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Mathematical Biosciences 286 (2017) 22–30

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Mathematical model for the impact of awareness on the dynamics of

infectious diseases
G.O. Agaba, Y.N. Kyrychko, K.B. Blyuss∗
Department of Mathematics, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QH, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper analyses an SIRS-type model for infectious diseases with account for behavioural changes asso-
Received 5 May 2016 ciated with the simultaneous spread of awareness in the population. Two types of awareness are included
Revised 20 January 2017
into the model: private awareness associated with direct contacts between unaware and aware popula-
Accepted 27 January 2017
tions, and public information campaign. Stability analysis of different steady states in the model provides
Available online 2 February 2017
information about potential spread of disease in a population, and well as about how the disease dy-
Keywords: namics is affected by the two types of awareness. Numerical simulations are performed to illustrate the
Epidemic model behaviour of the system in different dynamical regimes.
Disease awareness
© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction in the presence of awareness, it is important to understand how

the concurrent spread of disease and awareness affects disease dy-
The last two decades have witnessed a number of major out- namics.
breaks of infectious diseases, including swine flu, SARS, Ebola, and, A number of mathematical models have been proposed to anal-
most recently, the Zika virus. Due to the globalised travel and sig- yse the effects of information and awareness on the spread of
nificant advances in social media, information about these out- epidemics. These models can be roughly divided into two ma-
breaks is spreading quite quickly, and this, in turn, can have a pro- jor classes in terms of how they mathematically represent pop-
found effect on the actual epidemic dynamics [8,16,29,33]. Inter- ulations of interacting individuals: network-based models, where
estingly, awareness can have very complex and sometimes unex- individuals are represented as network nodes, and edges corre-
pected effects on the dynamics of the disease spread. It can have a spond to possible connections along which a disease can be trans-
clearly positive influence, where disease propagation is minimised mitted [9,10,14,15,17,36,42,44], and mean-field models that assume
or fully stopped by various disease control measures, such as the global mixing between individuals in the population (see Man-
use of face masks, condoms or other tools appropriate for specific fredi and d’Onofrio [23] for a review of some of the existing mod-
diseases, as well as vaccination and even quarantine, with exam- els). Funk et al. [9] have investigated how the spread of aware-
ples ranging from the plague outbreak in the English village of ness prompted by a first-hand contact with the disease affects the
Eyam in 1665–1666 [27], where the village completely sealed itself spread of the disease. They showed that in a social network, the
off to prevent further transmission of plague, to more recent out- spread of awareness and the resulting reduction in susceptibility
breaks of swine influenza [16] and Ebola [33]. On the other hand, does not only lower the incidence of the disease, but in some cases
the spread of information about a disease can also result in anxi- can even prevent onset of epidemics, thus implying that aware-
ety and panic, which can lead to undesired consequences, such as ness can act as an effective measure of disease control. Further-
the uncontrolled spread of plague during the 1994 outbreak in one more, their results suggest that in the presence of an infectious
of the states in India, where by fleeing the endemic area the peo- disease, social distancing should be considered not only from the
ple carried the disease with them, thus infecting other parts of the perspective of some centrally controlled action, but also in terms
country [34]. Another example is an HPV vaccination campaign in of self-initiated behavioural changes of individuals. This is further
Romania, which has failed largely due to a very low take-up of vac- supported by Kleczkowski et al. [22] who analysed two dimensions
cination mostly resulting from the negative press coverage [30]. In of behavioural changes: reduction in the number of contacts (stay-
light of this complexity of behavioural changes in the population ing at home) and reduction in the likelihood of contacts resulting
in infections (washing hands). Their results revealed that “washing
hands” strategy appeared to be more effective for short-lived dis-

Corresponding author. eases while “staying at home” was better for long-lived diseases.
E-mail address: (K.B. Blyuss).
0025-5564/© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
G.O. Agaba et al. / Mathematical Biosciences 286 (2017) 22–30 23

Mean-field models have provided an alternative approach for ity, respectively. A reduction in infectivity occurs due to infected
modelling the effect of awareness on disease transmission. One individuals taking treatment or possibly staying at home (quaran-
possibility is to represent awareness as the reduction of trans- tine) to reduce their contacts, while a reduction in susceptibility
mission (contact) rate by some factor that grows with the num- is associated with susceptible individuals taking measures for dis-
ber of infected individuals, with the common choices being ei- ease prevention, such as face masks, vaccination or tablets etc. In-
ther a saturated [4,20,38,39] or exponential [5,21,40] growth of the fected individuals recover at a rate r, which is further amplified
reduction factor. In the specific context of STIs, most individuals by a factor ε for aware individuals. Upon recovery, it is assumed
are actually aware of the spreading infection but they may still that individuals remain immune to the disease for an average pe-
choose not to respond to the threat, so Kiss et al. [19] have consid- riod of 1/δ , after which time they return to their respective class
ered the effects of disease awareness in the case of STIs, where of susceptibles. The duration of this temporary immunity for aware
the rate of information transmission has the form of a saturat- individuals is taken to be longer by a factor of 1/φ [11].
ing function of the number of infected individuals, and the value As mentioned in the Introduction, there are several different
of information is allowed to decay over time. The authors have ways how disease awareness can be incorporated into the mean-
shown that whilst the population-wide awareness does not affect field model. Irrespective of whether awareness is modelled explic-
the epidemic threshold, it acts to reduce the infection prevalence itly as a separate compartment, or acts as a direct modification of
at endemic equilibrium. Another approach is to introduce a sep- the disease transmission rate, a number of authors have explicitly
arate compartment for the “media” variable that effectively rep- included prevalence-dependent reduction in the disease transmis-
resents the level of awareness in the population, and the popula- sion rate to signify the fact that a higher overall number of infected
tions move from the unaware to aware compartments at rates pro- individuals results in a higher level of awareness [2,6,31,32]. We
portional to this level of awareness [24–26,37]. Mean-field models adopt a slightly different approach used by Funk et al. [11], where
have highlighted a number of important features of dynamics as- we rather explicitly introduce distinct compartments for unaware
sociated with the simultaneous spread of disease and awareness, and aware individuals in each of the disease states, and transitions
such as the occurrence of multiple disease outbreaks due to the between respective unaware and aware compartments take place
spread of information [21], co-existence of multiple feasible equi- at constant rates. ‘Private’ awareness is assumed to spread from
libria [5,21], behavioural changes that are dependent on disease the aware section of the population to the unaware at a rate α j
prevalence [2,6,31,32]. They have also helped analyse optimal dis- and to be lost at a rate λj , where j = 1, 2, 3 corresponds to the
ease control programs [20,35,39,43] and the role of time delay in susceptible, infected and recovered individuals, respectively. When
the response to awareness campaigns on disease dynamics [12,45– compared to the model studied in Perra et al. [31], this is fully
47]. analogous to a prevalence-dependent transmission of awareness.
In this paper, we focus on the question of how the dissemi- Besides this private awareness associated with direct contacts be-
nation of private awareness arising from direct contacts between tween unaware and aware individuals, we also include a possibil-
unaware and aware individuals, and public awareness stemming ity of a ‘public’ or population-wide campaign aimed at reducing
from population-wide information campaigns affect the dynam- the impact of the disease by distributing information about this
ics of the disease spread [1]. The model includes the possibility disease. Formally, this is represented in the model by direct transi-
of direct contacts between unaware and aware individuals regard- tions from each unaware population to an associated aware pop-
less of their disease status, and it also takes into account pub- ulation, i.e. from Sn to Sa , from In to Ia , and from Rn to Ra , at
lic spread of awareness through various media and information a rate ωj , j = 1, 2, 3. With the above assumptions, the model for
campaigns. the simultaneous spread of the disease and awareness takes the
The outline of the paper is as follows. In the next Section we form
derive the model and discuss its basic properties. Section 3 con- dSn (In + σi Ia ) β Sn α1 (Sa + Ia + Ra ) Sn
tains the analysis of feasibility and conditions for stability of differ- =− −
dt N N
ent steady states. In Section 4 we explore how different aspects of +λ1 Sa + δ Rn − ω1 Sn ,
disease awareness affect epidemic threshold, and also present nu-
dIn (In + σi Ia ) β Sn α2 (Sa + Ia + Ra ) In
merical simulations of the model to illustrate different dynamical = −
behaviours. The paper concludes in Section 5 with the discussion dt N N
of results and future outlook. +λ2 Ia − r In − ω2 In ,
dRn α3 (Sa + Ia + Ra ) Rn
=− + λ3 Ra − δ Rn + r In − ω3 Rn ,
2. Model derivation dt N
dSa (In + σi Ia ) σs β Sa α1 (Sa + Ia + Ra ) Sn
=− +
In order to analyse the effects of awareness on the dynamics dt N N
of a directly transmitted disease, we use an SIRS-type model simi- −λ1 Sa + φ δ Ra + ω1 Sn ,
lar to [11], and divide the overall population into two major com- dIa (In + σi Ia ) σs β Sa α2 (Sa + Ia + Ra ) In
partments: unaware susceptible, infected and recovered individuals = +
dt N N
(denoted by Sn , In and Rn ) and aware susceptible, infected and re-
− λ2 Ia − ε r Ia + ω2 In ,
covered individuals (denoted by Sa , Ia and Ra ). The need to include
dRa α3 (Sa + Ia + Ra ) Rn
infected and recovered individuals who are themselves unaware of = − λ3 Ra − φ δ Ra + ε r Ia + ω3 Rn . (1)
the epidemic stems from the observation that many infectious dis- dt N
eases possess non-negligible incubation periods, during which they We assume that in this model the relations α 2 ≥ α 3 ≥ α 1 and ω2
are asymptomatic, or symptoms may actually never develop at all, ≥ ω3 ≥ ω1 hold to represent the fact that through their exposure
and hence, individuals may be completely unaware that they are and development of symptoms infected individuals are more likely
actually the carriers of infections. Notable examples of such in- to look for information about the disease either through their con-
fections include tuberculosis and many STIs, including chlamydia, tacts or more generally in the media, and the same applies to re-
gonorrhoea and HIV [18,28]. covered individuals, though to a smaller degree, while susceptibles
A disease is characterised by a transmission rate β for unaware are least likely to be interested in the potential outbreak. On the
population, which is reduced by the factors 0 < σ i ≤ 1 and 0 < other hand, having become aware, we assume that susceptibles are
σ s ≤ 1 that represent the decrease in infectivity and susceptibil- most likely to lose their awareness as something unimportant and
24 G.O. Agaba et al. / Mathematical Biosciences 286 (2017) 22–30

Nn (∞ ) = N − Na (∞ )
⎡  ⎤
β, σi β r   2
Sn In Rn = N⎣

2 α 4 α α

This implies that as t → ∞, Nn (t) and Na (t) tend to some constant

α1 ω1 λ1 α2 ω2 λ2 α3 ω3 λ3 values that only depend on the rates of gain of private and pub-
lic awareness (α and ω) and the loss rate of awareness λ, but are
independent of the initial conditions for individual populations or
σs β, σi σs β εr the characteristics of the disease, such as the transmission rate, or
Sa Ia Ra the durations of recovery or temporary immunity.

φδ 3. Steady states and their stability

Fig. 1. Model diagram: dynamics of transitions in model (1). Solid lines represent As a first step in the analysis, we look at possible steady states
transitions associated with individuals. Arrows represent a type of “possible tran- of the model (1). In the absence of public awareness, i.e. for ω1 =
sitions”: double-head arrows indicate processes subject to contacts associated with ω3 = ω3 = 0, the model (1) always has a disease-free steady state
the disease (solid lines) or awareness (dash lines), single-head arrows indicate pro-
cesses that are not subject to contact.
E0 = (Sn∗ , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) = (N, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ). (3)

It can also have an awareness-endemic equilibrium (characterised

not directly relevant, whereas recovered and infected individuals
by only private dissemination of awareness)
will retain the awareness for a greater amount of time, as repre-
sented by λ1 ≥ λ3 ≥ λ2 .  
λ1 λ1
This model generalises an earlier work of Funk et al. [11] by E00 = (Sn∗ , 0, 0, Sa∗ , 0, 0 ) with Sn∗ = N , Sa∗ = N 1 − ,
allowing the unaware susceptible and recovered populations to α1 α1
acquire information through public awareness programme with- (4)
out the need for contacts with aware individuals. This provides a
very important practical difference, since preventing the disease and a disease-endemic steady state
through an appropriate information programme is very effective
E1 = (Sn∗ , In∗ , R∗n , 0, 0, 0 ), (5)
and more economical than treating the disease once it takes off in
the population. Fig. 1 shows the model diagram with all the tran- where
sitions between different model compartments.
rN r rN r
Since the model (1) does not include vital dynamics and there Sn∗ = , In∗ = 1− and R∗n = 1− .
are no disease-induced deaths, this implies that the total popu- β δ+r β δ+r β
lation N (t ) = Nn (t ) + Na (t ) = N is constant, where Nn (t ) = Sn (t ) + While the disease-free steady state exists for any values of system
In (t ) + Rn (t ) and Na (t ) = Sa (t ) + Ia (t ) + Ra (t ) are total populations parameters, the endemic states E00 and E1 are only biologically fea-
of unaware and aware individuals, respectively. It is easy to show sible, provided the conditions
that the model (1) is well-posed, i.e. its solutions are non-negative
for all t ≥ 0. α1
Ra0 = > 1, (6)
Summing up the last three equations in (1) under the assump- λ1
tion of equal rates of awareness gain and loss, i.e. for α j = α , and
ω j = ω and λ j = λ, j = 1, 2, 3, and the fact that Na (t ) = N − Nn (t )
yields a logistic-type equation for the total aware population β
Rd0 = > 1, (7)

= b Na 1 − + ω Na , (2) respectively, hold.
dt K In the case where public awareness is present, i.e. ωj > 0, the
disease-free steady state is actually an awareness-endemic equilib-
where b = α − λ − ω and K = bαN . This equation can be solved with rium
the initial condition Na (0 ) = 0 to give
   E0ω = (Sn∗ , 0, 0, Sa∗ , 0, 0 ), with Sa∗ = N h, Sn∗ = N (1 − h ), (8)
N  t
Na (t ) = b+ b(4 p + b) tanh b( 4 p + b ) where
2α 2
b αω 1 λ1 + ω1 1 λ1 + ω1 ω1
− arctanh  , p= . h= 1− + 1− + ,
b( 4 p + b ) b 2 α1 4 α1 α1
0 < h < 1. (9)
From this expression it immediately follows that
⎡  ⎤ The fully endemic steady state for arbitrary positive values of
  2 α j , ωj and λj cannot be found in a closed form, but in the particu-
1 λ+ω 1 λ+ω ω⎦
Na (∞ ) = N ⎣ 1− + 1− + , lar case of equal rates of awareness spread and loss, i.e. for ω j = ω,
2 α 4 α α α j = α and λ j = λ, it can be readily found as follows
E2ω = (Sn∗ , In∗ , R∗n , Sa∗ , Ia∗ , R∗a ),
G.O. Agaba et al. / Mathematical Biosciences 286 (2017) 22–30 25

with individual components being explicitly given by In the presence of public awareness, i.e. for ωj > 0, linearisation
√ near the awareness-endemic equilibrium E0ω = (Sn∗ , 0, 0, Sa∗ , 0, 0)
B ± B2 − 4 A C m2 m7 [N (1 − h ) − Sn∗ ] yields the following characteristic equation
Sn∗ = , In∗ = ,
2A m2 m7 + r ( λ + φ δ ) m7 + λ ε r m6
μ (a3 − a2 + λ1 + μ )(μ2 + μ g1 + g2 )(μ2 + μ g3 + g4 ) = 0,
[r (λ + φ δ ) m7 + λ ε r m6 ] [N (1 − h ) − Sn∗ ]
R∗n = , where
m2 m7 + r ( λ + φ δ ) m7 + λ ε r m6
β Sn∗ α1 Sn∗ α1 Sa∗ σi β Sn∗
N m3 − m4 Sn∗ m2 m6 [N (m5 h − m3 ) + m4 Sn∗ ] a1 = , a2 = , a3 = + ω1 , a4 = ,
Sa∗ = , Ia∗ = , N N N N
m5 m5 [m6 ( m1 + m2 ) + r ( α h + ω ) m7 ] σs β Sa∗ σi σs β Sa∗ α ∗
2 Sa
[r (α h + ω ) m7 + m1 m6 ] [N (m5 h − m3 ) + m4 Sn∗ ] a5 = , a6 = , a7 = + ω2 ,
R∗a = , N N N
m5 [m6 ( m1 + m2 ) + r ( α h + ω ) m7 ] α3 Sa∗
a8 = + ω3 , g1 = λ3 + φ δ + a8 + δ,
(10) N
g2 = λ3 δ + φ δ (a8 + δ ), g3 = λ2 + ε r − a6 + a7 + r − a1 ,
g4 = (λ2 + ε r − a6 ) (a7 + r − a1 ) − (a7 + a5 ) (a4 + λ2 ).
m1 = ε r ( α h + δ + ω ), m2 = λ δ + φ δ ( α h + δ + ω ),
It is straightforward to show that all roots of this equation (except
m3 = λ r + ε r (α h + r + ω ), m4 = β [σi (α h + ω ) + λ + ε r],
for μ = 0) have negative real part, provided
m5 = βσs [σi (α h + r + ω ) + λ],
λ1 + ω1
m 6 = N ( α h + r + ω ) − β S n , m 7 = N λ + σi β S n , > 1 − 2h, (15)
and and
A= β [ m 4 λ ε r + m 5 ( m 1 + m 2 )] Rd0 < ψ , where
−β σi [m4 (m2 + λ r + r φ δ ) + r (α h + ω ) m5 ], λ2 + ε (α2 h + r+ ω2 )
B = N ( m4 λ ( m2 + m3 + r φ δ )
ψ= .
(1 −h )[σi (α2 h + ω2 ) + λ2 + ε r] + h σs [σi (α2 h + r+ ω2 ) + λ2 ]
+m5 ( m1 + m2 ) [β ( 1 − h ) + α h + r + ω ] Using the expression for h in (9), it follows that the first of these
+ r ( α h + ω ) m 5 [ λ − σ i β ( 1 − h )] conditions is always satisfied for ωj > 0, and in the limit ωj → 0 it
turns into Ra0 > 1. On the other hand, the second condition in the
−β (m3 − m5 h ) [σi (m2 + λ r + r φ δ ) − λ ε r] ),
limit ωj → 0 turns into Rd0 < ψ0 in agreement with (12).
C = N 2 [ m 5 ( 1 − h ) [ ( α h + r + ω ) ( m 1 + m 2 ) + λ r ( α h + ω )]
Finally, the characteristic equation for linearisation near the
+ λ ( m 3 − m 5 h ) ( m 2 + m 3 + r φ δ )] . endemic equilibrium state E2ω = (Sn∗ , In∗ , R∗n , Sa∗ , Ia∗ , R∗a ) with ω j = ω,
The endemic steady state E2ω is only feasible when the value of Sn∗ α j = α and λ j = λ, j = 1, 2, 3, has the form
lies within the interval
  μ(μ + a3 + λ )(μ4 + P1 μ3 + P2 μ2 + P3 μ + P4 ) = 0, (16)
N ( m3 − m5 h ) N m3 N ( α h + r + ω )
< Sn∗ < min , , N (1 − h ) , where
m4 m4 β
P1 = x + y + z + λ,
which ensures that all steady-state variables have positive values.
P2 = δ (φδ + φ a3 + λ ) + (x + y )(λ + z ) + r (a9 + a10 ε )
To analyse the stability of different steady states, we start by
considering the case ω1 = ω3 = ω3 = 0 and linearise the system +xy − (a3 + a5 )(λ + a4 ),
(1) near the disease-free steady state E0 . This gives a characteristic P3 = δ (φδ + φ a3 + λ )(x + y ) + (λ + z )[xy − (a3 + a5 )(λ + a4 )]
equation for eigenvalues μ, which can be factorised as follows +ra9 (x + φδ + λ ) + a10 ε r (y + a3 + δ ),
μ(μ + λ1 − α1 )(μ + r − β )(μ + λ2 + ε r )(μ + δ )(μ + λ3 + φδ ) P4 = δ (φδ + φ a3 + λ )[xy − (a3 + a5 )(λ + a4 )]
= 0, +r[a9 x(λ + φδ ) + a10 a3 (λ + a4 )]
suggesting that the steady state E0 is linearly asymptotically stable, +ε r [a9 a10 r + λa9 (a3 + a5 ) + ya10 (δ + a3 )],
β < r, and α1 < λ1 , (In∗ + σi Ia∗ )β (In∗ + σi Ia∗ ) σs β
a9 = , a10 = ,
or, equivalently, N N
x = ε r + a10 + λ − a6 , y = a3 + a7 + r − a1 , z = φδ + δ + a3 .
Rd0 < 1, Ra0 < 1. (11)
Two of the eigenvalues of the characteristic Eq. (16) are μ = 0 and
Similarly, one can show that the awareness-endemic equilibrium μ = −(α h + ω + λ ), so the stability of the endemic steady state E2ω
E00 = (Sn∗ , 0, 0, Sa∗ , 0, 0 ) is linearly asymptotically stable if is determined by the roots of the quartic
Rd0 < ψ0 , Ra0 > 1, (12) μ4 + P1 μ3 + P2 μ2 + P3 μ + P4 = 0.
where Using the Routh–Hurwitz criterion, one can conclude that the
steady state E2ω is linearly asymptotically stable if and only if the
ψ0 =
following conditions hold
α1 [α1 λ2 + ε (α2 (α1 − λ1 ) + α1 r )]
, P4 > 0, P1 > 0, P2 > 0 and P3 (P1 P2 − P3 ) > P12 P4 . (17)
(α1 − λ1 )[σi σs (α2 (α1 − λ1 ) + α1 r ) + α2 λ1 σi + α1 λ2 σs ] + α1 λ1 (λ2 + ε r )
(13) Figs. 2 and 3 illustrate how the stability of different steady
states varies with parameters. Both of these figures indicate that
whereas the disease-endemic steady state E1 = (Sn∗ , In∗ , R∗n , 0, 0, 0 )
the endemic steady state is only biologically feasible and stable in
linearly asymptotically stable whenever the following conditions
the parameter region where the disease-free steady state is un-
stable. The region of stability of the disease-free steady state in-
Rd0 > 1, Ra0 < 1. (14) creases with α and ω, implying that increasing awareness allows
26 G.O. Agaba et al. / Mathematical Biosciences 286 (2017) 22–30

Fig. 2. Existence and stability of different steady states for ω j = ω, α j = α and λ j = λ. The disease-free steady state is stable to the right of the surface in (a) and below
each curve in (b), and in these parameter regions the endemic steady state is not feasible. To the left of the surface in (a) and above each curve in (b), the disease-free
steady state is unstable, while the endemic steady state exists and is stable. Parameter values are λ = 0.6, r = 0.6, σi = 0.5, σs = 0.5, φ = 0.3, ε = 2, δ = 0.4.

Fig. 3. Existence and stability of different steady states for ω j = ω, α j = α and λ j = λ. The disease-free steady state is stable to the right of the surface in (a) and below
each curve in (b), and in these parameter regions the endemic steady state is not feasible. To the left of the surface in (a) and above each curve in (b), the disease-free
steady state is unstable, while the endemic steady state exists and is stable. Parameter values are α = 0.4, λ = 0.6, σi = 0.5, σs = 0.5, φ = 0.3, ε = 2, δ = 0.4.

disease eradication and prevents establishment of some steady lev- In the case of reduced susceptibility, where σi = ε = φ = 1 and 0
els of disease even for higher values of the disease transmission ≤ σ s < 1, the epidemic threshold is given by
rate β . Similar effect is observed by increasing the recovery rate r, h ( 1 − σs )
where the disease is eradicated not so much through the spread ψ =1+ , (18)
1 − h ( 1 − σs )
of awareness, as due to the fact that infected individuals recover
faster than they are able to spread the infection. Increasing the rate where h was introduced in (9) and can be equivalently rewritten
λ of awareness loss naturally has the opposite effect of increasing as
the parameter region where the endemic steady state is biologi-
cally feasible and stable. 1 1 ω1 1 1 ω1 ω1
h= 1− a − + 1− a − + . (19)
2 R0 α1 4 R0 α1 α1
For ω j = ω = 0, the expression for epidemic threshold reduces to
4. Effects of awareness on system dynamics
(Ra0 − 1 )(1 − σs )
ψ0 = 1 + . (20)
In order to get a better understanding of relative effects of dif- 1 + (Ra0 − 1 )σs
ferent aspects of awareness on determining the stability of dif- When α j = α → ∞, this threshold tends to the same limit of
ferent steady states and eventual evolution of the system, we fix 1/σ s as the epidemic threshold in a model of Funk et al. [11],
three of the four parameters, σ s , σ i , ε and φ , to be equal to one, thus suggesting that when the level of private awareness is much
and allow one of them to vary to individually investigate the effect higher than that of public awareness, it is this private awareness
it has on the disease propagation. Qualitative behaviour is simi- that dominates the dynamics, and then it does not really matter
lar in all cases considered below in that in the absence of public whether public awareness extends only to susceptible individuals
awareness (ω1 = ω2 = ω3 = 0 ), the epidemic threshold is Rd0 > 1 or to the whole population. However, for intermediate values of α ,
for Ra0 < 1, and Rd0 > ψ0 with ψ0 = ψ (ω j = 0 ) for Ra0 > 1, whereas the epidemic threshold in our model depends not only on Ra0 and
for ωj > 0, it is given by Rd0 > ψ regardless of the value of Ra0 . In σ s , but also on the ratio of the public (ω) and private (α ) aware-
the case of ω j = 0 and Ra0 < 1, the disease is established in the ness rates as shown in (19), whereas in Funk et al. [11], the epi-
form of a stable disease-endemic steady state E1 , while for Ra0 > 1, demic threshold was given by (20) for any value of ω.
and for ωj > 0 and any value of Ra0 , the system settles on the sta- When one considers reduced infectivity where σs = ε = φ = 1,
ble endemic equilibrium E2ω . and the infective population has its infectivity reduced by a factor
G.O. Agaba et al. / Mathematical Biosciences 286 (2017) 22–30 27

Fig. 4. Effects of private and public awareness on the spread of infectious diseases for (a) ω1 = ω2 = 0, (b) ω1 = 0.1, ω2 = 0.2. Other parameter values are λ1 = 0.5, λ2 =
0.4, r = 0.5, σi = 0.7, σs = 0.8, ε = 1.5, α1 , α2 were varied with α2 = α1 + 0.01. In each case we have indicated a single steady state that is stable in that part of the parameter

Fig. 5. Effects of private and public awareness on the spread of infectious diseases with α j = α , ω j = ω, λ j = λ, j = 1, 2, 3, for (a) ω = 0, (b) ω = 0.2. Other parameter
values are λ = 0.5, r = 0.5, σi = 0.7, σs = 0.8, ε = 1.5. In each case we have indicated a single steady state that is stable in that part of the parameter plane.

0 ≤ σ i < 1, the epidemic threshold is given by ues of Rd0 and Ra0 for reduced susceptibility, reduced infectivity and
faster recovery with α j = α , ω j = ω, λ j = λ for j = 1, 2, 3. We ob-
[h(α2 + r ) + ω2 ](1 − σi )
ψ =1+ , serve that having unequal values of parameters λ1 > λ2 and ω2 >
σi [h(α2 + r ) + ω2 ] + λ2 + r (1 − h ) ω1 gives qualitatively similar behaviour of epidemic thresholds to
and similarly to the previous case, it now depends on both types of that with equal values of these parameters, though for equal values
awareness and, in fact, it increases with both α j and ω j ( j = 1, 2 ). of parameters, the stability region of the steady state E0ω is larger
In the case of faster recovery with σs = σi = φ = 1 and ε > 1, the for smaller values of Ra0 and slightly smaller for larger values of
epidemic threshold becomes Ra0 . In the case when ω1 = ω2 and λ1 > λ2 , the results show an
increase in the stability region of the steady state E0ω for reduced
[h (α2 + r ) + ω2 ] (ε − 1 )
ψ =1+ . susceptibility, reduced infectivity and faster recovery. On the con-
h (α2 + r ) + ω2 + λ2 + ε r (1 − h )
trary, for λ1 = λ2 and ω2 > ω1 , the stability region for the reduced
For longer temporary immunity with σs = σi = ε = 1 and 0 ≤ φ < susceptible has no noticeable change, while for reduced infectivity
1 (average duration of immunity is given by 1/φ ), the epidemic and faster recovery there is a reduction in the stability region of
threshold remains unchanged at Rd0 > 1. However, if the awareness the steady state E0ω .
of an individual population influences the duration of its immunity In Fig. 6 we show numerical solution of the system (1) in the
φ −1 , the fractions of infected and recovered populations in the en- absence of public awareness, i.e. for ω1 = ω2 = ω3 = 0. Provided
demic state can also change [11]. the level of privately acquired awareness is sufficiently small to en-
Fig. 4 illustrates the dependence of epidemic threshold on the sure Ra0 < 1, and the transmission rate is such that Rd0 < 1, after the
values of Rd0 and Ra0 for reduced susceptibility, reduced infectivity initial growth, the number of infected individuals decreases, and
and faster recovery. As suggested by the earlier analysis, in the ab- eventually the system approaches a disease-free steady state E0 , as
sence of public awareness (ω1 = ω2 = ω3 = 0 ), depending on the illustrated in Fig. 6(a). Once the transmission rate exceeds the crit-
values of Rd0 and Ra0 the system can settle on one of the four stable ical value determined by Rd0 , even after the initial outbreak, cer-
steady states, namely, a disease-free E0 , a disease-endemic E1 , an tain level of disease is maintained in the population, however, all
awareness-endemic E00 , or endemic equilibrium E20 . When the pub- compartments with aware individuals approach zero, thus giving a
lic awareness is present, i.e. ωj > 0, the options are limited to ei- disease-endemic steady state E1 shown in Fig. 6(b). Fig. 6(c) shows
ther an awareness-endemic equilibrium E0ω , which in this case also that for sufficiently high private awareness rate, such that Ra0 > 1,
plays a role of a disease-free state, and an endemic steady state as long as the disease transmission rate β is not too high, the pop-
E2ω . Fig. 5 shows the dependence of epidemic threshold on the val-
28 G.O. Agaba et al. / Mathematical Biosciences 286 (2017) 22–30

Fig. 6. Steady states in the absence of public awareness (ω = 0 ). (a) disease-free state E0 with Rd0 < 1, Ra0 < 1 (r = 1, β = 0.6, λ = 0.6) (b) disease-endemic state E1 with
Rd0 > 1, Ra0 < 1 (r = 0.6, β = 1.8, λ = 0.6) (c) awareness-endemic state E00 with Rd0 < ψ0 , Ra0 > 1 (r = 1, β = 0.6, λ = 0.3) (d) endemic state, E20 with Rd0 > ψ0 , Ra0 > 1 (r = 0.6, β =
1.8, λ = 0.3). Dashed line denotes Sn , dotted line denotes In , solid line denotes Rn . Other parameters are: α = 0.4, σi = 0.5, σs = 0.5, φ = 0.3, ε = 2, δ = 0.4, N = 100.

Fig. 7. Dynamics of infectious disease with public awareness: (a) disease-free state, β = 0.8, Rd0 < ψ . (b) endemic state, β = 1.8, Rd0 > ψ . Other parameter values are α =
0.4, λ = 0.6, ω = 0.2, σi = 0.5, σs = 0.5, φ = 0.3, ε = 2, δ = 0.4, N = 100. Dashed line denotes Sn , dotted line denotes In , solid line denotes Rn .

ulation clears the infection, and then the system tends toward an in each parameter region only one of the steady states of the sys-
awareness-endemic steady state E00 . Finally, for higher values of β , tem is a global attractor, and the system approaches this steady
the final state of the system is given by a stable endemic steady state for arbitrary initial conditions. It is noteworthy that while sta-
state E20 , as shown in Fig. 6(d). bility of the disease-free, disease-endemic and awareness-endemic
In the case of ω > 0 illustrated in Fig. 7, there are just two equilibria can change when some parameters are varied, the en-
options: the system either approaches a disease-free steady state, demic steady state with all compartments being positive is always
whose role is now played by the awareness-endemic steady state stable whenever it is biologically feasible.
E0ω for Rd0 < ψ , or it tends to a fully endemic steady state E2ω when
Rd0 > ψ . 5. Discussion
When the values of the parameters α j , ωj , and λj are unequal
with α 2 > α 3 > α 1 , ω2 > ω3 > ω1 , and λ1 > λ3 > λ2 , numerical This paper has analysed the impact of private and public aware-
simulations suggest a qualitatively similar dynamics of the system, ness on the spread of infectious diseases in a human population.
but with a slightly lower peak of unaware infective and recovered The main feature of our model is the possibility of individuals in
individuals, whilst having a slightly higher number of aware sus- any of the unaware compartments to become aware both through
ceptible and infected population, and no significant change in the interactions with aware individuals (regardless of the disease sta-
aware recovered population. Similar results are observed if only tus of the latter), and through a public awareness campaign. This
one or two of the parameters α , ω and λ is varied between dif- assumption generalises an earlier work of Funk et al. [11] who only
ferent groups. accounted for effects of public awareness on infected individuals.
Although we have not rigorously proven global stability of indi- Unlike the analysis presented in [11], we have been able to obtain
vidual steady states, extensive numerical simulations suggest that analytical expressions for all steady states of the model together
with restrictions on parameters that guarantee their biological fea-
G.O. Agaba et al. / Mathematical Biosciences 286 (2017) 22–30 29

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