perception may seem plausible.
cognitive strategies which we need This shows that passive theories
to discover. This needs a different may be so misleading as to hide
(but still a “scientific”) way of aspects of brain function we must
thinking, and powerful see clearly to understand not only
experimental techniques, to perception but all mental processes
discover cognitive strategies and and how they can go wrong.
how they can mislead.
Recent discoveries by
To separate errors due to physiologists, especially by
physiological restraints from errors electrical recording from single
due to misplaced strategies surely brain cells during controlled
has importance beyond stimuli to the eyes, are so clearly
understanding perceptual errors. important that they tend to
The same distinction (between dominate much current thinking
physiological and cognitive about perception. The problem of
processes, and how either can go how sensory patterns are
wrong) might be important for interpreted in terms of objects
understanding mental illness. If tends to be ignored. The important
schizophrenia is errors in the physiological discovery is that
brain’s strategies for developing certain stimulus patterns (lines of
hypotheses of external states of certain orientation, or movement,
affairs, this should be understood etc) produce repeatable activity in
not only in terms of biochemistry specific brain cells. This discovery
and physiology but also in terms of came as an unpalatable shock to
the strategies by which we passive theorists who tend to
normally cope with things. ignore brain function. To active
Perhaps this matter of strategies is theorists, it gives a clue to the
hidden by the apparent ease with kinds of data accepted for building
which we continually solve object-hypotheses. One might
problems of the utmost difficulty think from this that passive
to computer programmers: and theories would drop out, leaving
which receive false answers when the field of physiologists and
their programs are inappropriate. active cognitive psychologists to
Seeing a table as something to work together in blissful harmony.
Times Literary Supplement JUNE 23, 1972 10

Actually things are not quite like development of perception in

this : the physiological advance is babies. Early changes of the
so concrete, and clearly important, nervous svstem as a result of
that many physiologists and experience are now being
cognitive psychologists feel that discovered, which will perhaps
finding more feature analysers, and help to tie up, or relate, physiology
more abstract analysers, is the sole and cognition. Possibly the most
path we need to follow to fundamental and rigorous ideas are
understand vision. But is it? The coming not from biology but from
physiological mechanisms being attempts to program computers to
discovered relate to stimulus see and handle object-relations. It
patterns only, and not recognition proves necessary to make the
of objects its hypotheses. The computers develop hypotheses and
physiological account thus remains select the most likely, given the
passive, and so essentially data from its glass eye.
inadequate, for the same reasons
that cognitive passive accounts are There is more to this, for some
inadequate. computer programs designed to
give "scene analysis" (recognizing
The task ahead is to relate objects from pictures by computer)
physiological processes not only to assign alternative object
direct input-output links, as in probabilities to selected features in
reflexes, but also to the brain's the picture: and then change these
logical and correlating activity probabilities, according to
endowing it with the power to probabilities assigned to other
predict. This will require further features of the scene. For example,
physiological data, and current a given shape may be a box or a
techniques are providing extremely building. If what is taken to be a
important new information so this hand is above it, then the
will surely be available. probability of the box hypothesis
Experiments on the phenomena of will be increased and the building
perception itself, in animals and in hypothesis decreased-for hands are
men – essentially on how patterns generally too small and too low to
are interpreted as objects -- has be above buildings, but not above
confusions (or at least impeding boxes. Now this gives interactions,
disagreements) in its philosophy, due to conditional probabilities,
and a lack of powerful research which may generate visual effects
techniques. Some of the most in computers or brains quite like
interesting clues are at present the old Gestalt phenomena, but for
coming from studies of an entirely different reason. The
Times Literary Supplement JUNE 23, 1972 11

reason is to be understood in terms are supposed to accept the

of cognitive strategies or behaviourist's writings as
procedures for making effective expressing his observations,
use of data for deciding what thoughts and judgments: which in
objects are present in the scene. these same writings he denies
In Machine Intelligence only having. We are reminded of the
precisely formulated theories are poignant postcard received by
adequate: any gaps or errors in the Bertrand Russell saying : " I am a
theory show up as errors in the solipsist-why are there no other
machine. At present machines philosophers like me ? "
perform only the simplest tasks,
and are easily confused by Professor Gregory is head of the
shadows or small changes we Brain Perception Laboratory,
scarcely notice. University of Bristol.

Although the difficulties in

Machine Intelligence demonstrate
all too well how little we know, it
now seems that we are beginning
to understand ourselves – the
inference – mechanisms of our
humanity – by inventing adequate
concepts for machines to infer
objects from data: to perceive our
world with their metal brains and
human-devised programs. Is this
science fiction ? Yes-but like all
fiction it may be largely true.
Philosophically, this is not the
end of the matter. Behaviourism,
with its related passive theories of
perception, is unconcerned with
what goes on between the senses
and behaviour: indeed denies that
anything goes on. This may be a
legitimate expedient for focusing
attention upon certain questions in
behavioural research; but as a
philosophy it is a kind of nihilism
with a built-in contradiction. We

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